Up to 20,000 patients may have died unnecessarily under the care of the NHS.
Whilst they have been given a decent burial the BBC seems to be attempting to bury the bad news…or at least the Labour Party’s involvement in it as the government of the day.
The BBC has consistently, across different platforms, avoided using the word ‘Labour’ when talking about this subject…even in a 10 minute interview with Labour’s Andy Burnham..no mention….that’s just not possible is it?
The impression you may get is that it is under the Coalition’s government that all this happened.
The refusal to even mention ‘Labour’ can only lead to one conclusion…th BBC intends that whilst they can’t avoid the dates being linked to Labour nothing else will be…it can only be an organised, concerted effort, considering it is being carried out across different platforms and from different reporters, that this ploy is operating to distance ‘Labour’ from any blame.
No mention of ‘Labour’ at all in this frontpage report
No mention of ‘Labour’ in this interview with Sir Brian Jarman.
No mention of ‘Labour’ in this interview on the Today programme (08:32)with Labour’s Shadow Health Minister Andy Burnham.
What sort of euphemisms did John Humphry’s use instead of Labour government?
The ‘Department of Health’
Or information was brought ‘to attention of senior NHS officials’
Andy Burnham was ‘Secretary of State’ or ‘former health minister’…..or it was ‘Your government’.
Never one single mention of the word ‘Labour’.
This is what Professor Sir Brian Jarman told us:
His attempt to collate information on death rates was ‘unpopular with ministers and was resisted for years’.
They didn’t like the fact that he was gathering the statistics.
In 2007 he issued a report but the Labour government added this phrase…
‘We advise readers to take no notice of this data.’
Humphrys laid all the blame at the feet of David Nicholson…who undoubtedly played his part…but who was in charge and who set the targets culture up?
While it is clear that Labour did not intend the deaths of thousands of people their policies produced it, but like with the economy the period 1997 to 2010 is a ‘nothing to see here’ zone for the BBC. Yet they’re still prattling on about how Thatcher’s right to buy policy somehow explains the lack of housing today.
Did anyone seen Jeremy Hardy with a shovel, in an NHS hospital?
For self-defence?
And they are rapidly slipping the news report way down their website front page and the running order in broadcast news. It’s now below Comic Relief because a weak story about a few ‘celebrities’ is obviously much more important than crucial findings about Labour’s Nationalised Death Service.
Yet another example of the BBC helping friends, even when the story is so horrific. The BBC is untrustworthy and continues to do great harm to Britain . It is remarkable that so few people seem to notice their bias and complete collusion with the liberal/left. We are witnessing the undermining of democracy in Britain by the BBC.
This story is a great example of the BBC , which controls the vast majority of news and current affairs output in the UK , avoiding putting the responsibility for this awful story where it should be with Labour. By doing this they are probably saving Labour several 10’s of thousands of votes at the next election, possibly many more.
Imagine if the Tories had been in power over the period in question. The BBC would have been nailing every Tory Health Secretary and trumpeting Tory responsibility for 1000’s of deaths from the roof tops, so costing the Tories many votes.
Basically the British voter is being manipulated by the BBC to vote for the liberal left and to not vote for the Tories. The BBC is the enemy of democracy.
I am new to this site.
One of m New Year resolutions was to not watch one programme on the BBC in 2013. I have mentioned this to friends, most of whom think I am bonkers, but a few have caught on as to why I am doing it, in that some-one has to make a stand against the poisonous filth perpetrated by the BBC and its army of lefties in its employ, and the best way to harm them is to shun them as you would a leper.
But for it to actually hurt the bbc you need to cancel your tv licence and stop watching live broadcasts. There is more than enough entertainment on watch-again sources, such as 4OD and even the bbc’s own iplayer, to satisfy most people. And there is a plethora of websites that will provide all the news (proper, informative news at that) without having to consider the bbc’s offerings for even a moment. As I’ve probably said before, once my licence expires in September of this year I intend cancelling my licence, cancelling my Virgin cable contract and relying on a set-up as I outlined above. And that’s another £145 the bbc will have to live without.
Cameron ought to make a speech declaring that since the BBC is relentlessly anti-Conservative no Conservative voter should feel obliged to pay the BBC license tax.
