‘Umkhonto we Sizwe (abbreviated as MK), translated “Spear of the Nation,” was the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC), co-founded by Nelson Mandela, which fought against the South African government … The MK carried out some bombings of civilian, industrial and infrastructural sites. The tactics were initially geared solely towards sabotage, but eventually expanded to include urban guerrilla warfare.’
If Nelson Mandela passes away in the near future, I hope that the BBC will provide some balance in the coverage of his life and legacy, rather than portraying him as a pacifist crusader who was locked up purely because he dared to speak the truth…
One thing they won’t say is: “Having spent a good portion of his life in a relatively comfortable library-cum-prison reading The Economist and accummulating hundreds of thousands of pounds from backers in the UK, Mandela was spared many of the hardships of ordinary people. Accordingly, his body was not worn out prematurely and as a result he has enjoyed a long life”. A little bit of hyperbole there, but also something to think about.
I wonder if they still have the tapes of the relevant episode of Brain Walden’s ‘Heroes’ ready for the inevitable tribute. I have the transcript if they’ve ‘lost’ them.
I don’t know if you’ve heard but there has been a massive news story in the UK just recently. A man left his job in politics to go to another job which isn’t in politics, working for an organisation that very few people had ever heard of before this man went to work for them. If you haven’t heard the news the Communications and PR representatives of the New Labour Party have been covering the story in some depth. It’s so important it warrants more than 10 er ‘news stories’ on their website!
Has he made himself intentionally unemployed, and therefore ineligible for Universal benefits…including tax perks?
We`re all worried about his prospects of finding work, unless Hillary Clinton seeks a shoe horn…flat, sensible brogues of course.
The BBC really should keep us updated on the fascinating career of this Great Statesman and Parliamentarian…we talk of nothing more here in the homeless shelters.
Compare and contrast the treatment of a muslim preaching the hate that is Islam and that of a white guy who ‘deliberately made himself unavailable for work’ and had his benefit stopped. His crime? He paid for himself to attend a course on warehouse skills to improve his job chances.
Is Mandela British ? I’m wondering because I’m getting updates on his health every 10 minutes. President Zuma wants the entire world to pray for Nelson.
Meanwhile the UK gives South Africa £19 Million and Zuma spends £17 Million on his palace. I really don’t see a problem in that !
This article just shows how difficult it is for two very different cultures to accept each others norms and behaviours. We find the president spending all the money on himself repugnant but in a tribal society this is quite the done thing and no one would find it reprehensible.
Once again this is another example of the fallacy of the liberal left view, championed by the BBC, that all the world can become a western style democracy of equals, all working in harmony and ‘willingly’ paying taxes for the common good.
To so strongly believe this that you are willing to make an experiment of it by inviting millions of disparate groups to your own small country is the work of crazed zealots.
To then decide that actually the guests don’t need to conform to the democratic model and culture of the host country but can retain their own cultures and customs and not to integrate into the host population is staggeringly stupid.
But that is what the liberal left have done in Britain and the BBC has been their cheerleader and consistently told us lies , covered up evidence of the failure of the policy and tried to force this lunacy down our throats.
If any objective history is written about the UK in a hundred years they will surely come to the conclusion that the British were completely insane to accept such a policy with so little protest. But they perhaps will not realise how powerful the state broadcaster was in suppressing truth , telling lies, putting us to sleep in case we noticed.
You may find this article interesting written by a Nigerian, explaining the Nigerian caste system.
” In Nigeria, you’re either a somebody or a nobody.”
”Nigerians are brought up to believe that our society consists of higher and lesser beings Some are born to own and enjoy, while others are born to toil and endure.
The average Nigerian’s best hope for dignified treatment is to acquire the right props. Flashy cars. Armed escort. These ensure that you will get efficient service at banks and hospitals.
Some years ago, I made a decision to start treating domestic workers as “somebodys.” I said “please” and “thank you” and “if you don’t mind.” I smiled for no reason. But I was only confusing them; they knew how society worked. They knew that somebodys gave orders and kicked them around. Anyone who related to them as an equal was no longer deserving of respect.
Nigeria is one of Africa’s largest economies; it produces around two million barrels of crude oil per day. And yet, in 2010, 61 percent of Nigerians were living in “absolute poverty”
Exactly and the liberal left think that people from similar cultures will happily fit into our democracy. They really are potty but it is going to be one of the biggest ,if not the biggest , error in British history which the country will bear the burden of for many generations.
Did you not hear Desert island discs today with an Indian woman campaigning against the culture of her community over arranged marriages.
So now we are ‘enriched’ by ‘honour’ killings, forced marriages, marital violence, etc etc, and we have to pay for a ‘forced marriage unit’ because the unspoken reality is that their culture is completely incompatible with ours
In the MiddleEast I used to daily go through a checkpoint and everyday the soldiers manning it, would cock their Ak47 and point it at me while I showed them my ID. Getting sick of this one day I bought a load of sweets and handed them out and did so for a while. Then one day the soldier manning the CP demanded that next time I bring him cigarettes, I exploded at him , shouting at him did I know who I am and who the hell was he to demand anything of me, I demanded to see his superior and shouted him down too. Never at a gun point at my face again. These fuckers only understand onethng and that is power. Being nice hjust makes you look weak and we shouldn’t forget that.
The following expressions come to mind: white liberal self-hatred and self-delusion, mass disinformation through the state broadcaster, madness and genocidal treason.
Please do not call them ‘liberals’!
They are as intolerant, arrogant , hate filled bunch as you could ever meet towards anyone who doesnt share their politcal stance – the self chosen description ‘liberal’ is far too euphemistic, and an utter distortion of the original meaning of the word.
The only satisfactory moniker for these people is ‘Globalist’. They want a
new world order with global governance, where a tiny elite impose their vision of how we should live on everybody else, and woe betide anyone who threatens it.
The terminology is problematical. If I put Liberal, it might suggest the separate party that existed before the LibDems were founded, or, more likely, the LibDems now. If I put liberal with no speech marks, you could take it at face value. Better would be “liberal” or “soi-disant liberal”. You are quite right that, under the guise of liberalism, “they” might open the borders to all and try to prevent protests … but oppose the “neo-liberal” or free-market consequences
A friend of mine has more than once corrected me for using the expression “liberal/Left intelligentsia” arguing, rightly, that people like Harriet Harman and Anthony Blair are in fact very ILLIBERAL. Even the LibDems are sometimes illiberal when being too PC. Of course, the Conservatives long ago ceased to be conservative and Labour is not interested in the (white) labouring people, so I don’t want to be too harsh on the LibDems.
‘It is an unexplained mystery that many hard-hitting interviews by Eddie Mair with left of centre politicians have disappeared from the unbiased BBC’s archives.’
Odd… no reference to “Climate Change”. This article on the BBC website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-21967190) reports how the Met Office has apologised for issuing advice that was “Not helpful”. Essentially, the Met Office reported last Spring that a drought was expected but it turned out to be the wettest April since 1910. The BBC has obtained this information through a Freedom of Information request (it will not respond to them itself, but hey what’s a little hypocrisy between friends). The article gently explains using Orwelian Doublespeak and pseudo-science how weather forecasting is such a difficult subject, analogous to betting on horses. Totally different from, say, Climate Change then, where everything is 100% in the BBC view. The magic phrase “Climate Change” isn’t even used once in the article. After all, some of the plebs might start asking awkward questions like: If they don’t know what is happening next month, how can they tell us what is happening in 50 years?
Roger Harrabin and Julia Slingo were struggling a bit on “Today” this morning. Harrabin admitting that the Met Office might have been a bit wrong, but at the same time, not wrong at all about the debacle last April.
Slingo very guarded, and when trapped into giving forecasts for this April and beyond, gave a very vanilla non-committal forecast, which even I could have done. It might get warmer, it might be about normal for the time of year. Great. How much does THAT cost each of us each year?
The notion of paid (very well) forecasters now basically operating on the basis that what they forecast is pants and they should be exempted from being held to account merely extends the BBC exclusion zones even further.
They can’t forecast what’s happening next month (arctic spring?).They can’t forecast what’s happening over the next 6 months (barbecue summer, mild wet winter etc).They can’t forecast what’s happening over the next 10 years (failed climate models). Ditto the rest of the century.
In other words, they can’t forecast f*** all. So what’s their purpose?
A Met Office spokesperson responding to this on BBC R 4 news gushed that their long-term forcasts were 65% corrrect so all is well. If I did my job 65% correctly I would not expect to keep it for long.
But Winston – sorry, I mean Jeff! – you only THINK you saw an elephant in the room. If the Party says there is no elephant, then there is no elephant. Yours, O’Brien.
No Jeff!
It got nearly a minute on the 8am news bulletin with the Today show…and that is MORE than enough time to ruminate on the potential unpleasantness.
I for one am happy with that-as indeed should all of us.
What would Frank Field know anyway?
Quite, and the way he said it, as though immigration was so bloody wonderful, how could we really bring ourselves to do without it for such MINOR gain as saving jobs for the despicable, obese, and lazy “British people”!
These Beeboids seem to forget that these “British people” do now include MILLIONS of wonderful skilled hard working vibrants! Seems theyre not even concerned about their jobs!
Even the Poles are more worried about further immigration than your average Beeboid!
It’s the enrichment we get from the incoming people. The ones who dont go live inside the gated communities in which live all those champagne socialists live. You must be blind if you cant see the enrichment, and whats more, if you don’t like it….emigrate!
The BBC are strong advocates for euthenasia. Happily as yet our state broadcaster has brought their favoured form of population control to bear only within their own ranks. We have witnessed BBC culling of the post-nublile female members of the Strickly Come Dancing judges and of Country File presenters. It has been a dangerous thing to be a middle aged female BBCer.
Only with the humane putting to sleep of Last of the Summer Wine did the BBC axe fall dispropotionately on the old geezers.
But I have a tale to tell the BBCers who are mainly atheistic – at least where Western religions are concerned – there seems to be an After Life. Check out Freeview; there’s no end to the adventures of Foggy, Compo and Clegg!
But I digress.
For those who forever hold a candle for our Nora I bring glad tidings…. check out the BBC approved Northern Lass in…
Ancient Egypt: Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings
Egyptologist Joann Fletcher looks at the lives of ordinary Egyptian citizens 3,500 years ago. In the first of two programmes, she explores the conditions of their tightly packed houses, how they dressed and what they ate. Joann also examines their love poetry, their enthusiasm for interior design and what it was like to work in the Valley of the Kings, where the pharaohs were entombed
Now please don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to wade in on the so-called ‘North-South divide’ – as much as the BBC tries to force that issue down our throats. (Southern public school educated BBC presenters trained to say ‘New-cassel’).
And there is always room for a less acedemic kind of documentary that may intice in younger viewers and more mass audience. We want to see Egypt on our screens. (Well ancient Egypt I like to see that – frankly the less I see of modern Egypt the better I feel).
We enjoy a more down to earth point of view. We like a presenter who brings us insights into daily lives and can bring out real people from behind the shadow the ancient monuments.
I recall some years ago John Romer doing a pretty good job on this front.
I don’t want to say too much about our newest presenter’s looks. Suffice to say Lara Croft she ain’t. She’s hardly Tomb Raider. She’s much closer to being Tomb Fodder.
But I suppose the BBC are stuck in a cleft stick here. If they go for camera friendly totty they may tick the female box (and please the chaps) but they will upset the feministas.
So let me tell you what really dismayed me about Joann Fletcher’s view of Egyptian life.
It was the overtone of her criticising our own society that bugged me.
Coincidentally (these things do keep happening) just the other day I brought out a quote from a Radio 4 Melvyn Bragg In Our Time to show how the BBC had an agenda (shared with much of UK acedemia) to eulogise ancient, Eastern and primitive cultures so as to provide a foil with which to attack Western society. I mean those elements of Western society that the BBC and the University chair-sitters find too Capitalistic for their taste. There, I’ve said it – the BBC and Statefunded acedemics tend to be a little further Left than the rest of us. And, boy, do they want to tell us about it.
So from our new Nora of the Nile we are told how ‘the State provided for their every need’. (I think she meant Pharaoh).
We hear that ‘women had rights!’
We explore a house ‘where children would have been running in and out’
Now you may be reading this before the watershed – so I will have to whisper – we were shown some pretty hot papyri! Egyptian porn depicted strong active women (not just sex objects), whereas men were rough and ready unshaven and pot bellied.
We also discover that women had some rather crass tattoos. A dangerous dog and Giro cheque may have completed the picture.
Our Joann expressed quite a lot of ‘I would like to think….’ about her Egypt.
I used to be under the impression that civilisation was a bit of a continuum – one culture building on certain elements of its predecessors. You know Egypt to Greece, Greece to Rome, the Ancient World to the Renaissance……
But no. Wally Batty’s better half draws a sharp distinction between the Egyptians and the society she distains to refer to ‘us in the West’.
Grrrr… ‘us’ with our ‘boring beige interior decor’
I note she implicitly suggests that the wonders of Ancient Egyptian culture and society – though lost to the West – may very well still be apparent in the East?
They certainly ARE, frighteningly so, bumping off those too old to work is just one of the unpleasant things they are trying to soften us up into accepting:
On the euthenasia question they have also been promoting the views of Jared Diamond author of the controversial book :
The World Until Yesterday: What we can learn from traditional societies
While not overtly recommending euthenasia of the elderly (and useless), his book certainly attempts to ‘normalise’ it by portraying it as a ‘natural’ result of severe ecological/economic conditions rather than being seen as morally unacceptable and hints that it may happen in the future..
No surprise that BBCs far right Open Borders advocating homosexual economics editor Evan Davies shared a platform with Diamond presenting this book at the RSA either:
Jared Mason Diamond (born September 10, 1937) is an American scientist and author best known for his popular science books The Third Chimpanzee (1991), Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997), Collapse (2005) and The World Until Yesterday (2012). Originally trained in physiology, Diamond’s work is known for drawing from a variety of fields, including anthropology, ecology, geography, and evolutionary biology. He is currently Professor of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles.[1][2] He has been described as “America’s best-known geographer”.
