The BBC want to talk to the Taliban but they don’t want to talk to climate sceptics.
If you’re a God fearing Taliban commander who has killed British soldiers you’re guaranteed a slot on the Today programme, if you’re someone who blasphemously denies Co2 kills polar bears you can go hang.
Two things:
Wind farms will create more carbon dioxide, say scientists
Thousands of Britain’s wind turbines will create more greenhouse gases than they save, according to potentially devastating scientific research to be published later this year.
‘Nothing off-limits’ in climate debate’
THE UN’s climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, has acknowledged a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain’s Met Office, but said it would need to last “30 to 40 years at least” to break the long-term global warming trend.
Dr Pachauri, the chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said that open discussion about controversial science and politically incorrect views was an essential part of tackling climate change.
Isn’t it time the debate started again and the latest science admited?
And when it does start wouldn’t it be time for Roger Harrabin to start looking for a new job?
“Are global warming deniers all EDL supporters?”
Are climate alarmists all UAF supporters?
Are climate alarmists all UAF supporters?
Yes it is part of their anti-capatalist orthodoxy.
Was the EDL set up 17 years ago then?
Extra note for poor George – it was a mickey take of a BBC announcer.
There will be a breaking point where the BBC quietly and without ever admitting that they were ever MMCC’s greatest propagandists will pretend they had been professionally skeptical all the time. It won’t go as far as interviewing the ‘deniers’ but catastrophic climate change will quietly drop off the BBC radar until the next fad comes along.
Yes, I think you’re right. In a typically slippery fashion the BBC will retreat gradually from it’s pro-CAGW stance as more and more evidence emerges that it has absolutely backed the wrong horse. The latest outpourings from Dr Pachauri of the IPCC only serve to highlight how the BBC, like him, will frame their policy retreat in terms designed to misdirect and misinform, making it look as though the Politburo had always secretly harbored doubts of its own about the whole CAGW scam.
This is how they operate – all these CAGW zealots. We only have to look at how what originally began back in the mid 70’s as ‘Global Cooling’ eventually became…well, what is it this week? ‘Global weirding’? ‘Climate disruption?’ or perhaps ‘Extreme weather events’? You see? They just slyly change the terminology, the terms of reference and hope nobody notices.
Buffoons. I don’t think they realise we’ve been taking notes all this time.
I doubt it. The eco-socialist political agenda for which AGW is merely a thin pretext (see the anti-capitalist, re-distributionist ‘mitigating actions’ the AGW movement is advocating, along with the mirror-image policies advocated by UN Agenda 21) is critical to the long-term strategy of the EU, Obama, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, ex-politicians etc who form the anti-democratic international Leftist movement – world government is their goal.
A BBC chap have to look for a new job? Polar bears will fly before that ever happens.
“The BBC want to talk to the Taliban but they don’t want to talk to climate sceptics.”
Maybe they could hire George Galloway to chair pre-pro meetings on guest selection?
“If we could talk to the Taliban,
Squeak and walk and squawk with the Taliban…
What a wonderful thing that would be.”
What happens if the Taliban commander was trained in the west as an planetary atmospheric physicist who specialised in calibrating carbon dioxide warming using the carbon dioxide atmospheres of Mars and Venus as proxies. And therefore told the BBC that carbon dioxide warming would be far too small to be detected.
According to the Pseudoclimatology Theory of Godd Ziller, the wind from Uranus disrupts the low cloud albedo on Mars and the magnetic field of Mercury causing hyperthermia on Earth to stay constant, or warm, or cool, or whatever. The Holy Grail of Climate Science has been found. Like you, I’m a Mensa member, so I should know.
Speaking at an astronomer and a genius, I deduce anyone who disagrees with us is far stupider than us. Therefore anyone who disagrees with us must work for the BBC. SIMPLE.
Anything to say about the Beeb’s coverage of global warming that we can all share? Or are you just happy to ignore the ball and play the man, and make your post irrelevant?
