I had the great misfortune to catch most of BBC Question Time last evening, recorded at St Paul’s. We had the usual biased panel; Saint Vince Cable (left and much loved by the BBC) Michael Heseltine (He stabbed Thatcher in the back and is fervently pro EU) Rev Giles Fraser (Raving left) Diana “Divide and Rule” Abbott (Left) and by way of “balance”, the maverick Peter Hitchens. The part of the debate which REALLY galled was concerning the “white flight” from London — 600,000 WHITE Britains have fled the capital in a decade. The general consensus is that a/ It is WRONG to record how many White people there are in the Census 2/ Immigration made Britain and London and 3/ Don’t mention Islam. Abbott was particularly galling, I have to say, claiming on several occasions that the exodus is all about class, not a sense of no longer feeling at home in London as parts of it resemble downtown Jihadistan. Isn’t this the same Abbott who tweeted that “whites like to pay the divide and rule” tactic and who also accused London taxi drivers off being racist? For her to sit there and preen as the very modern incarnation of multicultural magnanimity was nauseating. Even by BBC Question Times, this was appalling bias.
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Oh no! Things you don’t agree with aired on Question Time! Views you don’t subscribe to! Opinions at odds with your own!
Well, if that isn’t prima facie evidence of BBC bias, then I don’t know what is.
Let’s face it David, the panel would have to consist of Hitchens, Melanie Phillips, Nigel Farage, Matthew Sinclair, John Redwood and Ruth Lea, moderated by Quentin Letts, in order to satisfy your, and others on here, vast collective shoulder chips, wouldn’t it?
You can rail and rant all you like, but political programmes such as QT should loosely reflect the political makeup of Parliament and the country. And it does.
I would remind you that the British people have not returned a right wing Government for decades and they’ve never returned a Libertarian one to power.
So why not have a pop at the British people, rather than the BBC. They’re your real enemy.
You really are full of yourself, aren’t you Steve? Presumably you have started giving us the benefit of your thoughts on this blog because people have stopped speaking with you at the pub.
“QT should loosely reflect the political makeup of Parliament and the country. And it does.”
That is why the BBC appointed the International Socialism Journal and Socialist Review journalist Nicolai Gentchev as the editor of Question Time. Marxists (as you know) are famous for their dedication to freedom of speech.
Are you having some sort of breakdown Nicked Emus?
Ooh yes – that evil Gentchev wrote for that commie mag 10 years ago, so he must be a Marxist!
How about that evil Pete Hitchens – he used to be a Marxist too, you know.
And as for that outrageous political editor, Nick Robinson, he used to be Chairman of the Young Conservatives – so that makes him Himmler’s right hand man!
I tend to think that people who are so simplistic in their outlook are just simple. And you’ve proved me right, Wild.
How can being a Conservative be likened to Himmler? If he had been a member of the SWP then that would have been apt.
Some of Nicolai Gentchev’s Trotskyite articles are still available online – and I have seen no evidence to suggest he has changed any of his opinions.
Perhaps he sees himself as the People’s Liberation Front of Judea counterweight to Paul Mason on Newnight.
Himmler? Wasn’t he a National SOCIALIST? I think he was.
I sometimes wonder if Dez is UAF/SWP – they’re virtually the same thing. He showed his true colours the other day when he said that two commenters here are barefaced liars.
and he also said jews are shysters
“and he also said jews are shysters”
ltwf, I suspect you are misrepresenting my remarks on purpose and playing to the gallery (as usual); but just in case you really are as stupid as you sound, let me spell it out:
I was describing the London of my childhood, where the attitudes towards Blacks and Jews I described were commonplace and went for the most part unchallenged.
I had a Biology teacher who in one lesson explained to us a great detail how ‘Blacks’ were less intelligent because they had thicker skull mass and therefore smaller brains. A different Science teacher (in a class conversation about John Curry) said she suspected homosexuals were born with a genetic throat defect which is why they all had effeminate voices.