Bit of a jack of all trades, isn’t he?
Good at writing popular pseudo science too.
Hmmm, seems to be like another of the BBC ‘media academics’, easy on the eye Dr Alice Roberts who prostituted her scientific credibility on the BBC’s ‘Human Journey’and who has little in the way of serious peer reviewed scientific publications to her name.
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies is a 1997 book by Jared Diamond, professor of geography and physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). In 1998, it won the Pulitzer Prize for general non-fiction and the Aventis Prize for Best Science Book. A documentary based on the book, and produced by the National Geographic Society, was broadcast on PBS in July 2005.[1]
The book attempts to explain why Eurasian civilizations (in which he includes North Africa) have survived and conquered others, while arguing against the idea that Eurasian hegemony is due to any form of Eurasian intellectual, moral or inherent genetic superiority.
Diamond argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies originate in environmental differences, which are amplified by various positive feedback loops.
Diamond argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies originate in environmental differences, which are amplified by various positive feedback loops.
I have also heard this view put forward on the BBC presented as though it is an accepted scientific orthodoxy rather than a maverick view of a media professor.
In the Left intelligentsia’s view, ALL differences between people must BY DEFINITION be socially or environmentally caused, and therefore alterable by state intervention; it can’t be nature.
I confess I didn’t watch the whole thing. But in what I saw there was no mention of Pharaoh’s Harem, nor sister or daughter marriage. So I guess the women of ancient Egypt had nothing to complain about.
politically correct verbal gymnastics … with panto on 5live your call … as fabulously wealthy footballers might take offence … poor spoilt millionaire cry baby alert eh!
this being the bbc of course, stop freedom of expression maniacs abound, and the ejector seat ignoramus from “kick it out” does a turn, after an hour of this doctored pap! …
no one appears to have the intelligence to state that nothing is as important of freedom of speech, and if it is deemed offensive, it is more so … because who decides eh! who gets to play god? 😀 so to speak …
who gets to listen in, on what they ve think, that someone they know, might of thought they heard on the TV 2yrs ago.
offence industry slippery slope people
i know but they were black eh? … hmmm what about the Ref then … he s all in black, i should imagine he gets a lot more abuse, than the prima-donnas, with self arbitered
hair trigger sensitivities, wouldn t you.
then again bbc … we re all victims eh! … as long as your not english or white? …. sad and absurd in equal measure
“Internet cable-cutters caught by Egypt signal new terror threat.
“Two bids within days to sabotage a major cable off the coast of Alexandria raise the specter of a new kind of ‘hacking,’ says Israeli expert.”
Seeing as the BBC, are all on the self delusion bus, about South Africa – Mandela – the “disgusting horrors of apartheid” … ya da ya da ya da … every 15 minute updates
on Nelson, (with a little apartheid dig at every opportunity).
well come on then auntie! … while you re all “het up” …
get in gear … lets have the lowdown on this “apartheid”
An interesting thing I noticed in Bethlehem last year close to the checkpoint (with signs to the ‘Banksy Shop’) was that all the emotive artwork on the wall (worshipping their guns I notice, maybe the BBC can reconcile that one) had slogans written in English. I didn’t realise the Palestinian’s first language was English? Or maybe it was all just propaganda aimed at young impressionable westerners…
there you are then, never mind apartheid ….. how about eradication
hitlers buddy, the old mufti of jerusalem
would be proud ….
wait a minute 😀 … why? isn t that on the bbc eh!
violence, gang raped?, in front of their father?
in Libya? taking aid to fellow muslims?
going to Gaza? …
i think its obvious its those overtly violent, gang rape loving, deliberately offending,
lacking in any morality/humanity.
musl … oops i mean joooos again?
It will obviously be their own fault for dressing inappropriately and inviting the rapes. If only they had worn respectable clothing! Or did they? Hmmm….
Oddly, 24 hours late Beeboids made it their main radio headline this afternoon (29 March). I just couldn’t work out why?
Was it because they discovered the women were on an aid convoy to Gaza, or was it that the rapists turned out to be pro-government militia?
Any other ideas?
Good Friday.
What better day is there to discuss the hopelessly compromised BBC and its religious affairs coverage?
Heard a few embarrassing mentions on the ToadyShow from Thought for the Day onwards up until 9am.
1. Welby doesn`t bother with TFTD…splutter!
2. TFTD is popular and you have the proof Sarah(no she did not!), and there`s no problem with proving this is there sdarah(yes, there is: so it transpires).
Car crash crap-and our Muslim chum who heads up religious affairs coverage gurns inanely on…Jesus, Good Friday?…not at all.
He had a body double apparently…no further questions, shut down the Theology Departments; until Choudhury or Dawkins decides what best to fill the gaps.
No-no problems at the BBC.
“BBC accused of provoking Christians with Mary Magdalene documentary.
A Bishop last night accused the BBC of deliberately provoking Christians by screening a documentary on Good Friday suggesting that Jesus had a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene.”
I thought about this while trying to watch braggs 3rd form nonsense,Its not as if any of this was new both the BBC and C4 have flogged this to death before.
But why today at the start of the most important festival
in the christian calendar? It’s just adolescent spitefulness
The BBC would make me ashamed to be an atheist.If I thought they were truly atheists and not the mean spirited secular fundamentalists they are
now then … could it be deemed “offensive”
because what is good for Aquils buddies.
should be likewise for Christians … non!
but the liars and cowards at brit brainwashing cresent, know very well, that in the England Christians today are truly peaceful … where as the followers of Mohamhead are not … so better make that liars, cowards AND complicit
nice to see them self enforcing sharia at Easter eh!
beneath contempt.
Prominent global warming activist Michael Mann threw down the gauntlet against evangelical Christians this week, calling a distinguished climate scientist and well-known Christian an “evolution denier” while refusing to participate with him in a global warming debate. In the wake of Mann’s unprovoked attack, prominent ‘evangelical’ global warming activists, who target evangelical Christians by claiming to also be evangelicals, declined to stand up for the Christian scientist against Mann’s ugly and unprovoked assault.
Mann, who used to have a direct line to Richard Black when he needed the oxygen of publicity for something, and probably still does have easy access to someone at the BBC, explains all:
Indeed, shortly after refusing to debate Spencer and calling him an “evolution denier,” Mann punctuated his use of deliberately disrespectful language by tweeting, “Getting on a debate stage signals that, while you might disagree, you respect the position of your opponent.”
So maybe it’s not just that the Beeboids won’t allow the skeptics on, but that they can’t find anyone other than Richard Bacon or another lightweight to debate them.
Play the man but avoid debate at all costs, using any excuse, however implausible.
Standard practice for the Left.
Good article here by Fraser Nelson on how many more people are killed by the cold (never get a mention) vs those who perished in 2003 heatwave caused by ‘global warming’ (blind hysteria).
Switched on R4 twice today, both very brief visits as it happened because…..the first was a discussion about the young Oogo Chavez and what a fun person he was to be with…..the second some blokes ‘sexuality’ quickly became part of the debate.
And it seems to be becoming more and more relentless, apart from Asian mums (Womans Hour) I am not sure who radio Fours target audience is!
They certainly seem to wish to drive away their traditional audience weighted towards middle aged, middle class ethnic British people.
Are they actually looking for an excuse to finally drop the channel for the serious minded? Could it be that theyd like to replace it with something more dumbed down, and that by losing their articulate listeners first they are clearing the road?
I do strongly suspect they cant wait to end the Archers as the message boards have now been closed and the quality of storylines is dire (not to mention the acting especially by the two newer ‘ethnics’ and the ghastly youngster who plays ‘Pip’ Archer.) Much as they try to make it ‘diverse’ the setting, of a rather remote country village with an economy thirty years out of date, does make doing this quite a challenge for the not so unimaginative SWs!
There’s wriggle, and there’s trying it on big time. Again. http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/wriggle.html?
In addition to this informative blog, I also have registered on one that stays abreast of FoI requests, and this one devoted to the BBC’s ever unique ways of not answering.
The inability to scan is, of course, total BS.
The last time they tried this on (as part of the Pollard ducking and diving), a contributor scanned, I think the Magna Carta at 300dpi. This rather more aged document than the payment records of a BBC staff member came across crystal clear.
They are trying first off to smokescreen what they are not making public with what they are teasing out.
Then they are trying to ensure it cannot be shared electronically without a bunch of hassle.
It even pissed off the home team last time. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/feb/22/bbc-pollard-inquiry-search-documents
I am also pretty sure they are totally in breach of obligations by such an attempt. I’d be interested in the full legal consequences.
The BBC should be ashamed of itself, laughed into court, and held to full legal account (career-wise, not feepayer-funded fines) for trying it on so much and getting away with it, they have lost sight of when they simply come across as the arrogant, dumb, two-faced, venal weasels they really are, playing so fast and loose with official obligations.
What this story shows is while the BBC is successful swaying the public about many issues that they are not very aware about or hardly touches them, when it comes to their deep and firm beliefs, the BBC propaganda and attempt to brainwash goes out the window.
He doesn’t care about Hawaii’s right of self-determination either – it’s legally still a British protectorate, as can be seen from the Union Jack in the top left corner of the state flag. Doesn’t he care for his native islands (sarcasm alert)?
The Economist has apparently come out slightly skeptical about the alarmism we’ve all been fed over the years about how badly carbon and other evil substances from human activity are heating up the planet. Next time somebody refers to something in The Economist as some kind of evidence that Warmism is fact because the magazine said so, remember the following:
A Washington-based Economist correspondent admitted to me privately several years ago that the senior editors in London had mandated consistent and regular alarmist climate coverage in its pages.
Just like we now know the BBC has done, thanks to the 28-Gate revelations. Sometimes, there really is an agenda. The Economist, however, will ultimately be held accountable by their subscribers and advertisers. The BBC has the former indentured eternally by law, doesn’t have to worry about the latter, and is ultimately accountable only to itself.
Quote: ‘As usual, we see an environmental phenomenon that the environmental Politburo overestimates, and which always demands that we surrender more political power into their hands as the solution’.
We should never forget this. ‘Climate change’ is nothing to do with science and everything to do with the drive for a new eco-socialist political world order, bypassing our democratic processes (think EU as the prototype). Those driving it will find tooth and nail to preserve this ideology posing as a science because, just like the watermelons, they are ‘green on the outside, red on the inside’.
“Christians in Libya braced for Easter trouble from Islamists.
Catholic priest shot at on Tripoli church steps, and dozens of Christians arrested for proselytising.”
Heard a bit of Any Questions tonight on Radio 4.
It came from Chatham-which I thought might have meant a bit of balance, what with its naval history.
Worse than ever-has anybody heard so biased an audience?
And what a crew by way of panel…no Tory in any meaningful sense at all.
Boris…the eulogies for Miliband Major and the NHS were quite sickening…Eagle and Gerada spouting their spew, and the audience whooping and hollering at all they said.
More Leslie Crowthers “Price Is right” than politics….and NO price is high enough to deter the BBC from their relentless 24/7 puffing up of their lefty misfits.
Thankfully the ringmaster of the revels was not Dimbo..or it would have been even worse.
A new low for the BBC…when an Angela Eagle is shored up as a sage, we `re stuffed!
by: Jonathan Este
From: The Australian
March 30, 2013 12:00AM
BRITISH Police have arrested an 82-year-old man believed to be a high-profile Australian entertainer on suspicion of sexual offences as part of the Operation Yewtree probe into allegations of widespread abuse in the British entertainment business.
the report appeared about 12 hours after the guardian first covered it. presumably meantime was used to seek advice from the team who so deftly handle the grooming cases.
Is any public body in the Western world quite so grandly dismissive of its critics as the BBC? Next week a new director general, Lord Hall, takes office, but please don’t get your hopes up. The Today programme will continue to fill the airwaves with “independent” lobbyists who can turn even the blandest story about birdwatching or scone-baking into a moan about Government cuts. Newsnight will continue to employ an unreconstructed Old Left agitator, Paul Mason, as its economics editor. And the relocation to Salford – an ideological “internal migration” worthy of Beijing – will be further embedded.
J’étais dans la cuisine, pas des moutons! Je chantais raquette,Hélas, le Pacifique du logement, de la houle, et les moutons,Laissez morgue devenir confus! ! Aromatique, l’amour triste et lumineux …
I went on a English French translation site, this is what I got.
”I was in the kitchen, not sheep! I sang raquette,Hélas, the Pacific of the lodging, swell, and the moutons,Laissez morgue to become confused! ! Aromatic, sad and love luminous.”
“I was in the kitchen, not sheep! I sang racket Alas, Pacific Housing, swell, and sheep Let morgue become confused! ! Aromatic, light and love sad … my hovercraft is full of eels.”
If the BBC and their part in the Great Global Warming Scam were a movie, then which movie would it be?
What scene have we reached this chilly Easter of 2013?
For me it’s The Italian Job.
It has the lot – the bold scam, the planning stage, the picked team of misfits and crooks, the European connection, funny little cars, the haul of gold, a long chase, the hubris and that song: ‘The Self-Preservation Society’
And of course we have at last reached the final scene where it has all gone sliding off the road and lurching over the cliff where now it rests – delicately balanced.
The BBC (Michael Caine) says ‘….hang on a minutes lads, I’ve got a great idea!’
For a pure satirical take on the global warming movement you can’t beat ‘The Day After Tomorrow’. Trouble is, so many morons took it seriously, not least those who made it plus the millions of UK schoolkids brainwashed by an eco-socialist educational agenda.
