According to the Associated Press Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has admitted that his attack was motivated by religion:
‘Interrogators questioned him at the hospital, letting him write down his replies, and his answers led them to believe he and his brother were motivated by religious extremism but appeared to have no major terrorist group connections, said U.S. officials’
The Guardian thinks otherwise:
‘Can an act of violence be called ‘terrorism’ if the motive is unknown?’
The BBC probably still thinks it was some RedneckChristiananti-abortionistlowtaxgoodoldboys in sleeveless tee shirts but they do worry about this fellow, Mr Tsarnaev, who is being held in custody and wasn’t read his rights for a while:
‘Justice department officials said that in an effort to “gain critical intelligence”, they decided to question Mr Tsarnaev “extensively” before giving him the so-called “Miranda” warning of his right to remain silent and to have a lawyer present during questioning.’
Not a clue as to what he said when questioned…though they point out he couldn’t afford a lawyer:
‘Mr Tsarnaev responded to questions mostly in writing. He nodded when asked if he was able to answer some questions and whether he understood his rights, the notes read.
He managed to say the word “no” when asked if he could afford a lawyer.’
Anyway, that’s one possible subject for the new open thread.
You choose the rest……….
Most interested in the bBC train of thought here:
If as they alleged that these murderous terrorists decided by themselves that Non-Muslims had to die. Then the questions that has to be asked is:
Can we trust Muslims living in the west>”
Of course we all know the answer to that from the bBC.
Guessing choice on paying no matter what was not an option?
Ironically, I can only find out if I choose to give the Telegraph money to read on.
Others, uniquely, do not need to worry about such things.
Try this for The Telegraph.
It’s best to use Chrome browser.
Delete all the Telegraph cookies
(Settings; Show Advanced Settings; Content Settings; Cookies – All Cookies and Site Data)
You can also block the Telegraph website from setting cookies by entering it on ‘Manage Exceptions’ also under the Cookies banner.
Then when you go want to view a particular article, right click on it and select ‘open link in incognito window’.
Works for me.
Way to go. Works for me, too.
‘best to use Chrome browser”
If only.
One of the joys of having a vintage Mac is the security upgrades are not supported for Chrome or Firefox on my OS version.
Tx anyway.
Listening to the dreaded Today prog on Radio4 this monring. Three items struck me. 1. a long report about an female architect who has been named “Woman of the Year”. The fact that this Iraki lady is a Muslin was stressed. Obviously the BBC thought this important.
2. Two men arrested in Canada for plotting to derail a train. No mention of their religion. Presumably not relevant.
3. Item about race horses having been found to be doped with steroids. Owner whos first name happened to be Mohammed being questioned. No mention of his religion.
If it was not considered right to mention the religion of those involved last two of these items, then why stress the religion of the lady who is woman of the year? Would they have done so had she been, for example, a member of the Greek Orthodox faith or Jewish – no of course not. But item 1 reflects well on Muslims, the other two don’t. There’s a suprise!
Was watching BBC news this morning, and saw all those stories, however, one thing that was like a slap in the face to me, and more, to the poor victims in Boston was this…
BBC crossed over to their correspondent in Canada, in relation to the foiled train attack, and asked “There was no connection between this, and the Boston attack, was there?…”
More a statement, rather than a question, “Noooo….nothing at all connects these two events” came back the answer from the “correspondent” (Should call them “Mirrors”, as they repeat the exact same opinion as the interviewer)
Erm….actually, 1 REALLY big thing DOES connect these incidents…answers on a postcard.
Ffs, do they think we are thick or what?
Unfortunately, they do take us for complete no-brains.
Both on the Inbbc and ITV, countless commentators have appeared to be absolutely stumped by the motive for the Boston attack.
I sit here screaming at the screen, FFS, theres a huge great heffalump sitting beside you, why the fuck can’t any of you overpaid wankers see it?
It seems they are terrified, not by the terorists, but terrified of uttering that word: Islam ! There I’ve said it now.
The reason that no one mentions Islam and Muslim terror is not that they are afraid of Islam but that in the liberal left analysis it is better for the sake of ‘community cohesion’ to try and damp down any fear or resentment that the host populations in western countries might have.
The liberal left (LL) have actively promoted the migration of millions of people to the west , the UK being one of the most affected countries, and are now realising that they have created a situation which could explode as alien cultures struggle to live alongside each other.
In the UK the LL lunatic policy of diversity has been abandoned as that made a racial explosion much more likely. The LL have now embraced integration and social cohesion in the hope that if they can prevent a racial war from breaking out for 10 ,20 or 30 years then communities will integrate and the possibility of one will diminish.
It is a pity that the LL can’t be left to stew in their own juice but the rest of us, who have never been consulted on the immigration issue, will be the ones who suffer from their stupid policies along with those immigrants whom they so regrettably invited into the country.
So I guess that we all have to try and make this mess work no matter how much we resent the loss of our culture and our country. But the LL, and their mouthpiece the BBC, would do well to realise that the British don’t like being hoodwinked and much prefer to be told the truth no matter how unpleasant that may be. The current policy of lies, deceit , manipulation and suppression of debate, will only make things worse when the truth does come out.