There was a never ending supply of stories about Queers and Coons and Jews being hook-nosed misers, and if you didn’t laugh you were told to cheer up; “it was just a joke”.
These were “the good old days”.
I considered such attitudes ignorant, pathetic and disgusting then and I consider them ignorant, pathetic and disgusting now.
Is that clear enough for you?
You’ve got form numbnuts
and everyone knows it….still visiting stormfront?
Care to grow a pair and come out from behind that proxy and use the bbc IP address to post?
Who was his fellow-liar?
“I sometimes wonder if Dez is UAF/SWP… he said that two commenters here are barefaced liars.”
No I didn’t.
Care to show me where I said that wally? Or are you going to sulk off back into the shadows when you realise you’re wrong?
I was dealing with some troll called Joseph on the recent immigration thread after he had told Thoughtful that her story was little too fanciful for him and contained too many catchphrases. I informed that Thoughtful was a sensible person, regularly posted here and anybody could see from her second post that she was telling the truth. At this point you burst in and said I must be joking
(I couldn’t be bothered to go back and check the exact words for a pain in the neck like you) with the clear intention of rubbishing what I had just said about Thoughtful and in support of Joseph. You then went on to describe some incident described by Pounce making it clear that you saw it as preposterous invention. Your meaning was perfectly clear – don’t expect me to get bored stiff in nit picking and hair splitting about terminology with a troll like you (one that talks ignorant crap about Islam and assumes their automatic moral superiority on the basis of it) and who spouts BS about me backing off into shadows.
For heavens sake people: don’t feed the troll.
Agreed. Their comments are about as balanced as the make-up of last night’s panel.
Still, their claim of victory at having engineered/brainwashed a hefty section of the population into a leftist mindset (through our socialist education system, mass immigration and the BBC) does have more than a ring of truth to it.
Wouldn’t it be advantageous to be a Marxist if you wanted to work and write for Marxist magazine? I must admit though the is a ring of truth in “I am only a Marxist because they pay me to be one!”
We really ought not to feed the trolls!
What better expert could you find on 57 Varieties of Socialism? Sample of his writing in Socialist Review:“Sections of the ruling class want welfare cuts even when money is available elsewhere…Labour’s failure in office to defend the welfare state… “
Just the sort of balanced outlook QT needs. Attacking the Left from the further Left. I wonder who was on his selection interview, if there was one.
Whoops bumped up, intended as comment to appontment of Nicolai Gentchev as Head of QT, look s a little lonely out of context.
And-wasn`t Laura Penney doing the tweety bit that they`ve lobbed in to be “funky” after the show.
As if they QT Trotters haven`t enough lefty ballast to stay stupid!
Yep, QT not Lefty enough for you? Try full blown BBC Lefty Twitter storms-r-us.
As recommended by Comrade Mason.
Paul Mason @paulmasonnews
Looking forward to @PennyRed appearance as off camera guest on #bbcqt – hope trolls have had their medication
Here’s one for you from that thread:
sure does sound like knackered anus allright
same MO,same relentless waves of crap,same style(ahem) of scrawling
I claim my fiver
if they’re not the same person,they all share the single hive mind anyway
Voting Tory and expecting a conservative government is like buying a Findus beef lasagne and expecting a beef lasagne!
It’s a full moon in three days – perhaps that’s what brings on his manic phases.
At the last election the BNP got circa 2% of the vote, the Greens got around 1% and Respect 0.1%. Caroline Lucas and Galloway are on almost once a month but Nick Griffin has only been on once. Whilst I rather not see anything at all of that woeful trio QT clearly favours certain parties over others.
Mr Collins, you state: “You can rail and rant all you like, but political programmes such as QT should loosely reflect the political makeup of Parliament and the country. And it does.”
But does it? The majority of people in this country are decent sorts, not racist in the true definition, but they have had enough of immigration which has now reached the population replacement point rather than simply adding to our “diversity.”
