Guessing, as when critiquing what is written in the Daily Mail (presumably having read it) as only for Daily Mail readers, this logic-failure comment carries an inherent, unspoken ‘present company excepted’?
Fahy is Common Purpose and a evil greasy pole climber. He may talk like a decent down to earth old fashioned bobby, but he is the biggest advocate of discrimination against indigenous policemen, wanting to ‘fast track’ foreigners and ethnic minorities to increase the percentage of untrustworthy police at the top of the force. There are few enough promotion prospects for good policemen anyway!
It’s not as if there is plenty of room at the top.
Controversial? Really? So witnessing the transportation of huge new populations of non-English speakers in such a short space of time that large areas of our towns are effectively foreign districts with limited assimilation is not something we should be even slightly alarmed at.
Controversially, he remarked that he had been “flabbergasted to go to Peterborough and see ghettos where virtually no English is spoken”. It was a comment condemned on Twitter by Labour MEP Richard Howitt, as “shameful”.
This is not a ‘controversial’ point where I (and probably most people) live, it’s the most mainstream of opinions. They simply don’t live in the same reality as the rest of us.
You don’t understand how deeply unpatriotic all your carping on about the Beeb is, you are playing into the hands of the Australian born USA based media tycoon who has had to grovel for the misdeeds of his underlings, and should grovel for his own. Or are you proud to support what he is and what he stands for ? In that case, get back to Australia or the USA, or China where he is cultivating the extension to his empire. Now there is a bastion of free speech…..
Please show evidence of someone here expressing support for everything Murdoch stands for. And thank you for proving the point I’ve made many times about the “national treasure” obstacle to reforming the BBC.
The BBC is full of people who fall into the category of “the idiot, who praises with enthusiastic tone / All centuries but this, and every country, but his own. “
Richard, poor soul, your mind has been turned into mush by watching too much BBC. Why do you think that any one on this site reads the Sun or the Labour supporting Times?
And since when is it unpatriotic to have a go at the Beeb. I thought that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
“Deeply unpatriotic? ”
From, I assume, a supporter of an organisation that has no concept any longer of what England was and could be once more.
An organisation that now seems dedicated to the destruction of the England that untold generations of my people helped to build and defend. You know nothing of the real England so hold your peace.
Quite a few Beeboids were openly patriotic during the Olympics, until they were told to take it down a notch because, screw the Charter, the BBC views itself as an international broadcaster and so must consider the sensitivities of others above yours. More of Mark Thompson’s legacy.
This evening’s ‘File on Four’ on Radio 4 managed an entire 40 minutes devoted to the Rochdale child abuse trial where 10 Pakistanis and an Afghani asylum seeker were convicted of grooming, drugging, raping, beating and selling of vulnerable underage white girls with only mentioning that the offenders were: ‘…men mainly involved in the take away and taxi businesses’.
Even Trevor Phillips conceded that there was a racial element to these crimes, and the similar trials that have taken place and are taking place up and down the country.
OOOOOOohhhh post mortem on David Millipede leaving the liebour party. How easy it seems to be for the slippery weasels to move from one well paid job to another.
Reminds me of the verse from Olivers Army:
If you’re out of luck or out of work
We could send you to Johannesburg
Or to New York in this case. No doubt there will be more obits from those who feel Liebour was cheated of its proper leader.
I don’t know about Oliver’s Army, but the ‘Little List’ song from ‘The Mikado’ by W.S. Gilbert (from where the lines in my last post come) did use to have that word in it until it was deemed too unPC in 1948. Thus we now have the ‘banjo serenader’ and not the ‘N- serenader’. The Mikado’s song ‘My object all sublime’ had to undergo a similar edit.
Note the caption. A view of the separation barrier – and no explanation of course because a picture is worth a 1,000 words? Israeli policies have restricted the development of Palestinian communities.
A few changes for the worst from the BBC template: Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967. An estimated 200,000 settlers now live there, alongside 280,000 Palestinians. Yet again BBC history begins in 1967. Israel recaptured that part of Jerusalem that the Jordanians had captured, annexed and occupied in 1948. All the Jewish residents at the time were expelled.
