And so it begins….Operation Smokescreen.


When the 7/7 bombs went off the BBC went into overdrive to blame British society for the actions of the bombers….asking ‘What turned such bright, young British Muslims into terrorists?’

They had to change their tune fairly rapidly when they realised that wasn’t playing well with a Public that had just seen 52 people murdered and over 700 injured by men claiming to be doing it in the name of Islam.

Guess they haven’t learnt that lesson….here they are doing the same…blaming America itself for turning such a decent, hardworking, young man into a terrorist.

Nice photo though…..

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev poses for a photo after graduating from Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School in undated photo



He was so good, hard working and determined to succeed

People who know Dzhokhar Tsarnaev are trying to understand what happened. How did a bright, ambitious teenager turn out so badly?

In a lifeguard-certification course at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev had a hard time staying afloat – at least when he had to tread water while holding a heavy brick in his hands.

“That was his main struggle,” says his friend, Mark Faria, 19, who took the course with him. Still, Dzhokhar stuck with it – and passed the course.

Mr Faria says they took a violence-prevention class together in high school – STARS, which stands for Students Teaching and Advocating Respect. “He was a good student,” Mr Faria says.


Such a nice lad…someone must have forced him to do these things

People who know Dzhokhar cannot believe that he is responsible.

They say he must have been under the influence of someone – his brother, perhaps, or a terrorist group.

“My personal opinion is that those guys are just pawns and it’s a bigger thing than what we’re seeing,” Ms Aiguier says. “And it will someday be revealed.”

Heading toward the front steps of his house, Mr Faria tries to defend his friend. “I don’t know if he had an actual motive – or if he was kind of forced into it,” he says.

Mr Faria steps out of his apartment building to talk to me. He says he is “dumbfounded” about his friend.

“We’re watching the news all day and we see his face on TV,” he says. “It doesn’t sit.”


It’s  America’s fault

Dzhokhar came here in 2002 with his family – immigrants with a Chechen background – who had once lived in Central Asia.

Dzhokhar became an American citizen in 2012. At a certain point, though, he no longer seemed optimistic about the future.

“About a week and a half ago, I saw him walking kind of fast on our street,” says Ms Aiguier. “He looked sort of reclusive, inward, and he was wearing a hoodie.”

Another Russian immigrant, Konstantyn (“Costa”) Morozov, 27, points out that not everybody finds their way in the US.

Not everyone likes it here.



There is no consideration at all that he may have been influenced by Islam. 

He may have been influenced by a  ‘terrorist group’…OK…so which one, and what is their motivation, what is the end result that their terrorism is a means to attaining?

To avoid mentioning Islam and the attempt to spread its influence as a possible motivation here is once again not news but propaganda…by omission.


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126 Responses to WHY?

  1. Mark says:

    If it looks like Islam and sounds like Islam, then it is Islam that is involved.


    • noggin says:

      the motive, islam
      the tactics, islam
      the method, islam

      the issue is islam … the problem is islam
      bbc is obfuscating for islam
      lying for islam, covering for islam.
      those are the facts, the truth …
      can you go far enough back to remember them
      eh! bbc


    • noggin says:

      Well “he was determined to succeed” eh! …
      murdering b-stard
      This has polarised perfectly the al bbc position, they re caught again with “the trousers down” … even the most rudimentary knowledge, of fact about islams genocidal tactics, leaves no one objective, in any doubt at all, this was another islamic mass murder …
      Useful idiots like mardell, ironsides etc to their shame, just go along with the al bbc narrative, devoid of any integrity
      at all.
      So now caught red handed .. continue trying to obfuscate, the glaring facts, we have to endure the snivelling, faux victim narrative


      • pah says:

        I imagine the BBC believes that it is doing the right thing. It is trying to explain that ordinary Muslims don’t do this sort of thing, that ordinary Muslims are OK guys and we shouldn’t be afraid of them. It fits in with their touchy-feely mentality perfectly.

        Only they are doing the ‘ordinary Muslim’ a huge disservice by acting like this. This case, in particular, is going to cause the ordinary Muslim in the US a huge amount of grief. We have two ostensibly normal guys who everyone thinks are OK and just like them. Until they plant a couple of bombs and run amok.

        Now when the average Boston liberal is sat on the train next to an ‘ordinary Muslim’ with a back pack s/he is going to think exactly as they did before. ‘That dark-skinned bearded backpacker is safe it is only me that is being racist. he is safe . he is safe.’

        But when they get to work and sit in their hipster hot seat next to Ahmed the legal bod they are going to think. ‘Hang on Ahmed’s one of the guys could he suddenly decide to leave his back pack under my seat?’ Surely not?

        But now Ahmed just may because how does a dhimmi know what a true believer can behave like now the BBC has told us any Muslim can suddenly turn.

        They don’t know it but they are making the lives of the average Muslim into exactly the sort of lives they accuse the EDL of creating. Now their neighbours really are suspicious …

        How to radicalise the apathetic 101.


        • David Preiser (USA) says:

          Agree 100%, pah. What they do is offensive on a number of levels.


        • noggin says:

          (thats the bbc, and associated useful idiot media to you and me).


          On a Russian-language social media page, Dzhokhar features a drawing of a bomb under the heading “send a gift,” and just above links to sites about Islamism!.
          The guy had a YouTube profile, where he created a playlist dedicated to terrorism!, including a song called, “I will dedicate my life to Jihad!.’’
          Amazon.com wish list created in 2007, Mr Tsarnaev didn’t even try to hide what he might want to do given the opportunities.

          “Sham” is Syria. “Calling, calling Allah. I am appealing to Allah. Wake up, wake up followers of Allah. This is your Sham. This is your Sham.”
          April 19 (Pamela Geller):

          and yet
          “Motive still unclear after bombing suspect’s arrest” — Associated Press, April 20


      • noggin says:

        sharp as a tack as always :-
        jihadwatchs robert spencer
        “Muslims as victims, 😀
        who as victims ought to be exempt from scrutiny and accountability (even though no U.S. mosque or Islamic school has any program designed to teach against the al-Qaeda version of Islam that they ostensibly reject).
        In reality, as David J. Rusin noted in National Review last January, “a detailed analysis of FBI statistics covering ten full calendar years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks reveals that, on a per capita basis, American Muslims, contrary to spin, have been subjected to hate crimes less often than other prominent minorities. From 2002 to 2011, Muslims are estimated to have suffered hate crimes at a frequency of 6.0 incidents per 100,000 per year – 10 percent lower than blacks (6.7), 48 percent lower than homosexuals and bisexuals (11.5), and 59 percent lower than Jews (14.8). Americans should keep these numbers in mind whenever Islamists attempt to silence critics by invoking Muslim victimhood.”


