Mr Mandela was a terrorist, so let’s not forget that. Let’s also remember that the White government of South Africa kept this terrorist alive, when I suggest if he was White and doing his worst in a Black country he’d have been shown no mercy. But the bbc would never venture into that territory; only whites are evil while ethnics are beautiful and beatific. I just wish the bbc employees could be forced to live amongst their chosen people to gain that hands-on experience of ethnic love and harmony. Most of them wouldn’t survive the trauma.
”In 1976 I left America to teach philosophy in Ibadan, Nigeria. I made some remarkable discoveries.
First: African blacks were not uptight about race; and second: it was obvious to them that whites were ‘cleverer’ and they made no bones about it.
It is whites who feel guilty about this and blame themselves for black failure. Shrewd blacks use this ‘guilt’ to blackmail, browbeat and bamboozle whites.
This sham anger is a principal weapon of psychological warfare. It is used by women against men, blacks against whites, homosexuals against straights and islam against the West – though always with the help of the (alleged) wrong-doers.
The psychology here is:: Since our enemies hate us, we must have done something wrong; perhaps if we are nice to them they won’t hate us so much. In fact however, such appeasement always fails because it shows weakness and breeds contempt.
Without ‘guilt’ the con game of sham anger wouldn’t work. Unless Muslims saw a willing victim, their ‘rage’ wouldn’t exist because they would know that it would fail. ‘Guilt’ is the glove into which the fist of ‘anger’ fits.
Racial guilt and the consequent unwillingness to speak honestly about racial differences has led directly to the ultimate disaster of a Muslim president who hates America.
Torture on West Bank: it’s not Guantanamo, so INBBC will censor it.
“Hooded, hanged and left in agony for hours on end: Palestinian security chief tells how he has tormented ‘suspects’ with MI6′s knowledge… and reveals how Britain helps pay for it with £33m foreign aid.”
looks like the bbc have effectively killed this story, it was
all the rage last night … this morning 😀
US ex-soldier ‘fought in Syria’? the only link at present to Syria … why would something cogent to a world story and such escalating violence, boding serious future concerns
… not warrant even a link? 😀 … the “narrative” not right?
anyway, it was right at the end of last open thread so i ll post it.
you d have to have a heart of stone …
tried to tell you alert
the bbc is shocked SHOCKED i tell you, as po faced hosts report, that military hardware, high grade weapons are being consistently shipped to the
(wonderful-hurrah-bless em!)erm “freedom fighter/rebel chappies in Syria, who turn out to be, (pause for effect) … murderous jihadist fascists, (oh dear), willing to kill any poor sod in target range …
aided by the (surprise surprise) Saudi s, and useful idiots just like W.Vague and the plank Kerry,(who are sure no aid will fund weapons …. oops!).
yep! even got guys like “tour of duty” train spotters swapping weapon numbers on the net
bleats our 24hr news beebot, with a face like a recently slapped arse
If you do watch the programme, you could play Immigration Bingo, see how many times they say words and cliches like ” vibrancy, diversity, enrichment, islam, multiculturalism is a benefit, nazis, waaycism, holocaust.”
If you get the full set, you shout out Enoch Powell was right !!
Grant Shapps just taken BBCNewsoid to task for adopting Labour terminology with the use of the phrase “Bedroom Tax” – “The BBC have become part of the story”. (Beeboid had also said that “Cameron euphemistically calls it a spare bedroom subsidy”). The BBC man (Philip something) was clearly very annoyed, and possibly couldn’t grasp the principle of tax & benefits.
The beeb were in cracking form with their newspaper review this morning, holding up a copy of the Telegraph and talking about a plot to get rid of George Osborne (them senior tories again), whilst completely ignoring the heading of the other story on the front page about the 900000 who had “dropped their claim” rather than face a medical . Funny old world at the Beeb isn’t it?
Lawrence Auster passed away on Good Friday, aged 64. Here is the very eloquent Mr Auster giving a talk on islam.
‘What is the reality of islam ? why do we deny the problem of islam ? and what is the solution to the problem of islam.’
His solution is to tell muslims to leave all Western lands and go back home. That may sound bonkers, but in actual fact, it’s the most sensible, rational, logical solution. Only the other day, muslims were going to blow up the Eiffel Tower. Either that or we submit to the prophet Mohammad.
Quote: ‘Prior to 1964 there was no “Palestinian” people and no “Palestinian” claim to Palestine; the Arab nations who sought to overrun and destroy Israel in 1948 planned to divide up the territory amongst themselves. Let us also remember that prior to the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, the name “Palestinian” referred to the Jews of Palestine’.
The short history of the region as explained here, going back well before Roman times, is too much for the BBC redactoids to take in, I’d guess, because it totally destroys their perspective/agenda. The whole article lays bare just about every BBC historical take on ‘Palestine’ and Palestinian ‘rights, not to mention their ‘Horrible Histories’ version of The Crusades.
Scottdezcolditz welcome to add their own (BBC-approved) perspective of course….
“What is the reality of islam ? why do we deny the problem of islam ? and what is the solution to the problem of islam.”
Of course whenever I want to know what “Christians” really think (all 2.2 bn of them) I go and listen to the preachings of a far-right, Muslim fundamentalist blogger. That way I know I’m getting a fair and unbiased perspective.
oh joy! the ahem! “tiny minority of extremists”
hello scott …
YouGov poll, published in June,
found 58% linked Islam with extremism and
69% believed it encouraged the repression of women.
And over 75% of non-Muslims believe Islam has only provided a negative contribution to British society
A report from the think-tank Civitas stated that decisions by Britain’s 85-plus sharia courts were likely to be unfair to women and backed by intimidation
Survey of British Muslims, Channel 4, Aug 2006
24 per cent agreed or tended to agree that the 7/7 bombings were justified.
45 per cent think 9/11 was carried out by the US or Israel.
36 percent said they wanted Sharia law in the UK.
Half said British people who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted.
Almost 80 per cent said those who published cartoons of Mohammed should be punished.
Opinion polls
Islam-related opinion polls in the UK collected by The LibertyPhile
Opinion Polls of British Muslims show that a disturbing minority are Islamists:
Poll, March 2004 – 13 percent support terror attacks on the US.
Poll, July 2005 – 6 percent support terror attacks on Britain. 13 percent have “a lot” of sympathy for the attackers.
Survey, Feb 2006:
16 percent of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Israel.
7 percent of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Britain.
Survey, July 2006:
16 percent of British Muslims support the “cause” of the London bombers. These people should not be living in the West. If they do not believe in freedom, they should not live in the free world. They should leave.
Survey of British Muslims, Channel 4, Aug 2006 (also here)
24 per cent agreed or tended to agree that the 7/7 bombings were justified.
45 per cent think 9/11 was carried out by the US or Israel.
36 percent said they wanted Sharia law in the UK.
Half said British people who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted.
Almost 80 per cent said those who published cartoons of the prophet Mohammed should be punished.
Survey of British Muslims, Channel 4, June 2007
24 percent of British Muslims deny that the four British Muslim suicide bombers carried out the 7/7 attacks.
24 percent of British Muslims believe the British government carried out the 7/7 attacks.
Optimism – Few western Muslims support terrorist violence.
The opinion polls above are a lot better than polls in the Islamic countries. Probably 80-90 percent of Muslims in the west we can live happily with. Only 10-20 percent are a problem.
Survey, July 2006 also shows that a fantastic 56 percent of British Muslims think the UK government is not doing enough to fight Islamist extremism.
Pessimism – They want to end our liberties peacefully. 40 percent of Muslims want sharia law in UK.
That is, 40 percent of British Muslims want to end our western liberties. They just want to do it peacefully. If ever they are in the majority, they will end British freedom.
The poll shows 41 percent of British Muslims don’t want sharia law. And of course they may win the argument, as, over time, British Muslims finally come to understand and appreciate what a free society is.
Still, 40 percent in favour is an appalling number.
It is a strong argument for restricting Islamic immigration until current Muslims integrate better. Certainly, no one who believes in sharia law should be allowed into the West.
Poll shows Muslims in Britain are the most anti-western in Europe – Pew Survey, 2006
Only 17% of British Muslims believe that Arabs carried out 9/11.
The young are worse than the old:
Poll of British Muslims, Jan 2007 (and here)
37 percent of young British Muslims want Sharia law in Britain.
36 percent of young British Muslims think apostates should be killed.
13 percent of young British Muslims said they “admired” Al Qaeda.
The stats for older British Muslims are much better. Maybe the young will ditch their fascist views as they grow up. Or maybe, disturbingly, the young show what the British Muslims of the future will look like.
The first few stats are all about perceptions of Islam, not what Islam actually is, so I don’t see what relevance they have here.
‘Want’ is an ambiguous term – we do not know if they are actively working to implement sharia law, or if that is just a pipe dream. In any case, the other way of presenting the stats is to say that 73 percent of young Muslims do not want sharia law.
“Probably 80-90 percent of Muslims in the west we can live happily with. Only 10-20 percent are a problem.”
With your post you hoped to show that we are not talking about a tiny minority of extremists here. But then you say the above quote. I agree that 10-20 percent is not a tiny minority, but it is nonetheless a small minority, far outweighed by the majority. Indeed, most of the stats you list are below 50 percent, making them a minority.
I would say so, given that sharia is supposed to be a requirement for Muslim life. Almost three quarters not wanting it is a positive sign in my opinion.
“And the key point is direction of travel, rather than a snapshot of the here-and-now”
As noggin pointed out, we do not know if these young Muslims are going to hold on to these extremist views, or whether they will ditch them as they grow older, so I don’t think we can be sure of the direction of travel.
That’s one person doing it, Scott. Not a fair comparative at all. How many others have cited Christianity as justification for mass murder, or any murder, or gang-raping young girls? You’ll need more examples than the Norwegian Nutbag all by himself to claim a justified analogy.
David Preiser
“Not a fair comparative at all. How many others have cited Christianity as justification for mass murder, or any murder, or gang-raping young girls?”
But David, those who claimed responsibility for 9/11 didn’t cite Islam as justification either; they said it was about U.S. interference in the Middle East.
Likewise the 7/7 bombers said their actions were in response to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.
I haven’t heard many people citing Islam as justification for gang-raping young girls. Care to name some?
Then perhaps you can explain why you’ve formed your view of Islam from the opinion of rapists?
You are out of your mind, Dez. What was the reason for Bin Laden’s objection to US interference in the Middle East, specifically Saudi Arabia? Go on, tell the class.
Why did the 7/7 mass murderers feel solidarity with Iraq and Afghanistan? Were they all Afghans and Iraqis? Or were they heroic pacifists against imperialism, like the anti-war crowd we used to see on the BBC? Please explain it to the class.
Then we can get into how you’ve completely misunderstood the argument.
“You are out of your mind, Dez. What was the reason for Bin Laden’s objection to US interference in the Middle East, specifically Saudi Arabia?”
Oh let me think… why would anyone in the Middle East object to the US trying to control the region through the use of military power? Mmm…
“Why did the 7/7 mass murderers feel solidarity with Iraq and Afghanistan?”
See what you’ve done there…
They didn’t. They were opposed to the war.
Dez, you’ve dodged the issue very nicely there. If you claim Bin Laden had the same ideals as you do, you’re either lying to yourself, or just lying to me. He wrote a manifesto, you know. You can’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Nobody is interested in your own reasons for opposing US foreign policy. We’re talking about what Bin Laden and the 9/11 mass murderers said, not what you and your friends think about US foreign policy.
And where did I say the 7/7 bombers were NOT opposed to the war? Your visceral, reactionary desire to oppose whatever I say has caused you to screw up once again. This intellectual dishonesty simply won’t work on me.
Don’t bother David, it’s not worth it. Timothy McVeigh and Anders Brevik are being used as counterpoints to 14 Centuries of Islamic savagery by two gays who deny any link between 9/11, 7/7, the racist gang rape of pubescent schoolgirls and the Muslim faith of the perpetrators.
Oh, yes, I forgot about McVeigh. If he hadn’t been executed, he’d probably be in the news often enough that I’d remember him in cases like this. But I don’t think he ever said his Christianity was the reason for his crime. Even if everyone accepted that Islam doesn’t direct people to mass murder or gang rape, those perpetrators said it did, which is the actual starting point for the whole debate. As long as defenders of the indefensible keep distracting from that, there can be no honest discussion.
Bless. I dare say you can find several people on Biased BBC stupid enough to think that repeating things like that about me somehow makes you less of a loser.
Still, if it makes you feel the tiniest bit better about your miserable little life for even a fraction of a second, be my guest.
You obviously don’t realise how defensive, you become at somebody presumably simply stating a fact. your way of dealing with it is to switch to aggression and insult.
Bless. Lectured on aggression and insult by Teddy Bear. What next? Being described as unelectable by David Vance? David Preiser calling me a pompous, arrogant windbag? George R calling me a low-rent, gullible racist version of Google News?
I’ll answer you last post here Scott, otherwise it gets too narrow.
I ‘spelled my point’ out to you quite clearly. I observed your response to what somebody had commented to you, and made a judgement on it. What you were doing, and what you were avoiding doing.
I judge also from the way you express your picture of me in relation to you that you find me aggressive and insulting towards you. Now if you are interested in truth you can go back to previous exchanges we have had and you will find that I respond that way to you AFTER you have either done so to
to me or somebody else here. If you show disrespect – what do you think you’ll get in response?
So here’s an example for you to see quite clearly what YOU PUT OUT, and if you modify it you will find the way others respond to you will change.
Teddy Bear, if you’re going to start talking about treating people with respect then you’d be on firmer footing if you led by example. You perceive people disagreeing with you as being aggressive when they’re really not.
Case in point – when you bitched about “the left” getting rude if you disagreed with them – and then did exactly the same to me when I suggested it was a trait that many Biased BBCers exhibited.
By go ahead. I’ve had far worse flung at me on here by people who think that being rude towards me will make them feel better about themselves. One more really won’t make much difference.
I would guess that you’re referring to this thread started here, and as usual, you continue to omit the relevant point to justify your comment here, as you did there.
It was about HYPOCRISY, which you failed to address then as now. I challenged you to show an example where anybody was being hypocritical, rather than simply telling you what they thought of you for their own very good reasons.
You couldn’t, and simply tried/try to squirm and insult your way out of it, and we keep showing that we see your avoidance of points you can’t address, and we understand your childish reactions for what you hope it will achieve, and since it relies on aggression and insult – this is what you get back.
As for You perceive people disagreeing with you as being aggressive when they’re really not. I challenge you to provide a link to where you have seen that happen.
I’ve had several exchanges with Chris recently where I would say we didn’t agree, but our debate has been reasonable and didn’t degenerate into insult and aggression. So again you have shown yourself to be a liar and deceiver, which is NOT an insult – simply a statement of truth.
