See the video off Norwegian news today – the Norwegians have found out that their aid money given to the Palestinian Authority is used to compensate PA members who are jailed for terrorism. Norway say that the UK knows about this too, but it has been carefully kept off the news over here –
I liked the part where the child opines about how the jews:
Cut off the limbs of muslims
Raped Islamic women
defiled the unholy koran
occupy Jerusalem.
Well I don’t know about anybody else, but only one branch of people are guilty of all of the above and it ain’t the Jew. Also here’s something that no Muslim (or the bBC) have appeared to have picked up.
Jerusalem = jew roo salam.
In Norway as in Sweden, the inmates have taken over the asylum.
The Norwegian labour government has brought in 400,000 third world immigrants. While Sweden has the second highest case of rape crime in the world, after South Africa.
I saw something similar shown on Charlie Booker’s something wipe a while back. Oh, how he and Universal David Mitchell and some other gravy-train luvvie laughed at what living under soul-crushing oppression caused people to do. It wasn’t sad or shocking to them so much as it was a symbol of Israel’s evil.
The UN knows all about this, too. They condone it.
A classic piece of BBC manipulating the truth today on PM.
At the end of a piece about a female student from Gaza who has won a scholarship to study at Oxford, the presenter referred to Gaza as having suffered Israeli air attack today, and Palestinian rockets “going the other way”. The implication being that Israel had initiated the exchange, whereas the air strikes (which killed no-one) were in response to Palastininian rockets fired into Israel!
I heard this last night on the news. it was definitely the impression given and it was quite deliberate. The BBC needs to be very careful. It’s agenda is really obviousnow.
Allah ackba the bBC runs its daily Gaza can only be a victim of the Jews article. Gazan heads to Oxford University on unusual scholarship
Bullshit bingo time: Israel’s blockade of Gaza and the ongoing conflict with Hamas which governs here make it difficult for Palestinians to leave through Israel. Check
In the past, Israel has refused permission for Palestinian students to leave Gaza in order to carry out studies abroad.Check
And despite the chance to broaden her horizons, she is adamant that once she has finished her four years in Oxford, she will return to Gaza. Check.
And Rawan is looking forward to telling people about a different side of life in Gaza. “Most people think it’s like a war zone here and that everyone here is really depressed and involved in politics,” she says. Hang on that isn’t right, how did that get pass the bBC Islamic relgious commissioner. Damn that means I don’t get a full house.
I see the bBC continues its Jews are killing the Pals agenda: Exchange of fire between Gaza and Israel Palestinian militants in Gaza have fired a missile across the border into Israel for the second time in two days.
Hours earlier the Israeli military carried out air strikes in Gaza. This was the first such strike since a ceasefire ended the short war between Israel and Hamas in November last year.
So reading the above who do you think started all of this?
Funny how the bBC doesn’t reveal that while this may have been the first Israeli airstrike, it comes after at least several missiles have been fired from inside Gaza into Israel. But hey why should the bBC bother to tell the truth when their mission statement is clearly : “Allah ackba”
My ears prick up when I notice the BBC deliberately obfuscating, being wilfully ambiguous or hiding facts.
Often there may be a simple fact at the heart of a story that any normal balanced broadcaster would simply convey to its audience – but the biased BBC with its many leftist agendas and narratives takes fright at that truth and shys at the fence.
Last night BBC Radio 5 Live recalled the 1993 Grand National – ‘the race that never was’.
A series of delays and false starts led to the race having to be declared void.
In the radio show last night there were a great deal of archive accounts and personal testimony.
It transpired that a significant factor in the disruption at the start of the race was the intervention of a group of protesters on the track prior to ‘the off’.
Note that the role played by these protesters was not even mentioned in the BBC report linked above.
Now that the BBC has appeared to acknowledge that the protest took place and that it played a significant part in spoiling the 1993 Grand National (the Nation’s favourite race) I begin to wonder why the nature of the protest still seems to be a BBC state secret?
We do now hear of ‘protesters’ and we hear of ‘activists’ but we hear no more.
My mind begins racing. Which group of campaigners are the BBC attempting to protect from the ire of the nation’s once a year armchair punters?
