Luckily, should he be disgraced, he will have his Bigot of the Year Award from Buttwall to take to retirement (something of which the Beeb is perhaps unaware).
I feel I need not worry that the BBC will fail to pursue this story with its famed appetite for unbiased etc. etc. etc. etc.
‘… and this morning on Double Take where we take a different slant on the news we kick off with George Osborne’s humiliation…’
I’m paraphrasing here, cherry vultures, as that was how far I got before I hit the off button and I really really am not going to listen to these two howling halfwits again to get the quote right.
I suppose they’ve otherwise been leading with Mid-Staffs and Labour’s other NHS death camps for several weeks now.
It always causes me to chuckle when I hear those words ‘…we take a different slant on the news’. Well, I chuckle and then turn off – saying to myself ‘yeah, exactly the same bloody slant on the news!’
“Only Left-wingers could think killing and maiming is a giggle.”
“The BBC has for many years tolerated a radio programme called ‘The News Quiz’ on which sniggering fun-revolutionaries (at your expense) are paid to amuse a sniggering Left-wing studio audience with babyish jests, under the guidance of a self-satisfied chairwoman who thinks she is cleverer than she is.
“On a recent edition, a purported comedian referred to the Education Secretary, Michael Gove, as ‘a foetus in a jar’. ”
It used to be amusing in the days of Alan Coren, Barry Tooke and Richard Ingams: Tostvig actually mentioned complaints about the programme being too left wing, on air, a year or two ago and they seem to be including one token not-so-alternative comedian now. Since he’s outnumbered 4 to 1, as Hichens points out happened in the one he listened to, the guy tends to get swamped.
‘I recognise from the Channel 4 broadcast that there are legitimate concerns that issues raised with the party were not handled as well as they should have been. In particular the suggestion that a complaint was made but was not dealt with as a formal complaint. I am therefore determined that we carry out a thorough investigation into our procedures and how we applied them at the time to ensure we have a full and clear picture of what happened and the lessons that we need to learn. This review will be independently chaired.
A separate investigation into the specific allegations about Lord Rennard will take place under our disciplinary procedure. It is essential that this is carried out with due process and for that reason I cannot provide a running commentary on it. But I am absolutely determined that both these investigations will be carried out thoroughly and comprehensively. These investigations may well reveal flawed procedures, and clearly the women concerned feel they were not properly listened to. But I totally reject the insidious suggestion that my office or I are responsible in any way for a deliberate cover up.’
according to the bbc, clegg knew of concerns about rennard in 2008 i.e. not `for the lad five years`. they must be sweating blood working out how to give jo swinson `a pass`.
Absolutely spot and it applies across the whole of the public sector. What I can’t understand though is why the Tories are trying to do something about the NHS , state education , or the lack of it , and taking the political flak for doing so, they are not trying to do the same about the BBC.
The BBC is a massive obstacle to reform of the public sector because it knows that if reforms succeed it may well be next . So it uses its near monopoly to fight on behalf of the public sector and this makes progress for the Tories painfully slow and very high cost in political terms.
So why don’t the Tories stop the left wing statist bias at the BBC ? It cannot be more difficult than dealing with the NHS. Think of how much easier it would be to reform Britain if the BBC was impartial or preferably didn’t exist at all. Surely those clever political strategists must see this?
Woke up 7a.m to hear a half arsed tribute to one of their own…the BBC love those who follow the trajectory, and will always find a spot for any “creative…the stitching of Bagpuss will get an onion to the eye!
We take care of our own…Bruce duffer that really is the BBCs national “anfem” .
They rather glossed over the fact that the BBC screwed him over…no copyright, made themselves millions, no doubt-but allowed Mr Ray a pop at warming his hands up Sootys rump…worth £3.95 at todays prices.
Hope Cusicks family look back at how the BBC coined it in, but were kind enough to put a Euro on each eye of the late Mr Cusick.
Truly despicable-shameless nasties ever since the fifties I `d say.
A Dalek-just a pepperpot with small wheels ,inpaled on a cocktail stick…but the BBC doing quite well out of it.
The main ‘news’ on bBBC NorthWest today is that a couple of homosexual men turned up at a London hotel at 11.30 at night when all the rooms with double-beds had already been taken and they were given a room with two single beds. So they fabricated this as a homophobia ‘story’ and the bBBC thinks it is more important than anything else today.
Will this report even get a mention on pro-mass immigration BBC-NUJ ‘Education’ web page?:-
‘Telegraph’ –
“British school has no pupils who speak English as a first language.
“A primary school is thought to be the first in Britain that does not have one pupil who speaks English as a first language.”
What is not said is that the absence of any ethnically English children is rather strange.
It would suggest white flight is alive and well in Peterborough.
Perhaps there is another explanation. if so I would like to hear it.
I suppose it could be all those upwardly mobile citizens cashing in their property and moving to Cambridge
Paddy O’Connell, standing in for Jeremy Vine (36:30), “…so rather than illustrate the negative aspects of immigration is this school actually a tremendous success story..”
Really? Are there are negative aspects to immigration? He must have heard that down the pub, certainly not on the Beeb.
This is very sad .if any child of any race or colour ends up doing this it is a sign that our country is in a bad way.
I would hope the BBC report it but I am not hopeful.
It is hardly a feel good Olympic style fantasy.
“The Sun frames this exclusively as a racial issue, but ‘Asian’ is the British media’s euphemism for Muslim, and it appears from the knife threat that Aaron was targeted by budding young jihadis. And school authorities did nothing; to have acted against the Muslim students would have been ‘Islamophobic.'”
“UK: 9-year-old commits suicide after bullying, threats from Muslim students.”
This event happened Saturday night, but it’s still at number 2.
At number 4, which happened today and is just after number 3 – the Bradford -Swansea football result, is
Attacked man dies after hitting head A man has died after he was attacked in a Worcestershire street, fell to the ground and struck his head.
Police have not named the 50-year-old who was with his girlfriend when he was attacked in Sillins Avenue, Redditch, shortly before 12:30 GMT.
If he’d been with his boyfriend no doubt they would have bumped the story higher.
As for the gay boys refused a double room at a London hotel, now that’s really tragic and something we all need to be aware of. I bet though if they find out that the hotel clerk who refused them is a Muslim, they’ll drop this story like a hot potato.
I have long noted, that the easiest way to show the hypocrisy and real mindset of the ‘left-winger’, is to disagree with them. Then in an instant all the ‘harmony’ ‘peace’ and ‘goodwill’ that they profess to be their ‘driving force’ just goes straight out the window.
Peter Hitchens gives his view on this, as well as commenting on the usual BBC efforts at ‘fair and balanced’:
I have long noted, that the easiest way to show the hypocrisy and real mindset of the ‘left-winger’, is to disagree with them. Then in an instant all the ‘harmony’ ‘peace’ and ‘goodwill’ that they profess to be their ‘driving force’ just goes straight out the window.
I’d say that the same could very well be said of Biased BBC’s most frequent commenters. Except that they don’t even make any attempt to start from a position of peace and goodwill.
Except that they don’t even make any attempt to start from a position of peace and goodwill.
Are you aware of how patently absurd and a blatant lie that is? So since we know that, we analyse why would you lie like that, what are you trying to accomplish?
Then we deduce as best we can what we believe your motive to be, and it’s clearly not to seek truth.
So what is a foul truth twisting liar doing here?
Is he a Muslim attempting Taqiyya?
Is he a beeboid attempting to justify pathetic and odious coverage of world events?
Is he simply a brainwashed idiot either by his Imam, or his Auntie?
Either way – we don’t profess to seek harmony, peace or goodwill from you. You made your choices, as best as you could. We might feel sorry for you on some level, and wish you could open your eyes, but WE DO NOT APPEASE YOU!
‘I’d say that the same could very well be said’
What has lured you out to say what could be said, and in the way chosen, after the last few days is pretty telling, too.
All you’ve proven is you are a drive-by merchant, and one with Shakespearean capabilities in targeting.
Because the designers are paying them to wear them, and be photographed in them! Funny how those left wing values fly out of the windows when theres money in the offing.
Was it not also nauseating that Michelle Obama gets to name the Best ‘Picture’ Oscar winner which went to one of the producers, the equally stomach-turning Democrat, George Clooney.
First time ever, the First Lady gets involved, what’s that all about?
Did you notice Muppet reporting for BBC TV News? He was interviewing some actress or other, and in full view on screen was a microphone with BBC Radio on it. So two BBC people standing next to each other asking questions of the same person and recording the answers.
The BBC is completely out of control. They learn nothing, they treat us with contempt.
I’m in a ‘bricks through windows’ mood. Will they change if they hear the sound of breaking glass?
Did anybody notice how quick the bBC was in posting that story about how a gay couple were refused a double bed (not a room, but a bed) with how long it took the bBC to post the actual abuse story of how a gay man was accosted in East London by a bunch of rabid Islamic thugs.
Am I the only one who noticed how much like a child that gay man looks like?
I see the Islamic cock loving bBC are bitching over how a Pal died while in Israeli custody. Queue the pictures of grieving Muslims, which is funny as I saw no similar stories when Hamas murdered 3 men in public last year and then dragged their bodies through the streets on motor bikes. In fact then the faithful went out of their way in which to try to take happy snaps with their mobile phones. But then snuffing it is one of the perks of becoming a prisoner under Allah. The jews on the otherhand as nasty and evil are they are don’t have the death penalty and was one of the first countries in the world to abolish it. I wonder why the bBC doesn’t mention that very salient fact .
Scott wrote: Except that they don’t even make any attempt to start from a position of peace and goodwill.
Ok Scott , how about you walk through the streets of East London on a dark night with your boyfriend in hand. walk pass one of the many local mosques, stop off for a ruby (Curry you prat and not slippers) while looking deep into your boyfriends eye. I am sure that you will be treated a lot better by the faithful than the biased bBC posters do with the followers of Islam.
Oh here we go – “quick! Change the subject! Blame everything on Muslims sharpish, that’ll mean we don’t have to address the thorny subject of Biased BBC commenters’ hypocrisy!”
A guy calling himself ‘the Inspector General ‘at Cranmer’s, who occasionally visits the Pink News site to save the other pillars of the church there the, for them, unpleasant task posted this recently:
“The Inspector follows the nefarious going on’s at the gay hate site Pink News……
Anyway, these people have of late been screaming (…it’s either screaming or silence from them, they know no other way…) of bias against THEM ! Though it must be said that although that blog is followed by the planet’s English speaking LGBTQ types, it’s generally the same handful of malcontents who post.
Transgender is an interesting subject for LGBTQ. Many LG are appalled by the T group and say it. One even remembers the phrase “Bed wetters in bad wigs” used to criticise them. They are then pilloried by the LG supporters of T. The B are not liked either, as some LG wish they were B to escape their unhappiness, and see B as, well, hedonists. As for the Q, they are somewhat mysterious, mentally troubled people, who rarely post.”
Harmony -my eye. Bye the way, there’s a kind of parallel between this guy’s four-eyed physog peering out at you and the screen, with Big brother’s face on it everywhere in the film 1984.
Scott wrote: Oh here we go – “quick! Change the subject! Blame everything on Muslims sharpish
But I didn’t blame anything on Muslims Scott, rather it is you tossing and turning in which to change the subject in which to silence any discussion on any subject you don’t like the look of. The target isn’t Islam as you try to point out but rather how the bBC never exposes the ugliness that is written into the DNA of its fav religion Cult as it does say …Christianity . Teddy Bear pointed out how story of the young Gay lad who was refused a double bed with his older gay lover was given prominence by the bBC. He also quite rightly pointed out that if and when the fact comes out that if the receptionist turns out to be a Muslim Asian then the subject matter will be tucked away. (Like they do with any storyline concerning Muslims in a bad light) I then pointed out that the people you defend have would have no problem forcing you to get on your Knees,stick your arse in the air and batter you around the ring as he reclaims his honour for his moon god, even with evidence from all around the world at how followers of Mohammed treat homosexuals you still can only see them as…victims and as only the left can do, you refer to anybody who has a different mindset as you as…bigotted.
Really Bigotted? these so called bigots treat me like they do anybody else they meet in their day to day activities. Treat them nice and with civility (like you would people to treat you) and they will do likewise. Is that the action of a bigoted mindset?
Now compare that with how the left (And I include you in that statement) are so quick to pour the vitrol on any subject you have had rammed into you by your local political commissioner (usually as he says this will hurt him more than it hurts you): Maggie Thatcher..bitc., British Army, murdering scum. British Police racist arseholes. Big Business, thieving cunts. The British Empire..evil beyond redemption , Israel, even worse. Christianity..nasty.
Now lets have a look at the things they champion:
Saddam Hussain. Victim
Islamic terrorists, Victims
Islam, Superior faith
That’s all pricks like you can do. Play the bloody victimcard. I am so gay I can only be a victim. Err dicksplash you are white in a 90% white country. Act like a bloody man (for once in your life, shut your gob and nobody will be none the wiser over your sexuality. I on the otherhand will always be coloured and no matter how I act will always be seen as..coloured. But you know what I try to make a better world for everybody . You, (And pricks like you) just suck all the fun out of life.
Nah, I’m just pissed off he didn’t bend over and take it like a man from me, when he is so willing for everybody else. I suppose I’ll have to go for a wank then.
its called been able to laugh at yourself and when you can do that, nothing else really matters. Now get back in yer box yer jellyfish.
Pounce, I never said I was a victim. I just said that Teddy Bear’s generalisations about “the left” could apply equally to many Biased BBC commenters – who, I’m sure you would agree, could in no way be suggested to be left-leaning.
And then you waded in like a lobotomised elephant with four left feet and demonstrated exactly the sort of attitude I wa talking about.
I know it’s nothing personal – your online persona is that of a shouty lump of hate that propels verbal base to anyone and everyone, and it just so happens that I was in the firing line for this latest volley. But sooner or later you’re going to have to realise that behaving the way that you do online is a sign that you have issues that posting on Internet forums can’t help.
