I have just watched one of the most dramatic days of testimony I have ever seen on TV. Witnesses talked about the events of the day the American Benghazi compound was attacked and four US staff murdered. There was testimony about the political machinations during and after the day. It was “All The Presidents men” meets “Rambo”.
At this time (7pm Eastern Time, USA) the BBC website has reported NOTHING. NA DA. ZIP. Nothing to see here.
I made a similar point on the earlier Open Thread – and there are further hearings this week, a HUGE story.
Back at the time of Watergate there was BBC coverage every day of what was happening in the successive investigations. Most of it was actually fairly boring – it took a long time for things to come out. But the BBC kept us informed all through.
Whereas today there , when shocking revelations were tumbling out in quick succession, nowt from the BBC. A search on Google News for “Benghazi” shows the hearings have been reported on all the US networks and all the US press – there is even a full report in the Guardian over here :
This is deliberate suppression of news by the BBC. They have a large US staff as well as newsfeeds from the wire services – and their US news page links to about 30 articles – but not a jot on Benghazi
you reckon? 12 hours late rand one link? maybe 2, hidden away not even on teh main World News page? Where other massive stories far greater than the disgraceful behaviour of POTUS and his team we get
You know what I like most about “Turnip” and the other new defenders of the indefensible? They spend so much energy – including using three different monikers for one email, and creating and angry, hateful email address just to comment here – on this tiny little obscure website which nobody reads, yet don’t share their wisdom on sites like Commentary or BBC Watch. I’m sure their proud of themselves.
Ugh, apologies for pathetic use of “and” instead of “an”, and “their” instead of “they’re”. No excuse other than the odd combination of haste and laziness.
No, it isn’t. But Regietheater is usually lame, and this looks like no exception. Since the producers knew about this from start to finish, and let it run anyway, they seem pretty craven as well.
Mohammed al-Barghathi earlier said he had decided to step down in the wake of the recent sieges by armed groups of the justice and foreign ministries.
Oh, sorry, wrong siege by an armed group. So why did this turn up in a search for ‘Benghazi’?
The BBC’s Rana Jawad in Tripoli notes that the Political Isolation Law will apply to Mr Barghathi when takes effect. He was commander of the air force in Benghazi before retiring on a government pension in 1994,
Oh. Maybe there’s another BBC news brief about the attack in Benghazi we’re talking about. Ah, here we go, a very brief news brief, dated May 1:
Republicans in Congress continue to question the Obama administration about diplomatic security before the attack.
So it’s just a partisan hit job, then. No need to update the story by mentioning that at least one Democrat has been highly critical as well, right, BBC?
As with so many stories like this, the BBC doesn’t have to report it until reality forces them to acknowledge it. At the moment, there just isn’t enough room on the website to squeeze it in amongst stories about Madonna and some sexy murder trials. Your license fee hard at work. All they need to do is add a few pictures of celebrities in bikinis and the transition will be complete.
I guess it's tricky with you being in a different time zone says:
Thank you for your contribution, “I guess it’s tricky with you being in a different time zone”. I appreciate the time difference should be taken into account. forgive my impatience.
I have now checked out both the TV and print versions of BBC reporting. In her TV report, Jane O’Brien does a nice job in softening it’s impact. Three examples:
1. “An event mired in conspiracy theories and political mudslinging” (Translation: you don’t want to believe some of this stuff…)
2.“Conflicting accounts” (Translation: this is all so complicated you need not follow it closely”
3. Democrats maintain the confusion was the result of “incomplete information” (Translation: there’s a logical explanation for all this.)
So while even Congressional Democrats are demanding more hearings, the media is still covering for Obama. Covering for Obama? Well, if the media thought the President was free of some blame they would be on the story in a more robust fashion.
However, the latest BBC print article online is very fair. However, I can see eyes glazing over for those who haven’t been following the story. (Remember how Woodward, Bernstein and even Pilger focused on Nixon?)
I. Isn’t it ironic that all this falls into the lap of Hilary Clinton who attacked Obama during their primary fight with the “3am in the morning phone call” ad?
2. If Obama was doing something heroic the night of the Benghazi attack we would have heard about it from Mark Mardell.. The silence on the subject is deafening and implies the answer is not a good one. (Reminds me of some BBC managers I worked for who, when the shit hit the fan, were nowhere to be found.)
3. If the people in Banghazi were gay basketball players (“Heroic” according to Obama) would the marines have been sent in to rescue them.
The depressing thing about all this is the role of cowardly middle-ranking military officials and politicians, worrying about their careers rather than their honour.
Meanwhile Gregory Hicks and his fellow witnesses have flushed their careers down the drain because they want the truth to be heard. Men of integrity.
I guess you don’t know the difference between a different time zone and a different week. The story has been going on for days already, and the BBC waited until, as I said, reality forced them to mention it. You can pretend this is timely, but you’ll only by lying to yourself.
Yesterday morning, before the latest Benghazi hearings had taken place, Republican Senator Corker of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on MSNBC that he was “fairly satisfied” that he knew what went on in Benghazi but hoped the new hearings would “shed some light on what happened”.
Obama advisor David Axelrod leapt on the “fairly satisfied” quote while ignoring the bit about shedding light:
Sen. Corker with @chucktodd, on House hearings today: “I feel like I know what happened at Benghazi.I’m fairly satisfied.”
See how easily White House talking points become regurgitated by BBC journalists. In fact Kianpour’s tweet goes further – it drops “fairly” and gives no indication that Corker said this before yesterday’s hearings.
Reminder – here’s what Kianpour tweeted when Hillary Clinton stepped down as Sec of State:
Louis the primer world news service has far more important matters to address. Today Alex Ferguson, Manger of Man United announced his retirement. The Six O’ Clock News led on this historical and cosmic changing event. Now there is a nothing on earth more important than that. Behave yourself, and thank the BBC for educating, informing etc. you as to what the really significant events of the day are.
Slur Alex Fergushon, the way the media is carrying on you’d think he was Moses parting the Red Sea. Wait until Nelson Mandela kicks the bucket, the BBC will go absolute full bongo.
Does anyone remember the Boston muslim terrorist attack, about 3 weeks ago ? completely forgotten, isn’t it ? but the 20th year anniversary of ‘Saint’ Stephen Lawrence , all over the media.
Talking of which, Newsnights Gavin Esler held an angst ridden discussion on the subject and what it tells us about the state of race relations in Britain ( groan ) with 4 or 5 black people.
No Chinese people I noted on the panel, but then, I suppose, the Chinese community knows how to behave themselves. An ethnic group that the BBC doesn’t know exists.
There must have been another one of those calendar adjustments:
1582 Under Pope Gregory, some countries jumped forward by 10 days to keep in step with the true Sun-Earth calendar.
1752 England added 11 days to catch up.
1918 Communist Russia added 13 days to get in step. 2010 The BBC decided to skip the years 2007-10.
The Earth must be doing something funny on its axis – almost certainly due to man-made global warming.
One is an important domestic story where they can build a narrative about domestic racism, the other is a failed white supremacist narrative in a racist foreign country.
I agree about your point regarding the Chinese, but for a different reason. A couple years back, there was a big fuss about Arizona’s allegedly racist immigration law, because it affected Hispanics. Nobody at the BBC noticed that there were illegal immigrants of other nationalities, as if the Chinese didn’t exist.
Hi Joshaw,
And Marseille is/or is about to become the first city in Europe with a Muslim majority.
