If you want to find ice it all depends where you look.
If you want to find a report revealing that the Antarctic ice has increased from 25.34 million Cu Km to 27 million Cu Km it would be no good looking for a ‘headline’ story on the environment page……you would have to look at this coded message from the BBC on the 8th:
@BBCAmos via Twitter
Ever wondered how much ice there was in Antarctica? 26m cu km. http://t.co/WRXqTXvsR3 http://t.co/ZbVIFr7j3U
Which kind of gives nothing away does it?
However if you wanted to know that Arctic ice was disappearing you could look at this report from the 7th still given a headline on the environment page today:
Canadian glaciers face ‘big losses’
Obvious what that’s about.
Ice increases…story downplayed. Ice decreases….story prominently displayed.
Both reports by Jonathan Amos…..who, ‘just to put things in context’ he says, reveals that if that great quantity of ice were to melt sea levels would rise by 58m……so it’s bad news that ice is accumulating in the Antarctic…..coz when it melts we’re doomed!….yes, no, really…..I give up.
Hide the decline, hide the incline…..just hide it dude!
Trust the BBC.
Here is a great source for anyone who is sick of AGW hysteria – http://www.climatedepot.com/
If any of those climate liars tell you about ice melting, ask them how the Antarctic is doing, then ask them why they conveniently never mention one of the two poles :
“The glaciers of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago will undergo a dramatic retreat this century if warming projections hold true.”
No BBC, should read:
The glaciers of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago will undergo a dramatic retreat this century as the Magnetic Pole is moving away from Canada towards Siberia as it has been doing for at least 100 years.
And why should the movement of the magnetic north pole affect Canadian Glaciers?
…because all the temperatures change and the ice mass moves with it.
The ice cap melts at the side where the Magnetic Pole is moving from (Canada) and forms on the other side where the Magnetic Pole is moving towards (Siberia).
Christopher Booker:-
“Look at the graph to see the evidence of global warming.
Met Office data show only a tiny change in world temperatures.”
Man-Made Global Warming (what it used to be called) could actually be a good thing: keeping us from entering a new Ice Age, which really would harm civilization and slow progress.
That’s from the NY Times, ladies and gentlemen, so no shooting the messenger possible for our defenders of the indefensible. Plus a bonus quote from none other than Michael “Is that a discredited hockey stick in your pocket or are you just glad to see me” Mann. And to think ex-BBC Environment genius Richard Black wanted us to shut down industrial development to stop the only thing keeping us safe.
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