Here’s the SP:
4-1 : the IRA
6-1 : Hillborough familes
5-1 : Muslims
3-1 : Greens
2-1 favourite : Animal Rights
Left-leaning newspaper the Independent is in no doubt
‘It was the race that never was, and now never will be. The 1993 Grand National was declared void here yesterday after two false starts reduced the race to a farce. The disruption of the world’s most-watched horse race was a victory for ANIMAL RIGHTS’ PROTESTERS who staged a demonstration at the first fence for the second year running. ‘
Somehow I can’t imagine the BBC Horrible Histories department discussing the 1913 Grand National to inform us blandly that the King’s Horse trampled ‘a protester’ or ‘an activist’.
‘Operation Yewtree: Ex-BBC driver charged with sex offences’
But the BBC being the balanced unbiased organisation we all know it be they just can’t help but spell out the case for the defence….
‘However, it is not clear if he also drove for other employers, or that the offences he is charged with were in connection with work for the corporation.’
Well, they are keen to put forward the case for the defence of the BBC.
The latter version attributes the source as the BBC in which case your question should be “spot the word added by”.
In any event what has the nationality of the boy got to do with his murder?
There’s an awful lot of conjecture about this, and whether St Paul (The Misogynist) airbrushed the role of women out of the early church. There is a discussion to be had, but it should have been handled a lot more sensitively than some gay jewish bloke and a far left rich non religious bloke & broadcast on one of the most holy days in the Christian calendar.
So it appears that the Liebour party have given their approval so the bBC has fallen into line with the joint approach of all the parties, without question, and there are some enormous questions!
“Mr Cameron said the “highly unpredictable and aggressive” regime in North Korea was developing ballistic missiles that could become a threat to Britain.”
Now we’ve heard this line before, not from this politico, and not about this country, but the message is just the same and it passes by without so much as a mention.
“Shadow defence minister Kevan Jones said it was “absolutely right and necessary” for the UK to retain an independent nuclear deterrent ”
So Mr Jones when are we going to get that INDEPENDENT nuclear deterrent? Trident isn’t independent it is owned by the USA carried around the world for them by the British Navy and paid for by us the tax payers. The weapons remain part of the US nuclear arsenal and cannot be fired without the permission of the US . This is the very antithesis of independence!
Then there’s the cost of replacing it estimated at over £100 billion! all for what? A weapon we will never own and can’t use without its owners permission? No thanks!
The weapons remain part of the US nuclear arsenal and cannot be fired without the permission of the US
Really? Isn’t that straight from the Soviet funded CND Big Book of Lies? AFAIUI the Septics have no control over the missiles. We could launch one at New York and they’d be hard pressed to stop us.
I tried to post this earlier but got the wrong video – the Norwegians have found out that their aid money given to the Palestinian Authority is used to compensate PA members who are jailed for terrorism. Norway say that the UK knows about this too, but while the situation is being reported on Norwegian state news, it has been carefully kept off the news over here –
Have you been affected by the issues raised in this story?
Yes I have! Greater Manchester Police has begun recording attacks on members of subcultures, such as goths and emos, as ‘hate crimes’. Previously hate crimes were only registered for offences against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity.
So another minority cult is given exalted status, with crimes committed against any of its followers deemed to be more important than attacks on the rest of us normal people.
Drip, drip, drip …
Yes it raises a any number of interesting questions
(over and above what is a non-hate crime called) Not least is this
white ‘goth’ attacked by black or asian person
Is this only a hate crime if attacked for being goth?
what if attacked for being nonbeliever (by muslim patrol in tower hamlets perhaps) is that a ‘love’ crime?
I only hope that this a sign that the whole rotting edifice is coming down around the ears of its demented architects.
This is all one more step towards legislation of thought crime. The actual criminal act is now secondary to the intent, the thoughts, of the perpetrator. Society is further debased.
Over-grown lefty public school boy Richard Bacon takes time out from talking about what’s on the telly to consider the North Korean situation.
A guest on his show explains the lack of internet in the Communist backwater and the laws against unautrhorised radio sets.
It seems you may have a pre-tuned wireless that offers only the choice between a channel extolling the virtues of the leader, an alternative dedicated to his father and a third choice where marching bands and army choirs sing about how much they hate the USA.
Richard Bacon quips: ‘Well, it sounds better than Talk Sport….. just an in-joke’.
There are reports of Chinese troops and armour massing on the North Korean border, but the question is what is their intent?
If the US retaliates or invades what will the Chinese do? Russia has now condemned NK and the Chinese have been at best cool towards them.