Hey Dez….. What were the findings of the FAs` `Rasist Chanting` investigations??? I can`t seem to find the results on the BBC sites, you know, the same ones which constantly used it as the main story for the day… and people like yourself stated that it highlighted the inherent racism in football… You even copy pasted the twitter statements of everyones favourite patriot Rio Ferdinand …. So…. what happened then??? Did they find the people responsible then???
‘The appointment of a former Labour culture minister, without a formal selection process, caused some controversy among Conservative MPs, though the government expressed no objection.’
And as far as our Torin is concerned, no one other than a few Tory Colonels in the Shires had any concerns?
Talk about defining the narrative. ‘Two current BBC directors have moved to new roles. Helen Boaden, who was director of news for eight years, has been made director of radio, and Tim Davie, who has been acting director general for the past four months, moves to an expanded role in charge of the BBC’s global activities.”
Hardly playing up the expansion of the management tier is he? Especially when this was seen as a core reason for much cock-upworthyness in the Pollard Report. Or that a well and truly discredited Hugs now appears to be back in charge of the most dominant news division there is.
Blowing a fortune sticking in more people to supplement the clowns who have already ruined the BBC’s reputation, especially chosen from the ranks of the ‘we’ll see you right come the next election’ party the BBC is trying to shoehorn back into power, hardly seems designed to inspire much trust.
Maybe he simply doesn’t care.
Because he doesn’t really need to.
Notice how Torin Douglas finesses Purnell’s appointment with the phrase that Hall ‘is bringing in another outsider’. Who would think that Purnell’s 18 years at the bBBC or Labour counts as being ‘outside’?
There’s news, damn news, and BBC semantics. Coldest Easter Sunday on record, Met Office confirms
Odd I thought; here on the Welsh borders I have just spent a great day in the garden in the sun, in a T-shirt, chopping logs.
Guessing this area either doesn’t apply or spoiled the already doom-laden average.
Then, I read on… ‘since modern records began in 1960’
Modern records…1960?
Now there may be some fancy definition for what a modern record is, but I’m pretty sure they had a fair idea what the temperature was a wee bit before this.
Whatever point they are trying to make, it all sounds pretty desperate, especially to any 53 year-olds out there.
Such claims based on such ‘data’ and parameter selection does the BBC and its cause few favours.
It in no way excuses the BBC, but this blatant #prasnews cut and paste goes across the entire MSM.
Word for word.
I guess they figured the Met Office is just one outfit you don’t need to question.
The definition of ‘since records began’, like ‘unprecedented’, seems these days to depend on how excitable subs are vs. any actual desire to report sensibly, so I decided on a delve. This was almost the first I came across, and hardly from a sceptical publication:
Now I am sure that somewhere it is written that weather isn’t anything to do with the cold, but what I read there suggests that the latest claims being made could do with some clarification. 1659 is a wee bit before 1960, for a start.
So what made the ‘modern’ bit that will excuse all this? I am now trying to find out, as my £4Bpa educator and informer seems untroubled.
So…..their warming predictions included this apparent loss of sea ice in the Arctic, yet the predicted impact on the UK was going to be warm wet winters and hot dry summers.
Their claims now that our freezing winters and cold wet summers are down to the same loss of sea ice is a u-turn the whys and wherefores of which we have yet to hear debated on the BBC. It’s just another theory trying to explain why their first theory hasn’t quite worked out as expected.
It’s settled science, Jim, but only as Sir Paul Nurse knows it (and sod nullius in verba).
It is something to do with the computer models always needing carbon dioxide to produced a warming six miles up, at twice the rate of the surface. Something that has not and never will happen.
Instead we have an increase in cloud cover that reduces the differentiation of temperature between the Poles and the Tropics, something understood by the top experts on Hurricanes.
But the morons at the Met Office do not know were to look for any evidence of changes in the Cloud Albedo of the Earth.
Funny how they never never say that an increase in cloud cover in the Arctic has caused an increase in temperature as clouds trap heat. Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES instrument on the Modis satellites, also the fact that the Arctic has far more heat input than the Antarctic region, due to the jet stream, or that the greenhouse effect is weakest at the poles especially in the polar winter.
It would have helped correct the Met Office computer models, but destroyed the assumed carbon dioxide warming bullshit so dear to the Met Office.
Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System) and MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite instruments.
That mistake was in an email from a member of Spacesig, not my mistake, so there.
“Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System) and MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite instruments.”
Really? Well here’s a link to the dataset can you show me where you get those numbers from?
Easter is movable = the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the Spring Equinox. It can occur as early as 2/3 of the way through March or as late as 2/3 of the way through April. The story is therefore close to meaningless, as we are not talking about a fixed date! Clearly, the “warmest Christmas day since the year WXYZ” is more meaningful, as that day is more or less fixed, always being the 25th of December and subject only to the minor variation of being made to fall a day later in a leap year by the extra day on 29th Feb’.
Erm this is potentially very embarrassing for the climate change/ global warmers No wonder the bBC have hidden this article away, it’s not just the UK which has been cold it’s the whole planet!
Maybe the GW guys, but the climate change brigade will simply move further to extreme weirdness now.
And I would be prepared to listen if, as I have cited above, they were not doing it in ways that suggest they have a result and are seeking to get things to fit by playing with the data.
Yet another chip to an already crumbling edifice of trust I may have had.
BBC 4 is repeating the Horizon program on the pseudoscience of Global Weirding tomorrow, you won’t find any scientific papers on Global Weirding because it is a hypothesis based on “forced ignorance”, due to a politically correct taboo about anything that does not support carbon dioxide warming, this is because they need to protect their jobs by making sure the politicians remain ignorant.
The BBC have to censor a load of science about Solar induced weather trends, and scientists such as Piers Corbyn. That is why Paul Hudson is playing a dangerous game, teasing the BBC flathead morons such as Harrabin.
Also note that drought is an extreme weather event caused by less extreme weather. If there was no weather at all, we would have an eternal drought.
Erm? What is the embarrassment? That March 2011 was warm in Britain and cold elsewhere? That March 2013 was colder than March 2011? That weather is different from climate?
The embarrassment is not to do with the weather in Britain, but that the whole planet has cooled down – massively!
Just take a look at the global temperature graph and you’ll see just how profound the cooling of the earth actually is.
This data flies against everything the bBC has been telling is happening this is climate (not weather) change, but it’s in the opposite direction to what the bBC has adopted as fact. There lies the embarrassment.
Would have thought the embarrassment was obvious ‘Warm wet winters…….hot dry summers………snow will be a thing of the past…..decimation of the European ski industry……yada yada yada’.
‘We disclosed that although highly influential computer models are still estimating huge rises in world temperatures, there has been no statistically significant increase for more than 16 years.
Despite our revelation earlier this month, backed up by a scientifically researched graph, the Committee on Climate Change still clings to flawed predictions’.
I’d be interested in the Audience Services response to that; a complaint about low quality usually gets a little more traction than one about bias (not difficult, I know).
In my experience. They treat all complaints in the same way. Step 1 is to ignore. Step 2 reply in double speak if the complainer continues. If you get further than that, I did once, I’ll let you find out for yourself.
Oh yes…I was wrong.
I am comfortable in my belief that you have got that about right.
RCE you are correct… The bias option goes straight to Hugs’ email account to nowhere, currently being archived to oblivion by Peter Rippon.
Country File has it’s usual global warming reference from John Craven once again. In a piece about seasonality he espouses that global warming in future will mean we dont have to import foodstuffs.
Oh yeah!
Well, following the self-indulgent tributes, and the farewell self-indulgent party, where according to the Telegraph: A party thrown to mark the closure of BBC Television Centre descended into chaos as drunken staff stole mementos from the building and had sex in the studios,
what next?
It appears that after selling it off, for £100 million less than it expected, the BBC is now going to be leasing a lot of it back, at a cost to the licence fee payer of £3 million a year. Despite when TV Centre was initially put on the market in 2007, a BBC spokesman said unequivocally: ‘This is a full-scale disposal and we won’t be leasing it back.’ 🙄
So what does the BBC say in response? A BBC spokesman said: ‘The sale of Television Centre has already secured the sum of £200 million and will deliver further annual savings of about £30 million a year by 2015.
As Ace Ventura would say – REeeeAaaaLY?
So if we factor in the cost for the completely insane purchase of Salford studios and the additional monies for relocating and conveying staff and celebrities to work and appear there, we are to believe that they actually know what they are doing, and are saving us money.
I’d say when pigs fly, but with the recent discovery of horsemeat added in, that’s probably not a good analogy.
Tonight’s Westminster Hour on Radio 4 started with the introduction “And today, Easter Sunday, a coalition of four churches has attacked the government over its changes to welfare payments” thus making clear that the bBBC’s antics in delaying this to Easter Sunday were quite deliberate.
-also not helpful, Harrabin’s political propaganda to close down coal-fired power stations.
“LONG ago I lived in a mad country, where expensive bread was so heavily subsidised that it was cheaper than swill, and so fed to pigs.
It was called the USSR, and it was ruled by Red zealots. Now I live in another mad country, where Green zealots close perfectly good coal-fired power stations in the middle of a fuel shortage.
It is like watching a dentist pulling out sound teeth, or a surgeon cutting off a healthy limb, and being able to do nothing to stop it.”
New Sunderland manager a Fascist and David Milliband a Labour hero for resigning his directorship in protest-BBC this morning and it wasn’t a April fools joke.
It’s Monday its under occupancy penalty and it’s BBC breakfast. Another sob story with someone who has spare bedrooms. “The Government thinks” it has support from millions of tax payers. So counter view errr no! Not whilst I was watching no an interview with Liam Bynrne.
The Sunderland manager, that’s going to run and run.
It’s April 1st, so choosing Liam Byrne is another little Labour joke.
I watched him on Sky, and I am sure the BBC also tore ‘there’s no money left’ a new one for stuttering on about ‘millionaires’ like McGuire can be relied to crank out Tory Toffs like a stuck record.
All for sensible issue debates, but broadcasters simply offering talking heads 3 minutes to intone soundbite loop nonsense serves no function.
In fairness Sarah Montague did challenge Byrne this morning over his ‘There’s no money left’ note and also made some attempt to get him to explain how Labour’s continuing welfare largesse will be paid for. However, the maths behind his prosed repeal of the ‘tax cut for millionnaires’ – the tax his government introduced only one month before leaving office – was not explored in any meaningful way – a Tory in the same position would have been grilled relentlessly (and would have kept getting dragged back to the ‘no money left’ quote).
It would have been interesting to see what kind of job Humphrys would have made of the interview given a similar challenging brief.
Still, one small step on the road to balance and impartiality? We can only hope.
a Tory in the same position would have been grilled relentlessly
I wish that were true, because this morning Humphreys let IDS off on his benefit reforms very lightly.
I wonder how many people know that this benefit reform isn’t for people on housing benefit? It only applies to those who live in ‘social’ i.e. council and housing association housing. If you’re on housing benefit living in private rented accommodation then you can have as many bedrooms as you like without deduction.
It’s a very selective and targeted cut.
The same bedroom reduction was introduced into the private sector by the Labour Government in 2002.
The Tories are now bringing the social sector into line with those 2002 changes, the only difference being that the Labour Party didn’t call it a ‘Bedroom Tax’ when they introduced it.
It’s clear from this article that the BBC don’t approve of legal aid being cut.
However, like it or not, cuts need to be made, as the graph of Britain’s national debt is beginning to look like that climate hockey stick graph that the left take so seriously.
My question to the BBC is this: What (if anything) would you cut instead?
‘Are you affected by issues covered in this story? Send us your comments and experiences using the form below.’
Given the BBC staff have zero experience in this, as the minute there’s a bit of legal support required they get issued the finest in the land in the interests of providing the public best value ((c) The Truss), I’d be interested how they’ve have a clue what they are being told about.
But stand ready for some truly credibility-rending vox-pops being crafted in the edit suite as Peter Rippon flushes any howlers that wouldn’t suit down the memory hole.
BBC Radio 5 Live has an unwritten remit to bring left-wing politics into sport when ever and where ever possible.
This morning Stephen ‘how does that make you fee-ol’ Nolan is seat warming at Salford for some of the regulars.
It seems Sunderland FC have had a shocker of a run of defeats lately and their manager – the rather professorial-looking and quietly spoken Martin O’Neill – who has always been very popular with BBC reporters – has been sacked.
The club have signed up Paolo Di Canio as a replacement.
What do you reckon Nolan asks of his listeners?
‘Sunderland fans…. if he keeps your team in the Premiership…. can you stomach Di Canio’s politics and what he stands for?’
For those not au fait with the story and significance of Nolan’s apparent warcry against or rabble rousing ‘shout out’ against the new man – let me give a quick thumb nail sketch of the two men….
O’Neill: He was capped 64 times for the Northern Ireland national football team, also captaining the side.
O’Neill’s father was a founding member of local GAA club Pádraig Pearse’s Kilrea.
He also played Gaelic football while boarding at St. Columb’s College, Derry, and later at St. Malachy’s College, Belfast.
While at St. Malachy’s, he first came to public attention as a football player with local side Rosario and then eventually with Distillery. This breached the Gaelic Athletic Association prohibition on Gaelic footballers playing “foreign sports”
O’Neill left Leicester on 1 June 2000, taking over from the team of John Barnes and Kenny Dalglish to become manager of Celtic.
Di Canio: Di Canio began his career in the Italian Serie A, playing for Lazio, Juventus, Napoli and Milan, before a brief spell with the Scottish club Celtic.
Di Canio is a self-proclaimed Fascist. In 2005, he characterised his political views by declaring that he was “a fascist, not a racist”
I suppose a sensible way for the BBC to treat all this would be to ignore politics and to concentrate on the sport.
But the BBC is not a balanced unbiased organisation.
The BBC has picked its favourite side so time ago and now supports it to the hilt.
I don’t follow any sport very closely but my received impression of UK footy is that (post-Hornby et al) it is now a very very lucrative arm of the race-relations & anti-homophobia industries – thus, I am gobsmacked that Mr Di Canio hasn’t been very publicly arrested a la Op’n Yewtree for being so prominently off-message in a realm so in thrall to Cultural Marxism (and so awash with money to pay for the full-time outrage that moves the project along).
Ex-foreign secretary David Miliband has resigned from the board of Sunderland football club over new head coach Paolo Di Canio’s “past political statements”.
‘BBC political correspondent Chris Mason said Mr Miliband’s decision to stand down was entirely to do with Mr Di Canio’s appointment and nothing to do with his forthcoming move to New York to work for a charity .’
