One of my pet hates. You can’t blame NR and the BBC really because even Conservatives do it too, it’s an official alternative name; I’ve been telling them to never say Tory for 15 years because the opposition use it as a dirty word but you can’t win.
Don’t forget, hardcore muslims are ‘conservatives’, and those who oppose hardcore muslims in the west and abroad are also ‘conservatives’. Neat, eh? Great bit of semantics from the lefties.
And don’t forget the hard line communists in the Kremlin when the USSR still existed were described as “conservatives”. It is a subtle way of smearing the word by assoication. In a similar way the left like to adopt the word “progressive”. Compare and contrast…
You’d certainly be unlikely to come across phrases like ‘the liberal wing of the Taliban’ or ‘more progressive members of the Muslim Brotherhood’ on the Beeb or anywhere else for that matter. The best they can manage is ‘moderate’.
May I rescue this from the dying embers of the last Open Thread?
After filling their output with anti-government stories about Moody’s downgrading the UK’s credit rating, the bBBC doesn’t seem to have found space to report that Moody’s has now issued an alert over the state of the BBC’s own finances!
Moody’s has downrated three property companies, for whose buildings the BBC is the sole tenant, from Aa3 to A1. They said the decision was made because of a judgement about the future financial health of the BBC, whether or not the BBC would have its charter renewed, and the deficit in the BBC’s pension scheme which has doubled in the past year.
‘…and the deficit in the BBC’s pension scheme which has doubled in the past year’.
There was a sneering report on BBC North West News last night about Pilkington’s, the St Helens glass manufacturer, who have a shortfall in their pension scheme. According to the report the choice for employees was to have their pension rights ‘butchered’ (BBC’s choice of language) or their pay frozen indefinitely. Cue interview with Scouse union clone who saw it all as completely unacceptable, strike action inevitable etc. No challenge, no research into what the pension fund deficit might be, no suggestion that the company might not have a choice etc etc.
So I wonder how the corporation will resolve its own deficit? A bit of butchering perhaps, or maybe a wage freeze?
They’ve already sacked a lot of the natives in various countries, retaining only hideously white correspondents. It was to pay for their new studios in London and Salford, er, the toricutz.
We have Tim Iredale reporting in our area. Since 2010 he enjoys reporting ‘the Cuts’, ‘the bedroom tax’ etc etc with such a sneer that I guess his politics are left of Paul Mason.
The Trustees put the increase in the deficit down to the Eurozone crisis, lower prospects for economic growth and very low interest rates. Sound familiar? So where’s the BBC’s Plan B? It can only be out of our pockets. The BBC paid an additional £60m to recover the deficit which, at £2.6bn, will take about 50 years. I’m surprised the Pensions Regulator allowed that unless they assumed unconditional government support. One hopes that all these “stars” and “personalities” who previously operated as self employed and are now employed, are offered the same pension benefits as most others are these days ie two parts of bugger all.
Labour came fourth in the Eastleigh by-election in spite of fielding a high profile candidate – we didn’t hear much about it in the segment I heard of the Today programme.
Caught 15 or so minutes of a programme on R4 yesterday morning. Introducing an item on India, the presenter informed us (paraphrased) ‘Climate change affects different countries in different ways, so in Britain for example we are seeing lots more snow….’
This was said so casually and so matter-of-factly, anybody who still believes in BBC impartiality and has never heard of 28gate (the majority of listeners to R4, I would guess), would take what she said as scientific fact as opposed to the latest environmentalist propaganda designed to divert attention from 17 years of no discernible warming.
This is the BBC in action: arrogantly ignoring science and slavishly and shamelessly pursuing an AGW agenda agreed with their eco-socialist friends at at a secret meeting they claimed was with ‘some of the world’s top climate scientists’.
And they continue to get away with it.
The BBC – bringing climate lies into your living room.
Although I’m pleased that UKIP did well as I have little time for Cameron, the Conservatives didn’t do too badly in my opinion: A deeply unpopular government (with the MSM constantly attacking it) in mid-term, a huge upsurge in UKIP support and the fact that it was a Lib Dem seat at the last election with no doubt Labour voters voting dirtilly (I mean tactically) for the Libbies. They were still only some 3000 behind the winner.
the bbc were busy promoting J “the plank” Kerry and “little willy” W Vague, braindead foray into giving lots of help and aid to the fascist jihad plot … er i mean freedom fighters in Syria. yesterday.
The BBC can always be relied upon to give the hard left a hearing.
And Comrade Loach, a supporter of the far left (Trotskyist?) Socialist Resistance was able to rely on QT’s ‘balanced’ audience selection to ensure his revolutionary message was enthusiastically received – as was the hopeless Angela Eagle who word for word echoed Loach’s left of Labour thinking.
The BBC finally admitted a few months back that the notorious QTs audiences are selected to reflect the local political landscape. As Labour accounted for less than 10% of that landscape in Eastleigh, what went wrong last night, I wonder?
And suspicions about Dimbleby’s lack of impartiality will not have been assuaged given his performance last night. I don’t doubt that he was write to ask the annoying Claire Perry to pipe down, but he did so in a very Bercowesq and pointed manner – labouring his request unnecessarily, while letting Eagle mutter on and interrupt throughout, only at the end of the show stepping in, and then directing his comments at both Eagle and Perry.
In fairness tough, Dimbleby did repeatedly asked Eagle to clarify her / Labour’s position on EU bank bonus legislation, a question that she disrespectfully and repeatedly refused to answer.
No doubt the Beeboids, watching last night, will be out of the traps and on to this today. I’ll keep listening for the answer.
Given what happened yesterday on the passing of a violent robbery mastermind, the reaction of the BBC to this chap’s less stellar achievements in homage come the time will be redactastic.
Saw the police head honcho reading out a statement on SKY.
One can only presume the good citizens of SA are feeling suitably reassured by the commitment to positive discrimination in law and order market rate talent that this individual represented.
Be interesting how many ‘reporters’ ask if dragging by van is the new ‘falling down the stairs’, and if it is by the same race does that make it all OK by therefore not being racist.
“The outside world is black and white
With only one colour dead”
There have been changes, but… for the better?
“And the eyes of the world are
watching now”
Rather uniquely, some eyes too often still closed when things don’t suit.
Two wrongs do not make a right, but they can show what else is wrong.
The BBC was talking about ”Net” immigration yesterday. The word ” Net ” is a nasty little word.
Take for example, 500,000 White Britons left the country and 500,000 Africans / muslims came in. The ”Net ” immigration would be Zero. But you and I know the demographics of the nation would have be altered .
To make an analogy, if you have a shopping basket with 6 apples in it, take them out and replace them with 6 oranges , you may still have 6 items in your basket, but it’s not the same, is it ?
Net immigration is deliberately designed to mislead ordinary people and it seems to be working working. So many people still do not understand how it works.
The actual figures for last year were 300,000 leaving (mostly indigenous) and still over 500,000 coming in – about 10% less than last year, a pitiful reduction.
Mostly focussed on London, of course – or should I say Londonistan
“BBC Radio 4. And now ‘Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation’, with Jeremy Hardy.
Younger listeners might find it helpful to know that ‘Thatcher’, referred to several times in the programme, is actually Baroness Thatcher, who, as Margaret Thatcher, was Britain’s first and only female Prime Minister and the longest serving of the 20th century, winning three elections with the largest share of the popular vote.
Mr. Hardy’s contrarian position, based on a personal hatred, has been served up thinly disguised as comedy for the last 34 years, which might lead older listeners to think that this is a repeat of a Radio 4 Extra programme, when, actually, it is new.
Very young listeners may care to write into Chris Evans’ ‘Five Hundred Words’ giving reasons why this ‘never-been’ is still on Radio 4. And now…”
Two for the price of one – the Beeb seemed to broadcast Mark Steel’s lectures, rewriting history along SWP lines for what seemed like an eternity. (with repeats on 4extra).
Wiki actually has a list of the people who’s lives he caricatured, distorted and mocked (unless of course they were radical heroes.)
Hardy: “I like the Black ones”
Steel: “Yes, so do I”
Hardy: “I like the ones that are poorer than me”
Steel: “Yes, so do I”
Hardy: “I hate the ones that are not poorer than me”
Steel: “Yes, it’s the Americans not in poverty, that I dislike most about America.
Hardy: “Yes, if only America could learn from the 20th Century experiments in creating a socialist paradise where everyone is poor except true socialists like us.
Steel: Yes, I agree.
Hardy: “I hate the ones that that make me fell inferior”
Steel: “Yes, so do I”
Hardy: “Obama is nice”
Steel: “Yes, he is isn’t he”
Hardy: “I now like the Democrates”
Steel: “Yes, I too now like the Democrates”
Often called ‘Fatcher’, and usually mentioned in the same breath as ‘Tory Cutz’. The ‘z’ on ‘cutz’ is very important, as it means the cuts are fundamentally evil beyond redemption.
Something for the weekend.
I have come, belatedly compared to some noble souls, to be interested in the potential of the FOI Act.
And in researching it, stumbled across all sorts of interesting, albeit overwhelming things in the cornucopia it can throw up.
The BBC of course is in there, and as befits such a unique entity, it should come as no surprise that those who have already brought us 28Gate exclusions and Pollard redactions would appear to be still spewing out an enigmatic collection of attrition volume, semantics, bizarre exclusions, etc.
But already a few things have piqued my interest, though for now more of a ‘asking questions’ variety.
I do hope it is alright to share, especially as some may be able to shine lights where there is darkness or point in directions where there are barriers placed, from novel claims to odd failures to reply when required, to plain silly games like being a £4Bpa media empire that has no access to scanners or transcription facilities fit for the new media e-age.
Let’s start here:
My first question is, is this it? Certainly the text suggests it is: Recent disclosures
Underneath which three cases are highlighted, from 2010-11.
Just three, from over two years ago?
Thing is, how does the BBC claim here get rationalised with the factual data here?:
Because I can immediately see a few more, and more recently.
Some refused, some ‘awaiting classification’ (good old Balen getting an outing… well, more of a side-stepping out and back in again), but some ‘successful’ (if often only ‘partially’. And look at the snotty reply on the PDF on this one, showing where many grammar nazi flokkers here spend their day jobs when not on the BBBC site: ). I’d presume that, while any pending may not yet feature, why are success and failures not on the BBC site?
There are also some headed, intriguingly, ‘Awaiting response’.
Looks like the obliged deadline was missed last Tuesday there.
But there are others:
This one appears to have been ‘delayed’, whatever the distinction may be.
So far the reason for the delay appears to be… because there is a delay.
The spirit of the ‘Beware of the Leopard’ files is alive and well here too. Response to this request is delayed. By law, British Broadcasting Corporation should normally have responded promptly and by 1 February 2013 (details)
Though how delay is defined needs clarifying: ‘We acknowledge that this was sent to you outside of the 20 working day deadline as dictated by the FOI Act, and any internal review will find as such’
I have to say the parallels with the BBC CECUTT system in terms of reply & strategies adopted seem awfully familiar.
Douglas Adams’ satire was biting, funny, and fiction.
The BBC reality version appears more tragic farce.
It is clear some are using it for rather flippant reasons, but seem to be getting a reply, or excuse, anyway.
It may be interesting to see the FOI used, via this system than the BBC’s rather behind the curve, redacted internal version, on matters of weightier concern to those interested in how the BBC arrives at its accuracy and objectivity in reporting for the purposes of information and education.
Already a list of FOI compliant topics is springing to mind, from how the reliability of BBC ME stringers are assessed and verified, to what resources may be deployed internally on, say, monitoring critical blogs and posters.
Of course, they can always claim they are right because they are right and ban a soul, as I suspect this chap may soon discover:
The BBC has form in taking its ball away when really unable to respond.