Following the 1967 war the Arab population was counted in a census conducted by the Israeli authorities as 66,000 Palestinian residents (44,000 residing in the area known before the 1967 war as East Jerusalem; and 22,000, in the West Bank area annexed to Jerusalem after the war). That’s a 325% increase in 46 years!
Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem is considered illegal under international law What no but Israel disputes this? Isn’t that the required boilerplate to provide a veneer of neutrality?
Despite this, the Israeli authorities have pursued policies which have encouraged the construction and expansion of Jewish settlements. Settlements is a highly loaded word suggesting a couple of caravans on a bare hillside. All Israeli governments and the overwhelming majority of Jews consider Jerusalem to be Israel and building there is no more a settlement than the BBC moving to Salford.
“I propose that this summit, in a move that reflects it is serious about defending the Arab character of Jerusalem Since Medieval times Jerusalem has been divided into four quarters, Jewish, Muslim, Christian (not necessarily Arab) and Armenian. Isn’t talking about the Arab character racist? What would the BBC say if someone talked about the White character of London? In any case, although estimates vary, sometime between 1835 and 1922 the Jews were a majority of the population and kept that status until expelled by the Jordanians in 1948.
In what has become BBC S.O.P. the last three paragraphs concern possible Fatah/Hamas reconciliation and have no connection with the headline.
The Manchester Evening News (26/03/13). Under the headline ‘DJ Mary Anne is hitting all the right notes’, DJ Mary has received a positive e-mail from her boss Tim Davie.
There’s nothing like an email from the boss saying you’re doing a good job. And for Mary Anne Hobbs, among the beeb’s talent now at MediaCity, that message came straight from BBC chief Tim Davie last week. Apparently he and his family have been waking up to music served up by Hobbs on her new Weekend Breakfast show at BBC Radio 6, straight out of Salford.
Hobbs, whose show is an eclectic mix of music, arts and culture, told The Diary: “I think it was the most poignant email I’ve ever received. It said that he and his children sit round the breakfast table and debate music that’s being played on our show.
“To get an email like that was just an exquisite moment. And it helps that I have a peerless team.
This is my favourite part and 100% beeboid.
“I like to use this metaphor that the show is about everyone sitting round a big oak table and anyone can pull up a chair – whether that be Danny Boyle or Billy Bragg – anyone can join in whatever their creed, colour, race or taste.”
Great catch. The perspective is clear as day. She thinks there’s a difference between the two. It’s as if the joke we like to make about dopey Beeboids thinking anyone not to the left of Gramsci is on the Right has been made flesh.
I heard the new comedy on R4 tonight too. Well, for just 5 minutes. Switched it off. Please tell me it can’t get any worse than this? Please! What troubled me most in that 5 minutes of my ears being mugged, was that I heard people laughing.
Not so much bias or even topical, but I’ve noticed on several occasions that BBC presenters who would normally speak with received pronunciation are recently straining to pronounce certain words in an apparent effort to show solidarity with their new northern neighbors ?
Today it was Vine when he said the word bath or rather Ba-th instead of barth which would have tripped off the tongue given the way he normally pronounces his words.
I could be wrong; ba-th may be the way he would normally pronounce it but the way he said it did seem rather strained and I’m sure I’ve heard other presenters pry out similar words such ka-stle where the southern pronunciation would better suit.
Is it just me or could it be the BBC have put out a memo encouraging it’s presenters to talk in a way that will endear themselves labour voters?
I have been noticing this for some time. Maybe a memo, maybe one of those deniable in-the-corridor little conversations so beloved of the BBC top brass.
Unfortunately my interest waned when I discovered, yet again, the BBC is totally incapable of reporting ANYTHING without due deference to ‘the narrative’
“Some or all of the crew of the Drumbeg ship may [!] have survived their ordeal, archaeologists have suggested.
There is possible [!] evidence of foreign sailors setting up home in the north-west Highlands after their ships foundered off the Scottish coast. [Yes, probably a few Dutch men, Swedes, Norwegians}
The First Statistical Account of Scotland published between 1791 and 1799 records how the climate of the area was pleasant enough for “natives of the East and West Indies” to live there.”
