“You think it’s perfect here?”
“I want people here to be able to keep leaving their doors unlocked”
“There’s been a murrrderr”
“Two families living on top of each for generations: one rich, one poor – bound to create tension”
“Most victims know their killer”
“We’re all connected in some way”
Which sounds awfully like a lazy Beeb allegory for a country that would be a right-on version of the Land of Cockayne were it not for those wicked Tories & Toffs, some of whom inevitably fall victim to the injustice-derived rage their rule stokes etc etc.
I note that the multicultural detective is called Perez, so no doubt crofting lesbians will make their appearance soon with their tale of abuse in an English workhouse, and their rescue by the Lerwick imam.
Uphellya should be good, the drug-dealers having honed their arson skills in the 2011 London riots, with the police holding back UKIP racists as their holiday cottages go up.
Maybe that is something you should take up with the author then. The BBC are screening a drama produced by ITV studios and based on a work of fiction – what has the characters name or anything else got to do with the BBC?
So those commissioning the programme [the BBC] have no influence whatsoever on the final show? Irrespective of the people actually making the programme the BBC meme will certainly be instilled – remember the auld Venezuelan saying “he who pays the [pan] piper calls el tuno’.
Do you really believe that the BBC allows writers a blank sheet? How about Gurpreet Bhatti who tried to discuss Honour Murder in her episode of a crime drama….
The BBC has caved in to pressure from the Countryside Alliance to drop news stories that show hunting in a bad light. The alliance has also forced BBC producers to order the rewriting of key scenes showing a fox cub being orphaned by a hunt in a new flagship drama series.
Jimmy Perez was Mediterranean in Ann Cleeves’ original novels. The adaptation changes his backstory so that he’s originally from Shetland, but has kept the name.
I remember an episode of Hamish McBeth where there was mention of a clan McLopez. Survivors of a wrecked Armada ship, they retain their Spanish connections after 400 years and instead of illicit whiskey they brew Scotland’s finest [only?] Sherry. Perhaps Perez is a McLopez?
There was a time when the BBC could make a joke about immigration – however obtuse!
How do you wait for “the irritating right-on message” on those programmes you admit you do not watch? How can you enjoy (or not enjoy) something you do not watch? Do you also review/criticise music you have not listened to, books you have not read or events you have not attended?
“thatâll be the advertising-funded itv I think” – no it will be “the largest and most successful commercial production company in the United Kingdom” which “is part of a wider internationally focussed company with local production offices in America, Australia, Germany, France and Scandinavia as well as a world leading distribution company.”
If it’s so successful, why do I have to pay for it by way of a poll tax? Why can’t we make the foreigners pay for it if it’s so bloody good?
I bet the bloke who designed the great pyramid told the pharoah it would make an international statement. Funded by people who had no choice in the matter, naturally.
It’s called inductive reasoning which is the basis of the scientific method. An example is that we have observed that the sun rises every morning outside the arctic and ant arctic circles. It is therefore reasonable to deduce that there is a very high probability that the sun will rise tomorrow. You do not need to experience the sunrise itself – in the future – to be able to predict that it will indeed rise.
The evidence of BBC output is that they are incapable of making the simplest of programmes without the inclusion of social engineering. Indeed 28 Gate shows definitively that they use every BBC platform to pursue their agenda[s]. It is therefore reasonable to assume that all future BBC productions are freighted with PC bilge.
When was the last time you saw a BBC historical drama that was not stuffed with wildly anachronistic views, opinions, behaviours and people?
Trailer for a forthcoming drama set on a remote Scottish island, with only two families, one very rich, the other very poor. Police Inspector turns to colleage “That’ll cause some tension!”
They can’t help it. Every drama plot is an excuse to insert class war or some other cultural Marxist meme. The only fun in watching bBC drama is to spot how long it takes to flag up the first Common Purpose Talking Point, and to slip an ethnic into camera view, however preposterous. Call it bBC Bingo.
“Mayday” provides a 100% corroboration of your theory. Firstly – a provincial English town, superficially pretty but really a mass of social stratification, tensions and perversions with a lady actor of Nigerian origins as the main character.
Secondly, if they wanted to do a dark film about the nasty aspects of Britain why pick on Home Counties England (Guildford has no known “murder alley”), why not not go for a drama about the nation wide spread of organised drug/rape gangs preying on ‘vulnerable’ young girls from care homes. There is plenty of material there for a real drama based on the truth – it would be credible, and socially responsible. But then it may raise some questions and fail to show just how vile middle class middle income provincial behaviour is….
I agree with Jo. I have had enough, and so has Jo apparently, of watching BBC programs that always seem to have a Multi-Culture, Climate Change, Anti Financial Responsibility, Anti-Democratic or even just Anti-Common Sense message in them. It isnât that Jo, or I, havenât watched any. Do you see the difference?
A bit like banging your head on a wall. Once you have tried it you find out that it hurts. So you stop doing it.
I look forward, as I am sure does Jo, to hearing from you Al when the propaganda stops and programs are factual again.
It would also be nice when a corporation with an income of ÂŁ3,000,000,0000 and 23,000 employees can produce a news program with actual news in it. Rather than the tripe served up this morning which is nonstop about how poor Chris has only done what many, many other people have done in getting his wife, partner, significant other to take their penalty driving points. They really have lost the plot and live only in this little bubble of chattering class gossip up there at the Salford Palace of Truth.
I have to switch from Fox to CNN, to AL Jazeera, to France TV and even Russian TV to find out whatâs going on in the world. Even Sky, which is generally a lot better, is now starting to follow the BBC with the same format. They buy a sofa get the presenter to show a bit of leg, bring on a few odd bods with daft ideas, look at a few tweets, show the paperâs headlines and think thatâs a news program. I had expected better in my dotage.
“How do you wait for âthe irritating right-on messageâ on those programmes you admit you do not watch?”
It is pretty obvious that he is saying that when he watches TV dramas he notices the relentless Leftist box ticking, and this means he watches them less and less and does something else instead. But you already know that don’t you. Your point was a substitute for addressing the substantive point.
If you say so – obviously you are another of those commentating here that are blessed with the “irritating” talent of being able to tell what I think and know.
can’t grasp the perverse mentality of someone who actively goes out of their way to spend most of the day floating around a website they clearly hate and find irritating
and then spend all their time complaining about how irritating it is-as if we really cared how they felt
If you are honestly saying you cannot understand the statement
“Iâve added drama to the list of BBC programmes I donât watch. I canât enjoy them any more â just waiting for the irritating right-on message. Itâs always there, somewhere.”
If you do understand the point they are making, try to address it without making wisecracks about how can anybody can comment on dramas they do not watch.
He (or she) clearly says they have watched BBC dramas, and have noticed how relentlessly Leftist they are in their assumptions, and so now (notwithstanding the fact that they have to pay a license fee) they give them a miss and do something else instead.
If you do not understand the point they are making why comment at all?
As the vapid middle-class lefty multi-millionaire Lennon put it.
Sorry, that was off message.
“Imagine there’s no poll tax
It’s easy if you try.
No agitprop to pay for,
Don’t wanna pay? Then just watch Sky.
Imagine all the lefty luvvies,
working for themselves.
OOH-AAH You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
Some day you’ll join us
Switching off BBC1
(Repeat 2, repeat 3, repeat 4)
Then let’s get started on the the radio tax-eaters.
Joshaw is probably like me – just once in a while I try BBC drama again – and I am not disappointed – the end can be predicted within 5 mins of the start – the BBC’s right on message is there every time.
Well, well!. I never thought I’d see this programme “Shetland” mentioned on bBBC!!.
I am actually from Shetland and can tell you the politically correct brigade are wetting themselves at the prospect of this programme. The hype is painful…..
Most normal Shetlanders like myself are a) sick of the politically correct brigade that rules the roost here now and b) are dreading this programme. Why?. Because it will be the usual crap, multi-cultural stereotypical representation of Shetland “we’re all one big happy family “. Erm, no we’re not. It’s an alcohol and drug fuelled hole.
The programme is based on a book written by some english author called “Ann Cleaves” who has been “coming to Shetland for 9 years” blah, blah, blah.
Well, that’s a view.
Here’s some more info I was served only today: Dan Jukes (@DanJukes9)
Bob Crow’s salary is ÂŁ133,138. He claims ÂŁ9,989 in expenses & ÂŁ2,376 in travel but lives in a social housing with a rent of ÂŁ150 per week
He certainly seems qualified to speak on iniquity. Quite who for, I am sure the BBC or designated proxies will be able to explain.
Asking him on any of this on a ‘while we have got you here’ basis would be lacking in professional courtesy.
Which they’d never do with anyone else.
Not true, as I used to have a delightful piccie of her on the old departed site (RIP, No flowers, donations to the Holiday Homes For Stray Cats Fund etc etc).
But I keep my word, and she has wronged me, so she shall not be staging a comeback.
Fantastic work, Moss! I was convinced, watching QT last night, that she was a ‘plant’, and was enraged as I watched Dimbles complicity urge her on (like the moral coward he is) – this was very clearly a pre-arranged ‘intervention’ by the BBC, designed solely to trip up the UKIP speaker. There is simply no other explanation.
Utterly wretched behaviour – I urge all who can to watch last night’s QT on iPlayer, to see the sheer spitefulness of the Biased BBC in full view: it really doesn’t get much more blatant or unambiguous than last night’s disgraceful exhibition.
When I turned on Question Time David Dimbleby was apologising for having three speakers out of the five being in favour of exiting the European Union. The fact that this reflects the general population seems to have escaped him.
Maybe he was apologising for three speakers in a row expressing the same opinion, but I have never seen him do that when three Leftists give their identical opinion.
Almost as blatant as the Labour plant – maybe they got nervous that for the first time in living memory the Left were not in a majority on the panel (if you include Kenneth Clarke as on the “Right”).
I must say you do get a better class of idiot on QT, from the triple-chinned Labour gobshite (she obviously didn’t get the memo from Ed about it now being okay to discuss immigration) so satisfyingly put in her place by Melanie Phillips to the chap who wanted population reduction without a decrease in immigration because that would be ‘populist’. Presumably he wanted a cull a la Mid Staffs. QT had all the hallmarks of a get UKIP episode a bit like the get Griffin one a few years ago. However, the beeb didn’t seem to have stacked the deck in their favour because three wanted to leave the EU. lol. Afterwards, Portillo (in the presence of those hardworking Romanians, The Cheeky Girls) was asked whether Rogarian immigration bothered him, ‘not really’ he replied. He probably should be because it will destroy the Conservatives chances of re-election. When every street in Britain gets it’s own Romanian beggar the people will blame the Tories for letting them in.
You missed that Portillo gave one of the fiercest attacks on the NHS I have ever seen on the BBC (this is not saying much of course but Andrew Neil went silent and let him get on with it) and Portillo also opened with a killer argument explaining why we should withdraw from the EU (which again Andrew Neil let him make without comment) – no wonder the BBC schedule the programme so late most voters have already gone to bed.
Good post from Billy there. Somehow she magically slipped through the tight BBC audience controls. Okay, defenders of the indefensible, now’s your chance to show evidence of a Tory plant.
Forgot to say – if you copied it from the internet in the first place then it will have an URL already.
Go to the web site, right click on the image and you will get an option called “Copy Image Location” or something like that depending on your browser. Then paste into URL box on this site.
Can you spot the difference between the two statements below?! Guess which one headlined from a world famous, impartial, news media organization and guess which one was provided by the Greater Manchester Police.