Imagine the global disruption if the US & China fall out, the US might have to go back to making its own gadgets like iPhones! Might be the saving of the US economy !
The Beeb seem suspiciously enthusiastic about covering the story about attacks punks, goths and emos being treated treated, henceforth, as hate crimes, by the Greater Manchester Police.
“A police force has begun recording attacks on members of subcultures, such as goths and emos, as hate crimes.
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is the first force in the UK to treat the offences in such a way.”
They have put up no less than four reports on their website about it in the last few hours.
“Previously hate crimes were only registered for offences against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity.”
The idea that penalising people for their supposed motives (in effect, thought crimes) rather than the crime itself, leading to stiffer punishments, appears to appeal to Beeboids. Meanwhile, how much longer will the list of priveleged victim groups, whose public safety appears to be of greater importance than that of everyone else, grow?
The first sentence is such a mess, better re-type it: “The Beeb seem suspiciously enthusiastic about covering the story concerning attacks on punks, goths and emos being treated treated, henceforth, as hate crimes, by the Greater Manchester Police.”
“Of forms of government, let fools contest.
Whate’er is best administered is best.”
Surely it’s just a case of law enforcement inefficiency. If someone who attacked someone else on the street stood an extremely good chance of getting their collar felt, and the police regarded all such crimes as equally important and intolerable, there would be no need of this sorting out of priorities and deciding that particular areas should be earmarked for crime-fighting action.
The murder plot to kill Joss Stone has rapidly dropped down the bBBC’s list of priorities, for obvious reasons given the ethnicity of the convicted criminals. Their article is amusing for its tongue-in-cheek references: “eagle eyed” residents “became suspicious” … the “close-knit” community “looks after its own”.
But don’t mention the elephant! Two black junkies roaming the lanes of Devon in a beaten-up car. Not exactly an everyday story of countryfolk.
Yup, I spotted this particular elephant in the room when the trial coverage first started as the Telegraph was similarly *ahem* ‘evasive‘ about just why two nuts in their beat-upmobile would stand out to Joss Stone’s neighbours. I’m surprised the Beeb didn’t actually use the fact of the, as you rightly say, “two black junkies roaming the lanes of Devon” to push one of their very favourite topics, viz: “Why oh why is the backwards countryside not displaying the same ethnic mix as vibrant Brixton ?” (*)
(*) Of course, this is actually a rhetorical question as the only permissible answer for non-Di Canio wannabes is “When not busily cross-breeding with their immediate family, the intolerant yokels like to don white pointy hoods and roam about looking for oppressed minorities to lynch.”
She won a MOBO IIRC and the BBC were a bit nonplussed.
I think there was some suggestion that a middle class blonde moppet shouldn’t be singing soul and certainly not better than anyone else. Can’t think why.
According to reports I’ve read they were ‘exercised’ by her links to Prince Harry and thus the Royal Family of whom these two wonders of evolution apparently don’t approve. Other (non-monarchical) countries are available, boys. I’ll be happy to send you a list for your reading pleasure
The ‘beheading’ bit is unpleasantly curious: unless these two are closet ‘Game Of Thrones’ fans I’m thinking that a shufti at their laptop bookmarks might throw up more than a few ‘Middle Eastern’ video nasties.
At a Democrat fundraiser in San Francsico (where else?) last night, the President stated that the lunatic in Newtown murdered all those children with “a fully automatic weapon”.
This is a blatant lie. It’s not based on ignorance or misinformation, as the whole concept of semi- and full automatic has been on the national stage ever since that tragedy. There is no way in hell the President – a details guy, remember, not just a chimp who has things spoon-fed to him by aides – doesn’t know this. It is a lie.
No derisive or scolding tweets from any Beeboids. I know they know about it because they mentioned His speech in this new report about gun control laws. What a shock. Either the BBC approves of the lie, or they’re just too ignorant to realize what He got wrong and don’t read a single blog or online publication outside their cozy little bubble to inform them properly about a vital national issue.
Hello David, it’s only a matter of time before Owen Jones accuses you of dancing on the graves of all those dead children to score a cheap political point.
