This tweet made me feel nauseous, from BBC 5 Live Presenter Ian McGarry. Nice chap, and of course this is his personal account, so nothing to do with his Employer…
garbosj Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead. 09/04/2013 00:11 |
This tweet made me feel nauseous, from BBC 5 Live Presenter Ian McGarry. Nice chap, and of course this is his personal account, so nothing to do with his Employer…
garbosj Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead. 09/04/2013 00:11 |
What a classy comment, it reveals more about Ian McGarry than it does about Thatcher.
If the Left hate her so much, she must have been doing something right.
Even the BBC complaints section of the BBC website published a biased statement:
“We have received complaints from audience members who felt that BBC News devoted too much time to news of the death of Lady Thatcher and that this coverage was biased in her favour. We also received complaints that our coverage was biased against her.”
This and a couple more of McGarry’s tweets that Reed posted on the RIP thread have been added to the “In Their Own Tweets” page. Two other Beeboids (so far) also joined in the fun and their pearls of wisdom have been added as well.
Just add him in with the other BBC lowlife, Mark Steel, Ross Noble, etc. The thought that a proportion of my licence fee is supporting these appalling people makes me so ****** angry.
Ross Noble is funny, though, and not usually openly political, is he? Gotta love his Geordie Gandalf bit.
I forget where I read it now but I saw a tweet from him (he is in Australia), words to the effect of: ‘Typical it should happen while I’m out of the country – I hate to miss a good street party’.
Fair enough, and he did once shout “War criminal!” at Alistair Campbell guest-hosting on HIGNFY once, although it was done with a spirit of fun. But I don’t see Noble as being so openly political when he’s on the BBC like all the others are.
Sorry to have to disagree with you, Dave. In my opinion Noble tries too hard to be what he thinks is funny. I’ve seen him on programmes such as HIGNFY and he’s never raised a titter in my household. My wife is even less amused by his unfunny witterings.
Each to their own I suppose. It would be a very boring world if everybody did the same thing, liked the same thing etc.
The point is really that, apart from the one gag at Campbell’s expense, I didn’t really know Noble’s political opinions because he doesn’t constantly go on about it like nearly all the rest of them. It’s refreshing.
To be fair Steel and Noble aren’t employed by the BBC to be impartial. McGarry should be impartial, especially when he is identifying himself as a BBC employee.
Why is it, if you have right of center view, you are classed as evil, racist, greedy…ect?
Yet if you have left wing views, you are employed by the BBC, the single most greedy, evil and racist (anti-white) organization in the country?
‘Right wing people are evil, racists, bigots ‘ so the Left says
Bill Whittle explains the reasoning behind it.
Because the Left have been very successful in demonising anyone who they class as right wing. It also helps if much of what we call the democratic right in this country have been themselves cowed by the Left – similar to what we’ve seen happen in the USA under Obama.
according to left wing thought anyone who fits into the following categories is owned by the Left and cannot ethically vote for anyone else
– women
– in receipt of any benefits
– public sector employee
– of non-caucasian descent
– recent immigrant
– the young
– the poor
– state educated
Therefore only old white rich men can vote Tory and anyone else who does is a QUISLING and a race/gender/class traitor
apparently “ding dong the witch is dead” has gone straight into the new top 20 … so with the usual ingenious bbc flair, and originality he has just ligged onto something else, why change old habits eh!
I’m sure Apple and Warner Bros are happy with that. Thatcher was right about the glories of capitalism.
Update the song is now number 1 on Amazon.
So that will make Amazon very happy.
So leftists have decided to stick it to the right by giving their cash to a multinational famous for its use of tax-efficiency schemes?
Heck of a plan, liberals.
Downloading the song on their iPhones or iPads while sipping Starbucks lattes, perhaps?
Using technology developed in Israel?
Capitalism is successful because it caters for all human desires, including of those who hate capitalism: Marxist T-shirts. But they are generally not very bright so they can’t see the contradiction.
I have to report that , as anticipated, the mask of impartiality and balanced comment , that the BBC wore quite well yesterday , is beginning to slip badly. This afternoon the rolling BBC News programme was still full of comment about the death of Lady Thatcher but is now beginning to swing towards the liberal left narrative that almost everything she achieved has either come to naught or is at the root of the UK’s problems.
1. Council houses were sold off too cheaply so depriving the government of much needed revenue. No comment that millions of people benefited enormously from this change and that they were usually those who could never have dreamed of owning their own home previously.
2. The Bing Bang led directly to the financial crisis on 2009 more than 20 years later. No mention that Labour were in power for 12 years leading up to the 2009 crisis and actually fueled the crisis with their policies.
3. Breaking the union stranglehold led to the de- industrialisation of the UK , but on this one there was some balance as a counter view was that these industries had had their day and the country was moving into the service sector regardless. Also there was fair comment that automation raised productivity and reduced the employment opportunities in industry. Of course there was no mention that the unions had just about wrecked British industry themselves by clinging to outmoded working practices and refusing to seriously engage in ways to increase productivity.
And on and on.
So, just as so many contributors to the site predicted , the BBC can’t even stick to their charter for more than a day.
