Precarity is opportunity. Fuck social mobility. Fuck security. Fuck money. Fuck rising above your class rather than with it. Fuck marriage, mortgage, monogamy, and every other small, ugly ambition we were bullied into pursuing.
We are the new young left: precarious, rootless, ruthless, entitled, digitally enabled, and we are beginning to set the agenda….. a new class of dissident — the social group that economic journalist Paul Mason calls “the graduate with no future.” ‘
Paul ‘Occupy’ Mason would be proud to know he is at the forefront, the ‘spearhead’, of a Redvolution.
Redvolution? Typo but I like it. The above of course from Laurie Penny ‘producing dazzling, meaningful prose and finding her audience.’…more like banging a stick in a swill bin to attract the pigs. And surely not ‘a graduate with no future’…working for the Independent, the Guardian and the New Statesman…the Telegraph naming her ‘the 55th most influential left wingher in Britain, reporting that she is “without doubt the loudest and most controversial female voice on the radical left.’
“Penny is re-inventing the language of dissent, delivering verbal taser-barbs to the left and right, and causing apoplexy among the old men in cardigans who run the British blogosphere.” – Paul Mason, BBC Newsnight It must be love!
Hope no one is choking on their Werther’s Originals……Enjoy the new open thread…..
Brilliant start by Starkey tonight on QT, superb!
So the ‘lone wolf’ Boston bomber was acting with his brother while their own mother was on the terror list. Now the ‘lone wolfs’ have some friends of theirs arrested as accomplices. And the authorities found traces of female DNA on explosives.
Of course this doesn’t fit the Narrative so doesn’t get reported.
Not for INBBC to report:-
Naw!!! You`re overthinking it…. That guy was most probably just another one of the many peadophiles who were employed by BBC Radio… The reason they heard no rumours was becouse they carried out most of the child rapes themselves….
[Left wing] Thought for the day. A rant against the changes to the schools curriculum. English Grammar was imposed upon the Irish by an oppressive empire ?
She clearly hates the Tories with a passion in the way she delivers 5 minutes in which she actually agrees that Grammar should be taught, but the Tories are BAD !
Current teaching :
txt me Ismael
Thank you for replying Dez.
Hereditary Liberal Broadcaster
Last night David Starkey scored a bullseye against Dimbleby and the liberal elite subcommittee which is the BBC QT panel.
At the top of the show (just after a short Shirley Williams bumble) in his arch and bombastic style he opens a debate (at c1.50 I-player) which Dimble was anxious to shut down. Starkey observed that the only members of the panel not to have been elevated to their current occupation via a huge leg up from their family connections were himslff and the Tory.
The iberal elite – particularly their broadcaster – don’t like it up ’em. So Dimbleby whines ‘No, I’m not…. leave me out of it!’
If I were either of the Dimbleby brothers, I would worry about certain themes coming up on these TV or radio panel programmes.
For instance, the hereditary principle in the Monarchy or House of Lords: someone might mention Richard Dimbleby or the other brother of the two current title-holders. Or excessive pay to bankers and city people: “why do over 100 people at the BBC get more than the PM?” and “Mr Dimbleby, to the nearest £50,000, can you tell us what you earned last year?” Or tax avoidance: why do you criticise tax avoidance (rather than evasion) by some when you and other BBC people legally do the same thing? Or the so-called Tory sleaze of the 1990s: why did the BBC orchestrate a campaign, which appealled to the very petit bourgeois values it dislikes, to blacken the name of the Tory Party, when the private lives of some of its own current affairs interviewers were less then perfect? Or child abuse: “Are you not ashamed to work for an organisation where child abuse by Savile, Hall et al was known about and tolerated?”
Yep, and on top of all of that Dimbleby was also a member of the Bullingdon Club. lol
Did you notice Harriet didn’t question the facts that Starkey gave, but accused him of being patronising, and only wanted to bleat about how she has single handedly transformed wimmins politics in the HOC!
“Patronising” is an all-purpose, vade mecum expression that young people and ‘wimmin’ can shout out when faced with logic that they don’t like (and when the race card is not available). Harriet herself is actually quite “matronising” towards electors but this would not occur to her. As for Shirley Williams, she actually patted Dr Starkey on his back in a humorous but PATronising way after he had blasted the Left/liberal elite.
Nice to see a certain amount of froth on Twitter this morning about UKIP doing well at the polls “after weeks of promotion from the BBC”. Doubtless this will be taken as DEFINITIVE PROOF (frot frot) that the Beeb isn’t left-of-centre, when the coverage has taken two main angles: 1) UKIP are all nasty racists, fascists, sexists [insert further -ists HERE] 2) UKIP will split the Tory vote (HURRAH!).
