As a thought, all this anti Thatcher talk and anti Tory/UKIP stuff we are seeing at the moment, cast a thought in the direction of a secret organisation masquerading as a charity and endorsed by “Call me Dave”
From a Telegraph blog commenter a few months ago.
Common purpose, they work in secret using the methods of the free masons minus the ethical morality, a shadow government built under our noses for years and the MSM/legacy media was silent as the grave. A spiders web of interconnected establishment ruling class subverting the principles of democracy in order to progress their agenda. They are without exception some of the nastiest people you could ever hope to meet, the ends justify the means types.
And ALL of them able to access public funding via quangos and local/national government/foreign aid(those billions dont go to poor) being pathological parasites they have attached themselves to the taxpayer and they are bleeding the taxpayer dry. The ultimate aim is a one party state modelled on the Chinese method, a ghastly marriage of political Marxism and corporatism.
Across every publicly funded institution common purpose is represented and goes about its work in secret, they have the BBC/guardian/NUJ/SEJ/BIJ/MST as their media mouthpiece and protector. They network and they recruit and they plot and scheme and lobby and extort and blackmail and threaten. You may not be interested in common purpose but they are certainly interested in you and you will not like their plans for you one little bit.
Common purpose is entrenched in the highest levels of the liblabcon, they own the likes of Hague and May and Clegg and Milliband and Cameron, the civil service is run by common purpose now. The ruling class have their own version of the masons and every day that passes more institutions are taken over and subverted, its like a real version of the body snatchers, and its just as scary.
There used to be a poster here who called himself ‘Atlas Shrugged’. He used to warn us of Common Purpose. I always thought he exaggerated the danger but that there was an element of truth in what he wrote. But the more I read about Common Purpose the more truth I realise he gave.
The droids going full howl on (yawn) Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead and its appearance in the download charts.
Nasal (pretend) leftie West Albanian spamhead droid, Colin Paterson, touring the studios with his ‘will they play it in the chart run-down show, tough, tough decision’ line. No doubt it will have to go right to the top and Lord Hopeless can kid himself he’s justifying his salary by taking the ‘tough tough decision’. Who gives a toss whether they play it or not.
BBC as usual getting very excited when *they* are the story.
Lads, lassies, what you muse over when you’re alone in your salford think pods, what you tweet eachother about when you should be working, and what you talk about at the ‘water cooler’ is not *news* it’s tittle-tattle of no interest to the rest of us.
Get over yourselves.
Oh for the day when BBC goes subscription only* and these clowns find out how far far below their ‘market rate’ salaries the market rate actually is.
*Now there’s a ‘tough tough decision’ that I don’t think Lord Hopeless will bother himself with.
Two points – Firstly BBC trying to give extra exposure to plan by discussing it now. Secondly if it does get to No1 surely that is evidence that those on benefits have money to burn on cheap publicity stunts – so therefore cuts to welfare budget need to go further
Perhaps we should all download “I Can’t Let Maggie Go”, or maybe “Maggie May”. Then again, I’ve got better things to do with my money, unlike some it would seem.
John Kay and Louise Minschin, discussing the issue with Edwina Currie on bbc breakfast.
Both lefties not happy being told by Edwina the big loser here is the bbc itself. Absence of leadership so obvious. Then it got better, they had to discuss the rival i’m in love with maggie track.
Faces akin to wasp chewing so clearly seen.
All a bit reminiscent of eg the St Pauls ‘dirty’ protest when at the start of every week the (world’s most trusted) news team would get emailed an agenda (all its meanings) usually from Honking Ed’s PPS…
Hi, folks, don’t forget your script for the upcoming week lol
Monday: ‘The Occupy protest outside St Pauls is now in its 31st day.
Tuesday: ‘The Occupy protest outside St Pauls is now in its 32nd day.
Wednesday: ”The Occupy protest outside St Pauls is now in its 33rd day.
etc etc etc etc
Laters !!!!!
Not by way of news you understand, because ‘nothing’s happening’ is not news, but promoting, promoting, and promoting their’s (and wunashunlabour’s) pet projects.
And so it is with Ding Dong. On and on and on and on as though somehow it’s news.
At least the shameful scenes this week have given us another chance to see the left in its true light. Cheerleading the way of course is the BBC, along with their friends in the entitlement community. ‘Thatcher loathed’ is the central message of the output. Disgraceful.
Here’s another one if you hadn’t got the message yet from the BBC: ‘Many of those who loathed Margaret Thatcher’s politics.’ It’s hard to escape the feeling that that pointless article exists just to repeat that line.
I had to bleach my mind after seeing those scenes the first time round back in the 70s. Now I’m going to have to have counselling at the thought of someone else wanking off to it. Bloody thanks!
Auberon Waugh’s review of The Music Lovers was more memorable than the film:
“One can’t really blame Tchaikowsky for preferring boys. Anybody might become a homosexualist who had once seen Glenda Jackson naked. Since she has been kind enough to show it to us, I must remark that she has a most unusual configuration in her pubic hair. It seems to grow in a narrow tuft, like the hairstyle of the Last of the Mohicans. I wonder if Ms Jackson has any Red Indian blood. If so, it might explain why there are no more Mohicans.”
Hi Edited Highlights. This from Nick Robinson’s article:
“When Margaret Thatch stood on the steps of 10 Downing Street on her first day as Prime Minister David Cameron was 12 years old, Ed Miliband was 9 and George Osborne was 7”. Not change there then.
Mind boggling how the BBC can live though decades where Labour spent all of our money (and our children’s money) without any front page headlines, yet they find room for this.
I see that this morning Nicky Campbell yet again gave another platform to the SWP (didn’t this idiot have a hand-wringing phone-in some weeks back about extremism, democracy and what exposure fringe groups are entitled to?).
What is it about this show’s apparent affinity with the SWP that allows them exposure on such a regular basis? – one of their spokesmen was also on last week and again some weeks earlier.
As I mentioned some time ago, today’s SWP contributor, Charlie Kimber, was put up against a Tory MP last year. Introducing the Tory, Campbell described him a being at the ‘opposite end of the political spectrum’. In doing so Campbell painted a picture of there being some sort of equivalence between the two.
If Campbell sees a Tory and a revolutionary socialist as equidistance on the political spectrum – the position from which Campbell and the BBC make that judgement must be further to the left than I have ever witnessed before.
Why Campbell and ‘Your Call’ repeatedly give this distasteful, horrible group of people, this group that would threaten our democracy, a mainstream platform is utterly beyond me, unless of course it is there desire to ‘rub the right’s noses in it’.
Footnote: VD has gone on to cover a story about state sponsored rape in the Congo. Perhaps Campbell should have asked Kimber about the way that the SWP dispose of complaints of rape and sexual assault and exonerate their own rapists – Comrade Delta for example.
While commentators of the centre right are banished from our screen, it seems that rape is a minor inconvenience for the BBC – nothing must get in the way of their activism, giving space to and amplifying the SWP message.
F***ing hypocrites.
TBH, Croatia is not as much of a problem as its population is only 5 million.
I can name another country with about fifteen times the population, which we should be more worried about.
Hint: only a small part of it is in Europe.
“TBH, Croatia is not as much of a problem as its population is only 5 million.
I can name another country with about fifteen times the population, which we should be more worried about.
Hint: only a small part of it is in Europe.”
It is relatively small, but poor, far poorer than Poland, and we simply haven’t got the room, the money or facilities for any mor immigrants whatsoever.
Turkey isnt joining yet, but Croatia joins on July 1st! This is urgent! We could see the majority of young Croatians heading here – English is after all the main foreign language learned in school and Germany and France will undoubtedly keep them out for five years as they have every newly joined Eastern European country!
Would be nice to think so but I very much doubt it!
English NOT German is the langauge they all learn – from six years old!
Wiki: Croatian elementary education consists of eight years, and it is compulsory. Children begin schools at the age of 6 or 7.[1]
The grade schools are split in two stages:
1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class, with subjects such as Croatian, mathematics, visual art (likovna kultura), nature and society (priroda i društvo), physical education, music education, religion and at least one foreign language (usually English, usually in the 1st grade and compulsory in the 4th grade)
5th through 8th grades, where different teachers teach different subjects, with added subjects such as history, geography, biology, chemistry, physics, informatics and in addition to English, often a second language (usually German, French or Italian) etc)”
True to form the BBC fails to inform us that this
paedophile rapist who subjected an eleven year old to a horrendous ordeal is a foreigner from Nigeria!
Why are we allowing Nigerians to settle here? Nigeria is NOT an unsafe country. There should be NONE here, other than a few ‘highly skilled’ immigrants!
A teenager accused of raping an 11-year-old girl in a park had attacked another schoolgirl a year before, a court has been told.
Opemipo Jaji, 18, admitted sexually assaulting and robbing the girl in 2011, the Old Bailey heard.
He is on trial accused of following a girl home from school on a bus last November before dragging her into a park in Enfield, north London, and raping her.
Mr Jaji, of Edmonton, denies rape.
Mr Jaji followed her and dragged her into Jubilee Park and subjected her to a three-hour ordeal, the Old Bailey heard.
Her glove had been stuffed in her mouth and she had been stripped and assaulted.18, admitted sexually assaulting and robbing the girl in 2011, the Old Bailey heard.
The Daily Mail usually mention someone’s nationality, the fact they don’t suggest he’s one of our Nigerians [he had a London, Edmonton, chavvy accent] rather than an actual Nigerian i.e. a non-deportable one. He seems to have done it before too [the previous year, Jaji pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting and robbing another girl] and one can surmise he got a slap on the wrist for it as there’s no mention of a jail sentence – not exactly a ringing endorsement of the justice system. Personally, I’d deport the whole lot of them because all they are are scammers … but that’s a debate for another day.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s far older than eighteen too. Many foreigners lie about their age in order to steal a few years free education from the state, as well as, in the caes of asylum seekers, to enjoy the kid glove treatment supposedly ‘minors’ are given.
True; as a dental nurse in a practice on a council estate in a ‘socially-deprived’ area (during Tony Blair’s time as PM), I encountered many foreigners who gave their date of birth as 01.01 and whatever year would make them under sixteen years of age, even if they were obviously a lot older. One even had the nerve to say that he was entitled to free cosmetic dentistry because ‘ Home Office pay, Home Office pay’. Needless to say, he didn’t get it, but it goes to show how the UK is considered a soft touch.
It is particulalry concerning that lying male immigrants gain access to much younger vulnerable girls in schools, who assume they are simply rather ‘mature’ youngsters like themselves, and may even be attracted to them for this reason.
I seem to recall much coverage and mockery on BBC when it came out that Grant Schapps had website under psudonym – looking forward to equally robust coverage now Chukka Umana has been caught red-handed lying about his involvement in bigging himself up on his Wikipedia entry
‘…and looking…. and looking…
It will appear, and will be held aloft here by the duty Flokker of the day.
As to equivalence in degree of robustness, now, that falls under unique Editorial professional judgement, which is…’excluded for the purposes of…’.
Just heard a revealing bit of tripe about whether Thatcher was “a woman”…for when a old sad ham like Glenda Jackson raises doubts, then it`s only right that Jane Garvey gets the highlighted script to “raise these issues”.
The hideous socialist phoning in her bile and classtrap was called Judith-whereas the lady in the studio was a black woman called Luanna.
Yet Judith was able to put Luanna straight on being black in the Thatcher reign…and about being a woman too.
Glenda scale of womanliness as measured by Judith, shouting, hectoring and browbeating a black woman about being black…and Luanna talked over, not given a crack at this harridan.
Jane of course, let Judith rant, rail and rave all over Luanna.
An absolute disgrace on so many levels…but if you want to see the Commie DMs and girly jackboots heading your way in the coming years, then Judiths arrogance, racism and sheer patronising ignorance are as good a place to start as any.
Why the hell don`t the Tories just run these clips, show Glendas bootfaced version of “womanliness” on the upcoming election posters?…or are they “frit” in the face of the likes of Jane, Judith and Glenda?
Wake up England…this level of evil, malice and wilful howling down of anything but the BBCs version of events is going to be best taken on cheaply and easily NOW…not when the likes of Brand and Ross, Owen Jones and Angela/Marie Eagles get the chance to finish us off, trussed for Anjem Choudhury!
I do wonder if the Witch is Dead is so popular, only because the real coven is quietly getting its faggots ready for the “heretics” who still hold to decency and respect for the likes of Mrs T.
One can only hope that when Glenda herself exits this world stage left, her political opponents will classier and more humane in their words than the great actress. But we should welcome this outpouring of bile from the left. It shows them for who they are. The prompting of anti-Thatcher stuff from the Beeb is dreadful. I assume the champagne is flowing at the Today programme and Radio 5 Live.
Hmm well oh her day of ascendance to the left wing hell of fame I will be doing my best to fight down the urge to to get on my bike and find the b???/??? /sorry I’m not one of them amen! , the screen goddesses final hidey hole !
Eunuchs at the harem aren`t they?
They lived under Thatchers clouds, they heard her, saw her…but were reduced to shitting on gnomes like Patten and Currie.
Seen it, saw it done-but couldn`t do anything themselves…impotent weirdies who haven`t even a body to gloat over.
Just their own failed empty lives, soon to be made more miserable when the turbines fail, Islam comes a calling and their hollowed out husk of Lennon tributes manes that history won`t even record their musings.
Pity the f**ers-but don`t give them one more penny of state money. No License fee-no expenses-and no BBC to posture for!
I have the Morecambe & Wise Christmas specials from the 1970s on DVD, and one thing struck me. Althought they featured Glenda Jackson and Vanessa Redgrave, there was nothing overtly political about any of the scripts. M & W did not do poiltics, and were all the better for it.
As to this crap about the costs of Thatchers funeral.