One point does puzzle me is why do so many young people who can’t possibly remember what life was like in the 70’s and 80’s seem to hate Lady Thatcher so much? I think that it can only be the rubbish that the BBC have been putting out for decades across all their outlets , news and current affairs , so called comedy and boring lefty drama. It just shows how much they have re-written history and how powerful a propaganda weapon they are for the liberal left.
One final point was that loathsome Lord Patten was on saying how unwise it was of Lady Thatcher to go ahead with the poll tax. If ever there was a case for not throwing stones if you live in a glass house ! But of course Lady T could be removed by a democratic process ( although of course she never was) whereas he is perfectly safe in his job and so can ignore what people actually think.
‘Lord Patten was on saying how unwise it was of Lady Thatcher to go ahead with the poll tax.’
From a position enjoying the many fruits of already being uniquely funded by one, unaccountably, for ever and a day, ironic indeed.
‘..this is his personal account, so nothing to do with his Employer’
In the spirit of raising variable standards that the BBC applies or does not, I continue to wonder how the BBC is uniquely separated as far as the BBC is concerned from anything BBC staff say or do so long as the BBC gets them to issue a weasel disclaimer.
Again on matters of precedent, I wonder how a Humphrys or Paxman would fare if any hapless slob from the public or private sector being castigated for employee behaviour that has hit the fan, simply shrugged and pointed at the small print somewhere and suggested the BBC raise it privately with their version of ‘the Trust’?
Then investigates internally, in camera, redacts a large chunk and professes themselves in the clear.
Just to say, doublethinker, i’m retired now, but have a background in the food industry. Automation has indeed had a dramatic effect on employment. In less than 20years, i saw one plant reduce from 21 employees to just 2! State of the art kit, and production output never dreamed of. This is why jobs are scarce, yet we have let 5 million immigrants in? Utter, utter madness.
I suspect that a left wing educational establishment has something to do with a lot of young peoples attitudes.
I have noticed a growing number of people from the Left being interviewed with their predictable comments about Mrs Thatcher being aired; either any ‘kind’objective comments from them are not being played or the BBC cares less that what they are airing and finding more criticism than complement.
sorry -‘compliment’ not ‘complement’
That BBC employee is so typical of the sad idiots who inhabit media land with their desperate attempts to be viewed as trend setters and part of the “it crowd”.
Personally, I find people like him to be utterly, utterly pathetic.
Since the miners’ strike is pretty much the top issue mentioned by so many Thatcher haters, it’s worth noting this nicely balanced but revealing BBC article about the other key figure in that story:
Analysis: Arthur Scargill’s silence over Thatcher death
According to the BBC’s industrial correspondent, Nicholas Jones, it’s not so much that Scargill has a greater sense of decency than certain BBC employees, but that he realizes his own legacy and the result of his own actions weren’t so great after all, and isn’t too eager to have to defend it. Perhaps the BBC could do a little more to educate the public on this matter, like they do on so many other issues? Aside from Jones doing the local radio rounds yesterday being interviewed about the issue of the strike itself, I mean.
Yep, Scargill was a fool, called a strike in the summer, with coal stocks high. How dumb was that. Then again, he is a leftie, it figures.
Any comment on the BBC’s output about it?
Thatcher was very lucky in her opponents wasn`t she?
Scargill was a dream-and even now, with no wife or family…being turfed out of his NUM house( which is about all that is left of the NUM after he destroyed it)…and delusional about the “victory” that he achieved for those miners he led over the cliff…he is STILL lionised (or is that donkeyed?) by the useless tools of Commie rustbelts(who now cut paper for the BBC, Labour/Liberal/Guardian and the arts in general).
And-of course-no questions for the sad old fool-for that might only upset his world. Too much reality might just kill them all.
I feel sorry for Arthur-if he`s not the perfect embodiment of Socialism before the EU came to rescue the likes of Kinnock and Mandelson; then I don`t know who suits the role better.
“Thatcher was very lucky in her opponents wasn`t she?”
As is often said, but let’s remember these were opponents who her predeccesors couldn’t handle.
I think more to the point is that her opponents were very unlucky to have *her as their opponent. Or, better put maybe, Britain was truly blessed that in it’s moment of need a hero arose to prove the nemesis of the wreckers destroying the country.
The likes of Scargill were Maggie’s enemies because they were the country’s enemies. She did not delude herself about this. Her predecessors did.
After a questioning start, I became one of Maggie’s biggest fans – but I have to disagree with you, hippypooter.
I “minded” a lot of celebs during my time at the Beeb and after a spending an afternoon with Scargill (it seemed like eternity) I can say this: Scargill was the dumbest man I met. His conversation ran on cliches and bile. He couldn’t argue or discuss anything without dipping into the leftist handbook of handy phrases. I deduced he had never been subjected to a rigorous testing by anyone. The BBC loved him. But In fact, he was a complete and utter bore – the kind of man you’d expect to run a coal strike in summer .
No, hippypooter, Maggie was beyond lucky to have him as an adversary.
“He couldn’t argue or discuss anything without dipping into the leftist handbook of handy phrases. “
This can be said of 80% of the leftards that come out with shit about evil Maggie: had one last night, nearly 30, professional, intelligent though but as soon as he said ‘she destroyed manufacturing’ I know he’s beaten and knows nothing.