They are also rightly concerned about the huge demographic growth of Islam and the rise in the radicalisation of young Muslim males.
These are perfectly acceptable moral and social concerns. They are shared by the majority of people in this country. They are NOT represented in the make up of QT panellists or audience.
I’m sure you are perfectly well aware of this, but you are clearly a leftist and carry with you the usual leftist ideology, which is to deny a voice to those you disagree with and to constantly propagandise to this end.
Leftists are associated with the ruin of countless countries over the last century, economically, environmentally, morally, spiritually and murderously.
It is odd you still think you hold the moral high ground when you are directly linked to the greatest killing machine the world has ever known. And I include Nazism in that, because Hitler really was a Socialist.
Never forget that Hitler allied himself with Stalin just after the start of WWII when they carved up Poland between them.
We fought you then, and we will fight you now, because you evil incarnate.
Hmmm Interesting
Let’s face it David, the panel would have to consist of Hitchens, Melanie Phillips, Nigel Farage, Matthew Sinclair, John Redwood and Ruth Lea, moderated by Quentin Letts, in order to satisfy your, and others on here, vast collective shoulder chips, wouldn’t it?
So he is well aware of the difference between those he named, and those that usually populate the Question Time panel. This shows awareness of BBC bias, but only that he wants to deny it, which we here were all aware of anyway, but it confirms it for everybody.
I would remind you that the British people have not returned a right wing Government for decades
Would that be the same number of decades since Thompson observed a MASSIVE LEFT WING BIAS at the BBC?
By Jove, I think he’s beginning to understand the purpose of the site, although no doubt he’ll ‘misunderstand’ just what exactly I’m referring to.
I no longer can stomach Question (but no real answers) Time. It’s invariably and predictably far left and downright unbearable.
I’ve just watched half an hour of this Leftist propaganda trash and had to turn it off. The panel were all raging Lefties, apart from Hitchens, who must now know how Colonel Custer felt and the audience constituted primarily lefty-metro types; there was also an atrociously left-wing BBC ‘plant’ in the audience who gave a pre-determined rant about being a case worker and the evils of demonising benefit recipients. It as simply revolting bias.
That Rev Giles was a left-wing disgrace and what on Earth was that loathsome bigot Diane Abbott doing on the BBC after her racist comments? Could you imagine if a Tory, UKIP or BNP politician had said “blacks like to play divide and rule”?
The BBC is a truly cynical, lying, Marxist propaganda machine that is ruthless in its indoctrination; it must be stopped!
*General* Custer.
Thought I’d beat the cherry vultures to it.
Can you imagine the ‘Error 404’ reaction amongst audience and panel members, especially the ignorant cretin that asked Peter Hitchens “What’s British Culture?”, if they were to watch this:
But a couple of surprisingly good questions.
One lad in his early 30s or whatever seemed to “get it”.
One more for the long march eh?
No, they always tend to select one normal, decent human being. Last night it was obviously Mr Hitchens.
It seems oddly coincidental that we have a number of BBC apologists posting here. I enjoy it.
Could it have anything to do with the trouble about to descend on many BBC heads over J.Saville?
Also the need to defend poorly argued and badly written articles such as Easton’s latest offering?
The standard of BBC journalism is heading down to East Ender’s script level.
Another tip. Do not mention the Daily Mail. It makes you sound like a stand up comic about to berate the audience.
Keep the posts coming but try to avoid personal attacks.
They are really counterproductive
Gee Dave thanks for the advice.
Excuse me if I decide not to adhere to it.
I’m only posting on here because watching all you haters thumping your keyboards in rage is very amusing.
Oh, and the assumptions that we’re all the same person and the guessing of what I do for a job and all that other stuff is hilarious! It’s delightful to see that like-minded people have a place to go to when the halfway houses close down.
And let’s wait and see about this board’s Savile totem shall we? I somehow think that it will not herald the destruction of the BBC, or even much at all.