Mason was reading the official line he got from Miliband’s people. Presumably this will be passed around and repeated without raising an eyebrow or a note of cynicism on all BBC programmes covering this. None of this “well, he would say that, wouldn’t he” nonsense reserved for other occasions.
on Sunderland FC
a widely played clip, on the news round up on 5live.
has a “caller”? (as no one knows who he is) … stating he will not go to sunderland again while a fascist is in charge, and that he went past the town centre on saturday and he saw
(pause for effect) … “a demo by the EDL, against a new mosque”? ….
well … and? … sorry orchestrated bbc “plant” caller …
theres nothing wrong with that
nothing to do with Milliband?,
nothing to do with Decaneo?
nothing to do with Sunderkand FC?
plain agended bbc bias again,
islamic fascism?… bbc? anyone? hello? …(sound of crickets)
I also heard the caller say he was a season holder since 1955 ( or was it 1855 ?, I cant remember ) he also mentioned the anti apartheid system in South Africa, Huh ? What’s that got to do with anything ? The anti nazi league, Mussolini and I also think he said the Italian air force bombed his house !
I suspect it was Owen Jones with a handkerchief over the telephone mouthpiece. At least ‘fascism in football’ makes a nice change from ‘waaycism in footbal.’
I think I know what Nicky Campbell will be talking about tomorrow in the phone in.
Half the Labour government, John Reid, Alistair Darling, Jack Straw, Jim Murphy etc etc were marxists, apologists for Stalin and Mao’s cultural revolution which murdered 100 million people. The BBC not interested.
65 million in the People’s Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1.7 million in Africa
1.5 million in Afghanistan
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam
150,000 in Latin America (mainly Cuba)
10,000 deaths “resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power.”
the executions of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners
the murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants from 1918 to 1922
the Russian famine of 1921, which caused the death of 5 million people
the extermination and deportation of the Don Cossacks in 1920
the murder of tens of thousands in concentration camps in the period between 1918 and 1930
the Great Purge which killed almost 690,000 people
the deportation of 2 million so-called “kulaks” from 1930 to 1932
the deaths of 4 million Ukrainians (Holodomor) and 2 million others during the famine of 1932 and 1933
the deportations of Poles, Ukrainians, Moldavians and people from the Baltic Republics from 1939 to 1941 and from 1944 to 1945
the deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941
the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943
the deportation of the Chechens in 1944
the deportation of the Ingush in 1944.
The Marxist Left defines what’s good for everybody (the “General Will”) and then tries to impose it, whatever the cost in human lives and resources, following Rousseau’s logic in “Du Contrat Social”:
“Whosoever refuses to obey the General Will shall be constrained to do so by all the others, which means nothing other than that he shall be FORCED TO BE FREE.”
That all happened only because those people didn’t do Socialism/Communism/Marxism properly. It’s a beautiful ideology ruined by a few bad apples. Just ask any Beeboid or Leftoid you meet.
‘heard the caller say he was a season holder since 1955’
That’s 5 years ‘before records began’.
If he has recollection of it being a bit nippy on the terraces before 1960, BBC Whizzbangs & Wild Guesses will have a squad of hushers on him before you can say ‘the science is settled’.
Remember Anthony Blair’s claim to have seen Jack Millburn (a.k.a. ‘wor Jacky) playing for Newcastle? The chronological mathematics were, shall we say, problematical … See Peter Oborne’s book on the growth of political lying. When the ideological Left get involved with football, watch out!
… that was shortly before Tony blagged himself aboard a plane belonging to an airline that no-one had ever heard of and flew to an island in the Caribbean that doesn’t exist.
Those Arab millionaires are mostly a bunch of decadent latter-day Solomons, but that does not make them any less dangerous. At the end of the day, they still support their main cause – conversion of the entire world to their vile 7th century creed.
What strikes me is the stunning resemblance between the post-Leveson press landscape demanded by Hacked off and our current Left-leaning BBC.
‘Frost wants newspapers to be forced to reflect “a fair selection of the day’s events”; a regulator, in other words, would decide what stories they covered. ‘
‘At the May 17 event, numerous Left-wing speakers outlined their view of how the “public good” or the “public interest” as defined by a press regulator, should override freedom of expression.’
‘Jacqui Davis, from Keep our NHS Public, said the media should be obliged to “stand up for the NHS”.’
‘Jacqui Hunt, from Equality Now, called for the regulator to ban Page 3, impose compulsory training for male journalists and require all reports on domestic violence to be “sensitive”. ‘
‘Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25)’
‘Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”. ‘
‘Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting. ‘
“…Leveson has been persuaded to embrace unquestioningly a profoundly ideological description of the relationship between the British press and democracy, previously held only by a small group of Left-of-centre academics.”
‘Hacked Off sits at the centre of a network of broadly Left-liberal groups who have been campaigning for many years for media regulation but whose efforts were given a massive boost by the hacking scandal.’
Nitpicking is, of course, the key to successful negotiated concessions.
One only has to witness the success of Flokkers here in steering discussion off down distracting avenues and away from what is usually the actual topic.
My family ‘won’ a court case a while back where we were seeking around £80k in compo for a failed survey causing us that much in restoration work. We got around £45k. The lawyers shared, from the defendants’ insurers, around £200k. Total £245k vs. all we needed and asked for to get to square one. It also took 3 years.
One aspect of the exchanges was the defence making utterly wild claims, often doubling the reality. They knew it, we knew it… the judge knew it.
However, each time, in the spirit of ‘compromise’, the judge would encourage us to concede halfway. So they always chipped away 50% even when in the wrong. We lost. The other side, lawyers and judge never did.
Hence we ‘won’ nothing like what we were due despite being totally in the right.
That episode has shaped my view of the legal profession and what any in the politcio-judico-media stitch-up cabals choose to cynically address as ‘fair’.
Hence HackedOff started outrageous, and then got more than it ever could have hoped for meeting the lily-livered incompetents like Letwin ‘halfway’, in a room dominated by only half the competing protagonists, plus Clegg & Miliband.
There has not be a stitch up like it since the BBC decided McAlpine was someone they could do a number on, then ‘investigated’ themselves internally, plus redactions, when caught bang to rights. And using our money to buy themselves out of it.
Gilligan’s article also has the facts about the leftie propaganda front-organisation Full Fact that I put on the ‘Blessed are the Idle’ thread last night. Sorry, I was in a hurry then, and didn’t give the attribution. The Media Standards Trust also launched Full Fact, a purportedly independent fact-checking website into the press and frequent complainant to the PCC, several of whose factchecks contain subtle Left-wing bias and whose complaints to the PCC are almost entirely against Right-wing newspapers.
Full Fact’s chief executive, Will Moy, is also a director of Hacked Off.
In 2010 Full Fact was refused charitable status by the Charity Commission on the grounds, according to Moy, that it did not meet “rigorous standards of objectivity and independence”.
Full Fact’s directors at the time of the Leveson Inquiry were two Labour peers, a Liberal Democrat peer and a former journalist tightly allied to Mr Blair, John Lloyd.
Lloyd, director of journalism at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford, is the author of a book saying media cynicism about politics “undermines democracy” and calling for “intervention” to force news organisations to do more to support public institutions. The book cited the BBC’s story about Mr Blair’s “sexed-up” Iraq dossier as the key example of media wrongdoing.
Why has Gilligan left out the BBC connection? He mentions David Hass worked for a Tory, but doesn’t mention that he used to be editor on Today. And Kevin Marsh, a co-founder of Hacked Off and current instigator for them, was not only Hass’ boss at Today but was also executive editor of the BBC College of Journalism, and was campaigning for this very kind of “reform” at the time. Why did Gilligan censor these facts? He can’t be protecting the BBC on purpose.
Surely these key background facts are equally as important, if not more so, than the fact that Ella Mason was listed as a Tory as of the 2010 election.
Well, much of the British ‘left’ seems reconciled sufficiently to Italy’s modern history to take their holidays, and buy property, in such places as Tuscany.
“On Start the Week Tom Sutcliffe discusses the ‘myth’ of progress with James Lasdun, Mary Beard, Mark Ravenhill and John Gray.”
An absolutely disgraceful half hour of trendy leftie navel gazing that their alleged ‘progress’ might not stand the test of time.
The last few minutes are very interesting though, that they approve of people leaving Europe for a better life, “after all it’s not the whole world it’s just Europe that’s got itself into this bind”
Could this be the spark of recognition that the left has screwed things up on a monumental scale? Although deep down they know it they could never open their minds to accept it.
That phrase “pathologies of European History” was interesting wasn`t it?
They`ll not mention Communism by name though
As for the pathology…the sociopathology of a current alternative to flabby Western hideously-white groupthink?…not one mention.
I can only imagine Tehran or Riyadh doing that enlightened self-loathing treacherous, traitorgate stuff for themselves-why should the BBC examine any of that?
Oh-anybody else hear Mary Beard and her crap about the mob on Twitter-I wonder if the Any Questions/Question Time Goon Squads from the PCS/UNITE/Milibank Labour HQ have been getting fed with extra meat since Mary was trashed re Boston immigration a few weeks back.
Leveson may well be payback for one of their heroines getting shown for the fake that she is…and if the BBC isn`t giving out free guidelines, megaphones and amplification to the lefty Beardy weirdies on entering the BBCs choice of squat for QT/AQ; then I`ll be surprised.
Nearer 45 minutes in fact. Ravenhill’s assertions about (1) the end of the Welfare State (really?!) and (2) Britain’s becoming “uninhabitable” for our children and grandchildren (because of climate change, of course, not mass immigration and multiculturalisation) went unchallenged as usual. Perhaps he’d like to go to the paradise of Zimbabwe, where “Bob” Mugabe upholds enlightenment values. The attack on supposed antisemitism in Voltaire’s works is fatuous; you might as well attack Karl Marx’s theories, or even Bobby Fischer’s chess games, because of much worse antisemitism from them (both Jewish).
Nope he should be evicted and space used to house several needy Romanian Gypos oops Roma people, which is probably what’s going to happen when the poor sods on benefits can’t pay their rent.
Since Tenant left the role it’s gone right downhill so a load of Romanians careering through time stealing from every planet and alien they encounter might make a good series.
Yes, I tend to agree with your instinct as to what the outcome of the ‘Bedroom Tax’ in the hands of lefty councils would be likely to be.
Fits nicely with the on going BBC campaign for euthenasia.
I seem to recall that one of the triggers for the German growth industry in exportation of Jews Eastward in the early 1940s was pressure on the housing sector in Hamburg.
The British Coalition Government kept bombing German cities. Where was the RAF plan B or their growth policy? Or so the BBC might have asked.
I think I’ve already seen some of the new BBC Dr Who aliens…. The catchphrase is not ‘Exterminate’ or ‘You have been deleted’
One of the stories on 6Music news just now was a resolution at the NUT conference. Not a decision, not a major speech but a resolution on sexism and pornography that is being discussed.
OOOOohhh TWATO reports that the bBC has fallen out of love with Burmese ex victim Aung San Suu Kyi as she is Islamophobic and as well all know that trumps nearly everything in the Hierarchy of isms.
So now she’s gone into the bad books after being compared with Nelson Mandela, and apparently her house arrest was nothing like as bad as had been previously reported as her home was pretty comfortable.
Let the character assassination begin! As one primary school headmistress campaigning for Liebour told me ‘Muslims must never be criticised regardless of what they do’ !!
Ah, no wonder no Beeboids laughed or pointed fingers when The Obamessiah mispronounced her name when she was standing right next to Him during that press conference.
Given the BBC is an organisation capable of po-faced claiming ‘records began’ in 1960, one should not be too surprised that they chop and change bandwagons with the stored capacity vs. deliverable wind.
Hence we’ve had global warming>climate change>global wierding>climate wierding in as many decades.
On the basis of simple random name generation I was expecting the next to be global change, but it appears a new one is in the frame: the paradoxical phenomenon. ‘Climate change is expanding Antarctica’s sea ice, according to a scientific study in the journal Nature Geoscience.
The paradoxical phenomenon is thought to be caused by relatively cold plumes of fresh water derived from melting beneath the Antarctic ice shelves.”
No obvious ‘could’, or ‘research suggests’ or ‘scientists say’, but a ‘thought to be’ is reassuringly there at least. Oh, sorry, I missed that ‘may’ in the headline.
Making most of it ‘we don’t know’ hooey.
Warning: I expect Radio 5 Dead are speed-dialing Shouty Own Jones after the i newspaper today gave him a page for ranting about the NHS, which he claims has today been murdered by the Conservatives. A whole page, almost entirely shouting about how he and his socialist colleagues ought to be allowed to control the NHS, and only one mention of ‘patient’, in a made-up unattributed quote that ‘patients could be in danger of complications’ because of the changes to the organisation.
It was a handy reminder why we should never again let the Labour loonies re-impose their Nationalised Death Service. But surely the bBBC can’t let it go without giving Shouty a wider audience?
BBC the food program a section about fasting & lent, and they’ve only got a few words in when they suddenly switch to the Muslim period of Ramadan and how important it is to their faith.
Doesn’t matter what the program is the bBC can turn it into a Moslem interest angle.
I recall trying to teach English to some Muslim students during Ramadan, and the poor boys couldn’t concentrate, they were so hungry, though a few cigarettes did help.
“he and his socialist colleagues ought to be allowed to control the NHS”
But they have been: Sir David Nicholson, KCB, CBE
(from wikipeia) Nicholson joined the NHS on graduation, and then the Communist Party of Great Britain.[2][3] He remained a member of the party until 1983
And a fine job they made of it
Sorry to come over all Jim Dandy here, but much as any foot in mouth pol deserves to reap what he sowed, this is to do with BBC bias how?
Or is this another of those exemptions thingies?
“Sign the petition to see if a Tory fat cat can manage a 97% pay cut and live on £53 per week that he boasts he can”.
Can any Labour Fat Cats do it as well, or is your scorn purely last century class war tosh? Lets see how many Guardian-reading poor-worshiping white middle class left wing pricks can live on it too. What, no petition?
The point isn’t whether Liebour fat cats can do it, they haven’t suggested that they can, nor have they been cutting benefits .
This has nothing to do with class war, only a politicos hypocrisy, and believe me when a Liebour politico does the same I’ll be equally vociferous. That’s what being unbiased is all about ! Fair criticism left & right !
“believe me when a Liebour politico does the same I’ll be equally vociferous. ”
OK. But channeling my inner Paxman, again, what has your beef with hypocritical or inept pols got to do with a blog on BBC bias?
You have found a petition that appeals to you and wish to promote, and are spamming the site to do so.
It may be worthy; it may not.
But whatever it is, it is in itself here irrelevant.
Where the BBC bias may come in is their coverage of it. That gets us into Stuart Hughes territory, where the BBC and/or staff try and create news to report.
The petition originator was just now on Sky, and even with a most empathetic host interviewer (foot in mouth pol… What’s not ratings gold there?) he came across as no more than a brain-dead stirrer, failing to explain how this all works, what it proves and who is driving it. It concluded that MP’s are unrepresentative as they earn too much money and get ‘put in power’.
Most are are inept, true, and have no clue on real life, also true. But last I checked, they still get voted in, even the most comfortably off Labour front bench untroubled by targeted campaigns like this, supported by tribal media or those who see an opportunity to make mischief. Or, in the case of the BBC, both. The Labour mantra of ‘out of touch Tories’ is now playing 24/7. IDS is clearly, but so is a rich PPE to politics series of goofy fast-trackers benefitting from all this.
