Well, if you mean that no one in the local Muslim community in Birmingham felt it necessary to tell the police about these homicidal maniacs in their midst, you are right!
How can the Muslims expect the indigenous population to trust them when they withhold information about plots to blow up British citizens? This in fact amounts to tacit support for those muslims who want to wage war on Britain and its about time we gave up on appeasement and made them face up to their duties as British citizens if they want to remain in this country.
I note that even the on Today programme this morning Humph was trying to get the interviewees to explain why the muslims weren’t telling the police and didn’t they think that they should be doing so? Of course he was gentle with them and got no answers other then much more needs to be done to gain the trust of the muslim community.
Well I have news for the muslims, they need to do a 1000 times as much to gain the trust of the British! I hope the politicians over the last 40 years are beginning to wake up to the mess they have created both for the British and the muslims in our midst.
The muslim guy was most insistent on disowning the jihadist ‘subculture’ but it’s difficult to know when representaives of the RoP are being downright mendacious (from a talk given last week in the US by a British Pakistani who, for some reason, suddenly realised the propaganda against Israel was codswallop):
“He remembered that while most Muslims in the United Kingdom “faked” their condemnations of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the great majority of them were exceptionally pleased with the results. “We really believed that Israel and the Jews were the center of all evil and because of Israel’s close relationship with the United States and their Western value system, we harbored a real enmity toward America. ”
This story is utter crap. There have been ANPR ( automatic numberplate recognition) cameras throughout the whole country for decades. Admittedly, of late the data analysis techniques have made them more effective, but movements have been tracked routinely for donkey’s years. Take a look around the country, they aint hard to spot!
Independent article on previous history of the Sarkbrook and Sparkhill Birmingham suburbs:
“In 2010 when the local community reacted angrily to the revelation that police had installed vehicle recognition surveillance cameras to track suspected terrorist activity in the Muslim areas off the busy Stratford Road corridor, the police justified their actions by pointing out that there had been 11 terrorist-related convictions in Sparkbrook and nearby Washwood Heath in the previous three years.”
About time we got the re-enactment of “Four Lions”. Best film about these weirdibeardies that I`ve seen.
No wonder Paxo wants stronger waistbands on his .
Maybe they redacted his increasing girth in the Savalon Enquiry they tossed off yesterday!
hey … shhhh!
or. we ll end up with “four lions” the musical
wheres lord webfoot.
then again ….
fun … in islam? – Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be NO fun and joy in whatever is serious.
Ayatollah Knobmania … yikes! “don t play the laughing boy” eh!
SILENCE! … i kill you
You`re onto something there, noggin.
Why no showcase for burgeoning Islamic talent from the banlieus?
I mean Omar Djaili and Soraya Khasshogi or whatever her face is…hardly call that Islam(Bahai, Iranian Islam-lite version…eeek!)would you?
Mind you-even George Galloway and Anjem Coudhury( the Eddie and Sid of Islam) might be funnier that Paul Sinna, that crap one off Loose Ends last night(dig up Bill Hicks!)…and especailly Sketcherama that I`ve heard two nights running.
Bloody awful- social workers watching goldfish with an eye to the next chess move would be funnier. Trade Desciption Act anybody…zees iz not FUNNY!
Krap…krap, krap ..krap!
And it is not for the believers to go forth [to battle] all at once. For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious.
Surah 9 vs 122
O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.
vs 123
5live your call – what motivates islamic terrorists ….
so we ll fill an hour with muslims talking to other muslims
then to nicky then other muslims – and then erm “scholars?” – and then some crony from these “prevention” disasterous money pits, then anyone whose knowledge about islam is very very limited, to the religion of peace –
… just for “balance” you understand.
one chap right at the end started to ask questions of this horse and pony show, questioned this said “scholar”, about why these islamic facists themselves quote quranic scripture for justification, why its more totalitarian political ideology than religion anyway, why he was disingenuous, about muslims not attacking erm “innocents” when ANY person rejecting paedo mo or islam is so considered fair game, by islam itself, …
he even started to give the percentages of how much of islamic text is about the kaffir and what to do to him,
when where and how?
cue the al bbc microphone fairy he was deliberately faded away … gone! … and its back to panto s “scholar” buddy
I think its terrible that these trolls come on this site and cause trouble.
If you want to talk about the left-wing nature of the BBC and its lovefest with Islam you should be able to do that without wind-up merchants
as an adage, you ll note that in that segment from “your call” a chap starts to question a supposed “scholar” even giving percentages
to show how obsessive islamic texts or about us (the kafir), how to rule us, treat us, punish us kill us etc.
of course, he is cut off by the bbc 😀 …. and
this “scholar” then gets free reign and starts a drone, that would do pinnochio proud
well here they are scrupulously researched
8 mins 30
The BBC could not object to broadcasting this itself as it is an honest and fair debate. Well actually it becomes plain that the ‘shaikh’ is constantly talking about how Muslims are told by their religion to practice justice towards non-believers. He does a lot of slithering and wriggling before being forced into at least not denying, that in Islam-speak justice means sharia. He nearly manages to waffle and filibuster entirely the sharia-enjoins-jihad bit.
you re bang to rights there wally, but maybe this, for most a little too theological.
i actually timed the segment, to show
from the highest of islamic sources, the folly of believing a word these deceitful charlatans say, that said, they are so brainwashed, getting a straight answer out of them is like “platting fog”
i actually recall back in the late, 60 s early 70s, many of the old timers who had been out to india or the pak, had dealings military or otherwise out there, would vehemently say … on your life, no matter what – you NEVER trust a paki,
AND to boot, you know, despite the absurd discrimination tag, this wasn t racism .. as they would have no qualms in telling why, in relaying there own experiences to you.
Ah another childishly named lame brain shows up to prove my theory on the ‘Village idiot effect’ see for every intelligent group nature throws in a moron for balance , for millennia the human race lived in small groups say about 100 or so and every one of those community’s had a ‘village idiot’ who like jam head here spends their days shouting at cars and hanging about with a bag of string at the Spar! now look at the population growth and the amount of world class ends of the bell must number millions this helps to explain the sudden rise of flyby oxygen thieves haunting this blog and def why they love the BBC so much I mean where else can they get fed top line rubbish like BBC3 or as I know it valium for the mentally impaired !
I suspect it’s the same lame brain. Doesn’t really matter, actually, as none of them thinks for themselves anyway and might as well be the same person.
How the bBC reinvents any story concerning Muslims into one of victimhood. City University London locks Muslim prayer room on Fridays City University in London has been accused of discrimination by a group of Muslim students after it started locking a room used for Friday prayers. A group of students have formed Muslim Voices on Campus, calling on the university to reverse its decision.
OK, so we have a story where City University (London) has locked a so called prayer room for Muslims and in usual bBC S.O.P. Muslims are remade as victims in which to promote this view that the whole world and its dog is against Islam: The group said it was being “unjustly targeted”.City said it acted because students had refused to submit the proposed content of sermons to the university before prayers to check its “appropriateness”.Wasif Sheikh, who leads the group, said: “We feel we are being unjustly targeted. All of our sermons are open, we welcome all students and all staff.”But when you start submitting your sermons to be monitored and scrutinised then there’s a chance for it to be dictated what’s allowed and what’s not allowed. We, as students, don’t accept that.”
Get it, it,s all about free speech and the heavy hand of officialdom at the Uni have demanded that all sermons be vetted before Friday prayers and just to paint these followers of Islam as only victims the bBC comes out with this: Three years ago, the counter-extremism think tank the Quilliam Foundation released a report on the sermons at Friday prayers at City University, in central London. Wasif Sheikh leads the group Muslim Voices on Campus It claimed hardline views and a confrontational atmosphere were being encouraged. In one sermon, which was recorded, the speaker said: “The Islamic state teaches to cut the hand of the thief. Yes it does. And it also teaches us to stone the adulterer.”When they tell us that, the Islamic state tells us and teaches us to kill the apostate, yes it does.“BBC London has seen no evidence those views are still being spread now,
The clue to the entire reason behind this entails us going back 3 years, but the bBC doesn’t point out just what transpired 3 years ago, instead it links articles where Muslims are seen as champions of law and order in the UK, who openly stand against religious bigots. Muslim campers against terrorism Muslims host ‘anti-terror’ camp
So just what doesn’t the bBC want you to know about City University of London Islamic students. Well for a start they refused to share a multi faith prayer room with other faiths demanding that it was for Islamic use only, when the University clamped down on their bigoted behaviour the Islamic students took to praying in the street in which to play the victimcard.
