David Cameron attacks BBC over ‘stupid’ Eastleigh by-election coverage
David Cameron has attacked the BBC over its coverage of the Eastleigh by-election, accusing the corporation of acting “stupidly” following claims that the Tories have attempted to “hide away” their candidate.
Any chance the BBC took the opportunity to game the Tories and make the most of a chance to make their candidate look either evasive or uncaring?
If such a ploy could be proven it would be hugely damaging to the BBC if found guilty of interfering in an election by attempting to alter people’s perceptions of a candidate for the worse.
Maria Hutchings ‘famously’ made comments about state schools and said she would send her son to a private school to ensure he got the best education.
Nothing wrong with that.
Unless you are on the Left such as Brian Reade in the Mirror:
School snob Maria Hutchings shows the Tories just will not learn
My god-daughter Ellen will soon qualify to be an orthopaedic surgeon.
Ellen’s dad is an electrician, she went to a Liverpool state secondary and Leeds University.
Just one example of many who didn’t need a public school and Oxbridge education to become an expert clinician.
Why point that out? At any other time the Left, with the BBC providing the platform more often than not, berates private schools and the ‘unfair advantages’ they give to pupils educated there.
But now they are telling us how fantastic State schools are….educating children to become surgeons no less.
He wasn’t so pleased with State schools not so long ago:
Eastender Tony and charity school boarder Paul, drifted into typical working-class jobs of taxi driving and bricklaying.
Although both are happy and fulfilled, compare their fate to Kensington prep-school boys Andrew and John, who predicted when they were seven, that they would go to a top public school, then Oxbridge, then into law.
Every prediction came true to the letter, with one becoming a wealthy law firm partner, the other an even wealthier QC.
Andrew’s kids went to public school, two of John’s oldest friends became Cabinet ministers. The cycle of privilege continues.
I suppose the Left are right…just look at the BBC this week, R4 is plastered with the works of George Orwell…an Old Etonian. Clearly he only managed that sort of pre-eminence because of the school he went to and the fawning deference paid to him by the BBC lickspittles.
Ignored by Labour supporting BBC-NUJ:-
“Ed Miliband’s pathetic silence over Labour candidate’s sick attack on Lady Thatcher shows poor leadership”
Sorry Alan, off topic: Just read this useless garbage by the BBC…
Why can’t they just say that these scum are MUSLIM TERRORISTS and not just ‘men’. It’s utterly pathetic! I am SICK TO DEATH with the useless, gutless, Rivita-eating, wooly-jumper wearing, Chardonnay-quaffing West End lefties running this waste-of-space Marxist propaganda machine. It’s an utter disgrace that we have to fund its Islamic groveling and loathsome censorship.
some advice mate. You need to work the word “bigot” or “racist” or “homophobe” into your posts. Even in the unlikely event that you’re not a brown hatter yourself.
Thou speaks true, Alex. Dez speaketh foul nonsense.
I wholeheartedly agree. Alex sums it up magnificently.
Why, thank you Miss Moneypenny xx
Not once does Muslim or Islam appear in that wishy washy article, pathetic, just like Dez & his apologetic cronies.
You notice Steve is incapable of addressing the issue?
They never are….they troll, drop a pathetic statement, then scuttle off…
I am all for a bit of lively debate, stops this site becoming what we all hate: an echo chamber, but the debate must be coherent, there has to be a point, not just mud slinging by our liberal drive by merchants squeaking “yer wrong, you bigots!” with nothing else to offer…
Tell us why we are wrong, explain, discuss…make a little sense once in a while, Dez, Scott, “Steve” and Coldtits…we are quite a nice bunch when you get to know us.
I suppose they could have been Quakers, even though the beeb article shows that they have islamic surnames and were trained by al Qaida 😉
Oi!…you two making a row up there…dez and that new one!
God, they`re all in again.
Since you`re being a bit of a potty mouth dez( and the management `ere have already warned ya)…juts two fings that`ll sortya!
1. The Royal Telly Socie`y had their awards last night…now -even you dez know `ow much the BBC love to crow about fings like “cameraman for the year”…for potholing up the rectum of the Labour Party to seed the bank for new tomato plants…etc.
Oh, they love their awards and ceremonies do your boys at the BBC and the “better , broader kinds o` paper!)…don`t they? Ten O Clock normally shows little else but the likes of Aziz or Childs in their dickies same night eh?
Yet-last night…the BBC got 6 awards…and NOT a peep!
Tell me why dez…oh, can`t wait til your creepy prowls at 3a.m!
Scoop of the year…the big one….was won by ITV…and for their Savile expose?…can we use that re Jimmy ,now loves?
Oh look …that tumbleweed testcard with Mecca in the background…get it up…get it out even (oo er)…NOW!
2. Did the BBC mention Cameron saying that the BBC think that the election is about them and not the candidates? By election…PM saying big things…SURELY the BBC would be leading all this…I`ve not looked ,I promise…but if the BBC has said it, explained it or whatever….do correct me!
3. And..”the big one” to the likes of you and chummie….”brown hatter” is extremely offensive. Judge Henry Hodge comes by `ere once in a while,and you`re nicked if you say that here in our presence again.
Oh, you scamp-bang on the ear, piss off and see you at again at 3, you chump,you!
Talking about bigots and racists
One day, they will run out of uses for that slob of a man, and the next time you see his portly jowls will be rotating on a spit in a kebab shop window.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer chap in my opinion.