It may be interesting to see what one government quango (The ICO) has to say about what is essentially another (the BBC).
Power holding power to account wise.
I think I’ll bookmark that one.
So maybe when his dad emerged from the tepee where his squaw had just given birth, he was expecting to see a field full of sheep, but they’d all been rustled. So his original name ‘Ey up, there’s not a f***ing sheep left in that field’, was shortened at mum’s insistence to something more acceptable.
I meant to ask when you mentioned this on another thread, but when is a name just a name?
If there is a requirement for correspondence purposes to have an email address I can certainly see that as fair enough. As to ‘names’, OK, but often this can get silly.
We’ve had blue rinse ladies suddenly arrive here on this site telling anyone with an avatar they are cowards, when frankly Mrs T’s Handbag could be a trucker called Trev for all anyone knows, or Colditz is actually Helen Boaden’s personal FoI excluder.
As I keep saying, I really don’t care, as it is the power of the argument that matters.
The BBC also rather needs to get its act together on its data protection obligations.
Already on Pollard we have the BBC Trust saying they shouldn’t be going via external bodies, whilst they clearly appear to also feel the need to trawl the ether for any BBC critics and then attempt to make daft connections.
Does anyone recall the pre – .org era main post, where David had been contacted by the BBC who were muttering darkly about him quoting a BBBC emailer’s complaint?
I have it somewhere, as the whole thing was bizarre, as much for their presumption they could crush free speech as the paranoia that prompts them to try and hunt it down and crush it.
‘Latest tricks’ seems to be a BBC thing, and after such as the ‘we can’t make a scan readable’ stunt on Pollard redaction details, that went down so well from the Indy to Graun, their stock for playing silly buggers in cover up is running very thin.
‘Here’s an invitation from me to the BBC Complaints Department. If you seek to have those of us who pay your salary to better understand you and your ways, be transparent. If you think I am being unfair, please feel free to comment here and put your case. I won’t ban you for two years…
Now, what lessons have they learned since?
Expedite, ban, block. redact….
Lots of links, especially embedded ones (not that you did that here) seem to be common in spam bot efforts, although not the kind this site generally seems to get. Still, better safe than sorry.
Bbc news at one: almost in tears for a poor woman who got shagged by an undercover police plant. Well who’d have thunk it, she opened her legs under false pretences, and now shes claiming 6 years of psychological torture. Oh FFS what is this country coming to?
Heard the tail end of this on Today. The gist of it seemed to be that going to bed with an undercover police officer who was investigating her links with animal rights groups, or some such, had led to psychiatric conditions.
I’d suggest these conditions were possibly already present. But no challenge was made and the desired message was allowed to stand.
As I posted the other day, the BBC’s campaign to have a minimum price for alcohol imposed on the nation continues unabated.
Today yet another headline on the Corporation’s propaganda site is devoted to the ravings a bunch of self-appointd health Nazis, under the headline:
“UK-wide alcohol unit price call
There should be a pan-UK strategy to combat problematic drinking – including a 50p minimum price for a unit of alcohol, experts say.”
Perhaps one of the little cabal of BBC sycophants that infest this site might like to explain why only one side of the debate receives such endless, lavish and gratuitous promotion?
I wonder how they decided to advocate for this policy – a group of the ‘finest scientific minds’ perhaps, or a room filled with tee-total fanatics? Apparently the Aussies are in on this too
Gt ready for the annual ‘Organ Harvest Festival’ where they tell you that ‘Presumed Consent’ (opt-out) is essential in two weeks of stories and op-ed pieces.
(I presumed that it was ok to debit his account as he didn’t respond to my Spam e-mail your honour}
I doubt there are any tee-totalers at the BBC, or at least involved in these decision-making processes. They just want to control the masses, and this is a good way to do it.
I also noticed that the magazine article about Australia isn’t so much about moderation, but about ceasing alcohol consumption altogether. What happened to moderation? Again, the nomenklatura and mandarins simply don’t trust the masses to enjoy drinking in moderation, so they want to stop them doing it entirely. There will be no such sobriety at the BBC or in government.
Good move. Hope it becomes law and that the press have fun with the invoices and hopefully undermine any vestige of public trust in the BBC that remains. It will be interesting to see which MPs oppose this.
The BBC is the only organisation NOT to be transparent shocker. ‘Is the BBC like a local authority – critics would say you are trying to pick at the BBC here’
Which ‘critics’ would be saying this, luv?
This barking woman’s line of questioning was a hoot.
The ‘but we’re unique!!!’ was palpable.
Gaby rightly points out it can be easily bent to £499.99, or a round trip taxi to Salford, so really it’s not worth doing as they can fiddle it easily. Plus ca change, then?
And the BBC hasn’t a clue how many they employ… which may make their odd dissembling over immigration figures more explicable if not any more excusable.
I enjoyed this. Thanks, George. Cairns made great points about the waste of the battalion of Beeboids covering the US elections and the competitive, jealous fiefdoms preventing the sharing of resources and information (Newsnight/Savile/Panorama, anyone?) and leading to wasteful duplication of efforts (US election coverage, for example). Jo Coburn clearly had some prepared lines of defense there, and her biggest one was an absolute joke. Revealing expenses would put the BBC at a disadvantage in a commercial environment? The 900-pound gorilla at a disadvantage? Please. Very revealing of the BBC mindset.
Although I think somebody at the BBC was not happy about Andrew Neil’s handing over a list of expenses. He was obviously doing it to show they had nothing to hide, but some website Beeboid wrote that he “appeared to help” Cairns’ campaign. They sure are jittery these days.
‘They sure are jittery these days’
Getting nailed as being the only non-transparent corporation in the village will tend to do that.
Especially when the BBC’s main schtick is holding others to account when it isn’t and doesn’t want to be.
That little hypocrisy crops up quite a lot these days.
As mentioned, whoever goes over parapet against this on the BBC’s behalf will be telling.
I was very impressed by the glottal stops the R3 newsreader inserted into some of their names. They seem to delight in getting the pronunciation of vaguely exotic monikers just right, for some reason.
I’m sure everyone will be delighted to hear that the 10.30AM desert island disc-type spot that they have on new dumbed down R3 will feature Germaine Greer for five days next week (apparently International Wimmin’s Day is on the 4th).
Classic FM should expect a sudden spike in morning audience figures.
Muslim groups in the country, which were often criticized during the cartoon furor for not speaking out against violence and even deliberately fanning the flames, raised their voices to condemn the attack on Mr. Hedegaard and support his right to express his views, no matter how odious.
This is massive. And it’s precisely the kind of thing the BBC should be trumpeting from the rooftops instead of trying to get your daughters to wear the hijab for a day. This is how you do social cohesion, BBC, not your misguided nonsense. If the BBC doesn’t cover this, it’s a serious failure of journalism.
‘If the BBC doesn’t cover this, it’s a serious failure of journalism”
Given we are now in an era of BBC Redactions, with the odd bit of news scattered about every so often, would such a failure of editorial omission even get noticed?
“A new low in a sorry mainstream medias record full of nadirs — a particularly craven new apologia for the thuggery of Islamic supremacists and jihadists: “Danish Opponent of Islam Is Attacked, and Muslims Defend His Right to Speak,” by Andrew Higgins for the New York Times
‘The writer, who for several years edited a mainstream Danish daily, Information, is a major figure in what a study last year by a British group, Hope Not Hate, identified as a global movement of “Islamophobic” writers, bloggers and activists whose “anti-Muslim rhetoric poisons the political discourse, sometimes with deadly effect.
Hope Not Hate are looking to the full implementation of Leveson so they can raise complaints against journalists whom they feel are stigmatising Islam, in the hope their continuing actions will censor all criticism of the religion.
Having been libelously described as an Islamophobic demoniser of Muslims with EDL connections (which I have not) I’m a little hesitant to point out that if this resulted in a sustained and systematic programme of teaching against violence by teachers in mosques, convincingly arguing against those who interpret Islamic core texts as prescribing violence, it might be massive. Otherwise we have the example of the East London Mosque issuing statements of support for gay rights while continuing to invite preachers to talk who want gays killed, or the Pakistani speaker in New York a week ago who said that the British Muslim community almost all faked their horror at 9/11 while privately being very pleased indeed. Assuming sincerity on their part, I suspect there is an element of denial as to what their religion actually teaches at work.
Fair concern, but it looks like this is more than that. Nobody organized a pro-homosexual rally in East London. If the BBC can do a whole programme claiming that even conservative Mohammedans tolerate homosexuals and welcome them into their mosques, they can cover this as well.
I’ve posted several times on here in the past about the incessant reporting by BBC North West news about the savagetorycutz in the region, Manchester Council in particular getting more than its fair share of propaganda time to moan about having to close libraries, swimming pools, reducing ‘services’ for the ‘most vulnerable’ etc. Thus for example:
My point has always been that if the BBC is genuinely impartial, and if it is really the home of the ‘world’s finest investigative journalism’, they could challenge councils like Manchester on what they AREN’T cutting, so Joe Public can start to take a view on whether they’ve got their priorities right.
Well, surprise surprise, leafing through my local rag this week I came across a feature on a local school who had just had an eco-event celebrating the installation of a wildlife habitat part of which enabled them to observe the local birdlife, spot different species etc etc. Fair enough. But who should be there to open the event? None other than a member of Manchester Council’s Climate Change Team.
Now how they escaped the savagetorycutz is anybody’s guess, and knowing the BBC it will continue to be so, for at least 2 good reasons…
Your council seems to spend almost as much on asylum seekers as it does on libraries and community centers combined. One assumes they’re forced by law to do one at the expense of the other.
You also have to include however much of the £18m that goes to “Other adult Social Services – asylum seekers – lone adults”. And then wonder how much of the “children” spending goes to children of asylum seekers, since they seem to spread it out over different categories.
Yes BBC North west are at the forefront of what I consider to be biased reporting. I assume you are in their viewing area like me. I have made several complaints in the past specific to North West.
I am slightly confused over another connected issue. Just how many weather forecasters do they have?
BBC 18:00 news. Oh no the sky is going to fall in the Don Valley stadium is due to shut. As it’s costing a subsidy of £5.00 per visitor. Olympic heroes speak out- yes but no one will ask them if they want to put cash up for it.
So much for the much vaunted enthusiasm and halo effect from the Olympics. Did many people actually give a toss apart from the massive cost.
i would like to imagine this with sheeela foglegity
or nikki panto …. of course you won t have it, with the bbc it would just be a second hand second rate hatchet job, like “europes most dangerous man”
“if people in australia are as ignorant as you, you will have a very tough time in the future – and you can laugh about it..but its more ignorance than wisdom sir”
… indeed. ie not on bbc anytime soon.
When was Turkey a Christian Nation ?
Don’t forget that the Ottoman Turks gave sanctuary to the Spanish Sephardic Jews when the Catholics in Iberia were massacring them !
Not strictly Turkey and not strictly a nation but Byzantine Anatolia was conquered and to a greatextent de-Christianised in a piecemeal and violent way over centuries from 1071 by the Seljuks, and later the Ottomans. Even now the Turks are surreptitiously destroying ancient Christian churches in the centre of the country. There were no massacres of Jews at the time of the expulsion from Spain in 1492 and, if not as many as went to the Ottoman Empire, thousands of Jews went to France, Italy, the Netherlands, other parts of Europe and even the Americas.
Al Qaeda’s ‘Inspire’ weblog has a ‘wanted dead or alive’ list of 11 names next to the slogan ‘Yes we can: a bullet a day keeps the infidel away.’ Two of the names, Gert Wilders and Ayaan Hersi Ali, share the distinction of also having been given the public-enemy-number-one treatment by BBC interviewers.
Just as things were getting interesting : ‘….a video in South California and people in Egypt are getting offended? …’s just not credible’.
