Yes, the Beddington idiot’s swansong. He seems to live on a different (warming?) planet than the rest of us, and experiences different affects on climate than we do. In any case, he’s all for world leaders to combat climate change, somehow, any how, so long as they do it – and it’s all down to that monster CO2, you know. Of course, in the years that folk have been bleating about how CO2 apparently changes the climate, particularly our
CO2 contribution, nobody has actually come up with any evidence to prove their allegations. Worse, the globe appears to have ceased to warm at all for 16 years or so.
Yes I noticed that as I turned on the TV this morning. Somehow it had been left on BBC1 and my morning cup of tea was spluttered across the carpet as the lecture from Professor Bumfluff, a government scientist, delivered in a very grave tone, explained that this nasty cold snap was the result ofâŚ.. wait for itâŚâŚ Climate Change.
In 25 yearsâ time this will result in catastrophic starvation of the worldâs expanding population and that there is nothing we can do. He may well have mentioned rising sea levels and polar bears going extinct but I was cleaning the carpet before the boss came out of the bathroom.
The weather girl, Carol, then told us later it was a high front with a clockwise rotation bringing Arctic winds from the north.
The BBC as its best.
P.s. Professor Bumfluff, who is about to retire, will be appearing in Panto in Bournemouth later this year. If it is not under 6ft of sea water!
Much to my surprise, when this story was mentioned on the Today news headlines, it went on to say that there is some scientific criticism of the role, if any, which CO2 plays in global warming.
When oh when will a BBC interviewer ever challenge the claim by Beddington et al that temperatures for the last decade have been higher than they have ever been ? That claim is always their standard defence against the real fact of no statistically-significant warming for the last 15 or 16 years.
“Hottest ever decade” relates only to relatively recent temperature records. There were no such temperature records in the Middle Ages, but anyone except a global-warming bigot would agree that wine-growing Britain was hotter in the Medieval Warm Period.
It is slipshod that senior BBC presenters like John Humphrys – who recognise that the global warming mania is big news on the BBC – have never done even the most basic homework to examine the facts and differing theories. They just swallow the party line, and let clowns like Beddington trot out their nonsense without challenge. Humphrys is on how much ? – ÂŁ300K a year ? – but seems damn lazy on a lot of issues.
There are two factors to the argument, both have been recently solved by the scientific method.
(1) Calibration of Carbon Dioxide warming for the 20th century was 0.007 Kelvin for the 0.1 millibar increase in CO2. Using the Unified Theory of Climate which solves the problem of explaining the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth and the carbon dioxide atmosphere of Venus. An answer that was not possible with the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect.
(2) Calibration of solar warming (reaching the Earths surface, rather than total Solar irradiance) for the 20th century was 0.76 Kelvin. Using the length of the Solar Cycle.
Predictions for the Length of the Solar Cycle using the orbits and masses of the Planets. The solar cycle 24 maximum is predicted to peak in May 2013. Solar Cycle 24 will be 17 years long, ending in 2026. The decline from mid-2013 will be 1.2 Kelvin on average over the then remaining twelve and a half years of the cycle, but lags mean that the cooling is not due to be noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest.
I do not know about the intellectual abilities of the now former Chief Scientific adviser to the Government, but he has actually got a knighthood, so it must mean something?
Bryony Worthington, Friends of the Earth employee who drafted the carbon reduction targets in Milliband’s “British Economy Suicide Note” Climate Change Bill was rewarded with a seat in the Lords, Baroness Worthington.
Get the pattern? Retrospectively boost the credibility of false claims by enoblement of their authors. Text book stuff. Socialism at work, Animal Farm, pig enobled.
Westminster’s climate change clash of heads… GWPF’s Lord Lawson is to meet with the Royal Society after the two exchanged e-mails over their respective positions on climate change
“…I would be happy to put you in touch with people who can offer the Foundation informed scientific advice, should you wish, so you can participate more constructively and in a more informed way in this important debate.”
Arrogant? Patronising? Superior? Yes, all of those. So unsurprisingly, he’s not heard of the 125 scientists here who, inconveniently, disagree with his theorising:
Can you imagine anyone on the BBC saying that to Brown, McBride, Campbell, Mandelson, Balls et al ?
No way , the “impartiality” of the BBC does not work in that way.
I thought Boris was pathetic in his response. Can you imagine what any of the above would have done in a similar circumstance ?
‘I thought Boris was pathetic in his response’
He was like a stunned mullet.
Now I actually quite like my media winnowing out the herd failures.
However, when doing so in a manner that ensures one herd gets sent over a cliff whilst ensuring the mangy bunch the media hopes will push their agenda and fund their demands is all left limping along… not so much.
That’s the Darwin meets the Pharaohs, and didn’t end well.
The BBC always interviews from the left. They have never ever asked a Conservative minister, for example why the government wasn’t doing more to stem illegal immigration.
Never, ever, ever.
1.) To ensure that we didn’t miss Eddie ‘nasty piece of work’ Mair’s unbalanced interview of Tory Boris Johnson, BBC ‘Today’ ran it again this morning, by way of its political re-enforcement.
2.) Minutes later, on Radio 4, we were subjected to the political propaganda of Hugo Chavez in ‘Book of the WeeK’ (1/5) via Guardianista Sr Carroll –
BBC-NUJ persists in misuse of word ‘MIGRATION’, rather than correct word ‘IMMIGRATION’, whenever possible, in discussing the mass immigration flow into Britain.
We are talking about millions of people who have moved and are moving into Britain in recent years; we are not talking about species of birds which migrate back and forth between countries.
You should be aware that there is a distinct difference between immigration and migration.
An immigrant is someone who gives up the citizenship of their home country and becomes a citizen of another. Governments are able to control immigration should they wish to.
A Migrant is someone who comes from a foreign country without changing their citizenship, so anyone coming to the UK from Eastern Europe would be a migrant. Governments are unable to control Migration even if they want to.
…….but Governments CAN to a degree control the social welfare benefits available to migrants. And the “open borders” to migrants from elsewhere in the EC should NOT allow in people from outside the EC who first arrive in another EU country – for instance crossing illegally from Turkey into Greece, or from North Africa to Italy, Spain or Malta.
Also – “open borders for EU migrants” only applies so long as we stay in the EU. The British people have been abused by their major political parties, their views are dismissed and European courts have ridden roughshod over attempts to get rid of wholly undesirable migrants. The upswell of opinion against continued largescale immigration (still 500,000 last year – ignore the “net figure” of just over 200,000) – risks total objection to continued membership of the EU, whatever its other benefits or disbenefits.
No you are wrong. Britain has always allowed dual citizenship so it has NEVER been necessary for an immigrant to give up citizenship of his original homeland.
The difference between a migrant and an immigrant is the first moves to and fro between his homeland and the country where he works usually seasonally inr esponse to labour requirements (just like birds in fact).
Immigrants are those who come to stay, whether they take citizenship or not, and certainly without any need to give up their original.
Now that the lunatics have completely taken over management of our own particular asylum and the icy grip of global warming has hold of our winters (and springs), I am giving serious consideration to helping my country by reducing the ‘net immigration ‘ figure by one.
Where to go, though? There are problems all over the world. Canada would be great if it was a couple of thousand miles further south.
Canada is not all “frozen North”. The winters in southern Ontario might be freezing, but summer temperatures regularly hit the 30s Celsius, and they have proper seasons there. Toronto is on about the same latitude as Barcelona or Florence !
This reminds me of the answer to the trick question: “If you were flying over downtown Detroit in a southerly direction, which international border would you cross first ?” The answer is that between the USA and Canada !
Wake me up when Jews are replaced by more Jews. Ginsburg and Breyer or Kennedy are retiring soon, so if they’re not replaced by Jews, your theory is discredited. There are also four Catholics on the Court, including the Chief Justice: Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Sotomayor. Shouldn’t you be freaking out about Papists instead? And the US Supreme Court doesn’t actually make laws, like you claimed happens in Canada. A child of five normally wouldn’t make such silly assertions.
In any event, the Mossad has been notified of your treachery. The black helicopters will arrive shortly.
Another insidious bit of BBC bias. The lazy sub-editor chose the summary headline for their ‘Most Read’ list of ‘Cyprus’s devastating rescue’ for Robert Peston’s article which doesn’t actually use the word ‘devastating’ anywhere.
I think it’s a fair summary of what Peston has written, though. There must have been a bunch of City voices buzzing in his ear over the weekend about this. He’s basically admitting that they’re all scared of the precedents being set. And it was nice to see Peston for once leave out the joyful bashing of bankers.
The use of ‘migrant workers’ rather than illegal immigrants is widespread and standard fare at the BBC. However, I noticed the reporter on Sky this morning using the phrase where citizens in Russia are rooting out illegal immigrants, and handing them over to the authorities. Pity we don’t do that here. Imagine the reaction of the BBC to that, they’d burst a corporate blood vessel.
Who would you report them to? Not the useless PC Police, they don’t want to know and are as likely to arrest you for Wayyysicm following their complete indoctrination in Political correctness.
The reality is that thanks to BLiar you have to report them to the borders agency and you try finding your nearest one! then they’ll take about 4 years to turn up if they ever bother!
…and when they do turn up they’ll just inform said illegals to report to the nearest border agency for deportation…which, of course, they’ll do obligingly.
The police are too busy tracking down dangerous cows. Apparently, this cow must have had the speed and agility of a f*****g gazelle, as plod missed it first time.
The report doesn’t say whether the cow was armed or planning to take hostages at the school.
Apologies, I couldn’t get the hang of this. look at this story and see howthe BBC defends persecuted Muslims. I don’t remember them doing this for persecuted Jews or Christians
“If a BBC presenter can’t attack a nasty Tory politician, what’s the world coming to?”
A little dig at the fact the BBC wouldn’t attack a nasty Labour politician, or perhaps I’m reading too much into it?
I haven’t commented on this up to now, as I haven’t seen the interview, but I have to say I’ve always found Eddie Mair to be one of the better presenters. His style on PM can often come across as rude, but I’ve heard him be like that to all sides. And he frequently asks questions from an unexpected angle, which can wrongfoot the interviewee… which by all accounts he did. He possibly expected Boris to fight his corner better.
A couple of months we were speculating on what the BBC line on The Scottish Referendum would be. Would they support the SNP and back an independent Scotland and risk Labour losing so many Scottish Westminster seats , or would it back the retention of the Union.
Well over the weekend it seems that BBC London has come down on the side of the Union. This was expected of course because of the overriding need to protect these valuable Labour seats. The SNP are going to get a pasting every time they appear on a London based BBC interview from now on. They will begin to see how it feels to be a Tory in England.
Not living in Scotland I wonder if any Scottish contributors to the site can advise us how BBC Scotland is leaning on this interesting topic.
Once again the BBC are not just reporting, they are influencing, the politics of the UK and consequently undermining the democratic process.
BBC Scotland has a fairly pro-independence stance, although Salmond & Sturgeon’s aggressive attitudes come across extremely off putting to most normal people. You get the feeling though that they are hedging their bets slightly getting ready to jump behind the ‘winning team’
Why is the bBC playing down the attack by several Tory MPs on the record of failed Borders agency head Lin Homer and her latest failures as head of HMRC.
Thanks to her (deliberate?) mismanagement of UKBA the backlog of failed asylum seekers will take 24 years to clear. As a reward for such incompetence she gets a promotion!
God, poor Homer…doh!
To be looked down upon by Keith Vaz, for Gawds sake!
Got to be a new low…how many people can be rated patronised and pitied by Vaz and his family?
Next up_Gary Glitter says she looks a fool in Bacofoil!
Poor Homie can`t even spell her own name…bless!
Just heard on BBC TV News 24: “and now “people” are wondering whether the current cold weather in the UK has anything to do with global warming…”.
That’s just plain wrong, I’m wondering if burning MORE coal will warm things up in my house.
