They are reporting it now. After briefly stating ( in a vaguely skeptical tone) that figures supplied by the Office for National Statistics show unemployment has fallen and actual numbers of people employed has risen, they go on in greater detail and time to report that youth unemployment has risen and is totally unacceptable.
Cue Labour representatives to report that they claim they welcome the figures (…..yeah right) but the youth unemployment figures show the Government are not getting to grips with the underlying problem.
You can bet the Labour Party received the figures with dismay.
Of course the thing the BBC always omit to ask and Labour omit to own up to is their role in that rise.
Yes it has risen year on year but even a cursory google search of the trend will lead people to the Guardian’s analysis which will show it really took off under the tenure of one Gordon Brown.
I am also searching in vein for any mention of the Lib Dem Sex Scandal on the front page of the BBC News Website. This is surely a big story, especially as leadership suppressed it. I don t expect BBC to mention it at all this side of by-election.
This morning there is huge anticipation and indeed palpable excitement here in BBC newsrooms as reports are coming through that a Premiership football club has at last bowed to the pressure we put on them and have signed their first gay and openly black player.
A ground breaking new development of this kind has been at the very top of the BBC sport agenda for some time now and we are pleased and relieved since the BBC has campaigned long and hard for it.
We are hearing that Melchester Rovers have had their gay boy scouts out at the Africa Cup of Nations where a young player who is a natural on the far left of the field caught their attention. Named Yellow Honky-Tonks, his shortie-shorts, flamboyant moves and extravagant goal celebrations are bound to make an impact on our game and he is certainly set to be a star with the national broadcaster. Already excited new Melchester fans here at the BBC have taken to Twitter where they are discussing football for the first time and welcoming Honky-Tonks with the nickname ‘Boy of the Rovers’.
Sources suggest that the completion of the transfer deal has been precipitated by the early exit from international competition of his home nation The Undemocratic Republic of Bongo. They were drawn in what was described as ‘literally’ a ‘group of death’ facing Lower Volta, Yer-Booty and the controversial rogue desert state of Purple Harem. This Islamic North African side are known to have some of the finest be-headers in the game and they targeted Bongo’s flamboyant young star from the outset. Facing the spectre of a hotly contested deciding penalty shoot out with Purple Harem Bongo made a quick exit from the tournament.
Melchester Rovers insist that Honky-Tonks is versatile enough to play in any position. He is expected to be particularly effective when he drops into the hole behind their big men. He is said to be both a skilled ball receiver and provider. There are rumours that he can also make his presence felt in the box.
Considering the pervious lack of gay representation in the top echelons of the British game and the obvious dire national need for some gay soccer stars his work permits and visa documentation will obviously be rushed through.
Roy Race, the veteran manager of Rovers, explained how Honky-Tonks could be available as early as Saturday for a crucial third round FA Cup match against Fulham. ‘When the lad heard we were tied against the Cottagers next week …. well, that was the deal clincher for him’.
But here at the BBC it is anticipated that Yellow Honky-Tonks will make his mark off the pitch as well as on it. It is predicted that many back doors to the entertainment industry will be open for him. He could certainly go head to head with Robbie Savage about fake tans, hair grooming and Strictly Come Dancing.
Stephen Fry has already been lined up to present a travelogue show taking BBC cameras to the player’s ancestral village in Western Bongo. In a rebranding of his BBC series One Man and His Knob Gag the British national treasure will explore the region with Lenny Henry and discover what we in the West could learn from the Hootsie-Tootsies. The provisional series title is K’tanga-K’tanga, My Friends : Rediscovering Africa’s long lost gay tribe.
You bigot sir!
And what of the transgendered community…handbags for goalposts and all that?
Surely Brighton and Hove Albion will not be the ONLY football club flattening their hideously male, white bogs, for those luscious, fragrant unisex ones that Brightons Greens are going to stick up(oo er!) all over the town…and firstly at the football ground. Millwall and Leeds will be hoping for nothing less.
Was at that bloody Yeovil last week-not a baby changing table to be had anywhere…no place to breastfeed my phantom baby either…MCPs I tell you.
Who do I sue?where IS sue?
Oh here he is!
Imagine the headlines on the back pages….. Brighton playmaker leaves `stud` marks after rough tackle just outside the `box` in an attempt to get near the ball…..
I have been out of the UK for 10 years and, no doubt, the English language has “evolved” but what is it with the subs on BBC News website that they are unable to use the traditional form of a word that denotes nationality?
I see this every day. Here is today’s example:
Syria footballer ‘killed by mortars’
Why not just put that little “n” on the end of the word?
Here’s another:
Farc releases Colombia soldier held for several weeks
Mexico boy shot in back by US patrol, post-mortem shows
There are plenty more if you really want to send yourself demented. The BBC now thinks it is correct to say “I am sat on a chair or “I am stood here talking to …..” etc.
“The British” rather than “us”.
“Foreign national” rather than “foreigner”.
“Dissident” rather than “even worse terrorist”.
“Man” rather than “teenage boy”.
“Someone with mental health problems” rather than “psychopath”.
“Civilisation” rather than “primitive culture”.
“Celibate” rather than “frigid”.
“Transsexual” rather than “sex pervert”.
“Discrimination” meaning “compensation”.
Careful now. The use of what were formerly correct terms such as Mexican, Columbian and Syrian seem to make ethnic judgements that the BBC just aren’t too keen to make nowadays. Come on, this a global village in which we live and it is well on the way to having a global government. Outmoded concepts of nationality are on the way out. So the BBC approved headline ‘Syria footballer….’ means that in the contry of a Syria a person who was of no particular race gender or ethnicity was involved in the story. No dodgy racist or sexist comments made or implied. Top marks from BBC CoJo for the Sub-Ed there.
Good explanation……. yet, strangely, persons called Mohammed (or variations thereon), who once spent ten minutes in Luton before following the path of jihad, are unfailingly referred to as “British”. Usually in a report about how they are tragically and unjustly rotting in some “USA” prison after being unsuccessful in the jihad department.
“The use of what were formerly correct terms such as Mexican, Columbian and Syrian seem to make ethnic judgements”.
The world is changed by language – or rather language is used to change the world.. Ethnic judgement have always been made and the terminology altered to suit evolving agendas.
But recently, words have quite simply disappeared from the news lexicon and others have appeared. While nationality and race have become blurred, there are increasingly more sexual sub-groups. Sexuality, it seems, is now the focus of identity.
Two perfectly good Anglo-Saxon words, “Fat” and “old”, are now suspect. They are deemed to give offence. We are left with “large”, over-weight”, “big” and “senior citizens”, “sunshine citizens” and so on. .
“Black” and “white” have suffered the same fate. The first implies “victim”, the second “racist”. Racial type casting. This eventually leads to African dictators – some of the worst mass murders and fraudsters in history – being treated with deference for fear of being labeled “racist”..
This peer pressure can render the speaker quite literally speechless. I remember some years ago when “black” was a no-no word in the US, a TV vox-pop interview carried out by a white American reporter with a West Indian on a London street. “Speaking as an African American…” began the reporter, only to be interrupted by the Jamaican who said, “Respectfully, Sir, I’m neither ‘African” nor ‘American’ – I am black.” The response from the journalist? He was struck dumb, unable to utter the word “black” even though he had been given tacit permission by his interviewee.
There is always a danger of words being used as weapons by nasty people, and I’m sure BBC reporters and producers have to walk on eggshells every day. It is not their place to give offence or be used by racists to fuel fires, but it is their duty to describe accurately what is happening and to whom. “Syria footballer” tells us nothing. I guess “Syrian footballer” would have implied motive. The same applies to “Mexico boy”. Soon we’ll be reading a report that says “Man in Red Shirt Arrested” and we’ll have to work out the rest for ourselves.
Eventually, this absurdity will lead to the ultimate politically correct headline: “Something happened”.
An American friend speaking about Obama refered to him not as “black” but more accurately I thought as “brown”. Since the term “black” has been hijacked by race-hustlers and victimhood-peddlers, I determined in future to refer to people of certain skin pigmentation as “brown”, and the rest as “beige”, or even “pale brown”. If you consult a Pantone reference chart I think you will find they are a more truthful description than “black and white”. Puts the race-hustlers right off their stride.
It is true that within the African American community in the US, distinctions are made between “dark” and “light-skinned” people. However I find these distinctions as odious as the distinctions made by White and Asian groups. The colour of one’s skin is only relevant in that it might give a clue to political and social attitudes. Otherwise it is ridiculous.
Perhaps your friend was referring obliquely to the “angels dancing on the head of a pin” discussion on line about “how black” Obama is. Its a silly debate but for the record here in one answer:
It is either that every letter saved is another gramme of CO2 avoided, or that they have such a low opinion of the reading public that they think people, like their real ‘customers’, the internet search engines, don’t know that Syrians come from Syria. I’ve noticed it too, many of the headlines have become almost completely incomprehensible and often are diametrically opposed to the content of the story.
And remember, some times the ‘truth’ takes too many words to fit into their headline so they make something up that fits their narrative and hope that you will read that and not the story
They can’t do it as a modifier because it might lead to referring to a black footballer as “English” if he plays for England. The racialists at the BBC wouldn’t dream of doing so, and the style guide reflects their conservative approach.
“what is it with the subs on BBC News website that they are unable to use the traditional form of a word that denotes nationality?… Syria footballer ‘killed by mortars’”
The reason is quite simple. It’s because the website headlines are written in a such a way that makes them easy to find when searching the internet (through Google et al).
Indeed the very first line of the story you highlighted says; “A Syrian footballer has been killed in a mortar strike near a stadium in Damascus”
So much for the paranoid conspiracy theory nonsense about the BBC denying people’s nationality…
It’s because the website headlines are written in a such a way that makes them easy to find when searching the internet (through Google et al).
Which is why a search on the BBC website for ‘Islamic terrorism’ gives only 8 articles over the whole of last year. Most of those have nothing to do with actual attacks carried out, just where reference has been made to it.
Considering that The Religion of Peace website is detailing over 20,400 DEADLY ISLAMIC TERRORIST ATTACKS since 9/11, it shows that the BBC sure knows how to word their headlines VERY CAREFULLY to further their agenda.
“What I wrote IS A SUBJECT”
LOL. Did you shout that out of the window by any chance?
Yes, well done, it’s a subject. Just a completely different one to what was being discussed. Duh.
To any genuine citizen of our society, who is interested in the future of themselves and their family following the values of society that we hold the most dear, the subject that I raised would have been of far more import than what you wanted to express.
That you don’t is completely understandable to me as well as to everybody else here.
Carry on avoiding it we understand why.
And on an open thread about BBC bias, don’t presume to tell me what subject I can address, and how I choose to do so. I picked yours for a purpose – nothing to do with yours, but precisely because of yours.
“To any genuine citizen of our society, who is interested in the future of themselves and their family following the values of society that we hold the most dear, never in the field of human conflict…”
Jeez, get over yourself already. Pompous twit.
Likening me with Churchill? Praise indeed.
Showed your true colours there Dez – didn’t you? He’s the man that made the freedom, that you besmirch, possible.
I knew what you were about before that though – it’s just further confirmation.
Take up something that doesn’t require intelligence is my suggestion for you.
The first sentence of this article tells us Four men have been arrested by police investigating sexual abuse allegations among the Orthodox Jewish community in north London.
Not just ‘London Men’
So not only are we aware that one is a rabbi, even from the headline, but that also the other three are supposedly from the Jewish community in north London. It’s also worth noting that at this time it’s only alleged that these men have done anything wrong, and is yet to be proved.
The men in the first article however have been found guilty of terrorism charges, but nowhere in the article are we told of their religious affiliation. It’s fairly easy to deduce though, from the photos of the men, from their names Irfan Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, and from certain passages in the article:
*The jury heard that Naseer and Khalid had received training from al-Qaeda contacts in Pakistan
*…Naseer played a key role in sending four other Birmingham men to Pakistan to receive training
*Two other Birmingham men who were part of Naseer and Khalid’s plans, Rahin Ahmed, 27, and Mujahid Hussain, 21, have also pleaded guilty to terrorism charges.
*The trial heard the men were inspired by sermons of US-born Islamist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in Yemen in September 2011
So even the fact that these men also recruited others, the BBC decided not to mention any common link between them. The only mention of Islam is in the final sentence I included above. One might question the motive for the BBC to avoid terming them as Muslims, militant or otherwise, since that clearly is the factor underlying their actions. For one thing, it makes sure it won’t appear on any search of Muslim terrorist.
The BBC even has the temerity to tell us that: Our correspondent added that what was never clear during the trial was what had really made them want to be bombers. They exhibited all the same characteristics as many who have gone before them – including a vague hatred of “Western” society.
So nothing wherein Islamists are preaching the need for adherents to launch jihad as the motive for their terrorist intent. The BBC correspondent just ‘hasn’t a clue’. 🙄
Contrast all this with the first article and tell me the BBC doesn’t have a clear agenda here.
I too am struck by the differences you highlight.
There must be a good reason.
Maybe the current crop of circling cherry vultures can oblige with an explanation, preferably on the topic raised?
ps; It might be worth moving this to another thread (frankly, if I may presume, maybe create a new one on it) or lower down to facilitate location.
While I agree with you that the BBC is wrong and biased for trying to deny the religious connection of the wannabe terrorists, surely the religious aspect of the allegedly molesting rabbi is a valid topic because the whole thing is taking place within a specific religious community, and accordingly how it gives him authority in that community he’s been allegedly abusing.
With the Mohmmedans, the BBC should just stick to the facts and not try to prejudice the reader.
Then you make the perfect point about BBC reticence in making the similar ‘binding connection’ when writing the articles about sexual abuse by numerous Muslim gangs.
It’s only because these two articles were side by side that I linked them, but the paedophile gangs are a much more vivid contrast of BBC hypocrisy and bias.
Unemployment down to record low levels. Good news and first item accompanied by an interview with Ian Duncan Smith on Classic FM 1pm news. Foolishly, I thought , “I wonder how the BBC will present this ?” I switched to BBC R5. Straight away, It was obviously not such good news as it was not the first news item , more odly, It was bad news because of youth unemployment and womens unemployment “In some areas” (whatever that meant) according to the interview with Liam Byrne. As usual no interviews with conservatives, what a surprise!
Anyone catch Today this morning after 7:30? Lord Prescott of Lard was on (Ed – What, again?) discussing with Kevin Hurley whether police should speak off-record to the press.
Mr Hurley had obviously worked out Lord Lard’s modus operandi and told him to stop blustering, let someone have a word in edgeways, research his facts better and stop basing everything on the fact he had been hacked. He downright contradicted some of Lord Prescott’s “facts” about Mr Hurley, leaving Lord P to start spluttering and throwing about insults in the typical way of a bully who’s been confronted.
Can`t agree Roland,…unusually!
I`m no Craig-and to be honest, I could not listen again to Prescott . But if anyone would like to give us the figures of “% contributions” between an elected Police Commissioner and an unelected clapped out shagpile in a stetson…do let me know!
Outrageous-80/20 maybe?…and Prescott gets all the questions ,the “Lord” title,,…and Hurley has to wipe himself down after the spittle and drizzle, brought about by the Mouth of the Humber.
Appalling bias…and Humphrys smiles…this would be seen as “balanced”… they all rushed out to the Green Roombefore fatf*** stuffed his face with all the pastries.
Terrible bias to me, but so BBC.
When are the stoopid Tories going to give Tracey Temple a shot at an election…isn`t it about time that Prescott had his mouth hole stuffed once and for all.
The very embodiment of what Labour turned to over thirty years…are all Tories THAT well bred, not to shaft him?
Few Leslie Phillips bits there…oo er!
Anybody see episode 5 of “Ripper Street” – did you notice the subtle hints of critique of Victorian Imperialism where an ex Colonel is driven to a life of crime by the and disinterest of the “bitch Queen” Victoria and her incompetent cowardly government and their gross disregard for his ex soldiers. Yes they fought utterly meaningless imperial wars, murdered thousands of ‘Dervishes’ all for the glory of the stinking rotten edifice that was the British Empire and were chucked on the muck pile with scorn etc.
So disgusted is the colonel that he sets up a gang of ‘other ranks’ and breaks into the Royal Mint so that he can show the ‘his’ disgust and contempt for the whole concept by throwing the valueless medals on the floor. [Yes BBC, medals are valueless if you do nothing to earn them – like a GCSE]
BBC deploys Horrid Histories approach to educating the public about the Empire.
The character was a look but he had some pretty trenchant 21st century attitudes – remarkably like the BBC’s cultural values and ethos actually.
I gave up on this so called drama after the first one, during which the theme was the very first producers of moving images on film, who had invented snuff-movies. The technology was brand spanking new, still being developed, and the beeb had them making snuff movies FFS!
I become more convinced as the day’s go by the the bBC’s motto is no longer “Nation shall speak peace unto Nation” but the more apt “He who controls the past commands the future, He who commands the future, conquers the past.”
Oh my God Dysgwr_Cymraeg, How terrible that must of been for you.
I read a novel once, and then after the first chapter I realised it had all been made up FFS!
I told all my friends about it, and that books were rubbish.
Of course that was back when I used to have friends…
FFS Dez, the point is that these stories are “made up” to make a point. This is not just fiction for entertainment it is agitprop.
There is a lot of ‘fiction’ out there that will never see the air on the BBC because it does not comply with the narrative. The point is that the BBC commissions programmes to deliver its message and vets everything for ‘compliance’ censoring material it doesn’t like – like the recent play about ‘honour’ murders.
Well for starters Sharpe’s company would have included at least 2 gays , 1 black guy , a Muslim and perhaps a Lesbian as well. Plot lines wouldn’t have revolved around the Napoleonic wars (which focus groups determined to be not gay enough) instead they would revolve around the effect of Thatcha’s cut backs on the British Army of 1815 and how this led us to lose the battle of Waterloo.
We are still fighting on the North-West frontier with the help of Ghurkha mercenaries, the problem is that India is no longer British. So that must mean that today the wars are truly meaningless, because the nearest piece of her majesties territory is now Dhekelia about 1,500 miles away to the west.
As usual there are plenty of egregious examples of BBC left-wing bias mentioned here.
But a real humdinger biscuit-taker was BBC 5 Live this morning where Victoria Derbyshire played host to the elite SAS of the monstrous women’s battalions in their war against men.
‘The founder of a project looking into everyday sexism says more than twenty-thousand people have contacted her and she is shocked at some of the stories she has heard.’
Like any self-respecting male chauvinist pig (and I rate myself the Citizen Chauvelin of chauvinists I ought to have raised my left trotter to the wireless off switch – but fell victim to a morbid fascination with the utter depths plumbed by the BBC on this preposterous ‘Twitter-based’ self-congratulatory self-affirming self-deluding carousel of ‘right-on’ nonsense.
It was exactly like Radio 4 Women’s Hour lite. Which I suppose was the intention.
And while the ridiculous feminist balloon was over inflated and simply begging to be pricked our BBC was certainly not about to provide the prick.
It had everything:
Utter lies dressed up as evidence of sexism: ‘I’ve had my bottom pinched hundreds of times!’ Where the fuck do you live?
‘When I go jogging in my favourite outfit of shorts and socks…..’ What…. in this weather?
The nod to Labour: ‘Well, Yvette Cooper is taking this most seriously!’
And the trade mark Vicky Derbyshire gasp at the horrors just related. (Oh the utter swine).
Last time I caught the VD gasp it was when the Secret Footballer recalled a black player being passed a banana in the dressing room. There was me thinking it was oranges all round at half time? You call it banter, BBC call it tantamount to the Holocaust.
‘Utter lies dressed up as evidence of sexism: ‘I’ve had my bottom pinched hundreds of times!’ Where the fuck do you live?
A stroll through certain off limits areas may inspire the local likely lads to affect this display of sexual availability.
But if rebuffed they may go a bit Tahir Square on more than such a lady’s ass.
bottom pinched hundreds of times? … that holiday
in italy eh! girlfriend , well oi larfed
unless shes hinting at jimmy savile a few years ago?,
or maybe her “right on” holiday to tahir square? perhaps
“The site invites women from all over the world to submit any unsavoury experience, or of sexism, or of anything symptomatic of misogynistic culture
via email or Twitter. There are no rules about the seriousness of the experience and no names need be attached”
hmmm looks like a vanity project, to me
thats open to anything from the ridiculous to the absurd …
hey at least her photos are all over the news …
does my (pinchable a hundred times over) bum look big in this eh!
