OK, you can breath a sight of RELIEF! Nelson Mandela has been discharged from hospital and is BACK HOME! It’s the single most important story on the BBC news web site as I type this. Naturally…they DO love Comrade Nelson, not that it influences the editorial weight they out behind this non story, no way…..altogether now “Free Nelson Man-dela..”
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That an old gezeer who had a chest infection and was in hospital now doesn’t and isn’t, also appeared to warrant a special ‘breaking news’ email.
Quite what is going to happen when nature eventually does take her course will be on this basis quite the spectacle.
It is possible that nets will need placing around all BBC offices lest the emotion of the moment is too much for some clearly emotionally invested staff to bear.
Rather than nets I suggest we install spikes.
When the inevitable happens there will be massive BBC coverage of the sad event. An expensive trip to SA accompanied by hordes of Labour luvvies, and to justify the expense there will be scores of human interest stories about that joyful paradise. I wish Mandela a long life.
I wonder if they will make all the presenters wear black ties etc like they didn’t with HM QETQM.
Yes David there will probably be crying in the streets of Islington, like in North Korean when the Great Leader went .And anyone who doesn’t show enough sympathy will be vilified .If labour are in power they will declare a new bank holiday in memory. And that annoying song will reach number 1. Shortly after it will be an offence to deny he was a god. Can’t wait
Is that, “Free Nelson Mandela — with every packet of Corn Flakes”?
No – (racism warning) – “with every jar of Robertson’s jam”.
TBH, the character on the jam jars was a “good” and not particularly offensive stereotype.
Before I went out I had the telly on and I flicked over to the news and on the bBC channel they were reporting about
ProphetMandela. Not impressed about how the bBC is reporting every waking minute of this freed terrorist. I flicked over to Al J and they were reporting on Bangladesh and the current protests and what they were all about. While the bBC does say something they don’t mention the full reason around these protests.You see the other month the deputy leader of the Opposition was found guilty of war-crimes in 1971 during the Bangladesh war of independence. These bloggers who represent the ruling party stated that these found guilty of war crimes should be killed.
The opposition has turned this around claiming that in demanding that these politicians be executed , that this is an insult against Islam and that actually these bloggers should be killed.
See isn’t it great how Muslims can turn anything into an insult against Islam and the bBC not only defends Islam it promotes it above everything else. (Including Mandela)
Wonder what the beeb would do if Mandela, on his deathbed proclaimed his hatred of Islam…
That’s a bloody close one in Beeb “Top Trumps”
Ask Aung San Suu Kyi,she might know.
Well, I think it’s very public-spirited of the bBBC to keep informing us that another terrorist is on the loose.
Millitant ?
I assumed he’d died by the ambulance shots, the reporter on the scene, the people being interviewed (the sound was off when I came into the room). Big surprise to find out what was actually happening.
Seriously, what justifies making the lead news item :”Ex head of state of a country not our own has failed to die ?” Really: what ?
Wonder if the running order would have been bumped if the National had supplied the fatalities the Beeb and their animal rights brothers in stupidity have been salivating for ?
And a measles epidemic in wales is relegated to second spot by British Broadcasting Corporation. potential death of British children less important than ‘foreign 94yr old ex-president gets better.’
(meanwhile on C4 he gets spot just before football results.)
The BBC putting Britain last
I’d drag the scrawny, worthless black fool into the street and put a burning tyre round his neck, as his followers did to hundreds. Not forgetting his vile wife. South Africa now is a mess, and has always been so, before the whites arrived, the tribes were killing each other in droves, and selling captives into slavery. Scum.
Another agent provocateur
You twisted lefties cant differentiate between loving your own and hating the other can you?
Yay ! It’s Weekend Moby Time !
Brandies all round. 🙁
They seem to be employing some bizarre tactics in the last 24hrs, posting on old threads under assumed (I’m assuming) names.what I wonder is that about?
Ah Winnie, what ever happened to Macetzie ?
Nelson Mandela is a great man he freed South Africa from the evil whiteman.
South Africa is now run by the black master race and now is paradise.
Another troll creating a new email and moniker just to cause trouble. What’s the point?
I do it because I have a small penis.
And a big Vag’. But enough of your mum.
CPGB I clicked like because I thought you where being sarcastic. As for the small penis, I suspect you probably do, but hey that’s your problem.
I am a internet troll because it makes me feel big.
I don’t understand why this makes you feel good about yourself. Can you explain?
Because I am a lefty and as a atypical lefty I talk a good fight but can’t back it up in real life.
But on the internet I can.
Except you aren’t yet. Come on, give honesty a try. I hope you’re showing your friends how clever you are.
Common Purpose Great Britain? LOL.
But I am lefty we don’t have friends just comrades.
I have a worthless humanities/social sciences and I am unemployable.
I am also jealous of anyone more successful than me.