‘There was no connection between the plot and last week’s Boston Marathon bombings, a US justice department official was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.’
The Canadian investigation was ongoing from last year. Clearly they mean there was no operational connection between the two. One would expect whether there was a link would be one of the first questions asked and it was answered.
But you know that right?
‘…quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.’
I’ll leave you and those you are responding to on various topics to further argue ‘knowns’ and what is ‘bonkers’ or not, but thanks for raising the matter of sourcing, as the mention of AP struck a chord.
Because I believe it was a tweet by AP, which had been hacked, that today caused a bit of a ‘do’.
Given the BBC has dropped many avenues of sourcing and reporting (which it charges for) in favour of piggy-backing #prsasnews cut ‘n paste jobs from or to free US-based aggregators such as twitter of FaceBook, the value of so-called ‘trusted’ ‘news’ from even the world’s most revered MSM icon hardly seems reassuring.
You can continue to comment on Newsnight using the social media websites Facebook and Twitter.
This was the outfit who did not even invest 10p to verify the Newsnight/McAlpine claims before rushing to air. These days I’d ‘view’ anything, from any medium as more of a starting point for truth or accuracy.
I’ll leave the ‘of’ vs. ‘or’ typo in there as a LHF job for Mr. Buster and his wake-boarder to score a quickie.
AP was just the first place I found the quote, that’s what the Mounties are saying.
It’s quite obvious what they’re saying when they state there is no connection. So no call for Chop to feel like he or the Boston victims were slapped in the face.
What Chop should feel like is maybe better addressed directly to him?
Any thoughts on the wisdom the BBC using twitter as a significant news garnering and distribution system now, given what the ‘most trusted’ ‘news’ organisation publishes can cause people to ‘react’, as it appears it is but a guessed password away from being issued in their name?
That and charging £145.50 to piggy-back free US-based aggregation/social media systems.
Quick.. true or not? Outrage & riot (down, Mason) in the streets? Or not? Mumsnet up in arms (and in the studio tonight)? Or not?
BBC Newsnight @BBCNewsnight
“The Labour government discriminated against stay at home mums and implied they are lazy” mum of two Laura Perrins tells #bbcnewsnight
I probably don’t need to caveat that I may have tweaked a few words, as that tweet would never happen.
Now, if it was a Tory Lord….
There are operational links, and then there are ideological links. One would be of more immediate concern for the authorities, while the other would be part of a long-term strategy. We’re allowed to talk about one, but not the other, it seems.
As I said on a previous thread the BBC have form for this.
There was a time in the 80s and 90s when if there was negative reporting on the NHS all the film footage was of white NHS staff members.
If it was positive reporting then all the film footage would feature non-white NHS staff members. Not a whitey in sight.
Are you saying that for two decades BBC film crews would ask the white/non-white nurses to leave the ward before filming depending on whether it was a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ NHS story?
Do you really believe that? Where are all these nurses and doctors who ran to the papers to tell them about this? You don’t think thats maybe down to your perception?
It occurs to me they could’ve been using archive footage I suppose. Still think its bonkers.
“You don’t think that’s maybe down to your perception? ”
How lucky are we, the wayward flock, that the liberal Inquisition is always at hand to guide us back on to the right path.To interpret our experiences for us, lest we do it wrong.
Anyone else utterly disgusted by the BBC’s audacity in asking what were the motivations behind the Boston bombings? I would have thought that them being both devout Muslims was sufficient enough a clue. The BBC’s Islamic groveling is beyond a joke; the BBC give Muslims preferential treatment and are absolutely petrified of offending them. Wherever Muslims go a large section of them cause massive problems; they don’t integrate, they are aggressive if they don’t get their way, and they hold non-believers in utter contempt. It seems they have a state-funded servant who is only too eager to do their foul bidding.
Bloody hell… Yet more Muslim fascist attacks in Canada. And yet again the BBC avoid mentioning the key link – Islam.
that was yesterday…
…and clearly they are white Caucasian-ish, probably home grown red-necks…at least they look it:
They are obviously hockey fans…erm…Moose hunters?
I can’t think of anything else to stereotype Canadians, in the way the left wing media do with right wing Americans! 😉
Tim Horton’s Donuts, Mounties, maple syrup, saying ‘Eh’…
Saying “Abooooot”, Terrance & Phillip…Celene Dion….ect. 😉
I’ve been here 5 years now and that word is now a staple in my vocabulary. Bloody irritating, just can’t get it out of my head.
They pale into insignificance (geddit??!!)
Snow……snow……. more bloody snow.
Had another snowfall just this last Sunday
snowmobile…another great thing!
Rarely able to make snowmen though.
Wrong type of snow – all fluffy and powdery unlike the claggy wet stuff that falls in the UK.
Is there any chance we can send Bryan Adams back?
Canadian Bruce Springsteen. Patron saint of all tribute acts….there`s hope for all of us, as long as Bryan honks!
Lumberjacks ? (I’ll have that Monty Python song in my head all night now ! )
Was THERE A PALIN involved in that song?
Michael, not Sarah ! lol
Nice one mark.
I’m new around here but I do like the site.