Here is how the bBC reported that story in 2010. Some Muslim students at City University in London are praying in the street in a row over prayer room facilities. The university closed a prayer room after Muslim students were attacked in November. A new multi-faith room was opened the following month….. The prayer room was moved for safety reasons after a group of Muslim students were attacked by local youths, in what police said was a racist incident.
Note how the bBC relates the story by promoting the angle (yet again) that Muslims in the UK can only be victims.
As for that racist incident, what the bBC don’t inform you is that all of the so called racist attackers were….Black.
Finally here’s a little more info on that Quilliam 2010 report: (Sorry about the lack of links, but my posts get blocked if I insert so many links)
A London university’s Islamic society promoted a “hard-line Islamist ideology” which led to “the intimidation and harassment of staff, students and members of minority”, researchers have revealed.
A report by the counter-extremism think tank Quilliam shows that the behaviour of City University’s Islamic society (ISoc) “during the last academic year “scared” Jewish students and moderate Muslims and “led to increased religious tensions on campus.”
The authors of the report cautioned that “such extremism may increase the risks of students turning to terrorism.”
They found that Saleh Patel, the ISoc president, had called for kafirs (unbelievers) to be killed and for adulterers to be stoned.
Mr Patel told ISoc members that: “Islam believes in defensive and offensive jihad.”
In recordings of Friday prayers held at the university Mr Patel can be heard saying that the Islamic state “teaches to cut the hand of the thief’” and “to kill the apostate.
“This is what Allah and his messenger…have taught us.
“The difference of opinion lies with regards to how he should be killed not as to what he is – a kafir or a Muslim.
“When they say to us that Islam was spread by the sword, and there is no such thing as jihad, we say to them ‘no’.”
At other times members called for women to be forced into wearing the veils and for shari’ah law to be implemented in Britain.
The ISoc also held daily large-scale protests to oppose the university’s provision of a multifaith prayer room and invited Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical pro-al-Qaeda preacher, to a university event.
According to the report, “ISoc members sought to create a globalised ‘grievance-based’ Muslim identity that was hostile to non-Muslims and paranoid and suspicious of outsiders.”
After complaints from fellow students, including members of the LGBT society and the editor of the student newspaper, the university authorities closed the ISoc website and removed some of its privileges.
Lucy James, the report’s author, called the revelation that such ideas were being openly promoted on a university campus “deeply shocking”.
She said that while City University had done its best to contain the problem, “government, civil society groups, students and moderate Muslim organisations need to help challenge these ideologies before they lead to violence on campus or even an act of terrorism.
“Labour failed to effectively take action against campus radicalisation; hopefully the new government will not also ignore this problem.”
The Quilliam report follows the publication of an investigation into University College London’s approach to tackling campus extremism.
Critics called the investigation, launched after the arrest of former student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, “complacent” and a “whitewash”.
Non taken and actually the name ponce is sticking it to Allah’s favourites in the Arabian Gulf. USS Ponce (LPD-15)
the Pentagon is converting the 1970s-vintage amphibious assault ship USS Ponce into a mothership for special ops and countermining missions in the Middle East,
Jam Sponge says:
February 22, 2013 at 12:31 pm
Its all Islam fault.
Actually it is:
World War 1 was the result of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. (Look up Russian ambitions to fill that vacuum)
World War 2 was just a continuation of WW1
The Cold War came about from WW2
and the current Islamic Terrorist love fest is a direct result of the Cold war.
It seems that all roads do lead to Mecca.
You could add that Hitler noted how the Turks got away scot free with the Armenian massacres when he set about murdering the Jews – not to mention the Grand Mufti egging him on.
When an inconsequential non-story serves several purposes…
1. The ’empowered’ minority woman :
Breaking the stereotype of the oppressed, hijab-wearing Asian female – even as they report that she was the only one.
2. We’re all racist example A :
“While preconceived notions of women who wear hijabs may circulate British society”. Yep – boo-his at the majority that might assume that women who adopt the strict dress codes of Islamic nations might also be exposed to correspondingly less than liberal cultural pressures in their everyday lives. Ignorant cultural Imperialists, all of us.
3. We’re all racist example B :
“However, others express frustration that the Asian community is still hugely under-represented in professional football. “…and it’s all because – as the headline for this section shouts – ‘Institutional Racism’. It’s everywhere, especially football these days, it would seem.
4. Hideously white :
Apparently though, it’s acceptable for some to make claims of ‘racism’ couched in openly racist language…
“But Mr Fazal feels football is still “institutionally racist”.
“Clubs are male, pale and stale,” he says, adding they ought to be “connecting with the community” and “representing the UK’s diverse population”.
Male, pale and stale? Would this make it to print were it aimed at any other demographic group?
I noticed that story and while the bBC is using it to showcase the fact that Muslims are just like you and I. They missed the fact that actually by showing a young Muslim girl who covers her head at a British football match they actually showcase how tolerant (and not intolerant) British society is. Which lets be honest is the state of affairs in virtually all of the Uk. But who here has ever heard the bBC promote that fact instead all we ever here is how racist the UK is.
Good point. She was just another (covered) face in the crowd. Nothing to remark upon – except for the BBC, who used her to stereotype the rest of us at the same time as they marked her out as non-stereotypical.
Detailed accusations about Jimmy Savile’s sex crimes were censored after viewers tried to post them on a BBC tribute web page.
The comments, which included one person who wrote: “One of my best friends in 1972 was molested by this creep Savile. He was never the same again. Killed himself in 1985. How’s About That Then?”, were stopped from being published by a team of moderators employed by the corporation.
‘Savile accusations ‘were censored’
The preferred term today seems to be ‘redacted’.
But it seems to be fooling few.
Which may explain why the Turing Machines appear to have overloaded trying to swamp the entire internet being a wee bit leery of the BBC’s version of events on this (including the Graun, so they are in real trouble) with denial of service spam.
Shame, as such as this has made such as Order-order very hard to read beyond the main article, and there can be some real diamonds amongst all the distractions.
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Intolerant Islamic terrorists the world over ‘Language of the enemy’ The BBC’s Jon Donnison is told the children are being taught the “language of the enemy”
The above is a bBC article about how Children in Gaza are being taught ‘Hebrew’ the language of the enemy. Now if this had been about how Jewish children being taught Arabic as the language of the enemy then the shit would be hitting the fan and all the ethical latte drinkers out there would be bitching about how intolerant non-Muslims are. But when Muslims do so it is deemed quaint. The strange thing is that the bBC has a charter in place which forbids the use of inflammatory language, which is why they say ‘Militant’ instead of terrorist, why they say ‘Asian’ instead of Muslim and why they say Oxford exploitation trial instead of Oxford pedophile trial. But when you have a jew in the crosshairs, then its gloves off. The bBC, the reason behind the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK
Some 20% of Israel’s population are Arabs most of whom are fluent in Hebrew. Perhaps learning the language of the ‘other’ will allow Gazans to see that the accusations against Israel are lies?
Got to love how the bBC goes well out of its way in which to play the innocent card for Islamic terrorists London Metropolitan University suspends researcher with car bomb conviction A university researcher has been suspended after it emerged he has a conviction over a car bombing at the Israeli Embassy in London. Jawad Botmeh of London Metropolitan University and another man were found guilty in 1996 of conspiracy to cause explosions in the UK.