By the way, at the same time dancing on the same graves to score yet another cheap point
You just couldn’t make it up!
tomoMar 21, 11:08 Midweek 19th March 2025 I’m getting YT saturation charity adverts with a date of Nov 2023 for Gaza… The executive team Annual Report is…
MarkyMarkMar 21, 11:06 Midweek 19th March 2025 ” Democrats in 1860, “Who will pick the crops if we have no slaves”? Democrats in 2025, “Who will pick…
Eddy BoothMar 21, 11:03 Midweek 19th March 2025 “Six schools closed in Hayes due to fire” 10:58 “The schools that will be closed throughout the day are:…
MarkyMarkMar 21, 11:02 Midweek 19th March 2025 Where every you move to Keir Starmer will arrive the day after with Boris Johnson!
MarkyMarkMar 21, 11:01 Midweek 19th March 2025 My aspiration is also to help turn London into a zero carbon city by 2050. And I’m committed to working…
Eddy BoothMar 21, 10:57 Midweek 19th March 2025 Problem is there’s lots of people planning just that, and meanwhile putting up with things and often proping up the…
ThatcherrevolutionaryMar 21, 10:55 Midweek 19th March 2025 Anyone else notice the MSM reporting on President Trump’s tariffs? These reciprocal tariffs, i.e. what is charged to American is…
Fedup2Mar 21, 10:54 Midweek 19th March 2025 TR lost he needs to survive another 4 months then get out of britainistan and get political refugee status in…
ThatcherrevolutionaryMar 21, 10:50 Midweek 19th March 2025 I used to think of all the media and public ar*eholes I see on TV every day, and thought ‘wouldn’t…
See the video off Norwegian news today – the Norwegians have found out that their aid money given to the Palestinian Authority is used to compensate PA members who are jailed for terrorism. Norway say that the UK knows about this too, but it has been carefully kept off the news over here –
Sorry, the second video above is the one I wanted to link to – here is the correct one (I hope!)
Again –
Sorry about this – please can a Mod clean this up??
I liked the part where the child opines about how the jews:
Cut off the limbs of muslims
Raped Islamic women
defiled the unholy koran
occupy Jerusalem.
Well I don’t know about anybody else, but only one branch of people are guilty of all of the above and it ain’t the Jew. Also here’s something that no Muslim (or the bBC) have appeared to have picked up.
Jerusalem = jew roo salam.
In Norway as in Sweden, the inmates have taken over the asylum.
The Norwegian labour government has brought in 400,000 third world immigrants. While Sweden has the second highest case of rape crime in the world, after South Africa.
I saw something similar shown on Charlie Booker’s something wipe a while back. Oh, how he and Universal David Mitchell and some other gravy-train luvvie laughed at what living under soul-crushing oppression caused people to do. It wasn’t sad or shocking to them so much as it was a symbol of Israel’s evil.
The UN knows all about this, too. They condone it.
A classic piece of BBC manipulating the truth today on PM.
At the end of a piece about a female student from Gaza who has won a scholarship to study at Oxford, the presenter referred to Gaza as having suffered Israeli air attack today, and Palestinian rockets “going the other way”. The implication being that Israel had initiated the exchange, whereas the air strikes (which killed no-one) were in response to Palastininian rockets fired into Israel!
I heard this last night on the news. it was definitely the impression given and it was quite deliberate. The BBC needs to be very careful. It’s agenda is really obviousnow.
From the BBC editorial policy: “It all started when Israel hit back.”
Associated Press catching up with BBC-NUJ/CoJo in censoring political truth:
“Associated Press bans use of ‘illegal immigrant’ to describe people after claims it is ‘dehumanising'”
Read more:
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
BBC-NUJ won’t like what’s happening in the UK media currently:
-the ‘Daily Mail’ is setting the political agenda, not BBC-NUJ.
Hmm, I wonder what the religious beliefs are of those arrested?
Jedi Knights?
“Mohammed, I am your Father”
They are residents of Peterborough, and as the crimes don’t involve large amounts of vodka, that narrows the field a bit.
Allah ackba the bBC runs its daily Gaza can only be a victim of the Jews article.
Gazan heads to Oxford University on unusual scholarship
Bullshit bingo time:
Israel’s blockade of Gaza and the ongoing conflict with Hamas which governs here make it difficult for Palestinians to leave through Israel. Check
In the past, Israel has refused permission for Palestinian students to leave Gaza in order to carry out studies abroad.Check
And despite the chance to broaden her horizons, she is adamant that once she has finished her four years in Oxford, she will return to Gaza. Check.
