I wasn’t going to comment any more on the BBC and Mrs Thatcher but unfortunately the first thing I heard on the radio this morning was the voice of Justin Webb….not a good start to any day.
When speaking to Conservative MP, Connor Burns, Webb said there was a trap here… that by eulogising her the Tories risked alienating those who didn’t like Mrs Thatcher. (8:58)
In that simple statement Webb sums up the whole BBC ethos….do not offend anyone even if it means surrendering your own principles and values…no matter what the provocation or likely end result you must not ‘fight’ or stand up for your own beliefs and interests.
‘Appeasement’ is another way of describing the Webb attitude….I may rename him ‘Justin Case’….do nothing, say nothing just in case it might offend.
It never fails to amaze me how the left who promote this POV that hatred towards others is just so wrong simply because the person in question hasn’t been understood properly. So we have:
Osama Bin Laden: Actually a nice bloke who only got to be where he is because the Americans funded him.
Saddam Hussain: A wrong fellow who only did the things he did because he was funded by the Americans
The Taliban; A misunderstood bunch of pious fellows who only did what they did because. The Americans funded them.
Hamas: A misunderstood bunch of democratically elected terrorists who only came into been because Israel exists.
Iran: A theological state who are only looking after themselves because America hates them.
In any part of the world where a despot reigns supreme , the Left will bend over backwards in which to excuse that persons behaviour usually by diverting attention towards the wicked west and that actually the person in question has a right to his views
Unless of course it is somebody the left don’t like:
The Allies in WW2, have you noticed that when it comes to WW2 the UK and US are the only countries guilty of killing people. Hitler’s Nazis Germany started a war which engulfed the World and yet all I hear from the Left is:…The British Bombed Dresden. The Americans nuked Japan.
Russia, invaded and occupied with deadly force: All of Eastern Europe, Invaded Afghanistan, supported numerous terrorist groups throughout the world and raised Chetneya to the Stone age. And what do we hear from the left, America supports Israel
And so it is with their hatred of Maggie:
Maggie was the Milk snatcher.
Actually the 1968 Labour Government has that title when they abolished milk from all secondary schools. Maggie did cut milk but only for all those from 8 years of age to 11 in 1971 and why did she do so, because the country was skint.
Maggie closed down the Coal mines
Until the miner’s strikes, the British Miners who supplied British Power stations demanded increases in Coal prices which in turn resulted in higher energy prices for us all. During the strike, the Power station started importing cheaper coal from abroad (didn’t something similar happen with Japanese cars and Coventry?) and instead of reforming the miners under Scargill presumed that they could continue to bully their customers into purchasing their overpriced coal . Big mistake. The irony here is, the people lamenting the demise of the coal industry are the very same ones who are so vocal over closing down coal fuelled power stations.
Maggie destroyed the social fabric of British society
During the 60s and 70s a social revolution took place in the Uk, we had equal rights, we had flower power, we had the drug scene , why we had mass protests. Where the general theme was stick it to the man, big society is history and love is the drug. What people demanded was a great big melting pot big enough to take the world and all it’s got , keep it stirring for a hundred years or more And turn out coffee coloured people by the score and yet for all the fruits of that leftwing drug induced society: Crime, rise in single families, break up of the society and instead of looking in the mirror and saying “Wow we f-cked up there” they instead blame Maggie Thatcher who supported the values that were in place before the sandal wearing idiots became the councillors of today.
Maggie Brought in the Poll Tax
The irony, the people who championed against the Poll tax, now complain about the high council charges levied against them, charges which wouldn’t be half as bad if the left hadn’t bitched about the much more equal Poll Tax.
The problem the left have, is they just don’t have the balls to admit that actually the reason why the UK is where it is today isn’t because of Maggie (She left power 22 years ago) But because leftwing ideals in the Uk have done nothing good but cause pain and destruction for the country. Think I am joking:
Invasion of Iraq
Invasion of Afghanistan
Open borders policy
Signing up to the EU Human rights accord where terrorists cannot be deported due to their human rights
Not checking immigrants for deadly diseases, because it could be deemed as racist
Handing money over to Europeans working in the Uk, but whose children remain in the mother country?
Adopting a green energy policy which is detrimental to the British people
Destroying our educational foundations by dumbing down standards.
Maggie Thatcher would have done none of the above, but the left did and yet its Maggie they Hate.
