Well, it may have been budget day for you running jackals of the capitalist oppressors of the workers BUT back in the Narnia of the BBC, we were treated to an programme called “Lenin in Letchworth” …
In 1907 Lenin attended a congress of exiled communists in London that helped plan the overthrow of the Russian tsar a decade later. It was during this momentous event that the Soviet Union’s future leader is said to have visited the English garden city of Letchworth.
I listened to most of this programme and it may have had some tenuous historical merit BUT it was quite remarkable to hear the endless positive spin afforded socialism!
Got the remarkable impression they were trying to distance Communism/Socialism from Lenin and Marx and all that Kulak killing.
Shirley Williams in a BBC interview admitted she likes Communism..she thinks the problem was a bad interpretation of its dogmas.
The trouble with Communism is that they were in fact carrying out exactly what Marx wanted…an armed proletariat defending the ‘commune’ and keeping everyone at the same level of misery enforced by violence.
I agree. Who knows what communism is, or any political philosophy . There has never been a benevolent communist state. Anyone taking over a state will have their own ideas. Ed Balls and Ed Milliband would both be completely different. Both China and Russia have changed and both become more interested in Capitalism.
Communism is the abolition of private property – with its consequent economic (impoverishment) and political (totalitarian) consequences.
The Left argue about the means but the end is the same, a wholly “equal” society. I put equal in quotation marks because Communist societies concentrate power in the elite, which because they recognise no other source of authority define everything in terms of power.
They are generally the most unequal societies in the world. It would seem therefore that the Left is not really about equality but something else.
Thank you Wild 50 years ago I asked Lord Soper What his policy on ballet dancers was? (Seeing as how the communist wanted to take over everything) After a little hesitation, on his part, I prompted. you never know they might want you to be one. He was quite friendly after that.
“NUJ plans more strike action at the BBC over Easter”
“BBC faces Easter strike action.
NUJ and Bectu members vote overwhelmingly for industrial action over job cuts, claims of bullying and excessive workloads”
‘Excessive workloads’? -Not judging by the disappointing outcomes of such ‘workloads’.
What do, e.g. INBBC Cairo Bureau and INBBC Arabic TV service do all day?
And what does BBC-NUJ’s green propagandists associated with Hampstead HARRABIN do apart from daunting ‘workloads’ of ‘global warming’ jaunts to Rio de Janeiro, or dashing off another anti-fracking piece on Budget Day? And then ‘bullying’ us with their propaganda.
Have you noticed that Beeboids plans their strikes for their own convenience, to coincide with the opportunity of extended vacations at Half-term (the last one), or at Easter (the next one)? Putting the BBC licence tax to Beeboid use.
Come on, Beeboids: you know it makes sense- ‘close down the BBC’ NOW.
I expect that the claims of bullying are true. Bullying is endemic in the left wing mind, it’s the rationale behind the bully words, Isms & Phobias which actually have little meaning, but great power to bully people.
One corporation madam even drove a bloke to suicide last year.
Can only assume that the BBC will be getting Comrade Bragg of the County of Dorset to give us a rewrite of Jerusalem…did Lenins feet march upon Hertforshires blood red, communally-owned allotments,and all that.
If the chords are in his permanently-thumbed copies of Dylans first LP songbook( or those of Woody and Prissy Pete Seagull), then he can quack in a bellicose style for yet another iconic hit record…and a few more “lifetime awards” for being the lefts empty troubadour for as long as it took to blag his big house miles out of “bleedin` Essix”
It was a programme about the Letchworth pioneers and the Edwardian idealism of the Garden City movement led by Sir Ebenezer Howard. It was never proven that Lenin actually did visit Letchworth and the conclusion of the programme reminded listeners that the Soviet versions of the Garden Cities were built on ‘piles of corpses’ and Kulak liquidations (on the orders of Lenin.) The concluding remarks of the documentary are pretty damning about Lenin, actually.
Glad to hear it Mr Inferno.
I too have sometimes feared the worst of a BBC programme only to be pleasantly surprised that it was not the expected slime and gloop that favours the left.
That our expectations are that low-and the BBC rarely get us to revise our low view of all that the BBC are putting out-only shows how low this seedy ship of state propaganda has been brought by the leftard pirates and Marxist moochers.
Witness the “Peoples Songs ” last night on Radio 2…as if Bronski Beat led to gay marriages via the Pet Shop Boys..sheer Janet Webb!
Glad to hear it Mr Inferno.
I too have sometimes feared the worst of a BBC programme only to be pleasantly surprised that it was not the expected slime and gloop that favours the left.
That our expectations are that low-and the BBC rarely get us to revise our low view of all that the BBC are putting out-only shows how low this seedy ship of state propaganda has been brought by the leftard pirates and Marxist moochers.
Witness the “Peoples Songs ” last night on Radio 2…as if Bronski Beat led to gay marriages via the Pet Shop Boys..sheer Janet Webb!
DV’s link age is quite revealing, with socialists described as the “fruit-juice drinking” and “sandal-wearing” classes”. No working class scum in Auntie’s wet dreams then.
That was a quotation from Orwell, his contemptuous characterisation of Garden City utopians, nothing to do with Auntie’s views.
Read the link page, where the BBC equates “radicals” and “socialists” with members of Orwell’s sandal-wearing, health-fixated classes.
“…the English radicals of rural Hertfordshire – people George Orwell described as the “fruit-juice drinking” and “sandal-wearing” classes…..English socialists, committed to healthy living, fulfilling work and parliamentary democracy…”
Shame they abandoned their commitment to parliamentary democracy.