Did anyone hear the discussion the other day about the desirability of working a four day week in Leeds? Several experts were bought on to talk about how positive it would be for the work force for all sorts of reasons. But it was only half way through ( I was a bit slow that day!) when the name of the day to be taken off was almost accindently mentioned -it was to be a Friday that it suddenly dawned on me the real reason for wanting this four day week . Now that should have been a different discussion shouldn’t it ?
Om PM yesterday Eddie asked some chap from OFGEN if it was fair that the consumer should pay for cost of upgrading our energy supply ( please don’t go on about how much extra green policies will cost) . The implication being that the state should foot the bill. The BBC seem to think that the state’s tax revenue comes from somewhere else other than the public ie the energy consumers!
Perhaps they think this about the License Fee as well and the NHS and welfare and all the other largesse they advocate on behalf of the poor old tax payer.
Of course if you have a nice fat salary, large guaranteed pension and a job for life no matter what mistakes you make, oh and I forgot, don’t actually pay all the tax that you should because your employer connives with you to avoid tax, you probably do have a very distorted view of life in 21st century Britain.
I had PM on in the background yesterday and they seemed to cover the OFGEN report on rising bills for quite a long time without once, as far as I noticed, mentioning frakking and how it has cut American gas prices. Perhaps they didn’t want to get drawn into why it has lowered prices in the US but not here.
Surprisingly, they did mention that in the following news programme, which made me wonder if someone had complained.
I heard something like that yesterday, can’t remember whether I had r4 or r5 on but the guy who owned the company that is fracking up north at the moment said that it’s nowhere near enough to make a sizable dent in the gas deficit and unless there is serious Government investment thats the way it will stay. How bloody convienient for our ruling clesses and their green zeal. Anyway if it does take off in a big way they will only regulate the life out of it so that it isn’t cheap.
In Scotland we have the SNP blocking new nuclear power stations, the Greens blocking gas, bird watchers for some reason blocking coal (it appears a proposed coal power station in Ayrshire will interfere with them gazing at their tits) and Greenpeace blocking oil….and they’re wondering about why the bloody lights are about to out.
Enough already!
Halfway through Laurie Taylors ” Thinking Allowed”…but only if it resembles our own!
5 minutes of comparing “chavs” (England), to “neds” or “skeemies” (Scotland)….hate speech?…is Buckfast the new chianti?…so many questions and only a half hour to fill!
How is this superannuated poly wally able to keep trawling his tired cords and bright socks(he`s a rebel remember?) into the BBCs dope den, only to muse about the 60s and the ” clarss” of those vulnerable self referring young people with scary dogs.
Cue a posh Scot and some Uni bunny from up north on a jolly to agree that these young breed have no power-so sad,.
Only 25% bothered their arse enough to let them finish “surveys” before setting Tyson onto their clipboards…they generate street capital don`t you know?
To be honest, I`ve conflated both “pieces”v that pass for Taylors wig and matching jacket patches tofay…I know full well it`s tickling the breeze with bed breath and halitosis…and not even Dez oe colditz are going to get through this crap to spot the join and my artistic license…this is shit…Staffordshire dogs are being patronised apparently.
Bale out boy…must ask somebody about that 39-42 IVF stuff GOT to beat this dopeheads jacket mumbling into a beard…a pragmatic intervention by all accounts.
Oh, he thinks some one is worried…no Laurie…only me!
Bet the old fool didn`t even bother to ask the pickets on Monday about the dyadic construct of the strike as a tool of conflict resolution…”too heavy maan”…
Oh my God chrisH, you listened to a weekly radio programme about sociology and it was all about sociology and you’re not interested in sociology. How terrible that must of been for you.
Once, I bought a Kumquat from Tesco’s and I don’t even like Kumquats.
I told all my friends about it, and demanded that all Tesco’s should be shut down.
Of course that was back when I used to have friends…
No dez, you…penile artifice of construct!
My dialoging within this, albeit limited forum of analytical discussion is of pragmatic criteria interest(stroke beards, phantom or not, reach for hobnob).
True that is not of quantitative significance…but and let me make this simple for your strata of competencies in a meanigful way for you dez
“if you cant finish your survey into chavs because they break their f***in Buckfast(other brands are of course available, do drink responsibly etc etc all over the researchers crania, whilst a Staffordshire canine, as opposed to the hyperphagic option of, indeed a bovine one down something Mc Gregor closed..ah, yeah…pit bull…that`s the chappie…is biting your gonads(other brands are available) and chewing you board of clip persuasion…not that this has any significant bearing in any sense of the findings of this research from the Institute of Studies( sums and scribbly faculty…with tooth marks as that status enhancer of street level peer approval.
Oh fuck this`re a vacuous tit who`s obviously a bit lonely at 3.15 in the morning…Laurie would call you a champion of the full light diurnal spectrum…I`d call you a bit of a weird trolly type who isn`t going to get too much of this.
I`ll repeat this shit with some old twats down from my old Uni repeatedly through the week, and keep getting paid to spout shite about riots and excusing scum all the time..then sneer at anyone who wasn`t “there” in their f***in sixties.
Dez…buzz…piss off!
Next episodic opportunity for aural(or indeed visual) dialoguing self presenting and disclosures…why Strummer was a racist old hippie for saying that riots appeared to him to be only of the white persuasion. For indeed there is the full rainbow of riots now enhanced by the thoughts of Whore Laurie…or is that Hugh…bearded depressive type anyway!
Now the Law Programme-where I ask Joshua Rosenberg whether I can serve dez with a training order,, before we need a solicitor to get a restraining one…come on dez…smile of canine approval as an approval level. it`s now work time dez…ask Laurie about the conflicts and dilemmas i Might be sadly made vulnerable!
8.30 a.m….17 hours might do it for ya son!
As if!
I had obtained fiduciary munificence from the Institute of (Hard )Studies; on the grounds that my thirty year “etude de longines” into such salient hypothoses had been predicated on specific ten plated constructs of an articulated variety-I had made that very clear as you can imagine…all the people….aaah!
Did it lose something in the Welsh translation, my esteemed colleague overseas…and are there any big beanos coming up in Cardiff or somewhere with a view of the Mumbles…anytime soon.
The BBC are paying, don`t tell the plebs!
The reply Dez wrote to you almost matched one written to me above, hence my thought someone was following a template chrish. Dyna fe, fy ffrind, dim byd arall.
No-I`m pissed off wiv`im.
Ees doin` me f***in nut in?
How do I knock off those likes so they`re seen as “unlikes”..where`s this gang of four? amongst us.
dez, colditz…come on, you know who you are, and I`m prepared to ensure a hotline and “conselling” for your distress!
Oh…now it`s why Purnell is the right man for the job at the BBC.
I`ll not tell you what both windsocks surrounding Kevin Howlett have agreed upon…unanimous!
5 pm news on radio 5 live, Lower unemployment figures are now good news but the analysis must be to find out how it has happened “no one can understand why it has happened”. Still just Liam Byrne interviewed and not a squeak from IDS or other conservatives. So what’s wrong with this? If labour were in power and had achieved this reduction, the BBC would not rush to the conservatives to get an interview. The BBC would not spend all their energy wondering how it had happened, The BBC would be cheering labour’s success in every possible way.
At risk of stealing a Flokker’s thunder, recently a fellow poster made a more than interesting point on the odds of a BBC FoI actually seeing the light of day.
Well it seems Hugs and her protection detail may have taken their eyes off the ball (or, more likely, feel that none in 2 years might look bad), and one may soon squeak past…
Had to like this final comment; ‘Let’s hope the person who asked the questions has a magnifying glass, a calculator and a commitment to Freedom of Information greater than the BBC’s.’
Any dealing with CECUTT will know they can get very stone age on the technology front to make things tricky sharing beyond the ‘let’s keep it just between us’ threat they add in their communications.
I’ve seen emails or Word .docs suddenly be beyond them (and hence a simple cut ‘n paste to share), in favour of blurry .PDFs, but this ‘we need to know where you live’ desire to send an illuminated script by runner with a cleft stick is pretty naked in its obviousness. Addendum
Just clicked the link, and it seems others have noticed too: ‘Good grief! If the BBC has technology which can detect a TV “in 20 seconds” and “with frightening efficiency”, it can surely produce a pdf of an old document. With an annual income greater than the GDPs of 72 countries (thank you, licence payers) I think you’re entitled to the format you choose.’ ‘Of course if she sends you a hard copy then the same information will not be available here for others to view. No doubt they realise that. Given they have not published any new FOIA disclosure responses on their website since 2011, I suspect they’d quite like minimal exposure on their response.’
Maybe this is another case where one of their cunning plans in cover up may have just backfired to an epic degree?
In my area of south London, the for sale signs go up as soon as the kids reach school age. Just go down to local schools at end of school day (15:30) and you will see why. White British parents don’t want their kids to be in an ethnic minority in their own country. Its a function of demography – the age and fertility rate of newcomers from The Commonwealth.
onslaught of the rampant man hating sexism alert,
“female founder of a project looking into everyday sexism”
on the 5live VD show
i mentioned this in reply early
hmmm looks like a “we da sistas” vanity project, to me
thats open to anything from the ridiculous to the absurd …
hey at least her photos are all over the news … most important box ticked eh! … her buddies at mumsnet have taught her well.
what really really digs at me, she won t do squat, or even
attempt to, about a deadly serious part of this issue, ie epidemic of muslim child gang rapes, in fact she cheapens it, by pushing the old “we da victim” narrative.
all she wants is a facade … to promote herself as a tv spotter who can wave a signature list of “da wimmin” from all over the world who may (or may not) possibly had their bottom pinched at some time in the past
“female founder of a project looking into everyday sexism” on the VD (:-D) show
give me a break
And-whilst we`re in this mood of re-evaluating the golden comedy era OF Mr Sayle…I remember he had a minute in one of his sketches for asking where Lambeth Social Services were at the time of Hannibals crossing of the Alps.
Or was that Panorama `s John Sweeney?
Now then…any offers of anything that Lenny Henry or Mark Thomas ever said or did that was …well even wry will do at these levels?
Oh…Othello the Moor…? is it on iPlayer then?
How the bBC goes out of its way in which to whitewash the kiddy fiddling ways of Pakistani muslims in the UK. Oxford exploitation trial: Girl ‘became sex slave aged 11’ A girl has told the Old Bailey how she was seduced and turned into a sex slave by an older man at the age of 11.
Ok, what is the correct term for a man of 30 who goes out of his way in which to bed an 11 year old child:
According to the bBC none of the above, but rather he seduced her. No bBC wankers, a man of 30 does not seduce a child, he grooms, then rapes her.
But to the bBC, Pakistani Muslims can do no wrong.
The bBC is more than happy to inform you about how Muslims only want a place to pray in the racist west with their numerous pro mosque articles, but here has heard about this Muslim pocketing cash donated by the flock for a new mosque in Essex.
Have a butchers at that Islamic gay marriage article. The bBC find the time to quote an Iman who says: By not allowing same-sex couples to wed, there is a direct attack on the Qur’an’s message that each person has a mate who is their ‘comfort and their cloak’”
Then they claim that non-islamic gays are Islamophobes: It is not just within the Muslim community that gay Muslim couples such as Sarah and Asra have encountered hostility. “I feel there’s Islamaphobia within the gay community. It’s something that really worries me,” says Sarah.
I wonder if Sarah is more worried about intolerance from the faithful than the homosexual community? But not according to the bBC.
And the icing on the same sex wedding cake from the bBC is how the Church of England won’t allow same sex marriages but these two muslims have done so under Islam.
Gee isn’t Islam great. Here’s another story the bBC doesn’t want you to know about: Jail for Gay Village rape monster who fled sexual persecution A rapist cab driver who brought terror to Manchester’s Gay Village after fleeing homophobic persecution in Algeria has been jailed. Elhadi Sakhri, 42, preyed on revellers at Canal Street. Terrified young men were driven to lonely spots and brutally attacked before being abandoned miles from home. Manchester Crown Court heard that asylum seeker Sakhri won indefinite leave to remain in Britain nine years ago after complaining he faced persecution in Algeria because he was bisexual.
“Leading human rights lawyer, Baroness Helena Kennedy, QC, opens a new series of Lent Talks, where six well known figures from public life, the arts, human rights and religion, reflect on how the Lenten story of Jesus’ ministry and Passion continues to interact with contemporary society and culture.”
Or Baroness Helena Kennedy, Labour Peer, is given fifteen minutes to challenge unopposed the wicked people (Ms. May?) who would dare to challenge the workings of the ECHR.
NO!…I won`t stand for this foul calumny sir, upon the person of the Lady Helena of Gorbals.”.or is that “Goebbels a”. For did you not here? (and I did a Craig here as afar as the cat would let me).
It was 13.48 mins into her yooman rites crap…but in that last minute, she did indeed mention that funny little bloke up on that stcicky, she did…Jeevus, I think!
See -first ever victim of the intifada…bloody Israel again.
And where was the Food Standards Agency at that picnic for 5000, whilst we`re at it?
Tell me this sir..was the wrong Kennedy shot? over to Giles Fraser…who`s Jeevus?…OK . I`ll ask someone else !
Prize of a cat litter tray unit(slightly awful) to be awrded to which of Dezmund or Colditz spots the simply dreadful typos above!
Bloody Jeevus Collidge Oxford need my brief to turn `em over…would Helena or Cherie do it via the CAB?
I get the impression would disagree with any deportation. But I might be wrong.
Whatever, her slot on the BBC is, well, just more of the leftie agenda, innit? I’m sure Purnell – he of the Ministry of Truth corrected photo – would approve.
How the bBC brainwashes the unwashed into thinking that the UK is and was the root of all evil.
What David Cameron did not apologise for By making a statement of regret over the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, David Cameron has opened up a can of other questions and grievances over Britain’s colonial past.
What about the British museum returning all the treasures looted from India during the Raj? What about sending back the Kohinoor diamond still embedded in Queen Elizabeth’s crown? And many commenting on this blog say it shouldn’t stop at India – what about the many casualties of Britain’s wars in Afghanistan? But if Britain is in the mood to say sorry in India, there is one episode which stands out more than the Jallianwala Bagh massacre – the 1943 Bengal famine, when over 3 million people may have died, 4 years before the end of British rule.
So the bBC opens up Pandora’s box over tragedies down to the evil British, key exhibit the Bengal famine. I quote from Dickhead Andrew North who really should learn to read the articles he links into I quote from his leftwing apologist article: But if Britain is in the mood to say sorry in India, there is one episode which stands out more than the Jallianwala Bagh massacre – the 1943 Bengal famine, when over 3 million people may have died, 4 years before the end of British rule….But David Cameron has set a precedent now in India, with his desire for “a special relationship”. If he plans a trip to Calcutta while he’s still prime minister, he won’t be able to avoid the Bengal famine.
And other than the fact that Bengal is now an Islamic state which Hindu India has fenced off here is how the link in Dick splash Andrew North leads to a surprising Indian viewpoint which the obviously North didn’t bother reading:
The year 2013 marks the 70th anniversary of the Bengal Famine which resulted in the death of an estimated 1.5 to 3 million children, women and men during 1942-43. A constellation of factors led to this mega-tragedy, such as the Japanese occupation of Burma, the damage to the aman (kharif) rice crop both due to tidal waves and a disease epidemic caused by the fungus Helminthosporium oryzae, panic purchase and hoarding by the rich, failure of governance, particularly in relation to the equitable distribution of the available food grains, disruption of communication due to World War II, and the indifference of the then U.K. government to the plight of the starving people of undivided Bengal.
Now have a look at the wiki entry for the same event:
The proximate cause of the famine was a reduction in supply, with some increase in demand. The winter 1942 ‘aman’ rice crop which was already expected to be poor or indifferent was hit by a cyclone and three tidal waves in October. 450 square miles were swept by tidal waves, 400 square miles affected by floods and 3200 square miles damaged by wind and torrential rain. Reserve stocks in the hands of cultivators, consumers and dealers were destroyed. This killed 14,500 people and 190,000 cattle. A fungus hit the weakened crop and this was reported to have had an even greater effect on yield than the cyclone. The fungus, Helminthosporium oryzae, destroyed 50% to 90% of some rice varieties.
It was argued that the normal carry over stocks did not exist in Bengal because 1941 was a short year and people started eating the December 1941 crop as soon as it was harvested (as they certainly did when the December 1943 crop was harvested). As a result, the good December 1941 crop did not mean the normal surplus stocks were carried over into 1943. In other years and in other provinces there had been several good or average crops between bad years and stocks had built up.
Bengal had been a food importer for the last decade. Calcutta was normally supplied by Burma. The British Empire had suffered a disastrous defeat at Singapore in 1942 against the Japanese military, which then proceeded to invade Burma in the same year. Burma was the world’s largest exporter of rice in the inter-war period. By 1940 15% of India’s rice overall came from Burma, while in Bengal the proportion was slightly higher given the province’s proximity to Burma. After the Japanese occupation of Burma in March 1942, Bengal and the other parts of India and Ceylon normally supplied by Burma had to find food elsewhere. However, there were poor crops and famine situations in Cochin, Trivandrum and Bombay on the West coast and Madras, Orissa and Bengal in the East. It fell on the few surplus Provinces, mainly the Punjab, to supply the rest of India and Ceylon.
So what we have is instead of the British being solely responsible for the deaths of upto 3 million people, the facts on the ground say a rash of natural calamities combined with the Japanese occupation of Burma resulted in so many people starving to death. But the wanker North…The Brits are guilty
From reading the Penguin History of India years ago, I vaguely remember that by that stage a lot of local administration was being placed under the responsibility of Indian representatives: it was their inexperience as much as anything that made the response of the authorities to the emergency slower than it need have been. In the end the Army stepped in and helped administer the relief programme.
So a student tapes an outragous Moslem group in action openly saying that they would feel justified in killing gay people – just as many of us have been saying.
The student union lefties immediately spring into action and well know local leftie nutter Cat Gray spoke out :
“Students’ Union wellbeing officer Cat Gray told the Mancunion: ‘We are deeply concerned with the covert filming of a student event within the union.”
So instead of being concerned by the threats of murder the students union are investigating the guy who covertly taped them?
Sheesh you couldn’t make it up!
Although this was carried on local news there is nothing on the bBC website.
This is precisely the kind of thing that is funny to see reported. It has the leftoid PC brigade’s heads exploding in quandaried indecision as they find themselves desperately trying not to offend either the gay lobby or Muslims, so as usual they try to kill the messenger, it’s appalling, cowardly behaviour that shows their true lack of moral fibre when it comes to what’s right and what’s wrong. It was hate speech, it’s as simple as that and these are the very people who are first to throw such accusations around.
Ah, pleasing.
Heard exactly the same crap on Carmarthenshire Councils persecution of a blogger who filmed their Councils meetings, and was commenting on what she was seeing.
Pleasing to know that union kiddies are growing up in full CCTV, monitoring and writ-slapping as their mentors in local government.
Evan davis did wonder though if he`d not been a bit…you know…decided in her views, maybe the Council were hurt..tired…bit sad.
One big mindset this Beeblabunistewdi one isn`t it?
One goal, one vision…only halal fried chicken if you must give that to us Freddie. Obesity epidemic alert.
Those “Men” “from Oxford” aaccording to the bBC re coming up on trail for rape
The defendants are:
Kamar Jamil, 27, formerly of Aldrich Road, Oxford
Akhtar Dogar, 32, of Tawney Street, Oxford; and his brother Anjum Dogar, 30, of Tawney Street, Oxford
Assad Hussain, 32, of Ashurst Way, Oxford
Mohammed Karrar, 38, of Kames Close, Oxford; and his brother Bassam Karrar, 33, of Hundred Acres Close, Oxford
Mohammed Hussain, 24, of Horspath Road, Oxford
Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, of Palmer Road, Oxford
Bilal Ahmed, 26, of Suffolk Road, Maidenhead
Do you notice anything unusual about these names, that do not exactly chime with the dreaming spires of Oxford? Do they have some strange commonality that would pass by the average bBC reporter, steeped in the promotion of a rainbow nation? Helen Boaden may have stepped sideways, but the ghost of Helen Boaden lives on.
