Beeboids seems annoyed that fuel duty has not been increased, giving the last word to their expensive ‘greenie’ chums with sound bites such as this-
“Environmentalists were critical of Mr Osborne’s approach.
“‘The driving force behind rising petrol prices is the soaring cost of oil,’ said Friends of the Earth economics campaigner David Powell.
“‘The sensible long-term plan is to protect motorists from rising fuel prices by weaning our transport system off its oil dependency'” [and making it more dependent on impractical, more expensive systems such as wind].
Yes the Liebour masters have told the BBC to have a red overload today..ties, sets, coats, seats, etc etc..proof of psychological warfare….So long as Liebour are red so are we, the BBC are truly hateful.
In Harrabin’s habitual role as political propagandist, at our expense, for costly ‘greenies’ at Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, he is so saddened by that horrible Mr Osborne wanting to assist shale gas development in Britain.
“Within five years, according to Citigroup, North Amertica could be energy independent. Within a decade, says the International Energy Agency, it could overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer..[and] that thanks to the shale boom, the country would become a net oil exporter later this year for the first time in 18 years.”
And it would be thanks mainly to increased drilling and fracking on non-federal lands, which are not under the President’s control, and where He has no power to block. In fact, if it was up to Him, oil production would be decreasing still, as He’s caused that on federal lands.
If all continues on the same path, the US will be energy-independent, more or less, in less than a decade. Fuel prices will finally go down, which will do wonders for the economy. The BBC will still give credit to The Obamessiah, though.
So how many people have been following the bBC’s 10 year contrast of life in Iraq before and after Saddam. They bring a lot of interesting figures to the table which if looked at in the 2 dimensional snapshot the bBC offers you can only feel that Iraq is a right mess and that life would be a lot better if Saddam was still alive. Iraq 10 years on: In numbers Ten years after the US-led invasion of Iraq – how much has changed? We look at the numbers behind the country that is still emerging from conflict.
Please allow me to contrast what the bBC offers you with a few facts they somewhat left out: ECONOMY Iraq is the world’s third largest oil exporter, behind Saudi Arabia and Russia, and is expected to produce 3.6 million barrels of oil per day during 2013. Output before the US-led invasion was about 2.8 million barrels a day. The country stands to earn almost $5 trillion in revenues from oil export by 2035, an average of $200bn a year, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).
So according to the bBc, Iraq is producing more Oil today than it did under Saddam in 2003. Yet for all that wealth the graph the bBC shows a steep fall in 2011 The graph they use is from the Brooking institute so being the anal bastard I am I popped over to their website and guess what I can find that graph, but I did find the figures they build that graph from and in 2003, Iraq earned $5 billion from Oil sales in 2012 they earned $45 billion and that peek in 2011 that earned them a one off $85 billion. Have a look yourself its on Page 9 I don’t know why the bBC have included nominal GDP seeing as it doesn’t mean sweet FA other than giving the impression that Iraq isn’t doing as good as it should be Brookings have a graph of sorts but they keeps theirs direct to the point.
Electricity Before 2003, Baghdad is reported to have enjoyed 16-24 hours of electricity per day, while the rest of the country had about four to eight hours. The average household now receives just eight hours of electricity through the public network,/i>
So according to the bBc, the poor Iraqi people had a better electricity supply when Saddam was in power. But Brookings say different (Page 10)Prewar (2003)Baghdad received 16-24 hours and Nationwide districts received 4-8 hours. The last figures that Brookings have is for March 2010 and there they quote 19.5 hours a day for Baghdad and 18.4 Nationwide. Not only that but a check on wiki informs me that demand in June 2003 was 6400 MW in 2010 the demand was 14,000MW. Another check tells me that the problem in Iraq isn’t down to power production, but rather down to the very poor state of the distribution network. Finally as of April 2013, Iraq will have 24 hours a day electricity. Cars Private car ownership has fallen while the number of people with bikes or motorbikes has increased.
I did a little math here, you see in 2004 the Iraqi population was just under 27 Million and in 2011 it was just under 33 Million Now using the percentages the bBC quotes for Car ownership (taking into account there are 6 million extra people who cannot drive) and while the bBC is correct the actual figure is 33 thousand less. The really interesting thing about the bBC’s article is it uses 2004 and 2002 as its datum. When I say intresting is that the bBC knocked out something similar in 2010 about Iraq and here is what it had to say about Car ownership then: “The UN reported in 2004 that car ownership had doubled since 2003,
REFUGEES AND DISPLACED Almost 2.7 million Iraqis have been forced from their homes by the turmoil and violence – half becoming refugees outside Iraq, while others have fled their homes but stayed in the country. The conflict in neighbouring Syria has forced thousands of Iraqis to return home alongside thousands of Syrians fleeing the fighting. Many are living in camps and settlements, and relying on humanitarian aid.Iraqis are still seeking asylum in their tens of thousands – with 23,743 applying in 2011, mainly to European countries.
Wow, the refugee problem was really made worse by the invasion and the bBC gives you figures from 2006 onwards for asylum applications worldwide. Why in 2006 22 thousand people left Iraq seeking a better life elsewhere. Here is a UN document which lists how many Iraqi people sought asylum in only the worlds industrialised nations (37 countries) from 1991 to 2002. In the 3 years before the invasion 47K in 2000,50k in 2001,51k in 2002. Makes you wonder why the bBC started at 2006.
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Iraq ranks lower than comparable Arab states of its size and population in a number of areas, according to the UN’s latest Human Development Report… In terms of gender equality, Iraq ranks 120 out of 148 countries. In Iraq, 25.2% of parliamentary seats are held by women
Did you know if you type in Iraqi Population into google it brings up a graph. Also to the left of that is an index of many subjects one of which is: Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments
And you know, the bBC is right only 25.2% of seats in national parliament are held by women. However when compared to the rest of the Middle East, Iraq is somewhat a leader.
Egypt with a much larger population has 2%, Iran has 3.1 %, Israel has 20%,Jordon has 10.8%,Kuwait has 6.3%,Lebanon has3.1%, Libya has 16%,Morroco has 17%, in fact only 2 countries have a higher proportion of women than Iraq, Algeria at 31.6% and Tunisia at26.7%.
I’m not saying life for women is great for women in Iraq, but the picture the bBC gives you is somewhat incorrect The bBC, the Traitors within our midst
It’s too bad it wasn’t The Obamessiah who ordered the invasion of Iraq and the removal of Sadaam Hussein. The BBC would have supported it then, and – aside from some intellectual contortions from Mark Mardell to explain how He was a reluctant regime changer forced to do it by a bunch of knuckledragging United Statesians who always like to see “an unapologetically aggressive America storming ahead” – Beeboids would be tweeting about how cool He is and how the world loves us when He’s in charge. Bill Clinton engaged in similar war and regime change in the Balkans, and I don’t remember any heroic human shields or hand-wringing over how many people died because of it.
But since it was a Republican, and especially George Bush, the BBC’s default setting is to declare a disaster. That’s the beginning and the end of the reasons for Beeboids’ opposition to it. I’d love to hear a BBC employee explain the legal and moral differences between the various regime changes authorized by the different US Presidents.
Liberal ‘comedians’ are very brave when slagging off Christianity, aren’t they ? but then Christians don’t fly airplanes into skyscrapers or behead people.
Don’t forget that Rowan Atkinson although a working comedian is rarely if ever on the bBC, that’s because he’s a Tory supporter.
His parody’s of Church of England vicars have long been a part of his act. He’s also taken the piss out of the Ayatollahs in Iran quite a few times too. I expect the bbC now bans sketches like that.
With the new Archbishop of Canterbury recently taking office, how can the BBC make sure they humiliate and put him in his place, as well as showing their younger audience how to regard the ridiculousness of Christianity?
Answer, to use Comic Relief and the idiot Rowan Atkinson to make a piss taking sketch where by also using foul language before the watershed, the ‘message’ will certainly be passed on.
Certainly charity is one of the valuable elements derived from the Church, but clearly the BBC wants to erase all reference to that in their quest to put themselves in that spot with this uncharitable dig.
Just reading this story and reflecting on the BBC makes me feel like I just ate shit.
More of the same on This World. Iraq: Did My Son Die In Vain.
Saw the second half; apparently Basra was a shithole before the invasion ‘because of the West’s sanctions’. Yeah right.