I shall be on here keeping tabs on you, you cheeky scamps!
would HAVE
Someone who trolls a blog insulting and deprecating everyone who uses it regularly and calling them haters is a good example of a hater, himself. -I’ve seen Pink News described as a ‘hate site’ at Cranmers blog. But what is really contemptible about you is that you are a disruptor of serious discussion and have no intention or interest in the way a state financed institution fails in its duty of impartiality and distorts the public discourse as a result. The result is an ill-informed or mis-informed public and that is a danger to democracy. Your assumption of moral superiority is. in fact, an inversion of reality.
Nobody said the Muslims are going to take over – that’s just your rather sinister refusal to speak seriously, although the Koran, a book they all take very seriously, happens to tell them to take over, when practical and by force if necessary.
Don’t feed the troll(s) people
Please – everyone repeat this so that it sinks in!!!!
Please – repeated as requested.
I know we shouldn’t feed the troll but Collins’ hate filled rants say more about his prejudices and bigotry than any other contributors to this blog. You can almost taste the visceral hatred Collins has for those who think differently to him. Projection, perhaps?
isn’t it funny how all the bbc toadies who claim that the beeb is not a slime-infested lefty cesspit,are all inhabitants of the same cesspit,and accuse all who dare to criticise that so-beloved institution(funded by jail-threat enforced tax),as rabid right wingers
the prosecution rests
guilty as oscar pistorious;)
With all due respect to all kinds of pits, especially “Cesspits”.
Snake pits shouldn`t have to be compared to the BBC. We need a lawyer…does the BBC know of one?
and everything is just super at the BBC if you have Karl Marx as your reference point
small beats none 🙂
by the way
the above IQ 32 imbecile called jam sponge has been trolling the open thread
he’s now getting the official rubber ear,so let him shut his mouth and give his arse a chance
Mussolini was a communist. He never denied it. So for him anything further left…. do you mean the BBC? As being further left from communism?
I have a small penis also. I blame the BBC.
I assume the small brain comes as a matching pair.
question time was racist last night
there were 8 black people on the panel
diane Abbott
This sort of thing is the sort of rubbish that you get over at Guido Fawkes, joke posters spouting either offensive nonsense or the sort of naming calling that most normal people have grown out of by the age of 9. Is it because it’s school half term holiday this week? Do you have any substantive points to make regarding BBC bias either for or against? If not, go away.
an IP ban would take care of most of them i suspect
Yes – I do hope one of the mods takes care of it!
Hmm have to hope these jerks are really getting childish!
Dez posts from behind a proxy, he has said so himself months ago, as would anyone who you tried to silence. I am not in favour of silencing anyone, it is up to our good selves to prevent any disruption by not rising to the bait offered.
should be fairly simple to make the site unaccessible from a proxy server
I agree with you Taff. By insulting, lying and deceitfulness they have made a concerted attack on this site. There seems to be about four of them, They probably work for the beeb. However we should continue in the usual vein just the facts such as when was the last time the BBc said something positive about the Conservative party UKIP or negative about the EU, global warming, or the increase in the number of employed in the UK. I have just heard that Richard Dawkins has died The eulogy given had me almost in tears.
Sounds like he could be Owen Jones.
trolls best ignored.
If only people would! Some seem unable to resist.
Sorry couldn’t resist, will try harder next time. They seem to have tired of posting the same rubbish on Guido, now looking for fresh attention in a less crowded setting (I see Dellers gets typically 2,000 comments – why do they bother?)
There needs to be an ignore button
would kill them stone dead
Watching the football and witnessing the Reds not doing quite well enough in Europe I switched to BBC Question Time for long enough to hear Giles Fraser lecture me on how George Osborne has got his sums wrong. Of course this has been the BBC meme this week since some bit of news about 4G auctions or some such. I really don’t recall the BBC banging on about Gordon Brown’s ill fated gold auctions. Perhaps some of our new friends here can do something constructive and help me out with that?