1) Arse, the climate in Sutherland is horrible, and would have been particularly bad in the notoriously cold mid 17th c
2) Sutherland has always been ‘famous’ being a multi-cultural melting pot hasn’t it…
3) Is there ANY evidence connecting this shipwreck with the tendentious quote or was the quote just shoe horned in?
Apologies to Trolls there IS evidence linking the quote to the Parish – but not to the ‘report” and certainly not substantiating the ‘suggestion’ that there were long standing communities of East/West Indians living in Assynt.
I took the trouble to read the statistical account to check out the BBC report. Brilliant stuff by the way well worth a read. It is a real pity that the BBC didn’t see fit to check out the primary source material and leapt on the ‘hint’ of a multicultural parish in the distant North. It has a lovely climate by the way….
“The rain continues not only for ours, but often for days; nay weeks….”
“There are no religious divisions here; the inhabitants are of the Established Church; excepting a few not natives [i.e. not natives of the Parish of Assynt] particularly the gentlewomen mentioned in the proceeding part of this account, viz. one from the East the other from the West indies”
It took me 20 minutes to establish that there were two “Gentlewomen” there. Not a colony of shipwrecked sailors. In all probability wives of planters who had returned to Scotland. Also the Wreck was reported to be between 1650 and 1750 – the statistical report was published 1791 – 99. Potentially 149 years before the women moved there with their husbands
Shock on Breakfast this morning as a piece is broadcast from a school and the class is not full of ethnic minorities. Major slip-up by the BBC there I thought but hang on… the class is full of teenaged girls. Sir Jim would have been proud.
Guess what anniversary Nicky Campbell’s 5 Live wants us to celebrate today?
Mr Beaching and his post-war railway branch line cuts.
Stephanie Flanders sends in one of her old dad’s gramphone records bemoaning the station closures.
That Northern bloke Ian McMillan, the Bard of Barnsley, tells us that this was a great cultural loss.
But he’s really here not to give us a poem but to give us a mini lecture on Marxism.
He then gets a free platform (you’ll forgive the puns) to tell us Nationalised industries are the best. Industry ought not to be run for profit – like the BBC he insists.
Well, I suppose strictly speaking, the BBC is not run for profit – apart from for the profit of those who work in it.
Wilson’s Government of 1964 set up Regional Planning Councils (local worthies, the great and the good?) and Regional Planning Boards of the senior civil servants for each region. From then on every proposed Beeching branch line closure was referred to them – to see if there were special circumstances to keep certain lines open. Precious few survived.
I recall a lot of sentimental nonsense about the Haltwhistle to Alston line in the north Pennines. Yes, a beautiful 20-mile line with a majestic viaduct, a link to the highest market town in England. But Alston had long since stopped being a leadmining town, and the 2-carriage diesel train seldom carried more than 5 or 6 passengers. People wanted to go by bus to Carlisle or to Newcastle – not to the small town of Haltwhistle. The line was wholly uneconomic and the Regional Planning Council and Board did not
……..The line was wholly uneconomic and the Regional Planning Council and Board did not argue for its retention – whatever the sentimental stuff in all the local press.
The BBC is most definitely run for profit. The legacy of Mark Thompson has seen to that. Officially, of course, on paper, it’s not, but BBC Worldwide exists specifically to make profits to feed back to the mother ship, which it does very well (£155m lat year, an increase of nearly 8%). The relentless international expansion, especially into the US, is all about filthy profit as well. How much does the Corporation itself make? Thompson didn’t get the NY Times gig for his journalistic integrity; he was brought in to help find new sources of revenue in the digital age.
The BBC is all about profit in the end. The cadre doing the real work may not realize it, but that’s how it is now. It’s not a pure non-profit by any stretch of the imagination, and it’s dishonest to portray it as such.
BBC breakfast this morning and on 5live, has a concerted effort help deal with violent and aggressive children, the wizard idea is to desist from saying NO!, if violence ensues,
but to encourage compensatory factors, to encourage good behaviour. … hmm looks like Sharia IS running the show, must have consulted the muslim council of britain.
pandering to hair trigger sensitivities has been an unmitigated success … hasn t it ?.
