They keep doing stuff like this. Here’s another example, a story about a woman with a partiocular form of tinnitus which means that she can’t get a particular song out of her head:
The following line contains the words “driving me mental”. Word association? Planting an inkling of doubt? Thatcher > mental, Thatcher > tory, Tory > mental, 2015 GE > avoid mentalists?
Maybe that’s why I buy lots of things off Amazon. Seriously is this not part of some Mickey Mouse story about the Amazon security staff being dressed in black, I’m sure I read this story somewhere. Obviously anyone dressed in black must be a Stormtrooper…err well apart from Goths.
Amazon is not accused of anything. It sub contracted work in Germany to a company called Hess who appeared to have overstepped the line in treating temp staff like prisoners. Hess, in their defence (not Amazon) said they were not far right in relation to work practices.
Nothing to do with Amazon or tax dodging but that hasn’t stopped the knuckle scrappers also wading in without reading a simple news article.
He’s displaying a faux stupidity. It’s not real.
By now he would have realised the mistake of ” scrappers” versus ” scrapers “.
The display is a sad attempt to disguise what he believes to be a superior intelect. Sad bastard really!
No fair.
I can usually decide what to prepare for by the moniker at the top and sign-off combo, but now they’re playing mix and match that’s just not playing by those rules there aren’t.
As one now with a defo non-stalking Turing machine (mirroring my call sign) on my six, and with DavidP and I now united in mockerage by the queen of the substance and irony-free flounce, such Q-ship activities seem almost designed to further muddy matters.
What is it that seems to have increased their determination to mess with this site so?
I use Amazon all the time as they are reliable, competitive and have good returns policies. I couldn’t care less if they are perceived to be ‘Far Right’ by the lefty media as, lets be fair, the media are hardly paragons of virtue are they. Smear tactics are common these days, in fact aren’t they the SOP of the Left.
Led me to wonder how the BBC – not known for keeping one step ahead of the game – might start planning its ‘backing out quietly strategy’. Perhaps a clandestine meeting with David Bellamy and Johnny Ball?
‘A steady stream of peer-reviewed studies, a continued lack of global warming, real world data and scientists continuing to dissent, have finally moved major establishment media outlets to report that the debate not only is “not over” but that skeptics may have been correct all along. [Note: Journalists are now sensing what Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh, warned about in 2008. “Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined,” Peden said.]’
I couldn’t get to sleep last night and so turned on the TV in a vain attempt to seek relief. It’s amazing how even more biased the BBC is in the early hours when they know no-one is watching. The BBC 24 was, quite frankly, unbelievable: they had on a London law analyst (atrociously left-wing) who was basically ripping apart Teresa May’s proposed new legislation aimed at tackling immigrant scroungers. He was given free reign to denounce the Tories as Right-wing extremists interfering with judges’ professions, when in all honesty the BBC knows fine well that on this subject the Tories have the broad public on their side.
If one wants the slightest whiff of BBC Left-wing bias, then all one needs to do is observe the BBC’s reactions to anyone who expresses a desire to curb immigration, halt the EU’s socialist equality laws or prevent the gangrenous spread of turd-world Islam; they show their true frothing-at-the- mouth socialist colours!
The Government is simply attempting to encourage the judiciary to stick to applying the law, as it was intended, rather than bending it to their political goals, and thus making the law, the task of elected representatives not unaccountable judges.
The problem is that Human Rights judges, are chosen from former Human Rights lawyers, and the kind of lawyers who choose this branch of the legal profession tend to do so because they are commited to the Globalist agenda- Cherie Blair being an example. Lawyers who are cynical about the effects of Human Rights are put off by the prospect of years of defending the indefensible, before being able to protect the silent majority against the self interest of the all too often undeserving few.
An observation on the BBC’s lackadaisical attitude to public accountability and transparency: A quick look at their online disclosure log shows that they published ZERO Freedom of Information Act disclosures from 2012. In other words, they are keeping legitimate public information hidden from public view.
You can view the log here:
The most recent disclosure appears to be from December 2011. Some of you might also remember that the BBC expunged literally hundreds of FOIA requests from their website the last time it was redesigned.
Are those the actions of an organisation with nothing to hide?
‘Are those the actions of an organisation with nothing to hide?”
No. And doubtless most are shocked by this. ‘they published ZERO Freedom of Information Act disclosures from 2012’
Hugs and her squad of FoI exclusion lawyers on retainer may have had something to do with that.
Remember, they get to hold all to account.
No one… repeat no one… gets to hold them to account. Ever.
Propaganda backed by censorship and cover-up has poor historical precedent. Pollard Report– 90. Finally, I offer a journalist’s take on some relatively straightforward but very important lessons that should be learnt from the Savile experience.
Insist on mature and open discussions about the strength of stories.
Be ready to collect more evidence if what is gathered is not enough.
You can’t lay down procedures that stop people leaking. You can only try to persuade people that it’s a corrosive practice, which it is. Challenging decisions is good. No-one has a monopoly on wisdom. There shouldn’t be a rigid and unapproachable structure.
Guessing Ms. Boaden is another one who has not read this report and never will learn any lessons from it.
Could you imagine the BBC’s response had this been the ravings of a white UK Christian preacher? It’d be headline news and topic no 1 on Nicky Campbell’s “Big” Questions. No, if it involves Islam, it must be censored, sanitized or ignored.
Personally, I don’t understand why the BBC and the left grovel to Islam… I find it it causes nothing but trouble wherever it goes.
Russian tank driver, comrade Jo Brand was on Room 101 on Friday, it’s quite amazing that she’s had a 20 year career out of the line ” Hello, I’m fat and I like to eat cake.” Cue riotous laughter.
Incidentally, she’s the one who snitched on Carol Thatcher for saying ”gollywog” in the green room of The One Show.
I thought that this had now been put to bed and prime suspect Jo Brand exhonerated of the snitching?
Instead the guilt seems to lie with leftie slime ball Adrian Chiles a man so smugly full of his own self righteousness, and sneering at others he considers lesser than himself, apparantly everyone!
Thatcher should have sued the BBC for political discrimination.
”Adrian ChilesIn 2003 radio and TV presenter Adrian Chiles self-indulgently allowed himself a gigantic wallow in liberal breast beating . In a long article for the Daily Telegraph entitled ”Why are all my friends White?”,
Chiles expressed his surprise that he, a white liberal bigot of impeccable anti-racist, multiculturalist credentials, had no non-white friends and precious little deep social interaction with blacks and Asians: ”
I still feel very guilty that while working on the canals in Birmingham I had the misfortune to fail to run this little tit over with a flail mower when he jogged past ! mind the look of horror on his face being so near the working classes still makes me smile !
I thought that this had now been put to bed and prime suspect Jo Brand exhonerated of the snitching?
Maybe more of a supporting role to stoolie Adrian ‘I’d dob in my granny to score a point with the home team’ Chiles, but not exonerated…
I did post this in response to an earlier discussion. Shame you missed it.
Both Chiles and Brand made official complaints. Chiles has a higher profile in this story only because he’s been more outspoken about it with his friends in the press. Jo Brand, to her credit, didn’t pose for the cameras so much about it, as far as I’m aware.
Not the first time the bBC hero has been attacked inside Prison from 2011: RACE-HATE killer Imran “Baldy” Shahid was ripped open with a razor blade in a revenge attack behind bars last night. The 34-year-old gang leader, left, who kidnapped and killed teenager Kriss Donald, was slashed from his neck to his backside as he strolled along a landing in Saughton prison in Edinburgh. Shahid, who is serving a minimum of 25 years, was left “squealing like a pig”.
Maybe the attackers were followers of the peaceful faith and objected to how he squealed like a pig during the last attack. Well the bBC does tell me day in day out that Muslims find Pigs dirty. I just hope he gets to squeal a few more times.
I hope he gets treatment like that for the rest of his jail term the murdering bastard. I hope that just before his release, on the back of a miserable 25 years, he finally gets slotted. He doesn’t deserve freedom.
Mentally ill Sinead O’Connor was on the Andrew Marr show this morning, smug creep Eddie Mair was standing in, she was dressed in army fatigues. The music / noise starts at 54.45, care in the community doesn’t seem to be working.
Sinead is the one of the worst mothers in the history of Ireland, she was only the second person to lose a child custody battle to the father in Irish legal history. One of the reasons was that she used to get her drug dealer to pick up the kids from school.
Reminds me of Anne Robinson’s preference for booze rather than her own child, whose father now has custody. The cow even wrote a pretentious book based on this preference, but I bet the child never sees the royalties.
Just heard Sinead on some Loose ends repeat tonight.
What a precious fake and phoney.
Her song was about VIPs…we`ve all been there, of course.
Still-she moved some unfunny Yankee atheist, who`s the “new Bill Hicks”…can`t wait!
How did Hicks mocking of anti-smoking types end up then?
The bloke just was not funny, poor soul!
Now incoming director general Tony Hall has done an about turn on this decision and is permitting a statue of the man to go up as originally requested.
Most interesting about this development is that when Thompson was interviewed about this decision he said
“The case for commemorating Orwell is very strong,” said Thompson. “However, quite what he would have made of the prospect of spending an eternity in the shadow of the Ministry of Truth is another matter.”
Shows he was not unaware of the connection, as I surmised, and probably why he declined to have it on his doorstep.
How fitting that now the ‘Ministry of Truth’ will have this symbol on display for all to see.
Would the bBC write a similar article about the pilgrimage to Mecca? Does the Kumbh Mela experience improve your well being?
What do you make of householders turned austere pilgrims who live in tatty canvas tents on a flood plain of a river braving regular baths in freezing water, biting cold, smoky skies and ear-splitting din for more than a month? Most of them come from villages, are elderly, and belong to the higher castes. Many are worldly people turned ascetics eking out spartan lives as kalpavasis (those who spend their days in silent prayer) at the ongoing Kumbh Mela, the biggest religious gathering in the world. Ordinary folks like us would want to believe that the suffering that ascetics undergo in order to toughen themselves up will in fact have deleterious effects on their wellbeing and health. Not so if you believe recent research on “pilgrim experiences”
The bBC, where every faith is open to attack except one. Anybody want to guess which one that is?
Any wonder that the BBC are completely blind to spirituality. They have absolutely no concept of it.
The only meaning ‘at one’ with the universe has for them is news at one.
INBBC’s extreme reluctance to report violence as Islamic jihad continues.
1.) ‘Telegraph’
“Briton ‘kidnapped in Nigeria attack.’
A British construction worker was among eight expatriates kidnapped in northern Nigeria in the worst such incident in a region beset by terror attacks from al-Qaeda-linked fundamentalists.”
Brilliant – especially this bit: “Their (the left’s)response to the Clash of Civilizations has been to include Islamists in the global rainbow coalition of minorities, gays and gender theorists, indigent third world farmers, transsexuals, artists and poets, sex workers and terrorists; without considering what the Islamists were or how they would fit into this charmed circle.” Thanks
Since when has being dead been a disadvantage when it comes to wall to wall astroturfing by the BBC? Repeats where the BBC own the rights are cheap – I think every one of the cast of Dad’s Army have been dead for decades but it is on a please-god-let-it-stop eternal loop. I estimate every (politically acceptable of course, as some have mysteriously vanished from the canon) episode has been shown at least 937 times. The ghastly warmed up corpse of the Morcambe and Wise show is wheeled out of the cooler every Xmas and we all laugh at the antics of their long dead guest stars.
The BBC even did an extensive post mortem hagiography of the fallen angel St Jimmy upon his passing from his earthy incarnation. Mind you he really has buggered up their plan to have eternal repeats of Top of the Pops. Now then, now then; much scrabbling in the edit suite is going on to bring this long dead fish back to the BBC bill of fare.
So being dead, per se, doesn’t disqualify one from repeated television exposure. Something else does. I wonder why Bernard Manning – one of the most popular entertainers of the 1970’s has become, in true Stalinist style, a non person and in line with BBC ‘New Puritanism’ “a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations”
You could say the same for Noel Edmonds, Jim Davidson and Paul Daniels. All of whom found themselves persona non grata after coming out in favour of the Tories.
