I think it’s pretty clear that the BBC see Boris as a threat to the political consensus and Labour’s chances in 2015 if he were to somehow become leader of the Conservative Party.
This is the film by Michael Cockerell investigating Boris’ worthiness to be PM:
Boris Johnson: The Irresistable rise
I haven’t had time to watch it but you can always go to the end to get the final wrap and discover what the programme really hopes to put across to the viewer…in this case it is that Boris would be a dangerous choice for PM:
‘If he were to become Prime Minister the British people would spend their time on the very edge of their seats.’
I think that’s as close as the BBC can allow itself to get to saying ‘avoid voting for Boris.’
So ‘Operation Get Boris’ is underway. Twice elected Mayor in what is prime Labour territory, however unlikely, he may well pull off a similar political houdini act for the Tories…and win an outright majority escaping the dead grasp of the Libdems.
The BBC clearly are hoping that some mud will finally stick to what they call the ‘Teflon Mayor’ with Chris Mason concocting yet another BBC effort which seems solely aimed at having sly digs at Boris Johnson….who is as Cockerell calls him: ‘the country’s most popular politician’:
The ‘Teflon’ mayor: Boris Johnson and the future PM question
‘It is an era where institutions and figures of authority are held in a lower regard than ever before.
Critics claim Westminster is awash with identikit clones who look the same and sound the same.
So perhaps it is little wonder that one politician more than any other, who appears to ooze authenticity, garners so much attention.
And we, at the BBC, are going to show you he oozes alright…but it’s not authenticity.
His name is Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.
You know…de Pfeffel…the Old Etonian…just like that other out of touch millionaire Cameron.
Does he want to be prime minister?
Ah..there’s the rub! Can’t allow that.
“If the ball came loose from the back of the scrum, which it won’t of course, it would be a great, great thing to have a crack at.”
A great thing to have a crack at. The sort of phrase most of us might use to describe being persuaded to play for the local cricket team. Not run the country.
Ah…Boris is a joker, not someone serious or responsible.
As things stand Boris Johnson does not even have a seat at Westminster. So being an MP, let alone party leader, let alone prime minister is some way off, and to some at least, laughable.
Boris is a joke…laughable.
No disputes, Boris Johnson has got away with a lot.
Boris is a bit dodgy.
His force of personality, up to now at least, has given him a political coat made of Teflon. Nothing seems to stick, nothing seems to finish him off.
But we at the BBC are going to have a damned good go at it!
Quoting Conrad Black: “he is a sly fox disguised as a teddy bear”.
A final dig.
The BBC were probably taken aback by the response to Mair’s hatchet job interview and rushed this into circulation…it’s all OK…Boris loved it all….
Boris Johnson: BBC interview was splendid
But Boris would say nothing else..he’s not going to complain…so the BBC’s little ‘cover up’ of extremely partisan journalism is as dishonest as it is expected from the open and accountable BBC.
Can it be true that there really is no such thing as bad publicity?
Has the inbbc inadvertently projected Bonkers Boris into the limelight?
Has the hatchet job backfired spectacularly on the traitors at the inbbc?
Yes, I think the net effect of the fuss this week will be to increase support and liking for Boris. Mair’s interview had obviously and deliberately taken just a few critical bits from Michael Cockerill’s essay – and omitted all the bits that showed Boris in a human light.
Cockerill is a real pro, his piece was informative and showed the rainbow mix of colours of the Boris Johnson paradox.
Mair is just a nasty piece of work. a biased and snide hack.
First let me say that I have first hand experience working with Michael Cockerell. I was a film editor during his early years in BBC Current Affairs and edited some of his films. I liked him very much.
He is a serious reporter, somewhat sly like all journalists but with a sense of fun that brings his films to life. His problem is that his doom laden voice gives people the impression he is always about to announce the end of the world or the uncovering of some horrid conspiracy.
Is he is raging lefty? Nope. he is genuinely neutral. I think he has a liberal mindset but his background (first wife: Anne Faber, granddaughter of Harold Macmillan, second wife Bridget Heathcoat-Amory, sister of Tory MP David Heathcoat-Amory) proves he has a foothold within the Conservative party. he has contacts! I’ve watched many of his films over the years and found him to be an equal opportunity destroyer.
I agree with John that his documentary which I have just watched on YOUTUBE has a completely different slant to the dreadful Eddie Mair interview. Indeed, anyone watching both would be appalled by the cherry picking that Mair indulged in. Cockerell’s film was pretty well balanced. I left it liking Boris yet holding serious judgment of his character in reserve.
He came over as a winning character, complex, with great strengths (“he is our only feel good politician”) and weaknesses (“I told him to put his willy away”). Perhaps the most honest criticism was from Red Ken who said that wanting to be liked is a dangerous trait in a politician.