On “Today” we are told that energy bills may rise by £300 per annum because of green taxes, but that it was all right, really, because once everyone had invested in the Government Green Deal, and spent a fortune on new boilers, and additional insulation (which most people who can, have installed already), their bills would be proportionately cheaper.
I couldn’t work that one out on paper, let alone in my head.
The green policy is killing people, and destroying econmies.
The cost estimate for adding insulation to the outside of my home is £20K.
Because the government is involved there is the inevitable incompetence and profiteering. You can have a cheap loan repaid through the electricity bill, but if you’d gone out and sourced the work yourself you could have it for half the price !
Only ‘green deal approved providers’ are allowed to carry out the work, hence their ability to double the prices!
I read that report last night, and while the bBC informed the reader about how much money he would save , it mentioned absolutely nothing about how much it would cost. So according to the bBC, the reader is onto a winner if he replaces everything because he will see all his/her bills go down.
… this is a bog-standard bit of leftie feather-bedding.
‘Radio 5 Rusting-Iron-Lung is irrelevant so let’s try and make it less irrelevant.’
The last government did this with the Post Office where they left it with services (can’t remember – doling out pensions?) that could be much better, cheaper, and more efiiciently done online or by the banking network so that individual post-offices could be ‘justified’.
Just shut R5L down, along with the rest of the BBC,
obviously think the brainwashing capability will
be expedentially higher … on radio and tv mind you.
Dimborey and co will fit right in 😀
i had the misfortune on lates, once to tune in
………….. its shite!”
I drop a leave a response when I appreciate a article on a site
or if I have something to valuable to contribute to the conversation.
It is a result of the passion displayed in the article I browsed.
And on this article MONDAY OPEN THREAD… Biased BBC.
I was moved enough to drop a comment 🙂 I do have some questions for you if it’s allright. Is it simply me or do a few of these responses come across like they are left by brain dead visitors? 😛 And, if you are posting at additional social sites, I’d like to
keep up with anything new you have to post. Could you make a list the complete urls of your communal sites like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter
JohnCMar 28, 01:20 Midweek 26th March 2025 Starmer accuses Putin of ‘playing games’ over Ukraine peace deal I never thought Russia/Ukraine would lead to WW3 but…
Fedup2Mar 27, 23:37 Midweek 26th March 2025 I wonder whether Charles Windsor will be praying to the false god Allah as opposed to the True God -…
Fedup2Mar 27, 23:24 Midweek 26th March 2025 Did I really hear Farage describe TTK as a nice chap . Did someone drug Farage ? Was he bunged…
StewGreenMar 27, 22:43 Midweek 26th March 2025 IT’s crazy when Starmer talks about increasing UK MILITARY resources so not to reply on America yet Starmer then deprives…
StewGreenMar 27, 22:22 Midweek 26th March 2025 Bearing false witness is a sin .. yet Farage and the establishment are vearing false witness against TR Calling him…
StewGreenMar 27, 22:17 Midweek 26th March 2025 I mean I caught TV news at 3pm and they’d caught up.
MarkyMarkMar 27, 22:05 Midweek 26th March 2025 “The Reform UK leader said he’d never supported Robinson and Musk “tried to push me a bit”. “You know what,…
MarkyMarkMar 27, 22:04 Midweek 26th March 2025 We can build warships in China for one whole dorrah! “Chinese steel is cheaper because the Chinese government runs a…
tomoMar 27, 22:00 Midweek 26th March 2025 One might think Farage might use a very long handled spoon to sup with Starmer – seems not?…..
StewGreenMar 27, 21:59 Midweek 26th March 2025 Last night I caught a GBnews ticker about Scunthorpe steelworks And started looking things up. “JINGYE the Chinese owner of…
What an obsessive bunch of old farts this blog attracts, emphasis on the obsessive and old
Dont feed the trolls.
Nicked Emus even fails as a troll!
Guessing, as when critiquing what is written in the Daily Mail (presumably having read it) as only for Daily Mail readers, this logic-failure comment carries an inherent, unspoken ‘present company excepted’?