Kirsty Wark: ‘…. I’m afraid we have to stop you there…’
just as an adage …. “if people in australia are as ignorant as you” … was a swipe at the snide behaviour of the “laughing boy” O Keefe,
he has praised the wonderful reception, he has received from his audiences, and the vast majority there, of course the issue of UAF style idiots is ongoing, & as you can see on occasion, TV media isn t any real assistance in that regard.
when listening top O Keefe “this isn t europe” and moderate/radical muslim seems to be the misguided mantra doesn t it.
thank goodness for that eh!
thats alright then
Radical islam in Australia
Vigilante’s to enforce Sharia Law
Mark Mardell has admitted (inset “Analysis”) that the President’s “whole strategy is to divide Republicans and paint them as intransigent wreckers.”
Anyone following Mardell’s reporting will know this already, because that’s exactly how he’s been reporting it all along.
And the lie is still there.
But Republicans contend that the president and his advisers created and proposed the idea of the cuts during budget negotiations in 2011.
Since both Katty Kay and Mardell have previously pushed this falsehood, and it’s now in this article written by yet another allegedly impartial journalist, one has to assume that this lie is now accepted truth at the BBC. The bias is institutional.
In case anyone still doubts the BBC’s partisan dishonesty, you can click this link and see video of the White House spokesman admitting that the President and His team proposed the idea.
Defenders of the indefensible continue to remain predictably silent.
The UKIP showing in Eastleigh should give the liberal elites cause for concern. They, and the BBC of course, see it as a defection from the hated Tories and of no real consequence. I see it as a healthy sign that there is a real and growing true conservative vote in rural and suburban England.
This should make the current elites pause as they contemplate ever more bizarre social engineering and policies that lack any foundation in reality. It won’t of course and it will hopefully mean the end of the current Tory party and the long overdue counter revolution against the worst excesses of the most selfish and stupid generation in English history.
Just heard on the 7pm news on 5dead that libs came first,ukip second,evil tories 3rd but nothing about who came 4th.I wonder why.Going on about what a mess the tories are but labour didn’t get a mention.
Good to hear from you again, Grant. Comments seem busier than ever and the siteseems to have attracted a few trolls more interested in disruption than debate. Must be ruffling a few feathers!
Roland , great to touch base. I am just back in UK for a few weeks , then home to Gambia. I get my news on satellite there from , mainly France 24 and CNN China. Both vastly superior to the BBC’s pitiful news output.
I am am amazed at the BBC’s handling of the Saville scandal, appointment of Purnell and all other matters. Well, actually , not amazed.
On a local matter, can’t believe the Edinburgh Tramway !
Sky’s political editor Adam Boulton was screwing Blair’s old squeeze, Anji Hunter (of 10 Downing Street and BP) for years before making an honest woman of her in 2006. Anji has talent – organising an oil war for BP and supplying Labour Party propaganda to Boulton.
So many things going on that the BBC (and no doubt Cameron etc) would rather we we didn’t know too much about.
The case of Aaron Dugmore, nine years old, reported to have killed himself after being bullied for being white, is a case in point. Did this really happen, or did The Sun just make it up? Worse than Stephen Lawrence, IMO.
Yes terribly sad case and disgusting the lack of BBC coverage – but predictable. If the victim is white and British and the perpetrators are Asian/Black the BBC simply isn’t interested. It’s only concern is to continue to brainwash the sheeple into conforming to the Marxist multicultural swindle.
Listening to BBC “Today” this morning (whilst waiting for “Sounds of the Sixties” on Radio 2) – there was a news item about a hole that had appeared in a Florida bedroom, swallowing some unfortunate resident.
What I found most interesting, was the size of the hole, and how it grew smaller and bigger again, on successive newscasts:
Radio 4 08:00: “…an 18 metre diameter hole…”
Radio 2 09:00: “…a hole, 34 feet in diameter…”
Radio 2 10:00: “…a 6 metre diameter hole…”
If they can’t get THAT consistently right, what chance is there of them getting anything else right?
It is odd, because when it comes to large and/or deep and/or expanding holes, the BBC appears to have considerable experience now, albeit more from the bottom. Not to make light of what seems the victim’s fate, but maybe they can get the full Chilean mine reporting squad back together and mount a search whilst down there?
Here’s something from Fox News! Fox News! Waah!….but is really mostly what they got off the AP feed which, undoubtedly, the BBC gets as well. And it’s from yesterday:
The sinkhole, estimated at 20 feet across and 20 feet deep, caused the home’s concrete floor to cave in around 11 p.m. Thursday as everyone in the Tampa-area house was turning in for the night.
A more first-hand and updated account from CNN reveals this:
The sinkhole is about 20 feet to 30 feet across and may be 30 feet deep, said Bill Bracken, president of an engineering company assisting emergency workers. The hole was originally reported to be 100 feet across, but that is the diameter of the safety zone surrounding it, Bracken said.
So the story “evolved” a little bit. I don’t think any of those numbers you cite is anywhere near 100 feet. The closest is the 6 meters.
The BBC has had access to both these and plenty of other reports since yesterday. They’re reporting this because it helps their Warmist agenda, like how they reported a different “sinkhole” recently which was actually an old well. Otherwise, why is this news for a UK audience?
Either way, it’s clear that on US news the BBC could easily be replaced by a news aggregator. If anyone complained, they could even blame it on the budget cuts.
The BBC bringing Left -wing politics to every area of our lives.
We hear that the Prime Minister enjoys his sport. To pinch a much over used BBC phrase…. ‘David Cameron took time out from his trip to India to…..’ put a bit of willow to leather.
If I were ever able to carry out my dearest political wish it would be to place David Cameron in a sealed room for 18 hours with nothing but a wireless tuned to nothing but BBC Radio 4 and 5 Live. He would not be allowed any sharp or indeed any blunt instruments. I would look forward to finding out if he still loves the BBC after that day long stint. Or perhaps we would learn once and for all whether or not he is a Tory.
Among the many delights to be gleaned from a day spent with BBC radio the PM would certainly hear all about one of our national treasures (Gosh but there are so many of them!) Jessica Ennis and her brave and righteous fight against Toricutz (well, the Sheffield local council) and plans to shut ‘The Don Valley Stadium’. (Olympic legacy anyone?)
Jessica Ennis….Toricutz…..Sheffield. Wow what an easy job this must be for the BBC NUJ journalists. This stuff really does write itself.
Just the other day – I don’t have all the details because I don’t sit next the radio with a note pad and pen – but I heard Radio 5 discuss this Harlem Globetrotter…. well, he was globe trotting… to North Korea.
‘North Korea has released photographs of its leader Kim Jong-un meeting retired US basketball player Dennis Rodman.’
North Korea get few tourists these days and the lucky few all get to meet the Dear Leader Kim. He got a hug. That’s the long and the fat of the story.
Now you might have thought that the BBC were rather keen on Sports Sanctions and the isolation of rogue states….eg Israel and South Africa (I’m thinking of the old S Africa before the cops started shooting people and dragging them behind police vans and beating them to death – but I digress).
Don’t play sport with the bad guys? But no no no, not in North Korea’s case. A BBC invitee is shooting the breeze (or some hoops) with some second string stand-in for Nicky Campbell or Richard Bacon or one of the many 5 Live female Plastic Paddies and they agree what a good thing this story is!
Let’s have more sports people in politics. Not standing for election or anything fuddy duddy like real democracy, mind you. (I paraphrase). We want to hear ‘speaking out’. The BBC droid knows his office culture and wants more BBC gigs and simpers in agreement ‘Good Stuff’ he says.
BBC : We want sports people ‘speaking out’ on political matters. You see where this is going? Of course you do. He (and I do wish I had caught the name of this talking head and his BBC hack enabler) don’t actualy want to hear Lewis Hamilton’s ruminations on the 45p tax band. They don’t want Lionel Messi voicing doubts about the concept of so-called ‘gay marriage’.
No they only want Left-wing comments from the jocks.
The BBC brought politics to science – 28-Gate.
They brought politics to economics – Paul Mason.
The BBC bringing Left-wing politics to sport.
Ah, but that was from their ‘latest modelling studies‘ (2007).
As we know, there have been several iterations of their ‘modelling’ since then – mainly to take account of real-world evidence.
Very surprised, though, that this article hasn’t been consigned to The Memory Hole (though I suppose in broadcast terms it has, because you never, ever hear acknowledgement by the Beeb that the Warmists ever, ever get it wrong).
Obama conflated tropes from Star Trek and Star Wars during his press briefing. “And I know that this has been some of the conventional wisdom that’s been floating around Washington that somehow, even though most people agree that I’m being reasonable, that most people agree I’m presenting a fair deal, the fact that they don’t take it means that I should somehow do a Jedi mind-meld with these folks and convince them to do what’s right,” he told reporters.
A cardinal sin. Never mind the petulant buck-passing. This is unforgivable, a character flaw.
Imagine if Sarah Palin had done this. The Beeboids would be twittering away about it.
Justin Webb discussed the Queen’s current illness with the Peter Hunt (BBC Royal Correspondent) at around 07:16 on the BBC R4 Today Programme this morning (02/03).
Got the feeling that Justin is not a massive monarchist. Discussing the planned visit (that may now be canceled due to the illness) to Italy:
PH : …..”And -er- rumour has it that the former communist the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has a picture of the Queen in his office, in his formal office, [JW giggles in background] and is very fond of her.
JW: [Laughter] “Why? Do we know?”
PH: “I think he is impressed with-by her is my understanding and -um- he extended the private invitation to her. She accepted. He retires in -err- May. And so the visit was a very short – it was a flying visit…………And then was meant to have-hold talks and have a private lunch with the president.”
JW: “Well let’s hope she gets there. If only for [pause] his sake but also I suppose hers. Peter Hunt thanks”.
well unlike that bloody dale farm palava … the mancs are not an “effnic minority” … oh dear, AND they are
“hideously white” oh dear dear AND they do not all conform to the stricture of allah .. oh dear dear dear …
so the only bbc way to portray them … is well …
appallingly … if only they had a “little englander” spokesman they would have a full house of wet pants
at the bbc.
A list of songs banned by the BBC over the years some understandable others baffling did they really ban Lulu’s Bomm Bang a Bang & Cher’s Bang Bang during the gulf war because they didn’t want associations with war?
As for the truly shocking ‘With my little ukelele in my hand’ well I think we can all see the reasons for banning that!
‘Islamist militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar ‘killed in Mali”
I’m often confused by the BBC’s enigmatic use of scare quotes – perhaps a CoJo seminar is due?
Are the BBC suggesting that this individual has not been killed? Or is it questionable whether he was killed in Mali – it might have been elsewhere? If the BBC are questioning the veracity of their own story then why publish the report at all?
No BBC news report is complete without some BBC name editorialising for us dumbos….
‘If confirmed, the death would be a major blow to Islamist militants in Mali, the BBC’s West Africa correspondent Thomas Fessy says’
There we go, Islamist militant again. And is it my imagination or is there a slight sense of regret in the statement?
Of course we know what’s going on here. The BBC now thinks it is a world news provider and will bend over backwards not to appear to take sides in the battle between Terrorists and the rest of us.
Amusingly the only issue that seems to upset Al-Auntie-Beeb is the illegal ciggie smuggling
‘He is also known as “Mr Marlboro” because of his alleged role in cigarette smuggling in the region. ‘
Amusing once more that the BBC don’t even have the bottle to tell us outright that Mr Marlboro is a snout baron “alleged role”
Excuse my impatience, but BBC – get off the fucking fence for once!