Then some Mahdi Army reject was given airtime to talk about how American soldiers who were caught up in a roadside bomb attacked a bus ‘with bullets and missiles’ killing 11. Al Jazeera had the 11 being killed by the bomb blast itself but there you go. The reject’s view of course went unchallenged. Now I’m no expert, but there was rather a lot of the bus left for it to have been attacked by gunfire and missiles.
Nice also to see some of Gordon Brown’s Snatch Land Rovers on the streets.
I have taken little interest in the Budget. Thus missing the endless hand wringing about this and that from our Beeboid chums.
In the real world the Cyprus mess threatens to go completely over the top. It looks as if reality, so long denied, is going to get her ( I always think of reality as a woman) revenge.
So insular is our media (especially our beeboid section) that it looks like missing the coming chaos until it becomes really too big to ignore.
Theft of bank deposits. The EU in turmoil. Bank runs and more to come. What price bank deposit insurance now? It is all going to be most interesting.
This is the moment the elites dreaded..
Soon we shall see them squabbling like greedy pigs when the food starts to run out. They will try to frighten us but maybe this time it will not work. The BBC/liberal media is going to get a very sharp lesson in what reality really means.
It’s not theft of bank deposits, it’s limited protection of 90% !
We hear on these pages that the bedroom tax is not a tax, for similar reasons this is not a theft.
Do you consider the government forcing those on benefit to spend their savings which they may have spent many years of responsible saving as opposed to those who waste everything they earn as theft? Why should someone who has savings of £20K have to spend it on living at a rate prescribed by the government before they can get benefits?
The banks of Cyprus have collapsed, they are bankrupt, and without government intervention the depositors would lose all their money 100% of it. Therefore it’s not a theft at all, and they should be a little more grateful to their government.
I see your point. It is still theft. The money belongs to the depositors. If it is missing then the bankers need to face trial and exemplary punishment. We should have done the same to our rotten banks and bankers The bank and it’s shareholders/bondholders are the ones who must take first hit.
How do you think this looks to the world?. it looks like theft carried out by an unholy alliance of state and semi state actors in concert with the bankers.
Confidence is all and this is going to really shatter world confidence in the banking system. The root of the problem is ,of course, the absurdity of the Euro .Equating the economy of a Cypriot village with that of Stuttgart is unreal and laughable. The Eu fanatics deserve all that is coming.
This morning Nick Robinson is happy to give Ed Ball’s rather strained argument a quick BBC bunk up.
You see dear Licence Payer, Robinson explains, an economy doesn’t work like a household – you can borrow more to borrow less.
Oh, I can already hear the lefties taking that as gospel: Er can yer borra me a tenner Wonga and then I’ll pay yer back a score next Tuesday when me Giro comes thru.
I guess this is a case of BBC balance (sic). Ball’s argument sounding so obviously preposterous and his personal credibility being so low (hand-in-glove with Gordon Brown) that the BBC feel the need to speak up a little for our official opposition – just to even things up?
I am all for the idea that Ed Ball’s gets a fair crack of the whip – but let the bastard speak for himself.
But then again, when the listener believes that more debt is less debt, then he can cope with other arcane BBC concepts such as : colder weather is global warming; splurging cash on the Olympics/BBC is investment; diversity is strength; etc etc….
What Robinson says is true, but it should be put into a proper context, and there’s little chance of doing that on any TV program.
Government finances and the way they work are complex at best and Byzantine at worst.
We’re told that the government is having to pay interest on their debts – what we’re rarely told is who they have to pay that interest to. The answer for the majority is they pay it back to the government.
Quantitative easing means creating money, but that money is ‘lent’ to the government by the Bank of England. They do this to keep the exchange rate stable, and inflation under control. We haven’t seen high inflation because the banks lost so much money quantitative easing has only had the effect of replacing it. A future government could simply tell the BoE to write this debt off and that would reduce the national debt.
Government is just about the only body who can buy assets (bank shares) and then moan about how much they’ve had to spend without ever once counting the value of those assets to offset the debt!
Because the amount of money required to refloat the senseless banks is so great Cyprus would never be able to repay it.
I would suggest that this even more unfair than charging the bank customers, Cypriot nationals poor & rich would have to pick up the tab, but the rich Russians would walk away Scot free.
Love that phrase “solidarity levy”…as opposed to demanding money with menaces, phishing scams or the like.
The BBC call it a “contribution”…such is the level of Orwellian English being brazenly displayed by the EU and the BBC.
Brassnecked scum!
‘She describes herself as “an atheist with huge respect for religion”‘
In other words the very best choice to lead the debate – (causing doubt to be cast in the Christian and Jewish religions – see her previous work for the BBC)
‘BBC’s face of religion is a self-proclaimed atheist who claims God had a wife and Eve suffered from sexism’
What makes her sush a very good BBCer is that although she is the confirmed atheist she is not going to offend anybody of a certain religion based in the Middle East – aren’t they all? I mean the one with the mosques and the source of so much funding for the University of Exeter.
I recall, although I can’t be bothered to link it, that Nicky Campbell defended (in a Twitter stylie) her comments in a previous debate insisting the BBC was not pushing atheisim but said of the BBC 5 Live’s favourite Prof ‘she has an agenda of her own’.
So fast forward a few months and knowing her biases the BBC send her along to School to talk religion.
Rachael Burden was discussing the budget this morning on Radio 5. The last minute of the show some caller came on and mentioned the giant elephant in the room.
” It’s the immigrants, it’s costing the country Billions !!”
Deafening silence from Rachael.
What I want to know is how on earth did he get through the BBC / KGB vetting procedure ?
Just heard on the radio a warning that we can expect power cuts, there is so little spare capacity left in the system – no mention of the rising population being the cause of this strain of course.
…nor the closing over the next few months of perfectly good coal-fired power stations on the whim of the ‘lets all go an live in caves’ Harrabin types.
These stations could be kept in use until plentiful, cheaper, less polluting shale gas comes on stream.
It is this that finally convinced me that our civilisation is coming to an end. When a power structure is determind to self destruct what can you do?
One cannot reason with lunatics.
Pity, since one of the Hacked Off co-founders is one of their own. It would be really funny if the Tories agreed to the whole thing because they secretly knew this would happen, but I don’t those involved are all that bright.
I think what Clegg meant to say is that this will exist outside the law, albeit enforceable by it all the same, just like the BBC.
Fkn budget tittle-tattle 2 days in a row bBC news unwatchable at the moment, good job we have RT for some world news and that the eurozone is on the verge of a collapse, a run on the banks in southern regions will render a pretty bland budget yesterdays chip-paper.
“Another BBC strike ‘to affect Easter schedule.’
Staff at the BBC will go on strike in a dispute over job cuts, rising workloads and harassment claims, in action that could mean even more repeats than usual over the Easter weekend.”
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, it’s tricky keeping up with these long open threads but I noted Peston reckons this crisis is all Germany’s fault. Their fault for being too successful and their fault that they wont write a blank cheque. By heck he’s a tosser!
Will BBC-NUJ stop censoring the view that it has become a black racist state?
Headline in today’s ‘The Times’ p 37 (£):-
“Biko’s lover denounces South Africa’s ‘racist rulers’.
“‘ We have again become very attached to colour.’ she said. So it becomes very important again to be black, to be Zulu, to be this, because that puts you in a favourable position.'”
5live coverage of archb s big day, insists the hierachy narrative by mentioning that reps from islam are here, … well … and?(shakes head), oh and judiasm oh and the catholic church.
very noticeable, as was this mornings 5live brainwashing for the kids, debate on religion, you know i loathe, the bbc giving this cult prominence, it neither warrants or deserves.
the way it insidiously drones this “religion of peace” mantra
to children, is simply gaulling.
He’s saying it only to appease the Elders of Zion Jewish Lobby Katty Kay spoke of, which politicians in the US have to do from time to time. He doesn’t really mean it, of course, which is why the BBC usually phrases it as “the US considers…”or similar. Right, BBC?
ooooo yeah! – did he call hamas the same?
views of the pally s on obama visit
bbc – palestinians have a long list of serious grievances,
listen to an american pally who regrets voting for him,
he s worse than george w,
I didn’t know the Syrians had a Comedy Division. Those are hilarious! Too bad it didn’t last very long. I wonder how many Beeboids are saving a couple to share at the proverbial Islington dinner parties.
All things considered, having gained access, they are rather good natured.
On a more serious note, the world’s most trusted hypocrite monopoly was only yesterday mocking the ‘leaky’. Again karma appears ready to punish the arrogant.
