Who knows best, me or the media?
I have discovered in England that sometimes the media are more crazy in some ways than the Italian media.
Does any more need to be said? Fascism wasn’t such a problem for the BBC when he was Swindon manager in 2012.
Will Dan Hodges and the Durham Miner’s Union be demanding a boycott of the BBC now?
Had to laugh at this though:
‘Players should know their place…It is not about being a dictator’
Stephen Nolan this morning on Derbyshire’s show suggested Di Canio was definitely a fascist with authoritarian tendencies…why?…because he said he would ban reporters from press conferences if they kept badgering him about Fascism.
Just like that well known fascist Alex ferguson when he refused to talk to the BBC….except Fergie is a ‘natural born’ socialist from Govan….
Sir Alex Ferguson lifts seven-year ban on talking to the BBC.
Given Guido’s latest piece on David Miliband’s ‘contributions’, discoveries of integrity, taking of stands and other flounces, the whole who isn’t going to be associated with who is associated with whom thing must be making a few usual rush-to-PR outrage suspects’ brains hurt.
Best I can gather Ed Miliband now needs to boycott the BBC and Di Canio may not be able to play his squad in Nigeria. And David thinks oil is great so long as it powers his transatlantic 747 but not if it drowns crocodiles in Sweden.
Or something.
It must be a different time.
And even the trains don’t run on it any more.
Miliband took a pounding on Nicky Campbell’s show this morning (only heard last 1/2 hr)…and to be fair Campbell was pretty even handed even bringing up the communist record when interviewing Durham miner’s rep…who didn’t think it relevant.
May go back and listen to the rest as he had the anti-fascist fascists on…. UAF….even Campbell thought their leader a bit suspect….Azard Ali also of the IFE:
Worth remembering that David Cameron MP still has his name in the UAF list as one of the founding supporters.
Nicky Campbell was unusually fair and balanced this morning I thought.
the UAF were given over 20mins of airtime? as if some voice of moderacy?
on a show supposed to caller led?
why was one caller who actually started to take them to task (on 52mins) … sidelined after about 2?
‘to be fair to Campbell he was pretty even-handed’.
cf Chris Rock and
‘Niggas always want credit for some shit they supposed to do. A nigga will brag about some shit a normal man just does. A nigga will say some shit like, “I take care of my kids.” You’re supposed to, you dumb motherfucker! What kind of ignorant shit is that? “I ain’t never been to jail!” What do you want, a cookie?! You’re not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having motherfucker!’
Nikki ‘Lepollyfinish’ Campbell is *supposed* to be even-handed. He’s paid by us to be even-handed. It’s a condition of his employment to be even-handed.
It’s just a shame the low-rent, failed gameshow host, Labour shill so rarely manages it.
Loved the little detail where the Durham Miners have had their banner removed from Roker Park(yes I know!) by way of protest.
I well recall going to the Durham Miners Gala when I was a Red Deadhead back in the mid 90s.
Utterly pristine banners and flags that came out for the day, seeing as no-one actually did any mining anymore…yet the fantasy was not to be mocked…I tried, and nearly became a pit prop( for a disued mine naturally!).
In the mid 90s…maybe five miners?
In 2013?…let`s hope that the BBC is there to record the mass walk out behind the Miners Banner from Roker Park…if there is a phone box to meet up in, so much the better.
We are all Roman Citizens today!
Di Canio for the useless Milibunga?…what a good piece of transfer business!
The Stadium of (En)light(enment) – tells you so much about Britain today.
That’ll be the Durham Miners who were so anti-fascist they went on strike during WW2 for more pay (or was it at the behest of the USSR – we will never know).
It’ll be worth going to Sunderland’s next home game to watch the UAF/SWP getting their heads kicked in. Them Macham bastards are not exactly known for their tolerance of those who oppose their team.
How many Durham miners holidayed in Fascist General Franco’s Spain in the 60s and 70s? Fascism didn’t seem to bother them back then.
Lest we forget, conscience of the Beautiful Game David Milliband was perfectly happy to be part of a government that spent 13 years claiming that they were entirely upfront and honest about Hillsborough and anyone who said otherwise was clearly some kind of conspiracy nut.
Oh now be fair the milly-d has finally thrown down the silk gloves and stood up to the one or two people who feel they are fascists in this world you know those few people that may used the fact they are nearly totally unknown and with out any real power to er well hmm ?
Mind I cannot help feel that the BBC is running a union line on this? loads of thanks for his efforts and pats on the back then make sure the bugger cannot come back in a few years and threaten the chosen Broon replacement
I gather that some Sunderland supporters have gone onto the miners website and uploaded a photograph of Arthur Scargill doing a Nazi salute.
Wonder if the BBC will comment.
The following is not Di Canio/Sunderland, but Islam/Yorkshire, so is INBBC concerned?
“UK: Letter linked to government-approved Islamic school: ‘If you do not attend this meeting your child will die'”
Guido’s site has just fingered the two ‘typical’ Sunderland supporters interviewed by bBC news; as leading Labour Party activists.
Smell of burning rubber in the audience booking department at QT for this week’s stitch-up?
Though maybe they can still score a radio ‘IDS eat my hamster, sources say’ vox pop via Nick Robinson’s address to the nation?