What would you prefer…5 Pollard Reports that blame ITV and the NHS for spawning Jimmy Savile…or at least letting the rest of us in on their dirty redacted little secrets?…or one funeral for an old lady who served this country the best way that she knew how.
Even in death, she highlights the evil of the BBC/Labour and the Guardian…NONE of who would ever have behaved like this, had she not made them spiteful, thoughtless, vacuous and ..well evil in the end. Certainly unrecognisable as anything originally intended.
And if the scummy likes of Jackson, Campbell would stay away, then it would be even cheaper…let the thick twenty something Occupy retards take their chances , it will be catharsis…plenty military there i`d expect!
Laurie…sangria at the Cross Keys waiting…and ask Owen if he`d like to do a John Reed impression for future lefties to marvel at!
why do need any fun things to do when you can blow yourself up, kill a few/many infidels a and ascend to heaven to mess around with all those Virgins. You guy simply don’t get the religion of peace, do you.
“Fag-ash Glenda… potty to the power of 10 and sexist, too”
“Peter Lilley (Con, Hitchin & Harpenden), another of her Cabinet members, spoke less fluently but with greater muscle about how those – eg the BBC – who describe her as ‘a divisive figure’ should remember that divisions require two sides.”
I think it was Charles Moore who pointed out that it was the likes of Scargill who were the real divisive force – strike after strike without ballot-box approval. Dividing miner against miner even – and those wounds caused directly by Scargill and his Soviet allies have never healed.
In the Britain of 1979 there was huge disunity, thousands of strikes. By the end of the 1980s Britain’s rate of strikes was at an all-time low. Industrial peace – not strife. Thatcher had carried out trades union reforms to restore power to the workers not the union bosses. That is – she had pushed through the sort of legislation Barbara Castle had proposed back in 1968 in “In Place of Strife”.
The other huge unifying effect of Thatcher was the defeat of Communism. Eastern Europe escaped from Soviet oppression, European civilisation is once again unified.
And I would add that by restoring some pride in “Great” Britain, Thatcher tried to unify the nation around decent values.. Her successive electoral vistories showed the extent of that unity.
Well said. The UK was a divided nation in 1979 for the reasons you have given. Decent people who just wanted to get on with working, getting on in life and looking after their families were sick of the communist union leaders and the Luddite workforces who chose to blindly follow them into strike after strike, not to mention their continually holding the country to ransom to get their demands. Mrs T promised to sort it out and she did – simple as that. Would Miliband reverse any of her reforms? Who knows, but you bet sure as hell his paymasters in the unions will want him to and Blair is obviously very worried about his hard left rhetoric. Interesting times.
I hear that many lefties are complaining that the tax payer should not be funding the funeral of Lady Thatcher. Well as a tax payer of many years standing let me tell them a couple of things.
Firstly, paying tax for things you don’t agree with is what democracy is all about, and believe me there are many things funded by tax that I don’t use , don’t want and don’t agree with, but I have to pay for.
Secondly , one of the best examples of having to pay for something you don’t like or want is of course the License Fee . So now those lefty supporters of the BBC know how many of us feel. But of course the cost to each of them of Lady Thatcher’s funeral is a one off and tiny, but I have to pay £145 every year towards the BBC.
As I say-Thatchers funeral will be costing something in the region of a couple of Pollard Reports into Saviles use of the BBC for his child abuse.
If the BBC had any idea of self-preservation. they`d go very carefully on this one…for many of us have had just about enough of their lies and spinning.
Thank God that Margaret Thatcher is to be cremated.
The Maggies Maggots Tendency as personified by Toynbee( rather grand dad, Umbrian Socialist too creepy for even the SDP) will simply have to leech off the blowflies like Kinnock instead when he pegs it.
I note too that Margaret will be laid to rest at the back of the Infirmary she has clearly donated to the RCH in Chelsea…it is named after her?
Anybody able to tell us what yacht Blair will be thrown off when HE goes…or what locked ward Gordon Brown is leaving us with?
The gulf in class, principle and honour has never been clearer now that Mrs T has gone…that she has shown up the Maggimaggots and the Milipedos for what they are(from under some very dark, damp stones) is yet another gift she leaves us , as a nation , to ponder.
If the BBC carry on flaunting their privileged venom at an old lady for much longer, I do predict a riot…and not a Duggan toytown boozefest either.
She deserves better than this-and we as a nation have let it slide too far to let it get to this, I fear.
Interesting juxaposition on the subject of respect for the dead
“Campbell’s (thats Alastair cambell when he worked for Mirror) loyalty to Maxwell was demonstrated when he punched The Guardian journalist Michael White after White joked about “Captain Bob, Bob, Bob…bobbing”
The BBC call the reality show ‘Barely Legal Drivers’, though this is not true, as each of the particpants are shown driving illegally in way or the other. Yet the BBC feels that one of them earns the right to be awarded a new car.
It’s not enough that licence fee payers have to have their lives put in danger by these morons, but also to provide them with a new weapon.
Expect the BBC to dismiss this as yet another fake outrage drummed up by the Mail. Nobody was complaining until it was in the papers, the complainers never even saw it, etc.
Here’s the BBC using advocacy language again, deliberately covering up the fact that “undocumented immigrants” lack the proper documents because they have entered the country illegally.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators have rallied across the US in a mass call for citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.
The report goes on to say that this is partly on the strength of all those Hispanics who voted overwhelmingly to re-elect the President. While Mark Mardell attempted a couple of years ago to paint as racist laws allowing police to check the legal papers of people they’re already investigatinge has never been a BBC report wondering why the Hispanic advocates of illegal immigration are concerned only about their own ethnic group and aren’t interested in the plight of Chinese illegal immigrants forced to work for a pittance in restaurants and sweat shops, or for all those eastern European women trafficked here illegally in prostitution rings. Why isn’t the BBC interested in the real racial politics of the other side? All the moaning about tougher laws being racist never seems to be concerned about anyone not Hispanic. Why the BBC condones this racist viewpoint, I have no idea. I’ve found only a single BBC report focusing on Asians, out of dozens.
The BBC has form on this, an established pattern of deliberately covering up the illegal aspect of this whole issue, which is in fact the key. They started with Franz Strasser’s dishonest series of reports on the joys of immigration in the US, in which the word “illegal” wasn’t mentioned once. Even when he did reports from two different “Sanctuary Cities” (so-called for their public defiance of immigration law and harboring of illegals). Then we had quite a few video magazine reports (a BBC specialty in the US these days) attempting to claim that illegal immigrants are somehow being wrongly punished by a law they’ve broken. The BBC also did a report featuring a girl whose parents broke the law, and brought her to the US illegally in the process. We were told that referring to them as illegal “dehumanizes” them. They even did a feature on illegals’ struggles looking for love. What other criminal acts should we now demur from labeling, BBC? Should Jeremy Paxman be punished for calling Conrad Black on air, to his face, a convicted felon, thus dehumanizing and marginalizing someone who had done the time for his crime and was no longer a walking illegal actor?
I encourage everyone to do a search on the BBC website for “undocumented immigrants”.
Before any defender of the indefensible dismisses me out of hand because other media outlets also have been using the phrase “undocumented immigrants”, let me just say that it’s equally wrong for them to do it. Lemming journalism isn’t something to be proud of, and you wouldn’t be so sanguine about it if the BBC was using advocacy language for invading Iraq or Afghanistan.
The BBC uses the license fee to advocate for a political cause in the US. Yet nobody seems to care.
Surprised to see that the BBC isn`t making more of Helmut Kohls comment that Thatcher split Europe when they were both in power.
This is the Times lead story today, and this Europhobia claim would normally be nectar to the Thatcher bashing lefties at the BBC.
Can only guess that Kohls recent admission that he fiddled the Euro conditions to allow Greece and Italy in, and deliberately lied to his own people about the Euro being feasible and morally, politically correct; might be brought up quickly to shut him up.
Am I right?…will I ever know?…nah!
The great thing about Hemutts waffle is he makes Europe’s leader sound petulant and arrogant and makes Thatcher look strong and defiant !
Funny he nay look that dumb! must be the light !?
Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven’t heard about these sickening accusations?
It’s not your fault.
Because the US mainstream media is covering it up, so the BBC doesn’t have to report it, either. Never mind that the BBC does report plenty of things the US MSM doesn’t, like how 7-Eleven is invading a trendy downtown neighborhood filled with Occupiers and where a couple of Beeboids live, or a dopey human interest story about how getting a fake ID is a rite of passage for US teenagers. The kind of crap they teach at media studies graduate programs is worth reporting, but not real major issues where lives are at stake. Oh, wait, my bad: the BBC doesn’t consider anything life unless it’s so-defined by abortion advocates.
A horrific story. When a civilisation sanctions this then it is already in it’s death throes.
Sadly liberalism stands firmly with the abortionist which is why ,in the end , it will destroy the West.
Here`s hoping that Carol Thatcher screws the BBC into the ground should they come slithering along to seek an interview.
Why give any truck to the hideous racist eh?
Sky and ITV only please Carol?…f*** the BBC for us will you?
Carols Thatchers views on Britain, ” I was increasingly despondent about the state of this country” ( join the club ) she moved to Switzerland in 2009.
While the rest of the country is suffering (except Wall Street, Hollywood, and top government officals), the Community Organizer-in-Chief is holding yet another start-studded concert (um, Cyndi Lauper? Really? – ed) at the White House to celebrate Himself. It will be both livestreamed on the White House website and broadcast on air by PBS, which receives a small amount of taxpayer funding.
BBC: ZZzzzzzzz
Imagine the BBC’s reaction if a wealthy white Republican did this. I guess this isn’t the kind of thing the BBC would define as “divisive”, either.
Note to defenders of the indefensible: Yes, this link is to a Fox News report. So what? Are you going to deny it’s true simply because of the source? Or just tell me I’m outraged only because Fox News tells me to be?
And why does BBC-NUJ indulge the Liverpool Hillsborough group’s anti-Thatcher propaganda, as it did again this morning on Radio 4?
The answer is obvious, of course.
“Thatcher’s achievements will long outlive the spite of Sheffield’s sons and daughters.
“Sections of the British Left have long since proclaimed their enthusiasm for the death of Margaret Thatcher, but her achievements will long outlive their spite.”
Michael Grade, who was brought in to run BBC1 during Milne’s tenure, said he thought there was “nobody who cared more deeply about the BBC” and that he was “an inspirational figure who was caught up in difficult times. The whole BBC didn’t understand that the world was changing with Thatcher”.
The viewer spotted that the BBC misleadingly inserted footage of miner’s strike violence from England and implied it was happening from Wales.
Today the BBC Trust, which regulates the corporation, admitted the unlabelled footage had broken accuracy guidelines.
Huw Edwards, who fronts the Ten O’Clock News, was accused of ‘openly canvassing support’ for the Welsh Assembly and was also found to have broken rules.
He suggested on the programme that for the Assembly ‘to achieve its full potential it needs even greater support for the people of Wales than it’s received so far’, adding: ‘The more people that take part, the stronger and healthier our democracy in Wales will be.’
The corporation’s governing body backed up an earlier ruling that his words were not objective and even-handed on the subject.
What? The BBC used dishonest editing techniques to support the Narrative? What a shock.
Left-wing script writers infiltrated Doctor Who to give it anti-Thatcher plot lines in the late 1980s in a failed attempt “to overthrow the Government” Sylvester McCoy has claimed.
McCoy, who played the seventh doctor from 1987 to 1989, and Andrew Cartmel, the script editor at the time, both admitted the conspiracy, saying that it “seemed the right thing to do”.
A TELEVISION play about the Falklands war that the BBC refused to show a decade ago because it was “too Right-wing” and sympathetic to Mrs Thatcher is finally to be put out on Radio 4 in April, on the 20th anniversary of the start of the war.
The Falklands Play by Ian Curteis caused enormous controversy when the playwright disclosed in 1986 that the BBC told him it would axe the £1 million drama unless he rewrote parts to show Mrs Thatcher, the Prime Minister, in a less flattering light.
What? BBC management attempting to influence drama production for ideological purposes? What a shock.
His anger at the time of the row was heightened because he was asked to write a play sympathetic to Mrs Thatcher’s decision to retake the Falklands as “a corrective” to two other BBC plays, Tumbledown and The Queen’s Arms that had been critical of the Government and, in the second, shown British soldiers as drunken louts.
What? The BBC’s output is in fact not balanced out over time? What a shock.
“I am a great admirer of the BBC but this was absolutely corrupt. Many at the BBC could not stand Margaret Thatcher.”
And most still hate her now. I thought Mark Thompson claimed this sort of thing had been cleared up years ago?
Just heard only the latest advert from the BBC for us all to donate our organs on PM just now.
The interviewee was called Shelley something or other…and eddie Mair gave her the easy ride that victims emote.
My problem was the Yokshire accent of Shelleys saying that she was supportive “from the get-go”.
Sorry-but I smell a rat when I hear such things….the BBC have form in staged interviews like this…and to hear such phrases as this rather leads me to BBC drama school, than a hospital bed.
Prove her authenticity BBC!…you prove yourselves to be liars every day, and the “get-go” sounded decidedly odd.
This is not to deny the ladys tragedy, but I simply do not trust the BBC not to create their cast of characters to promote their world view.
That`s how dysfuntional the BBC is these days IMHO.
Just listened to it. Mair did not mention that she’s a campaigner as well as someone personally affected by the issue. Rule #1 of BBC vox pops still in effect.
Mair even asks her if she has any “suggestions” for the public. So a public platform for her cause, as well as the open offer to give her message. Does telling the audience that “she now campaigns for….” detract in any way from her message or the absolute moral authority we’re meant to cede to her? The BBC seems to think it does, so declines to tell you because they feel it detracts from the story they want to tell.
PS: Had a good laugh at the quote from Lord Hall about his being proud of the BBC’s coverage “on the day”. So maybe not so proud of what came after the facade cracked.