But I was addressing the poster not the issue. It was a joke. In future I’ll append a 🙂 just so that that is clear. 😉
As Bernard once wisely said, ” all the Jew’s all the Irish all the West Indians and all the Gypsys should get together and beat the s**t out of the P***’s .” You won’t hear that on the beeb. But you will hear a fat female Bernard lookalike take the p*** out of white hetro males, and get paid a massive chunk of the tv tax for doing so.
Look I have been listening to talks by Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector (put his name on youtube). And he claimed that the USSR used Liberals to push the USA in the direction they wanted , to destroy the USA. He described it as a form of judo using the strength of the enemy to destroy itself.
Now, the BBC is very Liberal (aka Marxist/Freudian), so why can’t people use that weakness to over throw the Beeb.
The Beeb constantly pays people to lecture us about the separation between Church and State. Well then as the State Broadcaster why does it have an Easter and Christmas schedule?
And what of Multiculturalism? Why haven’t the BBC got a black Director General? You must admit that the Beeb programming is hideously white and mono cultural. So why not have more prime time programmes from other countries in foreign languages? Very much like the Mahabharata that was on BBC2 in the 90s.
I think more letters should be written to the BBC to make it more Secular, Multicultural, and Diverse.
Don’t sink to the strategy of the Left. Just tell the truth as you see it.
Truth will always be a subversive concept for the Left.
There has been a sea change in attitudes towards the BBC in the last 40 years. This is because the Left have abused their power at the BBC to push their agenda – and whatever their political views people (because of the Internet) are noticing it more and more. The BBC cannot simply blame the free press and seek to have them shut down.
The Internet will be their next target. I notice they are getting excited by the possibility of Iceland attempting to close down access to pornography on the Web.
In an Internet Age the BBC can only save itself by being non-political, but it is more biased to the Left now than in its entire history.
The BBC is doomed and they know it. Maybe this is why their Leftist advocacy is so hysterical these days. They are trying to convince themselves that Socialism is a step forward, and yet deep down they do not believe it. What they do have is naked public sector self-interest and knee jerk hatred of Tories.
That may be enough for your average Guardian or New Statesman reader, but no matter how much this hate filled minority tried to lecture everybody to support the Soviet Union, they never convinced the British people.
Maybe this explains their current obsession with mass immigration – if you cannot get people to think the way then you change the people. Mass extermination is so yesterday.
I saw Helena Kennedy on the BBC on Sunday morning and she was like a speak your weight machine of Leftist mantras. She gave the impression that it was so long ago when she actually thought about anything she had forgotten what it was like – predictably she has been promoted by the Leftist establishment to the House of Lords.
The Leftist establishment is manifestly rotten to it core, intellectually, morally, and financially, and they know we know it.
As the digital age gets into full swing fewer and fewer people will watch TV and they will get their news from a multiplicity of sources. So both the current revenue stream and the control of the news agenda that the BBC has will be in jeopardy. So the BBC will be making a case for it gaining revenue from and control of, as much of the digital ou put as it can. No doubt Mr Purnel has been recruited to help with the politics of this.
Hopefully this can be resisted, but beware a Labour government will do all it can to help the BBC as Labour knows that many of its votes come courtesy of BBC propaganda.
I once read somewhere that everyone born after a certain year (I can’t remember which) watches less TV than those born the year before. I have mentioned before on here but my morning trips to work on public transport were a revelation as overhearing teenagers on their way to school I found they very rarely mentioned what had been on TV the night before. They discuss the opposite sex and music of course but TV appears to hold no interest to them. The Beeb I suspect knows this and now pumps out pap (Strictly come dancing anyone) aimed at the last group who still watch TV , the elderly.
Its not just the Beeb of course but the 20th century concept of mass media that is dying in front of our eyes. My only wish is that it would happen faster.
Brilliant writing sir!
Can only add that Kennedy is doing the series of Lent talks.
You know-Jesus went to a licenced swimming pool with appropriately qualified lifeguards to get a spa treatment…he did receive a caution for walking across the pool children approached him without CRB checked significant adults…he recycled his picnics and placed any spare in appropriately placed bins c/o Jeruslam County Council…sadly gone now due to Toricuts.
He did however practice as an unlicenced medic, he did teach stuff contrary to Blunkett or Bakers Curriculum(BBC Bitesize)-and unfortunately held meetings without the signed say so of Blairus Ianus!
He was therefore severely counselled, and given appropriate and proportionate corrective measures and programmes that sadly, unfortunately, and even regrettably led to him being somewhat affixed to some wood(albeit from sustainable sources, you`ll be relieved to hear!). He did however break the agreed curfew set in place by the progressive and caring Joint Caring and Co-ordination Board, by seeming to leave his grave somewhat intemperately, and not at any time agreed by the JCCB.
Still…no scapegoats eh Pontius?…lessons need to be learned and a calm time of reflection eh…Nero…Helena?
The BBC toady show off air, no reason given of course, was it their treatment of a Tory candidate against that of her labour counterpart? A candidate advocating/wishing for the murder of his political enemy, imagine the reaction if a Tory had done the same.
Wonderful news ,that the journo`s are all on strike , long may it continue , but I see they are still pushing out Bbc World News down, chan 80 instead , lost of non English faces on there , don`t see that on France 24 much , English & French language versions !
A pure coincidence that they are off air and hence don’t even need to pretend they have only heard one side of the Eastleigh ‘controversies’.
It will be interesting to see if the offwork commitment at head office will be reflected with the random comments being made here by the random name generators clearly funded by getting year-end budgets spent in advance of claims on next year’s best use of the licence fee, along with hush money, playoffs, compo and increased board level positions being created.
Labour supporter and BBC stalwart John Pienaar was most excited about his chance to interview Ed Miliband yesterday. All very chummy, Ed this and Ed that. Full marks to John for keeping a straight face when Ed accused the Prime Minister of ‘windy rhetoric’. (Pot-kettle-black) In fact John took this soundbite as the headline utterence of the encounter. Mind you I think John may have gaffed a ‘David’ Miliband in one of his breathless asides to the radio listener.
What BBC voices will never tell you is that although Gordon Brown, Ed Balls and Miliband minor may very well be the consumate polititions the BBC make them out to be…..the fact is that the general public can’t stand them.
‘the consumate polititions the BBC make them out to be…..the fact is that the general public can’t stand them.’
In speaking for the nation thus, it’s what makes the BBC so unique.
Absolutely brilliant catch ‘lojolondon’! Not what that insipid interviewer wanted.
NUJ strike + half term holidays = result. What a great start to the week.
Listened to that nice Ed Stourton (was he sacked for being too posh?) on the departing Pope; rather good and informative.
Better than expected, I grant you.
But Benedict was NOT being stubborn or ham-fisted when he spoke at his old University/home town back in 2006.
Neither is Benedict in any way to keep on being tagged with “abuse”, “homosexulity””condoms” or “women”…let alone “abortion”…but still the BBC harps on about all these tropes of liberal flaccidity.
He`s the Pope-it`s what his faith demands…and it seems to be working in the countries where it is most needed, such as in Africa and Asia.
Finally, not a mention of his magnificent theological discourses, his books, his searing intellect and the fact that he has nailed the EU Project and the rise of anti-Christianity in Europe better than any oither faith leader still alive, even( IMHO) Jonathan Sacks!…a brilliant man.
Now I know Eds not going to rock the BBC baot too much, but a little more on his intellect and legacy for the Catholics (who voted for and pay for him)…and a little less about the obsessions with bottoms at the BBC(who we don`t vote for but still have to pay for) would have been nice.
Still-45 mins on Catholics, without Polly, Richard, Keith, Terry, Peter T, Geoffrey or Johann was a “blessing” as we say!
Thank God someones watching 24/7 Beeboid slurry in the hope we get a few bits of gold dust in the bedpans later.
Jeff Jarvis..MY vote for BBC “Director of Strategy”…I didn`t ask for Purnell…did you?
An Arab Spring is coming!…no, a real one!
Horse***t again.
bBBC News has an interview (7.15 a.m.) with boss of Morrisons, who says they have no problem because they have their own abbatoirs, trace all their suppliers and know where all the meat has come from.
bBBC (replacement) drone: ah, but shouldn’t the government be doing more?
State control. It’s in their DNA.
lets all talk about horsemeat again?…
or taxing fizzy drinks again?, hey! are your children obese? erm … pork in a prison dinner?
but strangely not about the bedroom tax, or the april fool on the british public with whats left of the nhs, a brand name privatised contractual operation, services bought by quango s, or private sector operations,
This will end with a new race for competition between insurance providers, and private sector health providers? … just look across the pond, to the shocking american model, oh! and shave off another £20 billion to boot eh. sir david
‘lets all talk about horsemeat again?…’
Yes, it remains topical of course.
Ed’s stout defence of Mr. O’Farrell… just joking… a long time ago… moving on… PollardReport: an eye-opening text message in the context of a discussion …‘Thought of the hour. PR changes blog and accepts he was wrong and goes giving panorama a scalp. GE then goes into Select saying he backed his editor as you
would expect. Turns out he was wrong sad but he did the right thing and we all move on???’
Not like Mr. O’Farrell’s ‘joke’ in public was anything like as offensive as the one Ms. Thatcher uttered in private, eh, BBC?
‘Those less discreet will go straight to the index, look for Horrocks and Paxman… We note that Jeremy is still not in the presenter’s chair at Newsnight’
Still absent with Paul Mason on an ‘anywhere but where the shit has hit the fan’ basis eh?
Get your sick-bag, or preferably a bucket, ready if you’re going to look at Ariel on the Women’s Hour Power List of the Top 100 most influential women in Britain.
The article starts with a photo of Helen Boaden, surely shooting itself in the foot with the prime example of incompetence, only still in a job because she lacks a Y chromosome.
‘Helen Boaden is a senior woman at the BBC, but she’s in the minority’
What, this Helen Boaden?: Pollard Report – ‘128. One initially puzzling aspect of this is why it took so long for Ms Boaden to raise this issue with Mr Entwistle, particularly as the purpose had been so that ‘George… could start thinking about that earlier rather than later’. The suggestion that this should be done had come from Mr Mitchell when he and Ms Boaden talked on 23 November and more than a week had passed before she actually spoke to Mr Entwistle about the issue. Ms Boaden’s explanation for this is that it was the first opportunity she had had to speak to him, having
been away on holiday for a few days and then missed him at least twice when
she called by his office.
131. It is rather strange, then, that on the following day, 3 December, Mr Mitchell emailed Mr Rippon about the Savile story saying: ‘Not sure where you are with
this? Helen told George E about it yesterday but said she didn’t think anything would come of it?’. This last point is, of course, entirely inconsistent with what Ms Boaden told us – namely that she had given Mr Entwistle the clear
impression that the story was likely to be broadcast.
146. There is clearly a conflict between these two accounts which is difficult to resolve.
Strange, inconsistent, hard to resolve… the BBC fast track to success!
And then, in homage to the standard of BBC reporting we have come to expect, this awesome latest piece of revisionism from within the bubble. ‘But are people such as Boaden the exception rather than the rule?’
So far… best I can hazard, it’s down to luck there are not more.
BilL Cosby speak out. It does relate to the BBC as he attack all the Liberal values the BBC stands for.
Bill Cosby “I’m 83 and Tired”
I’ve worked hard since I was 17. Except for when I was doing my National Service, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn’t call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn’t inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I’m tired. Very tired.
o I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I’m tired of being told that Islam is a “Religion of Peace,” when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family “honor”; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren’t “believers”; Muslims burning schools for girls; Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for “adultery”; Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur’an and Shari’a law tells them to.
o I’m tired of being told that out of “tolerance for other cultures” we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and Madrasa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia , New Zealand , UK, America and Canada , while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance..
I’m tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.
I’m tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?
o I’m tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I’m tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
o I’m really tired of people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and actions. I’m tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
I’m also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20’s be-deck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves unemployable and claiming money from the Government.
Yes, I’m damn tired. But I’m also glad to be 83.. Because, mostly, I’m not going to have to see the world these people are making. I’m just sorry for my granddaughter and their children. Thank God I’m on the way out and not on the way in. There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference.
“I’m 83 and I’m tired. If you don’t agree you are part of the problem!
Bloody well said Bill.
