Why? would the bbc want to have this as a block in their piece, with this pointed header?
‘Engaging with strangers’
Maria Denine, mitigating for Sheikh, said the defendants had not been aware of her background or how vulnerable she was ????
Mitigating for Uddin, Scott Ivill said his client was married with two children and any custodial sentence would cause his family to suffer.?????
Lindsay Cox, for Ali, said his client was also a married man.?????
He added: “This girl looked appreciably older than her age and she had a history of engaging with strangers.”
In bbcspeak is this some kind of infered rebuttal?
In the unicorn like rarity of, hypothetically for instance
“white” english gangs of child gang rapists, specifically targeting young muslim girls, 1000s of times, causing many dozens of criminal cases,
would the bbc print a paragraph like that, about those children? …. printing nonsensical pap, about the perpetrators, you know, family guys, could possibly harm their families etc …
as always, infering muslim therefore a degree of “victim”hood
……… beneath contempt
Good grief. This is so vile that I actually am beginning to believe that the BBC is trying to expose just how wicked and self important these ‘men’ are by reporting their grotesquely offensive claims for mitigation.
Not aware of her background – so what background does a girl have to be from to make her abduction and serial rape by strangers permissible?
WTF does her ‘vulnerability’ have to do with it? Would imprisonment and gang rape of an assertive business woman be OK by their standards?
She ‘engaged with strangers’ – crikey that makes abduction and rape OK does it? WTF happened to “no means NO, no questions”
They’re married man so don’t imprison them… Should have considered that before raping this girl shouldn’t they.
FFS do they think this crime is so petty that it doesn’t deserve a custodial sentence. Personally I think this warrants a return of “the long drop”. If they get less than 15 years each (serving the full term) I will write Theresa May and expressing my horror.
hmm … wondered how long till some derisory clever clogs 😀
well Duh wayne… this is of course is totally apparent, and has nothing to do with why
the bbc would “dress” that section like that?
so …. Duh wayne Why? would the bbc want to have this as a block in their piece, with this pointed header? ‘Engaging with strangers’?
… would they do the same for children of their fave ideology? take the same tone with muslim victims?
How have we got to this then?
Don`t tell the BBC…it`ll be Comic Relief days soon with posturing “funnymen” like Russell Howard by the Wall…now that the Berlin one has gone, they can preen by this one in Gaza.
Absolutely despicable, non-stop slurry against Israel.
Presuming that Islam is using pressure cooker bombs , so they`ll get a full Paralympic/disabled Games team for a few years hence.
It goes far beyond court reporting, it is bordering on advocacy for the perpetrators. Every time the BBC reports yet another case of Muslim men grooming underage white girls they seek to paint the criminals in a sympathetic light and simultaneously rubbish the reputation of the girls as if they were somehow “asking for it”.
A blatant recent example was the Rochdale case where the BBC implied all the girls were in care homes. That was not the case, only a few were.
And while we are on the topic, is there some kind of ban on reporting these cases at the BBC, except for the briefest of detail tucked away in the web site. The Oxford case seems to have vanished. Recently the BBC has been more concerned with reporting rape cases in Indiathan what is occurring in this country.
hmm … wondered how long till some derisory clever clogs
well Duh wayne… this is of course is totally apparent, and has nothing to do with why
the bbc would “dress” that section like that?
so …. Duh wayne Why? would the bbc want to have this as a block in their piece, with this pointed header? ‘Engaging with strangers’?
… would they do the same for children of their fave ideology? take the same tone with muslim victims?
Have we got an extradition treaty with Somalia then?
Or do we just warehouse the worlds pervs, sickos, paedos, crims and druggies until the EU are happy that we`ll crawl to the loving snuffout in Brussels, rather than send these creeps over to Strasbourg and chain them all to the railings.
They`re “men” then….like Birminghams case today, like Boston…anybody else wonder about that common link that unites them all?
Wouldn`t be Islam again would it?…nah, the BBC would surely have said something about this by now!
Ready for my Guardian enema now matron!
What the Telegraph isn’t telling you is that no matter how much the government cuts it will be ‘hardly at all’. Even if Unemployment, disability, single parents, low income families and probably a few other groups had their benefits reduced to zero the benefits bill still would be hardly cut, in fact it would probably rise.
The reason for this is the scale of pensions and the amount they get is fast rising, guaranteed by leftie Dave. In fact two thirds of the welfare budget is spent on pensions and it’s going to rise much higher.
Most pensioners have paid nowhere near enough to deserve this level of benefit and the country cannot afford to continue to pay out at this level. So it’s up to the younger generation to carry their elders – the ones who went on strike after strike and ruined the prospects of their children, the Labour government they kept voting for ruined the economy which took years to put right.
So why shouldn’t the pensioners suffer a bit? Are we all in this together or are we all to suffer to carry them in luxury? Lets not forget that pensioners don’t exactly generate a lot of benefit for the economy and are a major excuse for left wingers to justify immigration.
If we want to cut the welfare budget the pensioners are going to have to face cuts like the rest of us, otherwise there’ll be nothing left for their kids when they come to retire.
Never forget the truth contained in Orwells 1984, He who controls the present controls the past. So effective has the left wing been at influencing education that kids don’t know who Winston Churchill was !
So there’s the view that he’s a fictional character in Sherlock Holmes books, or the Churchill insurance dog.
Others think he walked on the moon.
Having said that plenty of them think Mars is a choclate bar not a planet !
When you control education it’s very easy to airbrush those people you don’t like from history and replace them with people who you do.
I predict a move to put Atlee and Nye on the banknotes – founder of the welfare state, nationalisation, and the NHS, and perhaps a scene from Comrade Loach’s Sprit of 45, which is being used to resurrect our glorious post war history.
Friday fine wine leads to musing, I think?
The New Cancer
There was a time when the cancer was known as the C word. The word was taboo, and not to
Be mentioned. Why? Well I believe that it was because it was incurable and deadly, evil and vile.
Why are words held to be taboo, and never to be uttered, because to utter them is so terrifying that they possess the power to do harm by merely being enunciated?
The liberal intelligentsia as represented by the BBC, the Guardian and other liberal and left wing organisations in the UK have banished the word Muslim/Islam when discussing the issue of terrorism.
These media and other organisations have determined that Islam is a religion of peace and that any act of violence by anyone who proclaims that Islam is a motivating force for their act of violence is ipso facto not Muslim. Therefore, in reporting these acts of violence the Muslim background of the offenders is erased. The Islamist motivation is denied.
The frightening thing about this is that there can be no debate about Islam and democracy, Islam and pluralism, Islam and tolerance, Islam and diversity, Islam and secularism.
If you cannot mention cancer how can you discuss how to cure it? If you cannot mention Islam when discussing the nature and values of western, secular democracy, how can you find a solution to the problems raised by the belief in theocracy inherent in Islamic teaching?
Islam internationally, via ‘Organisation of Islamic Cooperation,’ and Islamic activities such as the following in Birmingham, are organised to ban and criminalise any criticism of Islam:
“UK: 25,000 Muslims rally to demand criminalization of criticism of Islam”
Of course, BBC-NUJ shows no journalistic interest in such Islamic activities, as befits an organisation which supports the censoring tendencies of ‘Hacked Off’.
In an otherwise interesting show about J.M.W.Turner I heard several segments featuring Simon Schama.
He seems to be unable to pronounce the last consonant particularly if it is a “T”
What is it with the liberal left and the “T”?
I suppose they mistakenly think dropping it bestows authenticity. Idiots.
Well it’s Friday and we have 8 MOSLEM bombers boasting they were going to turn Birmingham into a war zone and there’s hardly a mention that they’re MOSLEM apart from they collected cash for a MOSLEM charity and then DEFRAUDED THE MOSLEMS.
There is no doubt that they were fully capable of effectively carrying out their plans, but why did the biased BBC have to drag on a MOSLEM to cry the crocodile tears and lie that it wasn’t the views of the MOSLEM ‘community’ and that they have ‘disowned’ them (after they were caught of course).
One day not very far away our security services will miss one of these cells and many will be killed, hopefully it will be a bus full of left wingers who will feel the full enrichment & empowerment of a multicultural plea for recognition!
I can see the politicos hand wringing now whilst having no intention of actually doing anything meaningful what so ever.
The BBC website this morning has an article on this headed “How Britons fled grim jihadist camp” .
Earlier in the week there was an article by Philip Johnstone in the Telegraph speculating as to why so many people now prefer to call themselves English, rather than British. He came to the conclusion that it was because of the drive for independence in Scotland.
The possibility that it might be because many English people do not identify with some of the people who now call themselves British did not seem to occur to him. The BBC is a prime player in this, and appears believe that living in the UK for a couple of years is enough to make anyone “British”.
There is a fundamental difference between the Establishment’s definition of being British and that of ordinary people. For the latter, you are British by virtue of having been born in Britain, and/or of British stock, plus broadly identifying with traditional British cultural values and traditions. However, it is not an exclusive or racial definition; it is perfectly possible to come to this country and sincerely adopt a British sense of identity. An admirable sentiment was expressed by Roy Welensky, former Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, who described himself as “50% Afrikaans, 50% Polish-Jewish, but 100% British”.
For the Establishment, being “British” means little more than choosing to live in this country, in much the same way as one might choose to join a particular gym or sign-up for a particular credit card. This is a debased and worthless definition. People describe themselves as English as a minor act of rebellion: it’s a way of putting up two fingers in our traditional way and saying “YOU might call us British or European, but WE reject your definitions so we will define ourselves as English”.
We shouldn’t allow the Ding Dongs to rob us of our right to identify as British however. British is an ethnicity as well as a legal status, and we have a right to expect to be seen as an ethnic group just as Polish, French, Spanish, Portuguese etc are seen as ethnic groups – and they have immigrants too!
“but why did the biased BBC have to drag on a MOSLEM to cry the crocodile tears and lie that it wasn’t the views of the MOSLEM ‘community’ and that they have ‘disowned’ them”
Hang on. The familiar refrain here is always why don’t the Muslim community condemn this behaviour? You can’t complain when they do!
Not so ! If the condemnation had been real it would have been widely voiced at the time they were caught – the Moslem community were silent. The suspicion has to be that the biased BBC has sought a rent a mouth to say what they want, like they did at the Boston marathon.
The issue has to be around reporting of bombers before they actually carry out their atrocities, and there seems to be precious little co-operation from the Moslem community in reporting suspicion of acts preparatory to terrorism.
Nearly every Moslem male youth I know has been to a terror training camp. If people only knew the truth behind the left wing lies & cover ups I think they’d be shocked & rightly terrified.
Bring on the *Community Leader* whatever the f**k that means, to make a very sad PR job to the media. And it’s a load of crap that the *community* does not know where the collection money ends up, they do, and they look the other way just as they do when whispers in the *community* about an intended atrocity is being planned.
“Nearly every Moslem male youth I know has been to a terror training camp.”
What did the police say when you told them about all these proto-terrorists you “know”?
Given the body of work so far, ‘thoughtful’ appears to be either a collection of people (never did get a clear explanation from the site IT gurus how the same ‘name’ could be different folk), schizophrenic or a more subtle false flag specialist to ze Bavarian bunch that disgorge Tourettes two-liners on a regular basis.
Hence why any argument is best addressed on a case by case basis.
In this instance, the claim made was/is open to be called out on.
You are right to do so.
However the name chosen to do it may prove limiting in future, unless the intention is to be ready only when an individual poster sets themselves (and by association others they claim to represent) for a fall.
And the timing is right.
There wasn’t much point telling the Police, at the time I knew them was before 9/11, and how could I prove anything anyway?
There was no crime of ‘acts preparatory to terrorism’ so attending the camps wasn’t a crime anyways.
When I asked as to the motive for attending I just got the same woolly answer that it was for ‘when the time came’.
Arrrgggggghhhhhh now there’s a report on the victimisation of CHinese Uigher MOSLEMs and how naughty the Chinese are to them. There’s the suggestion that Jihad is just a reaction to the Chinese oppression
Nothing about the fact that the Uighers have been fighting just about everyone on all sides for years, that would make them aggressors & tell the truth instead of making them victims.
I do have a grudging respect for these Muslims who at least are fighting the only frontline where there`s a biteback.
To have goaded the Thais, Burmese etc into nastiness only shows how aggresive and vicious Islam is when it fights the hippy set( as they see it).
As for our cringers in the Tufty Club( white feather logo), they`re making an error if they`re confusing the Guardian/BBC/Omabalovebombers with the voice of the British people…so why the hell do we pour fuel on ourselves, by paying a licence fee….
Why wouldn`t terror camps abroad think that the BBC speaks for this nation?…and we need to choke the chicken as it were, before it crows from the dunghill with its tail feathers up for Islam.
If only I could draw eh?
Why are the BBC so desperate for the UK to send troops to Syria? Listening to the 10 pm news (like all the news broadcasts today) is the implied…’when are you going to send in the army, Mr Cameron?’…Yet we know that if he did, he would be damned.
Why is it so impossible for the BBC to understand that there are no good guys and bad guys fighting there…just bad guys and it may be best to keep out.
Agree. It is remarkable how the BBC decides to support some causes and oppose others, calling for military engagement in Syria and opposing the invasion of Iraq, being examples.
