Whilst having a look through the BBC tweets I came across this from Lyse Doucet advertising her ‘interview’ with ‘Alice Walker, author of ‘The Colour Purple’, one of America’s most successful writers and campaigners. She’s also been highly critical of successive US presidents. So, is President Obama doing any better? Newshour’s Lyse Doucet caught up with her in London. Lyse began by asking about the significance of the title of a new film about her life, ‘Alice Walker: Beauty in Truth.’ :
“the more u honour truth, the more hopeful u can be” Alice Walker on @BBCNewshour @Alicewalkerfilm http://ow.ly/iDaXD
Alice had a lot to say, she is after all a poet and activist.
David (Preiser) you’d better take a seat!
‘The United States is founded on a lie…it wasn’t a democracy when it was founded because there were no women in government…just wealthy white men…and it is still run by wealthy white men.’
‘Obama doesn’t listen to the masses only to the men with money…he only listen to the Bankers…not the Poets.’
‘He must listen to the women, children..and the Poets.’
If only she took her own advice.
One of Lyse Doucets few questions….‘How can we solve the world’s problems?’
Answer….’We must have women as the leadership….women of colour. White women have been in cahoots with men for too long…they have lost the ability to know how to live….witch burnings have frightened European women so severely that they lost the ability to stand alone and fight for what is just.’
Must be right because Doucet said thankyou very much, what a lovely interview. Doucet or Doormat?
How does the BBC accept such absolute racist, sexist, stupid nonsense from someone just because they are ‘of colour’? Why are musicians, poets and writers given such license by the BBC to comment on world affairs when they are no more equipped than you or me…and you can guarantee if you or me said such things we would soon face a ‘twitter storm’ from the very same people who are probably right now listening in rapturous wonder to Walker’s words?
Having said all that..if they’d listened to Kipling…..
I didn’t know that Kipling poem. I liked it.
Lucky it wasn’t his ‘The White man’s burden’.
She’s right about the President’s crony corporatism (not just the bankers), anyway. Too bad the battalion of BBC journalists in the US won’t report it.
But women and minorities and whites who aren’t landowners have the vote now, so it’s kind of pointless to fret about that not being the case in 1776. You know, when no other country on the planet was any different. It was a different time, etc. (what’s good for the BBC….). Unless the goal is just to discredit the entire country, period.
Never mind that free black men could vote in New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania, even if they didn’t own property, which put them one step above white men who didn’t, until the property-owning part was changed many years later. States Rights is an important concept, which is ignored by those who talk about the US as a monolith like this. Oh, well, it’s not like the BBC cares, since this about emotion.
David, in my opinion, socialism is about emotion and the emotion of hatred is at the forefront of their behaviour. That’s why they are what they are and we, the normal people are what we are. The worry is that normal has been subsumed into a morass of relativist nonesense where good is portrayed as bad and civility as weakness. I’m afraid that the only answer now is to answer like with like. And to hope that after the battle against good and evil, where good inevitably wins, there are enough good people to restrain those who are inherently good, from progressing beyond what is necessary to preserve our civilisation into becoming the new evil.
“We must have women as the leadership….women of colour. White women have been in cahoots with men for too long…they have lost the ability to know how to live….witch burnings have frightened European women so severely that they lost the ability to stand alone and fight for what is just.”
Utter racist bilge. The ravings of a self validating nut job
Witchcraft and its associated mob violence, kangaroo courts, burning, torture mutilation ans murder traumatise women of colour too; Today in Africa. At least the ‘West’ gave up formal witch hunts in the 1640’s it is alive and rampant in Africa –
and of course in the great cosmopolitan metropolis of London too (Warning v unpleasant facts revealed in the link)
“The hideously mutilated torso of a small black boy was found floating through the city. The boy’s arms, legs, and head had all been hacked off. ”
It is disgusting and it happened in London, and is happening across Africa now
Here’s a question – what is the life expectancy of a Ugandan albino?
It says a lot for the tolerance and compassion of our culture that even the mentally afflicted (like Miss Doucet) are allowed to have Twitter accounts: it gives them a safe outlet for their moon-howling.
Listen to the white slave victims:-
a.) in history, e.g. –
Thomas Pellow:
b.) in Britain, now –
“Teenage sex slave raped 90 times in one weekend despite authorities saying she wasn’t at risk”
You must remember that you can’t be racist towards whites or sexist towards men – just ask Jo Brand or Diane Abbott.
Poets: Nothing to say but they say it beautifully.