âManchester EDL protest: 15 arrested, five chargedâ
âThere were 15 arrests for public order offences – 12 from the EDL, three from the UAFâ
Regarding the Shetland murder drama, slightly off topic. A couple of years ago there was a murder of a teenage boy Liam Aitchison in the Outer Hebrides, the first killing on the island in 40 years.
Giggling schoolgirl Mathew Wright on his Channel 5 morning show spoke about it with much hilarity and merriment ” There’s been a murrderr, ” quoting the Taggart catchphrase.
Strange that, when discussing the murder of ‘Saint’ Stephen Lawrence, the creep Matthew Wright is all solemn and po faced, is it I wonder because he’s black ?
Most of his guests are none entities, and have you seen the audience. Before she went to the bBBC Kate Silverton was on and she actually suggested that the British, she used the term “we” should go into the middle east (Israel) and sort them out, simply because Israel took out that cripple of a terrorist Yassin.
On PM last night we heard the loony Toynbee trying to excuse her friend Vicky Pryce for perverting the course of justice and claiming that it would be unfair if she went to prison for it. Then we heard that a survey had shown that most people didn’t know it was illegal to take speeding points on behalf of someone else. For good measure they also told us that although V Pryce had told Vince Cable about this years ago he was very tired at the time and had probably forgotten all about it, even though at the time he was horrified that a colleague could have broken the law.
Yet another example of the BBC orchestrating support for one of their friends.
Just think what the reaction of the BBC would have been had this been a Tory and his wife and another senior Tory had been told of the offence years ago. They would have been outraged on behalf of the British people. How could people ever be expected to trust the Tories when senior members of the party and their spouses flouted the law so brazenly. Cable would have been repeatedly asked when did he know and why didn’t he do something about it.His defence of ‘I was tired and forgot’ would have been ridiculed. The headline surely would have been
The amusing bit of that piece was how the Cables checked back in their personal records and that proved it.
Because we all keep personal records of every bit of nonsense that fills our lives don’t we, and if we did I’m sure we’d all make sure we accurately reported the bits that could come back to bite us on the bum?
‘Because we all keep personal records of every bit of nonsense that fills our lives donât we, and if we did Iâm sure weâd all make sure we accurately reported the bits that could come back to bite us on the bum?’
The BBC has an app for that… well, Peter Rippon now.
Polly is on a tour of the studios this morning, on itv around 8 am saying the same things. The line taken is that Vicky Price ought not to go to prison. She must be hoping the judge is watching?
And certainly not on International Womens Day of all days!
What with Mothers day coming up…do women get as many days as they like.
International Mens day anybody, where the likes of Huhne, Tessa Jowells ex hubbie get away with murder or perverting the course of justice? Bloody men cause it all eh?…we need more Pollys, Tessas and Vickys, Harriets and Featherstones to keep us safe from ourselves!
Condell in sparkling form, taunts the feminist lefties for their silence on Islams demand for female subservience. Saves the best till last – burqua to be compulsoy for Islamist men. Watching the arab men of the Edgeware Road in, jeans, trainers, casual sportswear while wifey totters along covered in a black tent. Sounds like the answer. Question Time invite, please!! Show up the prissy metrosexual left.
Curious because Ming Campbell was on Radio 4 saying that since we are still awaiting sentencing he couldn’t possibly comment on the Pryce-Hunhe minor, not very important thingymajig.
After all as pointed out they are not Conservatives and are not alleged to have called someone a ‘pleb’.
‘Polly is on a tour of the studios this morning’
Her T-shirt collection must be amazing.
I have about six, covering Sabbath. Zeppelin and a few others, but she must have one for darn near every day.
I liked the way she implied that Vicky Pryce’s main fault was making an error of judgement, i.e. she should have kept quiet. That and the way that law-maker Huhne and ‘powerful’ Pryce, advisor to government, probably didn’t know that lying was illegal.
Can’t you just hear John Humprys’ voice in your head going up through the octaves if such a statement had been made by someone not a BBC moral arbiter?
This is a case of a spiteful ex-wife getting even with her ex. She actually thought that because she was exposing a deceitful, normal corrupt politician she was going to celebrated as a hero.
Shame the journo who scooped this and has lots of brownie points with her editor didn’t explain to her that she could also be charged with the same offence.
Credit to the ITV News journo for at least trying to get a reaction to the possibility that St. Vince might have known about the speeding offence switcheroo.
apparently,antarctica has much more ice than previously thought,says Palab Ghosh on breakfast views
but then,as quickly as possible he inserts a little bit of bbc approved religious broadcasting as well……”that makes it more susceptible to climate change”
Yes, later on the announcement morphed somewhat into telling us how many cubic km’s of ice are there. Admittedly way more than expected, but much of it is underwater …..which makes it more susceptible to climate change.
The BBC informs us that Canadian glaciers face big losses. As always the key phrases are: “could lose perhaps as much as” and “developed a climate computer model.” There used to be a saying about computers that seems to have been forgotten by the Facebook generation: “garbage in, garbage out.” How can environmentalists possibly understand the limits of computer models if they have no understanding of computer programming or physics.
Obviously different laws of physics apply to the south pole, where more ice makes it more susceptible to climate change, compared with the north pole where less ice makes it more susceptible to climate change.
(ps had to laff @ VD today at her shock about nearly 50% of Barclays staff earning less than 25k) It’s called market forces luv, Unlike the bBC poll tax) Just how much are we paying you dear?
The 9.00 headlines this morning or Radio 4. Final item ‘it has emerged that about 5 days ago, after the Eastleigh by-election Nigel Farage and Rupert Murdoch had a meal together. UKIP have refused to say what was to be discussed’.
This sounds so sinister. I’m off to the shops to stock up and buy a tin hat. Colditz I suggest you do the same!!!!
I hear women’s rights campaigner Dame Nicky Campbell is burning his bra live on air again this morning.
What can you be excommunicated for, these days?
Answer: Suggesting ‘women priests’ (boom boom)
Oh how he giggled with the girls in the office.
Well he has to convey his cosy left-liberal convictions to the BBC listeners, don’t he? How else can he impartially chair BBC current affairs debates?
Speaking of convictions, liberals, current affairs and all – next up the latest in the BBC phone-in series ‘do you feel sorry for XXXXX the convicted criminal?’ Got that listeners? Do you feel sorry for Vicky Pryce? As Alex Salmond will tell you – it’s all about how you ask the question.
And later further extracts from the Nicky Campbell religious joke book. (But not the one that they read starting from the back – well, he might have a poke at the Hebrew one – but not that other one you read from the back). Oh no. Well he wants to live to crack some more Pope jokes and to Tweet again tomorrow.
Oh goodie , its international womens day so , all white men have been rounded up & shot , so they won`t appear on news 24 to at least midnight ! Typical Bbc PC bollox !
Big item bbc breakfast: women’s bad treatment as illustrated by a Welsh rugby international player who actually still has to work as a builder.
Next item: women not allowed to race in Gaza..oh….errrrrr…..Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzz.zz
The ‘take’ today is, as always, interesting… BBC Breakfast(@BBCBreakfast)
At 0720 @judmoo will join us to talk about a @BBCSport online survey that reveals many women in sport can’t make a living from their sport.
A few are wondering at what point sport became a career that paid up no matter what.
But most seem of the BBc view that if you want to be an XX, and no public person feels the urge to pay to watch, then the obvious solution is more compelled funding. One presumes uniquely.
Watch out for a surge of compo claims from 40yo beer-bellied aspiring Chippendales soon.
Yes I saw that I know ITV morning is still more dire(How do they manage it) but it’s getting tempting. I had on line survey the other day (You-Guv) about my “viewing habits”. Filling in my answers confirmed what I’d been thinking for a while. I hardly ever watch BBc any more. The output is so crap Breakfast is now just about the thing I watch on a regular basis. If ITV could raise their Breakfast show over the level of whale poo they’d have another viewer.
Anyway I digress BBc plugging woman’s sport could have another motive. I don’t like sport (apart from F1) male or female. So from where I stand if BBc can raise the profile of womans sport it can then justify screening it due to the “demand” for it. I assume because I know nothing about the costs that it would be cheaper for BBc to then get screening rights for the then in “demand” sports.
Your so right, who wants those awful men ! We demand an erection free day, all urinals closed for 24 hours, Y fronts to be sewn up, more powerpoints to charge our vibrators and page 3 to have a nice recipe for cottage pie. Womens day FFS. How patronising to the real women who have achieved without favour. Bit like a minorities award ceremony. Cannot make it in the real world so lets ban the white man to make it possible. Pass the vagisil dearie.
Just read over on BBCwatch that the UNHCR has reported that the 11 month old son of a BBC worker killed during the Hamas bombardment of Israel last year was killed not by an Israeli airstrike as the BBC claimed but by a Hamas rocket landing short of Israel.
I hope to see heads role over the discracfull, misleading an biased reporting that occurred due to this act of fratricide, but I won’t hold my breath.
It will still be the Israel’s fault. Hamas would not have rockets if Israel did not exist.
By the way the average MSM reporter would not know what “fratricide” means.
A very interesting point, in terms of simple logic, posted there: To enter Israel as a journalist, journalists need no accreditation. Anyone can go â you and me.
To enter EVERYWHERE else in the Middle East, you DO need accreditation.
If you are ANTI-Jewish state on the Richter scale of virility, you will get accreditation everywhere you go. And you need it in Hamas and PA areas.
If you are too PRO-Israel, you may get barred.
The consequences of this are career threatening.
Your Editor back in London, New York or wherever SCREAMS at you that he appointed you as Middle East correspondent over the WHOLE Middle East: âNow youâve been barred from here, there and everywhere. Youâre no good to me. Youâre fired!â
If you have a wife and kids to support, all this must be a powerful in-the-back-of-your-mind consideration.
Balance and professionalism take a back seat. Cowardice prevails.
If there is a rational counter argument with factual backing, I look forward to it being outlined.
If you think anyone at the BBC will believe this report and not suspect for the rest of their lives that the Jews got to it first, you’re sadly mistaken.
Question Time was memorable last night (briefly) for Melanie Phillips heartfelt anger over patronising attacks on the majority of ordinary concerned British citizens, not that the usual packed (picked?) audience cared.
Dimbleby horrified to find a majority of his panel were anti-EU. Researcher sacked?
By the way, is Yvette Cooper a racist now and will the BBC freeze her off the airwaves for her anti (mammoth) immigration stance?
No, no more so than when I asked why Diane Abbot was still on the BBc after her last anti-white racist outburst. I must look up the reply they gave me. But obviously it didn’t affect her tv bookings that much.
Posted this at the very end of the Wed Open Thread, but thought it looked important enough to repeat post where it was more likely to be seen.:
Over on Guidoâs :
Bill says:
March 7, 2013 at 9:39 pm
I think this article in the guardian proves that the BBC is not independant from the guardian as it should be under its charter and shows it biasâ
Followed by brief account of Guardian article about torture carried out by Iraqi police trained by and an American adviser called James Steele who was personally sponsored b Rumsfeld, in Iraq under Petraeusâ watch, with accompanying documentary vid seems to be a joint Guardian / BBC Arabic exercise, containing such lines as:
âThe allegations, made by US and Iraqi witnesses in the Guardian/BBC documentary, implicate US advisers for the first time in the human rights abuses committed by the commandos. â
âThe Guardian/BBC Arabic investigation was sparked by the release of classified US military logs on WikiLeaksâŚâ
i wonder if he will as obviously erm “welcoming”?
to the Hamas peoples front, as he was with Bibi, will it be lots of turning your back, long stares etc … or something different.?