That’s a fake. Cosby be never said that. But if you want to see something real, watch this, which has the added bonus of Obama sitting two yards away when it was delivered.
If only western Governments had more people like Dr Ben Carson and less career politicians, you know those self serving assholes that study PPE and go straight into politics from uni.
One version of this message says Bill Cosby is 76; another says he’s 83. In September 2011 when the text first came to be attributed to him, Cosby was only 74 years old (born on July 12, 1937). Obviously, Bill Cosby knows how old he is. Obviously, he did not write this essay (see Cosby’s statement below).
The sole and actual author (excluding the anonymous perpetrators of various revised versions over time) was former Massachusetts state senator Robert A. Hall, who published the original document on his personal blog on Feb. 19, 2009.
Prior to being falsely attributed to Bill Cosby, a variant of Hall’s post was incorrectly credited to actor Robert David Hall of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
Statement from Bill Cosby:
If you got the BOGUS email, it’s time to hit DELETE!
There’s an email floating around — entitled “I’m 76 and tired” — purportedly sent by me. I did not write the email, I did not send the email, I’m not 76, and I don’t subscribe to the ugly views expressed in the email. We are coming up to an important anniversary on Sunday, which is a day when we should all come together. Whoever wrote this email is not thinking about our country, or what is important. If you get the email, it’s time to hit DELETE. [Source:]
Classic comment of the day over at Guido Fawkes, from Bill Quango MP, who seems to have Mehdi Hasan’s card marked: ‘Does your busy, progressive, lifestyle leave you short of time? Need to grab something between a protest at the American Embassy and a save the penguins sit in?
Why not try NEW READY-MEHDI…’
Now that the killer ex-cop is dead and the news cycle is over (and as it turns out he didn’t kill enough people for it to be worth any more sensational coverage and hand-wringing) the BBC has no problem admitting that he espoused a liberal agenda and praised the President and other top Dems in his manifesto. Because he was clearly a disturbed individual about whom much was already known from the start, it was more difficult for them to speculate on air that he was a right-winger and gun nut or whatever. Yet, for some curious reason, the BBC chose to censor all of that from their reports while it was still going on, and in fact chose to highlight his support for a Republican instead. And then they removed even that bit after DB called them on it.
Now they can freely admit that the killer supported liberal causes, and since it’s buried deep within Jon Kelly’s (the BBC’s man in LA) analysis, most will not even know about it. To his credit, Kelly doesn’t try to make it sound too much like all the killer’s grievances were legitimate, and racism drove him to murder, although he helpfully leaves it wide open and gives the reader a nudge in that direction at the end.
The fact that Kelly felt it was fine to include all the praise for Democrats here raises the valid question as to why his colleagues chose to censor it earlier, on top of which they deliberately chose to mislead the reader. Defenders of the indefensible are invited to explain.
Note to Jon Kelly: murdering an innocent person in cold blood is not sane behavior. It’s not justifiable no matter how much you try to offer suggestions.
With my coffee break dance card rather full at the moment with defo not stalky types (gosh, could there be a reason), I have luckily still found a few moments to find some quaint, very unfunny BBC ‘uniques’ elsewhere… ‘.. more cryptically, “By bringing audience under one roof, it allows us to develop a more intuitive digital strategy”. That must be good, mustn’t it ?’
Rather depends who considers who ‘audience’.
It’s not just the fully paid up BBC NUJers who plug a poltical agenda.
Cornelius Lycett may not be a Lesbian activist a la Clare Balding but these days the BBC horse racing bofin can’t seem to mention the Grand National without alluding to horse deaths.
BBC : Sport just isn’t sport unless it’s tinged with a political agenda
Predictably, the BBC only see Israel as the cause of any problems for Palestinians. Never self created, or certainly never due to any other nation or force, like terror sponsors Iran.
I couldn’t find this anywhere on the BBC website - but there again this is hardly surprising. I wonder if he’ll be deported,? What am I saying, of course he wont be, because in the game of minority Top Trumps muslim always beats qweer.
Ugo Shavezzzzz or God as he appears to be known the bBC and unhinged leftie nut job to the rest of us is on just about every bBC news channel today, simply for the magical ability to leave hospital in Cuba, (with lots of thanks for his mate Fidel) and travelling back to Venezuala, arriving still alive. Remarkable !
Why do I need to know this? Why is the news at all? Would any other South American President merit such news coverage? Somehow I doubt it.
Surely Chavez health service in Venezuela would be at least as good as the Socialists paradise of Cubas , would it not?
Or is it “Brian Haw” getting his NHS treatment-only in Germany, though.
Who`s to know the mind of the lefty when faced with reality and his own mortality?
Still-a bit less guff about the wonders of the NHS would be nice…as if
Well, Castro gets the full treatment every time they let him out, even more than Chavez. The BBC’s two favorite world leaders, second only to their beloved Obamessiah. Castro is especially a hero to the BBC because he outlasted 50 years of tyranny and oppression from the evil US, particularly the hated Republican Presidents.
Has the Left managed to square their lionising of this well known, habitual…SMOKER!…with their love of him as a father to his keening people in Cuba?
Passive smoking anyone?…surely there`s a case to be taken against this death dealer.
Is a cigar easier to airbrush than Harold Wilsons pipe…anybody willing to compare this for the rest of us.
Nor me!
Did you hear the BBC local news reports about the youth from South London? He was on the brink of a promising career as a drug dealer and gang member when in a tragic case of mistaken identity he was signed as a Premiership footballer.
And the lawyer for Oscar Pistorius( the media just don`t seem to pronounce it properly do they?…why ever not?) said on the Today show that his client would not be a bail risk, he`d hardly be able to run away would he?
You know something?-not a joke to be found anywhere on the BBC about this…serious faces…oh dear!
I`d have thought that-of all people who COULD run away and escape…he`d be pretty high up the list.
And don`t give me that ” but he`d not pass the metal detector” stuff either eh?
More amusing than funny like yours sir…will be testing this material of yours in a pub sometime soon!
Radio Five currently discussing Marine le Pen’s appearance at the Cambridge Union. Much use of emotive language ‘fascist’ ‘repugnant views’ etc . The focus is totally on ‘defeating’ her and how this can best be done.
The following was written by Bill Quango MP and posted on guido. For me it sums up the bBC attitude and approach enjoy:
New from the Co-Op.
Does your busy, progressive, lifestyle leave you short of time? Need to grab something between a protest at the US Embassy and a save the penguins sit in?
Ready-Mehdi‘s range of half baked, crumbly lefty ideology, is the perfect soundbite for the activist of today! No need to think for yourself! Just pop Ready-Mehdi into the microwave and receive a slice of ill thought out opinion served with an indulgent, faux foaming sauce, and 100% Horses***!”
*Note. Some of these opinions have been reheated. Some have been exposed to external scrutiny and may have gone off. Please check the label for the Common Purpose seal of approval.
Consume opinion within 70 years of 1917 or they will have been proved to be long out of date.
one fella in the second segment, goodness i don t know how, DID this chap got through the ahem “call selectors”, but he appears to have “panto s” number, he soon dispels the “offence”industry, and immediately … he cleverly asks that jewish gentleman, straight away, just WHO is it that is threatening jewish children/schools … shock horror for al bbc its the the religion of pieces … which throws old “panto” into a protectionist tiz!
he then fingers the UAF as causing more trouble/violence, than those they protest, and … at the bbc :-D, and states that the inability to have open harsh public scrutiny of islam
is the direct root of street organisations like the edl ….
then with a waft of al bbc “microphone” fairy dust 😀
he s gone ………..
absolute classic, sadly no link yet
The BBC continues to struggle with it’s ‘truth wouldn’t fit’ headlines, which it often tries to manage with scattering quotes around like confetti.
Often it is to serve an agenda (as in the case they got nailed upon trying to claim what they said the PM had said was the same as what he actually said, when it clearly was not), but can simply be for ratings.
I therefore was a bit surprised at this headline in my email subject line (no doubt repeated across the BBC FaceBook, twitter and mobile estates): Pistorius ‘shot innocent woman’
Blimey… trial over already?
Er, no… it was only when I read on that I discovered:
South African prosecutor says athlete Oscar Pistorius fired four shots at girlfriend, three hit her though bathroom door.
After Newsnight/McAlpine, even if here the facts are undisputed, the BBC may care to be cautious how it reports sources’ claims.
To serve justice for one.
Not everyone may read on.
This currently on BBC News Page: Pistorius ‘shot girlfriend in bathroom’ South African athlete Oscar Pistorius shot his girlfriend through a bathroom door, prosecutors tell a court, as the victim’s family hold a funeral.
There’s a difference.
The BBC seems to be unaware of it.
Here it is in 140 characters or less… BBC News (World) @BBCWorld
Prosecutor says #OscarPistorius fired four shots “at an innocent woman” Follow @BBCAndrewH
I’d say it about covers it. Why is the rest of the BBC less capable?
With 5 Live regulars back from the strike, what could be better than a little class warfare. Johnny Marr is still angry that David Cameron picked The Smiths ‘This Charming Man on Desert Island Discs, Victoria Derbyshire informs me. ( yes, he did pick it – they’ve got this one right). In a recorded interview Marr says ‘I forbid him to like the band. I forbid him to like the song. He’s not our kind of people’.
Lovely. Marr will be live with Richard Bacon on Monday, when no doubt expect more of the same.
‘Johnny Marr was only 23 when he left The Smiths in 1987. Now in the year when he turns 50, he is releasing his debut solo album….he is still angry David Cameron picked The Smiths on Desert Island Discs.’
I suppose what ought to be news is when BBC interviewers and presenters giggle simper and purr with approval at such comments (eg Victoria Derbyshire on 5 Live this morning).
But I guess I am falling into the same trap. How can I claim to be surprised that Beeboids react in this way?
Two examples of definitive chomskeyan avoidance of the real issue:
1. UK lights going out this year:
The concentration by Today – and from all interviewees – Alistair Buchanan, the chief executive of OFGEM, Charles Hendry MP, former energy minister and Audrey Gallacher, director of energy at Consumer Focus on “affordable” energy, was on energy prices and the “vulnerable” who would suffer. Apart from Buchanan mentioning that we “must” destroy our existing energy generation capacity, no-one (that I heard) said that a (actually the) solution is to repeal the “green” energy legislation and stop pulling down coal-fired power stations until their capacity can be genuinely replaced (ie not windmills). On costs of energy, Buchanan was not absolutely clear (after all, a prerequisite for clarity is honesty) but still had the chutzpah to compare tax-subsidised windmill-generated electricity favourably with pre-subsidised nuclear electricity: he also forgot to say – and wasn’t asked – that nuclear generates at something like 90% capacity day-in day-out for a period of 40-50 years while wind generates about 20-25% of installed capacity (and that’s giving the windies the benefit of considerable doubt) for, what, 10 years. The messages were that (a) we (ie the consumers/taxpayers) are guilty of “wasting” electricity – substantially through “leaky” homes and (b) but for the financial crash (ie the bankers) we’d (somehow – it wasn’t explained) be OK now. The sheer mendacious crap generated on Today this morning certainly kept me warm but I don’t think that will be enough to avoid power cuts in the next 12-18 months.
2. Benefiterati and the pseudo-cutz:
Derek Davies, Lead Member for Built Environment, Tewkesbury Council was brought on to defend the egregious building of a 6 bedroomed house for some parasite. Laughably, he actually averred that selling the land cheaply (ie below market value) to the builder somehow saved taxpayers money. Naughtie finished this paean to stupidity by implying that the new house was good news because the over-fecund cow had been living in two houses which would now be released. Again, although Davies mentioned that the council was obliged to house this woman and her brood, there was no discussion that such expenditure might seem ridiculous and over-indulgent and seems not to be affected by the cutz.
So – discussions concerning “energy” turned away from mentioning the reasons we’re destroying energy reliability and capacity (ie the crap science and greed underlying the “renewables” madness) and a discussion of “benefits” showered on a parasite ignored asking whether this is what the benefit system is for.
BBC 6 o’clock news 19 Feb reports that in 2020 gas supplies will be ‘tight’
The British geographical survey has upped its estimate of our shale gas reserve to 15000 trillion (how many zeroes is that?) cubic feet. With 300 trillion of that in the Blackpool area. Something that might have been worth mentioning in a report on future energy security.