I praised on this site the Radio 4 coverage on the Monday from 17:00 to 18:30 but I sensed they were “holding the dogs back” and so it proved, sadly. Far too much comment from the far Left.
He’s right about the BBC being ratings-obsessed. But it’s how they now gauge value for the license fee after the last update of the Charter. Still, this bit is accurate when it comes to reporting on US issues:
It’s as though the BBC only recruits Alisons and Jeremys [filmmakers] from the Home Counties who make culture that appeals to them, but who occasionally go to remote regions of the planet like Doncaster as visiting anthropologists, either to be amused by or shocked by the behaviour of the tribe there.
In the end, though, this is just more evidence that the BBC gets “complaints from both sides”. In other words, the BBC is divisive.
Still, it’ll be a real treat to hear what the Newsbeat Beeboid tells the kids about Thatcher when they explain the background context. Get ’em while they’re young.
I wouldn’t bother to listen to their weasel words. They will play it because they can and because they really really hate her that much.
Such hate corrupts them. Very sad.
You know something?…I hope that they do now.
After Ross/Brand…after Savile…doctoring footage of the Queen and fiddling with phone-ins etc…and ,let me say again..SAVILE!…there are an awful lot of people stewing in white vans, or heading back to Aldershot who are truly sick of what the BBC are doing.
They know they fight for the country, or pay taxes by working flat out, risking life and livelihood every day…and for what?
So a song about a lady who could be their mum or granny can be flaunted, pushed promoted and made a story by prep school Socialists who scoot to Umbria, to sneer at Berlusconi or Rupert, Pope Francis or anybody who tries to stand up to their monocultural crap.
Ross and Brand started it….Savile is far from finished…and the same forced solidarity levy that bans songs about Bin Laden, Barosso, Mandelson, Prescott, Shipman. Munich 58 or Huntley…is now prepared to release the hounds onto a dead woman who had Alzheimers in her dotage, who was a widow and most of us who lived whilst she was in charge have nothing but respect for(despite errors).
I will not be party to letting Brands little brothers and sistas pretend that Thatcher was a problem to them if they weren`t even there…after Occupy and the Duggan/Moaty stuff; they are now playing with fire.
Welfare?…license fees?…unions?…Labour?….the BBC really don`t know what is up the road if they continue to mock the REAL 93% that have to live in their Commislurry.
They have had their time-and if they trash our ex PM as they allow no such scorn for the real terrorists and traitors who have brought us to the precipice, then there will be real trouble ahead.
This is one truly divisive moment….if the BBC don`t see that. I sure as hell won`t be telling them…let them film it on their news as long as they feel safe to be around. It won`t be long as they go on like this.
And the revolution will NOT be televised brothers/sistas, otherwise abled, gendered etc, yada…it will be live as live can be.
Interesting to note that this ‘Comment is ruthlessly filtered’ article in the BBC house paper gets to all of… 6… before ‘Comments for this discussion are now closed’.
And the last of those is from a mod bod that appears to have garnered an impressive 72 approvals for a special form of editorial control that may to some seem a little bit retrograde.
Some might have been wondering what this meant: ‘Even though this seems extraordinary, they may not understand who that song would chart,” said a BBC source.’
As I understand it, where once a song reached a chart position after significant numbers are purchased (in the hundreds of thousands), now a few tens of same will be enough to provide the necessary excuse for the numbers games such as the BBC like to indulge in when they serve as a rallying focus to make a point they happen to support.
As always, they are in danger of setting a dangerous precedent if subsequent passings of iconic figures the BBC are more fondly disposed to get marked by any campaign to drive a song their delicate sensibilities may be less able to tolerate.
And a banning then may seem… hypocritical.
Of course, thanks to the unique way the BBC does what it likes as it suits, they probably don’t give a flying fig how rampantly two-faced they have been, are and look likley to get worse at being.
As Margaret Thatcher’s biographer, Charles Moore, said- really, it’s Margaret who is ‘Dorothy’, while ‘the witch’ which is dead, is the Communism of the East in the 1980s.
But Jezza is going, so that must surely count for something, as he’s the type of bloke who could speak up for the fed-up majority who don’t live in Islington, Hampstead or Chorlton-cum-Hardy.
There’s the washed-up guitar rebel in his massive Dorset pile,
The phoney socialist – I’ve got him on the list!
And the comic National Treasure with his smug and clever bile,
He never would be missed – he never would be missed!
Then the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone,
All centuries but this, and every country but his own;
And the Harry Potter writer, who was once a single mum,
But is now the richest woman, earning one tremendous sum,
And that singular anomaly, the sour-faced feminist –
I don’t think she’d be missed – I’m sure she’d not be missed!
Tuesday (09/04/13) Newsnight asks ‘ if all the parents had been willing to let their children be treated with the triple vaccine there would have been no measles outbreak [in Swansea] but they didn’t. Why should some people have the right to risk the health of others?
However, a recent £30,000 Foreign Office commissioned study by The National Institute for Economic and Social Research ‘pointed to high levels of measles, mumps and rubella among Romanian nationals and high rates of tuberculosis.’
And yet the BBC continues to campaign for Rogarian immigration which threatens all our children with measles, mumps and TB. Maybe the question that should be asked is this – does the BBC have the right to risk the health others?
Its also telling that take up of vaccines varies greatly across the country. Scotland, which relatively speaking has low rates of immigration, reaches the 95% take up of the MMR required to provide ‘herd immunity’ while foreign colony London falls below 80%.
If one looks at the Boroughs too then those where there are almost no ethnic British families left, like Tower Hamlets, are the worst, while more affluent Wandsworth isn’t quite so bad.
“For an impartial view, it’s over to Arthur Scargill…”
[opening excerpt]:-
“The BBC has been finalising the arrangements for Mrs Thatcher’s funeral. Let’s hope the coverage is more balanced than the predictable Left-wing propaganda pumped out in the wake of her death. And that it manages to rise above the level of the Corporation’s dismal performance on the day of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee pageant. So what can we expect? This column has been leaked a copy of a confidential memo to staff from the BBC’s Acting Deputy Assistant Head of Ceremonial Affairs (Vision) . . .”
– Beeboids, out of political sympathy to Hamas, and ‘good taste’, censor out photographs of the actual murdered victims of Islamic jihadists being dragged through the streets of Gaza.
In contrast, the ‘New York Daily News’ shows the original photos uncensored, here:-
“Human Rights Watch slams Hamas for failing to investigate the slaying of seven Palestinians who were dragged through the streets of Gaza”
Note: such is BBC-NUJ’s political sympathy for the anti-Thatcher cause, that it does not edit intended musical insult.
So BBC-NUJ goes easy on Gaza’s Islamic jihadists via censorship, and goes easy on Thatcher haters by non-censorship.
“BBC ‘witch song’ insult to Maggie: Corporation to play single driven up by Thatcher haters”
As Margaret Thatcher’s biographer, Charles Moore, pointed out, Margaret is ‘Dorothy’, and the ‘wicked witch’, the USSR communism of the 1980s, is dead.
George thank for that point I know of the book but as I see it , either as a metaphor for the fight against communism or the love of big show tunes and closets ! she wins.
Hi George R,
Another day heavy with the hot blast of AGW. I am feeling the heat so just thought I would scroll through this blog and put my two pence in.
Came across this earlier.What struck me was the, as Jennifer Aniston says in that old advert “and here is the science bit”, the BBC has the ‘education bit’ from its august Royal Charter ; “Collaborators are widely loathed in Palestinian society”. There you are, unlike most other societies, like yours and mine, where ‘collaborator’ are held in the highest esteem and lauded as the brightest and best (good old Philby and co). In Palestinian society they are ‘loathed’and that is why (as every culturally sensitive person knows) it is understandable, nay righteous to shoot them and drag their bodies through the streets. Indeed they showed such restraint in only dragging one of the 7 bodies. But I suspect that this had something to do with the oppressive Israeli’s starving them of resources such as petrol. How culturally insensitive of them. Could they not have had a special delivery have been arranged for this festival. I hope we can all condemn such disgusting behaviour on the part of the Israeli’s in not arranging for this.
Back as you were everyone! The Toady program has just let us know that this whole ‘grooming’ thing was a myth. They had an interview just before the news at 8 with a quangocrat that was a masterclass in elephant-avoidance.
They managed to put up a couple of strawman references to ethnicity and race – message: anyone who raises this point is a raycist – while ignoring that the key factor is neither race, ethnicity, age, body weight or hair colour. It’s a certain religion, but the I-word was not used once.
The quangocrat was allowed to wheel out the talking points uninterrupted, for example stating that not all the cases involve – ahem – ‘Asians’, with no apparently around to point out that non-smokers can get lung cancer too but no one says that means smoking is safe.
Ditto, the quangocrat was allowed to smear the MSM are raycists by claiming that a case of grooming in Derby by ‘whites’ (infidels?) was ignored by the media except:
i/ it wasn’t
ii/ there was no evidence that law enforcement had conspired to bury investigations into this case
‘It’s the cover up that gets you’ is Politics 101, but apparently they don’t do journalism at the BBC anymore.
I assume next time the BBC report on a crime committed by a white person on a black or Asian person they will not automatically assume it is racist either. They will also report that crime by white people is also committed on to other white people and Asian and black people also commit these crimes.
How typical of the BBC to suggest that stereotyping of the origins of those doing the grooming is almost as serious as the grooming itself. Willful intellectual dishonesty in the service of their agenda! Still, if it’s only the children of “poor White trash” the BBC isn’t too worried.
“Anger as BBC silences its new boss with two-year gag that bans him from talking about Corporation once he leaves.
“Tony Hall’s contract bans him from ‘derogatory public remarks’ about BBC.
“Clause in £450,000-a-year deal lasts while he is in post and two years after.
“Critics say it’s ‘deeply worrying’ that BBC is attempting to gag executives.”
Last week a somewhat contrived link was made between global warming and earthquakes.
This week the subject was Avalanches. An open goal you might think for warmistas, and sure enough, quite early into the programme, we got the usual ‘Some scientists think..increasing frequency of avalanches…etc.’
Having been told countless times that global warming would result in considerably less snow my immediate thought was that surely the result would be fewer avalanches, not more.
The presenter went on to blame global warming for a major avalanche in Russia, with considerable loss of life, which occurred in 2002. Even the BBC’s co-conspirators at the Met Office accept that there has been no warming since at least 1997. Obviously a delayed reaction avalanche.
Next week: Tsunamis. Now they can’t create an AGW link there, can they?
Come the second stage of the revolution, YOU will be disposed of by your erstwhile revolutionary comrades, if the history of the French and Russian ones is anything to go by.
I was a Staff Sergeant in the Falklands War Colditz and I can tell you 100% of those islanders whose doors I knocked on whilst helping them recoup their freedom are eternally grateful for the guts Margaret Thatcher showed relieving these innocent people from having to live under a despicable Dictator. No time for you boy.
Picked this up from Jeremy,s Bowen twitter posts. The link is to a PBS Frontline Report on the bombing of al – Bara in Syria, What is interesting is the reporters reflections on what is going on among the people being bombed, including elements who attempt to manipulated the reporting “for propaganda” purposes, his words, not mine. I wonder if Bowen had learnt anything from this intelligent, measured and analytic approach to reporting what was a act of deliberate barbarity. Here is the link :
Who would have thought the fightback would have started in Lanzarote!!
Lanzarote’s court annulled a family’s mortgage with BBVA last week after finding the interest and late payment penalties charged “abusive”.
Judge Juan José Cobo of Court No 4 declared that the mortgage which was agreed with BBVA back in March 2006 was to be cancelled and the foreclosure notice scheduled for the 3rd May stopped. The judge considered that the 19% interest rate charged for late payment of the mortgage was abusive and stated that the bank cannot be protected by the court at a time of deep crisis, when financial institutions keep making and maintaining higher penalty interest rates superior to the basic interest at the time governed by the mortgage market.
The judge also noted that the concept of charging default interest as a punishment for breach of an obligation to pay the mortgage installments was meaningless now as the vast majority of people who fail to pay a mortgage do so through no fault of their own, it is normally due to the fact that they have lost their job without any possibility of finding another or have had their salary substantially reduced.
Continuing, he said that the job loss which caused the default of the loan is not only the fault of the borrower but, in reality, largely attributable to the lender with their inordinate desire to increase business and profits, which contributed to the crisis and recession that exists in this country and around the world.
Therefore, the court considered that, at the moment, there is no justification for setting a default interest rate higher than the normal interest, except the desire to enrich financial institutions since this penalty or punishment is imposed on those who are not to blame for being unable to maintain their mortgage loan.
There was an interesting program yesterday on Radio 4 about Margaret Thatchers relationship with the BBC and how she wanted to neutralise its poisonous bias.
A report was commissioned but failed to give her the ammunition she needed to break up and privatise the broadcaster.
The problems came from some unexpected angles. Advertisers claimed that they didn’t want to fragment the market as they could currently structure different campaigns in various regions. Commercial broadcasters didn’t want it because of obvious competition and there was a degree that the market simply wasn’t big enough to support all the broadcasters.
On top of this the BBC licence fee subsidises channel 4 and hugely subsidises S4C the Welsh language broadcaster.
They did put forward a powerful case that the BBC could not be privatised based on advertising revenues alone, and in those days encryption and subscription weren’t an option.
My question therefore is how would a break up without the licence fee in some form would result in the loss of multiple channels as well as the BBC leaving just ITV and Sky behind.
On top of that they own many of the transmitters and if they closed other stations would also vanish.
It’s not as simple as just making them stand on their own via advertising!
Privatising the BBC is actually very simple.
1. Just make the Household Poll Tax optional.
2. The BBC can then get revenue from subscription, which may then be as much as the BBC wishes to charge and without government interference, or advertising or both and it already has a great deal of revenue from selling on programmes.