One small grain of comfort can be gained from the fact that Frank Gardner, in the ‘analysis’ section refers to ‘he and his jihadist followers.’The president of Chad is quoted in the main article as referring to ‘a jihadist base’ as well. American Islamic organisations have been running an ad campaign to sanitise the word jihad, saying it means, to Muslims, things like the struggle to get the kids ready for school on time or keep fit while following a busy work schedule. Nice to see even the Beeb isn’t joining that piece of misinformation spreading.
I switched on the TV today to find the film “Doctor in the House” showing on BBC2, a gentle British film of the 1950s.
One of the medical students (Benskin) had been a bit rash with his chatting up of a nurse on night duty and to his horror realised that he had made a marriage proposal (how quaint!) and he had been accepted. Oh dear, what to do? He consults one of his fellow students and a plan (not revealed) is decided upon. Later we see an exhausted Benskin, he has achieved his still unrevealed goal!
Cut to the nurses home. The nurse who has accepted Benskin’s proposal enters clutching her flowers from Benskin. “Guess, what? Tony Benskin proposed to me!” Cut to group of nurses facing the newcomer and one bending down with her back to the door. Cut to a completely different scene.
What was Benskin’s plan? Did he manage to get out of his engagement? Well I’m afraid ‘aunty’ isn’t telling so a whole story line dies for no apparent reason. We plebs can’t be trusted to know the secret in this ‘Brave New World’.
Now if you all promise not to riot or engage in inappropriate behaviour I will let you into the secret, even though it might scar you for life. Ready? I warned you!
[Benskin rushes around all the other wards and hands a flower to all the duty nurses and proposes to them too! Clever! Oh the nurse bending down might possibly have not been born in these isles.]
“Through the Equality Trust, participatory photography groups were established in London, Milton Keynes, the West Midlands and Merseyside. These groups consisted of people with an interest in the subjects of inequality and photography and who were keen, like me, to experiment and look creatively at how the issues could be illustrated using the photographic image.”
Well here’s a first. A Middle Eastern chappie living and working over here is not described by the BBC as a ‘Briton’. Not even a ‘British resident’. And he works in an NHS hospital. Wow. He really must have been up to no good. Just look what the BBc are calling him….
Speaking of typical BBC responses, as a student of their CECUTT department, I see another has risked their ‘let’s keep it our little secret’ ire and shared the BBC’s latest cookie cutter…
I’d estimate:
Padding – 10%
Inevitable insincere apology for delay – 10%
Telling the poster what they told the BBC – 15%
‘Though nailed, this is still not getting logged as anything’ blow off – 15%
Which actually leaves and astounding 50% still actually circling the issue, if in about as semantic and weaseling a manner as possible.
No wonder they don’t like it when these get shared.
I think the Watch author is best left with the last word: ‘”..we can perhaps now anticipate seeing guests on BBC programmes wearing Combat 18 T shirts, EDL scarves, anti-Gay badges or anti-Muslim hats.”
Clearly not. But a most trusted £4Bpa media monopoly propaganda machine backed by a cynical censorship mechanism in such deep denial cannot be healthy.
Solid propaganda form the BBC Five Live this morning, earlier we had promotion of a propaganda film slurring British soldiers:
The presenter shockingly suggested it was ‘based on a true story’ 😮 which the director immediately had to deny! Genuine error? Maybe. But a mistake the Voice Of Britain shouldnt have made!
Just now we have had a nonsense discussion of the accusation that the Guiness Book of Records are ‘racist’ to deny a place to one Fauja Singh, an Indian immigrant, claiming to be 101, but with no birth certificate or definitive evidence whatsoever (he cannot even remember what year he came to Britain!) What a non story, but the BBC are ever ready to attack any British institution if they can cast the ‘racism’ slur.
To celebrate Climate week, the “UK’s biggest climate change campaign” Roger Harrabin of the BBC has this piece
The ONS report that in the last decade we are consuming less petrol but more gas “despite the soaring cost of gas”.
There are two things that one would expect someone in his position to know and to use that knowledge to temper his opinions. The first is that the wholesale cost of gas is, like any commodity, cyclical; it has about a 3 year cycle so any comparison of cost depends on which part of the cycle you start from. The second is demography. When Thames Water were worried London would run out of water, one of the key drivers was the number of single occupancies, one parent families etc. Social change in the UK was driving water consumption up. Exactly the same applies to the consumption of gas.
What is depressing about this man’s witterings is his conclusion “The figures suggest that use of fuel in cars and planes will bounce back with the economy. That is bad news for a government that it (spelling?) struggling to build more power stations too.” This is just complete rubbish.
As a mulled wine and cosy fire beckon, I may not be alone in pondering what may lie behind this current top post from the BBC WHYS team.. BBC_HaveYourSay @BBC_HaveYourSay
Hello Arsalan, would you like to talk to the BBC about the explosion? If so, please DM with a phone number. Regards.
I merely hope the innocent are safe, the guilty are being held to account, and the truth will not get run through the BBC filter I have to pay for before their version ends up as ‘news’.
(little willy), W Vague on the bbc
ahem “can t rule out arms for syria?”
… can t wait more like …
hmm looks like all went well with him and the “plank”
doesn t it.
useless and clueless
As INBBC must notice, quite a number of Muslims, ostensibly resident in Britain, are now in Syria, mostly supporting militarily the Al Qaeda-linked Islamic jihadists, predominantly Sunni faction .
Expect some ‘poignant’ INBBC propaganda reporting for them.
‘The Independent’ is already using the politically sympathetic lingo: ‘British fighter’, not Islamic jihadist partly based in Britain.
“First British fighter killed in Syria named as Ibrahim al-Mazwagi”
Oh dear…. it was a pretty average winter.
What about all that Global Performing and Climatic Change? – not to mention Extreme Bloody Events.
BBC1 Countryfile and hot news from the Met office…. unremarkable rainfall and spot on average sunshine over the past months.
Shush…. is that the sound of an agenda I hear being parked?
No matter, one agenda has to be parked but I hear the crunch of gears as another is wheeled out.
Over to Call The Midwife: ‘where racial prejudice rears its ugly head!’ Good old BBC.
When BBC Call the Midwife is at work you’ll find me quickly leave the room and go pacing up and down the corridor contemplating a cigarette. What I did catch a glimpse of, through the window in the door before I could look away, was a lonley-looking friendless and uncomfortable ethnic minority woman in an antenatal clinic waiting room surrounded by white women – I’m afraid as usual the BBC had an eye to social engineering here – but have dropped a clanger. The only way that scene will resonate with the British mainstream is as an odd inversion of the current situation in 2012.
Fedup2Mar 28, 10:35 Midweek 26th March 2025 Telegraph headline – ‘How worried shouid we be about the King ‘ I immediately assumed they’d decided he is a…
ThatcherrevolutionaryMar 28, 10:34 Midweek 26th March 2025 Greenland could be the new ideal home for ‘refugees’ Punt them straight there, the boats would stop overnight.
ThatcherrevolutionaryMar 28, 10:32 Midweek 26th March 2025 She’s globalist filth. The way she pronounces ‘TrumPPPPPPP’ like she’s spitting out something distasteful. Dismantled the same way Jordan Peterson…
Up2snuffMar 28, 10:30 Midweek 26th March 2025 MM, do you use predictive text in your too many to count, over numerous posts? “The number of Palestine Parties…
MarkyMarkMar 28, 10:29 Midweek 26th March 2025 The King Of England never appeared…. 2023 King Charles pledges coronation oath ^^ HAND ON BIBLE ^^ 2025 King Charles…
StewGreenMar 28, 10:29 Midweek 26th March 2025 Germany @Inevitablewest tweeted “Not a single British media outlet has reported on the man who plowed into a group of…
Eddy BoothMar 28, 10:22 Midweek 26th March 2025 “King feeling better but will be frustrated at visit being cancelled” Daniela Relph Senior royal correspondent. So basically his…
Up2snuffMar 28, 10:17 Midweek 26th March 2025 Fed, no Charlie hasn’t ‘converted’. He was pictured, with the so-called Queen, downing glasses of Irish whisky. In addition the…
AsISeeItMar 28, 10:14 Midweek 26th March 2025 ‘fewer children needing operations or procedures to remove swallowed coins.’ Cashless society – it’s a win win.
Philip_2Mar 28, 10:14 Midweek 26th March 2025 Also received BBC watch newsletter today from TPA…. BBC Watch As always, thank you for your ongoing support and engagement…
Why does Nick Robinson always sneer the word Tories – should he not call them Conservatives. He would not dream of calling Labour Tossers
One of my pet hates. You can’t blame NR and the BBC really because even Conservatives do it too, it’s an official alternative name; I’ve been telling them to never say Tory for 15 years because the opposition use it as a dirty word but you can’t win.
The BBC also use ‘Conservative’ as a dirty word. They use it to lump anybody that they don’t like into one homogenous mass called conservative.
Yes – eg. “Conservative Islamists murdered innocent civilians in Dafur today”
Don’t forget, hardcore muslims are ‘conservatives’, and those who oppose hardcore muslims in the west and abroad are also ‘conservatives’. Neat, eh? Great bit of semantics from the lefties.
And don’t forget the hard line communists in the Kremlin when the USSR still existed were described as “conservatives”. It is a subtle way of smearing the word by assoication. In a similar way the left like to adopt the word “progressive”. Compare and contrast…
You’d certainly be unlikely to come across phrases like ‘the liberal wing of the Taliban’ or ‘more progressive members of the Muslim Brotherhood’ on the Beeb or anywhere else for that matter. The best they can manage is ‘moderate’.
Don’t hear the BBC calling Labour, Nulabour.
It’s usually “ButLabour”.
ButLabour say…
‘…cough cough….but Labour say….’
Norman Smith BBC 2012
I have mentioned before that the BBC always uses the word “Tory” like a swear word.
The BBC uses this – Labour “says” and the Tories “Claim”.
I think the Tories must liberate the word “Tory”
Why? Because the BBC have done such sterling work lately in blackening the word “Conservative” –
“Conservative Islamists” “Conservative Chinese Communists”
If little green men were to land in Hyde Park and start zapping us with lasers I would fully expect the BBC to dub them “Conservative Martians”
The Tories might as well shout “Tory” from the roof tops.
At least even the damned BBC can’t say “Tory Taliban”
Everything Robinson says sounds like a sneer or condescending dig to me. Maybe it’s just the way he talks naturally.
May I rescue this from the dying embers of the last Open Thread?
After filling their output with anti-government stories about Moody’s downgrading the UK’s credit rating, the bBBC doesn’t seem to have found space to report that Moody’s has now issued an alert over the state of the BBC’s own finances!
Moody’s has downrated three property companies, for whose buildings the BBC is the sole tenant, from Aa3 to A1. They said the decision was made because of a judgement about the future financial health of the BBC, whether or not the BBC would have its charter renewed, and the deficit in the BBC’s pension scheme which has doubled in the past year.
“….whether or not the BBC would have its charter renewed, and the deficit in the BBC’s pension scheme….”
That will concentrate minds in the corridors of New Broadcasting House and at Salford.
Expect even more support of the Two Eds and their show saving end the of pier turn come 2015.
excellent spot.
‘…and the deficit in the BBC’s pension scheme which has doubled in the past year’.
There was a sneering report on BBC North West News last night about Pilkington’s, the St Helens glass manufacturer, who have a shortfall in their pension scheme. According to the report the choice for employees was to have their pension rights ‘butchered’ (BBC’s choice of language) or their pay frozen indefinitely. Cue interview with Scouse union clone who saw it all as completely unacceptable, strike action inevitable etc. No challenge, no research into what the pension fund deficit might be, no suggestion that the company might not have a choice etc etc.
So I wonder how the corporation will resolve its own deficit? A bit of butchering perhaps, or maybe a wage freeze?
They’ve already sacked a lot of the natives in various countries, retaining only hideously white correspondents. It was to pay for their new studios in London and Salford, er, the toricutz.
