Hi folks. This is the official Friday thread. We have this new sticky thread thing which keeps the Open Thread top of the page but I’m not sure it works that well? Thoughts on a postcard?
EastEnders paedo probe
— Staff ‘used TV jobs as cover to groom kids’
— Suspects ‘targeted autograph-hunters at Elstree set’
— Scotland Yard and Herts Police investigating
Hard to cover up something you are not aware of: “A BBC spokesman said last night: “The BBC is not aware of this investigation but we take any allegations of this nature extremely seriously. We will be approaching the police to ascertain the details and to offer our full co-operation.”
‘Hard to cover up something you are not aware of’
Another nifty precedent set there. Boris could have tried it with Eddie.
Simply say you are not aware of it and even the most tenacious BBC interviewer will fold, defeated.
Of course, it is possible that a good way to kick off is by denial and playing dumb.
Last time it worked I believe the term used to describe after ‘independent investigation’ was ‘astounding uncuriosity’. And all showing it bar one are still in place. And he got a double-yer-hush-money deal to go.
Related issue, too.
“It is believed parts of the EastEnders set in Elstree, Herts, have been searched.” and yet
A BBC spokesman said last night: “The BBC is not aware of this investigation”
That has a familiar ring about it.Still it’s all down to ‘context’ I suppose
The Sun’s “story” contains:
“It is believed….”, “The inquiry has allegedly …..”, “Sources close….”, “The suspects are said………”, “It is believed police……..”.
Basically lots of speculation and very little, if any, fact.
Albaman: ‘Basically lots of speculation and very little, if any, fact.’
Oh well, best leave it univestigated then – shelve it and it will all go away just like Newsnight on Savile. Auntie knows best. Better still, find a similar-ish problem elsewhere outside the BBC and shout and wail about that to make a destraction – just like Newsnight did.
Conceded, but the idea that the mighty BBC where unaware of an investigation involving 6 officers and lasting several months (any more than they where ‘unaware’ of saviles behaviour) beggars belief
‘Basically lots of speculation and very little, if any, fact.’
Again on matters of precedent, any comment on why The Sun using such terms seems to raise red flags for you, yet when the BBC, and especially editors from Black to Robinson, have and still do forge careers on precisely this you appear ‘comfortable’ to the point of torpor, unless in sudden Damascene conversion level impassioned defence of the right to ‘interpret events’ when they are called on it?
It would appear that, like the BBC, you appear to feel what the BBC does should rather uniquely never get applied back.
As a reminder, Newsnight went large on a source who said something not really accurate to the BIJ, and for want of a 10p phonecall red mist took over and there was quite a ripple in the Farce until internally investigated, side-stepped & ‘dealt with’. Again.
Everyone’s favourite hypocrite leftie ‘comedian’ gets divorced after having a year long affair. How does a w****er like this afford a £2 million house?
The difference is that Jim Davidson doesn’t set himself up as some paragon of virtue, which Brigstocke does, nor does he show the level of intolerance of diversity which Brigstocke constantly inflicts on Radio 4 listeners.
How strange it is to have someone on the left using the old Tory accusation of the politics of envy! You suspect that I’m poor and on my ‘tod’ (northern slang?) wrong on both counts I’m afraid, although poor is a relative concept in the UK today where very very few are truly poor.
But unlike prigstock davidson for all his faults,of wich their are many, is not a sanctimonious,censorious,self righteous hypocrite.
I to enjoyed the comments section
m.(well i think i m funny) prickstocke …
proof if any was needed, that patronising, arrogance, and self righteousness
go a long way in the inverted reality of al beeb world, “comedy” .
what next a whitehall & prickstocke, double act, with special guest alexi sayle
… should get the suicide rate up
“How does a w****er like this afford a £2 million house?”
By clamping tightly to the teet of the publicly funded BBC milch cow. Where else would such a charmless, talent-free, non-entity get so much exposure to sell such rotten produce.
Some kind of ‘Preferred Supplier’ status must be in force, rather like with Billy Bragg, whose coverage by the Beeb is out of proportion to the interest in him elsewhere.
of note N.(panto) Campbell, this morning BBC1 – TBQs
again becomes the instigator instead of host.
a “debate”,(if you can call this doctored nonsense that) on
secularism … he deliberately aides equating islam with racism which is untrue, leading the usual suspects to grandstand.
HE! again then leads with the “crock” of “islam-faux-bia”.
to allow a “victim” drone to be aired.
Then helpfully leads a “veil” line of questioning to aid the same … then helpfully shuts down, a erm “difficult” line
about apostasy, and steers the debate away from totalitarian ideology, before the all to obvious connections can be made.
huge increase in gang rapes in europe under reported
hmmm … i wonder what ideology could be responsible?
for both the abhorrent offences, and its mandated obsession of “lawfare” to silence its critics?.
maybe we should ask the bbc? … maybe the head of religion? … i m sure he/they are appalled, and want in the spirit of journalism, to promote a special on this right away
on the world service, on panorama etc
Boris reaping the wind of not having a great track record and preparing woefully for having it brought to our attention.
That goes out to millions.
To slightly fewer are the comments pointing out the BBC is rather selective at best in who it targets and how.
Our Eddie being the guy they fronted to make no excuses for Newsnight’s finest vanishing until various independent BBC inquiries and redactions made it safe to come back and ‘ask questions’.
Hence raising ‘questions of integrity’ BY the BBC still seems brave in holding folk to account when the BBC will move heaven and earth to avoid being so held themselves.