Who cares when you get £4b every year regardless.
but in bbc world,uncle gordon was an economic colossus that we just couldn’t understand,such was the extent of his utter brilliance
remind you of anyone across the pond?
I thought the reason that 599,000 of the white Britain’s that left London left because because Dianne Abbot lived there an there wasn’t enough food to go around.
I don’t often catch Question Time these days (not good for my blood pressure) but I did see last night’s. We had the remark by Rev’ Giles who claimed that London was becoming too expensive for the poor to live. Diane Abbott told us that “white flight” was nothing of the sort and just wealthy people deciding to leave. So if the poor can’t afford to live there and the rich are leaving who the bloody hell is living there?
Anyway, it was lovely to hear the soothing words of the ruling elite, pacifying any worries I may have had about over crowding, lack of jobs for our children, or the dreadful problems faced in state schools that have to deal with kids with no English.
Of course if you have the money like Ms Abbott..
”So if the poor can’t afford to live there and the rich are leaving who the bloody hell is living there?”
‘ Yoofs’ and ‘Men.’ That’s why whites have left.
She’d go to the wall for her kids y’know…all black mothers do, not like us nasty white folk.
That’s why she sent her son to a private school.
Bless her little socialist socks.
Diane Abbott, race hustler, squealed ” immigrants built London !!”
Didn’t realise Sir Christopher Wren was a West Indian.
When the government was looking for nurses for the NHS from Finland, Diane Abbott said.
” I want nurses that look like my constituents, not blonde, blue eyed nurses from Finland, what do they know about black people.”
You see, as Diane Abbott said on Question Time, it isn’t about race !!
We should test her on that outlook – how would she react if a white person said the same? Many of us are regularly seen by doctors/nurses of ethnically non-indigenous heritage.
The danger is that by tolerating the intolerants, the intolerants will eventually take control.
” Yield to all and you will soon have nothing to yield.” Aesop
The more you think about this, the more racist it gets!
Also, I have blonde hair and blue eyes like many Northerners. Can we get some of these Finnish nurses?
But she took up half the seats.
But it shows how hideously white (and hideous) the left wing are.
Andrew Neil dropping a nuclear bomb on Diane Abbot, comedy gold, ” West Indian mums are the BEST ! ”
I remember, always worth another look though.
Accountability is a bitch, ain’t it!
Actually, it must have been quite awkward for Andrew Neil to question Dianne Abbott in such pointed and persistent manner after sharing a TV studio with her for all those years, but he’s too much of a serious journalist to let the personal get in the way of the professional.
He’s one of the few credits to the BBC.
“…Andrew…I’ve got nothing more to say”.
No more was required! The squirming of a called-out hypocrite says it all.
The best best about this clip is to look at Michael Portillo’s face during this grilling of Abbot. He is LOVING it!
Oh really?
So where is your debate on BBC bias then?
You don’t have any.
Let me guess, you are a “Teacher” aren’t you?
This is not a 6th form “debate” where you can bully folk into your way of thinking, calling people on here “Wasssist”, “Homophobe”, “Islamophobe” “Bigot” or even…eeeek!….”Right wing” don’t wash sunshine, a bit like you…we have heard every negative term since 97′, and have become a tad bored with them now, perhaps you and your chums on the left can dream up some new words to tar anyone who differs from your point of view?
Anything with an “Ism” “Ist” or “Phobe” will do.
Your childish attempts to stifle are wasted, why not head somewhere where your ill thought out, temper tantrums may be more appreciated…The Guardian has many, many left wing stories for you to ponder, alas, you might have a little difficulty adding your stimulating thoughts to said debates, likewise, The BBC*
Ooops, this was supposed to appear below Jam-Rag, Coldtits or whatever his names were little comment to me further down the page.
As his, quite frankly “Loopy” messages are now purged, my message got shuffled to the top of the pack.
Just to say that the trash has been taken out.