We have Tim Iredale reporting in our area. Since 2010 he enjoys reporting ‘the Cuts’, ‘the bedroom tax’ etc etc with such a sneer that I guess his politics are left of Paul Mason.
Well spotted. £2.6bn deficit.
The Trustees put the increase in the deficit down to the Eurozone crisis, lower prospects for economic growth and very low interest rates. Sound familiar? So where’s the BBC’s Plan B? It can only be out of our pockets. The BBC paid an additional £60m to recover the deficit which, at £2.6bn, will take about 50 years. I’m surprised the Pensions Regulator allowed that unless they assumed unconditional government support. One hopes that all these “stars” and “personalities” who previously operated as self employed and are now employed, are offered the same pension benefits as most others are these days ie two parts of bugger all.
Labour came fourth in the Eastleigh by-election in spite of fielding a high profile candidate – we didn’t hear much about it in the segment I heard of the Today programme.
I think it was the leering, horrid Blair women visiting kids in hospital, and gurning at them, which was the clincher…
Caught 15 or so minutes of a programme on R4 yesterday morning. Introducing an item on India, the presenter informed us (paraphrased) ‘Climate change affects different countries in different ways, so in Britain for example we are seeing lots more snow….’
This was said so casually and so matter-of-factly, anybody who still believes in BBC impartiality and has never heard of 28gate (the majority of listeners to R4, I would guess), would take what she said as scientific fact as opposed to the latest environmentalist propaganda designed to divert attention from 17 years of no discernible warming.
This is the BBC in action: arrogantly ignoring science and slavishly and shamelessly pursuing an AGW agenda agreed with their eco-socialist friends at at a secret meeting they claimed was with ‘some of the world’s top climate scientists’.
And they continue to get away with it.
The BBC – bringing climate lies into your living room.
Although I’m pleased that UKIP did well as I have little time for Cameron, the Conservatives didn’t do too badly in my opinion: A deeply unpopular government (with the MSM constantly attacking it) in mid-term, a huge upsurge in UKIP support and the fact that it was a Lib Dem seat at the last election with no doubt Labour voters voting dirtilly (I mean tactically) for the Libbies. They were still only some 3000 behind the winner.
Wrong thread, sorry.
the bbc were busy promoting J “the plank” Kerry and “little willy” W Vague, braindead foray into giving lots of help and aid to the fascist jihad plot … er i mean freedom fighters in Syria. yesterday.
i don t think they will be so keen to promote this though.
opposition refusing to meet, because of pro islamist bias
hmmm …”lurch” … ing to the (far) right 😀
aren t you glad this pair of bumpkins, have their heads together eh!
for an example of his verbal intellectual dexterity
as always excellent commentary, on this
A highlight from the very dull Ken Loach’s appearance on Question Time last night.
Clare Perry (Con) : …we’re exporting more cars now than we’ve done since the 1970s.
Ken Loach (Red) : They’re all foreign owners.
The less well known Red Ken is a xenophobic little Englander.
Who knew?
And a ‘waaycist’ to boot.
The BBC can always be relied upon to give the hard left a hearing.
And Comrade Loach, a supporter of the far left (Trotskyist?) Socialist Resistance was able to rely on QT’s ‘balanced’ audience selection to ensure his revolutionary message was enthusiastically received – as was the hopeless Angela Eagle who word for word echoed Loach’s left of Labour thinking.
The BBC finally admitted a few months back that the notorious QTs audiences are selected to reflect the local political landscape. As Labour accounted for less than 10% of that landscape in Eastleigh, what went wrong last night, I wonder?
And suspicions about Dimbleby’s lack of impartiality will not have been assuaged given his performance last night. I don’t doubt that he was write to ask the annoying Claire Perry to pipe down, but he did so in a very Bercowesq and pointed manner – labouring his request unnecessarily, while letting Eagle mutter on and interrupt throughout, only at the end of the show stepping in, and then directing his comments at both Eagle and Perry.
In fairness tough, Dimbleby did repeatedly asked Eagle to clarify her / Labour’s position on EU bank bonus legislation, a question that she disrespectfully and repeatedly refused to answer.
No doubt the Beeboids, watching last night, will be out of the traps and on to this today. I’ll keep listening for the answer.
I feel sorry for Loach. He is so miserable – like Wallander without the humour.
… or any City fan between 1976 and 2011.
Nicki Campbell was very excitable this morning about the prospect of 2 pandas having sex.
Campbell aged 51 going on 12. God, he’s pathetic.
They should be allowed to marry first.
Only if they are gay.
R5Live, posse style radio because money is no object at the bBC.
BBC-NUJ, and the wonders of SOUTH AFRICA’s ‘rainbow society’.
“South Africa suspends taxi driver arrest ‘drag’ police.”
Expect BBC-NUJ to continue its political propaganda of lauding South Africa’s ANC, despite the corruption, violence and incompetence.
The ‘Risen Christ’ Nelson Mandela singing a song about killing whites.
Given what happened yesterday on the passing of a violent robbery mastermind, the reaction of the BBC to this chap’s less stellar achievements in homage come the time will be redactastic.
Saw the police head honcho reading out a statement on SKY.
One can only presume the good citizens of SA are feeling suitably reassured by the commitment to positive discrimination in law and order market rate talent that this individual represented.
Be interesting how many ‘reporters’ ask if dragging by van is the new ‘falling down the stairs’, and if it is by the same race does that make it all OK by therefore not being racist.
“The outside world is black and white
With only one colour dead”
There have been changes, but… for the better?
“And the eyes of the world are
watching now”
Rather uniquely, some eyes too often still closed when things don’t suit.
Two wrongs do not make a right, but they can show what else is wrong.
I am looking forward to BBC coverage of a massive demonstration in Trafalgar square against SA police brutality
The BBC was talking about ”Net” immigration yesterday. The word ” Net ” is a nasty little word.
Take for example, 500,000 White Britons left the country and 500,000 Africans / muslims came in. The ”Net ” immigration would be Zero. But you and I know the demographics of the nation would have be altered .
To make an analogy, if you have a shopping basket with 6 apples in it, take them out and replace them with 6 oranges , you may still have 6 items in your basket, but it’s not the same, is it ?
Net immigration is deliberately designed to mislead ordinary people and it seems to be working working. So many people still do not understand how it works.
But when they go outside and look around, I think they get a rough idea.
The actual figures for last year were 300,000 leaving (mostly indigenous) and still over 500,000 coming in – about 10% less than last year, a pitiful reduction.
Mostly focussed on London, of course – or should I say Londonistan
“BBC Radio 4. And now ‘Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation’, with Jeremy Hardy.
Younger listeners might find it helpful to know that ‘Thatcher’, referred to several times in the programme, is actually Baroness Thatcher, who, as Margaret Thatcher, was Britain’s first and only female Prime Minister and the longest serving of the 20th century, winning three elections with the largest share of the popular vote.
Mr. Hardy’s contrarian position, based on a personal hatred, has been served up thinly disguised as comedy for the last 34 years, which might lead older listeners to think that this is a repeat of a Radio 4 Extra programme, when, actually, it is new.
Very young listeners may care to write into Chris Evans’ ‘Five Hundred Words’ giving reasons why this ‘never-been’ is still on Radio 4. And now…”
Perhaps Jeremy Hardy should be referred to simply as “Hardy”.
But then he would be confused with people who actually achieved something.
Actually, as this clip will demonstrate, Hardy is pronounced “Ardy”. (“fucking High Wycombe)
Sorry, forgot the link to this little poseur’s so-called humour.
Two for the price of one – the Beeb seemed to broadcast Mark Steel’s lectures, rewriting history along SWP lines for what seemed like an eternity. (with repeats on 4extra).
Wiki actually has a list of the people who’s lives he caricatured, distorted and mocked (unless of course they were radical heroes.)
Jeremy Hardy and Mark Steel on Americans.
Hardy: “I like the Black ones”
Steel: “Yes, so do I”
Hardy: “I like the ones that are poorer than me”
Steel: “Yes, so do I”
Hardy: “I hate the ones that are not poorer than me”
Steel: “Yes, it’s the Americans not in poverty, that I dislike most about America.
Hardy: “Yes, if only America could learn from the 20th Century experiments in creating a socialist paradise where everyone is poor except true socialists like us.
Steel: Yes, I agree.
Hardy: “I hate the ones that that make me fell inferior”
Steel: “Yes, so do I”
Hardy: “Obama is nice”
Steel: “Yes, he is isn’t he”
Hardy: “I now like the Democrates”
Steel: “Yes, I too now like the Democrates”
Did Hardy not consider he was downsized to a smaller room because he just isn’t funny and even less people want to pay fifteen quid to hear him?
Or something that rhymes with ‘Hunt’. The BBC are good at that, especially when the Christian – sorry, fore – name is Jeremy.
Often called ‘Fatcher’, and usually mentioned in the same breath as ‘Tory Cutz’. The ‘z’ on ‘cutz’ is very important, as it means the cuts are fundamentally evil beyond redemption.
Something for the weekend.
I have come, belatedly compared to some noble souls, to be interested in the potential of the FOI Act.
And in researching it, stumbled across all sorts of interesting, albeit overwhelming things in the cornucopia it can throw up.
The BBC of course is in there, and as befits such a unique entity, it should come as no surprise that those who have already brought us 28Gate exclusions and Pollard redactions would appear to be still spewing out an enigmatic collection of attrition volume, semantics, bizarre exclusions, etc.
But already a few things have piqued my interest, though for now more of a ‘asking questions’ variety.
I do hope it is alright to share, especially as some may be able to shine lights where there is darkness or point in directions where there are barriers placed, from novel claims to odd failures to reply when required, to plain silly games like being a £4Bpa media empire that has no access to scanners or transcription facilities fit for the new media e-age.
Let’s start here:
My first question is, is this it? Certainly the text suggests it is:
Recent disclosures
Underneath which three cases are highlighted, from 2010-11.
Just three, from over two years ago?
Thing is, how does the BBC claim here get rationalised with the factual data here?:
Because I can immediately see a few more, and more recently.
Some refused, some ‘awaiting classification’ (good old Balen getting an outing… well, more of a side-stepping out and back in again), but some ‘successful’ (if often only ‘partially’. And look at the snotty reply on the PDF on this one, showing where many grammar nazi flokkers here spend their day jobs when not on the BBBC site: ). I’d presume that, while any pending may not yet feature, why are success and failures not on the BBC site?
There are also some headed, intriguingly, ‘Awaiting response’.
Looks like the obliged deadline was missed last Tuesday there.
But there are others:
This one appears to have been ‘delayed’, whatever the distinction may be.
So far the reason for the delay appears to be… because there is a delay.
The spirit of the ‘Beware of the Leopard’ files is alive and well here too.
Response to this request is delayed. By law, British Broadcasting Corporation should normally have responded promptly and by 1 February 2013 (details)
Though how delay is defined needs clarifying:
‘We acknowledge that this was sent to you outside of the 20 working day deadline as dictated by the FOI Act, and any internal review will find as such’
I have to say the parallels with the BBC CECUTT system in terms of reply & strategies adopted seem awfully familiar.
Douglas Adams’ satire was biting, funny, and fiction.
The BBC reality version appears more tragic farce.
It is clear some are using it for rather flippant reasons, but seem to be getting a reply, or excuse, anyway.
It may be interesting to see the FOI used, via this system than the BBC’s rather behind the curve, redacted internal version, on matters of weightier concern to those interested in how the BBC arrives at its accuracy and objectivity in reporting for the purposes of information and education.
Already a list of FOI compliant topics is springing to mind, from how the reliability of BBC ME stringers are assessed and verified, to what resources may be deployed internally on, say, monitoring critical blogs and posters.