And on matters two-faced, the BBC has also come down hard on people they don’t feel play for the team when their twitter feeds have words that may not have have been penned by them. More forgiving when the good guys, but that’s what being impartial is all about on Planet Beeboid.
Lucky they can redact and FoI it all away and deny it happened.
Thing is… it did.
And given this is a worldwide media entity that draws information from twitter and has a vast and volatile audience for what it pumps out via a free American for-profit company that it charges those in the UK a proportion of an annual £145.50 for the privilege.
So it’s kinda significant that what comes out ‘not the views of the employer’ may in fact be any bozo who can crack Aunty’s minions’ passwords.
Wars have started on less.
Where’s a Babel fish when you need one?
The House of Representatives voted to reject the Democrat Senate budget with the help of 35 Democrats. But remember, kids, according the BBC, it’s Republican intransigence who want to block the President not on any legitimate policy grounds but for purely partisan reasons.
The BBC isn’t reporting that, of course. Instead they put up a news brief (currently top story on the US & Canada page) about how Congress “comfortably” passed a spending bill to keep the government’s doors open until the next time we bump our heads on the debt ceiling in a few months. Kicking the can down the road is a success, I guess.
Naturally, they have to get in the dishonest spin and report that the Republicans want only spending cuts, refusing to raise taxes, while the Democrats want a “balanced” approach. The Democrats in general don’t want any real spending cuts at all, which is why some Democrats in the House voted against the Senate’s budget. And the BBC is being rather coy about just how much the Democrats wanted to raise taxes: $1 trillion and add another $5 trillion to the deficit. Their spending cuts are minimal, hardly the balanced approach the BBC wants you to believe it is, otherwise it wouldn’t be increasing the deficit so much. We’re supposed to be reducing it, for heaven’s sake. Republicans = bad, extreme / Democrats = good, balanced. This is also why the BBC didn’t bother mentioning the other two whacko budgets from Democrats the House rejected. It would hurt the Narrative. To support the Narrative that things are getting better all the time under His guiding hand, there are two other stories about how the economy is moving from strength to strength. This further reinforces the notion that the Republicans’ intransigence is harmful.
It’s all about priorities, what the BBC editors think is important. Personal bias can influence this, either intentionally or subconsciously.
One guesses that, along with John Cleese, Harry Enfield is another comedic talent who pales in comparison to today’s chuckle brothers and sisters on the BBC:
Then again, it may be such output* will be reclassified by Peter Rippon soon more as anthropological prediction.
One presumes this spokesperson for the country is being booked from Breakfast to Newsnight to explain her dire circumstances as we speak?
*Some topical references make it worth watching in its entirety
Always good value, this one appealed on many levels: ‘, for whom Thursday has always been the new Friday – especially when Friday is a bank holiday. I can hear a few flight, villa and cottage cancellations being made.’
Yes, well, when on £300kpa, a 4-day week is mandatory, especially to gain proper access to the boltholes.
Guessing the licence fee payers won’t be getting a refund again? ‘And it makes journalism, art and literature much more Serious and Sensible if you give them capital letters….’
Especially if you have no intention of letting anyone find out anything about what they are compelled to fund.
Several BBC Twitter accounts, including its weather, Arabic and Radio Ulster feeds were hijacked by a group calling itself Syrian Electronic Army earlier.
They could have at least mentioned one of the fake tweets about something other than the weather reports. Without that, it seems a bit weird for the BBC to issue an apology for “unacceptable material”. Unless they were apologizing to the camel community or one faction of the Lebanese government which isn’t under Syria’s influence. What’s the harm in mentioning the anti-Jew one? Ah, silly me, that might lead somebody to think there might be a microscopic amount of anti-Semitism, as opposed to criticism of Israel’s illegal behavior, in Syria’s and the Muslim World’s unhappiness with Israel.
Having said that, I’m now reminded of that Monty Python sketch where they did a version of the day’s news for parrots: “No parrots were involved in an accident on the M1 today….”
Don’t know about unusual, but a few things in that ‘report’ did actually strike me: ‘”The BBC is an obvious place to attack as it a trusted brand and so anyone who wishes to broadcast a message can reach a audience that are likely to pay attention, certainly initially,” said Prof Alan Woodward from the department of computing at the University of Surrey.
What’s the missing word?
‘Is’ now seems grounds for a trades description act prosecution, and it seems if he said ‘was’, the BBC decided on a redaction.
“The most likely source of the hack is via social engineering – someone managing to elicit the password by fooling the user who keeps the password,”
And this was ‘elicited’ how, from whom, on what basis? The BBC again seems astoundingly uncurious.
Increasingly experts are now calling for Twitter to step up security and offer two-factor authentication, essentially a disposable, single-use password for its users.
Yet the BBC, an in-theory vast, vastly-funded media monopoly, leapt in where angels may fear to tread to embrace a foreign, social-media platform to garner and disseminate ‘trusted’ news via this free means, with a £145.50 mark-up to locals… yet now is passing the buck?
Writing about the hack on his blog, security consultant Graham Cluley said it was unclear how the password had been cracked.
Is the BBC going to be asked? Or will this get lost in a ‘getting it about covered-up’ FoI exclusion? Again.
“The good news is that the hack doesn’t appear to have been done with the intention of spreading malicious links or scams. Instead, it appears that the Syrian Electronic Army are trying to spread political messages about Syria instead,”
Appears? Oh, that’s OK then. The BBC twitter pages are pretty much known from spreading skewed political messages anyway. No harm, no foul.
Thing is, given many in that neck of the woods can be giving Paul Mason his next Anger and Protests slot at the drop of a dodgy insult claim, what if next time the BBC’s feeds get used to foment a lot worse?
Not sure ‘views my own’ will quite be the get-out they have been allowed to hide behind all the time.
“You should always use hard-to-guess, hard-to-crack, unique passwords for your online accounts that you are not using anywhere else on the web.”
Should ‘you’?
Maybe the broadcast output of the world’s most influential broadcaster should be covered by a smidge more than that, backed by a weasel disclaimer that keeps Hugs & her legal team safe for another week?
Good Lord…what on earth is happening Down Under in Australia?
This was a great open book of a country, with truly civilising values and a sense of pioneer “can-do”, much like the USA and Canada.
Yet listen to Julia Mallard this morning emoting over forced adoptions, and the BBC cringeing around her “apologies”…the woman sounded even less sincere that Patricia Hewitt.
A dreadful old ham, but no sense of irony or mockery from the BBC..who just “lurve apologies” long after the event…and that put whitey in the dock as ever.
This is not to downplay the true callous injustices done, but I don`t need politicos grovelling for things that they never did. but ignore all those things for which they OUGHT to be sorry-things that they did themselves.
Stop using victims as sandbags and as flock wallpaper….Mallard and Obama represent the creeping future of Western thought…the Chinese and Russians will be delighted.
The One Show 21/03/13….Dan Snow bigging up the Scottish independence thingy in September 2014, fireworks, it’s all going to happen etc. etc….Dame Edna asked what do you want to happen?…Dan Snow says ‘i can’t possibly say as i work for the BBC’…prick
The BBC (among others) tells me that the most Reverend Justin Welby has been enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury in an orgy of political corectness. Judging from the colourful details reported I fear the BBC has lost a great candidate for Director-General.
The C of E has an urge to self destruct that appears to be unstoppable. Quite curious. It is now the BBC/Guardian at prayer- that is if they were the praying sort.
“For crying out loud, Archbishop, do we have to drag the NHS into everything?”
By Damian Thompson
“Sorry if this is out of place, Your Grace, but I can’t help asking: it is now against the law to hold any grand public occasion in Britain without venerating the NHS?
“It’s a system of delivering healthcare. There are many worse and, increasingly, many better around the world. Its foundation was a huge achievement, but it is currently so badly administered and employs so many dodgy staff that many people do not feel safe in its hands.
I wondered if the new Archbishop would be able to resist dragging it into his sermon. Obviously not.”
Whether it’s Labour’s version of an Olympic showbiz ceremony, a C of E inauguration, or BBC-NUJ daily, it seems that the NHS has to be venerated not critically analysed.