Pounce, I agree with pretty much all of that, except that the Left didn’t bring you the removal of Sadaam and the invasion of Afghanitan, but it has adopted the rationale for Iraq in the cases of Libya and Syria and what they wished for Mubarak – never mind how the only Beeboid who would object to NATO invading and removing the Zionist Entity will be the one tasked with writing the website article about it – while pretending it’s not the same human rights reason to remove Ghaddafi or Assad.
Although I have to point out that Dez (presumably late of this parish) exclaimed recently that Bin Laden did 9/11 not because the US had infidel troops in the holy Arabian Peninsula, but in fact for the same reason all those people staged the various anti-US missile protests back in the ’80s. That’s not much different from the excuse the BBC has offered over the years.
I didn’t know that about the poll tax, to be honest.
The left have no problem vilifying Maggie for standing up to Argentina for a war they started. The thing is Britain was in the right. Yet all we hear from the left is:
1) Britain sank the Belgrano
2) Maggie used the war to remain in power
The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were not our Wars, while I have no problem in saying that Maggie would have joined in with Afghanistan, I don’t think she would have with Iraq. (Shades of Wilson and Vietnam and all that) but that is all academic
The left loved to shrill about the dead who would still be alive if Maggie had simply handed over the Falklands. Yet none of the same is directed towards Tony for many deaths in Iraq. Oh we hear of the deaths of British soldiers but nobody points at Blair like they do towards Maggie and the Falklands.
Every-time the left come to power in the UK, they ruin the country and then when the right come in to sort out their mess, the left complain about the hardships that people will have to face. Hardships which the left caused.
Couple of points re the excellent piece from Pounce. (will we see that stuff in the media……not a chance). Binladen was being hunted by the Saudi authorities for many years around 1980 for threatening that Saudi state). I was working in Jeddah at the time having bought myself out of the RAF in 1977. Toward 1977 under a Labour Gov we were suffering from poor salaries to an extent where young junior technicians were receiving slight pay rises that put them into a higher tax band. I remember signing a petition to the government on the issue which I thought very weird at the time. Couple of years later MT had reversed that to my utter astonishment……too late for me but admirable work by her. Who was it who wrecked our aircraft industry? TSR2 (destroyed design data) and buy Phantoms……that was a mess we had to endure for many years trying to get adequately operational.
Oh don’t get me started on the TSR2 I can feel the anger even now and I wasn’t even born when that kick in the ****s for the RAF took place !
I have actually sat in the pilots seat of the one at Cosford when the curator was off sick and even now still remember the smell!!!
There was a few years ago a documentary which shed further light on the miners strike.
I can’t recall how she got wind of it, but there Mrs Thatcher had heard that there was more to Scargills plans than protecting the miners. Special Branch bugged his offices and it apparently came to light that he saw the strike as a way to bring down the PM and her govt.
By cutting off the coal to the power stations the lights would go out and he believed that she would not be able to resist the pressure from the public to cave in to their demands.
Having knowledge of this plan, she set about buying enough coal from abroad to wait out the miners.
Lo and I bet that is treated with abject horror by the renta left but GCHQ’s monitoring every e-mail and phone call is fine as it’s a union boys shop !
But it wasn’t.
Wasn’t listening or a union shop ?
Good analysis – by the same token, MT is even being blamed for the financial crisis of 2008 onwards because she reformed the city. What rot! – Brown took the responsibility for the banks away from the B of E and gave it to the ineffectual FSA as well as introducing poor regulation. Labour were in thrall to the bankers because of the tax revenues they generated in the `good’ years (knighthoods anyone?). even that so-called BBC economics expert, Stephanie Flanders, was peddling this line the other day.
As my mother used to say, `It makes you mad!’
Wasn’t going to comment on this; it’s funny enough just reading through the comments.
“Have to laugh at the
leftsrights tears forChavezThatcher”.But blimey, you really are pathetically desperate to be offended.
“…Webb said there was a trap here… that by eulogising her the Tories [potentially] risked alienating those who didn’t like Mrs Thatcher.”
It was a propositional question Alan.
I know you’ve had difficulty understanding this concept before Alan, but Webb conveniently started off by saying; “I put this to you…” just for the removal of any doubt in numbskulls such as your own.
I guess he underestimated just how stupid you and perhaps one other person banged up in Broadmoor really are.