The BBC mindset does not like Vaclav Klaus, the now retired President of the Czech Republic.
Klaus is by far the dominant figure (together with the late Vaclav Havel) in the post-Communist era…consistently successful in his various roles as minister, prime minister and president.
His popularity ratings have always been high…his leftist detractors accused him of populism…a charge they level at popular democrats who say things the majority agrees with.
So how does the BBC address his departure after a quarter of a century.
They find a fringe demonstration of effigy burners…
“The inauguration of the new Czech president Milos Zeman will take place on Friday at Prague Castle.
Mr Zeman will become the country’s first directly elected president and only the third in its 20-year history.
The departure of outgoing president, Vaclav Klaus was marked by a mocking protest. ”
For our delight they show us the ‘demonstators’ and allow them to voice a farewell…including throwing the still burning effigy into the Vltava (Moldau) river.
All in allow so typical of the shabbiness of the BBC world view.
more vomit inducing coverage delivered in reverential tones about the faithful in venezuela being granted another 7 days to say goodbye to the dear leader Hugh the Chav
all dressed in red….the colour of socialism…….the colour of the revolution
and mention of one of the high class mourners…….ahmed I’m a dinnerjacket of iran….coming to say goodbye to an ally
Well, if they are going to have him stuffed..errr…I mean embalmed….to go on permanent show, well, we wont have to endure Huw Edwards hushed tones during his funeral will we?
Anyone seen a black armband on a BBC newscaster yet? surely only a matter of time…
I can see the main headline on the ten o’clock news in two weeks: “Hugo Chavez still dead”.
Only in the Guardian, says Daily Mash: “Guardian reader from Stevenage, added: âHe introduced free healthcare and free education and if you have those two things then why on earth would you need a free press?”
Religious Comedy
BBC Memo: to news & current affairs presenters and editors also comedy writers and commissioners
Recently there have been questions raised as to the BBCâs attitude toward religion and the acceptability of religious humour.
Naturally our full guidelines and explanation thereof are not for broadcast and in no circumstances to be committed to print.
The rules must, however, be strictly adhered to.
Our legal advice is that our guidelines have to remain a matter for word of mouth transmission only and they are to be disseminated on a need to know basis.
Bearing in mind these constraints an example may be helpful. Here is an extract of a discussion at a recent BBC staff seminar:
A man goes into a Greek Orthodox Church. He sees the Priest swinging an incense censer and shouts âOi beardy… look out, your handbag is on fire!â
Overall there is only minor religious offence given here. The Greek Church is Christian and most Christian Churches are âCâ category risks. However, Christian Churches other than American Churches, Catholics or CofE are sometimes ranked as a âBâ category risk. (Please ask our Head of Religious Programming for the details of the alphabetical ranking system â do be respectful in your request; he is an âAâ category risk)
BBC Newsnight economics editor Paul Mason is currently looking into the Greek Church to discover just how âconservativeâ it is. He will report back on his findings and let us know whether the Greek Church is fair game.
Some objections might be made to the word âbeardyâ. Please remember that Liberal Democrats and members of the category âAâ religion are to be especially protected under our secret guidelines.
More importantly there is some homophobia inherent in the use of the word âhandbagâ. Stephen Fry is currently writing another long essay on Oscar Wilde focusing on the character Lady Bracknell and he (SF) will decide on the future acceptability of the word.
More on Labour Party activist Amy Rutland’s totally spontaneous and unplanned contribution on last night’s QT can be found on political.scrapbook.net. She acknowledges that she was ‘working with Stephen Twigg in the afternoon’!
I’m surprised no one has posted about the ‘bedroom tax’ article on TWAtO.
I have to say I’m as unsurprised at the take up of the ‘bedroom tax’ epithet as the ‘Poll tax’ You wouldn’t think that politicians could be so Naieve that they’d let the incompetent civil service make up such a gob full of a name that almost anything would be easier to call it by, but they did it again!
So now it’s known as the bedroom tax instead of its proper title which no on even seems to know!
Personally I think it’s a ridiculous state of affairs when a bunch of out of touch posh boys can work so hard as individuals reducing peoples benefit that some poor sods can find themselves in the uneviable situation where they are actually required to pay more to the state than they receive in benefit!
This is likely to be Camerons Poll Tax , and with the Fib Dems looking set on a self destruct course it seems Cameron has set the controls for the heart of the sun. The question is why is the bBC not reporting it?
Maybe they’re just waiting for the whole sorry mess to actually happen.
‘Iâm surprised no one has posted about the âbedroom taxâ article on TWAtO.’
Well you have now, making ‘it’ now well and truly posted, by a site contributor. Unless you feel there are different types?
And for comment on the BBC’s handling, or not, on things a URL is always handy. Along with where you think they may have failed.
Otherwise it could, as I am sure it is not, look like one of those side tributary efforts based on other topical matters. The question is why is the bBC not reporting it?
If not BBC, what is TWAtO?
TWAtO is The World At One although the bBC prefer to call it WATO for obvious reasons.
If the bBC aren’t handling it then a url is pretty difficult!
Why are the bBC not reporting it? Well there’s no milage in it for them, they might as well wait for the train wreck rather than try to stop it, the results will only be a split in what’s left of the Tory vote between UKIP and the Tories, and all the others are likely to vote Labour.
Thank you, I was just confused when you said you’d heard it on a programme on the BBC but then said it wasn’t being reported by the BBC.
Maybe it’s in here?: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006qptc
OOOOOhhh Feedback at 16:30 ‘Is BBC comedy too left wing’? I await with interest, but having heard all this before I expect the stock ‘yes but we can’t find anyone less biased who is funny’ answer again
I often wonder if it’s also because of the audiences they bring in. A Thatcher joke is as automatic a laugh as a fart joke with them, so of course the “edgy” comedians will go for the easy laugh. Saves them the effort of having to work at it. It’s not easy being funny on demand for these comedy panel shows. Not that there’s a single one of them who isn’t as Left-wing as possible. I’m just saying it’s abetted by the audience.
Curiously enough, the BBC never accepts the ‘they’re just not that into it’ defense when people try the explain that their might be reasons other than The Sexism why there are more female CEOs.
Apologies, I will repeat what I mentioned on an earlier thread; that Radio 4âs masterful topical âNow showâ appears to have succumbed to using canned laughter.
Obviously they have been found out that the programme is actually devoid of any comedic content whatsoever!
Yep same old tired response again – that Jeremy Hardy – left wing extremist isn’t actually biased at all! and that they can’t find anyone on the right who they regard as funny.
I have now listened to the Feedback item – well done Thoughtful – your predictions were right. I am going to have to listen again before I post as I could hardly believe what I was hearing. The News Quiz is a vehicle for ‘comedians’ to give their own views apparently and the BBC cannot be responsible for what they say was another of the little gems. The Now Show is scripted and therefore is more balanced (not from where I am sitting). The whole segment was unbelievable and explains much of the mindset of the woman commissioning comedy.
“Conservatives love a row with Brussels, because upsetting foreigners is second only to killing them in stimulating the pleasure centres of the conservative party.”
Yup. Hardy is just so wrong on so many levels. Full of prejudice and bigotry of the sort the left claim to hate but all too often lapse into themselves.
If this sort of bile was aimed at anyone but the Tories the BBC would not allow it to be broadcast. It would be deemed too offensive, and bordering on inciting violence.
Heard this story on the way home. Only the BBC could come up with the argument that Hardy is not left wing because he may make an occassional remark about Milliband or the LibDems. As for not knowing the politics of their comedy panels before they come on, so it’s just coincidence they’re all lefties?
Ninety seconds of audio released by The Times media correspondent Ben Webster has undone former BBC Director General Mark Thompsonâs evidence to both Parliament and the Pollard Review over what he knew about Savile. The damning tape from an interview last October has Thompson admitting that he knew the fateful Newsnight investigation was into Savile and about âsexual abuse of some kindâ
Guido features pursuit of Mark Thompson by a Tory MP, over how much he knew about Savile and why his story keeps changing:
“Tory MP Rob Wilson tells Guido:
âMark Thompsonâs story has changed on several occasions since he first wrote to me saying he knew nothing about the Jimmy Savile allegations. The Pollard Review accepted his account. This recording and the Helen Boaden solicitorâs letter to the BBC cast a dark cloud over Thompsonâs version of events. Pollard and the BBC must now reveal all the evidence as I have requested in my recent letters to them. Both the integrity of the enquiry and the BBC is at stake as is the reputation of Mark Thompson.â ”
The Office for budgetry responsibility ‘unprecedented’ reprimand for the Prime Minister. Well it might be ‘unprecidented but the department was only officially created in May 2010 so almost anything they do will be for the first time and therefore by definition without a precident !
Not that that will prevent the bBC wheeling out Balls to comment as a leading article on the news.
Quite! Could anyone imagine Gordon Brown even thinking about setting up an independent watchdog to scrutinise his and Ed Balls’ budgetary performance? No – that’s why it was never done under Labour.
“Officers said an assessment by mental health professionals deemed him unfit to be interviewed any further by detectives.
They said the 22-year-old, a British national with links to Walsall, was not previously known to mental health units in the area and has no known link to the teenager.”
For some reason (which had nothing to to do with anything I’d been informed of, by the Beeb) I checked out an old THE article,
“Is being black bad for your mental health?”
(unemployment and separation of parents at an early age can be an important contributory factor in cases of schizophrenia)
Though this is not a BBC issue, it shows the conspiracy that the Establishment uses to run rings around us. This man has been sectioned so that the media cannot by Law find out his background.
When reading the early reports of this case, the murderer was described as a black male with dark skin. That is a NUJ code for an African, and most probably from East Africa. He is also described as a British national again NUJ code for someone who is an immigrant.
All that we can say is that this is a result of Nulabour’s ,Tony Blair’s enrichment policy.
An early TV report (I’m sure it was Sky News, as I am unlikely to have been watching the British Brainwashing Corporation’s version of events) also mentioned this “Emotionally Disturbed Person” had previously done time for killing someone else. I suspect he was convicted of manslaughter as a result of “diminshed responsibilty”.
The above claim has not been repeated in any subsequent broadcast.
dog lovers have set up a tv channel especially for dogs and their owners,and there wasn’t a spiteful dig to be seen
i was just waiting for “these dog kennels are considered illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this”
of course that proves that the bbc is actually even handed about Israel,and gives them carte blanche for several more years of black propaganda and antisemitism
just watched a bit about the Falklands on the BBC and the labour member of the panel was saying that even after the referendum we should still do a joint sovrenty deal. That to me just sums up labours idea of listening to the people in that we listen to them and do as we’re told not the other way around.
He also came out with a corker of an idea that if the government told us how much it cost to defend the islands we’d be demanding they be handed over at once. Well I’ll tell the craven fool how much it cost. 258 brave British troops killed and 775 wounded, that’s how much chum.
British blood was spilt defending British citizens and I think we’d rather spend a few million or a few hundred million if it means stopping us from again having to pay with the blood of our troops.
i get your ire … but don t worry the al bbc will do another “special” phone in, where they insist on keep calling it the malvinas … to the islanders fury, and even after being told so (live on air!) … they ll continue to do so,
bbc traitors all
A draft law that would end violence against women is being debated in the Afghan Parliament. But it is finding little support among MPs, who feel that it violates traditional values. UH OH!