I can’t help but noticing though that you chaps and chapesses do like to watch and listen to a lot of BBC broadcasts in order to become sufficiently outraged.
You’re like old Mary Whitehouse who would watch programmes known to contain bad language and nudity and then complain about all the bad language and nudity she was subjected to last night.
That said… keep up the good work! 🙂
If we didn’t watch the BBC (keep an eye on the enemy, so to speak), then the site would just be called “Biased” 🙂
I call it, what its “The Axis of Evil”
It’s because the BBC is an all encompassing malign presence with 85% of the ‘broadcast’ market and a huge internet presence. It dominated the dissemination of news, information, culture and entertainment and it uses its dominance to actively seek to socially and culturally engineer Britain to re form it in its image.
We don’t like the BBC, I loathe it, but it is everywhere – and its odious bias permeates its every programme, report, comedy etc… you can’t miss it. I guess I watch virtually no BBC television (because it offers me nothing I want, but I still have to pay for ‘foul-mouthed brats on holiday’;’celebrity dance garden makeover cookoff’ ‘listen with mother to eco-catastrophe propaganda hour’ etc), I confess that I do read, often in stunned disbelief, the news web site and I do listen to radio 4. Radio 4 in particular has a very Bloomsbury left agenda but I listen to it anyway because there is literally no high quality voice only broadcast competition in the UK and some of the material (In our Time for example) is interesting.
I would be delighted if the BBC were privitised and its back catalogue were sold off and I never saw or heard another BBC programme. Frankly Whitehouse was quite correct in her approach – and if you have looked at this site before you will see that we have plenty of BBC apologists who get very upset if you criticise some egregious bias when you have not watched every second of the programme and searched the web extensively to find some ‘balancing’ story that appeared for 17 minutes hidden in the ‘welsh agricultural section’ of the BBC views page.
I suspect that I do get outraged every time I see or read something prepared by the BBC – because everything it does is biased – and because the BBC is everywhere and you just can’t avoid it without some serious effort.
We tend to specialise sir!
Some sterling work here, but funnily enough it`s only me who has to listen to Libby “bloody” Purvis.
9.30 Wed am-can I swap a shift with you, it`s bloody awful?
You can have my “Wimmins hour” Chris. I am sick of walking around with the horn for the rest of the day.
The BBC is like dog shit. No matter how much you wipe it off your shoe you can still smell it wherever you go!
It’s partly because we have to pay for it regardless, and partly because it sucks in money and displaces other options.
If I didn’t have to pay for it, I’d be quite happy for its wretched staff to pleasure themselves in any way they saw fit.
I remember Mary Whitehouses famous ‘I did not see the program myself but……..’
This sort of logic is dangerous and falls into the intellectually dishonest trap set for anyone objecting to anything on the BBC:
either (a) you don’t watch, so you can’t know and have to rely on anecdotes and Daily Mail distortions that are wrong;
(b) you do watch, so you are a hypocrite, because you obviously like it deep down.
‘I’m new around here but I do like the site.’
And what a pleasant complement to our National Treasure.
It must be, and has already been said that when you are compelled to pay for something that doesn’t deliver as promised, and often does so in the name of the country on your passport, it can still be not unreasonable to take an interest.
Education and information that is incorrect or shaped to suit can have an impact on the lives of those one holds dear.
Can’t speak for all, but hence for me it’s less outrage and more ‘legitimate concern’.
But true, there are those who would like to see it presented in extreme terms to isolate and destroy any deviation from the required line.
‘You’re like old Mary Whitehouse…’
This comes up here a fair bit. So again, to clarify, this ‘you’…? Who is this? Who is it not? You too are now posting here, as are others. What makes one poster a ‘them’ while another an ‘us’?
As to your premise that one should not be concerned with what one does not like, the parameters being set appear a bit selective, and the precedent more than interesting.
The BBC for instance gets very upset about many things (in fact, so much so, it can devote months of coverage to them to the exclusion of things they are less worried about), yet often does all in its power to really get as far under the subject’s skin as they can. Ask Kim Jong Un. Or the LSE (well, maybe not now).
And imagine if, say, an Andrew Mitchell deflected an persistent Mr. Paxman on the degree of affront he may or may not have caused by rather telling the grizzled inquisitor that he was behaving like a censorious old hypocritical female and should just hush. Aunty would have a fit of the vapours.
Or what if, down the line, one found that you or a nearest and dearest had fallen foul of the Sauron’s gaze that is BBC Productions, and like Lord McAlpine were being stitched up like a Christmas turkey by an inept bunch of overpaid, unprofessional, zero integrity kindergarden kids running wild as there is zero accountability for anything they say or do.
You may well feel a bit of pre-emptive monitoring was not such a bad idea at all.
Or you could post what is no more than another not-so-sly dig, but top and tail it with a cheery intro and postscript.
Which is a good shift’s work indeed.
Many Beeboids, apart from the many Muslim ones, seem to prefer the notion of a British ‘republic’ to a ‘monarchy.
And many Beeboids give preferential political treatment to Islam over e.g. Christianity.
So it is not surprising to find Beeboids in a default political position of not opposing an Islamic Republic of Britain.