EU policy on energy, as well as destroying any power station which emits CO2, is driven by conservation. Similar to their policy on water, which focuses on conservation rather than buidling new reservoirs which would disrupt precious wildlife habitats.
As for the indulgence of those whose lifestyle choice is leeching off the hard-working taxpayers – wonder if she’s first in the queue at the local food bank?
Today’s front-page main news in The Times is ‘NHS failings cause 1,600 child deaths every year’. Ministers want “drastic improvements” in the way young people are cared for … about 1,600 children would be saved every year if the NHS delivered care in line with the best EU countries.
It’s no surprise that the bBBC doesn’t bother to report the same news, that the ‘envy of the world’ kills thousands of children more than elsewhere in Europe. They probably overlooked it because the bBBC ‘journalists’ were on holiday yesterday.
I thought children in NHS hospitals danced on their beds, full of joy at having the privelege of being treated by the health service that is the envy of the world.
Perhaps the Olympics opening ceremony wasn’t so well researched after all.
INBBC avoids the Islamic jihad issue, in duplicate, and duplicity,
In the following convoluted, politically evasive INBBC ‘report’, there is reference to an organisation called ‘ANSARU’ in the first part of the piece, but no indication from INBBC as to its political/religious nature.
It is not until the 7th paragraph, that INBBC states:
“Another Islamist militant group, Boko Haram, has staged many attacks across northern Nigeria in recent years.”
But there is no mention in the previous six paragraphs that ANSARU is an Islamic organisation!
A correction for INBBC: ANSARU is not ‘militant,’ it is Islamic jihadist – inspired by tenets of Islam to kill non-believers, impose Sharia law repression, conquer the rest of Africa and impose a global caliphate.
And then there are the BOKO HARAM Islamic jihadists, which INBBC deliberately misdescribes as ‘Islamic militants’ too.
INBBC headline: typically written with ‘passive’ voice, and no perpetrators mentioned:
“French tourists seized in Cameroon near Nigeria border”
A re-write headline:
‘Islamic jihadists take French tourists hostage, on Cameroon-Nigeria border’
“Islamist group Ansaru claims Nigeria kidnapping.
Islamist group Ansaru on Monday claimed the kidnapping of seven foreigners, including one Briton, in a deadly raid on a construction site in restive northern Nigeria at the weekend.”
After a Day of Rest THEY ARE BACK!!!
Yesterday was a great day for sanity in the UK. It should be made an annual event like the UN day of; THE LIVING DEAD, DAY of SYMPATHY WITH HAEMORRHOID
SUFFERS, DAY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF PUBIC LICE. I am told, and only told, that pubic lice are and endangered species since the craze for the total Brazilian came into fashion. And finally, just to be all inclusive the ERIC HOBSBAWM DAY. A day when we recall the great Marxist historians commitment to the betterment of the human race, as exemplified below:
Q: In 1934, millions of people are dying in the Soviet experiment. If you had known that, would it have made a difference to you at that time? To your commitment? To being a communist?
A: … Probably not…
Q: What that comes down to is saying that had the radiant tomorrow actually been created, the loss of 15, 20 million people might have been justified?
A: Yes.
(Times Literary Supplement, October 28, 1994)
So of what day do I speak of? The day that BBC journalist went on strike. What a glorious day. First and foremost I was spared my daily dose of self-inflict masochism. I wake to and listen to the Today Programme on Radio 4. I know I should not but I do. I am seeking help people? I have found a support group and a good therapist. She tells me with a smile that I am a naughty boy. At my age that feels sooo good.
When the interviewee is a metro liberal\lefty the interviewer is respectful, indeed with some the tone is ‘ever so humble’ and psychopathic. If the liberal/lefty is attacking the USA/Israeli/UK/The West , it is positively approving. I recall an interview with the tedious, odious third rate turd Gore Vidal when he, (when did he not?) was attacking the USA. John Humphrey’s, regarded as a hard hitting interviewer, positively cooed like a teenage boy interviewing his favourite hot rock chick and admiring her pair of silicon breast, the best that money can buy.
The interviewee is given time to speak to elucidate his/her points.
If the interviewee is defending Islam and telling us that all that violence is our fault and that we are bigots for not accepting that Islam is the religion of peace, even though it radio I can see the interviewer nodding his head and hanging on every word.
Then now and again these poor, wonderful people, who do so much to take us along the path of truth and enlightenment to that Olympian height that they inhibit, are force to interview an un-reconstructed beast (they are not human) of the right, a conservative even. How can we do it to them? However, they have found ways to deal with this odious task. They will interrupt, hector, distort and twist every word, and all this on our behalf. They will reiterate what was said by the interviewee putting the most damaging spin on it possible, in the manner of:
“So, what you are saying is that:
We should let the unemployed starve
We should send all asylum seekers back to be tortured
We should …….”
Yes let’s make an annual event of it let them all go on strike on full pay, we would not want the poor things to suffer any financial lost, just so we can have a day of SANITY.
Unfortunately they are back. I have just about had it with these morons who cannot bring themselves to pronounce English correctly. Dropping the last consonant particularly the T is now de rigeur amogst these chatterers
“Going To” has vanished. Goanna or some such mangled word.
On Woman’s Hour I heard the new TUC person completely unable to express herself clearly .
What is wrong with them? Do they think they are Cool or something.?
The average Indian call centre operator speaks clearer and better English that we now hear on the BBC.
I think it is a sympton of their lack of respect for themselves and us.
White House Correspondents Association President Ed Henry released a statement Sunday evening, saying that the press corps had not been given adequate access to the president and that the group would press for “transparency” in the future, according to a pool report.
“Speaking on behalf of the White House Correspondents Association, I can say a broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend,” said Henry. “There is a very simple but important principle we will continue to fight for today and in the days ahead: transparency.”
It’s even in the HuffPo, not Fox News, not Breitbart, so the Beeboids know it must be true. Of course, maybe one reason for the silence is that Mardell would then have to mention that the President took yet another vacation. Well, it seems that Mardell is on vacation himself, so maybe nobody is bothering to do anything other than report His latest speech and dutifully outline His latest policy as handed down from the White House.
He and his colleagues didn’t hesitate to criticize a Republican candidate for controlling access during one campaign stop. Yet his beloved Obamessiah has form, which Mardell seems not to mind at all.
Or maybe he’s just another one of those dopey BBC reporters Helen Boaden once referred to (pg. 67-68) as being confused enough to actually believe that the BBC’s policy of diversity meant that he couldn’t report anything about the black man that doesn’t look good.
Summary: The Community Organizer-in-Chief has created a US version of North Korea’s propaganda machine, and is simply bypassing the legacy media in order to spread His Word to the people. The legacy media luvvies are pissed off because, well, that’s their job. The White House isn’t all that worried, either, because they know full well the same media luvvies who are complaining now will still dutifully support His Agenda anyway.
Mardell and Adams and Kingstone and Kay all know about this, but they won’t bother informing you about it. It’s not part of the story they want to tell.
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This article about an Amazon warehouse contains the rather strange sentence: “The firm said it rejected allegations that it supported the far-right.”
OK, I get it. Amazon is an evil tax dodging company with links to the “far-right”. (Far right of what?)
“NUJ backs journalist’s refusal to hand protest footage to police”
I wonder why, in this particular case?
They keep doing stuff like this. Here’s another example, a story about a woman with a partiocular form of tinnitus which means that she can’t get a particular song out of her head:
Maybe one of you guys can tell me of what possible relevance is the mention of Baroness Thatcher since I can’t see it myself.
The following line contains the words “driving me mental”. Word association? Planting an inkling of doubt? Thatcher > mental, Thatcher > tory, Tory > mental, 2015 GE > avoid mentalists?
The Beeb says
The song is a favourite of Baroness Thatcher, who chose it when she appeared on Desert Island Discs.
the latter part of which appears to be untrue. Mrs Thatcher’s selections were:
Ludwig van Beethoven
Piano Concerto No. 5 in E flat major ‘Emperor’
Antonin Dvorak
Goin’ Home
Giuseppe Verdi
Grand March (from Aida)
Bob Newhart
Introducing Tobacco To Civilisation
Irene Dunne
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
Felix Mendelssohn
Be Not Afraid
Andante For Trumpet
Pietro Mascagni
Inneggiamo, il Signor (Easter Hymn) (from Cavalleria rusticana)
So, the bBBC can’t even quote their own programmes without lying about the Conservatives? Good catch!
So, the bBBC can’t even quote their own programmes without lying about the Conservatives? Good catch!
Cherry Vulture Archivists… start your whinges!
Maybe that’s why I buy lots of things off Amazon. Seriously is this not part of some Mickey Mouse story about the Amazon security staff being dressed in black, I’m sure I read this story somewhere. Obviously anyone dressed in black must be a Stormtrooper…err well apart from Goths.
Pity you can’t read an article correctly.
Amazon is not accused of anything. It sub contracted work in Germany to a company called Hess who appeared to have overstepped the line in treating temp staff like prisoners. Hess, in their defence (not Amazon) said they were not far right in relation to work practices.
Nothing to do with Amazon or tax dodging but that hasn’t stopped the knuckle scrappers also wading in without reading a simple news article.
I read the article perfectly well. I know perfectly well who they were referring to.
Nevetheless, this is an attempt to smear Amazon with the label “far right”.
Pity you don’t understand subliminal associations.
This is poor journalism as the context does not make it clear what “far right” refers to. It is not a politics story. Far right of the car park?
to be fair,cold titz or whoever he really is masquerading under this handle,doesn’t really understand anything really
I hate mocking the afflicted,but he is a dense knobhead
He’s displaying a faux stupidity. It’s not real.
By now he would have realised the mistake of ” scrappers” versus ” scrapers “.
The display is a sad attempt to disguise what he believes to be a superior intelect. Sad bastard really!
No fair.
I can usually decide what to prepare for by the moniker at the top and sign-off combo, but now they’re playing mix and match that’s just not playing by those rules there aren’t.
As one now with a defo non-stalking Turing machine (mirroring my call sign) on my six, and with DavidP and I now united in mockerage by the queen of the substance and irony-free flounce, such Q-ship activities seem almost designed to further muddy matters.
What is it that seems to have increased their determination to mess with this site so?
I use Amazon all the time as they are reliable, competitive and have good returns policies. I couldn’t care less if they are perceived to be ‘Far Right’ by the lefty media as, lets be fair, the media are hardly paragons of virtue are they. Smear tactics are common these days, in fact aren’t they the SOP of the Left.
“Amazon is not accused of anything.”
Ah. That will explain the very first line: “Germany is demanding explanations from the online retail giant Amazon…”
Good article here (amongst many) on climate Depot about the failing impact of warmist propaganda on the American media:
Led me to wonder how the BBC – not known for keeping one step ahead of the game – might start planning its ‘backing out quietly strategy’. Perhaps a clandestine meeting with David Bellamy and Johnny Ball?
‘A steady stream of peer-reviewed studies, a continued lack of global warming, real world data and scientists continuing to dissent, have finally moved major establishment media outlets to report that the debate not only is “not over” but that skeptics may have been correct all along. [Note: Journalists are now sensing what Atmospheric physicist James A. Peden, formerly of the Space Research and Coordination Center in Pittsburgh, warned about in 2008. “Many [scientists] are now searching for a way to back out quietly (from promoting warming fears), without having their professional careers ruined,” Peden said.]’
Perhaps they’ll invite the Head of Comedy along to the meeting and the first straw in the wind will be jokes about warmists on the News Quiz.
It’s a religion at the BBC. Expect them to go down fighting.
all they need now is for IZZZLAMMMM to merge with the cult of climate change,and they’ve got a royal flush
They should start with the Maldives, then. (Not, as the President thinks, the Falklands.)
If you want to annoy a Beeboid remind them that Hitler was a leftie.
There’s a great illustration of that in the hilarious 1943 Nazi film “Titanic”.
Not a dastardly Jew in sight, just evil capitalists and a rather weedy Aryan.