The BBC are very keen to promote Christian disunity over the question of homosexual marriage. Apparently Archbishop Cary has attacked the concept. The BBCs response this morning was to give an unchallenged platform (five to ten minutes with gentle prompting) to a spokesperson from Globalist Christian ‘ think tank Ekklesia to launch a vicious attack on Cary suggesting he was being selfish in describing those who are anti homosexual marriage as being marginalised when there are minority religious groups in the world who are really being marginalised. Evil selfish ethnic British behaviour again! We must always put our foreign cousins first!
Oh and the many who oppose homosexual marriage he described as having been ‘persuaded by an orchestrated campaign’! 😮 Silly fools; can’t think for themselves!
Of course the BBC, past masters of propaganda, know all there is to know about ‘orchestrated campaigns’! No mention of their role her of course.
Wonder when the BBC will interview a ‘progressive imam’ 😉 about the possibility of Muslim homosexuals receiving the blessing of Allah?
Much appreciated Aerfen…we should do this with all those licensed, approved BBC mouth pieces.
Follow the money..if not, follow those who are in cahoots with them.
Good find: ‘Ekklesia has endorsed the statement from this new broad-based civic and trade union coalition aimed at resisting the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) public spending cuts targeting the poorest and most vulnerable in society’.
Straight out of the Labour/union handbook of mantras.
Yuk. Reminds me of when “Rabbi” Julia Neuberger used to get the godspot. The fact that a large majority of Jews have no time for liberal socialist theology or women rabbis was neither here nor there.
Unlike BBC-NUJ ‘Question Time’, Andrew Neil’s ‘This Week’ appears friendly towards David Starkey:-
“Miss Molly, the new golden girl of politics: Andrew Neil’s retriever given free rein in BBC’s This Week studio… and even dozes off on David Starkey’s lap.”
BBC 1 Breakfast are bringing me alarming reports that England football fans ‘sang racist chants’ recently. This all has to be gone into and investigated they insist, since it simply has to be stamped out.
I’ve come to be a little wary of what the BBC tell me. Particularly when there is a vagueness about their reports and some PC issues at stake. I know the impression that they want to give the mass audience – racism is everwhere, England football fans are evil and racist. But is this true? Afterall the BBC told me earlier this week that Liverpool football fans were all saintly and innocent.
So five minutes of my own investigation informs me the ‘bonfire song’ is a regular feature of the terraces often deployed by – for example – Newcastle fans against their local rivals from Sunderland .
Not very pleasant but where’s the racism? Is their blackness the one and only thing the Ferdinand brothers are known for?
Could it be that England fans are little better informed about their sport and its stars than the BBC Breakfast front bench wishes the rest of the nation to know about?
In April last year Leeds player Michael Duberry and Manchester United’s Rio Ferdinand were accused of indecent assault and threatening behaviour in a Leeds nightclub.
The claims were made during the rape trial of a Leeds man, who was later convicted.
Martin Luther King claimed his victim said she had been indecently assaulted by Mr Duberry and threatened by Mr Ferdinand in the club, before the rape by Mr King took place.
The CPS said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the players.
Rio Ferdinand fined £45,000 by FA over ‘choc ice’ tweet
Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand has been fined £45,000 after being found guilty of improper conduct over comments he made relating to the John Terry racism
The 33-year-old defender, who has played 81 times for England, was given a six-month ban despite being represented by lawyer Nick Freeman, nicknamed Mr Loophole for his ability to get celebrities off driving charges.
Prosecutor Alex Agbamu said Ferdinand had offered a number of explanations for events that night, claiming he had acted in self defence and fearing he would be mugged for his £64,000 watch.
The court heard that Emile Walker was allegedly assaulted by a group of men outside the nightclub including Ferdinand and another man identified by Mr Walker as Ferdinand’s cousin, who has not been named.
England needed Rio to be like Nobby Stiles, not out partying with Harry Styles.
‘What reasons?’ Rio Ferdinand once asked. Obviously, he had forgotten about his intricate, pre-planned programme that day.
It must have slipped his mind, too, last month when he announced he would pack his bags and go straight there if selected by England. No mention of an intricate pre-planned programme in that statement, either.
Indeed, for a programme so intricate, not to mention pre-planned, Ferdinand does seem to have rather a peculiar attitude to it.
Traipsing around behind the latest pop fad while the England manager remained in the dark about an impending crisis, Ferdinand seemed to epitomise the self-absorption of so many modern footballers — more Harry Styles than Nobby Stiles.
When discussing his controversial withdrawal from the latest England squad, Rio Ferdinand spoke of his strict fitness regime and how both ‘rest and recuperation’ was a crucial part in allowing him to continue to compete at the highest level.
What he did not first mention was that that strict regime allowed him to work as a pundit for Al Jazeera in a job involving a 15-hour round trip.
Controversial: England’s fans were understandably unhappy at Rio Ferdinand’s withdrawal from the latest squad
Black does indeed trump ‘gay’.
The order of trumps I would say is:
Any visible ethnic minority
Any other ethnic minority
Homosexuality and any minority sexual proclivity
Wimmin (well down the list, with the notable exception of ethnic minority wimmin who are adored)
But if an ethnic British woman said anything ‘homophobic’ she would be berated for it as ferociously as any man! A homosexual who said something anti feminist, especially if the victim of his attack happened to be a non Globalist woman, Carol Thatcher, Teresa May, Julie Birchall for example then he would be excused.
That is the test. It may appear that wimmin are more ‘actively’ promoted but that is only because we form fifty percent of the population, as well as being *visible* thus automatically provide more programming material than the 5% or so who are homosexual.
I disagree with that, black people more than Asians have historically been seen as more backward. Black people also have a ‘victim’ status because of the abuse of their ancestors as slaves which Asians do not. Hence defending black people gives Globalists hair shirters the biggest self righteous thrill.
There has been some shift towards Mohammedans in recent years with the targetting of ‘Islamophobia’ but the feel good factor is just not as high as for blacks, they lack the cuddly appeal, they are less ‘cool’ and attractive culturally too, just not hitting the same buttons.
I think a judge should make up a bit of common law to settle this highly disputed pecking order, which also includes the disabled, gypsies and criminals who went to the wrong school. For some reason which escapes me, Lord Leveson comes to mind.
Contrast: Sky news (not a big fan) and bBC, both outlining the NUT conference. Sky give a presentation stating the NUT comments. bBC state griences and then long interviews with NUT officials. Any form of rebuttal given, none, not even we asked for a comment but the gov refused.
this is about the rape of a 14 year old in glasgow. many of the witnesses referred to in the report will have seen the attackers close-up and clearly, so why are descriptions provided so sparse?
From the Beeb: “Bus operator First Glasgow said the driver was unaware of the assault but ejected the two men involved later in the journey due to separate unruly behaviour.
Her friend, also 14, went up to see her and raised the alarm with passengers downstairs.
Does not compute! So this girl raised the alarm with passengers downstairs, they went to the girl’s aid…so did this girl whisper downstairs and where an invisibility cloak? Did the driver not look in the mirror upstairs once? These guys then came down and the driver ejected them for separate unruly behaviour? This has to be the dumbest blindest deafest most incompetent driver EVER or he is lying.
Cowardice is quite common in the emergency services too, with people left to die under cover of health and safety rules. As these are made in Brussels, the Beeb is a bit shy of covering such incidents.
Easter Weekend and BBC London News on BBC 1 TV want to turn our thoughts toward religion.
It seems there is a religious organisation that is keen to put out a positive message today and the BBC London News team happily respond by sending along a reporter and film crew to help out with the PR.
Three guesses which one. Second thoughts I’m guessing you are already there ahead of me.
Our thoughts go to the East at Easter and so the BBC go to East London where they are facing East all the year round. Toward Mecca, I mean.
‘The East London Mosque is opening its doors to non-Muslims in an attempt to promote a better understanding of Islam and what goes on inside the building. ‘
Saturday morning and the BBC have gleefully run a piece on bedbugs in the Swiss army, anticipating with delight that this will increase opposition to compulsory military service! They also managed to interview a weedy recruit who said he’d run away if ever the guns began to fire…
How the fascists loathe the idea of a population trained to defend itself.
BBC News is having an Owen Jones weekend. He was ranting and waving his arms around on the press review last night and here he is again on Dateline London on another ‘balanced panel’ of the usual suspects.
Why on earth would
“Probably laying off the SWP hot line until the ‘comrade delta’ business is brushed under the carpet and poor shouty is having to pick up the slack ”
be awaiting moderation?
Years ago, the Telegraph’s “Peter Simple” column had an imaginary broadcasting corp’, who offered up a current affairs show called “Hear All Sides”. The articulate Leftists who dominated the panel were accompanied by a semi-lobotomised policeman, there to put the Tory/Fascist view as best he could, “in the interests of balance”. I wonder what inspired that idea?
As I remember, the producers of ‘Hear All Sides’ reacted with some heat whenever leftie bias was alleged, pointing out that “ALL Shades of progressive opinion are represented.”
Yes, BBC-NUJ News Channel (last night) gave over the review of the press to two lefties (one was Jones) who were invited to give a review of the news from their ‘Independent’ and ‘Guardian’ propaganda viewpoints, which they did.
I was listening ( enduring ) Nicky ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell on Good Friday. For practically the whole 4 hours he whined on and on about their favourite subject ‘waaycism’ in football. ( groan ) I think Campbell said the word ‘waaycism’ 9473 times. If I had a pound for every time someone said the word ‘waaycism’ I think I could solve the national debt.
But what irritated me most, was the earnestness, seriousness, and po faceness of Campbell, ” waaycism’ is the crime of the century blah blah blah.” It was all mock outrage and phony indignation, all very melodramatic and camp.
If you want to get rid of ‘waaycism’ in football, here’s the solution.
1. Have all black teams.
2. Have all black referees, linesman and officials.
3. The managers should be black too
4. All supporters in the stadium should be black, no whites allowed in.
5. The FA should be all black
Whitey can take up golf or Monopoly and leave them to it.
Chess problems are nearly always “White to win” – and in the “Simple Checkmates” sections of textbooks, it always seems to be White checkmating the Black King !
I suppose history is not Evan Davis’s strength so he didn’t interject to claim whitey’s innocence in a Haiti report on “Today”. Haiti is famously devoid of trees unlike its island neighbour the Dominican Republic. So a tree planting initiative is under way, seeking to restore a soil covering to the hills. And where did all the trees go? Well to start with it was due to the colonial power taking the valuable timber…. But! Haiti shook off the colonial shackles in 1804. Was there really a big timber operation in existence over 200 years ago?
“In 1804, Haiti won its independence from France after the world’s only successful slave revolution. For Haiti to be recognised as an independent state, and to allow Haiti to trade, France demanded a payment of 90 million gold francs (equivalent to US $21.7 billion today) to repay its lost property which included the freed slaves, land, raw materials, coffee and sugar. Haiti’s trees were felled and exported to France, in order to service the debt.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deforestation_in_Haiti
“Deforestation sped up after Hurricane Hazel downed trees throughout the island in 1954.[2] Beginning in about 1954, concessionaires stepped up their logging operations, in response to Port-au-Prince’s intensified demand for charcoal, thus accelerating deforestation, which had already become a problem because of environmentally unsound agricultural practices, rapid population growth, and increased competition over scarce land.[2] Techniques that could make forestry more productive for fuel, like coppicing and pollarding, are not used. There is also a less discussed problem with feral goats which overgraze and eat seedlings that might otherwise replace ground cover.”
Should you have gone further with your response? Suggesting that all the trees went in the C19
…also forgot their energy policy (well, not a policy really, just what they do) wood burning…pity the UK gov doesn’t see the stupidity of wood burning power stations.
Well that link only says that the council are considering the planning application, as is part of their function. And a simple google reveals that the proposed statue was commissioned by The Amy Winehouse Foundation and the Roundhouse Trust.
But hey, when your first instinct is that your prejudice about “loony lefties” is correct, why would you waste ten seconds discovering that the truth doesn’t back up your own bias?
http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/dressing-things-up.html? ‘The Guardian has been let in on Lord (Tony) Hall’s agenda for his first official day at the helm of the BBC’
That’s nice. And a real surprise. ‘Hall is planning a blitz of broadcast interviews’
Gracious of him. I wonder if these will be Q&A, or more managed fare? It will be refreshing if the holding to account goes beyond the BBC deciding what the narrative is and no backsies. ‘The BBC’s difficulties over the handling of the Savile crisis, as exposed in Nick Pollard’s report..”
Well, revealed in part, as even the Graun seems to have forgotten it was a bit disconcerted at the redactions. ‘[The BBC] is tarnished post-Savile and the whole meltdown on Newsnight. He has got to make the whole thing trustworthy again.’
Good luck with that. Presuming, even though the BBC is currently untrustworthy, we still get compelled to pay for it?
And pay… quite a lot. One of the top comments in the Graun: Ian2929
29 March 2013 7:26pm I agree with Maggie Brown’s comments on MediaTalk that Tony Hall has not got off to a good start by directly appointing James Purnell and Anne Bulford into positions that have not been advertised publicly. This is ammunition for the BBC’s critics.
With most of the BBC on Easter hols, it may be some time before the comments and ratings get restored to traditional levels, as currently it seems fair to say that even the Graun posters can see pure BS when served it.
On Tuesday 26th March, the BBC has admitted that a reference it made to Israeli soldiers dying on the same day US activist Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza was not ‘duly accurate’. No Israeli soldiers were killed on that day, Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) said in a press release.
The claim was made by veteran BBC presenter, Martha Kearney, on BBC Radio 4′s World at One programme, on the day an Israeli court ruled that Israel was not to blame for Corrie’s death.
PSC has been lobbying the BBC for seven months, since the broadcast in August 2012, to extract an admission that Kearney’s false claim constituted a breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines on Accuracy.
During a segment dealing with the court ruling on 28th August, Kearney interviewed the Israeli government spokesperson, Mark Regev, to ask for his views on the case.