Boris is a buffoon and can be shown the door at the next election.
The BBC….?
BBC-NUJ and E Mair doing what they like doing best: being politically hostile to Tories:-
“Video: Boris Johnson monstered by Eddie Mair in BBC interview on the Andrew Marr show”
“Mair suggested the Mayor of London was ‘a nasty piece of work’ for ‘making up quotes, lying to your party leader and wanting to be part of someone being assaulted.'”
Goodhart still doesn’t comprehend the vast scale of the ‘liberal-left’ political disaster of irreversible mass immigration on British people.
And neither do the BBC, who still campaign for it.
Empty word from UK government on mass immigration, as BBC-NUJ knows, but doesn’t report, as they both support 80 million Muslims Turks getting entry to E.U. and U.K.
What you have missed here is the statement about the senior treasury civil servant, and the very powerful TV executive (presumably bBC from the comment):
a very senior civil servant, said: ‘When I was at the Treasury, I argued for the most open door possible to immigration [because] I saw it as my job to maximise global welfare not national welfare.’
I was even more surprised when the notion was endorsed by another guest, one of the most powerful television executives in the country. He, too, felt global welfare was paramount and that he had a greater obligation to someone in Burundi than to someone in Birmingham.
Indeed the most telling and chilling part of the article.
No matter what goverment is elected it is this
self-appointed, bien pensant patrician class that control our futures.
‘Goodhart still doesn’t comprehend the vast scale of the ‘liberal-left’ political disaster of irreversible mass immigration on British people.
And neither do the BBC, who still campaign for it’.
That’s the trouble, they do comprehend and that’s why they support it: multiculturalism (melting pot theory) and re-distribution of wealth (aka ‘social justice’) – both key ideologies of the Left.
george they are empty words too, all this pap about aging brits, and skilled requirements, (shakes head).
fundamentally flawed, as is the tory wet dream, of minimum wage, transient & part time agency worker Brits, all those years in their self deserved wilderness, and they have learn t nothing, i despair, not a clue. they couldn t run a bath.
We knew all along what the Olympic Legacy would be – football.
I would have been in favour of a UK bid for the World Cup. Soccer is our national sport and hugely popular. Football tends to pay its way. But everyone wants the World Cup and the bidding system is stitched up.
So we get second best, the budget-busting white elephant which is the Olympics.
Of course the BBC – intuitionally – approves of the Olympics. Massive public spending, suspension of taxation and national sovereignty for the elite for the duration, the double-think involved in the paradoxical celebration of progressive views within a festival of excellence. So many BBC approved boxes ticked.
And the Legacy.
Have a look at BBC 2 this afternoon. Want to watch two dozen sub-Saharan Africans trudge around a slush and mud drenched field? No, me neither. Worse, I doubt the youth of this country will be inspired.
‘Jonathan Edwards presents coverage of the IAAF World Cross Country Championships, the 40th staging of the event, which this year is being held in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Imane Merga of Ethiopia and Vivian Cheruiyot of Kenya triumphed in the respective men’s and women’s races in 2011, the last time this competition was held as an annual event before changing to a biennial one. With commentary by Steve Cram and analysis by Paula Radcliffe.’
Nice try BBC, but although you kidded most of us for a couple of weeks that we liked athletics – actually we don’t.
“budget-busting white elephant which is the Olympics”
to which i would respectfully add :-
london centric, london money pit, national “budget busting white elephant”
Can’t comment on the piece, as 10 seconds was enough to, as you confirm, show the dumb was in total complement to the blonde.
However this was worth the price of a quick scope at the intro: ‘with the help of a mini-Balls’
Seems awfully nice of the BBC to offer a slot to a commercial rival; was she by chance erring on giving them what they wanted?
Mind you, given her BBC-era twitter efforts, I would be surprised if she managed more than describing what her ‘crew; did: ‘Mini-Balls went strode the door like a young god as mini-Osborne skulked in his wake like the shoe-scraping he is..’.
Maybe she’ll crop up on 8 out of 10 cats as the one Sean Lock & Jimmy Carr get to savage?
I see the correspondent the BBC behind-the-scenes staff used to refer to as “Big Bird” behind her back still hasn’t learned how to sit still while on camera.
I don’t know why Nile Gardiner in the Telegraph is so incensed by The Obamessiah appearing at a joint presser with Abbas in front of a giant picture of Yassir Arafat. After all, they’re both Nobel Peace Prize laureates…..
The BBC isn’t going to make a fuss about this because they see nothing wrong with it. Arafat is a hero to them (Barbara “Tears” Plett, anyone?), and the US President is the greatest world leader there is. A match made in heaven. Anyone upset by it is just a disgusting Israel-firster.
I’m trying to find something on the BBC website about this, but no luck. Perhaps there was video of it on the News Channel or something?
This will be viewed at the BBC as a counterbalance to what Mark Mardell saw as a display of appeasement to Israel. You can tell just how much he’s been disturbed by it from the way he refers to the President visiting important Israeli heritage sites. Oh, man, this must be killing the Beeboids.
On BBBC “The big question ” today some hijabed convert was going on about islamaphobia in France. They were on about secular v religious society. And saying how bad it was for muslims in France. She forgot to mention the muslim who slaughtered Jewish children and there teacher in Tolouse last year and was given hero status in the muslim community. The BBBC at its impartial best.
of note N.(panto) Campbell, this morning BBC1 – TBQs
again becomes the instigator instead of host.
a “debate”,(if you can call this doctored nonsense that) on
secularism … he deliberately aides equating islam with racism which is untrue, leading the usual suspects to grandstand.
