The teaching unions are revolting. Looks like the NUT are going…wait for it…to pass a vote of “No confidence” in Michael Gove. Oh, and Ofsted chief Sir Michael Wilshaw. Were I Gove, I would be encouraged to get the comrades gander up -but the BBC clearly see the wrath of the Unions as a major damnation for the Education Secretary! I was on BBC5 Live last night debating the Teacher Unions whingeing for mediocrity with a spokesman for the NUT. What surprised me were the number of “teachers” who phoned in, immediately declared they were NOT members of a Trade Union, and then promptly agreed with most aspects of the NUT jihad against Gove. I’m sure the BBC were singgering all the way to the news headlines.
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Keep on noticing that the BBC continue to refer to the BMA as “the doctors union”.
But the unions are never about when mid-Staffs or the latest dumbed down disaster of an educational experience in a school(gangland killings, sharpened flapjacks, nobody able to read and write, but carry a duty solicitors card around).
The Unions are a conspiracy against the public, with only one aim-to get on and let Labour be their puppets!
I think that should be, “… get the comrade’s DANDER up”, unless he intends giving them a good goosing!
Sorry, “comrades'”
The purpose of the unions is not to improve education but to look to the interests of the members. In that regard I would consider them to be a success. I would be delighted if I got paid as much as a teacher. Though I do have to admit that with there lack of authority in the classroom their job is a lot harder than mine. I would not want to go back to the days when the teachers were scary. one of my maths teacher selected six pupils at random because the class was disrespectful to a female teacher and belted them so hard one of them was put in hospital and one of the toughest boys in the school was reduced to tears.
Bet they didn’t do it again though!
No they did not, but I and others lost respect for him and all other teachers.
Bet that really upset them.
…teacher wasn’t Bill Gardener was it?
Why do the BBC always give these leftist teacher Easter union conferences such publicity? Their resolutions are always so drearily predictable and politically extreme – teachers first, pupils last. Surely, on the “man bites dog” vs “dog bites man” principle, votes of no confidence in Michael Gove and OFSTED have no news value whatsoever.
Don’t complain, as Abe Lincoln explained, the thing what kills a skunk is the publicity it attracts to itself.
While striking they will be eating packed lunches of bananas, crackers and fruitcake.
I saw the ticker on 24 this morning said “Gove faces vote of no confidence over education reforms!”
Blimey I thought, can the so called Tories stoop any lower or are the “lib” dems flexing their muscles again?
About twenty minutes into the bulletin we find out it is the NUT, who even the beeb describe as militant.
Man bites dog indeed lol
Ahhh, brings back so many happy memories of the 70s…..
Gove faces vote of no-confidence eh?
Once these bunches of State funded thickies decide that you Do merit their “support”…THAT would be the time to curl up and scoot off.
The teaching unions are full of third-rate quislings who weren`t bright enough to read Mao, Gadhaffi or Marx…so got it pureed and fed to them as The Guardian.
Any teacher who did not bale out under Baker…or indeed has made a career under Blairs regime….will be a moral and intellectual pygmy in 80% of cases.
Hence the dire slops of skuling that they cipher through whilst coining it in whilst being near-unsackable. Low Grade spuds squatting over the nations kids with Pink Floyd playing on their iPods.
This lot are your CiF morons-your QT sock puppets-and the cause of much of the nations woes today.
And I speak as a serving teacher, hopefully among the 20%!…
Line 2…DO (capital letters for emphasis!)…not “Do”.
Line 8 -“skuling” isn`t spelt like that really(and I know that, lest the trolls moan as is their wont).
Line 9 -does “Grade” merit a capital letter?…life`s too short now, and I teach maths and science…LGS could be an acronym for this lot could it not?
Last phrase should have a comma between ‘lot’ and ‘could’.
As I generally have little time for the coalition it is hopeful that the teaching unions are so against Gove. He must be doing something right.
My take on it all is that Gove and some of the coalition know just how dreadful our education system has become and just how we are going to struggle to compete with east Asia in particular.
I routinely come across young people whose general knowledge is abysmal, truly abysmal. Their maths skills are almost non existent and they can barely string a coherent sentence together. If we do not reform our schools then we have no future as a first world nation,. The teaching unions fail to understand the reality of the world. The BBc is of the same mindset. tax eaters the lot of them.
Lost all respect for the NUT after seeing that female fascist attack poor old Blunkett and his guide dog at one of their conferences a while back.
Poor old Blunkett indeed. That moron is responsible amongst others for the mass immigration into this country, and the ‘plastic’ bobbies, who are next to useless.
‘the BBC clearly see the wrath of the Unions as a major damnation for the Education Secretary! ……..(so)….I was on BBC5 Live last night ‘
Teachers lost all credibility once they decided to become a trade union (or two) rather than a Profession. The BBC is similarly stymied by the fact journalists are unionised. Is it right that our kids futures and our prime news vendor should be dominated by politically motivated pressure groups?