So a convicted Muslim terrorist is suspended by London Metropolitan University from his day job when they find out he has form and how do the bBC re-write his resume? Botmeh, who was released from prison in 2008, was found guilty of involvement in two car bombs set off in July 1994, one of which went off outside the embassy in Kensington Palace Gardens. Nobody was killed.
followed by Botmeh lost an appeal against his conviction in 2001, although he gained support from Gareth Peirce, solicitor for the wrongly jailed Birmingham Six, who claimed he had been the victim of a miscarriage of justice.
Another thing Jawad Botmeh is a Palestinian, something the bBC forgot to mention
Seeing that he is a convicted bomber and all, would it have been too much to ask that he be deported on completion of his sentence. Or am I being too intolerant?
Just a plea to ignore Jam Sponge and sundry aliases – it makes the comments section much harder to read. I got no interest in reading his posts and the to-ing and fro-ing of insults certainly isn’t worth reading.
they will of course try to tell you that the site is so sad,posters are nutters,blah blah blah
what they really mean is
this site really boils my pish and I’ll do all I can to throw it off track and make it unreadable
more and more people are waking up to the bullshit that the bbc foists on the public day and daily-you can see people complaining(and that’s putting it nicely) on the web without having to poke around too much
there are of course the zombies who will never realise what’s happening,but they are happy in their little world of Albert Square and related shite like that
shit stirrers-and that’s just what they are-like we see today could be easily blocked.Would that feed their pathetic little egos?Maybe…….
would I give a toss?No
proxies are able to be blocked from accessing sites.I have seen this for myself when trying to access country specific forums on the web.You just can’t access them
then you would have the situation where the admins could see the actual ISP address-or indeed the ISP addy of the beeb if and when it’s being used
I think the time has come for DV to look seriously at addressing this
How the bBC goes into apologist mode as soon as any Muslims are found guilty of terrorism in the UK. ‘No support for terrorists in Sparkbrook’ “About 15 years ago, someone on my street got done for making pipe bombs in his house,” said taxi driver Imran Hussain, who lives in Birmingham’s Sparkbrook area. “That was a real shock, we had no idea. You just don’t expect that sort of thing happening on your own street.”
While representing around 2% of the British Population Muslims account for over 15% of the prison population and yet the bBC can find bus load after bus load of Muslims who are always shocked about what transpires for normal day to day behaviour amongst the followers of the peaceful faith which is why the the bBC comes out with: “It really is a small minority – the vast majority of Sparkbrook would never even think of doing anything like that, harming people in that way,” And “Anything that goes on must be very secretive. I’m born and bred here and no-one’s ever tried to recruit me for terrorism, and apart from that guy on my road I’ve never known anyone involved in it, and I didn’t know these three men. And “And they certainly wouldn’t get the support of the community.” And On the streets of Sparkbrook, few people being stopped wanted to talk about the latest convictions.”I don’t know them and I don’t know anything about the case,” said one man. Another said the issue of terrorism “does not affect me”.
And whom do the bBC feel are to blame for how all these young men and women are turning to terrorism in which to express themselves: “We’re hit by these national and local government cuts and we’re being told there’s no money to solve our problems. The local school here is in special measures and we’ve got bad health problems in the area with many diabetes cases. “The best thing we can hope is that this latest court case might prove to the authorities we need something to give kids in areas like this some hope.”
Yup never the fault of Islam for promoting the viewpoint that all Non-Muslims must be ruled over with a rod of Iron.
Nah, lets blames government cuts instead.
For Beeboids, self-censorship rules on Islam. E.g on HALAL.
Beeboids appear to be more interested in acquiescing with Islamic supremicists on getting a non-Muslim dinner-lady sacked for accidentally serving non-halal food in a Birmingham school, that in standing up for the rights of low-paid, non-Muslim workers.
“Dinner lady sacked for serving Muslim children with non-halal meat at
multi-faith school.”
Two-thirds of this morning’s newspapers put the Muslim terrorists on the front pager.
But Radio 4’s head;lines most of the morning did not include the story. Yes, Humphrys had a patsy interview at 8.10 – allowing the Muslim guy to blame things on Tory Cutz, and the wet policeman to pander to the Muslim community even though the Sparkbrook families and community had utterly failed to report how dangerous the guys were.
I am increasingly convinced that the BBC radio news operation is stacked with Muslim reporters and editors – and fellow-travelling lefties – who censor BBC news round the clock.
How else could Radio 4 omit the terrorism story from its headlines this morning ? – when most of Fleet Street put it on the front page with lots of coverage on inside pages.
Why was a foiled threat to kill dozens or even hundreds of Brits deemed less important at every half-hour news bulletin that the South Africa trial , for example ?
The Radio Four Afternoon play is a favourite slot for ‘propaganda heavy’. Today’s was more ridiculous even than most!
“The Spare Room” by Oliver Emanuel. A ‘rapid response’ play inspired by destitution among asylum seekers.
Middle-class woman who finds that an Eritrean refugee has been living in her spare bed-room! Bloody hell. But do not fear, it turns out well. This refugee is studying to be a doctor (aren’t they all?) He was tricked into coming to Britain, when he wanted to go to Italy (must be the first?) And the stingy old British government only give him £36 a week to live on, (awh bless). Oh and he does some gardening for her too.
Sounds like a brilliant play. Nice to see our money being used well. Lets hope they televise it…not. Seems to me I’ve seen variations on this story many times over the years. Yea funny how the character is always here to be an architect or a lawyer or fleeing from an armageddon event in their own country and not to pick veg out of a field.
If I wrote a screen play about someone who’s job had been closed down by the Labour government. Who went to work in distribution only to find themselves undercut by immigrant labour and out of work again. Then to find after 6 months he/she doesn’t get any benefit because their partner works more than 16 hours.
I wonder if the BBc would give me a wad of cash. Clue this story is rather close to home.
The bBC’s so called Defence experts and what little they know? F-35 fighter jet fleet grounded by Pentagon The US has grounded its entire fleet of 51 F-35 fighter jets after the discovery of a cracked engine blade. The fault was detected during a routine inspection of an air force version of the jet (F-35A) at Edwards Air Force Base in California, said the Pentagon. Different versions are flown by the navy and the marine corps. All have been grounded.
And what the bBC don’t tell you is the plane isn’t even in service yet and won’t be for another 4 years. In otherwords its still undergoing flight tests. Oh and bBC defence experts its 57 F35s and not 51.
The Radio Four Afternoon play is a favourite slot for ‘propaganda heavy’. Today’s was more ridiculous even than most!
“The Spare Room” by Oliver Emanuel. A ‘rapid response’ play inspired by destitution among asylum seekers.
Middle-class woman who finds that an Eritrean refugee has been living in her spare bed-room! Bloody hell. But do not fear, it turns out well. This refugee is studying to be a doctor (aren’t they all?) He was tricked into coming to Britain, when he wanted to go to Italy (must be the first?) And the stingy old British government only give him £36 a week to live on, (awh bless). Oh and he does some gardening for her too.
Further to this: apparently a million listeners tune in to the Afternoon play! No wonder the BBC utilise it to the max for propaganda purposes
Hey you lot above me!
Did your hear Jezza Vines show yesterday about taking the well “Peace” out of this story yesterday.
Lots of funny Brummies in places…”yow ava gud dayna”
Jeremy was qyute good by his standards,now Paxos stuffed!
The next Paxman…I dreamed a dream!
Today Program interview with Michael Morpurgo about ‘black’ footballer & WW1 soldier Walter Tull.
Lots of interest in a story of a ‘black’ orphan who made it as one of the earliest ‘black’ footballers and how he made the officer ranks in the army being described as a remarkable soldier.
He was killed on the Western front and his body never recovered he was supposed to have received the military cross but never actually received it.
Almost every question from Humphries concerned ‘racism’ despite Morpurgo telling him that his medal was most likely due to the confusion of war.