        • Doublethinker says:

          Yes, but, if you were to deduct the hate crimes perpetrated by Muslims against the other minorities that you mention what would be the result? Many fewer attacks on the other minorities no doubt.
          Now we all know , because the BBC has told us so for years , that Muslims only attack others because they are misunderstood or fearful of attack upon themselves. A sort of preemptive strike you see. Therefore, it is quite reasonable to deduct those attacks by Muslims on other minorities from the discussion and if we do that, lo and behold, we find that Muslims are attacked more than any other minority. You see they need and deserve the positive support of the BBC worldwide against their oppressors, whom seem to come from just about every other group known to man, apart from Inuits who don’t have many dealings with them, try doing Rhamadan with 24 hours days in the summer!
          I think that with this sort of logic I could get a great job at the BBC.


    • john in cheshire says:

      And whether you want to acknowledge that islam is our enemy, islam certainly knows that we are its enemy. It’s the equivalent of having hundreds of thousands of Japanese Shinto warriors coming to live amongst us during World War 2 and the government telling us to tolerate them because it’s their culture that causes them to behave as they do and we are being disrespectful to them by objecting to their behaviour.


  2. Frank Fisher says:

    BBC website now says the boys’ “home town” is questioning itself – that’ll be in Chechnya then? NO! Boston of course.

    It’s quite embarrassing. Their desperation to avoid going anywhere near Islamism is shaming, but it’s leading them into factual lunacy – the cause being posited is Chechen independence, so then the BBC can act puzzled as to why the US is attacked!

    But as always, it is the BBC’s rightful arrogance that galls most. They are right – the bulk of the population still believes the BBC. The BBC knows it can concoct delusional theories and frame the agenda in the most obviously fraudulent way, and still *get away with it*. They won’t be held to account , they won’t lose their golden goose, no British government will cut this cancer out.

    I do find myself laughing at the TV and radio as often as I shout at it these days – perhaps that’s progress. When the propaganda is so pitiful as to be funny, perhaps the end is near.


    • dave1east says:

      even the guardian acknowledges the importance of islam in their lives and its likely motivating actor. they also mention that one was a wife-beater.

      with the bbc, it’s back to `lincolnshire men`.


      • Frank Fisher says:

        I just submitted a complaint btw, oriented around bias and factual inaccuracy. I suggest others do likewise.


        • hippiepooter says:

          Waste of time. Write instead to MPs demanding public inquiry into BBC political bias.


        • Guest Who says:

          ‘I just submitted a complaint btw, oriented around bias and factual inaccuracy. ‘
          Second one will see a conniption in the Farce as they will have no answer save to ban you for them being unable to answer.
          First one they will laugh themselves silly at, before sending off to Hugs’ email to nowhere.
          If you persist they will eventually answer (apologies all round… busy times, etc) the bias one eventually claiming it’s all a matter of professional opinion, and as they are the professionals and your opinion matters diddly squat, that’s the end of it.
          Try to get them to answer the factual inaccuracy bit and they will expedite you for wasting their time finding ways not answering the main point.


          • Frank Fisher says:

            I’ve got stories rewritten in the past, headlines changed, entire features re-packaged. It *does* work.


            • hippiepooter says:

              Well, way to go then!!

              Still, worth calling for a public inquiry.


            • Guest Who says:

              I know.
              Don’t get me wrong, I am the champion of taking it to them.
              Even when they lie and cheat and censor.
              And get shown up in all their bent glory for the ways they do it.
              ‘The director of the BBC’s Editorial Complaints Unit later said that “he did not accept that those who only read the headline would have been left with a materially misleading impression”….
              The BBC’s view was that “the short headline was an accurate summary of the report to which it had linked”…

              “The Committee agreed with the BBC that considerable skill was needed to ensure that headlines subject to space restrictions remained duly accurate. “
              The BBC does not have such skills. What it does have is a vast, funded, disinformation and attrition system to cover this up at the expense of actually correcting the shortfall.
              I wish you well with your complaint.
              It will be interesting to see if they address the inaccuracy as a matter of priority, or fuss about on the subjective ‘bias’ for a year before deciding they got it about right and close the case without answering your main concerns.


              • Teddy Bear says:

                The Commentator reported recently on how one complainant to the BBC was dealt with in typical dismissive style by them over the phrase used in a headline. The ridiculousness of the BBC justification that warranted the complaint shows just how much contempt they have for the public.

                BBC says it won’t use “anti-Semitism” because the word is… too long?!

                Apparently the word “anti-Semitism” is too complicated or too long for the BBC to use, says an e-mail from the News Online complaints team…

                The BBC recently reported the story of the Labour Lord who was suspended for claiming that Jews were responsible for his imprisonment after driving offences.

                The Labour peer was jailed for sending a text message shortly before his car was involved in a fatal crash. He later said that Jewish owners of “newspapers and TV channels” had put pressure on the court.

                Many queried the BBC’s reporting of the incident at the time. In fact, the odd headline, “Labour peer Lord Ahmed suspended after ‘Jewish claims'” is still currently live. Instead of using “anti-Semitism”, the Beeb opted for “Jewish claims”, making the story seem like there were claims by Jewish people leading to Lord Ahmed’s suspension.

                By my count, they both have 13 characters, but as we all know, the BBC will use the phrase that best suits their agenda, and that they are the ones without true character.


            • jimbola says:

              Surely they always ‘got it about right’?
              Still, good luck and carry on if you’re having success.


              • Frank Fisher says:

                Well all I can say is I have had successes – they now say “so-called bedroom tax”, not bedroom tax ( I know many people complained btw, but when a story is changed withing 30 mins of emailing, you figure it’s you…). Polly Toynbee wrote a piece about the terrible impact of inequality – on a news site, as news. I got them to rejig the whole piece, retitle, add a new line to the header indicating it wasn’t a news piece but an opinion piece. Small victories but these people KNOW they are being watched and they know when they dont’ have a leg to stand on. When caught hands down, in my experience, they retreat.


            • The PrangWizard of England says:

              Can you supply some names of persons to whom we can address our complaints? And some ‘tips’ on how to be taken seriously.


              • Frank Fisher says:

                I just go through their system mate – I often refer to breaches in their own producers’ guidelines. Be specific, be factual. Make reasoned demands. If a headline is misleading, suggest a revised version.


    • hippiepooter says:

      For some reason after 9/11 the BBC shelved a repeat of ‘The Power of Nightmares’.

      High time a documentary was made ‘The Nightmare of Wilful Delusion’.

      Obama is given the cue for ignoring the elephant in the room.

      “We need to find out what made two American boys do this”.