Fahy is Common Purpose and a evil greasy pole climber. He may talk like a decent down to earth old fashioned bobby, but he is the biggest advocate of discrimination against indigenous policemen, wanting to ‘fast track’ foreigners and ethnic minorities to increase the percentage of untrustworthy police at the top of the force. There are few enough promotion prospects for good policemen anyway!
It’s not as if there is plenty of room at the top.
Noticed on the BBC News that they said hundreds died at the Staff hospital needlessly.
I suppose you could call 2000 dead hundreds.
Controversial? Really? So witnessing the transportation of huge new populations of non-English speakers in such a short space of time that large areas of our towns are effectively foreign districts with limited assimilation is not something we should be even slightly alarmed at.
Controversially, he remarked that he had been “flabbergasted to go to Peterborough and see ghettos where virtually no English is spoken”. It was a comment condemned on Twitter by Labour MEP Richard Howitt, as “shameful”.
This is not a ‘controversial’ point where I (and probably most people) live, it’s the most mainstream of opinions. They simply don’t live in the same reality as the rest of us.
You don’t understand how deeply unpatriotic all your carping on about the Beeb is, you are playing into the hands of the Australian born USA based media tycoon who has had to grovel for the misdeeds of his underlings, and should grovel for his own. Or are you proud to support what he is and what he stands for ? In that case, get back to Australia or the USA, or China where he is cultivating the extension to his empire. Now there is a bastion of free speech…..
Please show evidence of someone here expressing support for everything Murdoch stands for. And thank you for proving the point I’ve made many times about the “national treasure” obstacle to reforming the BBC.
The BBC is full of people who fall into the category of “the idiot, who praises with enthusiastic tone / All centuries but this, and every country, but his own. “
Richard, poor soul, your mind has been turned into mush by watching too much BBC. Why do you think that any one on this site reads the Sun or the Labour supporting Times?
And since when is it unpatriotic to have a go at the Beeb. I thought that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Great just what we need another BBC loving Dick?
“Deeply unpatriotic? ”
From, I assume, a supporter of an organisation that has no concept any longer of what England was and could be once more.
An organisation that now seems dedicated to the destruction of the England that untold generations of my people helped to build and defend. You know nothing of the real England so hold your peace.
Quite a few Beeboids were openly patriotic during the Olympics, until they were told to take it down a notch because, screw the Charter, the BBC views itself as an international broadcaster and so must consider the sensitivities of others above yours. More of Mark Thompson’s legacy.
This evening’s ‘File on Four’ on Radio 4 managed an entire 40 minutes devoted to the Rochdale child abuse trial where 10 Pakistanis and an Afghani asylum seeker were convicted of grooming, drugging, raping, beating and selling of vulnerable underage white girls with only mentioning that the offenders were: ‘…men mainly involved in the take away and taxi businesses’.
Even Trevor Phillips conceded that there was a racial element to these crimes, and the similar trials that have taken place and are taking place up and down the country.
OOOOOOohhhh post mortem on David Millipede leaving the liebour party. How easy it seems to be for the slippery weasels to move from one well paid job to another.
Reminds me of the verse from Olivers Army:
If you’re out of luck or out of work
We could send you to Johannesburg
Or to New York in this case. No doubt there will be more obits from those who feel Liebour was cheated of its proper leader.
Is that the same song which contains the apparently unspeakable “N” word?
I don’t know about Oliver’s Army, but the ‘Little List’ song from ‘The Mikado’ by W.S. Gilbert (from where the lines in my last post come) did use to have that word in it until it was deemed too unPC in 1948. Thus we now have the ‘banjo serenader’ and not the ‘N- serenader’. The Mikado’s song ‘My object all sublime’ had to undergo a similar edit.
Qatar proposes $1bn fund for Palestinians in Jerusalem
Note the caption. A view of the separation barrier – and no explanation of course because a picture is worth a 1,000 words? Israeli policies have restricted the development of Palestinian communities.