Just listening to the Now Show as I type.
So far, minutes of smear and sneer at the Catholics and the Coalition…will let you know if there`s one crack at Labour!
Do I need to bother really?
Nah…anybody else bothering to listen.
Boy it stinks…Euphrosyne long left the Now Show, and we`re left with the husk of Ted Rodgers bin liners by way of “funny”.
Some shit called Jonny and the Baptists sucking up re Womens Day.
Let`s hope the BBC give us Hajira and the Naughty Djinn by way of balance next week-let`s hope that Christians will develop that thin skin and perpetual sense of grievance needed.
At least the likes of dismal Johnny will have to learn to be funny without my money…and if his spectacularly shit combo dare to add “as heard on Radio 4” we should take a class action out aginst the f***in BBC!
W***ers…w***ers all!
BBC appoints Labour-friendly HALL as D.G, who in turn appoints recently Labour minister PURNELL as top adviser.
Meanwhile, at the secondary PR level, Labour ABBOTT’s chum PORTILLO is being touted-
[Simon Heffer in ‘Daily Mail’ – scroll down]-
“Portillo to be the new BBC boss?
Could Michael Portillo be the next chairman of the BBC Trust? Some at Broadcasting House think it a possibility.
The incumbent, Lord (Chris) Patten, has performed abominably over the Jimmy Savile crisis and during the Corporationâs outrageous treatment of Lord McAlpine (the former Tory party treasurer who Newsnight wrongly linked to historic child abuse allegations).
The BBCâs new director-general, Lord Hall, is starting his job next month and itâs suggested this would be a good time to have a new chairman, too.
Much as Iâm fond of Mr Portillo, what a shame that, at 82, Lord Tebbit might be thought too old for the job.”
I don’t know if I like that idea, to me Portillo is of the same mould and end of the Conservative party as Patton. would be a bit of a case of meet the new boss, same as the old boss for me.
I listened the the World Service news last night, It appears the BBC simply regurgitated the Obama Administration press release about the closure of the White House tours for tourists. It appears that the tours have been stopped as a result of the sequester.
Agreed. It’s a sick trick by the Community Organizer-in-Chief. The first tours to be cancelled were apparently school children. A cold political move, and one which shows just how low He will stoop. And just how much the mainstream press have abdicated their responsibility. He knows He’ll get away with it, too.
No frowns on Twitter from any Beeboids, of course. I wonder if, now that Helen Boaden has been promoted sideways, there’s nobody left in BBC News to tell them it’s okay to report when a black person does something wrong, and it won’t conflict with the BBC’s commitment to diversity.
NB: To those who doubt me and think I’m inferring something that isn’t there, or interpreting out of my ass, it’s Helen Boaden’s own admission (pp. 67-8) about the mentality of the kind of people the BBC hires as journalists.
The BBC will revert to their default anti-Americanism if their defence of Obama becomes too much of a national joke.
Having said that the BBC were spinning for Gordon right up until the moment he exited Downing Street [they even tried to lobby for a Lab-Lib coalition], and needless to add since then the Labour government is hardly mentioned, just in case we remember what they were like.
You are correct to say they are jihadists although scum hardly illuminates any discussion. I assume you understand that jihadists cosider nearly all muslims apostates and therefore as worthy of death as the infidels.
Did you really think that the mindset of jihadists was the point being raised?
But then you couldn’t really address the real point being made and maintain your untenable position here. But just to try and be annoying you post that crap.
Are you saying then that the only true Muslim is a “jihadist” ?
This would imply that Jihad is a duty incumbent upon all true Muslims which is what I have always thought implicit in the Koran and the Hadiths.
Given the eternal and unalterable nature of the Koran (being the literal word of Allah) surely the jihadists have a point.
“Jihadists” do not consider nearly all Muslims to be apostates: to be a good Muslim it is only necessary to give material or moral support -this can often simply take the form of not condemning them or being insincere in one’s condemnation. There is also stealth jihad, demographic jihad, that of the pen, lawffare, financial jihad: differences are often a question of expediency, timing and means. You seem to be confusing them with extreme shariads who believe you can’t have too much Islam – a lot Muslims have the common sense to see the flaw in that one although it often takes bitter experience first to bring home the fact.
Colditz, that is possibly the most pathetic comment I’ve had the misfortune of reading. Do not insult my intelligence, please and, don’t bother interacting with me on this site in future as I find your comments tiresome, Left-wing and pseudo-intellectual. Go away, troll.
Dateline London. All on the panel agreed that Cameron was of the ‘deep right’ UKIP were a ‘ghastly ghastly party and that the answer to our economic problems were more immigration and more government spending. All opinions from the left; all considered by the chairman to need no justification or explanation.
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This new Shetland-set crime drama is getting a LOT of trails on BBC R2 –
Soundbites go summat like this –
“You think it’s perfect here?”
“I want people here to be able to keep leaving their doors unlocked”
“There’s been a murrrderr”
“Two families living on top of each for generations: one rich, one poor – bound to create tension”
“Most victims know their killer”
“We’re all connected in some way”
Which sounds awfully like a lazy Beeb allegory for a country that would be a right-on version of the Land of Cockayne were it not for those wicked Tories & Toffs, some of whom inevitably fall victim to the injustice-derived rage their rule stokes etc etc.
I note that the multicultural detective is called Perez, so no doubt crofting lesbians will make their appearance soon with their tale of abuse in an English workhouse, and their rescue by the Lerwick imam.
Uphellya should be good, the drug-dealers having honed their arson skills in the 2011 London riots, with the police holding back UKIP racists as their holiday cottages go up.
” Perez ”
Hmm, that’s a typical Shetland name !
Aye, everyone can be a Scot noo, laddie, except the blasted English.
Maybe that is something you should take up with the author then. The BBC are screening a drama produced by ITV studios and based on a work of fiction – what has the characters name or anything else got to do with the BBC?
“The BBC are screening a drama……..based on a work of fiction”
hang on
that’s a news item from gaza surely??
So those commissioning the programme [the BBC] have no influence whatsoever on the final show? Irrespective of the people actually making the programme the BBC meme will certainly be instilled – remember the auld Venezuelan saying “he who pays the [pan] piper calls el tuno’.
Do you really believe that the BBC allows writers a blank sheet? How about Gurpreet Bhatti who tried to discuss Honour Murder in her episode of a crime drama….
Censored by the BBC
Sometimes, the BBC does influence scripts.
Pro-hunt lobby forces BBC to alter bulletin
The BBC has caved in to pressure from the Countryside Alliance to drop news stories that show hunting in a bad light. The alliance has also forced BBC producers to order the rewriting of key scenes showing a fox cub being orphaned by a hunt in a new flagship drama series.
BBC sends award-winning TV drama writer on course to learn how about ‘goodies and baddies’
Yet the BBC has insisted Bafta-winning writer Tony Marchant sit an elementary test about how to correctly portray ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’.
It is the latest in a line of what critics argue are increasingly draconian procedures aimed at stopping BBC programmes from causing offence.
I’m sure people here can provide other examples.
I see you had to go back to 1999 to dig up that first link đ
Jimmy Perez was Mediteranean in Ann Cleeves’ novels. On adapt
Sorry about that, I’ll try again.
Jimmy Perez was Mediterranean in Ann Cleeves’ original novels. The adaptation changes his backstory so that he’s originally from Shetland, but has kept the name.
I remember an episode of Hamish McBeth where there was mention of a clan McLopez. Survivors of a wrecked Armada ship, they retain their Spanish connections after 400 years and instead of illicit whiskey they brew Scotland’s finest [only?] Sherry. Perhaps Perez is a McLopez?
There was a time when the BBC could make a joke about immigration – however obtuse!
I’ve added drama to the list of BBC programmes I don’t watch.
I can’t enjoy them any more – just waiting for the irritating right-on message. It’s always there, somewhere.
How do you wait for “the irritating right-on message” on those programmes you admit you do not watch? How can you enjoy (or not enjoy) something you do not watch? Do you also review/criticise music you have not listened to, books you have not read or events you have not attended?
it’s the bbc
it’s in their genes
Of course it is – especially when the drama in question is an ITV Studios production.
which has to pass the beeb’s right on trendy police test before airing.Do you actually believe they would let something on which isn’t achingly pc?
and that’ll be the advertising-funded itv I think you’ll find
fish in a barrel anyone?
“thatâll be the advertising-funded itv I think” – no it will be “the largest and most successful commercial production company in the United Kingdom” which “is part of a wider internationally focussed company with local production offices in America, Australia, Germany, France and Scandinavia as well as a world leading distribution company.”
Blinded by bias anyone?
still not funded by a compulsory tax
blinded by beboidery
If it’s so successful, why do I have to pay for it by way of a poll tax? Why can’t we make the foreigners pay for it if it’s so bloody good?
I bet the bloke who designed the great pyramid told the pharoah it would make an international statement. Funded by people who had no choice in the matter, naturally.
It’s called inductive reasoning which is the basis of the scientific method. An example is that we have observed that the sun rises every morning outside the arctic and ant arctic circles. It is therefore reasonable to deduce that there is a very high probability that the sun will rise tomorrow. You do not need to experience the sunrise itself – in the future – to be able to predict that it will indeed rise.
The evidence of BBC output is that they are incapable of making the simplest of programmes without the inclusion of social engineering. Indeed 28 Gate shows definitively that they use every BBC platform to pursue their agenda[s]. It is therefore reasonable to assume that all future BBC productions are freighted with PC bilge.
When was the last time you saw a BBC historical drama that was not stuffed with wildly anachronistic views, opinions, behaviours and people?
Trailer for a forthcoming drama set on a remote Scottish island, with only two families, one very rich, the other very poor. Police Inspector turns to colleage “That’ll cause some tension!”
They can’t help it. Every drama plot is an excuse to insert class war or some other cultural Marxist meme. The only fun in watching bBC drama is to spot how long it takes to flag up the first Common Purpose Talking Point, and to slip an ethnic into camera view, however preposterous. Call it bBC Bingo.
“Mayday” provides a 100% corroboration of your theory. Firstly – a provincial English town, superficially pretty but really a mass of social stratification, tensions and perversions with a lady actor of Nigerian origins as the main character.
Secondly, if they wanted to do a dark film about the nasty aspects of Britain why pick on Home Counties England (Guildford has no known “murder alley”), why not not go for a drama about the nation wide spread of organised drug/rape gangs preying on ‘vulnerable’ young girls from care homes. There is plenty of material there for a real drama based on the truth – it would be credible, and socially responsible. But then it may raise some questions and fail to show just how vile middle class middle income provincial behaviour is….
There’s so much weird going down these days that maybe we should look for the reason “in their genes”.
Try: “Liberal Replicant” for an explanation for all the weird, at:
I agree with Jo. I have had enough, and so has Jo apparently, of watching BBC programs that always seem to have a Multi-Culture, Climate Change, Anti Financial Responsibility, Anti-Democratic or even just Anti-Common Sense message in them. It isnât that Jo, or I, havenât watched any. Do you see the difference?
A bit like banging your head on a wall. Once you have tried it you find out that it hurts. So you stop doing it.
I look forward, as I am sure does Jo, to hearing from you Al when the propaganda stops and programs are factual again.