      Nice one Obama. We already know. Why try to deflect attention from it? I’m beginning to think he really is a closet Muslim and that verbal slip with Stephanopholous revealed the truth.

      I fear that in the not to distant future – heck, we can ask the question now! – what made a black American who became President work for Jihad?

      Crazy conspiracy stuff for my part? Maybe.

      Fascinating how ‘Suspect 2’ has had his Miranda rights revoked because he’s being treated as an exception due to national security. Erm, does this mean that Bush got it bang on right and Obama and Hils bang on wrong?

      An apology for demonising Bush and doing the enemy’s work in the War on Jihad not coming Bush’s way soon.


    • Donald says:

      One would presume their home town was the town where their home was, no?


  3. Deborah says:

    I noticed both last night on the 10 pm BBC1 news and this morning on the Today programme the same frequently repeated phrases that the brothers had been in the US 10 years (or that they had grown up there, or they had been there a long time, etc etc) and the phrase ‘home grown’ used often and as Alan said with no mention of Islam – certainly I felt that what was being put subconsciously in my mind – that the Boston bombs were similar to the shootings at schools and colleges rather than an Islamist attack.


    • Frank Fisher says:

      Yup. They’re trying to frame them as Columbine-style nuts, rather than routine Islamists.

      Got to say,there is some interesting stuff here. The bombs look like rush jobs: you need to conceal them right? So… why not take the handles off? Black powder (over the counter stuff in US), intact pressure cookers, fuse wire – this was put together in an afternoon. BUT, we see previous, we see terrorist training, so the suggestion can’t be a sudden conversion, rather a last minute instruction? A sleeper cell, told to act, NOW. Question then becomes, why then and now, and how many others are there?


      • hippiepooter says:

        Pressure cooker bombs I read in the Mail after the bombing are often used in Iraq and Afghanistan.

        I’ve seen nothing to make one think they’re a ‘sleeper cell’. A vast swathe though of the Muslim population of the West I think can fairly be regarded as a ticking time bomb, and that ticking gets ever louder the more that the media dont attack Muslim leaders for failing to urge their Muslim communties full cooperation to root out Jihadi terrorists in their midst but instead try to make everyone else feel guilty for their terrorism.

        For anyone who has not completely lost their moral and critical moorings, it is patently obvious these Muslim leaders are a support act waging propaganda Jihad, and well facilitated by the moral imbeciles of the correctnick media.


      • london calling says:

        The “glorious nineteen” of 9/11 were all embedded in US for significant time, drinking beer, chasing girls, training as pilots. Then the phone call came. It is time

        What’s the matter if its home grown jihad or implanted jihad? Is it more OUR fault if they are “home grown”? Lost sheep. Could be anyone’s little boy? The idea and the motive is the same.


    • hippiepooter says:

      If Colonel Nassan’s Jihad is classified as ‘workplace’ violence, there’s no end to mental contortions correctnicks will go to to cover up for Islamist atrocities.

      They’re doing the enemy’s propaganda work, and we need to hold them to account for it.


      • john in cheshire says:

        But to those who recategorise the islam killers are our enemies. So, they don’t see themselves as doing our enemy’s work. They are righteous in their beliefs that we are the enemy. That’s what is so difficult to internalise; we are paying people to do jobs for us; ie. to protect and defend us against internal and external enemies; while all the time, their allegiance is to those same enemies. Once we’ve understood that, then the rest is easy because our enemies are then readily identified.


    • onlyne says:

      Do we actually know how many people working in the multicultural diversity of the BBC are Muslims?
      Anyone ever done a “freedom of information” search on this? I suspect that they are way over-represented as a proportion of UK citizens. After all, the BBC classifies anyone from west of Istanbul as “Asian”, thus culturally equating the population of China with that of Syria.


      • onlyne says:

        Oops! Typo – that should be “East of” Istanbul.
        Interesting how on the Beebs HYS website, any comments which might be anti-Islam are always removed by the “moderators”. Who are these BBC appointed censors? What is their cultural background? Who can say!


  4. AngusPangus says:

    “My personal opinion is that those guys are just pawns and it’s a bigger thing than what we’re seeing,” Ms Aiguier says.

    Well, she got that right, at least. “It’s a bigger thing” alright.

    It’s an ideology. I’ll spell it out, for the hard of thinking.

    I. S. L. A. M.

    It’s all there in the holy books, in the Sharia laws, in the little stories – hadiths – about their Great Leader. Conquest, brutal execution and subjugation of enemies, world domination, misogyny, sexual practices that all decent people find unconscionable.

    But the liberal left media, led by the state funded behemoth that is the BBC turns a blind eye. They are so wedded to their moral relativism that they cannot bring themselves to even consider the possibility that one religion, one ideology might, just might, be less good than another.

    But it is a fact that not all ideologies are equal; that some are more “evil” than others.

    It’s like we’re living in inter-war Germany, here folks. There’s an ideology around whose most fervent adherents are using to carry out shameful acts of terror. And yet the ideology cannot be challenged, cannot be questioned. The people who carry out these unspeakable acts are said perhaps to be “criminals” or “crazy” or have been “radicalised” by others criminals or crazies.

    Instead of questioning the ideology and asking “Does this have a place in the modern world?” or “Are there elements of this ideology which are repugnant and have no place in the world today?” we are instead urged to pity the poor moderate majority followers of the ideology:

    “Who will spare a thought for the poor ordinary National Socialist?” “National Socialists fear backlash after criminals kill several Jews”

    People for the most part are decent and good. Ideologies can be extremely corrupting and destructive. We need to take our heads out of the sand. We need to talk about Islam.


  5. Frank Fisher says:

    And my kids are watching CBBC – story led on Newsround: words mentioned were Russsian, Chechnya.

    No mention of Islam.


    • Chop says:

      I’d keep yer kids away from that grotty channel Frank, it is the the children’s brainwashing channel.


  6. noggin says:

    Well “he was determined to succeed” eh! …
    murdering b-stard
    This has polarised perfectly the al bbc position, they re caught again with “the trousers down” … even the most rudimentary knowledge, of fact about islams genocidal tactics, leaves no one objective, in any doubt at all, this was another islamic mass murder …
    Useful idiots like mardell, ironsides etc to their shame, just go along with the al bbc narrative, devoid of any integrity
    at all.
    So now caught red handed .. continue trying to obfuscate, the glaring facts, we have to endure the snivelling, faux victim narrative,
    mind you just as bad across the pond.



    i stated yesterday, well from the beginning really we ll have to suffer the “obamanation” of self flagulators and handwringers – as overt protectionism mode goes to the fore.
    as usual, just like the MCB, tell mama, mpac does here
    the yanks have it just as bad … only its called cair


  7. paul says:

    Just looked on the BBC world new site and read this pile of shit.
    Anzor Tsarnaev told the BBC he believed the secret services had framed his sons.
    “It was a terrorist attack carefully organised by secret services – I don’t know which ones. My son used to go to a mosque, so they once paid us a visit to ask why he is doing this.
    If you read the american version it says he was a devout muslim who prayed 5 times a day. The beeb just cant help themselves.