And Rawan is looking forward to telling people about a different side of life in Gaza. “Most people think it’s like a war zone here and that everyone here is really depressed and involved in politics,” she says. Hang on that isn’t right, how did that get pass the bBC Islamic relgious commissioner. Damn that means I don’t get a full house.
The bBC, the mouthpiece for Islamic terrorism
I see the bBC continues its Jews are killing the Pals agenda:
Exchange of fire between Gaza and Israel
Palestinian militants in Gaza have fired a missile across the border into Israel for the second time in two days.
Hours earlier the Israeli military carried out air strikes in Gaza. This was the first such strike since a ceasefire ended the short war between Israel and Hamas in November last year.
So reading the above who do you think started all of this?
Funny how the bBC doesn’t reveal that while this may have been the first Israeli airstrike, it comes after at least several missiles have been fired from inside Gaza into Israel. But hey why should the bBC bother to tell the truth when their mission statement is clearly : “Allah ackba”
The bBC, the mouth piece for Islamic terrorism.
It’s breakfast Di Cannio gets mentioned – Still running.
My ears prick up when I notice the BBC deliberately obfuscating, being wilfully ambiguous or hiding facts.
Often there may be a simple fact at the heart of a story that any normal balanced broadcaster would simply convey to its audience – but the biased BBC with its many leftist agendas and narratives takes fright at that truth and shys at the fence.
Last night BBC Radio 5 Live recalled the 1993 Grand National – ‘the race that never was’.
See here the BBC On This Day account of the day
A series of delays and false starts led to the race having to be declared void.
In the radio show last night there were a great deal of archive accounts and personal testimony.
It transpired that a significant factor in the disruption at the start of the race was the intervention of a group of protesters on the track prior to ‘the off’.
Note that the role played by these protesters was not even mentioned in the BBC report linked above.
Now that the BBC has appeared to acknowledge that the protest took place and that it played a significant part in spoiling the 1993 Grand National (the Nation’s favourite race) I begin to wonder why the nature of the protest still seems to be a BBC state secret?
We do now hear of ‘protesters’ and we hear of ‘activists’ but we hear no more.
My mind begins racing. Which group of campaigners are the BBC attempting to protect from the ire of the nation’s once a year armchair punters?
Here’s the SP:
4-1 : the IRA
6-1 : Hillborough familes
5-1 : Muslims
3-1 : Greens
2-1 favourite : Animal Rights
Left-leaning newspaper the Independent is in no doubt
‘It was the race that never was, and now never will be. The 1993 Grand National was declared void here yesterday after two false starts reduced the race to a farce. The disruption of the world’s most-watched horse race was a victory for ANIMAL RIGHTS’ PROTESTERS who staged a demonstration at the first fence for the second year running. ‘
Somehow I can’t imagine the BBC Horrible Histories department discussing the 1913 Grand National to inform us blandly that the King’s Horse trampled ‘a protester’ or ‘an activist’.
The BBC have lost the National this year. Expect some interesting so called spoiling stories.
Sometimes the BBC brings you the news…
‘Operation Yewtree: Ex-BBC driver charged with sex offences’
But the BBC being the balanced unbiased organisation we all know it be they just can’t help but spell out the case for the defence….
‘However, it is not clear if he also drove for other employers, or that the offences he is charged with were in connection with work for the corporation.’
Well, they are keen to put forward the case for the defence of the BBC.
Where’s Wally ?
Spot the missing word edited out of this BBC report
‘Mohammed Hussein killed by shotgun blast in Lower Edmonton’
As compared with this version….
‘London: Somali boy killed by shotgun blast in Lower Edmonton’
The latter version attributes the source as the BBC in which case your question should be “spot the word added by”.
In any event what has the nationality of the boy got to do with his murder?
It’s called ‘reporting’ – it’s what the BBC used to do before it decided that some facts were more equal than others.
So you seem to be saying : the fewer facts related, the better the reporting?
Are you by any chance an NUJ member?
“Something happened somewhere”. There – no-one’s upset.
“BBC ‘provokes’ Christians with show that ‘sexualises Christ’”
Perhaps INBBC’s Muslim head of religious programming, Aaqil Ahmed, will commission a similar provocative critique of Muhammad? Only kidding.