Of course the BBC should not have a stance on such issues but merely report the facts as even handedly as possible.The democratically elected government should then decide British policy. If we don’t like their choice we don’t vote for them next time.
So who decides what the BBC stance is and why do they adopt some causes and oppose others? Why do they give air time to some groups and interview them in a supportive way and treat them with courtesy, but deny exposure to other groups and deride them on air?
Well, as they support any and all liberal left causes and oppose anything even a tiny bit right of centre, we know who decides on BBC policy ,the liberal left establishment, which of course does not even represent a majority of what the British people think the let alone the great diversity of views held by the public . But any dissenting view is drowned out and they attempt to marginalise or demonise those who hold it. The BBC is the weapon of choice for the liberal left elite who wish to foist their views on the rest of us.
The BBC is the biggest threat to democracy in Britain and for that reason alone must be dealt with.
Michael Burleigh in the Daily Mail today(27.4.13) says it all really.
Iran(Shia) and Saudi(Sunni) are battling by proxy, with the Muslim Brotherhood(Turkey/Egypt) ready to work with the winning team or tribe.
Let the BBC go and fight….Assad will at least keep Israel, Jordan etc from real trouble a while longer if he stays put.
Or else Iraq will go off again, and we`ll have conflagration in the whole region.
Meanwhile China and Russia will deal with the winners in the next round.
Obama and the flabby West are on a suicide mission of their own these days.
Let the BBC and Labour, Old Etonians etc fight over there themselves…not worth ONE soldiers life.
Maybe those protesting idiots in Lincs today could rustle up a Peace Corps and offer themselves as human shields, and give Assad a bit more time..we`d appreciate that!
Outrageous that the BBC should report on allegations of the use of chemical weapons isn’t it?
Obama called it a “game changer”, Cameron said ‘it is very important for politicians and leaders of this generation to look at what is happening in Syria and ask ourselves what more we can do.”‘
Anybody understand this one of dear Dwaynes?
Anybody able to tell him that it`s not exactly what we`re saying .
Of course what Obama, Cameron and the deal old BBC are saying is “consistent”…it`s just not the issue as we see it…and we see trouble ahead.
Well remarked Dwayne…but of no purpose.
The BBC want war-do you see that is the point that I was trying to make?
Yes, I see that’s your point, and mine was in response.
You suggest the BBC wants a ground invasion of Syria, and you provide not one iota of evidence. And I think that you are therefore confusing the BBC reporting something, and that being their opinon.
So far, those here making that point seem to have missed that the story was about the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrians. You noticed that right?
Deborah says ‘Listening to the 10 pm news (like all the news broadcasts today) is the implied…’when are you going to send in the army, Mr Cameron?’
Aside from being a made up quote, I don’t think thats likely, I dont think anyone is suggesting that, but I think Deborah is confusing what Obama, and Cameron are saying, and giving coverage to calls for action, as the BBC saying those things. It’s not a complicated point. Effectively I’m saying you’re not capable of understanding the news, and probably shouldn’t be allowed to watch TV for fear of hurting yourselves or others.
Both sides in the Syrian civil war are using propaganda to further their aims. Anyone with any knowledge of Middle Eastern conflicts would do well to await further incontrovertible evidence before making an informed decision about who did what to whom. Let’snot forget that the Palestinians are past masters at faking media stories about Israeli “atrocities” which news outlets like the BBC uncritically accept as fact. It’s now well known, although very rarely acknowledged in the MSM, that the Syrian rebels consist in a large part of Jihadist militias and Al-Qaeda operatives. In fact one of the largest rebel groups recently announced its affiliation with Al-Qaeda. A Western government with any sense of the real world would not countenance arming these groups. How long would be before these weapons start being used against our soldiers and civilian interests in the Middle East?
It seems that the concept of “Realpolitik” is little known to the Western politicians of today.
The US, UK, Israel and others have been collecting evidence to try to determine whether chemical weapons have been used.
The signs so far are that they have been, but politicians are being cautious of over-selling their level of certainty.
This is partly because of the lesson of Iraq when too much was based on too little hard information and all the caveats and cautions surrounding intelligence were lost.
The US and UK have expressed growing concern that chemical weapons may have been used in Syria, most likely by government forces. Ralf Trapp, an international disarmament consultant who specialises in chemical and biological weapons, looks at how such evidence is collected and evaluated.
More or less Deborah, which is no doubt why the framing of elderly white male celebrities is on the rise too – to provide a bit of balance with the bearded “men”.
Honestly, it makes it look like they were in “Carry on abroad”
“Meanwhile, Ishaaq Hussain and Shahid Khan had arrived in the mountain hideout. The shock began to set in.
This wasn’t like the training camps of propaganda videos, with the black flag of al-Qaeda flying free in the wind. There were no racks of weapons waiting for recruits. And all the trainers had left for the religious festival of Eid.
Very few people spoke English and the British boys were left to their own devices. ”
The judge seems to have bought the relatives’ shite that they “believed the four were on their way to being reformed.” Strange route to take, through a “militant ” training camp in Pakistan. At this rate they’ll end up working for the Little Satan’s state broadcaster.
Doesn’t the Official State Broadcaster have to pay attention to the Official State Church? When it suits, I mean. Maybe this helps pad out the amount of religious broadcasting so they can meet the target required by the Charter & Agreement.
Welby is singing from the same hymnsheet as bBBC, as both are financed by Brussels. Their voices are nicely in unison – Welby makes clear on the link page that he wants banks to be more tightly regulated.
(He’s gradually changing his tune on gay marriage and ministers too, equalities being an EU “competence”.)
Suppose there`s no chance of Justin (that REALLY the name of an Archbishop?) giving us his views on…you know…”religion and stuff”.
Islam?…persecution of Christians elsewhere and the EU efforts to boot the Church into the wine lake?
Nah, thought not….so banker bashing and capitalism critiques it is.
Over to you Justin!
House-trained prattling prelates….the BBC seeks no other types.
Wondering only which name from Hogan’s Heroes the weekend shift will choose in responding but this was interesting, as is anything the BBC does ‘quietly’: http://www.thecommentator.com/article/3364/bbc_cancels_jerusalem_documentary_citing_editorial_misfit
By the time the TT part of CECUTT gets dusted off to rubber stamp what their minions have carefully re-edited in secret for them to adjudicate upon in secret, a near-inevitability is that their devotion to ensuring licence fee payers’ money is spent wisely is so total, they will spare no expense on pay offs, compo, hush money, side-step allowances, secret internal investigations and, of course, FoI exclusions.
Which probably explains if not excuses why one may struggle to discover how many BBC programmes of questionable accuracy, taste or value get commissioned, produced but then quietly dropped.
Lucky only others get held to account.
The programme was bought, I don’t think it was BBC commissioned, or made.
I’ve contacted that site to explain that their article is full of inaccuracies.
It seems some seem to think the dropping of the programme was due to Israeli pressure, evidence of a pro-Israeli bias. There’s nothing to substantiate that, but they believe it anyway. A bit like the Balen report?
Oh, and not all info is covered by FOI, I’m sure you know that….so get over it!!!!!!
‘Wondering only which name from Hogan’s Heroes the weekend shift will choose in responding’
And another new name (Was The Rock German? Got that prediction wrong, then, darn it) joins the weekend fray, and in a positive flurry of offerings. Welcome!
‘Oh, and not all info is covered by FOI, I’m sure you know that….’
Probably, between the redactions for ‘personal reasons’ and those of ‘journalism, commercial security and backside covering..’ it is hard to keep a track. Or are you really flaunting just how tricky the BBC is to hold to account because you think this helps your case?
And when actually ‘covered’ by the FoI, the BBC does have a unique way of cooperating… https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/paedophile
It was enough to knock even the Graun offside over the Pollard Report, which suggests the BBC may be so bunker-bound now the downfall is not far away.
Or are you saying, as has many a bubble-dwelling DG past and present, that the BBC transparency makes Pilkington opaque with envy? And as you say so, it must be true.
Speaking of familiar-looking confusions with what stays within the BBC and what may not work quite so well in the real world:
‘…so get over it!!!!!!’
… in response, as you asked so, well, as you have asked… I defer to the singular response of General MacAuliffe to a ideological ancestor of yours.
But do get back with the response to your site contact.
Be a shame if they adopt a BBC approach, though.
Then you’d know just how folk who are forced to pay for the BBC anyway feel, as opposed to the options open to those unhappy with The Commentator’s coverage. ‘I don’t think it was BBC commissioned, or made.’
I also wonder if the Commentator has the same attitude as the BBC to ‘thinking’ being enough when also moving on to ‘explaining’?
Certainly my experience is that on internal, secret ‘investigations’ (Astoundingly uncurious corridor varieties anyway – Must say the market rate floor does seem to echo Sgt. Schultz in what any appear to admit to knowing)) BBC belief trumps facts, and can lead to bannings when the BBC can’t weasel out any other way, so who knows where your righteous ire and sense of entitlement may drag you in your quest when the wrong side of the hive.
Probably would have been best to check first.
So, best of luck with that.
The Zionist Lobby got to the BBC again. Purnell works fast. Of course, if they had shown it, the complaints would be about trying to delegitimize Israel.
Next up, a documentary examining whether or not Mohammed actually did visit Jerusalem on that winged horse. Not.
I note that bBBC plans to show this film in future, because, no doubt –
“”The exile of the Jewish people has played a central role in Christian and Jewish theology for nearly 2,000 years….what if the exile never actually happened?”
Sounds like the bBC has let loose a group of interns on our case, most not even bright enough to be Indy readers. Perhaps DV could start an Exclusively-for-Trolls thread. They can insult each other and we can ignore them all in one go.
‘Perhaps DV could start an Exclusively-for-Trolls thread. ‘
Sort of like a ‘sin bin’, maybe placed in the top Nav Bar?
Where they can be placed to play with themselves without being able to claim they have been censored or banned?
Heck of an idea.
That’s Howard Goodall, an extremely talented and accomplished musician and composer. He makes a very good living off the BBC (I’ve lost count of how many theme songs he’s written, or how many BBC reality shows recycle some of his incidental music), but he knows what he’s talking about, and has no ideological agenda here other than perhaps that Western Classical music is a superior, more approachable form than other traditions.
Goodall was talking about tonic “sol-fa”, which is the British form of solfeggio or solfège. Do-re-mi, etc. From my copy of “The New College Encyclopedia of Music”, it’s:
“…a system of ear-training and sight-singing in which the notes are sung to syllables and the ear is trained to recognise and reproduce, through the syllables, the intervals between the notes of the scale, and between each note and the tonic. In the British system, established and taught by John Curwen in the 1840s, the tonic of a major scale is always doh, whatever the key (‘movable doh‘), whereas in the French solfège (SOLFEGGIO) the syllables are fixed (‘fixed doh‘), C being always ut.”
Basically this method has been around in some form or other for a thousand years, since the Benedictine monk, Guido d’Arezzo, worked out the beginnings of notating music on a staff. It is essentially a teaching method, but a very useful one. Goodall was talking about the British version, although he seems to have over-simplified in a way that might mislead people into thinking that the entire concept was a British invention.
The Kodály Method is a teaching method, but it’s a whole comprehensive, philosophical approach to teaching music in general, not just how to read music. In addition to solfège, he also incorporated some of Curwen’s hand signs (a visual aid of hand gestures).
I’ll trust my music encyclopedia and theory books over Wikipedia.
Kodály was born in 1882, so he’d have to be of all time if he invented something that was, as the Wikipedia article says, “By the end of the nineteenth century, this notation was very widespread in Britain, and it became standard practice to sell sheet music (for popular songs) with the tonic sol-fa notation included.”
I’ll trust my music encyclopedias and theory books over Wikipedia any day. There’s a mistake here.
Kodály was born in 1882, so he’d have to have been a musical and pedagogical prodigy in utero if he invented something that was, as the Wikipedia article says, in widespread use by the time he was in his teens.
“By the end of the nineteenth century, this notation was very widespread in Britain, and it became standard practice to sell sheet music (for popular songs) with the tonic sol-fa notation included.”
In contrast, ‘Daily Mail’ has this report of same jihadists:-
“Jailed, terror gang behind plot to rival 7/7 and transform Birmingham into a ‘little war zone’… but one may be free in eight years.
“Irfan Naseer, 31, sent four young men to Pakistan for terrorism training.
“Judge describes him as ‘skilled bomb maker’ and ‘driving force’ of plan.
“Mr Justice Henriques said: ‘Your plot had the blessing of Al Qaeda.’
“Gang of 11 wanted to kill up to 2,000 Britons with eight rucksack bombs.
“Other leaders Irfan Khalid and Ashik Ali sentenced to 20 and 23 years.
“Rahin Ahmed sentenced to 12 years for his role as chief financier.
“Four ‘travellers’ who went to Pakistan are jailed for 40 months each.
The ‘Daily Mail’ also has today an informative and critical account of a female Islamic jihadist convert, Lewthwaite, who want to kill us:
“The Home Counties girl training female suicide bombers for Al Qaeda – while trading bitchy insults with a terrorist rival on Twitter.
“Samantha Lewthwaite has become ‘trainer’ of an Al Qaeda bomber squad.
“Known as The White Widow, she operates a terror cell in East Africa.