The BBC would go bankrupt overnight – or at least shrink to what Guardian and New Statesmen readers are prepared to pay for i.e. Middle Class Public Sector Labour Voters Weekly.
I agree – he could just instruct the DPP to pick up and drop all prosecutions for non-payment.
Money Saving Expert (MSE) has a section on paying for the BBC TV Licence. It is important to pay the BBC an annual fee, otherwise they charge more. MSE recommends “Pay the right way…..Pay on a cash-back credit card.”
Most cash back cards give back about 0.5% – but the cost to the BBC is more. If you’ve paid by Direct Debit (DD), you get the pleasure of going into your online bank and revoking the BBC TV Licensing DD mandate. The bank tells the BBC and they send you a letter asking for a new mandate. Just ignore the letter or ritualise its destruction.
BBC figures for the 2008/09 year showed 68.1% paid their licence by DD and only 8.3% by “Credit/Debit card”. Cost of processing a DD payment is probably under 25p versus over £2.50 for a credit card. In 2008/09 there were 24,871,994 licences issued (2010 figures for over-75 “free” licences is 4.1m). If just 10% moved from DD to card payment the cost to the BBC would have been be around £4.7m. Or in other terms, ten George Entwistle pay-offs.
BBC TV Licensing on their website state they “send licence renewal letters”. So just renew the BBC TV licence (by credit card payment) on their website when you get this. When renewing on the BBC TV Licensing website, remember to tick the paper licence option.
The BBC TV Licensing aim (see 2012 Review) is to “is to collect the licence fee as efficiently as possible to provide the maximum amount of money for BBC programmes and services.” Until the day the BBC is “independent, impartial and honest” anything (however small) to starve the beast is goodness.
Even better is to stop watching TV (and cancel your TV Licence and get a refund for unused calendar quarters). You only need a licence to receive TV as it is broadcast. Though it is wise to make sure any TVs, PVRs, etc. can’t receive broadcast TV.
Google “No Licence Needed Policy TV Licensing” for more information from the BBC and elsewhere. Others argue that letting the licence lapse and no contact with BBC TV Licensing is their recommended approach. It’s your decision.
Buy an old analogue television on eBay, conceal a freeview box in a locked draw underneath with concealed shared connections to the DVD player. Just say that you can no longer receive live television since it went digital and that you only play DVD’s and videos. Show the TV licensing visitor, but only switch on the TV set, DVD player and Video player, but do not switch on the concealed freeview box.
You make a good point, AB. For the casual listener/viewer it’s only when someone points out that the BBC is biased that they wake up to its insidiousness.
‘they are probably saving Labour several 10′s of thousands of votes at the next election….’
And millions of pounds in campaigning costs.
OH, all that`ll be Tony Newtons fault…or John Moore.
Both of who used to be DHSS Ministers under Fatch in the late 80s.
Look, you plebs
1. We are where we are.
2. Lessons have been learned-ask Sharon Shoe smiff!
3. We have drawn a line under it-actually drawn a line around it at the crime scene.
4. Onward and upward a la Chavez.
So easy in Beebland…no need to think about anything other than getting Labour in once again…so their civil partners will have yet more reason to be civil to them!
F888 the F***in BBC!
Are there figures for previous periods?
Is there a hockey stick graph that could be displayed for the benefit of Beeboids. They do so like a hockey stick graph don’t they?
Seriously. I know there are issues with mortality data and that Jarman didn’t start collecting data until recently but surely there must be a good visual aid to show how Labour has been killing voters via the NHS?
The left of Labour ideology cares more than you do, so they want to exterminate anyone that does not believe this.
So, if your father is dying in hospital, just mention in a complaint about the socialist death camp wards, that he is an old fashioned left-wing Marxist who has blind faith in the National Health Service.
It worked for our family, despite having three ailments, one permanent, one that put him in hospital and one that he caught in hospital, he escaped hospital and is now living at home and about to reach ninety.
According to some whistleblowers even these figures have been fiddled. Andy Burnham said to the BBC that he acted promptly when he received Brian Jarman’s report and passed it on to someone else: hilarious
Has the mascara wearing freak Burnham actually had the decency to apologize yet?