The BBC may be trying, as some claim, to destroy Boris – but he is a canny operator. While the Mair interview was bad for him, the documentary was fair and probably a good thing.
I would also like to withdraw my allegation that somehow the Cameron machine was out to get Boris through the media. Having watch the documentary, I think the Mair interview was clearly self-serving and motivated by a leftist agenda.
Finally, would I like to see Boris as leader of the Tories or PM? Nope. I prefer my politicians boring.
Thanks for the insight, Louis. It makes a difference in understanding what Mair and his crew did.
Nothing beats on-record, horse’s-mouth testimony, especially offered without pretence of being anything other than a personal experience and view. Thank you.
Puts 99% of BBC ‘sources say’ ‘analysis’ in context.
ps: I don’t mind my pols being interesting or exciting, so long as they are good and sincere. What I don’t need is to like them, so long as I respect them. The current cross-party crop manage neither.
I’m afraid I wouldn’t take Red Ken’s word for the time of day, let alone his opinion as to what marks out a successful politician, coming from someone who wasn’t.
Boris “needing to be liked” is just another artful smear from the Left, affected as pop-psychology. The lefty Lebedev London ES gave lefty Andrew Neather a whole page last night claiming “Boris was “eviscerated” by Red Eddie “, and that he is not the man to lead the country. A whole full page of smear, that’s how much they fear the Boris effect. Coming after the “UKIP is disgusting” smear, we have “You are a nasty piece of work aren’t you” smear.
More to come from the reds in Aunties bed?
I think that Ken Livingstone spends so much time around Leftists that when he encounters somebody with good manners he finds it repulsive.
Looks like the BBC will again weather the odd circumstances behind a professional reporter with an earwig feed to the production suite, deciding to launch into a high profile assault on character based on personal opinion beyond professional investigation. Plus ca change.
‘‘If he were to become Prime Minister the British people would spend their time on the very edge of their seats.’
An interesting parting thought in complement. Would.. ‘We’? I don’t recall being asked, again. Frankly my reaction would be resignation that we have another media village arts idiot running us over a cliff guided by ratings and policy prodding from those who are good at whispering in Londom metrosexual lug-holes.
Speaking of cliffs, when the BBC gets Ed in to do their bidding, it might be interesting how many find themselves teetering at ledges at the prospect.
Or scouring TripAdvisor for ‘best places not to get shafted if you are an income creator or saver’.
Guessing that’s not too likely to get through the BBC filter, though.
In the competition for the least bad, that our compelled national tribal PR agency will fix it so we still get the worst is a bit vexing.
I’ll lay my cards on the table from the beginning, I don’t want to see Boris Johnson as leader of the Conservatives let alone prime Minister. If anything he’s even more left of centre than lefty Dave. Remember the phrase ‘ethnic cleansing’ he used to describe the housing benefit cuts which prevent (usually foreign born) claimants living in Mayfair & Knightsbridge.
I remember a group of Tories looking to make Michael Portillo party leader, he later resigned from politics after a few gaffes, and a failed leadership bid. He would not have been suitable for the position.
There’s no doubt that the BBC is biased in the way it has attacked Boris Johnson what ever its reasons were, but no broadcaster can mount an attack like this unless there is a past history which is not spotless. The poor performance of Johnson might well have been a surprise to Mair who pressed home his advantage. This was not a performance worthy of a potential prime minister.
I agree. I made the comment yesterday that I thought Eddie Mair had possibly expected Boris to fight his corner better. I actually like Mair on the PM show, albeit his brusque manner sometimes sets my teeth on edge. He has a knack for the unexpected question which throws the interviewee off their stride.
No politician has a spotless record and, when it was Labour in power, the serial adultery, sneaking about in parks and other dubious acts were considered none of our business by the BBC. Oh how they lamented the intrusion into their mates’ private lives.
No, this is an attack on Boris because he is a Tory that they cannot beat in an election.
Oh come on, it’s hardly fair to declare a programme biased without having seen it. I did watch this profile and thought it a perfectly fair treatment of Boris which if anything increased my admiration for him. Most unusually, he was given an opportunity to respond to all the major criticisms offered of him – the most trenchant of which came from his own sister. He came across as likeable and funny, and he dealt with aplomb with the points put to him, which were phrased in a markedly less aggressive fashion than Eddie Mair had managed a day earlier.
Er hang on you and you gaggle of BBC gals always slap the Daily mail so that would mean you must read every bit as it would be unfair to criticise if you only use second hand info of Mussel Howard s show !
‘it’s hardly fair to declare a programme biased without having seen it.’
Seeing the word ‘fair’ deployed on a blog about media competence and integrity is sweet.