But which colleges are they from sir?
The Baroness Kennedy and the Lord Prescott will soon be among us, and there`s no white trash from the lower orders to toast their muffins?
Maybe your College friends here might be able to help one achieve this lofty office!
Lady , The Mary Beard…yeah, I know she`s cambridge coldie and dez….Rosie and Jim more like!
I see the Brummies have been plotting to blow themselves up. Don’t know why, reading that headline. Perhaps they got sick of a diet of Ansells and faggots.
Were these those chaps that had moaned that 7/7 didn`t kill enough?
Were they some kind of “task force” or “hit squad” of Al Queda(other terrorist groups are, of course ,available) that had been sent in to “improve effectiveness and efficiency within the explosives and faith based community?”
In which case, you can only admire their wish to use as few non-renewable chemicals and pesticides as poss. Maybe a ” Carbon Capture Champion Award” at least?
Is anybody teaching chemistry any more in these madrassas, or is there a shortage of resources due to Coalition-driven cuts?
This story is having the usual low profile reporting the BBc gives to these cases. Last year I complained to the BBc that they had not reported on the muslim pedo case in Liverpool. They came back with some guff about the stories they ran depended on public interest and other factors. Of course with the amount of traffic about this story on line they eventually had to report on it. Despite telling me that they would comprehensively report on the trail they didn’t in fact one article focused on the banners being show by demonstrators outside the courtroom. They then tried to pull a smoke and mirror job on demonstrations outside certain fast food outlets that had allegedly featured in some of these cases by pretending whole swathes of shops were being affected. Radio 4 did run a report on the current “Oxford” trail about a 12 year old (I think) being forced to have an abortion. I didn’t see any of the TV news yesterday so I don’t know if story had enough “public Interest” to make it perhaps someone could enlighten me.
Early this morning 21/02/12 BBC rubbishing Linton Crosby, gloating over the fall in the Pound and querying whether the Government can transfer money from the aid budget to defence. Discuss
If you do not receive a reply complain again. The reply you eventually get will be meaningless however. Just out of interest what did you complain about.
The BNP subject and the bBC ignoring the uman rights charter which says they must not discriminate on the grounds of political belief. On top of that them working to destroy freedom & freedom of speech.
Fair point. In my experience the BBc immediate action will be to ignore you. you will then have the opportunity to re-complain with your original complaint and the fact that they ignored that complaint. You will then get a blah blah reply. I have had many. As it only takes a few minutes it’s well worth the effort. If no one complains there is the justification that the BBc is doing a wonderful job.
it’s those “right wing extremists” again…….attacking spurs fans in Lyon
funny how there are never any “left wing extremists”,and also strange how the bbc failed to mention the very strong ethos and following of spurs FC among the jewish community.
Attacks on jews and anything perceived to be jewish-the bbc are partly to blame for this.Non stop negativity about Israel and those nasty jooz spews forth from their mouths at every opportunity
but they’re not being anti semitic dontcha know…….
now-islamophobia anyone?don’t look at a muslim with so much as a sideways glance or you’re definitely islamophobic
especially those “men” who groom and rape white kids and whose background must never be mentioned……cant be seen to be “islamophobic”
Q.what is “islamophobia” anyway?’s the fear of being blown up on a bus or train on your way to work
Worth noting that the Mail notes the antisemitic aspect witnesses reporting that the Italian hooligans shouted ‘Jews’ at the Tottenham fans. which the BBC misses.
Note also the difference in the Lazio Chairman’s quote or what the BBC chooses to quote.
BBC: Lazio chairman Claudio Lotito said on Thursday: “Lazio fans have nothing to do with what happened last night” and he added that there would be “surprises about the real culprits”.
Mail:Lazio’s notorious ‘Ultras’ fanbase have been blamed for the attack, however, club president Claudio Lotito denied such allegations, claiming instead ‘foreigners’ were to blame.
Who do you think recorded Lotito’s statements, just about right?
I just knew when I heard the report on the BBC that I wasn’t being given the full story but not being a football fan hadn’t made the connection. Thanks ltwf1964.
Returning to the subject of odd BBC news headlines – here’s a corker….
Dubai Police ‘deny Britons’ torture’
I take it from that phrasing that a group of Sado Masochists from the UK have been prevented from following their ‘human right’ to a bit of a thrashing by some burka clad Miss Whiplash whilst on holiday somewhere in the Gulf.
The story of course is a rather different piece of BBC agenda pushing.
Come forward the BBC and take a bow.
Mind you, I don’t actually expect our national broadcaster to accept their due plaudits in this case.
The news events of this week may not be thought to have been particularly remarkable. Indeed the bail hearings of Oscar Pistorius, some English soccer fans attacked in bar whilst abroad and Emile Sande winning some music award, although headlining on the BBC on line news pages, I am sure will be forgotten given the perspective of history.
A story not given much prominence by the BBC is, I would suggest, worthy of rather more significance.
The BBC give the story a rather factual and perhaps deliberately uninteresting headline :
‘Vicky Pryce jury discharged in Huhne speeding points case’.
We may not be encouraged by that bland BBC headline but dear reader, read on.
‘The jury trying Chris Huhne’s former wife Vicky Pryce has failed to reach a verdict on a charge relating to speeding points she took for the ex-minister 10 years ago.
Ms Pryce, 60, of Clapham, London, faces a retrial before a new jury on Monday.
She denied perverting the course of justice, saying Huhne, who pleaded guilty, had coerced her in 2003.’
Three sentences in and still no meat on the dry bones. Well persistence is required but whenever our national broadcaster prevaricates (or beats about the Shepperds Bush) I have found it to be worth the effort. So let’s see what exactly is the DNA of the meat in this pre-processed BBC product?
‘The judge said some of the questions from the jury had shown a “fundamental deficit in understanding” of its role.’
‘Speaking in court later on the same day in the jury’s absence, the judge said: “In 30 years of criminal trials I have never come across this at this stage, never.”
‘Prosecutor Andrew Edis QC said the jury of eight women and four men did not appear to have “truly understood” or “sufficiently grasped” its task.’
“I don’t ever recollect getting to this stage in any trial, even in far more complicated trials than this one, and, after two days of deliberations, a list of questions of this very basic kind illustrating that at least some jurors do not seem to have grasped it,”
So in other words after a generation of us ingesting the BBC approved diet of dumbing down, Comprehensive education, feminisation of discourse and mass immigration, we reach a point where a Jury at Southwark Crown Court is exposed as insufficiently competent to fulfil its civic duty in judging its peers.
What a sad state of affairs. And this revelation comes just days after the BBC was telling us that a majority of the British public were so progressive in their views that our leaders should jolly well get with the progressive mood and pass the society altering law dubbed Equal Marriage.
When the legal system (and juries, for that matter) was first introduced in England, the ethnic race was essentially, er, English, and reasonably well educated (or at least had a grasp of life in general). Now, they are multi-culti, dumbed down, intrinsically thick, have no grip on what goes on in the world, indoctrinated into a life of ideologies, whilst glued to their PlayStation and televisions and fed a diet of horsebeef burgers. Little wonder they don’t have the nous to follow the intricacies of court proceedings.
The chickens have come home to roost. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
Congratulations. In one sentence you manage to reveal yourself as nasty, embittered, xenophobic, misanthropic and contemptuous of the working class. Quite a feat.
And you a defender of the indefensible. What better example of a dumbed-down, ill-informed, badly-educated modern Britain would you like? Or perhaps you approve, who knows – after all, the UN is now telling us that a well-educated population is bad for the planet.
OG may have been somewhat blunt in what he said, but basically his reasoning his sound.
I never said I approved. The jury were obviously a complete shower with a negative IQ. I just can’t understand, or indeed bear, nasty embittered expats sitting at their computers spluttering about the state of a country they have chosen to abandon. Go and tend your garden and enjoy life and spare us your bile.
Oh, Doctor Foster – it sounds very much like it is YOU who is embittered – are you just jealous, or have you been in a puddle right up to your middle somewhere near Gloucester?
I have had a LOT (and I mean a lot) of experience in the Former UK of Crown Courts, the Central Criminal Court, and Coroner’s courts (not to mention magistrate’s and the RCJ), and I stand by everything I wrote. You seem to enjoy taking people to task here, do go away.
100% correct. I had the unfortunate experience of sitting on two juries a while back, and what a scary time it was. Prejudice, racism, ego, low IQ abounded. There were some very odd people who had been called for jury service that week, over 150 in the main waiting room. And this goes on week after week. How many people who are guilty have been found not guilty and vice verca. No wonder what is said in the jury room is secret, if the barristers knew then every verdict would be appealed. The police the CPS must know what’s going on, they must see that the public in 2013 cannot be relied on to come up with the right verdict. Society has changed so much with so many cultures and moral codes, there must be absolute chaos in some jury rooms and nobody is allowed to comment.
And as we’ve seen with deportation and other cases, judges can’t be trusted either. The chaos gets ever deeper, with the likes of Dr Foster looking on approvingly. What a shower of golden rain.
I had nothing to base it on (except prejudice and that won’t stop me thinking) but I did wonder at the ethnic make up of the Jury. You see I did note mass-immigration as a factor in Britain’s dumbing down. Meanwhile I noted the 2:1 women to men imbalance on the Jury (and thought Vicky Pryce you lucky bitch!) and noted the feminisation of discourse. I refer of course to the prevalence of emotion over fact in current debate. A recurrent theme on the BBC in the recent Equal Marriage debate was ‘love’ – go figure.
It looks as though there is a sufeit of ethnically more interesting people available for Jury service in Southwark…
Daily Mail gives further detail:
Eight Women, Four Men….And No Clue.
Of the eight women and four men on the Vicky Pryce Jury, only two were white – the rest appeared to be of Afro-Caribbean or Asian origin. At least twice, the Court finished 30 minutes early because a Jury member had a ‘religious observation’ to keep.
At least the jury was clued up in the Stephen Lawrence retrial.
If they hadn’t been able to understand English the judge would never have been able to prejudice them by playing a tape of unrelated racist talk, or to assert that police-contaminated clothing was evidence really.
A foreign-born jury wouldn’t have been influenced by the Mail’s long-running libel and contempt campaign either, nor understood why the double jeopardy rule had to be scrapped for the retrial – namely, to show that you are innocent until proven white.
English-speaking juries are therefore more easily manipulated into coming up with the right answers, thus pleasing government judges and MSM alike. If there had been a foreign-born jury at the retrial, the verdict might have been different.
As it is I consider the foreign-born Pryce jury to have been honest in not just going for guilty or non-guilty, as if they understood the case and the judge.
As Itwf1964 notes, the BBC followed the chomskeyan principle of democratic debate by avoiding the main issue (ie the state “education” system) and opted instead to host a discussion on whether the jury system needs an overhaul.
Actually the system might require another look, but the reason for that is that many jurors – in this case certainly and God knows in how many other cases – are probably incapable of tieing up their own shoelaces let alone deciding on guilt or innocence on the basis of arguments/evidence presented in grammatically correct English in court.
Accordingly, and although I wouldn’t wish to go down the US road on this one, maybe unlimited challenges by defence and prosecution counsel to membership of a jury should be introduced. That way, at least, the intellectually and educationally bereft could be excluded from the jury.
In any event, don’t expect a genuine debate on the BBC on this one; nor an airing of the facts concerning the make-up of the Pryce jury. I expect that the Narrative will expand to encompass support for some kind of limitation of jury trial such that appointed “assessors” (probably described as “jurors”) drawn from the political class will “help” the judges come to a “correct” conclusion. Whatever, the dumbing down of our civil life continues apace.
Oh , can`t we just get along there people?
I myself can vouch for the CAB sofa down in Eltham every other Tuesday(10-12.30). So much lawy stuff, so many big words,,,doin` my nut in , Ebobee!
These elitist judges are so well-judgemental I suppose!
Roll up the tents.
Where`s Jeremy Kyles bookings…far easier to put Vic and Chrissie on there wouldn`t it?
Cheaper too-worked out earlier that my three points came out at £60 each approx…all paid for by me!
How much has each of Huhnes cost us?..and can we have FoI confirmation of all this?
I lodged a complaint about BBC Breakfast recently when the female presenter read out the clearly visible newspaper headline “Cameron wins rare victory in Europe” as “Cameron wins so-called victory in Europe” and asked why she felt it necessary to re-word the text. Could somebody interpret this email I’ve received from the BBC Complaints Department for me? Other than making me feel guilty and stupid for apparently misunderstanding, I just do not understand what they are telling me!
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC One’s Breakfast on 9 February.
I’m sorry to note you were concerned by presenter Naga Munchetty’s reading of a newspaper headline referring to David Cameron’s “so-called victory” in reference to a cut achieved in the EU budget.
This statement came in the newspaper review, while Naga was reading out the Financial Times headline: “Cameron wins rare victory in Europe”. Saying “so-called victory” is making clear it’s the newspaper’s terminology and not the presenter describing the result as a “victory”. Naga was therefore doing exactly what you felt should’ve been done in this section which is to highlight the stance taken by newspapers, not those of a presenter or the BBC.
‘It is the job of the BBC complaints department to explain exactly how their presenters were correct in each case.’
If may, they will ‘explain’ nothing.
What they will do is inform you that: ‘BBC presenters never do wrong.’
It means that using the words of the headline would be to declare the presenter’s own opinion. Whereas to substitute her own words for those in the headline would be to declare the newspaper’s opinion.
Their “mission to inform” obliges the BBC to attack the “Tories” – so a journalist feels justified in making up a headline in a paper review (even when the viewer can see the headline for themselves) just so long as it attacks the Conservatives.
I disagree completely RD. It was a newspaper review – she was supposed to be reading the headline of the newspaper not interpreting or putting her own spin on things. The headline should have been read as written, pre-handling the ‘newspaper terminology’ by saying that ‘this is the FT’s headline’.
The BBC (Norman Smith in particular) have no problem in telling us, verbatim, what ‘some people say..’ What’s different here?
Nor do the BBC have a problem in frequently referring to the ‘Bedroom Tax’ rather than the ‘so called bedroom tax’ which is the Labour Party’s name for the occupancy initiative .
Actually LL, you were lucky to catch any reference to this, Cameron’s achievement was met with an almost total news blackout from the BBC.
The BBCs response to your question is unacceptable – taking the p*ss actually. I think that this complaint should be escalated to the Trust (where another strand of the BBC regulates itself).
It’s probably worth keeping an eye out for other bBBC uses of ‘so-called’, such as ‘so-called’ religion of peace, ‘so-called’ government cuts, ‘so-called’ envy of the world and indeed ‘so-called’ BBC management.
Clearly visible newspaper headline “Cameron wins rare victory in Europe” as “Cameron wins so-called victory in Europe”
The BBC, and what is vs. what they wish it could, and uniquely can make it be. ‘The BBC’s view was that “the short headline was an accurate summary of the report to which it had linked”
Maybe the sub-editor had written a longer version for the £96kpa teleprompter reader-outer that was a more accurate summary of how the BBC views ‘news’? ‘Could somebody interpret this email
Of course. A bit like Hugh Dennis on Mock the Week mind… ‘I’m sorry to note you were concerned..’
a) We are not sorry at all
b) We’re pissed you caught us out again
c) Ha-ha! What are you going to do about it? ‘.. by presenter Naga Munchetty’s reading of a newspaper headline referring to David Cameron’s “so-called victory” in reference to a cut achieved in the EU budget.
Just thought we’d try and wangle what wasn’t there in. Again. ‘This statement came in the newspaper review, while Naga was reading out the Financial Times headline: “Cameron wins rare victory in Europe”.
Never hurts to tell you what you told us, as it pads out the guff we send to ECU if you are dumb enough to escalate this. Unless you are already expedited, in which case Ha-ha (see above). ‘Saying “so-called victory” is making clear…
Ok, it’s not, at all. It’s adding a word that was not there. Like we got nailed for doing before. And promised not to do again.
But as our inspirational leadership guru once said… ‘tell it often enough and it will become true’, QED. ‘…it’s the newspaper’s terminology and not the presenter describing the result as a “victory”.
Only it’s not the newspaper headline at all. It’s what the BBC thinks it should have said. ‘Naga was therefore doing exactly what you felt should’ve been done..’
Silly you, don’t you realise that you don’t know what should be done… Naga does! ‘… in this section which is to highlight the stance taken by newspapers, not those of a presenter or the BBC.’
Reporting fact accurately is so last Pollard Report. The new BBC is about highlighting stances!
I hope this helps.
You may find that by breaking the BBC ‘let’s keep this our little secret’ Savile obligation, they may take a dim view?
That’s what makes their power being held to account so unique.
In the USSR the more absurd the claim the better – because it taught the serfs to do as they are told rather than attempt to apply subversive bourgeois concepts such as truth and accuracy to pronouncements made by agencies of the State.
Whoever wrote that reply managed to capture the Stalinist arrogance of the BBC in a nutshell.
‘A driving test examiner has been arrested as part of an investigation into allegations of bribery.’
But don’t expect the BBC to look at what might lie behind this case. £3000 for a Licence seems a lot of money. If you are going to break the law why not just drive without a Licence? Useful things Licences, however. Useful as ID.
‘Mr Rahman’s ruling council cabinet is 100 per cent Bengali, in a borough where Bengalis make up only about a third of the population. While Newham will not fund projects aimed at just one community, Tower Hamlets pours enormous sums into Bengali-only drugs projects, arts projects, youth projects and lunch clubs – many of them run by front organisations of the IFE [Lutfur’s extremist allies]. ‘
There is nothing new about this driving test scam – a friend who is a driving instructor told me about this over 20 years ago. Funnily enough I remember him telling me that it was a problem that exclusively involved what the BBC would call “men”.
I did have to smile though when I saw the news clip linked to in AsIseeIt’s post. The successful and totally-above-board candidate simply had to be ….. well, you know the rest. Just look at the name on the certificate. If I didn’t know better I might have thought that they were trying to divert attention.
Richard Bacon warmed up for his interview with Johnny Marr by way of an interview with Brit award nominee Jake Bugg. “Has music lost its working class edge?”, asked Richard. Jake,19, a working class lad from Nottingham, told Richard it really doesn’t matter who you are or what you sing about as long as the music is good.
Tough luck, Richard. I’m sure Marr will provide better fare on Monday.
Was amused to hear that public schoolboy Bacon had enjoyed childhood trips to Skeggy – just like Jake Bug. Down with the Northern kids, or what?
Oddly Bacon didn’t share any stories about his drug experiences with the young rocker.
As for his politics, well give it time, the lad will soon realise which side of his showbiz bread is buttered. Expect him to get left-wing soon.
Will someone highlight “Prince Ruperts fascinating tome for him….maybe the part where xenon was replaced by neon in one of the bank lights by Mr Watts riser in 1976 somewhere northern…and, the Price made sure it was-bloody hell…”tax deductible for the following financial year. Sadly Mr Michael Jagger of Beziers had omitted to..”..
Yes Bacon you arse…Prince Rupert is the face of rock and roll!,…not Morrisseys bagman!
Sorry there-have I shone a (recyclable low wattage…etc) “little light upon the magic for the civilians out there who didn`t take drugs and get oiled down like a ssad cormorant by the bloody Beeb!
Did “the Prince” (as he goes by now) win the BRIT Accountancy Award(double entry) that was on offer last year?
Oh do tell me!
Does Choudhury know that the kaffir BBC are plugging haram meat every bloody day in announcing this squits name?…and would they like to do something that gently challenges Mr Bacons provocation of our Muslim friends?
We’re not talking Marine Le Pen being physically opposed by political ‘left’ (at Cambridge University on Tuesday) which tried to prevent her speaking; we’re talking now of George Galloway, who was on ‘QT’ last week, trying to treat an Israeli as a non-person yesterday.
National Union of Journalists’ policy is to oppose such organisations as France’s Front National, a political party which opposes mass immigration and Islamisation of France/Europe.
So BBC-NUJ inevitably endorses NUJ policy in reporting Marine Le Pen.
But BBC-NUJ shows no such political hostility to Galloway in his intolerance towards an Israeli.