There is a clip of it in: “Titanic Lie” at:
I couldn’t get to sleep last night and so turned on the TV in a vain attempt to seek relief. It’s amazing how even more biased the BBC is in the early hours when they know no-one is watching. The BBC 24 was, quite frankly, unbelievable: they had on a London law analyst (atrociously left-wing) who was basically ripping apart Teresa May’s proposed new legislation aimed at tackling immigrant scroungers. He was given free reign to denounce the Tories as Right-wing extremists interfering with judges’ professions, when in all honesty the BBC knows fine well that on this subject the Tories have the broad public on their side.
If one wants the slightest whiff of BBC Left-wing bias, then all one needs to do is observe the BBC’s reactions to anyone who expresses a desire to curb immigration, halt the EU’s socialist equality laws or prevent the gangrenous spread of turd-world Islam; they show their true frothing-at-the- mouth socialist colours!
You should see Look North news in the morning. They just read out Labour press releases.
When they are working of course. They are on strike today.
The Government is simply attempting to encourage the judiciary to stick to applying the law, as it was intended, rather than bending it to their political goals, and thus making the law, the task of elected representatives not unaccountable judges.
The problem is that Human Rights judges, are chosen from former Human Rights lawyers, and the kind of lawyers who choose this branch of the legal profession tend to do so because they are commited to the Globalist agenda- Cherie Blair being an example. Lawyers who are cynical about the effects of Human Rights are put off by the prospect of years of defending the indefensible, before being able to protect the silent majority against the self interest of the all too often undeserving few.
An observation on the BBC’s lackadaisical attitude to public accountability and transparency: A quick look at their online disclosure log shows that they published ZERO Freedom of Information Act disclosures from 2012. In other words, they are keeping legitimate public information hidden from public view.
You can view the log here:
The most recent disclosure appears to be from December 2011. Some of you might also remember that the BBC expunged literally hundreds of FOIA requests from their website the last time it was redesigned.
Are those the actions of an organisation with nothing to hide?
‘Are those the actions of an organisation with nothing to hide?”
No. And doubtless most are shocked by this.
‘they published ZERO Freedom of Information Act disclosures from 2012’
Hugs and her squad of FoI exclusion lawyers on retainer may have had something to do with that.
Remember, they get to hold all to account.
No one… repeat no one… gets to hold them to account. Ever.
Propaganda backed by censorship and cover-up has poor historical precedent.
Pollard Report–
90. Finally, I offer a journalist’s take on some relatively straightforward but very important lessons that should be learnt from the Savile experience.
Insist on mature and open discussions about the strength of stories.
Be ready to collect more evidence if what is gathered is not enough.
You can’t lay down procedures that stop people leaking. You can only try to persuade people that it’s a corrosive practice, which it is.
Challenging decisions is good. No-one has a monopoly on wisdom. There shouldn’t be a rigid and unapproachable structure.
Guessing Ms. Boaden is another one who has not read this report and never will learn any lessons from it.
An article about Al Beebs favourite preacher of peace.
Also an interesting interview with Robert Spencer about the psychology behind violent jihad.
Hat tip to Islam Verses Europe for that one.
Could you imagine the BBC’s response had this been the ravings of a white UK Christian preacher? It’d be headline news and topic no 1 on Nicky Campbell’s “Big” Questions. No, if it involves Islam, it must be censored, sanitized or ignored.
Personally, I don’t understand why the BBC and the left grovel to Islam… I find it it causes nothing but trouble wherever it goes.
Yes, as Choudary says, in the secret ‘Sun’ video of him (above):
-it’s a ‘Jihadseeker’s allowance’.
Russian tank driver, comrade Jo Brand was on Room 101 on Friday, it’s quite amazing that she’s had a 20 year career out of the line ” Hello, I’m fat and I like to eat cake.” Cue riotous laughter.
Incidentally, she’s the one who snitched on Carol Thatcher for saying ”gollywog” in the green room of The One Show.
Has Jo Brand ever reported anyone for rape or sexual harassment at the BBC? Is she another one who turned a blind eye?
…along with Arabella Weir, who made a career out of the line “Does my bum look big in this?”.
Talent. Even stretched it out to a whole book! Now that really is talent!
I thought that this had now been put to bed and prime suspect Jo Brand exhonerated of the snitching?
Instead the guilt seems to lie with leftie slime ball Adrian Chiles a man so smugly full of his own self righteousness, and sneering at others he considers lesser than himself, apparantly everyone!
Thatcher should have sued the BBC for political discrimination.
The mindset of a self loathing white Liberal,
”Adrian ChilesIn 2003 radio and TV presenter Adrian Chiles self-indulgently allowed himself a gigantic wallow in liberal breast beating . In a long article for the Daily Telegraph entitled ”Why are all my friends White?”,
Chiles expressed his surprise that he, a white liberal bigot of impeccable anti-racist, multiculturalist credentials, had no non-white friends and precious little deep social interaction with blacks and Asians: ”
I still feel very guilty that while working on the canals in Birmingham I had the misfortune to fail to run this little tit over with a flail mower when he jogged past ! mind the look of horror on his face being so near the working classes still makes me smile !
I thought that this had now been put to bed and prime suspect Jo Brand exhonerated of the snitching?
Maybe more of a supporting role to stoolie Adrian ‘I’d dob in my granny to score a point with the home team’ Chiles, but not exonerated…
I did post this in response to an earlier discussion. Shame you missed it.
Both Chiles and Brand made official complaints. Chiles has a higher profile in this story only because he’s been more outspoken about it with his friends in the press. Jo Brand, to her credit, didn’t pose for the cameras so much about it, as far as I’m aware.
A story not mentioned on the BBC
Race-hate killer Imran ‘Baldy’ Shahid rushed to hospital after being attacked in prison gym
13 Feb 2013 00:01
IMRAN “Baldy” Shahid, is serving a minimum of 25 years in Kilmarnock prison for the brutal murder of 15-year-old Kris Donald.
Mind you the Beeb would probably report it as a wascist attack.
Not the first time the bBC hero has been attacked inside Prison from 2011:
RACE-HATE killer Imran “Baldy” Shahid was ripped open with a razor blade in a revenge attack behind bars last night. The 34-year-old gang leader, left, who kidnapped and killed teenager Kriss Donald, was slashed from his neck to his backside as he strolled along a landing in Saughton prison in Edinburgh. Shahid, who is serving a minimum of 25 years, was left “squealing like a pig”.
Maybe the attackers were followers of the peaceful faith and objected to how he squealed like a pig during the last attack. Well the bBC does tell me day in day out that Muslims find Pigs dirty. I just hope he gets to squeal a few more times.
I hope he gets treatment like that for the rest of his jail term the murdering bastard. I hope that just before his release, on the back of a miserable 25 years, he finally gets slotted. He doesn’t deserve freedom.
“Other Muslims are getting half a chicken but he was demanding a whole chicken every day – and he got it.”
From James’ link page. Says it all.
Mentally ill Sinead O’Connor was on the Andrew Marr show this morning, smug creep Eddie Mair was standing in, she was dressed in army fatigues. The music / noise starts at 54.45, care in the community doesn’t seem to be working.
Sinead is the one of the worst mothers in the history of Ireland, she was only the second person to lose a child custody battle to the father in Irish legal history. One of the reasons was that she used to get her drug dealer to pick up the kids from school.
The Beeb probably thinks that is normal behavior.
She is one of the beebs class warriors. They love to inflict the likes of her on us mere plebs. Why? Because they can!
Reminds me of Anne Robinson’s preference for booze rather than her own child, whose father now has custody. The cow even wrote a pretentious book based on this preference, but I bet the child never sees the royalties.
Just heard Sinead on some Loose ends repeat tonight.
What a precious fake and phoney.
Her song was about VIPs…we`ve all been there, of course.
Still-she moved some unfunny Yankee atheist, who`s the “new Bill Hicks”…can`t wait!
How did Hicks mocking of anti-smoking types end up then?
The bloke just was not funny, poor soul!
“George Orwell Statue to Go Up at BBC, ‘The Ministry of Truth.'”
Without irony, to be located near to INBBC Arabic Television block.
I like Orwell a lot, so well done BBC, even thought he based 1984 on your organisation.
Just realised that, as an ex-BBC employee, Orwell based Emmanuel Goldstein on himself.
I recall back in August of last year that Mark Thompson, the former director general, refused to allow a statue of George Orwell to be erected outside broadcasting house.
I noted too how though the BBC was doing a series on Orwell and his book 1984, they avoided relating anything in the book that might be based on themselves, particularly the Ministry of Truth.
Now incoming director general Tony Hall has done an about turn on this decision and is permitting a statue of the man to go up as originally requested.
Most interesting about this development is that when Thompson was interviewed about this decision he said
“The case for commemorating Orwell is very strong,” said Thompson. “However, quite what he would have made of the prospect of spending an eternity in the shadow of the Ministry of Truth is another matter.”
Shows he was not unaware of the connection, as I surmised, and probably why he declined to have it on his doorstep.
How fitting that now the ‘Ministry of Truth’ will have this symbol on display for all to see.
Poetic justice.
Would the bBC write a similar article about the pilgrimage to Mecca?
Does the Kumbh Mela experience improve your well being?
What do you make of householders turned austere pilgrims who live in tatty canvas tents on a flood plain of a river braving regular baths in freezing water, biting cold, smoky skies and ear-splitting din for more than a month? Most of them come from villages, are elderly, and belong to the higher castes. Many are worldly people turned ascetics eking out spartan lives as kalpavasis (those who spend their days in silent prayer) at the ongoing Kumbh Mela, the biggest religious gathering in the world. Ordinary folks like us would want to believe that the suffering that ascetics undergo in order to toughen themselves up will in fact have deleterious effects on their wellbeing and health. Not so if you believe recent research on “pilgrim experiences”
The bBC, where every faith is open to attack except one. Anybody want to guess which one that is?
Any wonder that the BBC are completely blind to spirituality. They have absolutely no concept of it.
The only meaning ‘at one’ with the universe has for them is news at one.
I would have thought a lot of them feel at one with the universe after the right drugs.
INBBC’s extreme reluctance to report violence as Islamic jihad continues.
1.) ‘Telegraph’
“Briton ‘kidnapped in Nigeria attack.’
A British construction worker was among eight expatriates kidnapped in northern Nigeria in the worst such incident in a region beset by terror attacks from al-Qaeda-linked fundamentalists.”
“Nigeria foreign workers abducted in Bauchi state – police”
As the BBC is knee-deep in lefties, this article might go some way to explain their reluctance to blame the pigs-of-the-desert for anything.
Brilliant – especially this bit: “Their (the left’s)response to the Clash of Civilizations has been to include Islamists in the global rainbow coalition of minorities, gays and gender theorists, indigent third world farmers, transsexuals, artists and poets, sex workers and terrorists; without considering what the Islamists were or how they would fit into this charmed circle.” Thanks
Excellent piece and succinct explanation of the Unholy Alliance.
‘ Progressives see history moving forward in their direction and ignore the Islamists who see everything coming up Jihad’.
Why am I not on the BBC more?
Me too !
Erm, because you are dead?
Didn’t you get the memo?
Since when has being dead been a disadvantage when it comes to wall to wall astroturfing by the BBC? Repeats where the BBC own the rights are cheap – I think every one of the cast of Dad’s Army have been dead for decades but it is on a please-god-let-it-stop eternal loop. I estimate every (politically acceptable of course, as some have mysteriously vanished from the canon) episode has been shown at least 937 times. The ghastly warmed up corpse of the Morcambe and Wise show is wheeled out of the cooler every Xmas and we all laugh at the antics of their long dead guest stars.
The BBC even did an extensive post mortem hagiography of the fallen angel St Jimmy upon his passing from his earthy incarnation. Mind you he really has buggered up their plan to have eternal repeats of Top of the Pops. Now then, now then; much scrabbling in the edit suite is going on to bring this long dead fish back to the BBC bill of fare.
So being dead, per se, doesn’t disqualify one from repeated television exposure. Something else does. I wonder why Bernard Manning – one of the most popular entertainers of the 1970’s has become, in true Stalinist style, a non person and in line with BBC ‘New Puritanism’ “a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations”
You could say the same for Noel Edmonds, Jim Davidson and Paul Daniels. All of whom found themselves persona non grata after coming out in favour of the Tories.
But I was addressing the poster not the issue. It was a joke. In future I’ll append a 🙂 just so that that is clear. 😉
Yes, I know it was a joke. I’m sorry my rant was supposed to be humourous too!