Today’s useful idiot is tomorrows pitta filling.
The BBC and their Guardian readings friends will be disposed of come the revolution.
Don’t you get tired of creating new email accounts for your crap? What’s your problem?
Correct, they will have their throats slit one by one, the women raped and tortured and dis-membered, and homosexuals, of which the BBC is stuffed with, will be thrown from the rooftop. But the BBC staff are so stupid, they will not see it coming.
At least the DM has the balls to tell it how it is…
Now then, that’s an in depth report for you, and the funny thing is, it didn’t cost £4bn pa.
This Reade fellow, it would be nice to find out wich state school his niece went to.I bet you it is a selective, because as a scouser myself I know that there is no way,it was a bog standard state school. Probably St Edwards or Bluecoat I guess.
… and Science forbid it was one of those Jesus Freak faith schools.
Free schoolers threatened by left – Panorama investigation soon?
Brian Reade went to De La Salle Catholic high school in Liverpool. Until 1983 it was a grammar school.
So the Daily Telegraph reports that Cameron has attacked the bBC over their coverage, but why has the bBC not bothered to report that?
Surely as a News station they have a duty to gather & report all the news not just selective parts and to leave out those which criticise them?
It was also a large story in the London Evening Standard tonight
When I read laughing Steve’s jolly posts, I always see Father Barty Dunne in my mind’s eye.
This, ha ha ha, should, haha ha, have been, ha ha, in Alex’s, haha, thread above.
And BTW Alex +1000, as I believe the young folks say!
Channel 4 have blocked it in the UK on copyright grounds.
The buggers! Sorry about that.
Chalk up another advantage of living in Scandinavia, along with the incredibly hot totty.
And FFS, it’s a 90 second clip which might remind someone of the days when C4 produced a decent comedy and may even induce someone to buy the DVD.
“Hanging around with violent criminals ‘might stand Purnell in good stead at the BBC'”
It must have been quite an interesting ‘interview’ that landed Purnell the crony job:
BBC: “Mr Purnell, do you believe in gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual marriage, multiculturalism, the EU and the spread of Islam for religious instruction in Britain?”
Purnell: “You forgot to mention welfare for immigrants and their families and the brainwashing of the populace through the state media”
BBC: “Oops, sorry. When can you start?”
Reprise –
“BBC accused of ‘leftist bias’ after hiring former Labour minister.
“The BBC has been accused of ‘leftist bias’ after giving James Purnell, the former Labour culture secretary, a £295,000 a year job at the corporation.”
What’s this? I thought such a concept was left to sad extremist fantasists. Why, with this and Will Self being brought in to be Radio 4’s intellectual leader, Steve Collins and dez and Albaman will have a field day sneering and laughing without daring to address the issue.
This apparatchnik is being paid more than the PM .Just what does he do as his job. It sounds meaningless.
It is things like this that really make one despair of this country.
Come on all you BBC apologists explain just how this man deserves this sort of salary.
This should have apppeared on the Purnell thread. Very odd.
It has moved back. Very very strange
Reminds me of the Beeb hiding their IRA sources from the police.
…And while we’re on the subject of old school ties, mutual back scratching and well-connected insiders screwing over the ordinary Joe, how *exactly* does that square with folks like Purnell parachuting straight into a £300K pa job at the BBC.
Was the job properly advertised? How many other people did they interview? Will we get answers to these questions before or after we get to see the Balen Report?
…after – ie – never.
So we will have a Marxist world government like North Korea.
Earls Court – the site seems to be getting one of its periodic attacks of group flokking, possibly emanating from a single hate site – it doesn’t need you as well.
Since this is a subject I take some professional interest in, perhaps I can clarify for Alan (and I mean that perfectly sincerely). Maria Hutchings’s son wants to be a surgeon; she doubted that her local state schools could help him get the qualifications he needed to do that. A position I entirely sympathise with. But it’s also the reason that the Mirror hack sought to cite his own goddaughter’s experience in an exactly analogous situation. Her experience is directly relevant to the Maria Hutchings case, whichever of them you agree with.
By the way, whoever the idiot is who has decided to start posting insults and worse using my screen name, please stop it.
Indeed, Doctor, and the fact my Great Uncle Harry smoked sixty a day and lived to be a hundred shows that these so-called experts who say cigarettes are bad are clearly hysterical nitwits.
So on the other thread it wasn’t you to claim to be from Gloucester then? I just thought it was a case of you being amusing, something I don’t normally associate with the left.
Michael Gove (state primary, then scholarship to independent school) on the media’s public school elite (inc beeboids) –
What the Coservatives need is another Claire Perry.
Incidentally there’s a great love triangle story of her in: “My Evil Temptress” at::
Shouldn’t your name be “Biskuitkuchen”?
If you wish to appear ‘sarcastic’ then please, at least try to write grammatically.
It was part of a hidden message. 😉
You are an obsessed, sad little boy. Clearly you are a racist.
a BBC spokesman said: ‘All the four main party candidates were asked last week on the 13th February to take part in this morning’s live debate from Eastleigh.
‘We were told that Maria Hutchings could not take part in the debate yesterday. This was too late for us to rearrange the broadcast, as the venue, the audience and the other candidates had all been confirmed.
‘We made every effort to accommodate Maria Hutchings live on the programme but were told that it would not be possible.’