After all, both Galloway and BBC-NUJ support Islamic jihad Hamas.
one hopes he would never go on the road towards the GENUINELY apartheid city of Mecca then … where you have to turn off if non muslim, before getting near to it eh …
self serving hippocritical fraud
If Galloway is a Muslim, he’s not a very good one. He took a secular oath when taking his seat in Parliament. No Koran, not even a mention of any word or name for God.
as George unveils ( 😀 ) 4TH WIFE –
the 3RD WIFE of newlywed MP George Galloway reacted angrily last night. accused the politician of using outdated MUSLIM (marriage) relationship rules
… hhmmmm
“new bride, Gayatri Pertiwi – a Dutch-born Muslim of Indonesian descent 30 years his junior, seated beside him throughout the interview – smiles at me.
George and Gayatri performed the nikah, the Muslim marriage ceremony, four weeks ago at the Royal Theatre in Amsterdam, the day after his sensational and unexpected victory in Bradford. This means, presumably, that they are unmarried under British law. Galloway has had two previous Muslim marriages (and this marriage to Gayatri is his fourth marriage in total). However, a Muslim woman is not permitted to marry a non-Muslim man under Islamic law – although the other way round is allowed.”
3 “Men” found guilty of leading a bomb plot. Men? take a wild guess it begins with m. BBc 13:00 news. They do mention “Radical islam” later in the report.
“Three young British Muslims found guilty of plotting ‘another 7/7’ with team of eight suicide bombers and rucksacks packed with explosives.
“Irfan Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, wanted ‘revenge for 9/11.’
“Ringleaders spent years travelling to Pakistan for ‘terror training.’
“Al-Qaeda backed group made videos to play after they blew themselves up.
“The terror cell raised funds by posing as bogus charity workers.
“Plotted ‘spectacular campaign’ from dirty Birmingham headquarters.
“Police discovered explosives in Midlands when plan was at advanced stage.”
3 men guilty in plot to become suicide bombers. Now then, moderates are they? It’s radical islam at fault it said on bbc.
Utter bollocks of course. It’s merely islam itself.
Oh the enrichment we bet from these scum.
Disillusioned with their country of birth, apparently (PM, tonight). In which case, why didn’t they stay in Pakistan instead of just taking an extended holiday there enriching themselves with the local culture? Or do they treat illegal immigrants differently over there?
“Dinner lady sacked for serving Muslim children with non-halal meat at multi-faith school.
“Parents forced headmaster to apologise for ‘insulting’ their faith.
“Birmingham school has both Muslim students and those of other faiths.
“All 1,400 students at Moseley School are served Halal meat only.”
“When in Muslim countries, one must conform to Muslim customs and practices. When in non-Muslim countries, one must conform to Muslim customs and practices. And so it is that all the students at this school, non-Muslims as well as Muslims, are served halal meat. That seems to be just fine with everyone — who cares if some Christian parents object? But this ‘dinner lady’ mistakenly served non-halal meat to the Muslim students, and she is summarily fired, without a second chance. Not content with this small triumph of Islamic supremacism, Muslim parents are demanding that other school officials be fired as well.
“And no one in Britain appears to be willing to say that in Britain, people should be expected to conform to British customs and practices, and that is the end of the matter.”
Blimey, that was quick, already…. heeee’s back! ‘I’ve been gigling to myself’
Don’t know what that is, but there may still be treatment. ‘Hasn’t anyone mentioned Common Purpose yet!’
Other than you, no.
Are you sure you haven’t been getting off topic tips from the other padded cells?
Absolutely I’m back! Who couldn’t stay away from this place with the entertainment on offer!
I’ll be popping in regularly to watch you lot mutually send your blood pressure through the roof. Some of this stuff is true comedy gold.
Perhaps one day you might grow up enough to reflect on your life and regret the wasted days ranting impotently (or indeed impudently!) against a public broadcaster and how it’s all terribly unfair….and how those meany Muslims are going to take over and all those evil Marxists drone drone (ad nauseum).
You get my drift….
No, chaps and chapesses – rest assured I’ll be popping in periodically to verify whether it’s physiologically possible to swivel one’s eyes through 360 degrees and froth all of the moisture out of one’s body.
Although I’m pretty sure at least one of you has already done those things.
Steve, any thoughts about Will Self and Radio 4 or 28-Gate or the Fogel Family or the BBC hiring Obama campaigners to report on US issues or on the constant stream of Left-wing opinion from your colleagues on Twitter, in direct violation of official policy? If you’re capable of anything besides sneering, that is.
Reading all the unpleasant, racist ranting and general hatred, it’s quite clear that you have made up your minds about the BBC – I won’t change that, whatever I say. Especially as you and your colleagues on here refer to me as a BBC employee, when I’m not – you clearly only consider that Corporation employees would ever stand up for the BBC, which is a ridiculous viewpoint.
It is evident that you all have a profound hatred and disdain for the concept of a state-funded broadcaster and that you are all of a certain hard right political bent. Fine. There’s plenty of your type all over the internet, occasionally I might engage, but most of the time I’ll just laugh at you and your hate-fuelled paranoia.
The conduct of most on here is exactly what I’m doing – a kind of sneering disdain. Except that I’m doing it to you, rather than you sneering at the BBC and anyone who doesn’t espouse your hard right political tendencies.
But I will say this. The BBC is the national broadcaster. As such it should give air time to all political viewpoints, but it should also broadly reflect the prevailing views of the nation.
The prevailing views of the majority are, and have been for at least a generation, those of the political centre. Major wasn’t exactly a paleoconservative, Blair wasn’t exactly a galloping Marxist. We have a Coalition Government with broadly centrist policies.
You lot don’t like it because the prevailing views are not those of the hard right. Tough. You’re the minority.
But enough of that. From hereonin, I’m just going to laugh at you little Enochs and your abundant frustrations.
Anyhow, Dave me old yankee china – when did you last pay your licence fee!?
“Racist ranting” “Hate fuelled paranoia.” Have you by any chance had a swift gander at the news today, Steve? Mass murder in Hyderabad and Damascus, home grown members of the religion of peace attempting carnage that would knock 7/7 into a cocked hat, not to mention those charming chaps from Oxford committing unspeakable acts on under age girls. There’s quite a lot to be “paranoid about isn’t there?
So, SC, any comment on the Halal meat story (for example), or are you just going to continue with your impotent, schoolboyish attempts at a wind-up?
I’d worry more about your own blood pressure, to be honest, as it must be heartbreaking for you to see a site like this still flourishing after so many years, still uncovering superb examples of BBC bias (at least a couple of which should have had it subjected to a public enquiry).
So either show some guts and have a go at defending the BBC on um, let’s see – 28gate – or concentrate your efforts on getting the spelling right on that banner for your next UAF outing.
As someone who has had training in psychological matters Steve; I’m interested to know why you have made so many references to psychiatric matters.
I’m always interested in people who express themselves in such histrionic ways on matters that are not particularly emotive or radical.
Do you have a tendency for “splitting” like this in your everyday conversation, or is it when you feel somehow threatened?
I’d be interested to know.
Is that you really Steve? so what do you do at the BBC ? or are you going to play the concerned moron puppet card ? I hope for your sake it’s the first as the second would mean you are standing up for a multi billion £ corporation for no pay ?? lol sucker!!!
Funny I know your using words but sadly all I can see is a sad lonely Berk haunting what he thinks are his mortal enemies well until his mum comes to get him for his dinner!
Easy to see why the eco-fascists don’t really give a shit if the world descends into chaos, and easy to see how their policies are designed to bring it about.
I an surprised Cameron dared to say anything. Sounds like a lover’s tiff. After all he craves their approval on most things.
I would kick all broadcasters out of Eastleigh and let the voters decide. I think it is called democracy.
‘I would kick all broadcasters out of Eastleigh’
No, no, no.
What the voters need is ‘analysis’.
Especially the kind that steers them towards how to vote and away from pondering what you get to vote upon… and what not.
Tories are too laid back with the BBC. It’s about time they got stuck in more. Almost feels like they are pandering to them to try and get them onside, but they never will.
The Tories are seriously lacking in the whole media department full stop. They can’t see the bias. They can’t counter Labour’s press machine and they can’t even get their own good news out into the media domain without it going tits up.
I don’t understand the exact mechanics of it all but I can see they need a completely new media & pr department. They’re getting screwed over every time one of them does or doesn’t open their mouth, and that is without the BBC’s help.
“Fury over ‘moral reprobate’ Labour candidate who wrote of disappointment that Mrs Thatcher didn’t die in the Brighton bomb.
Writer John O’Farrell made comments in his book about his Labour support.
Former Tory chairman Lord Tebbit called on Ed Miliband to disown him.
Five people died in the assassination attempt in 1984 at the Grand Hotel.”
Eurgh, she should be hidden away with that face … locked in the attic … and fed with fish heads. Seriously though, on The Sunday Politics the beeboid on the spot in Eastleigh said that Maria Hutchings was in trouble over her choice of school for her children but failed to mention O’Farrells support for the IRA and Galtieri. Personally, I’d say that a prospective Labour MP’s disappointment that the IRA didn’t kill the PM or that Argentina didn’t win the Falklands War would be more important than another prospective MP’s choice of school for their child but then again I don’t have a BBC mentality. Obviously, Hutchings would be exposed as a hypocrite but that’s nothing compared to being a traitor. It wasn’t until the interview with Khan (by Neill) that O’Farrells comments were mentioned. These were dismissed by Khan as a bad joke.
… and in the This Is The Shite You Get For Four Billion Quid A Year slot for today we have the droidess viewsreader who yestereve came out with,
‘And it’s been a good night for British acts at the Brit Awards.’
F me gently 🙁
Apparently we ran away with the British Male Solo Artist, British Breakthrough Artist, British Female Solo Artist, British Group, British Live Act, British Producer, British Single and the inaugural Let’s Give One Direction An Award awards.
Best Rock accountant-Prince Rupert von Lowenbrow!
Best International Rock Accountant-Stings(is he out yet?)
Best New Act-Rolling Stones.
Worst Rock Artist(Pete Townshend Living Will Award) -Ronnie Wood( twentieth year running…well done Ronald!)
Most overrated lauded acts (as voted for by you,the little people!)….nominations are
Lou Reed.
The Velvet Underground(featuring the voice of Lou Reed)
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Grand Funk Railroad(to keep it ” unpredictable there!)
Best Resurrection( and we`re not happy that they didn`t stamp on his grave )Award-European Sales Division-Silvio Berlusconi!
When the Guardian uses a phrase like ‘downmarket scrubbers’ it isn’t using the debased language of misogynistic hate – it’s being ironic. Have the Beeb tried that get-out yet?
galloway is on jihadwatch now
after gracing SWP fave watch bbc s QT,
do extremists deserve free speech? … panto!
anti israel extremists – refusing to recognise israel
he ought to be in Hamas … hey wheres that “war on want money” george
I know that the people who write the headlines are not generally the same people who write the articles and news briefs, so this one required the bias of two separate Beeboids:
That’s based on the first line of the news item, which is:
Wal-Mart has posted a rise in fourth-quarter profits, after benefiting from a delayed rise in the effective tax rate in the US.
Except that’s only the intro, not the story itself.
But the world’s biggest retailer, which owns Asda in the UK, said sales had been sluggish at the start of this year.
Net income rose 8.7% to $5.88bn (£3.85bn) during the three months to the end of January.
Asda posted flat like-for-like sales excluding petrol in the same period.
Wal-Mart in its earnings statement said: “Due to the slower sales rate in the first few weeks of this year’s first quarter, we are forecasting comparative sales for the 13-week period from 26 January to 26 April 2013 to be around flat.”
So why the headline about the opposite? The 4Q profit was a fluke, clearly not reflective of the current economic reality. But that’s why the BBC did this.
The piece includes some doom and gloom from Wal-Mart people, but then we hear even more about how much evil profit they’re making. In case you still weren’t getting the Narrative, there’s more about how Asda is simply raking it in.
It’s kind of a non-story, really. One quarter of profits against one obviously dead quarter is a wash. Nothing to see here. Or is it?
The reason why the BBC is wasting everyone’s time on this is because the President’s enemies have seized on the current lousy numbers as evidence that the economy is really tanking. Many lower-middle class and working class and poor who shop at Wal-Mart have shifted to dollar stores. Those of us who live in neighborhoods were the majority need them (rather than in trendy Brooklyn or lower Manhattan areas where the Beeboids live) have known about this for quite some time. Even with all the ammo and guns flying off the shelves at a tidy profit, the chain is seeing a big drop.
What the BBC doesn’t want you to know, because it conflicts with the Narrative, is that the poor sales are becoming a trend.
Wal-Mart experienced a soft end to an otherwise solid year of profit and sales growth as customers started to hold back due to payroll tax increases, higher gasoline prices and delays in income tax refunds.
“We didn’t finish quite as strong as we would have liked, primarily due to a slower holiday season,” Chief Financial Officer Charles Holley said in a conference call Thursday. He said the company had a sales lull between Thanksgiving and Christmas because of an extra week between the two holidays.
The end of January also didn’t fare well as customers started to experience the impact of a 2% payroll tax increase and a three-week delay in tax refunds.
So, it’s a reflection of the poor economy after all?
Wal-Mart, based in Bentonville, Ark., is considered an economic bellwether because the retailer accounts for nearly 10% of nonautomotive retail spending in the U.S.
Investors were bracing for a subdued report after a Bloomberg story last week leaked an e-mail from a top executive characterizing the first two weeks of February as “a total disaster.”
Which more or less contradicts the Narrative the BBC is trying to feed you about how Wal-Mart is doing very well. By focusing on stock price and profit on paper, they can distract you from reality. All because they see their fellow travelers in the US media – specifically the HuffPo and the NY Times worrying about how the President’s tax increases (it’s His economy now) are hurting not the evil rich but the working class. Can’t have that thought get into your heads, so it’s instead all about how Wal-Mart is making money hand over fist.
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‘Employment at record high’
That is a headline from the Telegraph, not the BBC. Bizarrely, I can’t find this story on the front page of the BBC news website…
Well let’s face it, it isn’t at a “record high”, not really…
They are reporting it now. After briefly stating ( in a vaguely skeptical tone) that figures supplied by the Office for National Statistics show unemployment has fallen and actual numbers of people employed has risen, they go on in greater detail and time to report that youth unemployment has risen and is totally unacceptable.
Cue Labour representatives to report that they claim they welcome the figures (…..yeah right) but the youth unemployment figures show the Government are not getting to grips with the underlying problem.
You can bet the Labour Party received the figures with dismay.
Of course the thing the BBC always omit to ask and Labour omit to own up to is their role in that rise.
Yes it has risen year on year but even a cursory google search of the trend will lead people to the Guardian’s analysis which will show it really took off under the tenure of one Gordon Brown.
Maybe search ‘since records began’?
The BBC likes those.
I am also searching in vein for any mention of the Lib Dem Sex Scandal on the front page of the BBC News Website. This is surely a big story, especially as leadership suppressed it. I don t expect BBC to mention it at all this side of by-election.
This morning there is huge anticipation and indeed palpable excitement here in BBC newsrooms as reports are coming through that a Premiership football club has at last bowed to the pressure we put on them and have signed their first gay and openly black player.
A ground breaking new development of this kind has been at the very top of the BBC sport agenda for some time now and we are pleased and relieved since the BBC has campaigned long and hard for it.
We are hearing that Melchester Rovers have had their gay boy scouts out at the Africa Cup of Nations where a young player who is a natural on the far left of the field caught their attention. Named Yellow Honky-Tonks, his shortie-shorts, flamboyant moves and extravagant goal celebrations are bound to make an impact on our game and he is certainly set to be a star with the national broadcaster. Already excited new Melchester fans here at the BBC have taken to Twitter where they are discussing football for the first time and welcoming Honky-Tonks with the nickname ‘Boy of the Rovers’.
Sources suggest that the completion of the transfer deal has been precipitated by the early exit from international competition of his home nation The Undemocratic Republic of Bongo. They were drawn in what was described as ‘literally’ a ‘group of death’ facing Lower Volta, Yer-Booty and the controversial rogue desert state of Purple Harem. This Islamic North African side are known to have some of the finest be-headers in the game and they targeted Bongo’s flamboyant young star from the outset. Facing the spectre of a hotly contested deciding penalty shoot out with Purple Harem Bongo made a quick exit from the tournament.
Melchester Rovers insist that Honky-Tonks is versatile enough to play in any position. He is expected to be particularly effective when he drops into the hole behind their big men. He is said to be both a skilled ball receiver and provider. There are rumours that he can also make his presence felt in the box.
Considering the pervious lack of gay representation in the top echelons of the British game and the obvious dire national need for some gay soccer stars his work permits and visa documentation will obviously be rushed through.
Roy Race, the veteran manager of Rovers, explained how Honky-Tonks could be available as early as Saturday for a crucial third round FA Cup match against Fulham. ‘When the lad heard we were tied against the Cottagers next week …. well, that was the deal clincher for him’.
But here at the BBC it is anticipated that Yellow Honky-Tonks will make his mark off the pitch as well as on it. It is predicted that many back doors to the entertainment industry will be open for him. He could certainly go head to head with Robbie Savage about fake tans, hair grooming and Strictly Come Dancing.
Stephen Fry has already been lined up to present a travelogue show taking BBC cameras to the player’s ancestral village in Western Bongo. In a rebranding of his BBC series One Man and His Knob Gag the British national treasure will explore the region with Lenny Henry and discover what we in the West could learn from the Hootsie-Tootsies. The provisional series title is K’tanga-K’tanga, My Friends : Rediscovering Africa’s long lost gay tribe.
You bigot sir!
And what of the transgendered community…handbags for goalposts and all that?
Surely Brighton and Hove Albion will not be the ONLY football club flattening their hideously male, white bogs, for those luscious, fragrant unisex ones that Brightons Greens are going to stick up(oo er!) all over the town…and firstly at the football ground. Millwall and Leeds will be hoping for nothing less.
Was at that bloody Yeovil last week-not a baby changing table to be had anywhere…no place to breastfeed my phantom baby either…MCPs I tell you.
Who do I sue?where IS sue?
Oh here he is!
Imagine the headlines on the back pages….. Brighton playmaker leaves `stud` marks after rough tackle just outside the `box` in an attempt to get near the ball…..
Typo alert : ‘pervious’ of course ought to have been ‘previous’.
Serendipity strikes again.
There might be a black footballers’ association yet…
I have been out of the UK for 10 years and, no doubt, the English language has “evolved” but what is it with the subs on BBC News website that they are unable to use the traditional form of a word that denotes nationality?
I see this every day. Here is today’s example:
Why not just put that little “n” on the end of the word?
Here’s another:
Is it because of the Torikutz?
There are plenty more if you really want to send yourself demented. The BBC now thinks it is correct to say “I am sat on a chair or “I am stood here talking to …..” etc.
or THE “prophet” mohammed …
whose prophet?
“The British” rather than “us”.
“Foreign national” rather than “foreigner”.
“Dissident” rather than “even worse terrorist”.
“Man” rather than “teenage boy”.
“Someone with mental health problems” rather than “psychopath”.
“Civilisation” rather than “primitive culture”.
“Celibate” rather than “frigid”.
“Transsexual” rather than “sex pervert”.
“Discrimination” meaning “compensation”.
Careful now. The use of what were formerly correct terms such as Mexican, Columbian and Syrian seem to make ethnic judgements that the BBC just aren’t too keen to make nowadays. Come on, this a global village in which we live and it is well on the way to having a global government. Outmoded concepts of nationality are on the way out. So the BBC approved headline ‘Syria footballer….’ means that in the contry of a Syria a person who was of no particular race gender or ethnicity was involved in the story. No dodgy racist or sexist comments made or implied. Top marks from BBC CoJo for the Sub-Ed there.
Good explanation……. yet, strangely, persons called Mohammed (or variations thereon), who once spent ten minutes in Luton before following the path of jihad, are unfailingly referred to as “British”. Usually in a report about how they are tragically and unjustly rotting in some “USA” prison after being unsuccessful in the jihad department.
“The use of what were formerly correct terms such as Mexican, Columbian and Syrian seem to make ethnic judgements”.
The world is changed by language – or rather language is used to change the world.. Ethnic judgement have always been made and the terminology altered to suit evolving agendas.