It would also be nice when a corporation with an income of ÂŁ3,000,000,0000 and 23,000 employees can produce a news program with actual news in it. Rather than the tripe served up this morning which is nonstop about how poor Chris has only done what many, many other people have done in getting his wife, partner, significant other to take their penalty driving points. They really have lost the plot and live only in this little bubble of chattering class gossip up there at the Salford Palace of Truth.
I have to switch from Fox to CNN, to AL Jazeera, to France TV and even Russian TV to find out whatâs going on in the world. Even Sky, which is generally a lot better, is now starting to follow the BBC with the same format. They buy a sofa get the presenter to show a bit of leg, bring on a few odd bods with daft ideas, look at a few tweets, show the paperâs headlines and think thatâs a news program. I had expected better in my dotage.
sky has gone right down the pan news content wise-and you now tend to find the same right-on types guest infesting both studios
Boulton married Blair’s bit of fluff and Number 10 supremo Anji Hunter…
“Iâve added” = I have added
This is the present perfect tense, used in this case for a recent event that has a present result.
Does that give you a clue, Albaman?
“How do you wait for âthe irritating right-on messageâ on those programmes you admit you do not watch?”
It is pretty obvious that he is saying that when he watches TV dramas he notices the relentless Leftist box ticking, and this means he watches them less and less and does something else instead. But you already know that don’t you. Your point was a substitute for addressing the substantive point.
The “substantive point” is the criticism of something he admits he does not watch and in this occasion has not even been broadcast.
No the substantive point is the ubiquity of the “irritating right-on message” in BBC dramas, but you knew that already didn’t you.
If you say so – obviously you are another of those commentating here that are blessed with the “irritating” talent of being able to tell what I think and know.
can’t grasp the perverse mentality of someone who actively goes out of their way to spend most of the day floating around a website they clearly hate and find irritating
and then spend all their time complaining about how irritating it is-as if we really cared how they felt
perhaps it’s just some kind of weird masochism
If you are honestly saying you cannot understand the statement
“Iâve added drama to the list of BBC programmes I donât watch. I canât enjoy them any more â just waiting for the irritating right-on message. Itâs always there, somewhere.”
If you do understand the point they are making, try to address it without making wisecracks about how can anybody can comment on dramas they do not watch.
He (or she) clearly says they have watched BBC dramas, and have noticed how relentlessly Leftist they are in their assumptions, and so now (notwithstanding the fact that they have to pay a license fee) they give them a miss and do something else instead.
If you do not understand the point they are making why comment at all?
After considerable self-restraint, Albaman gives himself away in his last post.
Textbook Nicked Emus.
Albumen –
“I am the Eggman!”
As the vapid middle-class lefty multi-millionaire Lennon put it.
Sorry, that was off message.
“Imagine there’s no poll tax
It’s easy if you try.
No agitprop to pay for,
Don’t wanna pay? Then just watch Sky.
Imagine all the lefty luvvies,
working for themselves.
OOH-AAH You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
Some day you’ll join us
Switching off BBC1
(Repeat 2, repeat 3, repeat 4)
Then let’s get started on the the radio tax-eaters.
If you read my comment again, you’ll see that I did not refer specifically to this programme, just drama generally.
The meaning was obvious. However, I’ll get a lawyer to draft my next comment, if it makes you feel better.
Good grief!
He’s really challenging Colditz in the stupidity stakes with this one.
takes some doing,has to be said!!
Joshaw is probably like me – just once in a while I try BBC drama again – and I am not disappointed – the end can be predicted within 5 mins of the start – the BBC’s right on message is there every time.
Well, well!. I never thought I’d see this programme “Shetland” mentioned on bBBC!!.
I am actually from Shetland and can tell you the politically correct brigade are wetting themselves at the prospect of this programme. The hype is painful…..
Most normal Shetlanders like myself are a) sick of the politically correct brigade that rules the roost here now and b) are dreading this programme. Why?. Because it will be the usual crap, multi-cultural stereotypical representation of Shetland “we’re all one big happy family “. Erm, no we’re not. It’s an alcohol and drug fuelled hole.
The programme is based on a book written by some english author called “Ann Cleaves” who has been “coming to Shetland for 9 years” blah, blah, blah.
What most Shetlanders think is summed up here:
No doubt Cleaves left out the nun chasing viking side of life as well.
(I meant nuns being chased by vikings, not the other way round)
QT….Bob Crow, he’s a right geezer in he, ducking and diving, gord blimey guvnor…wankstain
Bless you, Mavis.
And yes, yes he is.
Well, that’s a view.
Here’s some more info I was served only today:
Dan Jukes (@DanJukes9)
Bob Crow’s salary is ÂŁ133,138. He claims ÂŁ9,989 in expenses & ÂŁ2,376 in travel but lives in a social housing with a rent of ÂŁ150 per week
He certainly seems qualified to speak on iniquity. Quite who for, I am sure the BBC or designated proxies will be able to explain.
Asking him on any of this on a ‘while we have got you here’ basis would be lacking in professional courtesy.
Which they’d never do with anyone else.
Steve McFadden is a very versatile actor.
I done wana tawk abart it
It’s me. Hooray !
Can anyone tell me how to add a nice avatar to my postings so as to make the world a brighter and cheerier place ? Won’t be Diane A., I promise.
Go to https://en.gravatar.com/ and tie in an avatar to the email address you use to log in here.
Thank you, Roland. đ
I don’t think an avatar of diane abbott would fit on the screen,would it?
Not true, as I used to have a delightful piccie of her on the old departed site (RIP, No flowers, donations to the Holiday Homes For Stray Cats Fund etc etc).
But I keep my word, and she has wronged me, so she shall not be staging a comeback.
BBC at its best with Amy Rutland (@rutters101) Labour stooge on BBC Question Time attacking UKIP member Diane James!
Well done Moss, she was a real pain, sent me to bed with the horn NOT.
Fantastic work, Moss! I was convinced, watching QT last night, that she was a ‘plant’, and was enraged as I watched Dimbles complicity urge her on (like the moral coward he is) – this was very clearly a pre-arranged ‘intervention’ by the BBC, designed solely to trip up the UKIP speaker. There is simply no other explanation.
Utterly wretched behaviour – I urge all who can to watch last night’s QT on iPlayer, to see the sheer spitefulness of the Biased BBC in full view: it really doesn’t get much more blatant or unambiguous than last night’s disgraceful exhibition.
This hateful, hateful Corporation.
Very well done Moss. Mysteriously, her LinkedIn page has stopped working, but the search reveals that she is
Regional Policy Co-ordinator at The Labour Party
Margate, Kent, United Kingdom (Canterbury, United Kingdom) Political Organization
When I turned on Question Time David Dimbleby was apologising for having three speakers out of the five being in favour of exiting the European Union. The fact that this reflects the general population seems to have escaped him.
Maybe he was apologising for three speakers in a row expressing the same opinion, but I have never seen him do that when three Leftists give their identical opinion.
Almost as blatant as the Labour plant – maybe they got nervous that for the first time in living memory the Left were not in a majority on the panel (if you include Kenneth Clarke as on the “Right”).
Policy Co Organiser? Didn’t it seem a rather BAD policy to tweet non stop BEFORE QT about her being Labour and going on QT to attack UKIP?
Didn’t it seem like a rather dumb thing to appear at all and PROVE 100% what we all think of Labour?
That’s their ONLY policy.
Party representatives watch the count.
Here she is again at the Eastleigh count with her Labour badge.
BBC Question Time – more plants than Gardener’s World.
The plants in question must be cacti, given all the pricks in the QT audience !
Melanie Phillips made her look like the ignorant bigot that she quite obviously is.
I must say you do get a better class of idiot on QT, from the triple-chinned Labour gobshite (she obviously didn’t get the memo from Ed about it now being okay to discuss immigration) so satisfyingly put in her place by Melanie Phillips to the chap who wanted population reduction without a decrease in immigration because that would be ‘populist’. Presumably he wanted a cull a la Mid Staffs. QT had all the hallmarks of a get UKIP episode a bit like the get Griffin one a few years ago. However, the beeb didn’t seem to have stacked the deck in their favour because three wanted to leave the EU. lol. Afterwards, Portillo (in the presence of those hardworking Romanians, The Cheeky Girls) was asked whether Rogarian immigration bothered him, ‘not really’ he replied. He probably should be because it will destroy the Conservatives chances of re-election. When every street in Britain gets it’s own Romanian beggar the people will blame the Tories for letting them in.
You missed that Portillo gave one of the fiercest attacks on the NHS I have ever seen on the BBC (this is not saying much of course but Andrew Neil went silent and let him get on with it) and Portillo also opened with a killer argument explaining why we should withdraw from the EU (which again Andrew Neil let him make without comment) – no wonder the BBC schedule the programme so late most voters have already gone to bed.
By the end of The Cheeky Girls segment I’d lost the will to live.
Caption time:-
‘Are those all my postal votes stuffed in your pocket?
exclaims John ‘Semtex’ O’Farrell.
More on this here including video. http://kebabtime.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/one-nation-plant.html
Good post from Billy there. Somehow she magically slipped through the tight BBC audience controls. Okay, defenders of the indefensible, now’s your chance to show evidence of a Tory plant.
She certainly knew that she would be chosen to speak…..apparently she issued this proclamation on a social network
“Don’t miss out on Question Time tonight, you’ll see me rip into the disgusting UKIP woman! — Amy Rutland (@rutters101)”
wonder how that came about?
The Question Time audience is carefully selected, and about as balanced as a taxpayer funded BBC report about itself.
‘Disgusting’ was the only word she seemed to know – another product of Labour’s edukashon policy.
So it’s over to scottdezcolditz to refute these allegations…..
Speak up Dez Scott-Colditz!
Can’t hear you!
Memo to the BBC.
Whoops! How do you get an image from your desktop to post?
You have to put it on the internet somewhere then copy the URL. I use Flickr but there are loads of others.
Forgot to say – if you copied it from the internet in the first place then it will have an URL already.
Go to the web site, right click on the image and you will get an option called “Copy Image Location” or something like that depending on your browser. Then paste into URL box on this site.
Can you spot the difference between the two statements below?! Guess which one headlined from a world famous, impartial, news media organization and guess which one was provided by the Greater Manchester Police.
âManchester EDL protest: 15 arrested, five chargedâ
âThere were 15 arrests for public order offences – 12 from the EDL, three from the UAFâ
Simon Fay
Regarding the Shetland murder drama, slightly off topic. A couple of years ago there was a murder of a teenage boy Liam Aitchison in the Outer Hebrides, the first killing on the island in 40 years.
Giggling schoolgirl Mathew Wright on his Channel 5 morning show spoke about it with much hilarity and merriment ” There’s been a murrderr, ” quoting the Taggart catchphrase.
Strange that, when discussing the murder of ‘Saint’ Stephen Lawrence, the creep Matthew Wright is all solemn and po faced, is it I wonder because he’s black ?
The next day the odious slimeball apologised, he rattled through it like an express train, no contrition what so ever.
Matthew Wright, a very nasty piece of work.
Most of his guests are none entities, and have you seen the audience. Before she went to the bBBC Kate Silverton was on and she actually suggested that the British, she used the term “we” should go into the middle east (Israel) and sort them out, simply because Israel took out that cripple of a terrorist Yassin.
Silverton? Ah yes the posh lass on the Matthew Wrong show who was overtly left wing but obviously had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.
Perhaps it was all an act to get on the BBC?
BBC empty headed dolly bird Kate Silverton without make up, she looks about 60.