Here’s your test Scott: I just said that Teddy Bear’s generalisations about “the left” could apply equally to many Biased BBC commenters
My point, even if you couldn’t understand it, was about the hypocrisy that is inherent in the left-wing mindset.
Now since you like to attack the poster rather than what is posted, perhaps you can show where ‘the many Biased BBC commenters’ display the same hypocrisy.
“a foul truth twisting liar”
“Islamic cock loving bBC”
“I’m just pissed off he didn’t bend over and take it like a man from me”
“pricks like you”
“I’m in a ‘bricks through windows’ mood”
Unless you condemn sentiments like those above, you’re in no position to preach about other people’s hypocrisy. Although that would, granted, require a greater degree of self-awareness than many Biased BBC commenters seem to possess.
The examples you’ve given are by all those expressing an emotional response to something or someone that they’re commenting on.
THIS IS NOT HYPOCRISY – unless they have indicated elsewhere that this is not what they think or feel.
I see you trying to twist your initial statement, which in case it’s slipped your mind is this:
have long noted, that the easiest way to show the hypocrisy and real mindset of the ‘left-winger’, is to disagree with them. Then in an instant all the ‘harmony’ ‘peace’ and ‘goodwill’ that they profess to be their ‘driving force’ just goes straight out the window.
I’d say that the same could very well be said of Biased BBC’s most frequent commenters. Except that they don’t even make any attempt to start from a position of peace and goodwill.
But as you’ve just shown – you have not shown any examples of HYPOCRITES here. I’ve already explained to you above why YOU specifically get the abuse you do, because of how YOU abuse what others write, by either attempting to twist what they write, as you did with me, or attack them instead of the points being made.
Now since harmony, peace and goodwill were the qualities that you wanted to say was lacking here, you may have to start reading YOUR OWN POSTS and seeing how you rate yourself on this score.
You claimed that if “the left wing” were disagreed with, they would turn ugly and insulting – implying that others don’t.
I noted that the behaviour you mentioned was observable in regular commenters on Biased BBC – so disagreeing with your assertion that such behaviour was solely an attribute of those people you group as “the left”.
In response to that disagreement, a number of Biased BBC regulars, yourself included, started throwing various toys out of their respective prams.
Do you really think you’re going to leave out half the sentence I wrote and expect to get away with it?
Here’s the POINT of what I wrote: Then in an instant all the ‘harmony’ ‘peace’ and ‘goodwill’ that they profess to be their ‘driving force’ just goes straight out the window.
There’s a quote from Jesus where he says “”I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
I don’t really expect the likes of you to understand it, but most here would see this as our real way of attaining harmony.
See the difference? There’s NO HYPOCRISY HERE!
If you still don’t understand – get somebody intelligent to explain it to you, otherwise you’re not wasting any more of my time.
Oh I understand perfectly. You think you’re better than everybody else, but you don’t think you’re hypocritical because you’re rude, sanctimonious, judgemental and aggressive all the time.
I see you’ve realised you have no way to justify your comments, and in what we’ve come to know as your usual ‘mature’ way, you just accuse me of the behaviour that you are exhibiting throughout this website, and probably everywhere else when you don’t get your way.
I can’t help it that you’re not a very good thinker, but then you should recognise it and go somewhere where you’re not out of your depth.
BBC Comments should suit you perfectly. You’ll feel right at home.
Excellent summing up Pounce.
I have a felling though that you might be turning him on. Have you thought about the possibility that he might be in to S&M – especially the M role?
M = “Beat Me, Beat Me!
S = “Nooooo”
h here we go – “quick! Change the subject!
I notice none of his posts actually address a subject raised – just the poster.
Just confirms that our observations are irrefutable, and that Suckot M doesn’t like them.
Actually TB his sexual preferences don’t bother me in the least, I have a number of gay friends (funny enough all lesbians) and they are a great bunch other than one non are the militant type and just get on with their lives. The one gay man I do know, he was with his partner for donkeys years and the only reason he is single is becasue the other died. So in that aspect I don’t have a problem, what I do have a problem with is the screaming queen types who are forever playing the “we are different card’ (which to be honest Scott doesn’t do) by playing the homosexual card. My point is, no you are not different you are the bloody same as me. We both bleed when we are cut and our blood is red. When all the world starts treating everybody as the bloody same then we can start building for a better future, by promoting this “we are different and thus are more likely to be victims and if you don’t like what I have to dance and scream about then you can only be a bigot, then all that does is rile peoples backs up. By all means be bloody different , sing,dance,drink and be merry. However just becasue somebody doesn’t do likewise doesn’t give us the right to refer to them as bigoted.
My outlook is leave me alone and I will leave you alone. Simples, yet day in day out leftist pricks try to tell me otherwise and there I have to draw the line and that just isn’t “Hi Karate.”
The left who champions themselves as the guardians of freedom for all, are the first to cross the line when they feel they have a cause that is righteous:
Equal rights
Animal rights
Human rights.
But do they give a jot about Christians or Jews while championing Muslims
Do people know that Peta puts down thousands of animals a day, while protesting about the rights for animlas.
How many human rights groups defend dictatorships while attacking the west: Saddam.Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador and China.
His sexual preferences don’t bother me either,. So long as I don’t have to attend his wedding, or demand that everybody has to regard his relationships with the same fervour that he does.
If anything, I’m pleased there won’t be any offspring from a union with him.
I think Scott is one of those gays who think their sexual preferences should be used as a challenge to anyone. It’s usually the first thing they tell you about themselves in order to await a response.
If I was to approach Scott and say to him “I’m heterosexual and proud of it, what are you going to do about it?” no doubt I would be accused of homophobic harassment and have my character assassinated by his mates in Stonewall.
“I think Scott is one of those gays who think their sexual preferences should be used as a challenge to anyone.”
Please point out where on this thread I have done that.
“If I was to approach Scott and say to him “I’m heterosexual and proud of it, what are you going to do about it?” no doubt I would be accused of homophobic harassment and have my character assassinated by his mates in Stonewall.”
If you were to do that to anyone, I hope they’d tell you to learn some manners and grow up.
Scott, recently on these pages, gay politics seem to have led to a frenzy of posting from you. Your comments on other threads have had you accusing those who have posted comments criticising the posturing of some militant gays as being homophobic. To be honest, I can’t be arsed to delve into the archives and find the relevant posts. Reading your current snide and condescending posts is above and beyond the call of duty.
You have indeed tried to portray yourself as a victim of a homophobic society – especially those who post on this site criticising you.
I have known many gays, of both sexes, through my job. The majority of those were decent,uncomplaining people who just wanted to be able to live their lives in peace. However, there were some, like yourself, who saw their sexuality as a political statement and went out of their way to challenge others to react to their homosexuality.
I couldn’t give a monkey’s if you’re gay. I don’t go around screaming how proud I am to be heterosexual to every gay person I encounter. I expect the same courtesy from gays who see their sexuality as a challenge to others.
“To be honest, I can’t be arsed to delve into the archives and find the relevant posts.”
This is your usual approach when challenged, Andy: “I’m right, but I just can’t be bothered to find any evidence to back up my claims. And it’s all your fault.”
There you go again, Scott, accusing others of shortcomings you possess yourself. Going for the man again instead of arguing your corner.
It’s bigots like you who think they are always in the right and cannot see their own faults.
Unlike you, I am not a pedantic nit-picker using semantics and sophistry to attack your critics. The claims you make against me are just as relevant to you. The only difference is I know I’m as fallible as the next person. You, on the other hand, are more infallible than the Pope.Your teachings are sacrosanct and should never be challenged. Your attitude to others is “Do as you’re bloody well told and never question the Divinity named Scott.”
At least I’m open to persuasion with a well argued viewpoint. Your mind, Scott, is totally closed to the opinions of others. You just choose to attack instead of argue.
Have the last word or continue your insults, if it pleases you. I’m going to waste no further time with you and your overweening ego.
Distraction seems to be the main aim of the trolls.
Let’s get back to the solid evidence of bias and ignore generalisations which Scott will always spend pages of this valuable website disagreeing with (fair enough – he’s a right to his opinion) and which inevitably seem to end up in pointless slanging matches.
It’s like an obfuscating version of Groundhog Day.
“When all the world starts treating everybody as the bloody same then we can start building for a better future…”
Agreed. So when are you going to start treating Muslims in the same way as you treat everybody else?
“Now compare that with how the left (And I include you in that statement) are so quick to pour the vitrol on any subject…”
I’m part of “the left”, so lets see how accurately you describe my views:
“Maggie Thatcher..bitch” – false
“British Army, murdering scum” – false
“British Police racist arseholes” – false
“Big Business, thieving cunts” – false
“The British Empire..evil beyond redemption” – false
“Israel, even worse” – false
“Christianity..nasty” – false
“Saddam Hussain. Victim” – false
“Islamic terrorists, Victims” – false
“Islam, Superior faith” – false
“Iran,victim” – false
Wrong on all counts, so who exactly are you arguing against?
“That’s all pricks like you can do. Play the bloody victimcard. I am so gay I can only be a victim.”
That’s pure bullshit Pounce. The only people who ever mention Scott’s sexuality are you, and others like you who are apparently ‘so’ ‘not bothered’ you bring it up at every available opportunity.
‘the Pot-Kettle business.’ Conand (@TheTortorian)
24/02/2013 23:07
Labour wants an inquiry into #Gropegate but they didn’t want one about #MidStaffs… #Skypapers
Be interesting what the BBC therefore ‘wants’, and ‘redacts’? Again.
“BBC threatened me with jail when I blew the whistle to the Mail about manager paying his lover.
Byron Myers said he was forced out of job when he turned whistleblower.
The former head of human resources discovered a BBC manager was signing off lucrative contracts to his girlfriend’s company.
He reported matter in 2011 but claimed there was a ‘cover-up.’ ”
‘Miss Fleury is a former BBC manager and First Positions is an agency she set up seven years ago to supply studio crew. They (she and ‘BBC manager Craig White, 47), have worked on some of the BBC’s most popular programmes’.
‘The couple are both listed on the electoral roll at Miss Fleury’s Grade-II listed Cotswold stone townhouse in Burford, Oxfordshire.’
Today 8:50 a piece about Guy Bailey a black guy refused a job at the bus company. What was enlightening was the precient archeive recording from a white man who was obviously ‘racist’ (what ever that means this week) expressing his worries for the future ‘There isn’t enough work for the whites let alone all these blacks’ how right his worries turned out to be, and how wrong the Liebour mass immigration.
Of course this was a part of history, but it’s interesting that this was a man ating as agent provocateur, he had no intention of taking the job had one been offered as he already had one.
David Lamb says:
A BBC reporter interviewed all four major candidates last week and gave Maria Hutchings (Conservative) the most unpleasant interview, harping on about her pro-life views as if having a moral belief was something to be ashamed of
And having your rather inconvenient unborn baby injected in its little heart and then decapitated (belt and braces) is of course something to be proud of.
Three months is the amount of time the BBC has had to expose the story currently engulfing the LibDems.
A couple of points:
Why has the BBC sat on this story for three months?
Would the BBC have done the same if the alleged offender was a senior Conservative?
Why is the BBC allowing Clegg such an easy ride when it looks as if he has been lying about how much he knew for the last 4 years?
What does this mean for the LibDem chances in the upcoming by-election, could the fact this story has broken now torpedoed their chances?, if so why has the BBC not provided any political analysis of the impact this scandal will have on A) LibDems, B) Coalition and C) the Eastleigh by-election?
‘….why has the BBC not provided any political analysis of the impact this scandal will have….?’
Two possible explanations:
1. All their Nick Robinsons and Norman ‘but Labour say’ Smiths are on half-term holiday.
2. This is not a UKIP or Tory story.
‘All their Nick Robinsons and Norman ‘but Labour say’ Smiths are on half-term holiday.’
Plus a week either side.
Mind you, around the Savile/Pollard publishing, it seems most market rates, from Paxman to Mason, are as far from any BBC building to be caught outside as it’s possible to arrange a licence feepayer-funded 1st Class ticket to ‘report’ on ‘stuff’ anywhere but the UK upon.
Speaking of holidays it has been quite a while since we heard from Stephanie floundering Flanders on the UK economy!
Perhaps as she takes yet another holiday and benefits from what must be the best holiday allowance in the UK she may be in hiding after telling us (yet again) that the pet project of her and Peston when they were at the FT the Euro is recovering. Hooray!
Only a week later even Gavin Hewitt has spotted this.
“More countries are heading into recession and unemployment is still rising”
Still Steph is much too important to worry about them…
A BBC reporter interviewed all four major candidates last week and gave Maria Hutchings (Conservative) the most unpleasant interview, harping on about her pro-life views as if having a moral belief was something to be ashamed of. As for me, I am drawn to the candidate for Elvis loves pets party, despite the fact that he campaigned against Romney during the US elections.
The agenda being pushed this morning by the BBC, Nicky Campbell and his ultra Feminist chum from End Violence Against Women Coalition is about to lose its way up its own sporran.
We have just likened wolf-whistling to sexual assault – seems it’s on the continuum (Sci-Fi or what?) but as a Scotsman phones in to describe what happened to him when he wore a kilt on his visit to London town….well its all gone a bit Donald Where’s Your Troosers
This one goes right over the heads of the BBC staff, doesn’t it. Tim Farron (Lib Dem President), interviewed by Sarah Montague….. pressed repeatedly about what the Lib Dems had done given that so many people were aware of all the rumours five years ago, what investigations had been carried out, who had been told about the rumours, who had done anything to find out the truth……. it went on and on. The full panoply of BBC investigators were obviously been flung at this, desperately trying to get to the bottom of the story.
the bbc is shocked SHOCKED i tell you (R4/5Live) …
this morning
on reports that the newly trained afghan police/security
have been reported for repeated rapes – violence – child abuse – beatings – and murder? …..
i ask you have they NEVER heard of sharia?
karzai was very keen on sharia being the guiding er …”light”? in the constitution, he couldn t to ensure it.
… where have you been bbc 😀 eh!
0/10 … must try harder
Yep, as with all the BBC’s ‘you can’t do nuffink with these people’ coverage from The Stan, you do wonder if they should have pointed that out before 100,000 of them emigrated to Britain.