It looks like the loonies on the left are attempting to build up Walter Tull as some kind of wronged black hero and victim of racism, but there’s a problem they seem to have overlooked Tull wasn’t black! His father was but his mother was white, so he’s therefore mixed race and as much white as black.
This is of course completely overlooked and to be honest I find it disgraceful that the lefties can ascribe a racial group to someone simply because they find it convenient, if a moderate wrote the story calling him white they’d be throwing their toys out of the pram.
The BBC’s report on the downgrading of the UK from AAA status includes this little gem:
But the BBC’s political editor Nick Robinson said Mr Osborne now risks being dubbed the “downgrade chancellor”.
Hard to know where to start with this but what’s the betting that the phrase “downgrade chancellor” will be in wide use across the whole of BBC News and the Labour front bench before the end of the weekend?
Muslim rescues another Muslim from a small house fire in Oldham & guess where the bBC place it on the webs*ite? Yep that’s right it’s headline news! This wouldn’t normally merit even a footer if the people involved were of a different religion.
The bBC, and its many faceted ways in which to hate its reflection in the mirror. (The angst that only left-wing ethical latte drinkers can feel) Why speaking English can make you poor when you retire Could the language we speak skew our financial decision-making, and does the fact that you’re reading this in English make you less likely than a Mandarin speaker to save for your old age?
Question for the bBC, if Mandarin is so great how come China has been (and still is in lots of places) a third world country for so long.
Liberals, denying a good number of villages of a lot of idiots.
The Beeb couldn’t resist repeating this rumour, concerning Benedict XVI’s resignation:
“An unconfirmed report in one of Italy’s biggest newspapers, La Repubblica, suggested that the Pope had resigned shortly after being presented with a dossier detailing a network of Vatican priests, “united by sexual orientation” who were being blackmailed.”
They could simply have confined themselves to reporting he announcement from the Vatican without repeating samples of the ‘misinformation’ (the Beeb put the word in inverted commas – a nod’s as good as a wink) complained about.
The BBC really need to a get grip when comes to the subject of race. They are now so tentative that they can’t actually bring themselves to properly tell a race news story.
Paul Elliott: FA accepts resignation after racism row
[So tell us dear national broadcaster – what was the racism row?]
“As an advocate of high-standards of public behaviour, and integrity in public life, I know the use of this word sends out mixed messages and contradicts my position as a Kick It Out trustee”
[So what did he say?]
“I regret using it; it is inappropriate and not part of my everyday vocabulary.”
[Yes, but how can we judge when the BBC don’t explain?]
[It must stick in the BBC craw, but since they can’t bring themselves to tell us, they have to link to the story in the Sun]
Elliott, 48, launched the broadside in a text argument over a business venture that went wrong. He wrote to Rufus: “Ur a stupid man n*****” then added: “You dog. Ur history my friend.”
So a race hustler is obsesed with race – just like our BBC
Today is Purim a Jewish festival notable for dressing up – making noise and drinking although I haven’t seen anything as sodden as Brad Cohen makes out, in the Travel and Food & Drink sections, of all places. I’ll leave it for discussion whether it is better to send someone who has had nothing to go with Judaism since childhood – and judging by his comments, precious little even then, or to send a know nothing Foreign Correspondent or a Muslim with a grudge.
I was interested in how the BBC related to the holiday and wasn’t surprised to find mostly it is confined to CBeebies. Unfortunately not available outside the UK. Perhaps someone might like to check, for us?
Even for the kids (or maybe especially for the kids) the agenda doesn’t stop. Unfortunately I couldn’t access LEARNING ZONE BROADBANDCLASS CLIPS Judaism, Jews and the Holy Land but the text introduction makes it clear:
An insight into contemporary Judaism, from the lively celebrations of Purim in Jerusalem to a discussion about the rights of Jews to settle on occupied land. Presenter Reverend Peter Owen-Jones visits Jerusalem to find out more about Judaism, in particular its link with the land. He prays at the Western Wall and explains some of the origins of their monotheistic belief, and joins men in an Orthodox yeshivah for their exuberant celebrations. After explaining something of the origin of the state of Israel, a conversation with a Jewish Rabbi, a settler on occupied Palestinian land, gives a personal, Jewish perspective on their relationship with the land.
In case there is any doubt on what the BBC or is it Owen-Jones thinks is the focus: Ideas for use in class
Recommended to watch alongside clip 8364 for an alternative perspective on Israel. Older students can consider the political implications of this clip, alongside the clip with the Palestinian views on the building of settlements on occupied land. Younger students may concentrate on the story of Purim and explore why it is celebrated with such energy and abandon. The recommended clip is A Muslim view on the Palestinian conflict
Not surprisingly none of the classroom exercise on Islamic festivals provide a Christian counterview of Islam.
Reverend Peter Owen-Jones visits Muslims in Palestine, asking the question, ‘What drives people to kill for their religion?‘ He visits a refugee camp and meets Samir, a Sunni Muslim, who worships at the mosque. He then explores the common roots of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Samir, whose daughter was a suicide bomber, gives his opinion that the conflict in Palestine is not a religious conflict but one about land.
I hope the Rev notes the differences between Islam, Christianity and Judaism when it comes to suicide bombing but I doubt it.
I have to say I was unaware of this until I stumbled across it. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-21532492
Hopefully not serious, and so soon after his previous non work-related issues.
Several weeks does sound a long time, but maybe best to have missed this period in the office anyway.
At least his output seems to have been covered seamlessly by his colleagues.
One can only wish him a speedy recovery.
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Oh dear it is the last day of the school holidays and we have a 6th form wit with us. Have Mummy & Daddy run out of places to take you ?
Well, if you mean that no one in the local Muslim community in Birmingham felt it necessary to tell the police about these homicidal maniacs in their midst, you are right!
How can the Muslims expect the indigenous population to trust them when they withhold information about plots to blow up British citizens? This in fact amounts to tacit support for those muslims who want to wage war on Britain and its about time we gave up on appeasement and made them face up to their duties as British citizens if they want to remain in this country.
I note that even the on Today programme this morning Humph was trying to get the interviewees to explain why the muslims weren’t telling the police and didn’t they think that they should be doing so? Of course he was gentle with them and got no answers other then much more needs to be done to gain the trust of the muslim community.
Well I have news for the muslims, they need to do a 1000 times as much to gain the trust of the British! I hope the politicians over the last 40 years are beginning to wake up to the mess they have created both for the British and the muslims in our midst.
The copper and the Islamic rent-a-gob they had on both said these men are ‘victims’ and Humphries didn’t press them over such bullsh*t.
The muslim guy was most insistent on disowning the jihadist ‘subculture’ but it’s difficult to know when representaives of the RoP are being downright mendacious (from a talk given last week in the US by a British Pakistani who, for some reason, suddenly realised the propaganda against Israel was codswallop):
“He remembered that while most Muslims in the United Kingdom “faked” their condemnations of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the great majority of them were exceptionally pleased with the results. “We really believed that Israel and the Jews were the center of all evil and because of Israel’s close relationship with the United States and their Western value system, we harbored a real enmity toward America. ”
“Birmingham terror cell: a forlorn fight against extremism in the Balti Triangle”
This story is utter crap. There have been ANPR ( automatic numberplate recognition) cameras throughout the whole country for decades. Admittedly, of late the data analysis techniques have made them more effective, but movements have been tracked routinely for donkey’s years. Take a look around the country, they aint hard to spot!
Independent article on previous history of the Sarkbrook and Sparkhill Birmingham suburbs:
“In 2010 when the local community reacted angrily to the revelation that police had installed vehicle recognition surveillance cameras to track suspected terrorist activity in the Muslim areas off the busy Stratford Road corridor, the police justified their actions by pointing out that there had been 11 terrorist-related convictions in Sparkbrook and nearby Washwood Heath in the previous three years.”
About time we got the re-enactment of “Four Lions”. Best film about these weirdibeardies that I`ve seen.
No wonder Paxo wants stronger waistbands on his .