Oh look, here’s Pounce…
So what if you find criticisms of the BBC “pathetically desperate” (a bit of projection there if your comments here are anything to go by) that hardly answers the question why those who dislike the BBC should be forced to pay for it.
I didn’t say that I found; “criticisms of the BBC ‘pathetically desperate’, but Alan’s eagerness to be offended.
So what if you find [Alan’s] criticisms of the BBC “pathetically desperate” (a bit of projection there if your comments here are anything to go by) that hardly answers the question why those [such as Alan] who dislike the BBC should be forced to pay for it.
Try to answer the question – if you can.
“…the question why those who dislike the BBC should be forced to pay for it.”
You are not forced.
If you don’t want to pay for it don’t get a TV. If you don’t want to pay road tax don’t buy a car. If you don’t want to pay income tax go live on an island in the Pacific which doesn’t have any TV or roads.
You’ll be happy there, all by yourself.
“If you don’t want to pay for it don’t get a TV”
To arrive at such a calibre of response puts you on par with new batch irony voids like JR, and the raft of selective outrage industry stirrers who will riot at some things being paid for but demand others uniquely fund what they do like in perpetuity.
You have answered, but in a manner that speaks volumes about your role here.
So again, by showing who or what exists in support of the national media monopoly propaganda and censorship system, thank you.
Should the makers of Persil be able to levy a compulsory tax, forcing you to buy their product, for the privilege of owning a washing machine, even though other brands are available?
…but, but…If you don’t want to pay for it don’t get a washing machine.
It’s a stupid question, though. How many Thatcher haters were considering voting Tory next time and will now be put off? Don’t make me laugh.
It still sticks in their craw that she won three General Elections in a row despite the tsunami of anti-Thatcher hatred emanating from the Leftist BBC (even the producer of the Dr Who at that time – whose partner was well known [in BBC circles] for being a child rapist [so much for Children in Need]- boasted that the [presumably non-child abusing] writers sought to use this children’s programme as a platform to attack Thatcher) and of course when their beloved Labour Party came back into power after 18 years in the wilderness it had to disguise itself as a Party which had put it’s tax and spend authoritarianism behind it.
Of course the BBC then went into New Labour overdrive (once of course they had got over their hangover) until they deemed Blair not left-wing enough and directed their attentions (and their apologetics machine) to that moral giant Gordon Brown, who sought to plunge the UK even deeper into the cesspool of Leftist moral decay.
The BBC think that they are impartial if they utter the word Margaret Thatcher (or any politician to the Right of Chris Patten for that matter) without spitting.
David Preiser,
“It’s a stupid question, though. How many Thatcher haters were considering voting Tory next time and will now be put off? Don’t make me laugh.”
YouGov poll yesterday (Wednesday): CON 33%, LAB 41%, LDEM 10%
YouGov poll today (Thursday): CON 28%, LAB 42%, LDEM 12%
Could be accounted for by margin of error of course, but still, perhaps not such a stupid question after all.
They asked the same people?
I see that you aren’t good with the apostrophe, Dez.
It is the right’s tears!
A product of Labour’s wonderful education system, no doubt!
The reference to Broadmoor is particularly unpleasant – but of course, the left delight in ad hominem attacks.
David H,
“I see that you aren’t good with the apostrophe, Dez.
It is the right’s tears!”
I know but I was purposefully copying David Vance’s format (he wrote the original sentence).
“A product of Labour’s wonderful education system, no doubt!”
When I went to school the Tories were in power and it was a Public (fee paying) School anyway. So you are wrong in every conceivably possible way 😛
“…but of course, the left delight in ad hominem attacks.”
What, you mean like; “you aren’t good with the apostrophe”?
Pretty desperate stuff David.
Here’s one from you couldn’t make it up dept.
Readers’ fury at ‘biased’ BBC website: Corporation accused after negative articles appear about Baroness Thatcher
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2307211/Readers-fury-biased-BBC-site-Corporation-accused-negative-articles-appear-Baroness-Thatcher.html#ixzz2Q8Si0xit
Usual DM rant. However the 700 complaints are not what the DM suggests:
Go to http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/apr/10/thatcher-death-coverage-bbc-bias
and it turns out that the bias complaints are split roughly 50/50!
Which is the reality. This site has been reduced to barrel scrapping to find find bias.
