John Cleese: ‘The BBC management have never written and never directed programmes’
Monty Python star John Cleese complains that BBC execs are out of touch with the creative process.
The truth is the BBC management are out of touch with just about every aspect of British life….not reflecting the real thoughts and opinions of the majority of people.
The BBC are only interested in themselves and their own opinions…or rather think that it is only their opinions that are actually of any value.
I look forward to seeing staff and celebrities at the new HQ arriving by bus and tube, as the exhaust fumes spewed out from their private vehicles would make the West End even more unbearable.
And of course using public transport will help Bangladesh to avoid being flooded. Perhaps the corporation could publish an emissions graph showing month by month savings to the environment as people switch to more responsible forms of transport?
If another line was to be plotted showing decreases in the Earth’s temperature, the difference between the two lines could be seen as proof that CO2 makes the climate change. Particularly if the graph was to be displayed on a giant screen outside the HQ for the passing public to observe.
David Attenborough could even make a documentary about it.
Not the difference, the closeness. Doh!
Is this that same racist, Little Englander Cleese who was complaining a while back that London “was no longer an English city”? Oh, dear.
Interesting that his complaint about the BBC sounds a lot like Victoria Wood’s.
Hmm. So, an Englishman who wants to preserve the English language, culture and history, and and wants the right of self-determination is a racist and little Englander, eh ? What about the Welsh and the Scots or any other race, for that matter, that wants preserve their own language and culture etc ? Are they racists too ? The terms racist and little Englander are used far to easily in this day-and-age, and usually by people who want to close down an argument. It’s a familar tactic used by the Left and the BBC. English bad. Rest of the world good.
As a hardcore UAF street warrior (South West Surrey Lacrosse Player’s Division) I campaign tirelessly for the rights of Palestinians and Tibetans to their own homeland and self-determination. It’s just those ghastly pieces of white working/lower-middle class pieces of English filth that I can’t abide.
John Cleese is a racist-nazi-fascist-that-wants-to-kill-six-million-Jews . . . FACT!!
Perhaps David is speaking with his tongue firmly in his cheek.!
Steve, it was sarcasm. Using scare quotes would have lessened the effect.
I take it you are using sarcasm there as reading your posts I don’t take you for one of those that takes part in the lefty cries of ‘racism’ whenever somebody says what most of us think.
I know Cleese is a bit of a liberal lovie and I wouldn’t agree with a lot of his views but he’s still bang on the money about London and it is a travesty. It is also a warning of what is around the corner for the rest of Britain.
Absolutely. Cleese is definitely on the luvvie side of things on most issues (as are all the living Pythons, some more than others), but is old enough to – occasionally – know better. These are two of those occasions.
A washed comedian in tax exile slags of the BBC because they won’t touch his ideas as he is completely out of touch.
Alan (bless his bias) forgot to point out that this was an attack on comedy:
if the BBC is so poor, why was Miranda and Mrs Brown’s Boys the most popular progs at Christmas?
Cleese was good in his day. 40 years ago.
Dear Colditz,
With respect to press/internet regulation you posted this yesterday on the Tuesday Open Thread:
Law applies to all. So if you want to slander, libel or be racist…accept the consequences. If you don’t, then think about what you say. Simple.
Just hope it’s a lot easier for ordinary folk to take action against any defamatory or offensive material in any media including Twitter and blogs.
I suspect some posters here are a bit worried. It’s utterly irrelevant that this blog is hosted elsewhere.
But without any supporting facts you claim John Cleese is ‘washed out’. I assume you will be reporting yourself to the relevant authorities.
Just to make sure I am correct that at one point Colditz castle was a lunatic asylum or farm as I’ve been told the correct PC usage is.
hey dirtbag coldtitz
what consequences would fit the bill for you for wrongly accusing someone of advocating the beheading of beeboids?
care to back up your shit by posting your name and address for delivery of the solicitor’s letter?
in fact
if the site team could forward me his IP address,I’ll look into contacting his provider with a view to taking legal action against him
Miranda & Mrs. Brown’s Boys, pure slapstick. Now “Curb your Enthusiasm ” there’s humour.
Big stupid-looking lass rips off youtube videos and falls over a lot.
Ho hum. John Cleese is ‘washed up’ but popular hotel desk clerk Lenny Henry is ‘cutting edge’.
Never let it be said that the BBC’s judgement is ideologically driven.
“if the BBC is so poor, why was Miranda and Mrs Brown’s Boys the most popular progs at Christmas?”
Well using the BBC/Colditz mindset, I suppose its because racists watch Miranda and Mrs Brown’s Boys because they are white, not because they are good.
QED. Thanks, colditz!
John Cleese is bang on the money. Vast swathes of London are a multicultural mess. In the east end, that’s the real one of 2013, not the pretend one populated by cockneys depicted in the BBC soap Eastenders, street signs are now regularly written in Bangladeshi. If you’re feeling adventurous take a trip to Petticoat Lane any Sunday and have a wander. Just don’t hang about after dark, particularly if you’re gay, female, young or white…
I don’t think the fact that BBC management are infected with mind-numbing Marxist Common Purpose ‘training’ does them any favours.
Karl Marx would be proud of the BBC today and the Labour government that will follow the CON/LiarDem coalition in true one-party-state tradition.