  8. Guest Who says:

    Subject to confirmation, the ‘facts’ I have been able to assemble thus far appear to be…
    A suggestible loser and his younger brother depart a 3rd world hellhole and end up in a country famed for welcoming huddled masses and wretched refuse of teeming shores.
    They rattle around for a decade and for various reasons don’t integrate too well.
    Nut the elder pops back to the old country where culture is thicker than he is, and picks up a few ideas.
    He comes back and nut the younger falls under his new found notions as blood is thicker than most things, especially loser teens seeking excuses to vent their rage at everyone bar them responsible for their lonely slot in life.
    Certain cultures have in the past often suggested avenues as an outlet for this, along with methodologies.
    They happened to live in Boston, so this seems the best place to kick off as the terrain is known and saves commuting.
    Now, what’s a good symbol of the the locale that has the requisite numbers of targets, including young and innocent?
    Now, being fair to the ‘establishment’, it probably makes sense not to point any fingers too overtly or generically, certainly at febrile periods where there are simply too many unknowns. That could play to and inflame prejudices (how these are inspired or made worse we’ll come to later) where calm and focus is needed in the community on the task at hand… locate and prevent and capture.
    It also makes sense to look for the best possible explanations to restore cohesion.
    However, much as state control and cooperative media narratives can seek ideals, reality does have a habit of intruding.
    And nothing cranks up the pressure on a pressure cooker more (ironically) in such cases than shutting down lids on areas of release.
    Hence, having done almost anything possible when nothing was known to steer away from what was suspected to what was preferred, now things are panning out poorly on the who, what, where, when and how front, it seems less than smart to dance around the why in the cack-handed way being attempted by most authority spokespersons and complicit media.
    I lived and worked in Singapore for a decade.
    It worked out well all round.
    But what if it hadn’t?
    Having gained PR through marriage, if my life had spiralled downhill, it may be I decided it was not my fault but those whose country I adopted.
    So I end up back in the old country and fall in with a bunch equally bitter bozos who, in the pub, get it into my head that really it’s all the fault of those darned South East Asians (coincidentally the ones lumped by our media into anything perpetrated here, but who have zippy to do with it).
    So, maybe a protest is in order. Teach ’em lesson. Show ’em who is in control.
    So I pop back ‘home’, cook up a device in the kitchen and await the next F1 round before audacioulsy and daringly dropping a backpack behind some kids there to see Jenson and Lewis before legging it.
    Once caught, I really, really, really doubt the Straits Times is going to be inviting the Singaporean diaspora to agonise over what they may have done internally to fail me so that I opted to engage in mass murder.
    They might, with some justification, look at what messed up factors sent me their way and de-tuned any ethical or moral compass or humanity I may once have had and find it more in those who raised me and the culture I evidently harked back to more than the one who invited me in so generously.
    But then, the Singaporeans seem to have a pretty good handle on who they are and what they want to be… and who and what they don’t.
    From Obama to Community liaison officers in Boston, from the BBC to the NYT, it is legitimate to seek the best of the most, but to swing the pendulum so far past balance to avoid admitting rather obvious facts of life appears a recipe for disaster.
    It is almost like they are trying to provoke and inspire a counter, which is the most cynical divide and rule strategy I have seen deployed in a while.


  9. George R says:

    For INBBC:

    -the Muslim Brothers –

    “‘Autopsy photos’ reveal horrific injures to ‘bomber’ as it’s revealed his younger brother RAN OVER his body during getaway”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2311925/Boston-manhunt-Photos-reveal-injures-Tamerlan-Tsarnaev-revealed-Dzhokhar-ran-body-getaway.html#ixzz2Qztm6vOc
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook


  10. chrisH says:

    How big does the pachyderm in the patio have to get before the BBC even uses that term Muslim…or Islam (even if Muslim is too long a word to use)?
    We know the lad was
    a) a TEENAGER( he`ll be needing a Youth Court then)
    b) young and had just suffered the trauma of losing his brother in a police shoot out.
    c) probably not told to surrender in enough languages…Dagestan, North Ossetian dialects as well as Russian, Arabic…and maybe rap US slang for cultural relevance.
    d) an asylum seeker of old, therefore disaffected and alienated from the cold white Christian Ivy League types that make up hideously white WASP-town that is Boston, USA(no Irish need apply stopped Kennedy remember in 1960?)
    e0 a TEENAGER…did the Beeb mention that?…n..n..n.n…nineteen(did Paul Hardcastle teach us nothing? ).
    Maybe if the BBC/Michael Moore can ask for Gitmo to stay open now, our vulnerable young student need not mention the “I___m” word in polite company.
    Not when there`s a tapestry of many colours(red, black and green) to stitch and tack up so quickly….


    • Teddy Bear says:


      The young boy, circled in blue, was blown up and killed by a bomb just placed by the man, circled in red.

      Only the foul scum insidious BBC could present the latter as the victim.


      • chrisH says:

        This picture is the very image of cynical evil, if indeed it turns out to be what we think.
        The poor kid, his family…and inity shrouddeed the other poor souls murdered and injured by these two Muslim literalists turn out to be as much use (and for about as long) as Millie Dowler.
        A celebrity shroud unless Islam is involved…and only to be used if it shafts Murdoch or Palin.
        BBC rules apply-they are judge and jury. And we keep a paying, like the white saps we are.


  11. Alex says:

    As I’ve said many times on here, for some reason, the BBC are utterly petrified of offending Muslims. I don’t know why; maybe it’s pure middle class, left-wing cowardice? I just don’t know. But one thing is for sure, these scum who use the religion of ‘peace’ as their motivator are too large in number across too huge a geographical spread for the religion to blameless. Islam is a segregational and aggressive religion, in my opinion, that fosters division and ill-will towards those who don’t ‘submit’. The only submission I’ll be exercising is my request to have my TV license cancelled!


    • Derek says:

      “…pure middle class, left-wing cowardice…” definitely has a lot to do with it.

      This is illustrated by this typical coward behaviour:
      the BBC are willing to intimidate and bully those who they know won’t use the threat of violence when trying to make these issues known to the wider public.