“Many Beeboids, apart from the many Muslim ones, seem to prefer the notion of a British ‘republic’ to a ‘monarchy.”
Probably because they think that such a powerful institution should be elected. Hang on …………..
Paul Offit argues that the MMR jab should be made compulsory for all kids, is no impartial expert.
Yet strangely the statist BBC chooses not to mention his ties to big pharmaceutical companies…
This is a dodgy affair. The guy whose claims led to many not wanting the MMR due to autism scare etc has been vilified and slaughtered by everyone yet this drags on. What nobody is saying/asking is why these children (or the parents) weren’t offered the choice of individual jabs of each: it all comes down to money but they are trying to scare families and children now; it’s been going on for years and I am afraid became very prominent when one Mr. Tony Blair refused to say whether Leo had had the MMR or not.
It was not about money. The combined MMR has a much more complete safety record – more people have been given it over a longer time and so we have a better idea of the (rare) side effects and safety profile.
Before the combined MMR was introduced many children were failing to complete the course of multiple injections and thus still susceptible.
The suggestion of overwhelming the immune system has no biological plausibility. The majority of parents choose to vaccinate their children – why should an inferior preparation requiring more injections be chosen to keep some crackpots happy?
Crackpots? I guess there’s no point debating as it is clear you have no wish to hear any alternative opinion.
Suffice to say, despite your comment, it is all about money: the three individuals courses/ treatments cost a lot more without including time of nurses etc. this is why the MMR was made the only option because if a few were allowed to opt out then the trickle would become a flood as parents would prefer what had worked for decades; it has nothing to do with an “inferior preparation”.
You neglect to mention that the inoculation programme is not compulsory. The state has no right to dictate what a child is injected with and if a parent wishes to choose a different path then that is their look out.
You choose MMR others choose M, M & R as is their right.
Not just their look out, but they may also be responsible for the deaths of other children….because they’re crackpots.
Other children who have inoculated or ones who haven’t? Surely inoculation is the parents responsibility not the sate and not other parents.
Crackpot yerself!
BBC’s Brian Taylor… Always on hand to carry out SNP propaganda.
see comments section in the above link
three little sheikh princes were brought before their uber-rich father before their birthdays, the eldest said “i would like a plane to play with”, the father bought him concorde, the middle son asked for a boat, the father bought him the qe2, the youngest said “i would like a cowboy outfit”, the father bought him the bbc
How times change.
When I was a child (50+ years ago) that joke involved a Texan Oil Millionaire and his sons. The punch line cowboy outfit was Sheffield Wednesday IIRC! 😉
If only we had more folk like this guy.
Thank you, Stuart, for uploading this. Most of his comments hit the right spot.
Osama’s first few lines in this clip are classic,
‘..nor will we break the bonds that hold us together as Americans. American spirit includes staying true to the unity and ‘diversity’… the rest is drowned out by Savage saying ‘yes, bring in more from Chechnya…
Enough said.
Unfortunately free speech is not allowed in this country as the Coalition has maintained his ban from entering this country!
An anus act?…says Obama.
Strange stuff!
Election time is coming. Nothing like a bit of partisan signposting brightens up the day more for BBC droid…
“One in ten English democrats were in the BNP”.
Interesting and probably true.
Now where is the report telling me how many members of apparently moderate MAINSTREAM ‘parties of the left’ such as Labour, Lib Dems and the Greens (Because they have am MP and a massive BBC presence) were members of hard-left fringe activities like SWP, the militant tendency, eco-anarcists with convictions, animal rights activists, were members of the Communist Party etc.
There are not too many of them, I am sure, but apparently we have a right to know the previous political affiliations of party members – just in case we disapprove of views they used to have.
Great! Let’s get it all out in the open! Tells us all about nice Mr Radio 4 man Michael Rosen and his political beliefs; or David Aronovich perhaps; or Edward Balls and the Milibands.
Rosen, Aronovich, the Millibands all weJ, maybe Balls has had a briss , best ask Yvette. Just shows how the BBC is Jew friendly. NOT. Usefull idiots.
… and Balls and Millipeed were in Stephanie Flanders.
So what?
Perhaps those BNPers have seen the light? That would be a good thing wouldn’t it, eh BBC?
Hi guys… please feel free to pop over to this excellent site that will keep you informed on the enrichment news that the BBC will never report.
The bBC and how on St Georges day they go out of their way in which to tell us all he was nothing more than a myth
St George’s Day, celebrating a mythical martyr?
In the medieval period, legends developed that George had travelled to England as a military delegate of the Emperor Dicoletian. Local stories claimed that he visited Glastonbury and the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea, the Roman garrison town of Caerleon-on-Usk in Wales, or was stationed at York…As time passed, the English claims to St. George grew loftier. Some claimed that George killed the dragon at Brinsop or that that they duelled near the White Horse of Uffington Hill in Wiltshire. None of these stories had any basis in fact, but they attracted pilgrims and entertained and inspired parishioners.What, then, can we say about George himself?Almost nothing. Some scholars have hypothesised that St. George was originally the heretical bishop George of Alexandria who was lynched by a Christian mob in AD361.