A few changes for the worst from the BBC template:
Israel occupied East Jerusalem in 1967. An estimated 200,000 settlers now live there, alongside 280,000 Palestinians. Yet again BBC history begins in 1967. Israel recaptured that part of Jerusalem that the Jordanians had captured, annexed and occupied in 1948. All the Jewish residents at the time were expelled.
Following the 1967 war the Arab population was counted in a census conducted by the Israeli authorities as 66,000 Palestinian residents (44,000 residing in the area known before the 1967 war as East Jerusalem; and 22,000, in the West Bank area annexed to Jerusalem after the war). That’s a 325% increase in 46 years!
Israel’s occupation of East Jerusalem is considered illegal under international law What no but Israel disputes this? Isn’t that the required boilerplate to provide a veneer of neutrality?
Despite this, the Israeli authorities have pursued policies which have encouraged the construction and expansion of Jewish settlements. Settlements is a highly loaded word suggesting a couple of caravans on a bare hillside. All Israeli governments and the overwhelming majority of Jews consider Jerusalem to be Israel and building there is no more a settlement than the BBC moving to Salford.
“I propose that this summit, in a move that reflects it is serious about defending the Arab character of Jerusalem Since Medieval times Jerusalem has been divided into four quarters, Jewish, Muslim, Christian (not necessarily Arab) and Armenian. Isn’t talking about the Arab character racist? What would the BBC say if someone talked about the White character of London? In any case, although estimates vary, sometime between 1835 and 1922 the Jews were a majority of the population and kept that status until expelled by the Jordanians in 1948.
In what has become BBC S.O.P. the last three paragraphs concern possible Fatah/Hamas reconciliation and have no connection with the headline.
The Manchester Evening News (26/03/13). Under the headline ‘DJ Mary Anne is hitting all the right notes’, DJ Mary has received a positive e-mail from her boss Tim Davie.
There’s nothing like an email from the boss saying you’re doing a good job. And for Mary Anne Hobbs, among the beeb’s talent now at MediaCity, that message came straight from BBC chief Tim Davie last week. Apparently he and his family have been waking up to music served up by Hobbs on her new Weekend Breakfast show at BBC Radio 6, straight out of Salford.
Hobbs, whose show is an eclectic mix of music, arts and culture, told The Diary: “I think it was the most poignant email I’ve ever received. It said that he and his children sit round the breakfast table and debate music that’s being played on our show.
“To get an email like that was just an exquisite moment. And it helps that I have a peerless team.
This is my favourite part and 100% beeboid.
“I like to use this metaphor that the show is about everyone sitting round a big oak table and anyone can pull up a chair – whether that be Danny Boyle or Billy Bragg – anyone can join in whatever their creed, colour, race or taste.”
She’s hitting all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order. (Eric Morecambe)
Great catch. The perspective is clear as day. She thinks there’s a difference between the two. It’s as if the joke we like to make about dopey Beeboids thinking anyone not to the left of Gramsci is on the Right has been made flesh.
I heard the new comedy on R4 tonight too. Well, for just 5 minutes. Switched it off. Please tell me it can’t get any worse than this? Please! What troubled me most in that 5 minutes of my ears being mugged, was that I heard people laughing.
Not so much bias or even topical, but I’ve noticed on several occasions that BBC presenters who would normally speak with received pronunciation are recently straining to pronounce certain words in an apparent effort to show solidarity with their new northern neighbors ?
Today it was Vine when he said the word bath or rather Ba-th instead of barth which would have tripped off the tongue given the way he normally pronounces his words.
I could be wrong; ba-th may be the way he would normally pronounce it but the way he said it did seem rather strained and I’m sure I’ve heard other presenters pry out similar words such ka-stle where the southern pronunciation would better suit.
Is it just me or could it be the BBC have put out a memo encouraging it’s presenters to talk in a way that will endear themselves labour voters?
I have been noticing this for some time. Maybe a memo, maybe one of those deniable in-the-corridor little conversations so beloved of the BBC top brass.
Would that be ‘top brass’, as in ‘ass’, or ‘top brass’ as in ‘arse’ – either would be appropriate in the case of the BBC…
And the new fashion for dropping the last consonant particularly the T . As soon as I hear anyone do this I stop taking that person seriously.