The idea that the few regulars here are capable of any form of debate is sadly refuted by the torrent of abuse that descends upon anyone daring to disagree. Apparently I have been outed as a moslem BBC employee with a subscription to the guardian and involved in some leftist conspiracy to turn the UK into a caliphate. Oh and let’s not forget the heavy handed attempts at condescension which usually are total own goals. It doesn’t bother me as the perceptions are as accurate as a Sun bio.
However the reactions do undermine the site so keep them coming!
This is like Groundhog Day.
Do you know whow ridiculous you sound? You have had countless opportunities on here to join serious, grown-up debate about any number of accusations of bias against the BBC. Your absence from the more shocking examples such as 28gate and Balen (often despite specific ‘invitations’ to you to comment) has been noted – time and again. Instead, you choose to lash out with childish, sweeping accusations which frankly do your credibility no good, reflect badly on the BBC that all they can manage is the likes of you to defend them and, unsurprisingly, is the only tool in the box – play the man and not the ball – that Leftists have when they know an argument is well beyond them.
Will INBBC make clear that ‘Question Time’ and all other INBBC programmes will not have Galloway as guest speaker, given his hostile attitude of non-acceptance of an Israeli on a public platform?
GALLOWAY: still Beeboids’ chum?:-
“George Galloway’s Suspect Motives”
by Hannah Weisfeld .
Years ago when I was training as a miner I came across a committed communist (he was German) and he said to me (19) that the pact that the soviets signed in 39 was the point that devided anyone who was a believer in communism and being a cultist. This was a man who had eaten his own shoes during the retreat from Russia
Stalin expected Hitler’s forces to be seriously weakened in the early stages of the war by the British and the French, at which point he planned to step in and clean up. In reality, Hitler took France with relative ease and Stalin was horrified. His pact with Germany was nothing more than helping him play a waiting game.
As for what his forces did to the Poles – history speaks for itself, though not on the BBC.
To be fair, they’ve got an extensive article about Katyn on their website, but then the Russians have owned up to that one for 20 years.
Less forgivable is the fact that if you type ‘Armenian massacres’ into their website search facility, half the articles appear to make it seem a controversial topic e.g.
‘Head to head: Were massacres of Armenians genocide?’
Peter Hitchens describes his experiences yesterday on Question Time
Michael Heseltine, Marlene Dietrich and Me, Life and Times of a Minor Hate Figure
boring,,boring hand picked lefty question time audience lining up against peter hitchens as usual,,,boring,boring question time panel full of lefty reconstructed liberals and socalists who are to scared to unlike peter hitchens to say that multi culturism is a complete disaster..notice no mention by the pc brigage on the panel last night of this great example of multi culturism where these racist,,,fascist islamic muslim al qeada wannabes in birmingham who was convicted of planning mass murder of people who just happen to be british and non muslim of any race or colour,,,here is the problem comrades,,,these lot on the question time panel could not give a fig about the white working classes in this country,,,they are alright jack living in there nice leafy white middle class surburbs because mass immigration and multi culturism does not affect the middle class,,,,the true reason why there is mass white flight of the white working classes out of london and other parts of the uk is that they did not ask for mass immigration of alien cultures and religions into there areas or this enforced crime on them crime called multi culturism…question time politicians will never say this,,,thank god there are still peter hitchens in this world who stand up to these lying scummy politacly correct politicians…….
Question Time and the equally biased Any Questions both scrupulously avoided
any questions about the mad muslim bomb plotters, presumably in order to maintain the fiction
of Britain being a multicultural heaven. It would have been interesting hearing the same tired old
lefty justifications, because I could have done with a laugh.
I too find it depressing. QT and AQ are both the same frightening leftie mouthpieces. I will stop watching/listening because it saddens me to see our counrty being so heavily influenecd by left-wing ideology. I dread to think what the intended end-game is but they have just been serialising Orwell’s works. I always thought 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a template.