The BBC thinks David Miliband quitting the Board of Sunderland football club is the third most important story in the world.
‘Ex-foreign secretary David Miliband has resigned from the board of Sunderland football club over new head coach Paolo Di Canio’s “past political statements”.’
Strange that they do not take a more nuanced look at this…Miliband who is quite happy to work with IRA members in Parliament, with Muslims whose religion entreats them to separate themselves from non-Muslims…or indeed Christians who oppose gay marriage.
What has Miliband himself said, on the BBC, in the past that might raise a few eyebrows?:
‘Terrorism….Yes, there are circumstances in which it is justifiable and yes there are circumstances in which it is effective.’
Miliband is also quite happy to serve with his fellow travellers on the Left, the Marxists and Trots et al.
His own father was a Marxist.
Miliband is from a Jewish background.
What did the Socialists say about what they called ‘The Jewish Question’?
On what grounds, then, do you Jews want emancipation? On account of your religion? It is the mortal enemy of the state religion.
The most rigid form of the opposition between the Jew and the Christian is the religious opposition. How is an opposition resolved? By making it impossible. How is religious opposition made impossible? By abolishing religion.
Bauer, therefore, demands that the Jew should renounce Judaism, and that mankind in general should renounce religion, in order to achieve civic emancipation.
When the political state as such is born violently out of civil society, when political liberation is the form in which men strive to achieve their liberation, the state can and must go as far as the abolition of religion, the destruction of religion.
The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism.
Below you will find some of Karl Marx’s references to Jews, quoted verbatim:
“It is the circumvention of law that makes the religious Jew a religious Jew.” (Die Deutsche Ideologie, MEGA V, 162)
“The Jews of Poland are the smeariest of all races.” (Neue Rheinische Zeitung, April 29, 1849)
He called Ferdinand Lassalle, “Judel Itzig-Jewish Nigger.” (Der Judische Nigger, MEKOR III, 82, July 30, 1862)
“Ramsgate is full of Jews and fleas.” (MEKOR IV, 490, August 25, 1879)
“Let us look at the real Jew of our time; not the Jew of the Sabbath, whom Bauer considers, but the Jew of everyday life.
“What is the Jew’s foundation in our world? Material necessity, private advantage.
“What is the object of the Jew’s worship in this world? Usury. What is his worldly god? Money.
“Very well then; emancipation from usury and money, that is, from practical, real Judaism, would constitute the emancipation of our time.” (“A World Without Jews,” p. 37)
“Money is the zealous one God of Israel, beside which no other God may stand. This alien monster rules him and he worships it.
“The God of the Jews has become secularized and is now a worldly God. The bill of exchange is the Jew’s real God. His God is the illusory bill of exchange.” (“A World Without Jews,” p. 41)
Such thinking in countries around the world forced the Jews to desire a country of their own….Israel.
Work that one out as many of those who denounce Di Canio, such as the Unions, also seek to boycott Israel.
Funny how Miliband has nothing to say about his comrades in Parliament who cleeve to the Socialist mantras when behind it all is a man who thinks like that.
Miliband’s posturing is accepted without question by the BBC…it is no more than a political charade for ‘the cameras’…..If he really had such principles then he couldn’t serve in either Parliament or with many of his ‘comrades’ in the Labour Party.
Many in the ranks of the BBC itself might also blush a bit as they piously denounce Di Canio…..remind us just how many innocent people have been murdered by the Socialists…and of course Fascism is a Socialist ideology itself.
And there’s me thinking he quit because of the allure of a £300,00 New York based charity job.
Never before has “doing good” paid so well. Charity clearly begins at home with the Millibands. What a nasty piece of work (TM)
When charities were funded by voluntary donations they could not afford to pay mega bucks to CEOs. Now many of them are funded by involuntary taxation.
Everything the Left touch they corrupt.
Left/liberal governments can channel tax money through charities as a hidden increase to foreign aid.