There’s an awful lot of conjecture about this, and whether St Paul (The Misogynist) airbrushed the role of women out of the early church. There is a discussion to be had, but it should have been handled a lot more sensitively than some gay jewish bloke and a far left rich non religious bloke & broadcast on one of the most holy days in the Christian calendar.
So it appears that the Liebour party have given their approval so the bBC has fallen into line with the joint approach of all the parties, without question, and there are some enormous questions!
“Mr Cameron said the “highly unpredictable and aggressive” regime in North Korea was developing ballistic missiles that could become a threat to Britain.”
Now we’ve heard this line before, not from this politico, and not about this country, but the message is just the same and it passes by without so much as a mention.
“Shadow defence minister Kevan Jones said it was “absolutely right and necessary” for the UK to retain an independent nuclear deterrent ”
So Mr Jones when are we going to get that INDEPENDENT nuclear deterrent? Trident isn’t independent it is owned by the USA carried around the world for them by the British Navy and paid for by us the tax payers. The weapons remain part of the US nuclear arsenal and cannot be fired without the permission of the US . This is the very antithesis of independence!
Then there’s the cost of replacing it estimated at over £100 billion! all for what? A weapon we will never own and can’t use without its owners permission? No thanks!
The weapons remain part of the US nuclear arsenal and cannot be fired without the permission of the US
Really? Isn’t that straight from the Soviet funded CND Big Book of Lies? AFAIUI the Septics have no control over the missiles. We could launch one at New York and they’d be hard pressed to stop us.
I tried to post this earlier but got the wrong video – the Norwegians have found out that their aid money given to the Palestinian Authority is used to compensate PA members who are jailed for terrorism. Norway say that the UK knows about this too, but while the situation is being reported on Norwegian state news, it has been carefully kept off the news over here –
Have you been affected by the issues raised in this story?
Yes I have!
Greater Manchester Police has begun recording attacks on members of subcultures, such as goths and emos, as ‘hate crimes’. Previously hate crimes were only registered for offences against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity.
So another minority cult is given exalted status, with crimes committed against any of its followers deemed to be more important than attacks on the rest of us normal people.
Drip, drip, drip …
Hmm, none about black on white crime.
Yes it raises a any number of interesting questions
(over and above what is a non-hate crime called) Not least is this
white ‘goth’ attacked by black or asian person
Is this only a hate crime if attacked for being goth?
what if attacked for being nonbeliever (by muslim patrol in tower hamlets perhaps) is that a ‘love’ crime?
I only hope that this a sign that the whole rotting edifice is coming down around the ears of its demented architects.
Hatred of Labour Party voters for Tory toffs?
Some hatreds are more equal than other hatreds.
This is all one more step towards legislation of thought crime. The actual criminal act is now secondary to the intent, the thoughts, of the perpetrator. Society is further debased.
Over-grown lefty public school boy Richard Bacon takes time out from talking about what’s on the telly to consider the North Korean situation.
A guest on his show explains the lack of internet in the Communist backwater and the laws against unautrhorised radio sets.
It seems you may have a pre-tuned wireless that offers only the choice between a channel extolling the virtues of the leader, an alternative dedicated to his father and a third choice where marching bands and army choirs sing about how much they hate the USA.
Richard Bacon quips: ‘Well, it sounds better than Talk Sport….. just an in-joke’.
Where is this an ‘in-joke’ Richard?
On your Twitter?
Among yourself and your frineds?
Within the employees of BBC 5 Live?
In your BBC studio?
In the BBC at large?
I think that’s slightly funny, but not as much as “It sounds better than Radio 5 Dead”.
There are reports of Chinese troops and armour massing on the North Korean border, but the question is what is their intent?
If the US retaliates or invades what will the Chinese do? Russia has now condemned NK and the Chinese have been at best cool towards them.
Imagine the global disruption if the US & China fall out, the US might have to go back to making its own gadgets like iPhones! Might be the saving of the US economy !
A pre-tuned wireless that offers only the choice between
3 approved channels.Is that one of levesons recommendations ?
The Beeb seem suspiciously enthusiastic about covering the story about attacks punks, goths and emos being treated treated, henceforth, as hate crimes, by the Greater Manchester Police.
“A police force has begun recording attacks on members of subcultures, such as goths and emos, as hate crimes.
Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is the first force in the UK to treat the offences in such a way.”