“She was married to one of the 7/7 bombers who attacked London in 2005.
“Lewthwaite comes from a military family in Buckinghamshire.”
“fled grim jihadist camp” 😀 hmm in the header, no problem infering islam/jihad there then? …
only in the skewed world of the programmed beebot, infering the “victim”, narrative.
sooo ….. why is there such a reluctance, to cite islam/jihadists on the results of those camps ….
like the boston bombers … etc etc
Allegra Stratton @BBCAllegra 8 Apr
Much beautiful political writing today (vg Tele essay by Bootle) but form at best: http://bit.ly/146tSzF . Young, 2 wks before his death.
Hugo Young is, of course, ‘Young continued to write a twice-weekly political column at The Guardian until his death, and was widely acclaimed as one of the most important and influential figures in modern British journalism.’
Perhaps our Allegra simply enjoyed the Guardian house style?
Young’s politics ?
‘Young was a strong proponent of European integration, and sharply expressed his disappointment with the British government’s eurosceptic politics in his columns, including Prime Minister Tony Blair’s decision to side with George W. Bush instead of his EU partners in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.’
‘He wrote a critical biography of … (Margaret Thatcher), One of Us (1989), in addition to a very critical article he wrote two weeks before his death but was not published until after Thatcher’s death’
That is the article which our Allegra found so beautiful.
Steady on, if Ed Balls gets to be the next UK Finance Minister (as the EU would have it) then our blessed Citizeness Maggie Hodge could very well front up the fiver.
It is due to be Winston Churchill. But Newsnight – like the drunken Lefty who doesn’t know when to go home – Newsnight wants to make something of it.
Who should have their face on the money? Let’s guess…. ‘It ought to be a woman!’ Shame that Elizabeth Fry person in the funny hat will have to make way for Churchill.. Who is Lizzie Fry?
All very neatly summed up with the following statements….
“Leaders or Revolutionaries…. what stories do we want to tell about ourselves?”
(Right there, you have our BBC, folks)
But wait up (literally) we have not yet finished today’s Lefty lessons dear plebs.
‘And Mark Haddon, author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, joins the programme.’
Our Mark is a Lefty, it transpires… (I now look around for any rogue feathers about to knock me off the sofa)
“I think I should pay more tax!”
So Mark, having stated your fiscal and monetary policies…. you wrote popular books for children, what about education, any thoughts?
“….too much attention to the bright… more resources to the less bright, man” (I may have paraphrased a tad there)
Allegedly Stratten and the gels will nod quietly in approval at that thought but make mental note not to send their little Allegras to a Comp.
And what about parental advice for bringing up the little dears. Come on Mark, we now have your critique of the tax and education systems, how about parenting?
“Oh, I couldn’t possibly comment” Wow, perhaps he has some controversal views he wants to keep to himself? Ha Ha.
That article “How Britons fled grim jihadist camp” is truly sick…..
1. They’re not British. I’d be amazed if they were even born in Britain, infact I notice they had an uncle and another relative there who met them when they came down off the mountain and who helped them get back to Britain!!.
I quote “tellling them to get off the mountain and meet an UNCLE in a nearby town. He had travelled to collect them and would return them to Islamabad where another RELATIVE would put them on flights home”!!!.
2. They chose to go there with the obvious aim of being trained in how to committ mass murder so it was no mistake. What?, there were were no racks of guns so it wasn’t what they were expecting????. You couldn’t make this up.
3. Funny how they returned to Britain but were still determined to blow people to bits. Not much “error of their ways” there.
4. “Conditions were, according to Ishaaq Hussain’s account, primitive”. Aw, poor souls. What about the condition of the people you’d killed and maimed if you’re terror in the name of Allah had succeeded??.
You know what, there isn’t enough band width here to tear this abhorant article to pieces.
On the Today programme this morning we had some ornithological geezer being interviewed about England’s declining cuckoo population. You just know what’s coming, don’t you?
Apparently Scotland’s cuckoo population has not declined at all, and interestingly they have a 3000 mile shorter migration route to southern Africa because historically they are of Scandinavian origin, having gradually migrated to Scotland since the last ice age.
But, asks Humphrys, teeing up Mr Ornithologist quite innocently (not), they have always taken this longer migration route so why the decline in the last ten years? Well, it’s actually over the last 20-30 years says Mr Ornithologist, vaguely (actual numbers of cuckoos over exactly what period obviously not being too important).
Hang on, ’20-30 years….that time frame sounds familiar….
Well, says Mr Vague-But-Certain Mr Ornithologist, we think it might be something to do with climate change – fires n’ droughts n’ stuff in Spain and West Africa, y’ know, killin’ ’em off, like….. Ah, I see, says Humphry-Dumpty, in enlightened admiration….
“9/11 jet landing gear found at Ground Zero Mosque site”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Apparently this is different landing gear from that which crashed through the roof of the building that the Islamic supremacists want to tear down in order to build the triumphal mosque at Ground Zero. This landing gear has been there for eleven and a half years and was apparently never found before; it was discovered by surveyors doing work on the property. So apparently the shady grifter Sharif El-Gamal has gotten the money to build his triumphal mosque and is going ahead with it. But we’ll be there, too.
“Exit question: will all the Leftists and Islamic supremacists who have been insisting since the height of the Ground Zero Mosque controversy that this building was not part of Ground Zero stop the propaganda now that apparently landing gear crashed into this building not once, but twice? No, but they’re shown up all the more for what they are.”
It seems that the BBC cannot get even a dead Margaret Thatcher out of the heads. From todays website.
“This week
1038: One of BBC London’s top read stories this week was news that posters of Margaret Thatcher had been banned from being displayed at a tube station.
One of the posters which was banned
You can see the posters from the Thatcheristic collection at Gallery Different until tomorrow.”
What was it about Thatcher being banned that attracted the BBC I wonder?
I myself am happy to see the occasional new troll to our “inclusive community”….yo Ossie!
I do however draw the line at Charlotte Raven…anybody hear her on the closing “light frothy bit” before Humph was wheeled out for the Greek Odyssey that`ll be coming very soon?(Today, 8.55a.m)
Charlotte sounds like Will Self on Mogadon(can you still get that-or did these two wolf it all back in the 70s?)…boy, for 8.55 Saturday morning, she sounded a real casualty.
If that`s what eating “Spare Rib” does to you, then I`d be worried.
How many of these bombed-out 60s casualties can the BBC interview in a weekend. Pity poor Charlotte, and her associated carers and “survivors” of nasty men back then!
Can you catch Vet syndrome by watching ” Forrest Gump”?…poor woman sounded as if she`d not been back to nursie last night.
I`m worried now-so should the BBC be…they`ve been worrying themselves sick this week with most bulletins given to NHS/RCN/cancers, measles etc.
And THEY dare to call US the “worried well” with our surgically sharpened elbows?…pot, kettle, black, you Beeb hypocons!
Wasn`t it Foot that, on hearing that his wife had been raped way back, though he would write the rapist a “stiff letter”?…and isn`t that typical of the man?
Speaks volumes for the white feather brigade…that should be the Labour?Liberal new logo, so we all know where we stand.
Yes, they stand miles away from Muslims…Hampstead allows that option, but here on planet multiculti we don`t have that option….
Mind you Foot surpassed himself as he goaded Thatcher to regain the Falklands in the Commons…then went rather quiet when she did just that.
Funnily enough, we didn`t get to hear any of his stuff in all those recent t Thatcher tributes…guess the microphones on the Labour side weren`t working eh, BBC?
It was Arthur Koestler, a family friend, who raped Foot’s wife:
“In 1995, Foot unexpectedly returned to the headlines. Reviewing a book in the Financial Times, he brought up the subject of the Hungarian-born novelist and his former friend Arthur Koestler, announcing that he had ‘ discovered, years after the attempt, that he had tried to rape my wife’.
The incident happened in 1952 when Koestler called at the Foot home in Hampstead while Michael was away. He attacked Foot’s wife, Jill, and raped her.
He growled: ‘This is going to happen whether you like it or not.’
‘I was worried about my life, not my honour,’ Jill later recalled.
Afterwards, Koestler got up with the parting words: ‘I thought you always had a bit of a yen for me.’
When asked years later what he would have done if Jill had told him of the rape at the time, Michael said: ‘I don’t know. I think I would have written him a letter – something like “our friendship is at an end.” ‘
Koestler was allegedly a serial rapist, violent, aggressive, misogynistic. Also a disillusioned Communist who became passionately anti-totalitarian. Which is nice.
‘I think I would have written him a letter – something like “our friendship is at an end.” ‘
It was a different time. Jill must have glowed.
Now he’d hit the teleprompters and say ‘another line has been crossed’.
Always works in bringing those stepping over previous ones to heel, evidently.
The buck stops…. wherever the overnights think it should.
She had a reputation for sexual promiscuity and was an attention seeker who was keen to play the victim card – and kept changing her story.
For lots of reasons her story does not make sense – they continued to be friends – and it originated in a show off comment at a dinner party. She certainly succeeded in trashing his reputation.
P.S. Koestler had a well deserved reputation for predatory sexual advances, which is why everybody believed her, but I very much doubt he raped her.
It is clear Mr Obama doesn’t want to go to war in Syria. He regards it as too complex, too difficult, too uncertain.
American action there would have a huge impact on the perception of America in the region – confirming every image he wants to change.
Actually, the only contrast is the angle of approach from the Left. Katty frets that the world still hasn’t learned the lesson of how horrible the US has been, while Mardell asserts that the Middle East has learned how horrible the US has been, and stopping a leader from slaughtering tens of thousands would only confirm that opinion.
At least the BBC’s US President editor is more honest about the President just not wanting to intervene at all than he was about Libya. Back then, Mardell was telling the same “desire to bring allies along, the reluctance to rush to judgment” story (“deliberating, not dithering”), only it turned that He simply didn’t want to do it at all and had to have His arm twisted when Ghaddafi stepped up the killing of his own people. Then-Sec. of State Clinton was also fed up with His waffling over whether or not do anything. Is she His enemy, too? Or does she know the difference between someone who really does consider all the details and factors of an issue and someone who simply isn’t interested in doing anything about it?
Perhaps having learned that lesson, Mardell is more comfortable saying that the President just doesn’t want to get involved. He’s got excuses ready as always, of course, but at least he’s saying it out loud. This is an improvement.
I guess we’re not supposed to notice when people ask for the US to help them. Those experiencing the brunt of the slaughter don’t understand things the way the two top BBC journalists in the US do.
Yes they do. And the Mardell quote was from a full blog post, not a tweet. Would you please actually explain your position instead of just offering a contrarian statement?
Ah, I see. Katty was merely presenting the view of others, completely independent of her own thoughts. Do you actually believe that? She’s not part of the “world”? Or is she putting words into the “world’s” mouth, to which you don’t object? Where’s the evidence for her statement, then? No generalities, please. I don’t see how you can accept her position without question. Unless you agree with her?
How can that be interepted any other way?
EVEN after after Iraq,and decades of critisim (a lot) of the US role in the middle east (Does she mean the expansion of McDonalds)
world STILL asks (implication they should no better)
“when will America get involved in Syria?”
Ms. Kay clearly thinks america should stay out of syria
.As it happens so do I ,but for reasons different to Ms. Kays I suspect.
But to suggest that she did not mean exactly that ‘the world’ should no better, because of Americas past mistakes, is willfully ignorant
2. Don’t worry if you have an overdue book at the Bush Library; they go after some other borrower who had nothing to do with it.
Internet humourist @pourmecoffee. The presidential library honouring George W Bush opened this week. While presidential popularity often increases once a president is out of office, many remain angry with Bush for his decision to invade Iraq.
The opening of the Bush library is in the news, and of course, Iraq is going to get mentioned, sort of like how “the mines” is never too far from nearly any sentence with the name “Thatcher” in it. But why bring up the idea of popularity increasing? If it seems like something out of the blue to those who look to the BBC for their news, that’s because the BBC never mentioned the latest poll result, which I pointed out a couple days ago.
The ABC/WaPo poll has Bush’s current popularity back up to 47%, which is the same result for our current President in the most recent ABC/WaPo poll. He can’t be as divisive as Bush, can He? Don’t worry, the BBC wouldn’t tell you anyway.
So the BBC mentions presidential popularity, completely out of context, but still has to shout “Iraq!” at you, in case you might have wondered if people started liking Bush again. They just can’t help themselves.
In reply to Johnnythefish, Yes, I heard the bit about the cuckoo this morning and like you I thought *hello, why are they talking about the cuckoo on Radio 4?” Heads up I told myself, you just knew where this was going. And sure enough the BBC did not let me down, there is was, nicely primed, beautifully set up……*climate change*.
If winning the lottery was as easy!
after the Boston Jihad Bombers – for islam,
the thwarted Jihad train bomb attempt in Canada,- for islam
the Bham 3, muslims who wanted and planned to repeat 9/11 and 7/7 – for islam
the Four jihadists arrested for planning mass murder int he UK – for islam
the London trio who planned mass murder, and bombs at our troops repatriation in Wooton Bassett, for islam
news that Syria “has now replaced Afghanistan, Pakistan and as the main destination” for European Jihad terrorists thanks to a genocidal fatwa from Quaradawi, for islam
with all this happening, The BIG Questions BBC Sunday, well surely theres only one,
islam is a serious problem, is it time to take the hardline?
no not really its …
should monarchs retire … (shakes head)
“the life of a would-be jihadist is far removed from the fantasy of al-Qaeda propaganda.