      It seems that the BBC must be deliberately and manipulatively keeping quiet about the overall violence that Islam produces, either or both
      – because they have fears of Islamic threats they have received,
      – because they can use such fears as an excuse to the Government for promoting their Islamic supporting policies.

      Here it is, from Mark Thompson BBC Director General (my emphasis in bold):
      He suggested other faiths had “very close identity with ethnic minorities” and as a result were covered in a more careful way by broadcasters.

      “Without question, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms’, is different from, ‘I complain in the strongest possible terms and I am loading my AK47 as I write’,” he said. “This definitely raises the stakes.”

      This definitely raises the stakes so makes truthful reporting even more important, but Without question the BBC will change the reported news.



  12. George R says:

    INBBC: ‘I wonder why they did it?’

    Er, er, er, er, er…

    INBBC’s profound ‘Security correspondent, Gordon COREA, still pondering:-

    “…the question of why they did it remains elusive.”

    -er, er, er, er, er…


    Don’t explore the violent anti-infidel tenets of Islam, INBBC, nor the brothers’ self-proclaimed adherence to Islam, nor their links to Al Qaeda.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘Are you in the area? Share your comments with us using the comments form below.’
      I wonder which ‘area’ they mean?
      And depending on the answer to that, who gets through their filters, with what comments.


    • pah says:

      To be fair no-one but them as did it know the reason why?

      However the odds are somewhat stacked in one direction …


  13. George R says:


    By Pamela Geller.
    [Opening excerpt]:-

    “Now that we know that the Boston Marathon bombers were Muslims from the Russian Caucasus, it is clear the war is here. Boston is a war zone, yet still the media is disarming the American people by refusing to address the blindingly obvious motive: jihad. As we have seen from Beslan to Baghdad, Libya to Lebanon, Indonesia to India, geography is irrelevant in the struggle of ideology.
    “The media is already spinning the revelation of the bombers’ identities furiously, confusing the American people with nonsense about ‘regional conflicts’ in the Caucasus. The Associated Press said: ‘If it turns out that the suspects in the Boston bombings are linked to those insurgencies it would mark the first time the Russian conflict had spawned a major terror attack in the United States.’ But the objective of the jihadists in Chechnya is to establish an Islamic state in the Caucasus. As Andrew Bostom observes, ‘Chechnya is the tip of the spear for al-Qaeda.’

    Chechnya is a hotbed of jihad activity. ”



  14. Jeff Waters says:

    The Boston suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wasn’t read his Miranda rights.

    If George W Bush were president, the BBC would have been asking lots of tough questions about whether this was an abuse of his human rights. However, a search on the BBC news website for the word Miranda gives us nothing related to the bombing – http://www.bbc.co.uk/search/news/?q=miranda

    The suspect is going to be interviewed by the waterboarders of the High Value Interrogation Group. Again, curiously a search of the BBC website yields nothing related to this case – http://www.bbc.co.uk/search/news/?q=high%20value%20interrogation.

    Either the BBC are being very slow off the mark, or they are not showing their usual level of interest in civil liberties for some reason…



  15. George R says:

    “(Boston Marathon) Bombing Suspects Lauded Jihad.”

    Read more: Family Security Matters http://familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/boston-marathon-bombing-suspects-lauded-jihad#ixzz2R0FYgoSS


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    I noted Mark Mardell out and about in Boston yesterday. Previously he had been in Washington bringing us those snippets of ‘security chatter’ that indicated ‘home grown’ ‘extreme right wing’ terrorists.

    Now he has dropped the ‘extreme right-wing’ theme. – I wonder why? Perhaps the evidence points eldewhere on the political spectrum?

    Anyhow, he still maintains the ‘home grown’ phrase. So there we have the narrative forming. It is the US which has nurtured (home grown) these guys.

    You see, Mark Mardell was half right. Well done BBC. Licence Fee well spent.

    Half their story was correct.

    Half was wrong – but I guess that was balance?


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      Home grown? They were in the US for how long again? They’re even less American than Binyam Mohammed is a Briton. Their violence was home grown alright, but in their homeland, not mine.

      Nobody at the BBC will apologize for smearing millions of people. Again. I bet they don’t even think they did anything wrong.


      • Donald says:

        There’s nothing to apologise for, you’re right. And ‘millions’ weren’t smeared, unless there are millions of right wing extremeists intending to blow something up in the US?


  17. Guest Who says:

    Have to say the ‘Bubba & Billy Bobbski go West… then East, than back West (and blow it up)’ being played out as a couple of good old boys from da hood gone bad is now so daft as a meme it would be funny, except for the problems down the line such delusion will leave open.


  18. 1327 says:

    I don’t thing its right to say that straight after the 7/7 bombing that the Beeb went into smokescreen mode. From memory there was a couple of days afterwards where the organisation appeared to be in collective shock and very unsure of itself. Most likely Beeb staff had friends or family killed/injured that day and in addition to that they didn’t seem able to judge the mood of the nation. But day by day , step by step normal service was resumed until a week later as Alan says they were in full on smokescreen/damage limitation mode.

    Now the events of 7/7 seem to have gone into the memory hole , unlike the events at Hillsborough.


    • Framer says:

      Remember their Question Time with an audience that reduced the American ambassador to tears?
      Was that not 3 days after the event?


      • 1327 says:

        That was three days or so after 911. It appeared 7/7 hit a little to close to home for the Beebiods.


      • ROBERT BROWN says:

        Yes, and the filthy, repulsive muslim Yasmin alibaba Brown was there, stirring it all up, neatly forgetting her wretched, worthless family were given asylum here in the 70’s from Idi Amin. She is a terrible racist, her ugly asian family no doubt looking down on Ugandans as mere chattels. Amin should have executed them all and saved us from her ungrateful carping about how we British live.


  19. stuart says:

    what odds that these 2 muslim terrorist scumbags have links to some radical muslim groups in england,the trail always ends up back here,thats the result of open borders like we have in the uk where mlilions of these islamic throwbacks to the 7th century live in every town and city in england thanks to tony blair and new labour open come in without checks borders.


  20. Guest Who says:

    Not sure if these guys count as righteous MSM or feral blogosphere…
    MFS – The Other News ‏@MFS001
    Dead Boston bomber recently became ‘devout Muslim,’ his aunt says. http://dlvr.it/3G6pSD
    Aunties, eh?
    Even when they are trying to help they may just end up making things worse.


    • london calling says:

      Dysfunctional delusional family, Dad says boy was framed, Mum says there is no proof, Aunt says its a recent thing, all of them medieval-peasant minds in conflict with the modern world. But moved to it for their own comfort. In America, but not part of America. We have millions from rural Pakistan and Somalia, little different. Insanity of Blair, spent other peoples money, betrayed our security so he could feel good about himself. Narcisistic Socialist.