But it is difficult to imagine how a bishop became a dragon-slaying soldier. All there is, as Pope Gelasius I remarked in the fifth century, is his name. Everything else is the stuff of legend.
Now compare the above with how the bBC reveres a pedophillic warlord and ask yourself would they ever give Mohammed the same treatment?
“that St. George was originally the heretical bishop George of Alexandria who was lynched by a Christian mob in AD361.”
Not according to Wikipedia, and I trust them more than the BBC. The mob were local pagans…
“The news of Julian’s accession arrived at Alexandria 30 November 361. George was in the height of his pride and power: he had persecuted and mocked the pagans (Socr. iii. 2; Maff. Frag.; Ammian.), who now, being officially informed that there was an emperor who worshipped the gods, felt that the gods could at last be avenged. The shout arose, “Away with George!” and “in a moment,” says the Fragmentist, they threw him into prison, with Diodorus and Dracontius, the master of the mint, who had overthrown a pagan altar which he found standing there (Ammian.). The captives were kept in irons until the morning of 24 December. Then the pagan mob again assembled, dragged them forth with “horrible shouts” of triumph, and kicked them to death. They flung the mangled body of George on a camel, which they led through every part of the city, dragging the two other corpses along with ropes, and eventually burned the remains on the shore, casting the ashes into the sea.”
Amazing. It must be something to do with George being martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. And that red cross the crusaders wore when trying to liberate the originally Christian middle east from islam. And England, of course – they wouldn’t dare to slag off St Andrew.
the mother,father and auntie of these child murdering chechen muslim islamic bombers said today she has faith that allah will find her sons innocent,the problem with her and her in denial relatives is this,it is because of allah and in the name of allah that these evil scrotums carred out these terrorist attacks in boston usa.
BBC Trust Chairman Chris Patten, and the new Director General have both been summoned before the Commons Culture Committee to explain why they’ve awarded top jobs at the BBC without going through any open interview process or even advertising for the positions.
Cronyism in other words.
These are the people who like to tell the public that trust and transparency are their main concerns, while they are anything but.
Patten in jobs for the boys quiz
‘Cronyism in other words.”
And after all the great play made of transparencies and new brooms, the best for the job appear to have not only been sourced from within, but also avoiding any silly procedures that should be followed to get in the way of that.
I wonder if Lord Patten’s little headhunting sideline got a cut of the deckchair arranging this time?
Still, it worked for the Pharaohs…
The Telegraph has interviewed the mother of the 2 Boston bomb brothers and offers a revealing insight into the dynamics going on in this family. It will also help understand the normal obfuscation by the BBC where Islam is concerned.
Boston marathon bombs: Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s Svengali-like sway over his mother and wife
Looked on the BBC website but can’t see anything about this?
Time to ban Khat yet?
They have sort of covered it now, more interested in Andrew Lloyd Webber though?
23 April 2013 Last updated at 21:27 ?
Liars. It wasn’t there at that time.
A.D. by the time I left Thamesmead (south east london) shooting and stabbings had become so common place that they barely made the local paper let alone broadcast news
The liberal inquisitions dogma for this,viewed from their safety of the income gated communities,is that it has always been the case we,the hoi-polloi simply failed to notice.
As for banning khat. I simply don’t know enough about it to give an opinion,Its certainly not a subject I’ve heard mentioned,other than in passing on the BBC.
Perhaps a more pertinent question is why is a guy with “18 previous convictions for 26 offences ranging from assault to vehicle taking” still stalking the theme park.Perhaps its time to look at David Fraser’s ‘double up’ idea of sentencing, as out lined in his excellent book ‘A Land Fit for Criminals’.
I heard him on 5live once,they didn’t like him.
‘Liars. It wasn’t there at that time.’
If a newsniffy thingie could be deployed to confirm that, it would be useful.
If you can’t trust the BBC on the time, things have come to a pretty pass.
What’s the point of mentioning Lord Toad-Webber? Does the tangential connection to a celebrity somehow elevate the story? I honestly don’t get it.
Ban khat?
Yep it would be a ‘Green’ action too since it is flown in daily for freshness, from east Africa.
In fact:
“A 2011 Home Office report puts UK imports of khat at more than 3,000 tons a year – nearly 60 tons a week.”
Well it’s the time of year for the BBC Proms and it’s quite a surprise this year. There is no Simon Bolivar Youth Orchestra, or West – Eastern Divan Orchestra to socialy engineer the poor saps who buy their tickets to stand around in the stalls.
Unusually there is the complete Wagner Ring Cycle humanely broken into more manageable parts and conducted by Daniel Barenboim !
There’s a film music night which seems to comprise mostly WWII themes like Ice Cold in Alex & Dangerous Moonlight.
There are of course a few ‘avant garde’ nights such as the Urban Classic Prom. The lefties utterly hate the fantastic last night of the proms, which for me marks the end of the summer and the start of Autumn.
And the free Prom is Ludwig Van’s 9th.
The glorious ninth, o my brothers. Real horrorshow.
The Ludovico technique has lot going for it.