Nowhere is the romance more lacking than in the militant training camps of Pakistan”
a “BBC big question” should be why do bbc
reporters, appear to be practicing for “creative writing” courses, instead of just the facts.
yep! if we gaze past the “mills and boon” all of these bast-rds wanted to murder and maim, one already a skilled bomb maker, some had previous training camp experience, that is enough for any one to stomach.
Humbug alert for 9pm tomorrow night BBC4( I think!).
Imran Khans ex-Jemima Goldsmith, so well able to use a Sharia Bank for that ethnic clobber she parades in-will get an hour to push(no doubt) for the legalisation of polygamy…Muslim women naturally, but all in the cause of sisterly solidarity and to fight the sexists…but what else?
Sharia, suckups to Islam…and now polygamy for Gawds sake(Allahs sake, of course).
Will the BBC never stop?…if only Assanges bail had been raised to an amount that would have put Jemima out to work instead of her “sistas for Sharia” perpetual garden party that she lives in.
Polygamy….can we keep slaves after that then Jem, you useful idiot?
BBC R4 . jemima and the part time wife – ?!*?!?
“For divorced Muslim women, finding a new spouse isn’t always easy. But would being a part-time wife be the solution?” … ahh you see, sharia has the answer.
For Muslim Sheiks, in Saudi finding live in workers isn t always easy, but could aquiring a slave be the solution?
…. ahh you see, sharia has the answer
For Muslim women, proving you ve been brutally raped
isn t always easy, 4 witnesses eh! … ensure you sistas get gang raped ,,, ah you see sharia has the answer.
Will Jemimah Puddleduck care to tell us that if a typical Muslim bloke has five wives-do all 5 need hospital treatment, or is there just a need to get the Fiery Jack and paracetemols at five different trips to the chemist?
Any research been done on this…hasn`t Cairo got a good uni?
And-is it counted as I domestic incident or 5 separate ones?
Do I see improving crime rates and an improving turnaround in the NHS if the BBC/Guardian/Government are able to spin this one the obvious way?
Just asking…”people are saying” you see!
The FBI puzzling the motive – hilarious, thanks for posting – the best humour is always Truth-in-Jest. Which is why thebBCs leftie-comics are not funny, because there is no truth in their jest.
Does anyone think the BBC Comedy department could have produced something like this? BBC news editors are still “puzzled by the bombers motives”, they would be mocking themselves. Too close to home.
I don’t dislike the work of these people because they are lefties, I dislike their work because it hasn’t ever been funny. (Although I suppose we should allow Ben some credit for his part in writing Blackadder.) The BBC seems to think it enough merely that they’re left wing and doesn’t mind that they’re not funny. Very strange.
I’m sure the beeb could afford the rights to championship football with live matches etc, the trouble is they have too many fingers in too many pies elsewhere.
I clicked ‘like’ with BH on in the background – and as clicking the mouse I heard that Universal Credits were being trailed as an issue on The World This Weekend – so sadly the answer is ‘No – the BBC have not yet got bored’ – but they will when Labour get back in.
While I’ll grant them ‘not the other 3 shambles’ status, I still tend to view UKIP more novelty value politically.
However the main parties, and their tribal media supporters, seem more concerned at where protest votes are going.
Hence Sky seems to have been weighing in hard & fast.
I was in particular intrigued by the claim of an allegation of a dubious post on FaceBook.
Don’t they know? Are these things not easily verified? Or is it enough now just to allude to a report that may or may not be anything, and possibly just gossip?
Had a look at the BBC site and they appear to have steered clear of the multiple degree of separation punt on this ‘story’, but the lead paper and what they cover is an interesting insight into BBC priorities… http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22328046
I too have noticed a rather pathetic effort to besmirch UKIP, with co-ordinated and regularly timed mock ups of stories , based on Facebook/mobile photos etc.
No doubt, their civil partners last set of kids are doing the technology for them…but it`s pretty obvious what the BBC/Telegraph etc are up to.
UKIP it is then…suggest you do the same.
Anything else is a vote for Labour by their reckoning-can`t have that
Adrian Goldberg on BBC Radio Grievance (sorry 5 Live) on some new soccer academy arrangements…..
“What! This is a 10-year-old boy we are talking about…. you’re saying he can’t get academy training without a 100 mile round trip… three times a week!”
Btw, he lives in Yeoville and his dad has a car.
Ah, that Olympian spirit.
NB. Pelé grew up in poverty in Bauru, São Paulo. He earned extra money by working in tea shops as a servant. Taught to play by his father, he could not afford a proper football and usually played with either a sock stuffed with newspaper, tied with a string or a grapefruit’.
Yeovil. Apparently the Premier League-devised Elite Player Performance Plan requires a tripling of investment: “the criteria the club is expected to meet is expensive, excessively bureaucratic and requires more resources…
I am assuming the alternatives are Bristol or Exeter; in fairness I am assuming also that it’s not just the distance, basically you write-off three nights a week, that’s a lot for many parents.
My complaint against the BBC on this is a broad one encompasing entitlement syndrome, the assumption of a human right to elite sports training, etc etc.
Often wondered why such an unpatriotic and politically correct organisation set so much store by sports achievement?
I guess they are still impressed by the former DDR.
Sometimes a newspaper gives away it’s political leaning in the photographs it chooses to use. I don’t think there will be much doubt about what the Worcester News thinks of Ed Milliband with the photo it’s chosen. Try look at this & not laughing !
‘Sometimes a newspaper gives away its political leaning in the photographs it chooses to use.’
That is quite special. As can be our revered Leader of the Opposition.
It is worth noting it is not just newspapers and not just leanings politically and not just stills that can be chosen to suit the narrative the editorial team would like taken away subliminally, eh, BBC?
TWATO finds itself in Nottingham today to bemoan four years of Tory rule…and all ready to see the resurgence of new Labour now that the mighty Gordon Brown has left them those hopeful results of 2009 to build upon.
Hope that UKIP romp it everywhere..Beppo Grillo, Lee Nelson…ANYBODY but f***in Labour/Liberal anyhoo!
To see the BBC examining the toilet bowl next day searching for nuggets of vindicated socialism amidst the usual is always good fun.
Let`s try to get them head down the loo on Friday…win one for Margaret and Saint George( a Muslim , so I understand-so the BBC tells me).
Not Galloway either!
And they have the gall and hypocrisy to criticise pay-offs to bankers.
The head of BBC Worldwide, John Smith has elected to take his £800,000 payout now rather than wait until September when he might have only received £150,000. This is the same man who oversaw the purchase of the Lonely Planet guide for £130million in 2007, and it’s recent sale for £51.5million, at a loss of nearly £80million.
Shows clearly the inept foul greedy hypocritical mindset prevalent at the BBC, made only worse by the foul greedy hypocritical politicians who let them get away with it.
Ah well, failure brings its own rewards.
But one presumes there needs a ‘unique’ in there to do so in the public sector to such a level.
I liked this comment by a reader of that right wing rag, The Graun (before the comments got closed, at 11, after a day): ‘BBC Worldwide former chief executive John Smith [said] that “due to the vagaries of accounting you can’t put a [real] value on the brand”.
This has got to be one of best nuggets of irony from a BBC fat cat, past or present.
I too shall use it in future with all my creditors when pleading impoverishment and trying to wriggle out of my responsibilities.
I wonder if this kind of response, and the support it was garnering, was the reason for the closing?
I guess we will never know.
It would also be interesting to discover from any circling Flokker whether there are any aspects of this story that are inaccurate…. factually?
It would be awful to think there could be any other reason to stay clear.
No doubt you think you’re clever posting something that everybody here is already aware of, as if stating that refutes all criticsm 🙄
BBC Worldwide could not exist without the BBC licence fee paying for the main organisation. Most of us here would be very happy if the BBC had to rely solely on generating income from its output and ‘business sense’. 😆
Then they could pay themselves as much as they want – in fact they can double what they already award themselves.
By the way – how much do you earn; how much did the prick you’re trying to defend earn; and can you see how ‘clever’ you really are? 😈
I remember Lonely Planet used to be an excellent guide, but that was a long time ago.
Never saw it since the BBC took it over, but I can well imagine them using it to promote the places and points of interest in line with their regular agenda.
Easy to understand how they lost so much money it then.
Just heard on the 6pm news on radio 4 that some BBC managerial type is about to leave with a pay off amounting to £800,000. I’ll say that again, £800,000. Words fail me, literally……….
Just seen the BBc news reporting objectively on the IKIP s**te storm i.e. continuing to slag them of. No I’m not a supporter of UKIP because as far as I see they do absolutely nothing.
Search Biased BBC
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who? … what? … not clear?
“men” ?
Why? would the bbc want to have this as a block in their piece, with this pointed header?
‘Engaging with strangers’
Maria Denine, mitigating for Sheikh, said the defendants had not been aware of her background or how vulnerable she was ????
Mitigating for Uddin, Scott Ivill said his client was married with two children and any custodial sentence would cause his family to suffer.?????
Lindsay Cox, for Ali, said his client was also a married man.?????
He added: “This girl looked appreciably older than her age and she had a history of engaging with strangers.”
In bbcspeak is this some kind of infered rebuttal?
In the unicorn like rarity of, hypothetically for instance
“white” english gangs of child gang rapists, specifically targeting young muslim girls, 1000s of times, causing many dozens of criminal cases,
would the bbc print a paragraph like that, about those children? …. printing nonsensical pap, about the perpetrators, you know, family guys, could possibly harm their families etc …
as always, infering muslim therefore a degree of “victim”hood
……… beneath contempt
I bet that guy on the left will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life!
Near the bottom of the linked page is:
The BBC is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites
Nor their own site(s) from what I have seen !
Good grief. This is so vile that I actually am beginning to believe that the BBC is trying to expose just how wicked and self important these ‘men’ are by reporting their grotesquely offensive claims for mitigation.
Not aware of her background – so what background does a girl have to be from to make her abduction and serial rape by strangers permissible?
WTF does her ‘vulnerability’ have to do with it? Would imprisonment and gang rape of an assertive business woman be OK by their standards?
She ‘engaged with strangers’ – crikey that makes abduction and rape OK does it? WTF happened to “no means NO, no questions”
They’re married man so don’t imprison them… Should have considered that before raping this girl shouldn’t they.
FFS do they think this crime is so petty that it doesn’t deserve a custodial sentence. Personally I think this warrants a return of “the long drop”. If they get less than 15 years each (serving the full term) I will write Theresa May and expressing my horror.
Perhaps this goes some way towards explaining
why the new left are so enamoured with a 7th century misogynist ideology.
Add to that the SWP hierarchy’s penchant for raping their members.
after the usual bbc anti israel jibes, like this
how shameless, tasteless, and manipulating tragic loss, could the MSM go … possibly this
hmm … wondered how long till some derisory clever clogs 😀
well Duh wayne… this is of course is totally apparent, and has nothing to do with why
the bbc would “dress” that section like that?
so …. Duh wayne Why? would the bbc want to have this as a block in their piece, with this pointed header? ‘Engaging with strangers’?
… would they do the same for children of their fave ideology? take the same tone with muslim victims?
How have we got to this then?
Don`t tell the BBC…it`ll be Comic Relief days soon with posturing “funnymen” like Russell Howard by the Wall…now that the Berlin one has gone, they can preen by this one in Gaza.
Absolutely despicable, non-stop slurry against Israel.
Presuming that Islam is using pressure cooker bombs , so they`ll get a full Paralympic/disabled Games team for a few years hence.
KTLA-5 eh!
possible BBC “go to” guys for life after this,
Sounds like a wisecrack from the Phosphorus Moonface (aka Jimmy Carr)
‘In bbcspeak is this some kind of infered rebuttal?’
Its called court reporting, its not ‘bbcspeak’, its what their legal representatives said.
It goes far beyond court reporting, it is bordering on advocacy for the perpetrators. Every time the BBC reports yet another case of Muslim men grooming underage white girls they seek to paint the criminals in a sympathetic light and simultaneously rubbish the reputation of the girls as if they were somehow “asking for it”.
A blatant recent example was the Rochdale case where the BBC implied all the girls were in care homes. That was not the case, only a few were.
And while we are on the topic, is there some kind of ban on reporting these cases at the BBC, except for the briefest of detail tucked away in the web site. The Oxford case seems to have vanished. Recently the BBC has been more concerned with reporting rape cases in Indiathan what is occurring in this country.
hmm … wondered how long till some derisory clever clogs
well Duh wayne… this is of course is totally apparent, and has nothing to do with why
the bbc would “dress” that section like that?
so …. Duh wayne Why? would the bbc want to have this as a block in their piece, with this pointed header? ‘Engaging with strangers’?
… would they do the same for children of their fave ideology? take the same tone with muslim victims?
Have we got an extradition treaty with Somalia then?
Or do we just warehouse the worlds pervs, sickos, paedos, crims and druggies until the EU are happy that we`ll crawl to the loving snuffout in Brussels, rather than send these creeps over to Strasbourg and chain them all to the railings.