3. It can of course cut back a bit on staff, admin and the overpaid celebrities. It is after all a tiny bit bloated.
4. The infrastructure (transmitters) you speak of can carry on being hired out to others as it is now of course. Or sold on in a free enterprise sort of way.
5. Channel 4 and other regional or special language channels will have to pay for themselves, or do the other thing.
Everything is possible if people have the will and I have an inkling that after this week there will be even more pressure to be gone with the subversive corporation.
So play the nasty song BBC, sneer at the Lady as much as you want, cheer on the ghoulish party louts, interview whatever IRA hard men you like, ask Ken Livingstone for a few more lies please and feel sorry for the militants who get kettled by the police for trying to disrupt next week’s funeral. You are merrily fiddling away whist you start the fire that will burn you.
Four more F-16 fighter jets left the U.S. on Thursday headed for Egypt as part of a foreign aid package that has generated controversy given the political upheaval in the Mideast country.
Critics say the military aid should stop because the president Egyptians elected last year has led the Muslim Brotherhood, called President Obama liar and urged that hatred of Jews be instilled in children.
I must complain to my local Zionist Lobby rep about their incompetence. Katty Kay told me they were powerful enough to stop this sort of thing.
The warning signs were there within weeks of him getting his presidency and flew to Eggwypt and the speech he made to the assembled Islamists/Brotherhood. I don’t think they do moderates there. Sadat only capitulated after getting his arse well and truly spanked in the Yom Kippur round. Mubarak ?
Award-winning, lionized BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen stated that the Muslim Brotherhood was “conservative, moderate and non-violent”. Until he got called out and deleted the word “moderate”.
Just seen QT on the I-Player. Pleasantly surprised at how it went on the whole, notwithstanding its location, i was warmed to see a good proportion of the audience appreciative of Mrs T’s time on earth. Blunkett proved he was the arsehole i’ve always considered he was, and Toynbee was, well, Toynbee.
I REALLY hate the BBC, look at this smirking report – yes Dez the did report the ‘resignation’ of the policeman who twitted anti thatcher abuse. However they fail to mention his sexual fantasies about murdering the home secretary
They are still regularly embarassed over banning the Sex Pistols and don’t want to end up in the firing line. However the Daily Mail had the saga as its front page so there can be nobody in the UK who isn’t aware.
But just how many of you listen to the Top 40? I’ve teenage girls so we often have it on. I suspect I may be the oldest listener. No doubt many are going to tune in now to be outraged by a programme they never listen too. Talk about going out of your way to be insulted!
‘Talk about going out of your way to be insulted!’
I never had you pegged on this site as a satirist.
Possibly there will be a few dark looks over the halves of shandy at the TGIF debrief from some whose whole schtick in haunting these pages is pretty much solely on this basis.
Fair comment, and hope you agree that the radio 1 bloke handled himself well on PM earlier.
Trouble is that the interviewer(Eddie Mair) seems to think that he`s the rebels friend and was awful.
Nasty and sly, as he was to Boris Johnson.
The likes of Mair don`t listen to the charts anymore that we do, but it`s just a flag of convenience to them to wipe their arses on.
I heard the Radio 1 Controller and he explained the position as well as possible…but the likes of Mair are coining it in on my license, so we`ll need to ensure some “accountability” in due course.
For Thatcher to be regarded as “divisive”, when the likes of Mair are far more divisive and scornful of her in pursuing a non-story like this is the final hypocrisy…and we need to rub Mairs face in it when the time comes.
Maybe he`ll be happy for us to write a song about the death of HIS mum…that`s how personal it can become if Mairs crew persist.
Brilliant. Yet another of the ‘climate change’ predictions that have been comprehensively trashed by real world evidence. A pal of mine went on a skiing trip to France in February and couldn’t ski all week because of blizzard conditions.
Of course, the BBC hope everyone will have forgotten what was being mooted ten years ago and have morphed their message to comply with the propaganda of their AGW activist friends from 28 Gate i.e. the ‘extreme weather events’ effect of global warming, including the recent freezing weather conditions. Whichever way you look at it, settled science it ain’t.
Heard Radio 1s Controller tread a measured and acceptable path in defending the BBCs position about the record on PM earlier.
He handled himself well, and I can live with his compromise.
yet Eddie Mair was slavering all over him like a bitter Rottweiller…censorship, compromise, sell out etc.
Turns out that there are some decent people at the BBC trying to be as honourable as they can, given the circumstances…and there are others at the BBC who like to flaunt their rebel credentials in the hope of meeting Russell Brand or a friend of Nelson Mandelas.
Mairs card is marked-he clearly got a taste for fake blood over Boris Johnson, and seems to think of himself as the Poundland Paxman(who actually DID get to meet Russell Brand.
Mair went too far, he revealed his colours and his weekend rebel nastiness in trying to wing the radio 1 bloke down the corridor.
Wonder if anyone fancies writing a song about the death of Eddie Mairs mum?…for that would be so rebellious and rad eh gyze?
Ouanquer…Mair is another Maggie maggot who`ll not fulfil his career path as a blowfly now…
So do you know much about the Mau Mau emergency? Well if you don’t this play today was for you
To be fair I did miss the first part so if I’m wrong let me know. From this I learned the Mau Mau were fluffy pink bunny wunnies who just wanted the Europeans to leave and only killed “32 Europeans” The British and their underlings were Satan incarnate who relocated Bergen Belsen to Kenya. Lucky, (or not) this period of history is pretty obscure so I doubt whether the majority of the population are aware of the events. History re written before your eyes.
Yes a strange play in which a pair of ‘Heir Hunters’ concerned about making a fast buck for themselves by finding the wife of an ex-District Commissioner in Kenya are used as a vehicle to inform us about the evils of colonialism.
The male of the pair suddenly seems to be remarkably well-informed about these times and some sort of moral equivalence is made between a widowed african women bringing up her children and the pregnant (by the married best friend of the male) female member.
The loving wife of the DCO, whose life is confined to her rose garden and ‘good’ african domestic staff, comes complete with a full-formed set of ‘liberal values’ and knowledge of UK law and the Geneva Convention while her husband finds himself forced to smash a revolution led by a secret society who are prepared to kill anyone who won’t join them. Clearly he is a ‘nasty’ imperialist racist. (Why did such a loving couple get married in the first place?)
Not only are we ‘put right’ on the history of Kenya but yet again we get another hint of the ‘woman right, man wrong’ that flows through most Radio 4 plays.
I am surprised that you bother listening to anything on radio 4. It is the most politicised of all the BBC TV and radio channels and that is saying something! There was time , decades ago, when radio 4 plays were good drama but then they started putting on plays about Ireland every other week and you can guess who the villain of the piece was. So I just stopped listening to them. I am sure that the plays today are the same as they were then but with Mau Mau as the poor Irish and white farmers as the ‘occupying power’ and a few changes to the script. What a bloody bore.
Plus, from Australia, a country which is virtually non-existent to BBC-NUJ online:-
-from ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“200 Muslims from Australia waging jihad in Syria”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“We’re constantly told that there are no Muslims, none, zero, zip, nada, in Western countries who hold to the same view of Islam as al-Qaeda and other jihad groups. Yet we constantly also see evidence to the contrary — but the mainstream media and government officials persist in ignoring the implications of this.”
HIGNFY was not as bad as I was expecting after last week’s Party Political for Labour. It is a pity that they feel the need to have a guaranteed Leftie every episode now. It’s the 21st Century version of Blankety Blank having Lorraine Chase and her ilk in the Tart Seat each week.
Perhaps there are no reports? This can be explained by
a) the naturally polite (or hypocrotical) nature of the English
which makes all but the ‘underclass’ reluctant to reveal any negative feelings to anyone’s face
b) our highly repressive laws threatening anyone who does dare to show ‘animosity’ with up to seven years in gaol.
Think Emma West still awaiting trial for simply showing ‘animosity’ on a tram. No threats made whatsoever.
JohnCFeb 24, 05:05 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Three years on, Ukraine’s extinction nightmare has returned The BBC’s extreme-Left fanatic Bowen is at it again. This time…
JohnCFeb 24, 03:22 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Another video I spent longer watching than I intended.
ZephirFeb 24, 03:18 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Yes, I noticed this yesterday, all short sighted (in so many ways) and all wear the same stupid starmer glasses…..…
DeborahFeb 23, 23:41 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Reported tonight on GBNews that Stonewall is going to lose half its staff because of Trump’s stalling USAID. Until now,…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:27 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Bowen said the same thing in one of his articles. Clearly it’s part of ‘BBC Groupthink’ now. Trump should have…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:12 Start the Week 24th February 2025 The BBC don’t seem bothered at all that Hamas murdered those young boys and their mother with their bare hands…
NiborFeb 23, 23:10 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Sorry if already mentioned , But this “Trump wants to win the Nobel Peace prize ” ! Does he really…
JohnCFeb 23, 23:07 Start the Week 24th February 2025 Zelensky willing to give up presidency in exchange for Nato membership Sometimes I read a BBC article and wonder…
As a thought, all this anti Thatcher talk and anti Tory/UKIP stuff we are seeing at the moment, cast a thought in the direction of a secret organisation masquerading as a charity and endorsed by “Call me Dave”
From a Telegraph blog commenter a few months ago.
Common purpose, they work in secret using the methods of the free masons minus the ethical morality, a shadow government built under our noses for years and the MSM/legacy media was silent as the grave. A spiders web of interconnected establishment ruling class subverting the principles of democracy in order to progress their agenda. They are without exception some of the nastiest people you could ever hope to meet, the ends justify the means types.
And ALL of them able to access public funding via quangos and local/national government/foreign aid(those billions dont go to poor) being pathological parasites they have attached themselves to the taxpayer and they are bleeding the taxpayer dry. The ultimate aim is a one party state modelled on the Chinese method, a ghastly marriage of political Marxism and corporatism.
Across every publicly funded institution common purpose is represented and goes about its work in secret, they have the BBC/guardian/NUJ/SEJ/BIJ/MST as their media mouthpiece and protector. They network and they recruit and they plot and scheme and lobby and extort and blackmail and threaten. You may not be interested in common purpose but they are certainly interested in you and you will not like their plans for you one little bit.
Common purpose is entrenched in the highest levels of the liblabcon, they own the likes of Hague and May and Clegg and Milliband and Cameron, the civil service is run by common purpose now. The ruling class have their own version of the masons and every day that passes more institutions are taken over and subverted, its like a real version of the body snatchers, and its just as scary.
There used to be a poster here who called himself ‘Atlas Shrugged’. He used to warn us of Common Purpose. I always thought he exaggerated the danger but that there was an element of truth in what he wrote. But the more I read about Common Purpose the more truth I realise he gave.
No need to give it a new name. It is just the same old, same old.
I agree-they`re smug scientologists with NLP underpinning….very creepy.
Scientologists? Don’t tell the kids at your school that, or your SWP colleagues will say you’re a fruitcake from the EDL – or even bBBC!
It’s not true, is it?
Common Purpose – just another name for the Communist Party. Same initials.
LOL I knew it reminded me of something!
The droids going full howl on (yawn) Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead and its appearance in the download charts.
Nasal (pretend) leftie West Albanian spamhead droid, Colin Paterson, touring the studios with his ‘will they play it in the chart run-down show, tough, tough decision’ line. No doubt it will have to go right to the top and Lord Hopeless can kid himself he’s justifying his salary by taking the ‘tough tough decision’. Who gives a toss whether they play it or not.
BBC as usual getting very excited when *they* are the story.
Lads, lassies, what you muse over when you’re alone in your salford think pods, what you tweet eachother about when you should be working, and what you talk about at the ‘water cooler’ is not *news* it’s tittle-tattle of no interest to the rest of us.
Get over yourselves.
Oh for the day when BBC goes subscription only* and these clowns find out how far far below their ‘market rate’ salaries the market rate actually is.
*Now there’s a ‘tough tough decision’ that I don’t think Lord Hopeless will bother himself with.
Two points – Firstly BBC trying to give extra exposure to plan by discussing it now. Secondly if it does get to No1 surely that is evidence that those on benefits have money to burn on cheap publicity stunts – so therefore cuts to welfare budget need to go further
Perhaps we should all download “I Can’t Let Maggie Go”, or maybe “Maggie May”. Then again, I’ve got better things to do with my money, unlike some it would seem.
Looks like the chosen track has been chosen
John Kay and Louise Minschin, discussing the issue with Edwina Currie on bbc breakfast.
Both lefties not happy being told by Edwina the big loser here is the bbc itself. Absence of leadership so obvious. Then it got better, they had to discuss the rival i’m in love with maggie track.
Faces akin to wasp chewing so clearly seen.
All a bit reminiscent of eg the St Pauls ‘dirty’ protest when at the start of every week the (world’s most trusted) news team would get emailed an agenda (all its meanings) usually from Honking Ed’s PPS…
Hi, folks, don’t forget your script for the upcoming week lol
Monday: ‘The Occupy protest outside St Pauls is now in its 31st day.
Tuesday: ‘The Occupy protest outside St Pauls is now in its 32nd day.
Wednesday: ”The Occupy protest outside St Pauls is now in its 33rd day.
etc etc etc etc
Laters !!!!!
Not by way of news you understand, because ‘nothing’s happening’ is not news, but promoting, promoting, and promoting their’s (and wunashunlabour’s) pet projects.
And so it is with Ding Dong. On and on and on and on as though somehow it’s news.
No other word for it.
There is some speculation that the rights to “Ding Dong” belong to….Rupert Murdoch.
Please, please let this be true!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 👿
At least the shameful scenes this week have given us another chance to see the left in its true light. Cheerleading the way of course is the BBC, along with their friends in the entitlement community. ‘Thatcher loathed’ is the central message of the output. Disgraceful.
Here’s another one if you hadn’t got the message yet from the BBC: ‘Many of those who loathed Margaret Thatcher’s politics.’ It’s hard to escape the feeling that that pointless article exists just to repeat that line.