Because Israelis are naturally warmongers, young and old…
about 70 % of 600 students #Obama speech were chosen by lottery – the audience seemed pro-peace. Is this representative #Israel?— lyse doucet (@bbclysedoucet) March 21, 2013
‘The BBC World Service’s weekly discussion programme, In the Balance, debates the issue with presenter, Justin Rowlatt, and a panel of guests. Plus the programme’s in-house comedian, Colm O’Regan, will be on hand with his mixture of wit and good humour.’
oh dear me, ‘…the programme’s in-house comedian…’
I wonder what the BBC in-house clown has to say about capitalism?
From his web page….
‘Meanwhile the government sells the rights to drill gas in Dublin Bay – in exchange for a handful of beans – to a man they met on the way to the fair. The proposal to plant the beans and scale the resultant beanstalk to retrieve the Giant’s gold hits a snag….’
OK so the in-house comedian is a bit of a lefty….
What is the subject under discussion?
‘In the Balance, The root of all good?’
‘Capitalism has done more to lift people out of poverty in emerging markets than all the aid of western governments. For that reason alone, surely it makes sense to embrace an economic system that creates much needed wealth.’
That was factual and contains a sentiment that is rarely expressed on the BBC.
But look, here comes some BBC balance….
‘Or does capitalism represent an unhealthy love of money, which leads to an elite becoming very rich whilst vast swathes of society are excluded? And is it always the people who end up paying for the mistakes of that elite?’
‘…the programme’s in-house comedian…’
Other than the odd hapless doorstep victim or ‘while we’ve got you here’ minister, just about anyone the BBC presents seems effectively ‘in-house’.
Maybe that’s why they feel they need not account externally for anything that is broadcast as a consequence.
All the public is required to do is front the money needed to uniquely fund the ongoing operation and then STFU.
Totally OT, but watching a Sky gush-piece about the Parker/Stone musical theatre comedy based on the Mormon faith.
Had to appreciate said faith took out an ad in the programme to say ‘the book is better’.
One wonders if all religions would be so engaging when being teased, and which may have the odd self-censoring medium running either in interference or, in case of adverse reaction, damage limitation.
R5 decided to bash some German about Cyprus at about 7.15 this morning. Started badly by saying he was a conservative (ugh) he was Christian Democrat, then she tried but you are right wing – he replied no I am of centre. She move on to say everyone hates you and constantly interupted until he snapped ‘vil zu let me anser ze question’ which shut her up. I not a great fan of the Germans – but well done him
That’s pretty much what Lord Patten did come out with when a few guardians of democracy who have actually been elected to look after national interests presumed to ask them to account for the lying, cheating, covering-up thing they call informing and educating… under the banner of another flexibly-interpreted Royal Charter I believe.
As David Preiser often points out, the BBC’s coverage of the US debate on its huge and worsening debt problems usually throws blame on the Republicans. If only they would stop being so recalcitrant, and just play along with Obama.
The BBC seldom if ever points out that the Republicans have been pushing plans eg from Paul Ryan for several years to start to deal effectively with the debt. The BBC omits to tell us that the Dems and Obama have all along refused to address the issues properly. The BBC has seldom if ever even pointed out that the Democratic Senate was refusing for year after year to do its constitutional duty and produce a budget – whereas the Republican House of Representatives produced a coherent budget every year.
The pantomime continues. Obama went through the motions of cross-party talks, after public opinion was showing big drops in his ratings, people failing to accept that all the blame for impasse lay with the Republicans. And FINALLY, the Democratic Senate has produced a “budget” – which totally fails to deal with the deficits and the debt,.
A Republican Senator tables a motion that effectively says “No, this isn’t any good, enough, we need budget realism and at the very least an aim to close the annual deficit by 2013 – ten years hence !”
Every single Democrat has voted against this motion. As this Powerline blog post shows from their previous individual statements, this demonstrates the utter hypocrisy of the Democratic Senators – and for that matter of Obama. The Dem side are happy to drive the US economy towards the cliff, they don’t want to cut down on the dependency culture.
Now THAT is the real story about the US fiscal crisis, and it has been the real story all along. The real story, the true story – which the BBC refuses to recognise and report on.
It’s looking more & more like a financial catastrophe in Cyprus as the government fails to reach any kind of agreement with foreign governments.
I’d like to have heard a lot more analysis of the situation, and especially the implication of Cyprus leaving the Eurozone.
This has been described as one of the most dangerous financial crisis yet as the probability of Cyprus leaving the Eurozone is greater than any other country. The implications could be a loss of confidence in the whole Euro project , if Cyprus can leave then why not Spain Italy & France?
Shock, horror, I managed to watch all of Question Time this week without feeling the need to put a brick through the tv! The beeb obviously hadn’t investigated the 2 non politicians very carefully for their political views beforehand. Both were excellent and I was quite surprised by the writer with sensible comments rather than the usual rabid communist. Even the audience only seemed to contain one obvious young blond female Labour plant who was very weak. How many young blondes does the Labour party have by the way? Do you think they are cloned?
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Fedup2Feb 5, 19:06 Midweek 5th February 2025 Democracy – deputy PM cancels local elections because she knows her party will be slaughtered … next time you hear…
Fedup2Feb 5, 18:59 Midweek 5th February 2025 Anyone heard from the voice coach yet – her silence is deafening – cough …
DoughboyFeb 5, 18:17 Midweek 5th February 2025 Love, love it, lefties all in a turmoil over Trump taking over Gaza, but you got to hand it to…
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:06 Midweek 5th February 2025 I think it absolutely should be about getting rid of foreign aid, which is the biggest scam ever invented.
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:04 Midweek 5th February 2025 The Britain which existed in 1947 is dead and buried.
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:03 Midweek 5th February 2025 Those jottings on a post-it were some sort of therapy advised by a head shrinker. Avoid them at all costs!
Rob in CheshireFeb 5, 18:01 Midweek 5th February 2025 Digg: The masons are not what they were. Our local lodge has closed down and been demolished for flats.
ZephirFeb 5, 18:00 Midweek 5th February 2025 Nigel Farage lashed out at the ‘cowardice of the political class’ today as Labour agreed to postpone local elections for…
Sack them!
BBC staff vote in favour of strike action
best news of the day
To be fair, some of the news staff have suffered some pretty horrendous conditions…
they’re most probably striking for more anal sex in the workplace
The Budget.
Beeboids seems annoyed that fuel duty has not been increased, giving the last word to their expensive ‘greenie’ chums with sound bites such as this-
“Environmentalists were critical of Mr Osborne’s approach.
“‘The driving force behind rising petrol prices is the soaring cost of oil,’ said Friends of the Earth economics campaigner David Powell.
“‘The sensible long-term plan is to protect motorists from rising fuel prices by weaning our transport system off its oil dependency'” [and making it more dependent on impractical, more expensive systems such as wind].
I wonder if the ‘Friends of the Earth’ campaigner has a proper job, or just leeches off the wealth generated by the private sector.
Yay ! we can all drive around in wind powered yacht cars!
I can just see it now – ‘Wind Rage’, where a driver gets upset for having his wind stolen by another sail.
Yes the Liebour masters have told the BBC to have a red overload today..ties, sets, coats, seats, etc etc..proof of psychological warfare….So long as Liebour are red so are we, the BBC are truly hateful.
stealth parody alert
Beeboid Hampstead HARRABIN and his political chums are “dismayed” at the Budget.
“Green campaigners dismayed by Budget”
– and I, Harrabin, am particularly “dismayed”.
In Harrabin’s habitual role as political propagandist, at our expense, for costly ‘greenies’ at Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, he is so saddened by that horrible Mr Osborne wanting to assist shale gas development in Britain.
Beeboid HARRABIN still gets away with his routinely anti-Government propaganda at the drop of a hat.
Where is the BBC-NUJ online or TV piece which propagandises FOR e.g. shale gas development?
Yes, drop the gas price by 66% and see what that does for the economics of ‘renewables’ – and see what it does for your gas bill.
‘The Times'(£) today, p 34:-
“Within five years, according to Citigroup, North Amertica could be energy independent. Within a decade, says the International Energy Agency, it could overtake Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer..[and] that thanks to the shale boom, the country would become a net oil exporter later this year for the first time in 18 years.”
And it would be thanks mainly to increased drilling and fracking on non-federal lands, which are not under the President’s control, and where He has no power to block. In fact, if it was up to Him, oil production would be decreasing still, as He’s caused that on federal lands.
If all continues on the same path, the US will be energy-independent, more or less, in less than a decade. Fuel prices will finally go down, which will do wonders for the economy. The BBC will still give credit to The Obamessiah, though.