They`re “men” then….like Birminghams case today, like Boston…anybody else wonder about that common link that unites them all?
Wouldn`t be Islam again would it?…nah, the BBC would surely have said something about this by now!
Ready for my Guardian enema now matron!
The BBC – enema of the British people.
If you were to stick an enema in the BBC, there’d be enough crap to send on a container ship to China.
The BBC went downhill when ITV started.
And still working at it.
A coalition of the Left dominates the television news media, which is only too happy to make “Cuts!” the dominant narrative: harrowing tales of the impact of social security reform play nightly on the screens. A Martian would wonder just how far and fast the Government was cutting public expenditure to receive such a pasting; and would be curious to learn that the answer was “hardly at all”.
What the Telegraph isn’t telling you is that no matter how much the government cuts it will be ‘hardly at all’. Even if Unemployment, disability, single parents, low income families and probably a few other groups had their benefits reduced to zero the benefits bill still would be hardly cut, in fact it would probably rise.
The reason for this is the scale of pensions and the amount they get is fast rising, guaranteed by leftie Dave. In fact two thirds of the welfare budget is spent on pensions and it’s going to rise much higher.
Most pensioners have paid nowhere near enough to deserve this level of benefit and the country cannot afford to continue to pay out at this level. So it’s up to the younger generation to carry their elders – the ones who went on strike after strike and ruined the prospects of their children, the Labour government they kept voting for ruined the economy which took years to put right.
So why shouldn’t the pensioners suffer a bit? Are we all in this together or are we all to suffer to carry them in luxury? Lets not forget that pensioners don’t exactly generate a lot of benefit for the economy and are a major excuse for left wingers to justify immigration.
If we want to cut the welfare budget the pensioners are going to have to face cuts like the rest of us, otherwise there’ll be nothing left for their kids when they come to retire.
If you can separate the ones who went on strike and voted Labour from the rest of us, fine.
As for the ‘have it all now’ and ‘why can’t the government give me the job I want’ younger generation – no sympathy, I’m afraid.
I thought the public sector pension liability was far higher than the amount the state pension costs?
It’s not two thirds, it’s about 40/45%
My dad always worked, always voted Conservative and was the man who told me about the winter of discontent.
I’d really like for him not to suffer for it.
“Sir Winston Churchill to feature on new banknote”
-Will sections of the political ‘left’ burn this Churchill picture in effigy, as they did Thatcher’s on her funeral?
Never forget the truth contained in Orwells 1984, He who controls the present controls the past. So effective has the left wing been at influencing education that kids don’t know who Winston Churchill was !
So there’s the view that he’s a fictional character in Sherlock Holmes books, or the Churchill insurance dog.
Others think he walked on the moon.
Having said that plenty of them think Mars is a choclate bar not a planet !
When you control education it’s very easy to airbrush those people you don’t like from history and replace them with people who you do.
Churchill says “Oh yes! Ruff ruff!”
No, but sections of the Left would have wished that the note had a picture of Winston Silcott,
I predict a move to put Atlee and Nye on the banknotes – founder of the welfare state, nationalisation, and the NHS, and perhaps a scene from Comrade Loach’s Sprit of 45, which is being used to resurrect our glorious post war history.
INBBC and Boston jihad massacre.
Another thing which INBBC censors:-
“Bomb Suspects’ Mum On Terror List Before Blasts”
Won’t be long before dimbebore gets on the QT panel!
Gets ” her” on the QT panel, stupid boy.
Friday fine wine leads to musing, I think?
The New Cancer
There was a time when the cancer was known as the C word. The word was taboo, and not to
Be mentioned. Why? Well I believe that it was because it was incurable and deadly, evil and vile.
Why are words held to be taboo, and never to be uttered, because to utter them is so terrifying that they possess the power to do harm by merely being enunciated?
The liberal intelligentsia as represented by the BBC, the Guardian and other liberal and left wing organisations in the UK have banished the word Muslim/Islam when discussing the issue of terrorism.
These media and other organisations have determined that Islam is a religion of peace and that any act of violence by anyone who proclaims that Islam is a motivating force for their act of violence is ipso facto not Muslim. Therefore, in reporting these acts of violence the Muslim background of the offenders is erased. The Islamist motivation is denied.
The frightening thing about this is that there can be no debate about Islam and democracy, Islam and pluralism, Islam and tolerance, Islam and diversity, Islam and secularism.
If you cannot mention cancer how can you discuss how to cure it? If you cannot mention Islam when discussing the nature and values of western, secular democracy, how can you find a solution to the problems raised by the belief in theocracy inherent in Islamic teaching?
Islam internationally, via ‘Organisation of Islamic Cooperation,’ and Islamic activities such as the following in Birmingham, are organised to ban and criminalise any criticism of Islam:
“UK: 25,000 Muslims rally to demand criminalization of criticism of Islam”
Of course, BBC-NUJ shows no journalistic interest in such Islamic activities, as befits an organisation which supports the censoring tendencies of ‘Hacked Off’.
In an otherwise interesting show about J.M.W.Turner I heard several segments featuring Simon Schama.
He seems to be unable to pronounce the last consonant particularly if it is a “T”
What is it with the liberal left and the “T”?
I suppose they mistakenly think dropping it bestows authenticity. Idiots.
Well it’s Friday and we have 8 MOSLEM bombers boasting they were going to turn Birmingham into a war zone and there’s hardly a mention that they’re MOSLEM apart from they collected cash for a MOSLEM charity and then DEFRAUDED THE MOSLEMS.
There is no doubt that they were fully capable of effectively carrying out their plans, but why did the biased BBC have to drag on a MOSLEM to cry the crocodile tears and lie that it wasn’t the views of the MOSLEM ‘community’ and that they have ‘disowned’ them (after they were caught of course).
One day not very far away our security services will miss one of these cells and many will be killed, hopefully it will be a bus full of left wingers who will feel the full enrichment & empowerment of a multicultural plea for recognition!
I can see the politicos hand wringing now whilst having no intention of actually doing anything meaningful what so ever.
The BBC website this morning has an article on this headed “How Britons fled grim jihadist camp” .
Earlier in the week there was an article by Philip Johnstone in the Telegraph speculating as to why so many people now prefer to call themselves English, rather than British. He came to the conclusion that it was because of the drive for independence in Scotland.
The possibility that it might be because many English people do not identify with some of the people who now call themselves British did not seem to occur to him. The BBC is a prime player in this, and appears believe that living in the UK for a couple of years is enough to make anyone “British”.
There is a fundamental difference between the Establishment’s definition of being British and that of ordinary people. For the latter, you are British by virtue of having been born in Britain, and/or of British stock, plus broadly identifying with traditional British cultural values and traditions. However, it is not an exclusive or racial definition; it is perfectly possible to come to this country and sincerely adopt a British sense of identity. An admirable sentiment was expressed by Roy Welensky, former Prime Minister of Southern Rhodesia, who described himself as “50% Afrikaans, 50% Polish-Jewish, but 100% British”.
For the Establishment, being “British” means little more than choosing to live in this country, in much the same way as one might choose to join a particular gym or sign-up for a particular credit card. This is a debased and worthless definition. People describe themselves as English as a minor act of rebellion: it’s a way of putting up two fingers in our traditional way and saying “YOU might call us British or European, but WE reject your definitions so we will define ourselves as English”.
We shouldn’t allow the Ding Dongs to rob us of our right to identify as British however. British is an ethnicity as well as a legal status, and we have a right to expect to be seen as an ethnic group just as Polish, French, Spanish, Portuguese etc are seen as ethnic groups – and they have immigrants too!
“but why did the biased BBC have to drag on a MOSLEM to cry the crocodile tears and lie that it wasn’t the views of the MOSLEM ‘community’ and that they have ‘disowned’ them”
Hang on. The familiar refrain here is always why don’t the Muslim community condemn this behaviour? You can’t complain when they do!
Not so ! If the condemnation had been real it would have been widely voiced at the time they were caught – the Moslem community were silent. The suspicion has to be that the biased BBC has sought a rent a mouth to say what they want, like they did at the Boston marathon.
The issue has to be around reporting of bombers before they actually carry out their atrocities, and there seems to be precious little co-operation from the Moslem community in reporting suspicion of acts preparatory to terrorism.
Nearly every Moslem male youth I know has been to a terror training camp. If people only knew the truth behind the left wing lies & cover ups I think they’d be shocked & rightly terrified.
Bring on the *Community Leader* whatever the f**k that means, to make a very sad PR job to the media. And it’s a load of crap that the *community* does not know where the collection money ends up, they do, and they look the other way just as they do when whispers in the *community* about an intended atrocity is being planned.
“Nearly every Moslem male youth I know has been to a terror training camp.”
What did the police say when you told them about all these proto-terrorists you “know”?
Given the body of work so far, ‘thoughtful’ appears to be either a collection of people (never did get a clear explanation from the site IT gurus how the same ‘name’ could be different folk), schizophrenic or a more subtle false flag specialist to ze Bavarian bunch that disgorge Tourettes two-liners on a regular basis.
Hence why any argument is best addressed on a case by case basis.
In this instance, the claim made was/is open to be called out on.
You are right to do so.
However the name chosen to do it may prove limiting in future, unless the intention is to be ready only when an individual poster sets themselves (and by association others they claim to represent) for a fall.
And the timing is right.
There wasn’t much point telling the Police, at the time I knew them was before 9/11, and how could I prove anything anyway?
There was no crime of ‘acts preparatory to terrorism’ so attending the camps wasn’t a crime anyways.
When I asked as to the motive for attending I just got the same woolly answer that it was for ‘when the time came’.
Arrrgggggghhhhhh now there’s a report on the victimisation of CHinese Uigher MOSLEMs and how naughty the Chinese are to them. There’s the suggestion that Jihad is just a reaction to the Chinese oppression
Nothing about the fact that the Uighers have been fighting just about everyone on all sides for years, that would make them aggressors & tell the truth instead of making them victims.
I do have a grudging respect for these Muslims who at least are fighting the only frontline where there`s a biteback.
To have goaded the Thais, Burmese etc into nastiness only shows how aggresive and vicious Islam is when it fights the hippy set( as they see it).
As for our cringers in the Tufty Club( white feather logo), they`re making an error if they`re confusing the Guardian/BBC/Omabalovebombers with the voice of the British people…so why the hell do we pour fuel on ourselves, by paying a licence fee….
Why wouldn`t terror camps abroad think that the BBC speaks for this nation?…and we need to choke the chicken as it were, before it crows from the dunghill with its tail feathers up for Islam.
If only I could draw eh?
Why are the BBC so desperate for the UK to send troops to Syria? Listening to the 10 pm news (like all the news broadcasts today) is the implied…’when are you going to send in the army, Mr Cameron?’…Yet we know that if he did, he would be damned.
Why is it so impossible for the BBC to understand that there are no good guys and bad guys fighting there…just bad guys and it may be best to keep out.
Because the religious nutters stand a good chance of winning with western help.
Both sides in Syria are simply two cheeks of the same backside. Keep us well away from it Dodgy Dave.
Agree. It is remarkable how the BBC decides to support some causes and oppose others, calling for military engagement in Syria and opposing the invasion of Iraq, being examples.
Of course the BBC should not have a stance on such issues but merely report the facts as even handedly as possible.The democratically elected government should then decide British policy. If we don’t like their choice we don’t vote for them next time.
So who decides what the BBC stance is and why do they adopt some causes and oppose others? Why do they give air time to some groups and interview them in a supportive way and treat them with courtesy, but deny exposure to other groups and deride them on air?
Well, as they support any and all liberal left causes and oppose anything even a tiny bit right of centre, we know who decides on BBC policy ,the liberal left establishment, which of course does not even represent a majority of what the British people think the let alone the great diversity of views held by the public . But any dissenting view is drowned out and they attempt to marginalise or demonise those who hold it. The BBC is the weapon of choice for the liberal left elite who wish to foist their views on the rest of us.
The BBC is the biggest threat to democracy in Britain and for that reason alone must be dealt with.
A good percentage of our troops are white working-class scum, so easily expendable.
Perhaps Will Straw could be sent out there to make up for his pathetic c*nt of a Grandfather’s cowardice in WW2.
Michael Burleigh in the Daily Mail today(27.4.13) says it all really.
Iran(Shia) and Saudi(Sunni) are battling by proxy, with the Muslim Brotherhood(Turkey/Egypt) ready to work with the winning team or tribe.
Let the BBC go and fight….Assad will at least keep Israel, Jordan etc from real trouble a while longer if he stays put.
Or else Iraq will go off again, and we`ll have conflagration in the whole region.
Meanwhile China and Russia will deal with the winners in the next round.
Obama and the flabby West are on a suicide mission of their own these days.
Let the BBC and Labour, Old Etonians etc fight over there themselves…not worth ONE soldiers life.
Maybe those protesting idiots in Lincs today could rustle up a Peace Corps and offer themselves as human shields, and give Assad a bit more time..we`d appreciate that!
Outrageous that the BBC should report on allegations of the use of chemical weapons isn’t it?
Obama called it a “game changer”, Cameron said ‘it is very important for politicians and leaders of this generation to look at what is happening in Syria and ask ourselves what more we can do.”‘
I think you’re confused between who’s who here.