Maybe it would have a bit more credibility as a site if it accepted the BBC has handled this well. If Milliband can make a speech John Redwood praises, magnanimity may be more appropriate.
Re: your ‘…Usual DM rant…’
The DM is a fairly popular politically opinionated newspaper.
There’s no real reason to get upset because you don’t need to buy it.
Since you don’t seem to like it and boycotting it is not good enough for you perhaps you should set up a site called ‘Biased Daily Mail’
Alternatively, to save you the trouble, you’ll find the BBC does the job for you.
Ow now be fair it’s all he has there is nothing in any of his post that works on any level to excuse the BBC or it’s bias so all he can do is the Now’ show ‘ defence = when to thick to win the argument pick a post from the daily mail in the hope you can get the audience to stop laughing at your stupidity and laugh at theirs !
I myself don’t frequent the mail anywhere near as much as Coldbitz so therefore in BBC eyes must be a better person then him !
Colditz, thank you for proving that the BBC is divisive.
Yesterday John Pienaar, one of the BBC’s political correspondents (whatever that means?) stated categorically that Ed Miliband’s speech was the very best of the Margaret Thatcher tributes.
In doing so John Pienaar rated Miliband as ‘statemanlike’ and ranked his efforts above those of the PM, the Deputy PM, those of the representatives of the minor celtic parties, of elder left-wing statesmen such as Paddy Ashdown and even those of Maragret Thatcher’s former Tory colleagues and indeed some of her rivals.
John Pienaar’s stated basis for this claim – apart from his own opinion – was…. (wait for it)….
‘Ed Miliband’s speech was well recieved on Twitter’.
Poor old Conor Burns.
He seems to have made the mistake of actually visiting Mrs Thatcher throughout the last couple of dreadful years, and so he`ll not be as aware as Webb or the godawful Jon Snow( as witnessed on Channel 4 News last night).
Webb and Snow clearly know that to have bright socks and a white poppy, or to have a dad who cracks up live on air(not that it`s your dad, as you`d have known it) is the way forward….gestures, empathy…triangulation and political advantages and power plays( a la Heseltine, Miliband etc).
These media scum skate over an old ladys timeless contribution to the country without even a chance to draw breath. But will stop to sign a LGBT petition for their partners sprog in Harrows sixth form…you know, REAL rebellion!
Conor Burns actually visited the lady…so the likes of Snow and Webb can f*** off.
She`d not have trusted those two media skidmarks to sniff her slippers. They only have Labours miniatures of State to do that for, and i`m not sure even Healey or Ainsworth would let them do that either.
Guardian SWP cruise on the Belgrano please-so they can all find somewhere else to bitch from, apart from our studios..and we can film what happened next…a cruise arond N.Koreas east coast TBA?
Well written, Pounce. In a decent sized paragraph you have summed up the situation and attitude of the media in this Country pretty damned well!! How can it be that people have to think now even before they hang a Union Jack outside their house just in case it offends someone.
To change the subject slightly I do think that, unexpectedly people like Cameron (I think he is already struggling (esp over Europe))are now being re-scrutinized/damaged by the death of Lady Thatcher
No mention of Labour alienating the majority of voters in this country (excluding the mindless socialist youth activists who are now brainwashed) who are disgusted with socialist policies, then?
Here’s why I feel truly alienated: It has to do with the Left’s assault on discipline, individual and collective responsibility and restraint from self-indulgence which has bred a monster that is reminiscent of Nazi youth in Germany. You will not be able to reason with these violent thugs as they see only their own view of the world through ruthless and ignorant politics; they have been brainwashed by a society with no principles. I see it all around: spoilt brats in shops screaming because they can’t get what they want; a complete collapse in discipline in schools; criminals’ rights over those of the victim; a belief inculcated in our youth that they are special and that their pursuit of happiness is all what matters; and a complete reversal in community spirit. I am truly worried about the future of this country and I blame the Left for this mess.
We`ll be OK Alex.
On this site, it`s easy to see that there`s enough of us to keep each other amused, entertained and to tell the REAL “Inconvenient Truths”.
The Thatcher coverage is only a follow on from their shambolic Jubilee stuff last year…as Pounce says, the sandal wearing councillors and ex lefty bookshop types are the new elite-and they hate themselves, enough to want Thatcher dead even after 23 years…and THEN quibble about the cost of dealing with her corpse.