I was reading a report that 10 years ago 52 % of Chinas electricity came from coal powered power stations, last year it was over 75%.
And the greens try to tell me we should be shutting down not only our coal, but Nuke plants as well. I can’t wait until we have mass power cuts (hopefully in winter) the greens will get such a kicking they will be in the wilderness for years.
There is no scientific proof that Global Warming causes Global Cooling, although Global Cooling always follows Global Warming. But it is scientifically possible for Climate Change to mean Global Cooling.
But whether there is anybody employed at the BBC who would understand what all that means, is a mystery.
This afternoon at just before 4pm, Kay Mellor (writer of The Syndicate) made a pronoucement on the Richard Bacon show on BBC 5 Live:
“I have seen a complete shift in the BBC lately – I think it has become a working class platform”
Yes indeed, me too, Kay. The little shift in gear happened around about May 2010. But don’t expect the Beeb to stick up much for the workers post 2015 though. Not if Labour get back in. It will be back to the full on progressive liberal elite voice oncemore.
British journalist Paul Fauvet came to Mozambique in 1980 just as the country was plunged into a civil war. He has witnessed every key event since. Here he describes the transformation of his adopted country from revolutionary Marxist state to embracing the market and the exploitation of its resource riches.
Reading the whole thing, the disappointment at the loss of the Marxist dream is palpable.
Finishing with the sentence:
“Memories of the country’s Marxist past have faded, and even Frelimo’s trademark slogan “A Luta Continua!” (“The Struggle Continues!”) is rarely heard nowadays. ”
is rather odd – it’s almost a lament.
25,03,13 and Andy Crane on BBC Radio Manchester is reading out some of the local headlines. He begins with the main story on the Manchester Evening News website, ‘Manchester men among 5 fraudsters jailed for pretending to make a Hollywood film in a 2.8 million tax scam.’ Moving quickly on he reads out a headline from the Bury Times, ‘Movie set man spared jail after rental fraud.’ Comparing it to the Manchester Evening News story he begins to read out a fuller transcript – ‘A man has been sentenced after claiming he was making a film at home and defrauding furniture companies out of money. Martin Blake, aged 49, pleaded guilty at a previous hearing. A policeman said ‘these companies sold and rented items to Blake believing they would be paid and when they tried to cash the cheques, they bounced leaving them out of pocket.’
Now, why would Crane read out a less important story involving less money and shorter sentences? Looking at the Manchester Evening News website I can see why.
‘5 fraudsters who pretended to be making a Hollywood blockbuster as part of a ÂŁ2.8 million VAT and film tax credits scam have been jailed. Inspectors were told that A-listers from Hollywood would be starring in a 19.6 million production that would be set in the UK.’ And here’s the reason why Crane didn’t read out this particular story – Bashar Al-Issa, 34, a former Iraqi national who is now British, actor Aiofe Madden, 31, a British and Irish national, Tariq Hasan, 52, a Pakistani national, Osama Al Baghdady, 51, an Iraqi national and Ian Sherwood were all jailed as part of the scam.
Corker of a story this one!
Might make a film of it!
All that`s wrong with the multikulti arts nexus and Browns bungs for such tripe to be found here…and those lawyers excuses would bring a purr from Mansfield, Robertson and -but of course-St Shami!
Brilliant-and no wonder the BBC will be burying this laugh-a minute story…for the “Arts” and “Social Cohesion” are not to be mocked…not ever!
Anybody seen Shami, post-Leveson?…she can`t ALWAYS be visiting Siaf Gadhaffi, Vicky Pryce or Julian Assange can she?
Oh to hire that minbus with Shami, Polly and other ullulating leftiwimmin as they traipse around Open Womens Prisons in search of the “real Vicky”…maybe those Muslim chappies who`ve been nabbed today could arrange the funding!
Yes sir,well spotted.
Radio 4 news headlines at 4 p.m were similarly done in that “drive-by style” we`ve all come to know and love when the BBC would rather none of us dwell on the detail.
So got out my pen and pad!
Lots of men doing the fraud-oh that`ll be Womans Hour then will it?
Lots of…er men from a place where big films get such money, and there`s scope for the multiculti scammers…that`ll have to be…well, Singapore is it?
Nothing to see here you white racists…and indeed after millions have been splashed around making “Bend it like Slumdog Launderette”, we now have a Brilliant 7 minutes of “nothing to see”.
Which they`ll be adding to all those other hours of unwatchable trash that the BBC excel at….a John Cage classic in the making…oh, the splendour!
Whatever happened to Cranes minder and handler?
Edd the Duck!….he should have been doing Radio Manchester by now!…brilliant.
Wouldn`t Andy get back into the suitcase then?
Thank you doyle.
You`ve got the “Look North” Arts Corrie spondence gig if you want it!
Any chance of you creating a “Martin Blake” retrospective series of his meister werks to be shown at the Corner House.
Music by Hookie and Shaun Ryder…Terry Christian to narrate…and I`m sure Ikea in Ashton would give us the furniture….which probably acts better than Lenny Henry and John Prescott anyway.
I make no apology for this…if it forces Kirsty to get off her midnight flyer early to do her wretched show with Bonnie, Bidishha and Adam/Paul etc…then Scotland will be thanking us!
Pip pip luvvie!
If the beeb don’t elaborate on a story as they did with this one, you can usually guess that they’re foreigners. You have to feel a bit sorry for Martin Blake (Crane made damn sure we heard his anglo name), his name has been plastered across the airwaves by Crane to obscure a greater crime committed by immigrants.
Feel sorry?
In the shameless world of ents at the BBC he`ll be a veritable Ken Loach, as long as he films the Bury Carphone Warehouse burning in black and white….
Any publicity is good innit…and we here down south await his next project.
Got to be better than anything the BBC are showing tonight!
Californians learned earlier this month that their insurance premiums would be shooting up as a result of Obamacare. But those of us outside California shouldnât gloat, as it looks like California was just early to the party: Insurance companies are now notifying brokers around the country that premiums are likely to go up in the coming year as they adapt to the new requirements brought on by the Affordable Care Act. As in California, the costs will fall primarily on individuals and small businesses, and as in California, they will fall disproportionately on the young.
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzzz
Maybe when one of the battalion of Beeboids in the US feels the pinch (some are on those “freelance” deals, so are on their own), they’ll start reporting on what’s been going on.
Last night on Country File we had a classic example of BBC Bias;
Farmer Tim was covering the need for and implementation of sea sanctuaries to protect areas of special interest and quote “we will cover both sides of the topic involving conservationists and people earning their living from the sea”. I thought this will be interesting.
First person is a lady representing the conservationists. Given free reign for some minutes and completely uninterrupted. Good, now can I hear from someone representing the fishing industries.
Well no. What do I get; a very brief interview (30 seconds) with 2 fishermen going about their work with Tim on the wharf. And of course in true BBC fashion “correcting” the man.
Then we go back to the conservationist who prattles on about protecting fish species because there won’t be any fish for these men to fish. No interruptions of; hang on this is what the EU fisheries have been doing for years through catch limits.
The bBC, its so called Defence experts and not even half the story. China ‘buys fighter jets and submarines from Russia’ China has agreed to buy 24 fighter jets and four submarines from Russia, Chinese state media report.Two of the submarines will be built in Russia and two in ChinaâŚCorrespondents say Moscow and Beijing are trying to counterbalance what they see as American military dominance. . It is reported to be the first time in a decade that China has made a large-scale military purchase from Russia.
Got to love how the left so stuck in their single braincell train of thought that only the US is evil and that the US must be combated at every turn. Hereâs a few things the so called defence experts at the bBC conveniently left out of the equation.
The Russians and Chinese arenât bothered by the US as they know that the US military is on a downward trend. $500 Billion defence cuts over the next 10 years. So why are the Chinese purchasing 24 Su 35s when it already produces the Shenyang J-11 (which is a superior clone of the Su 27) which to be honest isnât that isnât that much different from the Su 35. Its all to do with Power plants (jet engines) the one technology the Chinese havenât managed to master is the one pertaining to Jet engines and the only people who will sell weapons to China isâŚRussia. (Something about an arms embargo) Now this is where it gets interesting you see Russia isnât happy with how the Chinese copy (And then sell) the weapons they sell them. But it needs the arms sales in which to keep its arms industry going, hence the hard bargain with China. In the last 3 years Russia has sold China 395 A1turbofan engines to be used in its J11 and J10 aircraft. It has also sold China 239 Turbo fans Engines for use in its Cargo aircraft. But does the bBC mention any of this, no. Instead they promote this image that this is all about combating nasty evil America.
The same goes with the purchase of the Lada submarine. China already uses its predecessor (the Kilo) But it has experienced lots of issues and what better way to improve your lot than by purchasing the latest Russian tech.
As for the last comment about this being the first large scale purchase in 10years from Russia to China:
Well in the last ten years Russia has sold China
200 9M311/SA-19 Grison systems
150 9M38/SA-11 Gadfly systems
2 Sovremenny Destroyers
24 Su-30MK/Flanker
78 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip Helicopters
18 Ka-27PL/Helix-A
And a lot more stuff such as Air to air missilles,Anti Ship missiles and such.
Yet according to the bBC this is a recent development.
Turns out that it`s Michael Mansfield saying that the IPCC aren`t fit for purpose…funny how Duggans family can afford the services of this padded liberal bumptious fop!
Pro-bono? Common Purpose or Jemima Khan?…we never get to find out who`s paying for the likes of Peirce, Christian, Robertson…and , of course Mansfield?
If Mansfield says it`s wrong…then the corkscrew tongue of his will be pointing at exactly 180degrees to the truth…as ever!
Get your sick-bag ready, or preferably a bucket, if you’re going to read the Grauniad’s eulogy of Eddie Mair.
They think Mair is ‘a rising BBC star’ and that ‘TV viewers rejoiced’ when he ignored the bBBC’s impartiality remit and insulted Boris Johnson.
INBBC’s obfuscating story of ‘militants’ v. ‘activists’.
Habitually, (as per CoJo diktat), Islam Not BBC (INBBC) labels Islamic jihadists euphemistically as ‘militants’; and now it labels opponents of such jihadists as ‘activists’.
INBBC certainly is.
“Egypt orders activists’ arrests after Brotherhood clashes”
Anyone notice that the BBC, ITV, C4 and Sky News have all taken an identical line in response to Cameron’s speech?
Now I admit the lead view started with the BBC’s Today this morning and the constantly-featured Jonathan Portes of the NIESR.
Might he be an immigrant?
All repeated his meme, as you do, that the percentage of EU immigrants claiming benefits was much lower than the number of British people so claiming.
So what. Every single EU migrant claiming benefits is entirely inappropriate.
But it does make you realise that the metropolitan Londonised media are living on a different planet.
And that the monopoly on views that we are obliged to listen to is near-universal in its breadth.
BTW EU nationals who cannot maintain themselves are meant to return home, or be returned.
Yes, they aren’t.
Someone in the know on this very site daid yesterday that the Beeb would major on the “fellow EU solidarity communities of Bulmania” being discriminated against-and, heavens to Betsy: the EU and the likes of Mansfield and Shami will step into the breaches and abuse.
This would be the BBCs angle on this story-and our friend turned out to be 100% correct.
Now-in regard of our greater problem, the current problem-that of Somalia, of Pakistan and the like….not one mention.
Just the EU prospective migrants…as opposed to those flooding in from Muslim countries and from the horn of Africa…usually “other Muslim”.
Expect some real trouble once the khat runs out!…not that the BBC could possibly comment, let alone raise it as an “issue”.
Now to the real stories-what did BoJo say or not say to Guppy in 1990…we really want to hear from you!
This one does turn up on their website: since the Beeb is also, today, covering the story of a WPC who has resigned because several cases in the Rochdale case were dropped because the witnesses were judged undependable, shouldn’t they allow themselves the luxury of making connections between these cases ?