But recently, words have quite simply disappeared from the news lexicon and others have appeared. While nationality and race have become blurred, there are increasingly more sexual sub-groups. Sexuality, it seems, is now the focus of identity.
Two perfectly good Anglo-Saxon words, “Fat” and “old”, are now suspect. They are deemed to give offence. We are left with “large”, over-weight”, “big” and “senior citizens”, “sunshine citizens” and so on. .
“Black” and “white” have suffered the same fate. The first implies “victim”, the second “racist”. Racial type casting. This eventually leads to African dictators – some of the worst mass murders and fraudsters in history – being treated with deference for fear of being labeled “racist”..
This peer pressure can render the speaker quite literally speechless. I remember some years ago when “black” was a no-no word in the US, a TV vox-pop interview carried out by a white American reporter with a West Indian on a London street. “Speaking as an African American…” began the reporter, only to be interrupted by the Jamaican who said, “Respectfully, Sir, I’m neither ‘African” nor ‘American’ – I am black.” The response from the journalist? He was struck dumb, unable to utter the word “black” even though he had been given tacit permission by his interviewee.
There is always a danger of words being used as weapons by nasty people, and I’m sure BBC reporters and producers have to walk on eggshells every day. It is not their place to give offence or be used by racists to fuel fires, but it is their duty to describe accurately what is happening and to whom. “Syria footballer” tells us nothing. I guess “Syrian footballer” would have implied motive. The same applies to “Mexico boy”. Soon we’ll be reading a report that says “Man in Red Shirt Arrested” and we’ll have to work out the rest for ourselves.
Eventually, this absurdity will lead to the ultimate politically correct headline: “Something happened”.
Alternative Comedy – Enforcing Leftist Groupthink
Mission to Explain – Propaganda
Public Services – Producer Capture
Diversity – Racism
The Labour Party – The Theft Party
An American friend speaking about Obama refered to him not as “black” but more accurately I thought as “brown”. Since the term “black” has been hijacked by race-hustlers and victimhood-peddlers, I determined in future to refer to people of certain skin pigmentation as “brown”, and the rest as “beige”, or even “pale brown”. If you consult a Pantone reference chart I think you will find they are a more truthful description than “black and white”. Puts the race-hustlers right off their stride.
It is true that within the African American community in the US, distinctions are made between “dark” and “light-skinned” people. However I find these distinctions as odious as the distinctions made by White and Asian groups. The colour of one’s skin is only relevant in that it might give a clue to political and social attitudes. Otherwise it is ridiculous.
Perhaps your friend was referring obliquely to the “angels dancing on the head of a pin” discussion on line about “how black” Obama is. Its a silly debate but for the record here in one answer:
Police witness appeal descriptions are not relevant?
It is either that every letter saved is another gramme of CO2 avoided, or that they have such a low opinion of the reading public that they think people, like their real ‘customers’, the internet search engines, don’t know that Syrians come from Syria. I’ve noticed it too, many of the headlines have become almost completely incomprehensible and often are diametrically opposed to the content of the story.
And remember, some times the ‘truth’ takes too many words to fit into their headline so they make something up that fits their narrative and hope that you will read that and not the story
They can’t do it as a modifier because it might lead to referring to a black footballer as “English” if he plays for England. The racialists at the BBC wouldn’t dream of doing so, and the style guide reflects their conservative approach.
“what is it with the subs on BBC News website that they are unable to use the traditional form of a word that denotes nationality?… Syria footballer ‘killed by mortars’”
The reason is quite simple. It’s because the website headlines are written in a such a way that makes them easy to find when searching the internet (through Google et al).
Indeed the very first line of the story you highlighted says; “A Syrian footballer has been killed in a mortar strike near a stadium in Damascus”
So much for the paranoid conspiracy theory nonsense about the BBC denying people’s nationality…
It’s because the website headlines are written in a such a way that makes them easy to find when searching the internet (through Google et al).
Which is why a search on the BBC website for ‘Islamic terrorism’ gives only 8 articles over the whole of last year. Most of those have nothing to do with actual attacks carried out, just where reference has been made to it.
Considering that The Religion of Peace website is detailing over 20,400 DEADLY ISLAMIC TERRORIST ATTACKS since 9/11, it shows that the BBC sure knows how to word their headlines VERY CAREFULLY to further their agenda.
“Quick, change the subject”…
Are you a scab?
What I wrote IS A SUBJECT – like it or lump it, but taken from what you wrote, just not the way you intended it to go.
“What I wrote IS A SUBJECT”
LOL. Did you shout that out of the window by any chance?
Yes, well done, it’s a subject. Just a completely different one to what was being discussed. Duh.
To any genuine citizen of our society, who is interested in the future of themselves and their family following the values of society that we hold the most dear, the subject that I raised would have been of far more import than what you wanted to express.
That you don’t is completely understandable to me as well as to everybody else here.
Carry on avoiding it we understand why.
And on an open thread about BBC bias, don’t presume to tell me what subject I can address, and how I choose to do so. I picked yours for a purpose – nothing to do with yours, but precisely because of yours.
Get it now?
“To any genuine citizen of our society, who is interested in the future of themselves and their family following the values of society that we hold the most dear, never in the field of human conflict…”
Jeez, get over yourself already. Pompous twit.
I suggest you temper the personal stuff dez !
it’s what he does
he a bbc arsehole
it’s in the job description
Why so touchy, Dez? You suggested that the BBC writes headlines so as to get a desired result on Google searches. TB suggested you might be right.
Looking at your times of posting, perhaps a lack of sleep is making you irritable?
Isn’t it a shame the windows in your padded cell don’t open? You could have shouted that last line.
Likening me with Churchill? Praise indeed.
Showed your true colours there Dez – didn’t you? He’s the man that made the freedom, that you besmirch, possible.
I knew what you were about before that though – it’s just further confirmation.
Take up something that doesn’t require intelligence is my suggestion for you.
And today we have a perfect example:
I am struck by the difference between two headlines showing on the BBC UK Webpage today.
The first is this one
Birmingham men guilty of mass bomb plot
The other is this
Rabbi Chaim Halpern arrested in sexual abuse probe
The first sentence of this article tells us
Four men have been arrested by police investigating sexual abuse allegations among the Orthodox Jewish community in north London.
Not just ‘London Men’
So not only are we aware that one is a rabbi, even from the headline, but that also the other three are supposedly from the Jewish community in north London. It’s also worth noting that at this time it’s only alleged that these men have done anything wrong, and is yet to be proved.
The men in the first article however have been found guilty of terrorism charges, but nowhere in the article are we told of their religious affiliation. It’s fairly easy to deduce though, from the photos of the men, from their names Irfan Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, and from certain passages in the article:
*The jury heard that Naseer and Khalid had received training from al-Qaeda contacts in Pakistan
*…Naseer played a key role in sending four other Birmingham men to Pakistan to receive training
*Two other Birmingham men who were part of Naseer and Khalid’s plans, Rahin Ahmed, 27, and Mujahid Hussain, 21, have also pleaded guilty to terrorism charges.
*The trial heard the men were inspired by sermons of US-born Islamist cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in Yemen in September 2011
So even the fact that these men also recruited others, the BBC decided not to mention any common link between them. The only mention of Islam is in the final sentence I included above. One might question the motive for the BBC to avoid terming them as Muslims, militant or otherwise, since that clearly is the factor underlying their actions. For one thing, it makes sure it won’t appear on any search of Muslim terrorist.
The BBC even has the temerity to tell us that:
Our correspondent added that what was never clear during the trial was what had really made them want to be bombers. They exhibited all the same characteristics as many who have gone before them – including a vague hatred of “Western” society.
So nothing wherein Islamists are preaching the need for adherents to launch jihad as the motive for their terrorist intent. The BBC correspondent just ‘hasn’t a clue’. 🙄
Contrast all this with the first article and tell me the BBC doesn’t have a clear agenda here.
I too am struck by the differences you highlight.
There must be a good reason.
Maybe the current crop of circling cherry vultures can oblige with an explanation, preferably on the topic raised?
ps; It might be worth moving this to another thread (frankly, if I may presume, maybe create a new one on it) or lower down to facilitate location.
Thanks Guest – I did as you suggested and reposted it at the end of this thread 😉
While I agree with you that the BBC is wrong and biased for trying to deny the religious connection of the wannabe terrorists, surely the religious aspect of the allegedly molesting rabbi is a valid topic because the whole thing is taking place within a specific religious community, and accordingly how it gives him authority in that community he’s been allegedly abusing.
With the Mohmmedans, the BBC should just stick to the facts and not try to prejudice the reader.
Then you make the perfect point about BBC reticence in making the similar ‘binding connection’ when writing the articles about sexual abuse by numerous Muslim gangs.
It’s only because these two articles were side by side that I linked them, but the paedophile gangs are a much more vivid contrast of BBC hypocrisy and bias.
Unemployment down to record low levels. Good news and first item accompanied by an interview with Ian Duncan Smith on Classic FM 1pm news. Foolishly, I thought , “I wonder how the BBC will present this ?” I switched to BBC R5. Straight away, It was obviously not such good news as it was not the first news item , more odly, It was bad news because of youth unemployment and womens unemployment “In some areas” (whatever that meant) according to the interview with Liam Byrne. As usual no interviews with conservatives, what a surprise!
Anyone catch Today this morning after 7:30? Lord Prescott of Lard was on (Ed – What, again?) discussing with Kevin Hurley whether police should speak off-record to the press.
Mr Hurley had obviously worked out Lord Lard’s modus operandi and told him to stop blustering, let someone have a word in edgeways, research his facts better and stop basing everything on the fact he had been hacked. He downright contradicted some of Lord Prescott’s “facts” about Mr Hurley, leaving Lord P to start spluttering and throwing about insults in the typical way of a bully who’s been confronted.
Comic gold.
Can`t agree Roland,…unusually!
I`m no Craig-and to be honest, I could not listen again to Prescott . But if anyone would like to give us the figures of “% contributions” between an elected Police Commissioner and an unelected clapped out shagpile in a stetson…do let me know!
Outrageous-80/20 maybe?…and Prescott gets all the questions ,the “Lord” title,,…and Hurley has to wipe himself down after the spittle and drizzle, brought about by the Mouth of the Humber.
Appalling bias…and Humphrys smiles…this would be seen as “balanced”… they all rushed out to the Green Roombefore fatf*** stuffed his face with all the pastries.
Terrible bias to me, but so BBC.
When are the stoopid Tories going to give Tracey Temple a shot at an election…isn`t it about time that Prescott had his mouth hole stuffed once and for all.
The very embodiment of what Labour turned to over thirty years…are all Tories THAT well bred, not to shaft him?
Few Leslie Phillips bits there…oo er!
Anybody see episode 5 of “Ripper Street” – did you notice the subtle hints of critique of Victorian Imperialism where an ex Colonel is driven to a life of crime by the and disinterest of the “bitch Queen” Victoria and her incompetent cowardly government and their gross disregard for his ex soldiers. Yes they fought utterly meaningless imperial wars, murdered thousands of ‘Dervishes’ all for the glory of the stinking rotten edifice that was the British Empire and were chucked on the muck pile with scorn etc.
So disgusted is the colonel that he sets up a gang of ‘other ranks’ and breaks into the Royal Mint so that he can show the ‘his’ disgust and contempt for the whole concept by throwing the valueless medals on the floor. [Yes BBC, medals are valueless if you do nothing to earn them – like a GCSE]
BBC deploys Horrid Histories approach to educating the public about the Empire.
The character was a look but he had some pretty trenchant 21st century attitudes – remarkably like the BBC’s cultural values and ethos actually.
Funny that.
Hey, I don’t have an army of subs and a ‘compliance’ team to check my ravings for accuracy and ‘appropriateness’.
I gave up on this so called drama after the first one, during which the theme was the very first producers of moving images on film, who had invented snuff-movies. The technology was brand spanking new, still being developed, and the beeb had them making snuff movies FFS!
Ive told you before comrade “the past must be made to serve the present”
I become more convinced as the day’s go by the the bBC’s motto is no longer “Nation shall speak peace unto Nation” but the more apt “He who controls the past commands the future, He who commands the future, conquers the past.”
Oh my God Dysgwr_Cymraeg, How terrible that must of been for you.
I read a novel once, and then after the first chapter I realised it had all been made up FFS!
I told all my friends about it, and that books were rubbish.
Of course that was back when I used to have friends…
the troll machine must have steam coming out of it at the moment
the lefty bile generator is in overload
‘Must of’.
Dear, oh dear, is this the result of the BBC’s ‘inclusive’ employment policy?
Don’t be hard on Dez, he’s been on jury duty during the day. It was all a bit confusing but it’s over now though, apparently.
FFS Dez, the point is that these stories are “made up” to make a point. This is not just fiction for entertainment it is agitprop.
There is a lot of ‘fiction’ out there that will never see the air on the BBC because it does not comply with the narrative. The point is that the BBC commissions programmes to deliver its message and vets everything for ‘compliance’ censoring material it doesn’t like – like the recent play about ‘honour’ murders.
Can you imagine what the results would be if the BBC had commissioned “Sharpe”?
Well for starters Sharpe’s company would have included at least 2 gays , 1 black guy , a Muslim and perhaps a Lesbian as well. Plot lines wouldn’t have revolved around the Napoleonic wars (which focus groups determined to be not gay enough) instead they would revolve around the effect of Thatcha’s cut backs on the British Army of 1815 and how this led us to lose the battle of Waterloo.
This stuff practically writes itself.
He knows. Even Dez isn’t that dumb.
We are still fighting on the North-West frontier with the help of Ghurkha mercenaries, the problem is that India is no longer British. So that must mean that today the wars are truly meaningless, because the nearest piece of her majesties territory is now Dhekelia about 1,500 miles away to the west.
Yes, the Afghanistan is pointless message wasn’t all that subtle.
Thatcher, Dr Who, Alien spaceship anyone?
As usual there are plenty of egregious examples of BBC left-wing bias mentioned here.
But a real humdinger biscuit-taker was BBC 5 Live this morning where Victoria Derbyshire played host to the elite SAS of the monstrous women’s battalions in their war against men.
‘The founder of a project looking into everyday sexism says more than twenty-thousand people have contacted her and she is shocked at some of the stories she has heard.’
Like any self-respecting male chauvinist pig (and I rate myself the Citizen Chauvelin of chauvinists I ought to have raised my left trotter to the wireless off switch – but fell victim to a morbid fascination with the utter depths plumbed by the BBC on this preposterous ‘Twitter-based’ self-congratulatory self-affirming self-deluding carousel of ‘right-on’ nonsense.
It was exactly like Radio 4 Women’s Hour lite. Which I suppose was the intention.
And while the ridiculous feminist balloon was over inflated and simply begging to be pricked our BBC was certainly not about to provide the prick.
It had everything:
Utter lies dressed up as evidence of sexism: ‘I’ve had my bottom pinched hundreds of times!’ Where the fuck do you live?
‘When I go jogging in my favourite outfit of shorts and socks…..’ What…. in this weather?
The nod to Labour: ‘Well, Yvette Cooper is taking this most seriously!’
And the trade mark Vicky Derbyshire gasp at the horrors just related. (Oh the utter swine).
Last time I caught the VD gasp it was when the Secret Footballer recalled a black player being passed a banana in the dressing room. There was me thinking it was oranges all round at half time? You call it banter, BBC call it tantamount to the Holocaust.
‘Utter lies dressed up as evidence of sexism: ‘I’ve had my bottom pinched hundreds of times!’ Where the fuck do you live?
A stroll through certain off limits areas may inspire the local likely lads to affect this display of sexual availability.
But if rebuffed they may go a bit Tahir Square on more than such a lady’s ass.
bottom pinched hundreds of times? … that holiday
in italy eh! girlfriend , well oi larfed
unless shes hinting at jimmy savile a few years ago?,
or maybe her “right on” holiday to tahir square? perhaps
“The site invites women from all over the world to submit any unsavoury experience, or of sexism, or of anything symptomatic of misogynistic culture
via email or Twitter. There are no rules about the seriousness of the experience and no names need be attached”
hmmm looks like a vanity project, to me
thats open to anything from the ridiculous to the absurd …
hey at least her photos are all over the news …
does my (pinchable a hundred times over) bum look big in this eh!
“…our BBC was certainly not about to provide the prick”
I should think not. That would have been grounds for another complaint of sexism.
Did anyone hear the discussion the other day about the desirability of working a four day week in Leeds? Several experts were bought on to talk about how positive it would be for the work force for all sorts of reasons. But it was only half way through ( I was a bit slow that day!) when the name of the day to be taken off was almost accindently mentioned -it was to be a Friday that it suddenly dawned on me the real reason for wanting this four day week . Now that should have been a different discussion shouldn’t it ?
Yes, why not Monday instead, for the benefit of those still nursing Friday night’s hangover?
From all that Polish beer they’ve been downing with Mark Easton darn the old Zloty & Chaat in the Mile End Road.
Two contrasting reports of same Islamic issues –
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’-
“Bangladesh: Islamic supremacists demand death for bloggers for ‘defaming’ Islam and Muhammad”
2.) INBBC report:-
“Bangladesh protests trigger changes to war crimes law”
TV presenter Ben Fogle claims drink was spiked with drug
The adventurer says he was putting his children to bed after drinking at a pub in Gloucester when he “flipped”.
He tweeted: “Whoever spiked my drink with mind altering drugs and put me in A&E with a psychotic fit. Did you think of the damage you would cause?”
Hey Ben, best avoid that pub in future. That sort of shit never happens at my local. Details supplied on request.
This pub… not the Zloty & Chaat (SW) by chance?
Was this geezer behind the bar?:
Om PM yesterday Eddie asked some chap from OFGEN if it was fair that the consumer should pay for cost of upgrading our energy supply ( please don’t go on about how much extra green policies will cost) . The implication being that the state should foot the bill. The BBC seem to think that the state’s tax revenue comes from somewhere else other than the public ie the energy consumers!
Perhaps they think this about the License Fee as well and the NHS and welfare and all the other largesse they advocate on behalf of the poor old tax payer.
Of course if you have a nice fat salary, large guaranteed pension and a job for life no matter what mistakes you make, oh and I forgot, don’t actually pay all the tax that you should because your employer connives with you to avoid tax, you probably do have a very distorted view of life in 21st century Britain.
I had PM on in the background yesterday and they seemed to cover the OFGEN report on rising bills for quite a long time without once, as far as I noticed, mentioning frakking and how it has cut American gas prices. Perhaps they didn’t want to get drawn into why it has lowered prices in the US but not here.
Surprisingly, they did mention that in the following news programme, which made me wonder if someone had complained.
I heard something like that yesterday, can’t remember whether I had r4 or r5 on but the guy who owned the company that is fracking up north at the moment said that it’s nowhere near enough to make a sizable dent in the gas deficit and unless there is serious Government investment thats the way it will stay. How bloody convienient for our ruling clesses and their green zeal. Anyway if it does take off in a big way they will only regulate the life out of it so that it isn’t cheap.
In Scotland we have the SNP blocking new nuclear power stations, the Greens blocking gas, bird watchers for some reason blocking coal (it appears a proposed coal power station in Ayrshire will interfere with them gazing at their tits) and Greenpeace blocking oil….and they’re wondering about why the bloody lights are about to out.
Enough already!
Halfway through Laurie Taylors ” Thinking Allowed”…but only if it resembles our own!
5 minutes of comparing “chavs” (England), to “neds” or “skeemies” (Scotland)….hate speech?…is Buckfast the new chianti?…so many questions and only a half hour to fill!
How is this superannuated poly wally able to keep trawling his tired cords and bright socks(he`s a rebel remember?) into the BBCs dope den, only to muse about the 60s and the ” clarss” of those vulnerable self referring young people with scary dogs.
Cue a posh Scot and some Uni bunny from up north on a jolly to agree that these young breed have no power-so sad,.
Only 25% bothered their arse enough to let them finish “surveys” before setting Tyson onto their clipboards…they generate street capital don`t you know?
To be honest, I`ve conflated both “pieces”v that pass for Taylors wig and matching jacket patches tofay…I know full well it`s tickling the breeze with bed breath and halitosis…and not even Dez oe colditz are going to get through this crap to spot the join and my artistic license…this is shit…Staffordshire dogs are being patronised apparently.