HE! again then leads with the “crock” of “islam-faux-bia”.
to allow a “victim” drone to be aired.
Then helpfully leads a “veil” line of questioning to aid the same …
then helpfully shuts down, a erm “difficult” line about apostasy, and steers the debate away from totalitarian ideology, before the all too obvious connections can be made.
The two biggest issues for me living in Scotland are having to endure that human helium balloon Alex Salmond and the Scottish BBC’s appalling pro-SNP groveling. The Scottish Nose Pickers have had their conference in Inverness this weekend and BBC Reporting Scotland have been like sycophantic leeches sucking on tidbits of extremist left-wing SNP propaganda… One thing the “we have North sea oil so we can stick two fingers up to the horrible English” brigade fail to mention is that when the Scots leaders begged the English into signing a union, we were the richest country in the world with a bustling colonial empire in the making. Scotland was destitute and had nothing. Now that they have found a little oil the nationalists want rid of us… two words: good riddance
Someone estimated the current value of the English bail-out of the Scottish colonial disaster which came as part of the Union deal – can’t remember the figure but let’s put it this way: it dwarfed Scotland’s share of the UK national debt.
Though doubtless there are myriad websites out there, yellow font on black background, lots of exclamation marks, animated gifs (cf 1997) of wullie wallace and rabbie burns, and telling the gullible how Cyprus-in-the-Irish Sea has 100s of years of reserves of oil, and can build an industrial strategy on selling wind.
Message to anyone living in Scotland – think of everyone you know; divide them up into
Camp A: (truly) private sector workers and
Camp B: everyone else.
Then work out whether the taxes of Camp A can fund Camp B.
The thing is that Scotland doesn’t actually have any oil! By international treaties the borders for national mineral rights are determined by drawing lines in this case North from the extremities, and because the island is tilted those lines from England mean that the oil is English, although it is landed in Scotland.
The BBC itself is acting and pretending that all has been forgotten and forgiven for their role in the Savile scandal, preferring instead to concentrate on Leveson and the hacking scandals, the Iraq war, and anything else that diverts attention from themselves.
It is clear that the individuals within the organisation, who had contact with Savile at the time, and were aware of the rumours circulating about his actions, or worse, are still rightfully feeling discomfort and want to extricate themselves as best as they can.
So now Andy Kershaw, a Radio1 DJ, who has been working for the BBC since 1985, and was made aware of the Savile rumours, has written an article for the Telegraph to try and show himself as squeaky clean. At least in his own mind. He even leads the article with these words: Former colleagues at the BBC overlooked the gossip about Jimmy Savile for their own ends
While he writes:
The mistake made by many others, like Rantzen, being fully aware of Savile’s reputation, is that they did not give him a wide berth. Just the opposite, in fact. And those who should have kept him fully at arm’s length, above all others, were those who hired him repeatedly over the decades at the BBC.
It wasn’t, after all, very difficult to distance oneself from Savile. It was clear to anyone who had contact with him that this was a sinister, intimidating and deeply unpleasant, self-obsessed individual. In that sense, Savile did the job for you.
My reason to highlight the ‘arms length’ analogy is Kershaw describes a situation, after being warned to stay clear of Savile, where finding himself in a lift with him one day:
Already shocked by the stories around the Radio 1 building, I soon had my first encounter with the man himself.
As the nervous new boy, I was startled to find myself alone in the lift with this national institution. I said hello and attempted to introduce myself. Savile neither replied nor accepted my outstretched hand. For the few seconds it took to reach the third floor, he looked straight through me as though I was invisible.
It’s obvious the purpose of including this memory of his encounter was to describe the vile character of Savile, and perhaps he hasn’t realised that it also shows he was ready to ignore the warnings to try and generate a friendship or acquaintance with the man, but one has to wonder what if Savile would have been warmer. Would he have pursued a closer tie for his own personal advancement?
Whatever, it’s still good to see those within the BBC squirming, that’s the very least they should be facing.
That some BBC staff use their position to exploit others is entirely in keeping with the mindset thy display throughout their reporting, so this story hardly surprises or shocks me. That like Savile, it only comes out after they’re dead bothers me a lot.
Don’t worry, Teddy, they’re doing that Dame Janet Smith review where they’ll explain how it was a different time, and the BBC is now fully exonerated because they’ve since put into place a set of rules and complaints structure where people can now go to report sexual harassment. No consequences, legacy fully sanitized once again.
Never mind all those new charges of bullying and sexual harassment (yes, another “independent” inquiry about sexual harassment at the BBC, the gift that just can’t stop giving) and the apparently constant adulterous affairs going on. Only right-wing enemies who want to destroy the BBC think it’s a problem.
I’m starting to wonder if the narrow staircases and long lines at the canteen microwaves in the new digs were deliberately put into place by nasty BBC bosses just to create some more groping opportunities…..
Only 21 miles away from Britain, yet judging by this reaction from the French , it’s worlds apart. I wonder what force(s) operates in this country that make us less likely to demonstrate in the same way over this.
the BBC need to do a documentary on how Mr.Obama has been able to turn around the fortunes of Detroit, seeing as most of the population of the city voted for him
More news from the Nationalised Death Service that the bBBC hasn’t found space to report, despite its being the newsworthy story of how a Paralympian became paralysed by the NHS.
