1. Ian Hills says:

    So you can lampoon a woman if she’s a Tory or a victim of islamism, otherwise it counts as sexism. Presumably if she’s both you can kick her head in.


  2. chrisH says:

    Maybe he could draw us all a CD cover that allows the bile to flow freely.
    Bragg, The Beat, Costello, Smiths…all have done very well out of “turning rebellion into money”(to quote St Joseph of Strummer).
    Maybe a weekend festival, filmed by the BBC at Braggs country pile…all donations raised to pay for Arthur Scargills new toupee and a retrial for Michael Philpott!
    Scum…tuneless, past-it scum!


  3. Rtd Colonel says:

    Current BBC News Page 8 specific Thatcher Death articles – 2 neutral headlines, 3 negative, 2 ambiguous!!, 1 general – The taboo of speaking ill of the dead – really just an excuse for the appalling abuse offered up by all those caring humanitarian types who are just partying on.
    Note the reporting that “part of the funeral costs will be met by the Thatcher Estate but the bulk will come from the public purse” – I’m sure all the great and the good would be delighted to do away with the security etc etc involved and attend a private ceremony in Dulwich followed by a dedication of the ashes in Chelsea Hospital …
    Even after her death they cannot help themselves..


  4. johnnythefish says:

    An excuse for the BBC to publish offensive caricatures of Mrs. Thatcher, only one day after her death.

    Tasteless and shameless. Well done, BBC, you really don’t know when to stop, do you?


  5. hadda says:

    It’s a sorry state of affairs when Martin McGuinness comes over as a voice of reason.


    • Doublethinker says:

      I wonder what the reaction of the BBC and liberal left, if on the death of one of the several Muslim clerics who we can’t seem to get rid of, there mass street parties all over the country.
      No doubt those who arranged it via facebook would be accused of racial crimes or hate crimes or some other modern invention to limit freedom of speech.
      You can also be 100% sure that the BBC would be attacking them day and night and calling for the most repressive measures to be taken against the revelers.


      • hippiepooter says:

        I remember when Osama Bin Laden finally got whacked the BBC made quite an issue of people celebrating the Justice meted out to him. Are the likes of Scarfe and Galloway receiving any censure from BBC interviewers?


  6. David Preiser (USA) says:

    The same Scarfe who put the anti-Semitic symbols in the updated animation for Roger Waters’ recent Wall tour? His words have no meaning to me.


  7. Doublethinker says:

    Is he the chap who can only draw noses?


  8. hippiepooter says:

    If we are to understand why there is such hatred of Mrs Thatcher we need to look at the unprecedented hate campaign waged against her because her opponents had no argument.

    The BBC of course played a major part in whipping up this hatred. Noone is challenging Scarfe about what his loathing of Margarat Thatcher might say as him as a person. Does his hatred stem from him having too much of an ego to accept being proved wrong?


  9. Mat says:

    Shows how even the morons at the BBC are again on the wrong side of the debate even with it’s own on the left they are truly that thick !
    This in my not fave paper is worth a read and Benn shows himself to be respectful and gracious! like this bit for his piece it’s a manners and age thing !
    “I remember her at the funeral of MP Eric Heffer. I was asked to make a speech and as I was waiting, there was someone behind me coughing. It was Mrs Thatcher, and at the end I thanked her for coming and she burst into tears. She had come out of respect for someone whose opinions she disagreed with.”


    • johnnythefish says:

      Good link – thanks, and well done Guardian for a more balanced and sensitive piece of work than we’ve had out of the BBC. I will never forget the procession of rabid leftist and terrorist opponents they chose to interview on the day of her death – shameful even by the BBC’s shameless standards.