I was interested in this report of a 17th C shipwreck found off the North Coast of Scotland
Unfortunately my interest waned when I discovered, yet again, the BBC is totally incapable of reporting ANYTHING without due deference to ‘the narrative’
“Some or all of the crew of the Drumbeg ship may [!] have survived their ordeal, archaeologists have suggested.
There is possible [!] evidence of foreign sailors setting up home in the north-west Highlands after their ships foundered off the Scottish coast. [Yes, probably a few Dutch men, Swedes, Norwegians}
The First Statistical Account of Scotland published between 1791 and 1799 records how the climate of the area was pleasant enough for “natives of the East and West Indies” to live there.”
1) Arse, the climate in Sutherland is horrible, and would have been particularly bad in the notoriously cold mid 17th c
2) Sutherland has always been ‘famous’ being a multi-cultural melting pot hasn’t it…
3) Is there ANY evidence connecting this shipwreck with the tendentious quote or was the quote just shoe horned in?
Apologies to Trolls there IS evidence linking the quote to the Parish – but not to the ‘report” and certainly not substantiating the ‘suggestion’ that there were long standing communities of East/West Indians living in Assynt.
I took the trouble to read the statistical account to check out the BBC report. Brilliant stuff by the way well worth a read. It is a real pity that the BBC didn’t see fit to check out the primary source material and leapt on the ‘hint’ of a multicultural parish in the distant North. It has a lovely climate by the way….
“The rain continues not only for ours, but often for days; nay weeks….”
“There are no religious divisions here; the inhabitants are of the Established Church; excepting a few not natives [i.e. not natives of the Parish of Assynt] particularly the gentlewomen mentioned in the proceeding part of this account, viz. one from the East the other from the West indies”
It took me 20 minutes to establish that there were two “Gentlewomen” there. Not a colony of shipwrecked sailors. In all probability wives of planters who had returned to Scotland. Also the Wreck was reported to be between 1650 and 1750 – the statistical report was published 1791 – 99. Potentially 149 years before the women moved there with their husbands
Shock on Breakfast this morning as a piece is broadcast from a school and the class is not full of ethnic minorities. Major slip-up by the BBC there I thought but hang on… the class is full of teenaged girls. Sir Jim would have been proud.
It really is hard to parody the BBC.
Guess what anniversary Nicky Campbell’s 5 Live wants us to celebrate today?
Mr Beaching and his post-war railway branch line cuts.
Stephanie Flanders sends in one of her old dad’s gramphone records bemoaning the station closures.
That Northern bloke Ian McMillan, the Bard of Barnsley, tells us that this was a great cultural loss.
But he’s really here not to give us a poem but to give us a mini lecture on Marxism.
He then gets a free platform (you’ll forgive the puns) to tell us Nationalised industries are the best. Industry ought not to be run for profit – like the BBC he insists.
Well, I suppose strictly speaking, the BBC is not run for profit – apart from for the profit of those who work in it.
BBC : Wave the red flag for the trains.
Roll on the ‘new Jerusalem’
what was young,gullible,Richard was saying about obsessive old farts?
Wilson’s Government of 1964 set up Regional Planning Councils (local worthies, the great and the good?) and Regional Planning Boards of the senior civil servants for each region. From then on every proposed Beeching branch line closure was referred to them – to see if there were special circumstances to keep certain lines open. Precious few survived.
I recall a lot of sentimental nonsense about the Haltwhistle to Alston line in the north Pennines. Yes, a beautiful 20-mile line with a majestic viaduct, a link to the highest market town in England. But Alston had long since stopped being a leadmining town, and the 2-carriage diesel train seldom carried more than 5 or 6 passengers. People wanted to go by bus to Carlisle or to Newcastle – not to the small town of Haltwhistle. The line was wholly uneconomic and the Regional Planning Council and Board did not
……..The line was wholly uneconomic and the Regional Planning Council and Board did not argue for its retention – whatever the sentimental stuff in all the local press.