“It seems speeches by party leaders on immigration are like buses: you wait two years for one and then three come along in a matter of days.”
Maybe its not just the tories who are worried about UKIP
BBC One’s flagship drama last night, ‘Our Girl’, lasted about twenty minutes before rejection here – not by “keeping quiet” me, but by my Amnesty-Fabian missus, who at least has the sense to be incensed by the Enlightened Ones’ hideous, contrived, contemptuous portrayals of the White Working Class coping with dispossession.
I was surprised to see an apparently-deliberate depiction of “vibrant” London on the Beeb that was so unequivocally hideous, noisy, chaotic, internally disconnected, grim, alien. A suitable ending for the show might have been ‘Our Girl’ using her training to return home and do a Breivik.
Credit where credit is due. I must applaud him for some brave statements.
‘Stories of Savile’s sordid activities were not restricted to those of us within the BBC’
‘Almost as soon as I joined Radio 1 in 1985, I was warned by John Walters, my producer at the station, to steer clear of Savile. And, just as quickly, I became familiar with the stories.’
Contrast this frank admission with loyal BBC drone Nicky Campbell.
That’s Nicky ‘he left as I joined’ Campbell.
He may be about as shallow as a puddle on the back path outside Lord Reith’s bugalow, but I find Campbell is a useful weather vane for discovering the approved BBC management opinion on various matters. Albeit dumbed down.
Even his initial ‘he left as I joined’ was an obfuscation; because Savile did not leave the BBC as Campbell became a Radio One DJ. Savile simply moved to another department – TV – in the same Corporation.
‘We thought he was a sexless ecentric’.
This was Campbell’s summary of the rumours about Savlie formerly circulating at the BBC. I think Campbell is lying.
What I find fascinating is that in the face of the public’s natural incredulity at that lame statement Campbell’s story has since developed or shaw we say evolved somewhat to ‘the rumour was that he was gay’.
Today Program, 08:20 ish a replay of the Eddie Mair interview with Boris Johnson to support a TV program tonight in which these allegations will be raised again. Obviously the BBC has got it in for Boris to run such an obviously biased hatchet job.
Boris has only Boris to blame. In his own words on Sunday, he admitted to allowing himself to be blackmailed into taking part in the documentary.
Once you pay the Danegeld……………..
BBc Breakfast. Outgoing Beardy weirdy scientist warns more should be done on climate change. Ha ha ha I don’t believe a word. Latest is there is now a 20-25 year delay in the effects oh it’s like every other conspiracy things don’t fit -just move the goalposts.
This piece made me laugh out loud it was so ridiculous.
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere isn’t actually doing anything atm it will be about 20+ years before it has any effect.
Does anyone remember the school science experiments which show that CO2 is heavier than air, and actually sinks to ground level?
The one thing you never hear on the bBC is that we NEED greenhouse gases. The moon gets to 130C in the day time and -110C at night, it is greenhouse gases which keep the earth within a much more survivable temperature range. The biggest greenhouse gas is in fact water vapour!
Humphries at 08:30 talking about immigration and benefits, interrupts the Conservative interviewee ever other second, yet when the Liebour rep appears he sits in respectful silence with no interruptions
The entire Graunosphere is in full flow. I doubt a single Graun hack will be out of a BBC studio and in actual work all week. Elderly sage Michael White in full BJ mode of Mair & BBC. Looking at his twitter feed, nasty bits of work seem to be proliferating.
vladMar 14, 12:41 Midweek 12th March 2025 Douglas Murray clash with Nigel Farage & Matt Goodwin “No point in Reform without mass deportations” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KB_j17IDQgo
tomoMar 14, 12:39 Midweek 12th March 2025 [img]https://i.ibb.co/99ts71KL/berk-starmer.jpg[/img]
tomoMar 14, 12:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 UN judge claims immunity… https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1900512166865772677
JohnCMar 14, 12:00 Midweek 12th March 2025 More Right vs Left Lucy. And the majority of English people have right-wing views now. The extreme response of Starmers…
taffmanMar 14, 11:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 We are being invaded ! Our jails are being filled up with foreign criminals. Time to get rid of the…
MarkyMarkMar 14, 11:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 “What was most mind-blowing, she said, was the revelation from 1993 when the FBI wiretapped Hamas members in a Philadelphia…
Fedup2Mar 14, 11:33 Midweek 12th March 2025 Good to see the UN judge convicted of slavery in Oxford has found attention in the US …. The left…
Lunchtime LoatherMar 14, 11:29 Midweek 12th March 2025 The “mountain” scenes were filmed here in Snowdonia.
vladMar 14, 11:27 Midweek 12th March 2025 “The West is facing an Islamic holy war” – Melanie Phillips. https://www.jns.org/the-west-is-facing-an-islamic-holy-war/ WAKE UP!!!
Another BBC cover up….
EastEnders paedo probe
— Staff ‘used TV jobs as cover to groom kids’
— Suspects ‘targeted autograph-hunters at Elstree set’
— Scotland Yard and Herts Police investigating
Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4856892/Suspected-EastEnders-paedophiles-investigated.html#ixzz2OSEc8HLo
Hard to cover up something you are not aware of: “A BBC spokesman said last night: “The BBC is not aware of this investigation but we take any allegations of this nature extremely seriously. We will be approaching the police to ascertain the details and to offer our full co-operation.”
‘Hard to cover up something you are not aware of’
Another nifty precedent set there. Boris could have tried it with Eddie.
