Evan Davis today ‘testing’ an electric car (for a few minutes), with Bjorn Lomberg (AGW supporter or critic – I’m no longer sure). The only thing he seemed to have to say about the vehicle, was that it was “quiet” (twice), and that it was “comfortable” (three times). A raving endorsement, n’cest pas?
The “salesman” went on about how the batteries were crap, really (though in the next three years, they could be brilliant), Lomberg suggested that electric vehicles did little to reduce CO2 emissions (and, let;s face it – the CO2 nonsense has already been well put to bed, as the evidence ain’t there).
So, all in all, a waste of everyone’s time, including mine.
In the spirit of ‘to be fairness’….
It would be interesting to know what the proportion is from a similar-sized organisation, where these alleged acts were committed, etc.
But really, as the chief cherry-picking outfit around, the inevitable howls from the defence teams will ring a bit hollow when they try and claim this is all a nasty plot to make them look bad and really it’s best left between them and the internal whitewashers.
Holding to account is so what they only get to do with others, after all.
Is that the sound of suddenly anonymous ‘spokespersons’ (odd how the most vocal commentators get shy on the high-horse pulpit when things go off piste) looking up their redactions manuals?
Ed Miliband is going to face a dilemma if he needs to go on a BBC footyballista show to show he’s down wiv da masses on the the beautiful game. Or the BBC at all.
One sniff of the ‘F’ word and his bruvva was on a plane to New York before you could say ‘taking a stand’.
Orchestrated and myopic so called “debate” on 5live
as predicted yesterday … “panto” pulls out all the stops,
on DiCaneo, to see both sides? …. 😀
by giving unwarranted amount of time to the thugs of United Assoc Fascism? … again trying to promote them as
a voice of reason? … laughable and absurd in equal measure,
yep! if you take out news breaks/self advertising
the programme is barely 40mins – so how can these intellectually challenged individual warrant over 20mins?.
when it is supposed to be caller led eh! …
better ask the bbc 😀
a solitary lone voice appears at 52mins to start to take them to task … and is sidelined …
now theres al bbc fairness for you
Back bBC Moslem news after the disgraceful story on child abuse at madrassas which was apparently the fault of white people for failing to prevent Moslem adults beating the kids.
And not surprisingly, since this is a programme on the bBBC Racist Network, there is no mention of how the boys leaving the madrassas will treat the white English girls they meet on the streets outside.
This encomium to departing NASA boss, James Hansen, who is leaving to become a full-time Warmist Evangelist, reveals the usual BBC attitude towards Warmism. Environment correspondent Matt McGrath mentions “critics” of Hansen twice, and both criticisms are from the Left, from the perspective of committed Warmists who are concerned that Hansen’s extremism and alarmist statements have “hampered the cause”.
No mention of critics from the other side of the issue, like that from Dr. John Theon, Hansen’s former supervisor at NASA, or that he fudged data to support his beliefs. I suppose this is the BBC feigning balance and impartiality here, by allowing room for criticism of Hansen at all.
MarkyMarkJan 22, 08:02 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Lone Wolf – don’t look back in anger – £130 million to protect the Mosques in case of a backlash.…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 07:56 Midweek 22nd January 2025 “Total disgrace he was able to buy knife on Amazon… Home Secretary’s blast” – charity shops? knife shops? Asda? Ebay?…
MarkyMarkJan 22, 07:55 Midweek 22nd January 2025 SMASH THE GANGS = 0 boats stopped, jails emptied and legitimate protestors locked up
MarkyMarkJan 22, 07:52 Midweek 22nd January 2025 What about expenses cheats like Yvette Cooper and Ed Balls? Remove their driving licenses?
MarkyMarkJan 22, 07:48 Midweek 22nd January 2025 UK Gov 5 reports and zero action – USA billionaire 1 tweet and everyone says he is full of hate.…
ZephirJan 22, 07:45 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Yes, appropriate, although I don’t know what the Beach Boys have got to do with it …
Siempre RechtJan 22, 07:44 Midweek 22nd January 2025 As someone who’s marooned north of the border for some time, I’m forced to listen to the cack that BBC…
atlas_shruggedJan 22, 07:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Too good not to post again. California Fleeing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwJlKw56l30
AsISeeItJan 22, 07:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 Peace will come when the arabs will love their children more than they hate us (Golda Meir, 1957) Love their…
Evan Davis today ‘testing’ an electric car (for a few minutes), with Bjorn Lomberg (AGW supporter or critic – I’m no longer sure). The only thing he seemed to have to say about the vehicle, was that it was “quiet” (twice), and that it was “comfortable” (three times). A raving endorsement, n’cest pas?
The “salesman” went on about how the batteries were crap, really (though in the next three years, they could be brilliant), Lomberg suggested that electric vehicles did little to reduce CO2 emissions (and, let;s face it – the CO2 nonsense has already been well put to bed, as the evidence ain’t there).
So, all in all, a waste of everyone’s time, including mine.
You missed out the bit about how energy intensive the manufacture of the batteries is and how in reality the subsidy given is larger than any saving.
Bunch of crims at the BBC…
In the spirit of ‘to be fairness’….
It would be interesting to know what the proportion is from a similar-sized organisation, where these alleged acts were committed, etc.
But really, as the chief cherry-picking outfit around, the inevitable howls from the defence teams will ring a bit hollow when they try and claim this is all a nasty plot to make them look bad and really it’s best left between them and the internal whitewashers.
Holding to account is so what they only get to do with others, after all.
Well, there’ll always be HIGNFY. Always.
Is that the sound of suddenly anonymous ‘spokespersons’ (odd how the most vocal commentators get shy on the high-horse pulpit when things go off piste) looking up their redactions manuals?
Ed Miliband is going to face a dilemma if he needs to go on a BBC footyballista show to show he’s down wiv da masses on the the beautiful game. Or the BBC at all.
One sniff of the ‘F’ word and his bruvva was on a plane to New York before you could say ‘taking a stand’.
Orchestrated and myopic so called “debate” on 5live
as predicted yesterday … “panto” pulls out all the stops,
on DiCaneo, to see both sides? …. 😀
by giving unwarranted amount of time to the thugs of United Assoc Fascism? … again trying to promote them as
a voice of reason? … laughable and absurd in equal measure,
yep! if you take out news breaks/self advertising
the programme is barely 40mins – so how can these intellectually challenged individual warrant over 20mins?.
when it is supposed to be caller led eh! …
better ask the bbc 😀
a solitary lone voice appears at 52mins to start to take them to task … and is sidelined …
now theres al bbc fairness for you
Balanced broadcasters a rapidly diminishing breed
Perhaps it is time someone clipped the wings of those in the broadcasting world who seem to believe they rule more than the airwaves.
Back bBC Moslem news after the disgraceful story on child abuse at madrassas which was apparently the fault of white people for failing to prevent Moslem adults beating the kids.
And not surprisingly, since this is a programme on the bBBC Racist Network, there is no mention of how the boys leaving the madrassas will treat the white English girls they meet on the streets outside.
This encomium to departing NASA boss, James Hansen, who is leaving to become a full-time Warmist Evangelist, reveals the usual BBC attitude towards Warmism. Environment correspondent Matt McGrath mentions “critics” of Hansen twice, and both criticisms are from the Left, from the perspective of committed Warmists who are concerned that Hansen’s extremism and alarmist statements have “hampered the cause”.
No mention of critics from the other side of the issue, like that from Dr. John Theon, Hansen’s former supervisor at NASA, or that he fudged data to support his beliefs. I suppose this is the BBC feigning balance and impartiality here, by allowing room for criticism of Hansen at all.