What a strange response. So, no honesty, just games? Is this really what makes you feel superior?
Actually i hate the left and post on sites like this to make them look bad.
Again, I ask: is this really what makes you feel superior?
No it doesn’t make me feel superior.
I just said that because a lefty would say that.
Then it does make you feel superior. Seriously, though, do you have anything to say about BBC bias? You’d contribute more that way.
I hate having to pay for the BBC by law.
Especially seeing it is the broadcasting arm of the guardian.
That’s very gracious, but there’s no need
The BA First Class cabin from Cape Town to London is fully booked tonight. And BBC wardrobe alerted for the return of 237 black ties and dark suits on Monday morning.
Because of Nelson Mandela South Africa is a black paradise like Rhodesia, Detroit, hati, Somalia etc.
You missed out London.
London is an Islamic paradise not a black paradise.
David Vance,
“they DO love Comrade Nelson, not that it influences the editorial weight they out behind this non story, no way…”
I guess the BBC must also love Herr Thatcher, according to the editorial weight they put behind all these other “non stories”:
[cue much desperate bleating; “Ah but that’s different because…”]
7 December 2005
Ex-PM Thatcher taken to hospital
8 December 2005
Thatcher goes home from hospital
14 February 2008
Baroness back on photo-op trail
8 March 2008
Thatcher resting at London home
Thatcher leaves London hospital
12 June 2009
Lady Thatcher treated after fall
13 June 2009
Lady Thatcher to stay in hospital
Baroness Thatcher ‘in good spirits’
15 June 2009
Ex-PM Thatcher kept in hospital
17 June 2009
Ex-PM Thatcher ‘making progress’
19 June 2009
Lady Thatcher has surgery on arm
23 June 2009
Thatcher to go home ‘at weekend’
29 June 2009
Thatcher ‘impatient’ to go home
Lady Thatcher home from hospital
19 October 2010
Baroness Thatcher to remain in hospital says Sir Mark
20 October 2010
Baroness Thatcher ‘drowsy’ after night in hospital
Lady Thatcher admitted to hospital
23 October 2010
Thatcher ‘brighter’ in hospital
26 October 2010
Thatcher ‘making good progress’ in hospital after flu
1 November 2010
Former PM Lady Thatcher returns home from hospital
21 December 2012
Margaret Thatcher recovering from operation
Lord Bell: ‘Thatcher operation no big deal’
22 December 2012
David Cameron sends Margaret Thatcher ‘get well’ message
Margaret Thatcher recovering from bladder operation
29 December 2012
Margaret Thatcher leaves hospital after growth removed
There’s a difference – beeboids want Thatcher to die. They regard Mandela as a hero.
There you go. Right on cue…
For instance, your IRA-supporting Labour Party hero John O’Farrell, the BBC employee who stood for Eastleigh. There are many more who think like him.
Dez, the other difference is that Margaret Thatcher was PM of Britain for 13 years, and widely regarded as the best PM since Winston Churchill, and better in some ways. So it is fitting and proper that British people are informed as to her health. Ironic that I am writing this now. RIP, respect.
Ah, but that’s different because the Beeboids are waiting to celebrate like the Munchkins did in one case, and will be wearing sackloth and ashes in the other. Tell me it isn’t so, Dez. Go on.
“…that’s different because the Beeboids are waiting to celebrate…”
And your evidence for this is what?
Go on, pull out a couple of your favourite tweets. Perhaps even post a link to something you said two years ago, which contains a link to something you claimed four years ago, which absolutely proves your point because you said it.
Somehow I managed to gie you a ‘Like’
The most obvious difference, of course, is that one was complicit in the planting of terrorist bombs which blew the arms and legs off people and the other was the target of such bombs.
“The most obvious difference, of course…”
Or, in other words:
I-Like-Thatcher. I-Dont-like-Mandela. Therefore-It’s-Different.
ZX80 Opinion Generator working well I see. Just too bad you blank out every time you type anything 😉
What part of cause and effect escapes you? You might think Mandela is a saint – some of us are old enough to remember he was a murdering terrorist – the BBC of course fails to admit that – to them he is a saint that walks on water.
We of course also remember the disaster that Mrs Thatcher inherited from your beloved party and that she sorted it out. Now the BBC remembers that – and hates her for it.
The reporting on Mandela has the hushed tones of someone in the presence of the holy one. The reporting on Mrs T was in the highly excited tones of someone hoping against hope that this time we can really dance on her grave.
So you see, there is a difference, and one clearly discernible to the unbiased.
“We of course also remember the disaster that Mrs Thatcher inherited from your beloved party and that she sorted it out.”
“We”? You might remember it that way, other people don’t.
“The reporting on Mandela has the hushed tones of someone in the presence of the holy one. The reporting on Mrs T was in the highly excited tones of someone hoping against hope that this time we can really dance on her grave.”
Your evidence?