In the course of the interview, she said to him: ‘Clearly Rachel Corrie was one of the casualties of what happened that day – and I know Israeli soldiers died too’.
She concluded her sentence with a question: ‘But has this meant there’s a re-think of the policy of what was happening at that time – bulldozing Palestinian houses?’
PSC objected on the grounds that Kearney’s statement was false and on the additional grounds that the presenter seemed to be implying conflict ‘that day’ between Corrie – an unarmed civilian protestor – and the Israeli army which had resulted in armed Israeli soldiers being killed.
The organisation, which campaigns for justice and self-determination for the Palestinian people, said this amounted to a breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines, in particular:
‘The BBC must not knowingly and materially mislead its audiences. We should not distort known facts, present inverted material as fact or otherwise undermine our audiences’ trust in our content.’
we await with baited breath for their apology for Donnison’s lies from hamastan
Pity the BBC couldn’t pull off its usual stealth edit from Israeli soldiers killed that day to attempts to kill Israeli soldiers that day.
There is another error that escaped the eagle eyes of Palestine Solidarity Campaign. ‘But has this meant there’s a re-think of the policy of what was happening at that time – bulldozing Palestinian houses?’ is not correct. No Palestinian homes were bulldozed that day Corrie died to stop the clearing of a field that was providing cover for attacks on the IDF not protecting a house.
Interesting debate speech by Douglas Murray on why the centre parties should do something about immigration – not arguments one hears on the Beeb very often, if at all:
Ok the BBc have annoyed me enough for another complaint. North West tonight appears to be doing it’s best to resemble the socialist worker party. Yes it’s the under occupancy penalty or “bedroom tax” to the mob. North west tonight ran a story this afternoon on a demonstration against the introduction of this measure. So where is the mob? Yep hardly anyone was there. So we have the usual camera tricks to try and make it look like there are more people there than is the case. I f anyone has been involved in politics we all know the shots to take, I’ve taken pictures like that myself in the past. So anyone on to voice agreement with the implementation of this change to housing benefit. Yes you guessed not a sausage.
Bearing in mind some of are still restricted by the weather what do the BBc put on TV in return for our license money. A repeat of pointless. The dreadful Dr. Who (I used to be a fan, well I still am of the old Dr. Who. Now it’s the unbelievably awful “The Voice”. Value for money? I think not.
Intellechural property rights are a bit of a minefield on the telly. A slight tweak to someone else’s idea and you need pay no royalties, as the proliferation of ‘talent’ shows shows.
So the BBC, after all supposedly chocabloc with ‘creatives’, could have devised its own ‘talent’ show from scratch and for nothing. But no, it had to pay £20 million (of licence-tax payers’ money) for The Voice.
didn t the last series of this drole shite, bomb, because non of these intellectual behemoths, could see that once the chairs spin round, its just “small change” X factor …
BBC North West is even more one-sided than its nationwide big brother (pun intended), if that’s possible. What both are guilty of, though, is the lack of challenge to the sob stories paraded in front of us. When are they going to earn their £4 billion p.a. annum and start some serious investigative journalism? It’s patently bloody obvious from the continuing exponential growth of coffee houses, bars, cafes, restaurants and takeaways, not to mention new shopping malls, that the country is nowhere near as hard up as the bleating Leftist pressure groups – sorry, charities and think tanks – make out. Time, therefore, to get under the skin of their hard-upness and start asking some of those who are having their benefits cut – working or no – what they spend their money on. A good old-fashioned fly-on-the-wall documentary would do the trick, finding out day by day where the money goes, what efforts individuals are making to budget their spend (given the country had been living beyond its means for too long) and, crucially, what they are not cutting back on that they see as ‘essentials’.
Does anybody know why our impartial state broadcaster, ‘home to some of the world’s best investigative journalists’, won’t do this? Is it not in the national interest that they should do it?
After seeing your report on the “demonstration” by the Halton anti “bedroom tax group” I feel I must complain about how this report was pitched.
After already seeing this bunch stage a non event demonstration earlier this year. When reported in the local press it was obvious the number who turned out was extremely low.
The report on North West tonight showed no counter view. It may be hard to believe but some of us think it’s unfair housing benefit should be paid in full to persons in who are living in property’s that too large. I watched the video complete with camera angles to make the crowd look larger. There were obviously not many people there. I’ve used the camera angle “trick” myself in the past when I was involved in politics.
Please can you explain why you decided to only report one side of this story.
Please do not do what your normal action is with a complaint. That is to say ignore it as I will only then re-complain about your lack of response.
Let’s see what comes back in the E-mail
you d have to have a heart of stone 😀 …
tried to tell you alert
the bbc is shocked SHOCKED i tell you, to report,
military hardware, high grade weapons are being
consistently shipped to the (wonderful-hurrah-bless em!)
erm “freedom fighter/rebel chappies in Syria,
who turn out to be, (pause for effect) … murderous jihadist fascists, (oh dear), willing to kill any poor sod in target range …
aided by the (surprise surprise) Saudi s, and useful idiots just like W.Vague and the plank Kerry,(who are sure no aid will fund weapons …. oops!).
yep! even got guys like “tour of duty” train spotters swapping weapon numbers on the net 😀
bleats our 24hr news beebot, with a face like a recently slapped arse
From the bottom of report
“Are you in Kenya? What do you think about the Supreme Court upholding Uhuru Kenyatta’s election as president? Please get in touch using the form below.”
Could they not simply ask St.Obama for his opinion?
BBC giving lots of airtime recently to the critics of some set of statistical modelling that has informed public policy.
The figures we are told have been incorrectly manipulated and there are suggestions that ‘data… was incomplete and should not have been used.’
“it rings of politics rather than proper process”.
Sadly this does not refer to the BBC questioning the UEA over Climate Gate fixing of figures.
Oh no. This is about an NHS department closure in Leeds due to dodgy mortality rate stats.
Well, who really knows what the truth could be?
All I see is that the BBC are very prepared to question the statistics in this case where policy has been made in a way about which the BBC are none too keen.
“Is any public body in the Western world quite so grandly dismissive of its critics as the BBC? Next week a new director general, Lord Hall, takes office, but please don’t get your hopes up. The Today programme will continue to fill the airwaves with ‘independent’ lobbyists who can turn even the blandest story about birdwatching or scone-baking into a moan about Government cuts. Newsnight will continue to employ an unreconstructed Old Left agitator, Paul Mason, as its economics editor. ”
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Eddy BoothMar 21, 09:47 Midweek 19th March 2025 I just can’t make my mind up, which I want the Heathrow fire/shutdown to be the consequences of : DEI…
atlas_shruggedMar 21, 09:43 Midweek 19th March 2025 Dear Ed Milliwatt, How to cause a fire in a sub station: 1) Make sure the facility is owned by…
Mrs KittyMar 21, 09:43 Midweek 19th March 2025 @Guest 08.26 One wonders if the hooligans from Hereford have been turned woke ? If not I would remove the…
Fedup2Mar 21, 09:37 Midweek 19th March 2025 JohnC I suppose the only people who know how many people are leaving the former UK is HMRC – and…
Mrs KittyMar 21, 09:36 Midweek 19th March 2025 @ John C 05.11 I’ve had just one list for a while now and it’s people I would like dead…
JohnCMar 21, 09:27 Midweek 19th March 2025 The Left have already destroyed our country. We just don’t know it yet. The cancer has already taken root. It’s…
BBC unions silent over the Maggie Question – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/bbc/9960715/BBC-unions-silent-over-the-Maggie-Question.html
‘Umkhonto we Sizwe (abbreviated as MK), translated “Spear of the Nation,” was the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC), co-founded by Nelson Mandela, which fought against the South African government … The MK carried out some bombings of civilian, industrial and infrastructural sites. The tactics were initially geared solely towards sabotage, but eventually expanded to include urban guerrilla warfare.’
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umkhonto_we_Sizwe
If Nelson Mandela passes away in the near future, I hope that the BBC will provide some balance in the coverage of his life and legacy, rather than portraying him as a pacifist crusader who was locked up purely because he dared to speak the truth…
And not only his terrorist connections but his #WarOnWomen.
I mean, when he was accused of embezzlement, he blamed it on his wife (FFS) and his wife took the blame.
Taking a magnifier and looking into Mandela’s finances should be very interesting. (Just as Arafat’s or Obama’s). Luckily BBC is on ‘da task.
One thing they won’t say is: “Having spent a good portion of his life in a relatively comfortable library-cum-prison reading The Economist and accummulating hundreds of thousands of pounds from backers in the UK, Mandela was spared many of the hardships of ordinary people. Accordingly, his body was not worn out prematurely and as a result he has enjoyed a long life”. A little bit of hyperbole there, but also something to think about.
Well said, Jeff. As ever, ‘balance’ is all we ask of the BBC.
‘BBC unions silent’
Apt. The BBC and top echelons stay silent on most they can’t handle or answer. Then redact or exclude.
I wonder if they still have the tapes of the relevant episode of Brain Walden’s ‘Heroes’ ready for the inevitable tribute. I have the transcript if they’ve ‘lost’ them.
pretty clear that the bbc is gearing up for the mandela necrofest. has nautie been sent over?
the BBC bigging up Beyonce….hmmm…interesting
Maybe because they agree with her latest message: Bitch Bend Over.
I don’t know if you’ve heard but there has been a massive news story in the UK just recently. A man left his job in politics to go to another job which isn’t in politics, working for an organisation that very few people had ever heard of before this man went to work for them. If you haven’t heard the news the Communications and PR representatives of the New Labour Party have been covering the story in some depth. It’s so important it warrants more than 10 er ‘news stories’ on their website!
David Miliband to step down as MP
Nick Robinson – Is that it for David Miliband?
Nick Robinson – David Miliband quitting Parliament
March D’Arcy – Farewell, David Miliband
Miliband joins list of political ‘nearly men’
David Miliband ‘feared being distraction’ for Labour
In full: David Miliband letter of resignation as MP
David Miliband: Reaction to MP’s decision to quit
David Miliband: Peter Mandelson predicts political comeback
Ed Miliband sorry to see brother David resign as MP
Ed Miliband: Keen to recruit brother if he becomes PM
David Miliband ‘never waiting for his brother to fail’
Jack Straw: ‘Sorry to see David Miliband go’
David Miliband: Career in politics
BBC-NUJ = Labour’s ingrown toenail.
Ingrown toenails are painful and unwanted though.
There is nothing painful and unwanted about this relationship.
Has he made himself intentionally unemployed, and therefore ineligible for Universal benefits…including tax perks?
We`re all worried about his prospects of finding work, unless Hillary Clinton seeks a shoe horn…flat, sensible brogues of course.
The BBC really should keep us updated on the fascinating career of this Great Statesman and Parliamentarian…we talk of nothing more here in the homeless shelters.
Surely the resignation of such a ‘big beast’ (in Nick Robinson’s words) deserves wide coverage.
‘Big beast’ – oh dear, don’t set me off again….
fortunately, at work today, this was not discussed, i doubt if anyone at work even knows anything about David Milliband
Is he the one who leads the Labour Party? Milibands all look alike to me.
He’s the one with the bigger bird-shit-stain in his hair.
Even when BBC-NUJ is not on strike, it prefers not to report this:
“Hate preacher Anjem Choudary will not be prosecuted for urging followers to claim ‘Jihad Seeker’s Allowance'”
Compare and contrast the treatment of a muslim preaching the hate that is Islam and that of a white guy who ‘deliberately made himself unavailable for work’ and had his benefit stopped. His crime? He paid for himself to attend a course on warehouse skills to improve his job chances.
Is Mandela British ? I’m wondering because I’m getting updates on his health every 10 minutes. President Zuma wants the entire world to pray for Nelson.
Meanwhile the UK gives South Africa £19 Million and Zuma spends £17 Million on his palace. I really don’t see a problem in that !
This article just shows how difficult it is for two very different cultures to accept each others norms and behaviours. We find the president spending all the money on himself repugnant but in a tribal society this is quite the done thing and no one would find it reprehensible.
Once again this is another example of the fallacy of the liberal left view, championed by the BBC, that all the world can become a western style democracy of equals, all working in harmony and ‘willingly’ paying taxes for the common good.
To so strongly believe this that you are willing to make an experiment of it by inviting millions of disparate groups to your own small country is the work of crazed zealots.
To then decide that actually the guests don’t need to conform to the democratic model and culture of the host country but can retain their own cultures and customs and not to integrate into the host population is staggeringly stupid.
But that is what the liberal left have done in Britain and the BBC has been their cheerleader and consistently told us lies , covered up evidence of the failure of the policy and tried to force this lunacy down our throats.
If any objective history is written about the UK in a hundred years they will surely come to the conclusion that the British were completely insane to accept such a policy with so little protest. But they perhaps will not realise how powerful the state broadcaster was in suppressing truth , telling lies, putting us to sleep in case we noticed.
A quick scan of UK/London news on the BBC website finds no mention of this ugly, ominous story – so far ( I’m sure to be swiftly corrected should it pop up). Any reassurances we’ve had from the BBC’s roving cherrypickers in Romania/Bulgaria are beginning to look a little hollow.
You may find this article interesting written by a Nigerian, explaining the Nigerian caste system.
” In Nigeria, you’re either a somebody or a nobody.”
”Nigerians are brought up to believe that our society consists of higher and lesser beings Some are born to own and enjoy, while others are born to toil and endure.
The average Nigerian’s best hope for dignified treatment is to acquire the right props. Flashy cars. Armed escort. These ensure that you will get efficient service at banks and hospitals.
Some years ago, I made a decision to start treating domestic workers as “somebodys.” I said “please” and “thank you” and “if you don’t mind.” I smiled for no reason. But I was only confusing them; they knew how society worked. They knew that somebodys gave orders and kicked them around. Anyone who related to them as an equal was no longer deserving of respect.