The comments on that article are ludicrous! many of the comments go on about Miliband and his principles for stepping down LOL! This man served in a Labour party FULL of an assortment of certain things that I didn’t mention because my comment would probably get modded. Fascists, Communists, hypocrites, liars, thieves etc, all known to and on a regular contact basis with Miliband.
Even is his departing these sad shores of ours, David Milipede diminishes us all, with his glorious example.
David clearly looks like he would have been a fine player, so for him to leave Sunderland in something of a state, akin to how his Party left the rest of us clearly shows that, at least in HIS case…we are truly all in this together.
Are you listening David Cameron?
As for his walking out on the news of Di Canio getting the job up there….I too remember my leaving Tyneside in 2002.
With just a week to go before we left, I remember clearly cancelling my milk bill….this was because it was my protest against the Milk Snatcher getting all that publicity in 2002 about the previous years election of IDS as Tory Leader.
It was a landmark decision, yet not truly covered by the Geordie Nation(nor indeed the national press)…but history will judge it to be the end of any hopes of a regional Assembly up there…which brought Prescott down on top of Temple…kept Brendan Foster from training for the 2008 Olympics.
And these are only TWO of the consequences of my cancelling the milk…only those poor leaderless sheep truly know the cost of my leaving…and now the double blow of local lad Miliband scooting off now , as Mandy and Blairy did! Can the Geordies take much more of this?
Maybe they need Paolo to galvanise them and maybe set up something for them to gather around…David Miliband can of course still be their leader in exile via Skype in the meantime.
Oh…I see…April Fools Day…nice one Geordies/Makems at the BBC!
Sounds like a good deal for Sunderland FC. In the last two years, Miliband took £125,000 from the club for about two weeks’ ‘work’. So 150 to 200 Sunderland season-ticket-holders have been paying their hard-earned cash just to provide a champagne socialist with more champagne.
Its as if the BBC’s Christmas, Birthdays have arrived together today wall to wall “Bedroom Tax” phone-ins how many more sob stories and wailing could any sane person put up with from those with disabilities or the trump card disabled babbbbbeeees on and on and on it went never once was any balance given just lefty guests (Toynbee et al).
Then just as I thought it was over even more serious news to discuss… poor Marxist resigns to pursue lucrative job abroad as evil fascist joins football club….back to bed had enough of this April 1st madness!
… but Polly is an honorable woman! As a former BBC social affairs correspondent, she is, of course, completely impartial. See “Can We Trust The BBC?” by Robin Aitken.
Eaxm question 3
Have a look at the linked article and explain why, given its hatred of motoring and motorists, the BBC has ignored this story?
Just for fun, dave I didn`t look at the links but did note the towns.
Croydon. Leicester, Huddersfield, Slough…am I getting close in my reasons why the BBC would rather we NOT worry too much about this unfortunateness?
These are towns that, indeed, reflect the unfettered joys of community life…so let`s not worry too much about ethnicity, whether Peace Be Upon Them or otherwise.
Oh, if only I had the courage to go a little further eh?
Oh heck…Motherwells on there!
No further questions yer Honour…whitey to blame as ever.
Unless he drives a “black, red and green” van-in which case, he`s OK!
Di Canio may or mey not be a fascist, but he has a history as a rarity, a footballer who is also a sportsman.
Even more unforgettable were the actions of controversial Italian Paolo Di Canio, at the time playing for West Ham. When the Everton keeper Paul Gerrard went down injured, the ball was crossed ready for Di Canio to tap into an empty net, only for the striker to catch the ball and signal that Gerrard needed attention.
Di Canio is a self-proclaimed Fascist. In 2005, he characterised his political views by declaring that he was “a fascist, not a racist”.
He has also expressed admiration for the fascist leader Benito Mussolini. In his autobiography, he praised Mussolini as “basically a very principled, ethical individual” who was “deeply misunderstood”.
Di Canio has several tattoos including, on his right biceps, the Latin word “DUX”, meaning “leader” or, in Italian, Il Duce—an antonomasia for Benito Mussolini.
So I think it is rather clear cut that Di Canio is a fascist, as for his sportsmanship that actually is debatable.
Di Canio is a Fascist but does that necessarily mean he is a racist?