“So you see, there is a difference, and one clearly discernible to the unbiased.”
Erm, no, I don’t see. All you you’ve done is stated your opinion.
Dez remembers that the UK economy was booming, in full employment just before MT took over the basket case – nice one, pillock!
Again, MT was really keen for everyone to work, it was the unions who were against that (as they still are) and the unions who destroyed mining and manufacturing in the UK.
I don’t recall Mrs Thatcher’s other half espousing necklacing fellow countrymen either.
So your answer is to post complete gibberish.
That’s three per year Dez.
Not three per hour.
Can you see the difference now?
And were any ‘breaking news’ AND taking the headlines, all in one go? Also I suspect most if not all of dez’s examples are off the BBC website, not TV or radio.
‘The Lord McAlpine smear may have been a one-off. The bias against Margaret Thatcher is ongoing.
It’s still the case that the quickest way to sabotage your future at the BBC is to tell a promotions board — the internal appointment boards that decide on promotions — that Britain’s first woman Prime Minister is the post-war politician you most admire.’
Didn’t Dez recently posit that the number of times Islam was mentioned on this blog was evidence of ‘racism’?
Do I detect a whiff of inconsistency in his reasoning?
The gradual elimination of nomadic Bushmen by the Bantu doesn’t seem to get much coverage.
I am surprised by many of the contributions on this topic. The struggle of the native population of South Africa against Apartheid was of world significance in the second half of the 20th century. No one could possibly argue that indigenous populations don’t have the right to govern themselves by whatever system they choose or, in some cases, accept. So apartheid was something which I would strongly oppose.
Mandela was a leader in that struggle and when president he succeeded in preventing the whole country from exploding into an open racial war, which would have been very bloody indeed. For these reasons he must be regarded as a major historic figure.
Of course it may well be that he only delayed the worst of the bloodshed and the violent racial disintegration of South Africa is yet to come. But this doesn’t mean that he didn’t achieve a hell of a lot.
The BBC will certainly go over the top on the sad occasion of his death because he fits with their world narrative so well. No doubt we will be deluged with hours and hours of eulogies. But you can’t blame the man for the BBC’s errors.
The struggle against Apartheid has been mythologised into the monochrome of good versus bad. The reality is their were evil men doing evil acts on both sides, often against their own people, and decent people on both sides trying to remove a vile system. That is how how things should be reported not through hero worshipping one anti-Apartheid leader.
You make some very good points Doublethinker, Mandela was the man for the moment. However, I am particularly drawn to the sentence where you say “no one could possibly argue that indigenous populations don’t have the right to govern themselves by whatever system they choose”. Of course the indigenous population of Britain has been somewhat diluted over recent years but without the authority of the indigenous population. Yet all newcomers have equal rights and so they should once settled here. However is this still the case in South Africa? It seems to me that black has just replaced white as the master race there. That is certainly the case in Mugabiland next door and the feeling is that SA is going down the same path and it will not be a good path no matter what your skin colour.
This right of self determination also applies to our disgraced national treasure of course. A growing number of the indigenous, as well as the newcomer, population here have had enough of the BBC with its monopoly on broadcasting, its secretive ways and its dysfunctional propaganda, but when will we have the right to govern ourselves on this issue and be able NOT to pay for it if we wish?
Dez and the other angry chaps of the left can come on here and defend the indefensible bias of the BBC as much as they like, they have their points of view and they have the rights to them but the point is that there absolutely no place now for a broadcaster that collects its revenue by force of imprisonment. Let the BBC go whichever way it wants left, right or straight down the middle and over the cliff. I do not care and I do not want to pay for it any longer. It is simply not my cup of tea any more.
Great post.
yep, says it all really.
Totally agree
The issue of Apartheid was seminal in producing the BBC we have today. It was a political system deemed so incontrovertibly evil that its reporting obviated any requirement whatsoever for impartiality in the collective mind if the left and, ergo, national broadcaster.
Once the BBC crossed this line the first time, it became increasingly easy to do so for any other ideology, opinion or belief and you then end up with the propaganda outlet for leftist causes that we have today.
Is he still ok?
I dreamt that he sneezed and I’ve woken up in a panic.
I see Dez has posted the actual articles relating to Maggies Health up above, say Dez But has to go back to 2005 in which to start his Blackwash of the bBC. But hang on Dez how many from 2005: 24.
Dez here’s 20 from this last week alone.
As the bBCs fav EU says time and time again:
“Please try again”
In any case the left are monitoring Lady T’s health only so they can order the champagne and get the t-shirts printed in time.
With the BBC having spent God knows how much on his garden, I wonder what will happen to it when the Old Man dies? Money well spent eh? I wonder if the BBC will be as graceful to Mrs Thatcher’s garden before she leaves this earth? BBC bias?
Wow, this article is nice, my younger sister is analyzing these things,
thus I am going to tell her.