Nigeria is one of Africa’s largest economies; it produces around two million barrels of crude oil per day. And yet, in 2010, 61 percent of Nigerians were living in “absolute poverty”
Exactly and the liberal left think that people from similar cultures will happily fit into our democracy. They really are potty but it is going to be one of the biggest ,if not the biggest , error in British history which the country will bear the burden of for many generations.
Did you not hear Desert island discs today with an Indian woman campaigning against the culture of her community over arranged marriages.
So now we are ‘enriched’ by ‘honour’ killings, forced marriages, marital violence, etc etc, and we have to pay for a ‘forced marriage unit’ because the unspoken reality is that their culture is completely incompatible with ours
And I thought that on Good Friday the BBC might have managed a Desert Island Discs that related to Christianity.
In the MiddleEast I used to daily go through a checkpoint and everyday the soldiers manning it, would cock their Ak47 and point it at me while I showed them my ID. Getting sick of this one day I bought a load of sweets and handed them out and did so for a while. Then one day the soldier manning the CP demanded that next time I bring him cigarettes, I exploded at him , shouting at him did I know who I am and who the hell was he to demand anything of me, I demanded to see his superior and shouted him down too. Never at a gun point at my face again. These fuckers only understand onethng and that is power. Being nice hjust makes you look weak and we shouldn’t forget that.
The following expressions come to mind: white liberal self-hatred and self-delusion, mass disinformation through the state broadcaster, madness and genocidal treason.
You missed out self imposed dhimmitude.
“Should Plaid Cymru hold its conferences in Arabic? Conservative elements say no.”
Ouch! Who asked such a question?
Just a wind-up, DC.
Please do not call them ‘liberals’!
They are as intolerant, arrogant , hate filled bunch as you could ever meet towards anyone who doesnt share their politcal stance – the self chosen description ‘liberal’ is far too euphemistic, and an utter distortion of the original meaning of the word.
The only satisfactory moniker for these people is ‘Globalist’. They want a
new world order with global governance, where a tiny elite impose their vision of how we should live on everybody else, and woe betide anyone who threatens it.
The terminology is problematical. If I put Liberal, it might suggest the separate party that existed before the LibDems were founded, or, more likely, the LibDems now. If I put liberal with no speech marks, you could take it at face value. Better would be “liberal” or “soi-disant liberal”. You are quite right that, under the guise of liberalism, “they” might open the borders to all and try to prevent protests … but oppose the “neo-liberal” or free-market consequences
What about moral relativist?
No thats not right either.
A friend of mine has more than once corrected me for using the expression “liberal/Left intelligentsia” arguing, rightly, that people like Harriet Harman and Anthony Blair are in fact very ILLIBERAL. Even the LibDems are sometimes illiberal when being too PC. Of course, the Conservatives long ago ceased to be conservative and Labour is not interested in the (white) labouring people, so I don’t want to be too harsh on the LibDems.
Theyre not only illiberal, in the main they’re not even that intelligent – well certainly not Harman! XD
I always wear trousers because of my vine-sized varicose veins – I mean, because I don’t want men lusting after my legs.
Sweetie, you can stop unwanted attention, just put on a burqa.
No Globalist is PURRRFECT, and boy do they hate it! 😉
Good post, Doublethinker.
‘If any objective history is written about the UK in a hundred years…’
Unfortunately, I think we all know that’s a bloody big if, especially if it’s left to the likes of the BBC (Horrible Histories, anyone?).
‘If any objective history is written about the UK in a hundred years…’
What language will it be written in ?
Is BBC-NUJ to start political campaign for British people to have state-imposed week of mourning soon?
…for white South African farmers? Can’t see it happening.
Looking forward to breaking it.
Now where did I put those old Black & White Minstrel Show tapes?
‘It is an unexplained mystery that many hard-hitting interviews by Eddie Mair with left of centre politicians have disappeared from the unbiased BBC’s archives.’
I know it’s a spoof, but with Peter Rippon back in the fold to ‘look after’ the back story, who knows?
Odd… no reference to “Climate Change”. This article on the BBC website (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-21967190) reports how the Met Office has apologised for issuing advice that was “Not helpful”. Essentially, the Met Office reported last Spring that a drought was expected but it turned out to be the wettest April since 1910. The BBC has obtained this information through a Freedom of Information request (it will not respond to them itself, but hey what’s a little hypocrisy between friends). The article gently explains using Orwelian Doublespeak and pseudo-science how weather forecasting is such a difficult subject, analogous to betting on horses. Totally different from, say, Climate Change then, where everything is 100% in the BBC view. The magic phrase “Climate Change” isn’t even used once in the article. After all, some of the plebs might start asking awkward questions like: If they don’t know what is happening next month, how can they tell us what is happening in 50 years?
Roger Harrabin and Julia Slingo were struggling a bit on “Today” this morning. Harrabin admitting that the Met Office might have been a bit wrong, but at the same time, not wrong at all about the debacle last April.
Slingo very guarded, and when trapped into giving forecasts for this April and beyond, gave a very vanilla non-committal forecast, which even I could have done. It might get warmer, it might be about normal for the time of year. Great. How much does THAT cost each of us each year?
The notion of paid (very well) forecasters now basically operating on the basis that what they forecast is pants and they should be exempted from being held to account merely extends the BBC exclusion zones even further.
They can’t forecast what’s happening next month (arctic spring?).They can’t forecast what’s happening over the next 6 months (barbecue summer, mild wet winter etc).They can’t forecast what’s happening over the next 10 years (failed climate models). Ditto the rest of the century.
In other words, they can’t forecast f*** all. So what’s their purpose?
A Met Office spokesperson responding to this on BBC R 4 news gushed that their long-term forcasts were 65% corrrect so all is well. If I did my job 65% correctly I would not expect to keep it for long.
‘The joint chairmen of the cross party group on balanced migration, Frank Field, a former Labour minister, and Nicholas Soames, a former Conservative minister, say that David Cameron must do more to tackle “the elephant in the room” by restricting European immigration.’ – http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/immigration/9960761/MPs-want-immigrant-ban-to-save-British-jobs.html
The BBC appear to have missed this story…
But Winston – sorry, I mean Jeff! – you only THINK you saw an elephant in the room. If the Party says there is no elephant, then there is no elephant. Yours, O’Brien.
No Jeff!
It got nearly a minute on the 8am news bulletin with the Today show…and that is MORE than enough time to ruminate on the potential unpleasantness.
I for one am happy with that-as indeed should all of us.
What would Frank Field know anyway?
Looks like the petition on romagarian immigration is having an effect!
If you havent signed yet, or if you know anyone who might sign then please do pass it on. Also if any of you ‘tweet’ you might put it up?
27,000,000 Romanians and Bulgarians+ 4,000,000 Moldovans gain the right to work here in
January 2014! Stop them now
Also Croatia is another very poor country joining the EU this July! Theyre already packing their bags…
Stop Croation immigration:
Stop 4.3 m Croatians http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/47078
Just heard this news mentioned on radio Five.
The bbc man concluded with the question;
“Should we stop immigration JUST to save jobs for British people?”
Could he BE more anti British?!? 😮
Even the great Gordon Brown once stumbled into a reference to “British jobs for British people”.
Quite, and the way he said it, as though immigration was so bloody wonderful, how could we really bring ourselves to do without it for such MINOR gain as saving jobs for the despicable, obese, and lazy “British people”!
These Beeboids seem to forget that these “British people” do now include MILLIONS of wonderful skilled hard working vibrants! Seems theyre not even concerned about their jobs!
Even the Poles are more worried about further immigration than your average Beeboid!
It’s the enrichment we get from the incoming people. The ones who dont go live inside the gated communities in which live all those champagne socialists live. You must be blind if you cant see the enrichment, and whats more, if you don’t like it….emigrate!
The story was the main headline in the Telegraph, big splash.
So obviously not of much interest to the BBC
Nora Batty does Egyptology
The BBC are strong advocates for euthenasia. Happily as yet our state broadcaster has brought their favoured form of population control to bear only within their own ranks. We have witnessed BBC culling of the post-nublile female members of the Strickly Come Dancing judges and of Country File presenters. It has been a dangerous thing to be a middle aged female BBCer.
Only with the humane putting to sleep of Last of the Summer Wine did the BBC axe fall dispropotionately on the old geezers.
But I have a tale to tell the BBCers who are mainly atheistic – at least where Western religions are concerned – there seems to be an After Life. Check out Freeview; there’s no end to the adventures of Foggy, Compo and Clegg!
But I digress.
For those who forever hold a candle for our Nora I bring glad tidings…. check out the BBC approved Northern Lass in…
Ancient Egypt: Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings
Egyptologist Joann Fletcher looks at the lives of ordinary Egyptian citizens 3,500 years ago. In the first of two programmes, she explores the conditions of their tightly packed houses, how they dressed and what they ate. Joann also examines their love poetry, their enthusiasm for interior design and what it was like to work in the Valley of the Kings, where the pharaohs were entombed
Now please don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to wade in on the so-called ‘North-South divide’ – as much as the BBC tries to force that issue down our throats. (Southern public school educated BBC presenters trained to say ‘New-cassel’).
And there is always room for a less acedemic kind of documentary that may intice in younger viewers and more mass audience. We want to see Egypt on our screens. (Well ancient Egypt I like to see that – frankly the less I see of modern Egypt the better I feel).
We enjoy a more down to earth point of view. We like a presenter who brings us insights into daily lives and can bring out real people from behind the shadow the ancient monuments.
I recall some years ago John Romer doing a pretty good job on this front.
I don’t want to say too much about our newest presenter’s looks. Suffice to say Lara Croft she ain’t. She’s hardly Tomb Raider. She’s much closer to being Tomb Fodder.
But I suppose the BBC are stuck in a cleft stick here. If they go for camera friendly totty they may tick the female box (and please the chaps) but they will upset the feministas.
So let me tell you what really dismayed me about Joann Fletcher’s view of Egyptian life.
It was the overtone of her criticising our own society that bugged me.
Coincidentally (these things do keep happening) just the other day I brought out a quote from a Radio 4 Melvyn Bragg In Our Time to show how the BBC had an agenda (shared with much of UK acedemia) to eulogise ancient, Eastern and primitive cultures so as to provide a foil with which to attack Western society. I mean those elements of Western society that the BBC and the University chair-sitters find too Capitalistic for their taste. There, I’ve said it – the BBC and Statefunded acedemics tend to be a little further Left than the rest of us. And, boy, do they want to tell us about it.
So from our new Nora of the Nile we are told how ‘the State provided for their every need’. (I think she meant Pharaoh).
We hear that ‘women had rights!’
We explore a house ‘where children would have been running in and out’
Now you may be reading this before the watershed – so I will have to whisper – we were shown some pretty hot papyri! Egyptian porn depicted strong active women (not just sex objects), whereas men were rough and ready unshaven and pot bellied.
We also discover that women had some rather crass tattoos. A dangerous dog and Giro cheque may have completed the picture.
Our Joann expressed quite a lot of ‘I would like to think….’ about her Egypt.
I used to be under the impression that civilisation was a bit of a continuum – one culture building on certain elements of its predecessors. You know Egypt to Greece, Greece to Rome, the Ancient World to the Renaissance……
But no. Wally Batty’s better half draws a sharp distinction between the Egyptians and the society she distains to refer to ‘us in the West’.
Grrrr… ‘us’ with our ‘boring beige interior decor’
I note she implicitly suggests that the wonders of Ancient Egyptian culture and society – though lost to the West – may very well still be apparent in the East?
i noted her interest in the embalming, perhaps after some tips … for a “northern” friday big night out, in “hideously white” blighty
The BBC are strong advocates for euthenasia.
They certainly ARE, frighteningly so, bumping off those too old to work is just one of the unpleasant things they are trying to soften us up into accepting:
Insect eating.
On the euthenasia question they have also been promoting the views of Jared Diamond author of the controversial book :
The World Until Yesterday: What we can learn from traditional societies
Read on Book of the week
While not overtly recommending euthenasia of the elderly (and useless), his book certainly attempts to ‘normalise’ it by portraying it as a ‘natural’ result of severe ecological/economic conditions rather than being seen as morally unacceptable and hints that it may happen in the future..
Perhaps we should put BBC News and Current Affairs to sleep … for good.
No surprise that BBCs far right Open Borders advocating homosexual economics editor Evan Davies shared a platform with Diamond presenting this book at the RSA either:
Jared Mason Diamond (born September 10, 1937) is an American scientist and author best known for his popular science books The Third Chimpanzee (1991), Guns, Germs, and Steel (1997), Collapse (2005) and The World Until Yesterday (2012). Originally trained in physiology, Diamond’s work is known for drawing from a variety of fields, including anthropology, ecology, geography, and evolutionary biology. He is currently Professor of Geography at the University of California, Los Angeles.[1][2] He has been described as “America’s best-known geographer”.
Bit of a jack of all trades, isn’t he?
Good at writing popular pseudo science too.
Hmmm, seems to be like another of the BBC ‘media academics’, easy on the eye Dr Alice Roberts who prostituted her scientific credibility on the BBC’s ‘Human Journey’and who has little in the way of serious peer reviewed scientific publications to her name.
Of course I can see now why the BBC luuuurve him:
Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies is a 1997 book by Jared Diamond, professor of geography and physiology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). In 1998, it won the Pulitzer Prize for general non-fiction and the Aventis Prize for Best Science Book. A documentary based on the book, and produced by the National Geographic Society, was broadcast on PBS in July 2005.[1]
The book attempts to explain why Eurasian civilizations (in which he includes North Africa) have survived and conquered others, while arguing against the idea that Eurasian hegemony is due to any form of Eurasian intellectual, moral or inherent genetic superiority.
Diamond argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies originate in environmental differences, which are amplified by various positive feedback loops.
Jack or knave?!
Jack of all trades, master of none?