No doubt he is a Fascist, he said he was…but claims, as you say, not a racist.
He is Italian….Mussolini’s Fascism wasn’t ‘based on race….he enacted anti-Jewish legislation only to placate Hitler…a failing of Mussolini not Italian Fascist ideology…..
“Mussolini’s anti-Jewish attitude was dictated not by theoretical but almost solely tactical, i.e., political, consideration.”
In 1934 Mussolini proclaimed his disdain for ‘racism’ and that the Jews, who had been in Rome since the ‘time of the Kings’ should remain undisturbed…..over 80% of Italian Jews survived the war….a coincidence?
Clearly some Fascists are racist, some are not.'s+anti-Jewish+attitude+was+dictated+not+by+theoretical+but+almost+solely+tactical,+i.e.,+political,+consideration.%22&source=bl&ots=3zobG4vCUY&sig=eyU1HNc3hCFqaG7EUQtcaouIPPQ&hl=en&sa=X&ei=jLpZUdfRPKGc0QXiyoCYCA&ved=0CDMQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=%22Mussolini’s%20anti-Jewish%20attitude%20was%20dictated%20not%20by%20theoretical%20but%20almost%20solely%20tactical%2C%20i.e.%2C%20political%2C%20consideration.%22&f=false
From their behaviour in North and East Africa, and to a lesser extent in the Balkans it is clear that the Italian Fascists were racists.
Fascism as a political philosophy isn’t inherently racist but as a form of nationalism it gets there regularly.
Miliband was a man who sat around the cabinet table debating the pros of letting 900,000 people PER YEAR enter the UK simply because they MIGHT VOTE LABOUR.
Now he’s leaving, abandoning ship, leaving Sunderland anyway. That the BBC think that his opportunist statement of resignation to somehow make himself look good to his marxist (Comintern) dad’s mates makes you want to puke.
Alan, Miliband has already essentially denounced his religion, as required. Just like George Galloway, he even took a secular oath last time he was sworn in at Parliament. I guess that’s why the BBC didn’t bother going down the road you suggest. It’s not like they don’t know all about what Marx proscribed.
Secular, atheist, not-me-guv Jews = good. Like Robert Peston, who comes from a similar background.
Hence ‘Jewish background’.
The point was Miliband separates himself from Di Canio because of his views but doesn’t disassociate himself from other people and ideologies that are equal to or worse than Fascism…ie Communism….and himself is happy to accept terrorism as a legitimate form of ‘politics’.
I understood your point. I just thought I was adding to it, and to the point about the BBC’s double standards, not detracting.
David, Apology to you.
Thanks for digging out the bit on DavidM’s parliamentary oath.
Has DavidM said whether he’s a zionist?
[EdM has confirmed that he is]
Has DavidM said whether he’s a zionist?
What does that mean in this context? Seems that David Milliband wanted to be elected and keep potential Jewish supporters/voters/donors onside.
Dual loyalty, deegee. All important when discussing Jews, totally acceptable to charge them with it, often – but not always – done by the very same people who scream bloody murder when somebody tries to associate all Mohammedans everywhere with the acts of the proverbial “tiny minority”. Yet I never hear one of those people scream equally loudly, or at all, when Jews are so tarred. I wouldn’t dare speculate as to why that is.
If Miliband Major hasn’t openly declared that he’s anti-Zionist, and that Zionism = racism, etc., then it’s tacit admission that he’s one of them Zionists, a danger to the human race.
What do you think, dave1east?
I really don’t know, that’s why I was asking. Their mother has well known anti-zionist sympathies. I saw that Ed recently `came out` as a zionist and was wondering what David’s position is.
I should make it clear that I have no reason to believe that D’s `coming out` is anything to do with courting particular type of voter. I thought he was just honestly replying to a question from a journalist – though would be happy to be corrected if I have misunderstood the context
It still doesn’t answer my question. What does he think being a Zionist means?
What did Milliband junior think it meant when he said he wa/is one?
Fair enough.
Milliband was the wannabe leader of a party which has many members who openly (and not so openly) supported the Soviet Union and other murderous communist regimes.