What fun times we live in. Lots of the French come here to set up businesses, away from the over regulated economy back home. Not bad I say. A few Brits go to France to retire. Thank god I know one or two and have lovely stays with them, drinking lots of low tax wine.
While a few of the Muslims (sorry, I mean a small minority) want to harm us (note the moderation please), I am learning to self censor) In time I will have nothing to say. Some people will be very grateful for that.
certain similar murders? Don’t you mean hundreds of murders? Thousands of other crimes. Probably hundreds of thousands of crimes have not been investigated/have been given kid glove treatment when real policing was needed. White girls raped and abused being ignored by police and social services…WHY. Because they were scared of the race issue. THIS is the legacy of Stephen Lawrence and turnip can shove his pathetic innuendos up his arse.
I suppose its because people would be less rankled if Stephen Lawrence was murdered by other Blacks, as most Black people are.
Black people who are murdered by other Black people seem to have very little value with the BBC, and are the least likely people murdered in Britain, to be reported by BBC News.
It rankles when Lawrence is turned into a cause celebre by the Left, yet completely ignores the racist murders of Kriss Donald and Ross Parker who arguably suffered greater agonies as they died than “St. Stephen”. The fact that these two lads were white who were murdered by Pakistanis because of their ethnicity shows the double standards of the NUJ dominated media and the Left in this country. Neither have the parents of these two lads made a career out of their murders the way Doreen Lawrence has out of her “loss”. No, they’ve been airbrushed out of history as though they are of lesser value than Doreen Lawrence. THEY weren’t invited to carry the Olympic flag!
Rod Sharp on Radio 5 came out with some brilliant gymnastic double think a couple of weeks ago, some muslims tried to blow up a Canadian train but they were caught.
” So the Canadian muslim community helped the police in catching these ‘men’ !! ”
”Canada’s Globe reported that the pair had been under investigation since last year following a tip-off by a concerned imam in the Toronto Muslim community. The imam was worried that young people in his community were being corrupted by an extremist, the report said.”
Yeah, where would we be without those ‘helpful’ imams ?
Reading the BBC website I find that: An elderly Catholic nun and two peace activists have been convicted for damage they caused while breaking into a US nuclear defence site.
re – nuns
how do you solve a problem like Maria?
re – benghazi
how do you solve that problem called Sharia?
anyway, tragically wrong, in Libya with disastrous consequences … but why put only one foot in it eh! Obama
as “the plank” Kerry now spouts, with his best stern demeanor, that :-
“theres no place for Assad in a forthcoming Syrian govern”? …
presumably this is at the insistence of the “good ole” – rebel/freedom fighters/militant – “boys” ,
who obviously want to load and doctor any future negotiations :-D.
well folks… for any future security, for the region, for israel, and for us from a wider islamic terror base?, one would have thought
“theres no place for islamic terror organisations,(associated to Iran and Al Qaeda) in a forthcoming Syrian government”
would be MUCH more prudent, looking at their sterling record with both mass murder and use of chemical weapons?
I’m starting to think that the BBC gave up being a serious news organization on US issue in favor of the advertizing revenue grab that comes with being a lightweight, mass-appeal news site when trying to attract the low-brow, mouth-breathing US audience.
‘the BBC gave up being a serious news organization on US issues’
They are hardly being taken seriously on most issues these days, and appear to think throwing vast amounts at spawning green box market rate shuffle board players to talk to each other about how trusted they are will have an impact if repeated often enough.
It’s just a shame reality keeps slipping past the redactions and FoI exclusions.
In the Internet age, I remain bemused as to why the BBC, still stoutly claiming professional integrity in journalism and a global operation that is the envy of the world, thinks those serious about news coverage will not notice their extraordinary lack of curiosity about areas that can only be explained by institutional priorities. Objective news it is not.
The motivations are intriguing. If they feel overseas (US mainly) commercial funding is worth risking already compromised credibility at home, that’s one heck of a gamble.
What made the BBC ‘unique’ was a supposed commitment to ‘pure’ news gathering and reportage free of agenda or commercial influence.
They have lost reputation on both.
Hope doing so in service of promoting a paper-thin, now-crumbling idealistic dream overseas no matter what is worth it.
No, unfortunately, they’re still being taken very seriously on most things. And the BBC continues to spend money in order to, as Jeremy Paxman put it, “spread influence.”
Apparently the REAL story is not that three women were abducted imprisoned and raped for year after year. No, it seems that, there are a series of racist assumptions about coverage of victims.
“The perception of victimhood is partially a media creation”.
Yes, in the US – and on Fox News! Fox News! Waagggh! – white victims do get more attention in the national news agenda. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen headlines about some little white girl gone missing, when the regular disappearance of little black girls is a non-story. But perhaps the BBC needs to address their own racial preferences (viz Helen Boaden’s admission that many BBC journalists are inclined to suppress stories about white victims in when the perpetrator(s) is (are) black, as stated at the bottom of Pg. 67 of their “”From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel” report), before casting that first stone.
“……in the case of a film about census returns in parts of east London, showing that ethnic communities had become the majority. The film included interviews with council officials, members of the Asian community, and one white resident – who pronounced himself happy with his neighbourhood. Questioned as to whether this voxpop was really representative of the white community, the reporter replied with pride: ‘Oh no, we had to work really hard to find him!’”
I’d go further than DP. I’d say that the BBC is racist and corrupt.
No, of course not. According to the BBC Alex Ferguson deserves complete and universal celebration.
This morning Colin Shindler calls out Nicky Campbell on the BBC’s ‘Psycho-phantic’ fawning to the Manchester United Manager. This cheeky City supporter at last points to the fact that the Emperor may just be a little bit nude.
Nicky goes quiet. ‘Make him a Labour Peer’ counters the Labour-friendly guest.
Ah, perhaps that Labour allegiance is the crucial difference between Sir Alex and another major public figure about whom the BBC narrative was divisive, divisive, divisive.
Talking of Colin Shindler I do admire this quote….
‘“The prettiest sight in this fine pretty world is the privileged class enjoying its privileges” remarks James Stewart rather sourly to Katharine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story as he surveys the Newport, Rhode Island society she inhabits and he despises. ‘
Yep, I’ve always thought the role of football was to show how the BBC would report politics, if they thought they could get away with it.
Don’t expect anyone to mention ‘Sir’ Alex’s last foray into politics, when he was the front man for the Manchester toll’s referendum. The closest the real public ever got to a vote on this universally-loved public figure, it all went a bit ‘lost 7-0 at Macclesfield Town’.
Hmm, according to the BBC’s Nick Robinson, on this mornings radio 4 stated that he thought Alex Ferguson was/is the Greatest living British person. Well, that is open to debate. Radio for gave Nick Robinson (editor) a good 5 minutes of air time concerning Mr Furguson and within that time it was stated that Alex was a confirmed Socialist.
The Greatest British person? Nah, not for me Mr Robinson. For me it is those that have lost their lives in recent conflicts on my behalf for the freedom that Sir Alex has, or the recently returned soldier who has had both legs and testicles blown off by an IED and who’s wife has now decided to *move on* without him in her life. Got to get our priorities right now haven’t we Mr Robinon, editor at the BBC?
As I listened to Mr. Robinsion this morning I was wondering if he would point out the paradox of a confirmed socialist being such a happy lackey in the Premier League: capitalism and the premier opium of the people. Does it say there is something flawed in socialist ideology, or that socialism attracts fundamentally flawed individuals, ones who are really bourgeois but such inverted snobs they cannot admit it.
People will forgive a lot if you get the desired results and Fergusson certainly got that.