Bale out boy…must ask somebody about that 39-42 IVF stuff GOT to beat this dopeheads jacket mumbling into a beard…a pragmatic intervention by all accounts.
Oh, he thinks some one is worried…no Laurie…only me!
Bet the old fool didn`t even bother to ask the pickets on Monday about the dyadic construct of the strike as a tool of conflict resolution…”too heavy maan”…
Oh my God chrisH, you listened to a weekly radio programme about sociology and it was all about sociology and you’re not interested in sociology. How terrible that must of been for you.
Once, I bought a Kumquat from Tesco’s and I don’t even like Kumquats.
I told all my friends about it, and demanded that all Tesco’s should be shut down.
Of course that was back when I used to have friends…
No dez, you…penile artifice of construct!
My dialoging within this, albeit limited forum of analytical discussion is of pragmatic criteria interest(stroke beards, phantom or not, reach for hobnob).
True that is not of quantitative significance…but and let me make this simple for your strata of competencies in a meanigful way for you dez
“if you cant finish your survey into chavs because they break their f***in Buckfast(other brands are of course available, do drink responsibly etc etc all over the researchers crania, whilst a Staffordshire canine, as opposed to the hyperphagic option of, indeed a bovine one down something Mc Gregor closed..ah, yeah…pit bull…that`s the chappie…is biting your gonads(other brands are available) and chewing you board of clip persuasion…not that this has any significant bearing in any sense of the findings of this research from the Institute of Studies( sums and scribbly faculty…with tooth marks as that status enhancer of street level peer approval.
Oh fuck this`re a vacuous tit who`s obviously a bit lonely at 3.15 in the morning…Laurie would call you a champion of the full light diurnal spectrum…I`d call you a bit of a weird trolly type who isn`t going to get too much of this.
I`ll repeat this shit with some old twats down from my old Uni repeatedly through the week, and keep getting paid to spout shite about riots and excusing scum all the time..then sneer at anyone who wasn`t “there” in their f***in sixties.
Dez…buzz…piss off!
Next episodic opportunity for aural(or indeed visual) dialoguing self presenting and disclosures…why Strummer was a racist old hippie for saying that riots appeared to him to be only of the white persuasion. For indeed there is the full rainbow of riots now enhanced by the thoughts of Whore Laurie…or is that Hugh…bearded depressive type anyway!
Now the Law Programme-where I ask Joshua Rosenberg whether I can serve dez with a training order,, before we need a solicitor to get a restraining one…come on dez…smile of canine approval as an approval level. it`s now work time dez…ask Laurie about the conflicts and dilemmas i Might be sadly made vulnerable!
8.30 a.m….17 hours might do it for ya son!
Am I seeing a templated article construction here?
As if!
I had obtained fiduciary munificence from the Institute of (Hard )Studies; on the grounds that my thirty year “etude de longines” into such salient hypothoses had been predicated on specific ten plated constructs of an articulated variety-I had made that very clear as you can imagine…all the people….aaah!
Did it lose something in the Welsh translation, my esteemed colleague overseas…and are there any big beanos coming up in Cardiff or somewhere with a view of the Mumbles…anytime soon.
The BBC are paying, don`t tell the plebs!
The reply Dez wrote to you almost matched one written to me above, hence my thought someone was following a template chrish. Dyna fe, fy ffrind, dim byd arall.
must HAVE
not must of
you moron
see what i did there?dez,did you see?
No-I`m pissed off wiv`im.
Ees doin` me f***in nut in?
How do I knock off those likes so they`re seen as “unlikes”..where`s this gang of four? amongst us.
dez, colditz…come on, you know who you are, and I`m prepared to ensure a hotline and “conselling” for your distress!
Oh…now it`s why Purnell is the right man for the job at the BBC.
I`ll not tell you what both windsocks surrounding Kevin Howlett have agreed upon…unanimous!
5 pm news on radio 5 live, Lower unemployment figures are now good news but the analysis must be to find out how it has happened “no one can understand why it has happened”. Still just Liam Byrne interviewed and not a squeak from IDS or other conservatives. So what’s wrong with this? If labour were in power and had achieved this reduction, the BBC would not rush to the conservatives to get an interview. The BBC would not spend all their energy wondering how it had happened, The BBC would be cheering labour’s success in every possible way.
At risk of stealing a Flokker’s thunder, recently a fellow poster made a more than interesting point on the odds of a BBC FoI actually seeing the light of day.
Well it seems Hugs and her protection detail may have taken their eyes off the ball (or, more likely, feel that none in 2 years might look bad), and one may soon squeak past…
Had to like this final comment;
‘Let’s hope the person who asked the questions has a magnifying glass, a calculator and a commitment to Freedom of Information greater than the BBC’s.’
Any dealing with CECUTT will know they can get very stone age on the technology front to make things tricky sharing beyond the ‘let’s keep it just between us’ threat they add in their communications.
I’ve seen emails or Word .docs suddenly be beyond them (and hence a simple cut ‘n paste to share), in favour of blurry .PDFs, but this ‘we need to know where you live’ desire to send an illuminated script by runner with a cleft stick is pretty naked in its obviousness.
Just clicked the link, and it seems others have noticed too:
‘Good grief! If the BBC has technology which can detect a TV “in 20 seconds” and “with frightening efficiency”, it can surely produce a pdf of an old document. With an annual income greater than the GDPs of 72 countries (thank you, licence payers) I think you’re entitled to the format you choose.’
‘Of course if she sends you a hard copy then the same information will not be available here for others to view. No doubt they realise that. Given they have not published any new FOIA disclosure responses on their website since 2011, I suspect they’d quite like minimal exposure on their response.’
Maybe this is another case where one of their cunning plans in cover up may have just backfired to an epic degree?
Why have the white British left London? –
This article would be better entitled ‘The Joy of Multi-Culturalism’…
In my area of south London, the for sale signs go up as soon as the kids reach school age. Just go down to local schools at end of school day (15:30) and you will see why. White British parents don’t want their kids to be in an ethnic minority in their own country. Its a function of demography – the age and fertility rate of newcomers from The Commonwealth.
onslaught of the rampant man hating sexism alert,
“female founder of a project looking into everyday sexism”
on the 5live VD show
i mentioned this in reply early
hmmm looks like a “we da sistas” vanity project, to me
thats open to anything from the ridiculous to the absurd …
hey at least her photos are all over the news … most important box ticked eh! … her buddies at mumsnet have taught her well.
what really really digs at me, she won t do squat, or even
attempt to, about a deadly serious part of this issue, ie epidemic of muslim child gang rapes, in fact she cheapens it, by pushing the old “we da victim” narrative.
all she wants is a facade … to promote herself as a tv spotter who can wave a signature list of “da wimmin” from all over the world who may (or may not) possibly had their bottom pinched at some time in the past
“female founder of a project looking into everyday sexism” on the VD (:-D) show
give me a break
‘….a project looking into….’
An example of left-wingers hunnish adherence to the terminology of industry. Eg. Lesbian ‘workshops’.
Isn’t our Rainbow Alliance great?
I think that it may have been Alexi Sayle, in a rare moment of humour that said :
And-whilst we`re in this mood of re-evaluating the golden comedy era OF Mr Sayle…I remember he had a minute in one of his sketches for asking where Lambeth Social Services were at the time of Hannibals crossing of the Alps.
Or was that Panorama `s John Sweeney?
Now then…any offers of anything that Lenny Henry or Mark Thomas ever said or did that was …well even wry will do at these levels?
Oh…Othello the Moor…? is it on iPlayer then?
How the bBC goes out of its way in which to whitewash the kiddy fiddling ways of Pakistani muslims in the UK.
Oxford exploitation trial: Girl ‘became sex slave aged 11’
A girl has told the Old Bailey how she was seduced and turned into a sex slave by an older man at the age of 11.
Ok, what is the correct term for a man of 30 who goes out of his way in which to bed an 11 year old child:
According to the bBC none of the above, but rather he seduced her. No bBC wankers, a man of 30 does not seduce a child, he grooms, then rapes her.
But to the bBC, Pakistani Muslims can do no wrong.
The bBC, the traitors within our midst
How the bBC whitewashes bad news about Muslims
The bBC was more than happy to report the story about the idiot who planted a pigs head outside a mosque. But who heard about the Irish Muslim who threatened to shoot dead a Muslim who protested against Islamic terrorism.
The bBC is more than happy to inform you about how Muslims only want a place to pray in the racist west with their numerous pro mosque articles, but here has heard about this Muslim pocketing cash donated by the flock for a new mosque in Essex.
The bBC is more than happy to bring you stories about how tolerent Islam is towards gay people:
and they have no problem getting gay militant (Well he likes nothing better than to explode up somebody’s arse ) Peter Thatchell to tell me that the idiots who walk around the streets of East London attacking gays aren’t real Muslims, becasue real Muslims can only be the victims of racist white people. Meanwhile at Manchester University Muslims are caught on camera demanding that Gays be murdered.
On the UK version of Islam channel a TV presenter said homosexuality was an ‘evil action’
and the bBC gives the world..
British gay Muslims seek Islamic weddings
Jeez what, planet do the wankers at the bBC live in?
Sorry the link for the Islamic gay marrage
Have a butchers at that Islamic gay marriage article. The bBC find the time to quote an Iman who says:
By not allowing same-sex couples to wed, there is a direct attack on the Qur’an’s message that each person has a mate who is their ‘comfort and their cloak’”
Then they claim that non-islamic gays are Islamophobes:
It is not just within the Muslim community that gay Muslim couples such as Sarah and Asra have encountered hostility. “I feel there’s Islamaphobia within the gay community. It’s something that really worries me,” says Sarah.
I wonder if Sarah is more worried about intolerance from the faithful than the homosexual community? But not according to the bBC.
And the icing on the same sex wedding cake from the bBC is how the Church of England won’t allow same sex marriages but these two muslims have done so under Islam.
Gee isn’t Islam great. Here’s another story the bBC doesn’t want you to know about:
Jail for Gay Village rape monster who fled sexual persecution
A rapist cab driver who brought terror to Manchester’s Gay Village after fleeing homophobic persecution in Algeria has been jailed. Elhadi Sakhri, 42, preyed on revellers at Canal Street. Terrified young men were driven to lonely spots and brutally attacked before being abandoned miles from home. Manchester Crown Court heard that asylum seeker Sakhri won indefinite leave to remain in Britain nine years ago after complaining he faced persecution in Algeria because he was bisexual.
“Leading human rights lawyer, Baroness Helena Kennedy, QC, opens a new series of Lent Talks, where six well known figures from public life, the arts, human rights and religion, reflect on how the Lenten story of Jesus’ ministry and Passion continues to interact with contemporary society and culture.”
Or Baroness Helena Kennedy, Labour Peer, is given fifteen minutes to challenge unopposed the wicked people (Ms. May?) who would dare to challenge the workings of the ECHR.
NO!…I won`t stand for this foul calumny sir, upon the person of the Lady Helena of Gorbals.”.or is that “Goebbels a”. For did you not here? (and I did a Craig here as afar as the cat would let me).
It was 13.48 mins into her yooman rites crap…but in that last minute, she did indeed mention that funny little bloke up on that stcicky, she did…Jeevus, I think!
See -first ever victim of the intifada…bloody Israel again.
And where was the Food Standards Agency at that picnic for 5000, whilst we`re at it?
Tell me this sir..was the wrong Kennedy shot? over to Giles Fraser…who`s Jeevus?…OK . I`ll ask someone else !
Prize of a cat litter tray unit(slightly awful) to be awrded to which of Dezmund or Colditz spots the simply dreadful typos above!
Bloody Jeevus Collidge Oxford need my brief to turn `em over…would Helena or Cherie do it via the CAB?
I get the impression would disagree with any deportation. But I might be wrong.
Whatever, her slot on the BBC is, well, just more of the leftie agenda, innit? I’m sure Purnell – he of the Ministry of Truth corrected photo – would approve.
How the bBC brainwashes the unwashed into thinking that the UK is and was the root of all evil.
What David Cameron did not apologise for
By making a statement of regret over the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, David Cameron has opened up a can of other questions and grievances over Britain’s colonial past.
What about the British museum returning all the treasures looted from India during the Raj? What about sending back the Kohinoor diamond still embedded in Queen Elizabeth’s crown? And many commenting on this blog say it shouldn’t stop at India – what about the many casualties of Britain’s wars in Afghanistan? But if Britain is in the mood to say sorry in India, there is one episode which stands out more than the Jallianwala Bagh massacre – the 1943 Bengal famine, when over 3 million people may have died, 4 years before the end of British rule.
So the bBC opens up Pandora’s box over tragedies down to the evil British, key exhibit the Bengal famine. I quote from Dickhead Andrew North who really should learn to read the articles he links into I quote from his leftwing apologist article:
But if Britain is in the mood to say sorry in India, there is one episode which stands out more than the Jallianwala Bagh massacre – the 1943 Bengal famine, when over 3 million people may have died, 4 years before the end of British rule….But David Cameron has set a precedent now in India, with his desire for “a special relationship”. If he plans a trip to Calcutta while he’s still prime minister, he won’t be able to avoid the Bengal famine.
And other than the fact that Bengal is now an Islamic state which Hindu India has fenced off here is how the link in Dick splash Andrew North leads to a surprising Indian viewpoint which the obviously North didn’t bother reading:
The year 2013 marks the 70th anniversary of the Bengal Famine which resulted in the death of an estimated 1.5 to 3 million children, women and men during 1942-43. A constellation of factors led to this mega-tragedy, such as the Japanese occupation of Burma, the damage to the aman (kharif) rice crop both due to tidal waves and a disease epidemic caused by the fungus Helminthosporium oryzae, panic purchase and hoarding by the rich, failure of governance, particularly in relation to the equitable distribution of the available food grains, disruption of communication due to World War II, and the indifference of the then U.K. government to the plight of the starving people of undivided Bengal.
Now have a look at the wiki entry for the same event:
The proximate cause of the famine was a reduction in supply, with some increase in demand. The winter 1942 ‘aman’ rice crop which was already expected to be poor or indifferent was hit by a cyclone and three tidal waves in October. 450 square miles were swept by tidal waves, 400 square miles affected by floods and 3200 square miles damaged by wind and torrential rain. Reserve stocks in the hands of cultivators, consumers and dealers were destroyed. This killed 14,500 people and 190,000 cattle. A fungus hit the weakened crop and this was reported to have had an even greater effect on yield than the cyclone. The fungus, Helminthosporium oryzae, destroyed 50% to 90% of some rice varieties.
It was argued that the normal carry over stocks did not exist in Bengal because 1941 was a short year and people started eating the December 1941 crop as soon as it was harvested (as they certainly did when the December 1943 crop was harvested). As a result, the good December 1941 crop did not mean the normal surplus stocks were carried over into 1943. In other years and in other provinces there had been several good or average crops between bad years and stocks had built up.
Bengal had been a food importer for the last decade. Calcutta was normally supplied by Burma. The British Empire had suffered a disastrous defeat at Singapore in 1942 against the Japanese military, which then proceeded to invade Burma in the same year. Burma was the world’s largest exporter of rice in the inter-war period. By 1940 15% of India’s rice overall came from Burma, while in Bengal the proportion was slightly higher given the province’s proximity to Burma. After the Japanese occupation of Burma in March 1942, Bengal and the other parts of India and Ceylon normally supplied by Burma had to find food elsewhere. However, there were poor crops and famine situations in Cochin, Trivandrum and Bombay on the West coast and Madras, Orissa and Bengal in the East. It fell on the few surplus Provinces, mainly the Punjab, to supply the rest of India and Ceylon.
So what we have is instead of the British being solely responsible for the deaths of upto 3 million people, the facts on the ground say a rash of natural calamities combined with the Japanese occupation of Burma resulted in so many people starving to death. But the wanker North…The Brits are guilty
I wonder when Mr North is going to berate Pakistan for murdering 3 million people only 40 years ago in the same area. Yeah right big chance.
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
From reading the Penguin History of India years ago, I vaguely remember that by that stage a lot of local administration was being placed under the responsibility of Indian representatives: it was their inexperience as much as anything that made the response of the authorities to the emergency slower than it need have been. In the end the Army stepped in and helped administer the relief programme.
So a student tapes an outragous Moslem group in action openly saying that they would feel justified in killing gay people – just as many of us have been saying.
The student union lefties immediately spring into action and well know local leftie nutter Cat Gray spoke out :
“Students’ Union wellbeing officer Cat Gray told the Mancunion: ‘We are deeply concerned with the covert filming of a student event within the union.”
So instead of being concerned by the threats of murder the students union are investigating the guy who covertly taped them?
Sheesh you couldn’t make it up!
Although this was carried on local news there is nothing on the bBC website.
This is precisely the kind of thing that is funny to see reported. It has the leftoid PC brigade’s heads exploding in quandaried indecision as they find themselves desperately trying not to offend either the gay lobby or Muslims, so as usual they try to kill the messenger, it’s appalling, cowardly behaviour that shows their true lack of moral fibre when it comes to what’s right and what’s wrong. It was hate speech, it’s as simple as that and these are the very people who are first to throw such accusations around.
Ah, pleasing.
Heard exactly the same crap on Carmarthenshire Councils persecution of a blogger who filmed their Councils meetings, and was commenting on what she was seeing.
Pleasing to know that union kiddies are growing up in full CCTV, monitoring and writ-slapping as their mentors in local government.
Evan davis did wonder though if he`d not been a bit…you know…decided in her views, maybe the Council were hurt..tired…bit sad.
One big mindset this Beeblabunistewdi one isn`t it?
One goal, one vision…only halal fried chicken if you must give that to us Freddie. Obesity epidemic alert.
Those “Men” “from Oxford” aaccording to the bBC re coming up on trail for rape
The defendants are:
Kamar Jamil, 27, formerly of Aldrich Road, Oxford
Akhtar Dogar, 32, of Tawney Street, Oxford; and his brother Anjum Dogar, 30, of Tawney Street, Oxford
Assad Hussain, 32, of Ashurst Way, Oxford
Mohammed Karrar, 38, of Kames Close, Oxford; and his brother Bassam Karrar, 33, of Hundred Acres Close, Oxford
Mohammed Hussain, 24, of Horspath Road, Oxford
Zeeshan Ahmed, 27, of Palmer Road, Oxford
Bilal Ahmed, 26, of Suffolk Road, Maidenhead
Do you notice anything unusual about these names, that do not exactly chime with the dreaming spires of Oxford? Do they have some strange commonality that would pass by the average bBC reporter, steeped in the promotion of a rainbow nation? Helen Boaden may have stepped sideways, but the ghost of Helen Boaden lives on.
But which colleges are they from sir?
The Baroness Kennedy and the Lord Prescott will soon be among us, and there`s no white trash from the lower orders to toast their muffins?
Maybe your College friends here might be able to help one achieve this lofty office!
Lady , The Mary Beard…yeah, I know she`s cambridge coldie and dez….Rosie and Jim more like!
Everyone a red blooded Englishmen !
“Birmingham men guilty of mass bomb plot”
I see the Brummies have been plotting to blow themselves up. Don’t know why, reading that headline. Perhaps they got sick of a diet of Ansells and faggots.
Were these those chaps that had moaned that 7/7 didn`t kill enough?
Were they some kind of “task force” or “hit squad” of Al Queda(other terrorist groups are, of course ,available) that had been sent in to “improve effectiveness and efficiency within the explosives and faith based community?”
In which case, you can only admire their wish to use as few non-renewable chemicals and pesticides as poss. Maybe a ” Carbon Capture Champion Award” at least?
Is anybody teaching chemistry any more in these madrassas, or is there a shortage of resources due to Coalition-driven cuts?
Perhaps this IS how typical Brummies look now?;h=350
This story is having the usual low profile reporting the BBc gives to these cases. Last year I complained to the BBc that they had not reported on the muslim pedo case in Liverpool. They came back with some guff about the stories they ran depended on public interest and other factors. Of course with the amount of traffic about this story on line they eventually had to report on it. Despite telling me that they would comprehensively report on the trail they didn’t in fact one article focused on the banners being show by demonstrators outside the courtroom. They then tried to pull a smoke and mirror job on demonstrations outside certain fast food outlets that had allegedly featured in some of these cases by pretending whole swathes of shops were being affected. Radio 4 did run a report on the current “Oxford” trail about a 12 year old (I think) being forced to have an abortion. I didn’t see any of the TV news yesterday so I don’t know if story had enough “public Interest” to make it perhaps someone could enlighten me.