You are driving a cause distraction that has nothing to do with this site, as others do (looking at the overnight deluge, with great resource & commitment) driving other issues and isms to try and clog things up.
As Michelle Dewbury just said on this on Sky, ‘It’s the perception vs. the reality’ when confronted with how people view the party stances.
Indeed. Now who is driving so many perceptions in face of realities?
£4Bpa buys a lot of perception, especially complemented by coordinated campaigns driven by savvy social media squads.
Like activist petitions with BBC insiders helping or more (Addison Lee), or drowning blogs with diversionary tactics.
‘No he said it on the Today program this morning, and for some reason Humphries was very soft on him’
I’m sure he said it, and it was a less than PR-savvy thing to say.
But I remain unclear as to what a political petition you have found to remind a politician of words better left unsaid has to do with the subject of BBC bias here.
‘On this morning’s Today Programme David Bennett, a market trader, said that after his housing benefit had been cut, he lives on £53 per week’.
Sounds like he’s in the wrong job. Maybe he needs to go and get some advice from the tens of thousands of Eastern Europeans who come over here, get a job, and make a very comfortable living indeed, with or without benefits.
Tory fat cat? This is IDS who with the CSJ he set up is doing more for the real poor and the causes of poverty than New Labour did in 13 years who only exacerbated the problem despite billions thrown at it (usual leftie policy, throw money, con control, no checks, fail, throw more money)
Also, is this market trade so bad that he doesn’t sell anything? Or is the 53 quid the remainder of what benefits he gets? was he asked?
Say this for the BBC – they never forget April Fool’s day jokes. Here is a report which shows that increases in Arctic ice are caused by global warming/climate change. Yah ha ha. April Fool er…
Yes, they have covered it, but, oh, the disappointment. Seems we may have skipped from spring through winter back to the dark ages. Whodathunkit?
At least, ‘slightly different’ rules apply.
Along with the law of unintended consequences.
Look forward to the BBC’s finest funny folk piling over there in a show of solidarity.
Or, maybe, staying right here honing their grave-dancing best over and over…. and over.
Unlike ITN News that reminds viewers that S Korea have taken no response to previous fatal attacks by N Korea, the BBC report tells us that the sabre rattling is coming from the South
Gavin Esler’s Dateline London selection to ‘discuss’ this will be a hoot.
After their awesome Falklands version (where all gathered agreed the belligerence was solely at the door of the UK & Island’s governments).
I’m guessing The Kim Jong Journal, Harare Bugle & Democratic Republic of Congo Evening Gazette.
BBC 1 10 o’Clock news and welfare reform. Aside from the usual qualification ‘critics say’ I really can’t see how an official Labour Party political broadcast could have been any more scathing.
So many mentions of ‘the most vulnerable’ I lost count.
The BBC coverage of the Sunderland manager DiCannio is a disgrace!
They talk about diversity, but show none when it comes to diversity of thought, and it is debatable as to whether they have breached his human rights (yes it cuts both ways!)
Article 9 protects freedom of thought, although it is difficule to envisage how this might be infringed!
Article 10 protects the freedom to express those thoughts
This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority
Article 14 protects the individual from discrimination on the grounds of political belief.
Except that when the liebour party enacted all the other isms into law, it missed this one out (wonder why!) In a recent case heard by the European court into a case of left wing bullying (Redfearn Vs Serco) the case was won by Redfearn who was fired for being a BNP member. The UK was told by the European courts to amend the law but has to date refused to do so. Now there’s a surprise when we’re always being told the EctHR are dictating to us over Moslem terrorists they have to kowtow, but when it comes to the BNP they feel they can ignore it.
The brigade of Plastic Paddies at Salford Local Radio were fans of Martin O’Neill.
Sunderland AFC is seen as a socialist stronghold.
Following a weekend of the BBC winding them up all they now need to do is to watch them jump up and down.
So Dame Nicky is able to carp from the sidelines and refer to ‘the Paolo Di Cannio situation’. He can joke around with his assistant dolly dealer as they ask ‘can we call it controversial?’
Beeboids eh? To quote a controversial chant ‘you know what you are’.
What really amuses me is that a residual fascist allegience is not uncommon in Italy.
The critics of Di Cannio’s brand ofn politics are the very same people who wish the UK to dilute our sovereignty within Europe.
‘you can bet that if/when it is revealed’
Maybe there should be a petition to make the BBC start covering things that don’t suit? Or Mr. Miliband could call for an inquiry if it looks like being a bandwagon worth jumping on?
Running this country on social media-skewed e-polling really seems the way to go.
I wonder what she means by that? Why does Rachel feel guilty?
Is she putting on a ‘woman of the people act’ and thinks that listeners may be disillusioned to find that she is really something which she was pretending not to be?
Does she mean that she feels to be some kind of a ‘class traitor’ in using a toll road?
Is there some kind of unwritten BBC omerta against revealing the details of their expenses claims?
‘‘It’s my guilty pleasure’
Confession is good for the soul. And also confers an exclusion zone around any subsequent hypocrisy when weighing in on what others do in outrage.
Maybe there should be a petition? Or Mr. Miliband could call for an inquiry? That will fill 5 mins in the hour 24/7.
Not as much fun as petition, but a bit of vaguely on-topic levity to ease us back into the working groove:
Interestingly it was sent to me by my kids, who are vaguely aware that there is a thing called TV, and it has ‘news’ on it. But mainly they know their Dad finds what is served to often be less than reflective of actualite.
The BBC can hardly complain of such an edit, as what they concoct in cause of enhancing the narrative really is oftern every bit as selective to get the message they want in and any context that doesn’t suit out.
“Shame of ‘theft, fraud and under-age sex’ at the BBC: Dossier reveals crimes that have never been reported to police.
“Dossier spanning four years show many crimes never reported to the police.
“High number of suspects in the 500 crimes a year were BBC employees.”
“Benefits reform: ‘welfare victim’ who dared Iain Duncan Smith to live on £53 is a gambler.
“A father who dared Iain Duncan Smith to live up to his claim that he could survive on £53 a week has been revealed as a gambler and a self-confessed ‘ducker and diver’.”
‘And your point is?’
Trotting out the new vaguely-targeted (rendering it valueless) one liner from the same manual being used by the rest of those more concerned with distraction is… erring on the daft.
As is seeing those tasked with messing up threads getting high horsey on procedure and flow in such a way.
I kind of miss Dr. G and his [sigh] or Jim and his hall monitor foot stamping.
If you have a counter, specify what you are countering and what your alternative is.
Otherwise it serves zero purpose.
Perhaps not the best set-up the BBC could have conjured, but in this case job done, too late, moving on…
The lastest 15 mins of flames idiot who set up a ‘we’re akin it’ mob-rally petition is now flavour of the hour.
And even if he turns out to be a Labour activist pilgrim from Tower Hamlets, he will be yesterday’s news as the BBC finds another ‘people’s voice’ hundred K march they like vs. having to prop up 6 trots and a donkey in the cropping, or ‘not have the space’ or ‘time wouldn’t allow’ when it’s people a bit miffed about stuff they quiet approve of.
It’s all a game.
A dark one, and those controlling the edit suite and broadcast airtime will win.
“Tony Hall, take a long knife to the parasites the BBC calls managers.”
“Only a brutal demolition from the new director general can restore the glory of the British Betrayal Corporation.”
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:49 Weekend 29th March 2025 Not about the BBC – But about freedom – the malicious arrest of 2 parents – from the DT STARTS…
Fedup2Mar 29, 11:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Sometime the self awareness of the BBC is a source of mild humour …. On ‘from our own correspondent ‘…
Emmanuel GoldsteinMar 29, 11:44 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari. It’s especially bad up here in Sunderland where the local North East radio is forever going on about their…
BRISSLESMar 29, 10:55 Weekend 29th March 2025 Absolutely! Well done W. (pssst Snuffy – he’s a lurker ) 😀
Fedup2Mar 29, 10:45 Weekend 29th March 2025 Digg My instant response is – is he a real doctor ? Where qualified ? I found his company address…
tomoMar 29, 10:42 Weekend 29th March 2025 Stew – I went and looked 🙂 It would’ve been fun if they did issue that sort of travel advisory…
tomoMar 29, 10:34 Weekend 29th March 2025 I remember when Tim Pool and others had their work flagrantly stolen by corporate media – who in some cases…
tomoMar 29, 10:20 Weekend 29th March 2025 Foscari The sausage machine of nooze has really got performative and the editors / directors get the on-screen “key talent”…
tomoMar 29, 10:14 Weekend 29th March 2025 “wind going to be cheaper” already 9x cheaper! – the (usually paid for) Zealots screech The systematic mendacity of the…
From an earlier post concerning a BBC – warts and all – tribute to the late Richard Briers
‘curmudgeon’ ‘irascible’
‘to the right of Genghiz Khan’
Join the dots.
Meanwhile the death of Saint Nelson of Mandela will give the BBC Obit Hagiography Department their first free full on air brush run since Savile.
When Nelson Mandela dies, the BBC is going to go Full Bongo. I’m dreading it.
Mr Mandela was a terrorist, so let’s not forget that. Let’s also remember that the White government of South Africa kept this terrorist alive, when I suggest if he was White and doing his worst in a Black country he’d have been shown no mercy. But the bbc would never venture into that territory; only whites are evil while ethnics are beautiful and beatific. I just wish the bbc employees could be forced to live amongst their chosen people to gain that hands-on experience of ethnic love and harmony. Most of them wouldn’t survive the trauma.
John in Cheshire
You may find this article very interesting, Gedaliah Braun, Morality and Abstract Thinking, How Africans may differ from Westerners.
I did like the large poster ” A woman is your friend do not beat her !!”
Racism, Guilt and Self Deceit by Gedaliah Braun
”In 1976 I left America to teach philosophy in Ibadan, Nigeria. I made some remarkable discoveries.
First: African blacks were not uptight about race; and second: it was obvious to them that whites were ‘cleverer’ and they made no bones about it.
It is whites who feel guilty about this and blame themselves for black failure. Shrewd blacks use this ‘guilt’ to blackmail, browbeat and bamboozle whites.
This sham anger is a principal weapon of psychological warfare. It is used by women against men, blacks against whites, homosexuals against straights and islam against the West – though always with the help of the (alleged) wrong-doers.
The psychology here is:: Since our enemies hate us, we must have done something wrong; perhaps if we are nice to them they won’t hate us so much. In fact however, such appeasement always fails because it shows weakness and breeds contempt.
Without ‘guilt’ the con game of sham anger wouldn’t work. Unless Muslims saw a willing victim, their ‘rage’ wouldn’t exist because they would know that it would fail. ‘Guilt’ is the glove into which the fist of ‘anger’ fits.
Racial guilt and the consequent unwillingness to speak honestly about racial differences has led directly to the ultimate disaster of a Muslim president who hates America.
Fantastic quote; oh so oh so true.
Torture on West Bank: it’s not Guantanamo, so INBBC will censor it.
“Hooded, hanged and left in agony for hours on end: Palestinian security chief tells how he has tormented ‘suspects’ with MI6′s knowledge… and reveals how Britain helps pay for it with £33m foreign aid.”
By David Rose.–reveals-Britain-helps-pay-33m-foreign-aid.html
looks like the bbc have effectively killed this story, it was
all the rage last night … this morning 😀
US ex-soldier ‘fought in Syria’? the only link at present to Syria … why would something cogent to a world story and such escalating violence, boding serious future concerns
… not warrant even a link? 😀 … the “narrative” not right?
anyway, it was right at the end of last open thread so i ll post it.
you d have to have a heart of stone …
tried to tell you alert
the bbc is shocked SHOCKED i tell you, as po faced hosts report, that military hardware, high grade weapons are being consistently shipped to the
(wonderful-hurrah-bless em!)erm “freedom fighter/rebel chappies in Syria, who turn out to be, (pause for effect) … murderous jihadist fascists, (oh dear), willing to kill any poor sod in target range …
aided by the (surprise surprise) Saudi s, and useful idiots just like W.Vague and the plank Kerry,(who are sure no aid will fund weapons …. oops!).
yep! even got guys like “tour of duty” train spotters swapping weapon numbers on the net
bleats our 24hr news beebot, with a face like a recently slapped arse
Syria eh! … i mean what could go wrong
It’s done in honor of His Nobel Peace Prize……
must be the ahem! “tiny minority of extremists TM”
who by the way, just might consider this?…
INBBC is inclined to censor this:
“CBS reports on Muslim persecution of Christians in Syria”
The Beeb is quite happy to report David Cameron’s persecution of Christians, though.
BBC 4 tonight, Sunday 7pm Storyville, The road, a story of life and death.
A documentary looking at the lives of immigrants who live along the A5 road !
I wont be watching.
you maybe alive 😀 at its start but (pray for) death by the end ….
crikey! this the idea to get the easter viewing figures up
not a comedy is it.
If you do watch the programme, you could play Immigration Bingo, see how many times they say words and cliches like ” vibrancy, diversity, enrichment, islam, multiculturalism is a benefit, nazis, waaycism, holocaust.”
If you get the full set, you shout out Enoch Powell was right !!
When looking at any travel guide, if there is one battered simile, it must be “vibrant cities”.
Just the thing for Easter: “The Greatest Story Ever Told”.
“The Greatest Story Ever Told”
I was going to ask if Charlton Heston is in this epic, and then I realised – Charlton Heston……BBC????? Come on!
Grant Shapps just taken BBCNewsoid to task for adopting Labour terminology with the use of the phrase “Bedroom Tax” – “The BBC have become part of the story”. (Beeboid had also said that “Cameron euphemistically calls it a spare bedroom subsidy”). The BBC man (Philip something) was clearly very annoyed, and possibly couldn’t grasp the principle of tax & benefits.
‘Taken to task…’ And about bleedin’ time.
The beeb were in cracking form with their newspaper review this morning, holding up a copy of the Telegraph and talking about a plot to get rid of George Osborne (them senior tories again), whilst completely ignoring the heading of the other story on the front page about the 900000 who had “dropped their claim” rather than face a medical . Funny old world at the Beeb isn’t it?
Lawrence Auster passed away on Good Friday, aged 64. Here is the very eloquent Mr Auster giving a talk on islam.
‘What is the reality of islam ? why do we deny the problem of islam ? and what is the solution to the problem of islam.’
His solution is to tell muslims to leave all Western lands and go back home. That may sound bonkers, but in actual fact, it’s the most sensible, rational, logical solution. Only the other day, muslims were going to blow up the Eiffel Tower. Either that or we submit to the prophet Mohammad.
Questions asked from the audience
Lawrence Auster:
JANUARY 26, 1949 – MARCH 29, 2013 .
Lawrence Auster may not have been on the BBC-NUJ political radar; and, in any case, few Beeboids will have seen his articles, such as these:
“How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?”