Of course, they can always claim they are right because they are right and ban a soul, as I suspect this chap may soon discover:
The BBC has form in taking its ball away when really unable to respond.
It may be interesting to see what one government quango (The ICO) has to say about what is essentially another (the BBC).
Power holding power to account wise.
I think I’ll bookmark that one.
latest trick is to refuse to reply to ‘anonymous’ correspondents.
Did you not reply stating you were using your Native American name of NotASheep and found their racist assumptions offensive?
So maybe when his dad emerged from the tepee where his squaw had just given birth, he was expecting to see a field full of sheep, but they’d all been rustled. So his original name ‘Ey up, there’s not a f***ing sheep left in that field’, was shortened at mum’s insistence to something more acceptable.
I shudder to think how the Beano’s cartoon character Little Plum got his name then !
Top Gear viewers know what ‘plums’ are, especially when a presenter is kicked in them !
I meant to ask when you mentioned this on another thread, but when is a name just a name?
If there is a requirement for correspondence purposes to have an email address I can certainly see that as fair enough. As to ‘names’, OK, but often this can get silly.
We’ve had blue rinse ladies suddenly arrive here on this site telling anyone with an avatar they are cowards, when frankly Mrs T’s Handbag could be a trucker called Trev for all anyone knows, or Colditz is actually Helen Boaden’s personal FoI excluder.
As I keep saying, I really don’t care, as it is the power of the argument that matters.
The BBC also rather needs to get its act together on its data protection obligations.
Already on Pollard we have the BBC Trust saying they shouldn’t be going via external bodies, whilst they clearly appear to also feel the need to trawl the ether for any BBC critics and then attempt to make daft connections.
Does anyone recall the pre – .org era main post, where David had been contacted by the BBC who were muttering darkly about him quoting a BBBC emailer’s complaint?
I have it somewhere, as the whole thing was bizarre, as much for their presumption they could crush free speech as the paranoia that prompts them to try and hunt it down and crush it.
‘Latest tricks’ seems to be a BBC thing, and after such as the ‘we can’t make a scan readable’ stunt on Pollard redaction details, that went down so well from the Indy to Graun, their stock for playing silly buggers in cover up is running very thin.
Found it.
A little piece of history…
‘Here’s an invitation from me to the BBC Complaints Department. If you seek to have those of us who pay your salary to better understand you and your ways, be transparent. If you think I am being unfair, please feel free to comment here and put your case. I won’t ban you for two years…
Now, what lessons have they learned since?
Expedite, ban, block. redact….
Is this still being modded?
(Hard to tell as it appears on my screen but has this advice:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.)
One link too many for the spam filter. Sorted.
Half dozen the charm? Ta very much. They were good links. Honest.
Lots of links, especially embedded ones (not that you did that here) seem to be common in spam bot efforts, although not the kind this site generally seems to get. Still, better safe than sorry.
Bbc news at one: almost in tears for a poor woman who got shagged by an undercover police plant. Well who’d have thunk it, she opened her legs under false pretences, and now shes claiming 6 years of psychological torture. Oh FFS what is this country coming to?
Heard the tail end of this on Today. The gist of it seemed to be that going to bed with an undercover police officer who was investigating her links with animal rights groups, or some such, had led to psychiatric conditions.
I’d suggest these conditions were possibly already present. But no challenge was made and the desired message was allowed to stand.
As I posted the other day, the BBC’s campaign to have a minimum price for alcohol imposed on the nation continues unabated.
Today yet another headline on the Corporation’s propaganda site is devoted to the ravings a bunch of self-appointd health Nazis, under the headline:
“UK-wide alcohol unit price call
There should be a pan-UK strategy to combat problematic drinking – including a 50p minimum price for a unit of alcohol, experts say.”
Perhaps one of the little cabal of BBC sycophants that infest this site might like to explain why only one side of the debate receives such endless, lavish and gratuitous promotion?
I wonder how they decided to advocate for this policy – a group of the ‘finest scientific minds’ perhaps, or a room filled with tee-total fanatics? Apparently the Aussies are in on this too
Gt ready for the annual ‘Organ Harvest Festival’ where they tell you that ‘Presumed Consent’ (opt-out) is essential in two weeks of stories and op-ed pieces.
(I presumed that it was ok to debit his account as he didn’t respond to my Spam e-mail your honour}
I doubt there are any tee-totalers at the BBC, or at least involved in these decision-making processes. They just want to control the masses, and this is a good way to do it.
I also noticed that the magazine article about Australia isn’t so much about moderation, but about ceasing alcohol consumption altogether. What happened to moderation? Again, the nomenklatura and mandarins simply don’t trust the masses to enjoy drinking in moderation, so they want to stop them doing it entirely. There will be no such sobriety at the BBC or in government.
It’s another bit of sharia law propaganda, too.
Thin end of wedge? Hmmmmm…
“BBC waste: MP on bill to reveal spending and receipts”
Good move. Hope it becomes law and that the press have fun with the invoices and hopefully undermine any vestige of public trust in the BBC that remains. It will be interesting to see which MPs oppose this.
The BBC is the only organisation NOT to be transparent shocker.
‘Is the BBC like a local authority – critics would say you are trying to pick at the BBC here’
Which ‘critics’ would be saying this, luv?
This barking woman’s line of questioning was a hoot.
The ‘but we’re unique!!!’ was palpable.
Gaby rightly points out it can be easily bent to £499.99, or a round trip taxi to Salford, so really it’s not worth doing as they can fiddle it easily. Plus ca change, then?
And the BBC hasn’t a clue how many they employ… which may make their odd dissembling over immigration figures more explicable if not any more excusable.
I enjoyed this. Thanks, George. Cairns made great points about the waste of the battalion of Beeboids covering the US elections and the competitive, jealous fiefdoms preventing the sharing of resources and information (Newsnight/Savile/Panorama, anyone?) and leading to wasteful duplication of efforts (US election coverage, for example). Jo Coburn clearly had some prepared lines of defense there, and her biggest one was an absolute joke. Revealing expenses would put the BBC at a disadvantage in a commercial environment? The 900-pound gorilla at a disadvantage? Please. Very revealing of the BBC mindset.
Although I think somebody at the BBC was not happy about Andrew Neil’s handing over a list of expenses. He was obviously doing it to show they had nothing to hide, but some website Beeboid wrote that he “appeared to help” Cairns’ campaign. They sure are jittery these days.
‘They sure are jittery these days’
Getting nailed as being the only non-transparent corporation in the village will tend to do that.
Especially when the BBC’s main schtick is holding others to account when it isn’t and doesn’t want to be.
That little hypocrisy crops up quite a lot these days.
As mentioned, whoever goes over parapet against this on the BBC’s behalf will be telling.
Four men admit discussing UK terror plot
It’s BBC definition of men…. go on guess at the names… who would have thought….
was on the bbc news just now, im still none the wiser….
I was very impressed by the glottal stops the R3 newsreader inserted into some of their names. They seem to delight in getting the pronunciation of vaguely exotic monikers just right, for some reason.
I’m sure everyone will be delighted to hear that the 10.30AM desert island disc-type spot that they have on new dumbed down R3 will feature Germaine Greer for five days next week (apparently International Wimmin’s Day is on the 4th).
Classic FM should expect a sudden spike in morning audience figures.
Where the hell is the BBC on this story?
Danish Opponent of Islam Is Attacked, and Muslims Defend His Right to Speak
Muslim groups in the country, which were often criticized during the cartoon furor for not speaking out against violence and even deliberately fanning the flames, raised their voices to condemn the attack on Mr. Hedegaard and support his right to express his views, no matter how odious.
This is massive. And it’s precisely the kind of thing the BBC should be trumpeting from the rooftops instead of trying to get your daughters to wear the hijab for a day. This is how you do social cohesion, BBC, not your misguided nonsense. If the BBC doesn’t cover this, it’s a serious failure of journalism.
‘If the BBC doesn’t cover this, it’s a serious failure of journalism”
Given we are now in an era of BBC Redactions, with the odd bit of news scattered about every so often, would such a failure of editorial omission even get noticed?
“A new low in a sorry mainstream medias record full of nadirs — a particularly craven new apologia for the thuggery of Islamic supremacists and jihadists: “Danish Opponent of Islam Is Attacked, and Muslims Defend His Right to Speak,” by Andrew Higgins for the New York Times
‘The writer, who for several years edited a mainstream Danish daily, Information, is a major figure in what a study last year by a British group, Hope Not Hate, identified as a global movement of “Islamophobic” writers, bloggers and activists whose “anti-Muslim rhetoric poisons the political discourse, sometimes with deadly effect.
Hope Not Hate are looking to the full implementation of Leveson so they can raise complaints against journalists whom they feel are stigmatising Islam, in the hope their continuing actions will censor all criticism of the religion.
If Winston Churchill was active today would he be attacked as Germanophobic?
Having been libelously described as an Islamophobic demoniser of Muslims with EDL connections (which I have not) I’m a little hesitant to point out that if this resulted in a sustained and systematic programme of teaching against violence by teachers in mosques, convincingly arguing against those who interpret Islamic core texts as prescribing violence, it might be massive. Otherwise we have the example of the East London Mosque issuing statements of support for gay rights while continuing to invite preachers to talk who want gays killed, or the Pakistani speaker in New York a week ago who said that the British Muslim community almost all faked their horror at 9/11 while privately being very pleased indeed. Assuming sincerity on their part, I suspect there is an element of denial as to what their religion actually teaches at work.
Fair concern, but it looks like this is more than that. Nobody organized a pro-homosexual rally in East London. If the BBC can do a whole programme claiming that even conservative Mohammedans tolerate homosexuals and welcome them into their mosques, they can cover this as well.
I’ve posted several times on here in the past about the incessant reporting by BBC North West news about the savagetorycutz in the region, Manchester Council in particular getting more than its fair share of propaganda time to moan about having to close libraries, swimming pools, reducing ‘services’ for the ‘most vulnerable’ etc. Thus for example:
My point has always been that if the BBC is genuinely impartial, and if it is really the home of the ‘world’s finest investigative journalism’, they could challenge councils like Manchester on what they AREN’T cutting, so Joe Public can start to take a view on whether they’ve got their priorities right.
Well, surprise surprise, leafing through my local rag this week I came across a feature on a local school who had just had an eco-event celebrating the installation of a wildlife habitat part of which enabled them to observe the local birdlife, spot different species etc etc. Fair enough. But who should be there to open the event? None other than a member of Manchester Council’s Climate Change Team.
Now how they escaped the savagetorycutz is anybody’s guess, and knowing the BBC it will continue to be so, for at least 2 good reasons…
‘My’ – mistake.
Your council seems to spend almost as much on asylum seekers as it does on libraries and community centers combined. One assumes they’re forced by law to do one at the expense of the other.
I make that £4m+ on asylum seekers (staggering) but £14m+ on libraries and £4m+ on community centres?
Not actually my council – thank God, though mine is bad enough.
You also have to include however much of the £18m that goes to “Other adult Social Services – asylum seekers – lone adults”. And then wonder how much of the “children” spending goes to children of asylum seekers, since they seem to spread it out over different categories.
Yes BBC North west are at the forefront of what I consider to be biased reporting. I assume you are in their viewing area like me. I have made several complaints in the past specific to North West.
I am slightly confused over another connected issue. Just how many weather forecasters do they have?
Hammersmith and Fulham imposes savagetorycutz by pruning waste and leaving essential services intact. They keep reducing council tax, too –
In 2011 Manchester Council had £108 million of reserves – I don’t suppose the money has all gone.
BBC 18:00 news. Oh no the sky is going to fall in the Don Valley stadium is due to shut. As it’s costing a subsidy of £5.00 per visitor. Olympic heroes speak out- yes but no one will ask them if they want to put cash up for it.