Early this morning 21/02/12 BBC rubbishing Linton Crosby, gloating over the fall in the Pound and querying whether the Government can transfer money from the aid budget to defence. Discuss
Did anyone have the misfortune to listen to Dilemma on Radio 4. If you didn’t avoid.
Yes & I have registered a complaint with the bBC. I doubt I shall receive a proper answer
If you do not receive a reply complain again. The reply you eventually get will be meaningless however. Just out of interest what did you complain about.
The BNP subject and the bBC ignoring the uman rights charter which says they must not discriminate on the grounds of political belief. On top of that them working to destroy freedom & freedom of speech.
Fair point. In my experience the BBc immediate action will be to ignore you. you will then have the opportunity to re-complain with your original complaint and the fact that they ignored that complaint. You will then get a blah blah reply. I have had many. As it only takes a few minutes it’s well worth the effort. If no one complains there is the justification that the BBc is doing a wonderful job.
No. Do enlighten.
it’s those “right wing extremists” again…….attacking spurs fans in Lyon
funny how there are never any “left wing extremists”,and also strange how the bbc failed to mention the very strong ethos and following of spurs FC among the jewish community.
Attacks on jews and anything perceived to be jewish-the bbc are partly to blame for this.Non stop negativity about Israel and those nasty jooz spews forth from their mouths at every opportunity
but they’re not being anti semitic dontcha know…….
now-islamophobia anyone?don’t look at a muslim with so much as a sideways glance or you’re definitely islamophobic
especially those “men” who groom and rape white kids and whose background must never be mentioned……cant be seen to be “islamophobic”
Q.what is “islamophobia” anyway?’s the fear of being blown up on a bus or train on your way to work
Worth comparing to Spurs fans STABBED
Worth noting that the Mail notes the antisemitic aspect witnesses reporting that the Italian hooligans shouted ‘Jews’ at the Tottenham fans. which the BBC misses.
Note also the difference in the Lazio Chairman’s quote or what the BBC chooses to quote.
BBC: Lazio chairman Claudio Lotito said on Thursday: “Lazio fans have nothing to do with what happened last night” and he added that there would be “surprises about the real culprits”.
Mail:Lazio’s notorious ‘Ultras’ fanbase have been blamed for the attack, however, club president Claudio Lotito denied such allegations, claiming instead ‘foreigners’ were to blame.
Who do you think recorded Lotito’s statements, just about right?
doubtless we’ll have the beeb’s own resident troll dez along soon to tell us how “jews are shysters2,like he did on another post
that’ll make it all ok then
I just knew when I heard the report on the BBC that I wasn’t being given the full story but not being a football fan hadn’t made the connection. Thanks ltwf1964.
Ouch!…..this has got to hurt…..
‘ITV’s expose of the Jimmy Savile abuse scandal has been named “scoop of the year” at the Royal Television Society’s Journalism Awards.’
Returning to the subject of odd BBC news headlines – here’s a corker….
Dubai Police ‘deny Britons’ torture’
I take it from that phrasing that a group of Sado Masochists from the UK have been prevented from following their ‘human right’ to a bit of a thrashing by some burka clad Miss Whiplash whilst on holiday somewhere in the Gulf.
The story of course is a rather different piece of BBC agenda pushing.
Dubai police ‘deny torture of British men’
Surely if this is what the BBC have to stoop to so as to achieve some sort of searchability then something should be done?
Come forward the BBC and take a bow.
Mind you, I don’t actually expect our national broadcaster to accept their due plaudits in this case.
The news events of this week may not be thought to have been particularly remarkable. Indeed the bail hearings of Oscar Pistorius, some English soccer fans attacked in bar whilst abroad and Emile Sande winning some music award, although headlining on the BBC on line news pages, I am sure will be forgotten given the perspective of history.
A story not given much prominence by the BBC is, I would suggest, worthy of rather more significance.
The BBC give the story a rather factual and perhaps deliberately uninteresting headline :
‘Vicky Pryce jury discharged in Huhne speeding points case’.
We may not be encouraged by that bland BBC headline but dear reader, read on.
‘The jury trying Chris Huhne’s former wife Vicky Pryce has failed to reach a verdict on a charge relating to speeding points she took for the ex-minister 10 years ago.
Ms Pryce, 60, of Clapham, London, faces a retrial before a new jury on Monday.
She denied perverting the course of justice, saying Huhne, who pleaded guilty, had coerced her in 2003.’
Three sentences in and still no meat on the dry bones. Well persistence is required but whenever our national broadcaster prevaricates (or beats about the Shepperds Bush) I have found it to be worth the effort. So let’s see what exactly is the DNA of the meat in this pre-processed BBC product?
‘The judge said some of the questions from the jury had shown a “fundamental deficit in understanding” of its role.’
‘Speaking in court later on the same day in the jury’s absence, the judge said: “In 30 years of criminal trials I have never come across this at this stage, never.”
‘Prosecutor Andrew Edis QC said the jury of eight women and four men did not appear to have “truly understood” or “sufficiently grasped” its task.’
“I don’t ever recollect getting to this stage in any trial, even in far more complicated trials than this one, and, after two days of deliberations, a list of questions of this very basic kind illustrating that at least some jurors do not seem to have grasped it,”
So in other words after a generation of us ingesting the BBC approved diet of dumbing down, Comprehensive education, feminisation of discourse and mass immigration, we reach a point where a Jury at Southwark Crown Court is exposed as insufficiently competent to fulfil its civic duty in judging its peers.
What a sad state of affairs. And this revelation comes just days after the BBC was telling us that a majority of the British public were so progressive in their views that our leaders should jolly well get with the progressive mood and pass the society altering law dubbed Equal Marriage.
I thought the same this morning
but of course from the beeb’s cretinous perspective,the question was asked “should we look at overhauling our justice system?”
not “what kind of third world education system have we got in this country?”
The information I have not yet seen on the BBC is that only two of the jury were white. The fault might not be all in our socialised education system.
When the legal system (and juries, for that matter) was first introduced in England, the ethnic race was essentially, er, English, and reasonably well educated (or at least had a grasp of life in general). Now, they are multi-culti, dumbed down, intrinsically thick, have no grip on what goes on in the world, indoctrinated into a life of ideologies, whilst glued to their PlayStation and televisions and fed a diet of
horsebeef burgers. Little wonder they don’t have the nous to follow the intricacies of court proceedings.The chickens have come home to roost. As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
Congratulations. In one sentence you manage to reveal yourself as nasty, embittered, xenophobic, misanthropic and contemptuous of the working class. Quite a feat.
And you a defender of the indefensible. What better example of a dumbed-down, ill-informed, badly-educated modern Britain would you like? Or perhaps you approve, who knows – after all, the UN is now telling us that a well-educated population is bad for the planet.
OG may have been somewhat blunt in what he said, but basically his reasoning his sound.
I never said I approved. The jury were obviously a complete shower with a negative IQ. I just can’t understand, or indeed bear, nasty embittered expats sitting at their computers spluttering about the state of a country they have chosen to abandon. Go and tend your garden and enjoy life and spare us your bile.
Oh, Doctor Foster – it sounds very much like it is YOU who is embittered – are you just jealous, or have you been in a puddle right up to your middle somewhere near Gloucester?
I have had a LOT (and I mean a lot) of experience in the Former UK of Crown Courts, the Central Criminal Court, and Coroner’s courts (not to mention magistrate’s and the RCJ), and I stand by everything I wrote. You seem to enjoy taking people to task here, do go away.
100% correct. I had the unfortunate experience of sitting on two juries a while back, and what a scary time it was. Prejudice, racism, ego, low IQ abounded. There were some very odd people who had been called for jury service that week, over 150 in the main waiting room. And this goes on week after week. How many people who are guilty have been found not guilty and vice verca. No wonder what is said in the jury room is secret, if the barristers knew then every verdict would be appealed. The police the CPS must know what’s going on, they must see that the public in 2013 cannot be relied on to come up with the right verdict. Society has changed so much with so many cultures and moral codes, there must be absolute chaos in some jury rooms and nobody is allowed to comment.
And as we’ve seen with deportation and other cases, judges can’t be trusted either. The chaos gets ever deeper, with the likes of Dr Foster looking on approvingly. What a shower of golden rain.
I had nothing to base it on (except prejudice and that won’t stop me thinking) but I did wonder at the ethnic make up of the Jury. You see I did note mass-immigration as a factor in Britain’s dumbing down. Meanwhile I noted the 2:1 women to men imbalance on the Jury (and thought Vicky Pryce you lucky bitch!) and noted the feminisation of discourse. I refer of course to the prevalence of emotion over fact in current debate. A recurrent theme on the BBC in the recent Equal Marriage debate was ‘love’ – go figure.
It looks as though there is a sufeit of ethnically more interesting people available for Jury service in Southwark…
Daily Mail gives further detail:
Eight Women, Four Men….And No Clue.
Of the eight women and four men on the Vicky Pryce Jury, only two were white – the rest appeared to be of Afro-Caribbean or Asian origin. At least twice, the Court finished 30 minutes early because a Jury member had a ‘religious observation’ to keep.
At least twice, the Court finished 30 minutes early because a Jury member had a ‘religious observation’ to keep.’
‘Multiculturalism results in tail wagging dog shocker’.
At least the jury was clued up in the Stephen Lawrence retrial.
If they hadn’t been able to understand English the judge would never have been able to prejudice them by playing a tape of unrelated racist talk, or to assert that police-contaminated clothing was evidence really.
A foreign-born jury wouldn’t have been influenced by the Mail’s long-running libel and contempt campaign either, nor understood why the double jeopardy rule had to be scrapped for the retrial – namely, to show that you are innocent until proven white.
English-speaking juries are therefore more easily manipulated into coming up with the right answers, thus pleasing government judges and MSM alike. If there had been a foreign-born jury at the retrial, the verdict might have been different.
As it is I consider the foreign-born Pryce jury to have been honest in not just going for guilty or non-guilty, as if they understood the case and the judge.
As Itwf1964 notes, the BBC followed the chomskeyan principle of democratic debate by avoiding the main issue (ie the state “education” system) and opted instead to host a discussion on whether the jury system needs an overhaul.
Actually the system might require another look, but the reason for that is that many jurors – in this case certainly and God knows in how many other cases – are probably incapable of tieing up their own shoelaces let alone deciding on guilt or innocence on the basis of arguments/evidence presented in grammatically correct English in court.
Accordingly, and although I wouldn’t wish to go down the US road on this one, maybe unlimited challenges by defence and prosecution counsel to membership of a jury should be introduced. That way, at least, the intellectually and educationally bereft could be excluded from the jury.
In any event, don’t expect a genuine debate on the BBC on this one; nor an airing of the facts concerning the make-up of the Pryce jury. I expect that the Narrative will expand to encompass support for some kind of limitation of jury trial such that appointed “assessors” (probably described as “jurors”) drawn from the political class will “help” the judges come to a “correct” conclusion. Whatever, the dumbing down of our civil life continues apace.
Oh , can`t we just get along there people?
I myself can vouch for the CAB sofa down in Eltham every other Tuesday(10-12.30). So much lawy stuff, so many big words,,,doin` my nut in , Ebobee!
These elitist judges are so well-judgemental I suppose!
Roll up the tents.
Where`s Jeremy Kyles bookings…far easier to put Vic and Chrissie on there wouldn`t it?
Cheaper too-worked out earlier that my three points came out at £60 each approx…all paid for by me!
How much has each of Huhnes cost us?..and can we have FoI confirmation of all this?
I lodged a complaint about BBC Breakfast recently when the female presenter read out the clearly visible newspaper headline “Cameron wins rare victory in Europe” as “Cameron wins so-called victory in Europe” and asked why she felt it necessary to re-word the text. Could somebody interpret this email I’ve received from the BBC Complaints Department for me? Other than making me feel guilty and stupid for apparently misunderstanding, I just do not understand what they are telling me!
Thanks for contacting us regarding BBC One’s Breakfast on 9 February.
I’m sorry to note you were concerned by presenter Naga Munchetty’s reading of a newspaper headline referring to David Cameron’s “so-called victory” in reference to a cut achieved in the EU budget.
This statement came in the newspaper review, while Naga was reading out the Financial Times headline: “Cameron wins rare victory in Europe”. Saying “so-called victory” is making clear it’s the newspaper’s terminology and not the presenter describing the result as a “victory”. Naga was therefore doing exactly what you felt should’ve been done in this section which is to highlight the stance taken by newspapers, not those of a presenter or the BBC.
bunch of weasels
A levels in verbal gymnastics the lot of them
I would paraphrase that reply as:
We did it because we can, now bugger off!
BBC presenters never do wrong. It is the job of the BBC complaints department to explain exactly how their presenters were correct in each case.
‘It is the job of the BBC complaints department to explain exactly how their presenters were correct in each case.’
If may, they will ‘explain’ nothing.
What they will do is inform you that:
‘BBC presenters never do wrong.’
It means that using the words of the headline would be to declare the presenter’s own opinion. Whereas to substitute her own words for those in the headline would be to declare the newspaper’s opinion.
Their “mission to inform” obliges the BBC to attack the “Tories” – so a journalist feels justified in making up a headline in a paper review (even when the viewer can see the headline for themselves) just so long as it attacks the Conservatives.
Your license fee at work.
Her intonation and actions should make it clear whether she’s reading from/quoting the newspaper.
I disagree completely RD. It was a newspaper review – she was supposed to be reading the headline of the newspaper not interpreting or putting her own spin on things. The headline should have been read as written, pre-handling the ‘newspaper terminology’ by saying that ‘this is the FT’s headline’.
The BBC (Norman Smith in particular) have no problem in telling us, verbatim, what ‘some people say..’ What’s different here?
Nor do the BBC have a problem in frequently referring to the ‘Bedroom Tax’ rather than the ‘so called bedroom tax’ which is the Labour Party’s name for the occupancy initiative .
Actually LL, you were lucky to catch any reference to this, Cameron’s achievement was met with an almost total news blackout from the BBC.
The BBCs response to your question is unacceptable – taking the p*ss actually. I think that this complaint should be escalated to the Trust (where another strand of the BBC regulates itself).
This cannot go on.
I think you misunderstod the intention of my post, which was tongue-in-cheek. 🙂
Sorry. Had had enough of the bastards today and was on a short fuse.
(And since then, I’ve made the mistake of listening to Rasher Bacon, carrying on about ‘Cameron’s’ criticism of Hillary Mantel…It’s just too much!)
It’s probably worth keeping an eye out for other bBBC uses of ‘so-called’, such as ‘so-called’ religion of peace, ‘so-called’ government cuts, ‘so-called’ envy of the world and indeed ‘so-called’ BBC management.
What about the “so-called” impartiality of the BBC.
Clearly visible newspaper headline “Cameron wins rare victory in Europe” as “Cameron wins so-called victory in Europe”
The BBC, and what is vs. what they wish it could, and uniquely can make it be.
‘The BBC’s view was that “the short headline was an accurate summary of the report to which it had linked”
Maybe the sub-editor had written a longer version for the £96kpa teleprompter reader-outer that was a more accurate summary of how the BBC views ‘news’?
‘Could somebody interpret this email
Of course. A bit like Hugh Dennis on Mock the Week mind…
‘I’m sorry to note you were concerned..’
a) We are not sorry at all
b) We’re pissed you caught us out again
c) Ha-ha! What are you going to do about it?
‘.. by presenter Naga Munchetty’s reading of a newspaper headline referring to David Cameron’s “so-called victory” in reference to a cut achieved in the EU budget.
Just thought we’d try and wangle what wasn’t there in. Again.
‘This statement came in the newspaper review, while Naga was reading out the Financial Times headline: “Cameron wins rare victory in Europe”.
Never hurts to tell you what you told us, as it pads out the guff we send to ECU if you are dumb enough to escalate this. Unless you are already expedited, in which case Ha-ha (see above).
‘Saying “so-called victory” is making clear…
Ok, it’s not, at all. It’s adding a word that was not there. Like we got nailed for doing before. And promised not to do again.
But as our inspirational leadership guru once said… ‘tell it often enough and it will become true’, QED.
‘…it’s the newspaper’s terminology and not the presenter describing the result as a “victory”.
Only it’s not the newspaper headline at all. It’s what the BBC thinks it should have said.
‘Naga was therefore doing exactly what you felt should’ve been done..’
Silly you, don’t you realise that you don’t know what should be done… Naga does!
‘… in this section which is to highlight the stance taken by newspapers, not those of a presenter or the BBC.’
Reporting fact accurately is so last Pollard Report. The new BBC is about highlighting stances!
I hope this helps.
You may find that by breaking the BBC ‘let’s keep this our little secret’ Savile obligation, they may take a dim view?
That’s what makes their power being held to account so unique.
In the USSR the more absurd the claim the better – because it taught the serfs to do as they are told rather than attempt to apply subversive bourgeois concepts such as truth and accuracy to pronouncements made by agencies of the State.
Whoever wrote that reply managed to capture the Stalinist arrogance of the BBC in a nutshell.
They should be nominated for some sort of award.
Baksheesh Alert
The first in an ambitious new series in which the BBC explore the recent creeping corruption in British civic life.
n. pl. baksheesh
A gratuity, tip, or bribe paid to expedite service, especially in some Near Eastern countries
Just kidding – about that new BBC investigation.
Well they have to report the news….
‘A driving test examiner has been arrested as part of an investigation into allegations of bribery.’
But don’t expect the BBC to look at what might lie behind this case. £3000 for a Licence seems a lot of money. If you are going to break the law why not just drive without a Licence? Useful things Licences, however. Useful as ID.
‘Corruption in British civic life’, eh?
Can’t be long before they cover Tower Hamlets then, can it? (Holds breath….)
‘Mr Rahman’s ruling council cabinet is 100 per cent Bengali, in a borough where Bengalis make up only about a third of the population. While Newham will not fund projects aimed at just one community, Tower Hamlets pours enormous sums into Bengali-only drugs projects, arts projects, youth projects and lunch clubs – many of them run by front organisations of the IFE [Lutfur’s extremist allies]. ‘
Loads more on vote rigging when you google it.
There is nothing new about this driving test scam – a friend who is a driving instructor told me about this over 20 years ago. Funnily enough I remember him telling me that it was a problem that exclusively involved what the BBC would call “men”.
I did have to smile though when I saw the news clip linked to in AsIseeIt’s post. The successful and totally-above-board candidate simply had to be ….. well, you know the rest. Just look at the name on the certificate. If I didn’t know better I might have thought that they were trying to divert attention.
Richard Bacon warmed up for his interview with Johnny Marr by way of an interview with Brit award nominee Jake Bugg. “Has music lost its working class edge?”, asked Richard. Jake,19, a working class lad from Nottingham, told Richard it really doesn’t matter who you are or what you sing about as long as the music is good.
Tough luck, Richard. I’m sure Marr will provide better fare on Monday.
Was amused to hear that public schoolboy Bacon had enjoyed childhood trips to Skeggy – just like Jake Bug. Down with the Northern kids, or what?
Oddly Bacon didn’t share any stories about his drug experiences with the young rocker.
As for his politics, well give it time, the lad will soon realise which side of his showbiz bread is buttered. Expect him to get left-wing soon.
Will someone highlight “Prince Ruperts fascinating tome for him….maybe the part where xenon was replaced by neon in one of the bank lights by Mr Watts riser in 1976 somewhere northern…and, the Price made sure it was-bloody hell…”tax deductible for the following financial year. Sadly Mr Michael Jagger of Beziers had omitted to..”..
Yes Bacon you arse…Prince Rupert is the face of rock and roll!,…not Morrisseys bagman!
Sorry there-have I shone a (recyclable low wattage…etc) “little light upon the magic for the civilians out there who didn`t take drugs and get oiled down like a ssad cormorant by the bloody Beeb!