      • Andrew says:

        Today is the anniversary of Enoch Powell’s speech in 1968. Did Blair do what he did to “feel good about himself”? More likely was a desire to change the country by changing the people, and build in a Labour majority so that never again would his party be in the wilderness as in 1979-97. The Andrew Neather revelations suggest this. “We must be mad, quite literally mad … “


        • london calling says:

          Buy one get one free. They are not mutually exclusive.

          I never ceased to be amazed how many Somalis can afford to live in London. when almost no-one else can. Magic money. Like renewables, the cost is hidden from public gaze.


          • Andrew says:

            Gordon Brown also shamelessly expanded the state sector when he should have been cutting it. His logic was that the electorate is more likely to vote for Big State parties like Labour the more people are either (a) employed as civil servants, nurses, social workers, teachers, BBC parasites, etc, or (b) on benefits.


            • london calling says:

              Ethnic block votes.
              In US 95% of blacks vote Democrat (black or white candidate, its always Democrat) ; in France 95% of Muslims vote PS (socialist) its how Pres Holland got elected.

              I am sure the open door migration policy was about “growing the Labour vote”.

              No one seems to dare mention the Commonwealth open back door.
              Or why the NHS is the world’s Maternity Ward.
              The corruption of Democracy by gerrymandering the population for the benefit of white Socialists.

              Not as though the BBC would notice. Of the same stock.


              • Andrew says:

                In the eyes of the new “1984”-style Party (and its own “Minitruth”, the treacherous BBC) the ‘Sun’-reading proles, ‘Mail’-reading bourgeois and ‘Torygraph’-toffs could not be relied upon to stop voting the wrong way as they did in ’79, ’83, ’87 and ’92. So, change the people, change the country! Wait for the old, grey- haired ‘Fascists’ of the Tory shires to die out, brainwash the young through state schools and the BBC, use the anti-racist laws against any who speak out against suicidal levels of mass immigration, fix the electoral system by unfair boundaries and dodgy postal voting, drag the nasty Tories to the left so that UKIP emerges and splits the anti-Socialist vote, etc.
                Probably just me being paranoid!


                • stewart says:

                  Possibly ,but that doesn’t mean their not out to get you.


                  • Wild says:

                    The strategy of the Left is clear, it is just that decent people find it hard to take what they say seriously, but they are in deadly earnest. In the C20th the Left piled up a 100 million corpses. Destroy the existing society and take over is the essential message. Multiculturalism (Anti-Christianity) is just the latest version of that message.


  21. George R says:

    In the ‘smokescreen’ INBBC propaganda , which Alan rightly criticises (above), the very first word of the headline of INBBC Ms McKelvey’s pro-Islam ‘report’ is used without irony: ‘disbelief’.

    Both INBBC’s Ms McKelvey, and the friends of the Islamic jihadists in Boston, are in denial about the motivational imperatives of Islam.

    By the way, INBBC’s Ms McKelvey, in her ‘report’, sees no need to even sympathise with the murdered and maimed victims of the Islamic jihadists in Boston.
    Ms McKelvey’s sympathy seems confined to the two ‘suspects’.

    “Disbelief in home district of bomb suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev”



    • Guest Who says:

      ‘INBBC’s Ms McKelvey, in her ‘report’, sees no need to even sympathise with the murdered and maimed victims of the Islamic jihadists in Boston.’
      Maybe that explains the sudden absence of all bar the most deranged Flokkers again, as they are all off penning ‘Angry of Down the Corridor’ complaints to stick under editorial colleagues’ doors, taking them to task at their failure to preface any discussion with a ‘thoughts & prayers’ intro before mixing it up.
      After many preceding high horse stumbles once clearing the first sanctimonious faux-concern fence, (Dowlers, Savile victims, etc), it will be interesting to see just how much attention is paid not to the actual victims but the ‘true’ ones the hive are most concerned about in this terrible latest affair.


      • Hector says:

        I think I’m what you call a ‘flokker’. Maybe others have some other things to do, and can’t spend their whole existence commenting on this Blog, awaiting each reply to their comment, desperate to be first to comment on a BBC Editors Blog, reading your breaking BBC News tweets, or annoying your local MP. Maybe you have more time on your hands now the BBC aren’t entertaining your time wasting any more?

        Sometimes I do feel that some posts are so meritless they’re not worth commenting on. I don’t think every BBC article on the Boston bombings needs to include a ‘thoughts & prayers’ intro . I don’t think ‘Bost Tea Party Massacre’ is the appropriate first response though.

        Again, I’m an adult, I want news for adults. Would you prefer the article just lied and went with ‘he was a bit of a loner’?

        Someone who knew him said he was a nice kid = BBC sympathises with the bomber. Don’t you see how pathetic that thinking is?

        How’s the plain English going?


        • Guest Who says:

          Blimey, like the No 38 bus, for a while there’s none and then a bunch turn up all at once.

          ‘I think I’m what you call a ‘flokker’.’

          Silly Hector. Usually best to wait for me to do so for calling me on it, but OK. As it stands with your debut, let’s not be hasty. Originally I coined ‘cherry vultures’ for those who liked to pick at low hanging fruit in a selective way. Given there appeared a Staffel of these riding the thermals waiting to dive and strafe, I came up with Flokkers, which combined the bird with the plane and the tactics.

          So… yes… I think that you may well be right.

          ‘Maybe others have some other things to do, and can’t spend their whole existence commenting on this Blog, awaiting each reply to their comment, desperate to be first to comment on a BBC Editors Blog, reading your breaking BBC News tweets, or annoying your local MP.’

          The irony value of that from one of a collection of Flokkers with it appears limitless time on their hands to spend their whole existence on a blog they deride and seek to dismiss as they keep returning is… quaint.

          ‘Maybe you have more time on your hands now the BBC aren’t entertaining your time wasting any more?’

          I am afraid you must be thinking of someone else, but one has to suspect my avowed low respect for CECUTT and its Director-level market rates may well have teased out another ill-advised taunt and flaunt from the hive. How do you know what time I have on my hands or what the BBC is or is not consigning to its secret censorship vaults?

          ‘Sometimes I do feel that some posts are so meritless they’re not worth commenting on.

          You should not be so hard on yourself. In honour of your latest incarnation (you appear to have conceded that you have commented before) I have at least made the effort to respond to this one.

          ‘I don’t think every BBC article on the Boston bombings needs to include a ‘thoughts & prayers’ intro.

          Neither do I. It was a fellow Flokker who re-ignited that quaint criticism in an Alan snipe, which more rational minds may have felt was best left alone after the ‘think of the victims’ selective emoting was punted before, but kicked into touch as the desperate, cynical ploy it was.