Think on this my droogies,a bourgeois chelloveck,strapped into a chair and made to vidie speeches by the kenyan while having 50,000 volts put through his Gulliver
Said for comedic effect only you understand,comedic effect only.
Yes OK it’s the EU national anthem but personally I don’t believe that music is tarnished by those who use it, if we do believe that it does then we become no better than the loonies of the left who hate Wagners music not because of the music but merely because Hitler liked it.
I’m sure he liked nut roasts too but you don’t see them avoiding them.
He was also a vegetarian and you don’t see them avoiding that either.
Just as a foot note to the Proms I can across this on a Labour part forum:
I know it’s last year, but it’s a bit of a devil when the bias of the BBC is openly discussed there too!
I love the bit about the number of employees who put their politics on social media:
1340 liberals
340 moderates
120 Conservatives
Would anyone argue with those figures and given them doesn’t it just illustrate the massive disparity in thinking within the organisation?
Their Twitter behavior can be a giveaway as well.
The BBC have some competition in the ‘did she just say that’ department…
They do not always have to read people their rights.
In a previous open thread I asked what the elder bomber brother actually did to support himself. Since this was a question no one seemed to want to go near. Well the Boston Herald has ..
I like how its OK to send your missus out to work 80 hours a week while you stay at home though.
Don’t expect to see this on the Beeb anytime soon.
“Hard working immigrants…”
“Do the work lazy Brits/Americans wont do…”
“Enrich the diverse area they lived in…”
“Good boys, always smiling…”
“Wouldn’t hurt a fly…”
“Government conspiracy…”
“Wanted to be a doctor…”
And on…and on…
Yup, heard it all before.
The BBC website reports that “hundreds of Europeans are fighting in Syria” with the so-called rebels (see Apparently Britain, France and Ireland are supplying the most and the concern is that these people will return radicalised to their home countries. It would be interesting to know what definition of “European” is being used here. For instance, does it refer to those who could traditionally be described as British, French or irish, or rather to people of other backgrounds who just happen to be living in Europe, in much the same way as the BBC casually refers to a couple of Chechens living in Boston as “American boys”. Rather suspect we know what the answer to this one might be.
I may be wrong, but I don’t recall the whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe ever being described as “Africans”.
I heard this on the Today headlines at 8:00. It struck me at the time that it was strange why “Europeans” might be going to fight in Syria and even more odd that there was a danger they might return “radicalised”.
Who were these Europeans? Concerned Christians? What could possibly radicalise them? Against the Syrian government, perhaps, but why would they take it out on us? We’ll never know, because they didn’t tell us.
Immediately after the Boston bombings, the BBC went into knee-jerk deflection mode, the Dhimmi’s prayer: ‘Please, let them not be muslims’. So we had the white nutjob over-speculation, & then, when the culprits emerged, their ‘humanisation’, to the point of gross sentimentality – poor, misguided boys…should American society be asking itself some searching questions? blah, blah. As per usual, the victims were merely awkward collateral damage, getting in the way of the BBC’s primary objective: the 24/7 sanitisation of the ‘religion of pieces’.
What seems to be unpalatable/inconcievable to many at the BBC, apart from their muslim colleagues who, I would guess, understand it all too well, is this: muslims are prone to Sudden Jihad Syndrome. Even nominally peaceful muslims frequently suffer internal stress & guilt over not doing enough to live up to the central tenet of Islam, as repeatedly stated in its holiest texts, which is to take over the world for Islam, & kill or subjugate anyone who resists. Many muslims are attracted to, & also repelled by, the West. They are also furious at themselves for the pitiable condition of their feudal states. This conflict occurred in the heart of Sayyid Qutb, a leading member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood during a visit to the USA, where he enjoyed great hospitality, but, eventually, turned back to what he considered to be pure Islam, with dire consequences. So, ‘all American boys’ turning into jihadists comes as little surprise to anybody who does some homework: they were already programmed, awaiting activation. The BBC continually underestimates/ignores the power of a belief that has been drilled into people since childhood. Aunty appears to be permanently drunk on muslim dissimulation.
Excellent. Saint Exupery writing in the 1930s decribes the sudden killing of French officers by their host in that way. Too long to quote but this is a part of it
” It is possible he was fond of the officers he murdered. But love of Allah takes precedence. …………..And then .in order that the corrupted tribes be regenerated into their past splendor… it was enough that these Christians drowned in their slumber sent forth a feeble wail… and from the irreparable will come forth an empire”
Wind Sand and Stars. 1939.
Exupery was no so called Islamaphobe. Quite the reverse but he understood what the liberals will never understand.
‘You *could* say that you were appalled…. that it was disgusting, demeaning to women…’
[*my emphasis]
Rachel Burden on BBC 5 Live speaks with Nigel Farrage this morning about his visit to a lap dancing club. As so often on the BBC this Licence Payer funded drone-minded activist tells us more about her opinions than those of the elected politician.
Ditto for Licence Payer funded, drone-minded Nikki Campbell and his painting-by-numbers verbalisms on multiculturalism and ‘global warning denial’. Is the BBC incapable of producing presenters that can ask questions of politicians that will elicit informative replies for the BBC-tax paying public rather than replies aimed at satisfying the goals of BBC agenda driven ‘cartel’?