As Bernard once wisely said, ” all the Jew’s all the Irish all the West Indians and all the Gypsys should get together and beat the s**t out of the P***’s .” You won’t hear that on the beeb. But you will hear a fat female Bernard lookalike take the p*** out of white hetro males, and get paid a massive chunk of the tv tax for doing so.
Comrade Prescott looks like Bernard Manning.
“We have got all these Vietnamese coming over now, I can’t think what their chip’s will taste like.”
Look I have been listening to talks by Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB defector (put his name on youtube). And he claimed that the USSR used Liberals to push the USA in the direction they wanted , to destroy the USA. He described it as a form of judo using the strength of the enemy to destroy itself.
Now, the BBC is very Liberal (aka Marxist/Freudian), so why can’t people use that weakness to over throw the Beeb.
The Beeb constantly pays people to lecture us about the separation between Church and State. Well then as the State Broadcaster why does it have an Easter and Christmas schedule?
And what of Multiculturalism? Why haven’t the BBC got a black Director General? You must admit that the Beeb programming is hideously white and mono cultural. So why not have more prime time programmes from other countries in foreign languages? Very much like the Mahabharata that was on BBC2 in the 90s.
I think more letters should be written to the BBC to make it more Secular, Multicultural, and Diverse.
Don’t sink to the strategy of the Left. Just tell the truth as you see it.
Truth will always be a subversive concept for the Left.
There has been a sea change in attitudes towards the BBC in the last 40 years. This is because the Left have abused their power at the BBC to push their agenda – and whatever their political views people (because of the Internet) are noticing it more and more. The BBC cannot simply blame the free press and seek to have them shut down.
The Internet will be their next target. I notice they are getting excited by the possibility of Iceland attempting to close down access to pornography on the Web.
In an Internet Age the BBC can only save itself by being non-political, but it is more biased to the Left now than in its entire history.
The BBC is doomed and they know it. Maybe this is why their Leftist advocacy is so hysterical these days. They are trying to convince themselves that Socialism is a step forward, and yet deep down they do not believe it. What they do have is naked public sector self-interest and knee jerk hatred of Tories.
That may be enough for your average Guardian or New Statesman reader, but no matter how much this hate filled minority tried to lecture everybody to support the Soviet Union, they never convinced the British people.
Maybe this explains their current obsession with mass immigration – if you cannot get people to think the way then you change the people. Mass extermination is so yesterday.
I saw Helena Kennedy on the BBC on Sunday morning and she was like a speak your weight machine of Leftist mantras. She gave the impression that it was so long ago when she actually thought about anything she had forgotten what it was like – predictably she has been promoted by the Leftist establishment to the House of Lords.
The Leftist establishment is manifestly rotten to it core, intellectually, morally, and financially, and they know we know it.
As the digital age gets into full swing fewer and fewer people will watch TV and they will get their news from a multiplicity of sources. So both the current revenue stream and the control of the news agenda that the BBC has will be in jeopardy. So the BBC will be making a case for it gaining revenue from and control of, as much of the digital ou put as it can. No doubt Mr Purnel has been recruited to help with the politics of this.
Hopefully this can be resisted, but beware a Labour government will do all it can to help the BBC as Labour knows that many of its votes come courtesy of BBC propaganda.
I once read somewhere that everyone born after a certain year (I can’t remember which) watches less TV than those born the year before. I have mentioned before on here but my morning trips to work on public transport were a revelation as overhearing teenagers on their way to school I found they very rarely mentioned what had been on TV the night before. They discuss the opposite sex and music of course but TV appears to hold no interest to them. The Beeb I suspect knows this and now pumps out pap (Strictly come dancing anyone) aimed at the last group who still watch TV , the elderly.
Its not just the Beeb of course but the 20th century concept of mass media that is dying in front of our eyes. My only wish is that it would happen faster.
And it is just a coincidence that this group votes more than the younger group I’m sure.
Brilliant writing sir!
Can only add that Kennedy is doing the series of Lent talks.
You know-Jesus went to a licenced swimming pool with appropriately qualified lifeguards to get a spa treatment…he did receive a caution for walking across the pool children approached him without CRB checked significant adults…he recycled his picnics and placed any spare in appropriately placed bins c/o Jeruslam County Council…sadly gone now due to Toricuts.
He did however practice as an unlicenced medic, he did teach stuff contrary to Blunkett or Bakers Curriculum(BBC Bitesize)-and unfortunately held meetings without the signed say so of Blairus Ianus!
He was therefore severely counselled, and given appropriate and proportionate corrective measures and programmes that sadly, unfortunately, and even regrettably led to him being somewhat affixed to some wood(albeit from sustainable sources, you`ll be relieved to hear!). He did however break the agreed curfew set in place by the progressive and caring Joint Caring and Co-ordination Board, by seeming to leave his grave somewhat intemperately, and not at any time agreed by the JCCB.
Still…no scapegoats eh Pontius?…lessons need to be learned and a calm time of reflection eh…Nero…Helena?
The BBC toady show off air, no reason given of course, was it their treatment of a Tory candidate against that of her labour counterpart? A candidate advocating/wishing for the murder of his political enemy, imagine the reaction if a Tory had done the same.
NUJ strike, the 6am news summary on R4 included the reason. 24 hours of peace…
NUJ strike = Utopia, 24 hours without Cultural Marxist propaganda bullshit.
They’re on strike.
Apparently having guaranteed jobs and guaranteed pensions by levying a television tax on the poor isn’t good enough.
Wonderful news ,that the journo`s are all on strike , long may it continue , but I see they are still pushing out Bbc World News down, chan 80 instead , lost of non English faces on there , don`t see that on France 24 much , English & French language versions !
A pure coincidence that they are off air and hence don’t even need to pretend they have only heard one side of the Eastleigh ‘controversies’.
It will be interesting to see if the offwork commitment at head office will be reflected with the random comments being made here by the random name generators clearly funded by getting year-end budgets spent in advance of claims on next year’s best use of the licence fee, along with hush money, playoffs, compo and increased board level positions being created.
BBC journalists on strike. Ah! If only all days were like this…
help bring back responsibility
Labour supporter and BBC stalwart John Pienaar was most excited about his chance to interview Ed Miliband yesterday. All very chummy, Ed this and Ed that. Full marks to John for keeping a straight face when Ed accused the Prime Minister of ‘windy rhetoric’. (Pot-kettle-black) In fact John took this soundbite as the headline utterence of the encounter. Mind you I think John may have gaffed a ‘David’ Miliband in one of his breathless asides to the radio listener.
What BBC voices will never tell you is that although Gordon Brown, Ed Balls and Miliband minor may very well be the consumate polititions the BBC make them out to be…..the fact is that the general public can’t stand them.
‘the consumate polititions the BBC make them out to be…..the fact is that the general public can’t stand them.’
In speaking for the nation thus, it’s what makes the BBC so unique.
Oh no Industrial action at the BBc no BBc Breakfast what a blow to morale.
no breakfast.5 dead,asian network,world service
wouldn’t it be great if it was like this all the time?
Welcome to the real world.
Here’s where we are with the BBC now…..
‘An organisation to which almost all British medical practitioners belong….’
Here we go, the awkward construction of that intro tells you this is going to be a corker….
‘….warn that fizzy drinks may be as dangerous as cigarettes’
Yeah, I’ve heard that too…
A video put up by The Commentator – Jeff Jarvis calls out the BBC for irresponsible journalism and ‘crap’ – classic!
irresponsible journalism
applies to virtually all bbc “news” output to be honest
Absolutely brilliant catch ‘lojolondon’! Not what that insipid interviewer wanted.
NUJ strike + half term holidays = result. What a great start to the week.
Listened to that nice Ed Stourton (was he sacked for being too posh?) on the departing Pope; rather good and informative.
Better than expected, I grant you.
But Benedict was NOT being stubborn or ham-fisted when he spoke at his old University/home town back in 2006.
Neither is Benedict in any way to keep on being tagged with “abuse”, “homosexulity””condoms” or “women”…let alone “abortion”…but still the BBC harps on about all these tropes of liberal flaccidity.
He`s the Pope-it`s what his faith demands…and it seems to be working in the countries where it is most needed, such as in Africa and Asia.
Finally, not a mention of his magnificent theological discourses, his books, his searing intellect and the fact that he has nailed the EU Project and the rise of anti-Christianity in Europe better than any oither faith leader still alive, even( IMHO) Jonathan Sacks!…a brilliant man.
Now I know Eds not going to rock the BBC baot too much, but a little more on his intellect and legacy for the Catholics (who voted for and pay for him)…and a little less about the obsessions with bottoms at the BBC(who we don`t vote for but still have to pay for) would have been nice.
Still-45 mins on Catholics, without Polly, Richard, Keith, Terry, Peter T, Geoffrey or Johann was a “blessing” as we say!
Thank God someones watching 24/7 Beeboid slurry in the hope we get a few bits of gold dust in the bedpans later.
Jeff Jarvis..MY vote for BBC “Director of Strategy”…I didn`t ask for Purnell…did you?
An Arab Spring is coming!…no, a real one!
5 Live is Nicky Campbell-less this morning. There’s the fickle Wheel of Fortune for you.
Replacement male Beeboid is not quite getting the point of BBC phone-ins:
‘Well we’ve had the Minister on and he says they’re not going to put a tax on fizzy drinks – so the whole debate is negated before we start’.
Female Beeboid (Clare McDonnell?):
‘We’re all about people power!’
[Come on folks…sock it to the Man!]
Horse***t again.
bBBC News has an interview (7.15 a.m.) with boss of Morrisons, who says they have no problem because they have their own abbatoirs, trace all their suppliers and know where all the meat has come from.
bBBC (replacement) drone: ah, but shouldn’t the government be doing more?
State control. It’s in their DNA.
lets all talk about horsemeat again?…
or taxing fizzy drinks again?, hey! are your children obese? erm … pork in a prison dinner?
but strangely not about the bedroom tax, or the april fool on the british public with whats left of the nhs, a brand name privatised contractual operation, services bought by quango s, or private sector operations,
This will end with a new race for competition between insurance providers, and private sector health providers? … just look across the pond, to the shocking american model, oh! and shave off another £20 billion to boot eh. sir david
‘lets all talk about horsemeat again?…’
Yes, it remains topical of course.
Ed’s stout defence of Mr. O’Farrell… just joking… a long time ago… moving on…
an eye-opening text message in the context of a discussion …‘Thought of the hour. PR changes blog and accepts he was wrong and goes giving panorama a scalp. GE then goes into Select saying he backed his editor as you
would expect. Turns out he was wrong sad but he did the right thing and we all move on???’
Not like Mr. O’Farrell’s ‘joke’ in public was anything like as offensive as the one Ms. Thatcher uttered in private, eh, BBC?
‘Those less discreet will go straight to the index, look for Horrocks and Paxman… We note that Jeremy is still not in the presenter’s chair at Newsnight’
Still absent with Paul Mason on an ‘anywhere but where the shit has hit the fan’ basis eh?
Get your sick-bag, or preferably a bucket, ready if you’re going to look at Ariel on the Women’s Hour Power List of the Top 100 most influential women in Britain.
The article starts with a photo of Helen Boaden, surely shooting itself in the foot with the prime example of incompetence, only still in a job because she lacks a Y chromosome.
‘Helen Boaden is a senior woman at the BBC, but she’s in the minority’
What, this Helen Boaden?:
Pollard Report –
‘128. One initially puzzling aspect of this is why it took so long for Ms Boaden to raise this issue with Mr Entwistle, particularly as the purpose had been so that ‘George… could start thinking about that earlier rather than later’. The suggestion that this should be done had come from Mr Mitchell when he and Ms Boaden talked on 23 November and more than a week had passed before she actually spoke to Mr Entwistle about the issue. Ms Boaden’s explanation for this is that it was the first opportunity she had had to speak to him, having
been away on holiday for a few days and then missed him at least twice when
she called by his office.
131. It is rather strange, then, that on the following day, 3 December, Mr Mitchell emailed Mr Rippon about the Savile story saying: ‘Not sure where you are with
this? Helen told George E about it yesterday but said she didn’t think anything would come of it?’. This last point is, of course, entirely inconsistent with what Ms Boaden told us – namely that she had given Mr Entwistle the clear
impression that the story was likely to be broadcast.
