The BBC seem to be having a dry run for the inevitable passing of Nelson Mandela. Now then, whilst this is much to admire about some aspects of the former South African President I do trust that they will not sanitise his terrorist past, his admiration for thugs like Mugabe and Gadaffi, and his expressed dislike of the United States. Then again……maybe the BBC see those things as further virtues?
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Yeah we all hate the united states, that is WHY I love him.
Perhaps they might give his coffin a suitable necklace as ornament.
Don’t forget his sympathy for the IRA.
“BBC unions silent over the Maggie Question.
BBC staff who went on strike yesterday said they were prepared to return to their desks if Nelson Mandela died, however the staff’s generosity stopped there.”
[This report is on Front Page of Friday print edition of ‘Telegraph’.]
An excerpt from R.W. Johnson’s review of a book on Mandela:-
“An Unreliable Friend”
R.W. Johnson.
R.W Johnson is author of:- ‘South Africa’s Brave New World’ (Penguin).
‘Look Inside’ book –
BBC staff who went on strike yesterday said they were prepared to return to their desks if Nelson Mandela died, however the staff’s generosity stopped there.
Generosity? Somehow it sticks in my throat. However, it shows clearly their priority. Mandela lost it with me when he came to Lockerbie and pleaded for the bomber who had killed 243 passengers and 16 crew and 11 people on the ground to be released back to Libya because he was a Muslim. To me that’s insane and shows a complete disregard for the families who had lost their loved ones because of this man.
How dare he?
Yet the BBC staff consider him somebody worthy of their dismissing their justification to strike. Not for the licence fee payer, but simply their own personal sick mindset.
The corporation said that the decision to return was “a tribute to the character of BBC staff.”
Yes, it tells of the character of BBC staff, but definitely not a tribute to it.
Bbc latest Mandella is breathing using the mouth and lung method . Some people have reported that he has levitated and that a comet has appeared in the crab constellation (his doctors are white bye the way)
Meanwhile the Jack Jones is a hundred society have been out in force and in best ministry of truth have forgotten that he was a paid Soviet “Fellow Traveller”.Oleg Gordiesky used to give him £200 a go up until 1984 for information he could have gotten by buying the guardian .Was jack a double agent? He did forecast that Micheal Foot would never be Prime minister and was paid double bubble for that. If I where a Soviet tax payer ha I would ask did we get our monies worth ?
There will be no bevvying. An ifif ifind oot ille breek ya leegs
I salute the great steps forward the rainbow nation have taken since the dark days of apartheid .You are now the rape capital of the world you murder more people than any African country your economy is a joke you think aids is juju your people are starving well done
Yes, Britain has rather declined in the last few years.
Oh, I get it now.
I suspect rape and murder are just as bad over most of Africa just not as well reported and recorded.
So that’s all right then.
The BBC uses phrases like ‘concern has been growing…’ and it was the every time he was taken to hospital. Except when watching the BBC I have never heard anybody express the least bit of concern for him.
94 year old bloke not very well…hold the front page!
As Gervais said…Mandela did quite a few years in prison and has not re-offended(except for fashion crimes).
So…prison clearly works after all!
Reckon we could manage to send all the BBC top brass and grandees in a rainbow coloured bandwaggon-open topped, so that those free condoms and pretty balloons/wristbands can be thrown with a flexible-nay. limp-wrist into the happy crowds.
Soweto and the Cape Flats please….open topped waggon..Friday/Saturday nights please…and all the BBC top brass on the waggon with cameras trained for next years Red Nose Day.
I`d watch it…come on Beeb, show us your inner rainbow warrior!