By Lawrence Auster.
“The Path to National Suicide”
An Essay on Immigration and Multiculturalism” (1990)
by Lawrence Auster.
Available as free PDF format essay-
Click to access PNS.pdf
Many thanks for a great link in 1).
Quote: ‘Prior to 1964 there was no “Palestinian” people and no “Palestinian” claim to Palestine; the Arab nations who sought to overrun and destroy Israel in 1948 planned to divide up the territory amongst themselves. Let us also remember that prior to the founding of the state of Israel in 1948, the name “Palestinian” referred to the Jews of Palestine’.
The short history of the region as explained here, going back well before Roman times, is too much for the BBC redactoids to take in, I’d guess, because it totally destroys their perspective/agenda. The whole article lays bare just about every BBC historical take on ‘Palestine’ and Palestinian ‘rights, not to mention their ‘Horrible Histories’ version of The Crusades.
Scottdezcolditz welcome to add their own (BBC-approved) perspective of course….
“Only the other day, muslims were going to blow up the Eiffel Tower.”
Reminds me of the film “Four Lions”. Blackpool on high alert?
Sadly it isn’t a joke.
No, I know it isn’t a joke, but no bomb was found.
I happen to think that we need more films like “Four Lions” ridiculing these stupid b****rs.
Pt II was all going well until I heard that the cause of Islamic Migration into the USA was abortion. Groan head in hands!
You give them all a one way ticket for a flight to Mecca.
“What is the reality of islam ? why do we deny the problem of islam ? and what is the solution to the problem of islam.”
Of course whenever I want to know what “Christians” really think (all 2.2 bn of them) I go and listen to the preachings of a far-right, Muslim fundamentalist blogger. That way I know I’m getting a fair and unbiased perspective.
But Christians don’t fly airplanes into skyscrapers, do they ?
Anders Breivik cited Christianity in justification for his attacks. Should we lump all Christians together as a result?
The immediate media response was just that ‘far right white Christian’ etc
oh joy! the ahem! “tiny minority of extremists”
hello scott …
YouGov poll, published in June,
found 58% linked Islam with extremism and
69% believed it encouraged the repression of women.
And over 75% of non-Muslims believe Islam has only provided a negative contribution to British society
A report from the think-tank Civitas stated that decisions by Britain’s 85-plus sharia courts were likely to be unfair to women and backed by intimidation
Survey of British Muslims, Channel 4, Aug 2006
24 per cent agreed or tended to agree that the 7/7 bombings were justified.
45 per cent think 9/11 was carried out by the US or Israel.
36 percent said they wanted Sharia law in the UK.
Half said British people who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted.
Almost 80 per cent said those who published cartoons of Mohammed should be punished.
Opinion polls
Islam-related opinion polls in the UK collected by The LibertyPhile
Opinion Polls of British Muslims show that a disturbing minority are Islamists:
Poll, March 2004 – 13 percent support terror attacks on the US.
Poll, July 2005 – 6 percent support terror attacks on Britain. 13 percent have “a lot” of sympathy for the attackers.
Survey, Feb 2006:
16 percent of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Israel.
7 percent of British Muslims support suicide bombing in Britain.
Survey, July 2006:
16 percent of British Muslims support the “cause” of the London bombers. These people should not be living in the West. If they do not believe in freedom, they should not live in the free world. They should leave.
Survey of British Muslims, Channel 4, Aug 2006 (also here)
24 per cent agreed or tended to agree that the 7/7 bombings were justified.
45 per cent think 9/11 was carried out by the US or Israel.
36 percent said they wanted Sharia law in the UK.
Half said British people who insult Islam should be arrested and prosecuted.
Almost 80 per cent said those who published cartoons of the prophet Mohammed should be punished.
Survey of British Muslims, Channel 4, June 2007
24 percent of British Muslims deny that the four British Muslim suicide bombers carried out the 7/7 attacks.
24 percent of British Muslims believe the British government carried out the 7/7 attacks.
Optimism – Few western Muslims support terrorist violence.
The opinion polls above are a lot better than polls in the Islamic countries. Probably 80-90 percent of Muslims in the west we can live happily with. Only 10-20 percent are a problem.
Survey, July 2006 also shows that a fantastic 56 percent of British Muslims think the UK government is not doing enough to fight Islamist extremism.
Pessimism – They want to end our liberties peacefully. 40 percent of Muslims want sharia law in UK.
That is, 40 percent of British Muslims want to end our western liberties. They just want to do it peacefully. If ever they are in the majority, they will end British freedom.
The poll shows 41 percent of British Muslims don’t want sharia law. And of course they may win the argument, as, over time, British Muslims finally come to understand and appreciate what a free society is.
Still, 40 percent in favour is an appalling number.
It is a strong argument for restricting Islamic immigration until current Muslims integrate better. Certainly, no one who believes in sharia law should be allowed into the West.
Poll shows Muslims in Britain are the most anti-western in Europe – Pew Survey, 2006
Only 17% of British Muslims believe that Arabs carried out 9/11.
The young are worse than the old:
Poll of British Muslims, Jan 2007 (and here)
37 percent of young British Muslims want Sharia law in Britain.
36 percent of young British Muslims think apostates should be killed.
13 percent of young British Muslims said they “admired” Al Qaeda.
The stats for older British Muslims are much better. Maybe the young will ditch their fascist views as they grow up. Or maybe, disturbingly, the young show what the British Muslims of the future will look like.
Don’t confuse them with facts, they are not interested. It is why they like the BBC.
I got about 1/10th of the way through that before guessing it was one of those posts that Dez & Scott just don’t have time to respond too…
A few points in response.
The first few stats are all about perceptions of Islam, not what Islam actually is, so I don’t see what relevance they have here.
‘Want’ is an ambiguous term – we do not know if they are actively working to implement sharia law, or if that is just a pipe dream. In any case, the other way of presenting the stats is to say that 73 percent of young Muslims do not want sharia law.
“Probably 80-90 percent of Muslims in the west we can live happily with. Only 10-20 percent are a problem.”
With your post you hoped to show that we are not talking about a tiny minority of extremists here. But then you say the above quote. I agree that 10-20 percent is not a tiny minority, but it is nonetheless a small minority, far outweighed by the majority. Indeed, most of the stats you list are below 50 percent, making them a minority.
’73 percent of young Muslims do not want sharia law.’
Reasons to be cheerful, eh?
And the key point is direction of travel, rather than a snapshot of the here-and-now.
“Reasons to be cheerful, eh?”
I would say so, given that sharia is supposed to be a requirement for Muslim life. Almost three quarters not wanting it is a positive sign in my opinion.
“And the key point is direction of travel, rather than a snapshot of the here-and-now”
As noggin pointed out, we do not know if these young Muslims are going to hold on to these extremist views, or whether they will ditch them as they grow older, so I don’t think we can be sure of the direction of travel.
‘I would say so, given that sharia is supposed to be a requirement for Muslim life.’
A requirement that the older generation are less inclined towards.
‘Almost three quarters not wanting it is a positive sign in my opinion.’
No quarters would be more positive still.
You’re wasting your breath on Mr Scott Matthewman, Liberalism is a mental illness.
That’s one person doing it, Scott. Not a fair comparative at all. How many others have cited Christianity as justification for mass murder, or any murder, or gang-raping young girls? You’ll need more examples than the Norwegian Nutbag all by himself to claim a justified analogy.
“with your post you hoped to show ”
ooer! … now then tiger 😀 …
these are the results of various polls
taken at various times, the results are there and speak for themselves.
doesn t fit your view? 🙁
sorry about that 😀
I think the results say something different from what I thought you implied.
What ‘view’ do I have then?
David Preiser
“Not a fair comparative at all. How many others have cited Christianity as justification for mass murder, or any murder, or gang-raping young girls?”
But David, those who claimed responsibility for 9/11 didn’t cite Islam as justification either; they said it was about U.S. interference in the Middle East.
Likewise the 7/7 bombers said their actions were in response to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.
I haven’t heard many people citing Islam as justification for gang-raping young girls. Care to name some?
Then perhaps you can explain why you’ve formed your view of Islam from the opinion of rapists?
You are out of your mind, Dez. What was the reason for Bin Laden’s objection to US interference in the Middle East, specifically Saudi Arabia? Go on, tell the class.
Why did the 7/7 mass murderers feel solidarity with Iraq and Afghanistan? Were they all Afghans and Iraqis? Or were they heroic pacifists against imperialism, like the anti-war crowd we used to see on the BBC? Please explain it to the class.
Then we can get into how you’ve completely misunderstood the argument.
“You are out of your mind, Dez. What was the reason for Bin Laden’s objection to US interference in the Middle East, specifically Saudi Arabia?”
Oh let me think… why would anyone in the Middle East object to the US trying to control the region through the use of military power? Mmm…
“Why did the 7/7 mass murderers feel solidarity with Iraq and Afghanistan?”
See what you’ve done there…
They didn’t. They were opposed to the war.
Dez, you’ve dodged the issue very nicely there. If you claim Bin Laden had the same ideals as you do, you’re either lying to yourself, or just lying to me. He wrote a manifesto, you know. You can’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Nobody is interested in your own reasons for opposing US foreign policy. We’re talking about what Bin Laden and the 9/11 mass murderers said, not what you and your friends think about US foreign policy.
And where did I say the 7/7 bombers were NOT opposed to the war? Your visceral, reactionary desire to oppose whatever I say has caused you to screw up once again. This intellectual dishonesty simply won’t work on me.
Don’t bother David, it’s not worth it. Timothy McVeigh and Anders Brevik are being used as counterpoints to 14 Centuries of Islamic savagery by two gays who deny any link between 9/11, 7/7, the racist gang rape of pubescent schoolgirls and the Muslim faith of the perpetrators.
Oh, yes, I forgot about McVeigh. If he hadn’t been executed, he’d probably be in the news often enough that I’d remember him in cases like this. But I don’t think he ever said his Christianity was the reason for his crime. Even if everyone accepted that Islam doesn’t direct people to mass murder or gang rape, those perpetrators said it did, which is the actual starting point for the whole debate. As long as defenders of the indefensible keep distracting from that, there can be no honest discussion.
Mr Scott Matthewman
You’re very naive and delusional, if you haven”t wised up now, I’m afraid I cant help you.
Ps . I did ‘enjoy’ perusing your website. You run a gay and lesbian blog call the gay vote and you like musical theatre.
Bless. I dare say you can find several people on Biased BBC stupid enough to think that repeating things like that about me somehow makes you less of a loser.
Still, if it makes you feel the tiniest bit better about your miserable little life for even a fraction of a second, be my guest.
You obviously don’t realise how defensive, you become at somebody presumably simply stating a fact. your way of dealing with it is to switch to aggression and insult.
Where have we seen this before?
Bless. Lectured on aggression and insult by Teddy Bear. What next? Being described as unelectable by David Vance? David Preiser calling me a pompous, arrogant windbag? George R calling me a low-rent, gullible racist version of Google News?
Couldn’t leave me out of it, could you, Scott?
Well, if the shoe fits, wear it.
I notice again you ignore the point being made by continuing to be defensive.
Do you see a pattern here?
And what exactly is your point, Teddy Bear?
I love that you think I’m being aggressive. It’s like you judge the whole world on your own excuse for a level.
I’ll answer you last post here Scott, otherwise it gets too narrow.
I ‘spelled my point’ out to you quite clearly. I observed your response to what somebody had commented to you, and made a judgement on it. What you were doing, and what you were avoiding doing.
I judge also from the way you express your picture of me in relation to you that you find me aggressive and insulting towards you. Now if you are interested in truth you can go back to previous exchanges we have had and you will find that I respond that way to you AFTER you have either done so to
to me or somebody else here. If you show disrespect – what do you think you’ll get in response?
So here’s an example for you to see quite clearly what YOU PUT OUT, and if you modify it you will find the way others respond to you will change.
Teddy Bear, if you’re going to start talking about treating people with respect then you’d be on firmer footing if you led by example. You perceive people disagreeing with you as being aggressive when they’re really not.
Case in point – when you bitched about “the left” getting rude if you disagreed with them – and then did exactly the same to me when I suggested it was a trait that many Biased BBCers exhibited.
By go ahead. I’ve had far worse flung at me on here by people who think that being rude towards me will make them feel better about themselves. One more really won’t make much difference.
I would guess that you’re referring to this thread started here, and as usual, you continue to omit the relevant point to justify your comment here, as you did there.
It was about HYPOCRISY, which you failed to address then as now. I challenged you to show an example where anybody was being hypocritical, rather than simply telling you what they thought of you for their own very good reasons.
You couldn’t, and simply tried/try to squirm and insult your way out of it, and we keep showing that we see your avoidance of points you can’t address, and we understand your childish reactions for what you hope it will achieve, and since it relies on aggression and insult – this is what you get back.
As for You perceive people disagreeing with you as being aggressive when they’re really not. I challenge you to provide a link to where you have seen that happen.
I’ve had several exchanges with Chris recently where I would say we didn’t agree, but our debate has been reasonable and didn’t degenerate into insult and aggression. So again you have shown yourself to be a liar and deceiver, which is NOT an insult – simply a statement of truth.
David Brims,
“But Christians don’t fly airplanes into skyscrapers, do they?”
Well no, not many people do; Timothy McVeigh used a truck instead.
Ah, the exception that proves the rule – left wing mathematically-challenged moral equivalence.
Hey Dez….. What were the findings of the FAs` `Rasist Chanting` investigations??? I can`t seem to find the results on the BBC sites, you know, the same ones which constantly used it as the main story for the day… and people like yourself stated that it highlighted the inherent racism in football… You even copy pasted the twitter statements of everyones favourite patriot Rio Ferdinand …. So…. what happened then??? Did they find the people responsible then???
Don’t be expecting an answer any time soon, lefties can NEVER admit when they are wrong.
‘Far right’.
See what he did there?
Director General HALL, and his left-hand man, ex-Labour Party PURNELL take over.
This is the furthest politically the BBC-NUJ dare go on that:
“Tony Hall prepares for first day”
By Torin Douglas, BBC.
‘The appointment of a former Labour culture minister, without a formal selection process, caused some controversy among Conservative MPs, though the government expressed no objection.’
And as far as our Torin is concerned, no one other than a few Tory Colonels in the Shires had any concerns?
Talk about defining the narrative.
‘Two current BBC directors have moved to new roles. Helen Boaden, who was director of news for eight years, has been made director of radio, and Tim Davie, who has been acting director general for the past four months, moves to an expanded role in charge of the BBC’s global activities.”
Hardly playing up the expansion of the management tier is he? Especially when this was seen as a core reason for much cock-upworthyness in the Pollard Report. Or that a well and truly discredited Hugs now appears to be back in charge of the most dominant news division there is.
Blowing a fortune sticking in more people to supplement the clowns who have already ruined the BBC’s reputation, especially chosen from the ranks of the ‘we’ll see you right come the next election’ party the BBC is trying to shoehorn back into power, hardly seems designed to inspire much trust.