I wonder what term would be used for a BBC Editor, on holiday, phoning in an ‘analysis’ of a commons exchange about a series of policy announcements without having read them? One that, having been torn apart by even his loyal blog groupies, was followed up by a ‘now I have read it’ hole digger as an ‘update’?
The BBC of course decided that he was merely showing his commitment by chipping in while on hols, and as a true expert professional anything he did write was only ‘about right’ anyway. Especially when it was how Ed Balls was an economics genius and master debater (when not falling back on his foot in mouth disabilities).
Bargain at a compelled £145.50pa.
I’m not convinced that Boris would make a very good Prime Minister. He’s more of a charismatic showman, a celebrity.
A bit like King Hussein of Chicongo, except he’s capable of stringing a sentence together without a tele-prompter.
“Never trust someone who’s recent ancestors changed their name.”
Like, for instance, Denis McShane? As a matter of interest, after how many generations are you suggesting the sins of the fathers need no longer be visited?
So what’s your DNA, then? Why should we trust you? No name, no links to anything, just propaganda. If the apple never falls far from the tree, you’d better have a clean family tree. Declare your interests or nobody will trust you.
AJP = A Jewish Person, here to divide and conquer?
Have encountered similar rhetoric on other sites. .The posters usually,in time, betray themselves as islamist agent provocateurs.the give away is the hysterical and fantastical claims.
“Its all the jews fault everything” (including in this case the Armenian genocide)Or “they were all secret jews from Napoleon to Hitler”.It sounds preposterous to our ears but were have you heard such incredible statements (as given truths) before?
What is more interesting is where are the usual foot soldiers of the liberal inquisition?The keepers of the rainbow flame do they not feel obliged to challenge these ‘hateful’ statements?
I was wondering about that myself, stewart. I’m starting to wonder also if Dez and Albaman and colditz and Funkywhatsit or even Scott agree with much of what he says, and so quietly let him get on with it.
No but I suspect they have made the same assessment of ajp as me.
And have decided,as is their practise in such cases, to look the other way.
‘look the other way’
The rhetoric is so extreme, it may be a false flag.
But I was of the impression that some felt it was mandatory to go on record if not sharing a view, and silence was thus default support?
Maybe a few heads are currently straining from the internal pressure of deciding between rock and hard place in what to do, or not?
Purely by coincidence, I was reading about this chap:
As you do.
In 1950 he was again temporarily banned by the BBC
Happens to the best of folk.
Agree 100%.
This ajp talks his crap.
His mates report this site to Leveson or suchlike for hosting this crap.
End of site-and ajp and mates continue their march through the institutions to ensure compliance and acquiescence to their Common Purpose.
Hope someone who knows about such things will ensure that these nasties will be parked in a Beebophile site, and kept away from the rest of us!
Islam and liberal fascism are two cheeks of the same arse…and the likes of Galloway straddle them both with ease…very creepy times eh?
Perhaps Scott and Dez and colditz and Albaman simply see this ajp’s offerings as proof that the BBC is impartial and balanced after all, seeing as how they get complaints from both sides. The links provided and screeds about Cameron’s and Blair’s heritage are the perfectly reasonable balance to, for example, my post about the BBC spinning for Syria.
Or they’re just sympathetic to his cause. Either way, the silence is telling.
I’m not so sure any of the usual suspects are working together.
This latest may well turn out to be a false flag but I don’t think he’s out to shut down the site. He’s just your run of the mill Jew hater pushing the same old lies. In that context it doesn’t really matter if he’s Pakistani or NF/Combat 88. He’s still a douche.
The anti-Muslim and anti-gay stuff posted on here day in day out would be ‘enough evidence’ to shut down the site if anyone really cared enough to try.
I agree pah.
To be fair to anybody named above….the usual suspects…I`d not think that they have anything to do with it at all.
The bloke is a caricature from some cartoon from South Yemen….and if he cut out the 95% of shit, there`d be something worth discussing maybe?…to find myself thinking of having to defend James Purnell was a new experience anyway!
Last time I ran into this rhetoric in person was at Zuccotti Park.
To be honest, it`s best not to fall for the media agenda with talk of whether Boris or Dave is to be the gargoyle to scare off people from voting for Honest Ed and his Sparklers come 2015.
I think of Vic and Bob…and when I heard Harrabin in his coop all worrisome about the scandal of compulsory pigeon racing at 7.45am(Today/27-3-13) I thought it was April 1st !
Still I have an image for Harrabin and other white lab coats who pad the BBC in search of a chance to meet Chrissie Hynde/Carla Lane.
I think of Les on Vic and Bob…he hated spirit levels, but loved chives!
Now if that is not the allegory for the BBC I don`t know what is…affected, continental, green and exotique…as opposed to straight , useful, uncorrupted and absolute!