And he did it with less money than Man City, Chelsea et al.
I don’t like him for the way he acts and the way he taught his team to act. Winning at all costs, fouling, diving at the slightest touch, assaulting opponents, assaulting the spectators, barracking the referee etc. All things started at Man Utd by Fergusson and then spread to the rest of the leagues.
And that’s before we get to the rumours that led to ‘play until Man Utd score’, violence in the changing rooms, the cover ups and bullying of the press. Allegedly.
No, Fergusson isn’t even a good man, never mind the best ever Briton ever.
I really hate the lionising of this faux-socialist Ferguson.
He was right to refuse to speak to the BBC for eight years or so…but we don`t hear too much about that “issue”.
I`m a United fan-he “delivered”,but the likes of Savile show that unadulterated praise and media cringing is no guarantee of being allowed to keep your legacy.
Fergie was not-IS not-a nice man, but is a winner and is a man who will cast the media into outer darkness if they get too close…like Alistair Campbell, the BBC has battered wife syndrome when it comes to its abusers.
To laud this boor for winning a few footie matches makes us look like North Korea or Soviet Russia. All bow before the Great God Sport.
Sick of metrosexual fops in London patronising those northern chappies that take their soccer so seriously…and more fool the northern monkeys that let their tummies be tickled by the likes of Cameron. Humprys and Davis…none of who would know one end of a football from another.
On Channel 4 News they had Alistair Campbell lauding Ferguson and also Moyes, and inserting that both were Quisling Party supporters. Again no questioning as to why this was a source of pride and not embarrassment.
Speaking of metrosexual fops you would have been very irritated by Channel 4 news as they had Snow, Crick and Campbell fawning away about the shop steward from Govan. Of course not one of them state educated.
Also Campbell was described as a friend of Ferguson. And as the old adage goes ‘you should judge a person by their friends’.
Finally, as I don’t watch/listen to a huge amount of the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation output I was wondering if the enrichment and vibrancy industry have been demanding, with Quisling Broadcasting Corporation endorsement, that Manchester United should appoint a more enriched and vibrant manager than David Moyes? Or are Man. Utd. too important to be subjected to this type of enrichment and vibrancy intimidation?
I read the Telegraph article and the Camden New Journal article, and they are just not very clear on the facts:
was it Ed Miliband’s breath or his B.O that was acrid enough to act as ‘smelling salts’?
“As for Soviet funding of CND, it was proven in November 1991 that the KGB bankrolled the British Communist Party throughout the 1970s – the very period when (as Bruce Kent repeatedly acknowledged) only the support of the Communist Party and of the Quakers enabled CND to survive.”
“I see that the BBC has left on the cutting-room floor what I think was an important point……..Ms Hudson said that I would hear from CND’s lawyers. I have not heard from them, but the BBC appear to have taken her threat to heart.”
‘Must have been a difficult decision for them’
Checks & balances.
McAlpine: don’t bother even checking & run full tilt no matter what the consequences.
Balanced by dropping critical aspects of public interest at the merest hint of legal bow shot as here.
One can only what it was that saw steely resolve in one case, and utter capitulation in the other.
Have a look at the photo in the article you link to.
On the left is communist stooge and useful idiot, Bruce Kent, next to him is communist stooge and useful idiot, labour MP Joan Ruddock, and behind her is communist stooge and useful idiot, the treasurer of CND who was in receipt of Soviet largesse and now lord high panjandrum of the EU foreign ministry “Baroness” Catherine Ashton, the second highest paid female politician in the world, whose “wife” is Peter Kellner of YouGov pollsters who deliberately weight polls against UKIP.
Also worth pointing out that these muppets prostituted themselves with the “World Peace Council” funded almost exclusively by and a front for the Soviet Union.
In the early 80s I policed a demo by these scum when they spectacularly failed to support the Czech dissident group Charter 77, instead branding it an “anti-communist” group
Hawkings supports the Pallies. BBC quotes a spokeswoman for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign: “Many will be taken aback at the extreme reaction among Israel’s supporters to the news of Prof Hawking’s support for the Palestinian call for boycott.
“We urge those opposed to boycotts, disinvestment and sanctions to respect freedom of speech.” http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22446054
bbc breaking news
“sir” alex ferguson, calls to made a “lord” gushes 5live …
expect a line up of dribbling sycophants, to provide an overlong indepth analysis, of all the in and outs of gods dog.
obama, benghazi anyone? … no?
clinton/rice deliberate deceit then … hello?
denial of facts, causing US gov lives – ambassador killed
hearings possible exposure world news …. (sound of crickets).
tumbleweed blows down the empty corridor
“Hicks is blowing the lid off the cover-up by the Obama administration. But still it begs the question — what was Stevens and his team doing in Benghazi on 911 (without security)? How close was the Stevens contingent (Hicks included) to the jihadists and al qaeda forces they were arming and supporting (to defeat Qaddafi) — and that turned on them and slaughtered them? Look at this. Hicks describes the second phase of the jihadist attack on the US consulate.”
i ve just re-checked, bbc US page for lard Mardells on the ball analysis.
“@BBCMarkMardell via Twitter
Can any religion be “a religion of peace?”
Fascinating piece on Buddhism and violence.http://t.co/Wyv9OB0YBJ”
how about the squeaky voiced Douche then?
“@bbclysedoucet via Twitter
Ex PM Gilani confirms tragic news his son Ali Haider abducted outskirts Multan by armed gunmen. Guard killed. Others injured. #Pakistan”
Mein Gott!… The Jeremy Whine Show has a three-hanky interview with bulgy-eyed ranter Ed Testicles about his brave fight against stammering, rather neglecting the fact that some guy called Winston also had a stammer and a lisp, but he seemed to do just fine. Perhaps it’s the content that’s the problem?
DJ – you did well to listen. I used the ‘off’ button. Whilst I can have sympathy for people who have difficulty to get their words out I would have preferred the BBC to have anyone but Balls to describe how they overcome their speech problems – but why would the BBC waste their opportunity to get the sympathy vote for Labour?
Anyone else think that the retirement of a football manager was manna from heaven for the BBBC so that they didn’t have to lead with the Queens speech. You don’t suppose it could have been orchestrated do you?
By no means the only one, but a major ongoing concern is the BBC and ‘no time to check’ or ‘no space for accuracy’ headlines, often compounded by ‘quotes’ included for effect.
This one seems to have struck a chord with many; at least enough to provoke a rare response: http://bbcwatch.org/2013/05/09/michael-totten-takes-on-a-bbc-headline/
Near instant given the BBC’s usual geological pace, but as concluded: ‘Whilst that correction is of course welcome, the question we still need to ask is how the original headline got published in the first place – and stayed up for two days.’
The answer, if ever provided, would be interesting.
‘What chance have we got in the Eurovision Song Contest…? last week’s local government elections will not have endeared us to the Europeans…’
Oh, so that was what voters ought to have been thinking of when they went to the ballot box. Never mind your Council Tax – think of the Nul Points we might get from Luxembourg.
Journalistic Insights – according to Richard Bacon.
‘They said Twitter was a load of rubbish – now it’s breaking major news stories…. Sorry, we need to retract that last story (re Manchester United’s new Manager) – we read out what was an erroneous ReTweet of an incorrect annoucement’
It explores the issue of missing white women syndrome – (the bias of the media towards white females who go missing).
Clearly there are too factors at play here, race and gender, and the stats back up this fact.
The article endlessly focuses on race, decrying racism, interviewing race campaigners yet not once does it mention issues such as sexism, misandry and male disposability.