Anybody understand this one of dear Dwaynes?
Anybody able to tell him that it`s not exactly what we`re saying .
Of course what Obama, Cameron and the deal old BBC are saying is “consistent”…it`s just not the issue as we see it…and we see trouble ahead.
Well remarked Dwayne…but of no purpose.
The BBC want war-do you see that is the point that I was trying to make?
Yes, I see that’s your point, and mine was in response.
You suggest the BBC wants a ground invasion of Syria, and you provide not one iota of evidence. And I think that you are therefore confusing the BBC reporting something, and that being their opinon.
So far, those here making that point seem to have missed that the story was about the alleged use of chemical weapons by the Syrians. You noticed that right?
Deborah says ‘Listening to the 10 pm news (like all the news broadcasts today) is the implied…’when are you going to send in the army, Mr Cameron?’
Aside from being a made up quote, I don’t think thats likely, I dont think anyone is suggesting that, but I think Deborah is confusing what Obama, and Cameron are saying, and giving coverage to calls for action, as the BBC saying those things. It’s not a complicated point. Effectively I’m saying you’re not capable of understanding the news, and probably shouldn’t be allowed to watch TV for fear of hurting yourselves or others.
Both sides in the Syrian civil war are using propaganda to further their aims. Anyone with any knowledge of Middle Eastern conflicts would do well to await further incontrovertible evidence before making an informed decision about who did what to whom. Let’snot forget that the Palestinians are past masters at faking media stories about Israeli “atrocities” which news outlets like the BBC uncritically accept as fact. It’s now well known, although very rarely acknowledged in the MSM, that the Syrian rebels consist in a large part of Jihadist militias and Al-Qaeda operatives. In fact one of the largest rebel groups recently announced its affiliation with Al-Qaeda. A Western government with any sense of the real world would not countenance arming these groups. How long would be before these weapons start being used against our soldiers and civilian interests in the Middle East?
It seems that the concept of “Realpolitik” is little known to the Western politicians of today.
The US, UK, Israel and others have been collecting evidence to try to determine whether chemical weapons have been used.
The signs so far are that they have been, but politicians are being cautious of over-selling their level of certainty.
This is partly because of the lesson of Iraq when too much was based on too little hard information and all the caveats and cautions surrounding intelligence were lost.
The US and UK have expressed growing concern that chemical weapons may have been used in Syria, most likely by government forces. Ralf Trapp, an international disarmament consultant who specialises in chemical and biological weapons, looks at how such evidence is collected and evaluated.
So has the Syrian Government crossed a US-declared “red line” by using chemical weapons against rebel forces or civilians in Syria or not?
More “men” in court. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22305844
Is it just me or are “men” in court a weekly occurrence.
More or less Deborah, which is no doubt why the framing of elderly white male celebrities is on the rise too – to provide a bit of balance with the bearded “men”.
Look at the state of this drivel:
Honestly, it makes it look like they were in “Carry on abroad”
“Meanwhile, Ishaaq Hussain and Shahid Khan had arrived in the mountain hideout. The shock began to set in.
This wasn’t like the training camps of propaganda videos, with the black flag of al-Qaeda flying free in the wind. There were no racks of weapons waiting for recruits. And all the trainers had left for the religious festival of Eid.
Very few people spoke English and the British boys were left to their own devices. ”
The judge seems to have bought the relatives’ shite that they “believed the four were on their way to being reformed.” Strange route to take, through a “militant ” training camp in Pakistan. At this rate they’ll end up working for the Little Satan’s state broadcaster.
The BBC has a new financial correspondent!
Just why are they even giving him the time of day? What next, a calendar of the Archbishop’s bowel movements?
Doesn’t the Official State Broadcaster have to pay attention to the Official State Church? When it suits, I mean. Maybe this helps pad out the amount of religious broadcasting so they can meet the target required by the Charter & Agreement.
Welby is singing from the same hymnsheet as bBBC, as both are financed by Brussels. Their voices are nicely in unison – Welby makes clear on the link page that he wants banks to be more tightly regulated.
(He’s gradually changing his tune on gay marriage and ministers too, equalities being an EU “competence”.)
Suppose there`s no chance of Justin (that REALLY the name of an Archbishop?) giving us his views on…you know…”religion and stuff”.
Islam?…persecution of Christians elsewhere and the EU efforts to boot the Church into the wine lake?
Nah, thought not….so banker bashing and capitalism critiques it is.
Over to you Justin!
House-trained prattling prelates….the BBC seeks no other types.
Wondering only which name from Hogan’s Heroes the weekend shift will choose in responding but this was interesting, as is anything the BBC does ‘quietly’:
By the time the TT part of CECUTT gets dusted off to rubber stamp what their minions have carefully re-edited in secret for them to adjudicate upon in secret, a near-inevitability is that their devotion to ensuring licence fee payers’ money is spent wisely is so total, they will spare no expense on pay offs, compo, hush money, side-step allowances, secret internal investigations and, of course, FoI exclusions.
Which probably explains if not excuses why one may struggle to discover how many BBC programmes of questionable accuracy, taste or value get commissioned, produced but then quietly dropped.
Lucky only others get held to account.
The programme was bought, I don’t think it was BBC commissioned, or made.
I’ve contacted that site to explain that their article is full of inaccuracies.
It seems some seem to think the dropping of the programme was due to Israeli pressure, evidence of a pro-Israeli bias. There’s nothing to substantiate that, but they believe it anyway. A bit like the Balen report?
Oh, and not all info is covered by FOI, I’m sure you know that….so get over it!!!!!!
‘Wondering only which name from Hogan’s Heroes the weekend shift will choose in responding’
And another new name (Was The Rock German? Got that prediction wrong, then, darn it) joins the weekend fray, and in a positive flurry of offerings. Welcome!
‘Oh, and not all info is covered by FOI, I’m sure you know that….’
Probably, between the redactions for ‘personal reasons’ and those of ‘journalism, commercial security and backside covering..’ it is hard to keep a track. Or are you really flaunting just how tricky the BBC is to hold to account because you think this helps your case?
And when actually ‘covered’ by the FoI, the BBC does have a unique way of cooperating…
It was enough to knock even the Graun offside over the Pollard Report, which suggests the BBC may be so bunker-bound now the downfall is not far away.
Or are you saying, as has many a bubble-dwelling DG past and present, that the BBC transparency makes Pilkington opaque with envy? And as you say so, it must be true.
Speaking of familiar-looking confusions with what stays within the BBC and what may not work quite so well in the real world:
‘…so get over it!!!!!!’
… in response, as you asked so, well, as you have asked… I defer to the singular response of General MacAuliffe to a ideological ancestor of yours.
But do get back with the response to your site contact.
Be a shame if they adopt a BBC approach, though.
Then you’d know just how folk who are forced to pay for the BBC anyway feel, as opposed to the options open to those unhappy with The Commentator’s coverage.
‘I don’t think it was BBC commissioned, or made.’
I also wonder if the Commentator has the same attitude as the BBC to ‘thinking’ being enough when also moving on to ‘explaining’?
Certainly my experience is that on internal, secret ‘investigations’ (Astoundingly uncurious corridor varieties anyway – Must say the market rate floor does seem to echo Sgt. Schultz in what any appear to admit to knowing)) BBC belief trumps facts, and can lead to bannings when the BBC can’t weasel out any other way, so who knows where your righteous ire and sense of entitlement may drag you in your quest when the wrong side of the hive.
Probably would have been best to check first.
So, best of luck with that.
The Zionist Lobby got to the BBC again. Purnell works fast. Of course, if they had shown it, the complaints would be about trying to delegitimize Israel.
Next up, a documentary examining whether or not Mohammed actually did visit Jerusalem on that winged horse. Not.
I note that bBBC plans to show this film in future, because, no doubt –
“”The exile of the Jewish people has played a central role in Christian and Jewish theology for nearly 2,000 years….what if the exile never actually happened?”
And neither did the holocaust?
Perhaps they’ll show it in celebration of their publication of the Balen Report….
That was one of the points I corrected them on. The BBC’s current position whether it will be shown is ‘under review’.
Sounds like the bBC has let loose a group of interns on our case, most not even bright enough to be Indy readers. Perhaps DV could start an Exclusively-for-Trolls thread. They can insult each other and we can ignore them all in one go.
Good plan LC ! pref a deep dark thread where we can shove them super glue the lock and then flame the whole lot !
‘Perhaps DV could start an Exclusively-for-Trolls thread. ‘
Sort of like a ‘sin bin’, maybe placed in the top Nav Bar?
Where they can be placed to play with themselves without being able to claim they have been censored or banned?
Heck of an idea.
Just link “sin bin” to “comment is free”.
Saturday Live contributor stating that the tonic scale was invented by old style school teachers to teach music to kids.
It was actually invented by Zoltan Kodaly in the early 1900s.
Makes you wonder when contributors get things wrong if they have a hidden motive.
It was actually invented by Zoltan Kodaly in the early 1900s.
Are you sure? Equal Temperament, if that’s what you mean, goes back much further – Bach’s The Well-Tempered Clavier etc.
Are you referring to the Kodály Method?
That’s Howard Goodall, an extremely talented and accomplished musician and composer. He makes a very good living off the BBC (I’ve lost count of how many theme songs he’s written, or how many BBC reality shows recycle some of his incidental music), but he knows what he’s talking about, and has no ideological agenda here other than perhaps that Western Classical music is a superior, more approachable form than other traditions.
Goodall was talking about tonic “sol-fa”, which is the British form of solfeggio or solfège. Do-re-mi, etc. From my copy of “The New College Encyclopedia of Music”, it’s:
“…a system of ear-training and sight-singing in which the notes are sung to syllables and the ear is trained to recognise and reproduce, through the syllables, the intervals between the notes of the scale, and between each note and the tonic. In the British system, established and taught by John Curwen in the 1840s, the tonic of a major scale is always doh, whatever the key (‘movable doh‘), whereas in the French solfège (SOLFEGGIO) the syllables are fixed (‘fixed doh‘), C being always ut.”
Basically this method has been around in some form or other for a thousand years, since the Benedictine monk, Guido d’Arezzo, worked out the beginnings of notating music on a staff. It is essentially a teaching method, but a very useful one. Goodall was talking about the British version, although he seems to have over-simplified in a way that might mislead people into thinking that the entire concept was a British invention.
The Kodály Method is a teaching method, but it’s a whole comprehensive, philosophical approach to teaching music in general, not just how to read music. In addition to solfège, he also incorporated some of Curwen’s hand signs (a visual aid of hand gestures).
The first line of the entry:
“Tonic sol-fa (or Tonic sol-fah) is a pedagogical technique for teaching sight-singing, invented by Zoltan Kodaly”
The sol-fah, not the scale.
Mystery solved.
I’ll trust my music encyclopedia and theory books over Wikipedia.
Kodály was born in 1882, so he’d have to be of all time if he invented something that was, as the Wikipedia article says, “By the end of the nineteenth century, this notation was very widespread in Britain, and it became standard practice to sell sheet music (for popular songs) with the tonic sol-fa notation included.”
I’ll trust my music encyclopedias and theory books over Wikipedia any day. There’s a mistake here.
Kodály was born in 1882, so he’d have to have been a musical and pedagogical prodigy in utero if he invented something that was, as the Wikipedia article says, in widespread use by the time he was in his teens.
“By the end of the nineteenth century, this notation was very widespread in Britain, and it became standard practice to sell sheet music (for popular songs) with the tonic sol-fa notation included.”
Didn’t agree with his lengthy dismissal of Wagner though – went on and on. I did wonder if there was some BBC influence there.
Who says the BBC is packed with self-loathing middle class guilt tripping white liberals?
Allegra Stratton @BBCAllegra 14 Apr
Here’s a guilt trip for 1st day back in garden – spare a thought for folks in Vietnam, where gardens are still mined http://mag-blog.tumblr.com/post/47112495626/hoang-thi-hai-ly-has-been-working-as-a-deminer-for#.UWrE5xipNLo.twitter …
An empathetic INBBC-CASCIANI account of convicted Birmingham jihadists who wanted to kill us:-
“How Britons fled grim jihadist camp”
In contrast, ‘Daily Mail’ has this report of same jihadists:-
“Jailed, terror gang behind plot to rival 7/7 and transform Birmingham into a ‘little war zone’… but one may be free in eight years.
“Irfan Naseer, 31, sent four young men to Pakistan for terrorism training.
“Judge describes him as ‘skilled bomb maker’ and ‘driving force’ of plan.
“Mr Justice Henriques said: ‘Your plot had the blessing of Al Qaeda.’
“Gang of 11 wanted to kill up to 2,000 Britons with eight rucksack bombs.
“Other leaders Irfan Khalid and Ashik Ali sentenced to 20 and 23 years.
“Rahin Ahmed sentenced to 12 years for his role as chief financier.
“Four ‘travellers’ who went to Pakistan are jailed for 40 months each.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2315149/Jailed-terror-gang-plot-rival-7-7-transform-Birmingham-little-war-zone–free-years.html#ixzz2ReLIyTlq
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The ‘Daily Mail’ also has today an informative and critical account of a female Islamic jihadist convert, Lewthwaite, who want to kill us:
“The Home Counties girl training female suicide bombers for Al Qaeda – while trading bitchy insults with a terrorist rival on Twitter.