So much for the much vaunted enthusiasm and halo effect from the Olympics. Did many people actually give a toss apart from the massive cost.
‘…no one will ask them if they want to put cash up for it’.
Or what they would rather see cut.
On a day for not mentioning Labour’s failings they obviously forget this little contributing factor
Silencing those with whom they disagree seems to come naturally to one end of the political spectrum
as always, excellent observation sir.
i would like to imagine this with sheeela foglegity
or nikki panto …. of course you won t have it, with the bbc it would just be a second hand second rate hatchet job, like “europes most dangerous man”
“if people in australia are as ignorant as you, you will have a very tough time in the future – and you can laugh about it..but its more ignorance than wisdom sir”
… indeed. ie not on bbc anytime soon.
That Australian interview Andrew O’Keefe is highly irritating and not very bright, he’s an ass.
He does that, you can have ‘moderate’ and ‘radical’ muslims, bit like having moderate nazis and radical nazis, it doesn’t exist, it’s just nazism.
Egypt, Turkey and Syria were once Christian nations. Where did all the Christians go ?
They were either killed by muslims, fled, or converted to Islam.
The smart ass liberal interviewer Andrew O’Keefe is so naive, he doesn’t know what’s coming next for Australia.
When was Turkey a Christian Nation ?
Don’t forget that the Ottoman Turks gave sanctuary to the Spanish Sephardic Jews when the Catholics in Iberia were massacring them !
Not strictly Turkey and not strictly a nation but Byzantine Anatolia was conquered and to a greatextent de-Christianised in a piecemeal and violent way over centuries from 1071 by the Seljuks, and later the Ottomans. Even now the Turks are surreptitiously destroying ancient Christian churches in the centre of the country. There were no massacres of Jews at the time of the expulsion from Spain in 1492 and, if not as many as went to the Ottoman Empire, thousands of Jews went to France, Italy, the Netherlands, other parts of Europe and even the Americas.
Al Qaeda’s ‘Inspire’ weblog has a ‘wanted dead or alive’ list of 11 names next to the slogan ‘Yes we can: a bullet a day keeps the infidel away.’ Two of the names, Gert Wilders and Ayaan Hersi Ali, share the distinction of also having been given the public-enemy-number-one treatment by BBC interviewers.
yes! … always worth a look
kirsty gets her bottom smacked
Just as things were getting interesting : ‘….a video in South California and people in Egypt are getting offended? …’s just not credible’.
Kirsty Wark: ‘…. I’m afraid we have to stop you there…’
just as an adage …. “if people in australia are as ignorant as you” … was a swipe at the snide behaviour of the “laughing boy” O Keefe,
he has praised the wonderful reception, he has received from his audiences, and the vast majority there, of course the issue of UAF style idiots is ongoing, & as you can see on occasion, TV media isn t any real assistance in that regard.
when listening top O Keefe “this isn t europe” and moderate/radical muslim seems to be the misguided mantra doesn t it.
thank goodness for that eh!
thats alright then
Radical islam in Australia
Vigilante’s to enforce Sharia Law
Creeping Sharia in Australia
Muslim Terroist Sentenced in Australia
Australia burkha protests
Mark Mardell has admitted (inset “Analysis”) that the President’s “whole strategy is to divide Republicans and paint them as intransigent wreckers.”
Anyone following Mardell’s reporting will know this already, because that’s exactly how he’s been reporting it all along.
And the lie is still there.
But Republicans contend that the president and his advisers created and proposed the idea of the cuts during budget negotiations in 2011.
Since both Katty Kay and Mardell have previously pushed this falsehood, and it’s now in this article written by yet another allegedly impartial journalist, one has to assume that this lie is now accepted truth at the BBC. The bias is institutional.
In case anyone still doubts the BBC’s partisan dishonesty, you can click this link and see video of the White House spokesman admitting that the President and His team proposed the idea.
Defenders of the indefensible continue to remain predictably silent.
David – thanks for keeping us informed unlike the £3 billion organisation that most of us help to fund.
The UKIP showing in Eastleigh should give the liberal elites cause for concern. They, and the BBC of course, see it as a defection from the hated Tories and of no real consequence. I see it as a healthy sign that there is a real and growing true conservative vote in rural and suburban England.
This should make the current elites pause as they contemplate ever more bizarre social engineering and policies that lack any foundation in reality. It won’t of course and it will hopefully mean the end of the current Tory party and the long overdue counter revolution against the worst excesses of the most selfish and stupid generation in English history.
Just heard on the 7pm news on 5dead that libs came first,ukip second,evil tories 3rd but nothing about who came 4th.I wonder why.Going on about what a mess the tories are but labour didn’t get a mention.
When was the last time that “Her Majesties Opposition Party” came fourth in a by-election?
I have been away a long time, but great to see this site is still running !
Good to hear from you again, Grant. Comments seem busier than ever and the siteseems to have attracted a few trolls more interested in disruption than debate. Must be ruffling a few feathers!
Roland , great to touch base. I am just back in UK for a few weeks , then home to Gambia. I get my news on satellite there from , mainly France 24 and CNN China. Both vastly superior to the BBC’s pitiful news output.
I am am amazed at the BBC’s handling of the Saville scandal, appointment of Purnell and all other matters. Well, actually , not amazed.
On a local matter, can’t believe the Edinburgh Tramway !
Welcome back, Grant.
Thanks, David P. Great to see you are still supporting the cause !
Did someone mention Classic FM a while ago.? Sheesh, if ever you want to hear yet more left wing biased news reporting go here (hear)!
I generally listen to ClassicFM when driving or doing DIY. To be honest, I switch off mentally as soon as the prattle starts.
They have a UK and world news page (of sorts) on their webpage. The stories seem to be supplied by Sky News.
Sky’s political editor Adam Boulton was screwing Blair’s old squeeze, Anji Hunter (of 10 Downing Street and BP) for years before making an honest woman of her in 2006. Anji has talent – organising an oil war for BP and supplying Labour Party propaganda to Boulton.
Yet another case of Muslim paedos; I wonder whether the BBC will have this as a topic on the the ‘Big’ Questions?
So many things going on that the BBC (and no doubt Cameron etc) would rather we we didn’t know too much about.
The case of Aaron Dugmore, nine years old, reported to have killed himself after being bullied for being white, is a case in point. Did this really happen, or did The Sun just make it up? Worse than Stephen Lawrence, IMO.
Aaron, 9, ‘bullied to death for being white’
Read more:
(I first heard about it on this site, since then, I’ve seen nothing in the MSM.)
Oops, got the hyperlink wrong there.
Yes terribly sad case and disgusting the lack of BBC coverage – but predictable. If the victim is white and British and the perpetrators are Asian/Black the BBC simply isn’t interested. It’s only concern is to continue to brainwash the sheeple into conforming to the Marxist multicultural swindle.
Some time ago, I seem to recall a police chief saying something along the lines of “If the public really knew what was going on, there’d be a riot”.
Can’t remember who or where though.
Listening to BBC “Today” this morning (whilst waiting for “Sounds of the Sixties” on Radio 2) – there was a news item about a hole that had appeared in a Florida bedroom, swallowing some unfortunate resident.
What I found most interesting, was the size of the hole, and how it grew smaller and bigger again, on successive newscasts:
Radio 4 08:00: “…an 18 metre diameter hole…”
Radio 2 09:00: “…a hole, 34 feet in diameter…”
Radio 2 10:00: “…a 6 metre diameter hole…”
If they can’t get THAT consistently right, what chance is there of them getting anything else right?
Yes, and the bungalow covering the hole doesn’t look that big.
…an unholey mess, sir!
It is odd, because when it comes to large and/or deep and/or expanding holes, the BBC appears to have considerable experience now, albeit more from the bottom. Not to make light of what seems the victim’s fate, but maybe they can get the full Chilean mine reporting squad back together and mount a search whilst down there?
Here’s something from Fox News! Fox News! Waah!….but is really mostly what they got off the AP feed which, undoubtedly, the BBC gets as well. And it’s from yesterday:
The sinkhole, estimated at 20 feet across and 20 feet deep, caused the home’s concrete floor to cave in around 11 p.m. Thursday as everyone in the Tampa-area house was turning in for the night.
A more first-hand and updated account from CNN reveals this:
The sinkhole is about 20 feet to 30 feet across and may be 30 feet deep, said Bill Bracken, president of an engineering company assisting emergency workers. The hole was originally reported to be 100 feet across, but that is the diameter of the safety zone surrounding it, Bracken said.
So the story “evolved” a little bit. I don’t think any of those numbers you cite is anywhere near 100 feet. The closest is the 6 meters.
The BBC has had access to both these and plenty of other reports since yesterday. They’re reporting this because it helps their Warmist agenda, like how they reported a different “sinkhole” recently which was actually an old well. Otherwise, why is this news for a UK audience?
Either way, it’s clear that on US news the BBC could easily be replaced by a news aggregator. If anyone complained, they could even blame it on the budget cuts.
The BBC bringing Left -wing politics to every area of our lives.
We hear that the Prime Minister enjoys his sport. To pinch a much over used BBC phrase…. ‘David Cameron took time out from his trip to India to…..’ put a bit of willow to leather.
If I were ever able to carry out my dearest political wish it would be to place David Cameron in a sealed room for 18 hours with nothing but a wireless tuned to nothing but BBC Radio 4 and 5 Live. He would not be allowed any sharp or indeed any blunt instruments. I would look forward to finding out if he still loves the BBC after that day long stint. Or perhaps we would learn once and for all whether or not he is a Tory.
Among the many delights to be gleaned from a day spent with BBC radio the PM would certainly hear all about one of our national treasures (Gosh but there are so many of them!) Jessica Ennis and her brave and righteous fight against Toricutz (well, the Sheffield local council) and plans to shut ‘The Don Valley Stadium’. (Olympic legacy anyone?)
Jessica Ennis….Toricutz…..Sheffield. Wow what an easy job this must be for the BBC NUJ journalists. This stuff really does write itself.
Just the other day – I don’t have all the details because I don’t sit next the radio with a note pad and pen – but I heard Radio 5 discuss this Harlem Globetrotter…. well, he was globe trotting… to North Korea.
‘North Korea has released photographs of its leader Kim Jong-un meeting retired US basketball player Dennis Rodman.’
North Korea get few tourists these days and the lucky few all get to meet the Dear Leader Kim. He got a hug. That’s the long and the fat of the story.
Now you might have thought that the BBC were rather keen on Sports Sanctions and the isolation of rogue states….eg Israel and South Africa (I’m thinking of the old S Africa before the cops started shooting people and dragging them behind police vans and beating them to death – but I digress).
Don’t play sport with the bad guys? But no no no, not in North Korea’s case. A BBC invitee is shooting the breeze (or some hoops) with some second string stand-in for Nicky Campbell or Richard Bacon or one of the many 5 Live female Plastic Paddies and they agree what a good thing this story is!
Let’s have more sports people in politics. Not standing for election or anything fuddy duddy like real democracy, mind you. (I paraphrase). We want to hear ‘speaking out’. The BBC droid knows his office culture and wants more BBC gigs and simpers in agreement ‘Good Stuff’ he says.
BBC : We want sports people ‘speaking out’ on political matters. You see where this is going? Of course you do. He (and I do wish I had caught the name of this talking head and his BBC hack enabler) don’t actualy want to hear Lewis Hamilton’s ruminations on the 45p tax band. They don’t want Lionel Messi voicing doubts about the concept of so-called ‘gay marriage’.
No they only want Left-wing comments from the jocks.
The BBC brought politics to science – 28-Gate.
They brought politics to economics – Paul Mason.
The BBC bringing Left-wing politics to sport.
“They brought politics to economics – Paul Mason”
And Stephanie Flanders and Evan Davis.