Simply say you are not aware of it and even the most tenacious BBC interviewer will fold, defeated.
Of course, it is possible that a good way to kick off is by denial and playing dumb.
Last time it worked I believe the term used to describe after ‘independent investigation’ was ‘astounding uncuriosity’. And all showing it bar one are still in place. And he got a double-yer-hush-money deal to go.
Related issue, too.
“It is believed parts of the EastEnders set in Elstree, Herts, have been searched.” and yet
A BBC spokesman said last night: “The BBC is not aware of this investigation”
That has a familiar ring about it.Still it’s all down to ‘context’ I suppose
The Sun’s “story” contains:
“It is believed….”, “The inquiry has allegedly …..”, “Sources close….”, “The suspects are said………”, “It is believed police……..”.
Basically lots of speculation and very little, if any, fact.
Albaman: ‘Basically lots of speculation and very little, if any, fact.’
Oh well, best leave it univestigated then – shelve it and it will all go away just like Newsnight on Savile. Auntie knows best. Better still, find a similar-ish problem elsewhere outside the BBC and shout and wail about that to make a destraction – just like Newsnight did.
Conceded, but the idea that the mighty BBC where unaware of an investigation involving 6 officers and lasting several months (any more than they where ‘unaware’ of saviles behaviour) beggars belief
‘Basically lots of speculation and very little, if any, fact.’
Again on matters of precedent, any comment on why The Sun using such terms seems to raise red flags for you, yet when the BBC, and especially editors from Black to Robinson, have and still do forge careers on precisely this you appear ‘comfortable’ to the point of torpor, unless in sudden Damascene conversion level impassioned defence of the right to ‘interpret events’ when they are called on it?
It would appear that, like the BBC, you appear to feel what the BBC does should rather uniquely never get applied back.
As a reminder, Newsnight went large on a source who said something not really accurate to the BIJ, and for want of a 10p phonecall red mist took over and there was quite a ripple in the Farce until internally investigated, side-stepped & ‘dealt with’. Again.
“Hard to cover up something you are not aware of”
So – they’re ignorant of the fact that even more sexual abuse has been occurring within their auspices. Not really much of a defense, is it.
Everyone’s favourite hypocrite leftie ‘comedian’ gets divorced after having a year long affair. How does a w****er like this afford a £2 million house?
The comments on the Mail are priceless !
The difference is that Jim Davidson doesn’t set himself up as some paragon of virtue, which Brigstocke does, nor does he show the level of intolerance of diversity which Brigstocke constantly inflicts on Radio 4 listeners.
How strange it is to have someone on the left using the old Tory accusation of the politics of envy! You suspect that I’m poor and on my ‘tod’ (northern slang?) wrong on both counts I’m afraid, although poor is a relative concept in the UK today where very very few are truly poor.
I wonder if the words ‘tax cut for Tory millionnaires’ ever passed his lips.
‘on yer tod’ is rhyming slang for being on you own – Tod Sloan, on yer own.
So Southern Softie Speak.
But unlike prigstock davidson for all his faults,of wich their are many, is not a sanctimonious,censorious,self righteous hypocrite.
I to enjoyed the comments section
Oh yeah, forgot, we are supposed to like Jim Davidson because we are ‘right wing’. Being tribal ‘n’ all.
m.(well i think i m funny) prickstocke …
proof if any was needed, that patronising, arrogance, and self righteousness
go a long way in the inverted reality of al beeb world, “comedy” .
what next a whitehall & prickstocke, double act, with special guest alexi sayle
… should get the suicide rate up
Do you think that Mair will now have Brigstock along and accuse him of being a ‘nasty piece of work’?
“How does a w****er like this afford a £2 million house?”
By clamping tightly to the teet of the publicly funded BBC milch cow. Where else would such a charmless, talent-free, non-entity get so much exposure to sell such rotten produce.
Some kind of ‘Preferred Supplier’ status must be in force, rather like with Billy Bragg, whose coverage by the Beeb is out of proportion to the interest in him elsewhere.
of note N.(panto) Campbell, this morning BBC1 – TBQs
again becomes the instigator instead of host.
a “debate”,(if you can call this doctored nonsense that) on
secularism … he deliberately aides equating islam with racism which is untrue, leading the usual suspects to grandstand.
HE! again then leads with the “crock” of “islam-faux-bia”.
to allow a “victim” drone to be aired.
Then helpfully leads a “veil” line of questioning to aid the same … then helpfully shuts down, a erm “difficult” line
about apostasy, and steers the debate away from totalitarian ideology, before the all to obvious connections can be made.
as aquil would say a job well done eh!
huge increase in gang rapes in europe under reported
hmmm … i wonder what ideology could be responsible?
for both the abhorrent offences, and its mandated obsession of “lawfare” to silence its critics?.
maybe we should ask the bbc? … maybe the head of religion? … i m sure he/they are appalled, and want in the spirit of journalism, to promote a special on this right away
on the world service, on panorama etc
Boris reaping the wind of not having a great track record and preparing woefully for having it brought to our attention.
That goes out to millions.
To slightly fewer are the comments pointing out the BBC is rather selective at best in who it targets and how.
Our Eddie being the guy they fronted to make no excuses for Newsnight’s finest vanishing until various independent BBC inquiries and redactions made it safe to come back and ‘ask questions’.
Hence raising ‘questions of integrity’ BY the BBC still seems brave in holding folk to account when the BBC will move heaven and earth to avoid being so held themselves.