That`s how sad, thick fucked up and malevolent / miserable the opposition is…they`ll only have old spitoons and rolled up Guardians to offer by way of resistance to the Mullahs ,when the rest of us will have successfully defended ourselves.
I see the BBC and the liberal lice as being a screaming freak show in their own maze of distorting mirrors…and they`re thoroughly freaked out, but burning our money and kids futures in the meantime.
Not for long though…there`s always something happening , but the media…being Mr Jones…don`t know of it.
The traitors reveal themselves on telly and in print every day-their sell-out date has long passed…and I`m sure that the quislings won`t be allowed to stay as a bureaucratic Potemkin in ceaseless search for pension rights,
They`ll not be allowed the peace that Islam says it brings…the peace of the grave at best…not that they`ll know that-for they only blow their own fart bubbles in the jacuzzi and call it news.
Let`s watch it all unfold children, but do keep that big stick to hand eh?
Lol… “rolled up Guardians’ – the yoghurt-eating, wooly-jumper wearing lefty’s weapon of choice!
“This city is afraid of me…I have seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout “Save us!”… and I’ll look down and whisper “No.” They had a choice, all of them. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father or President Truman. Decent men who believed in a day’s work for a day’s pay. Instead they followed the droppings of lechers and communists and didn’t realize that the trail led over a precipice until it was too late. Don’t tell me they didn’t have a choice. Now the whole world stands on the brink, staring down into bloody Hell, all those liberals and intellectuals and smooth-talkers… and all of a sudden nobody can think of anything to say.”
Walter Kovacs/Rorschach
“Webb sums up the whole BBC ethos….do not offend anyone ”
They offend me every day – but I suppose I don’t count.
Ah, we have our first convert to the Inclusive Play Church of St Gerri of Hallibut!…girl power was so much easier without Twitter eh?
Go see Pope Giles Fraser and let`s all don those Union Jack robes that seemed to please Nelson Mandela way back.
First him(urgh,,,Her!)…”Wannebe”!
Closing hymn?..”Goodbye”…Anjem Choudhury and friends seem unhappy and those are not candles being brandished out there in Paternoster Row, dahlings!…
To find out if you count please complete the BBC questionnaire below.
1.Are you British
2.Are you white
3.Do you work in the private sector
If you answer yes to all three questions, you are less than nothing, only a cash cow , born to pay tax to keep the BBC and the rest of public sector and anyone else they invite to live in Britain in the manner to which they have become accustomed.
Heard a typical hour on the BBC last night.
8p.m Radio 4…Mariella Frostrup worries about why there`s a lack of “social mobility” in regard of our kids.
Not a peep about grammar schools being abolished of course, but what if public schools had to do more sex/self-esteem/happiness classes, and what if the Tories would only offer free sports facilities anywhere, anytime as well as free steroids?( I made only part of that up!)
Some Pakistani lady who`s done lots of stuff straight to Channel 4 tells us why the journalist is dead, but the storyteller lives on. To be fair, at least she explained exactly how Beeboids now see themselves-as character actors in the way of the camera and trying to get us all mobilised. She tells us this from an arts event in Jaipur…oh, how sweet at the time assorted BBC stiffies got the expenses claims in( and don`t mention the polar bears crying down below at 35,000ft eh?)
Victoria Wood spoils a perfectly good idea about the history of tea with her Guardian scripts about opium wars and put-upon Indian natives thanks to bloody Carruthers back in Whitehall back then.
Look …we`ve only ever had these lazy takes since the 70s, and we all know it was more nuanced than that now…and if she`s that bovvered, then scoot off to Jaipur at your OWN expense Victoria.
Boy-and she used to be so funny!
Two hours of indoctrination-radio and telly!…can I get out of the watchtower now?…or shall I just jump down in a pastel, rainbow laced parachute moistened with Jane Garveys tears?
8p.m Radio 4…Mariella Frostrup worries about why there`s a lack of “social mobility” in regard of our kids.’
Hey, hey, fella, get the name right.
It’s not ‘Mariella Frostrup’ it’s…
‘Mariella ‘Gordon Brown Is A Great Man, Mutton Dressed As … Well… Mutton, Raddled Scandinavian Slagheap, Thick As Pig Shite Leftie, Seasoned Old Hyena, Turkey-necked Faghag’ Frostrup.
