The BBC continues its barrage of ‘educational’ programmes on global warming for the allegedly hard of thinking among us…. ‘Expedition to the End of the World’
Not much subtlety there…much like the BBC’s title ‘Fighting The War’ for a series on the Iraq War…which had the sole purpose of painting the war in the worst light possible.
Its latest effort is a gloomy, doom laden offering capturing the thoughts and insights of a group of scientists and artists who venture into the frozen wilderness of the fjords of Greenland…or as the BBC puts it:
‘As the boat slips further away civilisation, the crew have a disturbing encounter which underlines the destructive impact of mankind.’
It’s possibly just one of God’s little jokes that the ship they sail into the fjords on can’t get back out because of an unusually large amount of sea ice.
These two quotes give you a feel for what’s in store:
‘Actually it’s life that controls earth’s geological machinery…when I figured that out I was overwhelmed. Living organisms are the main machinery in how the earth works and we’re part of the living organism. We’re the dominant ones right now.’
In other words mankind is in control…and making a bad job of it.
‘Mass extinction has happened before in the earth’s history….it’s frightening that we’re in the midst of mass extinction right now and it’s a shame that we are the ones causing it.’
Having said that, they think we are doomed but are quite phlegmatic about it…‘We’re doomed…So what?….we adapt or we are extinct…and mankind is only a short blip in the earth’s history anyway’ they suggest.
But then they are Scandanavian.
I started to watch this programme as I quite like the BBC wildlife coverage if they don’t mention climate change which I admit is quite rare. I had to turn the tv off fairly quickly with this one though. It was complete rubbish. The only bit I liked was when one of the ‘scientists’ almost shot his foot off with a loaded gun without the safety catch on. Unfortunately he missed.
something has gone wrong with one BBC wildlife film – I have watched most of a couple of programmes re penguins – spy in the huddle (last night and the previous Monday) and there hasn’t been any mention of climate change – am I dreaming or losing my sanity?
They usually save the CAGW lecture for the final programme in a series. I’m sure they won’t disappoint this time, either.
Still, one does wonder if the recent news (and by news I mean actual facts) about the record ice extent in the Antarctic (still growing!) and the amazing ‘bounce-back’ of Arctic ice after the allegedly CAGW-induced ‘record loss’ of ice extent last summer might just be permeating the opaque truth-resistance barriers around the BBC bunker… Doubtful, when one looks at the BBC’s past form, but we climate sceptics live in hope – not for us the despairing political pessimism of the CAGW zealots!
Never mind, we’ll all be back to a normal non-mankind interfered-with-climate soon, when the power stations shut down, and the wind turbines sprouting everywhere fail to come up to expectations. Then we can take to our tents, yurts and caves, light campfires, dig out the candles and scavenge for lentils, because sure as eggs is eggs, we won’t be able to afford electricity.
As an aside – anyone see Channel 4 News (last night, I think), where they were talking horse
shitmeat and obesity, and that well known intellectual leftie climate expert John Snow made the point that it’s effect on global warming – all that methane?Latest news is that global methane levels are now falling.
Directly connected to nobody being responsible for anything Saville?
Is Lord Prescott still on the planet?
Given his taste for 5* raporrteuring on matters climate, I was rather hoping he’d be suckered on a ‘B’-Ark to Jupiter, risking the possible gravity mass consequences with the lure of a bikini-bound secretarial reunion and the promise of a two ton pastie.
I watched this programme. It is the dullest Storyville programme ever made. It is perhaps the dullest programme ever made. Avoid.
There were Middle Age Norse settlements on the Greenland that flourished until the climate changed. It got colder, the settlements failed, the people starved, and probably drowned trying to reach Iceland.
The BBC has yet to launch one of its expensive carbon heavy jollies to investigate this example of climate change. I wonder why.
Now that Patrick Moore’s passed away I’m expecting The Sky At Night to join the Guardian’s prophets of doom anytime soon –
“It may not rank as the most compelling reason to curb greenhouse gases, but reducing our emissions might just save humanity from a pre-emptive alien attack, scientists claim.”