Boris is a buffoon and can be shown the door at the next election.
The BBC….?
BBC-NUJ and E Mair doing what they like doing best: being politically hostile to Tories:-
“Video: Boris Johnson monstered by Eddie Mair in BBC interview on the Andrew Marr show”
“Mair suggested the Mayor of London was ‘a nasty piece of work’ for ‘making up quotes, lying to your party leader and wanting to be part of someone being assaulted.'”
Next week: a BBC-NUJ/E.Mair political love-in with ex-Labour London mayor, K. Livingstone?
Any Beeboids want to confess too?:-
” Why we on the Left made an epic mistake on immigration”
Goodhart still doesn’t comprehend the vast scale of the ‘liberal-left’ political disaster of irreversible mass immigration on British people.
And neither do the BBC, who still campaign for it.
“Britain will have the ‘toughest immigration rules in world’ after reforms, says minister”
Empty word from UK government on mass immigration, as BBC-NUJ knows, but doesn’t report, as they both support 80 million Muslims Turks getting entry to E.U. and U.K.
“Europe should shut the door on immigration”
By Douglas Murray.
What you have missed here is the statement about the senior treasury civil servant, and the very powerful TV executive (presumably bBC from the comment):
a very senior civil servant, said: ‘When I was at the Treasury, I argued for the most open door possible to immigration [because] I saw it as my job to maximise global welfare not national welfare.’
I was even more surprised when the notion was endorsed by another guest, one of the most powerful television executives in the country. He, too, felt global welfare was paramount and that he had a greater obligation to someone in Burundi than to someone in Birmingham.
Indeed the most telling and chilling part of the article.
No matter what goverment is elected it is this
self-appointed, bien pensant patrician class that control our futures.
‘Goodhart still doesn’t comprehend the vast scale of the ‘liberal-left’ political disaster of irreversible mass immigration on British people.
And neither do the BBC, who still campaign for it’.
That’s the trouble, they do comprehend and that’s why they support it: multiculturalism (melting pot theory) and re-distribution of wealth (aka ‘social justice’) – both key ideologies of the Left.
george they are empty words too, all this pap about aging brits, and skilled requirements, (shakes head).
fundamentally flawed, as is the tory wet dream, of minimum wage, transient & part time agency worker Brits, all those years in their self deserved wilderness, and they have learn t nothing, i despair, not a clue. they couldn t run a bath.
We knew all along what the Olympic Legacy would be – football.
I would have been in favour of a UK bid for the World Cup. Soccer is our national sport and hugely popular. Football tends to pay its way. But everyone wants the World Cup and the bidding system is stitched up.
So we get second best, the budget-busting white elephant which is the Olympics.
Of course the BBC – intuitionally – approves of the Olympics. Massive public spending, suspension of taxation and national sovereignty for the elite for the duration, the double-think involved in the paradoxical celebration of progressive views within a festival of excellence. So many BBC approved boxes ticked.
And the Legacy.
Have a look at BBC 2 this afternoon. Want to watch two dozen sub-Saharan Africans trudge around a slush and mud drenched field? No, me neither. Worse, I doubt the youth of this country will be inspired.
‘Jonathan Edwards presents coverage of the IAAF World Cross Country Championships, the 40th staging of the event, which this year is being held in Bydgoszcz, Poland. Imane Merga of Ethiopia and Vivian Cheruiyot of Kenya triumphed in the respective men’s and women’s races in 2011, the last time this competition was held as an annual event before changing to a biennial one. With commentary by Steve Cram and analysis by Paula Radcliffe.’
Nice try BBC, but although you kidded most of us for a couple of weeks that we liked athletics – actually we don’t.
“budget-busting white elephant which is the Olympics”
to which i would respectfully add :-
london centric, london money pit, national “budget busting white elephant”
Ex-politics Beeboid, Ms Kuenssberg invited back on to BBC for some unknown reason: perhaps to let us judge whether her dumbing down is humorous.
“Westminster political news review with Laura Kuenssberg”
(video clip)
Can’t comment on the piece, as 10 seconds was enough to, as you confirm, show the dumb was in total complement to the blonde.
However this was worth the price of a quick scope at the intro:
‘with the help of a mini-Balls’
Seems awfully nice of the BBC to offer a slot to a commercial rival; was she by chance erring on giving them what they wanted?
Mind you, given her BBC-era twitter efforts, I would be surprised if she managed more than describing what her ‘crew; did: ‘Mini-Balls went strode the door like a young god as mini-Osborne skulked in his wake like the shoe-scraping he is..’.
Maybe she’ll crop up on 8 out of 10 cats as the one Sean Lock & Jimmy Carr get to savage?
I see the correspondent the BBC behind-the-scenes staff used to refer to as “Big Bird” behind her back still hasn’t learned how to sit still while on camera.
I don’t know why Nile Gardiner in the Telegraph is so incensed by The Obamessiah appearing at a joint presser with Abbas in front of a giant picture of Yassir Arafat. After all, they’re both Nobel Peace Prize laureates…..
The BBC isn’t going to make a fuss about this because they see nothing wrong with it. Arafat is a hero to them (Barbara “Tears” Plett, anyone?), and the US President is the greatest world leader there is. A match made in heaven. Anyone upset by it is just a disgusting Israel-firster.
I’m trying to find something on the BBC website about this, but no luck. Perhaps there was video of it on the News Channel or something?