Maybe they redacted his increasing girth in the Savalon Enquiry they tossed off yesterday!
hey … shhhh!
or. we ll end up with “four lions” the musical
wheres lord webfoot.
then again ….
fun … in islam? – Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be NO fun and joy in whatever is serious.
Ayatollah Knobmania … yikes! “don t play the laughing boy” eh!
SILENCE! … i kill you
You`re onto something there, noggin.
Why no showcase for burgeoning Islamic talent from the banlieus?
I mean Omar Djaili and Soraya Khasshogi or whatever her face is…hardly call that Islam(Bahai, Iranian Islam-lite version…eeek!)would you?
Mind you-even George Galloway and Anjem Coudhury( the Eddie and Sid of Islam) might be funnier that Paul Sinna, that crap one off Loose Ends last night(dig up Bill Hicks!)…and especailly Sketcherama that I`ve heard two nights running.
Bloody awful- social workers watching goldfish with an eye to the next chess move would be funnier. Trade Desciption Act anybody…zees iz not FUNNY!
Krap…krap, krap ..krap!
And it is not for the believers to go forth [to battle] all at once. For there should separate from every division of them a group [remaining] to obtain understanding in the religion and warn their people when they return to them that they might be cautious.
Surah 9 vs 122
O you who have believed, fight those adjacent to you of the disbelievers and let them find in you harshness. And know that Allah is with the righteous.
vs 123
5live your call – what motivates islamic terrorists ….
so we ll fill an hour with muslims talking to other muslims
then to nicky then other muslims – and then erm “scholars?” – and then some crony from these “prevention” disasterous money pits, then anyone whose knowledge about islam is very very limited, to the religion of peace –
… just for “balance” you understand.
one chap right at the end started to ask questions of this horse and pony show, questioned this said “scholar”, about why these islamic facists themselves quote quranic scripture for justification, why its more totalitarian political ideology than religion anyway, why he was disingenuous, about muslims not attacking erm “innocents” when ANY person rejecting paedo mo or islam is so considered fair game, by islam itself, …
he even started to give the percentages of how much of islamic text is about the kaffir and what to do to him,
when where and how?
cue the al bbc microphone fairy he was deliberately faded away … gone! … and its back to panto s “scholar” buddy
now why was that 😀
It’s all Jam Sponge’s Mums fault.
hope its “halal” … that jam sponge
Well look at it this way when they stop doing bad thing we will stop blaming them for bad things!
lefties are such short sighted cretins
Don’t call them short-sighted.
you mean
national SOCIALIST hitler?
oh yeah
must HAVE
not must of
what exactly is the verb “to of”?
Isn’t it Dez who always writes “must of”?
but it’s a generally used substitution for grammatical english among da uneducated yoof in general
I think its terrible that these trolls come on this site and cause trouble.
If you want to talk about the left-wing nature of the BBC and its lovefest with Islam you should be able to do that without wind-up merchants
How can we have been upset when Hitler died, most of us weren’t even fucking born you retard.
In the word’s of the great Chubby Brown ” not all Muslims terrorists, but all terrorist’s are Muslims”.
They certainly terrify me.
They terrify me.
You’re living proof that smoking too much weed won’t kill you Jammy boy. It just knackers your cognitive skills.
fear of being blown up on public transport
jews are perfectly civilised thanks
schoolkids with the IQ of a pencil
i ask you
2b or not 2b?
I’m not going to enter a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
Now I’m blaming the midwife for throwing away the baby and giving your Mum the afterbirth..ps at least coldtits had entertainment value.
what motivates islamic terrorists? … clues in the question
54 mins 20
38 mins 10
as an adage, you ll note that in that segment from “your call” a chap starts to question a supposed “scholar” even giving percentages
to show how obsessive islamic texts or about us (the kafir), how to rule us, treat us, punish us kill us etc.
of course, he is cut off by the bbc 😀 …. and
this “scholar” then gets free reign and starts a drone, that would do pinnochio proud
well here they are scrupulously researched
8 mins 30
Bill Warner looks a little bit like Donald Rumsfeld
here is the link to it
starts at 54 mins 20
The BBC could not object to broadcasting this itself as it is an honest and fair debate. Well actually it becomes plain that the ‘shaikh’ is constantly talking about how Muslims are told by their religion to practice justice towards non-believers. He does a lot of slithering and wriggling before being forced into at least not denying, that in Islam-speak justice means sharia. He nearly manages to waffle and filibuster entirely the sharia-enjoins-jihad bit.
you re bang to rights there wally, but maybe this, for most a little too theological.
i actually timed the segment, to show
from the highest of islamic sources, the folly of believing a word these deceitful charlatans say, that said, they are so brainwashed, getting a straight answer out of them is like “platting fog”
i actually recall back in the late, 60 s early 70s, many of the old timers who had been out to india or the pak, had dealings military or otherwise out there, would vehemently say … on your life, no matter what – you NEVER trust a paki,
AND to boot, you know, despite the absurd discrimination tag, this wasn t racism .. as they would have no qualms in telling why, in relaying there own experiences to you.
and before anyone asks yep! muslim
… and Pakistani … what a (gag!) wonderful combination
… anyway what could we say here?
just another example?
“community knew the plotters were sending people to terror training camps in the Pak, but did nothing.
“Birmingham’s Muslim community did not inform police of terrorism plot,”
It is a widely held belief in Pakistan that the most trustworthy and honest employees are Christians.
Ah another childishly named lame brain shows up to prove my theory on the ‘Village idiot effect’ see for every intelligent group nature throws in a moron for balance , for millennia the human race lived in small groups say about 100 or so and every one of those community’s had a ‘village idiot’ who like jam head here spends their days shouting at cars and hanging about with a bag of string at the Spar! now look at the population growth and the amount of world class ends of the bell must number millions this helps to explain the sudden rise of flyby oxygen thieves haunting this blog and def why they love the BBC so much I mean where else can they get fed top line rubbish like BBC3 or as I know it valium for the mentally impaired !
I suspect it’s the same lame brain. Doesn’t really matter, actually, as none of them thinks for themselves anyway and might as well be the same person.
How the bBC reinvents any story concerning Muslims into one of victimhood.
City University London locks Muslim prayer room on Fridays
City University in London has been accused of discrimination by a group of Muslim students after it started locking a room used for Friday prayers. A group of students have formed Muslim Voices on Campus, calling on the university to reverse its decision.
OK, so we have a story where City University (London) has locked a so called prayer room for Muslims and in usual bBC S.O.P. Muslims are remade as victims in which to promote this view that the whole world and its dog is against Islam:
The group said it was being “unjustly targeted”.City said it acted because students had refused to submit the proposed content of sermons to the university before prayers to check its “appropriateness”.Wasif Sheikh, who leads the group, said: “We feel we are being unjustly targeted. All of our sermons are open, we welcome all students and all staff.”But when you start submitting your sermons to be monitored and scrutinised then there’s a chance for it to be dictated what’s allowed and what’s not allowed. We, as students, don’t accept that.”
Get it, it,s all about free speech and the heavy hand of officialdom at the Uni have demanded that all sermons be vetted before Friday prayers and just to paint these followers of Islam as only victims the bBC comes out with this:
Three years ago, the counter-extremism think tank the Quilliam Foundation released a report on the sermons at Friday prayers at City University, in central London. Wasif Sheikh leads the group Muslim Voices on Campus It claimed hardline views and a confrontational atmosphere were being encouraged. In one sermon, which was recorded, the speaker said: “The Islamic state teaches to cut the hand of the thief. Yes it does. And it also teaches us to stone the adulterer.”When they tell us that, the Islamic state tells us and teaches us to kill the apostate, yes it does.“BBC London has seen no evidence those views are still being spread now,
The clue to the entire reason behind this entails us going back 3 years, but the bBC doesn’t point out just what transpired 3 years ago, instead it links articles where Muslims are seen as champions of law and order in the UK, who openly stand against religious bigots.