Where’s Mr Vance, these days? Miss his posts.
So how many people have been following the bBC’s 10 year contrast of life in Iraq before and after Saddam. They bring a lot of interesting figures to the table which if looked at in the 2 dimensional snapshot the bBC offers you can only feel that Iraq is a right mess and that life would be a lot better if Saddam was still alive.
Iraq 10 years on: In numbers
Ten years after the US-led invasion of Iraq – how much has changed? We look at the numbers behind the country that is still emerging from conflict.
Please allow me to contrast what the bBC offers you with a few facts they somewhat left out:
Iraq is the world’s third largest oil exporter, behind Saudi Arabia and Russia, and is expected to produce 3.6 million barrels of oil per day during 2013. Output before the US-led invasion was about 2.8 million barrels a day. The country stands to earn almost $5 trillion in revenues from oil export by 2035, an average of $200bn a year, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).
So according to the bBc, Iraq is producing more Oil today than it did under Saddam in 2003. Yet for all that wealth the graph the bBC shows a steep fall in 2011 The graph they use is from the Brooking institute so being the anal bastard I am I popped over to their website and guess what I can find that graph, but I did find the figures they build that graph from and in 2003, Iraq earned $5 billion from Oil sales in 2012 they earned $45 billion and that peek in 2011 that earned them a one off $85 billion. Have a look yourself its on Page 9 I don’t know why the bBC have included nominal GDP seeing as it doesn’t mean sweet FA other than giving the impression that Iraq isn’t doing as good as it should be Brookings have a graph of sorts but they keeps theirs direct to the point.
Click to access index201207.pdf
Before 2003, Baghdad is reported to have enjoyed 16-24 hours of electricity per day, while the rest of the country had about four to eight hours. The average household now receives just eight hours of electricity through the public network,/i>
So according to the bBc, the poor Iraqi people had a better electricity supply when Saddam was in power. But Brookings say different (Page 10)Prewar (2003)Baghdad received 16-24 hours and Nationwide districts received 4-8 hours. The last figures that Brookings have is for March 2010 and there they quote 19.5 hours a day for Baghdad and 18.4 Nationwide. Not only that but a check on wiki informs me that demand in June 2003 was 6400 MW in 2010 the demand was 14,000MW. Another check tells me that the problem in Iraq isn’t down to power production, but rather down to the very poor state of the distribution network. Finally as of April 2013, Iraq will have 24 hours a day electricity.
Private car ownership has fallen while the number of people with bikes or motorbikes has increased.
I did a little math here, you see in 2004 the Iraqi population was just under 27 Million and in 2011 it was just under 33 Million Now using the percentages the bBC quotes for Car ownership (taking into account there are 6 million extra people who cannot drive) and while the bBC is correct the actual figure is 33 thousand less. The really interesting thing about the bBC’s article is it uses 2004 and 2002 as its datum. When I say intresting is that the bBC knocked out something similar in 2010 about Iraq and here is what it had to say about Car ownership then:
“The UN reported in 2004 that car ownership had doubled since 2003,
Almost 2.7 million Iraqis have been forced from their homes by the turmoil and violence – half becoming refugees outside Iraq, while others have fled their homes but stayed in the country. The conflict in neighbouring Syria has forced thousands of Iraqis to return home alongside thousands of Syrians fleeing the fighting. Many are living in camps and settlements, and relying on humanitarian aid.Iraqis are still seeking asylum in their tens of thousands – with 23,743 applying in 2011, mainly to European countries.
Wow, the refugee problem was really made worse by the invasion and the bBC gives you figures from 2006 onwards for asylum applications worldwide. Why in 2006 22 thousand people left Iraq seeking a better life elsewhere. Here is a UN document which lists how many Iraqi people sought asylum in only the worlds industrialised nations (37 countries) from 1991 to 2002. In the 3 years before the invasion 47K in 2000,50k in 2001,51k in 2002. Makes you wonder why the bBC started at 2006.
Click to access 3e79b00b9.pdf
Iraq ranks lower than comparable Arab states of its size and population in a number of areas, according to the UN’s latest Human Development Report… In terms of gender equality, Iraq ranks 120 out of 148 countries. In Iraq, 25.2% of parliamentary seats are held by women
Did you know if you type in Iraqi Population into google it brings up a graph. Also to the left of that is an index of many subjects one of which is:
Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments
And you know, the bBC is right only 25.2% of seats in national parliament are held by women. However when compared to the rest of the Middle East, Iraq is somewhat a leader.
Egypt with a much larger population has 2%, Iran has 3.1 %, Israel has 20%,Jordon has 10.8%,Kuwait has 6.3%,Lebanon has3.1%, Libya has 16%,Morroco has 17%, in fact only 2 countries have a higher proportion of women than Iraq, Algeria at 31.6% and Tunisia at26.7%.
I’m not saying life for women is great for women in Iraq, but the picture the bBC gives you is somewhat incorrect
The bBC, the Traitors within our midst
It’s too bad it wasn’t The Obamessiah who ordered the invasion of Iraq and the removal of Sadaam Hussein. The BBC would have supported it then, and – aside from some intellectual contortions from Mark Mardell to explain how He was a reluctant regime changer forced to do it by a bunch of knuckledragging United Statesians who always like to see “an unapologetically aggressive America storming ahead” – Beeboids would be tweeting about how cool He is and how the world loves us when He’s in charge. Bill Clinton engaged in similar war and regime change in the Balkans, and I don’t remember any heroic human shields or hand-wringing over how many people died because of it.
But since it was a Republican, and especially George Bush, the BBC’s default setting is to declare a disaster. That’s the beginning and the end of the reasons for Beeboids’ opposition to it. I’d love to hear a BBC employee explain the legal and moral differences between the various regime changes authorized by the different US Presidents.
Rowan Atkinson’s Red Nose Day sketch mocking Archbishop Welby given a complete trashing at Cranmer’s:
Liberal ‘comedians’ are very brave when slagging off Christianity, aren’t they ? but then Christians don’t fly airplanes into skyscrapers or behead people.
Just watched the clip of Rowan Atkinson doing his ‘schtick’ and I don’t want to be rude, but I find him quite repulsive to look at.
Plus all that mugging to the camera, pulling faces, smirking and making snide comments. It’s just old and tiresome. A 12 year old would find it funny.
Don’t forget that Rowan Atkinson although a working comedian is rarely if ever on the bBC, that’s because he’s a Tory supporter.
His parody’s of Church of England vicars have long been a part of his act. He’s also taken the piss out of the Ayatollahs in Iran quite a few times too. I expect the bbC now bans sketches like that.
Didn’t Pamela Stephenson do “The Ayatollah Song” on Not The Nine O’Clock News ?
He does have a good record of campaigning against freedom restricting laws forbidding ‘hate speech.’
Quite! They instead write pointed letters of complaint, like civilised people do, and withdraw their financial support.
Unfortunately, where the BBC is concerned, the first will get you nowhere and the second isn’t possible.
No wonder they feel they can treat sections of their viewership with scorn, contempt, disrespect…or just plain ignore them.
Atkinsons brother thought it was unfunny old crap too.
With the new Archbishop of Canterbury recently taking office, how can the BBC make sure they humiliate and put him in his place, as well as showing their younger audience how to regard the ridiculousness of Christianity?
Answer, to use Comic Relief and the idiot Rowan Atkinson to make a piss taking sketch where by also using foul language before the watershed, the ‘message’ will certainly be passed on.
Certainly charity is one of the valuable elements derived from the Church, but clearly the BBC wants to erase all reference to that in their quest to put themselves in that spot with this uncharitable dig.
Just reading this story and reflecting on the BBC makes me feel like I just ate shit.
Quality posts, Pounce.
More of the same on This World. Iraq: Did My Son Die In Vain.
Saw the second half; apparently Basra was a shithole before the invasion ‘because of the West’s sanctions’. Yeah right.
Then some Mahdi Army reject was given airtime to talk about how American soldiers who were caught up in a roadside bomb attacked a bus ‘with bullets and missiles’ killing 11. Al Jazeera had the 11 being killed by the bomb blast itself but there you go. The reject’s view of course went unchallenged. Now I’m no expert, but there was rather a lot of the bus left for it to have been attacked by gunfire and missiles.
Nice also to see some of Gordon Brown’s Snatch Land Rovers on the streets.
I have taken little interest in the Budget. Thus missing the endless hand wringing about this and that from our Beeboid chums.