This will be viewed at the BBC as a counterbalance to what Mark Mardell saw as a display of appeasement to Israel. You can tell just how much he’s been disturbed by it from the way he refers to the President visiting important Israeli heritage sites. Oh, man, this must be killing the Beeboids.
On BBBC “The big question ” today some hijabed convert was going on about islamaphobia in France. They were on about secular v religious society. And saying how bad it was for muslims in France. She forgot to mention the muslim who slaughtered Jewish children and there teacher in Tolouse last year and was given hero status in the muslim community. The BBBC at its impartial best.
of note N.(panto) Campbell, this morning BBC1 – TBQs
again becomes the instigator instead of host.
a “debate”,(if you can call this doctored nonsense that) on
secularism … he deliberately aides equating islam with racism which is untrue, leading the usual suspects to grandstand.
HE! again then leads with the “crock” of “islam-faux-bia”.
to allow a “victim” drone to be aired.
Then helpfully leads a “veil” line of questioning to aid the same …
then helpfully shuts down, a erm “difficult” line about apostasy, and steers the debate away from totalitarian ideology, before the all too obvious connections can be made.
as aquil would say a job well done eh!
The two biggest issues for me living in Scotland are having to endure that human helium balloon Alex Salmond and the Scottish BBC’s appalling pro-SNP groveling. The Scottish Nose Pickers have had their conference in Inverness this weekend and BBC Reporting Scotland have been like sycophantic leeches sucking on tidbits of extremist left-wing SNP propaganda… One thing the “we have North sea oil so we can stick two fingers up to the horrible English” brigade fail to mention is that when the Scots leaders begged the English into signing a union, we were the richest country in the world with a bustling colonial empire in the making. Scotland was destitute and had nothing. Now that they have found a little oil the nationalists want rid of us… two words: good riddance
Someone estimated the current value of the English bail-out of the Scottish colonial disaster which came as part of the Union deal – can’t remember the figure but let’s put it this way: it dwarfed Scotland’s share of the UK national debt.
‘we have North sea oil’
12 years proven reserves last I heard.
Though doubtless there are myriad websites out there, yellow font on black background, lots of exclamation marks, animated gifs (cf 1997) of wullie wallace and rabbie burns, and telling the gullible how Cyprus-in-the-Irish Sea has 100s of years of reserves of oil, and can build an industrial strategy on selling wind.
Message to anyone living in Scotland – think of everyone you know; divide them up into
Camp A: (truly) private sector workers and
Camp B: everyone else.
Then work out whether the taxes of Camp A can fund Camp B.
Then do what I do.
The thing is that Scotland doesn’t actually have any oil! By international treaties the borders for national mineral rights are determined by drawing lines in this case North from the extremities, and because the island is tilted those lines from England mean that the oil is English, although it is landed in Scotland.
Oh crumbs ! If that’s true, who’s going to be the lucky blighter who gets to tell Wee Eck ? And can it be me, pleeeeeeze ?
The BBC itself is acting and pretending that all has been forgotten and forgiven for their role in the Savile scandal, preferring instead to concentrate on Leveson and the hacking scandals, the Iraq war, and anything else that diverts attention from themselves.
It is clear that the individuals within the organisation, who had contact with Savile at the time, and were aware of the rumours circulating about his actions, or worse, are still rightfully feeling discomfort and want to extricate themselves as best as they can.
So now Andy Kershaw, a Radio1 DJ, who has been working for the BBC since 1985, and was made aware of the Savile rumours, has written an article for the Telegraph to try and show himself as squeaky clean. At least in his own mind. He even leads the article with these words:
Former colleagues at the BBC overlooked the gossip about Jimmy Savile for their own ends
While he writes:
The mistake made by many others, like Rantzen, being fully aware of Savile’s reputation, is that they did not give him a wide berth. Just the opposite, in fact. And those who should have kept him fully at arm’s length, above all others, were those who hired him repeatedly over the decades at the BBC.
It wasn’t, after all, very difficult to distance oneself from Savile. It was clear to anyone who had contact with him that this was a sinister, intimidating and deeply unpleasant, self-obsessed individual. In that sense, Savile did the job for you.
My reason to highlight the ‘arms length’ analogy is Kershaw describes a situation, after being warned to stay clear of Savile, where finding himself in a lift with him one day:
Already shocked by the stories around the Radio 1 building, I soon had my first encounter with the man himself.
As the nervous new boy, I was startled to find myself alone in the lift with this national institution. I said hello and attempted to introduce myself. Savile neither replied nor accepted my outstretched hand. For the few seconds it took to reach the third floor, he looked straight through me as though I was invisible.
It’s obvious the purpose of including this memory of his encounter was to describe the vile character of Savile, and perhaps he hasn’t realised that it also shows he was ready to ignore the warnings to try and generate a friendship or acquaintance with the man, but one has to wonder what if Savile would have been warmer. Would he have pursued a closer tie for his own personal advancement?
Whatever, it’s still good to see those within the BBC squirming, that’s the very least they should be facing.
The Jimmy Savile scandal will not be snuffed out
‘…preferring instead to concentrate on … anything else that diverts attention from themselves.’
There’s a lot of it about, currently.
How that BBC market rate talent fares…in the market…
That some BBC staff use their position to exploit others is entirely in keeping with the mindset thy display throughout their reporting, so this story hardly surprises or shocks me. That like Savile, it only comes out after they’re dead bothers me a lot.