Muslim campers against terrorism
Muslims host ‘anti-terror’ camp
So just what doesn’t the bBC want you to know about City University of London Islamic students. Well for a start they refused to share a multi faith prayer room with other faiths demanding that it was for Islamic use only, when the University clamped down on their bigoted behaviour the Islamic students took to praying in the street in which to play the victimcard.
Here is how the bBC reported that story in 2010.
Some Muslim students at City University in London are praying in the street in a row over prayer room facilities. The university closed a prayer room after Muslim students were attacked in November. A new multi-faith room was opened the following month….. The prayer room was moved for safety reasons after a group of Muslim students were attacked by local youths, in what police said was a racist incident.
Note how the bBC relates the story by promoting the angle (yet again) that Muslims in the UK can only be victims.
As for that racist incident, what the bBC don’t inform you is that all of the so called racist attackers were….Black.
Finally here’s a little more info on that Quilliam 2010 report: (Sorry about the lack of links, but my posts get blocked if I insert so many links)
A London university’s Islamic society promoted a “hard-line Islamist ideology” which led to “the intimidation and harassment of staff, students and members of minority”, researchers have revealed.
A report by the counter-extremism think tank Quilliam shows that the behaviour of City University’s Islamic society (ISoc) “during the last academic year “scared” Jewish students and moderate Muslims and “led to increased religious tensions on campus.”
The authors of the report cautioned that “such extremism may increase the risks of students turning to terrorism.”
They found that Saleh Patel, the ISoc president, had called for kafirs (unbelievers) to be killed and for adulterers to be stoned.
Mr Patel told ISoc members that: “Islam believes in defensive and offensive jihad.”
In recordings of Friday prayers held at the university Mr Patel can be heard saying that the Islamic state “teaches to cut the hand of the thief’” and “to kill the apostate.
“This is what Allah and his messenger…have taught us.
“The difference of opinion lies with regards to how he should be killed not as to what he is – a kafir or a Muslim.
“When they say to us that Islam was spread by the sword, and there is no such thing as jihad, we say to them ‘no’.”
At other times members called for women to be forced into wearing the veils and for shari’ah law to be implemented in Britain.
The ISoc also held daily large-scale protests to oppose the university’s provision of a multifaith prayer room and invited Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical pro-al-Qaeda preacher, to a university event.
According to the report, “ISoc members sought to create a globalised ‘grievance-based’ Muslim identity that was hostile to non-Muslims and paranoid and suspicious of outsiders.”
After complaints from fellow students, including members of the LGBT society and the editor of the student newspaper, the university authorities closed the ISoc website and removed some of its privileges.
Lucy James, the report’s author, called the revelation that such ideas were being openly promoted on a university campus “deeply shocking”.
She said that while City University had done its best to contain the problem, “government, civil society groups, students and moderate Muslim organisations need to help challenge these ideologies before they lead to violence on campus or even an act of terrorism.
“Labour failed to effectively take action against campus radicalisation; hopefully the new government will not also ignore this problem.”
The Quilliam report follows the publication of an investigation into University College London’s approach to tackling campus extremism.
Critics called the investigation, launched after the arrest of former student Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, “complacent” and a “whitewash”.
the computer screen will be foam flecked if this goes on much more
keep idiots like you on at school for a start
Sorry Pounce…no insult intended.
Sorry Pounce…no insult intended.
Non taken and actually the name ponce is sticking it to Allah’s favourites in the Arabian Gulf.
USS Ponce (LPD-15)
the Pentagon is converting the 1970s-vintage amphibious assault ship USS Ponce into a mothership for special ops and countermining missions in the Middle East,
Read more: http://defensetech.org/2012/01/28/uss-ponce-to-become-spec-ops-mothership/#ixzz2LdMvrKUI
enough of baiting the inbred schoolkid
back to al beeb
do you want to be an adult?
entertainment value has now been replaced by tedium
bye now
Jam Sponge says:
February 22, 2013 at 12:31 pm
Its all Islam fault.
Actually it is:
World War 1 was the result of the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. (Look up Russian ambitions to fill that vacuum)
World War 2 was just a continuation of WW1
The Cold War came about from WW2
and the current Islamic Terrorist love fest is a direct result of the Cold war.
It seems that all roads do lead to Mecca.
Put that in your Pipe and smoke it, smart arse.
You could add that Hitler noted how the Turks got away scot free with the Armenian massacres when he set about murdering the Jews – not to mention the Grand Mufti egging him on.
Can’t this repetitive bore be blocked? He/she/it adds nothing.
Are you not yet tired of your one line?
Everyone else is.
If EVERYONE ignores it, it will soon get bored and play elsewhere.
Don’t feed the troll!!!!!!!! IGNORE!!!!!!!
Look how quickly it has managed to derail this thread!!!
it was a laugh for a few minutes but it’s just like a yappy child now
you just feel like giving it a good slap and sending it on its way
When an inconsequential non-story serves several purposes…
1. The ’empowered’ minority woman :
Breaking the stereotype of the oppressed, hijab-wearing Asian female – even as they report that she was the only one.
2. We’re all racist example A :
“While preconceived notions of women who wear hijabs may circulate British society”. Yep – boo-his at the majority that might assume that women who adopt the strict dress codes of Islamic nations might also be exposed to correspondingly less than liberal cultural pressures in their everyday lives. Ignorant cultural Imperialists, all of us.
3. We’re all racist example B :
“However, others express frustration that the Asian community is still hugely under-represented in professional football. “…and it’s all because – as the headline for this section shouts – ‘Institutional Racism’. It’s everywhere, especially football these days, it would seem.
4. Hideously white :
Apparently though, it’s acceptable for some to make claims of ‘racism’ couched in openly racist language…
“But Mr Fazal feels football is still “institutionally racist”.
“Clubs are male, pale and stale,” he says, adding they ought to be “connecting with the community” and “representing the UK’s diverse population”.
Male, pale and stale? Would this make it to print were it aimed at any other demographic group?
I noticed that story and while the bBC is using it to showcase the fact that Muslims are just like you and I. They missed the fact that actually by showing a young Muslim girl who covers her head at a British football match they actually showcase how tolerant (and not intolerant) British society is. Which lets be honest is the state of affairs in virtually all of the Uk. But who here has ever heard the bBC promote that fact instead all we ever here is how racist the UK is.
Good point. She was just another (covered) face in the crowd. Nothing to remark upon – except for the BBC, who used her to stereotype the rest of us at the same time as they marked her out as non-stereotypical.
not a chance
whites are open season for the race hustlers
Oh dear…
Savile accusations ‘were censored’
Detailed accusations about Jimmy Savile’s sex crimes were censored after viewers tried to post them on a BBC tribute web page.
The comments, which included one person who wrote: “One of my best friends in 1972 was molested by this creep Savile. He was never the same again. Killed himself in 1985. How’s About That Then?”, were stopped from being published by a team of moderators employed by the corporation.
if they ever get round to publishing Balen,every page would just be blacked out
open and transparent and accountable
3 words that the bbc is not
Indeed – it might look something like this…
‘Savile accusations ‘were censored’
The preferred term today seems to be ‘redacted’.
But it seems to be fooling few.
Which may explain why the Turing Machines appear to have overloaded trying to swamp the entire internet being a wee bit leery of the BBC’s version of events on this (including the Graun, so they are in real trouble) with denial of service spam.
Shame, as such as this has made such as Order-order very hard to read beyond the main article, and there can be some real diamonds amongst all the distractions.
At the BBC, a censurer is a moderator, and to censor is to redact.
The time has come for those who are still paying the licence fee, to STOP paying now.
Those now not paying the licence fee enjoy the safety of the crowds.
all I’m getting is a Standard heading with the message ‘sorry unable to access the page….’