I do not think that Global Cooling has set in yet, but the explanation for the current weather trends from those weather forecasters that actually predict long range forecasts correctly, unlike the Met Office, is due to the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle, especially during low solar activity. The Hale Magnetic Cycle is a climate oscillation or long scale weather event that lasts four solar cycles or an average of 44 years but does not effect long term climate change as the effect evens out over four solar cycles. This is caused by the Suns magnetic polarity changing every two solar cycles or an average of 22 years.
Regarding fears of what would happen if the Earths magnetic poles swapped over, we already have an idea of this by the fact that this is what happens to the Sun every 22 years.
Usually I can safely rely on BBC news bulletins to forewarn me whenever left-wing demonstrations are in the offing.
The other day I received a leaflet through my letter box grandly annoucing the People’s Assembly Against Austerity.
This is promoted by the Coalition of Resistance (President : Tony Benn).
The group are calling for a General Strike so as to alter Government economic policy.
There are quite a number of people who have put their names to this effort. Naturally there are Trades Union bosses, Labour MPs, Communists, Greens and far left journalists.
But I noticed a group of eight names who are more in the realm of light entertainment. I assume they owe their careers and their living to the TV Licence Payer. They certainly appear to be no strangers to BBC studios.
Just to test my assumptions I popped ‘bbc’ and their names into Google. Here are the highest rated hits only. I’m afraid it reads like Radio Times:
Mark Steel (Comedian)
BBC Radio 4 iPlayer Mark Steel’s in Town Comedian Mark Steel visits towns across the UK and creates a stand-up show for a local audience based on what he finds out about the area.
Lee Hall (Playwright)
BBC Radio 3 iPlayer An audience with Lee Hall, writer of Billy Elliot and The Pitmen Painters, recorded at The Sage Gateshead as part of the Radio 3 Free Thinking Festival.
Roger Lloyd Pack (Actor)
Wikipedia On British television he is best known for portraying Colin “Trigger” Ball in the BBC sitcom Only Fools and Horses, and for his role in The Vicar of Dibley as Owen Newitt.
Josie Long (Comedian)
BBC Radio 6 Music iPlayer Spend a lazy Saturday morning with Andrew Collins and Josie Long.
Iain Banks (Author)
BBC News Arts & Entertainment Five Minutes With: Iain M Banks…. talks to Matthew Stadlen about why he is published under two names, whether he is as dark as some of his writing, the importance of science fiction and how he would modify his own body.
Arthur Smith (Comedian)
BBC Comedy A-Z Arthur Smith. His immense humour, and willingness to laugh himself hoarse at others’ jokes make him unusual in an industry eaten up by cool.
To BBC radio and TV audiences, his career has been split between appearing on top quiz shows and fronting the funny section in Loose Ends.
Roy Bailey (Folk Singer)
Wikipedia In 2003, Bailey together with Tony Benn were awarded “Best Live Act” at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards for their programme Writing on the Wall. Tony Benn cites Roy Bailey as “the greatest socialist folk singer of his generation.”
Francesca Martinez (Comedian)
BBC Ouch! (disabilty) Francesca appeared in the BBC children’s series Grange Hill for five years, but is now an award-winning stand-up comic who has performed at the Edinburgh, Melbourne and Montreal festivals, as well as on Broadway in New York.
Bbc breakfast, 0900 hrs, graham satchell? ” it’s all kicking off here”
How long has he. Had to wait to copy that phrase.
He WAS talking about sport mind you!
An artist reimagines how broadcast space might be used: Ruth Ewan
Radio 4’s focus on arts continues with a series of five playful and surprising audio interventions, across the week after the Today programme.
Well I don’t know how many heard this, a lefties dream world which explains a lot about their insane beliefs. It’s only a few minutes long so if you can find a chance to listen again it’s worth it.
The BBC giving much publicity to Peter Fahy’s comments about Asian police officers being investigated three times as frequently as ‘white’ officers. Various explanations being put forward, doing their best to play down any possibility that maybe Asian officers are actually just more likely to act inappropriately.
The BBC is adding a slant to Fahys statement that ‘white’ officers are more likely to be dealt with informally, suggetsing that they ‘may be taken aside for a cup of tea and aquiet word had with them’. In reality what it probably means is that the ‘white’ officer gets given a sharp ticking of fand a warning!
An unpleasant truth that the bBC will always try hard to torpedo. Just as that Blacks are 5 times overrepresented in the prison system, so by bBC logic our judicial system is ‘waycyst’.
just proves they re
3 times as likely to be deceitful
3 times as likely to be corrupt
3 times the reason NOT to trust them
3 times the reason NOT to employ them
You will never ever be allowed to hear the truth, that there are 10 times more complaints about Muslim Asian officers than any other.
A secret report concluded that because of their culture Muslim officers are much more likely to be corrupt. This report was the subject of the usual bully words in an attempt to silence it, but it was written by an Asian Muslim Detective Chief Inspector.
Despite the report appearing in the Grauniad the bBC refuses to even acknowledge its existence and carries on broadcasting blatant lies & distortions in a effort to protect their brown eyed boys. These after all are the people who are at the very pinnacle of the hierarchy of isms and must be protected at all costs.
The whole system is pretty rotten, but it does not excuse lines being taken by media that are supposed to challenge based on objectivity rather than hitching to already over-politicised, PC-wagons & careers based on what looks good and ticks boxes. Namely process over result.
OTish, but this was brought home to me yesterday by a bizarre local situation on, of all things, dog-fouling & other rules.
As a new dog-owner, I was merely interested in what the rules were and how they were policed, with a view to not breaking them and helping the community see them properly and fairly handled.
Big mistake.
I ended up in a literal sh*t-fight having uncovered that there were ‘wardens’ who could fine people, but no records on who and for what. Given I’d met two old dears busted to the tune of ÂŁ60 for walking theirs without leads in a picnic area (currently more like Artic tundra) my views on spirits vs. letters of the law and where discretion on justice over income generation has been lost were not welcomed by local worthies.
I also asked how these fines are imposed. Seems the ‘guilty party’ is challenged to provided details. Hence old biddies from 9-5 are prime targets but any chav and his attack-dog after hours are free and clear.
Vague law is bad law.
Two-tier law is worse.
Law or justice more based on fear of the lawbreaker cowardly.
Excusing it when broken is a route to anarchy.
The minute you are seen to cut one group slack for fear of factors beyond the facts of their crime, the downward spiral starts.
And when driven by media with agendas over reporting, it will be a fast slide.
The police have a lot to answer for. But so do many other public sector entities uniquely immune from accountability.
No need…yet.
However the day approaches when the TVL DD gets cancelled, the SKY sub too & the dish disconnected.
Then our puppy may be called upon to pee on their shoes at the door (I should point out that he does this to any visitor) if this is not enough for them.
I am arming myself with a few interesting ‘techniques’ from the sites that are proliferating to advise on how one’s home can still be a castle in face of some interesting other abuses being committed with BBC knowledge and/or active complicity.. Lee Ford â@wwprejudice 15h
@ScrapLicenceFee @2of – They cannot issue a summons in the name of “Dear Sir or Madam” Bin it.
Allegations of wrong doing by ethnic minority officers are dealt with formally because senior management are terrified of being accused of racism. A formal investigation means that everything that is said is logged and recorded which helps to protect the investigating officers. It is entirely due to the culture of political correctness and fear which operates within all public services where even an accusation of racism can be career death.
‘BBC News: The Editors, a new monthly news programme commissioned for BBC One, is to launch in spring 2013.’
‘Presented by John Simpson, the BBCâs World Affairs Editor, the programme will showcase the journalistic skill on offer from the BBCâs on-air editors, all of whom have a wealth of editorial experience in their specialist area.’
[NUJ strike action permitting?]
‘The monthly, half-hour programme will comprise a selection of short and engaging films on a variety of topics, including arts, sport and science alongside business, politics and foreign affairs. Each informative report will focus on one editorâs particular area of expertise and will strive to answer a specific question, such as âhas the welfare state had its day?â, or âwhatâs wrong with football?â’
‘John Simpson, World Affairs Editor and presenter of BBC News: The Editors, said: “I’ve been a BBC editor for 30 years, and I know how much knowledge and experience my fellow editors have amassed, yet can’t always fit into a traditional news report. The point of ‘The Editors’ is to free us up to think about the big questions of the day in more depth and to provide answers to the questions which our audience has about the world around them. Our aim is to make it challenging, and really exciting.â’
[‘Think’ about these things all you like John. But I do wish you would keep your editorialising out of it. The trouble is this: I already know – given any topic under the sun – what sort of conclusions all you Beeboids are all going to come to]
‘will strive to answer a specific question’
Well, if it is anything like this ‘The Editors’, don’t hold your breath:
This of course is the place where such as Hugs have ventured from the bunker, posted some patronising guff, had their backsides handed them, and when the moderator attrition to protect them was proving embarrassing usually sees a closing within days.
It went on a several week hiatus recently when they really want to be available for comment, and only just swooped back with a huge story (on getting ’em young) that lasted all of two days and netted 7 comments, 2 of which were ‘removed’.
But at least they were, briefly, allowed.
I note Mr. Simpson’s PR team has wisely opted on a ‘broadcast plus BBC views only’ mode (‘a deeper, more comprehensive look at world issues and reinforces the channelâs commitment to high quality journalism and analysis.”), which doubtless those who haunt these pages will see as entirely right and proper as they complain here en masse about what people are free to say that they don’t like.
BBC Radio 4 In our Time.
Academic types chew the cud with Melvyn Bragg
(or should I say Baron Bragg personal friend of Tony Blair and named in a list of the largest private financial donors to the Labour Party)
On Thursday 21st March we had a fascinating discussion of Alfred Russel Wallace a pioneer of evolutionary theory.
The dons were particularly keen to tell us that although Darwin was a ‘Gent’ Wallace was from a ‘downwardly mobile’ family and was enthused with ‘socialist’ views. He not only explored the animal word of the tropics but he also admirred native peoples.
Fair enough.
What peeked my interest was this statement from one of the academics:
‘….he (Wallace) has this tremendous respect for the indigenous peoples and he uses them as a foil in terms of which to kind of critise his own society…’
Oh the BBC mindset in a nutshell. You sir, will go far.
I think you try to wring water out of a stone here! Melvin Bragg’s program on Wallace & Darwin was a welcome tilt towards Wallace, who in many ways was as great a naturalist as Darwin.
On ‘In Our Time’ in general – I find this series quite remarkable, not only in content and the spread of subject, but also in the exceptional expertise of the guests. The programme is to be cherished as a jewel among the dross in the BBC’s output. In it, I get no sense of Bragg’s Labour affiliations, and I think it is irrelevent in this context.
Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century by Geoffrey Parker.
This was reviewed in the Sunday Times last Sunday. Parker’s. The Seventeenth Century it appears was a world wide period of natural disasters, famine, and political upheaval. “Snow fell in subtropical Japan; sub -Saharan Africa suffered a five – year drought; the rivers of modern mexico Virginia dried up; and across Europe harvest failed and thousands starved”. The Ming dynasty fell; there was civil war in England etc. This was the period of the Little Ice Age. Note the differing effects this period of rapid climate change had in different parts of the world. I look forward to hearing Parker on Start The Week. His book is on my short list to purchase.
The world’s human population was less than one-tenth of what it is now, and there was also much less burning of fossil fuels. One of the few pieces of evidence of man-made climate change then was an accident in a pie shop in London’s Pudding Lane, which caused some local warming in 1666.
“British Muslims fighting in Syria could commit terrorist attacks in UK.
British Muslims fighting in Syriaâs civil war could return home to carry out terrorist attacks, intelligence chiefs have warned.”
