Labour have escaped the scale of vilification they deserve for destroying the economy. The Public know full well who was to blame and yet many still have that nostaligia for Labour that as time goes on Miliband and Co hope to tap into when memories have faded. Miliband and Balls are treated with respect and their pronouncements given the status of prophecy from on high….Flanders in particular, faithfully parroting their policies.
This is aided immeasurably by the veil drawn over the Labour years by the BBC which is still the dominant news broadcaster…the king maker in many respects of the political scene.
However today in the robustly leftwing Mirror newspaper the equally leftwing Brian Reade makes a surprising and highly damaging revelation….one that the BBC should start to acknowledge far more readily in its reports…the Labour Party has hidden behind Aunty’s skirts for long enough….time to cut the apron strings and let the Labour Party stand on its own two left feet……
Sad to say but I blame Labour for Iraq war disgrace and fatcat bankers filling their boots
[What is] the second most outrageous scam of the century?
An uncontrolled, avaricious mafia being allowed by governments to gamble with investors’ money, which earned them massive fortunes but put the world economy into intensive care.
And while the casino bankers went unpunished, ordinary people paid with a loss of jobs and homes.
And now the politicians, who gave those bankers their head back then, and who still allow them to pick up million-pound bonuses, try to stick their greasy mitts into people’s savings to bail themselves out.
The biggest embarrassment is that the amoral leeches in Britain were encouraged to fill their boots by a Labour government.
Not only did Gordon Brown and Co encourage the high-risk bets being played with our cash, they dished out knighthoods to the likes of Fred Goodwin.
Peter Mandelson even told us how Labour was “intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich”. A route Lord Mandelson of Foy certainly pursued.
The only political party I have ever voted for was also the driving force behind the most outrageous scam of this century: the invasion of Iraq.
Meanwhile, back at home, while a Tory Chancellor was masterminding a Budget that would further attack the poorest to protect the interests of the richest, the midnight oil was being burned in the Labour leader’s office.
So the party’s top brass could collude with Hugh Grant’s chums in finding a way to further protect the privacy of the famous and powerful by shackling a Press which already works under some of the most stringent laws in the free world.
A Press so heavily monitored, a pregnant woman journalist has just been frog-marched out of her bed at dawn to help police with their inquiries into an allegation which dates back almost a decade.
All in all comrades, I don’t ever recall feeling so proud of your brave efforts to ensure freedom and equality, as I do right now.
Take a bow.’
Thank you Brian Reade!
Following on from Frank Dobsons home truths about his partys screwing over the NHS. this could catch on!
I’d give a damn about this if I thought for a nanosecond that Reade and didn’t keep voting for Labour anyway knowing all this already.
Words vs. deeds.
The thing is that Brian is at least 10 years too late. The party should have brought down the leader if they felt that the war was wrong.But it was the naked want of power that pitted pacifists against warmongers. And to their eternal embarisment that they bought a right wing republican presidents veiw as there own.
Further to my last. I think that the use of our forces should be as a last resort. Our forces have bourne the brunt of our polititians fancy.Our poor squadies still cleaning the dust wile Blair counts his money.Forget the Bankers bonuses this is the real traversty.
The veil drawn over Labour culpability is up to their usual disgusting standard.
But even more damaging is their interpretation of the past. Thanks to the Beeb and our teachers the 30s are looked upon as a dismal decade.
The truth is that the way the government cut spending then should be a blueprint for the coalition.
There’s a good take on that in: Here’s to a 30s Type Recession” at:
Well worth reading, thanks for putting it up Alex!
We all strongly believe that the BBC should put Labour to the sword over bankrupting the country, but equally we know that they won’t. It would go against the collective belief of the BBC to oppose Labour on something like a government spending too much . They can and did oppose them on the Iraq war but that was because it was in line with their collective belief to do so.
The BBC has a whole set of collective liberal left beliefs which govern those causes is supports and those it opposes. It allows free access to those people who share its belief but firmly closes the door to those who don’t. So we only ever get one side of any debate on the BBC. This of course is the liberal left view and so Labour policies are usually supported whilst Tories ones are usually opposed.