Bit of respect, please.
Ah Mariella, liver spots… I forgot the liver spots. What was I thinking about.
My bad.
Journalism died at the BBC some time ago, but storytelling definitely lives on.
The end of the BBC’s monopoly on programmes uninterrupted by adverts is long overdue. It is plain wrong and unfair to other TV and of course radio stations. The TV Poll Tax paid only to the BBC must be replaced by a subscription fee as soon as possible. If you want the BBC OK, then pay for it, if not, then we should be FREE not to pay for it. The BBC can then charge what it likes to those that will pay for it. That can be £1,000 a year as far as I am concerned and those that rattle their keyboards in favour of the BBC are FREE to pay it. God Bless ‘em.
It is now plain to see that the majority of people in this country have had their eyes opened by the disgraceful way in which bitter old socialists living on benefits for years and unrepentant IRA murderers have been given airtime to spout their vile bile. It has been noticed and not just by us on this blog but many others too and it was pointed out in parliament yesterday. Where the vast majority of speakers spoke very fondly of Mrs Thatcher. Not that you would think so by the TV coverage of course.
This will not be forgotten by the public or the government, the wheels of public opinion and legislation can grind exceeding slow sometimes but this loutish behaviour by the mindless few covered with glee by the BBC’s presenters in their bright ties will bring about a change, a hardening of mind-set. The rest of the world must think this country has gone mad so the pressure will be on David Cameron now like never before and we know he is the master of the U-turn and goes just where the soft breeze blows.
Let the BBC go and float its own boat in its putrid sea of even handed smugness. I want no more of it and as I may have hinted before, I certainly do not want to pay for it in a FREE country on pain of imprisonment.
Come on DC get off of that shiny pair of trouser bottoms and DO SOMETHING.
I hope the lefty maggots respect Maggies Funeral next week,if not I hope the Para’s and Royal Marines give ’em a good kicking. I just hope the coverage is not as abysmal as the Queens River parade.
I hope that you are wrong. Most of the time the leftist thugs only attack when they are in the majority so I doubt they will try.
They said they would disrupt the Royal Wedding and, AFAIK, chickened out. Not simply because of the police and army presence but because the public would not have stood for it.
Hopefully if they kick off at this funeral they will find themselves out numbered and outgunned.
So, if the bBBC’s official line is that we shouldn’t stand up for what is right and shouldn’t offend anyone, why don’t they stop offending us by their endless PC-propaganda and demonisation of anyone who dares to think or speak against it?
Of course, apart from ex-P.M Margaret Thatcher, the biggest political hate group for the political ‘left’ and BBC-NUJ, which puts out its daily publicly-financed political propaganda, is not the ‘Black Bloc’, or UAF, or Muslim Brotherhood, but the English Defence League.
“Black Bloc: Name of the sinister group plotting to sabotage Baroness Thatcher’s funeral with ‘re-enactment’ of poll-tax riots.
“Plans to hang an effigy of the former prime minister in Trafalgar Square.
“Threat to riot if Baroness Thatcher gets a state funeral.
“Thugs will protest Saturday night and are rallying others on internet.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2307172/Margaret-Thatcher-funeral-Black-Bloc-plot-sabotage-poll-tax-riot-enactment.html#ixzz2Q9pg6Gvf
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So the “Black Bloc” want to launch a riot at a white lady’s funeral. Surely that’s a hate crime, and shouldn’t they be put inside for a month like that racist white woman on the tube?!
I wonder why Fascists/Stalinists/Anarchists are so fond of black? Presumably it is because they view themselves as some sort of nihilistic church (minus any white collar) devoted to destruction. A great tribute to Margaret Thatcher that they want to riot, except of course they always want to riot – it is like that African soldier on Newsnight said last night “I enjoy raping it gives me a sense of freedom”. The Left is simply a reversion back to the baboon. Lazy, envious, parasites, no wonder they hate Margaret Thatcher, and that is just the BBC.
And let’s not forget-
“The Black Flag of Islam”
I assumed black in this instance is the same use as in the Black Police Officers Association, i.e. a racist organisation.
“Tommy Robinson Arrested After ‘Street Jihad.'”
Posted by Baron Bodissey.