Last night’s Newsnight featured a platform for Larry Summers to explain the latest version of his economic opinions and cast aspersions on Osborne’s policies. I say platform and not really an interview because it was just Summers giving answers to unheard questions. At no time did anyone point out that the very guaranteed loans he’s now condemning are exactly what he encouraged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to do, which led to the housing bubble, and which the current US President (in whose Administration Summers worked for a while until he saw the ideological writing on the wall) is now doing for student loans. Just last month, Summers was even calling for the two government-backed agencies to kickstart the sub-prime mortgage dance all over again.
You’re told none of this, and Summers is presented as a sage who tells you that the current British Government’s policies are hard for him to follow logically, and ignore what he says are basic textbook ideas. No prizes for guessing if what Summers says reflects the BBC’s economics editor’s opinions, or if the BBC mentioned the connection between them. The only negative mentioned is that Summers once said that the banks could regulate themselves. Other than that, he’s golden, apparently.
In other words, his track record seems to be about as useful as Stephanie Flanders’. But the credentials are impeccable, so never mind. Sometimes, technocrats really aren’t the best way to go for real-life situations. Newsnight decided that this background context wasn’t relevant to presenting Summers as a respectable voice explaining how the Conservative-led Coalition’s economic policies are wrong.
I saw this literally ‘one-sided’ interview. Why on earth didn’t we hear the questions? I find this a rather sinister way of presenting a supposedly ‘balanced’ current affairs programme. Ah well, I almost forgot this was BBC Newsnight for a moment.
His arguments against against Osborne struck me as odd. He seemed to attack from a vaguely fellow traveller to Ed Balls and the Labour Party point of view. His slightly sly attitude, appearing not to take it all seriously, may be his personality – or perhaps an indication that this interview was no more than a little idealogical favour for a favour.
R4 5:25pm: Kercher case being summarised, at one point the suspects are being discussed. Then with no reason the male presenter says “the black man still in prison, the white kids released”, his implication is perfectly obvious. The bBC cannot resist making out there is some conspiracy going on. In this instance he did not mention that Rudi had done a legal deal and pleaded guilty to get a lighter sentence. Oh no, that would not be in alignment with the bBC agenda. They cannot just give a straight forward presentation of the case, it’s in their DNA
And now, another ‘nice piece of work’.
The Today Programme has a link to its show on FaceBook, and a few comments in response: ‘Good morning. At 0810, the former BBC producer arrested in the aftermath of the Jimmy Saville scandal, speaks after charges of assault against him were dropped. Albertina McNeill Unimpressed by Mr De’Ath and delighted that dinosaurs like him are dying off.
9 hours ago ¡ Like ¡ 3
Calum Robson I can’t see that former BBC producer being reinstated on anyone’s Christmas card list after that interview.
9 hours ago ¡ Like ¡ 5
Caroline Stevens Horrified that he did not take action when he was aware that Saville was taking 10 year olds to hotels.
9 hours ago ¡ Like ¡ 8
Julius Bannister So this producer was intimidated by Saville; how pressured do you think the 10 year old was???
6 hours ago ¡ Edited ¡ Like ¡ 10
John Rose Socked that the BBC gave Wilfred De Ath a platform from which to express his bitterness at the injustice of operation yew tree. Here speaks a man who who admits warning Saville he was ” living dangerously” but was too spineless to report his concerns, under the cover of ” but it was different in the 60s”, and to seek sympathy for his self loathing. I have never felt moved to comment on journalism before, but how would this have made the victims feel!
8 hours ago ¡ Like ¡ 4
Allan Atkinson PS, Wilfred De’Ath self-serving, BBC likewise
Not, I’d hazard, the basis of a ‘here are a selection of your views’ on Newswatch?
Noted that Humphrys did not deny that he`d been a womaniser in that culture that De Ath described on Today this morning. De Ath said that he`d been one-and he was sure that John might know something of this.
Cue tumbleweed and retreat into slanket!
Wonder where the fearless Humph was when Savile was pinning bling on the nations yoof down the corridor…because John was amazed that Savile was doing such things whilst De Ath said zippo. And John jolly well told hi straight…albeit with the safe distance of a phone line between them!
Thought it was common knowledge John at the BBC…yet for a Panorama sleuth, you seemed to have been as incurious as your ex DG!
Worth a check eh?…before it gets kicked into the long grass for good!
More perks for bBC, R4 program about 5:15pm, talking to the retiring Archers editor(or something similar?). She let slip that the year before she had been given 4 months leave because of long service. Even the service conditions of bBC staff are biassed.
Note too her crap about the “eloquent”( i.e malcontents and whingers) who took her to task for the craap where someone fell off the roof or suchlike.
A patronising cow with plums in the mouth, who clearly despised those not “au fait” with her project to enlighten Archers listeners.
Yet she got five minutes with Eddie Mair gently lobbing up the patsy questions…as opposed to Boris a few days earlier.
The BBC love their own self-referential bubbles don`t they?…and its been three days since we`ve heard about their move to a nicer part of London!
Hopefully they`ve set up a webcam and Twitter feed to tell us more about this landmark event…”ouanquers”, as we French say!
Anyone listening to the radio4 ‘comedy’ slot which this evening is the painful mixed race offering from South Africa spouting crap about how it was under apartheid. They just can’t let it go. Dissatisfied with bullying the people they’ve gone in for a bit of nostalgia. It’s about as funny as a 16 hour speech from Fidel Castro.
The so called ‘comedy’ slot is Radio Fours weakest link in its propaganda machine, in part because of it’s desperate attempts to showcase multikulti ‘talent’.
The only funny foreigner I have ever heard on there is Henning Wehn.
I missed that..what a shame. I did spend most of the day until 15:00 on and off listening to Radio 4. I did manage to hear Obama & Martin Luther King mentioned in the thingy thingy noise program. Oh and Franco got a mention on the thingy about flamenco. Dire dire dire, how much do these people get paid for this stuff?
South Africa has turned out to be a real success story, hasn’t it ? 175 rapes a day, 50 murders a day, 16,000 murders a year. A million whites have fled the country.
I wonder who’s doing all the crime ? it must be the white people, yeah, that’s it, the whites !
bbc – zilch … just try “muslim police corruption” squat …
so according to al bbc ….. there isn t any
but old Fahy turns up again on al bbc …. on the rochdale “abuse” case, and these erm “MEN” the ahem
“MEMBERS” of a gang, goodness wouldn t like to think they were muslim eh!
I don’t think much of Fahy he’s an odious toad bending which ever way he perceives the political wind is blowing, and in Manchester that’s always from the left.
But I do have some sympathy for him in this, and that’s because of the all pervading left wing bullying which surrounds this case. Those on the left have been desperate to exhonerate the Moslem community, possibly because they’re terrified of another riot or civil unrest as a result, handing a gift to those on the far right. So they decide on a party line that this has nothing to do with Islam or the ethnic background of those involved and that of the victim, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and everyone is expected to stick to the lie.
The consequences of telling the truth is dire loss of career, thus everyone is quite nicely controlled.
In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllableâwhat then?[
2 plus 2 do make 5. Upon this twisting of reality the entire liberal ethos is founded. When 2 plus 2 makes 4 again we will at last have put an end to their nonsense.
ThatcherrevolutionaryMar 21, 10:50 Midweek 19th March 2025 I used to think of all the media and public ar*eholes I see on TV every day, and thought ‘wouldn’t…
ThatcherrevolutionaryMar 21, 10:47 Midweek 19th March 2025 I’m wondering if these articles are AI generated and the ‘journalists’ you show are just random images? I can’t imagine…
EricWMar 21, 10:46 Midweek 19th March 2025 Kirsty Coventry was the preferred candidate of outgoing president Thomas Bach. “Diversity” supporting the status quo – who’d of think…
AlthepalerpMar 21, 10:33 Midweek 19th March 2025 Sell up – and get out of Britain while you still can. Other airports are still open.. . for now.
tomoMar 21, 10:30 Midweek 19th March 2025 Heathrow had removed its diesel backup generators for environmental reasons. gosh, really? What a toe-curling embarrassment BBC : victims? call…
MarkyMarkMar 21, 10:22 Midweek 19th March 2025 “And yet a Labour MP knocks a man senseless and walks free. How in a free and democratic country can…
atlas_shruggedMar 21, 09:53 Midweek 19th March 2025 If we want to travel anywhere I think we are going to have to dust off the old Lysander aircraft:…
Mrs KittyMar 21, 09:48 Midweek 19th March 2025 Make it super easy, watch the âItalian Jobâ and copy Michael Caine.
Eddy BoothMar 21, 09:47 Midweek 19th March 2025 I just can’t make my mind up, which I want the Heathrow fire/shutdown to be the consequences of : DEI…
atlas_shruggedMar 21, 09:43 Midweek 19th March 2025 Dear Ed Milliwatt, How to cause a fire in a sub station: 1) Make sure the facility is owned by…
Everyone please continue to spread the word about the e-petition to stop Croatians entering Britain:
Stop 4.3 m Croatians:
And if you havent already done so then please sign the petition to stop Romagarians coming here in January 2014
27,000,000 Romanians and Bulgarians+ 4,000,000 Moldovans gain the right to work here in
January 2014! Stop them now:
Romagarians? đ
but excellent, none the less
come on, aerfen, you’re just spamming us now with your ‘continue’.
On Wednesday Five Live we start a series of reports from Romanian and Bulgaria looking into whether these people want to move to Britain.
I am sure we can look forward to hearing a totally unedited, unselected cross section… Not!
Climate change definitely happening, stop the press, headline news!
Yes, the Beddington idiot’s swansong. He seems to live on a different (warming?) planet than the rest of us, and experiences different affects on climate than we do. In any case, he’s all for world leaders to combat climate change, somehow, any how, so long as they do it – and it’s all down to that monster CO2, you know. Of course, in the years that folk have been bleating about how CO2 apparently changes the climate, particularly our
CO2 contribution, nobody has actually come up with any evidence to prove their allegations. Worse, the globe appears to have ceased to warm at all for 16 years or so.
But Beddington knows otherwise…
Yes I noticed that as I turned on the TV this morning. Somehow it had been left on BBC1 and my morning cup of tea was spluttered across the carpet as the lecture from Professor Bumfluff, a government scientist, delivered in a very grave tone, explained that this nasty cold snap was the result ofâŚ.. wait for itâŚâŚ Climate Change.
In 25 yearsâ time this will result in catastrophic starvation of the worldâs expanding population and that there is nothing we can do. He may well have mentioned rising sea levels and polar bears going extinct but I was cleaning the carpet before the boss came out of the bathroom.
The weather girl, Carol, then told us later it was a high front with a clockwise rotation bringing Arctic winds from the north.
The BBC as its best.
P.s. Professor Bumfluff, who is about to retire, will be appearing in Panto in Bournemouth later this year. If it is not under 6ft of sea water!
Much to my surprise, when this story was mentioned on the Today news headlines, it went on to say that there is some scientific criticism of the role, if any, which CO2 plays in global warming.
Bets starting to be hedged?
When oh when will a BBC interviewer ever challenge the claim by Beddington et al that temperatures for the last decade have been higher than they have ever been ? That claim is always their standard defence against the real fact of no statistically-significant warming for the last 15 or 16 years.
“Hottest ever decade” relates only to relatively recent temperature records. There were no such temperature records in the Middle Ages, but anyone except a global-warming bigot would agree that wine-growing Britain was hotter in the Medieval Warm Period.
It is slipshod that senior BBC presenters like John Humphrys – who recognise that the global warming mania is big news on the BBC – have never done even the most basic homework to examine the facts and differing theories. They just swallow the party line, and let clowns like Beddington trot out their nonsense without challenge. Humphrys is on how much ? – ÂŁ300K a year ? – but seems damn lazy on a lot of issues.
There are two factors to the argument, both have been recently solved by the scientific method.