They even manage to get a Stephen Lawrence reference in there, despite the fact he never even went missing anyway, not to mention the fact that the coverage of his cases has been completely over the top.
I hate it when the bBBC makes a story about what ‘the media’ is reporting, as if they are detached from it.
It is usually, as in this case, a lazy journalist’s way of getting his/ her own prejudices published.
‘a story about what ‘the media’ is reporting, as if they are detached from it’
Cute, ain’t it? Lucky no one sees through such a blatant one degree of separation attempt.
I’m surprised they don’t just kick off with ‘The BBC has learned that, colleagues are saying…’.
News that for some reason does not get into the BBC website
Manufacturing output, which accounts for 7pc of the UK economy, rose by 1.1pc, following a 0.7pc increase in February, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The figure was well above economists’ forecasts for a 0.3pc monthly rise, and came as companies ramped up production of basic materials and overseas demand increased for UK equipment and machinery,
When was the last time the BBC mentioned Keith Blakelock? Or:
Fred Carter
Mark Sharp
Annie Castle
Billy Bryan
PC Patrick Dunne
Philip Gosling
Emmanuel Hand
Richard Everitt
Leslie Watkinson
Frank Dempsey
PC Philip Walters
Thomas Kidd
Michael Dooher
Ted Howell
Danny Westmacott
Andrew Steventon
Elizabeth Pinhorn
Nina MacKay
Louie Wade
James McParland
Brian Harvey
Peter Harvey
Winifred Sills
Elizabeth Amlot
Daisy Fenton
Rosie Ross
Hilda Lockert
Anne Cypher
Amanda Clarke
Ross Parker
Kevin Jackson
Anthony O’Brien
Owain Leeson
Gavin Hopley
Kriss Donald
I read it. In fact it says more about the writer’s prejudices than anything else. Largely unprovable assumptions based on a need to demonise white society.
“In the five-month Scotland Yard study, suspects of African/Caribbean appearance were identified in 49 per cent of attacks. A further 13 per cent were committed by men of Indian/Pakistani appearance.”
BBC website
An elderly Catholic nun and two peace activists have been convicted for damage they caused while breaking into a US nuclear defence site.
as Louise has stated so eloquently earlier
BBC indepth re- Benghazi ….
a cold wind – tumbleweed, and a dog howling in the distance 😀
re – Nuns
how do you solve a problem like Maria?
re – Benghazi
how do you solve that problem called Sharia?
anyway, tragically wrong, in Libya with disastrous consequences … but why put only one foot in it eh! Obama
as “the plank” Kerry now spouts, with his best stern demeanor, that :-
“theres no place for Assad in a forthcoming Syrian govern”? …
presumably this is at the insistence of the “good ole” – rebel/freedom fighters/militant – “boys” ,
who obviously want to load and doctor any future negotiations .
well folks… for any future security, for the region, for israel, and for us from a wider islamic terror base?, one would have thought
“theres no place for islamic terror organisations,(associated to Iran and Al Qaeda) in a forthcoming Syrian government”
would be MUCH more prudent, looking at their sterling record with both mass murder and use of chemical weapons? … great!
AND should we get to said government elections, can no one remember Egypt, in the Obama administration?
the way financed, organised islamists gained power?
over a country in disarray?
‘a cold wind – tumbleweed, and a dog howling in the distance’
The problems of story selection do seem to continue to task the BBC’s finest.
It has been noticed by one who more often than not sees the best in them: http://tradingaswdr.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/in-other-news.html? ‘a grumpy, controlling old man… feted by a BBC he wouldn’t talk to for years’
Who’s that Nick… the greatest Englishman?
Nadine Dorrise on BBC TV pointing out that Britain gets stiffed by the EU for £53 million per day and that voters on the doorstep are now being made aware and getting restless.
BBC bimbo doesn’t want to talk about that and says “I don’t want to get bogged down in details”
Yes that’s right, the BBC doesn’t want any discussion on £53 million disappearing out of Britain each day.
Handwringing BBC bimbo then bangs on with that old cannard “Do those people [voters on the doorstep] not also realise how many jobs in this country are dependant on our trade with the rest of the EU”
Come again darlin’. BBC propaganda at its most blatant and obvious.
When the bimbo is skewered on the reality of EU trade and how EU regulation is hindering UK trade with the rest of the world, she desperately switches tactic to “Aren’t the Tories running scared of UKIP”
Typical BBC obfuscation
Now everyone repeat after me for the benefit of the BBC;
EU exports more to Britain than Britain exports to EU
EU would not risk jeopardising that trade imbalance by tariffs against Britain.
Britain now exports more to the rest of the world than the EU
British trade with emerging markets hampered by EU regulation.
Listen in from 1min 30 secs on
To the average Beeboid it is axiomatic that UKIP voters are not nice people. Not people like us , so to speak, who a little beeboid would be happy to have coffee with.
For some odd reason I cannot imagine a beeboid drinking tea.
-one’s children, under the age of 5 should be in the care of someone else, preferably a state-financed organisation.
The thought that it would be in many infant children’s interests to be in the full-time care of their own parents seems to be off the political agenda.
They do love the thought of children being raised by other than their parents. All the parties are as bad as each other.
The lefties want state parenting. The lib dems are muddled as usual and Cameron just makes gurgling noises.
State control of child raising is a liberal left mantra so one can expect the BBC to be in favour.
There are other policies but you won’t hear about them.
Tax relief for stay at home parents given to the working parent.
Paying decent wages to us so that one wage will raise a family. This was always the unspoken bargain in the days when I was a Union man.
Making the family the starting point of the nation’s politics and that means the traditional family not the anything goes version of liberaldom.
My sons struggle but the young children have their mothers, by choice I might add, at home.
Stay at home mothers are of inestimable benefit to society. Not to the liberal version of unreality but to the real world. I wonder, in passing, just how many of our recent immigrant communities fall for the “women must work” line.
Your “other policies” are spot on Dave, but state control of child raising is best for terrorising the little bastards into believing in global warming and diversity.
I’ve just been listening to Radio 4’s 6 p.m. news.
Two of the stories relate to government announcements, one involving an increase in the number of children that a child minder can look after and the other to changes in the probation service.
As seems to be pattern with these ‘government announcements’ they were immediately followed by extensive reporting of the critics comments. By the end of the report the summary headline is the criticism not the announcement.
In the same programme there was an announcement from the Northern Ireland assembly that there are to be changes to the ‘peace’ fences. Remarkably, Northern Ireland is a dissent-free zone, apparently. Either that or the BBC chose not to report any critical comment.. Could it be that the ‘nasty’ party/coalition isn’t running NI?
I know Bradford very well. It was never a great town in my opinion, but comparing what it was in the 60s and 70s to the series of ghettos it is now is mind boggling.
Of course, to the BBC this is all upbeat, progressive, multicultural enrichment of a tired, boring, ‘horribly white’ northern town. There are only positives – no downsides.
Look at all these industrious, cheeky and cheerful immigrant chappies! Look how their enterprise enlivens and invigorates these dull old formerly English towns!
There are no down sides. It’s a win-win for the BBC.
No mention of course of the anti-white racism, the no-go areas if you are ‘not of the faith’, the sexual abuse of white minors, the insularity, the seething atmosphere of hatred that you can sense and almost cut with a knife.
No. None of that. The BBC has it’s political and ideological blinkers firmly on and tries to persuade the view that this is the future for England. A bright sunlit upland populated with people who are complete strangers who actually hate you and who would not give you the time of day.