I have absolutely no doubt that he has had many fraternal meetings with trade union leaders and Labour activists who worked diligently against this country’s interests during the Cold war.
This is just pure hypocritical humbug – and the BBC is applauding him from the rafters for it.
I’m sure we’ll be told too that he left home as soon as he was old enough because he coudn’t bear living in a house where Stalin was considered a hero.
what annoys me comrades is this,,, the second in command at the vile communist falsely named unite against fascism weyman bennet has put his usual 2 pence in dictating to paola de canio that he should bend over licking the backsides of the far left and apologise for having so called fascist views that was taken out of context by the usual far left media the uaf/swp have a bit of cheek heh taking the high moral ground on any issue..lets remind bennett and co that you lot protect muslim paedophiles and have formed an alliance with islamo fascists who many are members of your vile organisation…it gets worst comrades,,,weyman bennetts best buddy and first in command at the uaf/swp martin smith has had allegations of rape against him by female members of the swp…oh yes it gonna get worse…he was found not guilty by a uaf/sharia law kangaroo court of his male swp freinds…whoo whoo whoo,,,, its gets even worse,,,in the last few weeks there have been up to 30 further allegations of rape by swp females commited by swp and uaf male anybody take these lot serious any more comrades…my advice to any female,,,stay well clear of the uaf/swp for your own safety……as for sweety pie david milliband,,,did you not support that illegal war in iraq that resulted in 1 million dead including over 400 of are brave men and women of the british armed forces,,,who are the real war mongering fascists david…ask yourself that matey…….
Who the Left believe it’s ok to deal with always fascinates me. Milliband major has no problem with the likes of Gerry Adams or Martin McGuiness; two charming chaps dripping with the blood of British soldiers and innocent bystanders. And yet a footballer who has never been responsible for maiming women and children, has never knee-capped anyone, is deemed unacceptable. DM is just a typical lefty poseur playing to the usual vile mob. Instead of the Beeb insisting on Di Canio answering questions on his views they’d be more gainfully employed seeking clarification from David Milliband.
This is really gone into overdrive in the BBC. Has everyone suddenly forgotten that Di Canio has not only played for but managed clubs for the last 14 years. Something is afoot and its this ….Labour spin.
Milliband was looking for a way out of Sunderland and knew that there would be a bi-election on his resignation as an MP although South Shields is a very safe seat even a big swing to the other parties would be a bit embarrassing for Labour considering the supposed 40% showing in the poles.
Therefore using influence as vice chairman of the club he arranges for the sacking of Martin O’Neil and the placement of a manager that could be used to political ends to show Milliband and the left in a better light, bring up and rubbish the right wing parties to better the bi-election vote. Allow wall to wall coverage in Labours “pet” media the BBC.
If you want a nasty party its Labour and I wouldn’t put anything past them when it comes to spin. Oh and don’t be too surprised to see O’neil at Leeds.
Here is the BBC from a few months ago giving Paulo di Canio a platform for his vile fascist views:
Oh, hang on a minute… mention of them there
Grandstanding much?
Hypocritical scumbags
I’m against all forms of Socialism as they all lead to multiple murders. To say that Mussolini wasn’t as murderous as his friend Hitler doesn’t excuse his actions. It’s like saying that Tito wasn’t as bad as Stalin, although also true, but they were still murderers even though they were relatively benign by comparison with their allies. Che Guevara was also a vile sadist and murderer (as well as a racist) although worshipped by those on the left like the Union of Associated Fascists (UAF), as they do with Castro. Even these two murderers’ body counts don’t add up to the worst of the above they are still murderers.
If someone says that Hitler didn’t have as big a body count as Stalin or Mao is to ignore the fact that the latter two had more years to achieve their disgustingly high body counts. Hitler’s methods were somehow the worst; the very nature of the industrialised method of his murders is unfathomable in its depravity.
This fits this thread as well as the Di Canio one.
To be honest it should have been in the di Canio thread. sorry.
I’m having a bad day. Ignore my last post please.
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