(1) Calibration of Carbon Dioxide warming for the 20th century was 0.007 Kelvin for the 0.1 millibar increase in CO2. Using the Unified Theory of Climate which solves the problem of explaining the temperatures in all parts of the atmospheres of all the planets in the Solar System, including the Earth and the carbon dioxide atmosphere of Venus. An answer that was not possible with the Arrhenius method of calculating the Greenhouse effect.
(2) Calibration of solar warming (reaching the Earths surface, rather than total Solar irradiance) for the 20th century was 0.76 Kelvin. Using the length of the Solar Cycle.
Predictions for the Length of the Solar Cycle using the orbits and masses of the Planets. The solar cycle 24 maximum is predicted to peak in May 2013. Solar Cycle 24 will be 17 years long, ending in 2026. The decline from mid-2013 will be 1.2 Kelvin on average over the then remaining twelve and a half years of the cycle, but lags mean that the cooling is not due to be noticeable until the Winter of 2018-2019 at the earliest.
I do not know about the intellectual abilities of the now former Chief Scientific adviser to the Government, but he has actually got a knighthood, so it must mean something?
So did Jimmy Savile
So what?
Bryony Worthington, Friends of the Earth employee who drafted the carbon reduction targets in Milliband’s “British Economy Suicide Note” Climate Change Bill was rewarded with a seat in the Lords, Baroness Worthington.,_Baroness_Worthington
Get the pattern? Retrospectively boost the credibility of false claims by enoblement of their authors. Text book stuff. Socialism at work, Animal Farm, pig enobled.
Let the games begin…
Westminster’s climate change clash of heads…
GWPF’s Lord Lawson is to meet with the Royal Society after the two exchanged e-mails over their respective positions on climate change
Sir Paul Nurse (to Lawson):
“…I would be happy to put you in touch with people who can offer the Foundation informed scientific advice, should you wish, so you can participate more constructively and in a more informed way in this important debate.”
Arrogant? Patronising? Superior? Yes, all of those. So unsurprisingly, he’s not heard of the 125 scientists here who, inconveniently, disagree with his theorising:
Eddie Mair went into Roland Friesler mode, makes BBC interviewers, in their eyes, look tough and macho.
” You’re a nasty piece of work, aren’t you ?”
What a dumb question. As if, Boris Johnson will respond ”Yeah, I’m a nasty piece of work, a real bastard !!”
Oh, I don’t know, if I can imagine anyone saying that, it would be Boris…
â Youâre a nasty piece of work, arenât you ?â
Unacceptable in ANY interview.
Agree – although one could probably make a good case for asking Livingstone the same question.
Ahh now Living dead now that’s some ones toes on which Eddy [you can call me] Meir will never tread !
Much as i actually like Eddie, i would ask him if he would say the same to George Galloway, a much more deserving recipient of such a vulgar question.
Can you imagine anyone on the BBC saying that to Brown, McBride, Campbell, Mandelson, Balls et al ?
No way , the “impartiality” of the BBC does not work in that way.
I thought Boris was pathetic in his response. Can you imagine what any of the above would have done in a similar circumstance ?
Mr Prescott probably would have hit him.
‘I thought Boris was pathetic in his response’
He was like a stunned mullet.
Now I actually quite like my media winnowing out the herd failures.
However, when doing so in a manner that ensures one herd gets sent over a cliff whilst ensuring the mangy bunch the media hopes will push their agenda and fund their demands is all left limping along… not so much.
That’s the Darwin meets the Pharaohs, and didn’t end well.
The BBC always interviews from the left. They have never ever asked a Conservative minister, for example why the government wasn’t doing more to stem illegal immigration.
Never, ever, ever.
Boris got what he deserved….
But no they would not have done anything similar to the multitude of labour MPs past and present with Skeletons overflowing out of wardrobes …
On another note…
How dare these Nasty Buddhists fight back against the peaceful Moslem’s….
I notice they are ‘hardline’ not ‘ conservative’ Buddhists
BBC-NUJ today: 1.) anti Boris, 2.) pro-Chavez.
1.) To ensure that we didn’t miss Eddie ‘nasty piece of work’ Mair’s unbalanced interview of Tory Boris Johnson, BBC ‘Today’ ran it again this morning, by way of its political re-enforcement.
2.) Minutes later, on Radio 4, we were subjected to the political propaganda of Hugo Chavez in ‘Book of the WeeK’ (1/5) via Guardianista Sr Carroll –
BBC-NUJ persists in misuse of word ‘MIGRATION’, rather than correct word ‘IMMIGRATION’, whenever possible, in discussing the mass immigration flow into Britain.
We are talking about millions of people who have moved and are moving into Britain in recent years; we are not talking about species of birds which migrate back and forth between countries.
You should be aware that there is a distinct difference between immigration and migration.
An immigrant is someone who gives up the citizenship of their home country and becomes a citizen of another. Governments are able to control immigration should they wish to.
A Migrant is someone who comes from a foreign country without changing their citizenship, so anyone coming to the UK from Eastern Europe would be a migrant. Governments are unable to control Migration even if they want to.
…….but Governments CAN to a degree control the social welfare benefits available to migrants. And the “open borders” to migrants from elsewhere in the EC should NOT allow in people from outside the EC who first arrive in another EU country – for instance crossing illegally from Turkey into Greece, or from North Africa to Italy, Spain or Malta.
Also – “open borders for EU migrants” only applies so long as we stay in the EU. The British people have been abused by their major political parties, their views are dismissed and European courts have ridden roughshod over attempts to get rid of wholly undesirable migrants. The upswell of opinion against continued largescale immigration (still 500,000 last year – ignore the “net figure” of just over 200,000) – risks total objection to continued membership of the EU, whatever its other benefits or disbenefits.
NO. There is the distinction between ‘immigrant’ and ‘migrant’ as individuals or families.
Immigration is just part of a migration process.
No you are wrong. Britain has always allowed dual citizenship so it has NEVER been necessary for an immigrant to give up citizenship of his original homeland.
The difference between a migrant and an immigrant is the first moves to and fro between his homeland and the country where he works usually seasonally inr esponse to labour requirements (just like birds in fact).
Immigrants are those who come to stay, whether they take citizenship or not, and certainly without any need to give up their original.
Now that the lunatics have completely taken over management of our own particular asylum and the icy grip of global warming has hold of our winters (and springs), I am giving serious consideration to helping my country by reducing the ‘net immigration ‘ figure by one.
Where to go, though? There are problems all over the world. Canada would be great if it was a couple of thousand miles further south.
Canada is not all “frozen North”. The winters in southern Ontario might be freezing, but summer temperatures regularly hit the 30s Celsius, and they have proper seasons there. Toronto is on about the same latitude as Barcelona or Florence !
I was told that Windsor, Ontario is the warmest place in Canada.
It is her majesties bit of Detroit.
This reminds me of the answer to the trick question: “If you were flying over downtown Detroit in a southerly direction, which international border would you cross first ?” The answer is that between the USA and Canada !
‘UN IPCC 2007: ‘More warm and fewer cold nights…fewer frost days…fewer cold outbreaks; fewer, shorter, less intense cold spells/cold extremes in winter’.
The Jews are coming to get you now that you’ve outed them. Better lock your doors and hide your women.
Wake me up when Jews are replaced by more Jews. Ginsburg and Breyer or Kennedy are retiring soon, so if they’re not replaced by Jews, your theory is discredited. There are also four Catholics on the Court, including the Chief Justice: Roberts, Scalia, Alito, Sotomayor. Shouldn’t you be freaking out about Papists instead? And the US Supreme Court doesn’t actually make laws, like you claimed happens in Canada. A child of five normally wouldn’t make such silly assertions.
In any event, the Mossad has been notified of your treachery. The black helicopters will arrive shortly.
Another insidious bit of BBC bias. The lazy sub-editor chose the summary headline for their ‘Most Read’ list of ‘Cyprus’s devastating rescue’ for Robert Peston’s article which doesn’t actually use the word ‘devastating’ anywhere.
I think it’s a fair summary of what Peston has written, though. There must have been a bunch of City voices buzzing in his ear over the weekend about this. He’s basically admitting that they’re all scared of the precedents being set. And it was nice to see Peston for once leave out the joyful bashing of bankers.
The use of ‘migrant workers’ rather than illegal immigrants is widespread and standard fare at the BBC. However, I noticed the reporter on Sky this morning using the phrase where citizens in Russia are rooting out illegal immigrants, and handing them over to the authorities. Pity we don’t do that here. Imagine the reaction of the BBC to that, they’d burst a corporate blood vessel.
Try doing it in Britain !
Who would you report them to? Not the useless PC Police, they don’t want to know and are as likely to arrest you for Wayyysicm following their complete indoctrination in Political correctness.
The reality is that thanks to BLiar you have to report them to the borders agency and you try finding your nearest one! then they’ll take about 4 years to turn up if they ever bother!
…and when they do turn up they’ll just inform said illegals to report to the nearest border agency for deportation…which, of course, they’ll do obligingly.
The police are too busy tracking down dangerous cows. Apparently, this cow must have had the speed and agility of a f*****g gazelle, as plod missed it first time.
The report doesn’t say whether the cow was armed or planning to take hostages at the school.
Police marksman shoots escaped cow in school grounds
Plus side… the school canteen lasagne is less likely to be under the microscope for the next few months.
Unless it was a mad cow.
Or made from crazy horses !
Those poor persecuted religionists
Apologies, I couldn’t get the hang of this. look at this story and see howthe BBC defends persecuted Muslims. I don’t remember them doing this for persecuted Jews or Christians
hardline …. buddhists? ROFL đ
…. mind you, insidious, deceitful islam is enough to
test the patience of a saint
Boris’s take on that interview:
“If a BBC presenter can’t attack a nasty Tory politician, what’s the world coming to?”
A little dig at the fact the BBC wouldn’t attack a nasty Labour politician, or perhaps I’m reading too much into it?
I haven’t commented on this up to now, as I haven’t seen the interview, but I have to say I’ve always found Eddie Mair to be one of the better presenters. His style on PM can often come across as rude, but I’ve heard him be like that to all sides. And he frequently asks questions from an unexpected angle, which can wrongfoot the interviewee… which by all accounts he did. He possibly expected Boris to fight his corner better.
A couple of months we were speculating on what the BBC line on The Scottish Referendum would be. Would they support the SNP and back an independent Scotland and risk Labour losing so many Scottish Westminster seats , or would it back the retention of the Union.
Well over the weekend it seems that BBC London has come down on the side of the Union. This was expected of course because of the overriding need to protect these valuable Labour seats. The SNP are going to get a pasting every time they appear on a London based BBC interview from now on. They will begin to see how it feels to be a Tory in England.
Not living in Scotland I wonder if any Scottish contributors to the site can advise us how BBC Scotland is leaning on this interesting topic.
Once again the BBC are not just reporting, they are influencing, the politics of the UK and consequently undermining the democratic process.
BBC Scotland has a fairly pro-independence stance, although Salmond & Sturgeon’s aggressive attitudes come across extremely off putting to most normal people. You get the feeling though that they are hedging their bets slightly getting ready to jump behind the ‘winning team’
Why is the bBC playing down the attack by several Tory MPs on the record of failed Borders agency head Lin Homer and her latest failures as head of HMRC.
Thanks to her (deliberate?) mismanagement of UKBA the backlog of failed asylum seekers will take 24 years to clear. As a reward for such incompetence she gets a promotion!
God, poor Homer…doh!
To be looked down upon by Keith Vaz, for Gawds sake!
Got to be a new low…how many people can be rated patronised and pitied by Vaz and his family?
Next up_Gary Glitter says she looks a fool in Bacofoil!
Poor Homie can`t even spell her own name…bless!
Just heard on BBC TV News 24: “and now “people” are wondering whether the current cold weather in the UK has anything to do with global warming…”.
That’s just plain wrong, I’m wondering if burning MORE coal will warm things up in my house.
I was reading a report that 10 years ago 52 % of Chinas electricity came from coal powered power stations, last year it was over 75%.