The bBC, the propaganda arm for Intolerant Islamic terrorists the world over
‘Language of the enemy’
The BBC’s Jon Donnison is told the children are being taught the “language of the enemy”
The above is a bBC article about how Children in Gaza are being taught ‘Hebrew’ the language of the enemy. Now if this had been about how Jewish children being taught Arabic as the language of the enemy then the shit would be hitting the fan and all the ethical latte drinkers out there would be bitching about how intolerant non-Muslims are. But when Muslims do so it is deemed quaint. The strange thing is that the bBC has a charter in place which forbids the use of inflammatory language, which is why they say ‘Militant’ instead of terrorist, why they say ‘Asian’ instead of Muslim and why they say Oxford exploitation trial instead of Oxford pedophile trial. But when you have a jew in the crosshairs, then its gloves off.
The bBC, the reason behind the rise of anti-Semitism in the UK
Some 20% of Israel’s population are Arabs most of whom are fluent in Hebrew. Perhaps learning the language of the ‘other’ will allow Gazans to see that the accusations against Israel are lies?
From an Islamic P.O.V. the enemy is the West – they should be teaching English and French.
Got to love how the bBC goes well out of its way in which to play the innocent card for Islamic terrorists
London Metropolitan University suspends researcher with car bomb conviction
A university researcher has been suspended after it emerged he has a conviction over a car bombing at the Israeli Embassy in London. Jawad Botmeh of London Metropolitan University and another man were found guilty in 1996 of conspiracy to cause explosions in the UK.
So a convicted Muslim terrorist is suspended by London Metropolitan University from his day job when they find out he has form and how do the bBC re-write his resume?
Botmeh, who was released from prison in 2008, was found guilty of involvement in two car bombs set off in July 1994, one of which went off outside the embassy in Kensington Palace Gardens. Nobody was killed.
followed by
Botmeh lost an appeal against his conviction in 2001, although he gained support from Gareth Peirce, solicitor for the wrongly jailed Birmingham Six, who claimed he had been the victim of a miscarriage of justice.
Another thing Jawad Botmeh is a Palestinian, something the bBC forgot to mention
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
Seeing that he is a convicted bomber and all, would it have been too much to ask that he be deported on completion of his sentence. Or am I being too intolerant?
Unison said he had broken no university rules. So that’s all right then.
Has he gone yet?!
mummy has come to collect him
It is half-term. Have you ever noticed how the blog fills up with trolls during school holidays?
Just a plea to ignore Jam Sponge and sundry aliases – it makes the comments section much harder to read. I got no interest in reading his posts and the to-ing and fro-ing of insults certainly isn’t worth reading.
Dez on the other hand is much more fun.
Amen to that.
Doesn’t matter. Their only motive is to distract and attention seek. Ignore.
they will of course try to tell you that the site is so sad,posters are nutters,blah blah blah
what they really mean is
this site really boils my pish and I’ll do all I can to throw it off track and make it unreadable
more and more people are waking up to the bullshit that the bbc foists on the public day and daily-you can see people complaining(and that’s putting it nicely) on the web without having to poke around too much
there are of course the zombies who will never realise what’s happening,but they are happy in their little world of Albert Square and related shite like that
shit stirrers-and that’s just what they are-like we see today could be easily blocked.Would that feed their pathetic little egos?Maybe…….
would I give a toss?No
proxies are able to be blocked from accessing sites.I have seen this for myself when trying to access country specific forums on the web.You just can’t access them
then you would have the situation where the admins could see the actual ISP address-or indeed the ISP addy of the beeb if and when it’s being used
I think the time has come for DV to look seriously at addressing this
Douglas Murray on form as usual…
How the bBC goes into apologist mode as soon as any Muslims are found guilty of terrorism in the UK.
‘No support for terrorists in Sparkbrook’
“About 15 years ago, someone on my street got done for making pipe bombs in his house,” said taxi driver Imran Hussain, who lives in Birmingham’s Sparkbrook area. “That was a real shock, we had no idea. You just don’t expect that sort of thing happening on your own street.”
While representing around 2% of the British Population Muslims account for over 15% of the prison population and yet the bBC can find bus load after bus load of Muslims who are always shocked about what transpires for normal day to day behaviour amongst the followers of the peaceful faith which is why the the bBC comes out with:
“It really is a small minority – the vast majority of Sparkbrook would never even think of doing anything like that, harming people in that way,”
“Anything that goes on must be very secretive. I’m born and bred here and no-one’s ever tried to recruit me for terrorism, and apart from that guy on my road I’ve never known anyone involved in it, and I didn’t know these three men.
“And they certainly wouldn’t get the support of the community.”
On the streets of Sparkbrook, few people being stopped wanted to talk about the latest convictions.”I don’t know them and I don’t know anything about the case,” said one man. Another said the issue of terrorism “does not affect me”.
And whom do the bBC feel are to blame for how all these young men and women are turning to terrorism in which to express themselves:
“We’re hit by these national and local government cuts and we’re being told there’s no money to solve our problems. The local school here is in special measures and we’ve got bad health problems in the area with many diabetes cases. “The best thing we can hope is that this latest court case might prove to the authorities we need something to give kids in areas like this some hope.”
Yup never the fault of Islam for promoting the viewpoint that all Non-Muslims must be ruled over with a rod of Iron.
Nah, lets blames government cuts instead.
The bBC, the traitors within our Midst
Please do not reply to posters whose only intention is to disrupt.
It’s quite complimentary really. This site is now regarded as enough of a threat that the “left” has decided that it needs to be disrupted.
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they attack you, then you win.”
I do what Orwell did. Analyse what they have to say, then produce a mocking satire on what they said.
Its why Orwell supported free speech for extremists, racists and bigots, and why Colditz is an intellectually inferior moron.
For Beeboids, self-censorship rules on Islam. E.g on HALAL.
Beeboids appear to be more interested in acquiescing with Islamic supremicists on getting a non-Muslim dinner-lady sacked for accidentally serving non-halal food in a Birmingham school, that in standing up for the rights of low-paid, non-Muslim workers.
“Dinner lady sacked for serving Muslim children with non-halal meat at
multi-faith school.”
Two-thirds of this morning’s newspapers put the Muslim terrorists on the front pager.
But Radio 4’s head;lines most of the morning did not include the story. Yes, Humphrys had a patsy interview at 8.10 – allowing the Muslim guy to blame things on Tory Cutz, and the wet policeman to pander to the Muslim community even though the Sparkbrook families and community had utterly failed to report how dangerous the guys were.
I am increasingly convinced that the BBC radio news operation is stacked with Muslim reporters and editors – and fellow-travelling lefties – who censor BBC news round the clock.
How else could Radio 4 omit the terrorism story from its headlines this morning ? – when most of Fleet Street put it on the front page with lots of coverage on inside pages.
Why was a foiled threat to kill dozens or even hundreds of Brits deemed less important at every half-hour news bulletin that the South Africa trial , for example ?
The Radio Four Afternoon play is a favourite slot for ‘propaganda heavy’. Today’s was more ridiculous even than most!
“The Spare Room” by Oliver Emanuel. A ‘rapid response’ play inspired by destitution among asylum seekers.
Middle-class woman who finds that an Eritrean refugee has been living in her spare bed-room! Bloody hell. But do not fear, it turns out well. This refugee is studying to be a doctor (aren’t they all?) He was tricked into coming to Britain, when he wanted to go to Italy (must be the first?) And the stingy old British government only give him £36 a week to live on, (awh bless). Oh and he does some gardening for her too.
Sounds like a brilliant play. Nice to see our money being used well. Lets hope they televise it…not. Seems to me I’ve seen variations on this story many times over the years. Yea funny how the character is always here to be an architect or a lawyer or fleeing from an armageddon event in their own country and not to pick veg out of a field.
If I wrote a screen play about someone who’s job had been closed down by the Labour government. Who went to work in distribution only to find themselves undercut by immigrant labour and out of work again. Then to find after 6 months he/she doesn’t get any benefit because their partner works more than 16 hours.
I wonder if the BBc would give me a wad of cash. Clue this story is rather close to home.
More INBBC political promotion of Islam, and of wearing of hijab.