Did “the Prince” (as he goes by now) win the BRIT Accountancy Award(double entry) that was on offer last year?
Oh do tell me!
Does Choudhury know that the kaffir BBC are plugging haram meat every bloody day in announcing this squits name?…and would they like to do something that gently challenges Mr Bacons provocation of our Muslim friends?
Beeboids prefer the defence of Britain to be decided by Oxfam, apparently.
Of course, in these parlous times, Beeboids prefer UK’s ‘foreign aid’ budget to be sacrosanct, while that for UK defence and armed forces is cut.
For the ‘liberal-left’, the defence of the Britain is secondary to the waste and largesse that goes under the misleading heading of ‘foreign aid’.
‘Daily Mail:
“Cameron to divert aid millions to avoid more defence cuts and free up cash for equipment.”
“Aid money could go to defence – David Cameron”
Apols if already shared:
The Conservative Party learns the value of appeasement.
‘I have in my hand, and invitation to appear on the Daily Politics Show in 2016..’
Nothing on the Beeb yet on Gorgeous George’s latest display of cnutery.
He knew he would get his arse tanned in open debate, he likes a one sided rant.
Will BBC-NUJ ban GALLOWAY from ‘Question Time’, or ban Israelis instead?
“George Galloway storms out of debate with Israeli student.
George Galloway has stormed out of a debate at a Oxford University college after realising he was debating against an Israeli student.”
By Rowena Mason.
We’re not talking Marine Le Pen being physically opposed by political ‘left’ (at Cambridge University on Tuesday) which tried to prevent her speaking; we’re talking now of George Galloway, who was on ‘QT’ last week, trying to treat an Israeli as a non-person yesterday.
National Union of Journalists’ policy is to oppose such organisations as France’s Front National, a political party which opposes mass immigration and Islamisation of France/Europe.
So BBC-NUJ inevitably endorses NUJ policy in reporting Marine Le Pen.
But BBC-NUJ shows no such political hostility to Galloway in his intolerance towards an Israeli.
After all, both Galloway and BBC-NUJ support Islamic jihad Hamas.
one hopes he would never go on the road towards the GENUINELY apartheid city of Mecca then … where you have to turn off if non muslim, before getting near to it eh …
self serving hippocritical fraud
On the other hand, is Galloway a Muslim?
Last words of ‘Telegraph’ report above:-
..”.Mr Galloway has repeatedly refused to answer questions about his own faith, dismissing rumours of a conversion ten years ago as ‘totally untrue’.”
” George Galloway’s conversion to Islam.
Jemima Khan, in an interview with the Bradford MP, reveals the background to his Muslim conversion.”
By Alice Green. (April, 2012)
If Galloway is a Muslim, he’s not a very good one. He took a secular oath when taking his seat in Parliament. No Koran, not even a mention of any word or name for God.
as George unveils ( 😀 ) 4TH WIFE –
the 3RD WIFE of newlywed MP George Galloway reacted angrily last night. accused the politician of using outdated MUSLIM (marriage) relationship rules
… hhmmmm
“new bride, Gayatri Pertiwi – a Dutch-born Muslim of Indonesian descent 30 years his junior, seated beside him throughout the interview – smiles at me.
George and Gayatri performed the nikah, the Muslim marriage ceremony, four weeks ago at the Royal Theatre in Amsterdam, the day after his sensational and unexpected victory in Bradford. This means, presumably, that they are unmarried under British law. Galloway has had two previous Muslim marriages (and this marriage to Gayatri is his fourth marriage in total). However, a Muslim woman is not permitted to marry a non-Muslim man under Islamic law – although the other way round is allowed.”
3 “Men” found guilty of leading a bomb plot. Men? take a wild guess it begins with m. BBc 13:00 news. They do mention “Radical islam” later in the report.
Well, that must have been a mistake. The 13.05 website item has no mention whatsoever of their peaceful motives.
INBBC avoids mention of Islam/Muslims in its online report:
“Birmingham men guilty of mass bomb plot”
“Birmingham plot: The leaders
Profiles of the leaders of the al-Qaeda cell from Birmingham.”
“Birmingham plot: The facilitators and foot soldiers
Profiles of the rest of the cell that collaborated with the Birmingham plot leaders.”
‘Daily Mail’:
“Three young British Muslims found guilty of plotting ‘another 7/7’ with team of eight suicide bombers and rucksacks packed with explosives.
“Irfan Naseer, 31, Irfan Khalid, 27, and Ashik Ali, 27, wanted ‘revenge for 9/11.’
“Ringleaders spent years travelling to Pakistan for ‘terror training.’
“Al-Qaeda backed group made videos to play after they blew themselves up.
“The terror cell raised funds by posing as bogus charity workers.
“Plotted ‘spectacular campaign’ from dirty Birmingham headquarters.
“Police discovered explosives in Midlands when plan was at advanced stage.”
3 men guilty in plot to become suicide bombers. Now then, moderates are they? It’s radical islam at fault it said on bbc.
Utter bollocks of course. It’s merely islam itself.
Oh the enrichment we bet from these scum.
Those ”Men” are at it again.
‘tiny minority’ of course.
you mean `3 Birmingham men`
BBC called them extremists
Extremists of what I wonder ?
That’s actually a valid question.
Disillusioned with their country of birth, apparently (PM, tonight). In which case, why didn’t they stay in Pakistan instead of just taking an extended holiday there enriching themselves with the local culture? Or do they treat illegal immigrants differently over there?
It’s all very confusing.
Also in Birmingham
(I can’t find INBBC report):-
‘Daily Mail’-
“Dinner lady sacked for serving Muslim children with non-halal meat at multi-faith school.
“Parents forced headmaster to apologise for ‘insulting’ their faith.
“Birmingham school has both Muslim students and those of other faiths.
“All 1,400 students at Moseley School are served Halal meat only.”
A ‘Jihadwatch’ comment:-
“When in Muslim countries, one must conform to Muslim customs and practices. When in non-Muslim countries, one must conform to Muslim customs and practices. And so it is that all the students at this school, non-Muslims as well as Muslims, are served halal meat. That seems to be just fine with everyone — who cares if some Christian parents object? But this ‘dinner lady’ mistakenly served non-halal meat to the Muslim students, and she is summarily fired, without a second chance. Not content with this small triumph of Islamic supremacism, Muslim parents are demanding that other school officials be fired as well.
“And no one in Britain appears to be willing to say that in Britain, people should be expected to conform to British customs and practices, and that is the end of the matter.”
This is all screamingly funny to read.
I’ve been gigling to myself reading this thread all through lunch.
Keep going – you’re bound to precipitate the downfall of that evil corporation and the malevolent liberal elite soon!
Hasn’t anyone mentioned Common Purpose yet!
Great stuff – keep it up!
Blimey, that was quick, already…. heeee’s back!
‘I’ve been gigling to myself’
Don’t know what that is, but there may still be treatment.
‘Hasn’t anyone mentioned Common Purpose yet!’
Other than you, no.
Are you sure you haven’t been getting off topic tips from the other padded cells?
Absolutely I’m back! Who couldn’t stay away from this place with the entertainment on offer!
I’ll be popping in regularly to watch you lot mutually send your blood pressure through the roof. Some of this stuff is true comedy gold.
Perhaps one day you might grow up enough to reflect on your life and regret the wasted days ranting impotently (or indeed impudently!) against a public broadcaster and how it’s all terribly unfair….and how those meany Muslims are going to take over and all those evil Marxists drone drone (ad nauseum).
You get my drift….
No, chaps and chapesses – rest assured I’ll be popping in periodically to verify whether it’s physiologically possible to swivel one’s eyes through 360 degrees and froth all of the moisture out of one’s body.
Although I’m pretty sure at least one of you has already done those things.
Pip pip for now!
Steve, any thoughts about Will Self and Radio 4 or 28-Gate or the Fogel Family or the BBC hiring Obama campaigners to report on US issues or on the constant stream of Left-wing opinion from your colleagues on Twitter, in direct violation of official policy? If you’re capable of anything besides sneering, that is.
David – I’ll say this only once to you.
I want to make it quite clear.
I’m not here to debate with you.
Reading all the unpleasant, racist ranting and general hatred, it’s quite clear that you have made up your minds about the BBC – I won’t change that, whatever I say. Especially as you and your colleagues on here refer to me as a BBC employee, when I’m not – you clearly only consider that Corporation employees would ever stand up for the BBC, which is a ridiculous viewpoint.
It is evident that you all have a profound hatred and disdain for the concept of a state-funded broadcaster and that you are all of a certain hard right political bent. Fine. There’s plenty of your type all over the internet, occasionally I might engage, but most of the time I’ll just laugh at you and your hate-fuelled paranoia.
The conduct of most on here is exactly what I’m doing – a kind of sneering disdain. Except that I’m doing it to you, rather than you sneering at the BBC and anyone who doesn’t espouse your hard right political tendencies.
But I will say this. The BBC is the national broadcaster. As such it should give air time to all political viewpoints, but it should also broadly reflect the prevailing views of the nation.
The prevailing views of the majority are, and have been for at least a generation, those of the political centre. Major wasn’t exactly a paleoconservative, Blair wasn’t exactly a galloping Marxist. We have a Coalition Government with broadly centrist policies.
You lot don’t like it because the prevailing views are not those of the hard right. Tough. You’re the minority.
But enough of that. From hereonin, I’m just going to laugh at you little Enochs and your abundant frustrations.
Anyhow, Dave me old yankee china – when did you last pay your licence fee!?
Toodle pip!
“Racist ranting” “Hate fuelled paranoia.” Have you by any chance had a swift gander at the news today, Steve? Mass murder in Hyderabad and Damascus, home grown members of the religion of peace attempting carnage that would knock 7/7 into a cocked hat, not to mention those charming chaps from Oxford committing unspeakable acts on under age girls. There’s quite a lot to be “paranoid about isn’t there?
Steve Collins = Nicked Emus
Toodle pip!
So, SC, any comment on the Halal meat story (for example), or are you just going to continue with your impotent, schoolboyish attempts at a wind-up?
I’d worry more about your own blood pressure, to be honest, as it must be heartbreaking for you to see a site like this still flourishing after so many years, still uncovering superb examples of BBC bias (at least a couple of which should have had it subjected to a public enquiry).
So either show some guts and have a go at defending the BBC on um, let’s see – 28gate – or concentrate your efforts on getting the spelling right on that banner for your next UAF outing.
” I’ve been giggling ”
You sound like a 13 year old school girl.
a newly released occupant of the padded cell department arrives I see
He’d better watch he doesn’t wet himself
It’s merely another recycled bbc troll using yet another pseudonym.
Excellent debating skills, Steve. Very intelligent, erudite contribution.
You are very dull and boring. However it is refreshing to see the view through the mirror in Wonderland. Please do carry on.
He sounds just like Naked Anus – but perhaps they’re just from the same hate site.
A very familiar style. And if true, totally lacking in balls.
bet you’re into getting gangbanged too
Yawn. Boring. Please say something interesting.
As someone who has had training in psychological matters Steve; I’m interested to know why you have made so many references to psychiatric matters.
I’m always interested in people who express themselves in such histrionic ways on matters that are not particularly emotive or radical.
Do you have a tendency for “splitting” like this in your everyday conversation, or is it when you feel somehow threatened?
I’d be interested to know.
Is that you really Steve? so what do you do at the BBC ? or are you going to play the concerned moron puppet card ? I hope for your sake it’s the first as the second would mean you are standing up for a multi billion £ corporation for no pay ?? lol sucker!!!
What a sad statement about your personality.
Funny I know your using words but sadly all I can see is a sad lonely Berk haunting what he thinks are his mortal enemies well until his mum comes to get him for his dinner!
Compare & contrast:
Less than 24 hours after the incident, and without a single arrest being made, the BBC carries reports that ‘neo-Nazis’ attacked Spurs fans in Lyon:
Meanwhile, even after ‘months of evidence’ the BBC still isn’t sure about those Birmingham men:
‘What was never clear in the trial was what had really made them want to be bombers.’
Obamessiah and his supplicants: update.
“No love lost between Obama and political reporters”
But there are still exceptions, aren’t there, MARDELL?
Richard Bacon can be a bit of a berk. He does however ‘out’ eco-nut and fellow Beeboid Steve Blackshall.
‘If you could eliminate one animal species – and you have to chose one – which would it be?’
‘Well, it would have to be us – humans’
‘You would do away with humans before foxes?’
Please God people out there…. don’t ever vote Green.
The Green party is like a water melon.
Green on the outside, red on the inside. They’re Marxists.
Easy to see why the eco-fascists don’t really give a shit if the world descends into chaos, and easy to see how their policies are designed to bring it about.
INBBC still clings to its fantasy of ‘Arab Spring’.
[-see section on right of article]:
“Tunisia in the Arab Spring”
A more realistic, non-INBBC analysis of Tunisia
and ‘Arab Spring’/Islamic Winter:-
“AP: ‘The cradle of the Arab Spring is increasingly looking like the birthplace of jihadists'”
Cameron gets stuck in over BBC Eastleigh farce.
Time to privatise the BBC Mr. Cameron.
I an surprised Cameron dared to say anything. Sounds like a lover’s tiff. After all he craves their approval on most things.
I would kick all broadcasters out of Eastleigh and let the voters decide. I think it is called democracy.
‘I would kick all broadcasters out of Eastleigh’
No, no, no.
What the voters need is ‘analysis’.
Especially the kind that steers them towards how to vote and away from pondering what you get to vote upon… and what not.
Tories are too laid back with the BBC. It’s about time they got stuck in more. Almost feels like they are pandering to them to try and get them onside, but they never will.
The Tories are seriously lacking in the whole media department full stop. They can’t see the bias. They can’t counter Labour’s press machine and they can’t even get their own good news out into the media domain without it going tits up.
I don’t understand the exact mechanics of it all but I can see they need a completely new media & pr department. They’re getting screwed over every time one of them does or doesn’t open their mouth, and that is without the BBC’s help.
“David Cameron attacks BBC over ‘stupid’ Eastleigh by-election coverage”
BBC-NUJ support Labour Party and so censors this:
“Fury over ‘moral reprobate’ Labour candidate who wrote of disappointment that Mrs Thatcher didn’t die in the Brighton bomb.
Writer John O’Farrell made comments in his book about his Labour support.
Former Tory chairman Lord Tebbit called on Ed Miliband to disown him.
Five people died in the assassination attempt in 1984 at the Grand Hotel.”
By SIMON WALTERS–Labours-Eastleigh-candidate.html
Eurgh, she should be hidden away with that face … locked in the attic … and fed with fish heads. Seriously though, on The Sunday Politics the beeboid on the spot in Eastleigh said that Maria Hutchings was in trouble over her choice of school for her children but failed to mention O’Farrells support for the IRA and Galtieri. Personally, I’d say that a prospective Labour MP’s disappointment that the IRA didn’t kill the PM or that Argentina didn’t win the Falklands War would be more important than another prospective MP’s choice of school for their child but then again I don’t have a BBC mentality. Obviously, Hutchings would be exposed as a hypocrite but that’s nothing compared to being a traitor. It wasn’t until the interview with Khan (by Neill) that O’Farrells comments were mentioned. These were dismissed by Khan as a bad joke.
‘Move along,nothing to see here… or at least there won’t be by the time the BBC has finished.’
So it’s clear that the BBC needs to keep Rippon employed, but they don’t trust him to do any more journalism. I wonder where the bodies are buried?
… and in the This Is The Shite You Get For Four Billion Quid A Year slot for today we have the droidess viewsreader who yestereve came out with,
‘And it’s been a good night for British acts at the Brit Awards.’
F me gently 🙁
Apparently we ran away with the British Male Solo Artist, British Breakthrough Artist, British Female Solo Artist, British Group, British Live Act, British Producer, British Single and the inaugural Let’s Give One Direction An Award awards.
Onwards and upwards.
Best Rock accountant-Prince Rupert von Lowenbrow!
Best International Rock Accountant-Stings(is he out yet?)
Best New Act-Rolling Stones.
Worst Rock Artist(Pete Townshend Living Will Award) -Ronnie Wood( twentieth year running…well done Ronald!)
Most overrated lauded acts (as voted for by you,the little people!)….nominations are
Lou Reed.
The Velvet Underground(featuring the voice of Lou Reed)
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Grand Funk Railroad(to keep it ” unpredictable there!)
Best Resurrection( and we`re not happy that they didn`t stamp on his grave )Award-European Sales Division-Silvio Berlusconi!
Hello Cleveland!
Always nice to see semantics deployed to BBC standards, with the bonus of a ‘no one complained so it didn’t happen’ topping.
Shame about the typo… that gave a sniper an easy shot.
When the Guardian uses a phrase like ‘downmarket scrubbers’ it isn’t using the debased language of misogynistic hate – it’s being ironic. Have the Beeb tried that get-out yet?
galloway is on jihadwatch now
after gracing SWP fave watch bbc s QT,
do extremists deserve free speech? … panto!
anti israel extremists – refusing to recognise israel
he ought to be in Hamas … hey wheres that “war on want money” george
I know that the people who write the headlines are not generally the same people who write the articles and news briefs, so this one required the bias of two separate Beeboids:
Wal-Mart’s fourth-quarter profits rise
That’s based on the first line of the news item, which is:
Wal-Mart has posted a rise in fourth-quarter profits, after benefiting from a delayed rise in the effective tax rate in the US.
Except that’s only the intro, not the story itself.
But the world’s biggest retailer, which owns Asda in the UK, said sales had been sluggish at the start of this year.
Net income rose 8.7% to $5.88bn (£3.85bn) during the three months to the end of January.
Asda posted flat like-for-like sales excluding petrol in the same period.
Wal-Mart in its earnings statement said: “Due to the slower sales rate in the first few weeks of this year’s first quarter, we are forecasting comparative sales for the 13-week period from 26 January to 26 April 2013 to be around flat.”
So why the headline about the opposite? The 4Q profit was a fluke, clearly not reflective of the current economic reality. But that’s why the BBC did this.
The piece includes some doom and gloom from Wal-Mart people, but then we hear even more about how much evil profit they’re making. In case you still weren’t getting the Narrative, there’s more about how Asda is simply raking it in.
It’s kind of a non-story, really. One quarter of profits against one obviously dead quarter is a wash. Nothing to see here. Or is it?
The reason why the BBC is wasting everyone’s time on this is because the President’s enemies have seized on the current lousy numbers as evidence that the economy is really tanking. Many lower-middle class and working class and poor who shop at Wal-Mart have shifted to dollar stores. Those of us who live in neighborhoods were the majority need them (rather than in trendy Brooklyn or lower Manhattan areas where the Beeboids live) have known about this for quite some time. Even with all the ammo and guns flying off the shelves at a tidy profit, the chain is seeing a big drop.
What the BBC doesn’t want you to know, because it conflicts with the Narrative, is that the poor sales are becoming a trend.
Wal-Mart’s 3Q profit up, but outlook dims
Wal-Mart experienced a soft end to an otherwise solid year of profit and sales growth as customers started to hold back due to payroll tax increases, higher gasoline prices and delays in income tax refunds.
“We didn’t finish quite as strong as we would have liked, primarily due to a slower holiday season,” Chief Financial Officer Charles Holley said in a conference call Thursday. He said the company had a sales lull between Thanksgiving and Christmas because of an extra week between the two holidays.
The end of January also didn’t fare well as customers started to experience the impact of a 2% payroll tax increase and a three-week delay in tax refunds.
So, it’s a reflection of the poor economy after all?
Wal-Mart, based in Bentonville, Ark., is considered an economic bellwether because the retailer accounts for nearly 10% of nonautomotive retail spending in the U.S.
Investors were bracing for a subdued report after a Bloomberg story last week leaked an e-mail from a top executive characterizing the first two weeks of February as “a total disaster.”
Which more or less contradicts the Narrative the BBC is trying to feed you about how Wal-Mart is doing very well. By focusing on stock price and profit on paper, they can distract you from reality. All because they see their fellow travelers in the US media – specifically the HuffPo and the NY Times worrying about how the President’s tax increases (it’s His economy now) are hurting not the evil rich but the working class. Can’t have that thought get into your heads, so it’s instead all about how Wal-Mart is making money hand over fist.
The BBBC will be burning some serious midnight oil sorting this one out.