And the greens try to tell me we should be shutting down not only our coal, but Nuke plants as well. I can’t wait until we have mass power cuts (hopefully in winter) the greens will get such a kicking they will be in the wilderness for years.
The trouble is that the power cuts would kill a lot of people – especially elderly people
That didn’t trouble Arthur Scargill very much – he thought the striking miners were ‘acting magnificently’ !
Yep old scurygill was right behind the miners right up until there was non left to fleece for their compo and then he lost interest !
But John, power cuts are going to happen you can thank the green lobby for that.
Thank them ? we should give them a shovel each and get them to bury the dead that their stupidity caused !
There is no scientific proof that Global Warming causes Global Cooling, although Global Cooling always follows Global Warming. But it is scientifically possible for Climate Change to mean Global Cooling.
But whether there is anybody employed at the BBC who would understand what all that means, is a mystery.
Anyone else noticed that the presenter Phil Williams is always banging on about his medical problems. Must be a sickly child.
One for the ‘in their own words section’
This afternoon at just before 4pm, Kay Mellor (writer of The Syndicate) made a pronoucement on the Richard Bacon show on BBC 5 Live:
“I have seen a complete shift in the BBC lately – I think it has become a working class platform”
Yes indeed, me too, Kay. The little shift in gear happened around about May 2010. But don’t expect the Beeb to stick up much for the workers post 2015 though. Not if Labour get back in. It will be back to the full on progressive liberal elite voice oncemore.
I think she meant..
âI have seen a complete shift in the BBC lately â I think it has become a faux working class platformâ
Mozambique: From Marxism to market
British journalist Paul Fauvet came to Mozambique in 1980 just as the country was plunged into a civil war. He has witnessed every key event since. Here he describes the transformation of his adopted country from revolutionary Marxist state to embracing the market and the exploitation of its resource riches.
Reading the whole thing, the disappointment at the loss of the Marxist dream is palpable.
Finishing with the sentence:
“Memories of the country’s Marxist past have faded, and even Frelimo’s trademark slogan “A Luta Continua!” (“The Struggle Continues!”) is rarely heard nowadays. ”
is rather odd – it’s almost a lament.
25,03,13 and Andy Crane on BBC Radio Manchester is reading out some of the local headlines. He begins with the main story on the Manchester Evening News website, ‘Manchester men among 5 fraudsters jailed for pretending to make a Hollywood film in a 2.8 million tax scam.’ Moving quickly on he reads out a headline from the Bury Times, ‘Movie set man spared jail after rental fraud.’ Comparing it to the Manchester Evening News story he begins to read out a fuller transcript – ‘A man has been sentenced after claiming he was making a film at home and defrauding furniture companies out of money. Martin Blake, aged 49, pleaded guilty at a previous hearing. A policeman said ‘these companies sold and rented items to Blake believing they would be paid and when they tried to cash the cheques, they bounced leaving them out of pocket.’
Now, why would Crane read out a less important story involving less money and shorter sentences? Looking at the Manchester Evening News website I can see why.
‘5 fraudsters who pretended to be making a Hollywood blockbuster as part of a ÂŁ2.8 million VAT and film tax credits scam have been jailed. Inspectors were told that A-listers from Hollywood would be starring in a 19.6 million production that would be set in the UK.’ And here’s the reason why Crane didn’t read out this particular story – Bashar Al-Issa, 34, a former Iraqi national who is now British, actor Aiofe Madden, 31, a British and Irish national, Tariq Hasan, 52, a Pakistani national, Osama Al Baghdady, 51, an Iraqi national and Ian Sherwood were all jailed as part of the scam.
Corker of a story this one!
Might make a film of it!
All that`s wrong with the multikulti arts nexus and Browns bungs for such tripe to be found here…and those lawyers excuses would bring a purr from Mansfield, Robertson and -but of course-St Shami!
Brilliant-and no wonder the BBC will be burying this laugh-a minute story…for the “Arts” and “Social Cohesion” are not to be mocked…not ever!
Anybody seen Shami, post-Leveson?…she can`t ALWAYS be visiting Siaf Gadhaffi, Vicky Pryce or Julian Assange can she?
Oh to hire that minbus with Shami, Polly and other ullulating leftiwimmin as they traipse around Open Womens Prisons in search of the “real Vicky”…maybe those Muslim chappies who`ve been nabbed today could arrange the funding!
Yes sir,well spotted.
Radio 4 news headlines at 4 p.m were similarly done in that “drive-by style” we`ve all come to know and love when the BBC would rather none of us dwell on the detail.
So got out my pen and pad!
Lots of men doing the fraud-oh that`ll be Womans Hour then will it?
Lots of…er men from a place where big films get such money, and there`s scope for the multiculti scammers…that`ll have to be…well, Singapore is it?
Nothing to see here you white racists…and indeed after millions have been splashed around making “Bend it like Slumdog Launderette”, we now have a Brilliant 7 minutes of “nothing to see”.
Which they`ll be adding to all those other hours of unwatchable trash that the BBC excel at….a John Cage classic in the making…oh, the splendour!
Whatever happened to Cranes minder and handler?
Edd the Duck!….he should have been doing Radio Manchester by now!…brilliant.
Wouldn`t Andy get back into the suitcase then?
Thank you doyle.
You`ve got the “Look North” Arts Corrie spondence gig if you want it!
Any chance of you creating a “Martin Blake” retrospective series of his meister werks to be shown at the Corner House.
Music by Hookie and Shaun Ryder…Terry Christian to narrate…and I`m sure Ikea in Ashton would give us the furniture….which probably acts better than Lenny Henry and John Prescott anyway.
I make no apology for this…if it forces Kirsty to get off her midnight flyer early to do her wretched show with Bonnie, Bidishha and Adam/Paul etc…then Scotland will be thanking us!
Pip pip luvvie!
If the beeb don’t elaborate on a story as they did with this one, you can usually guess that they’re foreigners. You have to feel a bit sorry for Martin Blake (Crane made damn sure we heard his anglo name), his name has been plastered across the airwaves by Crane to obscure a greater crime committed by immigrants.
Feel sorry?
In the shameless world of ents at the BBC he`ll be a veritable Ken Loach, as long as he films the Bury Carphone Warehouse burning in black and white….
Any publicity is good innit…and we here down south await his next project.
Got to be better than anything the BBC are showing tonight!
Obamacare Premium Spike Goes National
Californians learned earlier this month that their insurance premiums would be shooting up as a result of Obamacare. But those of us outside California shouldnât gloat, as it looks like California was just early to the party: Insurance companies are now notifying brokers around the country that premiums are likely to go up in the coming year as they adapt to the new requirements brought on by the Affordable Care Act. As in California, the costs will fall primarily on individuals and small businesses, and as in California, they will fall disproportionately on the young.
BBC: ZZZzzzzzzzzz
Maybe when one of the battalion of Beeboids in the US feels the pinch (some are on those “freelance” deals, so are on their own), they’ll start reporting on what’s been going on.
Cognitive dissonance sets in…
Last night on Country File we had a classic example of BBC Bias;
Farmer Tim was covering the need for and implementation of sea sanctuaries to protect areas of special interest and quote “we will cover both sides of the topic involving conservationists and people earning their living from the sea”. I thought this will be interesting.
First person is a lady representing the conservationists. Given free reign for some minutes and completely uninterrupted. Good, now can I hear from someone representing the fishing industries.
Well no. What do I get; a very brief interview (30 seconds) with 2 fishermen going about their work with Tim on the wharf. And of course in true BBC fashion “correcting” the man.
Then we go back to the conservationist who prattles on about protecting fish species because there won’t be any fish for these men to fish. No interruptions of; hang on this is what the EU fisheries have been doing for years through catch limits.
The bBC, its so called Defence experts and not even half the story.
China ‘buys fighter jets and submarines from Russia’
China has agreed to buy 24 fighter jets and four submarines from Russia, Chinese state media report.Two of the submarines will be built in Russia and two in ChinaâŚCorrespondents say Moscow and Beijing are trying to counterbalance what they see as American military dominance.
. It is reported to be the first time in a decade that China has made a large-scale military purchase from Russia.
Got to love how the left so stuck in their single braincell train of thought that only the US is evil and that the US must be combated at every turn. Hereâs a few things the so called defence experts at the bBC conveniently left out of the equation.
The Russians and Chinese arenât bothered by the US as they know that the US military is on a downward trend. $500 Billion defence cuts over the next 10 years. So why are the Chinese purchasing 24 Su 35s when it already produces the Shenyang J-11 (which is a superior clone of the Su 27) which to be honest isnât that isnât that much different from the Su 35. Its all to do with Power plants (jet engines) the one technology the Chinese havenât managed to master is the one pertaining to Jet engines and the only people who will sell weapons to China isâŚRussia. (Something about an arms embargo) Now this is where it gets interesting you see Russia isnât happy with how the Chinese copy (And then sell) the weapons they sell them. But it needs the arms sales in which to keep its arms industry going, hence the hard bargain with China. In the last 3 years Russia has sold China 395 A1turbofan engines to be used in its J11 and J10 aircraft. It has also sold China 239 Turbo fans Engines for use in its Cargo aircraft. But does the bBC mention any of this, no. Instead they promote this image that this is all about combating nasty evil America.
The same goes with the purchase of the Lada submarine. China already uses its predecessor (the Kilo) But it has experienced lots of issues and what better way to improve your lot than by purchasing the latest Russian tech.
As for the last comment about this being the first large scale purchase in 10years from Russia to China:
Well in the last ten years Russia has sold China
200 9M311/SA-19 Grison systems
150 9M38/SA-11 Gadfly systems
2 Sovremenny Destroyers
24 Su-30MK/Flanker
78 Mi-8MT/Mi-17/Hip Helicopters
18 Ka-27PL/Helix-A
And a lot more stuff such as Air to air missilles,Anti Ship missiles and such.
Yet according to the bBC this is a recent development.
Boris Johnson defends tough questions he faced from the BBC’s Eddie Mair –
Brilliant cutting sarcasm!
One hopes that the jury in the inquest on St Duggan will not be influenced by the BBC’s reporting of his legal representative’s attack on the police inquiry.
link led to ‘page could not be found’
Wallygreeninker, Thanks for finding the link. My apologies
Turns out that it`s Michael Mansfield saying that the IPCC aren`t fit for purpose…funny how Duggans family can afford the services of this padded liberal bumptious fop!
Pro-bono? Common Purpose or Jemima Khan?…we never get to find out who`s paying for the likes of Peirce, Christian, Robertson…and , of course Mansfield?
If Mansfield says it`s wrong…then the corkscrew tongue of his will be pointing at exactly 180degrees to the truth…as ever!
If the Government had any plums, these lawyers would have been struck off by now.
I thought the loathsome creature Mansfield had retired, sated on a deluge of tax-payers cash? He is evil personified.
No, I’d say Peirce, the defender of Abu Qatada, is the most evil of them all, given her SWP credentials to boot.
Get your sick-bag ready, or preferably a bucket, if you’re going to read the Grauniad’s eulogy of Eddie Mair.
They think Mair is ‘a rising BBC star’ and that ‘TV viewers rejoiced’ when he ignored the bBBC’s impartiality remit and insulted Boris Johnson.
The NUJ-BBC and NUJ-Guardian Tory-bashing, double act.
As predictable as night following day: Guardian raises anti-Tory Beeboid, Eddie ‘nasty piece of work’ Mair, to leftist political celebrity status.
The Beeb are back peddling in their attack on Boris.
INBBC’s obfuscating story of ‘militants’ v. ‘activists’.
Habitually, (as per CoJo diktat), Islam Not BBC (INBBC) labels Islamic jihadists euphemistically as ‘militants’; and now it labels opponents of such jihadists as ‘activists’.
INBBC certainly is.