Not a huge amount of reference to the fact that, despite a poll lead and a government that isn’t quite as unpopular as the Beeb thinks it should be, Labour’s majority in an utterly safe seat was halved. Shoddy night for Labour and the LibDems, really.
‘….a government that isn’t quite as unpopular as the Beeb thinks it should be….’
The subtext to so very many BBC current affairs commentaries.
Quick game of Word Association.
What does 1945 mean to you?
Victory in WW2 in Europe?
Britain war weary and broke?
Austerity and rationing in order to pay huge debts?
Birth of new industries… jet engines…. TV…. nuclear….?
These are not at the front of Nicky Campbell’s mind.
Mention the words 1945 and our Nicky raps out the mantra : ‘foundation of the welfare state!’
I don’t suppose that he is a died-in-the-wool old Labour man.
But he certainly is a public sector obsessed TV Licence funded guardian of public sector jobs, pay and privileges.
The bBBC reports that the Conservatives have lost control of Lincolnshire council after UKIP wins seats in Boston, but – with the bBBC’s usual propensity for not mentioning the elephant – no mention of the reason why people are voting for UKIP. It must be just a coincidence that Boston has had a bigger recent influx of eastern European immigrants than any other British town.
Elephant? What elephant? Lol
Let’s all pretend it’s just not there huh? Just like Savile, Hall et al.
Precisely! Read the ‘Mail on Sunday’ article (in the Peter Hitchens collection on his blog) on the transformation of Boston (UK).
Same old, same old.
In Beebtopia we need to understand the ‘root causes’ behind people blowing up marathons (except for one cause in particular) but anyone voting the wrong way can be dismissed as an extremist nutcase unworthy of further consideration.
…but, but…BBC Professor of ‘metro lefty elitist superiority’ Mary Beard said she read a report that stated everything was fine and dandy in Boston. An absolute joy of Disney-style harmonious, multicultural enrichment – loved by all. No?
For the first time this morning I heard someone on the BBC saying that the most important reason for the large UKIP vote was public concern – indeed alarm – about immigration. Not immigration as one of the causes – immigration as the central cause. People realising that Labour policies caused a huge and unwelcome change in British society at great cost – and Tory/Coalition policies are making virtually nil difference, with Rumania and Bulgaria looming. Inward migration is still running at over 500,000 a year – who is to say it won’t increase when the Bulgarians and Rumanians pile in. All caused by European law.
Link that with the inability to get rid of dangerous and evil people like Qatada, and sundry immigrant criminals – also often caused by European courts overruling UK courts. Plus repeated instances of immigrants wanting to bomb us.
The immigration issue has caused large numbers of people to give up on membership of the EU – certainly to demand a referendum on IN/OUT, while retaining free trade in goods.
The complacency of the established parties has finally pushed people over the brink. The BBC has had a major effect in preaching this complacency, the idea that all immigration is good for us, multiculturalism is a boon..
An awful lot of people want not just a moderation of immigration – they want immigration totally stopped except for very limited categories – high-skill, English-speaking. And they want an end to “chain immigration” – immigrants legal or de facto bringing in an endless stream of family dependents. Plus they are fed up with people who hover between living in Britain and claiming allegiance and often visiting overseas countries. It does not matter what the political and media classes think – the hoi polloi are now really wound up, they now realise the scale of the changes imposed on them.
Right now the question of immigration is also at the centre of US political debate. People are trying once again to con the American people that some sort of “comprehensive” reform can fix the problems. Increasingly – the American people aren’t buying it. The legislation is being pulled apart as being a fraud :
Come on now. We are trying tochange the people so that immigration will no longer be a problem. England has always been a nation of immigrants and will soon be 100% immigrants if the elites that know what is best for England, get to continue to rule.
The English way of life ? Never existed and even if it did it was very very bad.
I know all this because I am a member of the elite or soon will be if daddy/mummy can pull the right strings.
How did I learn all this? From my education and from the media particularly the BBC and my fav newspaper the Guardian.
A few to lose at the tail ender as Friday’s (hopefully) looms, from my fave insider…
‘The significant change to make things better, is expensive, but ought to be effective.’
That it will cost… who again… a lot was never in doubt. But what if it don’t do what it oughta? Probably… no diff, so money well flushed again.
‘If you have a real passion for BBC One’
Odd way to put it if seeking anyone outside the hive.
I would have thought a real passion for great news and programming was more the governing factor; not an already starstuck adoration for a brand.
It will be interesting who ticks the box set out.
Trying to post a new open thread – anyone know how I make it the new sticky thread so it doesn’t appear below the old one on the main page?
Never mind – figured it out.
PM opens with the music ‘send in the clowns’ to announce the UKIP victories!
Oh no we’re not biased, why on earth would anyone think that?