In the real world the Cyprus mess threatens to go completely over the top. It looks as if reality, so long denied, is going to get her ( I always think of reality as a woman) revenge.
So insular is our media (especially our beeboid section) that it looks like missing the coming chaos until it becomes really too big to ignore.
Theft of bank deposits. The EU in turmoil. Bank runs and more to come. What price bank deposit insurance now? It is all going to be most interesting.
This is the moment the elites dreaded..
Soon we shall see them squabbling like greedy pigs when the food starts to run out. They will try to frighten us but maybe this time it will not work. The BBC/liberal media is going to get a very sharp lesson in what reality really means.
It’s not theft of bank deposits, it’s limited protection of 90% !
We hear on these pages that the bedroom tax is not a tax, for similar reasons this is not a theft.
Do you consider the government forcing those on benefit to spend their savings which they may have spent many years of responsible saving as opposed to those who waste everything they earn as theft? Why should someone who has savings of £20K have to spend it on living at a rate prescribed by the government before they can get benefits?
The banks of Cyprus have collapsed, they are bankrupt, and without government intervention the depositors would lose all their money 100% of it. Therefore it’s not a theft at all, and they should be a little more grateful to their government.
I see your point. It is still theft. The money belongs to the depositors. If it is missing then the bankers need to face trial and exemplary punishment. We should have done the same to our rotten banks and bankers The bank and it’s shareholders/bondholders are the ones who must take first hit.
How do you think this looks to the world?. it looks like theft carried out by an unholy alliance of state and semi state actors in concert with the bankers.
Confidence is all and this is going to really shatter world confidence in the banking system. The root of the problem is ,of course, the absurdity of the Euro .Equating the economy of a Cypriot village with that of Stuttgart is unreal and laughable. The Eu fanatics deserve all that is coming.
This morning Nick Robinson is happy to give Ed Ball’s rather strained argument a quick BBC bunk up.
You see dear Licence Payer, Robinson explains, an economy doesn’t work like a household – you can borrow more to borrow less.
Oh, I can already hear the lefties taking that as gospel: Er can yer borra me a tenner Wonga and then I’ll pay yer back a score next Tuesday when me Giro comes thru.
I guess this is a case of BBC balance (sic). Ball’s argument sounding so obviously preposterous and his personal credibility being so low (hand-in-glove with Gordon Brown) that the BBC feel the need to speak up a little for our official opposition – just to even things up?
I am all for the idea that Ed Ball’s gets a fair crack of the whip – but let the bastard speak for himself.
But then again, when the listener believes that more debt is less debt, then he can cope with other arcane BBC concepts such as : colder weather is global warming; splurging cash on the Olympics/BBC is investment; diversity is strength; etc etc….
What Robinson says is true, but it should be put into a proper context, and there’s little chance of doing that on any TV program.
Government finances and the way they work are complex at best and Byzantine at worst.
We’re told that the government is having to pay interest on their debts – what we’re rarely told is who they have to pay that interest to. The answer for the majority is they pay it back to the government.
Quantitative easing means creating money, but that money is ‘lent’ to the government by the Bank of England. They do this to keep the exchange rate stable, and inflation under control. We haven’t seen high inflation because the banks lost so much money quantitative easing has only had the effect of replacing it. A future government could simply tell the BoE to write this debt off and that would reduce the national debt.
Government is just about the only body who can buy assets (bank shares) and then moan about how much they’ve had to spend without ever once counting the value of those assets to offset the debt!
Interesting. Is there any reason the ECB could not simply print euros and refinance the banks in Cyprus? We seem to do it without much problem.
Because the amount of money required to refloat the senseless banks is so great Cyprus would never be able to repay it.
I would suggest that this even more unfair than charging the bank customers, Cypriot nationals poor & rich would have to pick up the tab, but the rich Russians would walk away Scot free.
Love that phrase “solidarity levy”…as opposed to demanding money with menaces, phishing scams or the like.
The BBC call it a “contribution”…such is the level of Orwellian English being brazenly displayed by the EU and the BBC.
Brassnecked scum!
I wouldn’t trust the BBC with our kiddies.
5 Live grabs a group of Manchester school kids ‘to discuss the role of religion in the twenty-first century’
To chair this kiddie debate the BBC employs Prof Francesca Stavrakopoulou of Exeter University.
‘She describes herself as “an atheist with huge respect for religion”‘
In other words the very best choice to lead the debate – (causing doubt to be cast in the Christian and Jewish religions – see her previous work for the BBC)
‘Dr Francesca Stavrakopoulou examines how archaeological discoveries are changing the way people interpret stories from the Bible’
‘BBC’s face of religion is a self-proclaimed atheist who claims God had a wife and Eve suffered from sexism’
What makes her sush a very good BBCer is that although she is the confirmed atheist she is not going to offend anybody of a certain religion based in the Middle East – aren’t they all? I mean the one with the mosques and the source of so much funding for the University of Exeter.
I recall, although I can’t be bothered to link it, that Nicky Campbell defended (in a Twitter stylie) her comments in a previous debate insisting the BBC was not pushing atheisim but said of the BBC 5 Live’s favourite Prof ‘she has an agenda of her own’.
So fast forward a few months and knowing her biases the BBC send her along to School to talk religion.
This is bias by intention.
Exeter says it all. A dreadful place these days.
What’s happened to the contacts page ? No way to send an email to anyone!
Rachael Burden was discussing the budget this morning on Radio 5. The last minute of the show some caller came on and mentioned the giant elephant in the room.
” It’s the immigrants, it’s costing the country Billions !!”
Deafening silence from Rachael.
What I want to know is how on earth did he get through the BBC / KGB vetting procedure ?
It made me laugh, that moment will probably go down in history like the Titanic sinking , the Hindenburg going up in flames and the Moon landing.
DT article about Colditz:
Don’t moan about trolls. We’ve got them where we want them – ranting online rather than bothering us in real life
yikes! no wonder alan didn t send the valentines card
Just heard on the radio a warning that we can expect power cuts, there is so little spare capacity left in the system – no mention of the rising population being the cause of this strain of course.
…nor the closing over the next few months of perfectly good coal-fired power stations on the whim of the ‘lets all go an live in caves’ Harrabin types.
These stations could be kept in use until plentiful, cheaper, less polluting shale gas comes on stream.
It is this that finally convinced me that our civilisation is coming to an end. When a power structure is determind to self destruct what can you do?
One cannot reason with lunatics.
New Statesman: No Now But Not Never #lawofunintendedconsequences sinking in? Plus comment 1 quite apposite too:
hank the cat says:
Had Cleggie on lbc this morning, On leveson stated “royal charter not backed by law” then he went onto say “just like the bbc”, Confused, if the BBC is not backed by law then why are we paying the BBC tax?
It’s a good question: maybe we may benefit from an answer from the DPM?
Oh, and in passing, another view…
While the axis that comprises Labour, Lib Dems,ex-BBC staff and their empathetic ex-colleagues allows such things to see the light of day…
Pity, since one of the Hacked Off co-founders is one of their own. It would be really funny if the Tories agreed to the whole thing because they secretly knew this would happen, but I don’t those involved are all that bright.
I think what Clegg meant to say is that this will exist outside the law, albeit enforceable by it all the same, just like the BBC.
Fkn budget tittle-tattle 2 days in a row bBC news unwatchable at the moment, good job we have RT for some world news and that the eurozone is on the verge of a collapse, a run on the banks in southern regions will render a pretty bland budget yesterdays chip-paper.
“Another BBC strike ‘to affect Easter schedule.’
Staff at the BBC will go on strike in a dispute over job cuts, rising workloads and harassment claims, in action that could mean even more repeats than usual over the Easter weekend.”
When is the next NUT-BECTU strike after the Easter one?
When’s the next vacation?
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, it’s tricky keeping up with these long open threads but I noted Peston reckons this crisis is all Germany’s fault. Their fault for being too successful and their fault that they wont write a blank cheque. By heck he’s a tosser!
And the banks’ fault. It’s always the banks fault, never government’s.
where has billy big bollocks colditz gone?
I have a major bone to pick with that gimp………
Careful, or he’ll think you’re Alan as well.
South Africa.
Will BBC-NUJ stop censoring the view that it has become a black racist state?
Headline in today’s ‘The Times’ p 37 (£):-
“Biko’s lover denounces South Africa’s ‘racist rulers’.