I risked Sky News’ wall to wall tot-in-frok ‘news’ assault earlier, to get the business news.
Their editor rightly slagged off Mr. Osborne for a daft promise that has now bitten him on the behind, but as to the markets’ reaction to the downgrade described it as ‘a massive so-what?”.
However, in less redacted zones of expertise, there appears much more we should be concerned about… BBC Breakfast (@BBCBreakfast)
25/02/2013 06:10
Our @stephbreakfast will be here to explain why Britain losing its top triple A credit rating could see a hike in food & petrol.
“Our Steff” on hand to explain what…. ‘could’ be seen through her rose-tinted blinkers. That’s the kind of analysis only FoI-excluded funding can buy.
And as two ‘eds are better than one, others do seem to be noticing the trend chez Aunty… badassday (@badassday)
25/02/2013 06:25
Why hasn’t @andyverity mentioned that Asian markets have ignored the downgrade on opening? Because that doesn’t fit BBC narrative of course.
That’s this ‘Andy commentator: ‘The views are mine: the facts are everyone’s’
Well, other than the redacted ones Andy, one is sure you’ll concede.
Triple-A was not a very accurate defence, but could score. However, as the BBC shows, it is less likely to hit anything if the gun barrel is plugged.
An economist I follow has pointed out that Stephbreakfast seems to have little or no knowledge of economics. Apparently she let someone claim a multiplier of five for their activities! But it wasnt Mr.Dyson it was Newcastle Council and its spending..
Our Steph seems AWOL from the office at least looking at her blog feed.
Maybe wise.
The few colleagues actually posting also seem to have opted for comments disabled.
Also wise.
If obvious.
He doesn’t mention her by name, though. However, I like how the incoming BofE boss seems to be advocating what this guy calls “inflation stability”. “Two Eds” is going to have a stroke when she sees that.
The bBBC is still attempting to hype the Moody’s AAA downgrade into a ‘story’, now because today sterling has dropped by 1% against the dollar. But it has fallen by 7% this year anyway so the credit rating has had little or no effect on the currency exchanges.
Move along, nothing to see here.
We know the markets: schoolboy economics dressed up as some profound insight into economics to justify huge salaries. Its just another: “The Pound fell today on fears that the pound would fall”
I know one of those was instigated by the White House for making Him look bad. Of course, both these and other big rating houses should have been discredited quite some time ago for not recognizing the mortgage bubble and giving everyone holding all that bad debt a pass for so long. But the current lawsuit is politically motivated. If not, what took them so long? The DoJ should have started this four years ago, but then it would have been harder to blame Bush.
Coffee break over.
One last share… Kate Maclean (@dr_kate99)
25/02/2013 06:24
BBC chief: working mothers ‘should not hold senior positions’ via @Telegraph blessed be the whistleblowers
Possibly another for the compliance guys to forget about and the news editors to redact from the running order?
What’s the BBC version of ‘blue-on-blue’? ‘XXXX on XXXX’?
Richard Bacon on Twitter and a nice ‘big up’ for Sainsburys
richard bacon @richardpbacon
If you’re at home at lunchtime a friend of mine is making a new live cookery show on Channel 4. Follow @whatscookingtv. Starts 12.35pm
V Drearybyshire 5live 11.40 am … is very concerned …
so she has a rep from Bhams ahem “asian” community
to report on a matter of utmost urgency? …
they had an “emercency meeting” with new police commissioner?
so they have requested ….
many more cctv, cams so we can catch any of the rising number of islamic would be mass murderers, before they
act, (particulary as the er “asian” community have been wilfully complicit in aiding said would be mass murderers, by not reporting them)?
… well! …. actually NO!
once again all the presses have been stopped, V.D. and BBC is all ears … police commissioner pulled in because of ….
… the concerns that there maybe another (non existent)
“blacklash” ?? … against “the community”??
VD listens intently to this nonsense for nearly 15mins ..
ooohhhh brother … (shakes head)
No doubt she asked her ‘guests’ about the success of the multi-billion-pound Prevent counter-terrorism strategy, aimed at encouraging the Muslim ‘community’ not to tolerate jihadis in their midst?
Nail your colours to the mast Beeboids! Well, at least on Twitter where there is a degree of deniability…
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
So has everyone decided to ignore what Hilary Mantel actually said and just portray her as bitter and mean? Tut tut. #kategate
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
“@AlanMBrooks: @ShelaghFogarty Reality check Shelagh, most of us couldn’t give a toss what she said” Well I do! A brilliant woman. #mantel
I have watched the World Cycling championships from Minsk over the past three days. The BBC coverage was excellent as were the results. Informed BBC commentators ( not quite sure why an athletics triple jumper chairs proceedings) and trackside Jill Douglas was as usual friendly and asking questions that were relevant o each individual.
Come the 10PM News, and what do we get? The Newsreader pointlessly handed over the sports news to someone else when she could have introduced each item and reporter herself.
But then, over to Minsk, do we have a roundup of the championships from one of the team of experts who have been covering the events?
No! up pops someone for 15 seconds of fame, that we have never seen before. Was he flown out there just for that introduction? Or was it to keep up the tradition of the BBC having more staff at major World championships than we have competitors?
Does anyone know why the BBC does this, would it be too much to ask a highly paid on the spot already commentator to spend a minute recording a summary of the events?
It’s what I like to think of as “Sue Barker Syndrome”, as most recently seen at the Aussie Open, whereby the grunt work of quarters, semis etc is done without fuss by a couple of competent commentators who are then are joined by the supernumerary (but very well renumerated) Barker for the final.
Hazel Irvine is a frequent (and undeserving) victim of this particular fad of Auntie: maybe one day she’ll go postal on Chuckles Barker. 😉
Monica Soriano
Assistant Editor, Daytimes, BBC Radio 5 Live at BBC
Monica Soriano Monica Soriano @ScottishMon
Last shout out for people to spread the word to take part in @bbc5live show in #Eastleigh ahead of #by-election
[A left-winger replies}
K80keyhole @Manonbus
@ScottishMon I am up the road in Poole and worry that this by election will show a fissure in the coalition that grew into a chasm
[Beeboid is keen to air left-wing views on the BBC]
Monica Soriano @ScottishMon
@Manonbus thanks for the tweet. Do you know any eastleigh voters who might like to join us for our show on Thursday?
[How left-wing is Monica Soriano’s Twitter pal?]
K80keyhole @Manonbus
@vicderbyshire That is how this sick govt sees it. Fighting the man is no longer a hippy obsession do it!
K80keyhole @Manonbus
@prodnose I lobbied long and hard but guess what? My MP is a twittish Tory Boy. Love always wins so up their’s
K80keyhole @Manonbus
@tweeter_anita benefits are not the cause of unemployment, they are there to help while help is needed. IDS IS DELUDED
[Ah that’s the way to tell ’em! Sock it the Man! Tory Boys! IDS is deluded! I bet her friends will say just the right things on the balanced BBC]
V. Drearybyshire 5live 11.40 am … is very concerned …
so she has a rep from Bhams ahem “asian” community
to report on a matter of utmost urgency? …
they had an “emergency meeting” with new police commissioner?
… they have requested ….
many more cctv cams?, so we can catch any of the rising number of islamic would be mass murderers, before they
act, (particulary as the er “asian” community have been wilfully complicit in aiding said would be mass murderers, by not reporting them)?
… well! …. actually NO!
once again all the presses have been stopped, V.D. and BBC is all ears … police commissioner pulled in because of
… the concerns that there maybe another (non existent)
“blacklash” ?? … against “the community”??
VD listens intently to this nonsense for nearly 15mins
ps. in fact, this rep hilariously cites installing any cctv cameras, as “part of the problem” and their concerted previous campaign to get them all removed.
V.D. blearily drones … “oh yea i remember all that”
what is this crap!
you literally couldn t make it up
what about the MP calling for more cams , only last week
any mention?, any time for him?
Yet another ‘push poll’ where a ‘charity’ found what we wanted to find and didn’t ask any questions report by the BBC…..
Cold Chips, those evil Tory bastards and their cuts mean that children are turning up to school [a decrepit school and the waifs in a few rags and barefoot of course] with only a handful of cold chips in their lunch boxes according to the Children’s food trust report published uncritically by the BBC as one of the most important stories of the day
There seems to be no evidence of a ‘before state’ where, under Labour, boxes were veritable cornucopiae stuffed with the finest viands known to humanity against which they compare the current ‘deplorable’ state of play. I am fairly certain that the school lunch box containing cold chips is not a new development*. There has always been a good levening of feckless lazy parents who do not feed their [numerous] progeny well. They didn’t just materialise as a result of those evil bastards Tories and their foul cuts
Is there any chance that this is yet another lobbying organisation advocating their own special interest being given free uncritical air time by the BBC because it is critical of the Government? Don’t forget that the BBC told us via a ‘charity’ that a huge percentage (anyone remember – 80%?) of ‘British’ children live in abject poverty and the North is awash with soup kitchens.
*I would be interested in seeing if any work has been done to establish if there is any correlation between the incidence of cold chips and the presence of mega-package satellite TV (min sixty quid a month) and massive fag consumption in the parental homes. Personally I suspect that the kids in real (or more accurately relative) poverty have better meals that the offspring of what the Victorians used to call the ‘vicious poor’.
When accused of social engineering the BBC will insist that it merely reflects scoial changes. I suppose there may a grain of truth in that claim.
The BBC (still) brings us Open All Hours – no, it’s not a documentary on the UK Immigration Service – Open All Hours features the lovable Ronnie Barker as Britain’s last ever white cornershop owner.
And then there’s Ripper Street where the BBC brings us Victorian London’s first ever bewhiskered femionist Police inspector.
Come on BBC tell us why people are not keen on the EU – it’s ‘Straight forward Europhobia’. Too stupid to know what’s good for them and led by the nose by propagands….
“here is Lord Mandelson on the role of the media
“It is very striking that the combined effect of News International, Daily Mail newspapers, the Telegraph, but in the middle of that the figure of Rupert Murdoch more importantly than any other has driven the media to a more hostile position than it was when we went into the then European Community in the 1970s.
“There are now newspapers that are just propaganda rags, there is no balance, no even-handedness. It is just straight forward Europhobia. It is bound to have an effect.”
Oh the irony, clearly the BBC doesn’t consider itself ‘media’ and of course its pay up or go to prison funded 80% dominance of the broadcast news has no socio-political engineering impact whatsoever.
Most ‘Europhobes’ that I know cite the complete absence of democracy in the EU, the financial shitstorm cause by the introduction of the Euro for politico/fedralist reasons, the manipulation of the citizenry, the corruption, the pretensions to statehood via the ‘ever closer union’ ratchet effect: these are their reasons for their euro scepticism. These are well reasoned arguments and not reiterations of banal ‘bent cucumber’ stories.
In effect the pompous ’eminence grise’ Mandleson quote is used to state the BBC position – the British people are too well informed about the EU, the proles should just do what they are told is good for them by the clever people with PPE degrees, or those that pretend that they have them.
Mandy shoots himself in the well-heeled foot…’when we went into the then European Community in the 1970s.’ ‘Then’ being the operative word, because, my word, hasn’t it grown? And in all the wrong ways. It has become a bureaucrats’ paradise, a gross impediment to the establishment of Europe as the world’s premier trading bloc. Not that Mandy should worry, in the space of a few years he’s gone from scrounging interest-free loans from New Labour chums, to an £8 million house in Regent’s Park. No, not the Zoo, although he’d be an impressive addition to the reptile house. Mission accomplished, like Blair, like Tim Yeo is now doing – massive self-enrichment. And the BBC can’t get enough of ‘I’m Mandy, fly me’. No thanks.
Yes. The David Icke spin on that story is mildly entertaining. The BBC was ‘in the dock’ in the sense that it, er, wasn’t. The only person in the dock was a 9/11 ‘truther’ called Tony Rooke, who refused to pay his licence fee on the grounds that the BBC had deliberately concealed what ‘actually happened’ on 9/11. The presiding magistrate ruled that all his evidence was inadmissible, on the grounds that he didn’t actually understand Section 15 of the Terrorism Act, which furthermore was utterly irrelevant to whether he paid his licence fee. It was about as ‘historic’ as the time I forgot to pay a parking fine and received a nasty letter from the council.
I don’t know why people keep bringing this up here. Tell it to the lower-level BBC staff. Plenty of them believe this stuff, while the upper management takes the Zionist/Bush story as the truth. As some are keen to point out, Mark Thompson, the former DG, is married to a Jewess (scroll down to the bio for Professor Baruch Blumberg). Remember that, before they were called out on it by this blog, the BBC’s children’s website had it that it was only a US theory that Bin Laden was behind it and it was carried out by a certain group of “Asian men”, leaving the door wide open for people to encourage their children not to believe the official US/Zionist version of events.
The Jews clearly got to the BBC after that, and they changed it, after some prompting. But you know there are still plenty of Beeboids who believe the conspiracy story. Send this stuff to them. The current climate of inner turmoil and rank-and-file trying to fight the poor management should provide a good environment to get a few Beeboids on side.
How long before this description gets redacted? Two people have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in an acid attack on a woman in east London.
Police said they would like to speak with a potential witness who got on the 368 bus at Barking railway station and got off at Lodge Avenue about five minutes after Miss Oni. He is described as black, about 20 to 30 years old, 5ft 5in and of medium build.
Thank goodness there’s been some movement on this case. Taliban tactics come to England and the media barely deigned to notice it. There should have been maximum nationwide publicity for this attack -that kind of thing has definitely got to be nipped in the bud.
Why would the police check the lap top of the victim? Why would they investigate her – is her story about the Hijab bollocks or was it a disguise or was it a muslim nutter? There is plenty unsaid about this case – for instance, although she appears to be NIgerian from her name, in Jamaica acid attack by a female on a female rival is a regular method of resolutions of conflict over the ‘affections’ of a man.
I expect zero clarity and much obfuscation about this story – there are too many shibboleths here for any clarity to emerge.