Just printed that out and placed on the mantlepiece, it will sure keep the kids away from the fire!
ohhhhh that’s genuinely scary
I think I’ve spotted an opening for a new range of halloween masks
Apache helicopter, hellfire missile, wheelchair, pally terrorist, BOOM.
What’s not to like.
On PM last night we heard the loony Toynbee trying to excuse her friend Vicky Pryce for perverting the course of justice and claiming that it would be unfair if she went to prison for it. Then we heard that a survey had shown that most people didn’t know it was illegal to take speeding points on behalf of someone else. For good measure they also told us that although V Pryce had told Vince Cable about this years ago he was very tired at the time and had probably forgotten all about it, even though at the time he was horrified that a colleague could have broken the law.
Yet another example of the BBC orchestrating support for one of their friends.
Just think what the reaction of the BBC would have been had this been a Tory and his wife and another senior Tory had been told of the offence years ago. They would have been outraged on behalf of the British people. How could people ever be expected to trust the Tories when senior members of the party and their spouses flouted the law so brazenly. Cable would have been repeatedly asked when did he know and why didn’t he do something about it.His defence of ‘I was tired and forgot’ would have been ridiculed. The headline surely would have been
The amusing bit of that piece was how the Cables checked back in their personal records and that proved it.
Because we all keep personal records of every bit of nonsense that fills our lives don’t we, and if we did I’m sure we’d all make sure we accurately reported the bits that could come back to bite us on the bum?
‘Because we all keep personal records of every bit of nonsense that fills our lives donât we, and if we did Iâm sure weâd all make sure we accurately reported the bits that could come back to bite us on the bum?’
The BBC has an app for that… well, Peter Rippon now.
Polly is on a tour of the studios this morning, on itv around 8 am saying the same things. The line taken is that Vicky Price ought not to go to prison. She must be hoping the judge is watching?
In their world wimmin should never go to prison, it’s all the fault of MEN.
And certainly not on International Womens Day of all days!
What with Mothers day coming up…do women get as many days as they like.
International Mens day anybody, where the likes of Huhne, Tessa Jowells ex hubbie get away with murder or perverting the course of justice? Bloody men cause it all eh?…we need more Pollys, Tessas and Vickys, Harriets and Featherstones to keep us safe from ourselves!
Not much coverage of anti-burkha campaigners. Still, here’s Pat Condell on the subject
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlkxlzTZc48?feature=player_embedded&w=640&h=360%5D
Condell in sparkling form, taunts the feminist lefties for their silence on Islams demand for female subservience. Saves the best till last – burqua to be compulsoy for Islamist men. Watching the arab men of the Edgeware Road in, jeans, trainers, casual sportswear while wifey totters along covered in a black tent. Sounds like the answer. Question Time invite, please!! Show up the prissy metrosexual left.
Curious because Ming Campbell was on Radio 4 saying that since we are still awaiting sentencing he couldn’t possibly comment on the Pryce-Hunhe minor, not very important thingymajig.
After all as pointed out they are not Conservatives and are not alleged to have called someone a ‘pleb’.
‘Polly is on a tour of the studios this morning’
Her T-shirt collection must be amazing.
I have about six, covering Sabbath. Zeppelin and a few others, but she must have one for darn near every day.
I liked the way she implied that Vicky Pryce’s main fault was making an error of judgement, i.e. she should have kept quiet. That and the way that law-maker Huhne and ‘powerful’ Pryce, advisor to government, probably didn’t know that lying was illegal.
Can’t you just hear John Humprys’ voice in your head going up through the octaves if such a statement had been made by someone not a BBC moral arbiter?
This is a case of a spiteful ex-wife getting even with her ex. She actually thought that because she was exposing a deceitful, normal corrupt politician she was going to celebrated as a hero.
Shame the journo who scooped this and has lots of brownie points with her editor didn’t explain to her that she could also be charged with the same offence.
It’s funny…
I’m just a dumb prole, state educated in a Northern slum town…
But I know it is illegal to pass on any motoring offenses charges to Mrs Chop.
Still, she should be happy in the clink, she can share prison stories with her ex hubby, and current lover.
Mr. Cable is often rather fond of the cameras when journalists indulge him as the ‘Sage of the LibDems’.
Not so keen when it gets a bit awkward…
Credit to the ITV News journo for at least trying to get a reaction to the possibility that St. Vince might have known about the speeding offence switcheroo.
apparently,antarctica has much more ice than previously thought,says Palab Ghosh on breakfast views
but then,as quickly as possible he inserts a little bit of bbc approved religious broadcasting as well……”that makes it more susceptible to climate change”
it says here……
it’s gone from downright aggravating to hilarious
Yes, later on the announcement morphed somewhat into telling us how many cubic km’s of ice are there. Admittedly way more than expected, but much of it is underwater …..which makes it more susceptible to climate change.
The BBC informs us that Canadian glaciers face big losses. As always the key phrases are: “could lose perhaps as much as” and “developed a climate computer model.” There used to be a saying about computers that seems to have been forgotten by the Facebook generation: “garbage in, garbage out.” How can environmentalists possibly understand the limits of computer models if they have no understanding of computer programming or physics.
Obviously different laws of physics apply to the south pole, where more ice makes it more susceptible to climate change, compared with the north pole where less ice makes it more susceptible to climate change.
Really stupid comment by Palab Ghosh.
fair pay for Canadian Glaziers!
(ps had to laff @ VD today at her shock about nearly 50% of Barclays staff earning less than 25k) It’s called market forces luv, Unlike the bBC poll tax) Just how much are we paying you dear?
The BBC’s favourite climatologists at UEA’s Climate Research Unit get EU funding –
Just like Aunty.
The 9.00 headlines this morning or Radio 4. Final item ‘it has emerged that about 5 days ago, after the Eastleigh by-election Nigel Farage and Rupert Murdoch had a meal together. UKIP have refused to say what was to be discussed’.
This sounds so sinister. I’m off to the shops to stock up and buy a tin hat. Colditz I suggest you do the same!!!!
just be careful
that idiot will be accusing you of advocating beheading if you’re not careful đ
He said “Murdoch” without sneering. That counts, doesn’t it?
I hear women’s rights campaigner Dame Nicky Campbell is burning his bra live on air again this morning.
What can you be excommunicated for, these days?
Answer: Suggesting ‘women priests’ (boom boom)
Oh how he giggled with the girls in the office.
Well he has to convey his cosy left-liberal convictions to the BBC listeners, don’t he? How else can he impartially chair BBC current affairs debates?
Speaking of convictions, liberals, current affairs and all – next up the latest in the BBC phone-in series ‘do you feel sorry for XXXXX the convicted criminal?’ Got that listeners? Do you feel sorry for Vicky Pryce? As Alex Salmond will tell you – it’s all about how you ask the question.
And later further extracts from the Nicky Campbell religious joke book. (But not the one that they read starting from the back – well, he might have a poke at the Hebrew one – but not that other one you read from the back). Oh no. Well he wants to live to crack some more Pope jokes and to Tweet again tomorrow.
Oh goodie , its international womens day so , all white men have been rounded up & shot , so they won`t appear on news 24 to at least midnight ! Typical Bbc PC bollox !
Big item bbc breakfast: women’s bad treatment as illustrated by a Welsh rugby international player who actually still has to work as a builder.
Next item: women not allowed to race in Gaza..oh….errrrrr…..Zzzzzzzzzzzzz.zzzzzz.zz
The ‘take’ today is, as always, interesting…
BBC Breakfast(@BBCBreakfast)
At 0720 @judmoo will join us to talk about a @BBCSport online survey that reveals many women in sport can’t make a living from their sport.
A few are wondering at what point sport became a career that paid up no matter what.
But most seem of the BBc view that if you want to be an XX, and no public person feels the urge to pay to watch, then the obvious solution is more compelled funding. One presumes uniquely.
Watch out for a surge of compo claims from 40yo beer-bellied aspiring Chippendales soon.
There is a reason why Manchester United disbanded their ladies team…
No-one is interested.
(Arsenal, however, kept their ladies team…it’s the only way Arsenal ltd can win any silverware)
Yes I saw that I know ITV morning is still more dire(How do they manage it) but it’s getting tempting. I had on line survey the other day (You-Guv) about my “viewing habits”. Filling in my answers confirmed what I’d been thinking for a while. I hardly ever watch BBc any more. The output is so crap Breakfast is now just about the thing I watch on a regular basis. If ITV could raise their Breakfast show over the level of whale poo they’d have another viewer.
Anyway I digress BBc plugging woman’s sport could have another motive. I don’t like sport (apart from F1) male or female. So from where I stand if BBc can raise the profile of womans sport it can then justify screening it due to the “demand” for it. I assume because I know nothing about the costs that it would be cheaper for BBc to then get screening rights for the then in “demand” sports.
Your so right, who wants those awful men ! We demand an erection free day, all urinals closed for 24 hours, Y fronts to be sewn up, more powerpoints to charge our vibrators and page 3 to have a nice recipe for cottage pie. Womens day FFS. How patronising to the real women who have achieved without favour. Bit like a minorities award ceremony. Cannot make it in the real world so lets ban the white man to make it possible. Pass the vagisil dearie.
Post of the day goes to….
Little Fanny….take a bow Sir/Madam. đ
Just read over on BBCwatch that the UNHCR has reported that the 11 month old son of a BBC worker killed during the Hamas bombardment of Israel last year was killed not by an Israeli airstrike as the BBC claimed but by a Hamas rocket landing short of Israel.
I hope to see heads role over the discracfull, misleading an biased reporting that occurred due to this act of fratricide, but I won’t hold my breath.
no doubt the trinity of po-faced bbc emptyheadedness will be along soon with all the relevant links to the apology on all beeb’s website
It will still be the Israel’s fault. Hamas would not have rockets if Israel did not exist.
By the way the average MSM reporter would not know what “fratricide” means.
A very interesting point, in terms of simple logic, posted there:
To enter Israel as a journalist, journalists need no accreditation. Anyone can go â you and me.
To enter EVERYWHERE else in the Middle East, you DO need accreditation.
If you are ANTI-Jewish state on the Richter scale of virility, you will get accreditation everywhere you go. And you need it in Hamas and PA areas.
If you are too PRO-Israel, you may get barred.
The consequences of this are career threatening.
Your Editor back in London, New York or wherever SCREAMS at you that he appointed you as Middle East correspondent over the WHOLE Middle East: âNow youâve been barred from here, there and everywhere. Youâre no good to me. Youâre fired!â
If you have a wife and kids to support, all this must be a powerful in-the-back-of-your-mind consideration.
Balance and professionalism take a back seat. Cowardice prevails.
If there is a rational counter argument with factual backing, I look forward to it being outlined.
If you think anyone at the BBC will believe this report and not suspect for the rest of their lives that the Jews got to it first, you’re sadly mistaken.
Question Time was memorable last night (briefly) for Melanie Phillips heartfelt anger over patronising attacks on the majority of ordinary concerned British citizens, not that the usual packed (picked?) audience cared.
Dimbleby horrified to find a majority of his panel were anti-EU. Researcher sacked?
By the way, is Yvette Cooper a racist now and will the BBC freeze her off the airwaves for her anti (mammoth) immigration stance?
No, no more so than when I asked why Diane Abbot was still on the BBc after her last anti-white racist outburst. I must look up the reply they gave me. But obviously it didn’t affect her tv bookings that much.