This has been going on for decades and has slowly altered the politics of Britain. So powerful is the BBC that government policies which it opposes cost so much in political capital that governments run scared of upsetting the BBC. Hence the Tories steady movement to the centre.
Bascially the government of whatever stripe needs the approval of the BBC to run the country. So in effect a few thousand BBC employees outvote the rest of the UK population . So much for democracy
Graham, I can’t agree with the logic here. The Conservative party didn’t have to move the the centre because of the effects of a few thousand bbc employees.
In fact, it’s almost an act of treason if they pursued policies they knew were wrong, merely to attempt to get some kind of seal of approval from the bbc.
Much of what you say about the left leaning etc bbc is correct, but here the real problem must be seen as the Conservatives in terms of governing the country.
Thatcher’s policies were her own, not the lefty bbc’s.
This present bunch of useless Tories abdicated their responsibilities to the country in order to get elected, and even now appear unable to deal with or even be aware of the corrosive effects of the labour loving bbc.
We do see an occasional grumble about the bbc from a tory or two, but it’s a token gesture.
We need a party that sticks to its principles, even if unpopular on the bbc, but one that can then tell the electorate where it’s all gone wrong.
We wont get one until well after 2015 that’s for sure, but by then the changing demographics, and an electorate overdependent on the public purse will make their job impossible.
The point I tried to make, not very well on reflection, is that the BBC has so much influence on what many voters think nowadays, after them being subject to the BBC bias/propaganda for so long, that they turn voters against parties which advocate policies the BBC don’t agree with. At least this is what the parties believe. So the Tories are left with a choice of either toning down their right of centre policies to ones the BBC are less unhappy with , or in their view , risking losing voters because the BBC mobilises against them.
Baroness Thatcher largely ignored what the BBC thought and would certainly have lost the 83 election but for the Falklands.
Whilst there are still many voters who support centre right or rightwing policies in Britain their views are never heard on the BBC.This liberal left bias , applied over decades , has moved the politics of Britain several points to the left.
A party of the right has a massively unfair hearing in Britain today thanks to the BBC.
It’s worth repeating the 18th century joke that most countries have an army; in Prussia the army has a country. Sometimes it seems as though the BBC is a parallel case.
‘We need a party that sticks to its principles, even if unpopular on the bbc, but one that can then tell the electorate where it’s all gone wrong’.
Hear! Hear!
That travesty of a TV ‘debate’ at the last election where none of the three political leaders had the balls to give the country the hard, honest truth was the point at which we lost all hope for weaning government and individuals off debt and entitlement. If Cameron had said it like it is, he may have lost that election (I wish Brown had been left to sort out his own mess) but would have been proved right and thus have a clear mandate at the next one.
Humphrys sounded very depressed this morning when I heard him give the news headlines at 8am
Funnily enough one “academic” who`s not happy with nursery care reforms didn`t detain me long…yet THIS is the level of news that the BBC reckon is worth a headline.
They are desperate aren`t they?…oh, and they`re leaving the BBC old studios AGAIN tonight…so hope you`ll “celebrate” this just as the nation did last weekend!
As I say…desperate!
“……oh, and they`re leaving the BBC old studios AGAIN tonight…”
How many times is that, now? And yet, somehow, every time, I dunno why, I still don’t seem to give a damn. It really is self-serving piffle of the very lowest order from the BBC as it continues to wallow in its self-congratulatory nostalgia, wrongly imagining anyone outside of Broadcasting actually cares a jot.
Yes, I’m sure ‘smiling’ George Alagiah probably does quite like the look of his brand new shiny Six Newsroom…meanwhile, I’m still trying to work out quite why so many millions of license payers’ money was spent to effectively change the backdrop.
The BBC: They know how to spend your money.
“I’m still trying to work out quite why so many millions of license payers’ money was spent to effectively change the backdrop”
They won’t be spending my money.
Question Time last night!
Given the urgent nature of all our crises, the need to rush on and not waffle; maybe Dimblyboo couls tell us why he spent a fair bit of time trying to get titbits from the Cabinet table and a view from Gove on May/Cameron.
Gove was patience itself-but I thought that education. budgets, Cyprus etc…(and of course Leveson. the BBC moving house and second homes potential from Osbornes new budgetary “stimulus”) would have mattered more to us all. Not to Dimblyboo Major in his perpetual stitch and bitch club.