Diamond argues that the gaps in power and technology between human societies originate in environmental differences, which are amplified by various positive feedback loops.
I have also heard this view put forward on the BBC presented as though it is an accepted scientific orthodoxy rather than a maverick view of a media professor.
Darwin go to hell.
In the Left intelligentsia’s view, ALL differences between people must BY DEFINITION be socially or environmentally caused, and therefore alterable by state intervention; it can’t be nature.
Any mention of the fact that FGM has been practised since the time of the Pharaohs? They have found mutilated mummies.
I confess I didn’t watch the whole thing. But in what I saw there was no mention of Pharaoh’s Harem, nor sister or daughter marriage. So I guess the women of ancient Egypt had nothing to complain about.
politically correct verbal gymnastics … with panto on 5live your call … as fabulously wealthy footballers might take offence … poor spoilt millionaire cry baby alert eh!
this being the bbc of course, stop freedom of expression maniacs abound, and the ejector seat ignoramus from “kick it out” does a turn, after an hour of this doctored pap! …
no one appears to have the intelligence to state that nothing is as important of freedom of speech, and if it is deemed offensive, it is more so … because who decides eh! who gets to play god? 😀 so to speak …
who gets to listen in, on what they ve think, that someone they know, might of thought they heard on the TV 2yrs ago.
offence industry slippery slope people
i know but they were black eh? … hmmm what about the Ref then … he s all in black, i should imagine he gets a lot more abuse, than the prima-donnas, with self arbitered
hair trigger sensitivities, wouldn t you.
then again bbc … we re all victims eh! … as long as your not english or white? …. sad and absurd in equal measure
Two reports of Egyptian divers’ underwater cable sabotage.
“Egypt arrests as undersea internet cable cut off Alexandria”
‘Times of Israel’:-
“Internet cable-cutters caught by Egypt signal new terror threat.
“Two bids within days to sabotage a major cable off the coast of Alexandria raise the specter of a new kind of ‘hacking,’ says Israeli expert.”
What, no “analysis” from a BBC editor about what this might mean, or speculation as to the “alleged motive”, like they do for other stories?
Seeing as the BBC, are all on the self delusion bus, about South Africa – Mandela – the “disgusting horrors of apartheid” … ya da ya da ya da … every 15 minute updates
on Nelson, (with a little apartheid dig at every opportunity).
well come on then auntie! … while you re all “het up” …
get in gear … lets have the lowdown on this “apartheid”
that first poster is priceless 😀
An interesting thing I noticed in Bethlehem last year close to the checkpoint (with signs to the ‘Banksy Shop’) was that all the emotive artwork on the wall (worshipping their guns I notice, maybe the BBC can reconcile that one) had slogans written in English. I didn’t realise the Palestinian’s first language was English? Or maybe it was all just propaganda aimed at young impressionable westerners…
Not many Christians left in Bethlehem now – perhaps a few dhimmis willing to trash Israel to al Beeb…
there you are then, never mind apartheid ….. how about eradication
hitlers buddy, the old mufti of jerusalem
would be proud ….
wait a minute 😀 … why? isn t that on the bbc eh!
and i wonder where the mufti got HIS inherrent jew hatred from eh! ? …
that made him so keen on hitler?
needless to say … not on the bbc anytime soon.
I see the bBC makes no mention of this:
2 Pakistani girls from British led aid convoy to Gaza gang raped in front of their father during stop over in Libya.
Well, it’s possible they are engaged in selective watertight oversight to make absolutely sure of the facts, before really not going near it.
violence, gang raped?, in front of their father?
in Libya? taking aid to fellow muslims?
going to Gaza? …
i think its obvious its those overtly violent, gang rape loving, deliberately offending,
lacking in any morality/humanity.
musl … oops i mean joooos again?
It will obviously be their own fault for dressing inappropriately and inviting the rapes. If only they had worn respectable clothing! Or did they? Hmmm….
Oddly, 24 hours late Beeboids made it their main radio headline this afternoon (29 March). I just couldn’t work out why?
Was it because they discovered the women were on an aid convoy to Gaza, or was it that the rapists turned out to be pro-government militia?
Any other ideas?
Perhaps they had only just found out that the raped *British* women were Pakistani?
Good Friday.
What better day is there to discuss the hopelessly compromised BBC and its religious affairs coverage?
Heard a few embarrassing mentions on the ToadyShow from Thought for the Day onwards up until 9am.
1. Welby doesn`t bother with TFTD…splutter!
2. TFTD is popular and you have the proof Sarah(no she did not!), and there`s no problem with proving this is there sdarah(yes, there is: so it transpires).
Car crash crap-and our Muslim chum who heads up religious affairs coverage gurns inanely on…Jesus, Good Friday?…not at all.
He had a body double apparently…no further questions, shut down the Theology Departments; until Choudhury or Dawkins decides what best to fill the gaps.
No-no problems at the BBC.
“BBC accused of provoking Christians with Mary Magdalene documentary.
A Bishop last night accused the BBC of deliberately provoking Christians by screening a documentary on Good Friday suggesting that Jesus had a sexual relationship with Mary Magdalene.”
I wonder what programme INBBC will put out on Mohammed to provoke Muslims?
I thought about this while trying to watch braggs 3rd form nonsense,Its not as if any of this was new both the BBC and C4 have flogged this to death before.
But why today at the start of the most important festival
in the christian calendar? It’s just adolescent spitefulness
The BBC would make me ashamed to be an atheist.If I thought they were truly atheists and not the mean spirited secular fundamentalists they are
now then … could it be deemed “offensive”
because what is good for Aquils buddies.
should be likewise for Christians … non!
but the liars and cowards at brit brainwashing cresent, know very well, that in the England Christians today are truly peaceful … where as the followers of Mohamhead are not … so better make that liars, cowards AND complicit
nice to see them self enforcing sharia at Easter eh!
beneath contempt.
I am am atheist, and even I think this is suspicious timing designed to be inflammatory.
Given that the head of BBCs religious broadcasting is a Muslim, we should hardly be surprised by this.
Aaah, aaah….the prophet Mohammed.
Could this be the reason why the BBC doesn’t like to give too much air time to those skeptical of Warmism?
The Meltdown Of Global Warmists Reveals Their True Priorities
Prominent global warming activist Michael Mann threw down the gauntlet against evangelical Christians this week, calling a distinguished climate scientist and well-known Christian an “evolution denier” while refusing to participate with him in a global warming debate. In the wake of Mann’s unprovoked attack, prominent ‘evangelical’ global warming activists, who target evangelical Christians by claiming to also be evangelicals, declined to stand up for the Christian scientist against Mann’s ugly and unprovoked assault.
Mann, who used to have a direct line to Richard Black when he needed the oxygen of publicity for something, and probably still does have easy access to someone at the BBC, explains all:
Indeed, shortly after refusing to debate Spencer and calling him an “evolution denier,” Mann punctuated his use of deliberately disrespectful language by tweeting, “Getting on a debate stage signals that, while you might disagree, you respect the position of your opponent.”
So maybe it’s not just that the Beeboids won’t allow the skeptics on, but that they can’t find anyone other than Richard Bacon or another lightweight to debate them.
Play the man but avoid debate at all costs, using any excuse, however implausible.
Standard practice for the Left.
Good article here by Fraser Nelson on how many more people are killed by the cold (never get a mention) vs those who perished in 2003 heatwave caused by ‘global warming’ (blind hysteria).
Switched on R4 twice today, both very brief visits as it happened because…..the first was a discussion about the young Oogo Chavez and what a fun person he was to be with…..the second some blokes ‘sexuality’ quickly became part of the debate.
And it seems to be becoming more and more relentless, apart from Asian mums (Womans Hour) I am not sure who radio Fours target audience is!
They certainly seem to wish to drive away their traditional audience weighted towards middle aged, middle class ethnic British people.
Are they actually looking for an excuse to finally drop the channel for the serious minded? Could it be that theyd like to replace it with something more dumbed down, and that by losing their articulate listeners first they are clearing the road?
I do strongly suspect they cant wait to end the Archers as the message boards have now been closed and the quality of storylines is dire (not to mention the acting especially by the two newer ‘ethnics’ and the ghastly youngster who plays ‘Pip’ Archer.) Much as they try to make it ‘diverse’ the setting, of a rather remote country village with an economy thirty years out of date, does make doing this quite a challenge for the not so unimaginative SWs!
Oops correction – …not so imaginative SWs
There’s wriggle, and there’s trying it on big time. Again.
In addition to this informative blog, I also have registered on one that stays abreast of FoI requests, and this one devoted to the BBC’s ever unique ways of not answering.
The inability to scan is, of course, total BS.
The last time they tried this on (as part of the Pollard ducking and diving), a contributor scanned, I think the Magna Carta at 300dpi. This rather more aged document than the payment records of a BBC staff member came across crystal clear.
They are trying first off to smokescreen what they are not making public with what they are teasing out.
Then they are trying to ensure it cannot be shared electronically without a bunch of hassle.
It even pissed off the home team last time.
I am also pretty sure they are totally in breach of obligations by such an attempt. I’d be interested in the full legal consequences.
The BBC should be ashamed of itself, laughed into court, and held to full legal account (career-wise, not feepayer-funded fines) for trying it on so much and getting away with it, they have lost sight of when they simply come across as the arrogant, dumb, two-faced, venal weasels they really are, playing so fast and loose with official obligations.
What this story shows is while the BBC is successful swaying the public about many issues that they are not very aware about or hardly touches them, when it comes to their deep and firm beliefs, the BBC propaganda and attempt to brainwash goes out the window.
Barack Obama called ‘a hypocrite and a coward’ over Falklands betrayal – BBC audience applauds
One of the more surprising bits of television I’ve seen recently. Thanks for flagging it up.
He doesn’t care about Hawaii’s right of self-determination either – it’s legally still a British protectorate, as can be seen from the Union Jack in the top left corner of the state flag. Doesn’t he care for his native islands (sarcasm alert)?
The Economist has apparently come out slightly skeptical about the alarmism we’ve all been fed over the years about how badly carbon and other evil substances from human activity are heating up the planet. Next time somebody refers to something in The Economist as some kind of evidence that Warmism is fact because the magazine said so, remember the following:
Climate Change Endgame In Sight?
A Washington-based Economist correspondent admitted to me privately several years ago that the senior editors in London had mandated consistent and regular alarmist climate coverage in its pages.
Just like we now know the BBC has done, thanks to the 28-Gate revelations. Sometimes, there really is an agenda. The Economist, however, will ultimately be held accountable by their subscribers and advertisers. The BBC has the former indentured eternally by law, doesn’t have to worry about the latter, and is ultimately accountable only to itself.
Quote: ‘As usual, we see an environmental phenomenon that the environmental Politburo overestimates, and which always demands that we surrender more political power into their hands as the solution’.
We should never forget this. ‘Climate change’ is nothing to do with science and everything to do with the drive for a new eco-socialist political world order, bypassing our democratic processes (think EU as the prototype). Those driving it will find tooth and nail to preserve this ideology posing as a science because, just like the watermelons, they are ‘green on the outside, red on the inside’.
And for a taste of how your world would be under the green jackboot, have a read here:
Libya: Islamic attacks on Christians. INBBC censors.
‘Daily Mail’:-
“British women aid workers are kidnapped and raped in front of their father after being stopped at Libyan checkpoint”
“Christians in Libya braced for Easter trouble from Islamists.
Catholic priest shot at on Tripoli church steps, and dozens of Christians arrested for proselytising.”
Islam Not BBC (INBBC):-
INBBC does NOT mention the Islamic identity of the perpetrators, of course:-
“Libyans held for ‘sex attack’ on Britons in Benghazi”
Do Beeboids and ‘political left’ want immigration of Libyan Muslims into Britain to continue?
Heard a bit of Any Questions tonight on Radio 4.
It came from Chatham-which I thought might have meant a bit of balance, what with its naval history.
Worse than ever-has anybody heard so biased an audience?
And what a crew by way of panel…no Tory in any meaningful sense at all.
Boris…the eulogies for Miliband Major and the NHS were quite sickening…Eagle and Gerada spouting their spew, and the audience whooping and hollering at all they said.
More Leslie Crowthers “Price Is right” than politics….and NO price is high enough to deter the BBC from their relentless 24/7 puffing up of their lefty misfits.
Thankfully the ringmaster of the revels was not Dimbo..or it would have been even worse.
A new low for the BBC…when an Angela Eagle is shored up as a sage, we `re stuffed!
Another Beebo arrested in Yewtree investigation
Australian entertainer netted in UK sex probe
by: Jonathan Este
From: The Australian
March 30, 2013 12:00AM
BRITISH Police have arrested an 82-year-old man believed to be a high-profile Australian entertainer on suspicion of sexual offences as part of the Operation Yewtree probe into allegations of widespread abuse in the British entertainment business.
Can you guess who it is yet?
Do the allegations involve two little boys?
There may have been Horses involved.
Two little boys had two little toys …..
This campaign will condemn all elderly white blokes soon. As if…!
British women raped, libya, bbc reports it was done by men!
By mentioning their gender, the BBC is being sexist. They should say ‘a woman was raped by a human being.’
“All men are rapists. They rape you with their eyes, their laws and their language” [M. French in “The Men’s Room”, if I remember rightly]
the report appeared about 12 hours after the guardian first covered it. presumably meantime was used to seek advice from the team who so deftly handle the grooming cases.
ever heard of strapons?
Damian Thompson…
Is any public body in the Western world quite so grandly dismissive of its critics as the BBC? Next week a new director general, Lord Hall, takes office, but please don’t get your hopes up. The Today programme will continue to fill the airwaves with “independent” lobbyists who can turn even the blandest story about birdwatching or scone-baking into a moan about Government cuts. Newsnight will continue to employ an unreconstructed Old Left agitator, Paul Mason, as its economics editor. And the relocation to Salford – an ideological “internal migration” worthy of Beijing – will be further embedded.