“Samantha Lewthwaite has become ‘trainer’ of an Al Qaeda bomber squad.
“Known as The White Widow, she operates a terror cell in East Africa.
“She was married to one of the 7/7 bombers who attacked London in 2005.
“Lewthwaite comes from a military family in Buckinghamshire.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2315591/The-Home-Counties-girl-training-female-suicide-bombers-Al-Qaeda–trading-bitchy-insults-terrorist-rival-Twitter.html#ixzz2ReMTDz62
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“fled grim jihadist camp” 😀 hmm in the header, no problem infering islam/jihad there then? …
only in the skewed world of the programmed beebot, infering the “victim”, narrative.
sooo ….. why is there such a reluctance, to cite islam/jihadists on the results of those camps ….
like the boston bombers … etc etc
Allegra nails her colours to the mast.
Allegra Stratton @BBCAllegra 8 Apr
Much beautiful political writing today (vg Tele essay by Bootle) but form at best: http://bit.ly/146tSzF . Young, 2 wks before his death.
Hugo Young is, of course, ‘Young continued to write a twice-weekly political column at The Guardian until his death, and was widely acclaimed as one of the most important and influential figures in modern British journalism.’
Perhaps our Allegra simply enjoyed the Guardian house style?
Young’s politics ?
‘Young was a strong proponent of European integration, and sharply expressed his disappointment with the British government’s eurosceptic politics in his columns, including Prime Minister Tony Blair’s decision to side with George W. Bush instead of his EU partners in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.’
‘He wrote a critical biography of … (Margaret Thatcher), One of Us (1989), in addition to a very critical article he wrote two weeks before his death but was not published until after Thatcher’s death’
That is the article which our Allegra found so beautiful.
‘Margaret Thatcher left a dark legacy that has still not disappeared’
So there you are, our Allegra has nailed her colours to the mast.
You do realise that tweet also contains praise for a Telegraph article by Roger Bootle? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/margaret-thatcher/9979362/Margaret-Thatcher-the-economic-achievements-and-legacy-of-Thatcherism.html
Allegra is just saying the best written in her opinion is the article by Hugo Young. Journalist praises two writers with completely opposite takes on the Thatcher legacy. It’s total balance in a tweet.
She told you that, did she?
Scott M anyone?
BBC Newsnight takes a rest from Banker Bashing and introduces the new Lefty hobby of Accountant Attacking.
‘Is legally avoiding paying tax immoral?’
Yet another puff job on behalf of Margaret Hodge.
‘Whose face should be on the new £20 note?’
Steady on, if Ed Balls gets to be the next UK Finance Minister (as the EU would have it) then our blessed Citizeness Maggie Hodge could very well front up the fiver.
It is due to be Winston Churchill. But Newsnight – like the drunken Lefty who doesn’t know when to go home – Newsnight wants to make something of it.
Who should have their face on the money? Let’s guess…. ‘It ought to be a woman!’ Shame that Elizabeth Fry person in the funny hat will have to make way for Churchill.. Who is Lizzie Fry?
All very neatly summed up with the following statements….
“Leaders or Revolutionaries…. what stories do we want to tell about ourselves?”
(Right there, you have our BBC, folks)
But wait up (literally) we have not yet finished today’s Lefty lessons dear plebs.
‘And Mark Haddon, author of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, joins the programme.’
Our Mark is a Lefty, it transpires… (I now look around for any rogue feathers about to knock me off the sofa)
“I think I should pay more tax!”
So Mark, having stated your fiscal and monetary policies…. you wrote popular books for children, what about education, any thoughts?
“….too much attention to the bright… more resources to the less bright, man” (I may have paraphrased a tad there)
Allegedly Stratten and the gels will nod quietly in approval at that thought but make mental note not to send their little Allegras to a Comp.
And what about parental advice for bringing up the little dears. Come on Mark, we now have your critique of the tax and education systems, how about parenting?
“Oh, I couldn’t possibly comment” Wow, perhaps he has some controversal views he wants to keep to himself? Ha Ha.
That article “How Britons fled grim jihadist camp” is truly sick…..
1. They’re not British. I’d be amazed if they were even born in Britain, infact I notice they had an uncle and another relative there who met them when they came down off the mountain and who helped them get back to Britain!!.
I quote “tellling them to get off the mountain and meet an UNCLE in a nearby town. He had travelled to collect them and would return them to Islamabad where another RELATIVE would put them on flights home”!!!.
2. They chose to go there with the obvious aim of being trained in how to committ mass murder so it was no mistake. What?, there were were no racks of guns so it wasn’t what they were expecting????. You couldn’t make this up.
3. Funny how they returned to Britain but were still determined to blow people to bits. Not much “error of their ways” there.
4. “Conditions were, according to Ishaaq Hussain’s account, primitive”. Aw, poor souls. What about the condition of the people you’d killed and maimed if you’re terror in the name of Allah had succeeded??.
You know what, there isn’t enough band width here to tear this abhorant article to pieces.
Truly indeed beneath contempt.
Ever wondered whether you have the wrong ethnicity?
The Toll is a new BBC Radio 4 sitcom about the people who work on a toll bridge in Wales.
The Toll is a new Radio 4 comedy, written by Benjamin Partridge.
Benjamin Partridge? A witty nom de guerre (with a nod toward Steve Coogan) for a Jewish bloke better known to his MUM as Ben Prittwitz, surely?
Very little digging on the internet and we find “Benjamin Partridge is a Welsh comedy writer and performer.”
Not a ‘brilliant’ or ‘new’ or ‘edgy’ or ‘popular’ or ‘family orientated’ or ‘hard working’ or or or
No, “Welsh!”
And his CV….In house Mock the Week mainly.
His credits (apart from one single outing for Sky) are a litany of BBC/BBC Wales and S4C
Room 101? If you want a vision of the future, imagine the BBC ramming a leek into an English face – forever.
On the Today programme this morning we had some ornithological geezer being interviewed about England’s declining cuckoo population. You just know what’s coming, don’t you?
Apparently Scotland’s cuckoo population has not declined at all, and interestingly they have a 3000 mile shorter migration route to southern Africa because historically they are of Scandinavian origin, having gradually migrated to Scotland since the last ice age.
But, asks Humphrys, teeing up Mr Ornithologist quite innocently (not), they have always taken this longer migration route so why the decline in the last ten years? Well, it’s actually over the last 20-30 years says Mr Ornithologist, vaguely (actual numbers of cuckoos over exactly what period obviously not being too important).
Hang on, ’20-30 years….that time frame sounds familiar….
Well, says Mr Vague-But-Certain Mr Ornithologist, we think it might be something to do with climate change – fires n’ droughts n’ stuff in Spain and West Africa, y’ know, killin’ ’em off, like….. Ah, I see, says Humphry-Dumpty, in enlightened admiration….
N.B. postings getting out of synch again.
Reporting 9/11 today:-
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’:-
“9/11 jet landing gear found at Ground Zero Mosque site”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Apparently this is different landing gear from that which crashed through the roof of the building that the Islamic supremacists want to tear down in order to build the triumphal mosque at Ground Zero. This landing gear has been there for eleven and a half years and was apparently never found before; it was discovered by surveyors doing work on the property. So apparently the shady grifter Sharif El-Gamal has gotten the money to build his triumphal mosque and is going ahead with it. But we’ll be there, too.
“Exit question: will all the Leftists and Islamic supremacists who have been insisting since the height of the Ground Zero Mosque controversy that this building was not part of Ground Zero stop the propaganda now that apparently landing gear crashed into this building not once, but twice? No, but they’re shown up all the more for what they are.”
2.) INBBC:-
“‘Part of 9/11 plane landing gear’ found in New York.”
It seems that the BBC cannot get even a dead Margaret Thatcher out of the heads. From todays website.
“This week
1038: One of BBC London’s top read stories this week was news that posters of Margaret Thatcher had been banned from being displayed at a tube station.
One of the posters which was banned
You can see the posters from the Thatcheristic collection at Gallery Different until tomorrow.”
What was it about Thatcher being banned that attracted the BBC I wonder?
I myself am happy to see the occasional new troll to our “inclusive community”….yo Ossie!
I do however draw the line at Charlotte Raven…anybody hear her on the closing “light frothy bit” before Humph was wheeled out for the Greek Odyssey that`ll be coming very soon?(Today, 8.55a.m)
Charlotte sounds like Will Self on Mogadon(can you still get that-or did these two wolf it all back in the 70s?)…boy, for 8.55 Saturday morning, she sounded a real casualty.
If that`s what eating “Spare Rib” does to you, then I`d be worried.
How many of these bombed-out 60s casualties can the BBC interview in a weekend. Pity poor Charlotte, and her associated carers and “survivors” of nasty men back then!
Can you catch Vet syndrome by watching ” Forrest Gump”?…poor woman sounded as if she`d not been back to nursie last night.
I`m worried now-so should the BBC be…they`ve been worrying themselves sick this week with most bulletins given to NHS/RCN/cancers, measles etc.
And THEY dare to call US the “worried well” with our surgically sharpened elbows?…pot, kettle, black, you Beeb hypocons!
Wasn`t it Foot that, on hearing that his wife had been raped way back, though he would write the rapist a “stiff letter”?…and isn`t that typical of the man?
Speaks volumes for the white feather brigade…that should be the Labour?Liberal new logo, so we all know where we stand.
Yes, they stand miles away from Muslims…Hampstead allows that option, but here on planet multiculti we don`t have that option….
Mind you Foot surpassed himself as he goaded Thatcher to regain the Falklands in the Commons…then went rather quiet when she did just that.
Funnily enough, we didn`t get to hear any of his stuff in all those recent t Thatcher tributes…guess the microphones on the Labour side weren`t working eh, BBC?
It was Arthur Koestler, a family friend, who raped Foot’s wife:
“In 1995, Foot unexpectedly returned to the headlines. Reviewing a book in the Financial Times, he brought up the subject of the Hungarian-born novelist and his former friend Arthur Koestler, announcing that he had ‘ discovered, years after the attempt, that he had tried to rape my wife’.
The incident happened in 1952 when Koestler called at the Foot home in Hampstead while Michael was away. He attacked Foot’s wife, Jill, and raped her.
He growled: ‘This is going to happen whether you like it or not.’
‘I was worried about my life, not my honour,’ Jill later recalled.
Afterwards, Koestler got up with the parting words: ‘I thought you always had a bit of a yen for me.’
When asked years later what he would have done if Jill had told him of the rape at the time, Michael said: ‘I don’t know. I think I would have written him a letter – something like “our friendship is at an end.” ‘
Koestler was allegedly a serial rapist, violent, aggressive, misogynistic. Also a disillusioned Communist who became passionately anti-totalitarian. Which is nice.
‘I think I would have written him a letter – something like “our friendship is at an end.” ‘
It was a different time. Jill must have glowed.
Now he’d hit the teleprompters and say ‘another line has been crossed’.
Always works in bringing those stepping over previous ones to heel, evidently.
The buck stops…. wherever the overnights think it should.
Jill Craigie is a very unreliable source.
She had a reputation for sexual promiscuity and was an attention seeker who was keen to play the victim card – and kept changing her story.
For lots of reasons her story does not make sense – they continued to be friends – and it originated in a show off comment at a dinner party. She certainly succeeded in trashing his reputation.
P.S. Koestler had a well deserved reputation for predatory sexual advances, which is why everybody believed her, but I very much doubt he raped her.
Compare and contrast these two Beeboid views on the President and Syria:
and from her colleague, Mark Mardell:
It is clear Mr Obama doesn’t want to go to war in Syria. He regards it as too complex, too difficult, too uncertain.
American action there would have a huge impact on the perception of America in the region – confirming every image he wants to change.
Actually, the only contrast is the angle of approach from the Left. Katty frets that the world still hasn’t learned the lesson of how horrible the US has been, while Mardell asserts that the Middle East has learned how horrible the US has been, and stopping a leader from slaughtering tens of thousands would only confirm that opinion.
At least the BBC’s US President editor is more honest about the President just not wanting to intervene at all than he was about Libya. Back then, Mardell was telling the same “desire to bring allies along, the reluctance to rush to judgment” story (“deliberating, not dithering”), only it turned that He simply didn’t want to do it at all and had to have His arm twisted when Ghaddafi stepped up the killing of his own people. Then-Sec. of State Clinton was also fed up with His waffling over whether or not do anything. Is she His enemy, too? Or does she know the difference between someone who really does consider all the details and factors of an issue and someone who simply isn’t interested in doing anything about it?
Perhaps having learned that lesson, Mardell is more comfortable saying that the President just doesn’t want to get involved. He’s got excuses ready as always, of course, but at least he’s saying it out loud. This is an improvement.
I guess we’re not supposed to notice when people ask for the US to help them. Those experiencing the brunt of the slaughter don’t understand things the way the two top BBC journalists in the US do.
Neither Tweet says what you have interpreted.
Yes they do. And the Mardell quote was from a full blog post, not a tweet. Would you please actually explain your position instead of just offering a contrarian statement?
‘Even after Iraq, and decades of criticism of US role in Mid East, world still asks “when will America get involved in Syria?”