And then there is Glenda Jacksons contribution….
And to think I once cracked one out over her nude scene in The Music Lovers
Be bloody impossible now.
I had to bleach my mind after seeing those scenes the first time round back in the 70s. Now I’m going to have to have counselling at the thought of someone else wanking off to it. Bloody thanks!
Stick with Widders.
Auberon Waugh’s review of The Music Lovers was more memorable than the film:
“One can’t really blame Tchaikowsky for preferring boys. Anybody might become a homosexualist who had once seen Glenda Jackson naked. Since she has been kind enough to show it to us, I must remark that she has a most unusual configuration in her pubic hair. It seems to grow in a narrow tuft, like the hairstyle of the Last of the Mohicans. I wonder if Ms Jackson has any Red Indian blood. If so, it might explain why there are no more Mohicans.”
Too much information
Perhaps the best quote for Glenda Jackson comes (slightly altered) from the Morecombe and Wise Christmas Show 1971
“What do you think of Glenda Jackson so far?”
Glenda Jackson is of no consequence now and, when she goes, hardly anyone will notice.
Probably one of the many things that grate with her.
Hi Edited Highlights. This from Nick Robinson’s article:
“When Margaret Thatch stood on the steps of 10 Downing Street on her first day as Prime Minister David Cameron was 12 years old, Ed Miliband was 9 and George Osborne was 7”. Not change there then.
No hint of bias or negativity here
And the main reason for the high cost of her funeral is the security necessary to protect it against the usual left-wing violence.
The BBC is a divisive news organization.
Mind boggling how the BBC can live though decades where Labour spent all of our money (and our children’s money) without any front page headlines, yet they find room for this.
I see that this morning Nicky Campbell yet again gave another platform to the SWP (didn’t this idiot have a hand-wringing phone-in some weeks back about extremism, democracy and what exposure fringe groups are entitled to?).
What is it about this show’s apparent affinity with the SWP that allows them exposure on such a regular basis? – one of their spokesmen was also on last week and again some weeks earlier.
As I mentioned some time ago, today’s SWP contributor, Charlie Kimber, was put up against a Tory MP last year. Introducing the Tory, Campbell described him a being at the ‘opposite end of the political spectrum’. In doing so Campbell painted a picture of there being some sort of equivalence between the two.
If Campbell sees a Tory and a revolutionary socialist as equidistance on the political spectrum – the position from which Campbell and the BBC make that judgement must be further to the left than I have ever witnessed before.
Why Campbell and ‘Your Call’ repeatedly give this distasteful, horrible group of people, this group that would threaten our democracy, a mainstream platform is utterly beyond me, unless of course it is there desire to ‘rub the right’s noses in it’.
Footnote: VD has gone on to cover a story about state sponsored rape in the Congo. Perhaps Campbell should have asked Kimber about the way that the SWP dispose of complaints of rape and sexual assault and exonerate their own rapists – Comrade Delta for example.
While commentators of the centre right are banished from our screen, it seems that rape is a minor inconvenience for the BBC – nothing must get in the way of their activism, giving space to and amplifying the SWP message.
F***ing hypocrites.
Why doesn’t the SWP stick the word ‘National’ at the beginning, then it would be the ‘National Socialist Workers Party.’
Hmm, that sounds familiar, after all, their tactics are the same.
Student W#nkers Party would be more apt.
This petition needs to get to page one to attract more signatures, pleases sign it if you haven’t done so already!
Also spread it around – if you’re on Twitter or FB!
TBH, Croatia is not as much of a problem as its population is only 5 million.
I can name another country with about fifteen times the population, which we should be more worried about.
Hint: only a small part of it is in Europe.
“Ne mutlu Turkum diyene!”
“Lucky is he who can say ‘I am a Turk!'”
“TBH, Croatia is not as much of a problem as its population is only 5 million.
I can name another country with about fifteen times the population, which we should be more worried about.
Hint: only a small part of it is in Europe.”
It is relatively small, but poor, far poorer than Poland, and we simply haven’t got the room, the money or facilities for any mor immigrants whatsoever.
Turkey isnt joining yet, but Croatia joins on July 1st! This is urgent! We could see the majority of young Croatians heading here – English is after all the main foreign language learned in school and Germany and France will undoubtedly keep them out for five years as they have every newly joined Eastern European country!
Croatia was part of the old Austro-Hungarian Empire, so hoping the Austrians might take up some slack.
Would be nice to think so but I very much doubt it!
English NOT German is the langauge they all learn – from six years old!
Croatian elementary education consists of eight years, and it is compulsory. Children begin schools at the age of 6 or 7.[1]
The grade schools are split in two stages:
1st through 4th grade, being taught by one teacher per class, with subjects such as Croatian, mathematics, visual art (likovna kultura), nature and society (priroda i društvo), physical education, music education, religion and at least one foreign language (usually English, usually in the 1st grade and compulsory in the 4th grade)
5th through 8th grades, where different teachers teach different subjects, with added subjects such as history, geography, biology, chemistry, physics, informatics and in addition to English, often a second language (usually German, French or Italian) etc)”
Austria has enough problems with ex-Yugoslavs, then.
Opemipo Jaji
True to form the BBC fails to inform us that this
paedophile rapist who subjected an eleven year old to a horrendous ordeal is a foreigner from Nigeria!
Why are we allowing Nigerians to settle here? Nigeria is NOT an unsafe country. There should be NONE here, other than a few ‘highly skilled’ immigrants!
A teenager accused of raping an 11-year-old girl in a park had attacked another schoolgirl a year before, a court has been told.
Opemipo Jaji, 18, admitted sexually assaulting and robbing the girl in 2011, the Old Bailey heard.
He is on trial accused of following a girl home from school on a bus last November before dragging her into a park in Enfield, north London, and raping her.
Mr Jaji, of Edmonton, denies rape.
Mr Jaji followed her and dragged her into Jubilee Park and subjected her to a three-hour ordeal, the Old Bailey heard.
Her glove had been stuffed in her mouth and she had been stripped and assaulted.18, admitted sexually assaulting and robbing the girl in 2011, the Old Bailey heard.
It’s a country where rape seems to be almost a national hobby!
In the eyes of the subversive BBC, he is just as British as you are … and just as entitled to be here!
Yet OnlineNigeria describes him as
More entitled. We are guilty imperialist lackeys and white to boot.
I wonder what will happen to those alienated Brits who don’t attend their planned-for citizenship classes?
”It’s a country where rape seems to be almost a national hobby!”
How Africans differ from Westerners by Gedaliah Braun
Very interesting link David Brims
I don’t like defending the BBC but the Daily Mail didn’t mention him being Nigerian either.
LOL two wrongs do not make a right! Since when does the DM set the standard for top class journalism?
The Daily Mail usually mention someone’s nationality, the fact they don’t suggest he’s one of our Nigerians [he had a London, Edmonton, chavvy accent] rather than an actual Nigerian i.e. a non-deportable one. He seems to have done it before too [the previous year, Jaji pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting and robbing another girl] and one can surmise he got a slap on the wrist for it as there’s no mention of a jail sentence – not exactly a ringing endorsement of the justice system. Personally, I’d deport the whole lot of them because all they are are scammers … but that’s a debate for another day.
Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s far older than eighteen too. Many foreigners lie about their age in order to steal a few years free education from the state, as well as, in the caes of asylum seekers, to enjoy the kid glove treatment supposedly ‘minors’ are given.
True; as a dental nurse in a practice on a council estate in a ‘socially-deprived’ area (during Tony Blair’s time as PM), I encountered many foreigners who gave their date of birth as 01.01 and whatever year would make them under sixteen years of age, even if they were obviously a lot older. One even had the nerve to say that he was entitled to free cosmetic dentistry because ‘ Home Office pay, Home Office pay’. Needless to say, he didn’t get it, but it goes to show how the UK is considered a soft touch.
It is particulalry concerning that lying male immigrants gain access to much younger vulnerable girls in schools, who assume they are simply rather ‘mature’ youngsters like themselves, and may even be attracted to them for this reason.
I seem to recall much coverage and mockery on BBC when it came out that Grant Schapps had website under psudonym – looking forward to equally robust coverage now Chukka Umana has been caught red-handed lying about his involvement in bigging himself up on his Wikipedia entry
‘…and looking…. and looking…
It will appear, and will be held aloft here by the duty Flokker of the day.
As to equivalence in degree of robustness, now, that falls under unique Editorial professional judgement, which is…’excluded for the purposes of…’.
Just heard a revealing bit of tripe about whether Thatcher was “a woman”…for when a old sad ham like Glenda Jackson raises doubts, then it`s only right that Jane Garvey gets the highlighted script to “raise these issues”.
The hideous socialist phoning in her bile and classtrap was called Judith-whereas the lady in the studio was a black woman called Luanna.
Yet Judith was able to put Luanna straight on being black in the Thatcher reign…and about being a woman too.
Glenda scale of womanliness as measured by Judith, shouting, hectoring and browbeating a black woman about being black…and Luanna talked over, not given a crack at this harridan.
Jane of course, let Judith rant, rail and rave all over Luanna.
An absolute disgrace on so many levels…but if you want to see the Commie DMs and girly jackboots heading your way in the coming years, then Judiths arrogance, racism and sheer patronising ignorance are as good a place to start as any.
Why the hell don`t the Tories just run these clips, show Glendas bootfaced version of “womanliness” on the upcoming election posters?…or are they “frit” in the face of the likes of Jane, Judith and Glenda?
Wake up England…this level of evil, malice and wilful howling down of anything but the BBCs version of events is going to be best taken on cheaply and easily NOW…not when the likes of Brand and Ross, Owen Jones and Angela/Marie Eagles get the chance to finish us off, trussed for Anjem Choudhury!
I do wonder if the Witch is Dead is so popular, only because the real coven is quietly getting its faggots ready for the “heretics” who still hold to decency and respect for the likes of Mrs T.
One can only hope that when Glenda herself exits this world stage left, her political opponents will classier and more humane in their words than the great actress. But we should welcome this outpouring of bile from the left. It shows them for who they are. The prompting of anti-Thatcher stuff from the Beeb is dreadful. I assume the champagne is flowing at the Today programme and Radio 5 Live.
Hmm well oh her day of ascendance to the left wing hell of fame I will be doing my best to fight down the urge to to get on my bike and find the b???/??? /sorry I’m not one of them amen! , the screen goddesses final hidey hole !
Eunuchs at the harem aren`t they?
They lived under Thatchers clouds, they heard her, saw her…but were reduced to shitting on gnomes like Patten and Currie.
Seen it, saw it done-but couldn`t do anything themselves…impotent weirdies who haven`t even a body to gloat over.
Just their own failed empty lives, soon to be made more miserable when the turbines fail, Islam comes a calling and their hollowed out husk of Lennon tributes manes that history won`t even record their musings.
Pity the f**ers-but don`t give them one more penny of state money. No License fee-no expenses-and no BBC to posture for!
Ariel gone! TV tax unpaid! right to enter my land revoked !ahhhhhhhhh the sound of f&*£ all BBC and all the internet goodies my eyes can deal with !
“They lived under Thatchers clouds,”
Or as the old (choose a country) proverb says: “when the elephant walks through the jungle, the little dogs bark”.
Nice proverb Louis! that one is a keeper thanks !
Did Thatcher cause Global Warning? I think we need a BBC documentary, unbiased of course.
As history screeched to a halt between 1997 and 2010, er…yes, she must have done.
Holy moses ChrisH
Expressed so well.
Must get the words engraved somewhere!
I have the Morecambe & Wise Christmas specials from the 1970s on DVD, and one thing struck me. Althought they featured Glenda Jackson and Vanessa Redgrave, there was nothing overtly political about any of the scripts. M & W did not do poiltics, and were all the better for it.
As to this crap about the costs of Thatchers funeral.
What would you prefer…5 Pollard Reports that blame ITV and the NHS for spawning Jimmy Savile…or at least letting the rest of us in on their dirty redacted little secrets?…or one funeral for an old lady who served this country the best way that she knew how.
Even in death, she highlights the evil of the BBC/Labour and the Guardian…NONE of who would ever have behaved like this, had she not made them spiteful, thoughtless, vacuous and ..well evil in the end. Certainly unrecognisable as anything originally intended.
And if the scummy likes of Jackson, Campbell would stay away, then it would be even cheaper…let the thick twenty something Occupy retards take their chances , it will be catharsis…plenty military there i`d expect!
Laurie…sangria at the Cross Keys waiting…and ask Owen if he`d like to do a John Reed impression for future lefties to marvel at!
How much will BBC-NUJ spend of our money covering Mandela funeral?
And what will Glenda Jackson say about the big M?
As a poor player she will strut and fret her hour upon the stage, her tale full of sound and fury, but told by an idiot and signifying nothing.
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty.
… death.
INBBC: as Islamic Republic of Pakistan, bans kite-flying report-
“Pakistan drops ‘un-Islamic’ kite-flying festival”
why do need any fun things to do when you can blow yourself up, kill a few/many infidels a and ascend to heaven to mess around with all those Virgins. You guy simply don’t get the religion of peace, do you.
“Fag-ash Glenda… potty to the power of 10 and sexist, too”
“Peter Lilley (Con, Hitchin & Harpenden), another of her Cabinet members, spoke less fluently but with greater muscle about how those – eg the BBC – who describe her as ‘a divisive figure’ should remember that divisions require two sides.”
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I think it was Charles Moore who pointed out that it was the likes of Scargill who were the real divisive force – strike after strike without ballot-box approval. Dividing miner against miner even – and those wounds caused directly by Scargill and his Soviet allies have never healed.
In the Britain of 1979 there was huge disunity, thousands of strikes. By the end of the 1980s Britain’s rate of strikes was at an all-time low. Industrial peace – not strife. Thatcher had carried out trades union reforms to restore power to the workers not the union bosses. That is – she had pushed through the sort of legislation Barbara Castle had proposed back in 1968 in “In Place of Strife”.