146. There is clearly a conflict between these two accounts which is difficult to resolve.
Strange, inconsistent, hard to resolve… the BBC fast track to success!
And then, in homage to the standard of BBC reporting we have come to expect, this awesome latest piece of revisionism from within the bubble.
‘But are people such as Boaden the exception rather than the rule?’
So far… best I can hazard, it’s down to luck there are not more.
BilL Cosby speak out. It does relate to the BBC as he attack all the Liberal values the BBC stands for.
Bill Cosby “I’m 83 and Tired”
I’ve worked hard since I was 17. Except for when I was doing my National Service, I put in 50-hour weeks, and didn’t call in sick in nearly 40 years. I made a reasonable salary, but I didn’t inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Given the economy, it looks as though retirement was a bad idea, and I’m tired. Very tired.
o I’m tired of being told that I have to “spread the wealth” to people who don’t have my work ethic. I’m tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it.
I’m tired of being told that Islam is a “Religion of Peace,” when every day I can read dozens of stories of Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for their family “honor”; of Muslims rioting over some slight offense; Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren’t “believers”; Muslims burning schools for girls; Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for “adultery”; Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls; all in the name of Allah, because the Qur’an and Shari’a law tells them to.
o I’m tired of being told that out of “tolerance for other cultures” we must let Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries use our oil money to fund mosques and Madrasa Islamic schools to preach hate in Australia , New Zealand , UK, America and Canada , while no one from these countries are allowed to fund a church, synagogue or religious school in Saudi Arabia or any other Arab country to teach love and tolerance..
I’m tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate.
I’m tired of being told that drug addicts have a disease, and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses or stick a needle in their arm while they tried to fight it off?
o I’m tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties talking about innocent mistakes, stupid mistakes or youthful mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught. I’m tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor.
o I’m really tired of people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and actions. I’m tired of hearing them blame the government, or discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.
I’m also tired and fed up with seeing young men and women in their teens and early 20’s be-deck themselves in tattoos and face studs, thereby making themselves unemployable and claiming money from the Government.
Yes, I’m damn tired. But I’m also glad to be 83.. Because, mostly, I’m not going to have to see the world these people are making. I’m just sorry for my granddaughter and their children. Thank God I’m on the way out and not on the way in. There is no way this will be widely publicized, unless each of us sends it on! This is your chance to make a difference.
“I’m 83 and I’m tired. If you don’t agree you are part of the problem!
Bloody well said Bill.
That’s a fake. Cosby be never said that. But if you want to see something real, watch this, which has the added bonus of Obama sitting two yards away when it was delivered.
Thanks for the clarification. I have seen the clip you mentioned and heard the good Doctor being interviewed. A class act.
Too right, here is clip
If only western Governments had more people like Dr Ben Carson and less career politicians, you know those self serving assholes that study PPE and go straight into politics from uni.
I stumbled upon this some months ago but unfortunately this whole diatribe was mistakenly attributed to Bill Cosby, the ageing actor.
Allegedly the former Massachusetts state senator Robert A. Hall gave vent to this in 2009.
But it is hard to disagree with some of the sentiments.
One version of this message says Bill Cosby is 76; another says he’s 83. In September 2011 when the text first came to be attributed to him, Cosby was only 74 years old (born on July 12, 1937). Obviously, Bill Cosby knows how old he is. Obviously, he did not write this essay (see Cosby’s statement below).
The sole and actual author (excluding the anonymous perpetrators of various revised versions over time) was former Massachusetts state senator Robert A. Hall, who published the original document on his personal blog on Feb. 19, 2009.
Prior to being falsely attributed to Bill Cosby, a variant of Hall’s post was incorrectly credited to actor Robert David Hall of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
Statement from Bill Cosby:
If you got the BOGUS email, it’s time to hit DELETE!
There’s an email floating around — entitled “I’m 76 and tired” — purportedly sent by me. I did not write the email, I did not send the email, I’m not 76, and I don’t subscribe to the ugly views expressed in the email. We are coming up to an important anniversary on Sunday, which is a day when we should all come together. Whoever wrote this email is not thinking about our country, or what is important. If you get the email, it’s time to hit DELETE. [Source:]
Thanks for the clarification. It is hard to disagree with most of what is said. Like you I am not sure I would endorse all of it.
Classic comment of the day over at Guido Fawkes, from Bill Quango MP, who seems to have Mehdi Hasan’s card marked: ‘Does your busy, progressive, lifestyle leave you short of time? Need to grab something between a protest at the American Embassy and a save the penguins sit in?
Why not try NEW READY-MEHDI…’
Full comment, top right-hand side of home page at:
Now that the killer ex-cop is dead and the news cycle is over (and as it turns out he didn’t kill enough people for it to be worth any more sensational coverage and hand-wringing) the BBC has no problem admitting that he espoused a liberal agenda and praised the President and other top Dems in his manifesto. Because he was clearly a disturbed individual about whom much was already known from the start, it was more difficult for them to speculate on air that he was a right-winger and gun nut or whatever. Yet, for some curious reason, the BBC chose to censor all of that from their reports while it was still going on, and in fact chose to highlight his support for a Republican instead. And then they removed even that bit after DB called them on it.
Now they can freely admit that the killer supported liberal causes, and since it’s buried deep within Jon Kelly’s (the BBC’s man in LA) analysis, most will not even know about it. To his credit, Kelly doesn’t try to make it sound too much like all the killer’s grievances were legitimate, and racism drove him to murder, although he helpfully leaves it wide open and gives the reader a nudge in that direction at the end.
The fact that Kelly felt it was fine to include all the praise for Democrats here raises the valid question as to why his colleagues chose to censor it earlier, on top of which they deliberately chose to mislead the reader. Defenders of the indefensible are invited to explain.
Note to Jon Kelly: murdering an innocent person in cold blood is not sane behavior. It’s not justifiable no matter how much you try to offer suggestions.
With my coffee break dance card rather full at the moment with defo not stalky types (gosh, could there be a reason), I have luckily still found a few moments to find some quaint, very unfunny BBC ‘uniques’ elsewhere…
‘.. more cryptically, “By bringing audience under one roof, it allows us to develop a more intuitive digital strategy”. That must be good, mustn’t it ?’
Rather depends who considers who ‘audience’.
It’s not just the fully paid up BBC NUJers who plug a poltical agenda.
Cornelius Lycett may not be a Lesbian activist a la Clare Balding but these days the BBC horse racing bofin can’t seem to mention the Grand National without alluding to horse deaths.
BBC : Sport just isn’t sport unless it’s tinged with a political agenda
Predictably, the BBC only see Israel as the cause of any problems for Palestinians. Never self created, or certainly never due to any other nation or force, like terror sponsors Iran.
So what happens when the news shows that this time Egypt is causing hardship for Gazans (justifiably so), and Israel are being the good guys?
For the BBC – it doesn’t exist.
Guardian and BBC ignore Egyptian crackdown on Gaza trade
Don’t worry, they’re currently scrambling to find a way to blame the Israel Lobby for pressuring the US to influence Egypt. Just like Katty Kay says.
I couldn’t find this anywhere on the BBC website - but there again this is hardly surprising. I wonder if he’ll be deported,? What am I saying, of course he wont be, because in the game of minority Top Trumps muslim always beats qweer.
Ugo Shavezzzzz or God as he appears to be known the bBC and unhinged leftie nut job to the rest of us is on just about every bBC news channel today, simply for the magical ability to leave hospital in Cuba, (with lots of thanks for his mate Fidel) and travelling back to Venezuala, arriving still alive. Remarkable !
Why do I need to know this? Why is the news at all? Would any other South American President merit such news coverage? Somehow I doubt it.
Surely Chavez health service in Venezuela would be at least as good as the Socialists paradise of Cubas , would it not?
Or is it “Brian Haw” getting his NHS treatment-only in Germany, though.
Who`s to know the mind of the lefty when faced with reality and his own mortality?
Still-a bit less guff about the wonders of the NHS would be nice…as if
Well, Castro gets the full treatment every time they let him out, even more than Chavez. The BBC’s two favorite world leaders, second only to their beloved Obamessiah. Castro is especially a hero to the BBC because he outlasted 50 years of tyranny and oppression from the evil US, particularly the hated Republican Presidents.
Has the Left managed to square their lionising of this well known, habitual…SMOKER!…with their love of him as a father to his keening people in Cuba?
Passive smoking anyone?…surely there`s a case to be taken against this death dealer.
Is a cigar easier to airbrush than Harold Wilsons pipe…anybody willing to compare this for the rest of us.
Nor me!
Didn’t hear the BBC report this one…
Did you hear the BBC local news reports about the youth from South London? He was on the brink of a promising career as a drug dealer and gang member when in a tragic case of mistaken identity he was signed as a Premiership footballer.
And the lawyer for Oscar Pistorius( the media just don`t seem to pronounce it properly do they?…why ever not?) said on the Today show that his client would not be a bail risk, he`d hardly be able to run away would he?
You know something?-not a joke to be found anywhere on the BBC about this…serious faces…oh dear!
I`d have thought that-of all people who COULD run away and escape…he`d be pretty high up the list.
And don`t give me that ” but he`d not pass the metal detector” stuff either eh?
More amusing than funny like yours sir…will be testing this material of yours in a pub sometime soon!
Pistorius – Bladegunner…
Pistorius – let’s not forget he was the BBC’s second favourite South African.
Radio Five currently discussing Marine le Pen’s appearance at the Cambridge Union. Much use of emotive language ‘fascist’ ‘repugnant views’ etc . The focus is totally on ‘defeating’ her and how this can best be done.
BBC on line News headline:
’19 February 2013 Last updated at 08:11
PM promises India corruption help ‘
Would we like to rephrase that please BBC?
There is an older Jew on know keen to clamp down on Free Speech – but the ‘Free Speech’ of Mohammedans! Oh dear, Nicki Campbell doesn’t like that!
The following was written by Bill Quango MP and posted on guido. For me it sums up the bBC attitude and approach enjoy:
New from the Co-Op.
Does your busy, progressive, lifestyle leave you short of time? Need to grab something between a protest at the US Embassy and a save the penguins sit in?
Ready-Mehdi‘s range of half baked, crumbly lefty ideology, is the perfect soundbite for the activist of today! No need to think for yourself! Just pop Ready-Mehdi into the microwave and receive a slice of ill thought out opinion served with an indulgent, faux foaming sauce, and 100% Horses***!”
*Note. Some of these opinions have been reheated. Some have been exposed to external scrutiny and may have gone off. Please check the label for the Common Purpose seal of approval.
Consume opinion within 70 years of 1917 or they will have been proved to be long out of date.
Best served between the ages of 16 and 25.
Ready to spout.
one fella in the second segment, goodness i don t know how, DID this chap got through the ahem “call selectors”, but he appears to have “panto s” number, he soon dispels the “offence”industry, and immediately … he cleverly asks that jewish gentleman, straight away, just WHO is it that is threatening jewish children/schools … shock horror for al bbc its the the religion of pieces … which throws old “panto” into a protectionist tiz!
he then fingers the UAF as causing more trouble/violence, than those they protest, and … at the bbc :-D, and states that the inability to have open harsh public scrutiny of islam
is the direct root of street organisations like the edl ….
then with a waft of al bbc “microphone” fairy dust 😀
he s gone ………..
absolute classic, sadly no link yet
it on bbcs 5live your call…
no link yet
Corona Virus!
You see, the BBC warned us about the health dangers of fizzy drinks.
… and of cause the Beeboids know all about the perils of snorting coke.
I tried it once. Nearly drowned.
The BBC continues to struggle with it’s ‘truth wouldn’t fit’ headlines, which it often tries to manage with scattering quotes around like confetti.
Often it is to serve an agenda (as in the case they got nailed upon trying to claim what they said the PM had said was the same as what he actually said, when it clearly was not), but can simply be for ratings.
I therefore was a bit surprised at this headline in my email subject line (no doubt repeated across the BBC FaceBook, twitter and mobile estates):
Pistorius ‘shot innocent woman’
Blimey… trial over already?