The BBC is most definitely run for profit. The legacy of Mark Thompson has seen to that. Officially, of course, on paper, it’s not, but BBC Worldwide exists specifically to make profits to feed back to the mother ship, which it does very well (£155m lat year, an increase of nearly 8%). The relentless international expansion, especially into the US, is all about filthy profit as well. How much does the Corporation itself make? Thompson didn’t get the NY Times gig for his journalistic integrity; he was brought in to help find new sources of revenue in the digital age.
The BBC is all about profit in the end. The cadre doing the real work may not realize it, but that’s how it is now. It’s not a pure non-profit by any stretch of the imagination, and it’s dishonest to portray it as such.
BBC breakfast this morning and on 5live, has a concerted effort help deal with violent and aggressive children, the wizard idea is to desist from saying NO!, if violence ensues,
but to encourage compensatory factors, to encourage good behaviour. … hmm looks like Sharia IS running the show, must have consulted the muslim council of britain.
pandering to hair trigger sensitivities has been an unmitigated success … hasn t it ?.
the bbc eh! .. like the wind they are 😀
On “Today” we are told that energy bills may rise by £300 per annum because of green taxes, but that it was all right, really, because once everyone had invested in the Government Green Deal, and spent a fortune on new boilers, and additional insulation (which most people who can, have installed already), their bills would be proportionately cheaper.
I couldn’t work that one out on paper, let alone in my head.
The green policy is killing people, and destroying econmies.
Couple of good links:
The cost estimate for adding insulation to the outside of my home is £20K.
Because the government is involved there is the inevitable incompetence and profiteering. You can have a cheap loan repaid through the electricity bill, but if you’d gone out and sourced the work yourself you could have it for half the price !
Only ‘green deal approved providers’ are allowed to carry out the work, hence their ability to double the prices!
I read that report last night, and while the bBC informed the reader about how much money he would save , it mentioned absolutely nothing about how much it would cost. So according to the bBC, the reader is onto a winner if he replaces everything because he will see all his/her bills go down.
Can we have a new board please
There’s a small ad on the back of “The Times” mind games section, for NAPAC (
A recognisable medallion, containing the words “Silence Fixed It For Jim”
’nuff said.
Not only NUJ-BBC, but BECTU also:-
“BBC staff walkout 12 noon, 28 March”
Deep joy
Oh No!
QT to go out on Five live
‘BBC One’s Question Time is also to be broadcast on BBC Radio 5 live, as the network puts an “increased emphasis on its news and political output”.
The weekly discussion programme, chaired by David Dimbleby, will be preceded by extra discussion of the issues making news, starting at 22:00.
Executive producer Steve Anderson said the decision was a “testament to Question Time’s importance”.
Even more political output on Five Live? There must be an election on the way.
I wonder which way the output will lean!!!
… this is a bog-standard bit of leftie feather-bedding.
‘Radio 5 Rusting-Iron-Lung is irrelevant so let’s try and make it less irrelevant.’
The last government did this with the Post Office where they left it with services (can’t remember – doling out pensions?) that could be much better, cheaper, and more efiiciently done online or by the banking network so that individual post-offices could be ‘justified’.
Just shut R5L down, along with the rest of the BBC,
obviously think the brainwashing capability will
be expedentially higher … on radio and tv mind you.
Dimborey and co will fit right in 😀
i had the misfortune on lates, once to tune in
………….. its shite!”
Read the third paragraph from the bottom:
Now tell me they’re not biased towards the left.
BBC presenter attacks ‘outrageous’ Salford cost move
Though, possibly, a statement of the bleedin’ obvious she could have made earlier?
Oh dear the BBC guilty of not taking complaints seriously?
I drop a leave a response when I appreciate a article on a site
or if I have something to valuable to contribute to the conversation.
It is a result of the passion displayed in the article I browsed.
And on this article MONDAY OPEN THREAD… Biased BBC.
I was moved enough to drop a comment 🙂 I do have some questions for you if it’s allright. Is it simply me or do a few of these responses come across like they are left by brain dead visitors? 😛 And, if you are posting at additional social sites, I’d like to
keep up with anything new you have to post. Could you make a list the complete urls of your communal sites like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter