I can’t help but think IDS keeps walking into traps set for him. The “could IDS live on £53 a week” was entirely predictable and if he tries then IDS is allowing the Beeb/Labour to frame the debate. Far better would have been for him to explain that living on £53 a week would indeed be very difficult however thanks to Labour the country has a huge deficit and that the only way to pay more than this would be to borrow even more , effectively passing this debt to the countries young people. Then follow this up with a comment that this is only the first of a number of hard choices the government will have to make to reduce the deficit.
Agreed, most of the time politicians seem not to be able to think quickly enough ‘on their feet’ and/or loathe to put the blame squarely where it belongs. Remember also that this is 53 quid after all deductions (rent/mortgage, rates/utilities etc) and, it now comes clear, with Sky TV, internet etc all sorted…
Also remember that as soon as two words were out of IDS’s mouth the interviewer would be screaming “Just answer the question! Could you you do it? Could you do it? Come on!”
For many people, such as myself living in privately rented accommodation , we still need to make a significant contribution to our rent – already paying the ‘bedroom tax.’ Utility bills (phone/electricity/gas) have to be found out of your £53 per week…and the compulsory BBC licence fee of course.
Until my recent diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome I was living on less than £50 a week for ten years. The experience was very unpleasant…I could not participate in society at all.
Could someone remind me, are you above or below the poverty line if you can afford beer fags, gambling, broadband, and sky. If you can’t afford all these essentials that our heroic market trader seems to find money for, where do I go for my handouts?
I guess you have seen the (non BBC) news today – he actually receives £153 a week, PLUS a free home, etc. PLUS he claims to work at a market stall 70 hours a week earning £50 a week….. Liar, liar and liar again.
Slow news day at BBCNews? So here is a special report by Steve Rosenberg waxing lyrical about Stalin’s magnificent Moscow Metro. “Ride the metro and you are back in the USSR” “The trains always run on time” (OK for Reds not for Mussolini fans)
Orchestrated and myopic so called “debate” on 5live
as predicted yesterday … “panto” pulls out all the stops,
on DiCaneo, to see both sides? ….
by giving unwarranted amount of time to the thugs of United Assoc Fascism? … again trying to promote them as
a voice of reason? … laughable and absurd in equal measure,
yep! if you take out news breaks/self advertising
the programme is barely 40mins – so how can these intellectually challenged individuals warrant over 20mins?.
when it is supposed to be caller led eh! …
better ask the bbc
a solitary lone voice appears at 52mins to start to take them to task … and is sidelined …
now theres al bbc fairness for you
SWP Martin Smith. Smith principal promoter and defender of the racist and promoter of Holocaust Denier, Gilad Atzmon – Convicted of assault in 2010, following UAF disorder outside the BBC,
Azad Ali – Islamist from the IFE,
Waylon (don t know nuffin) Bennett.
a more despicable, questionable trio you could not imagine, and, you know actually i ve listened back to the the last portion again, the fella dishing it out to the UAF really is shut down – “panto style” with his buddy the microphone fairy.
The BBC is definitely not biased, (says the BBC).
We never take sides, (but we might use emotive words now and again).
Anyway, here is the news!
The chancellor “DEFENDS” his “CONTROVERSIAL” cuts.
The Labour Party says they will “HURT THE POOR”.
Church leaders “CONDEMN” the coalition.
But of course people don’t live on £53 per week. If they are on benefits there is the housing benefit, the travel card if you are on JSA, the £300 for clothes for an interview, the mobile phone (I understand that is in case you get a phone call inviting you for an interview), the council tax benefit…etc etc – but of course that wouldn’t play to the BBC’s story.
This is just not true Deborah; despite what many people think, people claiming JSA do not get free travel…and it is compulsory to have a mobile phone, otherwise you are deemed to not be trying to find work and will have your benefit stopped.
When I went through a bout of unemployment, I got nothing other than JSA, no council tax paid, no mortgage/rent paid (I, in fact, lost my house as it happens), no bills paid, no mobile phone…nothing.
Everything came out of the £65pw I was being rewarded with for 20 years of paying into the system.
I’m all for kicking the professional scroungers out there, but please, don’t fall into the leftie trap of tarring all with one big sticky luv brush.
Not everyone out there on “the dole” is struggling, the ones who can somehow claim just about anything are certainly not, but normal folk who are loathed to scrounge, don’t breed and are a whiter shade of pale do.
Being unemployed, (Single white bloke, no kids) on your own is very VERY difficult, I promise you, I know, I have experienced it.
That’s the difference, Chop, if you have kids you’re ok and to me that discriminates against single blokes who’ve worked and paid their taxes then suddenly find themselves out of a job. It’s happened in my family and it’s bloody tough, which is when you start to get angry towards immigrants and asylum seekers – the darling of the Left, Abu Qatada being the prime example – who have paid in bugger all and get tens of thousands a year in a nice area of their choice.
There is only one benefit that’s called JSA…I should know, I’m claiming it. There are however many other benefits with a variety of qualifying criteria and entitlements which to a degree do provide free travel and many of the things you claim…but not Jobseeker’s Allowance.
If you are unemployed and only entitled to claim JSA you get no help with travel costs or utility bills as you claim.
I’m unemployed, yet classed as disabled because I’ve got Asperger’s syndrome – a condition that the benefits system has difficulty in dealing with. I am therefore in receipt of JSA but also receive other disability benefits – I find myself in a Kafkaesque situation whereby I’m simultaneously severely disabled yet not disabled at all, having a learning disability yet being academically very bright, being able to have a very demanding job yet I struggle to look after myself without support. Such is Asperger’s syndrome; Google it and you’ll find that we face an unemployment rate of 85% – far higher than for any other disabled or disadvantaged group.
As for my internet connection: I require it for medical reasons; it’s the only way I have to keep in contact with most people, many of them who are socially isolated like myself due to our communication deficiencies. Without this lifeline to the outside world my mental health will most likely deteriorate; ending up costing the state even more.
To anyone who’s reading this and doesn’t believe what I’m telling you and think that somehow I’m lazy, or a scrounger, then do something about my situation. Come knocking on my door and tell where to go on Monday morning, who to see, and what to do when I get there…go on, I’m challenging you.
I’m 50 years old and have never had a job or a relationship and don’t really have any proper friends: if you think I’m living a life of luxury…well, I’ll swap you any time you like.
I blame SWP national secretary Charlie Kimber for being a bad influence. As an old Etonian, and next in line for the family baronetcy, he must have some very old fashioned attitudes about Jews. No doubt he was influential in dismissing those rape allegations too. A Tory reactionary like Kimber should be exposed by our socialist broadcaster – he will be calling for gays to be stoned next.
If they really cared about those on benefits they’d support him. But that would take a minimum of intelligence.
We are fast going bankrupt. When we do the most vulnerable will lose the most. Therefore cut spending and avoid bankruptcy. Seems pretty straightforward to me.
There’s a great comparison between the open honest robbery of Cyprus and our own cloak and dagger version in: “Debased Britain” at:
There’s a white Republican involved as well, but it won’t make much difference. This doesn’t affect the President, and doesn’t affect any of the pet issues through which the BBC views the US. No guns, no racism, no death penalty, no weird things rural white people get up to, no celebrities.
I did not know, until this minor huha, that Miliband was a director of Sunderland. So man with political views part of a football club not controversial. Then man with political views part of a football club is controversial. So man in politics who supports a gov that produces false dossier and cons Parliament to declare war is OK. But man with political views but does not take the country to a false war is bad, (by the way they invite him to write 6 pieces for them).
Only the bBC can take such a hypercritical stance.
David Milliband was paid 125,000 per year for minimal attendance, in fact the rumour was that in his role as South Shields MP he was paid this money to ensure that Sunderland FC new training ground was given planning consent.
Di Canio said in his press conference ” that the controversy by the media about him is sad and pathetic.” Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Britain.
Well, Di Canio is off message, he hasn’t signed up to Third World immigration, multiculturalism is good, thus he has to be sent off to a cultural marxist, brainwashing detention centre for the crime of free thought.
“As Tony Hall arrives back at the BBC, four months after he was appointed as director general and 12 years after he left for the Royal Opera House, he can be in no doubt about the scale of the challenge he has taken on.” Says the BBC website today.
Is that a three billion pounds a year, forced out of working people and pensioners by threats of going to prison, sort of a challenge?
“It is my first task to build the team that will deliver a new strategy and creative vision for the BBC and define public service broadcasting for the next decade.” Said Anthony William Hall, Baron Hall of Birkenhead, CBE.
Yup, a bloke that’s really in touch with his inner waffle.
You may note that neither he nor the BBC said anything about becoming more open, democratic or truthful. Nor is there any mention of hoping to gain an understanding of real economics or heaven forbid that the country (and the BBC) must be more financially responsible in the future.
Did he mention that there will be a thorough investigation into who caused the financial crisis and who was in power when the Liverpool Care Pathway crept into our wonderful health service. And what treasure of a corporation thought it was OK for that nice Uncle Jimmy to rape children on its premises?
So who thinks this man is up to the scale of the challenge?
The BBC is a national joke, now about to be led by another joker.
As long as the BBC is accountable only to itself, nothing can change. Lord Hall can create new upper management positions with high salaries, and install new layers of compliance supervision until the cows come home, and nothing will improve. He’ll improve the BBC’s ability to legally protect its high-ranking employees from the outside world, but that’s about it. Without an outside, truly independent (i.e. with no connection to politics or special interest groups or married to a Beeboid) body with real powers holding the BBC to account, nothing can be done.
‘As long as the BBC is accountable only to itself, nothing can change. ‘
Sadly, true.
I read such as these and can only wonder at the powerlessness of all in face of the BBC’s unique ability to not be held to account. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/9968031/IDS-challenged-to-live-on-53-a-week-by-man-who-gets-156.html ‘There was growing anger over the BBC’s handling of the subject of welfare reform’ http://order-order.com/2013/04/03/tories-formally-complain-to-lord-hall-over-ids-interview/
Lords Hall Hall and Patten could come out and do a Strictly special waltz on Mrs T’s grave for Comic Relief’s Semtex for Chechen Playschools Fund, and the worst that would happen is a secret internal memo not to get caught, that would be redacted and stuck in the FoI exclusion file ‘for the purposes of journalism, propaganda & censorship’.
They run the country, and know it.
The very last thing the liberal elite want is an open debate on ther uselessnes of their political and social philosphy and the damage it has caused to the ordinary people of a once cohesive and stable land.
“It is my first task to build the team that will deliver a new strategy and creative vision for the BBC and define public service broadcasting for the next decade.”
I firmly believe that people who speak in slogans think in slogans and are therefore unfit to run a whelk stall.
The words say: “public service broadcasting”
The deeds: “But Labour says…” The veritable oddbins of Champagne socialism. A BBC interviewer insults the mayor and is hailed as having “eviscerated him” by the braying sheeple of the left. Is EM the new Paxman? bleats the London ES. Since when was Marxist Tourettes a qualification for a journalist? What a Jeremy Hunt that Eddie Mair is.
How hollow the words, how easily they fall from the lips of public-sector-spoken-here member of the New Ruling Class (Marxist-Lenninist, Bollinger tendancy).
Screw Tony Hall. Eviscerate him, even. I thought Mark Thompson was a slimy piece of work. Does Tony Hall have a pulse? He talks like a typical public sector grant-seeking automaton you could replace for nothing with a recorded voicemail message.
It appears (next to super-“Dave” Milliband) “Tony” Hall is the answer to all woes. But I don’t believe the havoc wrought by the dreadful John Birt cannot be easily undone.
Meanwhile listening to the BBC sources, the problem (which does not exist) will be put right (if anything IS actually wrong) by the new broom who will sweep away the debris (if there is any debris to be swept away.)
May I suggest that nothing will change. Like apparatchiks in Vatican, the high priests of the Beeb will kneel and pray and duck and weave – till the next time a new media pope comes to town.
The tragedy of the BBC is the arrogance of its leaders.
But see “Can We Trust The BBC?” by Robin Aitken. RA raised the question of bias with Greg “hideously white” Dyke at a meeting. After it, when GD thought RA was out of hearing, he indignantly asked, “Who’s that fucker?”
Agreed, Louis. Nothing significant will change. This reads like mostly sour grapes from an outside producer upset that he doesn’t get a look-in as much as he used to, and blames philistinism and bloated management for it. Even though he does make some valid points, his criticism of the celebration of regional accents and too many gardening shows is going to be dismissed as snobbery. If he thinks Hall is going to change anything in the management structure which will actually improve programming, he’s a fool. The last change in the Charter saw to that: the BBC needs worry only about ratings now to prove value for money. He’s only just now noticed that the BBC exists for itself and not for the public? It’s more concerned about increasing audience share and revenue in the rest of the world than in doing anything Meades is wishing for. But more than all of that put together, it’s the people who are the problem, not just the management structure.
It’s the people who made the class-war decision to abandon Received Pronunciation, not the management structure. It’s the people who decided to infuse Warmism into comedy, drama, and children’s programming, not the management structure. It’s the people who promoted Justin Webb to the coveted seat on Today for being openly rude about Sarah Palin and abandoning all semblance of impartiality over The Obamessiah, not the management structure. It’s the people who hired Franz Strasser to make a dishonest series of reports about immigration in the US to deliberately obscure the real issue of illegal immigration, not the management structure. It’s the people who decided not to report the story of the Fogel family massacre until they were publicly shamed into doing it, not the management structure. It’s the people who approve the 1967-as-Year-Zero editorial approach to Israel and its neighbors, not the management structure. It’s the people who keep Jeremy Bowen, who has a personal grudge against Israel and tried to tell everyone that the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate, as the top authority on the Middle East, not the management structure. It’s the people who invited Will Self to be the intellectual leader of Radio 4, not the management structure. It’s the people who looked the other way while Savile did his business, and the same people who then feigned ignorance when it all came out, not the management structure. And on and on.
Maybe if Tim Davie sells one or two of Meades’ architecture shows to PBS, he’ll get over it. No more room for new ones with all the money-saving repeats on the part-time channels anyway.
Di Canio update, he will ban any reporter bringing up the subject of fascism, good for him. The BBC hacks are like a dog with a bone, they wont rest until they get their pound of flesh.
Like I mentioned in the previous De Canio thread, the Beeboid hacks should be asked (those old enough – Paxman, Humphries, Warke etc.) if they were happy to holiday in Fascist General Franco’s Spain in the early seventies. In fact how many of the lefties moaning about De Canio’s politics – and I include the Commie Durham miners’ leader and the college Professor refusing to attend any more Sunderland games – whether they holidayed in Spain under Franco’s rule.
Fascism didn’t seem to bother millions of workers back then when they flew to the sun.
It would seem that the BBC can now influence who manages and plays in the English league; just like their pathetically wide-of-the-mark ‘investigations’ last year concerning racism in Eastern European countries (where they found very little much to their chagrin!), they are being drama-queens over this issue and are stoking the embers of hype to the max. Also, I had the misfortune of listening to Stephen Nolan on the way into town this morning and had to endure responses to the question of: “What is the BBC’s role?” Now, my initial reaction was: that’s a good question, but my opinion was immediately blasted out of my mind upon hearing some utterly irritating feminist call in with the usual victim hissy-fit mantra “there’s not enough women at the BBC; it’s role should be to promote woman’s rights… ad infinitum…” It could not have been more loathsome until some ingratiating fellow caller-inner sided with this crybaby feminazi and also chipped in with the mind-numbing bilge of ‘all the main presenters are male’ etc.
What is the BBC’s role? Well, the inference from this ‘debate’ leads me to believe that the BBC’s self-styled role is to indoctrinate all with its subtle Left-wing, minority-worship agenda from the proceeds of our money. It’s always the same: the BBC will air a debate and then will heckle all those with opposite views to their own. It would seem that many BBC presenters are more interested in the sounds of their own voices than those of their guests!
It’s funny how when I say the BBC thinks they do have a role in influencing society in some way, a defender of the indefensible will say it’s my imagination. Yet here’s Nolan emphasizing just that.
Is it just me or does Mr Nolen on R5 seem to have been on all weekend day and night? Talk about bring out the attack dog….its really getting soooo boring. I have yet to hear any balance on any programme with regard to the welfare changes or the de Canio affair.
No prizes for guessing the party affiliation of Noramie Jasmin, Mayor of Spring Valley and her deputy Joseph Desmaret in this paragraph from the BBC’s report on bribery charges in the NY mayoral race:
‘Smorgasbord of graft’
Also charged are Bronx County Republican Party Chairman Joseph Savino; Queens County Republican Party Vice-Chairman Vincent Tabone; Noramie Jasmin, Mayor of Spring Valley, New York state; and her deputy, Joseph Desmaret.
Yup, both Democrats – but the BBC hack who wrote this doesn’t think we need to know that.
Now I see why the BBC reported it, when I initially suspected they wouldn’t. It’s about Republicans accepting bribes to rig the system. Now it’s newsworthy. So it’s okay to report that a black man was involved in criminal activity without it conflicting with the BBC’s commitment to diversity.
What’s funny is that Nanny Bloomberg originally switched to Republican so he wouldn’t have to bribe the Democrat machine in order to clinch that party’s nomination. And I had to shake my head at the last line of the BBC article about how he can’t run again because of term limits, when he’s only mayor now because he already went back on his word and got the law changed to get past the existing term limits.
BBC bosses have investigated crimes ranging from sexual assault and drug use to theft and fraud on their premises, it has emerged.
Suspected incidents of fraud and theft alone have run at more than 500 a year, a Freedom of Information request has revealed.
Many cases were not passed to police and were closed with the remark “no further action.”
Figures going back to 2009 include an instance of one employee being accused of having under-age sex while on an assignment. Because the allegation could not be proved the member of staff was let off with a warning.
The statistics also reveal an alarming number of thefts of items including televisions, radios and mobile phones
Staff were also found to have fraudulently used company credit cards. In one instance in 2011 an employee used a corporate credit card to pay their mortgage. The money was not recovered and police were not informed. Matthew Sinclair of the Taxpayers’ Alliance said: “Licence fee payers will be shocked at the relaxed attitude which the Corporation appears to have taken in regard to thefts and frauds incurring significant financial losses.”
I look forward to Smuggy Balls coming on the BBC to blame that on the coalition.
And Mrs Shrewface telling parliament that it’s all Dastardly Dave’s fault.
Perhaps an enquiry will help?
Puts the problem into the long grass for a few months and of course….
Lessons will be learnt darlings.
What a sewer of filth and poison the BBC has become. The crimes listed suggest a contempt on the part of some employees for even the most basic moral standards and the concept of public property. But then again, I suppose that is just “petit bourgeois morality” on my part. These are people in well-paid, secure and often interesting jobs. Have they no sense of gratitude or shame?
By the way, regarding Jane Garvey’s comments about the champagne bottles everywhere after the hated Tories were finally defeated in 1997 [see “In Their Own Words” on this site] it reminds me of the excesses of the Bullingdon Club, which the BBC claims to abhor! Did it occur to anyone to have a drink or two off the premises, if they wanted to celebrate? And what of all those bottles? Just left for the untermensch “Sun”-reading cleaners to clear up? Were any of them recycled, as they should have been, if the BBC is so green?
Recycling is for other folks in their do as I say, not as I do world.
The way these employees let you down, even after providing all those special sinks to wash your feet in.!
The bBC, shoddy journalism and not asking the questions it should be: Bradford madrassas leading reforms to ‘safeguard Muslim students’ New guidelines aimed at protecting Muslim children in religious schools are being introduced in Bradford. So what are the changes and how successful have they been? Leading the way, the Jami’at Tabligh-ul-Islam Mosque, which provides lessons for children aged seven to 18, has been one of the first institutions to take up the guidelines.These include criminal record checks for all religious teachers and greater parental involvement over what is taught.
So the bBC, promotes this view that Muslims in Bradford are leading the way when it comes to protecting children from abuse? Really. I’ve highlighted the end of the first paragraph where the bBC beautifully relates from the top of the bBC minarets how Jami’at Tabligh-ul-Islam Mosque, which provides lessons for children aged seven to 18, has been one of the first institutions to take up the guidelines. And those guidelines are: These include criminal record checks for all religious teachers and greater parental involvement over what is taught.
So according to the bBC running CRB checks on Islamic men who tutor children on the ways of allah is ground breaking. And just to show how everybody feels this is a wonderful idea the bBC brings out a couple of little boys with hands up their arses and if they sing like a couple of choir boys who are told not to sing out of tune or else ‘Allah will strike them down’ I quotes: Eleven-year-old pupil Mohammed Waleed says he enjoys coming to the mosque, describing his time there as “more of an after-school club” than anything else.
And Similarly, student Tanzeela Kosser says “children are happy here because there’s no bullying”.
What, utter, utter shite, no child enjoys giving up 2 hours a day (well the bbC does say 10 hours a week on school days) after nearly 8 hours at school doing extra lessons, I know I didn’t. Instead of going to the fucking mosque in which to express my devotion to a f-ing pedophile, I instead played at the local park with my school friends (who just happened to be all white) and on a daily basis I would find my father come and drag me away, take me home and give me a bloody good hiding. In fact the Keighley MP ‘Anne Cryer’ opined about abuse at Mosques for years. The likes of the bBC called her a racist for stating the obvious. And now the bBC promotes this story of running CRB checks on the men who teach in mosques as ground breaking.
Err bBC CRB checks came into force in 2006. Why are Muslims just getting round to enforcing them 7 years later. Leading reforms my arse. (Which apparently is the reason why so many Mullahs fall to temptation) The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for intolerant Islam
One faith organisation in England and Wales (clue: it’s the only minority faith in the UK hated by the MSM) has been publishing annual reports since 2002, detailing all allegations of abuse and how they were managed.
You might not think it given the MSM obsession with rolling coverage of allegations dating back to the 1970s.
Now, all I’m asking for is a similar report of every act of abuse (and of course, cover-up) carried out by Muslim imams, dating back to the 1970s – in the name of equality among faiths.
I remember the certifiable mentally ill Anne Cryer telling the bBC that abuse in Madrassas was not the fault of the Moslem adults perpetrating it, but the fault of white people for not preventing it.
When faced with logic like that there’s no chance of rational discussion because the mad can’t be reasoned with.
The bBC, its reporting from Israel and its rampant anti-Semitism Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails protest death Israeli prison guards have fired tear gas to stop disturbances among Palestinian prisoners after a Palestinian inmate died from cancer. Palestinian officials claim that Israel did not provide adequate medical care for Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh, who was 64. The Israeli Prisons Service (IPS) says he was well looked after and died in a public hospital in Beersheba.
Ah the bBC promotes its favourite bunch of terrorists as..victims. which is why they insert their article with hype and not facts in which to say that Jews persecute the Muslims. So we have: The parole board was asked to consider his release but had not processed the case by the time of his death.
And The Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is said to have tried to intervene personally to have Abu Hamdiyeh released after it became clear that his illness was terminal.
And when was he diagnosed as having cancer? Why late February around 4 weeks ago. When was he declared terminal, why last week and yet the bbC basing its opinion puff peace on how Scotland releases prisons feels the Jews could have done likewise.
I did love how the bbC described the man who died.: Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh, from Hebron in the occupied West Bank, was serving a life sentence for attempted murder for his role in a foiled attempt to bomb a cafe in Jerusalem in 2002.
Occupied West Bank, attempted murder, foiled attempt . Reading that description it was a travesty of justice that this man was jailed for trying to blow up a packed café.
Here’s something else the bbC kind of left out, that hospital were terrorist features was being treated, why it’s the same Hospital that a female suicide bomber why the bBC even wrote about it: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/4113538.stm
Strange how the bBC would take the Pal line that Israel isn’t treating its ill prisoners, seeing as the hospital itself was a target for Hamas. But I ain’t going to dwell too long on that its numbers which I like and funny enough here’s some numbers from the bBC. As of December 2012, Israel held 4,517 Palestinians in its jails.
Yeah those fucking Jews, all they can do is fill their prisons with innocent Arabs. But here’s something the bBC don’t tell you, yes the Israel may have 4517 Muslims (Err Dez am I allowed to say Muslims here?) and of that 4.5 K ,178 are being held without charge. How can they, these nasty Jews who do think they are filling their prisons with innocent men. I mean its not as if the other 16K prisoners (who aren’t Muslims) are getting an ear from the bBC. And lets be honest how many of those 4.5 K are actually guilty of a crime, why that would be 4339. But according to the bbC this is a huge human rights crime. Meanwhile can anybody name me one Israeli prisoner who received medical treatment when the f-ing Islamic cocksuckers (Gee I wonder why he died of throat cancer?) had Israeli prisoners? I mean the Jews didn’t riot over the murder of Dora Bloch. Or the fogals even when child killer Samir Kuntar was realised. Here is how the bbC described this evil, evil man. kuntar is serving several life sentences for murder after attacking a civilian apartment block in Nahariya in 1979. A policeman, another man and his four-year-old daughter were killed. A baby girl was accidentally smothered by her mother as she hid in a cupboard.
See how the bBC makes the mother the guilty one. Here’s what the bbC doesn’t want you to know, when Kunt features was running around an apartment block searching for people to murder the mother hid in the attic and placed her hand over her baby’s mouth to prevent her from crying. Meaning bbC kunt features had chased her husband and daughter down onto the beach, shot dead her husband and finding he had run out of bullets picked up the child by her legs and smashed her head in on the rocks. That bbC hero is a free man, you see because Israel doesn’t have the death penalty. Yet every neighbouring country has the death penalty. Why the other month the democratically elected government in Gaza shot dead three prisoners and then tied their bodies to Motorbikes and went for a ride. Yet according to the bBC Israel is wrong for not releasing this terrorist after he complained of a sore throat. And why did he have a sore throat? Why he was like the vast majority of bbC reporters deep throating the local mullah. Perks of the fucking Job.
And there was me thinking there was a Di Cannio thread & this one was about IDS???
Scanning through the days papers there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of sympathy for the man, and while I can accept that there will be posts going both ways there’s a good thousand likes/ dislikes between the top posts which are anti IDS and the worst ones which seem to be pro IDS.
This is the man who led the Tory party and to be honest made a real mess of it, I still remember the quiet man speech, he didn’t even get to lead the party to election, the men in grey suits got the knives out and he was despatched in a no confidence vote to be replaced by Count Dracula (Michael Howard) .
When your own party don’t have confidence in you as a leader then it’s pretty much a sign that you don’t have what it takes to hold high office. Yes I know that the Tories can be a bit stabby look at what they did to the blessed Margaret & John Major, but the generally give them the chance to face the electorate.
IDS is not a man who oozes charisma, quite the reverse, he doesn’t come across as approachable at all. There aren’t many politicians who are characters we can sympathise with, and IDS is amongst them, it makes it all the more easy for the bBC to demonise him
‘IDS is not a man who oozes charisma, quite the reverse, he doesn’t come across as approachable at all’.
I thought he was in the cabinet to do a job, not win a popularity contest. And from what I’ve read of IDS, he’s spent more time studying the benefits system and its effects than anyone except Frank Field. I would trust both of them to come up with the right conclusions. I think he’s an honourable man, despite his lack of ‘charisma’.
but that’s the whole point, it makes it easy to dislike him, and when the media turn on him and lets face it they all have regardless of allegiences it’s been difficult for him to contradict the image projected.
“And there was me thinking there was a Di Cannio thread & this one was about IDS???”
Given your variable adherence to blog topics in favour of campaigning, what you were thinking is a moveable feast.
As are the results of what you choose to garner from your reading of your favoured press outlets.
Equally dredging up likes and dislikes. This whole affair has highlighted the malign influence of coordinated social media campaigns to try (and often succeed) in swaying policy. You seriously think, on top of this idiot petition there is anything sensible or coherent being played out here?
Any comment on the figure being bandied about now tripling?
You talk about the man, and that is now only too typical, as things unravel.
He seems a poor media player for today’s heat over light shark pool, but decent enough and sincere.
That you seem to base your arguments on how easily you dislike a person says enough to frame your presence and aims in posting in such predictable volume here.
David Schneider is a comic actor, former stand up comedian, writer, talking head, go-to secular-Jew and general reliable lefty wise arse of the knid so beloved of the modern BBC.
An Oxbridge arts graduate he pops up everywhere from arts review shows to kids shows.
I learn form Wiki that he has written some comedy that didn’t quite cut it with ITV.
Fear not David, there’s always the BBC.
He is only a minor star in the left liberal elite galaxy and I have nothing against him personaly. I simply question why the licence payer forks out for his upkeep.
He is busy on Twitter honing his lefty humour…
(hold onto your sides, they may just split)
David Schneider @davidschneider 8h
Seen this IDS pic that’s been doing the rounds on Facebook? Perfect (via @AndreaMann) pic.twitter.com/HUSyhb3le5
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 8h
@NickMotown Hah. I presume he makes a living from that…
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 8h
Di Canio claims fascist salute was just the classic holiday picture gag misunderstood pic.twitter.com/JFnMhoP7Um
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 11h
Loving the Tory’s anti-Olympics. Real feelbad factor. Looking forward to the Triple Dip, the £53 Starve and the 4 x £400 Heating Bill.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 12h
MT @George_Osborne: There’s nothing fair abt welfare reforms.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
Idea for Sat night TV: “PJ and Duncan” – Ant (not Dec) hosts IDS starving and freezing to death on £53 a week.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
NHS. The government just “called it”. Time of death 18.40, April 1st, 2013.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
Calm down, everyone. Ian Duncan Smith was misunderstood. He meant he could live on 53 pounds of gold a week.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
MT @davidronder Sunderland may now feel more comfortable playing in the English Defence League. < The English Rubbish At Defence League?
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
At least now Di Canio's in charge Sunderland might finally play big Nick Griffin up front.
Of course it’s not really about humour or satire. It’s about putting the right sentiments out there on Twitter and then waiting for the call from the BBC.
It’s about what I refer to as the Ner-Ner Ner-Ner-Ner school of comedy.
The exponents of this brand of humour pick on a target which they assume will create an easy and a comfortable quick connection between themselves and their audience.
It is actually little different from a lazy racist comedian playing on the prejudices of his audience.
‘Cor blimey, them blacks/Pakistanis eh! What are they like…..?’
This is simply transposed to read…
‘Cor blimey, them Tories/bankers eh! What are they like…..?’
Instant (hopefully) connection is achieved and prejudices reinforced. From here on in the comedian does not need to be creative or funny. He plays on the fact that the audience identifies with the views he expresses to get his laughs and applause.
The BBC nurtures many many Ner-Ner Ner-Ner-Ner comedians.
Didn’t Schneider try to obtain a super injunction because he has the same predilections as Max Mosley? Think about that next time you see him on CBeebies.
The bBC and it whitewashes the intolerance of Islam Hamas in mixed-sex school ban Hamas, the Islamist militant group that governs the Gaza Strip, is to introduce a law banning mixed-sex schools for all children over the age of nine…. The majority of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank accept segregated education as part of their culture, our correspondent says.
Let me repeat that last sentence: The majority of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank accept segregated education as part of their culture, our correspondent says
So on reading that, do you get the impression that the Muslims only demand that women are only segregated while singing Brittany Spears songs.
Well in the UK, Women are segregated by:
Covering up.
At the mosque (have a look at the plaques on the wiki picture of the east London mosque) http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6a/ELM_and_LMC_Angled_View_1.jpg
When they go swimming
When they are at home. (men and women live in separate rooms)
At weddings
At funerals
At protests
In marriage (Islamic females are forbidden from marrying non-Muslims)
And yet even armed with all of the above the bbC tells me that girls are only segregated at school and that parents are happy with it. Yeah I’m sure the parents of the idiot who shot that Pakistani girl in the face felt she was happy to get a couple of rounds to her face. The bbC, the apologists for intolerant Islam, and then goes well out its way in which to call me a racist for asking for equality for all
I’ve just had the misfortune to watch “Barley legal drivers” on BBc 3. Literally a car crash of a program. Did Mr License fee payer cough up to buy a “new car” for the winning little charmer?
I feel another complaint coming up one of the drivers was filmed drunk about to drive a vehicle. The film crew intervened why did they not call the Police and get the idiot taken off the road. Loved his parents. oh he was only doing 100MPH on the motorway.
Then to top it a “news” update…as predicted the Sunderland story runs on. Did I mention I’m from Sunderland?
‘why did they not call the Police?’
Probably falls under their ‘purposes of journalism, propaganda & censorship’ exclusions.
Seemed to work with the paint balling club.
Blue Peter will soon be a hoot..
‘And here’s som Semtex we made earlier’.
Because the police may not even bother to turn up and/or would only act if an offence was committed. i.e. the drunk would have to be driving or at least in the car and in possession of the keys. By allowing the drunk to drive they would have become complicit in any injuries that followed.
Watch the first Lady. Is she preparing for a run in 2016 – Illinois? Then a Nobel Prize and White House in 2020? And so far I have no confirmation that Blair is going to advise her on election strategy – just rumours. How will Mardell cover this? http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2013/02/25/michelles-exposure-roof-senate/
Her photo was on the front page of The Times (London) yesterday, presumably with Rupert Murdoch’s blessing, because she did something really newsworthy … reading to children at an Easter Egg event!
But if she were going for the Nobel Prize/ White House in 2020, that implies that there is not already a Democrat incumbent, so which GOP nominee would win in 2016?
(That is, unless the Chicago Democrats revert to their traditional way of winning by taking out every possible opponent including within their own party.)
Resigned to the fact that welfare spending – now one third of the government’s annual budget and still rising – will never be cut? Worried that the left have won and the country really is heading for hell in a handcart after all?
Well don’t fret – crack open the digestives with your late night cup of cocoa and feel the warm glow of satisfaction when you read this about the ‘settled’ science (you know, the sort our favourite non-inquisitive scientist and President of The Royal society Sir Paul Nurse approves of)….
‘The Economist says the world has added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010, about one-quarter of all the carbon dioxide put there by humans since 1750. This mismatch between rising greenhouse gas emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now, The Economist article says………But it also points to an increasing body of research that suggests it may be that climate is responding to higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide in ways that had not been properly understood before.’ – oh, no! it’s back to the 70s and the ice age theory! Settled science – my arse!
‘A small oil drilling firm has announced its intention to develop offshore fracking in the central North Sea. It claims there could be more oil and gas from unconventional technology than all of the output so far produced from the North Sea’.
And just in case you hear Harrabin spouting nonsense about the resurrection of the ‘hockey stick’…
‘Roger Pielke Jr documents the gross misrepresentation of the findings of a recent scientific paper via press release which appears to skirt awfully close to crossing the line into research misconduct’.
See, life isn’t so bad after all! (unless your name is Harrabin, of course!). Keep fighting the good fight!
Did anyone listen to Claudia Winkleman talking to Jeremy Vine on her Radio 2 show around 11.30 this morning.She was so anti IDS it was unbelievable.She even mentioned headstamping!!!!
Forget about the specific issue for a moment – please – and focus on the issue of online activism affecting change in public policy. This was produced by US Beeboid, Matt Danzico. He knows all about using online activism and social media to affect change. For example:
Joining up the dots or an inconvenient truth: Benefits the bBC have had that at the top of the bBC agenda for over a week. However when the Philpott trial is over, the bBC report that he wanted his kids back. Giving the impression it was because of love. But during the trial he was accused of wanting them back because of the benefits.
Given his lifestyle, actions and temperament; a very reasonable conclusion that benefits were his main concern. Neighbours went in the house to try an save the children, Philpott made no attempt. The main point being it is obvious that his benefits lifestyle was the driving factor of his actions. A benefit system so good you are prepared to kill for. bBC does not want to make the connection; spoils the propaganda line.
I was under the impression that there were several beneficial reasons he wanted the kids back, not least that he wanted a bigger house, which was one (of many) of the reasons for setting fire to it.
He was also from a large Catholic family but didn’t seem to take good care of the children especially feeding them. Yet again drugs were involved and I’ve seen drug addict parents have kids simply for the money. The problem here is the courts social services and the liberal left who won’t allow kids to be removed until it’s gone past where it should, and then not allowing desperate families to adopt them. Medium term sterilisation cannot be considered either apparently!
In a sane world benefits would only be extended to the first three kids, but I’m sure we all know which favourite of the left that would affect so there’s no chance of any kind of sanity in the benefits arena.
Bbc breakfast analysing an intervention by a customer in a fast food restaurant when rowdy folks are playing up.
Says Billy Turnbull ” makes you wonder where the staff were”
Yeah Bill, they just stand around hands in pockets with nothing else to do.
Or maybe he expected the concierge, or the maitre D to sort it out.
Or perhaps that nice lady that takes your coat and hangs it up.
Dear me, why do they allow such rowdy plebs to eat in public.
Radio 4 Today program 08:20 yet another discussion about class – yet again, with a hard line leftie who talks about which groups are ‘culturally engaged’ meaning are they a bunch of racists or not.
Typical bBC
Then a ‘right wing think tank’ there are no left wing think tanks, because when you’ve moved so far to the left almost everything is ‘right’
Panorama on the Philpott case last night added little to what most of the public might have already known – or guessed – but it shed a fascinating sidelight on BBC attitudes.
This kind of documentary format simply must question something – that’s the template.
So, this being the BBC the institutions are questioned: Could the Police have done more to protect the children? Could the NHS or Social Services have done more? Might the Schools have done something?
Naturally, this being the BBC, what are not questioned are Philpott’s short sentence for his previous crimes or, most pivotal in this case, the uncapped Welfare Benefits system.
How revealing it was that it was not the BBC which had ever attempted to lift the lid on this man’s degraded and parasitic lifestyle.
It was the BBC’s cultural enemies and rivals which tried to bring light where the BBC had dare not tread:
The Jeremy Kyle Show
The Tabloids
Tory MP Ann Widdecombe
So after some rather lame attempts to get some mud to stick to the institutions the BBC falls back on a feast for the emotions – is this what Panorama is for?
But things get worse….
I fully expect that today in this BBC approved post-Leveson press landscape some of the light that was shed on this evil and twisted man prior to the tragedy would have to be snuffed out ‘to protect the most vulnerable’.
To watch last night’s Panorama on the Derby fire or Newsnight on the dreadful cuts to benefits? Mr D and I found the solution, Channel 43 – watched 5 minutes of Gems TV (the best comedy on the TV) and then switch off.
Isn’t it strange that they should do this? two things have come to something of a head this week and how well they sit in contradiction to each other. First we have IDS and his benefit reforms and then we have Philpott.
Philpott’s evil thrived because he lived understood how to live in a culture that simply wasn’t questioned. Actually it was a culutre that had been questioned time after time after time. However the “approved” view was not one that questioned this culture and the BBC have been key contributors to that approval, helping to shoot down any efforts by reformists to change the cesspit.
What I find strange is that when the likes of Philpott understood it could be milked for your own ends and become an economically viable option for some, how could the others not see it. Off course they co9uld but what mattered more was the politics in which the war is everything.
So here we have it – one of the key outcomes of leaving the welfare state unchallenged is that the likes of Philpott come about. Any time one of the institutes theyy’re now questioning have tried to make any meaningful effort to challenge this culture the BBC have been the torch bearers for those wishing to shout it down in the guise of it being unjust and unfair.
You’ve got to love the BBC – they do a lovely line in double standards.
Look you!
Philpott took full advantage to the local Fire Service, and therefore created much local employment-let alone building renovations, insurance(hah!)-and of course was on telly so was a celebrity of a sort.
He now has reduced the pressure on school places for a while in his small way, and-of course-the Lottery, the BoozeShack and local druggies and Housing Officers will now be missing his “solidarity contributions” to their ticked boxes, and his generous support of the arts( drawing the dole-an art in itself!).
Prison will not work…this man and his comrades has created a lot of public sector employment, as well as highlighted many more needs that may yet require a Guardian job or a cheridee co-ordinator c/o Derby Uni.
Philpott-the very face of Britain in 2013, as desired bythe BBC and Labour…so I`d not expect him to be in jail too long-then get the vote whilst in…and (who knows?)…maybe that safe Labour warmed up seat in South Shields.
If only it were an electric chair..but think of the carbon footprint…wind turbine on the side of an slightly charred baby buggy perhaps then?
Thank you Major, Blair and Brown-your lads done gud!
Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 just suggested that Philpott was a rarity but of course there was the murder of Shannon Matthews and another example of a parent who it was said had several children for the benefits that the mother could claim.
Yes, so one can generalise about racism in football from Di Canio and a few mindless thugs, but not, apparently, from the Philpott case or the Matthews fake kidnapping.
They are only a ‘rarity’ in the BBC’s eyes because a horrific crime drags them into the limelight, and we don’t see very many of such.
However, how many more Philpott families there are, creaming the benefits sytem, we just don’t know. The BBC certainly are not in a position to tell us they are a ‘rarity’, and to do so is not just a value judgement, but smacks of propaganda.
Nicky Campbell gets a chance to suck up to his boss this morning. Well I say his boss but Campbell being one of those PAYE evaders Lord Tony Hall is to him just the nice chap who signs off the cheques in payment of our Nicky’s service company invoices.
What do you reckon is the top BBC related item likely to be on the listeners minds – as listed by our Nicky when he puts the shout out for callers?
‘Are you worried about cut backs in BBC services?’
How the bBC always promotes Israel as the breaker of all truces. Israel launches first air strike on Gaza since truce Israel has carried out an air strike on the Gaza Strip for the first time since an eight-day war ended in a truce last November. Hamas, the Islamist group that runs Gaza, says aircraft bombed fields near the border and no-one was injured. The air strike followed a Palestinian rocket attack on Israel on Tuesday which also caused no injuries.
So if you just read the headline, whom would you blame for breaking the truce between a legitimate country and the bBCs fav band of rocket firing terrorists. You just have to love how the bBC uses emotive language in which to attack the jew.
Jews use airstrike in which to break truce.
Rockets (not military grade missiles packed with ball bearings covered in shite, but just rockets) just happened to land in israel causing no damage.
Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you about how only Israel is guilty of breaking a truce.
And why where rockets launched into Israel. Why they weren’t happy how a 63 year old terrrorist serving life died in hospital of throat cancer. I quote: A coalition of Salafist groups later claimed that its militants fired two rockets at Israel on Tuesday afternoon.
The Mujahedeen Shura Council said in a statement received by AFP that its action was “part of our answer to the death of Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh.” http://uk.news.yahoo.com/gaza-militants-fire-israel-prisoner-death-143220536.html?#HIFgGhZ
Anybody notice if the bBC offered that explanation. No! Gee I wonder why. The bBC, the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK
I was reading an article about the new classification of 7 social classes. My reaction was ‘this is a load of bo***ox’, then I read it was generated by LSE, bBC and others. Ah, all is explained.
This morning’s item on new strata in class distinction was another “class” act from the biased BBC.
The usual left wing drivel under a veil of “heavyweight” academic research.
The old class distinction in Britain today is like Will Hutton and other left wing ivory towered liberals who only strive to perpetuate class distinction for the purposes of political divide and conquer. Completely irrelevant.
There are those who think they are something and like to subtly try to infer it ” we are all elite” or something like that was his reply to “what are we in the studio”.
There are those who know they are something and play it down. The latter doesn’t play well to the current lefty types who have known power. I differentiate between the likes of Mandelson, Blair, Milibands, Balls, Prescott and old school Labour like Keir Hardie. Treat others and hold them in better light than yourself. There are quite a number of those on the right who now fall in to this silo, but there does seem to be less of them than in the current Nu Labour/BBC/Gurazdian camp. The ability to ridicule oneself and laugh at one’s mistakes and folly, to know that the world doesn’t revolve round oneself. An anathema to those on the upper echelons of power the left.
There are also those who have “class” and those who don’t.
Ernie Els, Federer, et al.
Then there is , Katie Price, Russell Brand, James Corden, Prescott, John “the hammer” Reid, et al. Millionaires but devoid of and concept of true “class”. The recent pursuit of fame and infamy in delivering utter banality.
Yes, there are those who go to the opera, ballet, speak Latin and read philosophy, but its part interests, money and educational exposure that are the bridges to these “upper class” activities. To visit frescos or study art in Florence is no longer kept to those of the “upper” classes.
Utter drivel. What it really comes down to is trying to justify money wasted by in sociology departments on utter pish. Why do spend this money on bloody designing and making stuff that people need and want.
If muppets like Hutton hold research like this in high regard why do they pay for it? They dont mind the state paying for it, but they need their money for their Tonybee-esque Tuscan villas. The utter hypocrisy.
In my opinion there are only two types of class – you either have class or no class. Unfortunately, the Left, and its broadcasting arm, the BBC, have ensured this country now has no class whatsoever – just look at who we are supposed to look up to, Katie Price, the Beckhams, the denizens of TOWIE, most premier league footballers, Big Brother candidates etc.
It makes you want to lock yourself away in a dark room!
I listened to Humphry’s interview with Tony Hall this morning – he tried to do a repeat of his Entwistle attack, bit it didn’t really work. Mr. Hall was chock-full of “ers” and “ums”, “lessons having been/will be learned”, “working together with that team spirit”, and praise of the BBC. nothing wrong with it, that I, Tony Hall, can’t fix (if, indeed, it needs fixing) – oh, and the “public are increasingly trusting us”, apparently. All talk, bland waffle, without an inkling of what (if anything) he’s going to change, so long as he continues to get his fat salary, and when questioned on his possible (or probable) eventual pay off – would he take it? – ah, he wanted to talk about more serious things…
…he didn’t mention anything about removing the blatant leftie bias, I noticed.
‘the “public are increasingly trusting us”, apparently’
The basis for this being a BBC-commissioned Graun/LSE poll presumably?
This Emperor is buck naked already and already folk are laughing at his ‘tell it often enough’ attempts.
Top marks to Humphrys for emphasizing what we’ve been saying here ever since Entwistle was given his golden parachute: the real problem Beeboids (as identified by Pollard) are still in top positions, just shuffled around. I’m really enjoying the protective way he’s attacking Hall’s drivel. It can be useful once in a while. What’s most clear, I think, is that Hall’s plans (such as they are at this very early stage) won’t address the real issues Humphrys kept bringing up. All he needs to do handle the public perception problems is to send out the right signals for a little while, and tell everyone to keep their heads down and mouths shut until it all blows over. After a period of time when there are no major stories in the evil Tory Press about high salaries or shameful personal behavior by various Beeboids, lessons can be presumed learned and polls can achieve the desired results.
The high profile Beeboids like Humphrys know all too well that the BBC reflects on them just as much as their behavior reflects on the BBC. So any criticism of, or flaws in the BBC is a personal issue as well. It’s a normal human reaction, really. Tribalism and loyalty are part of how people form their identity of self. That’s why Humphrys tore Entwistle a new one. That’s why Paxman kept bitching so much that his personal venom had to be redacted from Pollard’s report. That’s why the mid- and low-level Beeboids couldn’t shut up on Twitter and had to be gagged. I’m reserving judgment on whether or not any personal integrity is involved as well.
“Management often gets a bad name.” Well, I’ve often said that the problem is the people, not management. This guy isn’t changing my opinion.
“Team building”. Well, the groupthink is already in place, so that’s a start. Can he break up the fiefdoms without making everyone feel like there’s too much top-down micro-management? Doubtful.
And nobody should be surprised at all that Hall denies any Left-wing bias. After all, he was head of BBC News back during the time when Mark Thompson said the BBC had a “massive” Left-wing bias. Humphrys doesn’t think the BBC is biased, either, so nothing will come of it.
I may have been half asleep this morning, but I could have sworn that I heard Lord Hall, being interviewed by John Humphries, say something to the effect that one of the BBC’s roles was “to create as many jobs as possible”, followed by Humphries spluttering on his cappuchino.
‘…one of the BBC’s roles was “to create as many jobs as possible”’
From the ranks of the Labour fallouts, on £300k?
Seems he’s doing a bang up job already.
Lucky the BBC doesn’t need to run any silly cost/benefit analyses.
Can’t be long before Tone makes his horse a consul.
And once in, they can never be unhired.
…”the question of how a bankrupt Britain is to pay its debts, and avoid the horrendous fate of Spain and Greece, is seldom raised, and never answered.
“This is Tory-bashing at its most infantile – and it pervades all the BBC’s coverage of attempts to reform the public sector, from health to education and local government.
“Publicly funded themselves, with lavish perks, pensions and job security almost unknown in the private sector, Corporation staff instinctively make common cause with state employees against politicians they see as ‘Right wing’ (and how telling that BBC strikers said they would go back to work to report Nelson Mandela’s death, but not Margaret Thatcher’s).
“Today, this entrenched bias is seriously warping our democracy.”
Meanwhile, the question of how a bankrupt Britain is to pay its debts, and avoid the horrendous fate of Spain and Greece, is seldom raised, and never answered
In fact, the BBC does answer this question fairly often: borrow and spend.
yep – why did we ever bother with an industrial revolution when we could just print money (til it was worthless), borrow (til no-one else would lend to us) and spend.
Instead, they have allowed Left-of-centre attitudes to colour current affairs output.
I think I’d have gone a lot further than that. You only need hear the bile they pour out in ‘comedy’ or drama, or the arts, even the proms aren’t safe from the bias. I would suggest that the bias runs deep through every single department, and that this is typical of any kind of public sector organisation.
The only solution for the BBC is to break it up & privatise it
Won’t happen. National treasure, etc. The only way to start real change is to completely separate the News and Current Affairs from everything else. The bias does run deep everywhere, but it’s the News & Current Affairs Beeboids who get to the top and really spread the bias, viz 28-Gate and Will Self.
If the US is any example, privatizing the drama and comedy certainly won’t do anything to reduce the inherent Left-wing bias. But at least severing it from the cancerous bit will keep it from getting worse.
I’m not convinced that it will though, and separating the two would be like cutting the head off the Hydra and another two growing back!
It’s difficult to imagine that BBC comedy could get any worse so I guess that’s true, and drama is also pretty bad, especially now the BBC has ‘discovered’ Danny Boyle. Then there’s Ben Stephenson controller of drama commissioning & forced to explain what he meant by his statement in the Grauniad:
“If I didn’t think differently, have different ideas of what works and what doesn’t, wouldn’t your lives, and more importantly, your TV screens be less interesting? We need to foster peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, postcodes, my class only stubborn-mindedness, left-of-centre thinking.”
I don’t think anyone believed his weak excuse that he was meaning ‘left field’
He has received criticism from numerous sources describing him as:
“part of the status quo, conforming to the Leftist beliefs that predominate in the BBC.”
So I’m afraid that the idea of separating News & Current affairs won’t make the rump any better it will still continue on its inexorable slide to the left.
On the other hand the News bit might the one where the bias is halted ?
‘With its unique access to public funding, it employs more journalists than all Fleet Street put together, enjoying a dominance of current affairs coverage that leaves even its biggest print rivals looking like minnows beside a whale’.
Crikey O’ Mikey, didn’t realise that. Scary, or what?
Had a laugh at Evan Davis expressing shock at somebody telling him a priest who sexually assaulted a young girl was given a mere caution. “It can’t really be typical,” he protested in the most dishonest way possible. No way is this a shock to him. After a laundry list of offenders getting the lightest of touches with which everyone here is sadly familiar, Davis mewled, “How long has this been going on?” As if there haven’t been a zillion stories about this on the BBC and elsewhere. It’s a good thing Inspector Gadget has been forced to send himself down the memory hole, otherwise he’d have a stroke hearing the magistrate rep blame the police for all this because they can’t be bothered to do the necessary paperwork to properly charge offenders. Davis didn’t seem to be prepared to ask if police are instructed by the prosecutors to do this, or if any magistrates let career criminals walk out the door every day.
Whenever professional orchestra musicians get bored playing the same standard repertoire over and over again (it must be tedious playing Bruckner’s 7th for the 100th time), they have to remind themselves that there’s always going to be somebody in the audience who is hearing Beethoven’s 5th for the first time, and they need to play for that person. But does a flagship news program need to act as if a well-known story is surprising? And to be so unprepared on a very common and important issue?
Surely you must know that it’s the lefts policy to be as soft on crime as possible?
So we have Harriet Harman campaigning for aspects of paedophilia to be legalised
And now in their latest example of pure lunacy we have ex beeboid Janet Street Porter campaigning to abolish women’s prisons as it’s not right to lock people like Myra Hindley up! And we used to think Lord Londford was a nutter he had nothing on this lot! But unfortunately because of the undue influence the left can bring these things will probably pass into reality, and the darkness will be deeper than it was before.
Try the ‘Great British Class Calculator’ on the BBC website………I did it properly the first time than did it again as if I was lefty BBC employed Guardianista. Surprise surprise when done as a lefty tool it turns out that I am ‘ELITE’ – you could not make it up I swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beeboids will be frantically trying to figure out which groups of people to select in the “know socially” category in order to achieve the correct result.
Also, I hope everyone notices the new underclass: the “Precariat”. It’s a neologism introduced to the sociology world a couple of years ago.
Standing argues that this class of people could produce new instabilities in society. They are increasingly frustrated and dangerous because they have no voice, and hence they are vulnerable to the siren calls of extreme political parties. He outlines a new kind of good society, with more people actively involved in civil society and the precariat re-engaged. He goes on to consider one way to a new better society — an unconditional basic income for everyone, contributed by the state, which could be topped up through earned incomes.
That last sentence tells you all you need to know about the term, and those who promote it. Yeah, the BBC is essentially taking their lead here from the LSE, but make no mistake: this is a radical, extreme-Left concept. And the BBC is only too happy to introduce it into the public conversation, all part of the drip, drip, drip.
It’s not exactly a triumph for the H&S brigade is it if more and more people are working ‘precariously.’ Maybe that explains all those workplace injury compo ads on the TV?
Typical bBBC: all their ‘cultural’ activities are urban so that anyone who enjoys, for instance, gardening or walks in the countryside, isn’t included in their classification.
Just tried it…”New affluent workers – a young class group which is socially and culturally active, with middling levels of economic capital”
1st point “You are young…”…well, if you consider 41, closing in on 42 young, yep.
2nd…”you own your own home”…well, durrr, i just told you that…you don’t have to tell me.
3rd “Come from a working class background”…ah, of course, as my dad was divorced, but got custody of me and my sister, he was a dole claiming alcoholic freeloader, technically, in Beeb speak, that is “Working class”
When I saw this rolled out, so did my eyes.
7? Why not 6… or 8? Or 23.
Are fractions allowed. Bit of a 5 and 3/4, with pretensions to a 6 and 7/8?
I checked the date; it’s 2 days late.
And up to their usual standards.
Dread to think of the ‘data’ they are harvesting, especially as folk dick about with it to have fun. ‘The BBC teamed up with sociologists from leading universities that used to be polys … To find out where you fit into our idiot stereotypical preconceptions of how society ‘should’ be.
Be interesting if this gets spun up as a ‘we spoke with the nation and they told us’ version of what the BBC wants things to be like as ‘news’.
I thought I’d enter Mick Philpott’s data filling in a few gaps as they didn’t have other scroats and dealers as professions.
£60K pa in a rented house apparently a drug using , over populating benefits scrounger is ‘Technical middle class’ I imagine he’ll be quite pleased with his that sat in his segregated prison cell.
I note that despite there being over a million people claiming benefits, there’s no class to put them into which is odd to say the least, and points to the mindset of the people who dreamed up this waste of peoples time!
Did they include ‘bien pensant patrician class'(self-appointed)?
You know like their co-authors, the London Socialist Educariate,who hand out Phd’s to middile eastern despots at £1.5 a pop?
“Pakistani youth ‘prefer Sharia to democracy’
More than half of those surveyed said democracy had not been good for them or the country”
with a frightening similarity to polls here the paedostani erm “yoof”, seem to go for sharia dictates, sharia rulings
sharia all the way …
now, was the Pak celebrating democracy vociferously? denigrating islam to an also ran? pushing the freedom narrative? …. maybe they want “islamic” democracy eh!.
now who said that the disaster of “celebrating every other (even retarded) cultures vociferously will denigrate the host” … sorry al bbc 😀
which of course, can be inclusive … until that is … some cult…ure comes along, with a supremacist ideal, willing to act on said ideal.
I think that many people in this country would say democracy has not been good for the country and that it’s headed in the wrong direction. I should think that a fair few would also say that they would prefer a military government too ! At least they’d sort the damn BBC out!
I read that story last night and i found that the bBC are being somewhat disingenuous with the facts: For example where the bBC begins with: “More Pakistani youth would prefer Islamic law or military rule than democracy, a survey suggests. “
They are actually telling the truth. Which they reinforce with these succulent snippets: More than half of 5,000 18-29 year-old Pakistanis polled said democracy had not been good for them or the country.
And When asked to pick the best political system, both Sharia and military rule were favoured over democracy.
So I did a little searching wondering why the bBC hadn’t quoted any actual facts and then I found them:
Democracy =29%
Sharia Law=32%
Military rule=38%
Communism =1% http://dawn.com/2013/04/02/generation-next-goes-to-the-polls-a-survey/
Look at those figures , its virtually a three way split.
Yet the only message that the bBC can offer the world is
‘Allah Ackba, “
See a picture of the charming Alesha – looking not particularly ‘black’ – but I guess we have to take her word for this racism in TV.
Afterall she tells how ‘When I joined the Strictly Come Dancing panel in 2009, the controller of the BBC came into my dressing room and said they were proud to have a woman of colour on their panel. It was so nice that they acknowledged it,’ said Dixon.
‘Woman of colour’?
Is that actually correct PC-speak for ‘black’?
Or is that a sort of Halle Berry / Michael Jackson kinda campaigning-if-not-looking-very-black – I’m just asking.
Anyway it’s nice to hear about the BBC taking care to bring us the very very best in ‘Talent’ – would hate to think there was some sort of quota system operating here.
Oh wait a minute. I begin to see the light ….
Alesha looks roughly 10% black.
ie she is a BBC ‘Woman of colour’ roughly reflecting the ethnic make up of Britain.
looking at that Cosmopolitan cover she looks like a young Julia Roberts with a bit too much foundation/fake tan. She looks half Latino, not ‘black’ by any means…but then 1% non white makes you non white, right?
Radio 5 lieves Dotun Adebayo (famous for C4 documentary ‘white girls are sluts’) never misses a chance to tell us “only one drop of blood makes you black”
He omitted to add “If it gets you a job at the BBC” of course. Everywhere those with a drop of black are being favoured over talented white British. Its called racism, but its anti white British racism.
Before anybody points it out, I know that it doesn’t justify what the BBC is doing and that we don’t have to pay for Sky. My point is that, unfortunately, the BBC seems to set the tone.
Afterall she tells how ‘When I joined the Strictly Come Dancing panel in 2009, the controller of the BBC came into my dressing room and said they were proud to have a woman of colour on their panel. It was so nice that they acknowledged it,’ said Dixon.
And if he had said something similar to me (bloke not woman) I would have smashed his face in for being a patronising prick.
From what I’ve seen of Alesha Dixon she comes across as nothing more than a Beyoncé tribute act. When was the last time she had a record in the charts?
And a son who is a TV actor,though mainly for the opposition (ITV),he’s done enough Beeb work (casualty,doctors,doctor who) to get on the connect wall.
Figures. It’s in their DNA. On reflection, though, he says his wife left him for her tutor at Open University, which the estranged daughter now runs. Is he sure she’s his daughter?
Some may be aware of a petition on the government website, started last June by Neil Turner, to hold the licence fee to a national referendum.
Neil has now written a great article at the Commentator, that tells of his background, among other things, and hopefully will bring in the votes needed before this June.
Be sure to get your friends and family to sign and spread the word.
The BBC: My family’s business I am asking for a national referendum on the licence fee. Let the people decide. It’s our family business, our money, our nation, and our future
Oops! I just got a message ‘you cannot sign this petition again’ as I’d forgotten I had already done it.
But, although it would be interesting to have a referendum, I am sure it would be massively in favour of the bBBC because the British public have been so brainwashed by decades of leftie propaganda, and cannot imagine anything other than a state-run organisation, however bad it is. Just like the Nationalised Death Service.
It’s been around that long, and not even 5000 signatures? Not a good sign. Turner’s essay is pretty good (some of it sounds like he’s been reading this blog), although I wish he had mentioned a single example of BBC bias other than Israel.
It might well have been him that posted the link to his petition here last June, when I first heard of it.
I agree, the number of those who’ve signed so far is depressing. Shows how the left has been able to advance so quickly when the right does little to counter it.
I have signed, although the numbers are low, with a bit of a push, and the emotive essay by Niel (of Watford) and the changing of peoples opinions of the Beeb after the Sa-VILE fiasco, you never know. 🙂
Just to change the tone slightly, one of the few success stories recently has been that of board games, and rumour control suggests that sales this year are up 30%
These are the tradditional board games monopoly cluedo, scrabble etc etc. which is a little surprising.
So seeing as a family sitting around with a board game won’t normally have the TV on, can we perhaps conclude that output particularly of the main provider has become so poor that families have made a choice to turn it off and had some family time around a table?
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I can’t help but think IDS keeps walking into traps set for him. The “could IDS live on £53 a week” was entirely predictable and if he tries then IDS is allowing the Beeb/Labour to frame the debate. Far better would have been for him to explain that living on £53 a week would indeed be very difficult however thanks to Labour the country has a huge deficit and that the only way to pay more than this would be to borrow even more , effectively passing this debt to the countries young people. Then follow this up with a comment that this is only the first of a number of hard choices the government will have to make to reduce the deficit.
Agreed, most of the time politicians seem not to be able to think quickly enough ‘on their feet’ and/or loathe to put the blame squarely where it belongs. Remember also that this is 53 quid after all deductions (rent/mortgage, rates/utilities etc) and, it now comes clear, with Sky TV, internet etc all sorted…
Also remember that as soon as two words were out of IDS’s mouth the interviewer would be screaming “Just answer the question! Could you you do it? Could you do it? Come on!”
What about the 3 quid a week compulsory BBC tax.
Rebellions against a poll tax that hit the least well off hardest have occurred twice in our history. Surely it’s time for a third rebellion.
For many people, such as myself living in privately rented accommodation , we still need to make a significant contribution to our rent – already paying the ‘bedroom tax.’ Utility bills (phone/electricity/gas) have to be found out of your £53 per week…and the compulsory BBC licence fee of course.
Until my recent diagnosis of Asperger’s syndrome I was living on less than £50 a week for ten years. The experience was very unpleasant…I could not participate in society at all.
The 53 quid figure is after all deductions. It’s what cash he is left with.
Could someone remind me, are you above or below the poverty line if you can afford beer fags, gambling, broadband, and sky. If you can’t afford all these essentials that our heroic market trader seems to find money for, where do I go for my handouts?
I guess you have seen the (non BBC) news today – he actually receives £153 a week, PLUS a free home, etc. PLUS he claims to work at a market stall 70 hours a week earning £50 a week….. Liar, liar and liar again.
Slow news day at BBCNews? So here is a special report by Steve Rosenberg waxing lyrical about Stalin’s magnificent Moscow Metro. “Ride the metro and you are back in the USSR” “The trains always run on time” (OK for Reds not for Mussolini fans)
The Moscow Metro is wonderful and full of pickpockets and more violent thieves.
I guess Steve Rosenberg was travelling with a film crew – and some minders generously provided for his friends in the BBC by Putin.
Orchestrated and myopic so called “debate” on 5live
as predicted yesterday … “panto” pulls out all the stops,
on DiCaneo, to see both sides? ….
by giving unwarranted amount of time to the thugs of United Assoc Fascism? … again trying to promote them as
a voice of reason? … laughable and absurd in equal measure,
yep! if you take out news breaks/self advertising
the programme is barely 40mins – so how can these intellectually challenged individuals warrant over 20mins?.
when it is supposed to be caller led eh! …
better ask the bbc
a solitary lone voice appears at 52mins to start to take them to task … and is sidelined …
now theres al bbc fairness for you
SWP Martin Smith. Smith principal promoter and defender of the racist and promoter of Holocaust Denier, Gilad Atzmon – Convicted of assault in 2010, following UAF disorder outside the BBC,
Azad Ali – Islamist from the IFE,
Waylon (don t know nuffin) Bennett.
a more despicable, questionable trio you could not imagine, and, you know actually i ve listened back to the the last portion again, the fella dishing it out to the UAF really is shut down – “panto style” with his buddy the microphone fairy.
Martin Smith is also the SWP’s serial rapist who sets up the kangaroo courts to clear himself.
Sharia courts, even 😉
The BBC is definitely not biased, (says the BBC).
We never take sides, (but we might use emotive words now and again).
Anyway, here is the news!
The chancellor “DEFENDS” his “CONTROVERSIAL” cuts.
The Labour Party says they will “HURT THE POOR”.
Church leaders “CONDEMN” the coalition.
Will somebody rid us of this dammed corporation?
But of course people don’t live on £53 per week. If they are on benefits there is the housing benefit, the travel card if you are on JSA, the £300 for clothes for an interview, the mobile phone (I understand that is in case you get a phone call inviting you for an interview), the council tax benefit…etc etc – but of course that wouldn’t play to the BBC’s story.
This is just not true Deborah; despite what many people think, people claiming JSA do not get free travel…and it is compulsory to have a mobile phone, otherwise you are deemed to not be trying to find work and will have your benefit stopped.
Simply not true.
When I went through a bout of unemployment, I got nothing other than JSA, no council tax paid, no mortgage/rent paid (I, in fact, lost my house as it happens), no bills paid, no mobile phone…nothing.
Everything came out of the £65pw I was being rewarded with for 20 years of paying into the system.
I’m all for kicking the professional scroungers out there, but please, don’t fall into the leftie trap of tarring all with one big sticky luv brush.
Not everyone out there on “the dole” is struggling, the ones who can somehow claim just about anything are certainly not, but normal folk who are loathed to scrounge, don’t breed and are a whiter shade of pale do.
Being unemployed, (Single white bloke, no kids) on your own is very VERY difficult, I promise you, I know, I have experienced it.
‘(Single white bloke, no kids)’
That’s the difference, Chop, if you have kids you’re ok and to me that discriminates against single blokes who’ve worked and paid their taxes then suddenly find themselves out of a job. It’s happened in my family and it’s bloody tough, which is when you start to get angry towards immigrants and asylum seekers – the darling of the Left, Abu Qatada being the prime example – who have paid in bugger all and get tens of thousands a year in a nice area of their choice.
I checked out your “claims”” Deborah and it seems that your grasp of facts is as poor as the very broadcaster this site is dedicated too exposing.
there are different sorts of JSA – which did you check out?
There is only one benefit that’s called JSA…I should know, I’m claiming it. There are however many other benefits with a variety of qualifying criteria and entitlements which to a degree do provide free travel and many of the things you claim…but not Jobseeker’s Allowance.
If you are unemployed and only entitled to claim JSA you get no help with travel costs or utility bills as you claim.
Who pays for your internet connection (apart from us)?
I’m unemployed, yet classed as disabled because I’ve got Asperger’s syndrome – a condition that the benefits system has difficulty in dealing with. I am therefore in receipt of JSA but also receive other disability benefits – I find myself in a Kafkaesque situation whereby I’m simultaneously severely disabled yet not disabled at all, having a learning disability yet being academically very bright, being able to have a very demanding job yet I struggle to look after myself without support. Such is Asperger’s syndrome; Google it and you’ll find that we face an unemployment rate of 85% – far higher than for any other disabled or disadvantaged group.
As for my internet connection: I require it for medical reasons; it’s the only way I have to keep in contact with most people, many of them who are socially isolated like myself due to our communication deficiencies. Without this lifeline to the outside world my mental health will most likely deteriorate; ending up costing the state even more.
To anyone who’s reading this and doesn’t believe what I’m telling you and think that somehow I’m lazy, or a scrounger, then do something about my situation. Come knocking on my door and tell where to go on Monday morning, who to see, and what to do when I get there…go on, I’m challenging you.
I’m 50 years old and have never had a job or a relationship and don’t really have any proper friends: if you think I’m living a life of luxury…well, I’ll swap you any time you like.
Quick Quiz, Guess what Nicky ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell was talking about this morning ?
A. Fascists in football
B. Fascists in football
C. Fascists in football
Cue fake outrage from Campbell
UAF thug Weyman Bennet, not the sharpest knife in the drawer ( a moron ) was asked by Nicky Campbell, would you be ok if the manager was a communist ?
‘I don’t know nuffin about dem communists, I’m just an expert on nazis !’
Nice try Weyman, but that wont wash. Can he not look up the internet and google Stalin’s crimes ?
He’s joint secretary of the SWP for Christ’s sake!
Why does no one question his Parties sick ideology when he’s on air?
He has some, er, interesting views for a so-called anti-fascist :
see the paragraph starting “We are all Palestinians” – if you can stomach it…
I blame SWP national secretary Charlie Kimber for being a bad influence. As an old Etonian, and next in line for the family baronetcy, he must have some very old fashioned attitudes about Jews. No doubt he was influential in dismissing those rape allegations too. A Tory reactionary like Kimber should be exposed by our socialist broadcaster – he will be calling for gays to be stoned next.
more bBC bollocks regarding football
they wont be happy till its all shut down, ffs
Saw some of the report on the news yesterday.
One of the vicious chants high- lighted was
” does your boyfriend know you’re out”
How does the inbbc know it wasn’t directed at women?
It’s always a good sign when they hate somebody.
If they really cared about those on benefits they’d support him. But that would take a minimum of intelligence.
We are fast going bankrupt. When we do the most vulnerable will lose the most. Therefore cut spending and avoid bankruptcy. Seems pretty straightforward to me.
There’s a great comparison between the open honest robbery of Cyprus and our own cloak and dagger version in: “Debased Britain” at:
My God now you’re posting your blog link twice!
Ah, but how much do the BBC really hate Di Canio?
Oh, the irony!
let’s this THIS spread all over the BBC
“Report: New York State Sen. Malcolm Smith and others arrested in scheme to fix this year’s mayoral race in New York City – @nytimes”
Oh no, he’s a black Democrat. It’ll vanish down the memory hole.
There’s a white Republican involved as well, but it won’t make much difference. This doesn’t affect the President, and doesn’t affect any of the pet issues through which the BBC views the US. No guns, no racism, no death penalty, no weird things rural white people get up to, no celebrities.
I did not know, until this minor huha, that Miliband was a director of Sunderland. So man with political views part of a football club not controversial. Then man with political views part of a football club is controversial. So man in politics who supports a gov that produces false dossier and cons Parliament to declare war is OK. But man with political views but does not take the country to a false war is bad, (by the way they invite him to write 6 pieces for them).
Only the bBC can take such a hypercritical stance.
David Milliband was paid 125,000 per year for minimal attendance, in fact the rumour was that in his role as South Shields MP he was paid this money to ensure that Sunderland FC new training ground was given planning consent.
BBc 13:00 news yep they are at the Stadium of Light. Told you this would run and run.
Di Canio said in his press conference ” that the controversy by the media about him is sad and pathetic.” Welcome to the Peoples Republic of Britain.
Well, Di Canio is off message, he hasn’t signed up to Third World immigration, multiculturalism is good, thus he has to be sent off to a cultural marxist, brainwashing detention centre for the crime of free thought.
“As Tony Hall arrives back at the BBC, four months after he was appointed as director general and 12 years after he left for the Royal Opera House, he can be in no doubt about the scale of the challenge he has taken on.” Says the BBC website today.
Is that a three billion pounds a year, forced out of working people and pensioners by threats of going to prison, sort of a challenge?
“It is my first task to build the team that will deliver a new strategy and creative vision for the BBC and define public service broadcasting for the next decade.” Said Anthony William Hall, Baron Hall of Birkenhead, CBE.
Yup, a bloke that’s really in touch with his inner waffle.
You may note that neither he nor the BBC said anything about becoming more open, democratic or truthful. Nor is there any mention of hoping to gain an understanding of real economics or heaven forbid that the country (and the BBC) must be more financially responsible in the future.
Did he mention that there will be a thorough investigation into who caused the financial crisis and who was in power when the Liverpool Care Pathway crept into our wonderful health service. And what treasure of a corporation thought it was OK for that nice Uncle Jimmy to rape children on its premises?
So who thinks this man is up to the scale of the challenge?
The BBC is a national joke, now about to be led by another joker.
The problem is, it isn’t a joke. This is very serious because the necessary national debate can’t be held while the state broadcaster is so biased.
As long as the BBC is accountable only to itself, nothing can change. Lord Hall can create new upper management positions with high salaries, and install new layers of compliance supervision until the cows come home, and nothing will improve. He’ll improve the BBC’s ability to legally protect its high-ranking employees from the outside world, but that’s about it. Without an outside, truly independent (i.e. with no connection to politics or special interest groups or married to a Beeboid) body with real powers holding the BBC to account, nothing can be done.
‘As long as the BBC is accountable only to itself, nothing can change. ‘
Sadly, true.
I read such as these and can only wonder at the powerlessness of all in face of the BBC’s unique ability to not be held to account.
‘There was growing anger over the BBC’s handling of the subject of welfare reform’
Lords Hall Hall and Patten could come out and do a Strictly special waltz on Mrs T’s grave for Comic Relief’s Semtex for Chechen Playschools Fund, and the worst that would happen is a secret internal memo not to get caught, that would be redacted and stuck in the FoI exclusion file ‘for the purposes of journalism, propaganda & censorship’.
They run the country, and know it.
The very last thing the liberal elite want is an open debate on ther uselessnes of their political and social philosphy and the damage it has caused to the ordinary people of a once cohesive and stable land.
“It is my first task to build the team that will deliver a new strategy and creative vision for the BBC and define public service broadcasting for the next decade.”
I firmly believe that people who speak in slogans think in slogans and are therefore unfit to run a whelk stall.
The words say: “public service broadcasting”
The deeds: “But Labour says…” The veritable oddbins of Champagne socialism. A BBC interviewer insults the mayor and is hailed as having “eviscerated him” by the braying sheeple of the left. Is EM the new Paxman? bleats the London ES. Since when was Marxist Tourettes a qualification for a journalist? What a Jeremy Hunt that Eddie Mair is.
How hollow the words, how easily they fall from the lips of public-sector-spoken-here member of the New Ruling Class (Marxist-Lenninist, Bollinger tendancy).
Screw Tony Hall. Eviscerate him, even. I thought Mark Thompson was a slimy piece of work. Does Tony Hall have a pulse? He talks like a typical public sector grant-seeking automaton you could replace for nothing with a recorded voicemail message.
The smug beeboids must be dismayed to see their favourite newspaper turn on them.
It appears (next to super-“Dave” Milliband) “Tony” Hall is the answer to all woes. But I don’t believe the havoc wrought by the dreadful John Birt cannot be easily undone.
Meanwhile listening to the BBC sources, the problem (which does not exist) will be put right (if anything IS actually wrong) by the new broom who will sweep away the debris (if there is any debris to be swept away.)
May I suggest that nothing will change. Like apparatchiks in Vatican, the high priests of the Beeb will kneel and pray and duck and weave – till the next time a new media pope comes to town.
The tragedy of the BBC is the arrogance of its leaders.
I somehow cannot the the BBC lasting as long as the Church somehow !
Mark Thompson fouled the place as much as Birt did, only in a different way. Greg Dyke looks better and better with each passing day.
But see “Can We Trust The BBC?” by Robin Aitken. RA raised the question of bias with Greg “hideously white” Dyke at a meeting. After it, when GD thought RA was out of hearing, he indignantly asked, “Who’s that fucker?”
Agreed, Louis. Nothing significant will change. This reads like mostly sour grapes from an outside producer upset that he doesn’t get a look-in as much as he used to, and blames philistinism and bloated management for it. Even though he does make some valid points, his criticism of the celebration of regional accents and too many gardening shows is going to be dismissed as snobbery. If he thinks Hall is going to change anything in the management structure which will actually improve programming, he’s a fool. The last change in the Charter saw to that: the BBC needs worry only about ratings now to prove value for money. He’s only just now noticed that the BBC exists for itself and not for the public? It’s more concerned about increasing audience share and revenue in the rest of the world than in doing anything Meades is wishing for. But more than all of that put together, it’s the people who are the problem, not just the management structure.
It’s the people who made the class-war decision to abandon Received Pronunciation, not the management structure. It’s the people who decided to infuse Warmism into comedy, drama, and children’s programming, not the management structure. It’s the people who promoted Justin Webb to the coveted seat on Today for being openly rude about Sarah Palin and abandoning all semblance of impartiality over The Obamessiah, not the management structure. It’s the people who hired Franz Strasser to make a dishonest series of reports about immigration in the US to deliberately obscure the real issue of illegal immigration, not the management structure. It’s the people who decided not to report the story of the Fogel family massacre until they were publicly shamed into doing it, not the management structure. It’s the people who approve the 1967-as-Year-Zero editorial approach to Israel and its neighbors, not the management structure. It’s the people who keep Jeremy Bowen, who has a personal grudge against Israel and tried to tell everyone that the Muslim Brotherhood is moderate, as the top authority on the Middle East, not the management structure. It’s the people who invited Will Self to be the intellectual leader of Radio 4, not the management structure. It’s the people who looked the other way while Savile did his business, and the same people who then feigned ignorance when it all came out, not the management structure. And on and on.
Maybe if Tim Davie sells one or two of Meades’ architecture shows to PBS, he’ll get over it. No more room for new ones with all the money-saving repeats on the part-time channels anyway.
Di Canio update, he will ban any reporter bringing up the subject of fascism, good for him. The BBC hacks are like a dog with a bone, they wont rest until they get their pound of flesh.
Like I mentioned in the previous De Canio thread, the Beeboid hacks should be asked (those old enough – Paxman, Humphries, Warke etc.) if they were happy to holiday in Fascist General Franco’s Spain in the early seventies. In fact how many of the lefties moaning about De Canio’s politics – and I include the Commie Durham miners’ leader and the college Professor refusing to attend any more Sunderland games – whether they holidayed in Spain under Franco’s rule.
Fascism didn’t seem to bother millions of workers back then when they flew to the sun.
It would seem that the BBC can now influence who manages and plays in the English league; just like their pathetically wide-of-the-mark ‘investigations’ last year concerning racism in Eastern European countries (where they found very little much to their chagrin!), they are being drama-queens over this issue and are stoking the embers of hype to the max. Also, I had the misfortune of listening to Stephen Nolan on the way into town this morning and had to endure responses to the question of: “What is the BBC’s role?” Now, my initial reaction was: that’s a good question, but my opinion was immediately blasted out of my mind upon hearing some utterly irritating feminist call in with the usual victim hissy-fit mantra “there’s not enough women at the BBC; it’s role should be to promote woman’s rights… ad infinitum…” It could not have been more loathsome until some ingratiating fellow caller-inner sided with this crybaby feminazi and also chipped in with the mind-numbing bilge of ‘all the main presenters are male’ etc.
What is the BBC’s role? Well, the inference from this ‘debate’ leads me to believe that the BBC’s self-styled role is to indoctrinate all with its subtle Left-wing, minority-worship agenda from the proceeds of our money. It’s always the same: the BBC will air a debate and then will heckle all those with opposite views to their own. It would seem that many BBC presenters are more interested in the sounds of their own voices than those of their guests!
It’s funny how when I say the BBC thinks they do have a role in influencing society in some way, a defender of the indefensible will say it’s my imagination. Yet here’s Nolan emphasizing just that.
Well they have a mission to inform, educate and entertain.
I wonder when they will start?
Alex, that last sentence certainly fits Richard Bacon in my view.
My My
I blame the bloated management structure.
Is it just me or does Mr Nolen on R5 seem to have been on all weekend day and night? Talk about bring out the attack dog….its really getting soooo boring. I have yet to hear any balance on any programme with regard to the welfare changes or the de Canio affair.
No prizes for guessing the party affiliation of Noramie Jasmin, Mayor of Spring Valley and her deputy Joseph Desmaret in this paragraph from the BBC’s report on bribery charges in the NY mayoral race:
‘Smorgasbord of graft’
Also charged are Bronx County Republican Party Chairman Joseph Savino; Queens County Republican Party Vice-Chairman Vincent Tabone; Noramie Jasmin, Mayor of Spring Valley, New York state; and her deputy, Joseph Desmaret.
Yup, both Democrats – but the BBC hack who wrote this doesn’t think we need to know that.
Now I see why the BBC reported it, when I initially suspected they wouldn’t. It’s about Republicans accepting bribes to rig the system. Now it’s newsworthy. So it’s okay to report that a black man was involved in criminal activity without it conflicting with the BBC’s commitment to diversity.
What’s funny is that Nanny Bloomberg originally switched to Republican so he wouldn’t have to bribe the Democrat machine in order to clinch that party’s nomination. And I had to shake my head at the last line of the BBC article about how he can’t run again because of term limits, when he’s only mayor now because he already went back on his word and got the law changed to get past the existing term limits.
BBC’s 500 fraud and theft cases a year
BBC bosses have investigated crimes ranging from sexual assault and drug use to theft and fraud on their premises, it has emerged.
Suspected incidents of fraud and theft alone have run at more than 500 a year, a Freedom of Information request has revealed.
Many cases were not passed to police and were closed with the remark “no further action.”
Figures going back to 2009 include an instance of one employee being accused of having under-age sex while on an assignment. Because the allegation could not be proved the member of staff was let off with a warning.
The statistics also reveal an alarming number of thefts of items including televisions, radios and mobile phones
Staff were also found to have fraudulently used company credit cards. In one instance in 2011 an employee used a corporate credit card to pay their mortgage. The money was not recovered and police were not informed. Matthew Sinclair of the Taxpayers’ Alliance said: “Licence fee payers will be shocked at the relaxed attitude which the Corporation appears to have taken in regard to thefts and frauds incurring significant financial losses.”
I look forward to Smuggy Balls coming on the BBC to blame that on the coalition.
And Mrs Shrewface telling parliament that it’s all Dastardly Dave’s fault.
Perhaps an enquiry will help?
Puts the problem into the long grass for a few months and of course….
Lessons will be learnt darlings.
its not shrewface, its pencilneck
What a sewer of filth and poison the BBC has become. The crimes listed suggest a contempt on the part of some employees for even the most basic moral standards and the concept of public property. But then again, I suppose that is just “petit bourgeois morality” on my part. These are people in well-paid, secure and often interesting jobs. Have they no sense of gratitude or shame?
By the way, regarding Jane Garvey’s comments about the champagne bottles everywhere after the hated Tories were finally defeated in 1997 [see “In Their Own Words” on this site] it reminds me of the excesses of the Bullingdon Club, which the BBC claims to abhor! Did it occur to anyone to have a drink or two off the premises, if they wanted to celebrate? And what of all those bottles? Just left for the untermensch “Sun”-reading cleaners to clear up? Were any of them recycled, as they should have been, if the BBC is so green?
Recycling is for other folks in their do as I say, not as I do world.
The way these employees let you down, even after providing all those special sinks to wash your feet in.!
These are people in well-paid, secure and often interesting jobs. Have they no sense of gratitude or shame?
No, just entitlement.
The bBC, shoddy journalism and not asking the questions it should be:
Bradford madrassas leading reforms to ‘safeguard Muslim students’
New guidelines aimed at protecting Muslim children in religious schools are being introduced in Bradford. So what are the changes and how successful have they been? Leading the way, the Jami’at Tabligh-ul-Islam Mosque, which provides lessons for children aged seven to 18, has been one of the first institutions to take up the guidelines.These include criminal record checks for all religious teachers and greater parental involvement over what is taught.
So the bBC, promotes this view that Muslims in Bradford are leading the way when it comes to protecting children from abuse? Really. I’ve highlighted the end of the first paragraph where the bBC beautifully relates from the top of the bBC minarets how Jami’at Tabligh-ul-Islam Mosque, which provides lessons for children aged seven to 18, has been one of the first institutions to take up the guidelines. And those guidelines are:
These include criminal record checks for all religious teachers and greater parental involvement over what is taught.
So according to the bBC running CRB checks on Islamic men who tutor children on the ways of allah is ground breaking. And just to show how everybody feels this is a wonderful idea the bBC brings out a couple of little boys with hands up their arses and if they sing like a couple of choir boys who are told not to sing out of tune or else ‘Allah will strike them down’ I quotes:
Eleven-year-old pupil Mohammed Waleed says he enjoys coming to the mosque, describing his time there as “more of an after-school club” than anything else.
Similarly, student Tanzeela Kosser says “children are happy here because there’s no bullying”.
What, utter, utter shite, no child enjoys giving up 2 hours a day (well the bbC does say 10 hours a week on school days) after nearly 8 hours at school doing extra lessons, I know I didn’t. Instead of going to the fucking mosque in which to express my devotion to a f-ing pedophile, I instead played at the local park with my school friends (who just happened to be all white) and on a daily basis I would find my father come and drag me away, take me home and give me a bloody good hiding. In fact the Keighley MP ‘Anne Cryer’ opined about abuse at Mosques for years. The likes of the bBC called her a racist for stating the obvious. And now the bBC promotes this story of running CRB checks on the men who teach in mosques as ground breaking.
Err bBC CRB checks came into force in 2006. Why are Muslims just getting round to enforcing them 7 years later. Leading reforms my arse. (Which apparently is the reason why so many Mullahs fall to temptation)
The bBC, the propaganda mouth piece for intolerant Islam
One faith organisation in England and Wales (clue: it’s the only minority faith in the UK hated by the MSM) has been publishing annual reports since 2002, detailing all allegations of abuse and how they were managed.
You might not think it given the MSM obsession with rolling coverage of allegations dating back to the 1970s.
Now, all I’m asking for is a similar report of every act of abuse (and of course, cover-up) carried out by Muslim imams, dating back to the 1970s – in the name of equality among faiths.
I remember the certifiable mentally ill Anne Cryer telling the bBC that abuse in Madrassas was not the fault of the Moslem adults perpetrating it, but the fault of white people for not preventing it.
When faced with logic like that there’s no chance of rational discussion because the mad can’t be reasoned with.
Are you sure that was Anne Cryer?
pounce … maybe best just let them go to islamic brainwashing … i mean school then eh!
much safer ….. oops!
The bBC, its reporting from Israel and its rampant anti-Semitism
Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails protest death
Israeli prison guards have fired tear gas to stop disturbances among Palestinian prisoners after a Palestinian inmate died from cancer. Palestinian officials claim that Israel did not provide adequate medical care for Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh, who was 64. The Israeli Prisons Service (IPS) says he was well looked after and died in a public hospital in Beersheba.
Ah the bBC promotes its favourite bunch of terrorists as..victims. which is why they insert their article with hype and not facts in which to say that Jews persecute the Muslims. So we have:
The parole board was asked to consider his release but had not processed the case by the time of his death.
The Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is said to have tried to intervene personally to have Abu Hamdiyeh released after it became clear that his illness was terminal.
And when was he diagnosed as having cancer? Why late February around 4 weeks ago. When was he declared terminal, why last week and yet the bbC basing its opinion puff peace on how Scotland releases prisons feels the Jews could have done likewise.
I did love how the bbC described the man who died.:
Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh, from Hebron in the occupied West Bank, was serving a life sentence for attempted murder for his role in a foiled attempt to bomb a cafe in Jerusalem in 2002.
Occupied West Bank, attempted murder, foiled attempt . Reading that description it was a travesty of justice that this man was jailed for trying to blow up a packed café.
Here’s something else the bbC kind of left out, that hospital were terrorist features was being treated, why it’s the same Hospital that a female suicide bomber why the bBC even wrote about it:
Strange how the bBC would take the Pal line that Israel isn’t treating its ill prisoners, seeing as the hospital itself was a target for Hamas. But I ain’t going to dwell too long on that its numbers which I like and funny enough here’s some numbers from the bBC.
As of December 2012, Israel held 4,517 Palestinians in its jails.
Yeah those fucking Jews, all they can do is fill their prisons with innocent Arabs. But here’s something the bBC don’t tell you, yes the Israel may have 4517 Muslims (Err Dez am I allowed to say Muslims here?) and of that 4.5 K ,178 are being held without charge. How can they, these nasty Jews who do think they are filling their prisons with innocent men. I mean its not as if the other 16K prisoners (who aren’t Muslims) are getting an ear from the bBC. And lets be honest how many of those 4.5 K are actually guilty of a crime, why that would be 4339. But according to the bbC this is a huge human rights crime. Meanwhile can anybody name me one Israeli prisoner who received medical treatment when the f-ing Islamic cocksuckers (Gee I wonder why he died of throat cancer?) had Israeli prisoners? I mean the Jews didn’t riot over the murder of Dora Bloch. Or the fogals even when child killer Samir Kuntar was realised. Here is how the bbC described this evil, evil man.
kuntar is serving several life sentences for murder after attacking a civilian apartment block in Nahariya in 1979. A policeman, another man and his four-year-old daughter were killed. A baby girl was accidentally smothered by her mother as she hid in a cupboard.
See how the bBC makes the mother the guilty one. Here’s what the bbC doesn’t want you to know, when Kunt features was running around an apartment block searching for people to murder the mother hid in the attic and placed her hand over her baby’s mouth to prevent her from crying. Meaning bbC kunt features had chased her husband and daughter down onto the beach, shot dead her husband and finding he had run out of bullets picked up the child by her legs and smashed her head in on the rocks. That bbC hero is a free man, you see because Israel doesn’t have the death penalty. Yet every neighbouring country has the death penalty. Why the other month the democratically elected government in Gaza shot dead three prisoners and then tied their bodies to Motorbikes and went for a ride. Yet according to the bBC Israel is wrong for not releasing this terrorist after he complained of a sore throat. And why did he have a sore throat? Why he was like the vast majority of bbC reporters deep throating the local mullah. Perks of the fucking Job.
The bbC, the propaganda arm for Islamic terrorism
Question: how long it took for the Lockerbie bomber to be freed after he was diagnosed with cancer?
And there was me thinking there was a Di Cannio thread & this one was about IDS???
Scanning through the days papers there doesn’t seem to be a great deal of sympathy for the man, and while I can accept that there will be posts going both ways there’s a good thousand likes/ dislikes between the top posts which are anti IDS and the worst ones which seem to be pro IDS.
This is the man who led the Tory party and to be honest made a real mess of it, I still remember the quiet man speech, he didn’t even get to lead the party to election, the men in grey suits got the knives out and he was despatched in a no confidence vote to be replaced by Count Dracula (Michael Howard) .
When your own party don’t have confidence in you as a leader then it’s pretty much a sign that you don’t have what it takes to hold high office. Yes I know that the Tories can be a bit stabby look at what they did to the blessed Margaret & John Major, but the generally give them the chance to face the electorate.
IDS is not a man who oozes charisma, quite the reverse, he doesn’t come across as approachable at all. There aren’t many politicians who are characters we can sympathise with, and IDS is amongst them, it makes it all the more easy for the bBC to demonise him
‘IDS is not a man who oozes charisma, quite the reverse, he doesn’t come across as approachable at all’.
I thought he was in the cabinet to do a job, not win a popularity contest. And from what I’ve read of IDS, he’s spent more time studying the benefits system and its effects than anyone except Frank Field. I would trust both of them to come up with the right conclusions. I think he’s an honourable man, despite his lack of ‘charisma’.
but that’s the whole point, it makes it easy to dislike him, and when the media turn on him and lets face it they all have regardless of allegiences it’s been difficult for him to contradict the image projected.
I disliked many of the teachers at school but they did a bloody good job.
But then I suppose we live in touchy-feely Britain where everybody has to be cuddly and nice.
“And there was me thinking there was a Di Cannio thread & this one was about IDS???”
Given your variable adherence to blog topics in favour of campaigning, what you were thinking is a moveable feast.
As are the results of what you choose to garner from your reading of your favoured press outlets.
Equally dredging up likes and dislikes. This whole affair has highlighted the malign influence of coordinated social media campaigns to try (and often succeed) in swaying policy. You seriously think, on top of this idiot petition there is anything sensible or coherent being played out here?
Any comment on the figure being bandied about now tripling?
You talk about the man, and that is now only too typical, as things unravel.
He seems a poor media player for today’s heat over light shark pool, but decent enough and sincere.
That you seem to base your arguments on how easily you dislike a person says enough to frame your presence and aims in posting in such predictable volume here.
David Schneider is a comic actor, former stand up comedian, writer, talking head, go-to secular-Jew and general reliable lefty wise arse of the knid so beloved of the modern BBC.
An Oxbridge arts graduate he pops up everywhere from arts review shows to kids shows.
I learn form Wiki that he has written some comedy that didn’t quite cut it with ITV.
Fear not David, there’s always the BBC.
He is only a minor star in the left liberal elite galaxy and I have nothing against him personaly. I simply question why the licence payer forks out for his upkeep.
He is busy on Twitter honing his lefty humour…
(hold onto your sides, they may just split)
David Schneider @davidschneider 8h
Seen this IDS pic that’s been doing the rounds on Facebook? Perfect (via @AndreaMann) pic.twitter.com/HUSyhb3le5
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 8h
@NickMotown Hah. I presume he makes a living from that…
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 8h
Di Canio claims fascist salute was just the classic holiday picture gag misunderstood pic.twitter.com/JFnMhoP7Um
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 11h
Loving the Tory’s anti-Olympics. Real feelbad factor. Looking forward to the Triple Dip, the £53 Starve and the 4 x £400 Heating Bill.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 12h
MT @George_Osborne: There’s nothing fair abt welfare reforms.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
Idea for Sat night TV: “PJ and Duncan” – Ant (not Dec) hosts IDS starving and freezing to death on £53 a week.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
NHS. The government just “called it”. Time of death 18.40, April 1st, 2013.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
Calm down, everyone. Ian Duncan Smith was misunderstood. He meant he could live on 53 pounds of gold a week.
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
MT @davidronder Sunderland may now feel more comfortable playing in the English Defence League. < The English Rubbish At Defence League?
David Schneider David Schneider @davidschneider 1 Apr
At least now Di Canio's in charge Sunderland might finally play big Nick Griffin up front.
Of course it’s not really about humour or satire. It’s about putting the right sentiments out there on Twitter and then waiting for the call from the BBC.
It’s about what I refer to as the Ner-Ner Ner-Ner-Ner school of comedy.
The exponents of this brand of humour pick on a target which they assume will create an easy and a comfortable quick connection between themselves and their audience.
It is actually little different from a lazy racist comedian playing on the prejudices of his audience.
‘Cor blimey, them blacks/Pakistanis eh! What are they like…..?’
This is simply transposed to read…
‘Cor blimey, them Tories/bankers eh! What are they like…..?’
Instant (hopefully) connection is achieved and prejudices reinforced. From here on in the comedian does not need to be creative or funny. He plays on the fact that the audience identifies with the views he expresses to get his laughs and applause.
The BBC nurtures many many Ner-Ner Ner-Ner-Ner comedians.
Absolutely. It’s been like that since the early 80s. Remember Ben Elton and ‘Thatch’. It was the beginning of the end.
Ben Elton has ran off to Australia, to spread the gospel of socialism / marxism there.
Typical nouveau-riche Wej.
Looks like someone is hankering for a permanent spot on Mock the week.
I don’t like David Schneider’s obvious lefty political views…
I think he should be sacked, no one with extreme views should have a job….so there.
Sign my online petition!
Well, if the Beeb are doing the same shit to Di Canio, I think it’s only fair.
Didn’t Schneider try to obtain a super injunction because he has the same predilections as Max Mosley? Think about that next time you see him on CBeebies.
The bBC and it whitewashes the intolerance of Islam
Hamas in mixed-sex school ban
Hamas, the Islamist militant group that governs the Gaza Strip, is to introduce a law banning mixed-sex schools for all children over the age of nine…. The majority of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank accept segregated education as part of their culture, our correspondent says.
Let me repeat that last sentence:
The majority of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank accept segregated education as part of their culture, our correspondent says
So on reading that, do you get the impression that the Muslims only demand that women are only segregated while singing Brittany Spears songs.
Well in the UK, Women are segregated by:
Covering up.
At the mosque (have a look at the plaques on the wiki picture of the east London mosque)
When they go swimming
When they are at home. (men and women live in separate rooms)
At weddings
At funerals
At protests
In marriage (Islamic females are forbidden from marrying non-Muslims)
And yet even armed with all of the above the bbC tells me that girls are only segregated at school and that parents are happy with it. Yeah I’m sure the parents of the idiot who shot that Pakistani girl in the face felt she was happy to get a couple of rounds to her face.
The bbC, the apologists for intolerant Islam, and then goes well out its way in which to call me a racist for asking for equality for all
On the other hand, Israel is an “apartheid” state for not having a more Gaza-like society.
I’ve just had the misfortune to watch “Barley legal drivers” on BBc 3. Literally a car crash of a program. Did Mr License fee payer cough up to buy a “new car” for the winning little charmer?
I feel another complaint coming up one of the drivers was filmed drunk about to drive a vehicle. The film crew intervened why did they not call the Police and get the idiot taken off the road. Loved his parents. oh he was only doing 100MPH on the motorway.
Then to top it a “news” update…as predicted the Sunderland story runs on. Did I mention I’m from Sunderland?
‘why did they not call the Police?’
Probably falls under their ‘purposes of journalism, propaganda & censorship’ exclusions.
Seemed to work with the paint balling club.
Blue Peter will soon be a hoot..
‘And here’s som Semtex we made earlier’.
‘why did they not call the Police?’
Because the police may not even bother to turn up and/or would only act if an offence was committed. i.e. the drunk would have to be driving or at least in the car and in possession of the keys. By allowing the drunk to drive they would have become complicit in any injuries that followed.
For once they were acting responsibly.
Apparently I’m in the technical middle class according to the new BBc class calculator…Whoop whoop…and this means what exactly?
It means you don’t socialize enough with working class people. Not helpful to the kind of society the LSE and BBC Leftoids want.
Now the Blessed Saint Barack wants to get another Nobel Prize, pretending that a new neuroscience project is really his own idea.
No scowling at the $100 million spending while cities go bankrupt and White House tours for school children are canceled due to “budget cuts”.
– Probably some big campaign donor is going to get the $$$.
– Everything The Messiah touches or chooses to “invest” OPM (other peoples money) turns into sour ash.
Watch the first Lady. Is she preparing for a run in 2016 – Illinois? Then a Nobel Prize and White House in 2020? And so far I have no confirmation that Blair is going to advise her on election strategy – just rumours. How will Mardell cover this? http://www.whitehousedossier.com/2013/02/25/michelles-exposure-roof-senate/
Her photo was on the front page of The Times (London) yesterday, presumably with Rupert Murdoch’s blessing, because she did something really newsworthy … reading to children at an Easter Egg event!
But if she were going for the Nobel Prize/ White House in 2020, that implies that there is not already a Democrat incumbent, so which GOP nominee would win in 2016?
(That is, unless the Chicago Democrats revert to their traditional way of winning by taking out every possible opponent including within their own party.)
Resigned to the fact that welfare spending – now one third of the government’s annual budget and still rising – will never be cut? Worried that the left have won and the country really is heading for hell in a handcart after all?
Well don’t fret – crack open the digestives with your late night cup of cocoa and feel the warm glow of satisfaction when you read this about the ‘settled’ science (you know, the sort our favourite non-inquisitive scientist and President of The Royal society Sir Paul Nurse approves of)….
‘The Economist says the world has added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010, about one-quarter of all the carbon dioxide put there by humans since 1750. This mismatch between rising greenhouse gas emissions and not-rising temperatures is among the biggest puzzles in climate science just now, The Economist article says………But it also points to an increasing body of research that suggests it may be that climate is responding to higher concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide in ways that had not been properly understood before.’ – oh, no! it’s back to the 70s and the ice age theory! Settled science – my arse!
Then there’s more good news….
‘A small oil drilling firm has announced its intention to develop offshore fracking in the central North Sea. It claims there could be more oil and gas from unconventional technology than all of the output so far produced from the North Sea’.
And just in case you hear Harrabin spouting nonsense about the resurrection of the ‘hockey stick’…
‘Roger Pielke Jr documents the gross misrepresentation of the findings of a recent scientific paper via press release which appears to skirt awfully close to crossing the line into research misconduct’.
See, life isn’t so bad after all! (unless your name is Harrabin, of course!). Keep fighting the good fight!
Did anyone listen to Claudia Winkleman talking to Jeremy Vine on her Radio 2 show around 11.30 this morning.She was so anti IDS it was unbelievable.She even mentioned headstamping!!!!
“She even mentioned headstamping!!!!”
Excuse the request for clarification, but that sounds quite violent. What was the context?
Gay marriage: Can online activism make a difference?
Forget about the specific issue for a moment – please – and focus on the issue of online activism affecting change in public policy. This was produced by US Beeboid, Matt Danzico. He knows all about using online activism and social media to affect change. For example:
So does the man who has given lectures at the BBC College of Journalism on the use of social media, Stuart Hughes. See here, here, and here.
“Protecting the 2nd Amendment: Can online activism make a difference?”
“Referendum on the EU: Can online activism make a difference?”
Yeah, me neither.
Joining up the dots or an inconvenient truth: Benefits the bBC have had that at the top of the bBC agenda for over a week. However when the Philpott trial is over, the bBC report that he wanted his kids back. Giving the impression it was because of love. But during the trial he was accused of wanting them back because of the benefits.
Given his lifestyle, actions and temperament; a very reasonable conclusion that benefits were his main concern. Neighbours went in the house to try an save the children, Philpott made no attempt. The main point being it is obvious that his benefits lifestyle was the driving factor of his actions. A benefit system so good you are prepared to kill for. bBC does not want to make the connection; spoils the propaganda line.
After spending 18 years working on the front line at DHSS I concur that some but not all claimants do indeed treat children as a financial commodity.
I was under the impression that there were several beneficial reasons he wanted the kids back, not least that he wanted a bigger house, which was one (of many) of the reasons for setting fire to it.
He was also from a large Catholic family but didn’t seem to take good care of the children especially feeding them. Yet again drugs were involved and I’ve seen drug addict parents have kids simply for the money. The problem here is the courts social services and the liberal left who won’t allow kids to be removed until it’s gone past where it should, and then not allowing desperate families to adopt them. Medium term sterilisation cannot be considered either apparently!
In a sane world benefits would only be extended to the first three kids, but I’m sure we all know which favourite of the left that would affect so there’s no chance of any kind of sanity in the benefits arena.
Bbc breakfast analysing an intervention by a customer in a fast food restaurant when rowdy folks are playing up.
Says Billy Turnbull ” makes you wonder where the staff were”
Yeah Bill, they just stand around hands in pockets with nothing else to do.
Or maybe he expected the concierge, or the maitre D to sort it out.
Or perhaps that nice lady that takes your coat and hangs it up.
Dear me, why do they allow such rowdy plebs to eat in public.
Radio 4 Today program 08:20 yet another discussion about class – yet again, with a hard line leftie who talks about which groups are ‘culturally engaged’ meaning are they a bunch of racists or not.
Typical bBC
Then a ‘right wing think tank’ there are no left wing think tanks, because when you’ve moved so far to the left almost everything is ‘right’
Panorama on the Philpott case last night added little to what most of the public might have already known – or guessed – but it shed a fascinating sidelight on BBC attitudes.
This kind of documentary format simply must question something – that’s the template.
So, this being the BBC the institutions are questioned: Could the Police have done more to protect the children? Could the NHS or Social Services have done more? Might the Schools have done something?
Naturally, this being the BBC, what are not questioned are Philpott’s short sentence for his previous crimes or, most pivotal in this case, the uncapped Welfare Benefits system.
How revealing it was that it was not the BBC which had ever attempted to lift the lid on this man’s degraded and parasitic lifestyle.
It was the BBC’s cultural enemies and rivals which tried to bring light where the BBC had dare not tread:
The Jeremy Kyle Show
The Tabloids
Tory MP Ann Widdecombe
So after some rather lame attempts to get some mud to stick to the institutions the BBC falls back on a feast for the emotions – is this what Panorama is for?
But things get worse….
I fully expect that today in this BBC approved post-Leveson press landscape some of the light that was shed on this evil and twisted man prior to the tragedy would have to be snuffed out ‘to protect the most vulnerable’.
To watch last night’s Panorama on the Derby fire or Newsnight on the dreadful cuts to benefits? Mr D and I found the solution, Channel 43 – watched 5 minutes of Gems TV (the best comedy on the TV) and then switch off.
I watch bBC news24 until I can’t stand it anymore, then switch off.
case in point – “in a moment we shall be talking to Owen Jones about the new social class structure” *click
Reverse “Gems” and that’s what the Beeb’s output is a load of ……
Isn’t it strange that they should do this? two things have come to something of a head this week and how well they sit in contradiction to each other. First we have IDS and his benefit reforms and then we have Philpott.
Philpott’s evil thrived because he lived understood how to live in a culture that simply wasn’t questioned. Actually it was a culutre that had been questioned time after time after time. However the “approved” view was not one that questioned this culture and the BBC have been key contributors to that approval, helping to shoot down any efforts by reformists to change the cesspit.
What I find strange is that when the likes of Philpott understood it could be milked for your own ends and become an economically viable option for some, how could the others not see it. Off course they co9uld but what mattered more was the politics in which the war is everything.
So here we have it – one of the key outcomes of leaving the welfare state unchallenged is that the likes of Philpott come about. Any time one of the institutes theyy’re now questioning have tried to make any meaningful effort to challenge this culture the BBC have been the torch bearers for those wishing to shout it down in the guise of it being unjust and unfair.
You’ve got to love the BBC – they do a lovely line in double standards.
Look you!
Philpott took full advantage to the local Fire Service, and therefore created much local employment-let alone building renovations, insurance(hah!)-and of course was on telly so was a celebrity of a sort.
He now has reduced the pressure on school places for a while in his small way, and-of course-the Lottery, the BoozeShack and local druggies and Housing Officers will now be missing his “solidarity contributions” to their ticked boxes, and his generous support of the arts( drawing the dole-an art in itself!).
Prison will not work…this man and his comrades has created a lot of public sector employment, as well as highlighted many more needs that may yet require a Guardian job or a cheridee co-ordinator c/o Derby Uni.
Philpott-the very face of Britain in 2013, as desired bythe BBC and Labour…so I`d not expect him to be in jail too long-then get the vote whilst in…and (who knows?)…maybe that safe Labour warmed up seat in South Shields.
If only it were an electric chair..but think of the carbon footprint…wind turbine on the side of an slightly charred baby buggy perhaps then?
Thank you Major, Blair and Brown-your lads done gud!
Jeremy Vine on Radio 2 just suggested that Philpott was a rarity but of course there was the murder of Shannon Matthews and another example of a parent who it was said had several children for the benefits that the mother could claim.
Yes, so one can generalise about racism in football from Di Canio and a few mindless thugs, but not, apparently, from the Philpott case or the Matthews fake kidnapping.
It was only a kidnapping Deborah, as I recall.
And that word “only” probably says how low this country has gone over the years.
They are only a ‘rarity’ in the BBC’s eyes because a horrific crime drags them into the limelight, and we don’t see very many of such.
However, how many more Philpott families there are, creaming the benefits sytem, we just don’t know. The BBC certainly are not in a position to tell us they are a ‘rarity’, and to do so is not just a value judgement, but smacks of propaganda.
Nicky Campbell gets a chance to suck up to his boss this morning. Well I say his boss but Campbell being one of those PAYE evaders Lord Tony Hall is to him just the nice chap who signs off the cheques in payment of our Nicky’s service company invoices.
What do you reckon is the top BBC related item likely to be on the listeners minds – as listed by our Nicky when he puts the shout out for callers?
‘Are you worried about cut backs in BBC services?’
BBC : In a world of it’s own.
How the bBC always promotes Israel as the breaker of all truces.
Israel launches first air strike on Gaza since truce
Israel has carried out an air strike on the Gaza Strip for the first time since an eight-day war ended in a truce last November. Hamas, the Islamist group that runs Gaza, says aircraft bombed fields near the border and no-one was injured. The air strike followed a Palestinian rocket attack on Israel on Tuesday which also caused no injuries.
So if you just read the headline, whom would you blame for breaking the truce between a legitimate country and the bBCs fav band of rocket firing terrorists. You just have to love how the bBC uses emotive language in which to attack the jew.
Jews use airstrike in which to break truce.
Rockets (not military grade missiles packed with ball bearings covered in shite, but just rockets) just happened to land in israel causing no damage.
Here is what the bBC doesn’t tell you about how only Israel is guilty of breaking a truce.
3 Missiles fired into Israel, 2 just happened to land inside Gaza. Which is on top of the missiles fired into Israel last week when Obama visited, one which just happened to land striking a kindergarden . Thankfully it was closed.
And why where rockets launched into Israel. Why they weren’t happy how a 63 year old terrrorist serving life died in hospital of throat cancer. I quote:
A coalition of Salafist groups later claimed that its militants fired two rockets at Israel on Tuesday afternoon.
The Mujahedeen Shura Council said in a statement received by AFP that its action was “part of our answer to the death of Maisara Abu Hamdiyeh.”
Anybody notice if the bBC offered that explanation. No! Gee I wonder why.
The bBC, the reason why anti-Semitism is rife in the UK
I was reading an article about the new classification of 7 social classes. My reaction was ‘this is a load of bo***ox’, then I read it was generated by LSE, bBC and others. Ah, all is explained.
This morning’s item on new strata in class distinction was another “class” act from the biased BBC.
The usual left wing drivel under a veil of “heavyweight” academic research.
The old class distinction in Britain today is like Will Hutton and other left wing ivory towered liberals who only strive to perpetuate class distinction for the purposes of political divide and conquer. Completely irrelevant.
There are those who think they are something and like to subtly try to infer it ” we are all elite” or something like that was his reply to “what are we in the studio”.
There are those who know they are something and play it down. The latter doesn’t play well to the current lefty types who have known power. I differentiate between the likes of Mandelson, Blair, Milibands, Balls, Prescott and old school Labour like Keir Hardie. Treat others and hold them in better light than yourself. There are quite a number of those on the right who now fall in to this silo, but there does seem to be less of them than in the current Nu Labour/BBC/Gurazdian camp. The ability to ridicule oneself and laugh at one’s mistakes and folly, to know that the world doesn’t revolve round oneself. An anathema to those on the upper echelons of power the left.
There are also those who have “class” and those who don’t.
Ernie Els, Federer, et al.
Then there is , Katie Price, Russell Brand, James Corden, Prescott, John “the hammer” Reid, et al. Millionaires but devoid of and concept of true “class”. The recent pursuit of fame and infamy in delivering utter banality.
Yes, there are those who go to the opera, ballet, speak Latin and read philosophy, but its part interests, money and educational exposure that are the bridges to these “upper class” activities. To visit frescos or study art in Florence is no longer kept to those of the “upper” classes.
Utter drivel. What it really comes down to is trying to justify money wasted by in sociology departments on utter pish. Why do spend this money on bloody designing and making stuff that people need and want.
If muppets like Hutton hold research like this in high regard why do they pay for it? They dont mind the state paying for it, but they need their money for their Tonybee-esque Tuscan villas. The utter hypocrisy.
In my opinion there are only two types of class – you either have class or no class. Unfortunately, the Left, and its broadcasting arm, the BBC, have ensured this country now has no class whatsoever – just look at who we are supposed to look up to, Katie Price, the Beckhams, the denizens of TOWIE, most premier league footballers, Big Brother candidates etc.
It makes you want to lock yourself away in a dark room!
I listened to Humphry’s interview with Tony Hall this morning – he tried to do a repeat of his Entwistle attack, bit it didn’t really work. Mr. Hall was chock-full of “ers” and “ums”, “lessons having been/will be learned”, “working together with that team spirit”, and praise of the BBC. nothing wrong with it, that I, Tony Hall, can’t fix (if, indeed, it needs fixing) – oh, and the “public are increasingly trusting us”, apparently. All talk, bland waffle, without an inkling of what (if anything) he’s going to change, so long as he continues to get his fat salary, and when questioned on his possible (or probable) eventual pay off – would he take it? – ah, he wanted to talk about more serious things…
…he didn’t mention anything about removing the blatant leftie bias, I noticed.
‘the “public are increasingly trusting us”, apparently’
The basis for this being a BBC-commissioned Graun/LSE poll presumably?
This Emperor is buck naked already and already folk are laughing at his ‘tell it often enough’ attempts.
Top marks to Humphrys for emphasizing what we’ve been saying here ever since Entwistle was given his golden parachute: the real problem Beeboids (as identified by Pollard) are still in top positions, just shuffled around. I’m really enjoying the protective way he’s attacking Hall’s drivel. It can be useful once in a while. What’s most clear, I think, is that Hall’s plans (such as they are at this very early stage) won’t address the real issues Humphrys kept bringing up. All he needs to do handle the public perception problems is to send out the right signals for a little while, and tell everyone to keep their heads down and mouths shut until it all blows over. After a period of time when there are no major stories in the evil Tory Press about high salaries or shameful personal behavior by various Beeboids, lessons can be presumed learned and polls can achieve the desired results.
The high profile Beeboids like Humphrys know all too well that the BBC reflects on them just as much as their behavior reflects on the BBC. So any criticism of, or flaws in the BBC is a personal issue as well. It’s a normal human reaction, really. Tribalism and loyalty are part of how people form their identity of self. That’s why Humphrys tore Entwistle a new one. That’s why Paxman kept bitching so much that his personal venom had to be redacted from Pollard’s report. That’s why the mid- and low-level Beeboids couldn’t shut up on Twitter and had to be gagged. I’m reserving judgment on whether or not any personal integrity is involved as well.
“Management often gets a bad name.” Well, I’ve often said that the problem is the people, not management. This guy isn’t changing my opinion.
“Team building”. Well, the groupthink is already in place, so that’s a start. Can he break up the fiefdoms without making everyone feel like there’s too much top-down micro-management? Doubtful.
And nobody should be surprised at all that Hall denies any Left-wing bias. After all, he was head of BBC News back during the time when Mark Thompson said the BBC had a “massive” Left-wing bias. Humphrys doesn’t think the BBC is biased, either, so nothing will come of it.
I may have been half asleep this morning, but I could have sworn that I heard Lord Hall, being interviewed by John Humphries, say something to the effect that one of the BBC’s roles was “to create as many jobs as possible”, followed by Humphries spluttering on his cappuchino.
‘…one of the BBC’s roles was “to create as many jobs as possible”’
From the ranks of the Labour fallouts, on £300k?
Seems he’s doing a bang up job already.
Lucky the BBC doesn’t need to run any silly cost/benefit analyses.
Can’t be long before Tone makes his horse a consul.
And once in, they can never be unhired.
‘Daily Mail’ Comment on BBC’s leftist political bias and on D. G, Tony HALL:-
“A gurning DG and the question of bias”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2303134/Tony-Hall-A-gurning-new-BBC-Director-General-question-bias.html#ixzz2POgBydBV
…”the question of how a bankrupt Britain is to pay its debts, and avoid the horrendous fate of Spain and Greece, is seldom raised, and never answered.
“This is Tory-bashing at its most infantile – and it pervades all the BBC’s coverage of attempts to reform the public sector, from health to education and local government.
“Publicly funded themselves, with lavish perks, pensions and job security almost unknown in the private sector, Corporation staff instinctively make common cause with state employees against politicians they see as ‘Right wing’ (and how telling that BBC strikers said they would go back to work to report Nelson Mandela’s death, but not Margaret Thatcher’s).
“Today, this entrenched bias is seriously warping our democracy.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2303134/Tony-Hall-A-gurning-new-BBC-Director-General-question-bias.html#ixzz2POgvwWQb
This bit isn’t true at all:
Meanwhile, the question of how a bankrupt Britain is to pay its debts, and avoid the horrendous fate of Spain and Greece, is seldom raised, and never answered
In fact, the BBC does answer this question fairly often: borrow and spend.
yep – why did we ever bother with an industrial revolution when we could just print money (til it was worthless), borrow (til no-one else would lend to us) and spend.
Instead, they have allowed Left-of-centre attitudes to colour current affairs output.
I think I’d have gone a lot further than that. You only need hear the bile they pour out in ‘comedy’ or drama, or the arts, even the proms aren’t safe from the bias. I would suggest that the bias runs deep through every single department, and that this is typical of any kind of public sector organisation.
The only solution for the BBC is to break it up & privatise it
Won’t happen. National treasure, etc. The only way to start real change is to completely separate the News and Current Affairs from everything else. The bias does run deep everywhere, but it’s the News & Current Affairs Beeboids who get to the top and really spread the bias, viz 28-Gate and Will Self.
If the US is any example, privatizing the drama and comedy certainly won’t do anything to reduce the inherent Left-wing bias. But at least severing it from the cancerous bit will keep it from getting worse.
I’m not convinced that it will though, and separating the two would be like cutting the head off the Hydra and another two growing back!
It’s difficult to imagine that BBC comedy could get any worse so I guess that’s true, and drama is also pretty bad, especially now the BBC has ‘discovered’ Danny Boyle. Then there’s Ben Stephenson controller of drama commissioning & forced to explain what he meant by his statement in the Grauniad:
“If I didn’t think differently, have different ideas of what works and what doesn’t, wouldn’t your lives, and more importantly, your TV screens be less interesting? We need to foster peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, postcodes, my class only stubborn-mindedness, left-of-centre thinking.”
I don’t think anyone believed his weak excuse that he was meaning ‘left field’
He has received criticism from numerous sources describing him as:
“part of the status quo, conforming to the Leftist beliefs that predominate in the BBC.”
So I’m afraid that the idea of separating News & Current affairs won’t make the rump any better it will still continue on its inexorable slide to the left.
On the other hand the News bit might the one where the bias is halted ?
‘With its unique access to public funding, it employs more journalists than all Fleet Street put together, enjoying a dominance of current affairs coverage that leaves even its biggest print rivals looking like minnows beside a whale’.
Crikey O’ Mikey, didn’t realise that. Scary, or what?
Had a laugh at Evan Davis expressing shock at somebody telling him a priest who sexually assaulted a young girl was given a mere caution. “It can’t really be typical,” he protested in the most dishonest way possible. No way is this a shock to him. After a laundry list of offenders getting the lightest of touches with which everyone here is sadly familiar, Davis mewled, “How long has this been going on?” As if there haven’t been a zillion stories about this on the BBC and elsewhere. It’s a good thing Inspector Gadget has been forced to send himself down the memory hole, otherwise he’d have a stroke hearing the magistrate rep blame the police for all this because they can’t be bothered to do the necessary paperwork to properly charge offenders. Davis didn’t seem to be prepared to ask if police are instructed by the prosecutors to do this, or if any magistrates let career criminals walk out the door every day.
Whenever professional orchestra musicians get bored playing the same standard repertoire over and over again (it must be tedious playing Bruckner’s 7th for the 100th time), they have to remind themselves that there’s always going to be somebody in the audience who is hearing Beethoven’s 5th for the first time, and they need to play for that person. But does a flagship news program need to act as if a well-known story is surprising? And to be so unprepared on a very common and important issue?
Surely you must know that it’s the lefts policy to be as soft on crime as possible?
So we have Harriet Harman campaigning for aspects of paedophilia to be legalised
And now in their latest example of pure lunacy we have ex beeboid Janet Street Porter campaigning to abolish women’s prisons as it’s not right to lock people like Myra Hindley up! And we used to think Lord Londford was a nutter he had nothing on this lot! But unfortunately because of the undue influence the left can bring these things will probably pass into reality, and the darkness will be deeper than it was before.
I do know that. I’m talking about the ridiculous spectacle of Davis feigning surprise.
Try the ‘Great British Class Calculator’ on the BBC website………I did it properly the first time than did it again as if I was lefty BBC employed Guardianista. Surprise surprise when done as a lefty tool it turns out that I am ‘ELITE’ – you could not make it up I swear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now it’s 7 different social classes? Talk about divide and conquer…..
“Great British Class Calculator” – and everyone’s doing it.
Christina Odone has something to say about it
Why BBC Lefties hate being ‘middle-class’
Love the quote under “Shouty Jones” picture. 🙂
Yes, although they could lose the ‘with all due respect’ as there is none.
It’s crap. It has absolutely nothing to do with class and everything to do with money.
I just put in
earn: 100K+
own: 500K+
savings: 100K+
Know a lorry driver (only)
Listen to hip-hop/rap (only)
Beeboids will be frantically trying to figure out which groups of people to select in the “know socially” category in order to achieve the correct result.
Also, I hope everyone notices the new underclass: the “Precariat”. It’s a neologism introduced to the sociology world a couple of years ago.
The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class
Standing argues that this class of people could produce new instabilities in society. They are increasingly frustrated and dangerous because they have no voice, and hence they are vulnerable to the siren calls of extreme political parties. He outlines a new kind of good society, with more people actively involved in civil society and the precariat re-engaged. He goes on to consider one way to a new better society — an unconditional basic income for everyone, contributed by the state, which could be topped up through earned incomes.
That last sentence tells you all you need to know about the term, and those who promote it. Yeah, the BBC is essentially taking their lead here from the LSE, but make no mistake: this is a radical, extreme-Left concept. And the BBC is only too happy to introduce it into the public conversation, all part of the drip, drip, drip.
It’s not exactly a triumph for the H&S brigade is it if more and more people are working ‘precariously.’ Maybe that explains all those workplace injury compo ads on the TV?
It’s bullshit.
I answered honestly and got elite. Whoopee I’m now the same class as the Queen.
I then answered exactly the same and dropped the income to 10 or less and whoopee, I’m traditional working class again.
What a load of old scargil.
Typical bBBC: all their ‘cultural’ activities are urban so that anyone who enjoys, for instance, gardening or walks in the countryside, isn’t included in their classification.
Good point. No hunting or fishing or fixing up cars.
Or getting pissed on a Friday night and having a f*****g good ruck afterwards.
‘Which of these peple do you know socially?’
Hardly any of those mentioned. But loads not in their list whom I do know. So is the list under-represented by accident, incompetence or design?
Oops, just clicked a like on my own post (meant for Chops’s below).
It’s ok, I gave you a return click on your post above, coz I’m a caring, sharing sort of fella. 🙂
Just tried it…”New affluent workers – a young class group which is socially and culturally active, with middling levels of economic capital”
1st point “You are young…”…well, if you consider 41, closing in on 42 young, yep.
2nd…”you own your own home”…well, durrr, i just told you that…you don’t have to tell me.
3rd “Come from a working class background”…ah, of course, as my dad was divorced, but got custody of me and my sister, he was a dole claiming alcoholic freeloader, technically, in Beeb speak, that is “Working class”
What a load of old shit.
agree. It’s complete pants.
When I saw this rolled out, so did my eyes.
7? Why not 6… or 8? Or 23.
Are fractions allowed. Bit of a 5 and 3/4, with pretensions to a 6 and 7/8?
I checked the date; it’s 2 days late.
And up to their usual standards.
Dread to think of the ‘data’ they are harvesting, especially as folk dick about with it to have fun.
‘The BBC teamed up with sociologists from leading universities that used to be polys … To find out where you fit into our idiot stereotypical preconceptions of how society ‘should’ be.
Be interesting if this gets spun up as a ‘we spoke with the nation and they told us’ version of what the BBC wants things to be like as ‘news’.
I thought I’d enter Mick Philpott’s data filling in a few gaps as they didn’t have other scroats and dealers as professions.
£60K pa in a rented house apparently a drug using , over populating benefits scrounger is ‘Technical middle class’ I imagine he’ll be quite pleased with his that sat in his segregated prison cell.
I note that despite there being over a million people claiming benefits, there’s no class to put them into which is odd to say the least, and points to the mindset of the people who dreamed up this waste of peoples time!
Did they include ‘bien pensant patrician class'(self-appointed)?
You know like their co-authors, the London Socialist Educariate,who hand out Phd’s to middile eastern despots at £1.5 a pop?
I am Elite. Accordingly I will no longer visit this site and will seek one more suited to my social status.
“Pakistani youth ‘prefer Sharia to democracy’
More than half of those surveyed said democracy had not been good for them or the country”
with a frightening similarity to polls here the paedostani erm “yoof”, seem to go for sharia dictates, sharia rulings
sharia all the way …
now, was the Pak celebrating democracy vociferously? denigrating islam to an also ran? pushing the freedom narrative? …. maybe they want “islamic” democracy eh!.
now who said that the disaster of “celebrating every other (even retarded) cultures vociferously will denigrate the host” … sorry al bbc 😀
which of course, can be inclusive … until that is … some cult…ure comes along, with a supremacist ideal, willing to act on said ideal.
I think that many people in this country would say democracy has not been good for the country and that it’s headed in the wrong direction. I should think that a fair few would also say that they would prefer a military government too ! At least they’d sort the damn BBC out!
I read that story last night and i found that the bBC are being somewhat disingenuous with the facts: For example where the bBC begins with:
“More Pakistani youth would prefer Islamic law or military rule than democracy, a survey suggests. “
They are actually telling the truth. Which they reinforce with these succulent snippets:
More than half of 5,000 18-29 year-old Pakistanis polled said democracy had not been good for them or the country.
When asked to pick the best political system, both Sharia and military rule were favoured over democracy.
So I did a little searching wondering why the bBC hadn’t quoted any actual facts and then I found them:
Democracy =29%
Sharia Law=32%
Military rule=38%
Communism =1%
Look at those figures , its virtually a three way split.
Yet the only message that the bBC can offer the world is
‘Allah Ackba, “
“BBC are being somewhat disingenuous with the facts” 😀
Pounce i m shocked SHOCKED!
i tell you 😀
Chop,what next from them ? Perhaps a how gay are you calculator, I agree what a load of old poo.
Alesha Dixon : Prejudice still exists on British TV.
See a picture of the charming Alesha – looking not particularly ‘black’ – but I guess we have to take her word for this racism in TV.
Afterall she tells how ‘When I joined the Strictly Come Dancing panel in 2009, the controller of the BBC came into my dressing room and said they were proud to have a woman of colour on their panel. It was so nice that they acknowledged it,’ said Dixon.
‘Woman of colour’?
Is that actually correct PC-speak for ‘black’?
Or is that a sort of Halle Berry / Michael Jackson kinda campaigning-if-not-looking-very-black – I’m just asking.
Anyway it’s nice to hear about the BBC taking care to bring us the very very best in ‘Talent’ – would hate to think there was some sort of quota system operating here.
Oh wait a minute. I begin to see the light ….
Alesha looks roughly 10% black.
ie she is a BBC ‘Woman of colour’ roughly reflecting the ethnic make up of Britain.
looking at that Cosmopolitan cover she looks like a young Julia Roberts with a bit too much foundation/fake tan. She looks half Latino, not ‘black’ by any means…but then 1% non white makes you non white, right?
Ah but there are those who say you cannot be “half Black” any more than you can be “half pregnant” … “you either are or you are not!”
Radio 5 lieves Dotun Adebayo (famous for C4 documentary ‘white girls are sluts’) never misses a chance to tell us “only one drop of blood makes you black”
He omitted to add “If it gets you a job at the BBC” of course. Everywhere those with a drop of black are being favoured over talented white British. Its called racism, but its anti white British racism.
The BBC appears to be institutionally racist – they seem to have race quotas for presenters.
Anti white racist Greg Dyke
‘The BBC is hideously white.’
He should go to prison for hate speech.
So does Sky now.
Before anybody points it out, I know that it doesn’t justify what the BBC is doing and that we don’t have to pay for Sky. My point is that, unfortunately, the BBC seems to set the tone.
Afterall she tells how ‘When I joined the Strictly Come Dancing panel in 2009, the controller of the BBC came into my dressing room and said they were proud to have a woman of colour on their panel. It was so nice that they acknowledged it,’ said Dixon.
And if he had said something similar to me (bloke not woman) I would have smashed his face in for being a patronising prick.
From what I’ve seen of Alesha Dixon she comes across as nothing more than a Beyoncé tribute act. When was the last time she had a record in the charts?
Jolly Japes at the BBC
Naturally, he has a daughter who is a Beeboid. Plus ça change.
And a son who is a TV actor,though mainly for the opposition (ITV),he’s done enough Beeb work (casualty,doctors,doctor who) to get on the connect wall.
Figures. It’s in their DNA. On reflection, though, he says his wife left him for her tutor at Open University, which the estranged daughter now runs. Is he sure she’s his daughter?
Some may be aware of a petition on the government website, started last June by Neil Turner, to hold the licence fee to a national referendum.
Neil has now written a great article at the Commentator, that tells of his background, among other things, and hopefully will bring in the votes needed before this June.
Be sure to get your friends and family to sign and spread the word.
The BBC: My family’s business
I am asking for a national referendum on the licence fee. Let the people decide. It’s our family business, our money, our nation, and our future
Oops! I just got a message ‘you cannot sign this petition again’ as I’d forgotten I had already done it.
But, although it would be interesting to have a referendum, I am sure it would be massively in favour of the bBBC because the British public have been so brainwashed by decades of leftie propaganda, and cannot imagine anything other than a state-run organisation, however bad it is. Just like the Nationalised Death Service.
It’s been around that long, and not even 5000 signatures? Not a good sign. Turner’s essay is pretty good (some of it sounds like he’s been reading this blog), although I wish he had mentioned a single example of BBC bias other than Israel.
It might well have been him that posted the link to his petition here last June, when I first heard of it.
I agree, the number of those who’ve signed so far is depressing. Shows how the left has been able to advance so quickly when the right does little to counter it.
I have signed, although the numbers are low, with a bit of a push, and the emotive essay by Niel (of Watford) and the changing of peoples opinions of the Beeb after the Sa-VILE fiasco, you never know. 🙂
Perhaps the Beeb would give it a little nudge – a news feature, say ? just like they gave to the anti – IDS petition the other day.
Just to change the tone slightly, one of the few success stories recently has been that of board games, and rumour control suggests that sales this year are up 30%
These are the tradditional board games monopoly cluedo, scrabble etc etc. which is a little surprising.
So seeing as a family sitting around with a board game won’t normally have the TV on, can we perhaps conclude that output particularly of the main provider has become so poor that families have made a choice to turn it off and had some family time around a table?
One can live in hope….
I regularly play Scrabble with SWMBO but we use an ipad instead of a board. It’s so much easier and stops her from cheating 😉
Is the increase in board games due to app or cardboard sales?