Les is the BBC…it`s not just Radio 4 that`s the “home of comedy” Beeboids…it`s the whole shebang.
Just laugh at them-cartoons and mockery…bound to be funnier than anything the BBC will ever do again…unless it`s unintentionally a la Entwistle!
Clown suits for all BBC stiffies…NOW!
Just for the record and the sake of historical accuracy, here is a list of politicians of all flavour convicted of sex crimes. Makes interesting reading.
I was just looking for badgers officer !
Perhaps Mair might like to interview Harriet Harman over her bid to decriminalise sexual images of children, to lower the age of consent to 14 and to legalise incest !
It’s just the latest episode of the BBCs ‘get the Tories’ agenda which underpins their operation. There is no difference in what Mair said to Johnson from calling Jeremy Cunt a Hunt, I mean Jeremy Hunt a CUNT!, live on air and then laughing about it and making an extended joke of it. Especially of course when you have serious form in the left wing bias department ‘when we win the election’ – Naughtie meaning his New Labour friends.
David Cameron. By the way, have I mentioned him? He went to Eton you know? Yes, David Cameron went to Eton. He went to Eton don’t you know?, David Cameron. I thought I’d just mention it so that you wouldn’t be in any doubt about where David Cameron went to School. It was Eton. Like Boris Johnson. And so that makes him fair game for the BBC. And he’s a Tory, and he’s rich. And he went to Eton. Sorry, I’ve done that bit.
There is any number of New Labour (or is it Old Labour now?) they could have stuck the boot into. ‘You’re a nasty piece of work aren’t you , , ?………Prescott…Campbell….Blears…Blair himself….
Any number of New Labour and Lib Dems but they just keep choosing Tories….all in the name of balanced and impartial reporting. Of course! What a bunch of Jeremy Hunts.
Darius Guppy in the Spectator with a good article about the Mair/Johnson encounter.
Who points the finger? Darius Guppy offers a defence of Boris Johnson
I fear I must demur.
He has focussed on everything bar the one point the BBC and Mr. Mair would fear most, the personally abusive statement by a supposedly impartial interviewer, and concentrated on what seems more a droite de seigneur diatribe.
For which he, and the publication are rightly getting roundly panned for in the comments.
It is only the relative competence of any alternatives that afford Mr. Johnson any hope, as such defenders are as a big a shambles as the BBC are bent in their tribal abuse of power.
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I’m not that much of a internet reader to be honest but your sites
really nice, keep it up! I’ll go ahead and bookmark your website to come back later. Many thanks
I love your blog.. very nice colors & theme. Did you make this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? Plz reply as I’m looking to create
my own blog and would like to find out where u
got this from. kudos
Wow! This blog looks exactly like my old one! It’s on a completely different subject but it has pretty much the same page layout and design. Wonderful choice of colors!
Hello just wanted to give you a quick heads up and let you know a few of the pictures aren’t loading properly.
I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two
different internet browsers and both show the same outcome.
Hi there are using WordPress for your site platform? I’m new to the blog world but I’m trying to get started and set up my own.
Do you need any coding expertise to make your own blog? Any
help would be really appreciated!
Hi this is kinda of off topic but I was wanting to know if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if
you have to manually code with HTML. I’m starting a blog soon but have no coding skills so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hey! I just wanted to ask if you ever have any trouble with hackers? My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing many months of hard work due to no data backup. Do you have any solutions to prevent hackers?
Hello there! Do you use Twitter? I’d like to follow you if that would be okay.
I’m definitely enjoying your blog and look forward to new posts.
Hi! Do you know if they make any plugins to protect against hackers? I’m kinda paranoid about losing everything I’ve worked hard on. Any suggestions?
Howdy! Do you know if they make any plugins to help with SEO? I’m trying to get my blog to rank for some targeted keywords
but I’m not seeing very good results. If you know of any please share. Kudos!
I know this if off topic but I’m looking into starting my own
blog and was wondering what all is required to get setup?
I’m assuming having a blog like yours would cost a pretty penny? I’m not very internet savvy so
I’m not 100% positive. Any recommendations or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Hmm is anyone else experiencing problems with the pictures on this blog loading? I’m trying to find out if its a problem
on my end or if it’s the blog. Any responses would be greatly appreciated.
I’m not sure exactly why but this site is loading extremely
slow for me. Is anyone else having this problem or
is it a issue on my end? I’ll check back later and see if the problem still exists.
Hey there! I’m at work browsing your blog from my
new iphone! Just wanted to say I love reading through
your blog and look forward to all your posts!
Carry on the great work!
Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an very long
comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn’t appear. Grrrr… well I’m not writing all that over again.
Anyhow, just wanted to say superb blog!