You’ll get plenty of clarity once this turns out to be self-inflicted and the EDL and Islamophobes have been wrongly using this to demonize Mohammedans.
In case anyone doubts my claim that Hollywood is dedicated to the President, and that any public influence the hated Fox News has pales in comparison to the power of the Left-wing mainstream media and Hollywood, look no further than last night’s Academy Awards. The First Lady presented the Best Picture Oscar with Jack Nicholson in a live feed from the White House. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News cannot match this power.
Hollywood is now the same as the Soviet Union film industry, only without the great composers. Remember this next time somebody starts whining about how much influence Fox News or Limbaugh have.
Hollywood has always been very Pink. Despite their whining about witch hunts it is quite clear that those ‘blacklisted’ in the 40’s and 50’s were indeed communists working for lovable old Uncle Joe Stalin.
The entertainment industry and the media are favoured by the left who just love shaping the ‘World View’ of the peons. The BBC, of course, has never had vile Communist stooges in its pay – like Guy Burgess
And the BBC has never changed its spots – here’s a real corker, BBC Complaints in action 1938, where a fully fledged Communist traitor arbitrates a complaint of bias by Winston Churchill. The BBC must be so proud of its values!
His is not quite as serious a job as sorting out the World War One British Army archive, but let’s hope he doesn’t generate as much paranoia:
“In 1980, Winter became a Research Fellow at the Australian National University . [Denis Winter is the author of the heavily critical ‘Douglas Haig – a reassessment’_1991] While working there, he explains, he realised that there were materials in the Australian and Canadian archives which were NOT in the British Public Record Office. Winter has also found differences between Haig’s handwritten diary, and the official typed version. From this, he argues that the sources from which previous histories have been written are tampered-with and often entirely rewritten versions of the truth – e.g., the daily war diaries kept by all army units were often altered by the cabinet office, cabinet war minutes were rewritten, and Winter even claims that the war’s official historian deliberately destroyed documents. “
Winter is (or was: I’ve no idea whether he’s still with us) sadly a 24-carat loon on a mission. There were indeed two versions of Haig’s diaries (one written at the time and one typed up (by Lady Haig IIRC) later on. Since BOTH were freely available to researchers it’s hard to see exactly where the alleged “cover-up” was beyond Winter’s febrile imaginings.
They should have written, “he was meant to be the scapegoat when…..” This new job is his compensation, and I suppose he’s happy to still be at the BBC regardless.
Not really. I just remember all that “I pledge allegiance to Obama” stuff. Cult of Personality combined with emotion-based ideology. Sure, the Dems need all that Hollywood cash, but they’d get it no matter what. There was a nanosecond pause in the flow of cash a while back when there was concern that the President was not openly supportive of homosexual marriage, but then He made a gesture towards it (without actually doing anything – He said it should be up to the States, curiously the only time in His career when He supported federalism) and the money started flowing again. He doesn’t have to do much at all for them to bow down and worship.
Hollywood has been wrapped around His little finger since 2008.
“From the doyenne of Hollywood bloggers, Nikki Finke, live-blogging the Oscars:-
“As if Hanoi Jane wasn’t fuel enough. Oh My God – the Academy actually fans the fire by drafting First Lady Michelle Obama to help present Best Picture from presumably the White House? So unnecessary and inappropriate to inject so much politics into the Oscars yet again. Hollywood will get pilloried by conservative pundits for arranging this payoff for all the campaign donations it gave the President’s reelection campaign. I don’t understand this very obvious attempt to infuriate right-leaning audiences. Clearly the studios only want to sell their movies to only half of America.”
On the Richard Bacon show ageing rocker Johnny Marr reveals the flood of work offers that came in after he made an anti-David Cameron Tweet.
‘My manager phoned to tell me that I’d been asked onto Newsnight and Question Time.’
Well you could have knocked me down with a feather. And there was me thinking Jools Holland might have been on the blower. Silly me. It was Paxo and Dimbles.
Poor old Johnny, he is a bit of a loose canon. As his interview with Bacon is cut off rather short his host apologises that time had to be given up to news of Britain’s triple A rating.
‘Yeah, and if I’ve heard that once, I’ve heard it a 1000 times’.
Perhaps a dedicated anti 5 Live phone in campaign would yield some amusing results. I suppose if a large group coordinated their actions the BBC could find that they had callers for a particular edition who only wanted to air points of view that the BBC found offensive. That would be a good laugh.
I heard that.
Lefty musician pal of Billy Bragg criticises Cameron and is immediately offered gigs on Newsnight and Question Time. It’s just like a Pavlovian reflex for the BBC.
Introducing the Marr feature, I heard Rasher say that Cameron had ‘interrupted his trip to India’ to comment on Marr not allowing Cameron to appreciate his work.
Bacon was also at it last Thursday, regarding the Hilary Mantell business, saying that Cameron had ‘interrupted his trip to India’ to comment on Mantell’s criticism of the Duchess of Cambridge.
No Cameron didn’t. Bacon seems to be a liar on a mission; keen to paint an unfavourable picture of Cameron for the benefit of his audience.
How does that square with the BBC’s Charter obligations?
Marr : “I don’t wanna to give any more politicians any more publicity off the back of my records, thank you very much”.
Missing the point here, Johnny. It’s the BBC using you, not the politicians. The message the BBC wants to convey to the listener/viewer is ‘Johnny Marr doesn’t like David Cameron. Nor should you’.
I must listen to this again (BBC Radio 4, “Analysis – Making the Best of a Bad Job”) BUT it seemed at first listen as if the BBC is blaming Harold Wilson and the Labour Party of destroying pride in honest toil and supporting one’s family.
Yes JimS. agree entirely.
It was the first fair and honest appraisal of the political degeneration of our working base from the BBC in…well, do tell us if anyone can remember.
I only got the last 15 mins or so, but really thought that it was some Radio 3 thing or something.
One small step for ht BBC then?
In case anyone was wondering, Radio 4 right now is having a discussion where they are establishing that, despite what you’ve heard, and despite the hadiths or anything else people like to quote from the Koran professing otherwise, Islam does not condemn homosexuality and is quite tolerant. Islam is really about justice and fairness for the poor. This is repeated over and over. There’s even “a parallel between the love of a man for a young boy, and the love of God”.
Curiously, there’s nobody involved in this discussion to take the opposite point of view. Instead, we hear from a homosexual Mohammedan who runs an “inclusive mosque” in Paris.
I know the BBC does not have to provide balance within a single programme (that’s what the complaints apparatchik reply), so I’m sure that, over time, over the long term, the BBC holds other discussions where Islamic scholars claim that their religion condemns homosexuality. Right?
Wait, sorry, one of the guests did finally speak out against homosexuality, called it a sin, but said he’s still tolerant. The whole discussion is still two against one (three against if one counts the contribution from the homosexual who runs the inclusive mosque), and even the guy who takes the conservative point of view keeps promoting tolerance, even doing the “hate the sin, but love the sinner” dance.
check out this – 1hr 50
the new police commissioner and the fear of POSSIBLE “backlash” – POSSIBLE “- racist” incidents,(what race is islam again?) – the old chestnut of POSSIBLE effects on “community cohesion”
all a bit “boy who cried wolf”
anyone hear the desperate attempts by some white convert to deny that Islam was Homophobic? Some really really convoluted warped reasoning to get around what is a black & white situation
Homosexual activity is virtually guaranteed to be greater in societies that separate un-related members of the opposite sex. Although they barely bother to conceal it in some places, like Afghanistan, the usual policy is to use maximum discretion and not flaunt it. Tolerance of homosexuality is used as a criticism of Christianity by proselytising Muslims in sub-Sharan Africa where the local culture is strongly averse to that kind of thing: it is also a useful stick with which mullahs and ayatollahs can beat the west. The death penalty prescribed is usually applied to those who are too conspicuous in their behaviour, in a kind of ‘pour-encourager-les-autres’ kind of way, but it is always there in the background.
There’s plenty of homosexuality among the Pashtuns. The Tablian cracked down on it when they ran Afghanistan, so it’s more underground now, but “Love Thursdays” where they go for the teenage and pre-teen boys, has been tolerated by US and coalition forces for years. The dancing boys also still get plenty of work.
I’ve always wondered why the BBC hasn’t seized on all this stuff to make a bigger case for Mohammedan tolerance of homosexuality. They even once sent a Beeboid to do a special report, so we know they know all about this. Even though he easily found places with dancing boys, he tried to play it way down as being uncommon.
Surely the BBC could simply ignore the paedo angle and just do reports showing how homosexuality is tolerated in Mohammedan cultures. I wonder why they aren’t making more of an effort here if they really want to inform the public about tolerance in Islam?
I’m sure I recall a story about US special forces calling in an airstrike on some top taliban blokes after they’d obsevered them for quite a number of weeks congregating on the same weekday at the same venue time time again to bugger little boys. Best place to get them all at once.
Newly minted Sec. of State John Kerry has butchered the name of a country straight out of the gate in his new job. Curiously, none of the Beeboids who enthused over his appointment are tweeting snark about his slip of the tongue the way they did about Sarah Palin.
They could argue that he was merely coining a portmanteau generic term for godforsaken central Asian republics. I once heard an actor demonstrate his all purpose Nordic accent, which he called ‘Scandiwegian.’
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
When does an Irish born cleric in Scotland become British? (according to the BBC) Answer: When he gets into trouble.
‘Cardinal Keith O’Brien, Britain’s most senior Roman Catholic cleric, has missed Sunday Mass after being accused of inappropriate behaviour.’
BBC nationality based nonenclature can be something of movable feast.
An Irishman, a Scotsman and a Pakistani went into a bar…
….they each behaved badly and instantly became British.
He’s been in Scotland since primary school age. I can’t say I have any objection to him being considered Scottish, and by extension British.
It’s called exaggeration….charicature….satire, if you like.
You’re just not used to hearing from anywhere other than a left-wing point of view.
I’m doing it deliberately to make a point.
Why should the Devil have all the best tunes?
I fear subtlety was lost on me at that time of night!
Doubtless, the BBC’s interest in pursuing a damaging story against this man has nothing to do with his being among the braver critics of the Square Circle Marriage agenda.
Luckily, should he be disgraced, he will have his Bigot of the Year Award from Buttwall to take to retirement (something of which the Beeb is perhaps unaware).
I feel I need not worry that the BBC will fail to pursue this story with its famed appetite for unbiased etc. etc. etc. etc.
No they didn’t miss his “bigot of the year award”. The bulletin I saw made sure that it was one of his higher credentials.
According to the BBC, the worlds entire black and muslim population is British.
‘… and this morning on Double Take where we take a different slant on the news we kick off with George Osborne’s humiliation…’
I’m paraphrasing here, cherry vultures, as that was how far I got before I hit the off button and I really really am not going to listen to these two howling halfwits again to get the quote right.
I suppose they’ve otherwise been leading with Mid-Staffs and Labour’s other NHS death camps for several weeks now.
Haven’t they?
It always causes me to chuckle when I hear those words ‘…we take a different slant on the news’. Well, I chuckle and then turn off – saying to myself ‘yeah, exactly the same bloody slant on the news!’
“Only Left-wingers could think killing and maiming is a giggle.”
“The BBC has for many years tolerated a radio programme called ‘The News Quiz’ on which sniggering fun-revolutionaries (at your expense) are paid to amuse a sniggering Left-wing studio audience with babyish jests, under the guidance of a self-satisfied chairwoman who thinks she is cleverer than she is.
“On a recent edition, a purported comedian referred to the Education Secretary, Michael Gove, as ‘a foetus in a jar’. ”
It used to be amusing in the days of Alan Coren, Barry Tooke and Richard Ingams: Tostvig actually mentioned complaints about the programme being too left wing, on air, a year or two ago and they seem to be including one token not-so-alternative comedian now. Since he’s outnumbered 4 to 1, as Hichens points out happened in the one he listened to, the guy tends to get swamped.
sorry, Toksvig and Ingrams
This is the brand of comedy that pervades most BBC platforms. For The News Quiz read The Now Show read Have I Got News For You.
I call it the Ner-Ner-Ner-Ner style.
If Monty Python was Oxbridge Undergraduate then this is BBC wise-arse public school lefty fourth form.
The Story of British Pathe on BBC4 would have been enjoyable to watch without all the left-wing commentators
ANY story on BBC4 would be more enjoyable without the left wing commentators…
Statement from Nick Clegg;
‘I recognise from the Channel 4 broadcast that there are legitimate concerns that issues raised with the party were not handled as well as they should have been. In particular the suggestion that a complaint was made but was not dealt with as a formal complaint. I am therefore determined that we carry out a thorough investigation into our procedures and how we applied them at the time to ensure we have a full and clear picture of what happened and the lessons that we need to learn. This review will be independently chaired.
A separate investigation into the specific allegations about Lord Rennard will take place under our disciplinary procedure. It is essential that this is carried out with due process and for that reason I cannot provide a running commentary on it. But I am absolutely determined that both these investigations will be carried out thoroughly and comprehensively. These investigations may well reveal flawed procedures, and clearly the women concerned feel they were not properly listened to. But I totally reject the insidious suggestion that my office or I are responsible in any way for a deliberate cover up.’
Remind you of anything? Anything BBC-ish?
Remind you of anything? Anything BBC-ish?
Melanie Phillips also notes the similarities:
Cover -up culture and a political class that’s rightly held in contempt
according to the bbc, clegg knew of concerns about rennard in 2008 i.e. not `for the lad five years`. they must be sweating blood working out how to give jo swinson `a pass`.
Know we know how Sarah Teather got on in the party.
Ohhhhh Knicker’s nacker’s knocker’s as Cosmo Smallpiece would say. aka Les Dawson.
‘The NHS and the BBC are protected by an aura of sanctity’ –
Absolutely spot and it applies across the whole of the public sector. What I can’t understand though is why the Tories are trying to do something about the NHS , state education , or the lack of it , and taking the political flak for doing so, they are not trying to do the same about the BBC.
The BBC is a massive obstacle to reform of the public sector because it knows that if reforms succeed it may well be next . So it uses its near monopoly to fight on behalf of the public sector and this makes progress for the Tories painfully slow and very high cost in political terms.
So why don’t the Tories stop the left wing statist bias at the BBC ? It cannot be more difficult than dealing with the NHS. Think of how much easier it would be to reform Britain if the BBC was impartial or preferably didn’t exist at all. Surely those clever political strategists must see this?
Woke up 7a.m to hear a half arsed tribute to one of their own…the BBC love those who follow the trajectory, and will always find a spot for any “creative…the stitching of Bagpuss will get an onion to the eye!
We take care of our own…Bruce duffer that really is the BBCs national “anfem” .
They rather glossed over the fact that the BBC screwed him over…no copyright, made themselves millions, no doubt-but allowed Mr Ray a pop at warming his hands up Sootys rump…worth £3.95 at todays prices.
Hope Cusicks family look back at how the BBC coined it in, but were kind enough to put a Euro on each eye of the late Mr Cusick.
Truly despicable-shameless nasties ever since the fifties I `d say.
A Dalek-just a pepperpot with small wheels ,inpaled on a cocktail stick…but the BBC doing quite well out of it.
“The public sector mustn’t be a sacred cow.
The NHS and the BBC are protected by an aura of sanctity.”
By Janet Daley.
The main ‘news’ on bBBC NorthWest today is that a couple of homosexual men turned up at a London hotel at 11.30 at night when all the rooms with double-beds had already been taken and they were given a room with two single beds. So they fabricated this as a homophobia ‘story’ and the bBBC thinks it is more important than anything else today.
according to the BBC, all hotels should have rooms with slings, gas masks, poppers and a tub of crisco
since the bbc is rife with homosexualists,it IS the most important story at the bbc 😉
I therefore hope that BBC journalists who are assigned to the World Cup in Qatar will be provided with double beds in their hotels.
Will this report even get a mention on pro-mass immigration BBC-NUJ ‘Education’ web page?:-
‘Telegraph’ –
“British school has no pupils who speak English as a first language.
“A primary school is thought to be the first in Britain that does not have one pupil who speaks English as a first language.”
By Richard Alleyne.
What is not said is that the absence of any ethnically English children is rather strange.
It would suggest white flight is alive and well in Peterborough.
Perhaps there is another explanation. if so I would like to hear it.
I suppose it could be all those upwardly mobile citizens cashing in their property and moving to Cambridge
Paddy O’Connell, standing in for Jeremy Vine (36:30), “…so rather than illustrate the negative aspects of immigration is this school actually a tremendous success story..”
Really? Are there are negative aspects to immigration? He must have heard that down the pub, certainly not on the Beeb.
This report on Birmingham is not on BBC-NUJ site:
Dez will provide a link as soon as the story appears on the beeb.
Expect the parents to be blamed for murder shortly.
This is very sad .if any child of any race or colour ends up doing this it is a sign that our country is in a bad way.
I would hope the BBC report it but I am not hopeful.
It is hardly a feel good Olympic style fantasy.
I can’t understand it -nothing their religion teaches them would encourage such behaviour on their part. Actually, come to think of it….
Also in Birmingham, will INBBC support the case of the low-paid, non-Muslim dinner lady?
“Dinner lady sacked for serving Muslim children with non-halal meat at multi-faith school”
Comment at ‘Jihadwatch’:
“The Sun frames this exclusively as a racial issue, but ‘Asian’ is the British media’s euphemism for Muslim, and it appears from the knife threat that Aaron was targeted by budding young jihadis. And school authorities did nothing; to have acted against the Muslim students would have been ‘Islamophobic.'”
“UK: 9-year-old commits suicide after bullying, threats from Muslim students.”
‘A man and a woman have been arrested on suspicion of murdering a 18-month-old boy in Birmingham, it has emerged.’
‘The boy’s identity has not yet been released. ‘
Oh yes it has!
‘Levi-Blu collapsed in the early hours of Wednesday at his home in Castle Bromwich, Birmingham.’
‘Police initially arrested Levi’s parents – Danielle Cassin, 25, and 29-year-old Marcus Piper – on charges of wilful neglect.’
‘But on Friday the pair were re-arrested on suspicion of the toddler’s murder.’
BBC On line News : Shielding you from the breaking news.
The second most important story on the BBC England webpage is:
Gay couple say London hotel denied them double room
This event happened Saturday night, but it’s still at number 2.
At number 4, which happened today and is just after number 3 – the Bradford -Swansea football result, is
Attacked man dies after hitting head
A man has died after he was attacked in a Worcestershire street, fell to the ground and struck his head.
Police have not named the 50-year-old who was with his girlfriend when he was attacked in Sillins Avenue, Redditch, shortly before 12:30 GMT.
If he’d been with his boyfriend no doubt they would have bumped the story higher.
As for the gay boys refused a double room at a London hotel, now that’s really tragic and something we all need to be aware of. I bet though if they find out that the hotel clerk who refused them is a Muslim, they’ll drop this story like a hot potato.
The BBC was just waiting until these “facts” came out before reporting. This is mundane news now, so no meetings and hand-wringing necessary.
I have long noted, that the easiest way to show the hypocrisy and real mindset of the ‘left-winger’, is to disagree with them. Then in an instant all the ‘harmony’ ‘peace’ and ‘goodwill’ that they profess to be their ‘driving force’ just goes straight out the window.
Peter Hitchens gives his view on this, as well as commenting on the usual BBC efforts at ‘fair and balanced’:
PETER HITCHENS: Only Left-wingers could think killing and maiming is a giggle
I have long noted, that the easiest way to show the hypocrisy and real mindset of the ‘left-winger’, is to disagree with them. Then in an instant all the ‘harmony’ ‘peace’ and ‘goodwill’ that they profess to be their ‘driving force’ just goes straight out the window.
I’d say that the same could very well be said of Biased BBC’s most frequent commenters. Except that they don’t even make any attempt to start from a position of peace and goodwill.
Except that they don’t even make any attempt to start from a position of peace and goodwill.
Are you aware of how patently absurd and a blatant lie that is? So since we know that, we analyse why would you lie like that, what are you trying to accomplish?
Then we deduce as best we can what we believe your motive to be, and it’s clearly not to seek truth.
So what is a foul truth twisting liar doing here?
Is he a Muslim attempting Taqiyya?
Is he a beeboid attempting to justify pathetic and odious coverage of world events?
Is he simply a brainwashed idiot either by his Imam, or his Auntie?
Either way – we don’t profess to seek harmony, peace or goodwill from you. You made your choices, as best as you could. We might feel sorry for you on some level, and wish you could open your eyes, but WE DO NOT APPEASE YOU!
Are you getting it now?
Point proved.
Don’t feed the trolls…
‘I’d say that the same could very well be said’
What has lured you out to say what could be said, and in the way chosen, after the last few days is pretty telling, too.
All you’ve proven is you are a drive-by merchant, and one with Shakespearean capabilities in targeting.
the BBC should be doing a report on the lefty celebs at the Oscars on why they are wearing expensive designer clothes
Because the designers are paying them to wear them, and be photographed in them! Funny how those left wing values fly out of the windows when theres money in the offing.
Was it not also nauseating that Michelle Obama gets to name the Best ‘Picture’ Oscar winner which went to one of the producers, the equally stomach-turning Democrat, George Clooney.
First time ever, the First Lady gets involved, what’s that all about?
Did you notice Muppet reporting for BBC TV News? He was interviewing some actress or other, and in full view on screen was a microphone with BBC Radio on it. So two BBC people standing next to each other asking questions of the same person and recording the answers.
The BBC is completely out of control. They learn nothing, they treat us with contempt.
I’m in a ‘bricks through windows’ mood. Will they change if they hear the sound of breaking glass?
gay baldy guy Bill Buckley on BBC News24 commenting on the papers, who gives a fuck about what he has to say
Other gay baldy guys? Not exacly a a significant demographic. Most of the gays around here have a full head of hair.
anyone catch the bBC’s description of the “fans” gathered in St Peter’s square for the Pope’s last speech?
Did anybody notice how quick the bBC was in posting that story about how a gay couple were refused a double bed (not a room, but a bed) with how long it took the bBC to post the actual abuse story of how a gay man was accosted in East London by a bunch of rabid Islamic thugs.
Am I the only one who noticed how much like a child that gay man looks like?
I see the Islamic cock loving bBC are bitching over how a Pal died while in Israeli custody. Queue the pictures of grieving Muslims, which is funny as I saw no similar stories when Hamas murdered 3 men in public last year and then dragged their bodies through the streets on motor bikes. In fact then the faithful went out of their way in which to try to take happy snaps with their mobile phones. But then snuffing it is one of the perks of becoming a prisoner under Allah. The jews on the otherhand as nasty and evil are they are don’t have the death penalty and was one of the first countries in the world to abolish it. I wonder why the bBC doesn’t mention that very salient fact .
Tweet evidence of BBC bias on this topic:
Scott wrote:
Except that they don’t even make any attempt to start from a position of peace and goodwill.
Ok Scott , how about you walk through the streets of East London on a dark night with your boyfriend in hand. walk pass one of the many local mosques, stop off for a ruby (Curry you prat and not slippers) while looking deep into your boyfriends eye. I am sure that you will be treated a lot better by the faithful than the biased bBC posters do with the followers of Islam.
Oh here we go – “quick! Change the subject! Blame everything on Muslims sharpish, that’ll mean we don’t have to address the thorny subject of Biased BBC commenters’ hypocrisy!”
A guy calling himself ‘the Inspector General ‘at Cranmer’s, who occasionally visits the Pink News site to save the other pillars of the church there the, for them, unpleasant task posted this recently:
“The Inspector follows the nefarious going on’s at the gay hate site Pink News……
Anyway, these people have of late been screaming (…it’s either screaming or silence from them, they know no other way…) of bias against THEM ! Though it must be said that although that blog is followed by the planet’s English speaking LGBTQ types, it’s generally the same handful of malcontents who post.
Transgender is an interesting subject for LGBTQ. Many LG are appalled by the T group and say it. One even remembers the phrase “Bed wetters in bad wigs” used to criticise them. They are then pilloried by the LG supporters of T. The B are not liked either, as some LG wish they were B to escape their unhappiness, and see B as, well, hedonists. As for the Q, they are somewhat mysterious, mentally troubled people, who rarely post.”
Harmony -my eye. Bye the way, there’s a kind of parallel between this guy’s four-eyed physog peering out at you and the screen, with Big brother’s face on it everywhere in the film 1984.
Scott wrote:
Oh here we go – “quick! Change the subject! Blame everything on Muslims sharpish
But I didn’t blame anything on Muslims Scott, rather it is you tossing and turning in which to change the subject in which to silence any discussion on any subject you don’t like the look of. The target isn’t Islam as you try to point out but rather how the bBC never exposes the ugliness that is written into the DNA of its fav
religionCult as it does say …Christianity . Teddy Bear pointed out how story of the young Gay lad who was refused a double bed with his older gay lover was given prominence by the bBC. He also quite rightly pointed out that if and when the fact comes out that if the receptionist turns out to be aMuslimAsian then the subject matter will be tucked away. (Like they do with any storyline concerning Muslims in a bad light) I then pointed out that the people you defend have would have no problem forcing you to get on your Knees,stick your arse in the air and batter you around the ring as he reclaims his honour for his moon god, even with evidence from all around the world at how followers of Mohammed treat homosexuals you still can only see them as…victims and as only the left can do, you refer to anybody who has a different mindset as you as…bigotted.Really Bigotted? these so called bigots treat me like they do anybody else they meet in their day to day activities. Treat them nice and with civility (like you would people to treat you) and they will do likewise. Is that the action of a bigoted mindset?
Now compare that with how the left (And I include you in that statement) are so quick to pour the vitrol on any subject you have had rammed into you by your local political commissioner (usually as he says this will hurt him more than it hurts you): Maggie Thatcher..bitc., British Army, murdering scum. British Police racist arseholes. Big Business, thieving cunts. The British Empire..evil beyond redemption , Israel, even worse. Christianity..nasty.
Now lets have a look at the things they champion:
Saddam Hussain. Victim
Islamic terrorists, Victims
Islam, Superior faith
That’s all pricks like you can do. Play the bloody victimcard. I am so gay I can only be a victim. Err dicksplash you are white in a 90% white country. Act like a bloody man (for once in your life, shut your gob and nobody will be none the wiser over your sexuality. I on the otherhand will always be coloured and no matter how I act will always be seen as..coloured. But you know what I try to make a better world for everybody . You, (And pricks like you) just suck all the fun out of life.
🙂 take it scotty got you riled.
Tiger wrote:
” take it scotty got you riled.”
Nah, I’m just pissed off he didn’t bend over and take it like a man from me, when he is so willing for everybody else. I suppose I’ll have to go for a wank then.
its called been able to laugh at yourself and when you can do that, nothing else really matters. Now get back in yer box yer jellyfish.
Pounce, I never said I was a victim. I just said that Teddy Bear’s generalisations about “the left” could apply equally to many Biased BBC commenters – who, I’m sure you would agree, could in no way be suggested to be left-leaning.
And then you waded in like a lobotomised elephant with four left feet and demonstrated exactly the sort of attitude I wa talking about.
I know it’s nothing personal – your online persona is that of a shouty lump of hate that propels verbal base to anyone and everyone, and it just so happens that I was in the firing line for this latest volley. But sooner or later you’re going to have to realise that behaving the way that you do online is a sign that you have issues that posting on Internet forums can’t help.
“Verbal base”=”verbal abuse”. Damned autocorrect.
Here’s your test Scott:
I just said that Teddy Bear’s generalisations about “the left” could apply equally to many Biased BBC commenters
My point, even if you couldn’t understand it, was about the hypocrisy that is inherent in the left-wing mindset.
Now since you like to attack the poster rather than what is posted, perhaps you can show where ‘the many Biased BBC commenters’ display the same hypocrisy.
Put up or shut up!
Just to quote from comments on this thread:
“a foul truth twisting liar”
“Islamic cock loving bBC”
“I’m just pissed off he didn’t bend over and take it like a man from me”
“pricks like you”
“I’m in a ‘bricks through windows’ mood”
Unless you condemn sentiments like those above, you’re in no position to preach about other people’s hypocrisy. Although that would, granted, require a greater degree of self-awareness than many Biased BBC commenters seem to possess.
The examples you’ve given are by all those expressing an emotional response to something or someone that they’re commenting on.
THIS IS NOT HYPOCRISY – unless they have indicated elsewhere that this is not what they think or feel.
I see you trying to twist your initial statement, which in case it’s slipped your mind is this:
have long noted, that the easiest way to show the hypocrisy and real mindset of the ‘left-winger’, is to disagree with them. Then in an instant all the ‘harmony’ ‘peace’ and ‘goodwill’ that they profess to be their ‘driving force’ just goes straight out the window.
I’d say that the same could very well be said of Biased BBC’s most frequent commenters. Except that they don’t even make any attempt to start from a position of peace and goodwill.
But as you’ve just shown – you have not shown any examples of HYPOCRITES here. I’ve already explained to you above why YOU specifically get the abuse you do, because of how YOU abuse what others write, by either attempting to twist what they write, as you did with me, or attack them instead of the points being made.
Now since harmony, peace and goodwill were the qualities that you wanted to say was lacking here, you may have to start reading YOUR OWN POSTS and seeing how you rate yourself on this score.
It might show you – the hypocrite is YOU!
Let me break this down for you.
You claimed that if “the left wing” were disagreed with, they would turn ugly and insulting – implying that others don’t.
I noted that the behaviour you mentioned was observable in regular commenters on Biased BBC – so disagreeing with your assertion that such behaviour was solely an attribute of those people you group as “the left”.
In response to that disagreement, a number of Biased BBC regulars, yourself included, started throwing various toys out of their respective prams.
Do you spot the delicious irony yet?
Do you really think you’re going to leave out half the sentence I wrote and expect to get away with it?
Here’s the POINT of what I wrote:
Then in an instant all the ‘harmony’ ‘peace’ and ‘goodwill’ that they profess to be their ‘driving force’ just goes straight out the window.
There’s a quote from Jesus where he says “”I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”
I don’t really expect the likes of you to understand it, but most here would see this as our real way of attaining harmony.
See the difference? There’s NO HYPOCRISY HERE!
If you still don’t understand – get somebody intelligent to explain it to you, otherwise you’re not wasting any more of my time.
Oh I understand perfectly. You think you’re better than everybody else, but you don’t think you’re hypocritical because you’re rude, sanctimonious, judgemental and aggressive all the time.
Good luck with that.
I see you’ve realised you have no way to justify your comments, and in what we’ve come to know as your usual ‘mature’ way, you just accuse me of the behaviour that you are exhibiting throughout this website, and probably everywhere else when you don’t get your way.
I can’t help it that you’re not a very good thinker, but then you should recognise it and go somewhere where you’re not out of your depth.
BBC Comments should suit you perfectly. You’ll feel right at home.
Excellent summing up Pounce.
I have a felling though that you might be turning him on. Have you thought about the possibility that he might be in to S&M – especially the M role?
M = “Beat Me, Beat Me!
S = “Nooooo”
h here we go – “quick! Change the subject!
I notice none of his posts actually address a subject raised – just the poster.
Just confirms that our observations are irrefutable, and that Suckot M doesn’t like them.
Actually TB his sexual preferences don’t bother me in the least, I have a number of gay friends (funny enough all lesbians) and they are a great bunch other than one non are the militant type and just get on with their lives. The one gay man I do know, he was with his partner for donkeys years and the only reason he is single is becasue the other died. So in that aspect I don’t have a problem, what I do have a problem with is the screaming queen types who are forever playing the “we are different card’ (which to be honest Scott doesn’t do) by playing the homosexual card. My point is, no you are not different you are the bloody same as me. We both bleed when we are cut and our blood is red. When all the world starts treating everybody as the bloody same then we can start building for a better future, by promoting this “we are different and thus are more likely to be victims and if you don’t like what I have to dance and scream about then you can only be a bigot, then all that does is rile peoples backs up. By all means be bloody different , sing,dance,drink and be merry. However just becasue somebody doesn’t do likewise doesn’t give us the right to refer to them as bigoted.
My outlook is leave me alone and I will leave you alone. Simples, yet day in day out leftist pricks try to tell me otherwise and there I have to draw the line and that just isn’t “Hi Karate.”
The left who champions themselves as the guardians of freedom for all, are the first to cross the line when they feel they have a cause that is righteous:
Equal rights
Animal rights
Human rights.
But do they give a jot about Christians or Jews while championing Muslims
Do people know that Peta puts down thousands of animals a day, while protesting about the rights for animlas.
How many human rights groups defend dictatorships while attacking the west: Saddam.Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ecuador and China.
His sexual preferences don’t bother me either,. So long as I don’t have to attend his wedding, or demand that everybody has to regard his relationships with the same fervour that he does.
If anything, I’m pleased there won’t be any offspring from a union with him.
I think Scott is one of those gays who think their sexual preferences should be used as a challenge to anyone. It’s usually the first thing they tell you about themselves in order to await a response.
If I was to approach Scott and say to him “I’m heterosexual and proud of it, what are you going to do about it?” no doubt I would be accused of homophobic harassment and have my character assassinated by his mates in Stonewall.
Scott, I accept you are gay – get over it!
“I think Scott is one of those gays who think their sexual preferences should be used as a challenge to anyone.”
Please point out where on this thread I have done that.
“If I was to approach Scott and say to him “I’m heterosexual and proud of it, what are you going to do about it?” no doubt I would be accused of homophobic harassment and have my character assassinated by his mates in Stonewall.”
If you were to do that to anyone, I hope they’d tell you to learn some manners and grow up.
Scott, recently on these pages, gay politics seem to have led to a frenzy of posting from you. Your comments on other threads have had you accusing those who have posted comments criticising the posturing of some militant gays as being homophobic. To be honest, I can’t be arsed to delve into the archives and find the relevant posts. Reading your current snide and condescending posts is above and beyond the call of duty.
You have indeed tried to portray yourself as a victim of a homophobic society – especially those who post on this site criticising you.
I have known many gays, of both sexes, through my job. The majority of those were decent,uncomplaining people who just wanted to be able to live their lives in peace. However, there were some, like yourself, who saw their sexuality as a political statement and went out of their way to challenge others to react to their homosexuality.
I couldn’t give a monkey’s if you’re gay. I don’t go around screaming how proud I am to be heterosexual to every gay person I encounter. I expect the same courtesy from gays who see their sexuality as a challenge to others.
“To be honest, I can’t be arsed to delve into the archives and find the relevant posts.”
This is your usual approach when challenged, Andy: “I’m right, but I just can’t be bothered to find any evidence to back up my claims. And it’s all your fault.”
There you go again, Scott, accusing others of shortcomings you possess yourself. Going for the man again instead of arguing your corner.
It’s bigots like you who think they are always in the right and cannot see their own faults.
Unlike you, I am not a pedantic nit-picker using semantics and sophistry to attack your critics. The claims you make against me are just as relevant to you. The only difference is I know I’m as fallible as the next person. You, on the other hand, are more infallible than the Pope.Your teachings are sacrosanct and should never be challenged. Your attitude to others is “Do as you’re bloody well told and never question the Divinity named Scott.”
At least I’m open to persuasion with a well argued viewpoint. Your mind, Scott, is totally closed to the opinions of others. You just choose to attack instead of argue.
Have the last word or continue your insults, if it pleases you. I’m going to waste no further time with you and your overweening ego.
Distraction seems to be the main aim of the trolls.
Let’s get back to the solid evidence of bias and ignore generalisations which Scott will always spend pages of this valuable website disagreeing with (fair enough – he’s a right to his opinion) and which inevitably seem to end up in pointless slanging matches.
It’s like an obfuscating version of Groundhog Day.
“When all the world starts treating everybody as the bloody same then we can start building for a better future…”
Agreed. So when are you going to start treating Muslims in the same way as you treat everybody else?
“Now compare that with how the left (And I include you in that statement) are so quick to pour the vitrol on any subject…”
I’m part of “the left”, so lets see how accurately you describe my views:
“Maggie Thatcher..bitch” – false
“British Army, murdering scum” – false
“British Police racist arseholes” – false
“Big Business, thieving cunts” – false
“The British Empire..evil beyond redemption” – false
“Israel, even worse” – false
“Christianity..nasty” – false
“Saddam Hussain. Victim” – false
“Islamic terrorists, Victims” – false
“Islam, Superior faith” – false
“Iran,victim” – false
Wrong on all counts, so who exactly are you arguing against?
“That’s all pricks like you can do. Play the bloody victimcard. I am so gay I can only be a victim.”
That’s pure bullshit Pounce. The only people who ever mention Scott’s sexuality are you, and others like you who are apparently ‘so’ ‘not bothered’ you bring it up at every available opportunity.
Nicky ‘I heard he was gay’ Campbell talks about what he terms ‘the Lib-Dem business’
To Tim Fallon: ‘why didn’t Nick Clegg take these unspecific allegations and make them into specific allegations?’
Yes quite. It’s what I would term the Pot-Kettle business.
‘the Pot-Kettle business.’
Conand (@TheTortorian)
24/02/2013 23:07
Labour wants an inquiry into #Gropegate but they didn’t want one about #MidStaffs… #Skypapers
Be interesting what the BBC therefore ‘wants’, and ‘redacts’? Again.
“BBC threatened me with jail when I blew the whistle to the Mail about manager paying his lover.
Byron Myers said he was forced out of job when he turned whistleblower.
The former head of human resources discovered a BBC manager was signing off lucrative contracts to his girlfriend’s company.
He reported matter in 2011 but claimed there was a ‘cover-up.’ ”
“Cover-up culture and a political class that’s rightly held in contempt ”
“This all bears a remarkable similarity to the way the BBC responded to the Jimmy Savile scandal. ”
‘Miss Fleury is a former BBC manager and First Positions is an agency she set up seven years ago to supply studio crew. They (she and ‘BBC manager Craig White, 47), have worked on some of the BBC’s most popular programmes’.
‘The couple are both listed on the electoral roll at Miss Fleury’s Grade-II listed Cotswold stone townhouse in Burford, Oxfordshire.’
Read more:
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Beeboids not living in vibrant diverse London? Must be a case of that ‘White City flight’.
Today 8:50 a piece about Guy Bailey a black guy refused a job at the bus company. What was enlightening was the precient archeive recording from a white man who was obviously ‘racist’ (what ever that means this week) expressing his worries for the future ‘There isn’t enough work for the whites let alone all these blacks’ how right his worries turned out to be, and how wrong the Liebour mass immigration.
Of course this was a part of history, but it’s interesting that this was a man ating as agent provocateur, he had no intention of taking the job had one been offered as he already had one.
No doubt when Millipede gets into power he will make sure that this included in the history curriculum!
Seems like our governments of ALL European nations are racist towards whites.
David Lamb says:
A BBC reporter interviewed all four major candidates last week and gave Maria Hutchings (Conservative) the most unpleasant interview, harping on about her pro-life views as if having a moral belief was something to be ashamed of
And having your rather inconvenient unborn baby injected in its little heart and then decapitated (belt and braces) is of course something to be proud of.
Three months is the amount of time the BBC has had to expose the story currently engulfing the LibDems.
A couple of points:
Why has the BBC sat on this story for three months?
Would the BBC have done the same if the alleged offender was a senior Conservative?
Why is the BBC allowing Clegg such an easy ride when it looks as if he has been lying about how much he knew for the last 4 years?
What does this mean for the LibDem chances in the upcoming by-election, could the fact this story has broken now torpedoed their chances?, if so why has the BBC not provided any political analysis of the impact this scandal will have on A) LibDems, B) Coalition and C) the Eastleigh by-election?
‘….why has the BBC not provided any political analysis of the impact this scandal will have….?’
Two possible explanations:
1. All their Nick Robinsons and Norman ‘but Labour say’ Smiths are on half-term holiday.
2. This is not a UKIP or Tory story.
‘All their Nick Robinsons and Norman ‘but Labour say’ Smiths are on half-term holiday.’
Plus a week either side.
Mind you, around the Savile/Pollard publishing, it seems most market rates, from Paxman to Mason, are as far from any BBC building to be caught outside as it’s possible to arrange a licence feepayer-funded 1st Class ticket to ‘report’ on ‘stuff’ anywhere but the UK upon.
Speaking of holidays it has been quite a while since we heard from Stephanie floundering Flanders on the UK economy!
Perhaps as she takes yet another holiday and benefits from what must be the best holiday allowance in the UK she may be in hiding after telling us (yet again) that the pet project of her and Peston when they were at the FT the Euro is recovering. Hooray!
Only a week later even Gavin Hewitt has spotted this.
“More countries are heading into recession and unemployment is still rising”
Still Steph is much too important to worry about them…
Which political party does BBC-NUJ not want to win Eastleigh byelection?
A BBC reporter interviewed all four major candidates last week and gave Maria Hutchings (Conservative) the most unpleasant interview, harping on about her pro-life views as if having a moral belief was something to be ashamed of. As for me, I am drawn to the candidate for Elvis loves pets party, despite the fact that he campaigned against Romney during the US elections.
The agenda being pushed this morning by the BBC, Nicky Campbell and his ultra Feminist chum from End Violence Against Women Coalition is about to lose its way up its own sporran.
We have just likened wolf-whistling to sexual assault – seems it’s on the continuum (Sci-Fi or what?) but as a Scotsman phones in to describe what happened to him when he wore a kilt on his visit to London town….well its all gone a bit Donald Where’s Your Troosers
This one goes right over the heads of the BBC staff, doesn’t it. Tim Farron (Lib Dem President), interviewed by Sarah Montague….. pressed repeatedly about what the Lib Dems had done given that so many people were aware of all the rumours five years ago, what investigations had been carried out, who had been told about the rumours, who had done anything to find out the truth……. it went on and on. The full panoply of BBC investigators were obviously been flung at this, desperately trying to get to the bottom of the story.
One word – Saville.
That Alzheimers contagion afflicting selected parts of selective market rates of the BBC seems to be spreading.
The hopeless hapless Montague of course introduced the idea that the Conservatives were ‘behind this’.
Sara, love, this is not a story about Conservative dirty tricks, it’s a story about Clegg, Lennard (sp), Swinson et al.
But yeah nice try – you’ll get a tick from Ed Balls when he gives you your next HR review.
the bbc is shocked SHOCKED i tell you (R4/5Live) …
this morning
on reports that the newly trained afghan police/security
have been reported for repeated rapes – violence – child abuse – beatings – and murder? …..
i ask you have they NEVER heard of sharia?
karzai was very keen on sharia being the guiding er …”light”? in the constitution, he couldn t to ensure it.
… where have you been bbc 😀 eh!
0/10 … must try harder
Yep, as with all the BBC’s ‘you can’t do nuffink with these people’ coverage from The Stan, you do wonder if they should have pointed that out before 100,000 of them emigrated to Britain.
couldn t wait to ensure it …
up on bbc news net now
but as i was saying,
karzai – problem?, what? problem alert 😀
its US forces fuelling instability/insecurity, doncha know
i mean 😀 … what could go wrong?
I risked Sky News’ wall to wall tot-in-frok ‘news’ assault earlier, to get the business news.
Their editor rightly slagged off Mr. Osborne for a daft promise that has now bitten him on the behind, but as to the markets’ reaction to the downgrade described it as ‘a massive so-what?”.
However, in less redacted zones of expertise, there appears much more we should be concerned about…
BBC Breakfast (@BBCBreakfast)
25/02/2013 06:10
Our @stephbreakfast will be here to explain why Britain losing its top triple A credit rating could see a hike in food & petrol.
“Our Steff” on hand to explain what…. ‘could’ be seen through her rose-tinted blinkers. That’s the kind of analysis only FoI-excluded funding can buy.
And as two ‘eds are better than one, others do seem to be noticing the trend chez Aunty…
badassday (@badassday)
25/02/2013 06:25
Why hasn’t @andyverity mentioned that Asian markets have ignored the downgrade on opening? Because that doesn’t fit BBC narrative of course.
That’s this ‘Andy commentator:
‘The views are mine: the facts are everyone’s’
Well, other than the redacted ones Andy, one is sure you’ll concede.
Triple-A was not a very accurate defence, but could score. However, as the BBC shows, it is less likely to hit anything if the gun barrel is plugged.
An economist I follow has pointed out that Stephbreakfast seems to have little or no knowledge of economics. Apparently she let someone claim a multiplier of five for their activities! But it wasnt Mr.Dyson it was Newcastle Council and its spending..
It is discussed in the last paragraph here.
Our Steph seems AWOL from the office at least looking at her blog feed.
Maybe wise.
The few colleagues actually posting also seem to have opted for comments disabled.
Also wise.
If obvious.
He doesn’t mention her by name, though. However, I like how the incoming BofE boss seems to be advocating what this guy calls “inflation stability”. “Two Eds” is going to have a stroke when she sees that.
The bBBC is still attempting to hype the Moody’s AAA downgrade into a ‘story’, now because today sterling has dropped by 1% against the dollar. But it has fallen by 7% this year anyway so the credit rating has had little or no effect on the currency exchanges.
Move along, nothing to see here.
We know the markets: schoolboy economics dressed up as some profound insight into economics to justify huge salaries. Its just another: “The Pound fell today on fears that the pound would fall”
According to some commenter on Guido’s, S&P and Moody’s are both in trouble themselves, with lawsuits pending.
I know one of those was instigated by the White House for making Him look bad. Of course, both these and other big rating houses should have been discredited quite some time ago for not recognizing the mortgage bubble and giving everyone holding all that bad debt a pass for so long. But the current lawsuit is politically motivated. If not, what took them so long? The DoJ should have started this four years ago, but then it would have been harder to blame Bush.
Coffee break over.
One last share…
Kate Maclean (@dr_kate99)
25/02/2013 06:24
BBC chief: working mothers ‘should not hold senior positions’ via @Telegraph blessed be the whistleblowers
Possibly another for the compliance guys to forget about and the news editors to redact from the running order?
What’s the BBC version of ‘blue-on-blue’? ‘XXXX on XXXX’?
Richard Bacon on Twitter and a nice ‘big up’ for Sainsburys
richard bacon @richardpbacon
If you’re at home at lunchtime a friend of mine is making a new live cookery show on Channel 4. Follow @whatscookingtv. Starts 12.35pm
Just as well a BBC employee’s Twitter musings are considered to be his own views
Never let it be said that BBC presenters don’t do their homework…
Jane Garvey @janegarvey1
On a train trying to read Betty Friedan’s seminal The Feminine Mystique
Yeah left-wing tracts can be a tough read. Still, if you want to get on at work….
Certainly ‘trying to read’ carries an inherent commentary perhaps not intended.
V Drearybyshire 5live 11.40 am … is very concerned …
so she has a rep from Bhams ahem “asian” community
to report on a matter of utmost urgency? …
they had an “emercency meeting” with new police commissioner?
so they have requested ….
many more cctv, cams so we can catch any of the rising number of islamic would be mass murderers, before they
act, (particulary as the er “asian” community have been wilfully complicit in aiding said would be mass murderers, by not reporting them)?
… well! …. actually NO!
once again all the presses have been stopped, V.D. and BBC is all ears … police commissioner pulled in because of ….
… the concerns that there maybe another (non existent)
“blacklash” ?? … against “the community”??
VD listens intently to this nonsense for nearly 15mins ..
ooohhhh brother … (shakes head)
No doubt she asked her ‘guests’ about the success of the multi-billion-pound Prevent counter-terrorism strategy, aimed at encouraging the Muslim ‘community’ not to tolerate jihadis in their midst?
Nail your colours to the mast Beeboids! Well, at least on Twitter where there is a degree of deniability…
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
So has everyone decided to ignore what Hilary Mantel actually said and just portray her as bitter and mean? Tut tut. #kategate
Shelagh Fogarty @ShelaghFogarty
“@AlanMBrooks: @ShelaghFogarty Reality check Shelagh, most of us couldn’t give a toss what she said” Well I do! A brilliant woman. #mantel
To borrow the old line, what was it about the sneery media luvvie Mantel that first attracted Shelagh?
Sneary or misquoted?
Whatever she said or believes you can’t hide from the fact that ‘Wolf Hall’ is an excellent read …
I have watched the World Cycling championships from Minsk over the past three days. The BBC coverage was excellent as were the results. Informed BBC commentators ( not quite sure why an athletics triple jumper chairs proceedings) and trackside Jill Douglas was as usual friendly and asking questions that were relevant o each individual.
Come the 10PM News, and what do we get? The Newsreader pointlessly handed over the sports news to someone else when she could have introduced each item and reporter herself.
But then, over to Minsk, do we have a roundup of the championships from one of the team of experts who have been covering the events?
No! up pops someone for 15 seconds of fame, that we have never seen before. Was he flown out there just for that introduction? Or was it to keep up the tradition of the BBC having more staff at major World championships than we have competitors?
Does anyone know why the BBC does this, would it be too much to ask a highly paid on the spot already commentator to spend a minute recording a summary of the events?
Why they do it? Because they can.
It’s what I like to think of as “Sue Barker Syndrome”, as most recently seen at the Aussie Open, whereby the grunt work of quarters, semis etc is done without fuss by a couple of competent commentators who are then are joined by the supernumerary (but very well renumerated) Barker for the final.
Hazel Irvine is a frequent (and undeserving) victim of this particular fad of Auntie: maybe one day she’ll go postal on Chuckles Barker. 😉
Monica Soriano
Assistant Editor, Daytimes, BBC Radio 5 Live at BBC
Monica Soriano Monica Soriano @ScottishMon
Last shout out for people to spread the word to take part in @bbc5live show in #Eastleigh ahead of #by-election
[A left-winger replies}
K80keyhole @Manonbus
@ScottishMon I am up the road in Poole and worry that this by election will show a fissure in the coalition that grew into a chasm
[Beeboid is keen to air left-wing views on the BBC]
Monica Soriano @ScottishMon
@Manonbus thanks for the tweet. Do you know any eastleigh voters who might like to join us for our show on Thursday?
[How left-wing is Monica Soriano’s Twitter pal?]
K80keyhole @Manonbus
@vicderbyshire That is how this sick govt sees it. Fighting the man is no longer a hippy obsession do it!
K80keyhole @Manonbus
@prodnose I lobbied long and hard but guess what? My MP is a twittish Tory Boy. Love always wins so up their’s
K80keyhole @Manonbus
@tweeter_anita benefits are not the cause of unemployment, they are there to help while help is needed. IDS IS DELUDED
[Ah that’s the way to tell ’em! Sock it the Man! Tory Boys! IDS is deluded! I bet her friends will say just the right things on the balanced BBC]
very interesting I was wondering why the audiences were so partisan
V. Drearybyshire 5live 11.40 am … is very concerned …
so she has a rep from Bhams ahem “asian” community
to report on a matter of utmost urgency? …
they had an “emergency meeting” with new police commissioner?
… they have requested ….
many more cctv cams?, so we can catch any of the rising number of islamic would be mass murderers, before they
act, (particulary as the er “asian” community have been wilfully complicit in aiding said would be mass murderers, by not reporting them)?
… well! …. actually NO!
once again all the presses have been stopped, V.D. and BBC is all ears … police commissioner pulled in because of
… the concerns that there maybe another (non existent)
“blacklash” ?? … against “the community”??
VD listens intently to this nonsense for nearly 15mins
ps. in fact, this rep hilariously cites installing any cctv cameras, as “part of the problem” and their concerted previous campaign to get them all removed.
V.D. blearily drones … “oh yea i remember all that”
what is this crap!
you literally couldn t make it up
what about the MP calling for more cams , only last week
any mention?, any time for him?
Why on Earth do you listen to her? She is a Class A mental vacuum.
Turn it off before you do yourself a mischief. 😉
What is wrong with this site no has mentioned Islam at least 100 times in the last hour?
you mean “asians” ?
“Men” surely?
Your mother called. She’s told you before not to do that in public.
Yet another ‘push poll’ where a ‘charity’ found what we wanted to find and didn’t ask any questions report by the BBC…..
Cold Chips, those evil Tory bastards and their cuts mean that children are turning up to school [a decrepit school and the waifs in a few rags and barefoot of course] with only a handful of cold chips in their lunch boxes according to the Children’s food trust report published uncritically by the BBC as one of the most important stories of the day
There seems to be no evidence of a ‘before state’ where, under Labour, boxes were veritable cornucopiae stuffed with the finest viands known to humanity against which they compare the current ‘deplorable’ state of play. I am fairly certain that the school lunch box containing cold chips is not a new development*. There has always been a good levening of feckless lazy parents who do not feed their [numerous] progeny well. They didn’t just materialise as a result of those evil bastards Tories and their foul cuts
Is there any chance that this is yet another lobbying organisation advocating their own special interest being given free uncritical air time by the BBC because it is critical of the Government? Don’t forget that the BBC told us via a ‘charity’ that a huge percentage (anyone remember – 80%?) of ‘British’ children live in abject poverty and the North is awash with soup kitchens.
*I would be interested in seeing if any work has been done to establish if there is any correlation between the incidence of cold chips and the presence of mega-package satellite TV (min sixty quid a month) and massive fag consumption in the parental homes. Personally I suspect that the kids in real (or more accurately relative) poverty have better meals that the offspring of what the Victorians used to call the ‘vicious poor’.
Don’t forget their i-phones, i-pads and pods too!
Perhaps if the parent(s) didn’t spend their benefits on 24 cans of lager and 200 cigarettes a week, they’d have a little more cash to feed the kids.
Well they shouldn’t be eating chips (cold or not) – most unhealthy – so the eeeevil Govt is actually making them healthier.
Besides, the skinnier they are, the better they’ll be fitted for going up chimneys when they leave school – fatties only get stuck !
When accused of social engineering the BBC will insist that it merely reflects scoial changes. I suppose there may a grain of truth in that claim.
The BBC (still) brings us Open All Hours – no, it’s not a documentary on the UK Immigration Service – Open All Hours features the lovable Ronnie Barker as Britain’s last ever white cornershop owner.
And then there’s Ripper Street where the BBC brings us Victorian London’s first ever bewhiskered femionist Police inspector.
The BBC: Social history – but not as you know it.
This Eurosceptic Isle – The rise and rise of British Euroscepticism
Come on BBC tell us why people are not keen on the EU – it’s ‘Straight forward Europhobia’. Too stupid to know what’s good for them and led by the nose by propagands….
“here is Lord Mandelson on the role of the media
“It is very striking that the combined effect of News International, Daily Mail newspapers, the Telegraph, but in the middle of that the figure of Rupert Murdoch more importantly than any other has driven the media to a more hostile position than it was when we went into the then European Community in the 1970s.
“There are now newspapers that are just propaganda rags, there is no balance, no even-handedness. It is just straight forward Europhobia. It is bound to have an effect.”
Oh the irony, clearly the BBC doesn’t consider itself ‘media’ and of course its pay up or go to prison funded 80% dominance of the broadcast news has no socio-political engineering impact whatsoever.
Most ‘Europhobes’ that I know cite the complete absence of democracy in the EU, the financial shitstorm cause by the introduction of the Euro for politico/fedralist reasons, the manipulation of the citizenry, the corruption, the pretensions to statehood via the ‘ever closer union’ ratchet effect: these are their reasons for their euro scepticism. These are well reasoned arguments and not reiterations of banal ‘bent cucumber’ stories.
In effect the pompous ’eminence grise’ Mandleson quote is used to state the BBC position – the British people are too well informed about the EU, the proles should just do what they are told is good for them by the clever people with PPE degrees, or those that pretend that they have them.