This program made me very angry in it’s utter contempt and disregard for the real Bradfordians (most of who have moved away or are in the graveyards).
I was advising Steve not to move to Bradford but the comment ended up in the wrong place. I thought I’d clicked the right “Reply”.
I grew up in Bradford. Not York, I’ll admit, but it did have a sense of community. Other advantages are proximity to the Dales, a couple of theatres and a concert hall.
No mention of the money laundering, tax evasion, electoral fraud, the Pakistani drug gangs that drive around in very expensive & very, very, very, very, very, very, very very tackily done up cars, I’m sure all this will be covered in next weeks episode………..right ?!
BBC2. Bradford – Sh-tty In Breeds
5 mins was enough … off switch
watching someone trudging round a delapidated back street, dragging a shopping trolley – making sure the hijab doesn t move
that was it.
never a great place you know, but christ almost unrecognisable
INBBC is politically complicit in the mass immigration policy of the U.K. ‘political class’ (notably Labour and Lib Dems) which has produced an on-going Islamisation of many parts of Britain.
And now, INBBC continues to propagandise for its Labour-mass immigration-‘multiculturalism’ (Sharia law)-Islamisation, with overtly propagandist programmes such as this one tonight; and, of course to re-enforce its political message, there’s Part 2 of the Islamising message next week.
Expect more explicit INBBC ‘ city of dreams’ propaganda for the mass immigration and Islamisation of many other areas of Britain including London, Birmingham, Blackburn, Luton, Oldham, Slough, High Wycombe, etc.
INBBC sees its political role in this as opposing the the anti-mass immigration views of most non-Muslim British people, and instead continues to propagandise for the COLONISATION of the British people, and state how wonderful it is for them.
My grandmother was from Penzance in Cornwall. I still have aunts and uncles and cousins there and I’m seriously considering packing up and moving down there.
It’s a long way from anywhere else in the UK, comparatively.
Hopefully I’ll be safely in my coffin by the time the first mosque is built in Newlyn and the cry of the muezzin echos around the bay, but I do sincerely believe that will come.
Unless we turn this around in the next five years then England is lost.
“How rise of ‘white flight’ is creating a segregated UK: Study reveals white Britons are ‘retreating’ from areas dominated by ethnic minorities.
Census figures show white Britons are leaving areas where they are minority.
Think-tank says survey reveals ‘spiral of white British demographic decline.’
Ex-Human Rights Commission chair says findings should make us ‘anxious.’
Nearly half of ethnic minorities live where whites make up less than 50%.
Just 800 of 8,850 council wards where population is 98 per cent white.
Come on BBC. Tell us exactly how the people of old England managed to make such a mark in the world. Such a boring homogenous bunch that they were.
Oh and they knew how to die for England as well. Those northern Pals regiments on the Somme. They just the old boring white Englishmen you so despise.
Long past time arguing with these fools.
Sometimes I really despise the BBC.
Unbelievable piece of propaganda, things need to change in this country, need to get rid of The BBC & all three of the mainstream political partys, shocking!
You’d think that any senior editor worth their salt would look at this programme objectively and say “we can’t possibly broadcast this – it’s too slanted, too biased, it doesn’t depict the reality of the situation”.
BBC “Coast”. Of all the hundreds of thousands of fishing trips taken every year, how did the BBC manage to find a family of Africans (from Zimbabwe) in Whitby off out to catch a few fish as an annual lads adventure? Full marks for effort BBC – it must have taken months and months to find them – that is if they weren’t just some guys bunged fifty quid each and given a free day out on the boat.
So the question is why did they go to the effort to source some African fishermen when there are plenty of fishing trips every day from every port in the land.
Another obsession is food, e.g. “The Food Programme” on Radio 4. The last edition celebrated diverse foreign dishes from the traditions of immigrant groups, while communal sharing of these was a benefit of multiculturalism. Hardly an argument for the reverse colonisation of the UK.
Aw c’mon guys, you have to equate the events in that video with our colonial guilt ridden past. After all, those scenes must be something like the way the Eton Wall game started, surely?
They work in an atmosphere where even the hint of waycism is the end of a career, if not a job. They have to prove their commitment to the narrative.
So when they do a show with only white people in it they start to panic. hence the African fishermen.
That’s also why the show started with a Welshwoman, a Scot, 2 Englishmen and posh girl with an Eastern European name to represent diversity. No Irish as they are not part of the UK as far as the BBC are concerned.
Remember “Drop the Dead Donkey” on Ch4 in the 1990s? The top reporter always took a child’s teddy bear to disaster areas so it could be photographed lying in the debris.
I think BBC TV crews travel around with a bus load of black people. These Zimbabwean faces will probably turn up in Cheltenham next week.
For the record, ex-Tory Minister, now BBC regular presenter, Michael Portillo (who is half-Spanish), has an article in today’s ‘Times’ (£) supporting Britain’s withdrawal from the E.U.
‘Express’ has a summary here:-
“Leave the ‘disastrous’ EU, urges Tory heavyweight Michael Portillo”
I was watching one of his ‘Great British Railway Journeys’ programmes and he was banging on about ‘Victorian engineering’ while pointing at a BR ‘Standard’ steam locomotive that was built in about 1952.
Perhaps the “Queens Speech” was less of a story because there was, at the end of the day, nothing worth commenting upon in it. Also the vast majority of its contents had been “leaked” and reported upon in previous days.
Emma Thompson said: “ Exeter is very white and middle class and it needs to be cracked open a bit. I shall be there with my son, Tindyebwa Agaba , who is from Rwanda.
He had some unpleasant experiences at Exeter, but also some good ones. That’s what’s great, that the university has reacted with great oomph. They see we do need to open our eyes and doors and see what’s been going on with people.”
In other words, it’s “hideously white” and needs to be dragged down to the egalitarian level of other institutions, just so that the romantic sentimentalists of the illiberal Left can feel good about themselves.
You can’t move for mosques in Canada – and you can be arrested for offending virtually anyone. How about Plan C – move to Pakistan? They’ll all have left soon.
I wonder how the BBC DG is getting on in his new job?
(Apologies to Eric Idle and The Rutles)
Lord Tony Hall BBC DG:
‘Suddenly, everyone has become amazingly litigious. I remember I get up in the morning. Start an Internal Inquiry. Check in the papers that I hadn’t been fired. Go to the office. Pick up the morning’s Internal Inquiries. Read the Internal Inquiries. Announce a new Internal Inquiry. Go out for lunch. Start an Internal Inquiry into the restaurant. Get back in, collect the Internal Inquiries that had been received that afternoon. Watch BBC Newsnight. Call BBC Newsnight into my office. Start an Internal Inquiry into BBC Newsnight. Then go home. Do a quick Internal Inquiry into the wife.’
The Rutles – now that was a fine spoof ‘Beatle-esque’ band invented by Eric Idle and Neil Innes. Their songs were hilarious parodies like “Ouch !” for “Help!”, “Doubleback Alley” for “Penny Lane” and “Love Life” for “All You Need is Love”. The last two mentioned even had similar instrumentation to the originals.
Bollywood Carmen
Come and be a part of an extraordinary one off event, celebrating the excitement and glamour of Bollywood, live in Bradford on BBC Three.
Big songs, huge dance routines and gripping drama will make up this one hour spectacular as we tell the story of a local girl trying to get her break in Bollywood when a superstar comes to town.
Expect love, loss and some massive beats!
As a member of the crowd you will play a key role in the live event, taking part in choreographed routines which we will teach you on the night, so be sure to bring your dancing shoes.