The other huge unifying effect of Thatcher was the defeat of Communism. Eastern Europe escaped from Soviet oppression, European civilisation is once again unified.
And I would add that by restoring some pride in “Great” Britain, Thatcher tried to unify the nation around decent values.. Her successive electoral vistories showed the extent of that unity.
Well said. The UK was a divided nation in 1979 for the reasons you have given. Decent people who just wanted to get on with working, getting on in life and looking after their families were sick of the communist union leaders and the Luddite workforces who chose to blindly follow them into strike after strike, not to mention their continually holding the country to ransom to get their demands. Mrs T promised to sort it out and she did – simple as that. Would Miliband reverse any of her reforms? Who knows, but you bet sure as hell his paymasters in the unions will want him to and Blair is obviously very worried about his hard left rhetoric. Interesting times.
I hear that many lefties are complaining that the tax payer should not be funding the funeral of Lady Thatcher. Well as a tax payer of many years standing let me tell them a couple of things.
Firstly, paying tax for things you don’t agree with is what democracy is all about, and believe me there are many things funded by tax that I don’t use , don’t want and don’t agree with, but I have to pay for.
Secondly , one of the best examples of having to pay for something you don’t like or want is of course the License Fee . So now those lefty supporters of the BBC know how many of us feel. But of course the cost to each of them of Lady Thatcher’s funeral is a one off and tiny, but I have to pay £145 every year towards the BBC.
As I say-Thatchers funeral will be costing something in the region of a couple of Pollard Reports into Saviles use of the BBC for his child abuse.
If the BBC had any idea of self-preservation. they`d go very carefully on this one…for many of us have had just about enough of their lies and spinning.
I see that La Toynbee is on the QT panel this evening.
Can someone ask her to justify her belief that socialists are nicer and more intelligent people.
Its just another of her many jokes. You have to hand it to her she does keep the flame of BBC comedy alive.
Please remember her judgement skills are from such a low starting point as to be closer to the Earth core then Doug Mcclure even got !
Thank God that Margaret Thatcher is to be cremated.
The Maggies Maggots Tendency as personified by Toynbee( rather grand dad, Umbrian Socialist too creepy for even the SDP) will simply have to leech off the blowflies like Kinnock instead when he pegs it.
I note too that Margaret will be laid to rest at the back of the Infirmary she has clearly donated to the RCH in Chelsea…it is named after her?
Anybody able to tell us what yacht Blair will be thrown off when HE goes…or what locked ward Gordon Brown is leaving us with?
The gulf in class, principle and honour has never been clearer now that Mrs T has gone…that she has shown up the Maggimaggots and the Milipedos for what they are(from under some very dark, damp stones) is yet another gift she leaves us , as a nation , to ponder.
If the BBC carry on flaunting their privileged venom at an old lady for much longer, I do predict a riot…and not a Duggan toytown boozefest either.
She deserves better than this-and we as a nation have let it slide too far to let it get to this, I fear.
‘what yacht Blair will be thrown off when HE goes’!
Hehehehehe careful now!!
His true fate should be to be embraced by an Iraqi suicide bomber who lost his family in the bombing of Baghdad. Fitting. Just.
Lady Ghislaine II ?
Interesting juxaposition on the subject of respect for the dead
“Campbell’s (thats Alastair cambell when he worked for Mirror) loyalty to Maxwell was demonstrated when he punched The Guardian journalist Michael White after White joked about “Captain Bob, Bob, Bob…bobbing”
Did Rowan Atkinson say that ?
He might just “Bob” up again, mind.
The BBC call the reality show ‘Barely Legal Drivers’, though this is not true, as each of the particpants are shown driving illegally in way or the other. Yet the BBC feels that one of them earns the right to be awarded a new car.
It’s not enough that licence fee payers have to have their lives put in danger by these morons, but also to provide them with a new weapon.
This makes sense to the BBC! 🙄
Police probe into BBC reality show after 300 complain about teen motorists filmed driving recklessly… and being rewarded with a free car
Expect the BBC to dismiss this as yet another fake outrage drummed up by the Mail. Nobody was complaining until it was in the papers, the complainers never even saw it, etc.
Here’s the BBC using advocacy language again, deliberately covering up the fact that “undocumented immigrants” lack the proper documents because they have entered the country illegally.
Tens of thousands of demonstrators have rallied across the US in a mass call for citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants.
The report goes on to say that this is partly on the strength of all those Hispanics who voted overwhelmingly to re-elect the President. While Mark Mardell attempted a couple of years ago to paint as racist laws allowing police to check the legal papers of people they’re already investigatinge has never been a BBC report wondering why the Hispanic advocates of illegal immigration are concerned only about their own ethnic group and aren’t interested in the plight of Chinese illegal immigrants forced to work for a pittance in restaurants and sweat shops, or for all those eastern European women trafficked here illegally in prostitution rings. Why isn’t the BBC interested in the real racial politics of the other side? All the moaning about tougher laws being racist never seems to be concerned about anyone not Hispanic. Why the BBC condones this racist viewpoint, I have no idea. I’ve found only a single BBC report focusing on Asians, out of dozens.
The BBC has form on this, an established pattern of deliberately covering up the illegal aspect of this whole issue, which is in fact the key. They started with Franz Strasser’s dishonest series of reports on the joys of immigration in the US, in which the word “illegal” wasn’t mentioned once. Even when he did reports from two different “Sanctuary Cities” (so-called for their public defiance of immigration law and harboring of illegals). Then we had quite a few video magazine reports (a BBC specialty in the US these days) attempting to claim that illegal immigrants are somehow being wrongly punished by a law they’ve broken. The BBC also did a report featuring a girl whose parents broke the law, and brought her to the US illegally in the process. We were told that referring to them as illegal “dehumanizes” them. They even did a feature on illegals’ struggles looking for love. What other criminal acts should we now demur from labeling, BBC? Should Jeremy Paxman be punished for calling Conrad Black on air, to his face, a convicted felon, thus dehumanizing and marginalizing someone who had done the time for his crime and was no longer a walking illegal actor?
I encourage everyone to do a search on the BBC website for “undocumented immigrants”.
Before any defender of the indefensible dismisses me out of hand because other media outlets also have been using the phrase “undocumented immigrants”, let me just say that it’s equally wrong for them to do it. Lemming journalism isn’t something to be proud of, and you wouldn’t be so sanguine about it if the BBC was using advocacy language for invading Iraq or Afghanistan.
The BBC uses the license fee to advocate for a political cause in the US. Yet nobody seems to care.
Surprised to see that the BBC isn`t making more of Helmut Kohls comment that Thatcher split Europe when they were both in power.
This is the Times lead story today, and this Europhobia claim would normally be nectar to the Thatcher bashing lefties at the BBC.
Can only guess that Kohls recent admission that he fiddled the Euro conditions to allow Greece and Italy in, and deliberately lied to his own people about the Euro being feasible and morally, politically correct; might be brought up quickly to shut him up.
Am I right?…will I ever know?…nah!
The great thing about Hemutts waffle is he makes Europe’s leader sound petulant and arrogant and makes Thatcher look strong and defiant !
Funny he nay look that dumb! must be the light !?
ITV’s The Other Side Of Jimmy Savile has been nominated for a BAFTA award!
Stephen Fry will probably lay off his ‘hilarious’ c**k up the a**e jokes when he announces it.
Philadelphia abortion clinic horror
Infant beheadings. Severed baby feet in jars. A child screaming after it was delivered alive during an abortion procedure. Haven’t heard about these sickening accusations?
It’s not your fault.
Because the US mainstream media is covering it up, so the BBC doesn’t have to report it, either. Never mind that the BBC does report plenty of things the US MSM doesn’t, like how 7-Eleven is invading a trendy downtown neighborhood filled with Occupiers and where a couple of Beeboids live, or a dopey human interest story about how getting a fake ID is a rite of passage for US teenagers. The kind of crap they teach at media studies graduate programs is worth reporting, but not real major issues where lives are at stake. Oh, wait, my bad: the BBC doesn’t consider anything life unless it’s so-defined by abortion advocates.
A horrific story. When a civilisation sanctions this then it is already in it’s death throes.
Sadly liberalism stands firmly with the abortionist which is why ,in the end , it will destroy the West.
Here`s hoping that Carol Thatcher screws the BBC into the ground should they come slithering along to seek an interview.
Why give any truck to the hideous racist eh?
Sky and ITV only please Carol?…f*** the BBC for us will you?
Carol has standards but the BBC has a Brand to protect ! [Copy right pen!]!
Carols Thatchers views on Britain, ” I was increasingly despondent about the state of this country” ( join the club ) she moved to Switzerland in 2009.
While the rest of the country is suffering (except Wall Street, Hollywood, and top government officals), the Community Organizer-in-Chief is holding yet another start-studded concert (um, Cyndi Lauper? Really? – ed) at the White House to celebrate Himself. It will be both livestreamed on the White House website and broadcast on air by PBS, which receives a small amount of taxpayer funding.
BBC: ZZzzzzzzz
Imagine the BBC’s reaction if a wealthy white Republican did this. I guess this isn’t the kind of thing the BBC would define as “divisive”, either.
Note to defenders of the indefensible: Yes, this link is to a Fox News report. So what? Are you going to deny it’s true simply because of the source? Or just tell me I’m outraged only because Fox News tells me to be?
Cyndi Lauper? What the ” for gods sake make the crayon lyrics big and simple “Lauper? I thought she was astral plainly challenged by now ?
BBC-NUJ Sport v. Margaret Thatcher.
BBC-NUJ Chief Sports (!) Writer lines up his anti-Margaret Thatcher lengthy diatribe here:-
“Margaret Thatcher ‘never really understood sport.'”
By BBC Chief Sports (!) Writer, Tom Fordyce.
And why does BBC-NUJ indulge the Liverpool Hillsborough group’s anti-Thatcher propaganda, as it did again this morning on Radio 4?
The answer is obvious, of course.
‘BBC-NUJ’s Brother Fordyce never understood the Falklands.’
Which football team does Fordyce support? Sheffield Wednesday.
And what is their stadium? Hillsborough.
“Thatcher’s achievements will long outlive the spite of Sheffield’s sons and daughters.
“Sections of the British Left have long since proclaimed their enthusiasm for the death of Margaret Thatcher, but her achievements will long outlive their spite.”
By John Phelan.
The BBC never understood Thatcher, either.
Michael Grade, who was brought in to run BBC1 during Milne’s tenure, said he thought there was “nobody who cared more deeply about the BBC” and that he was “an inspirational figure who was caught up in difficult times. The whole BBC didn’t understand that the world was changing with Thatcher”.
BBC rapped by its own watchdog over ‘biased’ Thatcher show
The viewer spotted that the BBC misleadingly inserted footage of miner’s strike violence from England and implied it was happening from Wales.
Today the BBC Trust, which regulates the corporation, admitted the unlabelled footage had broken accuracy guidelines.
Huw Edwards, who fronts the Ten O’Clock News, was accused of ‘openly canvassing support’ for the Welsh Assembly and was also found to have broken rules.
He suggested on the programme that for the Assembly ‘to achieve its full potential it needs even greater support for the people of Wales than it’s received so far’, adding: ‘The more people that take part, the stronger and healthier our democracy in Wales will be.’
The corporation’s governing body backed up an earlier ruling that his words were not objective and even-handed on the subject.
What? The BBC used dishonest editing techniques to support the Narrative? What a shock.
Doctor Who ‘had anti-Thatcher agenda’
Left-wing script writers infiltrated Doctor Who to give it anti-Thatcher plot lines in the late 1980s in a failed attempt “to overthrow the Government” Sylvester McCoy has claimed.
McCoy, who played the seventh doctor from 1987 to 1989, and Andrew Cartmel, the script editor at the time, both admitted the conspiracy, saying that it “seemed the right thing to do”.
Banned Falklands play goes on radio
A TELEVISION play about the Falklands war that the BBC refused to show a decade ago because it was “too Right-wing” and sympathetic to Mrs Thatcher is finally to be put out on Radio 4 in April, on the 20th anniversary of the start of the war.
The Falklands Play by Ian Curteis caused enormous controversy when the playwright disclosed in 1986 that the BBC told him it would axe the £1 million drama unless he rewrote parts to show Mrs Thatcher, the Prime Minister, in a less flattering light.
What? BBC management attempting to influence drama production for ideological purposes? What a shock.
His anger at the time of the row was heightened because he was asked to write a play sympathetic to Mrs Thatcher’s decision to retake the Falklands as “a corrective” to two other BBC plays, Tumbledown and The Queen’s Arms that had been critical of the Government and, in the second, shown British soldiers as drunken louts.
What? The BBC’s output is in fact not balanced out over time? What a shock.
“I am a great admirer of the BBC but this was absolutely corrupt. Many at the BBC could not stand Margaret Thatcher.”
And most still hate her now. I thought Mark Thompson claimed this sort of thing had been cleared up years ago?
The shocks may yet continue…
‘Director of Television vacancy now looks more likely to go to an internal candidate’
It’s would be the left thing to do.
Another BBC lifer, then? Good thing about that management restructuring.
Who is attending the funeral…. The BBC gives us a suitable frame of reference here..
“FW de Klerk, the last president of apartheid South Africa.”
I wonder why they didn’t say, “FW de Klerk, who shared the Nobel peace prize with Nelson Mandela in 1993.”
Both equally true…….
BBC-NUJ ‘s cultural colonisation of Liberia continues on ‘Today’, whether British licence-payers like it or not.
Just heard only the latest advert from the BBC for us all to donate our organs on PM just now.
The interviewee was called Shelley something or other…and eddie Mair gave her the easy ride that victims emote.