Say, isn’t there something else that’s disgusting and demeaning to women? Something that happened quite a lot in Rochdale, maybe?
Anyone want to bet that Ms Burden will be asking anyone from the legacy parties about that?
The question about the titty bar was asked to Farage again on the daily politics…
And, as the Beeb plainly do not like him…I’m wondering if they are setting him up…right before the local elections.
He basically said, “I didn’t know that’s where I was being taken….ect…”
Expect a picture of Farage stuffing a 100 Euro bill into some chunky birds g-string about….ohhhhh….3 days before the locals.
It’s BBc Breakfast it’s a story on foodbanks….again.
Not directly BBC related but no less depressing:
From the Lefty-mined giveaway paper Metro
So to cheer ourselves a little let’s reprise the ‘Sudanese goat marraige incident’.
And how it caused the BBC PC (sorry, IT department) department to come creaking into action.
‘In 2006, in the Sudanese goat marriage incident, a Christian South Sudanese man was forced to “marry” a goat with which he was caught having sex’
‘The story, first published on 24 February 2006 on the BBC website, attracted massive attention and was republished on numerous newspapers, blogs and other websites. Even a year after publication, the story was consistently among the BBC’s 10 most emailed articles, with many visitors to the BBC news site passing the tale on to friends. The story received over 100,000 hits on five successive days long after its original publication, and was read by millions of people.’
‘The BBC, astonished at this popularity, wondered if there was a campaign to keep the tale at the top of its rankings; however, an investigation by its senior software engineer, Gareth Owen, determined that the demand was genuine.’
The Metro piece is a prime example of just how delusional the liberal mindset has become. They really believe the rubbish they write. Liberalism is a form of mental illness that prevents the sufferer from realising what is real and what is illusion. I am surprised they don’t all get run over by illusionary buses.
But would the ladies in the headscarves eat bangers and mash?
Merguez lamb sausage perhaps, but they wouldn’t wash it down with a pint of real ale !–shes-air.html
And the BBc slags off bankers, I know people who work for banks under £16K starting pay @£13K . Nice work if you can get it.
Peston does his best to blame the government for the failure of the Co-op Bank being able to finance the purchase of bank branches from Lloyds – not the fact that the Co-op (just like the capitalist bankers) made duff loans in the bubble years. Only at the foot of Peston’s article to we get to
The Co-op apparently took the view that it could not adequately cover the costs of the increased regulatory burden on banks, even when enlarged by the Lloyds deal, in the UK’s worsened economic climate.
And here is perhaps the most telling fact. The Co-op was buying a bank from Lloyds that is far better capitalised than its existing bank, so it would actually have been strengthened, in a prudential sense, by buying the 632 TSB branches and £25bn of deposits
“Excusing Jihad In Boston”
By Robert Spencer.
“BBC Look North presenter vanishes from screens after colleagues reveal she is being paid an astonishing £225,000 a year”
Read more:–shes-air.html#ixzz2RMsnrKKU
“BBC under fire over Christa Ackroyd”
So the BBC wants to make swinging cuts to her salary? Well, they do need to find an extra hundred grand or so to help pad out the payments to Danny Cohen and the other top mandarins. In these tough times of budget cuts and public pressure, all must make sacrifices for the cause, right?
The BBC continues to contribute to income inequality in spite of the nasty Tory budget cuts, although I suspect they’ll probably blame the cuts if pressed.
The BBC in raptures of ecstasy that the average Australian isn’t apparently white, male and right-wing.
Actually probably white, female, and right-wing, but never mind the BBC chooses to head the article with the obligatory four photos of women of ethnic minorities, against three white men.
sorry, link:
BBC triumphalism?
The BBC overjoyed at the French gay marriage and adoption vote.
French people oppose gay adoption, but that’s something of an inconvenient truth for the BBC, so they phrase it thus:
“Opinion polls suggest a small majority of French people favour gay marriage, but surveys indicate fewer support adoption by same-sex couples.”
changed from previously:
“Opinion polls suggest a small majority of French people favour gay marriage, but opinion on adoption by same-sex couples is even more divided.”
Violence is of course “blamed on far-right elements.”
in BBC land to blame for pretty much everything.
The BBC are surprised that anyone at all in France opposes this fabulous leap of progress, which they say “Some argue this is the most important social reform in France since the death penalty was banned in 1981”
They assume anyone against must be a Catholic (there being no other explanation for anyone opposing such measures), and therefore in the BBC world view a bigot.
They further believe Catholicism to be marginalised and obsolete, a relic almost confined to history in civilised nations:
“But the measure has aroused stronger than expected opposition in France – a country where the Catholic Church was thought to have lost much of its influence over the public.”
But enough about those nasty narrow-minded bigots, it’s all unicorns and pink rainbows in France. Huzzah!
It ain’t in THIS part of France profonde. They hate Hollande, they hate the thought of gay marriage, they are beginning to hate sociliasm, too.
vive la (nouvelle) révolution
What took them so long?
Polygamy will be next, and the BBC will be at the forefront of the legalize polygamy campaign. Their reason? To protect women’s rights, because women in sharia marriages do not get full protection from the Law.