Mandy shoots himself in the well-heeled foot…’when we went into the then European Community in the 1970s.’ ‘Then’ being the operative word, because, my word, hasn’t it grown? And in all the wrong ways. It has become a bureaucrats’ paradise, a gross impediment to the establishment of Europe as the world’s premier trading bloc. Not that Mandy should worry, in the space of a few years he’s gone from scrounging interest-free loans from New Labour chums, to an £8 million house in Regent’s Park. No, not the Zoo, although he’d be an impressive addition to the reptile house. Mission accomplished, like Blair, like Tim Yeo is now doing – massive self-enrichment. And the BBC can’t get enough of ‘I’m Mandy, fly me’. No thanks.
I notice this posting on David Icke’s website :
Does anyone know anything more about it? I’ve not seen it reported anywhere else.
Icke’s a certifiable loon. He probably believes 9/11 was down to Jews dressed up a lizards. Quick don your turquoise shell suit now ….
Best ignored.
That may be so, but is there a court case involving the bbc?
Yes. The David Icke spin on that story is mildly entertaining. The BBC was ‘in the dock’ in the sense that it, er, wasn’t. The only person in the dock was a 9/11 ‘truther’ called Tony Rooke, who refused to pay his licence fee on the grounds that the BBC had deliberately concealed what ‘actually happened’ on 9/11. The presiding magistrate ruled that all his evidence was inadmissible, on the grounds that he didn’t actually understand Section 15 of the Terrorism Act, which furthermore was utterly irrelevant to whether he paid his licence fee. It was about as ‘historic’ as the time I forgot to pay a parking fine and received a nasty letter from the council.
I don’t know why people keep bringing this up here. Tell it to the lower-level BBC staff. Plenty of them believe this stuff, while the upper management takes the Zionist/Bush story as the truth. As some are keen to point out, Mark Thompson, the former DG, is married to a Jewess (scroll down to the bio for Professor Baruch Blumberg). Remember that, before they were called out on it by this blog, the BBC’s children’s website had it that it was only a US theory that Bin Laden was behind it and it was carried out by a certain group of “Asian men”, leaving the door wide open for people to encourage their children not to believe the official US/Zionist version of events.
The Jews clearly got to the BBC after that, and they changed it, after some prompting. But you know there are still plenty of Beeboids who believe the conspiracy story. Send this stuff to them. The current climate of inner turmoil and rank-and-file trying to fight the poor management should provide a good environment to get a few Beeboids on side.
How long before this description gets redacted?
Two people have been arrested on suspicion of involvement in an acid attack on a woman in east London.
Police said they would like to speak with a potential witness who got on the 368 bus at Barking railway station and got off at Lodge Avenue about five minutes after Miss Oni. He is described as black, about 20 to 30 years old, 5ft 5in and of medium build.
Thank goodness there’s been some movement on this case. Taliban tactics come to England and the media barely deigned to notice it. There should have been maximum nationwide publicity for this attack -that kind of thing has definitely got to be nipped in the bud.
There is a report in the Mail
that the police had investigated the victim, accusing her of inflicting the injury herself. Apparently they had siezed her lap-top and found that she had recently read an article about Katie Piper who was a victim of an acid attack. QED apparently.
Why would the police check the lap top of the victim? Why would they investigate her – is her story about the Hijab bollocks or was it a disguise or was it a muslim nutter? There is plenty unsaid about this case – for instance, although she appears to be NIgerian from her name, in Jamaica acid attack by a female on a female rival is a regular method of resolutions of conflict over the ‘affections’ of a man.
I expect zero clarity and much obfuscation about this story – there are too many shibboleths here for any clarity to emerge.
You’ll get plenty of clarity once this turns out to be self-inflicted and the EDL and Islamophobes have been wrongly using this to demonize Mohammedans.
for ‘once’ don’t you mean ‘if’ – the thing is still under investigation
No, I meant what I said. I could be wrong.
“Acid attack victim Naomi Oni denies she harmed herself as two people are arrested”
In case anyone doubts my claim that Hollywood is dedicated to the President, and that any public influence the hated Fox News has pales in comparison to the power of the Left-wing mainstream media and Hollywood, look no further than last night’s Academy Awards. The First Lady presented the Best Picture Oscar with Jack Nicholson in a live feed from the White House. Rush Limbaugh and Fox News cannot match this power.
Hollywood is now the same as the Soviet Union film industry, only without the great composers. Remember this next time somebody starts whining about how much influence Fox News or Limbaugh have.
Hollywood has always been very Pink. Despite their whining about witch hunts it is quite clear that those ‘blacklisted’ in the 40’s and 50’s were indeed communists working for lovable old Uncle Joe Stalin.
The entertainment industry and the media are favoured by the left who just love shaping the ‘World View’ of the peons. The BBC, of course, has never had vile Communist stooges in its pay – like Guy Burgess
And the BBC has never changed its spots – here’s a real corker, BBC Complaints in action 1938, where a fully fledged Communist traitor arbitrates a complaint of bias by Winston Churchill. The BBC must be so proud of its values!
Whilst delving into the BBC archives – to heap irony upon irony…
‘Peter Rippon, the former editor of Newsnight, has been allocated a new role overseeing the development of the online BBC News archive.’
‘He was in charge when the programme dropped an investigation into disgraced TV presenter and DJ Jimmy Savile. ‘
His is not quite as serious a job as sorting out the World War One British Army archive, but let’s hope he doesn’t generate as much paranoia:
“In 1980, Winter became a Research Fellow at the Australian National University . [Denis Winter is the author of the heavily critical ‘Douglas Haig – a reassessment’_1991] While working there, he explains, he realised that there were materials in the Australian and Canadian archives which were NOT in the British Public Record Office. Winter has also found differences between Haig’s handwritten diary, and the official typed version. From this, he argues that the sources from which previous histories have been written are tampered-with and often entirely rewritten versions of the truth – e.g., the daily war diaries kept by all army units were often altered by the cabinet office, cabinet war minutes were rewritten, and Winter even claims that the war’s official historian deliberately destroyed documents. “
Winter is (or was: I’ve no idea whether he’s still with us) sadly a 24-carat loon on a mission. There were indeed two versions of Haig’s diaries (one written at the time and one typed up (by Lady Haig IIRC) later on. Since BOTH were freely available to researchers it’s hard to see exactly where the alleged “cover-up” was beyond Winter’s febrile imaginings.
They should have written, “he was meant to be the scapegoat when…..” This new job is his compensation, and I suppose he’s happy to still be at the BBC regardless.
Hollywood whistles and Michelle comes running. Makes you wonder who is running who, doesn’t it?
Not really. I just remember all that “I pledge allegiance to Obama” stuff. Cult of Personality combined with emotion-based ideology. Sure, the Dems need all that Hollywood cash, but they’d get it no matter what. There was a nanosecond pause in the flow of cash a while back when there was concern that the President was not openly supportive of homosexual marriage, but then He made a gesture towards it (without actually doing anything – He said it should be up to the States, curiously the only time in His career when He supported federalism) and the money started flowing again. He doesn’t have to do much at all for them to bow down and worship.
Hollywood has been wrapped around His little finger since 2008.
“From the doyenne of Hollywood bloggers, Nikki Finke, live-blogging the Oscars:-
“As if Hanoi Jane wasn’t fuel enough. Oh My God – the Academy actually fans the fire by drafting First Lady Michelle Obama to help present Best Picture from presumably the White House? So unnecessary and inappropriate to inject so much politics into the Oscars yet again. Hollywood will get pilloried by conservative pundits for arranging this payoff for all the campaign donations it gave the President’s reelection campaign. I don’t understand this very obvious attempt to infuriate right-leaning audiences. Clearly the studios only want to sell their movies to only half of America.”
On the Richard Bacon show ageing rocker Johnny Marr reveals the flood of work offers that came in after he made an anti-David Cameron Tweet.
‘My manager phoned to tell me that I’d been asked onto Newsnight and Question Time.’
Well you could have knocked me down with a feather. And there was me thinking Jools Holland might have been on the blower. Silly me. It was Paxo and Dimbles.
Poor old Johnny, he is a bit of a loose canon. As his interview with Bacon is cut off rather short his host apologises that time had to be given up to news of Britain’s triple A rating.
‘Yeah, and if I’ve heard that once, I’ve heard it a 1000 times’.
Bacon: ‘I’m sorry, that’s the way of 5 Live’
Yep, that’s the way of the BBC.
Perhaps a dedicated anti 5 Live phone in campaign would yield some amusing results. I suppose if a large group coordinated their actions the BBC could find that they had callers for a particular edition who only wanted to air points of view that the BBC found offensive. That would be a good laugh.
I heard that.
Lefty musician pal of Billy Bragg criticises Cameron and is immediately offered gigs on Newsnight and Question Time. It’s just like a Pavlovian reflex for the BBC.
Introducing the Marr feature, I heard Rasher say that Cameron had ‘interrupted his trip to India’ to comment on Marr not allowing Cameron to appreciate his work.
Bacon was also at it last Thursday, regarding the Hilary Mantell business, saying that Cameron had ‘interrupted his trip to India’ to comment on Mantell’s criticism of the Duchess of Cambridge.
No Cameron didn’t. Bacon seems to be a liar on a mission; keen to paint an unfavourable picture of Cameron for the benefit of his audience.
How does that square with the BBC’s Charter obligations?
Marr : “I don’t wanna to give any more politicians any more publicity off the back of my records, thank you very much”.
Missing the point here, Johnny. It’s the BBC using you, not the politicians. The message the BBC wants to convey to the listener/viewer is ‘Johnny Marr doesn’t like David Cameron. Nor should you’.
I must listen to this again (BBC Radio 4, “Analysis – Making the Best of a Bad Job”) BUT it seemed at first listen as if the BBC is blaming Harold Wilson and the Labour Party of destroying pride in honest toil and supporting one’s family.
A glimmer of hope or have I missed something?
Yes JimS. agree entirely.
It was the first fair and honest appraisal of the political degeneration of our working base from the BBC in…well, do tell us if anyone can remember.
I only got the last 15 mins or so, but really thought that it was some Radio 3 thing or something.
One small step for ht BBC then?
In case anyone was wondering, Radio 4 right now is having a discussion where they are establishing that, despite what you’ve heard, and despite the hadiths or anything else people like to quote from the Koran professing otherwise, Islam does not condemn homosexuality and is quite tolerant. Islam is really about justice and fairness for the poor. This is repeated over and over. There’s even “a parallel between the love of a man for a young boy, and the love of God”.
Curiously, there’s nobody involved in this discussion to take the opposite point of view. Instead, we hear from a homosexual Mohammedan who runs an “inclusive mosque” in Paris.
I know the BBC does not have to provide balance within a single programme (that’s what the complaints apparatchik reply), so I’m sure that, over time, over the long term, the BBC holds other discussions where Islamic scholars claim that their religion condemns homosexuality. Right?
Wait, sorry, one of the guests did finally speak out against homosexuality, called it a sin, but said he’s still tolerant. The whole discussion is still two against one (three against if one counts the contribution from the homosexual who runs the inclusive mosque), and even the guy who takes the conservative point of view keeps promoting tolerance, even doing the “hate the sin, but love the sinner” dance.
Will ‘Newsnight’s NUJ Father of the Chapel and virtual Greek revolutionary get on the case, and report this?:-
“Hate crime hoax in Austria: Muslims set fire to their own business and leave “racist” graffiti to mislead investigators”
A false flag operation?
Imagine if some chancer decided that was a worthy punt on blog threads?
The very idea.
check out this – 1hr 50
the new police commissioner and the fear of POSSIBLE “backlash” – POSSIBLE “- racist” incidents,(what race is islam again?) – the old chestnut of POSSIBLE effects on “community cohesion”
all a bit “boy who cried wolf”
there is an earlier post on it too.
anyone hear the desperate attempts by some white convert to deny that Islam was Homophobic? Some really really convoluted warped reasoning to get around what is a black & white situation
Homosexual activity is virtually guaranteed to be greater in societies that separate un-related members of the opposite sex. Although they barely bother to conceal it in some places, like Afghanistan, the usual policy is to use maximum discretion and not flaunt it. Tolerance of homosexuality is used as a criticism of Christianity by proselytising Muslims in sub-Sharan Africa where the local culture is strongly averse to that kind of thing: it is also a useful stick with which mullahs and ayatollahs can beat the west. The death penalty prescribed is usually applied to those who are too conspicuous in their behaviour, in a kind of ‘pour-encourager-les-autres’ kind of way, but it is always there in the background.
There’s plenty of homosexuality among the Pashtuns. The Tablian cracked down on it when they ran Afghanistan, so it’s more underground now, but “Love Thursdays” where they go for the teenage and pre-teen boys, has been tolerated by US and coalition forces for years. The dancing boys also still get plenty of work.
I’ve always wondered why the BBC hasn’t seized on all this stuff to make a bigger case for Mohammedan tolerance of homosexuality. They even once sent a Beeboid to do a special report, so we know they know all about this. Even though he easily found places with dancing boys, he tried to play it way down as being uncommon.
Surely the BBC could simply ignore the paedo angle and just do reports showing how homosexuality is tolerated in Mohammedan cultures. I wonder why they aren’t making more of an effort here if they really want to inform the public about tolerance in Islam?
I’m sure I recall a story about US special forces calling in an airstrike on some top taliban blokes after they’d obsevered them for quite a number of weeks congregating on the same weekday at the same venue time time again to bugger little boys. Best place to get them all at once.
(goes without saying not on the bbc anytime soon)
no no no
not homophobic at all
not anti christian at all
not anti jew at all
yep! all hearts and flowers
actually a tiny history lesson for all our
“far right – far right” oft offended and
squealing lefties
Newly minted Sec. of State John Kerry has butchered the name of a country straight out of the gate in his new job. Curiously, none of the Beeboids who enthused over his appointment are tweeting snark about his slip of the tongue the way they did about Sarah Palin.
The double standard is clear, as always.
They could argue that he was merely coining a portmanteau generic term for godforsaken central Asian republics. I once heard an actor demonstrate his all purpose Nordic accent, which he called ‘Scandiwegian.’