Listening to Classic FM (which I do a lot), the news this lunchtime included an item about how David Attenborough is pleased that the UK and US governments are so green and trying to do something about climate change, which, he says, is becoming a danger to us all.
Attenborough, you are deranged, and YOU are becoming a danger to us all, you fool. Shut the fuck up.
Perhaps Atten-burg dimly realises he was fitted up over Africa’s falsified “+3.5 degree temperature increase”, but decided that admitting it shows him up as an old fool reading off an autocue. Which is what he is. His vanity won’t let him, he wants to be loved and trusted, so he’s going to carry on as though it’s true.
That’s the problem when your National Treasure has been corruped by climate zealots. The loss of face is unacceptable, so the lies continue
The warming stopped 17 years ago, and only now does Attenborough think it is becoming a danger to us all. This may be evidence that he was not senile 17 years ago.
As others,once true believers themselves in some cases,begin to express doubts over the nature,if not existence of man made global warming/climate change/weirding.The BBC seems to have become more hysterical in its defence.
Like a medieval inquisitor who senses some dissent among the flock their sermons become more absolute,more terrifying.
I assume that,AGW being one of the sacred tenets of their constructed faith,they fear that if that tumbles all other received truths might follow.Not least the innocence of the religion of peace.
Ah, they interviewed the Taliban? Must mean they like them.
You have a brillkiant mind, why can’t I be that clever?
Because it would interfere with your faith.
ooooooooooooooooh – stilleto……..driven home nicely !
Bonjo, another rebranded troll ?
The BBC seem to think their poetry is worth some airtime, or maybe you missed that in an earlier thread?
‘Rana Mitter reads a new collection of poetry from the Taliban in a newly translated volume that attempts to get inside the lives of a people little understood in the West beyond the fact of them being ‘the enemy.’ Controversy has attended the publication of this volume with some saying that it conveniently forgets the fact that the Taliban are thugs who are killing British soldiers as has been the case just this week. But others say that there is no alternative to ‘know thine enemy’ and that includes their primary art form of sung and spoken poetry, often carried on mobile phones as mp3s and listened to every day’.
‘Some would say…others might say….’
Impeccable BBC impartiality, just where you don’t need it.
Some of us are Mensa members, and Bonjo is a moron.
You’re a Mensa member? You kept that quiet.
Not really. Richards posts are immediately indicative of high calibre of intellect. I took an intelligence test once. Thankfully, the results came back negative.
The BBC want to talk to the Taliban but they don’t want to talk to climate sceptics.
If you’re a God fearing Taliban commander who has killed British soldiers you’re guaranteed a slot on the Today programme, if you’re someone who blasphemously denies Co2 kills polar bears you can go hang.
Only one of these is considered a dangerous ideology, but it ain’t the one we think it is.
My understanding of the BBC is that it seeks to undermine institutions like the British monarchy, sneer at and censor climate sceptics, and is pro-Islam. But one day – heaven forbid – we will have a monarch who supports Islam and the radical environmentalist programme. The BBC will then acknowledge the value of our monarch.
‘….spoke in depth about his own study of the Koran which, he said, tells its followers that there is ‘no separation between man and nature’ and says we must always live within our environment’s limits’.
Might come back to haunt him when his arse is about to get fried by an Iran-sponsored nuclear device planted in London.
“Charles… spoke in depth about his own study of the Koran which, he said, tells its followers that there is ‘no separation between man and nature’ ” – heaven help us.
Alternatively ‘it’s more enthusiastic adherents have a talent for separating man from nature’.
The political power of the ‘green’ lobby which Beeboids keep quiet about.
‘Mail on Sunday’-
“Eco-tastrophe! How MPs in the pay of subsidised eco-firms set insane new carbon targets that send your bills sky-rocketing… and drag us to a new Dark Age.
MP Tim Yeo was paid £135,970 last year by three ‘green’ companies.
He has moved an amendment to the Energy Bill that would set a crippling target for the amount of carbon dioxide by generating power in 2030.”
With all the events happening in Syria between Hezbollah-AlQ/Taliban, I doubt GiGi is a cheerleader for the Talis.