          ‘I don’t think ‘Bost Tea Party Massacre’ is the appropriate first response though.’

          You do a lot of thinking. Like ‘belief’, yours to engage in. But I’m not the person to debate that headline with. They may need Mr. Buster to decipher that sentence first, though.

          ‘Again, I’m an adult, I want news for adults.’

          Of course you are. And do. And saying, in such a way, really proves it. Like a proud toddler on their birthday. Especially when that has been said pretty much the same way before.

          ‘Would you prefer the article just lied and went with ‘he was a bit of a loner’?,?

          I don’t think lying is productive. Beyond that I am not here to dance to your pre-shaped tune on my preferences.

          ‘Someone who knew him said he was a nice kid = BBC sympathises with the bomber. Don’t you see how pathetic that thinking is?’

          Out of context, a BBC trait, and yours too it seems, I cannot comment. But what I, or others see, and in what terms, may not synergise with your outlook. This you will have to learn to live, and deal with.

          ‘How’s the plain English going?’

          Not for me to say. Being biased (see what I did there?) I’d look at my reply to you, and say it was fine. But then I would. Given this is your first effort, maybe others will arrive at a view on yours already?
          But just a thought, maybe folk will respect what you write more if you focus (pro or con) on what others write as opposed to obsessing on who they are or how they choose to phrase things.


          • Hector says:

            Say wha?


            • Guest Who says:

              Captured your value on this site to a ‘T’.
              As it were.


            • johnnythefish says:

              Reams of posts to comment on to give your counter view on BBC bias and suddenly you appear with ‘Sometimes I do feel that some posts are so meritless they’re not worth commenting on…’

              You are following the Flokkers trend on here, no more, no less. A totally meaningless contribution because, like your colleagues/fellow travellers – call yourselves what you will – your comment is non-specific and adds absolutely nothing to the debate.


  22. David Hanson says:

    What has happened to the usual cherry-vulture contingent? They seem to have gone extremely quiet about this whole affair – awaiting instructions from head office, perhaps?


    • Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

      You can bet your bottom dollar thats exactly what they wait for.
      Orders from HQ.
      But when they are in a turmoil there it takes awhile to sort out the best lie.
      I was gong to say “line” there, but the typo makes more sense.


  23. George R says:

    “Boston jihad bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev had recently become more devout Muslim, praying five times a day.”

    [Opening excerpt]:-
    “He had recently become a more devout Muslim. Could he then have been motivated by the Qur’an’s exhortations to wage war against unbelievers? That seems fairly obvious — except to the government and mainstream media.”



  24. TPO says:

    If this wasn’t such a serious matter I think everyone would right now be laughing at and ridiculing the BBC.

    Over here widespread coverage has been given to these two Islamic terrorist murderers’ uncle who has denounced them as losers, just wondering if the BBC has seen fit to air that.
    Also interviews with supposed ‘friends’ of the two Islamic terrorist murderers is quite telling. Not a white face amongst them.


    • Roland Deschain says:

      The uncle’s denunciation was aired on last night’s News at Ten, before the flokkers swoop.


  25. George R says:

    “Boston jihad bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev had recently become more devout Muslim, praying five times a day.”

    [Opening excerpt]:-

    “He had recently become a more devout Muslim. Could he then have been motivated by the Qur’an’s exhortations to wage war against unbelievers? That seems fairly obvious — except to the government and mainstream media.”


  26. George R says:

    “3 Dumb Lefty Narratives About the Muslim Boston Bombings.”
    By Daniel Greenfield.



  27. George R says:

    “Jihad Will Not Be Wished Away.
    But wilful blindness remains the order of the day.”
    By Andrew C. McCarthy.



  28. George R says:


    “Comedy terrorists? If only they were.”

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2311290/RICHARD-LITTLEJOHN-Comedy-terrorists-If-were.html#ixzz2R1YrXQOX


    • Guest Who says:

      This rings a bell…
      ‘Predictably, the local BBC news interviewed neighbours who attested that these were nice, family boys who kept themselves to themselves.’
      Seems only the other hour the BBC had the exact same thing from a wee bit further afield.
      I am also pondering which film crew is ready to greet them when they emerge again, not to long from now, older and, one hopes, not wiser in how to avoid getting caught next time.


  29. RCE says:

    ‘The Boston bombings: Suspects’ Chechen connections’ Q&A describes Chechnya as ‘predominantly Muslim’.

    Predominantly, eh? Kind of suggests that one can still stumble across the odd chapel, synagogue or Buddhist monastery (you just have to know where to look).


  30. George R says:

    ‘Mail online’ page contents on Boston bombings:-



  31. Sir Arthur Strebe-Grebling says:

    Have the NRA come out with a statement yet?
    The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a pressure cooker is a good guy with a pressure cooker.


    • David Preiser (USA) says:

      We must require background checks for buying pressure cookers, and ban all with fully automatic timers. If it saves a single child’s life, it’s worth it……


      • stewart says:

        Dont forget ‘high capacity’ ones ,they should be banned as well.


        • chrisH says:

          Petition please.
          I saw a sawn-off pressure cooker the other day, and went on Twitter to say how scared I was.
          Come on May!…Tories..ban them NOW!
          I make no apologies for this..why would I?


  32. David Preiser (USA) says:

    How’s that working out for ya now, Mario?

    The BBC told me that this kind of thing wouldn’t happen once we ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What gives? And what about that wonderful Sermon from the Cairo Mount? Am I now supposed to think that we’d have had even more of these mass murders if He hadn’t reached out to the Muslim world like that?


  33. Guest Who says:

    Sky setting the Sunday scene with insights from paper reviewers comprising a feminist journalist and one of those comedians no one has heard of but can score such slots.
    They select a ‘non-story’ from the Express that has tenuous links to Boston (which the papers are using to scare up ratings, which broadcast would never do of course), namely the visiting by the perps to Islamic hate sites based in the UK.
    Seems this is entirely normal and nothing to worry about.
    Actually I am surprised a bit, as after Mr. Breivik was shown to have ‘links’ here, the luvvie commentariat reacted somewhat differently.
    No it’s just part of that rich diversity to be celebrated, if maybe from a different time.
    Who knows how they may react the next time.


  34. Dysgwr_Cymraeg says:

    Inbbc news24 this morning continuing the whitewashing process. Their reporter in Dagestan, giving the account of the bombers parents.
    IE they must have been set up by security services in the USA and when the elder brother visited home recently he was not displaying any radical tendencies, therefore his corruption coud only have from within the USA itself.
    Oh yeah? Utter bullshit with no counterviews.
    Later in programme, not concerned with the terrorists any more but focussing on the incompetence of the FBI who had these guys under investigation years ago.
    So tha’s it then, dont talk about the bad guys, recast the FBI as the new badguys.
    It sucks.