Er, no… it was only when I read on that I discovered:
South African prosecutor says athlete Oscar Pistorius fired four shots at girlfriend, three hit her though bathroom door.
After Newsnight/McAlpine, even if here the facts are undisputed, the BBC may care to be cautious how it reports sources’ claims.
To serve justice for one.
Not everyone may read on.
This currently on BBC News Page:
Pistorius ‘shot girlfriend in bathroom’
South African athlete Oscar Pistorius shot his girlfriend through a bathroom door, prosecutors tell a court, as the victim’s family hold a funeral.
There’s a difference.
The BBC seems to be unaware of it.
The sour look on the newsreaders faces is a joy to behold. It’s them HAVING to report it, they just can’t find a rug big enough to sweep it under.
There’s no room under that rug because of all the steroids.
Here it is in 140 characters or less…
BBC News (World) @BBCWorld
Prosecutor says #OscarPistorius fired four shots “at an innocent woman” Follow @BBCAndrewH
I’d say it about covers it. Why is the rest of the BBC less capable?
‘With no contempt laws to speak of in South Africa, rumours and half-truths have been allowed to swirl around the murder case.’
It’s they way they tell ’em.
With 5 Live regulars back from the strike, what could be better than a little class warfare. Johnny Marr is still angry that David Cameron picked The Smiths ‘This Charming Man on Desert Island Discs, Victoria Derbyshire informs me. ( yes, he did pick it – they’ve got this one right). In a recorded interview Marr says ‘I forbid him to like the band. I forbid him to like the song. He’s not our kind of people’.
Lovely. Marr will be live with Richard Bacon on Monday, when no doubt expect more of the same.
Jeremy Vine will want in on that action. He’s a Smiths fan.
Someone should remind BBC journalists returning to work today that dog bites man is no news story.
So ageing rock star launching new album criticises Tory PM is hardly news.
‘Johnny Marr was only 23 when he left The Smiths in 1987. Now in the year when he turns 50, he is releasing his debut solo album….he is still angry David Cameron picked The Smiths on Desert Island Discs.’
I suppose what ought to be news is when BBC interviewers and presenters giggle simper and purr with approval at such comments (eg Victoria Derbyshire on 5 Live this morning).
But I guess I am falling into the same trap. How can I claim to be surprised that Beeboids react in this way?
Two examples of definitive chomskeyan avoidance of the real issue:
1. UK lights going out this year:
The concentration by Today – and from all interviewees – Alistair Buchanan, the chief executive of OFGEM, Charles Hendry MP, former energy minister and Audrey Gallacher, director of energy at Consumer Focus on “affordable” energy, was on energy prices and the “vulnerable” who would suffer. Apart from Buchanan mentioning that we “must” destroy our existing energy generation capacity, no-one (that I heard) said that a (actually the) solution is to repeal the “green” energy legislation and stop pulling down coal-fired power stations until their capacity can be genuinely replaced (ie not windmills). On costs of energy, Buchanan was not absolutely clear (after all, a prerequisite for clarity is honesty) but still had the chutzpah to compare tax-subsidised windmill-generated electricity favourably with pre-subsidised nuclear electricity: he also forgot to say – and wasn’t asked – that nuclear generates at something like 90% capacity day-in day-out for a period of 40-50 years while wind generates about 20-25% of installed capacity (and that’s giving the windies the benefit of considerable doubt) for, what, 10 years. The messages were that (a) we (ie the consumers/taxpayers) are guilty of “wasting” electricity – substantially through “leaky” homes and (b) but for the financial crash (ie the bankers) we’d (somehow – it wasn’t explained) be OK now. The sheer mendacious crap generated on Today this morning certainly kept me warm but I don’t think that will be enough to avoid power cuts in the next 12-18 months.
2. Benefiterati and the pseudo-cutz:
Derek Davies, Lead Member for Built Environment, Tewkesbury Council was brought on to defend the egregious building of a 6 bedroomed house for some parasite. Laughably, he actually averred that selling the land cheaply (ie below market value) to the builder somehow saved taxpayers money. Naughtie finished this paean to stupidity by implying that the new house was good news because the over-fecund cow had been living in two houses which would now be released. Again, although Davies mentioned that the council was obliged to house this woman and her brood, there was no discussion that such expenditure might seem ridiculous and over-indulgent and seems not to be affected by the cutz.
So – discussions concerning “energy” turned away from mentioning the reasons we’re destroying energy reliability and capacity (ie the crap science and greed underlying the “renewables” madness) and a discussion of “benefits” showered on a parasite ignored asking whether this is what the benefit system is for.
BBC 6 o’clock news 19 Feb reports that in 2020 gas supplies will be ‘tight’
The British geographical survey has upped its estimate of our shale gas reserve to 15000 trillion (how many zeroes is that?) cubic feet. With 300 trillion of that in the Blackpool area. Something that might have been worth mentioning in a report on future energy security.
Add to that the recent censoring of Mervyn King’s words about why energy prices are being pushed up.
EU policy on energy, as well as destroying any power station which emits CO2, is driven by conservation. Similar to their policy on water, which focuses on conservation rather than buidling new reservoirs which would disrupt precious wildlife habitats.
As for the indulgence of those whose lifestyle choice is leeching off the hard-working taxpayers – wonder if she’s first in the queue at the local food bank?
Reported in today’s papers the woman has enough spare cash to own a horse and was negotiating to buy two more.
Today’s front-page main news in The Times is ‘NHS failings cause 1,600 child deaths every year’. Ministers want “drastic improvements” in the way young people are cared for … about 1,600 children would be saved every year if the NHS delivered care in line with the best EU countries.
It’s no surprise that the bBBC doesn’t bother to report the same news, that the ‘envy of the world’ kills thousands of children more than elsewhere in Europe. They probably overlooked it because the bBBC ‘journalists’ were on holiday yesterday.
I thought children in NHS hospitals danced on their beds, full of joy at having the privelege of being treated by the health service that is the envy of the world.
Perhaps the Olympics opening ceremony wasn’t so well researched after all.
The BBC line will be look what the ‘cuts’ are doing to the NHS treatment for children.
INBBC avoids the Islamic jihad issue, in duplicate, and duplicity,
In the following convoluted, politically evasive INBBC ‘report’, there is reference to an organisation called ‘ANSARU’ in the first part of the piece, but no indication from INBBC as to its political/religious nature.
It is not until the 7th paragraph, that INBBC states:
“Another Islamist militant group, Boko Haram, has staged many attacks across northern Nigeria in recent years.”
But there is no mention in the previous six paragraphs that ANSARU is an Islamic organisation!
A correction for INBBC: ANSARU is not ‘militant,’ it is Islamic jihadist – inspired by tenets of Islam to kill non-believers, impose Sharia law repression, conquer the rest of Africa and impose a global caliphate.
And then there are the BOKO HARAM Islamic jihadists, which INBBC deliberately misdescribes as ‘Islamic militants’ too.
INBBC headline: typically written with ‘passive’ voice, and no perpetrators mentioned:
“French tourists seized in Cameroon near Nigeria border”
A re-write headline:
‘Islamic jihadists take French tourists hostage, on Cameroon-Nigeria border’
“Islamist group Ansaru claims Nigeria kidnapping.
Islamist group Ansaru on Monday claimed the kidnapping of seven foreigners, including one Briton, in a deadly raid on a construction site in restive northern Nigeria at the weekend.”
After a Day of Rest THEY ARE BACK!!!
Yesterday was a great day for sanity in the UK. It should be made an annual event like the UN day of; THE LIVING DEAD, DAY of SYMPATHY WITH HAEMORRHOID
SUFFERS, DAY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF PUBIC LICE. I am told, and only told, that pubic lice are and endangered species since the craze for the total Brazilian came into fashion. And finally, just to be all inclusive the ERIC HOBSBAWM DAY. A day when we recall the great Marxist historians commitment to the betterment of the human race, as exemplified below:
Q: In 1934, millions of people are dying in the Soviet experiment. If you had known that, would it have made a difference to you at that time? To your commitment? To being a communist?
A: … Probably not…
Q: What that comes down to is saying that had the radiant tomorrow actually been created, the loss of 15, 20 million people might have been justified?
A: Yes.
(Times Literary Supplement, October 28, 1994)
So of what day do I speak of? The day that BBC journalist went on strike. What a glorious day. First and foremost I was spared my daily dose of self-inflict masochism. I wake to and listen to the Today Programme on Radio 4. I know I should not but I do. I am seeking help people? I have found a support group and a good therapist. She tells me with a smile that I am a naughty boy. At my age that feels sooo good.
When the interviewee is a metro liberal\lefty the interviewer is respectful, indeed with some the tone is ‘ever so humble’ and psychopathic. If the liberal/lefty is attacking the USA/Israeli/UK/The West , it is positively approving. I recall an interview with the tedious, odious third rate turd Gore Vidal when he, (when did he not?) was attacking the USA. John Humphrey’s, regarded as a hard hitting interviewer, positively cooed like a teenage boy interviewing his favourite hot rock chick and admiring her pair of silicon breast, the best that money can buy.
The interviewee is given time to speak to elucidate his/her points.
If the interviewee is defending Islam and telling us that all that violence is our fault and that we are bigots for not accepting that Islam is the religion of peace, even though it radio I can see the interviewer nodding his head and hanging on every word.
Then now and again these poor, wonderful people, who do so much to take us along the path of truth and enlightenment to that Olympian height that they inhibit, are force to interview an un-reconstructed beast (they are not human) of the right, a conservative even. How can we do it to them? However, they have found ways to deal with this odious task. They will interrupt, hector, distort and twist every word, and all this on our behalf. They will reiterate what was said by the interviewee putting the most damaging spin on it possible, in the manner of:
“So, what you are saying is that:
We should let the unemployed starve
We should send all asylum seekers back to be tortured
We should …….”
Yes let’s make an annual event of it let them all go on strike on full pay, we would not want the poor things to suffer any financial lost, just so we can have a day of SANITY.
Unfortunately they are back. I have just about had it with these morons who cannot bring themselves to pronounce English correctly. Dropping the last consonant particularly the T is now de rigeur amogst these chatterers
“Going To” has vanished. Goanna or some such mangled word.
On Woman’s Hour I heard the new TUC person completely unable to express herself clearly .
What is wrong with them? Do they think they are Cool or something.?
The average Indian call centre operator speaks clearer and better English that we now hear on the BBC.
I think it is a sympton of their lack of respect for themselves and us.
Weird how we haven’t heard about this from the BBC’s US President editor:
Press corps expresses ‘frustration’ over lack of access to Obama
White House Correspondents Association President Ed Henry released a statement Sunday evening, saying that the press corps had not been given adequate access to the president and that the group would press for “transparency” in the future, according to a pool report.
“Speaking on behalf of the White House Correspondents Association, I can say a broad cross section of our members from print, radio, online and TV have today expressed extreme frustration to me about having absolutely no access to the President of the United States this entire weekend,” said Henry. “There is a very simple but important principle we will continue to fight for today and in the days ahead: transparency.”
It’s even in the HuffPo, not Fox News, not Breitbart, so the Beeboids know it must be true. Of course, maybe one reason for the silence is that Mardell would then have to mention that the President took yet another vacation. Well, it seems that Mardell is on vacation himself, so maybe nobody is bothering to do anything other than report His latest speech and dutifully outline His latest policy as handed down from the White House.
He and his colleagues didn’t hesitate to criticize a Republican candidate for controlling access during one campaign stop. Yet his beloved Obamessiah has form, which Mardell seems not to mind at all.
Or maybe he’s just another one of those dopey BBC reporters Helen Boaden once referred to (pg. 67-68) as being confused enough to actually believe that the BBC’s policy of diversity meant that he couldn’t report anything about the black man that doesn’t look good.
Summary: The Community Organizer-in-Chief has created a US version of North Korea’s propaganda machine, and is simply bypassing the legacy media in order to spread His Word to the people. The legacy media luvvies are pissed off because, well, that’s their job. The White House isn’t all that worried, either, because they know full well the same media luvvies who are complaining now will still dutifully support His Agenda anyway.
Mardell and Adams and Kingstone and Kay all know about this, but they won’t bother informing you about it. It’s not part of the story they want to tell.