Can i just wish all B-BBC readers and staff a happy easter and a chilled bank holiday 🙂
J’étais dans la cuisine, pas des moutons! Je chantais raquette,Hélas, le Pacifique du logement, de la houle, et les moutons,Laissez morgue devenir confus! ! Aromatique, l’amour triste et lumineux …
I went on a English French translation site, this is what I got.
”I was in the kitchen, not sheep! I sang raquette,Hélas, the Pacific of the lodging, swell, and the moutons,Laissez morgue to become confused! ! Aromatic, sad and love luminous.”
I’m still confused.
Absinthe makes the heart grow stronger…
Bonne Paques, Patsy!
I got something slightly different:
“I was in the kitchen, not sheep! I sang racket Alas, Pacific Housing, swell, and sheep Let morgue become confused! ! Aromatic, light and love sad … my hovercraft is full of eels.”
‘….my hovercraft is full of eels….’
Is that Eric Cantona out there?
“Pas de moutons” = “No sheep” as any GCSE French student should know. Another example: “Pas de glace” “No ice” (for a drink being ordered)
Not to mention ‘pas de deux’, a dance for two (there’s always an exception to the rule….)
If the BBC and their part in the Great Global Warming Scam were a movie, then which movie would it be?
What scene have we reached this chilly Easter of 2013?
For me it’s The Italian Job.
It has the lot – the bold scam, the planning stage, the picked team of misfits and crooks, the European connection, funny little cars, the haul of gold, a long chase, the hubris and that song: ‘The Self-Preservation Society’
And of course we have at last reached the final scene where it has all gone sliding off the road and lurching over the cliff where now it rests – delicately balanced.
The BBC (Michael Caine) says ‘….hang on a minutes lads, I’ve got a great idea!’
The sequel will reveal that it’s all gone over the cliff, somewhere in Harrabin County (oops, wrong country).
For a pure satirical take on the global warming movement you can’t beat ‘The Day After Tomorrow’. Trouble is, so many morons took it seriously, not least those who made it plus the millions of UK schoolkids brainwashed by an eco-socialist educational agenda.
The BBC are very keen to promote Christian disunity over the question of homosexual marriage. Apparently Archbishop Cary has attacked the concept. The BBCs response this morning was to give an unchallenged platform (five to ten minutes with gentle prompting) to a spokesperson from Globalist Christian ‘ think tank Ekklesia to launch a vicious attack on Cary suggesting he was being selfish in describing those who are anti homosexual marriage as being marginalised when there are minority religious groups in the world who are really being marginalised. Evil selfish ethnic British behaviour again! We must always put our foreign cousins first!
Oh and the many who oppose homosexual marriage he described as having been ‘persuaded by an orchestrated campaign’! 😮 Silly fools; can’t think for themselves!
Of course the BBC, past masters of propaganda, know all there is to know about ‘orchestrated campaigns’! No mention of their role her of course.
Wonder when the BBC will interview a ‘progressive imam’ 😉 about the possibility of Muslim homosexuals receiving the blessing of Allah?
The affiliated organisation of Ekklesia are very telling!
Much appreciated Aerfen…we should do this with all those licensed, approved BBC mouth pieces.
Follow the money..if not, follow those who are in cahoots with them.
You’re welcome. 🙂
Good find: ‘Ekklesia has endorsed the statement from this new broad-based civic and trade union coalition aimed at resisting the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) public spending cuts targeting the poorest and most vulnerable in society’.
Straight out of the Labour/union handbook of mantras.
When is somebody going to sort out the BBC rot?
Yuk. Reminds me of when “Rabbi” Julia Neuberger used to get the godspot. The fact that a large majority of Jews have no time for liberal socialist theology or women rabbis was neither here nor there.
Unlike BBC-NUJ ‘Question Time’, Andrew Neil’s ‘This Week’ appears friendly towards David Starkey:-
“Miss Molly, the new golden girl of politics: Andrew Neil’s retriever given free rein in BBC’s This Week studio… and even dozes off on David Starkey’s lap.”
BBC 1 Breakfast are bringing me alarming reports that England football fans ‘sang racist chants’ recently. This all has to be gone into and investigated they insist, since it simply has to be stamped out.
I’ve come to be a little wary of what the BBC tell me. Particularly when there is a vagueness about their reports and some PC issues at stake. I know the impression that they want to give the mass audience – racism is everwhere, England football fans are evil and racist. But is this true? Afterall the BBC told me earlier this week that Liverpool football fans were all saintly and innocent.
So five minutes of my own investigation informs me the ‘bonfire song’ is a regular feature of the terraces often deployed by – for example – Newcastle fans against their local rivals from Sunderland .
Not very pleasant but where’s the racism? Is their blackness the one and only thing the Ferdinand brothers are known for?
Could it be that England fans are little better informed about their sport and its stars than the BBC Breakfast front bench wishes the rest of the nation to know about?
Rio Ferdinand has been banned for eight months and fined £50,000 by the Football Association after being found guilty of missing a drugs test.
IT was footballs wildest holiday, when future England stars Rio Ferdinand, Frank Lampard and Kieron Dyer were caught on camera in sex romps.
In April last year Leeds player Michael Duberry and Manchester United’s Rio Ferdinand were accused of indecent assault and threatening behaviour in a Leeds nightclub.
The claims were made during the rape trial of a Leeds man, who was later convicted.
Martin Luther King claimed his victim said she had been indecently assaulted by Mr Duberry and threatened by Mr Ferdinand in the club, before the rape by Mr King took place.
The CPS said there was insufficient evidence to prosecute the players.
BBC plays down Moyles ‘faggot’ row
The BBC has dismissed as “banter” an incident on Chris Moyles’ Radio 1 show today in which footballer Rio Ferdinand called the DJ a “faggot”.
Rio Ferdinand fined £45,000 by FA over ‘choc ice’ tweet
Manchester United defender Rio Ferdinand has been fined £45,000 after being found guilty of improper conduct over comments he made relating to the John Terry racism
The 33-year-old defender, who has played 81 times for England, was given a six-month ban despite being represented by lawyer Nick Freeman, nicknamed Mr Loophole for his ability to get celebrities off driving charges.
Anton Ferdinand was today charged with assault and violent disorder after an incident outside Faces nightclub in Ilford on October 2.
Prosecutor Alex Agbamu said Ferdinand had offered a number of explanations for events that night, claiming he had acted in self defence and fearing he would be mugged for his £64,000 watch.
The court heard that Emile Walker was allegedly assaulted by a group of men outside the nightclub including Ferdinand and another man identified by Mr Walker as Ferdinand’s cousin, who has not been named.
England needed Rio to be like Nobby Stiles, not out partying with Harry Styles.
‘What reasons?’ Rio Ferdinand once asked. Obviously, he had forgotten about his intricate, pre-planned programme that day.
It must have slipped his mind, too, last month when he announced he would pack his bags and go straight there if selected by England. No mention of an intricate pre-planned programme in that statement, either.
Indeed, for a programme so intricate, not to mention pre-planned, Ferdinand does seem to have rather a peculiar attitude to it.
Traipsing around behind the latest pop fad while the England manager remained in the dark about an impending crisis, Ferdinand seemed to epitomise the self-absorption of so many modern footballers — more Harry Styles than Nobby Stiles.
When discussing his controversial withdrawal from the latest England squad, Rio Ferdinand spoke of his strict fitness regime and how both ‘rest and recuperation’ was a crucial part in allowing him to continue to compete at the highest level.
What he did not first mention was that that strict regime allowed him to work as a pundit for Al Jazeera in a job involving a 15-hour round trip.
Controversial: England’s fans were understandably unhappy at Rio Ferdinand’s withdrawal from the latest squad
BBC: Don’t take their word for anything.
“The BBC has dismissed as “banter” an incident on Chris Moyles’ Radio 1 show today in which footballer Rio Ferdinand called the DJ a “faggot”.”
Classic victim totem pole stuff. Black trumps gay.
Black does indeed trump ‘gay’.
The order of trumps I would say is:
Any visible ethnic minority
Any other ethnic minority
Homosexuality and any minority sexual proclivity
Wimmin (well down the list, with the notable exception of ethnic minority wimmin who are adored)
i’d move wimmin up one, no one who says anything vaguely anti-women is allowed on air again.
But if an ethnic British woman said anything ‘homophobic’ she would be berated for it as ferociously as any man! A homosexual who said something anti feminist, especially if the victim of his attack happened to be a non Globalist woman, Carol Thatcher, Teresa May, Julie Birchall for example then he would be excused.
That is the test. It may appear that wimmin are more ‘actively’ promoted but that is only because we form fifty percent of the population, as well as being *visible* thus automatically provide more programming material than the 5% or so who are homosexual.
The Hierarchy of isms has Pakistani Moslem Men at the very top closely followed by Bangladeshi Moslem Men
Seeing as most black people are not Moslem they come quite a way down the list, in fact they are trumped by Black Moslem Men.
Ethnic minority women are not adored at all. They are seen as a problem who inconveniently show the favourite brown eyed boys for what they are.
If it wasn’t for these inconvenient women there wouldn’t be a need to disguise their oppression which is rarely allowed to be discussed.
Honour killings & forced marriages just show how incompatible this culture is with our own, and that just cannot be allowed!
I disagree with that, black people more than Asians have historically been seen as more backward. Black people also have a ‘victim’ status because of the abuse of their ancestors as slaves which Asians do not. Hence defending black people gives Globalists hair shirters the biggest self righteous thrill.
There has been some shift towards Mohammedans in recent years with the targetting of ‘Islamophobia’ but the feel good factor is just not as high as for blacks, they lack the cuddly appeal, they are less ‘cool’ and attractive culturally too, just not hitting the same buttons.
I think a judge should make up a bit of common law to settle this highly disputed pecking order, which also includes the disabled, gypsies and criminals who went to the wrong school. For some reason which escapes me, Lord Leveson comes to mind.
Pro-Islamic INBBC reports this:-
“Sri Lanka crowd attacks Muslim warehouse in Colombo”
(note how INBBC highlights the Islamic designation of the warehouse).
But, INBBC does NOT report this, in Bangladesh:-
“Bangladesh: ‘Arrest the atheists who insulted Islam!’ Tens of thousands of Muslims call for new blasphemy laws against bloggers.”
Contrast: Sky news (not a big fan) and bBC, both outlining the NUT conference. Sky give a presentation stating the NUT comments. bBC state griences and then long interviews with NUT officials. Any form of rebuttal given, none, not even we asked for a comment but the gov refused.
this is about the rape of a 14 year old in glasgow. many of the witnesses referred to in the report will have seen the attackers close-up and clearly, so why are descriptions provided so sparse?
probably BBC employees
Actually this makes no sense:
From the Beeb: “Bus operator First Glasgow said the driver was unaware of the assault but ejected the two men involved later in the journey due to separate unruly behaviour.
Her friend, also 14, went up to see her and raised the alarm with passengers downstairs.
Does not compute! So this girl raised the alarm with passengers downstairs, they went to the girl’s aid…so did this girl whisper downstairs and where an invisibility cloak? Did the driver not look in the mirror upstairs once? These guys then came down and the driver ejected them for separate unruly behaviour? This has to be the dumbest blindest deafest most incompetent driver EVER or he is lying.
Cowardice is quite common in the emergency services too, with people left to die under cover of health and safety rules. As these are made in Brussels, the Beeb is a bit shy of covering such incidents.
Easter Weekend and BBC London News on BBC 1 TV want to turn our thoughts toward religion.
It seems there is a religious organisation that is keen to put out a positive message today and the BBC London News team happily respond by sending along a reporter and film crew to help out with the PR.
Three guesses which one. Second thoughts I’m guessing you are already there ahead of me.
Our thoughts go to the East at Easter and so the BBC go to East London where they are facing East all the year round. Toward Mecca, I mean.
See the online version of the report here.
‘The East London Mosque is opening its doors to non-Muslims in an attempt to promote a better understanding of Islam and what goes on inside the building. ‘
The East London report was penned by one Catrin Nye of the BBC Asian Service. Which is the real Catrin the hot blond or the burqua’d? neuter

Oops that should have been burqua’d neuter?
I’m sure the Faithful will be well chuffed that their favourite female get up is now a BBC endorsed fashion option.
Saturday morning and the BBC have gleefully run a piece on bedbugs in the Swiss army, anticipating with delight that this will increase opposition to compulsory military service! They also managed to interview a weedy recruit who said he’d run away if ever the guns began to fire…
How the fascists loathe the idea of a population trained to defend itself.
BBC News is having an Owen Jones weekend. He was ranting and waving his arms around on the press review last night and here he is again on Dateline London on another ‘balanced panel’ of the usual suspects.
Owen Jones age 13 and a half, said to Rachael Burden the other day
” Look, I’m not on speed dial to Radio 5 ! ”
That means he is.
a caller stated he had to be 😀
QT – Any Questions- Dateline –
Today – Your Call – 5live breakfast
i mean, i wonder, what makes him think that?
Probably laying off the SWP hot line until the ‘comrade delta’ business is brushed under the carpet and poor shouty is having to pick up the slack
Why on earth would
“Probably laying off the SWP hot line until the ‘comrade delta’ business is brushed under the carpet and poor shouty is having to pick up the slack ”
be awaiting moderation?
Years ago, the Telegraph’s “Peter Simple” column had an imaginary broadcasting corp’, who offered up a current affairs show called “Hear All Sides”. The articulate Leftists who dominated the panel were accompanied by a semi-lobotomised policeman, there to put the Tory/Fascist view as best he could, “in the interests of balance”. I wonder what inspired that idea?
As I remember, the producers of ‘Hear All Sides’ reacted with some heat whenever leftie bias was alleged, pointing out that “ALL Shades of progressive opinion are represented.”