‘Katty frets that the world still hasn’t learned the lesson of how horrible the US has been’
I don’t know how to say it other than your interpretation simply doesnt follow from what she’s written. It’s basic English comprehension .
Ah, I see. Katty was merely presenting the view of others, completely independent of her own thoughts. Do you actually believe that? She’s not part of the “world”? Or is she putting words into the “world’s” mouth, to which you don’t object? Where’s the evidence for her statement, then? No generalities, please. I don’t see how you can accept her position without question. Unless you agree with her?
How can that be interepted any other way?
EVEN after after Iraq,and decades of critisim (a lot) of the US role in the middle east (Does she mean the expansion of McDonalds)
world STILL asks (implication they should no better)
“when will America get involved in Syria?”
Ms. Kay clearly thinks america should stay out of syria
.As it happens so do I ,but for reasons different to Ms. Kays I suspect.
But to suggest that she did not mean exactly that ‘the world’ should no better, because of Americas past mistakes, is willfully ignorant
Here’s one for you from the BBC’s “Tweets of the week” page:
2. Don’t worry if you have an overdue book at the Bush Library; they go after some other borrower who had nothing to do with it.
Internet humourist @pourmecoffee. The presidential library honouring George W Bush opened this week. While presidential popularity often increases once a president is out of office, many remain angry with Bush for his decision to invade Iraq.
The opening of the Bush library is in the news, and of course, Iraq is going to get mentioned, sort of like how “the mines” is never too far from nearly any sentence with the name “Thatcher” in it. But why bring up the idea of popularity increasing? If it seems like something out of the blue to those who look to the BBC for their news, that’s because the BBC never mentioned the latest poll result, which I pointed out a couple days ago.
The ABC/WaPo poll has Bush’s current popularity back up to 47%, which is the same result for our current President in the most recent ABC/WaPo poll. He can’t be as divisive as Bush, can He? Don’t worry, the BBC wouldn’t tell you anyway.
So the BBC mentions presidential popularity, completely out of context, but still has to shout “Iraq!” at you, in case you might have wondered if people started liking Bush again. They just can’t help themselves.
In reply to Johnnythefish, Yes, I heard the bit about the cuckoo this morning and like you I thought *hello, why are they talking about the cuckoo on Radio 4?” Heads up I told myself, you just knew where this was going. And sure enough the BBC did not let me down, there is was, nicely primed, beautifully set up……*climate change*.
If winning the lottery was as easy!
after the Boston Jihad Bombers – for islam,
the thwarted Jihad train bomb attempt in Canada,- for islam
the Bham 3, muslims who wanted and planned to repeat 9/11 and 7/7 – for islam
the Four jihadists arrested for planning mass murder int he UK – for islam
the London trio who planned mass murder, and bombs at our troops repatriation in Wooton Bassett, for islam
news that Syria “has now replaced Afghanistan, Pakistan and as the main destination” for European Jihad terrorists thanks to a genocidal fatwa from Quaradawi, for islam
with all this happening, The BIG Questions BBC Sunday, well surely theres only one,
islam is a serious problem, is it time to take the hardline?
no not really its …
should monarchs retire … (shakes head)
“the life of a would-be jihadist is far removed from the fantasy of al-Qaeda propaganda.
Nowhere is the romance more lacking than in the militant training camps of Pakistan”
a “BBC big question” should be why do bbc
reporters, appear to be practicing for “creative writing” courses, instead of just the facts.
yep! if we gaze past the “mills and boon” all of these bast-rds wanted to murder and maim, one already a skilled bomb maker, some had previous training camp experience, that is enough for any one to stomach.
Humbug alert for 9pm tomorrow night BBC4( I think!).
Imran Khans ex-Jemima Goldsmith, so well able to use a Sharia Bank for that ethnic clobber she parades in-will get an hour to push(no doubt) for the legalisation of polygamy…Muslim women naturally, but all in the cause of sisterly solidarity and to fight the sexists…but what else?
Sharia, suckups to Islam…and now polygamy for Gawds sake(Allahs sake, of course).
Will the BBC never stop?…if only Assanges bail had been raised to an amount that would have put Jemima out to work instead of her “sistas for Sharia” perpetual garden party that she lives in.
Polygamy….can we keep slaves after that then Jem, you useful idiot?
No doubt she converted to Islam when she married Muslim Khan, and now spouts for e.g. Islam’s sharia law on polygamy in Britain.
BBC R4 . jemima and the part time wife – ?!*?!?
“For divorced Muslim women, finding a new spouse isn’t always easy. But would being a part-time wife be the solution?” … ahh you see, sharia has the answer.
For Muslim Sheiks, in Saudi finding live in workers isn t always easy, but could aquiring a slave be the solution?
…. ahh you see, sharia has the answer
For Muslim women, proving you ve been brutally raped
isn t always easy, 4 witnesses eh! … ensure you sistas get gang raped ,,, ah you see sharia has the answer.
Will Jemimah Puddleduck care to tell us that if a typical Muslim bloke has five wives-do all 5 need hospital treatment, or is there just a need to get the Fiery Jack and paracetemols at five different trips to the chemist?
Any research been done on this…hasn`t Cairo got a good uni?
And-is it counted as I domestic incident or 5 separate ones?
Do I see improving crime rates and an improving turnaround in the NHS if the BBC/Guardian/Government are able to spin this one the obvious way?
Just asking…”people are saying” you see!
This is from U tube. Towards the end there is a great sketch about the FBI and the Boston bombers. Dum and PC. I like line about yoga.
Hope you are amused.
Thanks that was brilliant,when the guy said the ‘M’ word I thought it coyuld have been a send up of question time
In a word: priceless!
4m 45secs …a real corker! 😀
remember that song
“the whole towns laughin at me”
Thanks for the laugh. Never seen this before. I like the general’s name.
The FBI puzzling the motive – hilarious, thanks for posting – the best humour is always Truth-in-Jest. Which is why thebBCs leftie-comics are not funny, because there is no truth in their jest.
Does anyone think the BBC Comedy department could have produced something like this? BBC news editors are still “puzzled by the bombers motives”, they would be mocking themselves. Too close to home.
For the BBC to broadcast something like this would require ‘balance’.
I don’t dislike the work of these people because they are lefties, I dislike their work because it hasn’t ever been funny. (Although I suppose we should allow Ben some credit for his part in writing Blackadder.) The BBC seems to think it enough merely that they’re left wing and doesn’t mind that they’re not funny. Very strange.
what is it with the bBC and wimmins football?
It’s about the only sport Sky will let them broadcast, along with snooker.
I’m sure the beeb could afford the rights to championship football with live matches etc, the trouble is they have too many fingers in too many pies elsewhere.
I hope it’s effective, as I appreciated the ‘commentary by faint praise’, along with neat highlighting of the BBC’s uniquely selective topics and location for publishing ‘reports’ in this piece:
‘I can’t get enough of Universal Credit….’
World-weary Caroline Barker on BBC 5 Live Breakfast.
Our Caroline says this as she completes her discussion of the subject and introduces the up coming subject matter for Double Take on later at 9.30.
Are the Beeboids themselves now becoming bored with the relentless BBC agenda against Welfare Reform?
I clicked ‘like’ with BH on in the background – and as clicking the mouse I heard that Universal Credits were being trailed as an issue on The World This Weekend – so sadly the answer is ‘No – the BBC have not yet got bored’ – but they will when Labour get back in.
While I’ll grant them ‘not the other 3 shambles’ status, I still tend to view UKIP more novelty value politically.
However the main parties, and their tribal media supporters, seem more concerned at where protest votes are going.
Hence Sky seems to have been weighing in hard & fast.
I was in particular intrigued by the claim of an allegation of a dubious post on FaceBook.
Don’t they know? Are these things not easily verified? Or is it enough now just to allude to a report that may or may not be anything, and possibly just gossip?
Had a look at the BBC site and they appear to have steered clear of the multiple degree of separation punt on this ‘story’, but the lead paper and what they cover is an interesting insight into BBC priorities…
I too have noticed a rather pathetic effort to besmirch UKIP, with co-ordinated and regularly timed mock ups of stories , based on Facebook/mobile photos etc.
No doubt, their civil partners last set of kids are doing the technology for them…but it`s pretty obvious what the BBC/Telegraph etc are up to.
UKIP it is then…suggest you do the same.
Anything else is a vote for Labour by their reckoning-can`t have that
Quick, man the barricades!
Shuffle up Les Mis on your I-pods!
Let’s brew up a Twitter storm!
Wave the red flags!
Adrian Goldberg on BBC Radio Grievance (sorry 5 Live) on some new soccer academy arrangements…..
“What! This is a 10-year-old boy we are talking about…. you’re saying he can’t get academy training without a 100 mile round trip… three times a week!”
Btw, he lives in Yeoville and his dad has a car.
Ah, that Olympian spirit.
NB. Pelé grew up in poverty in Bauru, São Paulo. He earned extra money by working in tea shops as a servant. Taught to play by his father, he could not afford a proper football and usually played with either a sock stuffed with newspaper, tied with a string or a grapefruit’.
Yeovil. Apparently the Premier League-devised Elite Player Performance Plan requires a tripling of investment: “the criteria the club is expected to meet is expensive, excessively bureaucratic and requires more resources…
I am assuming the alternatives are Bristol or Exeter; in fairness I am assuming also that it’s not just the distance, basically you write-off three nights a week, that’s a lot for many parents.
My complaint against the BBC on this is a broad one encompasing entitlement syndrome, the assumption of a human right to elite sports training, etc etc.
Often wondered why such an unpatriotic and politically correct organisation set so much store by sports achievement?
I guess they are still impressed by the former DDR.
Sometimes a newspaper gives away it’s political leaning in the photographs it chooses to use. I don’t think there will be much doubt about what the Worcester News thinks of Ed Milliband with the photo it’s chosen. Try look at this & not laughing !
‘Sometimes a newspaper gives away its political leaning in the photographs it chooses to use.’
That is quite special. As can be our revered Leader of the Opposition.
It is worth noting it is not just newspapers and not just leanings politically and not just stills that can be chosen to suit the narrative the editorial team would like taken away subliminally, eh, BBC?
‘Window-lickin’ good’.
TWATO finds itself in Nottingham today to bemoan four years of Tory rule…and all ready to see the resurgence of new Labour now that the mighty Gordon Brown has left them those hopeful results of 2009 to build upon.
Hope that UKIP romp it everywhere..Beppo Grillo, Lee Nelson…ANYBODY but f***in Labour/Liberal anyhoo!
To see the BBC examining the toilet bowl next day searching for nuggets of vindicated socialism amidst the usual is always good fun.
Let`s try to get them head down the loo on Friday…win one for Margaret and Saint George( a Muslim , so I understand-so the BBC tells me).
Not Galloway either!
St George could not have been a Muslim, as he was executed 200 years before Mohammed was born.
That won’t stop the BBC from claiming him Islam.
BBC boss secures £800,000 payout
And they have the gall and hypocrisy to criticise pay-offs to bankers.
The head of BBC Worldwide, John Smith has elected to take his £800,000 payout now rather than wait until September when he might have only received £150,000. This is the same man who oversaw the purchase of the Lonely Planet guide for £130million in 2007, and it’s recent sale for £51.5million, at a loss of nearly £80million.
Shows clearly the inept foul greedy hypocritical mindset prevalent at the BBC, made only worse by the foul greedy hypocritical politicians who let them get away with it.
Ah well, failure brings its own rewards.
But one presumes there needs a ‘unique’ in there to do so in the public sector to such a level.
I liked this comment by a reader of that right wing rag, The Graun (before the comments got closed, at 11, after a day):
‘BBC Worldwide former chief executive John Smith [said] that “due to the vagaries of accounting you can’t put a [real] value on the brand”.
This has got to be one of best nuggets of irony from a BBC fat cat, past or present.
I too shall use it in future with all my creditors when pleading impoverishment and trying to wriggle out of my responsibilities.
I wonder if this kind of response, and the support it was garnering, was the reason for the closing?
I guess we will never know.
It would also be interesting to discover from any circling Flokker whether there are any aspects of this story that are inaccurate…. factually?
It would be awful to think there could be any other reason to stay clear.
Except BBC Worldwide isn’t public sector, it’s a commercial operation.
No doubt you think you’re clever posting something that everybody here is already aware of, as if stating that refutes all criticsm 🙄
BBC Worldwide could not exist without the BBC licence fee paying for the main organisation. Most of us here would be very happy if the BBC had to rely solely on generating income from its output and ‘business sense’. 😆
Then they could pay themselves as much as they want – in fact they can double what they already award themselves.
By the way – how much do you earn; how much did the prick you’re trying to defend earn; and can you see how ‘clever’ you really are? 😈
I remember Lonely Planet used to be an excellent guide, but that was a long time ago.
Never saw it since the BBC took it over, but I can well imagine them using it to promote the places and points of interest in line with their regular agenda.
Easy to understand how they lost so much money it then.
Just heard on the 6pm news on radio 4 that some BBC managerial type is about to leave with a pay off amounting to £800,000. I’ll say that again, £800,000. Words fail me, literally……….
Just seen the BBc news reporting objectively on the IKIP s**te storm i.e. continuing to slag them of. No I’m not a supporter of UKIP because as far as I see they do absolutely nothing.