Memo to BBC
there should be a link generator on flickr for sharing photos on other sites
Posted this at the very end of the Wed Open Thread, but thought it looked important enough to repeat post where it was more likely to be seen.:
Over on Guidoâs :
Bill says:
March 7, 2013 at 9:39 pm
I think this article in the guardian proves that the BBC is not independant from the guardian as it should be under its charter and shows it biasâ
Followed by brief account of Guardian article about torture carried out by Iraqi police trained by and an American adviser called James Steele who was personally sponsored b Rumsfeld, in Iraq under Petraeusâ watch, with accompanying documentary vid seems to be a joint Guardian / BBC Arabic exercise, containing such lines as:
âThe allegations, made by US and Iraqi witnesses in the Guardian/BBC documentary, implicate US advisers for the first time in the human rights abuses committed by the commandos. â
âThe Guardian/BBC Arabic investigation was sparked by the release of classified US military logs on WikiLeaksâŚâ
Something to look forward to: Palestinians planning a ‘warm’ welcome for Obama”
Let’s see what the Beeb’s take on this little conflict between their two beloveds will be.
i wonder if he will as obviously erm “welcoming”?
to the Hamas peoples front, as he was with Bibi, will it be lots of turning your back, long stares etc … or something different.?
all together … joy to the world …
Palestinian racism toward blacks
No, not true: they’re quite rightly protesting against the white, descended-from-slave-owners section of his ancestry.
Maybe there’s a bit of Hebrew back there too, in which case : Bingo !
decisions decisions…..what a delicious dilemma
who trumps who?The “messiah”,or the “chosen people”……..standby for verbal gymnastics on an epic scale!!
The BBC mindset does not like Vaclav Klaus, the now retired President of the Czech Republic.
Klaus is by far the dominant figure (together with the late Vaclav Havel) in the post-Communist era…consistently successful in his various roles as minister, prime minister and president.
His popularity ratings have always been high…his leftist detractors accused him of populism…a charge they level at popular democrats who say things the majority agrees with.
So how does the BBC address his departure after a quarter of a century.
They find a fringe demonstration of effigy burners…
“The inauguration of the new Czech president Milos Zeman will take place on Friday at Prague Castle.
Mr Zeman will become the country’s first directly elected president and only the third in its 20-year history.
The departure of outgoing president, Vaclav Klaus was marked by a mocking protest. ”
For our delight they show us the ‘demonstators’ and allow them to voice a farewell…including throwing the still burning effigy into the Vltava (Moldau) river.
All in allow so typical of the shabbiness of the BBC world view.
See for yourself…
more vomit inducing coverage delivered in reverential tones about the faithful in venezuela being granted another 7 days to say goodbye to the dear leader Hugh the Chav
all dressed in red….the colour of socialism…….the colour of the revolution
and mention of one of the high class mourners…….ahmed I’m a dinnerjacket of iran….coming to say goodbye to an ally
Well, if they are going to have him stuffed..errr…I mean embalmed….to go on permanent show, well, we wont have to endure Huw Edwards hushed tones during his funeral will we?
Just like the Soviets did with Lenin. No parallels to be drawn, though, right, BBC?
Anyone seen a black armband on a BBC newscaster yet? surely only a matter of time…
I can see the main headline on the ten o’clock news in two weeks: “Hugo Chavez still dead”.
Only in the Guardian, says Daily Mash: “Guardian reader from Stevenage, added: âHe introduced free healthcare and free education and if you have those two things then why on earth would you need a free press?”
There again, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea does free health and free education, so that must make it a socialist paradise.
And the income inequality isn’t so bad these days.
“to say goodbye to an ally”
I initially read that as ‘to say goodbye anally’. Maybe he will.
Listening to Last Word -Radio 4 Friday at 4.30 I now know that Chavez was the Messiah – did so much for his people and they mourn him as a g-d.
Religious Comedy
BBC Memo: to news & current affairs presenters and editors also comedy writers and commissioners
Recently there have been questions raised as to the BBCâs attitude toward religion and the acceptability of religious humour.
Naturally our full guidelines and explanation thereof are not for broadcast and in no circumstances to be committed to print.
The rules must, however, be strictly adhered to.
Our legal advice is that our guidelines have to remain a matter for word of mouth transmission only and they are to be disseminated on a need to know basis.
Bearing in mind these constraints an example may be helpful. Here is an extract of a discussion at a recent BBC staff seminar:
A man goes into a Greek Orthodox Church. He sees the Priest swinging an incense censer and shouts âOi beardy… look out, your handbag is on fire!â
Overall there is only minor religious offence given here. The Greek Church is Christian and most Christian Churches are âCâ category risks. However, Christian Churches other than American Churches, Catholics or CofE are sometimes ranked as a âBâ category risk. (Please ask our Head of Religious Programming for the details of the alphabetical ranking system â do be respectful in your request; he is an âAâ category risk)
BBC Newsnight economics editor Paul Mason is currently looking into the Greek Church to discover just how âconservativeâ it is. He will report back on his findings and let us know whether the Greek Church is fair game.
Some objections might be made to the word âbeardyâ. Please remember that Liberal Democrats and members of the category âAâ religion are to be especially protected under our secret guidelines.
More importantly there is some homophobia inherent in the use of the word âhandbagâ. Stephen Fry is currently writing another long essay on Oscar Wilde focusing on the character Lady Bracknell and he (SF) will decide on the future acceptability of the word.
BBC in an impossible situation
Ed Milliband declares himself a Zionist
How on earth are they going to reconcile this?
Is he good (Labour), bad (Zionist), or both (multiple personality disorder)?
oh no
it’s meltdown, man!!
does not compute…….does not compute!!!
It was just a phase he was going through. As you were.
Whew, that’s a relief. For a minute there I was afraid the BBC would have to go into full-on Balls for Leader for mode.
This Ed balls? Yep, no risk of him coming out as a Zionist.
…or it was just a phrase he was going through!
More on Labour Party activist Amy Rutland’s totally spontaneous and unplanned contribution on last night’s QT can be found on political.scrapbook.net. She acknowledges that she was ‘working with Stephen Twigg in the afternoon’!
I’m surprised no one has posted about the ‘bedroom tax’ article on TWAtO.
I have to say I’m as unsurprised at the take up of the ‘bedroom tax’ epithet as the ‘Poll tax’ You wouldn’t think that politicians could be so Naieve that they’d let the incompetent civil service make up such a gob full of a name that almost anything would be easier to call it by, but they did it again!
So now it’s known as the bedroom tax instead of its proper title which no on even seems to know!
Personally I think it’s a ridiculous state of affairs when a bunch of out of touch posh boys can work so hard as individuals reducing peoples benefit that some poor sods can find themselves in the uneviable situation where they are actually required to pay more to the state than they receive in benefit!
This is likely to be Camerons Poll Tax , and with the Fib Dems looking set on a self destruct course it seems Cameron has set the controls for the heart of the sun. The question is why is the bBC not reporting it?
Maybe they’re just waiting for the whole sorry mess to actually happen.
‘Iâm surprised no one has posted about the âbedroom taxâ article on TWAtO.’
Well you have now, making ‘it’ now well and truly posted, by a site contributor. Unless you feel there are different types?
And for comment on the BBC’s handling, or not, on things a URL is always handy. Along with where you think they may have failed.
Otherwise it could, as I am sure it is not, look like one of those side tributary efforts based on other topical matters.
The question is why is the bBC not reporting it?
If not BBC, what is TWAtO?
TWAtO is The World At One although the bBC prefer to call it WATO for obvious reasons.
If the bBC aren’t handling it then a url is pretty difficult!
Why are the bBC not reporting it? Well there’s no milage in it for them, they might as well wait for the train wreck rather than try to stop it, the results will only be a split in what’s left of the Tory vote between UKIP and the Tories, and all the others are likely to vote Labour.
Thank you, I was just confused when you said you’d heard it on a programme on the BBC but then said it wasn’t being reported by the BBC.
Maybe it’s in here?:
‘Unions have criticised Barclays Bank blah bonuses blah low paid…’
Anyone remember the Palace Builders starting every news bulletin with…
‘Unions have criticised the NHS blah mid-staffs blah slaughter…’
1. I missed it or
2. The unions did the press release and the droids didn’t cut and paste it into a news bulletin or
3. The unions kept schtoom.
Whatevs – the BBC are scum-sucking puss-buckets.
scum-sucking puss-buckets with private health insurance
scum-sucking puss-buckets with private health insurance…and ‘tax efficient’ financial affairs.
Making death threats against a Mid Staffs campaign organiser is more their style –
OOOOOhhh Feedback at 16:30 ‘Is BBC comedy too left wing’? I await with interest, but having heard all this before I expect the stock ‘yes but we can’t find anyone less biased who is funny’ answer again
I often wonder if it’s also because of the audiences they bring in. A Thatcher joke is as automatic a laugh as a fart joke with them, so of course the “edgy” comedians will go for the easy laugh. Saves them the effort of having to work at it. It’s not easy being funny on demand for these comedy panel shows. Not that there’s a single one of them who isn’t as Left-wing as possible. I’m just saying it’s abetted by the audience.
Curiously enough, the BBC never accepts the ‘they’re just not that into it’ defense when people try the explain that their might be reasons other than The Sexism why there are more female CEOs.
Apologies, I will repeat what I mentioned on an earlier thread; that Radio 4âs masterful topical âNow showâ appears to have succumbed to using canned laughter.
Obviously they have been found out that the programme is actually devoid of any comedic content whatsoever!
Yep same old tired response again – that Jeremy Hardy – left wing extremist isn’t actually biased at all! and that they can’t find anyone on the right who they regard as funny.
lefty “comedy” routine
fatcher…….blah blah ………toricutz………..blah blah………Boris johnston……………blah blah……….sarah palin………..blah blah…………..fatcher…………..blah blah…………UKIP……………blah blah………….fatcher fatcher ……….daily mail………………fatcher
the end
over and over ad nauseam for repeat fees
and just in case you missed it
Add in a few f@$ks and body parts where you’ve got the elipses and, yeah, sounds about right.
I have now listened to the Feedback item – well done Thoughtful – your predictions were right. I am going to have to listen again before I post as I could hardly believe what I was hearing. The News Quiz is a vehicle for ‘comedians’ to give their own views apparently and the BBC cannot be responsible for what they say was another of the little gems. The Now Show is scripted and therefore is more balanced (not from where I am sitting). The whole segment was unbelievable and explains much of the mindset of the woman commissioning comedy.
“…and explains much of the mindset of the woman commissioning comedy.”
So does the fact that she was required to attend the Warmist conclave now known as 28-Gate.
I think that the denial that left wing extremist Jeremy Hardy in a tirade against Camerons coalition was biased was one of the most jaw dropping.
“Conservatives love a row with Brussels, because upsetting foreigners is second only to killing them in stimulating the pleasure centres of the conservative party.”
Yup. Hardy is just so wrong on so many levels. Full of prejudice and bigotry of the sort the left claim to hate but all too often lapse into themselves.
If this sort of bile was aimed at anyone but the Tories the BBC would not allow it to be broadcast. It would be deemed too offensive, and bordering on inciting violence.
Heard this story on the way home. Only the BBC could come up with the argument that Hardy is not left wing because he may make an occassional remark about Milliband or the LibDems. As for not knowing the politics of their comedy panels before they come on, so it’s just coincidence they’re all lefties?