A little reminder that the BBC thought the Arctic summer would be ice-free by 2013. There’s a LOT of melting to be achieved, chaps…
Ah, but that was from their ‘latest modelling studies‘ (2007).
As we know, there have been several iterations of their ‘modelling’ since then – mainly to take account of real-world evidence.
Very surprised, though, that this article hasn’t been consigned to The Memory Hole (though I suppose in broadcast terms it has, because you never, ever hear acknowledgement by the Beeb that the Warmists ever, ever get it wrong).
They’re still waiting for Michale Mann and Phil Jones to figure out how to hide the non-decline.
Now I really hate the President. I’ve hated His policies and political style the whole time, yes, but now…..
White House tries to salvage Obama’s sci-fi mistake with Star Wars/Star Trek meme
Obama conflated tropes from Star Trek and Star Wars during his press briefing. “And I know that this has been some of the conventional wisdom that’s been floating around Washington that somehow, even though most people agree that I’m being reasonable, that most people agree I’m presenting a fair deal, the fact that they don’t take it means that I should somehow do a Jedi mind-meld with these folks and convince them to do what’s right,” he told reporters.
A cardinal sin. Never mind the petulant buck-passing. This is unforgivable, a character flaw.
Imagine if Sarah Palin had done this. The Beeboids would be twittering away about it.
Prosper, and live long
Justin Webb discussed the Queen’s current illness with the Peter Hunt (BBC Royal Correspondent) at around 07:16 on the BBC R4 Today Programme this morning (02/03).
Got the feeling that Justin is not a massive monarchist. Discussing the planned visit (that may now be canceled due to the illness) to Italy:
PH : …..”And -er- rumour has it that the former communist the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano has a picture of the Queen in his office, in his formal office, [JW giggles in background] and is very fond of her.
JW: [Laughter] “Why? Do we know?”
PH: “I think he is impressed with-by her is my understanding and -um- he extended the private invitation to her. She accepted. He retires in -err- May. And so the visit was a very short – it was a flying visit…………And then was meant to have-hold talks and have a private lunch with the president.”
JW: “Well let’s hope she gets there. If only for [pause] his sake but also I suppose hers. Peter Hunt thanks”.
BBC-NUJ and Harpurhey, Manchester (not Tower Hamlets, London):-
“Dozens descend on the BBC to say: ‘They’re not people like us!’
“Angry residents said the series on BBC Three was disgraceful, which they claim paints the area as an ‘urban hell-hole'”
well unlike that bloody dale farm palava … the mancs are not an “effnic minority” … oh dear, AND they are
“hideously white” oh dear dear AND they do not all conform to the stricture of allah .. oh dear dear dear …
so the only bbc way to portray them … is well …
appallingly … if only they had a “little englander” spokesman they would have a full house of wet pants
at the bbc.
Just a little fun for the weekend:
A list of songs banned by the BBC over the years some understandable others baffling did they really ban Lulu’s Bomm Bang a Bang & Cher’s Bang Bang during the gulf war because they didn’t want associations with war?
As for the truly shocking ‘With my little ukelele in my hand’ well I think we can all see the reasons for banning that!
The BBC stubbornly refuses to use the ‘T word’
‘Islamist militant Mokhtar Belmokhtar ‘killed in Mali”
I’m often confused by the BBC’s enigmatic use of scare quotes – perhaps a CoJo seminar is due?
Are the BBC suggesting that this individual has not been killed? Or is it questionable whether he was killed in Mali – it might have been elsewhere? If the BBC are questioning the veracity of their own story then why publish the report at all?
No BBC news report is complete without some BBC name editorialising for us dumbos….
‘If confirmed, the death would be a major blow to Islamist militants in Mali, the BBC’s West Africa correspondent Thomas Fessy says’
There we go, Islamist militant again. And is it my imagination or is there a slight sense of regret in the statement?
Of course we know what’s going on here. The BBC now thinks it is a world news provider and will bend over backwards not to appear to take sides in the battle between Terrorists and the rest of us.
Amusingly the only issue that seems to upset Al-Auntie-Beeb is the illegal ciggie smuggling
‘He is also known as “Mr Marlboro” because of his alleged role in cigarette smuggling in the region. ‘
Amusing once more that the BBC don’t even have the bottle to tell us outright that Mr Marlboro is a snout baron “alleged role”
Excuse my impatience, but BBC – get off the fucking fence for once!
One small grain of comfort can be gained from the fact that Frank Gardner, in the ‘analysis’ section refers to ‘he and his jihadist followers.’The president of Chad is quoted in the main article as referring to ‘a jihadist base’ as well. American Islamic organisations have been running an ad campaign to sanitise the word jihad, saying it means, to Muslims, things like the struggle to get the kids ready for school on time or keep fit while following a busy work schedule. Nice to see even the Beeb isn’t joining that piece of misinformation spreading.
I switched on the TV today to find the film “Doctor in the House” showing on BBC2, a gentle British film of the 1950s.
One of the medical students (Benskin) had been a bit rash with his chatting up of a nurse on night duty and to his horror realised that he had made a marriage proposal (how quaint!) and he had been accepted. Oh dear, what to do? He consults one of his fellow students and a plan (not revealed) is decided upon. Later we see an exhausted Benskin, he has achieved his still unrevealed goal!
Cut to the nurses home. The nurse who has accepted Benskin’s proposal enters clutching her flowers from Benskin. “Guess, what? Tony Benskin proposed to me!” Cut to group of nurses facing the newcomer and one bending down with her back to the door. Cut to a completely different scene.
What was Benskin’s plan? Did he manage to get out of his engagement? Well I’m afraid ‘aunty’ isn’t telling so a whole story line dies for no apparent reason. We plebs can’t be trusted to know the secret in this ‘Brave New World’.
Now if you all promise not to riot or engage in inappropriate behaviour I will let you into the secret, even though it might scar you for life. Ready? I warned you!
[Benskin rushes around all the other wards and hands a flower to all the duty nurses and proposes to them too! Clever! Oh the nurse bending down might possibly have not been born in these isles.]
What bleeding time was this on?
expect the BBC to go ballistic over this
A gentleman’s word is his bond – but it hasn’t got a date on it.
The BBC are busy with some Left-wing agit prop here – thinly disguised as a report on photography.
‘The A41 Project – visualising inequality’
“Through the Equality Trust, participatory photography groups were established in London, Milton Keynes, the West Midlands and Merseyside. These groups consisted of people with an interest in the subjects of inequality and photography and who were keen, like me, to experiment and look creatively at how the issues could be illustrated using the photographic image.”
The BBC kindly link to the ‘Equality Trust’
Marxism without the scary red flags but Marxism nonetheless – right up the BBC’s street.
Well here’s a first. A Middle Eastern chappie living and working over here is not described by the BBC as a ‘Briton’. Not even a ‘British resident’. And he works in an NHS hospital. Wow. He really must have been up to no good. Just look what the BBc are calling him….
‘Iraqi doctor’
‘An Iraqi doctor who was an “accessory to torture” under Saddam Hussein’s regime’
Naughty naughty boy. Auntie BBC is going to take all your britishness away!
Syria conflict: Assad accuses UK of bullying
Typical BBC article: report the accusation.
Speaking of typical BBC responses, as a student of their CECUTT department, I see another has risked their ‘let’s keep it our little secret’ ire and shared the BBC’s latest cookie cutter…
I’d estimate:
Padding – 10%
Inevitable insincere apology for delay – 10%
Telling the poster what they told the BBC – 15%
‘Though nailed, this is still not getting logged as anything’ blow off – 15%
Which actually leaves and astounding 50% still actually circling the issue, if in about as semantic and weaseling a manner as possible.
No wonder they don’t like it when these get shared.
I think the Watch author is best left with the last word:
‘”..we can perhaps now anticipate seeing guests on BBC programmes wearing Combat 18 T shirts, EDL scarves, anti-Gay badges or anti-Muslim hats.”
Clearly not. But a most trusted £4Bpa media monopoly propaganda machine backed by a cynical censorship mechanism in such deep denial cannot be healthy.
INBBC in political comfort adopting the Al Qaeda line on Syria.
As the BBC senior market rate roster continues to expand, meet the proposed new £395,000pa BBC Director of Glazing Integrity Assessment:
Solid propaganda form the BBC Five Live this morning, earlier we had promotion of a propaganda film slurring British soldiers:
The presenter shockingly suggested it was ‘based on a true story’ 😮 which the director immediately had to deny! Genuine error? Maybe. But a mistake the Voice Of Britain shouldnt have made!
Just now we have had a nonsense discussion of the accusation that the Guiness Book of Records are ‘racist’ to deny a place to one Fauja Singh, an Indian immigrant, claiming to be 101, but with no birth certificate or definitive evidence whatsoever (he cannot even remember what year he came to Britain!) What a non story, but the BBC are ever ready to attack any British institution if they can cast the ‘racism’ slur.
To celebrate Climate week, the “UK’s biggest climate change campaign” Roger Harrabin of the BBC has this piece
The ONS report that in the last decade we are consuming less petrol but more gas “despite the soaring cost of gas”.
There are two things that one would expect someone in his position to know and to use that knowledge to temper his opinions. The first is that the wholesale cost of gas is, like any commodity, cyclical; it has about a 3 year cycle so any comparison of cost depends on which part of the cycle you start from. The second is demography. When Thames Water were worried London would run out of water, one of the key drivers was the number of single occupancies, one parent families etc. Social change in the UK was driving water consumption up. Exactly the same applies to the consumption of gas.
What is depressing about this man’s witterings is his conclusion “The figures suggest that use of fuel in cars and planes will bounce back with the economy. That is bad news for a government that it (spelling?) struggling to build more power stations too.” This is just complete rubbish.
As a mulled wine and cosy fire beckon, I may not be alone in pondering what may lie behind this current top post from the BBC WHYS team..
BBC_HaveYourSay @BBC_HaveYourSay
Hello Arsalan, would you like to talk to the BBC about the explosion? If so, please DM with a phone number. Regards.
I merely hope the innocent are safe, the guilty are being held to account, and the truth will not get run through the BBC filter I have to pay for before their version ends up as ‘news’.
(little willy), W Vague on the bbc
ahem “can t rule out arms for syria?”
… can t wait more like …
hmm looks like all went well with him and the “plank”
doesn t it.
useless and clueless
He does give the impression of always being behind the curve.
INBBC and Islamic Jihad in SYRIA.
As INBBC must notice, quite a number of Muslims, ostensibly resident in Britain, are now in Syria, mostly supporting militarily the Al Qaeda-linked Islamic jihadists, predominantly Sunni faction .
Expect some ‘poignant’ INBBC propaganda reporting for them.
‘The Independent’ is already using the politically sympathetic lingo: ‘British fighter’, not Islamic jihadist partly based in Britain.
“First British fighter killed in Syria named as Ibrahim al-Mazwagi”
Oh dear…. it was a pretty average winter.
What about all that Global Performing and Climatic Change? – not to mention Extreme Bloody Events.
BBC1 Countryfile and hot news from the Met office…. unremarkable rainfall and spot on average sunshine over the past months.
Shush…. is that the sound of an agenda I hear being parked?
No matter, one agenda has to be parked but I hear the crunch of gears as another is wheeled out.
Over to Call The Midwife: ‘where racial prejudice rears its ugly head!’ Good old BBC.
When BBC Call the Midwife is at work you’ll find me quickly leave the room and go pacing up and down the corridor contemplating a cigarette. What I did catch a glimpse of, through the window in the door before I could look away, was a lonley-looking friendless and uncomfortable ethnic minority woman in an antenatal clinic waiting room surrounded by white women – I’m afraid as usual the BBC had an eye to social engineering here – but have dropped a clanger. The only way that scene will resonate with the British mainstream is as an odd inversion of the current situation in 2012.