“‘ We have again become very attached to colour.’ she said. So it becomes very important again to be black, to be Zulu, to be this, because that puts you in a favourable position.'”
5live coverage of archb s big day, insists the hierachy narrative by mentioning that reps from islam are here, … well … and?(shakes head), oh and judiasm oh and the catholic church.
very noticeable, as was this mornings 5live brainwashing for the kids, debate on religion, you know i loathe, the bbc giving this cult prominence, it neither warrants or deserves.
the way it insidiously drones this “religion of peace” mantra
to children, is simply gaulling.
The Obamamessiah has called Hezbollah a ‘terrorist organisation’, what will the BBC do? I can hear the panic from here.
He’s saying it only to appease the
Elders of ZionJewish Lobby Katty Kay spoke of, which politicians in the US have to do from time to time. He doesn’t really mean it, of course, which is why the BBC usually phrases it as “the US considers…”or similar. Right, BBC?4 likes
ooooo yeah! – did he call hamas the same?
views of the pally s on obama visit
bbc – palestinians have a long list of serious grievances,
listen to an american pally who regrets voting for him,
he s worse than george w,
I’m speechless !
That’s nothing. You should spend a few minutes reading all the gems on the “In Their Own Tweets” page (tab at the top of this site).
It’s nice to know that Mario is speaking on behalf of ”the rest of the world.”
What a egotist.
I hadn’t noticed that! How long’s that been up. Damn, I need to pay more attention.
It’s a great list of evidence.
Only a couple days. The list of quotes from Beeboids (or ex-BBC) stating their biased has its own page now, too, since it’s gone from the sidebar.
For both the tweets page and the quotes one, all are encouraged to provide more in the comments if you find them. It should be a growing collection.
Cheers, David. I’d seen the ‘In Their Own Words’ tab – someone was wondering where those quotes had gone in the comments of a Commentator article.
The tweets tab is a great addition.
a bit more bbc verbal gymnastics required
Swastikas and “death to Jews” spray-painted on Jewish homes and shops in Tel Aviv
nah! … they just won t report it
Oh dear…
Have a look – some of the tweets are super. 🙂
I didn’t know the Syrians had a Comedy Division. Those are hilarious! Too bad it didn’t last very long. I wonder how many Beeboids are saving a couple to share at the proverbial Islington dinner parties.
All things considered, having gained access, they are rather good natured.
On a more serious note, the world’s most trusted hypocrite monopoly was only yesterday mocking the ‘leaky’. Again karma appears ready to punish the arrogant.
And on matters two-faced, the BBC has also come down hard on people they don’t feel play for the team when their twitter feeds have words that may not have have been penned by them. More forgiving when the good guys, but that’s what being impartial is all about on Planet Beeboid.
Lucky they can redact and FoI it all away and deny it happened.
Thing is… it did.
And given this is a worldwide media entity that draws information from twitter and has a vast and volatile audience for what it pumps out via a free American for-profit company that it charges those in the UK a proportion of an annual £145.50 for the privilege.
So it’s kinda significant that what comes out ‘not the views of the employer’ may in fact be any bozo who can crack Aunty’s minions’ passwords.
Wars have started on less.
Where’s a Babel fish when you need one?
The House of Representatives voted to reject the Democrat Senate budget with the help of 35 Democrats. But remember, kids, according the BBC, it’s Republican intransigence who want to block the President not on any legitimate policy grounds but for purely partisan reasons.
The BBC isn’t reporting that, of course. Instead they put up a news brief (currently top story on the US & Canada page) about how Congress “comfortably” passed a spending bill to keep the government’s doors open until the next time we bump our heads on the debt ceiling in a few months. Kicking the can down the road is a success, I guess.
Naturally, they have to get in the dishonest spin and report that the Republicans want only spending cuts, refusing to raise taxes, while the Democrats want a “balanced” approach. The Democrats in general don’t want any real spending cuts at all, which is why some Democrats in the House voted against the Senate’s budget. And the BBC is being rather coy about just how much the Democrats wanted to raise taxes: $1 trillion and add another $5 trillion to the deficit. Their spending cuts are minimal, hardly the balanced approach the BBC wants you to believe it is, otherwise it wouldn’t be increasing the deficit so much. We’re supposed to be reducing it, for heaven’s sake. Republicans = bad, extreme / Democrats = good, balanced. This is also why the BBC didn’t bother mentioning the other two whacko budgets from Democrats the House rejected. It would hurt the Narrative. To support the Narrative that things are getting better all the time under His guiding hand, there are two other stories about how the economy is moving from strength to strength. This further reinforces the notion that the Republicans’ intransigence is harmful.
It’s all about priorities, what the BBC editors think is important. Personal bias can influence this, either intentionally or subconsciously.
sorry David, I posted on similar lines below before seeing your post – too many posts in the thread ???
One guesses that, along with John Cleese, Harry Enfield is another comedic talent who pales in comparison to today’s chuckle brothers and sisters on the BBC:
Then again, it may be such output* will be reclassified by Peter Rippon soon more as anthropological prediction.
One presumes this spokesperson for the country is being booked from Breakfast to Newsnight to explain her dire circumstances as we speak?
*Some topical references make it worth watching in its entirety
Always good value, this one appealed on many levels:
‘, for whom Thursday has always been the new Friday – especially when Friday is a bank holiday. I can hear a few flight, villa and cottage cancellations being made.’
Yes, well, when on £300kpa, a 4-day week is mandatory, especially to gain proper access to the boltholes.
Guessing the licence fee payers won’t be getting a refund again?
‘And it makes journalism, art and literature much more Serious and Sensible if you give them capital letters….’
Especially if you have no intention of letting anyone find out anything about what they are compelled to fund.
Hackers attack several BBC Twitter accounts.
Several BBC Twitter accounts, including its weather, Arabic and Radio Ulster feeds were hijacked by a group calling itself Syrian Electronic Army earlier.
Nobody noticed anything unusual.
They could have at least mentioned one of the fake tweets about something other than the weather reports. Without that, it seems a bit weird for the BBC to issue an apology for “unacceptable material”. Unless they were apologizing to the camel community or one faction of the Lebanese government which isn’t under Syria’s influence. What’s the harm in mentioning the anti-Jew one? Ah, silly me, that might lead somebody to think there might be a microscopic amount of anti-Semitism, as opposed to criticism of Israel’s illegal behavior, in Syria’s and the Muslim World’s unhappiness with Israel.
Having said that, I’m now reminded of that Monty Python sketch where they did a version of the day’s news for parrots: “No parrots were involved in an accident on the M1 today….”
Don’t know about unusual, but a few things in that ‘report’ did actually strike me:
‘”The BBC is an obvious place to attack as it a trusted brand and so anyone who wishes to broadcast a message can reach a audience that are likely to pay attention, certainly initially,” said Prof Alan Woodward from the department of computing at the University of Surrey.
What’s the missing word?
‘Is’ now seems grounds for a trades description act prosecution, and it seems if he said ‘was’, the BBC decided on a redaction.
“The most likely source of the hack is via social engineering – someone managing to elicit the password by fooling the user who keeps the password,”
And this was ‘elicited’ how, from whom, on what basis? The BBC again seems astoundingly uncurious.
Increasingly experts are now calling for Twitter to step up security and offer two-factor authentication, essentially a disposable, single-use password for its users.
Yet the BBC, an in-theory vast, vastly-funded media monopoly, leapt in where angels may fear to tread to embrace a foreign, social-media platform to garner and disseminate ‘trusted’ news via this free means, with a £145.50 mark-up to locals… yet now is passing the buck?
Writing about the hack on his blog, security consultant Graham Cluley said it was unclear how the password had been cracked.
Is the BBC going to be asked? Or will this get lost in a ‘getting it about covered-up’ FoI exclusion? Again.
“The good news is that the hack doesn’t appear to have been done with the intention of spreading malicious links or scams. Instead, it appears that the Syrian Electronic Army are trying to spread political messages about Syria instead,”
Appears? Oh, that’s OK then. The BBC twitter pages are pretty much known from spreading skewed political messages anyway. No harm, no foul.
Thing is, given many in that neck of the woods can be giving Paul Mason his next Anger and Protests slot at the drop of a dodgy insult claim, what if next time the BBC’s feeds get used to foment a lot worse?
Not sure ‘views my own’ will quite be the get-out they have been allowed to hide behind all the time.