My problem was the Yokshire accent of Shelleys saying that she was supportive “from the get-go”.
Sorry-but I smell a rat when I hear such things….the BBC have form in staged interviews like this…and to hear such phrases as this rather leads me to BBC drama school, than a hospital bed.
Prove her authenticity BBC!…you prove yourselves to be liars every day, and the “get-go” sounded decidedly odd.
If you can find the full name after it’s up in Listen Again format, do a search for her in case she’s yet another example of Rule #1 for BBC vox pops.
It was Shelley Wealleans. The Daily Mail did a piece on her story last year.
This is not to deny the ladys tragedy, but I simply do not trust the BBC not to create their cast of characters to promote their world view.
That`s how dysfuntional the BBC is these days IMHO.
So she is a campaigner. Did Mair say so? If not, Rule #1 still in effect.
Just listened to it. Mair did not mention that she’s a campaigner as well as someone personally affected by the issue. Rule #1 of BBC vox pops still in effect.
Mair even asks her if she has any “suggestions” for the public. So a public platform for her cause, as well as the open offer to give her message. Does telling the audience that “she now campaigns for….” detract in any way from her message or the absolute moral authority we’re meant to cede to her? The BBC seems to think it does, so declines to tell you because they feel it detracts from the story they want to tell.
PS: Had a good laugh at the quote from Lord Hall about his being proud of the BBC’s coverage “on the day”. So maybe not so proud of what came after the facade cracked.
I praised on this site the Radio 4 coverage on the Monday from 17:00 to 18:30 but I sensed they were “holding the dogs back” and so it proved, sadly. Far too much comment from the far Left.
Leftist writer, Tony Garnett (chum of Ken Loach, etc):-
“Tony Garnett: ‘BBC has little interest in poor people'”
He’s right about the BBC being ratings-obsessed. But it’s how they now gauge value for the license fee after the last update of the Charter. Still, this bit is accurate when it comes to reporting on US issues:
It’s as though the BBC only recruits Alisons and Jeremys [filmmakers] from the Home Counties who make culture that appeals to them, but who occasionally go to remote regions of the planet like Doncaster as visiting anthropologists, either to be amused by or shocked by the behaviour of the tribe there.
In the end, though, this is just more evidence that the BBC gets “complaints from both sides”. In other words, the BBC is divisive.
It’s not true though, the BBC does have plenty of interest in poor people, just so long as they are not ethnic British.
A million poor Brits are no longer paying their TV poll tax…
BBC to play Ding Dong in chart show despite anti-Thatcher Facebook push
Despite? No, because of….
Still, it’ll be a real treat to hear what the Newsbeat Beeboid tells the kids about Thatcher when they explain the background context. Get ’em while they’re young.
I wouldn’t bother to listen to their weasel words. They will play it because they can and because they really really hate her that much.
Such hate corrupts them. Very sad.
You know something?…I hope that they do now.
After Ross/Brand…after Savile…doctoring footage of the Queen and fiddling with phone-ins etc…and ,let me say again..SAVILE!…there are an awful lot of people stewing in white vans, or heading back to Aldershot who are truly sick of what the BBC are doing.
They know they fight for the country, or pay taxes by working flat out, risking life and livelihood every day…and for what?
So a song about a lady who could be their mum or granny can be flaunted, pushed promoted and made a story by prep school Socialists who scoot to Umbria, to sneer at Berlusconi or Rupert, Pope Francis or anybody who tries to stand up to their monocultural crap.
Ross and Brand started it….Savile is far from finished…and the same forced solidarity levy that bans songs about Bin Laden, Barosso, Mandelson, Prescott, Shipman. Munich 58 or Huntley…is now prepared to release the hounds onto a dead woman who had Alzheimers in her dotage, who was a widow and most of us who lived whilst she was in charge have nothing but respect for(despite errors).
I will not be party to letting Brands little brothers and sistas pretend that Thatcher was a problem to them if they weren`t even there…after Occupy and the Duggan/Moaty stuff; they are now playing with fire.
Welfare?…license fees?…unions?…Labour?….the BBC really don`t know what is up the road if they continue to mock the REAL 93% that have to live in their Commislurry.
They have had their time-and if they trash our ex PM as they allow no such scorn for the real terrorists and traitors who have brought us to the precipice, then there will be real trouble ahead.
This is one truly divisive moment….if the BBC don`t see that. I sure as hell won`t be telling them…let them film it on their news as long as they feel safe to be around. It won`t be long as they go on like this.
And the revolution will NOT be televised brothers/sistas, otherwise abled, gendered etc, yada…it will be live as live can be.
Interesting to note that this ‘Comment is ruthlessly filtered’ article in the BBC house paper gets to all of… 6… before ‘Comments for this discussion are now closed’.
And the last of those is from a mod bod that appears to have garnered an impressive 72 approvals for a special form of editorial control that may to some seem a little bit retrograde.
Some might have been wondering what this meant:
‘Even though this seems extraordinary, they may not understand who that song would chart,” said a BBC source.’
As I understand it, where once a song reached a chart position after significant numbers are purchased (in the hundreds of thousands), now a few tens of same will be enough to provide the necessary excuse for the numbers games such as the BBC like to indulge in when they serve as a rallying focus to make a point they happen to support.
As always, they are in danger of setting a dangerous precedent if subsequent passings of iconic figures the BBC are more fondly disposed to get marked by any campaign to drive a song their delicate sensibilities may be less able to tolerate.
And a banning then may seem… hypocritical.
Of course, thanks to the unique way the BBC does what it likes as it suits, they probably don’t give a flying fig how rampantly two-faced they have been, are and look likley to get worse at being.
As Margaret Thatcher’s biographer, Charles Moore, said- really, it’s Margaret who is ‘Dorothy’, while ‘the witch’ which is dead, is the Communism of the East in the 1980s.
The last line on the BBC list of those invited (and not invited/attending) to the Baroness Thatcher funeral.
‘Comedian Jim Davidson, a prominent Tory supporter during the 1980s, is understood not to have been invited’
Another ill-disguised slur
But Jezza is going, so that must surely count for something, as he’s the type of bloke who could speak up for the fed-up majority who don’t live in Islington, Hampstead or Chorlton-cum-Hardy.
He lives in Chipping Norton, hardly representative of anyone other than the Tory elite. Tally Ho!
He was born in Doncaster and worked for the Rotherham Advertiser.
No wonder he escaped from the People’s Republic of South Yorkshire.
At least he didn’t mix up guacamole and mushy peas, unlike some MP for a North-eastern constituency.
Peter Mandelson 1997.
On one of his awayday trips to Hartlepool to meet his “constituuents”.
Usually withour Reinaldo in tow…bit cold up there.
And Billy Bragg lives in a big mansion in rural Dorset, Colditz, your point being?
There’s the washed-up guitar rebel in his massive Dorset pile,
The phoney socialist – I’ve got him on the list!
And the comic National Treasure with his smug and clever bile,
He never would be missed – he never would be missed!
Then the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone,
All centuries but this, and every country but his own;
And the Harry Potter writer, who was once a single mum,
But is now the richest woman, earning one tremendous sum,
And that singular anomaly, the sour-faced feminist –
I don’t think she’d be missed – I’m sure she’d not be missed!
Clarkson is a buffoon, a licensed jester. Do you really want him speaking on behalf of anyone?
He can verbally kick the likes of Brigstocke, Mason, Rosen et al. in the plums !
“BECTU to ramp up BBC work-to-rule”
“Stress, overwork, bullying” –
are they blaming Thatcher or BBC?
I’d like know which “certain areas” of the BBC they’re referring to where bullying and harassment are “endemic”.
Yes! For example, was Anthony Hall bullied into signing his contract of silence? And what of Mr Entwhistle? Was he bullied into leaving?
“Thatcher Death Party ‘Planned For Years'”
Tuesday (09/04/13) Newsnight asks ‘ if all the parents had been willing to let their children be treated with the triple vaccine there would have been no measles outbreak [in Swansea] but they didn’t. Why should some people have the right to risk the health of others?
However, a recent £30,000 Foreign Office commissioned study by The National Institute for Economic and Social Research ‘pointed to high levels of measles, mumps and rubella among Romanian nationals and high rates of tuberculosis.’
And yet the BBC continues to campaign for Rogarian immigration which threatens all our children with measles, mumps and TB. Maybe the question that should be asked is this – does the BBC have the right to risk the health others?
Its also telling that take up of vaccines varies greatly across the country. Scotland, which relatively speaking has low rates of immigration, reaches the 95% take up of the MMR required to provide ‘herd immunity’ while foreign colony London falls below 80%.
If one looks at the Boroughs too then those where there are almost no ethnic British families left, like Tower Hamlets, are the worst, while more affluent Wandsworth isn’t quite so bad.
“For an impartial view, it’s over to Arthur Scargill…”
[opening excerpt]:-
“The BBC has been finalising the arrangements for Mrs Thatcher’s funeral. Let’s hope the coverage is more balanced than the predictable Left-wing propaganda pumped out in the wake of her death. And that it manages to rise above the level of the Corporation’s dismal performance on the day of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee pageant. So what can we expect? This column has been leaked a copy of a confidential memo to staff from the BBC’s Acting Deputy Assistant Head of Ceremonial Affairs (Vision) . . .”
Read more:
This will not lessen BBC-NUJ support for HAMAS and Islamic jihad:-
“Hamas failed to probe Palestinian ‘collaborator’ deaths”
– Beeboids, out of political sympathy to Hamas, and ‘good taste’, censor out photographs of the actual murdered victims of Islamic jihadists being dragged through the streets of Gaza.
In contrast, the ‘New York Daily News’ shows the original photos uncensored, here:-
“Human Rights Watch slams Hamas for failing to investigate the slaying of seven Palestinians who were dragged through the streets of Gaza”
Read more:
Note: such is BBC-NUJ’s political sympathy for the anti-Thatcher cause, that it does not edit intended musical insult.
So BBC-NUJ goes easy on Gaza’s Islamic jihadists via censorship, and goes easy on Thatcher haters by non-censorship.
“BBC ‘witch song’ insult to Maggie: Corporation to play single driven up by Thatcher haters”
Read more:
Two very different cases. The supporters of Lady Thatcher are unlikely to kidnap BBC journalists in the way that Hamas would.
Aww now if all Thatchers haters want to show off how they have become ‘friends of Dorothy’ who are we to stop them? smirk and point yes but not stop !
As Margaret Thatcher’s biographer, Charles Moore, pointed out, Margaret is ‘Dorothy’, and the ‘wicked witch’, the USSR communism of the 1980s, is dead.
George thank for that point I know of the book but as I see it , either as a metaphor for the fight against communism or the love of big show tunes and closets ! she wins.
Hi George R,
Another day heavy with the hot blast of AGW. I am feeling the heat so just thought I would scroll through this blog and put my two pence in.
Came across this earlier.What struck me was the, as Jennifer Aniston says in that old advert “and here is the science bit”, the BBC has the ‘education bit’ from its august Royal Charter ; “Collaborators are widely loathed in Palestinian society”. There you are, unlike most other societies, like yours and mine, where ‘collaborator’ are held in the highest esteem and lauded as the brightest and best (good old Philby and co). In Palestinian society they are ‘loathed’and that is why (as every culturally sensitive person knows) it is understandable, nay righteous to shoot them and drag their bodies through the streets. Indeed they showed such restraint in only dragging one of the 7 bodies. But I suspect that this had something to do with the oppressive Israeli’s starving them of resources such as petrol. How culturally insensitive of them. Could they not have had a special delivery have been arranged for this festival. I hope we can all condemn such disgusting behaviour on the part of the Israeli’s in not arranging for this.
Back as you were everyone! The Toady program has just let us know that this whole ‘grooming’ thing was a myth. They had an interview just before the news at 8 with a quangocrat that was a masterclass in elephant-avoidance.
They managed to put up a couple of strawman references to ethnicity and race – message: anyone who raises this point is a raycist – while ignoring that the key factor is neither race, ethnicity, age, body weight or hair colour. It’s a certain religion, but the I-word was not used once.
The quangocrat was allowed to wheel out the talking points uninterrupted, for example stating that not all the cases involve – ahem – ‘Asians’, with no apparently around to point out that non-smokers can get lung cancer too but no one says that means smoking is safe.
Ditto, the quangocrat was allowed to smear the MSM are raycists by claiming that a case of grooming in Derby by ‘whites’ (infidels?) was ignored by the media except:
i/ it wasn’t
ii/ there was no evidence that law enforcement had conspired to bury investigations into this case
‘It’s the cover up that gets you’ is Politics 101, but apparently they don’t do journalism at the BBC anymore.
I assume next time the BBC report on a crime committed by a white person on a black or Asian person they will not automatically assume it is racist either. They will also report that crime by white people is also committed on to other white people and Asian and black people also commit these crimes.
Yorkshire Police released this statement:
Ouch! Satire at its sharpest. Imagine that on a few posters round some northern towns.
“The quangocrat was allowed to wheel out the talking points uninterrupted…”
Not just “allowed”. Some of the questions were downright leading.
How typical of the BBC to suggest that stereotyping of the origins of those doing the grooming is almost as serious as the grooming itself. Willful intellectual dishonesty in the service of their agenda! Still, if it’s only the children of “poor White trash” the BBC isn’t too worried.
The ‘poor white trash’ turned their back on the Communist State and must be punished for it.
“Anger as BBC silences its new boss with two-year gag that bans him from talking about Corporation once he leaves.
“Tony Hall’s contract bans him from ‘derogatory public remarks’ about BBC.
“Clause in £450,000-a-year deal lasts while he is in post and two years after.
“Critics say it’s ‘deeply worrying’ that BBC is attempting to gag executives.”
Read more:
BBC4’s ’10 Things You Didn’t Know About…….’
Last week a somewhat contrived link was made between global warming and earthquakes.