**Plese note this is a standing event and no seating will be provided.**
To make the distribution of tickets fair, we are operating a random draw with 60% of tickets going to Bradford postcodes and 40% to the rest of the UK.
(Only 6 tickets per person? – postal voting was never this strict)
You can register for tickets at any time until Thursday 16 May at midday.
You can apply for a maximum of six tickets per person.
I am afraid no bias here but a bit of light relief.
My daughter forced me to listen to Radio 1 yesterday afternoon in the car and a young lady film ‘reviewer’ called Rhianna piped up with her insightful comments on a new film called ‘Mud.’ Spot the black hole in her edukation… http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01s7st2 at 51 minutes in.
‘Ark Kansas’ where the hell is that?!! I blame that Gove chap.
Why am I paying for her to come out with this childish pap? Oh, I have just seen her ‘attributes’ in the picture of her on the website, it all makes sense.
Also John ‘got the Hump’ is beginning to show us that he should draw stumps before it is too late. On yesterday’s Today programme he literally lost the plot… http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01s8qx7 at
1 hour 15minutes 30seconds.
Search Biased BBC
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I have just watched one of the most dramatic days of testimony I have ever seen on TV. Witnesses talked about the events of the day the American Benghazi compound was attacked and four US staff murdered. There was testimony about the political machinations during and after the day. It was “All The Presidents men” meets “Rambo”.
At this time (7pm Eastern Time, USA) the BBC website has reported NOTHING. NA DA. ZIP. Nothing to see here.
I look forward to this being rectified.
I made a similar point on the earlier Open Thread – and there are further hearings this week, a HUGE story.
Back at the time of Watergate there was BBC coverage every day of what was happening in the successive investigations. Most of it was actually fairly boring – it took a long time for things to come out. But the BBC kept us informed all through.
Whereas today there , when shocking revelations were tumbling out in quick succession, nowt from the BBC. A search on Google News for “Benghazi” shows the hearings have been reported on all the US networks and all the US press – there is even a full report in the Guardian over here :
This is deliberate suppression of news by the BBC. They have a large US staff as well as newsfeeds from the wire services – and their US news page links to about 30 articles – but not a jot on Benghazi
Another BiasedBBC conspiracy theory bites the dust.
you reckon? 12 hours late rand one link? maybe 2, hidden away not even on teh main World News page? Where other massive stories far greater than the disgraceful behaviour of POTUS and his team we get
“Nazi-themed Wagner opera cancelled”…ooooh
One conspiracy theory down, and another one sprouts.
Another turnip sprouts, a rebranded troll, another same old same old.
…but not too smart; good name she/he selected
You know what I like most about “Turnip” and the other new defenders of the indefensible? They spend so much energy – including using three different monikers for one email, and creating and angry, hateful email address just to comment here – on this tiny little obscure website which nobody reads, yet don’t share their wisdom on sites like Commentary or BBC Watch. I’m sure their proud of themselves.
Ugh, apologies for pathetic use of “and” instead of “an”, and “their” instead of “they’re”. No excuse other than the odd combination of haste and laziness.
”Wagner opera cancelled”
opera is just people shouting.
Ever tried shouting at 2000 people over a range of three octaves?
No, it isn’t. But Regietheater is usually lame, and this looks like no exception. Since the producers knew about this from start to finish, and let it run anyway, they seem pretty craven as well.
What are you talking about?
His comment backs up Louis’s
No Alan, what turnip meant was that by the time he posted the BBC had reported, hence my comment.
His comment only makes sense with a link. Lazy.
Typical ‘progressive’ lefty,stuck in the past.
And how hard is it going to be this time around, do you think, to play this off as a mere partisan, politicized attack?
Fortunately, the BBC actually is on the story. Sort of. Dated May 7:
Libyan defence minister Barghathi retracts resignation
Mohammed al-Barghathi earlier said he had decided to step down in the wake of the recent sieges by armed groups of the justice and foreign ministries.
Oh, sorry, wrong siege by an armed group. So why did this turn up in a search for ‘Benghazi’?
The BBC’s Rana Jawad in Tripoli notes that the Political Isolation Law will apply to Mr Barghathi when takes effect. He was commander of the air force in Benghazi before retiring on a government pension in 1994,
Oh. Maybe there’s another BBC news brief about the attack in Benghazi we’re talking about. Ah, here we go, a very brief news brief, dated May 1:
FBI releases photos of Benghazi attack trio
Republicans in Congress continue to question the Obama administration about diplomatic security before the attack.
So it’s just a partisan hit job, then. No need to update the story by mentioning that at least one Democrat has been highly critical as well, right, BBC?
As with so many stories like this, the BBC doesn’t have to report it until reality forces them to acknowledge it. At the moment, there just isn’t enough room on the website to squeeze it in amongst stories about Madonna and some sexy murder trials. Your license fee hard at work. All they need to do is add a few pictures of celebrities in bikinis and the transition will be complete.
Story went up first thing this morning. UK time.
ah! yes … al bbc
louise 😀 a story, but strangely … not this one ….
the gift that keeps on giving 😀
White House edits to Benghazi talking points ‘stylistic.
bbc? …………………………………
Thank you for your contribution, “I guess it’s tricky with you being in a different time zone”. I appreciate the time difference should be taken into account. forgive my impatience.
I have now checked out both the TV and print versions of BBC reporting. In her TV report, Jane O’Brien does a nice job in softening it’s impact. Three examples:
1. “An event mired in conspiracy theories and political mudslinging” (Translation: you don’t want to believe some of this stuff…)
2.“Conflicting accounts” (Translation: this is all so complicated you need not follow it closely”
3. Democrats maintain the confusion was the result of “incomplete information” (Translation: there’s a logical explanation for all this.)
So while even Congressional Democrats are demanding more hearings, the media is still covering for Obama. Covering for Obama? Well, if the media thought the President was free of some blame they would be on the story in a more robust fashion.
However, the latest BBC print article online is very fair. However, I can see eyes glazing over for those who haven’t been following the story. (Remember how Woodward, Bernstein and even Pilger focused on Nixon?)
Some thoughts
I. Isn’t it ironic that all this falls into the lap of Hilary Clinton who attacked Obama during their primary fight with the “3am in the morning phone call” ad?
2. If Obama was doing something heroic the night of the Benghazi attack we would have heard about it from Mark Mardell.. The silence on the subject is deafening and implies the answer is not a good one. (Reminds me of some BBC managers I worked for who, when the shit hit the fan, were nowhere to be found.)
3. If the people in Banghazi were gay basketball players (“Heroic” according to Obama) would the marines have been sent in to rescue them.
The depressing thing about all this is the role of cowardly middle-ranking military officials and politicians, worrying about their careers rather than their honour.
Meanwhile Gregory Hicks and his fellow witnesses have flushed their careers down the drain because they want the truth to be heard. Men of integrity.
I guess you don’t know the difference between a different time zone and a different week. The story has been going on for days already, and the BBC waited until, as I said, reality forced them to mention it. You can pretend this is timely, but you’ll only by lying to yourself.
Yesterday morning, before the latest Benghazi hearings had taken place, Republican Senator Corker of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said on MSNBC that he was “fairly satisfied” that he knew what went on in Benghazi but hoped the new hearings would “shed some light on what happened”.
Obama advisor David Axelrod leapt on the “fairly satisfied” quote while ignoring the bit about shedding light:
Jay Carney, the White House press sec also quoted Corker in his daily briefing yesterday:
“Another leading Senate Republican, Senator Corker, said today that he feels like he knows what happened in Benghazi and he is, ‘fairly satisfied.'”