    • Guest Who says:

      The direction of the MSM gaze now is almost Nelsonian.
      One might also note the victims are already yesterday’s news in every sense of the word.
      Meanwhile I see the Graun Eminence Gris that is the ever pompous Michael White is trying to make some kind of point on twitter about coverage that he, his paper and the BBC try and do when attempting to re-write the coverage gutter they shared until confronted with how their motivations are no different to the most extreme blogger they get sniffy on.


  35. chrisH says:

    Well I`ve just heard Paddy, Jon Snow(if only global warming would melt THAT milksop!) , David Schneinder ( how the hell can David Hares of Alan Partridge genius BE such a caricature of lefty crap?) and Anne McElvoy( who still needs to be able to share a croissant with them after).
    News Reviews of the papers…Boston…etc…yet not one mention about Islam, Jihad, terrorism from any of them.
    McElvoy tried to give us a hint, but rowed back pronto.
    Anyway-in case none of us are sure by now-the causes of this lone wolfs over-exuberant celebration of Patriots Day seem to be
    a) no gun control(Snow)…Obama did tell us, and look what happens if the comforter in chief is gainsaid.
    b) bad chemistry lessons and some mix up in cookery lessons with I.T badly taught in private schools there
    c) a folly of youth, poor lamb. Don`t we all do daft things when we`re teenagers?…did the BBC mention that he`s a teenager,by the way?…wonder when he`s twenty then?
    The BBC were manically continually rushing to conclusions about whitey and his NRA/Palin crap until we found out that they were FBI suspects with visits back to Islamic hotbeds back home.
    Now suddenly-we`re NOT to rush to any conclusions…not even crawl to them, unless it`s to lick Anjem Choudhurys flip-flops when we get there.
    ISLAM-f***in ISLAM-will somebody please tell the BBC “why” this might have happened…big letters, staple it to Jon Snows fat aesthetically forehead.
    Any marathon runner willing to wear the notice..”It`s Islam Stupid”?…maybe then the BBC might mention it.
    Until then-ABI(Anything But Islam)


  36. George R says:

    This seems to be the Islam Not BBC (INBBC) political story on the Boston Islamic Jihad massacre:-

    ‘Once upon a time, there were two brothers who, with their family, left a distant land and chose to live in America.

    ‘But, it seems that the two brothers did not like it in America, so they became suspected.’


  37. Guest Who says:

    Most of the MSM seems to have decided that, while there may have been a few glitches along the way, the paid MSM was the one true path to accurate analysis and the free blogosphere was the Wild West.
    There have been a few gracious exceptions.
    ‘But where the mainstream media missed something, social media was there to plug the gaps – accurately or otherwise. It was a Facebook user, David Green, who first posted a helpful high-res photograph of the suspect Dzokhar Tsarnaev.’
    So, maybe on par at least?
    Plus free.
    Some of course have noticed a few quirks, such as the current most lauded commenter.
    Interesting that the Telegraph paywall seems not to apply to the blogs, so this is where my surfing will inevitably now get curtailed.
    No great loss.
    Between the ‘reporting’ of the staff and the corrective input of those in the blogosphere one tends to get a better (if not perfect) idea of the real stories pretty quickly over ‘articles’ by ‘journalists’.
    Such as the BBC and its broadcast-only skewed fare, censored blogs or frankly barking FaceBook loony pits really is hardly worth the bother, if still a compelled £145.50 no matter what.


  38. George R says:

    INBBC’s anonymous ‘Profile’ of what I’m suppose to think are very nice, motiveless, Islamic jihad murderers:-

    “Profile: Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev”



    • Guest Who says:

      ‘Anzor Tsarnaev told the BBC that his younger son Dzhokhar was hoping to be a brain surgeon’
      Gosh, usually in such cases it’s a promising career as a footballist or model.
      Still, Glasgow Airport my have dodged another visit by the RoP caring profession brigade, so perhaps no bad thing.


      • Guest Who says:

        ‘Scalpel… forceps… pressure cooker..’
        Considering what young Dzhokhar managed to inflict on that wee boy at the railing and others, it’s surprising his ambitions did not extend to being a Mid-Staffs senior manager if the intention was mass carnage of innocents.
        The BBC appears to be adhering reliably to its Hippocritic oath at least.


  39. George R says:


    “Boston jihadi had direct contact with Chechen jihad terrorists.”



    • George R says:

      “‘We have no doubt the brothers were not acting alone:’
      FBI hunting 12-member jihad terror sleeper cell linked to Boston jihad murderers.”

      [Opening excerpt]:-

      “More than 1,000 FBI operatives are working on this. They need 10,000 of these politically correct, defanged Keystone Kops, and even then they probably won’t find this cell. They are forbidden to examine the motives and goals of the type of people they’re looking for — to do so would be ‘Islamophobic,’ according to the Obama Administration. So they’re fumbling along in the dark, pretending that there is no such thing as an Islamic terrorist while hunting for Islamic terrorists.”



      • Guest Who says:

        This, back in 2011, raised an eyebrow:
        ‘..“I want to be perfectly clear about this: training materials that portray Islam as a religion of violence or with a tendency towards violence are wrong, they are offensive, and they are contrary to everything that this president, this attorney general and Department of Justice stands for. They will not be tolerated.”
        It is to be hoped that not tolerating one thing didn’t rather let a few other things that some may deem slightly more intolerable slip though subsequently.
        Being all for worrying about sensitivities as I am, I’d still be a wee bit concerned to find that, in so aggressively seeking not to offend, a few other things get missed too.


        • Guest Who says:

          Questions are of course being asked…
          Answers may be slow in coming (other from commenters). Seems the FBI have their own version of ‘for the purposes of…’ exclusions to match other trusted world-class outfits:
          ‘I’ve asked FBI this question, to be given the usual response that “we don’t talk about operational matters”
          Very Fight Club.
          It just seems.. unfortunate… that in some places the desire not to be seen as looking insensitively (often in places that will cause a furore from some quarters) may have inspired a culture of looking anywhere but.
          History has shown that the further you drag a pendulum, once it cannot be held it will swing way past the centrepoint in reaction.
          Those who are creating these rather daft perception-based ideals in face of grittier realities may not fancy what is down the road if they can’t keep a handle on this.
          Be interesting, post-Benghazi, to see with whom this set of bucks stops at this time.


  40. fitzfitz says:

    The BBC is an arch liar – by omission … step by step though, it is digging its own grave .