Scargill never held a national ballot of his members. That’s how confident of his case – which was purely political, anyway – he was.
As the saying goes, Scargill went into the strike with a big union and a small house and came out with a small union and a big house.
Meanwhile Soviet miners had a months pay docked and sent to a Paris bank account to help the UK miners in their struggle.
I myself are reassured by these jokes, songs that taunt those of who know Margaret Thatcher to be a great leader who did her best to save this country from the likes of McGarry…whoever the hell he was(or is he?).
I love the paucity of wit…only three songs, three repeated jokes-and all dictated from Rent-a Cliche Central as a workshop marquee( if put up by Shaun Woodwards butler).
When the left are as cliche ridden, as eggbound as constipated uncreative and unoriginal as this….WE really have nothing to fear from them.
But then again, we`ve known this for years with Thomas, Steel and Hardy. None of who could fill a phone box without public sector funding via unions or BBC…at least Manning and Davidson have risked a few nights being booed off or in empty venues. That is real comedy, not licking Mitch Benns plectrum for a spot on Radio 4.
Unoriginal saprophytes…living off dead vegetable matter as described in Spitting Image.
The left should be thoroughly ridiculed if they ever try to take the moral high-ground again. Most of us have been aware for years how disgusting they are but they have proved it beyond any doubt.
However, I will, from this point, have no compunction in descending to their level when any of their heroes/heroines kicks the bucket. I can’t wait for the parties when Skinner or Benn goes to find the flames and pitchforks, for instance.
I can understand how disgusted you feel about the way an awful lot of people have behaved over Mrs Thatchers death, I feel the same but stooping to their level isn’t the way to go.
“A quiet tongue is more telling than a vicious one”.
I knew there would be people disagreeing with me on this, but I wasn’t thinking about all-out party so much as not worrying about self-restraint when these vile creatures, and many others, stop stealing oxygen.
I’ve never been one to worry too much about talking ill of the dead, after all Hitler is condemned by all and he’s dead, and Stalin is condemned by decent people and he is dead too.
“Tony Blair: Margaret Thatcher death celebration parties in poor taste.”
-and uncontrollable, genuine expressions of heart-felt socialist emotions of hate.
Er won ? won what sorry but if your victory was ending up out of power and sick with hate and envy then yep top man you have won !or is it the death of an old woman who suffered for years with a debilitating condition that you like ? first one is makes you a sad little failure the secound a utter creep who I hope Karma has a real Darwin award winning treat for !
Er did some one get hacked off the thread lol wish there was a delete post function
From Dublin, BBC-NUJ presents, via correspondent, Diamaid Fleming, only IRA criticism of ex-British P.M , Margaret Thatcher :
“Global reporter round-up: Thatcher reaction”
(Scroll down to third ‘report’)
The murderous IRA attack on the British government in Brighton is not mentioned, nor is this relevant history of the IRA:-
“Republican Ireland: Anti-British, or just plain pro-Nazi?”
By Nigel Jones.
Much has been made of Paris Brown having to resign due to her inappropriate tweets. Should the same not apply here?
Yet another case of left wing bullying.
Isn’t it strange that the UK cannot remove Abu Qatada because the Human Rights Act says so, but when it comes to political discrimination, freedom of thought, and freedom to express oneself the UK can somehow manage to completely ignore the ECtHR ?
It proves to me that the ECtHR is not the absolute law that successive governments keep telling us it is.
Last year the HR courts found the UK law deficient in not providing any protection what so ever against discrimination on the grounds of political discrimination in the case of Redfearn Vs UK, to date the UK has ignored the courts decision, prompting the question about selective following the law.
The BBC hounding of DiCannio almost certainly breaches his human rights, but because the UK has chosen not to follow that part it doesn’t matter.
A free for all for the left wing bully boys !
And now we have the bBC carping about the cost of the the funeral, and whether there should even be a semi state funeral.
Perhaps the dear old BBC could offer to pay some of the costs, if they are so happy now?
There is no longer ANYTHING dear about the BBC. They even have a staff member who celebrates a death (of Mrs Thatcher of course).
I wonder if Ian McGarry and his media comrades have abnormally small, well, endowments? Their immature attitudes might reflect certain….shortcomings. The expressions “left-wing” and “stud” are never used together, and the word “tiddler” was once applied to a deputy PM who was socially at least, inadequate.
Just so everyone knows. BBC’s Radio 4, Mark Steel tweeted referring to Mrs Thatcher’s death:
“What a terrible shame – that it wasn’t 87 years earlier.”
The voice of a responsible National broadcaster ? I don’t think so.
How does Steele’s [public] comment compare to say, an ill-considered private remark by Carol Thatcher that a French tennis player looked like a golliwog?
If the BBC had any decency this man (committed communist to boot) would not be invited back on the BBC.
I’m sure he has absolutely no worries on this score.
Seems the offending tweet has been deleted.
Indeed it has. Fortunately, we have the embed code, so it’s preserved for posterity on the “In Their Own Tweets” page.