Lo and behold, here’s the BBC’s Suzanne Kianpour – who covered the Benghazi hearings yesterday – on Twitter today:
See how easily White House talking points become regurgitated by BBC journalists. In fact Kianpour’s tweet goes further – it drops “fairly” and gives no indication that Corker said this before yesterday’s hearings.
Reminder – here’s what Kianpour tweeted when Hillary Clinton stepped down as Sec of State:
Nice find, DB. Another one for the list. I must have missed it if you posted previously.
Louis the primer world news service has far more important matters to address. Today Alex Ferguson, Manger of Man United announced his retirement. The Six O’ Clock News led on this historical and cosmic changing event. Now there is a nothing on earth more important than that. Behave yourself, and thank the BBC for educating, informing etc. you as to what the really significant events of the day are.
The BBC failed in one respect on the Ferguson story: they didn’t tell us what Edward Miliband thought about it.
Slur Alex Fergushon, the way the media is carrying on you’d think he was Moses parting the Red Sea. Wait until Nelson Mandela kicks the bucket, the BBC will go absolute full bongo.
I wish football would shut up.
Wasn’t there a time when summer was free of this damn game?
Seasons not over in the Premiership. Couple more games to go until the drought.
Does anyone remember the Boston muslim terrorist attack, about 3 weeks ago ? completely forgotten, isn’t it ? but the 20th year anniversary of ‘Saint’ Stephen Lawrence , all over the media.
Talking of which, Newsnights Gavin Esler held an angst ridden discussion on the subject and what it tells us about the state of race relations in Britain ( groan ) with 4 or 5 black people.
No Chinese people I noted on the panel, but then, I suppose, the Chinese community knows how to behave themselves. An ethnic group that the BBC doesn’t know exists.
What a bunch of racists the BBC are !!
There must have been another one of those calendar adjustments:
1582 Under Pope Gregory, some countries jumped forward by 10 days to keep in step with the true Sun-Earth calendar.
1752 England added 11 days to catch up.
1918 Communist Russia added 13 days to get in step. 2010 The BBC decided to skip the years 2007-10.
The Earth must be doing something funny on its axis – almost certainly due to man-made global warming.
One is an important domestic story where they can build a narrative about domestic racism, the other is a failed white supremacist narrative in a racist foreign country.
I agree about your point regarding the Chinese, but for a different reason. A couple years back, there was a big fuss about Arizona’s allegedly racist immigration law, because it affected Hispanics. Nobody at the BBC noticed that there were illegal immigrants of other nationalities, as if the Chinese didn’t exist.
And apparently London is the world’s 6th largest French city. Again, no problem.
Hi Joshaw,
And Marseille is/or is about to become the first city in Europe with a Muslim majority.
What fun times we live in. Lots of the French come here to set up businesses, away from the over regulated economy back home. Not bad I say. A few Brits go to France to retire. Thank god I know one or two and have lovely stays with them, drinking lots of low tax wine.
While a few of the Muslims (sorry, I mean a small minority) want to harm us (note the moderation please), I am learning to self censor) In time I will have nothing to say. Some people will be very grateful for that.
”What fun times we live in.”
Yeah, it’s like living through the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
The racist murder of Stephen Lawrence really rankles doesn’t it? Why is that I wonder?
Groan, someone mentions the mind numbingly tiresome, ” R ” word, regurgitated ad nauseam, it’s now meaningless.
Perhaps because certain similar murders don’t.
certain similar murders? Don’t you mean hundreds of murders? Thousands of other crimes. Probably hundreds of thousands of crimes have not been investigated/have been given kid glove treatment when real policing was needed. White girls raped and abused being ignored by police and social services…WHY. Because they were scared of the race issue. THIS is the legacy of Stephen Lawrence and turnip can shove his pathetic innuendos up his arse.
“Don’t you mean hundreds of murders?”
I toned it down because I live in constant fear of being called a racist. Ohhhh …. the horror!
Tell us what reason your wonder has come up with: why is it do YOU think?
I suppose its because people would be less rankled if Stephen Lawrence was murdered by other Blacks, as most Black people are.
Black people who are murdered by other Black people seem to have very little value with the BBC, and are the least likely people murdered in Britain, to be reported by BBC News.
It rankles when Lawrence is turned into a cause celebre by the Left, yet completely ignores the racist murders of Kriss Donald and Ross Parker who arguably suffered greater agonies as they died than “St. Stephen”. The fact that these two lads were white who were murdered by Pakistanis because of their ethnicity shows the double standards of the NUJ dominated media and the Left in this country. Neither have the parents of these two lads made a career out of their murders the way Doreen Lawrence has out of her “loss”. No, they’ve been airbrushed out of history as though they are of lesser value than Doreen Lawrence. THEY weren’t invited to carry the Olympic flag!
Rod Sharp on Radio 5 came out with some brilliant gymnastic double think a couple of weeks ago, some muslims tried to blow up a Canadian train but they were caught.
” So the Canadian muslim community helped the police in catching these ‘men’ !! ”
”Canada’s Globe reported that the pair had been under investigation since last year following a tip-off by a concerned imam in the Toronto Muslim community. The imam was worried that young people in his community were being corrupted by an extremist, the report said.”
Yeah, where would we be without those ‘helpful’ imams ?
Reading the BBC website I find that: An elderly Catholic nun and two peace activists have been convicted for damage they caused while breaking into a US nuclear defence site.
On Benghazi hearings? Nothing yet.
I await with baited breath.
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?
Climb every …. oh, never mind.
re – nuns
how do you solve a problem like Maria?
re – benghazi
how do you solve that problem called Sharia?
anyway, tragically wrong, in Libya with disastrous consequences … but why put only one foot in it eh! Obama
as “the plank” Kerry now spouts, with his best stern demeanor, that :-
“theres no place for Assad in a forthcoming Syrian govern”? …
presumably this is at the insistence of the “good ole” – rebel/freedom fighters/militant – “boys” ,
who obviously want to load and doctor any future negotiations :-D.
well folks… for any future security, for the region, for israel, and for us from a wider islamic terror base?, one would have thought
“theres no place for islamic terror organisations,(associated to Iran and Al Qaeda) in a forthcoming Syrian government”
would be MUCH more prudent, looking at their sterling record with both mass murder and use of chemical weapons?
By the way its now 10:20pm ET
I’m starting to think that the BBC gave up being a serious news organization on US issue in favor of the advertizing revenue grab that comes with being a lightweight, mass-appeal news site when trying to attract the low-brow, mouth-breathing US audience.
‘the BBC gave up being a serious news organization on US issues’
They are hardly being taken seriously on most issues these days, and appear to think throwing vast amounts at spawning green box market rate shuffle board players to talk to each other about how trusted they are will have an impact if repeated often enough.
It’s just a shame reality keeps slipping past the redactions and FoI exclusions.
In the Internet age, I remain bemused as to why the BBC, still stoutly claiming professional integrity in journalism and a global operation that is the envy of the world, thinks those serious about news coverage will not notice their extraordinary lack of curiosity about areas that can only be explained by institutional priorities. Objective news it is not.
The motivations are intriguing. If they feel overseas (US mainly) commercial funding is worth risking already compromised credibility at home, that’s one heck of a gamble.
What made the BBC ‘unique’ was a supposed commitment to ‘pure’ news gathering and reportage free of agenda or commercial influence.
They have lost reputation on both.