Too true they wouldn’t. Like –
âLabour loves a row with Israel, because upsetting Jews is second only to killing them in stimulating the pleasure centres of the Labour party.â
The BBC – the most trusted blah blah blah…
Ninety seconds of audio released by The Times media correspondent Ben Webster has undone former BBC Director General Mark Thompsonâs evidence to both Parliament and the Pollard Review over what he knew about Savile. The damning tape from an interview last October has Thompson admitting that he knew the fateful Newsnight investigation was into Savile and about âsexual abuse of some kindâ
Audio in link…
Listen to all the ah, ah, er, er ah, er stuttering.
He knows he’s on dodgy ground.
Mark Thompson – he’s not even a good liar.
This will clinch it for BBC-NUJ:-
FARAGE political bad, he talks to MURDOCH.
“Murdoch ‘interested in’ UKIP says Farage after dinner meeting”
Farage should keep his mouth shut. If he’s not a target now……
Not a BBC-NUJ tribute to CHAVEZ:-
“Hugo Chavez dies. Pillocks mourn.”
By Rod Liddle.
Not a Beeboid headline, but a brilliant ‘Daily Mail’ one:-
“Sean Penn, Ahmadinejad and Jesse Jackson bid farewell to Hugo Chavez…”
Guido features pursuit of Mark Thompson by a Tory MP, over how much he knew about Savile and why his story keeps changing:
“Tory MP Rob Wilson tells Guido:
âMark Thompsonâs story has changed on several occasions since he first wrote to me saying he knew nothing about the Jimmy Savile allegations. The Pollard Review accepted his account. This recording and the Helen Boaden solicitorâs letter to the BBC cast a dark cloud over Thompsonâs version of events. Pollard and the BBC must now reveal all the evidence as I have requested in my recent letters to them. Both the integrity of the enquiry and the BBC is at stake as is the reputation of Mark Thompson.â ”
The Office for budgetry responsibility ‘unprecedented’ reprimand for the Prime Minister. Well it might be ‘unprecidented but the department was only officially created in May 2010 so almost anything they do will be for the first time and therefore by definition without a precident !
Not that that will prevent the bBC wheeling out Balls to comment as a leading article on the news.
Quite! Could anyone imagine Gordon Brown even thinking about setting up an independent watchdog to scrutinise his and Ed Balls’ budgetary performance? No – that’s why it was never done under Labour.
The guy who stabbed a schoolgirl on a bus in Birmingham, on Thursday has been sectioned and will now be sent to a secure facility:
“Officers said an assessment by mental health professionals deemed him unfit to be interviewed any further by detectives.
They said the 22-year-old, a British national with links to Walsall, was not previously known to mental health units in the area and has no known link to the teenager.”
For some reason (which had nothing to to do with anything I’d been informed of, by the Beeb) I checked out an old THE article,
“Is being black bad for your mental health?”
(unemployment and separation of parents at an early age can be an important contributory factor in cases of schizophrenia)
“not previously known to mental health units”
I’m not an expert on this, but I thought it took time to diagnose a mental illness?
Any experts out there?
Though this is not a BBC issue, it shows the conspiracy that the Establishment uses to run rings around us. This man has been sectioned so that the media cannot by Law find out his background.
When reading the early reports of this case, the murderer was described as a black male with dark skin. That is a NUJ code for an African, and most probably from East Africa. He is also described as a British national again NUJ code for someone who is an immigrant.
All that we can say is that this is a result of Nulabour’s ,Tony Blair’s enrichment policy.
From Swaziland according to the Daily Express.
An early TV report (I’m sure it was Sky News, as I am unlikely to have been watching the British Brainwashing Corporation’s version of events) also mentioned this “Emotionally Disturbed Person” had previously done time for killing someone else. I suspect he was convicted of manslaughter as a result of “diminshed responsibilty”.
The above claim has not been repeated in any subsequent broadcast.
well,you could knock me over with a feather
Yolande Knell and a positive story about Israel.
dog lovers have set up a tv channel especially for dogs and their owners,and there wasn’t a spiteful dig to be seen
i was just waiting for “these dog kennels are considered illegal under international law, although Israel disputes this”
of course that proves that the bbc is actually even handed about Israel,and gives them carte blanche for several more years of black propaganda and antisemitism
job done!
just watched a bit about the Falklands on the BBC and the labour member of the panel was saying that even after the referendum we should still do a joint sovrenty deal. That to me just sums up labours idea of listening to the people in that we listen to them and do as we’re told not the other way around.
He also came out with a corker of an idea that if the government told us how much it cost to defend the islands we’d be demanding they be handed over at once. Well I’ll tell the craven fool how much it cost. 258 brave British troops killed and 775 wounded, that’s how much chum.
British blood was spilt defending British citizens and I think we’d rather spend a few million or a few hundred million if it means stopping us from again having to pay with the blood of our troops.
i get your ire … but don t worry the al bbc will do another “special” phone in, where they insist on keep calling it the malvinas … to the islanders fury, and even after being told so (live on air!) … they ll continue to do so,
bbc traitors all
I must have missed that one, need to go a googling for it so I can give it a listen.
It was Toilets on The Daily Politics.
“My country, wrong regardless.”
Kabul debates women’s law ‘violating Sharia,'”
A draft law that would end violence against women is being debated in the Afghan Parliament. But it is finding little support among MPs, who feel that it violates traditional values. UH OH!
which should please chuck hagel , who of course won t mention it.
i mean … đ
what could go wrong
Just listening to the Now Show as I type.
So far, minutes of smear and sneer at the Catholics and the Coalition…will let you know if there`s one crack at Labour!
Do I need to bother really?
Nah…anybody else bothering to listen.
Boy it stinks…Euphrosyne long left the Now Show, and we`re left with the husk of Ted Rodgers bin liners by way of “funny”.
Some shit called Jonny and the Baptists sucking up re Womens Day.
Let`s hope the BBC give us Hajira and the Naughty Djinn by way of balance next week-let`s hope that Christians will develop that thin skin and perpetual sense of grievance needed.
At least the likes of dismal Johnny will have to learn to be funny without my money…and if his spectacularly shit combo dare to add “as heard on Radio 4” we should take a class action out aginst the f***in BBC!
W***ers…w***ers all!
BBC appoints Labour-friendly HALL as D.G, who in turn appoints recently Labour minister PURNELL as top adviser.
Meanwhile, at the secondary PR level, Labour ABBOTT’s chum PORTILLO is being touted-
[Simon Heffer in ‘Daily Mail’ – scroll down]-
“Portillo to be the new BBC boss?
Could Michael Portillo be the next chairman of the BBC Trust? Some at Broadcasting House think it a possibility.
The incumbent, Lord (Chris) Patten, has performed abominably over the Jimmy Savile crisis and during the Corporationâs outrageous treatment of Lord McAlpine (the former Tory party treasurer who Newsnight wrongly linked to historic child abuse allegations).
The BBCâs new director-general, Lord Hall, is starting his job next month and itâs suggested this would be a good time to have a new chairman, too.
Much as Iâm fond of Mr Portillo, what a shame that, at 82, Lord Tebbit might be thought too old for the job.”
I don’t know if I like that idea, to me Portillo is of the same mould and end of the Conservative party as Patton. would be a bit of a case of meet the new boss, same as the old boss for me.
I don’t think it’s a job for an ex-politician of any party. They’re all imbeciles and I’d prefer someone who knows what they’re doing.
INBBC appears to be censoring Muslim persecution of Christians again.
“Pakistan: Enraged Muslim mob of thousands burns Christian homes over blasphemy accusation”
I listened the the World Service news last night, It appears the BBC simply regurgitated the Obama Administration press release about the closure of the White House tours for tourists. It appears that the tours have been stopped as a result of the sequester.
Here is another point of view.
What is amazing is that in towing the Obama line, the BBC is missing such great stories…
Agreed. It’s a sick trick by the Community Organizer-in-Chief. The first tours to be cancelled were apparently school children. A cold political move, and one which shows just how low He will stoop. And just how much the mainstream press have abdicated their responsibility. He knows He’ll get away with it, too.
No frowns on Twitter from any Beeboids, of course. I wonder if, now that Helen Boaden has been promoted sideways, there’s nobody left in BBC News to tell them it’s okay to report when a black person does something wrong, and it won’t conflict with the BBC’s commitment to diversity.
NB: To those who doubt me and think I’m inferring something that isn’t there, or interpreting out of my ass, it’s Helen Boaden’s own admission (pp. 67-8) about the mentality of the kind of people the BBC hires as journalists.
The BBC will revert to their default anti-Americanism if their defence of Obama becomes too much of a national joke.
Having said that the BBC were spinning for Gordon right up until the moment he exited Downing Street [they even tried to lobby for a Lab-Lib coalition], and needless to add since then the Labour government is hardly mentioned, just in case we remember what they were like.
Abu Qatada the Agnostic?
Moslem hate preacher Qatada arrested for breaching his bail conditions – see if you can find from the article which religion has inspired him!
From a last year….
BBC tells its staff: donât call Qatada extremist
The BBC has told its journalists not to call Abu Qatada, the al-Qaeda preacher, an âextremistâ.
…or overweight, either.
Abu Qatada is not an extremist, he just happens to voice what most Moslems believe !
Any chance of a new open thread please?
I see the BBC are very slow to report the death of a British engineer at the foul hands of Nigerian Jihadi scum.
And the point is what?
You are correct to say they are jihadists although scum hardly illuminates any discussion. I assume you understand that jihadists cosider nearly all muslims apostates and therefore as worthy of death as the infidels.
Thought so.
Did you really think that the mindset of jihadists was the point being raised?
But then you couldn’t really address the real point being made and maintain your untenable position here. But just to try and be annoying you post that crap.
Thought so!
DG Mark Thompson admits BBC’s pro-moslem, anti-Christian bias –
Are you saying then that the only true Muslim is a “jihadist” ?
This would imply that Jihad is a duty incumbent upon all true Muslims which is what I have always thought implicit in the Koran and the Hadiths.
Given the eternal and unalterable nature of the Koran (being the literal word of Allah) surely the jihadists have a point.
“Jihadists” do not consider nearly all Muslims to be apostates: to be a good Muslim it is only necessary to give material or moral support -this can often simply take the form of not condemning them or being insincere in one’s condemnation. There is also stealth jihad, demographic jihad, that of the pen, lawffare, financial jihad: differences are often a question of expediency, timing and means. You seem to be confusing them with extreme shariads who believe you can’t have too much Islam – a lot Muslims have the common sense to see the flaw in that one although it often takes bitter experience first to bring home the fact.
Colditz, that is possibly the most pathetic comment I’ve had the misfortune of reading. Do not insult my intelligence, please and, don’t bother interacting with me on this site in future as I find your comments tiresome, Left-wing and pseudo-intellectual. Go away, troll.
INBBC coy about reporting Islamic jihad massacre of foreign hostages (including a British one).
1.) ‘Sky News’:-
“Briton Feared Killed By Nigeria Islamists”
2.) Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
“Diplomats check reports of Nigeria hostages’ deaths”
the Comic Relief Bake Off….full of lefties
Dateline London. All on the panel agreed that Cameron was of the ‘deep right’ UKIP were a ‘ghastly ghastly party and that the answer to our economic problems were more immigration and more government spending. All opinions from the left; all considered by the chairman to need no justification or explanation.
Who is Laura ? (a bit off topic)
Where did the extra ‘R’ come from in the phrase Law & Order? The BBC pronunciation of which now appears to be Laura norder
Where did ‘Withdrawal’ pick up it’s imaginary letter? Withdrawral?
It just drives me nuts !!!
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