Maybe he simply doesn’t care.
Because he doesn’t really need to.
Notice how Torin Douglas finesses Purnell’s appointment with the phrase that Hall ‘is bringing in another outsider’. Who would think that Purnell’s 18 years at the bBBC or Labour counts as being ‘outside’?
The bBBC news website is now displaying Central European Time, having moved its clock forward 2 hours overnight!
The bBC’s book of the week:
Hat tip to Harrys Place.
Next week “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”.
yep! … you l find it under “factual” in the spanking new al bbc library, right next to poor palestinians
There’s news, damn news, and BBC semantics.
Coldest Easter Sunday on record, Met Office confirms
Odd I thought; here on the Welsh borders I have just spent a great day in the garden in the sun, in a T-shirt, chopping logs.
Guessing this area either doesn’t apply or spoiled the already doom-laden average.
Then, I read on…
‘since modern records began in 1960’
Modern records…1960?
Now there may be some fancy definition for what a modern record is, but I’m pretty sure they had a fair idea what the temperature was a wee bit before this.
Whatever point they are trying to make, it all sounds pretty desperate, especially to any 53 year-olds out there.
Such claims based on such ‘data’ and parameter selection does the BBC and its cause few favours.
It in no way excuses the BBC, but this blatant #prasnews cut and paste goes across the entire MSM.
Word for word.
I guess they figured the Met Office is just one outfit you don’t need to question.
The definition of ‘since records began’, like ‘unprecedented’, seems these days to depend on how excitable subs are vs. any actual desire to report sensibly, so I decided on a delve. This was almost the first I came across, and hardly from a sceptical publication:
Now I am sure that somewhere it is written that weather isn’t anything to do with the cold, but what I read there suggests that the latest claims being made could do with some clarification. 1659 is a wee bit before 1960, for a start.
So what made the ‘modern’ bit that will excuse all this? I am now trying to find out, as my £4Bpa educator and informer seems untroubled.
Funny how they never never say that Arctic ice melt measurements they tell us about are only since its ice mass reached a peak in the 1970s. gives a review from 1979 onwards.
And see the results
So…..their warming predictions included this apparent loss of sea ice in the Arctic, yet the predicted impact on the UK was going to be warm wet winters and hot dry summers.
Their claims now that our freezing winters and cold wet summers are down to the same loss of sea ice is a u-turn the whys and wherefores of which we have yet to hear debated on the BBC. It’s just another theory trying to explain why their first theory hasn’t quite worked out as expected.
It’s settled science, Jim, but only as Sir Paul Nurse knows it (and sod nullius in verba).
“More frost, Scotty!”
It is something to do with the computer models always needing carbon dioxide to produced a warming six miles up, at twice the rate of the surface. Something that has not and never will happen.
Instead we have an increase in cloud cover that reduces the differentiation of temperature between the Poles and the Tropics, something understood by the top experts on Hurricanes.
But the morons at the Met Office do not know were to look for any evidence of changes in the Cloud Albedo of the Earth.
Funny how they never never say that an increase in cloud cover in the Arctic has caused an increase in temperature as clouds trap heat. Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES instrument on the Modis satellites, also the fact that the Arctic has far more heat input than the Antarctic region, due to the jet stream, or that the greenhouse effect is weakest at the poles especially in the polar winter.
It would have helped correct the Met Office computer models, but destroyed the assumed carbon dioxide warming bullshit so dear to the Met Office.
You seem to be a bit confused Richard. CERES is the name given to a collection of scientific experiments NASA has in orbit which work in conjunction with other pieces of orbital kit including the MODIS experiment. There’s no “CERES instrument on the Modis satellites”. That makes no sense.
Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System) and MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite instruments.
That mistake was in an email from a member of Spacesig, not my mistake, so there.
“Reflected solar radiation in the Arctic in July 2012 was considerably higher than July 2011 according to the CERES (Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System) and MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) satellite instruments.”
Really? Well here’s a link to the dataset can you show me where you get those numbers from?
Easter is movable = the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the Spring Equinox. It can occur as early as 2/3 of the way through March or as late as 2/3 of the way through April. The story is therefore close to meaningless, as we are not talking about a fixed date! Clearly, the “warmest Christmas day since the year WXYZ” is more meaningful, as that day is more or less fixed, always being the 25th of December and subject only to the minor variation of being made to fall a day later in a leap year by the extra day on 29th Feb’.
Erm this is potentially very embarrassing for the climate change/ global warmers No wonder the bBC have hidden this article away, it’s not just the UK which has been cold it’s the whole planet!
Maybe the GW guys, but the climate change brigade will simply move further to extreme weirdness now.
And I would be prepared to listen if, as I have cited above, they were not doing it in ways that suggest they have a result and are seeking to get things to fit by playing with the data.
Yet another chip to an already crumbling edifice of trust I may have had.
BBC 4 is repeating the Horizon program on the pseudoscience of Global Weirding tomorrow, you won’t find any scientific papers on Global Weirding because it is a hypothesis based on “forced ignorance”, due to a politically correct taboo about anything that does not support carbon dioxide warming, this is because they need to protect their jobs by making sure the politicians remain ignorant.
The BBC have to censor a load of science about Solar induced weather trends, and scientists such as Piers Corbyn. That is why Paul Hudson is playing a dangerous game, teasing the BBC flathead morons such as Harrabin.
Also note that drought is an extreme weather event caused by less extreme weather. If there was no weather at all, we would have an eternal drought.
Erm? What is the embarrassment? That March 2011 was warm in Britain and cold elsewhere? That March 2013 was colder than March 2011? That weather is different from climate?
The embarrassment is not to do with the weather in Britain, but that the whole planet has cooled down – massively!
Just take a look at the global temperature graph and you’ll see just how profound the cooling of the earth actually is.
This data flies against everything the bBC has been telling is happening this is climate (not weather) change, but it’s in the opposite direction to what the bBC has adopted as fact. There lies the embarrassment.
Well, if that’s your view of the climate, why link to an article about the weather for the month of March 2011?
Would have thought the embarrassment was obvious ‘Warm wet winters…….hot dry summers………snow will be a thing of the past…..decimation of the European ski industry……yada yada yada’.
I think you’ll find that all the hoohah is about the attribution of climate change.
Simplistic nonsense, Dez (continued warming trend after 1998?!).
And where’s the hockey stick?
‘We disclosed that although highly influential computer models are still estimating huge rises in world temperatures, there has been no statistically significant increase for more than 16 years.
Despite our revelation earlier this month, backed up by a scientifically researched graph, the Committee on Climate Change still clings to flawed predictions’.
“Oxford have won the latest ‘edition’ of the boat race.”
Do boat races come in editions?
Radio 4 news 6 O’Clock
I’d be interested in the Audience Services response to that; a complaint about low quality usually gets a little more traction than one about bias (not difficult, I know).
In my experience. They treat all complaints in the same way. Step 1 is to ignore. Step 2 reply in double speak if the complainer continues. If you get further than that, I did once, I’ll let you find out for yourself.
Oh yes…I was wrong.
I am comfortable in my belief that you have got that about right.
RCE you are correct… The bias option goes straight to Hugs’ email account to nowhere, currently being archived to oblivion by Peter Rippon.
Country File has it’s usual global warming reference from John Craven once again. In a piece about seasonality he espouses that global warming in future will mean we dont have to import foodstuffs.
Oh yeah!
Well, following the self-indulgent tributes, and the farewell self-indulgent party, where according to the Telegraph: A party thrown to mark the closure of BBC Television Centre descended into chaos as drunken staff stole mementos from the building and had sex in the studios,
what next?
It appears that after selling it off, for £100 million less than it expected, the BBC is now going to be leasing a lot of it back, at a cost to the licence fee payer of £3 million a year. Despite when TV Centre was initially put on the market in 2007, a BBC spokesman said unequivocally: ‘This is a full-scale disposal and we won’t be leasing it back.’ 🙄
So what does the BBC say in response?
A BBC spokesman said: ‘The sale of Television Centre has already secured the sum of £200 million and will deliver further annual savings of about £30 million a year by 2015.
As Ace Ventura would say – REeeeAaaaLY?
So if we factor in the cost for the completely insane purchase of Salford studios and the additional monies for relocating and conveying staff and celebrities to work and appear there, we are to believe that they actually know what they are doing, and are saving us money.
I’d say when pigs fly, but with the recent discovery of horsemeat added in, that’s probably not a good analogy.
BBC to spend £3million a year… renting back Television Centre it’s just left
BBBC making sure they set the narrative
Check out the update
Tonight’s Westminster Hour on Radio 4 started with the introduction “And today, Easter Sunday, a coalition of four churches has attacked the government over its changes to welfare payments” thus making clear that the bBBC’s antics in delaying this to Easter Sunday were quite deliberate.
Plus side… The BBC has found a Coalition it can promote. And show Christian balance too.
Win win!
Good catch. Agenda? What agenda?
Paranoia time?
Did anyone else notice the similarity between the sinister alien writing on Dr Who yesterday and Hebrew?
Add in the plot of seeking world dominance and …
“half a page of notes criticizing the Government.”
(The Doctor when his companion woke up)
Hampstead HARRABIN, through gritted teeth:-
“Met Office three-month forecast was ‘not helpful'”
-also not helpful, Harrabin’s political propaganda to close down coal-fired power stations.
“LONG ago I lived in a mad country, where expensive bread was so heavily subsidised that it was cheaper than swill, and so fed to pigs.
It was called the USSR, and it was ruled by Red zealots. Now I live in another mad country, where Green zealots close perfectly good coal-fired power stations in the middle of a fuel shortage.
It is like watching a dentist pulling out sound teeth, or a surgeon cutting off a healthy limb, and being able to do nothing to stop it.”–leaving-conscience-behind.html
(Scroll down.)
New Sunderland manager a Fascist and David Milliband a Labour hero for resigning his directorship in protest-BBC this morning and it wasn’t a April fools joke.
As we all know, there’s the good reason and then there’s the real reason.
Good reason = Milliband is resigning because the new Sunderland manager is a ‘fascist.’
Real reason = Milliband is going to America to take up a £300,000 job
“It was the rig… lef.. most convenient thing to do?”
Now we know how to get rid of them perhaps he should be director general?
Note also the BBC’s insistence that fascism is a ‘far right’ attribute! Er…don’t think so!
But most people probably think it is – so they’ve succeeded.
Our language is controlled by the Left, and the Right let it happen.
I bellyfeel this plus plus. O’Brien
It’s Monday its under occupancy penalty and it’s BBC breakfast. Another sob story with someone who has spare bedrooms. “The Government thinks” it has support from millions of tax payers. So counter view errr no! Not whilst I was watching no an interview with Liam Bynrne.
The Sunderland manager, that’s going to run and run.
It’s April 1st, so choosing Liam Byrne is another little Labour joke.
I watched him on Sky, and I am sure the BBC also tore ‘there’s no money left’ a new one for stuttering on about ‘millionaires’ like McGuire can be relied to crank out Tory Toffs like a stuck record.
All for sensible issue debates, but broadcasters simply offering talking heads 3 minutes to intone soundbite loop nonsense serves no function.
In fairness Sarah Montague did challenge Byrne this morning over his ‘There’s no money left’ note and also made some attempt to get him to explain how Labour’s continuing welfare largesse will be paid for. However, the maths behind his prosed repeal of the ‘tax cut for millionnaires’ – the tax his government introduced only one month before leaving office – was not explored in any meaningful way – a Tory in the same position would have been grilled relentlessly (and would have kept getting dragged back to the ‘no money left’ quote).
It would have been interesting to see what kind of job Humphrys would have made of the interview given a similar challenging brief.
Still, one small step on the road to balance and impartiality? We can only hope.
a Tory in the same position would have been grilled relentlessly
I wish that were true, because this morning Humphreys let IDS off on his benefit reforms very lightly.
I wonder how many people know that this benefit reform isn’t for people on housing benefit? It only applies to those who live in ‘social’ i.e. council and housing association housing. If you’re on housing benefit living in private rented accommodation then you can have as many bedrooms as you like without deduction.
It’s a very selective and targeted cut.
Er, it is true, as has been proven by the many examples on this website.
That’s not true.
The same bedroom reduction was introduced into the private sector by the Labour Government in 2002.
The Tories are now bringing the social sector into line with those 2002 changes, the only difference being that the Labour Party didn’t call it a ‘Bedroom Tax’ when they introduced it.
O’Bwana on the Korean crisis:
Legal aid changes spark solicitor warnings –
It’s clear from this article that the BBC don’t approve of legal aid being cut.
However, like it or not, cuts need to be made, as the graph of Britain’s national debt is beginning to look like that climate hockey stick graph that the left take so seriously.
My question to the BBC is this: What (if anything) would you cut instead?
‘Are you affected by issues covered in this story? Send us your comments and experiences using the form below.’
Given the BBC staff have zero experience in this, as the minute there’s a bit of legal support required they get issued the finest in the land in the interests of providing the public best value ((c) The Truss), I’d be interested how they’ve have a clue what they are being told about.
But stand ready for some truly credibility-rending vox-pops being crafted in the edit suite as Peter Rippon flushes any howlers that wouldn’t suit down the memory hole.
BBC Radio 5 Live has an unwritten remit to bring left-wing politics into sport when ever and where ever possible.
This morning Stephen ‘how does that make you fee-ol’ Nolan is seat warming at Salford for some of the regulars.
It seems Sunderland FC have had a shocker of a run of defeats lately and their manager – the rather professorial-looking and quietly spoken Martin O’Neill – who has always been very popular with BBC reporters – has been sacked.
The club have signed up Paolo Di Canio as a replacement.
What do you reckon Nolan asks of his listeners?
‘Sunderland fans…. if he keeps your team in the Premiership…. can you stomach Di Canio’s politics and what he stands for?’
For those not au fait with the story and significance of Nolan’s apparent warcry against or rabble rousing ‘shout out’ against the new man – let me give a quick thumb nail sketch of the two men….
O’Neill: He was capped 64 times for the Northern Ireland national football team, also captaining the side.
O’Neill’s father was a founding member of local GAA club Pádraig Pearse’s Kilrea.
He also played Gaelic football while boarding at St. Columb’s College, Derry, and later at St. Malachy’s College, Belfast.
While at St. Malachy’s, he first came to public attention as a football player with local side Rosario and then eventually with Distillery. This breached the Gaelic Athletic Association prohibition on Gaelic footballers playing “foreign sports”
O’Neill left Leicester on 1 June 2000, taking over from the team of John Barnes and Kenny Dalglish to become manager of Celtic.
Di Canio: Di Canio began his career in the Italian Serie A, playing for Lazio, Juventus, Napoli and Milan, before a brief spell with the Scottish club Celtic.