“Egypt orders activists’ arrests after Brotherhood clashes”
A non-INBBC source:-
“Egypt opposition furious against Morsi threat”
Anyone notice that the BBC, ITV, C4 and Sky News have all taken an identical line in response to Cameron’s speech?
Now I admit the lead view started with the BBC’s Today this morning and the constantly-featured Jonathan Portes of the NIESR.
Might he be an immigrant?
All repeated his meme, as you do, that the percentage of EU immigrants claiming benefits was much lower than the number of British people so claiming.
So what. Every single EU migrant claiming benefits is entirely inappropriate.
But it does make you realise that the metropolitan Londonised media are living on a different planet.
And that the monopoly on views that we are obliged to listen to is near-universal in its breadth.
BTW EU nationals who cannot maintain themselves are meant to return home, or be returned.
Yes, they aren’t.
“Anyone notice that the BBC, ITV, C4 and Sky News have all taken an identical line in response to Cameronâs speech?”
Someone in the know on this very site daid yesterday that the Beeb would major on the “fellow EU solidarity communities of Bulmania” being discriminated against-and, heavens to Betsy: the EU and the likes of Mansfield and Shami will step into the breaches and abuse.
This would be the BBCs angle on this story-and our friend turned out to be 100% correct.
Now-in regard of our greater problem, the current problem-that of Somalia, of Pakistan and the like….not one mention.
Just the EU prospective migrants…as opposed to those flooding in from Muslim countries and from the horn of Africa…usually “other Muslim”.
Expect some real trouble once the khat runs out!…not that the BBC could possibly comment, let alone raise it as an “issue”.
Now to the real stories-what did BoJo say or not say to Guppy in 1990…we really want to hear from you!
Shami? Has she come out of hiding yet? Having failed to give us the benefit of her advice on the threat to our historic liberties of a free press.
Not yet mentioned on BBC website:
So Angelina Jolie and William Hague could have saved time and cash by staying closer to home:
Angelina Jolie and William Hague visit Congo on anti-rape mission
This one does turn up on their website: since the Beeb is also, today, covering the story of a WPC who has resigned because several cases in the Rochdale case were dropped because the witnesses were judged undependable, shouldn’t they allow themselves the luxury of making connections between these cases ?
BBC’s Global Warmist Dept (headed by Hampstead Harrabin) is, no doubt, awaiting warmer weather more than most.
“Global warming: if only we’d listened to the experts, eh?”
By James Delingpole.
I do not think that Global Cooling has set in yet, but the explanation for the current weather trends from those weather forecasters that actually predict long range forecasts correctly, unlike the Met Office, is due to the Hale Magnetic Solar Cycle, especially during low solar activity. The Hale Magnetic Cycle is a climate oscillation or long scale weather event that lasts four solar cycles or an average of 44 years but does not effect long term climate change as the effect evens out over four solar cycles. This is caused by the Suns magnetic polarity changing every two solar cycles or an average of 22 years.
Regarding fears of what would happen if the Earths magnetic poles swapped over, we already have an idea of this by the fact that this is what happens to the Sun every 22 years.
Usually I can safely rely on BBC news bulletins to forewarn me whenever left-wing demonstrations are in the offing.
The other day I received a leaflet through my letter box grandly annoucing the People’s Assembly Against Austerity.
This is promoted by the Coalition of Resistance (President : Tony Benn).
The group are calling for a General Strike so as to alter Government economic policy.
There are quite a number of people who have put their names to this effort. Naturally there are Trades Union bosses, Labour MPs, Communists, Greens and far left journalists.
But I noticed a group of eight names who are more in the realm of light entertainment. I assume they owe their careers and their living to the TV Licence Payer. They certainly appear to be no strangers to BBC studios.
Just to test my assumptions I popped ‘bbc’ and their names into Google. Here are the highest rated hits only. I’m afraid it reads like Radio Times:
Mark Steel (Comedian)
BBC Radio 4 iPlayer Mark Steel’s in Town Comedian Mark Steel visits towns across the UK and creates a stand-up show for a local audience based on what he finds out about the area.
Lee Hall (Playwright)
BBC Radio 3 iPlayer An audience with Lee Hall, writer of Billy Elliot and The Pitmen Painters, recorded at The Sage Gateshead as part of the Radio 3 Free Thinking Festival.
Roger Lloyd Pack (Actor)
Wikipedia On British television he is best known for portraying Colin “Trigger” Ball in the BBC sitcom Only Fools and Horses, and for his role in The Vicar of Dibley as Owen Newitt.
Josie Long (Comedian)
BBC Radio 6 Music iPlayer Spend a lazy Saturday morning with Andrew Collins and Josie Long.
Iain Banks (Author)
BBC News Arts & Entertainment Five Minutes With: Iain M Banks…. talks to Matthew Stadlen about why he is published under two names, whether he is as dark as some of his writing, the importance of science fiction and how he would modify his own body.
Arthur Smith (Comedian)
BBC Comedy A-Z Arthur Smith. His immense humour, and willingness to laugh himself hoarse at others’ jokes make him unusual in an industry eaten up by cool.
To BBC radio and TV audiences, his career has been split between appearing on top quiz shows and fronting the funny section in Loose Ends.
Roy Bailey (Folk Singer)
Wikipedia In 2003, Bailey together with Tony Benn were awarded “Best Live Act” at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards for their programme Writing on the Wall. Tony Benn cites Roy Bailey as “the greatest socialist folk singer of his generation.”
Francesca Martinez (Comedian)
BBC Ouch! (disabilty) Francesca appeared in the BBC children’s series Grange Hill for five years, but is now an award-winning stand-up comic who has performed at the Edinburgh, Melbourne and Montreal festivals, as well as on Broadway in New York.
Bbc breakfast, 0900 hrs, graham satchell? ” it’s all kicking off here”
How long has he. Had to wait to copy that phrase.
He WAS talking about sport mind you!
Judging by the comments here, yesterday’s Newshite helped expose the BBC’s bias to lots more people:
An artist reimagines how broadcast space might be used: Ruth Ewan
Radio 4’s focus on arts continues with a series of five playful and surprising audio interventions, across the week after the Today programme.
Well I don’t know how many heard this, a lefties dream world which explains a lot about their insane beliefs. It’s only a few minutes long so if you can find a chance to listen again it’s worth it.
The BBC giving much publicity to Peter Fahy’s comments about Asian police officers being investigated three times as frequently as ‘white’ officers. Various explanations being put forward, doing their best to play down any possibility that maybe Asian officers are actually just more likely to act inappropriately.
The BBC is adding a slant to Fahys statement that ‘white’ officers are more likely to be dealt with informally, suggetsing that they ‘may be taken aside for a cup of tea and aquiet word had with them’. In reality what it probably means is that the ‘white’ officer gets given a sharp ticking of fand a warning!
An unpleasant truth that the bBC will always try hard to torpedo. Just as that Blacks are 5 times overrepresented in the prison system, so by bBC logic our judicial system is ‘waycyst’.
just proves they re
3 times as likely to be deceitful
3 times as likely to be corrupt
3 times the reason NOT to trust them
3 times the reason NOT to employ them
Its getting worse. The BBC are keeping on the motif of ‘taking someone aside and having a cup of tea and a quiet word’.
Fahy never said that this is how ‘white officers’ are treated. he said they are more likely to be dealt with ‘informally’ not ‘softly’!
You will never ever be allowed to hear the truth, that there are 10 times more complaints about Muslim Asian officers than any other.
A secret report concluded that because of their culture Muslim officers are much more likely to be corrupt. This report was the subject of the usual bully words in an attempt to silence it, but it was written by an Asian Muslim Detective Chief Inspector.
Despite the report appearing in the Grauniad the bBC refuses to even acknowledge its existence and carries on broadcasting blatant lies & distortions in a effort to protect their brown eyed boys. These after all are the people who are at the very pinnacle of the hierarchy of isms and must be protected at all costs.
The whole system is pretty rotten, but it does not excuse lines being taken by media that are supposed to challenge based on objectivity rather than hitching to already over-politicised, PC-wagons & careers based on what looks good and ticks boxes. Namely process over result.
OTish, but this was brought home to me yesterday by a bizarre local situation on, of all things, dog-fouling & other rules.
As a new dog-owner, I was merely interested in what the rules were and how they were policed, with a view to not breaking them and helping the community see them properly and fairly handled.
Big mistake.
I ended up in a literal sh*t-fight having uncovered that there were ‘wardens’ who could fine people, but no records on who and for what. Given I’d met two old dears busted to the tune of ÂŁ60 for walking theirs without leads in a picnic area (currently more like Artic tundra) my views on spirits vs. letters of the law and where discretion on justice over income generation has been lost were not welcomed by local worthies.
I also asked how these fines are imposed. Seems the ‘guilty party’ is challenged to provided details. Hence old biddies from 9-5 are prime targets but any chav and his attack-dog after hours are free and clear.
Vague law is bad law.
Two-tier law is worse.
Law or justice more based on fear of the lawbreaker cowardly.
Excusing it when broken is a route to anarchy.
The minute you are seen to cut one group slack for fear of factors beyond the facts of their crime, the downward spiral starts.
And when driven by media with agendas over reporting, it will be a fast slide.
The police have a lot to answer for. But so do many other public sector entities uniquely immune from accountability.
“As a new dog-owner…”
Part of your strategy to see off the Capita goons?
No need…yet.
However the day approaches when the TVL DD gets cancelled, the SKY sub too & the dish disconnected.
Then our puppy may be called upon to pee on their shoes at the door (I should point out that he does this to any visitor) if this is not enough for them.
I am arming myself with a few interesting ‘techniques’ from the sites that are proliferating to advise on how one’s home can still be a castle in face of some interesting other abuses being committed with BBC knowledge and/or active complicity..
Lee Ford â@wwprejudice 15h
@ScrapLicenceFee @2of – They cannot issue a summons in the name of “Dear Sir or Madam” Bin it.
Allegations of wrong doing by ethnic minority officers are dealt with formally because senior management are terrified of being accused of racism. A formal investigation means that everything that is said is logged and recorded which helps to protect the investigating officers. It is entirely due to the culture of political correctness and fear which operates within all public services where even an accusation of racism can be career death.
Fahy also admitted that Asians are more likely to come under pressure to act inappropriately from their own ‘communities’.
BBC News : Do you find that you don’t get enough from the BBC that tells you what to think? No, me neither.
However, fear not left-wingers, our tax-funded hallowed patrician liberal elite is about to embark on a series of lectures for our benefit.
‘BBC News: The Editors, a new monthly news programme commissioned for BBC One, is to launch in spring 2013.’
‘Presented by John Simpson, the BBCâs World Affairs Editor, the programme will showcase the journalistic skill on offer from the BBCâs on-air editors, all of whom have a wealth of editorial experience in their specialist area.’
[NUJ strike action permitting?]
‘The monthly, half-hour programme will comprise a selection of short and engaging films on a variety of topics, including arts, sport and science alongside business, politics and foreign affairs. Each informative report will focus on one editorâs particular area of expertise and will strive to answer a specific question, such as âhas the welfare state had its day?â, or âwhatâs wrong with football?â’
‘John Simpson, World Affairs Editor and presenter of BBC News: The Editors, said: “I’ve been a BBC editor for 30 years, and I know how much knowledge and experience my fellow editors have amassed, yet can’t always fit into a traditional news report. The point of ‘The Editors’ is to free us up to think about the big questions of the day in more depth and to provide answers to the questions which our audience has about the world around them. Our aim is to make it challenging, and really exciting.â’
[‘Think’ about these things all you like John. But I do wish you would keep your editorialising out of it. The trouble is this: I already know – given any topic under the sun – what sort of conclusions all you Beeboids are all going to come to]
‘will strive to answer a specific question’
Well, if it is anything like this ‘The Editors’, don’t hold your breath:
This of course is the place where such as Hugs have ventured from the bunker, posted some patronising guff, had their backsides handed them, and when the moderator attrition to protect them was proving embarrassing usually sees a closing within days.