“Bradford City’s hijab-wearing teenage fan”
(inc video clip).
Will INBBC shows highlights of football cup final, or simply give propaganda to any hijab-wearing spectators there?
The bBC’s so called Defence experts and what little they know?
F-35 fighter jet fleet grounded by Pentagon
The US has grounded its entire fleet of 51 F-35 fighter jets after the discovery of a cracked engine blade. The fault was detected during a routine inspection of an air force version of the jet (F-35A) at Edwards Air Force Base in California, said the Pentagon. Different versions are flown by the navy and the marine corps. All have been grounded.
And what the bBC don’t tell you is the plane isn’t even in service yet and won’t be for another 4 years. In otherwords its still undergoing flight tests. Oh and bBC defence experts its 57 F35s and not 51.
Further to this: apparently a million listeners tune in to the Afternoon play! No wonder the BBC utilise it to the max for propaganda purposes
Sorry about that.
Something wrong with the reply to Cosmo button
In the word’s of the great Chubby Brown ” not all Muslims terrorists, but all terrorist’s are Muslims”.
They certainly terrify me.
Hey you lot above me!
Did your hear Jezza Vines show yesterday about taking the well “Peace” out of this story yesterday.
Lots of funny Brummies in places…”yow ava gud dayna”
Jeremy was qyute good by his standards,now Paxos stuffed!
The next Paxman…I dreamed a dream!
Oscar Pistorius – A good week to bury bad news
Is he dead?
Today Program interview with Michael Morpurgo about ‘black’ footballer & WW1 soldier Walter Tull.
Lots of interest in a story of a ‘black’ orphan who made it as one of the earliest ‘black’ footballers and how he made the officer ranks in the army being described as a remarkable soldier.
He was killed on the Western front and his body never recovered he was supposed to have received the military cross but never actually received it.
Almost every question from Humphries concerned ‘racism’ despite Morpurgo telling him that his medal was most likely due to the confusion of war.
It looks like the loonies on the left are attempting to build up Walter Tull as some kind of wronged black hero and victim of racism, but there’s a problem they seem to have overlooked Tull wasn’t black! His father was but his mother was white, so he’s therefore mixed race and as much white as black.
This is of course completely overlooked and to be honest I find it disgraceful that the lefties can ascribe a racial group to someone simply because they find it convenient, if a moderate wrote the story calling him white they’d be throwing their toys out of the pram.
The BBC’s report on the downgrading of the UK from AAA status includes this little gem:
Hard to know where to start with this but what’s the betting that the phrase “downgrade chancellor” will be in wide use across the whole of BBC News and the Labour front bench before the end of the weekend?
“UK: Birmingham’s Muslim community did not inform police of jihad terror plot”
Muslim rescues another Muslim from a small house fire in Oldham & guess where the bBC place it on the webs*ite? Yep that’s right it’s headline news! This wouldn’t normally merit even a footer if the people involved were of a different religion.
Yes, I saw that earlier today and was going to post. So blatant.
Meet the Izzards this week.
Mostly alright up until they just had to get one of their pet projects into a tale of genetic migration.
“They had to move elsewhere because of climate change”
The bBC, and its many faceted ways in which to hate its reflection in the mirror. (The angst that only left-wing ethical latte drinkers can feel)
Why speaking English can make you poor when you retire
Could the language we speak skew our financial decision-making, and does the fact that you’re reading this in English make you less likely than a Mandarin speaker to save for your old age?
Question for the bBC, if Mandarin is so great how come China has been (and still is in lots of places) a third world country for so long.
Liberals, denying a good number of villages of a lot of idiots.
The Beeb couldn’t resist repeating this rumour, concerning Benedict XVI’s resignation:
“An unconfirmed report in one of Italy’s biggest newspapers, La Repubblica, suggested that the Pope had resigned shortly after being presented with a dossier detailing a network of Vatican priests, “united by sexual orientation” who were being blackmailed.”
They could simply have confined themselves to reporting he announcement from the Vatican without repeating samples of the ‘misinformation’ (the Beeb put the word in inverted commas – a nod’s as good as a wink) complained about.
The BBC really need to a get grip when comes to the subject of race. They are now so tentative that they can’t actually bring themselves to properly tell a race news story.
Paul Elliott: FA accepts resignation after racism row
[So tell us dear national broadcaster – what was the racism row?]
“As an advocate of high-standards of public behaviour, and integrity in public life, I know the use of this word sends out mixed messages and contradicts my position as a Kick It Out trustee”
[So what did he say?]
“I regret using it; it is inappropriate and not part of my everyday vocabulary.”
[Yes, but how can we judge when the BBC don’t explain?]
[It must stick in the BBC craw, but since they can’t bring themselves to tell us, they have to link to the story in the Sun]
N-word slur by CBE ace
Anti-racism chief’s rant
Elliott, 48, launched the broadside in a text argument over a business venture that went wrong. He wrote to Rufus: “Ur a stupid man n*****” then added: “You dog. Ur history my friend.”
So a race hustler is obsesed with race – just like our BBC
Today is Purim a Jewish festival notable for dressing up – making noise and drinking although I haven’t seen anything as sodden as Brad Cohen makes out, in the Travel and Food & Drink sections, of all places. I’ll leave it for discussion whether it is better to send someone who has had nothing to go with Judaism since childhood – and judging by his comments, precious little even then, or to send a know nothing Foreign Correspondent or a Muslim with a grudge.
I was interested in how the BBC related to the holiday and wasn’t surprised to find mostly it is confined to CBeebies. Unfortunately not available outside the UK. Perhaps someone might like to check, for us?
Even for the kids (or maybe especially for the kids) the agenda doesn’t stop. Unfortunately I couldn’t access LEARNING ZONE BROADBANDCLASS CLIPS Judaism, Jews and the Holy Land but the text introduction makes it clear:
An insight into contemporary Judaism, from the lively celebrations of Purim in Jerusalem to a discussion about the rights of Jews to settle on occupied land. Presenter Reverend Peter Owen-Jones visits Jerusalem to find out more about Judaism, in particular its link with the land. He prays at the Western Wall and explains some of the origins of their monotheistic belief, and joins men in an Orthodox yeshivah for their exuberant celebrations. After explaining something of the origin of the state of Israel, a conversation with a Jewish Rabbi, a settler on occupied Palestinian land, gives a personal, Jewish perspective on their relationship with the land.
In case there is any doubt on what the BBC or is it Owen-Jones thinks is the focus: Ideas for use in class
Recommended to watch alongside clip 8364 for an alternative perspective on Israel. Older students can consider the political implications of this clip, alongside the clip with the Palestinian views on the building of settlements on occupied land. Younger students may concentrate on the story of Purim and explore why it is celebrated with such energy and abandon. The recommended clip is A Muslim view on the Palestinian conflict
Not surprisingly none of the classroom exercise on Islamic festivals provide a Christian counterview of Islam.
Reverend Peter Owen-Jones visits Muslims in Palestine, asking the question, ‘What drives people to kill for their religion?‘ He visits a refugee camp and meets Samir, a Sunni Muslim, who worships at the mosque. He then explores the common roots of Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Samir, whose daughter was a suicide bomber, gives his opinion that the conflict in Palestine is not a religious conflict but one about land.
I hope the Rev notes the differences between Islam, Christianity and Judaism when it comes to suicide bombing but I doubt it.
For much trivia about Purim the BBC almost certainly misses.
ɯıɹnd ʎddɐɥ
Just for the record Megillat Esther is not part of the Talmud. Too much research for an under the weather Brad Cohen it seems.
@BBCPolitics: Labour launches older women audit http://t.co/apaDqSNWrj
I’m sure there was no other way to summarise it, but that made me laugh
I have to say I was unaware of this until I stumbled across it.
Hopefully not serious, and so soon after his previous non work-related issues.
Several weeks does sound a long time, but maybe best to have missed this period in the office anyway.
At least his output seems to have been covered seamlessly by his colleagues.
One can only wish him a speedy recovery.
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