“Watching from afar, extraterrestrial beings might view changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilisation growing out of control – and take drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat, the researchers explain.”
These scientists must have been under orders from those BBC Climate Change psychiatrists.
Fearful of being committed to a madhouse if they refuse.
Satellite evidence for changes in the optical quality of the Atmosphere is negligible in comparison to changes in cloud formation, for changes in the albedo of the Earth, in Astronomy.
Despite what hundreds of climate scientists say, no matter what the evidence is showing, no matter that doom-mongering climate modellers keep getting it wrong, despite a small clique of zealots dominating the IPCC and interpreting its scientific findings wrapped in uncertainty as some kind of certain death knell for the planet, despite warmist ‘scientists’ being found out for their falsification of data, corruption of the peer review process and refusal to release information, the BBC are still peddling the alarmist crap which is now only fully supported by a small core of ‘scientists’ and eco-zealots from Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the rest.
Makes you feel like….makes you feel like…. Feel like what?
Like this:
And as long as the leader of the free world is peddling the same crap – in fact lies – what chance is there of victory for reality and common sense?
Kafkaesque isn’t in it.
I am sure that the urban jungle has more evidence for the destructive influence of mankind than a desolate wilderness. Gaia is a legitimate theory, but most of its supporters are fucking morons like this lot who think humans are in charge.
Morons, worried we are facing extinction, while at the same time, being worried about the global population boom.
I’m pretty sure I read that quote about life controlling the planets geological changes in a sci-fi book many years ago. It was a cute idea, but even as a teenager I could tell it was science fiction, not reality.
Comment posted in all seriousness Greenpeace UK’s new “Battle for Britain” campaign.
By FrankSW – 17 February 2013 at 8:44pm
It doesn’t matter if the transition form fossil fuels to Renewables is slow or fast, what matters is the total accumulated mass of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Be that as it may, the faster we can increase the energy efficiency off all energy-using systems and the faster we can provide the human population with a renewable, non-polluting alternative the better. We need to drasticly reduce to amount of Carbon Dioxide we are releasing into the atmosphere if we don’t want to see an estimated 6 degrees celcius rise in average temperature by the end of the century. To put that into context the cambrian extinction which caused 95% of all organisms to die out was caused by a 4 degree celcius rise in global temperature.
Sigh. There are sadly people who actually believe this nonsense and are addicted to the idea of crisis. Its a form of mental illness which the BBC eco-nauts help to spread.
Meanwhile, because of this country’s rapid exit from ‘polluting’ forms of energy production (yes, folks, CO2 is a ‘pollutant’ – try telling that to the flowers and trees, Charlie Boy) it looks like we’re heading for blackouts sometime between 2015 and 2018.
World at One coverage on the subject today concluded that in order for domestic supplies to be maintained factories will be asked to close down production from time to time (how often and for how long wasn’t stated).
Of course, no mention of the Fr- or Sh- G- words for our longer term salvation – maybe the eco-nutters at the Beeb think their friends at Greenpeace will nip this particularly noxious form of fossil fuel extraction in the bud before too long.
And of course no mention of our previous administration, for whom any kind of energy strategy which involved fossil fuels or nuclear would have killed off the party’s money supply from Greenpeace & co. so, like care for the elderly, they kicked it into the long grass and left it for the Lib Dems to screw up.
The only good thing about all this is that people will finally wake up to the great AGW scam when their lights start going out, or they are put on short time by their employers, or even before then when their energy bills start properly going through the roof courtesy of our reliance on the international gas markets, where prices are predicted to rise steeply for the foreseeable future.
Just what we need in a recession.
If you ran a course on how to screw up a country without even trying, you couldn’t better this.
And if you are tired of TV put on the radio and , aaaagggghhhhhhhh –
“The Drowning City
Isabel Hilton reports on how New York is learning from the lessons of Hurricane Sandy.
18 Feb 2013”
Calling a bad storm a “Hurricane” is the quality of the journalism evident in this dross program.