Two senior Doctor Who staff ‘used their jobs to sexually exploit young male fans of BBC show in 1980s’
Don’t worry, Teddy, they’re doing that Dame Janet Smith review where they’ll explain how it was a different time, and the BBC is now fully exonerated because they’ve since put into place a set of rules and complaints structure where people can now go to report sexual harassment. No consequences, legacy fully sanitized once again.
Never mind all those new charges of bullying and sexual harassment (yes, another “independent” inquiry about sexual harassment at the BBC, the gift that just can’t stop giving) and the apparently constant adulterous affairs going on. Only right-wing enemies who want to destroy the BBC think it’s a problem.
I’m starting to wonder if the narrow staircases and long lines at the canteen microwaves in the new digs were deliberately put into place by nasty BBC bosses just to create some more groping opportunities…..
Not to mention the problematic revolving doors 😉
Spike Milligan did a sketch called “Pakistani Daleks” . Put him in the curry !

Couldn’t link the video – sorry.
Only 21 miles away from Britain, yet judging by this reaction from the French , it’s worlds apart. I wonder what force(s) operates in this country that make us less likely to demonstrate in the same way over this.
Gay marriage opponents mass in Paris for final rally
the BBC need to do a documentary on how Mr.Obama has been able to turn around the fortunes of Detroit, seeing as most of the population of the city voted for him
More news from the Nationalised Death Service that the bBBC hasn’t found space to report, despite its being the newsworthy story of how a Paralympian became paralysed by the NHS.
“Talking Tough On Immigration Is All The Rage”
By Jon Craig.
(And Labour-Lib Dems-Guardian-Beeboids join in the game.)
“It seems speeches by party leaders on immigration are like buses: you wait two years for one and then three come along in a matter of days.”
Maybe its not just the tories who are worried about UKIP
BBC One’s flagship drama last night, ‘Our Girl’, lasted about twenty minutes before rejection here – not by “keeping quiet” me, but by my Amnesty-Fabian missus, who at least has the sense to be incensed by the Enlightened Ones’ hideous, contrived, contemptuous portrayals of the White Working Class coping with dispossession.
I was surprised to see an apparently-deliberate depiction of “vibrant” London on the Beeb that was so unequivocally hideous, noisy, chaotic, internally disconnected, grim, alien. A suitable ending for the show might have been ‘Our Girl’ using her training to return home and do a Breivik.
Considering what a damp squib the internal BBC Savile inquiries have been it seems the truth will only come out in dribs and drabs.
No apologies for another link to this article by former BBC Radio DJ Andy Kershaw
Credit where credit is due. I must applaud him for some brave statements.
‘Stories of Savile’s sordid activities were not restricted to those of us within the BBC’
‘Almost as soon as I joined Radio 1 in 1985, I was warned by John Walters, my producer at the station, to steer clear of Savile. And, just as quickly, I became familiar with the stories.’
Contrast this frank admission with loyal BBC drone Nicky Campbell.
That’s Nicky ‘he left as I joined’ Campbell.
He may be about as shallow as a puddle on the back path outside Lord Reith’s bugalow, but I find Campbell is a useful weather vane for discovering the approved BBC management opinion on various matters. Albeit dumbed down.
Even his initial ‘he left as I joined’ was an obfuscation; because Savile did not leave the BBC as Campbell became a Radio One DJ. Savile simply moved to another department – TV – in the same Corporation.
‘We thought he was a sexless ecentric’.
This was Campbell’s summary of the rumours about Savlie formerly circulating at the BBC. I think Campbell is lying.
What I find fascinating is that in the face of the public’s natural incredulity at that lame statement Campbell’s story has since developed or shaw we say evolved somewhat to ‘the rumour was that he was gay’.
Now that’s a corker, isn’t it?
Today Program, 08:20 ish a replay of the Eddie Mair interview with Boris Johnson to support a TV program tonight in which these allegations will be raised again. Obviously the BBC has got it in for Boris to run such an obviously biased hatchet job.
Boris has only Boris to blame. In his own words on Sunday, he admitted to allowing himself to be blackmailed into taking part in the documentary.
Once you pay the Danegeld……………..
BBc Breakfast. Outgoing Beardy weirdy scientist warns more should be done on climate change. Ha ha ha I don’t believe a word. Latest is there is now a 20-25 year delay in the effects oh it’s like every other conspiracy things don’t fit -just move the goalposts.
This piece made me laugh out loud it was so ridiculous.
The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere isn’t actually doing anything atm it will be about 20+ years before it has any effect.
Does anyone remember the school science experiments which show that CO2 is heavier than air, and actually sinks to ground level?
The one thing you never hear on the bBC is that we NEED greenhouse gases. The moon gets to 130C in the day time and -110C at night, it is greenhouse gases which keep the earth within a much more survivable temperature range. The biggest greenhouse gas is in fact water vapour!
Humphries at 08:30 talking about immigration and benefits, interrupts the Conservative interviewee ever other second, yet when the Liebour rep appears he sits in respectful silence with no interruptions
Wind her up and let her go….
BBC Radio 5 Live ‘Polly Toynbee of the Guardian, what did you think of Boris Johnson?
The entire Graunosphere is in full flow. I doubt a single Graun hack will be out of a BBC studio and in actual work all week. Elderly sage Michael White in full BJ mode of Mair & BBC. Looking at his twitter feed, nasty bits of work seem to be proliferating.
He’s dead but he won’t lie down
Book of the week
The life od Ugggooo Shhhhavezzzzzzzz
Is their no end to the lefties at the bBC paying homage to their dead God?