Forgot they were named as Lewis Atkinson (failed NEC candidate) and Bob Hudson (the Guardian prints some of his submissions).
Rule #1 of BBC vox pops: If the BBC doesn’t label them, you know which side they’re on. Almost never fails. But I don’t see this on Guido’s site. I did see the post about Ingrams suggesting Hislop resign from Private Eye, and that Guido has been hearing more and more moans about what many here have been saying for ages: the HIGNFY lifetime team captain has been compromised by spending so many years taking the BBC shilling. But nothing about the Sunderland supporters.
I think it’s an unconfirmed ‘sources say’ job or two:
Fish says:
April 2, 2013 at 5:07 pm
There was another one on the BBC news last night who said he would not be going to games while DiCanio was in charge….It said ‘Sunderland Supporter’ on the caption but this particular ‘supporter’ was called Bob Hudson. A google shows that he is a professor of social this that or the other at Durham Uni, and (or has been) an elected politician and writes regularly for the BBC print arm, ‘The Guardian’.
If it is one and the same person, it’s disgraceful. The BBC regularly passes off activists as the ‘man-in-the-street’ – it’s time that they were taken to task.
Mind you it’ not that the new DG will be in the slightest bit bothered, he apparently doesn’t believe that the BBC leans to the left
Charlie says says:
April 2, 2013 at 2:44 pm
In unrelated news, Lewis Atkinson the SAFC fan who set up an Anti-Fascist Group and was interviewed by BBC news 24, praising David Miliband for stepping down would appear to a Labour activist / failed NEC candidate.
Needless to say BBC didn’t mention this.
In other unrelated news, Labour will be looking for a candidate for DM’s seat shortly.
Hence awaiting confirmation still, as google is not the best way to confirm who is really who.
As BIJ/Newsnight may have testified, but probably was redacted out.
You can hardly poke a stick in the Wearside/Durham area without getting some lame brained permanently thick Labour activist.
Byers, Nick Brown, Vera Baird, Mandelson, Miliband, Cunningham, Hilary Armstrong, Mowlem..and of course Blair himself….all were blown in because the Geordie nation is that stupid in large sections of it.
Where else would a fantasist like Blair be able to imagine himself seeing Jackie Milburn on a flight to the Bahamas…and be believed and elected?
Or where else would a Poly lecturer not know his 7 times table live on radio?…and be given the role of Labour education spokesman…AND get elected, as Byers was.
God they`re thick in voting for the likes of these types…is there another part of the country that votes for the likes of Ronnie Campbell or lets Alan Milburn run a Commie bookshop, before doing well off the local council and tHEN rewards his health minister stint with yet MORE directorships…and still be regarded as Labour!
Only Tyneside/Wearside and Durham….and all in the hope that the mines/shipyards will open again when the DHSS/DWP are reduced by a dozen envelope stuffers or so…maybe in 2040!
It’s also the home patch of that fine journalist Mr Kevin “Toilets” Maguire.
But not of John Prescott, for he is Welsh (as any fule kno).
Thanks, GW. Rule #1 still holding strong.
“The BBC have been forced to defend themselves over using Di Canio as a columnist on the BBC Sport website.
Six columns, in which Di Canio was billed as ‘one of football’s most controversial and colourful characters’, was written by the former Swindon manager between August 2012 and last month.
“A BBC spokesperson said: ‘In his role as manager of Swindon Town, Paolo Di Canio was one of the most well known and respected football figures outside the Premier League and it was in this capacity that he was used as a columnist for the BBC Sport website. He did not receive a fee for the columns.'”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2302851/Paolo-Di-Canio-walks-Sunderland-press-conference-fascism-controversy.html#ixzz2PKMKj1MX
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‘He did not receive a fee for the columns”
Oh, that’s OK then.
I suspect the BBC and their selective precedents may yet come to haunt them if the basis for supporting, featuring, hounding, decrying or asking questions of any person or the entity that hosts them… is now solely the exchange of dosh.
Pretty sure William Joyce would have been happy for a TFTD slot pro bono if offered, too.
Semantic weaseling strikes, out, again.
Tomorrow’s Di Canio – the Civil List – http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22003165
Note how Peter Hcunt gives ammo to republicans for use when the comments are opened.
To be fair it wasn’t just the BBC who have forced me to switch off the news in recent days over this Fascist thing – ITV as well harping on about it. Worse still, being in the North East we get it on the local news too just for good measure. Talk about double standards … they have no problem spouting and promoting their Eco-fascist line at every opportunity.
How is it that Di Canio is more or less compelled to issue a statement in which he has to say that he is not political and does not align himself with
Oops don’t hit the return button too soon.
any political party, whereas Milliband is as barking mad left as you like and doesn’t feel the need to explain his politics when occupying the position of vice chairman.
Don’t the BBC love the plaque on the Durham miners’ wall about some one or other who went off with the International Brigade in the 1930’s, to get lost on a road in Spain for 2 months “fighting facism” (NOT of course, taking orders from Moscow)
They treat them like gods.
On the other hand, anyone who joined the British forces during WWll and begins a sentance “during the war…” is fair game (as in “Only fools and horses”) and they should be treated with eye-rolling contempt.
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