It went on a several week hiatus recently when they really want to be available for comment, and only just swooped back with a huge story (on getting ’em young) that lasted all of two days and netted 7 comments, 2 of which were ‘removed’.
But at least they were, briefly, allowed.
I note Mr. Simpson’s PR team has wisely opted on a ‘broadcast plus BBC views only’ mode (‘a deeper, more comprehensive look at world issues and reinforces the channelâs commitment to high quality journalism and analysis.”), which doubtless those who haunt these pages will see as entirely right and proper as they complain here en masse about what people are free to say that they don’t like.
Oh yes indeed, this new format for BBC ‘The Editors’ will be purely broadcast only.
In case there wasn’t enough opinion-mongering from the titled “editors” already…..
BBC weather reports catchphase number one :
‘The worst I’ve ever seen!’
Agenda, what agenda?
Why don’t the BBC simply put on sandwich boards and wander up and down Oxford Street muttering…
‘The End Is Nigh’?
Well I suppose for the tshirt and plimsole wearing youth it is pretty bad out there
BBC Radio 4 In our Time.
Academic types chew the cud with Melvyn Bragg
(or should I say Baron Bragg personal friend of Tony Blair and named in a list of the largest private financial donors to the Labour Party)
On Thursday 21st March we had a fascinating discussion of Alfred Russel Wallace a pioneer of evolutionary theory.
The dons were particularly keen to tell us that although Darwin was a ‘Gent’ Wallace was from a ‘downwardly mobile’ family and was enthused with ‘socialist’ views. He not only explored the animal word of the tropics but he also admirred native peoples.
Fair enough.
What peeked my interest was this statement from one of the academics:
‘….he (Wallace) has this tremendous respect for the indigenous peoples and he uses them as a foil in terms of which to kind of critise his own society…’
Oh the BBC mindset in a nutshell. You sir, will go far.
I think you try to wring water out of a stone here! Melvin Bragg’s program on Wallace & Darwin was a welcome tilt towards Wallace, who in many ways was as great a naturalist as Darwin.
On ‘In Our Time’ in general – I find this series quite remarkable, not only in content and the spread of subject, but also in the exceptional expertise of the guests. The programme is to be cherished as a jewel among the dross in the BBC’s output. In it, I get no sense of Bragg’s Labour affiliations, and I think it is irrelevent in this context.
Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century by Geoffrey Parker.
This was reviewed in the Sunday Times last Sunday. Parker’s. The Seventeenth Century it appears was a world wide period of natural disasters, famine, and political upheaval. “Snow fell in subtropical Japan; sub -Saharan Africa suffered a five – year drought; the rivers of modern mexico Virginia dried up; and across Europe harvest failed and thousands starved”. The Ming dynasty fell; there was civil war in England etc. This was the period of the Little Ice Age. Note the differing effects this period of rapid climate change had in different parts of the world. I look forward to hearing Parker on Start The Week. His book is on my short list to purchase.
The world’s human population was less than one-tenth of what it is now, and there was also much less burning of fossil fuels. One of the few pieces of evidence of man-made climate change then was an accident in a pie shop in London’s Pudding Lane, which caused some local warming in 1666.
correction @’Mexico & Virginia
For INBBC to censor:-
Islamic jihadists in Britain and Syria.
“British Muslims fighting in Syria could commit terrorist attacks in UK.
British Muslims fighting in Syriaâs civil war could return home to carry out terrorist attacks, intelligence chiefs have warned.”
By James Kirkup.
Last night’s Newsnight featured a platform for Larry Summers to explain the latest version of his economic opinions and cast aspersions on Osborne’s policies. I say platform and not really an interview because it was just Summers giving answers to unheard questions. At no time did anyone point out that the very guaranteed loans he’s now condemning are exactly what he encouraged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to do, which led to the housing bubble, and which the current US President (in whose Administration Summers worked for a while until he saw the ideological writing on the wall) is now doing for student loans. Just last month, Summers was even calling for the two government-backed agencies to kickstart the sub-prime mortgage dance all over again.
You’re told none of this, and Summers is presented as a sage who tells you that the current British Government’s policies are hard for him to follow logically, and ignore what he says are basic textbook ideas. No prizes for guessing if what Summers says reflects the BBC’s economics editor’s opinions, or if the BBC mentioned the connection between them. The only negative mentioned is that Summers once said that the banks could regulate themselves. Other than that, he’s golden, apparently.
Something else about Summers’ CV the BBC didn’t think was worth mentioning: the Harvard endowment lost about $1.8 billion under his watch. And Summers stepped down as President of the university in the aftermath of the faculty no-confidence vote on him after he caused a fuss by asking if women might be less naturally inclined than men to study math and science.
In other words, his track record seems to be about as useful as Stephanie Flanders’. But the credentials are impeccable, so never mind. Sometimes, technocrats really aren’t the best way to go for real-life situations. Newsnight decided that this background context wasn’t relevant to presenting Summers as a respectable voice explaining how the Conservative-led Coalition’s economic policies are wrong.
I saw this literally ‘one-sided’ interview. Why on earth didn’t we hear the questions? I find this a rather sinister way of presenting a supposedly ‘balanced’ current affairs programme. Ah well, I almost forgot this was BBC Newsnight for a moment.
His arguments against against Osborne struck me as odd. He seemed to attack from a vaguely fellow traveller to Ed Balls and the Labour Party point of view. His slightly sly attitude, appearing not to take it all seriously, may be his personality – or perhaps an indication that this interview was no more than a little idealogical favour for a favour.
If he’s the sage – who’s the onions?
If they left in the Beeboid asking the questions, there would have been less time in the segment for the encomia.
His wife’s name isn’t Ann, by any chance ?
Err…nope, but if Mr balls had a daughter, would he call her Ophelia?
I wonder if he’ll be invited on Dateline again…of course he will!
Palestinian ‘journalist’ calls Obama ‘Uncle Tom’
Imagine the furore if anyone else had attacked a black president with such a heinous racial slur…
R4 5:25pm: Kercher case being summarised, at one point the suspects are being discussed. Then with no reason the male presenter says “the black man still in prison, the white kids released”, his implication is perfectly obvious. The bBC cannot resist making out there is some conspiracy going on. In this instance he did not mention that Rudi had done a legal deal and pleaded guilty to get a lighter sentence. Oh no, that would not be in alignment with the bBC agenda. They cannot just give a straight forward presentation of the case, it’s in their DNA
Noted that too!
File under racist again then…QED…disengage brain, flat pack cliches from the bottom shelf as per!
And now, another ‘nice piece of work’.
The Today Programme has a link to its show on FaceBook, and a few comments in response:
‘Good morning. At 0810, the former BBC producer arrested in the aftermath of the Jimmy Saville scandal, speaks after charges of assault against him were dropped.
Albertina McNeill Unimpressed by Mr De’Ath and delighted that dinosaurs like him are dying off.
9 hours ago ¡ Like ¡ 3
Calum Robson I can’t see that former BBC producer being reinstated on anyone’s Christmas card list after that interview.
9 hours ago ¡ Like ¡ 5
Caroline Stevens Horrified that he did not take action when he was aware that Saville was taking 10 year olds to hotels.
9 hours ago ¡ Like ¡ 8
Julius Bannister So this producer was intimidated by Saville; how pressured do you think the 10 year old was???
6 hours ago ¡ Edited ¡ Like ¡ 10
John Rose Socked that the BBC gave Wilfred De Ath a platform from which to express his bitterness at the injustice of operation yew tree. Here speaks a man who who admits warning Saville he was ” living dangerously” but was too spineless to report his concerns, under the cover of ” but it was different in the 60s”, and to seek sympathy for his self loathing. I have never felt moved to comment on journalism before, but how would this have made the victims feel!
8 hours ago ¡ Like ¡ 4
Allan Atkinson PS, Wilfred De’Ath self-serving, BBC likewise
Not, I’d hazard, the basis of a ‘here are a selection of your views’ on Newswatch?
Noted that Humphrys did not deny that he`d been a womaniser in that culture that De Ath described on Today this morning. De Ath said that he`d been one-and he was sure that John might know something of this.
Cue tumbleweed and retreat into slanket!
Wonder where the fearless Humph was when Savile was pinning bling on the nations yoof down the corridor…because John was amazed that Savile was doing such things whilst De Ath said zippo. And John jolly well told hi straight…albeit with the safe distance of a phone line between them!
Thought it was common knowledge John at the BBC…yet for a Panorama sleuth, you seemed to have been as incurious as your ex DG!
Worth a check eh?…before it gets kicked into the long grass for good!
More perks for bBC, R4 program about 5:15pm, talking to the retiring Archers editor(or something similar?). She let slip that the year before she had been given 4 months leave because of long service. Even the service conditions of bBC staff are biassed.
Note too her crap about the “eloquent”( i.e malcontents and whingers) who took her to task for the craap where someone fell off the roof or suchlike.
A patronising cow with plums in the mouth, who clearly despised those not “au fait” with her project to enlighten Archers listeners.
Yet she got five minutes with Eddie Mair gently lobbing up the patsy questions…as opposed to Boris a few days earlier.
The BBC love their own self-referential bubbles don`t they?…and its been three days since we`ve heard about their move to a nicer part of London!
Hopefully they`ve set up a webcam and Twitter feed to tell us more about this landmark event…”ouanquers”, as we French say!
Anyone listening to the radio4 ‘comedy’ slot which this evening is the painful mixed race offering from South Africa spouting crap about how it was under apartheid. They just can’t let it go. Dissatisfied with bullying the people they’ve gone in for a bit of nostalgia. It’s about as funny as a 16 hour speech from Fidel Castro.
The so called ‘comedy’ slot is Radio Fours weakest link in its propaganda machine, in part because of it’s desperate attempts to showcase multikulti ‘talent’.
The only funny foreigner I have ever heard on there is Henning Wehn.
I missed that..what a shame. I did spend most of the day until 15:00 on and off listening to Radio 4. I did manage to hear Obama & Martin Luther King mentioned in the thingy thingy noise program. Oh and Franco got a mention on the thingy about flamenco. Dire dire dire, how much do these people get paid for this stuff?
South Africa has turned out to be a real success story, hasn’t it ? 175 rapes a day, 50 murders a day, 16,000 murders a year. A million whites have fled the country.
I wonder who’s doing all the crime ? it must be the white people, yeah, that’s it, the whites !
on this report from the gawdian.
bbc – zilch … just try “muslim police corruption” squat …
so according to al bbc ….. there isn t any
but old Fahy turns up again on al bbc …. on the rochdale “abuse” case, and these erm “MEN” the ahem
“MEMBERS” of a gang, goodness wouldn t like to think they were muslim eh!
I don’t think much of Fahy he’s an odious toad bending which ever way he perceives the political wind is blowing, and in Manchester that’s always from the left.
But I do have some sympathy for him in this, and that’s because of the all pervading left wing bullying which surrounds this case. Those on the left have been desperate to exhonerate the Moslem community, possibly because they’re terrified of another riot or civil unrest as a result, handing a gift to those on the far right. So they decide on a party line that this has nothing to do with Islam or the ethnic background of those involved and that of the victim, despite all the evidence to the contrary, and everyone is expected to stick to the lie.
The consequences of telling the truth is dire loss of career, thus everyone is quite nicely controlled.
In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense. And what was terrifying was not that they would kill you for thinking otherwise, but that they might be right. For, after all, how do we know that two and two make four? Or that the force of gravity works? Or that the past is unchangeable? If both the past and the external world exist only in the mind, and if the mind itself is controllableâwhat then?[
2 plus 2 do make 5. Upon this twisting of reality the entire liberal ethos is founded. When 2 plus 2 makes 4 again we will at last have put an end to their nonsense.