“You should always use hard-to-guess, hard-to-crack, unique passwords for your online accounts that you are not using anywhere else on the web.”
Should ‘you’?
Maybe the broadcast output of the world’s most influential broadcaster should be covered by a smidge more than that, backed by a weasel disclaimer that keeps Hugs & her legal team safe for another week?
Good Lord…what on earth is happening Down Under in Australia?
This was a great open book of a country, with truly civilising values and a sense of pioneer “can-do”, much like the USA and Canada.
Yet listen to Julia Mallard this morning emoting over forced adoptions, and the BBC cringeing around her “apologies”…the woman sounded even less sincere that Patricia Hewitt.
A dreadful old ham, but no sense of irony or mockery from the BBC..who just “lurve apologies” long after the event…and that put whitey in the dock as ever.
This is not to downplay the true callous injustices done, but I don`t need politicos grovelling for things that they never did. but ignore all those things for which they OUGHT to be sorry-things that they did themselves.
Stop using victims as sandbags and as flock wallpaper….Mallard and Obama represent the creeping future of Western thought…the Chinese and Russians will be delighted.
“BBC Twitter accounts hacked by pro-Assad group.”
Of course, this will only make Beeboids more supportive of Sunni jihadists in Syria.
More on Syria:
‘British’ Islamic jihadists, and INBBC on same political side:-
“European Jihadists: The Latest Export”
by Soeren Kern.
The One Show 21/03/13….Dan Snow bigging up the Scottish independence thingy in September 2014, fireworks, it’s all going to happen etc. etc….Dame Edna asked what do you want to happen?…Dan Snow says ‘i can’t possibly say as i work for the BBC’…prick
‘..Scottish independence thingy… Dame Edna asked what do you want to happen?’
I hadn’t realised Alex Salmond and the BBC had got the vote extended to Australia.
Independence for Tasmania next?
To quote Dame Edna from years back…. For those who don’t know, it’s a small triangular bushy region somewhere down under.
Coincidentally that reminds me of hopeless Beeboids like One Show star Matt Baker.
The BBC (among others) tells me that the most Reverend Justin Welby has been enthroned as Archbishop of Canterbury in an orgy of political corectness. Judging from the colourful details reported I fear the BBC has lost a great candidate for Director-General.
The C of E has an urge to self destruct that appears to be unstoppable. Quite curious. It is now the BBC/Guardian at prayer- that is if they were the praying sort.
From the Archbishop’s
party political broadcastsermon: “Slaves were freed, factory acts passed and the NHS and social care established through Christ-liberated courage.”
So was, according to some, the liberation of the United States from Britain. Will he be praising that any time soon?
I like Thompson’s title:
“For crying out loud, Archbishop, do we have to drag the NHS into everything?”
By Damian Thompson
“Sorry if this is out of place, Your Grace, but I can’t help asking: it is now against the law to hold any grand public occasion in Britain without venerating the NHS?
“It’s a system of delivering healthcare. There are many worse and, increasingly, many better around the world. Its foundation was a huge achievement, but it is currently so badly administered and employs so many dodgy staff that many people do not feel safe in its hands.
I wondered if the new Archbishop would be able to resist dragging it into his sermon. Obviously not.”
Whether it’s Labour’s version of an Olympic showbiz ceremony, a C of E inauguration, or BBC-NUJ daily, it seems that the NHS has to be venerated not critically analysed.
Who knew Christ was behind the creation of the NHS !
It’s beyond parody.
Because Israelis are naturally warmongers, young and old…
Good response…
the NHS 111 number isn’t working according to the BBC
‘The BBC World Service’s weekly discussion programme, In the Balance, debates the issue with presenter, Justin Rowlatt, and a panel of guests. Plus the programme’s in-house comedian, Colm O’Regan, will be on hand with his mixture of wit and good humour.’
oh dear me, ‘…the programme’s in-house comedian…’
I wonder what the BBC in-house clown has to say about capitalism?
From his web page….
‘Meanwhile the government sells the rights to drill gas in Dublin Bay – in exchange for a handful of beans – to a man they met on the way to the fair. The proposal to plant the beans and scale the resultant beanstalk to retrieve the Giant’s gold hits a snag….’
OK so the in-house comedian is a bit of a lefty….
What is the subject under discussion?
‘In the Balance, The root of all good?’
‘Capitalism has done more to lift people out of poverty in emerging markets than all the aid of western governments. For that reason alone, surely it makes sense to embrace an economic system that creates much needed wealth.’
That was factual and contains a sentiment that is rarely expressed on the BBC.
But look, here comes some BBC balance….
‘Or does capitalism represent an unhealthy love of money, which leads to an elite becoming very rich whilst vast swathes of society are excluded? And is it always the people who end up paying for the mistakes of that elite?’
I wonder which way the debate will go?
‘…the programme’s in-house comedian…’
Other than the odd hapless doorstep victim or ‘while we’ve got you here’ minister, just about anyone the BBC presents seems effectively ‘in-house’.
Maybe that’s why they feel they need not account externally for anything that is broadcast as a consequence.
All the public is required to do is front the money needed to uniquely fund the ongoing operation and then STFU.
Totally OT, but watching a Sky gush-piece about the Parker/Stone musical theatre comedy based on the Mormon faith.
Had to appreciate said faith took out an ad in the programme to say ‘the book is better’.
One wonders if all religions would be so engaging when being teased, and which may have the odd self-censoring medium running either in interference or, in case of adverse reaction, damage limitation.
R5 decided to bash some German about Cyprus at about 7.15 this morning. Started badly by saying he was a conservative (ugh) he was Christian Democrat, then she tried but you are right wing – he replied no I am of centre. She move on to say everyone hates you and constantly interupted until he snapped ‘vil zu let me anser ze question’ which shut her up. I not a great fan of the Germans – but well done him
I thought they usually said” vee ask zee kvestions” !
That’s pretty much what Lord Patten did come out with when a few guardians of democracy who have actually been elected to look after national interests presumed to ask them to account for the lying, cheating, covering-up thing they call informing and educating… under the banner of another flexibly-interpreted Royal Charter I believe.
As David Preiser often points out, the BBC’s coverage of the US debate on its huge and worsening debt problems usually throws blame on the Republicans. If only they would stop being so recalcitrant, and just play along with Obama.
The BBC seldom if ever points out that the Republicans have been pushing plans eg from Paul Ryan for several years to start to deal effectively with the debt. The BBC omits to tell us that the Dems and Obama have all along refused to address the issues properly. The BBC has seldom if ever even pointed out that the Democratic Senate was refusing for year after year to do its constitutional duty and produce a budget – whereas the Republican House of Representatives produced a coherent budget every year.
The pantomime continues. Obama went through the motions of cross-party talks, after public opinion was showing big drops in his ratings, people failing to accept that all the blame for impasse lay with the Republicans. And FINALLY, the Democratic Senate has produced a “budget” – which totally fails to deal with the deficits and the debt,.
A Republican Senator tables a motion that effectively says “No, this isn’t any good, enough, we need budget realism and at the very least an aim to close the annual deficit by 2013 – ten years hence !”
Every single Democrat has voted against this motion. As this Powerline blog post shows from their previous individual statements, this demonstrates the utter hypocrisy of the Democratic Senators – and for that matter of Obama. The Dem side are happy to drive the US economy towards the cliff, they don’t want to cut down on the dependency culture.
Now THAT is the real story about the US fiscal crisis, and it has been the real story all along. The real story, the true story – which the BBC refuses to recognise and report on.
It’s looking more & more like a financial catastrophe in Cyprus as the government fails to reach any kind of agreement with foreign governments.
I’d like to have heard a lot more analysis of the situation, and especially the implication of Cyprus leaving the Eurozone.
This has been described as one of the most dangerous financial crisis yet as the probability of Cyprus leaving the Eurozone is greater than any other country. The implications could be a loss of confidence in the whole Euro project , if Cyprus can leave then why not Spain Italy & France?
The situation in Cyprus can be summed up as one corrupt communist organisation trying to steal money from another corrupt communist organisation.
Shock, horror, I managed to watch all of Question Time this week without feeling the need to put a brick through the tv! The beeb obviously hadn’t investigated the 2 non politicians very carefully for their political views beforehand. Both were excellent and I was quite surprised by the writer with sensible comments rather than the usual rabid communist. Even the audience only seemed to contain one obvious young blond female Labour plant who was very weak. How many young blondes does the Labour party have by the way? Do you think they are cloned?
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