The BBC, the Greens and the Veggies join forces to damn meat eaters.
Their latest was a bit of nonsense about bacon sandwiches needing to have ‘gun licenses’ or some such daftness.
All intended to bend our ear and save the planet from the evils of live stock farming.
I wonder how they will react to the below:
We all know that livestock destroys the planet and turns lush, green landscapes into desert.
That may not be true.
WUWT has a write up on a TED talk by Dr. Allan Savory in Los Angeles this past week.
In Africa they burn 1 billion hectares of grassland a year to ‘manage’ it….the BBC do not dwell on such facts….it is you, the greedy Westerner, on the way to Tescos in your car, who has killed many Ethiopians by your pollution…..(If you think that is a joke…not…the BBC really made that claim)
Burning 1 hectare releases the pollution that 6000 cars do.
Burmning 1 billion hectares must therefore pollute the earth as much as the equivalent car use of 6 trillion cars.
The solution, the ‘only’ solution, to ever increasingly desertification…is completely counterintuitive and goes against the ‘consensus’….
…the mass herding of livestock… replictae the enormous natural herds of animals that used to roam the lands…such as buffalo in the USA.
What is an added bonus is that such a policy, if successful, would take the atmospheric CO2 level back to that of the pre-industrial age….if half the presently desertified land was reclaimed.
Here is the video….Dr Allan Savory clearly accepts CO2 as a main driver of climate change……but that is almost irrelevant…
This really goes against the grain of BBC narrative….livestock farming is bad…that the third world is the ‘innocent’ victim of industrial nation’s pollution and that the ‘only’ solution is to close down Western, and seemingly only Western, industry.
The third world has massively increased its population…it burns enormous amounts of wood/fuel in its cooking and in highly inefficent industrial processes, and deforests enormous areas…and turns productive land to desert….and releases huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere…via rice growing….methane which is far more powerful as a greenhouse gas than CO2.
It’s not all one way the blame game…unless you work for the BBC and have an agenda.
I watched this video yesterday. Clearly Dr Savory is a fully-paid up member of the CAGW Alarmist Club™, but he does make some interesting points, based on a lifetime of actual research in the real world (as opposed to useless computer models).
His idea – which he has patently demonstrated as fact – is that if we return to the idea of large cattleherds as found in nature (large numbers grouped close together to provide protection from natural predators) the combined result of their grazing and defecating naturally protects and nourishes the topsoil (the absence of which is the main cause of desertification). When we see his slides in the above video showing before/after it is impossible to argue against the evidence.
Of course, none of this perfectly sensible science will stop assorted common purpose ‘climate’ trolls from finding some objection – but it should. This man has proven his case by going quite literally out into the field (over decades of research) and conducting large-scale experiments.
Bogus climate ‘science’ could learn a thing or two from this video. I may not agree with Dr Savory’s dutiful stance on ‘man-made’ climate change, but I cannot pretend his actual real-world results do not speak the truth.
Nice comment. However, no matter the truth/fact of what he says (I have hands on experience of large cattle herds etc and it is common agric knowledge that grazing and defecating naturally protects and nourishes the topsoil), we are feeding a planet with a growing population: who will tell half of Brazil and all of Uruguay for instance that they must not develop but have to remain in permanent pasture to feed others? (btw most of Uruguay is one big paddock anyway!).
What is also proven is that the highly intensive milk machines that are called Holstein cows (average production across the whole US herd for instance is 30 litres/cow per day, some herds push 60 or 70 litres/cow/day!!) are more eco friendly than the millions of incredibly ‘poor efficiency’ cows of the third world.
If we close – or severely curtail – Western industrial agriculture, how are we supposed to continue feeding all those starving innocents in the Third World? First person to say “Soylent Green” wins a free download of the BBC’s “From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel” report.
How Greens change their tune over time. Their one-time spokesman, Jonathan Porritt, using to say that because the third world was responsible for overpopulation, they should have fewer children. That, however, was before the word “racism” became so popular.
Jonathon Porritt still does!
Pity his party have changed their tune – taken over by Globalists for who multiculturalism and anti racism trump all other issues, even ‘Green ‘ ones.
Given far less prominence than the horsemeat scandal (the pages dealing with it are in the Scotland section of their website and there is no curiosity about the situation south of the border):
“Wrong meat in curries in Scotland is ‘widespead practice.’