I noticed this on their documentary about Sharia courts.
Just wait and see.
Before anybody gets busy crying bigotry and paranoia and the usual ageist and follicular digs, they should read the following:
Legalize Polygamy! No. I am not kidding.
That’s from the Left-wing, Washington Post-owned Slate. This is from the venerated, not especially Right-wing Economist:
And now on to polygamy
Apparently the two-person, originally male-female nuclear unit is just an enabler for the State. A conundrum for some at the BBC, I think.
Not much reportage on the massed anti-demonstrations though, which can be found without looking to hard on the web.
The Today programme was reporting this morning that violent crime is down all over the western world and where trying to find a reason for it. Perhaps it is all this Global Warming we are getting! Everyone knows people are happier when it is warmer.
I guess it’s not because of the worse-than-ever-before income inequality in certain countries, right?
Did the Yogic Flying Institute of Peace and Harmony-the stoners on surfboards that did this “survey” decide that the riots on Aug 2011 counted as one incident then…you know, a “legitimate insurrection against racism, maan…hardly a crime is it bruv?”?
Send the “researchers” to Burma and Nigeria..that`ll ensure that our vibes aren`t harshed by the bringdowners maan.
As for Boston-will someone teach the Chechens how to do a better pot roast?…file under “cookery accident maan”
Having returned from an extended trip abroad, I tuned in to Today this morning for my steady diet of propaganda and Chomskyan avoidance of the main issue. I was not disappointed. At around 8:30 we were privileged to hear a discussion between David Nussbaum, chief executive of the environmental charity WWF in the UK, and Gareth Stace, head of climate and environmental policy at the manufacturer’s organisation the EEF about the increase in CO2 emissions down to the manufacture in and import of goods into the UK. Harrabin joined in the fun online by setting out his typically “impartial” view that the government’s “pretensions” to climate sanctity have been “laid bare”.
For starters this “news” that we are “exporting” climate wickedness is very old news indeed and CAGW sceptics have been saying this from at least the year dot (or 1998 in the New
FascistWarmist Calendar) and, moreover, that warmism is the best way of exporting jobs (and wealth) to the Orient. The “discussion” entailed the usual unstated assumption that the “science is settled” and thus the connection between evil CO2 emission and CAGW is a proven fact and thus requires no justification at all.In summary, this is just the sort of discussion which Professor Steve Jones recommended to the BBC ie on climate “science” and its ramifications “ignore the elephant and keep on propagandising”.
Remember that BBC poll telling us how it meant that no-one would want to come from Romania or Bulgaria?
Guido has the real figures. Glad to see him pointing out BBC bias more frequently these days.
It was through Guido’s site that I found this place.
I am in eternal gratitude to him for it 🙂
Guido has the ‘real figures’? I’m less than convinced, because he’s only used part of the poll, and what might be considered the best case scenario.
Yet again the rather good polling site UK Polling carries the analysis of the figures, and the questions asked (remember the question can bias the outcome).
There’s a whole heap more data which simply hasn’t been covered in the Guido one.
-from ‘Daily Mail Comment’ (scroll down) –
“Allies on immigration”
“Repeatedly, we are informed by the Left-wing establishment that the impact of immigration on public services is exaggerated. It’s also endlessly argued on the BBC that Britain stands no chance of reclaiming powers from Brussels because it does not have any powerful allies in negotiations.
“How surprising, then, to learn that Theresa May has won the support of three of our neighbours – including Germany – to campaign for an end to the abuse of the free movement directive by EU immigrants who are putting ‘considerable strain’ on schools, hospitals and the welfare state.
“Of course, Mrs May has a long way to go to reclaim control of this country’s borders and welfare state.
“But she has already dispelled the myth that an isolated Britain must quietly do as it is told by Brussels – however inimical it may be to our national interest.”
Read more:
“Britain and Germany join forces to demand curb on the ‘burden’ of benefits tourists that put ‘considerable strain’ on schools, healthcare and welfare.
“Join Austria and the Netherlands to demand end to abuse by benefit tourists.
“Romania and Bulgaria next year granted free access to EU jobs and benefits.
“Theresa May asks countries to campaign with Britain for tighter restrictions.”
Read more:
INBBC, typically, puts up a long, subtly edited case, on behalf of al Qaeda plot suspects in Canada.
“Canada train ‘al-Qaeda plot’ suspects challenge case.”
“Canada train plot suspects in court.”
Fear of the American President?
And the BBC’s word of the moment seems to be, children, what?…
Yes… it’s ‘irrelevant’.
Comfort in belief of rectitude was not really polling well, so from the arrogant dismissal box out pops a new way to tell people to stick it.
Seems to have caught on, certainly. It’s like it was only the other day we had some top bod dismissing concerns over public safety as irrelevant in a manner that would have done the N Korean state media proud.
Not sure the questions asked about the written disclaimers that BBC staff get but not students were ever answered, were they?
Money, money. money, it’s a rich man’s world…
And woman’s too, at least for really famous teleprompter readers ‘Up North’.
Those market rate talents, eh?
Lucky they have those rates set by folk just like them.