Yes SBC…sounds better, seeing as they`re hardly British at the BBC anymore are they….racist, elitist and hideously white imperialists surely!
Greg Dyke as new FA Chairman….anybody see the advert in the Guardian then?…or is open recruitment an aspiration not intended for the beautiful people like Patten, Hall and Dyke?
Oh to be an Adam Crozier eh?…Lisa Jardine, Suzi Leather or a Prescott, Kinnock or Benn!…bootiful!
The fact is that the BBC, The British Brainwashing Corporation, has done a very effective job on the Tories and let’s face up to it, Dozy Dave is not at the head not of a government but a BBC compliance Quango.
QT was the best ever example of that last night. Poor old Gove trying patiently to explain in words of one syllable why we need to get a grip of the economy to a panel of hysterical nut jobs and a handpicked audience of communists and benefit plaudits. Led of course by a BBC left wing dinosaur with his thumb up his bum and his brain in neutral. Any self-respecting real Tory wouldn’t be seen dead on such a load of tripe program and yet week after week they are humiliated in this way. I can have no respect at all for such a government with no Cojones.
As for the British Brainwashing Corporation, I would put it further in that it is the BBC that lead Labour by the nose, not the other way round. I mean let’s be honest not many Labour folks can count let alone run an economy, as is proved by their record, but does the BBC ever point that out? No, not never, ever.
Every time they are in power Labour “ef” up the country and then run away and leave the Tories to clear up the mess. The problem is there are very few Tories left that have not been brainwashed into thinking “investment” comes from a magic government money tree, so the clearing up takes longer each time.
This time I don’t think the Tories can do it, they are hamstrung by three balls and chains. One is Balls himself the BBC’s (and Sky’s) champion Svengali of the daft Plan B spending alliance. The second is the Liberal odd bods, led by the Cleg master of hopeless causes and lastly and much more dangerous, the Tory wets, the ones who have been taught to believe in free nappies and skinny lattes for all.
Come back Maggie and Wilkins Micawber all is forgiven.
Question Time last night was unusual in that Labour’s economic record was brutally criticised by Mark Littlewood while the Labour MP constantly smirked. The audience seemed to respond to Littlewood’s hard words.
There was something of a 3:2 balance against the female Green and Labour speakers.
Researcher on first warning I imagine.
Didn’t watch to end but noticed Gove got minimal applause for a reasonable defence of certain of his policies.
Lightend up a bit on the agit-prop due ‘rutter the nutter’
debacle (never did find when,exactly, she sent that tweet) I imagine.
Still all fogoten now,so back to normal next week no doubt
Mark Littlewood did a good job with the little he was given.
Anthony Horowitz was unusually good for a “writer”…they`re normally the lefty bleeding heart on the end of the sacks of shite up there on the stage.
He shafted the hideously preening and nasty Thornberry on more than one occasion…HE`ll not be getting asked to front up Labours “conversation at conference” a la Frostrup anytime soon.
Our entire politico-media estate is riven with conflicts of interest. It’s mostly in cause of greed as it is selfish self-serving.
I can no more take a politician seriously on their claims for national energy independent when their Dad is skimming subsidies from windfarms than I can an entity I am forced to fund who claims impartiality in their reporting when they are slipped a few Euros by a group they seem oddly keen on, or slavishly support a party currently in opposition who it is clear will ensure they roll in limitless compelled fee money to dispose of at whim for further, unaccountable.. decades.
Reade got it two-thirds right – greedy government, greedy banks – he just forgot the greedy borrowers.
But surely you know that the banks forced people to borrow more than they could afford, to pay for holidays with 40-year mortgages, and to stop saving and scrap their pensions?
Precisely. As I recently posted on a separate thread, personal debt went stratospheric in 6 short years under Brown’s stewardship – from a mere £600 billion in 2002 to a ball-squeezing £1.6 trillion in 2008. Whenever do you hear that reported on the BBC apart from ‘it wuz the nasty banks wot made me borrow the money’.
When Mr Brown stated that he had done away with Boom and Bust, it became a free for all. Trouble is, he didn’t tell anyone we would all have to pay it back.