Yes, BBC-NUJ News Channel (last night) gave over the review of the press to two lefties (one was Jones) who were invited to give a review of the news from their ‘Independent’ and ‘Guardian’ propaganda viewpoints, which they did.
I was listening ( enduring ) Nicky ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell on Good Friday. For practically the whole 4 hours he whined on and on about their favourite subject ‘waaycism’ in football. ( groan ) I think Campbell said the word ‘waaycism’ 9473 times. If I had a pound for every time someone said the word ‘waaycism’ I think I could solve the national debt.
But what irritated me most, was the earnestness, seriousness, and po faceness of Campbell, ” waaycism’ is the crime of the century blah blah blah.” It was all mock outrage and phony indignation, all very melodramatic and camp.
If you want to get rid of ‘waaycism’ in football, here’s the solution.
1. Have all black teams.
2. Have all black referees, linesman and officials.
3. The managers should be black too
4. All supporters in the stadium should be black, no whites allowed in.
5. The FA should be all black
Whitey can take up golf or Monopoly and leave them to it.
Whitey can take up golf or Monopoly and leave them to it
You’re joking. Theyll be bleating then about about BME ‘under representation’ in that field.
You never hear about black under representation in chess though, funny that.
Nor swim, look at the Olympics
Are Blacks ever considered to be over-represented in the British 4 x 100m relay team and in sprinting in general?
Nor blood donors.
Nor as adopters – though over represented as adoptees.
Nor cycling, none in the Tour de France or skiing or ice hockey.
Half of the pieces are black. However white gets to go first so maybe it is racist.
Well spotted: imperialistic primacy still at work in the 21st Century !
Chess problems are nearly always “White to win” – and in the “Simple Checkmates” sections of textbooks, it always seems to be White checkmating the Black King !
Extreme racism IMHO (tongue in cheek)
“for 4 hours” … sheesh! i think a medal is in order
british EMPIRE! medal 😀 eh nicky (titter!).
anyway he wants to give it a rest … think of the poor,
Refs thats what i say … they routinely have to put up with, waycism, hairism, and fatherlessism
“he s a bald headed b-stard dressed in black,
dressed in black, dressed in black
dressed in black, black, black”
Black footballers’ association on the cards?
‘A black only footballers association’
Er, um, isn’t that waaycist ?
No, according to a single black ex-footballer as reported by bBBC, it’s to fight waaycism.
Hmm, it sounds a bit Irish !
I suppose history is not Evan Davis’s strength so he didn’t interject to claim whitey’s innocence in a Haiti report on “Today”. Haiti is famously devoid of trees unlike its island neighbour the Dominican Republic. So a tree planting initiative is under way, seeking to restore a soil covering to the hills. And where did all the trees go? Well to start with it was due to the colonial power taking the valuable timber…. But! Haiti shook off the colonial shackles in 1804. Was there really a big timber operation in existence over 200 years ago?
“In 1804, Haiti won its independence from France after the world’s only successful slave revolution. For Haiti to be recognised as an independent state, and to allow Haiti to trade, France demanded a payment of 90 million gold francs (equivalent to US $21.7 billion today) to repay its lost property which included the freed slaves, land, raw materials, coffee and sugar. Haiti’s trees were felled and exported to France, in order to service the debt.”
from the Wiki article
“Deforestation sped up after Hurricane Hazel downed trees throughout the island in 1954.[2] Beginning in about 1954, concessionaires stepped up their logging operations, in response to Port-au-Prince’s intensified demand for charcoal, thus accelerating deforestation, which had already become a problem because of environmentally unsound agricultural practices, rapid population growth, and increased competition over scarce land.[2] Techniques that could make forestry more productive for fuel, like coppicing and pollarding, are not used. There is also a less discussed problem with feral goats which overgraze and eat seedlings that might otherwise replace ground cover.”
Should you have gone further with your response? Suggesting that all the trees went in the C19
…also forgot their energy policy (well, not a policy really, just what they do) wood burning…pity the UK gov doesn’t see the stupidity of wood burning power stations.
Missed out the bit were the white French were slaughtered.
Haiti has been a real success story, hasn’t it ?
Get your sick-bag ready again! A loony leftie council wants to put up a statue of a well-known junkie.
The bBBC is in favour, of course.
Well that link only says that the council are considering the planning application, as is part of their function. And a simple google reveals that the proposed statue was commissioned by The Amy Winehouse Foundation and the Roundhouse Trust.
But hey, when your first instinct is that your prejudice about “loony lefties” is correct, why would you waste ten seconds discovering that the truth doesn’t back up your own bias?
But the lefties ARE loonies.
Interesting that your link page never mentions Winehouse’s drug addiction. Too embarrassing for bBBC staff to mention, no doubt.
‘The Guardian has been let in on Lord (Tony) Hall’s agenda for his first official day at the helm of the BBC’
That’s nice. And a real surprise.
‘Hall is planning a blitz of broadcast interviews’
Gracious of him. I wonder if these will be Q&A, or more managed fare? It will be refreshing if the holding to account goes beyond the BBC deciding what the narrative is and no backsies.
‘The BBC’s difficulties over the handling of the Savile crisis, as exposed in Nick Pollard’s report..”
Well, revealed in part, as even the Graun seems to have forgotten it was a bit disconcerted at the redactions.
‘[The BBC] is tarnished post-Savile and the whole meltdown on Newsnight. He has got to make the whole thing trustworthy again.’
Good luck with that. Presuming, even though the BBC is currently untrustworthy, we still get compelled to pay for it?
And pay… quite a lot. One of the top comments in the Graun:
29 March 2013 7:26pm
I agree with Maggie Brown’s comments on MediaTalk that Tony Hall has not got off to a good start by directly appointing James Purnell and Anne Bulford into positions that have not been advertised publicly. This is ammunition for the BBC’s critics.
With most of the BBC on Easter hols, it may be some time before the comments and ratings get restored to traditional levels, as currently it seems fair to say that even the Graun posters can see pure BS when served it.
an anti-israel site has this
On Tuesday 26th March, the BBC has admitted that a reference it made to Israeli soldiers dying on the same day US activist Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer in Gaza was not ‘duly accurate’. No Israeli soldiers were killed on that day, Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) said in a press release.
The claim was made by veteran BBC presenter, Martha Kearney, on BBC Radio 4′s World at One programme, on the day an Israeli court ruled that Israel was not to blame for Corrie’s death.
PSC has been lobbying the BBC for seven months, since the broadcast in August 2012, to extract an admission that Kearney’s false claim constituted a breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines on Accuracy.
During a segment dealing with the court ruling on 28th August, Kearney interviewed the Israeli government spokesperson, Mark Regev, to ask for his views on the case.
In the course of the interview, she said to him: ‘Clearly Rachel Corrie was one of the casualties of what happened that day – and I know Israeli soldiers died too’.
She concluded her sentence with a question: ‘But has this meant there’s a re-think of the policy of what was happening at that time – bulldozing Palestinian houses?’
PSC objected on the grounds that Kearney’s statement was false and on the additional grounds that the presenter seemed to be implying conflict ‘that day’ between Corrie – an unarmed civilian protestor – and the Israeli army which had resulted in armed Israeli soldiers being killed.
The organisation, which campaigns for justice and self-determination for the Palestinian people, said this amounted to a breach of the BBC’s Editorial Guidelines, in particular:
‘The BBC must not knowingly and materially mislead its audiences. We should not distort known facts, present inverted material as fact or otherwise undermine our audiences’ trust in our content.’
we await with baited breath for their apology for Donnison’s lies from hamastan
Pity the BBC couldn’t pull off its usual stealth edit from Israeli soldiers killed that day to attempts to kill Israeli soldiers that day.
There is another error that escaped the eagle eyes of Palestine Solidarity Campaign. ‘But has this meant there’s a re-think of the policy of what was happening at that time – bulldozing Palestinian houses?’ is not correct. No Palestinian homes were bulldozed that day Corrie died to stop the clearing of a field that was providing cover for attacks on the IDF not protecting a house.
Beeboid Pollyanna propaganda for mass immigration into Britain (e.g. Peterborough).
[i-Player access to UK viewers]
See from (approx) 3:30 mins in to 11 mins in.
Interesting debate speech by Douglas Murray on why the centre parties should do something about immigration – not arguments one hears on the Beeb very often, if at all:
Ok the BBc have annoyed me enough for another complaint. North West tonight appears to be doing it’s best to resemble the socialist worker party. Yes it’s the under occupancy penalty or “bedroom tax” to the mob. North west tonight ran a story this afternoon on a demonstration against the introduction of this measure. So where is the mob? Yep hardly anyone was there. So we have the usual camera tricks to try and make it look like there are more people there than is the case. I f anyone has been involved in politics we all know the shots to take, I’ve taken pictures like that myself in the past. So anyone on to voice agreement with the implementation of this change to housing benefit. Yes you guessed not a sausage.
Bearing in mind some of are still restricted by the weather what do the BBc put on TV in return for our license money. A repeat of pointless. The dreadful Dr. Who (I used to be a fan, well I still am of the old Dr. Who. Now it’s the unbelievably awful “The Voice”. Value for money? I think not.
Don’t start me on The Voice.
Intellechural property rights are a bit of a minefield on the telly. A slight tweak to someone else’s idea and you need pay no royalties, as the proliferation of ‘talent’ shows shows.
So the BBC, after all supposedly chocabloc with ‘creatives’, could have devised its own ‘talent’ show from scratch and for nothing. But no, it had to pay £20 million (of licence-tax payers’ money) for The Voice.
They spend it because they can.
They really are lazy and hopeless bastards.
“lazy and hopeless bastards”
not to mention greedy and arrogant
didn t the last series of this drole shite, bomb, because non of these intellectual behemoths, could see that once the chairs spin round, its just “small change” X factor …
Will.I.am has bought a new car, it’s like a clowns car.
He also turned up to a climate change debate…by helicopter :
BBC North West is even more one-sided than its nationwide big brother (pun intended), if that’s possible. What both are guilty of, though, is the lack of challenge to the sob stories paraded in front of us. When are they going to earn their £4 billion p.a. annum and start some serious investigative journalism? It’s patently bloody obvious from the continuing exponential growth of coffee houses, bars, cafes, restaurants and takeaways, not to mention new shopping malls, that the country is nowhere near as hard up as the bleating Leftist pressure groups – sorry, charities and think tanks – make out. Time, therefore, to get under the skin of their hard-upness and start asking some of those who are having their benefits cut – working or no – what they spend their money on. A good old-fashioned fly-on-the-wall documentary would do the trick, finding out day by day where the money goes, what efforts individuals are making to budget their spend (given the country had been living beyond its means for too long) and, crucially, what they are not cutting back on that they see as ‘essentials’.
Does anybody know why our impartial state broadcaster, ‘home to some of the world’s best investigative journalists’, won’t do this? Is it not in the national interest that they should do it?
After seeing your report on the “demonstration” by the Halton anti “bedroom tax group” I feel I must complain about how this report was pitched.
After already seeing this bunch stage a non event demonstration earlier this year. When reported in the local press it was obvious the number who turned out was extremely low.
The report on North West tonight showed no counter view. It may be hard to believe but some of us think it’s unfair housing benefit should be paid in full to persons in who are living in property’s that too large. I watched the video complete with camera angles to make the crowd look larger. There were obviously not many people there. I’ve used the camera angle “trick” myself in the past when I was involved in politics.
Please can you explain why you decided to only report one side of this story.
Please do not do what your normal action is with a complaint. That is to say ignore it as I will only then re-complain about your lack of response.
Let’s see what comes back in the E-mail
you d have to have a heart of stone 😀 …
tried to tell you alert
the bbc is shocked SHOCKED i tell you, to report,
military hardware, high grade weapons are being
consistently shipped to the (wonderful-hurrah-bless em!)
erm “freedom fighter/rebel chappies in Syria,
who turn out to be, (pause for effect) … murderous jihadist fascists, (oh dear), willing to kill any poor sod in target range …
aided by the (surprise surprise) Saudi s, and useful idiots just like W.Vague and the plank Kerry,(who are sure no aid will fund weapons …. oops!).
yep! even got guys like “tour of duty” train spotters swapping weapon numbers on the net 😀
bleats our 24hr news beebot, with a face like a recently slapped arse
Syria eh! … i mean what could go wrong 😀
-most important news in world to BBC-NUJ –
BBC-NUJ gives top global billing (at our expense) to this tribal news:-
“Kenya Supreme Court upholds Uhuru Kenyatta election win”
From the bottom of report
“Are you in Kenya? What do you think about the Supreme Court upholding Uhuru Kenyatta’s election as president? Please get in touch using the form below.”
Could they not simply ask St.Obama for his opinion?
BBC giving lots of airtime recently to the critics of some set of statistical modelling that has informed public policy.
The figures we are told have been incorrectly manipulated and there are suggestions that ‘data… was incomplete and should not have been used.’
“it rings of politics rather than proper process”.
Sadly this does not refer to the BBC questioning the UEA over Climate Gate fixing of figures.
Oh no. This is about an NHS department closure in Leeds due to dodgy mortality rate stats.
Well, who really knows what the truth could be?
All I see is that the BBC are very prepared to question the statistics in this case where policy has been made in a way about which the BBC are none too keen.
As for current UK energy policy, the BBC like that very much thank you – so the stats are always taken as read.
“Valerie Singleton tells the truth about the BBC”
By Damian Thompson .
“Is any public body in the Western world quite so grandly dismissive of its critics as the BBC? Next week a new director general, Lord Hall, takes office, but please don’t get your hopes up. The Today programme will continue to fill the airwaves with ‘independent’ lobbyists who can turn even the blandest story about birdwatching or scone-baking into a moan about Government cuts. Newsnight will continue to employ an unreconstructed Old Left agitator, Paul Mason, as its economics editor. ”