They have put up no less than four reports on their website about it in the last few hours.
“Previously hate crimes were only registered for offences against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or transgender identity.”
The idea that penalising people for their supposed motives (in effect, thought crimes) rather than the crime itself, leading to stiffer punishments, appears to appeal to Beeboids. Meanwhile, how much longer will the list of priveleged victim groups, whose public safety appears to be of greater importance than that of everyone else, grow?
The first sentence is such a mess, better re-type it: “The Beeb seem suspiciously enthusiastic about covering the story concerning attacks on punks, goths and emos being treated treated, henceforth, as hate crimes, by the Greater Manchester Police.”
“Of forms of government, let fools contest.
Whate’er is best administered is best.”
Surely it’s just a case of law enforcement inefficiency. If someone who attacked someone else on the street stood an extremely good chance of getting their collar felt, and the police regarded all such crimes as equally important and intolerable, there would be no need of this sorting out of priorities and deciding that particular areas should be earmarked for crime-fighting action.
The murder plot to kill Joss Stone has rapidly dropped down the bBBC’s list of priorities, for obvious reasons given the ethnicity of the convicted criminals.
Their article is amusing for its tongue-in-cheek references: “eagle eyed” residents “became suspicious” … the “close-knit” community “looks after its own”.
But don’t mention the elephant! Two black junkies roaming the lanes of Devon in a beaten-up car. Not exactly an everyday story of countryfolk.
Sounds like “The Archers”. Iz it cos dey is black?
Yup, I spotted this particular elephant in the room when the trial coverage first started as the Telegraph was similarly *ahem* ‘evasive‘ about just why two nuts in their beat-upmobile would stand out to Joss Stone’s neighbours. I’m surprised the Beeb didn’t actually use the fact of the, as you rightly say, “two black junkies roaming the lanes of Devon” to push one of their very favourite topics, viz: “Why oh why is the backwards countryside not displaying the same ethnic mix as vibrant Brixton ?” (*)
(*) Of course, this is actually a rhetorical question as the only permissible answer for non-Di Canio wannabes is “When not busily cross-breeding with their immediate family, the intolerant yokels like to don white pointy hoods and roam about looking for oppressed minorities to lynch.”
I couldn’t get to the bottom of why these 2 yoffs had developed this obsessive hatred of Ms.Stone.A lot unsaid here I think.
She won a MOBO IIRC and the BBC were a bit nonplussed.
I think there was some suggestion that a middle class blonde moppet shouldn’t be singing soul and certainly not better than anyone else. Can’t think why.
A hate crime then?
No, she’s not a goth.
According to reports I’ve read they were ‘exercised’ by her links to Prince Harry and thus the Royal Family of whom these two wonders of evolution apparently don’t approve. Other (non-monarchical) countries are available, boys. I’ll be happy to send you a list for your reading pleasure
The ‘beheading’ bit is unpleasantly curious: unless these two are closet ‘Game Of Thrones’ fans I’m thinking that a shufti at their laptop bookmarks might throw up more than a few ‘Middle Eastern’ video nasties.
Oh the cultural enrichment these guys bring to us.
An INBBC myth:
-from International Brigade in Spain (1930s), to International Islamic Jihad Brigade in Syria (present).
“Up to 600 Europeans waging jihad in Syria”
If they’re as supremely successful as their storied predecessors in Iberia, then things are really looking up for Assad !
Can we have a new board please
At a Democrat fundraiser in San Francsico (where else?) last night, the President stated that the lunatic in Newtown murdered all those children with “a fully automatic weapon”.
This is a blatant lie. It’s not based on ignorance or misinformation, as the whole concept of semi- and full automatic has been on the national stage ever since that tragedy. There is no way in hell the President – a details guy, remember, not just a chimp who has things spoon-fed to him by aides – doesn’t know this. It is a lie.
No derisive or scolding tweets from any Beeboids. I know they know about it because they mentioned His speech in this new report about gun control laws. What a shock. Either the BBC approves of the lie, or they’re just too ignorant to realize what He got wrong and don’t read a single blog or online publication outside their cozy little bubble to inform them properly about a vital national issue.
Hello David, it’s only a matter of time before Owen Jones accuses you of dancing on the graves of all those dead children to score a cheap political point.
By the way, at the same time dancing on the same graves to score yet another cheap point
You just couldn’t make it up!