Di Canio is a self-proclaimed Fascist. In 2005, he characterised his political views by declaring that he was “a fascist, not a racist”
I suppose a sensible way for the BBC to treat all this would be to ignore politics and to concentrate on the sport.
But the BBC is not a balanced unbiased organisation.
The BBC has picked its favourite side so time ago and now supports it to the hilt.
I don’t follow any sport very closely but my received impression of UK footy is that (post-Hornby et al) it is now a very very lucrative arm of the race-relations & anti-homophobia industries – thus, I am gobsmacked that Mr Di Canio hasn’t been very publicly arrested a la Op’n Yewtree for being so prominently off-message in a realm so in thrall to Cultural Marxism (and so awash with money to pay for the full-time outrage that moves the project along).
Hey I think I’ve found the BBC’s April Fools story:
Ex-foreign secretary David Miliband has resigned from the board of Sunderland football club over new head coach Paolo Di Canio’s “past political statements”.
‘BBC political correspondent Chris Mason said Mr Miliband’s decision to stand down was entirely to do with Mr Di Canio’s appointment and nothing to do with his forthcoming move to New York to work for a charity .’
Well, it made me chuckle
BBC political correspondent Chris Mason said
What did Milliband say?
Mason was reading the official line he got from Miliband’s people. Presumably this will be passed around and repeated without raising an eyebrow or a note of cynicism on all BBC programmes covering this. None of this “well, he would say that, wouldn’t he” nonsense reserved for other occasions.
That is This Paulo Di Canio?
on Sunderland FC
a widely played clip, on the news round up on 5live.
has a “caller”? (as no one knows who he is) … stating he will not go to sunderland again while a fascist is in charge, and that he went past the town centre on saturday and he saw
(pause for effect) … “a demo by the EDL, against a new mosque”? ….
well … and? … sorry orchestrated bbc “plant” caller …
theres nothing wrong with that
nothing to do with Milliband?,
nothing to do with Decaneo?
nothing to do with Sunderkand FC?
plain agended bbc bias again,
islamic fascism?… bbc? anyone? hello? …(sound of crickets)
just waiting for nauseating Nolan to wheel out the inverted reality of the United Association Fascists …
and that numpty from “kick it out”
I also heard the caller say he was a season holder since 1955 ( or was it 1855 ?, I cant remember ) he also mentioned the anti apartheid system in South Africa, Huh ? What’s that got to do with anything ? The anti nazi league, Mussolini and I also think he said the Italian air force bombed his house !
I suspect it was Owen Jones with a handkerchief over the telephone mouthpiece. At least ‘fascism in football’ makes a nice change from ‘waaycism in footbal.’
I think I know what Nicky Campbell will be talking about tomorrow in the phone in.
Half the Labour government, John Reid, Alistair Darling, Jack Straw, Jim Murphy etc etc were marxists, apologists for Stalin and Mao’s cultural revolution which murdered 100 million people. The BBC not interested.
65 million in the People’s Republic of China
20 million in the Soviet Union
2 million in Cambodia
2 million in North Korea
1.7 million in Africa
1.5 million in Afghanistan
1 million in the Communist states of Eastern Europe
1 million in Vietnam
150,000 in Latin America (mainly Cuba)
10,000 deaths “resulting from actions of the international Communist movement and Communist parties not in power.”
the executions of tens of thousands of hostages and prisoners
the murder of hundreds of thousands of rebellious workers and peasants from 1918 to 1922
the Russian famine of 1921, which caused the death of 5 million people
the extermination and deportation of the Don Cossacks in 1920
the murder of tens of thousands in concentration camps in the period between 1918 and 1930
the Great Purge which killed almost 690,000 people
the deportation of 2 million so-called “kulaks” from 1930 to 1932
the deaths of 4 million Ukrainians (Holodomor) and 2 million others during the famine of 1932 and 1933
the deportations of Poles, Ukrainians, Moldavians and people from the Baltic Republics from 1939 to 1941 and from 1944 to 1945
the deportation of the Volga Germans in 1941
the deportation of the Crimean Tatars in 1943
the deportation of the Chechens in 1944
the deportation of the Ingush in 1944.
The Marxist Left defines what’s good for everybody (the “General Will”) and then tries to impose it, whatever the cost in human lives and resources, following Rousseau’s logic in “Du Contrat Social”:
“Whosoever refuses to obey the General Will shall be constrained to do so by all the others, which means nothing other than that he shall be FORCED TO BE FREE.”
That all happened only because those people didn’t do Socialism/Communism/Marxism properly. It’s a beautiful ideology ruined by a few bad apples. Just ask any Beeboid or Leftoid you meet.
‘heard the caller say he was a season holder since 1955’
That’s 5 years ‘before records began’.
If he has recollection of it being a bit nippy on the terraces before 1960, BBC Whizzbangs & Wild Guesses will have a squad of hushers on him before you can say ‘the science is settled’.
Remember Anthony Blair’s claim to have seen Jack Millburn (a.k.a. ‘wor Jacky) playing for Newcastle? The chronological mathematics were, shall we say, problematical … See Peter Oborne’s book on the growth of political lying. When the ideological Left get involved with football, watch out!
… that was shortly before Tony blagged himself aboard a plane belonging to an airline that no-one had ever heard of and flew to an island in the Caribbean that doesn’t exist.
Will the political ‘left’ boycott the Arab/Muslim ownership of Premier League football clubs, as Islamic ideology is detrimental to freedom?
Those Arab millionaires are mostly a bunch of decadent latter-day Solomons, but that does not make them any less dangerous. At the end of the day, they still support their main cause – conversion of the entire world to their vile 7th century creed.
‘islamic fascism ?… bbc ? anyone ? hello ?…
Tumbelweed, church bell tolling in distance, tap dripping, door creaking, dog howling. etc etc.
H/T to Guido Fawkes for highlighting this expose of BBC favourites Hacked Off in the Telegraph
What strikes me is the stunning resemblance between the post-Leveson press landscape demanded by Hacked off and our current Left-leaning BBC.
‘Frost wants newspapers to be forced to reflect “a fair selection of the day’s events”; a regulator, in other words, would decide what stories they covered. ‘
‘At the May 17 event, numerous Left-wing speakers outlined their view of how the “public good” or the “public interest” as defined by a press regulator, should override freedom of expression.’
‘Jacqui Davis, from Keep our NHS Public, said the media should be obliged to “stand up for the NHS”.’
‘Jacqui Hunt, from Equality Now, called for the regulator to ban Page 3, impose compulsory training for male journalists and require all reports on domestic violence to be “sensitive”. ‘
‘Other groups described as “partner organisations” by Hacked Off’s website include the newly-established Youth Media Agency, which complained that the media’s “discriminatory” coverage of the August 2011 riots “singled out children and young people as the rioters” (72 per cent of those arrested were under 25)’
‘Trans Media Watch, which condemns newspapers for “stigmatising” transsexuals. Alleged examples of discrimination, which Trans Media Watch wants to ban, included a reference to the Bois de Boulogne, a park in Paris, as “containing transsexual prostitutes”. ‘
‘Another Hacked Off “partner” is Engage, an “anti-discrimination” group including Islamist sympathisers and whose staff have justified the killing of British soldiers. Engage was exposed by The Sunday Telegraph, in what it would no doubt protest to a regulator was “discriminatory” reporting. ‘
“…Leveson has been persuaded to embrace unquestioningly a profoundly ideological description of the relationship between the British press and democracy, previously held only by a small group of Left-of-centre academics.”
‘Hacked Off sits at the centre of a network of broadly Left-liberal groups who have been campaigning for many years for media regulation but whose efforts were given a massive boost by the hacking scandal.’
Acknowledgements to Andrew Gilligan for that article:
“The truth about Hacked Off’s media coup.
Andrew Gilligan uncovers the intriguing connections between Leveson and Left-wing ideology.”
Yes, the BBC’s repressive ideology is right in there with ‘Hacked Off.’
“Accepting Leveson means accepting we have lost.
The current nitpicking about the details of the shabby Royal Charter deal is not nearly enough to defend press freedom.”
By Mick Hume.
Nitpicking is, of course, the key to successful negotiated concessions.
One only has to witness the success of Flokkers here in steering discussion off down distracting avenues and away from what is usually the actual topic.
My family ‘won’ a court case a while back where we were seeking around £80k in compo for a failed survey causing us that much in restoration work. We got around £45k. The lawyers shared, from the defendants’ insurers, around £200k. Total £245k vs. all we needed and asked for to get to square one. It also took 3 years.
One aspect of the exchanges was the defence making utterly wild claims, often doubling the reality. They knew it, we knew it… the judge knew it.
However, each time, in the spirit of ‘compromise’, the judge would encourage us to concede halfway. So they always chipped away 50% even when in the wrong. We lost. The other side, lawyers and judge never did.
Hence we ‘won’ nothing like what we were due despite being totally in the right.
That episode has shaped my view of the legal profession and what any in the politcio-judico-media stitch-up cabals choose to cynically address as ‘fair’.
Hence HackedOff started outrageous, and then got more than it ever could have hoped for meeting the lily-livered incompetents like Letwin ‘halfway’, in a room dominated by only half the competing protagonists, plus Clegg & Miliband.
There has not be a stitch up like it since the BBC decided McAlpine was someone they could do a number on, then ‘investigated’ themselves internally, plus redactions, when caught bang to rights. And using our money to buy themselves out of it.
Gilligan’s article also has the facts about the leftie propaganda front-organisation Full Fact that I put on the ‘Blessed are the Idle’ thread last night. Sorry, I was in a hurry then, and didn’t give the attribution.
The Media Standards Trust also launched Full Fact, a purportedly independent fact-checking website into the press and frequent complainant to the PCC, several of whose factchecks contain subtle Left-wing bias and whose complaints to the PCC are almost entirely against Right-wing newspapers.
Full Fact’s chief executive, Will Moy, is also a director of Hacked Off.
In 2010 Full Fact was refused charitable status by the Charity Commission on the grounds, according to Moy, that it did not meet “rigorous standards of objectivity and independence”.
Full Fact’s directors at the time of the Leveson Inquiry were two Labour peers, a Liberal Democrat peer and a former journalist tightly allied to Mr Blair, John Lloyd.
Lloyd, director of journalism at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at Oxford, is the author of a book saying media cynicism about politics “undermines democracy” and calling for “intervention” to force news organisations to do more to support public institutions. The book cited the BBC’s story about Mr Blair’s “sexed-up” Iraq dossier as the key example of media wrongdoing.
He also mentioned it on his Sunday LBC show & debated it , something The BBC would of hid & ignored !The Bastards !
Why has Gilligan left out the BBC connection? He mentions David Hass worked for a Tory, but doesn’t mention that he used to be editor on Today. And Kevin Marsh, a co-founder of Hacked Off and current instigator for them, was not only Hass’ boss at Today but was also executive editor of the BBC College of Journalism, and was campaigning for this very kind of “reform” at the time. Why did Gilligan censor these facts? He can’t be protecting the BBC on purpose.
Surely these key background facts are equally as important, if not more so, than the fact that Ella Mason was listed as a Tory as of the 2010 election.
Well, much of the British ‘left’ seems reconciled sufficiently to Italy’s modern history to take their holidays, and buy property, in such places as Tuscany.
“On Start the Week Tom Sutcliffe discusses the ‘myth’ of progress with James Lasdun, Mary Beard, Mark Ravenhill and John Gray.”
An absolutely disgraceful half hour of trendy leftie navel gazing that their alleged ‘progress’ might not stand the test of time.
The last few minutes are very interesting though, that they approve of people leaving Europe for a better life, “after all it’s not the whole world it’s just Europe that’s got itself into this bind”
Could this be the spark of recognition that the left has screwed things up on a monumental scale? Although deep down they know it they could never open their minds to accept it.
That phrase “pathologies of European History” was interesting wasn`t it?
They`ll not mention Communism by name though
As for the pathology…the sociopathology of a current alternative to flabby Western hideously-white groupthink?…not one mention.
I can only imagine Tehran or Riyadh doing that enlightened self-loathing treacherous, traitorgate stuff for themselves-why should the BBC examine any of that?
Oh-anybody else hear Mary Beard and her crap about the mob on Twitter-I wonder if the Any Questions/Question Time Goon Squads from the PCS/UNITE/Milibank Labour HQ have been getting fed with extra meat since Mary was trashed re Boston immigration a few weeks back.
Leveson may well be payback for one of their heroines getting shown for the fake that she is…and if the BBC isn`t giving out free guidelines, megaphones and amplification to the lefty Beardy weirdies on entering the BBCs choice of squat for QT/AQ; then I`ll be surprised.
Nearer 45 minutes in fact. Ravenhill’s assertions about (1) the end of the Welfare State (really?!) and (2) Britain’s becoming “uninhabitable” for our children and grandchildren (because of climate change, of course, not mass immigration and multiculturalisation) went unchallenged as usual. Perhaps he’d like to go to the paradise of Zimbabwe, where “Bob” Mugabe upholds enlightenment values. The attack on supposed antisemitism in Voltaire’s works is fatuous; you might as well attack Karl Marx’s theories, or even Bobby Fischer’s chess games, because of much worse antisemitism from them (both Jewish).
Talking of Bedroom Tax….
What’s the situation with Dr Who and that Tardis?
Does he own it outright? Is it privately rented?
Or is he – as any good Beeboid low-paid key-worker really ought to be – a ‘social tenant’?
I don’t want to whistle blow or to play the snooper but he does have a whole lot of unused bedrooms in there!
It’s hard to tell but the way the story klines are going these days I suspect he may even be just about to be cohabiting this time!
What do you reckon Mr ‘Thoughtful’?
Nope he should be evicted and space used to house several needy Romanian Gypos oops Roma people, which is probably what’s going to happen when the poor sods on benefits can’t pay their rent.
Since Tenant left the role it’s gone right downhill so a load of Romanians careering through time stealing from every planet and alien they encounter might make a good series.
What do you think Mrs Asl ?
Yes, I tend to agree with your instinct as to what the outcome of the ‘Bedroom Tax’ in the hands of lefty councils would be likely to be.
Fits nicely with the on going BBC campaign for euthenasia.
I seem to recall that one of the triggers for the German growth industry in exportation of Jews Eastward in the early 1940s was pressure on the housing sector in Hamburg.
The British Coalition Government kept bombing German cities. Where was the RAF plan B or their growth policy? Or so the BBC might have asked.
I think I’ve already seen some of the new BBC Dr Who aliens…. The catchphrase is not ‘Exterminate’ or ‘You have been deleted’
It’s ‘Beeeg Ishooo!’
The Tardis, never occurred to me this is how all the immigrants are getting into the country. The bBC certainly has a lot to answer for.
The Tardis does seem to be the BBC model for this country. Infinite living space for an infinite influx of population.
The Doctor technically stole the TARDIS, because he wasn’t allowed to have one after he broke the Time Lord rules. Theft is property, so very BBC.