I am waiting and watching my local online student antisocial networking groups in the hope that they are planning one of thier retarded `demos` near me… I intend to go there and find a few stragglers and if I do .. Well, I really need to mete out some physical protest of my own… I am sick and f*cking tired of seeing students mouthing off about Thatcher when they weren`t even f*cking alive during her time as PM!!! I know I will not get charged as I have a Bi-Polar diagnosis and I will say I got paranoid from all the aggressive androgenous little sh*ts who have never been taught that society has rules and consequences, and also just becouse it`s an excellent opportunity for me to punch a few of them out cold and get rid of the anger fuelled by the incessant BBC diatribe aimed at a recently deceased old lady who isn`t even in the ground yet… Here`s the thing, they condemn her for being a capitalist etc…. yet she never made false expenses claims and after she retired she lived off the money that her husband left to her…. He was a millionaire in his own right before she was PM…… But nobody pays attention to the estimated £80 million that Tony Blair has made since he was PM do they?? Or the fortune that his wife `Zippy` has made from the Human Rights legislation he pushed through during his tenure….. Yes she just happans to be a specialist in the Human Rights field…. I am sick of phoney left wing blowhards and gobshites telling me about what`s making them unhappy…. Deal With It!!! Grow up and show some decency and respect towards the dead FFS!!!
I hear you, I personally would never get tired of punching a student union activist in the face- BUT remember that in the cold light of day, violence isn’t the answer. The left disgrace themselves every time they open their mouths.
For so long they have described those of us on the right as being consumed by hatred- for blacks, the poor, Muslims, you name it. They call themselves compassionate, and dress themselves as moral champions but the key thing is- and never forget it- they are the real haters. More people are waking up to this every day, and not least because of the ugly scenes over the Iron Lady’s funeral. Let them dance and scream and throw invective, it is to their cost. Hound them for it. Don’t give in to the temptation to shut them up with violence, eminently punchable as so many of them are.
The left has no clue how despised they are.
There is one hell of a backlash coming for them.
You reap what you sow.
INBBC: Birimingham Terror Plot? – Don’t mention Islam.
While ‘Jihadwatch’ has this:-
“UK: Jihad mass murder plotter’s wife knew of plot to rival 9/11, but kept it secret because she wanted to rekindle their romance.”
INBBC has only this, relegated to local news online page:-
“Wife accused of hiding husband’s plot”
Bit of a dilemma presented by this news…
Pulling the DD on the TVL and SKY is being planned, and will take a while to ensure all is in place for legal compliance, but beyond a few other straws the BBC has pulled, this one may just top it off well.
Might be interesting how they react if I offer a ‘balance’ selection of reasons for withdrawing my financial support for a no longer trusted institution, citing on the one hand the Savile cover-up and McAlpine stitch-up, but on the other my moral and indeed legal obligation not to be complicit in terrorist-enabling propaganda or clear commercial profiteering in such poor taste being promoted by the BBC.
If folk want to make a statement by buying this song for such a reason, then that’s their right.
However the BBC has crossed a line if it encourages and/or endorses it. They don’t have to play it and precedent exists for them choosing not to on other occasions before. There are a few songs out there I can imagine them suddenly digging into the ‘ism closet to ban if not conforming to their unique world view.
They choose to air this fine, but I choose to say ‘enough’ on being forced to pay for them to do things in my name that I do not think appropriate.
It still seems extraordinary to do so legally I need to deny our family access to any broadcast signals.
The ‘uniques’ the BBC impose in this country through abuse and fear cut wide and deep.
Heard Eddie Mair caviling and quibbling about the BBC, and its role in promoting this record.
Charles Moore put it well last night, and Lady Buscombe was clear in the objections to the BBCs new-found ambivalence…oh, it`s not for us to intervene, we just reflect the peoples will etc.
Maybe we need a few songs about Savile, not paying the telly poll tax , Bin Laden and about professional scousers using Hillsborough to get careers….and let`s chartjack THEM into the BBCs “hit parade”.
Utter wankers the BBC…they want war?…I think they`ll be getting one soon at this rate.
The womans not even in her coffin yet-and the BBC scumburgers go all “democratic” on us.
Balen rhymes with failing so I find!
Looking forward to May 3, when Nigel Farage can tell Justin Webb that UKIP’s Thatcherite polices didn’t alienate the voters at all – in fact far from it – at the county council elections on May 2.
Damn, meant to post that under my real name.