This week the subject was Avalanches. An open goal you might think for warmistas, and sure enough, quite early into the programme, we got the usual ‘Some scientists think..increasing frequency of avalanches…etc.’
Having been told countless times that global warming would result in considerably less snow my immediate thought was that surely the result would be fewer avalanches, not more.
The presenter went on to blame global warming for a major avalanche in Russia, with considerable loss of life, which occurred in 2002. Even the BBC’s co-conspirators at the Met Office accept that there has been no warming since at least 1997. Obviously a delayed reaction avalanche.
Next week: Tsunamis. Now they can’t create an AGW link there, can they?
Look, EVERYTHING that can’t be blamed on “Fatcher” is, of course, down to “global warming”.
Thatcher is evil.
Come the revolution all her admirers will be disposed of.
Foutez-nous la paix!
Come the second stage of the revolution, YOU will be disposed of by your erstwhile revolutionary comrades, if the history of the French and Russian ones is anything to go by.
I was a Staff Sergeant in the Falklands War Colditz and I can tell you 100% of those islanders whose doors I knocked on whilst helping them recoup their freedom are eternally grateful for the guts Margaret Thatcher showed relieving these innocent people from having to live under a despicable Dictator. No time for you boy.
Meant Comrade not Colditz in my last post – sorry Colditz.
Picked this up from Jeremy,s Bowen twitter posts. The link is to a PBS Frontline Report on the bombing of al – Bara in Syria, What is interesting is the reporters reflections on what is going on among the people being bombed, including elements who attempt to manipulated the reporting “for propaganda” purposes, his words, not mine. I wonder if Bowen had learnt anything from this intelligent, measured and analytic approach to reporting what was a act of deliberate barbarity. Here is the link :
Who would have thought the fightback would have started in Lanzarote!!
Lanzarote’s court annulled a family’s mortgage with BBVA last week after finding the interest and late payment penalties charged “abusive”.
Judge Juan José Cobo of Court No 4 declared that the mortgage which was agreed with BBVA back in March 2006 was to be cancelled and the foreclosure notice scheduled for the 3rd May stopped. The judge considered that the 19% interest rate charged for late payment of the mortgage was abusive and stated that the bank cannot be protected by the court at a time of deep crisis, when financial institutions keep making and maintaining higher penalty interest rates superior to the basic interest at the time governed by the mortgage market.
The judge also noted that the concept of charging default interest as a punishment for breach of an obligation to pay the mortgage installments was meaningless now as the vast majority of people who fail to pay a mortgage do so through no fault of their own, it is normally due to the fact that they have lost their job without any possibility of finding another or have had their salary substantially reduced.
Continuing, he said that the job loss which caused the default of the loan is not only the fault of the borrower but, in reality, largely attributable to the lender with their inordinate desire to increase business and profits, which contributed to the crisis and recession that exists in this country and around the world.
Therefore, the court considered that, at the moment, there is no justification for setting a default interest rate higher than the normal interest, except the desire to enrich financial institutions since this penalty or punishment is imposed on those who are not to blame for being unable to maintain their mortgage loan.
Fightback already underway in Ireland. 20% are behind in their mortgage payments. Historically almost impossible to evict in Ireland.
Fightback? Against what exactly?
I think you view may be a little romanticized.
Not sure what this post is about – this site relates to bias of the BBC.
Sorry matron
It seems that even on an economics based discussion on Cyprus the dead hand of BBC censorship is seen.
“#51. Notayesmanseconomics
thank you for posting it. my post on Iceland #33 got “moderated”. 🙂
scary Putin does not delete my posts on Russian state media website. even voice of America does not. but independent and free BBC excel at this feat.”
What exactly is so frightening for the BBC about pointing out that Iceland is doing well and places like Greece are not?
Surely the BBC are not trying to hide its Euro supporting past? Or the way that Stephanie Flounders has got it all wrong…
There was an interesting program yesterday on Radio 4 about Margaret Thatchers relationship with the BBC and how she wanted to neutralise its poisonous bias.
A report was commissioned but failed to give her the ammunition she needed to break up and privatise the broadcaster.
The problems came from some unexpected angles. Advertisers claimed that they didn’t want to fragment the market as they could currently structure different campaigns in various regions. Commercial broadcasters didn’t want it because of obvious competition and there was a degree that the market simply wasn’t big enough to support all the broadcasters.
On top of this the BBC licence fee subsidises channel 4 and hugely subsidises S4C the Welsh language broadcaster.
They did put forward a powerful case that the BBC could not be privatised based on advertising revenues alone, and in those days encryption and subscription weren’t an option.
My question therefore is how would a break up without the licence fee in some form would result in the loss of multiple channels as well as the BBC leaving just ITV and Sky behind.
On top of that they own many of the transmitters and if they closed other stations would also vanish.
It’s not as simple as just making them stand on their own via advertising!
Privatising the BBC is actually very simple.
1. Just make the Household Poll Tax optional.
2. The BBC can then get revenue from subscription, which may then be as much as the BBC wishes to charge and without government interference, or advertising or both and it already has a great deal of revenue from selling on programmes.
3. It can of course cut back a bit on staff, admin and the overpaid celebrities. It is after all a tiny bit bloated.
4. The infrastructure (transmitters) you speak of can carry on being hired out to others as it is now of course. Or sold on in a free enterprise sort of way.
5. Channel 4 and other regional or special language channels will have to pay for themselves, or do the other thing.
Everything is possible if people have the will and I have an inkling that after this week there will be even more pressure to be gone with the subversive corporation.
So play the nasty song BBC, sneer at the Lady as much as you want, cheer on the ghoulish party louts, interview whatever IRA hard men you like, ask Ken Livingstone for a few more lies please and feel sorry for the militants who get kettled by the police for trying to disrupt next week’s funeral. You are merrily fiddling away whist you start the fire that will burn you.
US gives 4 more F-16 fighter jets to Egyptian government despite outcry
Four more F-16 fighter jets left the U.S. on Thursday headed for Egypt as part of a foreign aid package that has generated controversy given the political upheaval in the Mideast country.
Critics say the military aid should stop because the president Egyptians elected last year has led the Muslim Brotherhood, called President Obama liar and urged that hatred of Jews be instilled in children.
I must complain to my local Zionist Lobby rep about their incompetence. Katty Kay told me they were powerful enough to stop this sort of thing.
The warning signs were there within weeks of him getting his presidency and flew to Eggwypt and the speech he made to the assembled Islamists/Brotherhood. I don’t think they do moderates there. Sadat only capitulated after getting his arse well and truly spanked in the Yom Kippur round. Mubarak ?
Award-winning, lionized BBC Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen stated that the Muslim Brotherhood was “conservative, moderate and non-violent”. Until he got called out and deleted the word “moderate”.
Just seen QT on the I-Player. Pleasantly surprised at how it went on the whole, notwithstanding its location, i was warmed to see a good proportion of the audience appreciative of Mrs T’s time on earth. Blunkett proved he was the arsehole i’ve always considered he was, and Toynbee was, well, Toynbee.
I REALLY hate the BBC, look at this smirking report – yes Dez the did report the ‘resignation’ of the policeman who twitted anti thatcher abuse. However they fail to mention his sexual fantasies about murdering the home secretary
Do we think “Marvellous Stuff” is the suitable sub heading in this story or is the phrase “Completely Unacceptable” (in the text) more salient?
This report deliberately repeats the slurs abuse and insults in full and in effect endorses them….is it me or has this just been stealth edited?
so they aint gonna play the song in full eh.
Whatever the BBC do will upset someone.
They are still regularly embarassed over banning the Sex Pistols and don’t want to end up in the firing line. However the Daily Mail had the saga as its front page so there can be nobody in the UK who isn’t aware.
But just how many of you listen to the Top 40? I’ve teenage girls so we often have it on. I suspect I may be the oldest listener. No doubt many are going to tune in now to be outraged by a programme they never listen too. Talk about going out of your way to be insulted!
‘Talk about going out of your way to be insulted!’
I never had you pegged on this site as a satirist.
Possibly there will be a few dark looks over the halves of shandy at the TGIF debrief from some whose whole schtick in haunting these pages is pretty much solely on this basis.
Fair comment, and hope you agree that the radio 1 bloke handled himself well on PM earlier.
Trouble is that the interviewer(Eddie Mair) seems to think that he`s the rebels friend and was awful.
Nasty and sly, as he was to Boris Johnson.
The likes of Mair don`t listen to the charts anymore that we do, but it`s just a flag of convenience to them to wipe their arses on.
I heard the Radio 1 Controller and he explained the position as well as possible…but the likes of Mair are coining it in on my license, so we`ll need to ensure some “accountability” in due course.
For Thatcher to be regarded as “divisive”, when the likes of Mair are far more divisive and scornful of her in pursuing a non-story like this is the final hypocrisy…and we need to rub Mairs face in it when the time comes.
Maybe he`ll be happy for us to write a song about the death of HIS mum…that`s how personal it can become if Mairs crew persist.
Brilliant. Yet another of the ‘climate change’ predictions that have been comprehensively trashed by real world evidence. A pal of mine went on a skiing trip to France in February and couldn’t ski all week because of blizzard conditions.
Of course, the BBC hope everyone will have forgotten what was being mooted ten years ago and have morphed their message to comply with the propaganda of their AGW activist friends from 28 Gate i.e. the ‘extreme weather events’ effect of global warming, including the recent freezing weather conditions. Whichever way you look at it, settled science it ain’t.
They treat us like morons.
Heard Radio 1s Controller tread a measured and acceptable path in defending the BBCs position about the record on PM earlier.
He handled himself well, and I can live with his compromise.
yet Eddie Mair was slavering all over him like a bitter Rottweiller…censorship, compromise, sell out etc.
Turns out that there are some decent people at the BBC trying to be as honourable as they can, given the circumstances…and there are others at the BBC who like to flaunt their rebel credentials in the hope of meeting Russell Brand or a friend of Nelson Mandelas.
Mairs card is marked-he clearly got a taste for fake blood over Boris Johnson, and seems to think of himself as the Poundland Paxman(who actually DID get to meet Russell Brand.
Mair went too far, he revealed his colours and his weekend rebel nastiness in trying to wing the radio 1 bloke down the corridor.
Wonder if anyone fancies writing a song about the death of Eddie Mairs mum?…for that would be so rebellious and rad eh gyze?
Ouanquer…Mair is another Maggie maggot who`ll not fulfil his career path as a blowfly now…
So do you know much about the Mau Mau emergency? Well if you don’t this play today was for you
To be fair I did miss the first part so if I’m wrong let me know. From this I learned the Mau Mau were fluffy pink bunny wunnies who just wanted the Europeans to leave and only killed “32 Europeans” The British and their underlings were Satan incarnate who relocated Bergen Belsen to Kenya. Lucky, (or not) this period of history is pretty obscure so I doubt whether the majority of the population are aware of the events. History re written before your eyes.
Yes a strange play in which a pair of ‘Heir Hunters’ concerned about making a fast buck for themselves by finding the wife of an ex-District Commissioner in Kenya are used as a vehicle to inform us about the evils of colonialism.
The male of the pair suddenly seems to be remarkably well-informed about these times and some sort of moral equivalence is made between a widowed african women bringing up her children and the pregnant (by the married best friend of the male) female member.
The loving wife of the DCO, whose life is confined to her rose garden and ‘good’ african domestic staff, comes complete with a full-formed set of ‘liberal values’ and knowledge of UK law and the Geneva Convention while her husband finds himself forced to smash a revolution led by a secret society who are prepared to kill anyone who won’t join them. Clearly he is a ‘nasty’ imperialist racist. (Why did such a loving couple get married in the first place?)
Not only are we ‘put right’ on the history of Kenya but yet again we get another hint of the ‘woman right, man wrong’ that flows through most Radio 4 plays.
I am surprised that you bother listening to anything on radio 4. It is the most politicised of all the BBC TV and radio channels and that is saying something! There was time , decades ago, when radio 4 plays were good drama but then they started putting on plays about Ireland every other week and you can guess who the villain of the piece was. So I just stopped listening to them. I am sure that the plays today are the same as they were then but with Mau Mau as the poor Irish and white farmers as the ‘occupying power’ and a few changes to the script. What a bloody bore.
“Syrian rebels pledge allegiance to al-Qaeda, but promise to behave”
By Rod Liddle.
Plus, from Australia, a country which is virtually non-existent to BBC-NUJ online:-
-from ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“200 Muslims from Australia waging jihad in Syria”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“We’re constantly told that there are no Muslims, none, zero, zip, nada, in Western countries who hold to the same view of Islam as al-Qaeda and other jihad groups. Yet we constantly also see evidence to the contrary — but the mainstream media and government officials persist in ignoring the implications of this.”
And behave they will. In Jordan and Lebanon.
Arab Spring! Arab Spring for everyone!
Well I got the impression that Ian Hislop doesn’t like Ken Livingstone very much on HIGNFY tonight, the chairs scrip however was all too predictable
HIGNFY was not as bad as I was expecting after last week’s Party Political for Labour. It is a pity that they feel the need to have a guaranteed Leftie every episode now. It’s the 21st Century version of Blankety Blank having Lorraine Chase and her ilk in the Tart Seat each week.
BBC propaganda…
For example, listen to this:
(at 00:42)
The presenter from BBC Radio Cambridgeshire states on air that there are no reports of hatred or animosity [about Polish immigration].
The BBC is obviously aware of the animosity that is building up from excessive immigration yet it puts this lie on the air.
Perhaps there are no reports? This can be explained by
a) the naturally polite (or hypocrotical) nature of the English
which makes all but the ‘underclass’ reluctant to reveal any negative feelings to anyone’s face
b) our highly repressive laws threatening anyone who does dare to show ‘animosity’ with up to seven years in gaol.
Think Emma West still awaiting trial for simply showing ‘animosity’ on a tram. No threats made whatsoever.