One of the stories on 6Music news just now was a resolution at the NUT conference. Not a decision, not a major speech but a resolution on sexism and pornography that is being discussed.
OOOOohhh TWATO reports that the bBC has fallen out of love with Burmese ex victim Aung San Suu Kyi as she is Islamophobic and as well all know that trumps nearly everything in the Hierarchy of isms.
So now she’s gone into the bad books after being compared with Nelson Mandela, and apparently her house arrest was nothing like as bad as had been previously reported as her home was pretty comfortable.
Let the character assassination begin! As one primary school headmistress campaigning for Liebour told me ‘Muslims must never be criticised regardless of what they do’ !!
The BBC, a loathsome organisation!
No doubt the bBC website will carry their own interpretation when the Muslims have told them what that is.
Very non committal maybe they have had to wait for left wing guidance from senior lefties before printing an opinion.
Ah, no wonder no Beeboids laughed or pointed fingers when The Obamessiah mispronounced her name when she was standing right next to Him during that press conference.
Given the BBC is an organisation capable of po-faced claiming ‘records began’ in 1960, one should not be too surprised that they chop and change bandwagons with the stored capacity vs. deliverable wind.
Hence we’ve had global warming>climate change>global wierding>climate wierding in as many decades.
On the basis of simple random name generation I was expecting the next to be global change, but it appears a new one is in the frame: the paradoxical phenomenon.
‘Climate change is expanding Antarctica’s sea ice, according to a scientific study in the journal Nature Geoscience.
The paradoxical phenomenon is thought to be caused by relatively cold plumes of fresh water derived from melting beneath the Antarctic ice shelves.”
No obvious ‘could’, or ‘research suggests’ or ‘scientists say’, but a ‘thought to be’ is reassuringly there at least. Oh, sorry, I missed that ‘may’ in the headline.
Making most of it ‘we don’t know’ hooey.
Funny how the BBC can only ever find scientific studies that support their pro-AGW policy.
‘2007 – Global Warming means less ice around Antarctica’
‘2013 Global Warming means more ice around Antarctica’
In other words, global warming means whatever they want it to mean.
Warning: I expect Radio 5 Dead are speed-dialing Shouty Own Jones after the i newspaper today gave him a page for ranting about the NHS, which he claims has today been murdered by the Conservatives. A whole page, almost entirely shouting about how he and his socialist colleagues ought to be allowed to control the NHS, and only one mention of ‘patient’, in a made-up unattributed quote that ‘patients could be in danger of complications’ because of the changes to the organisation.
It was a handy reminder why we should never again let the Labour loonies re-impose their Nationalised Death Service. But surely the bBBC can’t let it go without giving Shouty a wider audience?
BBC the food program a section about fasting & lent, and they’ve only got a few words in when they suddenly switch to the Muslim period of Ramadan and how important it is to their faith.
Doesn’t matter what the program is the bBC can turn it into a Moslem interest angle.
How true, it is all so tiresomely inevitable!
I recall trying to teach English to some Muslim students during Ramadan, and the poor boys couldn’t concentrate, they were so hungry, though a few cigarettes did help.
“he and his socialist colleagues ought to be allowed to control the NHS”
But they have been: Sir David Nicholson, KCB, CBE
(from wikipeia) Nicholson joined the NHS on graduation, and then the Communist Party of Great Britain.[2][3] He remained a member of the party until 1983
And a fine job they made of it
Sign the petition to see if a Tory fat cat can manage a 97% pay cut and live on £53 per week that he boasts he can.
Somehow no matter how many people sign I suspect the hypocrite will never do it.
Sorry to come over all Jim Dandy here, but much as any foot in mouth pol deserves to reap what he sowed, this is to do with BBC bias how?
Or is this another of those exemptions thingies?
No he said it on the Today program this morning, and for some reason Humphries was very soft on him
“Sign the petition to see if a Tory fat cat can manage a 97% pay cut and live on £53 per week that he boasts he can”.
Can any Labour Fat Cats do it as well, or is your scorn purely last century class war tosh? Lets see how many Guardian-reading poor-worshiping white middle class left wing pricks can live on it too. What, no petition?
The point isn’t whether Liebour fat cats can do it, they haven’t suggested that they can, nor have they been cutting benefits .
This has nothing to do with class war, only a politicos hypocrisy, and believe me when a Liebour politico does the same I’ll be equally vociferous. That’s what being unbiased is all about ! Fair criticism left & right !
“believe me when a Liebour politico does the same I’ll be equally vociferous. ”
OK. But channeling my inner Paxman, again, what has your beef with hypocritical or inept pols got to do with a blog on BBC bias?
You have found a petition that appeals to you and wish to promote, and are spamming the site to do so.
It may be worthy; it may not.
But whatever it is, it is in itself here irrelevant.
Where the BBC bias may come in is their coverage of it. That gets us into Stuart Hughes territory, where the BBC and/or staff try and create news to report.
The petition originator was just now on Sky, and even with a most empathetic host interviewer (foot in mouth pol… What’s not ratings gold there?) he came across as no more than a brain-dead stirrer, failing to explain how this all works, what it proves and who is driving it. It concluded that MP’s are unrepresentative as they earn too much money and get ‘put in power’.
Most are are inept, true, and have no clue on real life, also true. But last I checked, they still get voted in, even the most comfortably off Labour front bench untroubled by targeted campaigns like this, supported by tribal media or those who see an opportunity to make mischief. Or, in the case of the BBC, both. The Labour mantra of ‘out of touch Tories’ is now playing 24/7. IDS is clearly, but so is a rich PPE to politics series of goofy fast-trackers benefitting from all this.
You are driving a cause distraction that has nothing to do with this site, as others do (looking at the overnight deluge, with great resource & commitment) driving other issues and isms to try and clog things up.
As Michelle Dewbury just said on this on Sky, ‘It’s the perception vs. the reality’ when confronted with how people view the party stances.
Indeed. Now who is driving so many perceptions in face of realities?
£4Bpa buys a lot of perception, especially complemented by coordinated campaigns driven by savvy social media squads.
Like activist petitions with BBC insiders helping or more (Addison Lee), or drowning blogs with diversionary tactics.
‘No he said it on the Today program this morning, and for some reason Humphries was very soft on him’
I’m sure he said it, and it was a less than PR-savvy thing to say.
But I remain unclear as to what a political petition you have found to remind a politician of words better left unsaid has to do with the subject of BBC bias here.
‘On this morning’s Today Programme David Bennett, a market trader, said that after his housing benefit had been cut, he lives on £53 per week’.
Sounds like he’s in the wrong job. Maybe he needs to go and get some advice from the tens of thousands of Eastern Europeans who come over here, get a job, and make a very comfortable living indeed, with or without benefits.
Is this the petition put up by Dom Averson in response to George Monbiot’s tweet?
Tory fat cat? This is IDS who with the CSJ he set up is doing more for the real poor and the causes of poverty than New Labour did in 13 years who only exacerbated the problem despite billions thrown at it (usual leftie policy, throw money, con control, no checks, fail, throw more money)
Also, is this market trade so bad that he doesn’t sell anything? Or is the 53 quid the remainder of what benefits he gets? was he asked?
Say this for the BBC – they never forget April Fool’s day jokes. Here is a report which shows that increases in Arctic ice are caused by global warming/climate change. Yah ha ha. April Fool er…
‘But there are other plausible explanations’
Pier-viewed ones?×222.jpg
Humph : ‘Is it true he took unnecessary risks?’
Never catch the BBC doing that – eh?
Yes, they have covered it, but, oh, the disappointment. Seems we may have skipped from spring through winter back to the dark ages. Whodathunkit?
At least, ‘slightly different’ rules apply.
Along with the law of unintended consequences.
Look forward to the BBC’s finest funny folk piling over there in a show of solidarity.
Or, maybe, staying right here honing their grave-dancing best over and over…. and over.
Oh yes, just wait for the biting satire on The Now Show and The News Quiz!
Just wait!
And wait…
And wait………
Unlike ITN News that reminds viewers that S Korea have taken no response to previous fatal attacks by N Korea, the BBC report tells us that the sabre rattling is coming from the South
Gavin Esler’s Dateline London selection to ‘discuss’ this will be a hoot.
After their awesome Falklands version (where all gathered agreed the belligerence was solely at the door of the UK & Island’s governments).
I’m guessing The Kim Jong Journal, Harare Bugle & Democratic Republic of Congo Evening Gazette.
to be fair they probably mean the US B2 stealth bomber ‘practice’ runs but don’t expect accurate or complete news from the BBC
BBC 1 10 o’Clock news and welfare reform. Aside from the usual qualification ‘critics say’ I really can’t see how an official Labour Party political broadcast could have been any more scathing.
So many mentions of ‘the most vulnerable’ I lost count.
Desperately Seeking…..
BBC longing to meet a gay Premiership footballer.
Please no fascist Premiership managers need reply.
The BBC coverage of the Sunderland manager DiCannio is a disgrace!
They talk about diversity, but show none when it comes to diversity of thought, and it is debatable as to whether they have breached his human rights (yes it cuts both ways!)
Article 9 protects freedom of thought, although it is difficule to envisage how this might be infringed!
Article 10 protects the freedom to express those thoughts
This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority
Article 14 protects the individual from discrimination on the grounds of political belief.
Except that when the liebour party enacted all the other isms into law, it missed this one out (wonder why!) In a recent case heard by the European court into a case of left wing bullying (Redfearn Vs Serco) the case was won by Redfearn who was fired for being a BNP member. The UK was told by the European courts to amend the law but has to date refused to do so. Now there’s a surprise when we’re always being told the EctHR are dictating to us over Moslem terrorists they have to kowtow, but when it comes to the BNP they feel they can ignore it.
This is a perfect BBC storm.
The brigade of Plastic Paddies at Salford Local Radio were fans of Martin O’Neill.
Sunderland AFC is seen as a socialist stronghold.
Following a weekend of the BBC winding them up all they now need to do is to watch them jump up and down.
So Dame Nicky is able to carp from the sidelines and refer to ‘the Paolo Di Cannio situation’. He can joke around with his assistant dolly dealer as they ask ‘can we call it controversial?’
Beeboids eh? To quote a controversial chant ‘you know what you are’.
What really amuses me is that a residual fascist allegience is not uncommon in Italy.
The critics of Di Cannio’s brand ofn politics are the very same people who wish the UK to dilute our sovereignty within Europe.
Anyone able to find BBC coverage of this story?
you can bet that if/when it is revealed that this is white Eastern Europeans the BBC will jump on it and never let it go
‘you can bet that if/when it is revealed’
Maybe there should be a petition to make the BBC start covering things that don’t suit? Or Mr. Miliband could call for an inquiry if it looks like being a bandwagon worth jumping on?
Running this country on social media-skewed e-polling really seems the way to go.
Nicky Campbell to Rachel Burden:
‘Do you use the M6 Toll Road?’
‘It’s my guilty pleasure’
I wonder what she means by that? Why does Rachel feel guilty?
Is she putting on a ‘woman of the people act’ and thinks that listeners may be disillusioned to find that she is really something which she was pretending not to be?
Does she mean that she feels to be some kind of a ‘class traitor’ in using a toll road?
Is there some kind of unwritten BBC omerta against revealing the details of their expenses claims?
‘‘It’s my guilty pleasure’
Confession is good for the soul. And also confers an exclusion zone around any subsequent hypocrisy when weighing in on what others do in outrage.
Maybe there should be a petition? Or Mr. Miliband could call for an inquiry? That will fill 5 mins in the hour 24/7.
Not as much fun as petition, but a bit of vaguely on-topic levity to ease us back into the working groove:
Interestingly it was sent to me by my kids, who are vaguely aware that there is a thing called TV, and it has ‘news’ on it. But mainly they know their Dad finds what is served to often be less than reflective of actualite.
The BBC can hardly complain of such an edit, as what they concoct in cause of enhancing the narrative really is oftern every bit as selective to get the message they want in and any context that doesn’t suit out.
‘were at least guilty of omission’
Guessing, here at least, the BBC feels such professional decisions are not to be lauded.
Oh to be a fly on the wall for Nicky Campbell’s editorial meeting to chose the subject for his phone-in this morning.
Welfare reform can be reheated over and over again and we know the idea of IDS living on 50p a day is just so tempting.
Di Cannio is however an open goal we can’t resist.
Let’s not have David Miliband exit the country looking selfish and money grabbing – let’s send him off smelling of red roses.
“Shame of ‘theft, fraud and under-age sex’ at the BBC: Dossier reveals crimes that have never been reported to police.
“Dossier spanning four years show many crimes never reported to the police.
“High number of suspects in the 500 crimes a year were BBC employees.”
“850 BBC staff complain of bullying and sexual harassment in wake of Savile scandal.
“Hundreds of BBC employees contact consultants as part of internal inquiry
“Accusations involve harassment, sexual harassment and bullying
“One senior BBC executive believed to be subject of more than 20 complaints.”
That Today Programme caller:
“Benefits reform: ‘welfare victim’ who dared Iain Duncan Smith to live on £53 is a gambler.
“A father who dared Iain Duncan Smith to live up to his claim that he could survive on £53 a week has been revealed as a gambler and a self-confessed ‘ducker and diver’.”
By Melanie Hall.
In addition to U.K welfare spending cuts, foreign aid should be cut too.
“£300m UK aid ‘is bankrolling Benazir Bhutto’s former party in Pakistan.'”
Steady on , that’s one of the BBC’s ‘most vulnerable in society’.
For some time now the BBC have operated a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy towards those presenting with anti-cuts sob stories.
And your point is?
‘And your point is?’
Trotting out the new vaguely-targeted (rendering it valueless) one liner from the same manual being used by the rest of those more concerned with distraction is… erring on the daft.
As is seeing those tasked with messing up threads getting high horsey on procedure and flow in such a way.
I kind of miss Dr. G and his [sigh] or Jim and his hall monitor foot stamping.
If you have a counter, specify what you are countering and what your alternative is.
Otherwise it serves zero purpose.
Perhaps not the best set-up the BBC could have conjured, but in this case job done, too late, moving on…
The lastest 15 mins of flames idiot who set up a ‘we’re akin it’ mob-rally petition is now flavour of the hour.
And even if he turns out to be a Labour activist pilgrim from Tower Hamlets, he will be yesterday’s news as the BBC finds another ‘people’s voice’ hundred K march they like vs. having to prop up 6 trots and a donkey in the cropping, or ‘not have the space’ or ‘time wouldn’t allow’ when it’s people a bit miffed about stuff they quiet approve of.
It’s all a game.
A dark one, and those controlling the edit suite and broadcast airtime will win.
“Tony Hall, take a long knife to the parasites the BBC calls managers.”
“Only a brutal demolition from the new director general can restore the glory of the British Betrayal Corporation.”
Some of the comments there are brutal… in the Graun.
May see a drop in activity here as the bunker redirects forces to compensate.
Testing 123
But Labour says….
(c)copyright BBC.