Hope doing so in service of promoting a paper-thin, now-crumbling idealistic dream overseas no matter what is worth it.
No, unfortunately, they’re still being taken very seriously on most things. And the BBC continues to spend money in order to, as Jeremy Paxman put it, “spread influence.”
The BBC have found an acceptable way of reporting the Cleveland abductions.
Apparently the REAL story is not that three women were abducted imprisoned and raped for year after year. No, it seems that, there are a series of racist assumptions about coverage of victims.
“The perception of victimhood is partially a media creation”.
You don’t say. And the BBC position on this is?
Yes, in the US – and on Fox News! Fox News! Waagggh! – white victims do get more attention in the national news agenda. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen headlines about some little white girl gone missing, when the regular disappearance of little black girls is a non-story. But perhaps the BBC needs to address their own racial preferences (viz Helen Boaden’s admission that many BBC journalists are inclined to suppress stories about white victims in when the perpetrator(s) is (are) black, as stated at the bottom of Pg. 67 of their “”From Seesaw to Wagon Wheel” report), before casting that first stone.
It’s worth reading the whole thing.
Another example:
“……in the case of a film about census returns in parts of east London, showing that ethnic communities had become the majority. The film included interviews with council officials, members of the Asian community, and one white resident – who pronounced himself happy with his neighbourhood. Questioned as to whether this voxpop was really representative of the white community, the reporter replied with pride: ‘Oh no, we had to work really hard to find him!’”
I’d go further than DP. I’d say that the BBC is racist and corrupt.
I just love the fact that Hispanic people are not ‘white’! Surely this falsehood is only promoted to allow the usual cries of Waycism ?
…unless they commit serious crime against another minority group, when they suddenly become ‘White-Hispanic’.
See how it works.
The departure of a towering but divisive figure?
No, of course not. According to the BBC Alex Ferguson deserves complete and universal celebration.
This morning Colin Shindler calls out Nicky Campbell on the BBC’s ‘Psycho-phantic’ fawning to the Manchester United Manager. This cheeky City supporter at last points to the fact that the Emperor may just be a little bit nude.
Nicky goes quiet. ‘Make him a Labour Peer’ counters the Labour-friendly guest.
Ah, perhaps that Labour allegiance is the crucial difference between Sir Alex and another major public figure about whom the BBC narrative was divisive, divisive, divisive.
Talking of Colin Shindler I do admire this quote….
‘“The prettiest sight in this fine pretty world is the privileged class enjoying its privileges” remarks James Stewart rather sourly to Katharine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story as he surveys the Newport, Rhode Island society she inhabits and he despises. ‘
Newport Rhode Island – call it Salford
Yep, I’ve always thought the role of football was to show how the BBC would report politics, if they thought they could get away with it.
Don’t expect anyone to mention ‘Sir’ Alex’s last foray into politics, when he was the front man for the Manchester toll’s referendum. The closest the real public ever got to a vote on this universally-loved public figure, it all went a bit ‘lost 7-0 at Macclesfield Town’.
Hmm, according to the BBC’s Nick Robinson, on this mornings radio 4 stated that he thought Alex Ferguson was/is the Greatest living British person. Well, that is open to debate. Radio for gave Nick Robinson (editor) a good 5 minutes of air time concerning Mr Furguson and within that time it was stated that Alex was a confirmed Socialist.
The Greatest British person? Nah, not for me Mr Robinson. For me it is those that have lost their lives in recent conflicts on my behalf for the freedom that Sir Alex has, or the recently returned soldier who has had both legs and testicles blown off by an IED and who’s wife has now decided to *move on* without him in her life. Got to get our priorities right now haven’t we Mr Robinon, editor at the BBC?
“…he thought Alex Ferguson was/is the Greatest living British person”
Eric Hobsbawm having joined the choir invisible?
These twats are really taking the piss now. FFS greatest?
They are having a laugh at our expense.
As I listened to Mr. Robinsion this morning I was wondering if he would point out the paradox of a confirmed socialist being such a happy lackey in the Premier League: capitalism and the premier opium of the people. Does it say there is something flawed in socialist ideology, or that socialism attracts fundamentally flawed individuals, ones who are really bourgeois but such inverted snobs they cannot admit it.
Greatest living Briton, Nelson Mandela ! should be on the £10 pound note. Here he is, singing kill the whites.
People will forgive a lot if you get the desired results and Fergusson certainly got that.
And he did it with less money than Man City, Chelsea et al.
I don’t like him for the way he acts and the way he taught his team to act. Winning at all costs, fouling, diving at the slightest touch, assaulting opponents, assaulting the spectators, barracking the referee etc. All things started at Man Utd by Fergusson and then spread to the rest of the leagues.
And that’s before we get to the rumours that led to ‘play until Man Utd score’, violence in the changing rooms, the cover ups and bullying of the press. Allegedly.
No, Fergusson isn’t even a good man, never mind the best ever Briton ever.
I really hate the lionising of this faux-socialist Ferguson.
He was right to refuse to speak to the BBC for eight years or so…but we don`t hear too much about that “issue”.
I`m a United fan-he “delivered”,but the likes of Savile show that unadulterated praise and media cringing is no guarantee of being allowed to keep your legacy.
Fergie was not-IS not-a nice man, but is a winner and is a man who will cast the media into outer darkness if they get too close…like Alistair Campbell, the BBC has battered wife syndrome when it comes to its abusers.
To laud this boor for winning a few footie matches makes us look like North Korea or Soviet Russia. All bow before the Great God Sport.
Sick of metrosexual fops in London patronising those northern chappies that take their soccer so seriously…and more fool the northern monkeys that let their tummies be tickled by the likes of Cameron. Humprys and Davis…none of who would know one end of a football from another.
On Channel 4 News they had Alistair Campbell lauding Ferguson and also Moyes, and inserting that both were Quisling Party supporters. Again no questioning as to why this was a source of pride and not embarrassment.
Speaking of metrosexual fops you would have been very irritated by Channel 4 news as they had Snow, Crick and Campbell fawning away about the shop steward from Govan. Of course not one of them state educated.
Also Campbell was described as a friend of Ferguson. And as the old adage goes ‘you should judge a person by their friends’.
Finally, as I don’t watch/listen to a huge amount of the Quisling Broadcasting Corporation output I was wondering if the enrichment and vibrancy industry have been demanding, with Quisling Broadcasting Corporation endorsement, that Manchester United should appoint a more enriched and vibrant manager than David Moyes? Or are Man. Utd. too important to be subjected to this type of enrichment and vibrancy intimidation?
Well that’s the BBC News output sorted for the rest of the day:
‘Action hero’ Ed Miliband rescues female cyclist who flipped over handlebars
I read the Telegraph article and the Camden New Journal article, and they are just not very clear on the facts:
was it Ed Miliband’s breath or his B.O that was acrid enough to act as ‘smelling salts’?
This is interesting:
CND cannot rewrite its own history
In particular:
“As for Soviet funding of CND, it was proven in November 1991 that the KGB bankrolled the British Communist Party throughout the 1970s – the very period when (as Bruce Kent repeatedly acknowledged) only the support of the Communist Party and of the Quakers enabled CND to survive.”
“I see that the BBC has left on the cutting-room floor what I think was an important point……..Ms Hudson said that I would hear from CND’s lawyers. I have not heard from them, but the BBC appear to have taken her threat to heart.”
Must have been a difficult decision for them.
‘Must have been a difficult decision for them’
Checks & balances.
McAlpine: don’t bother even checking & run full tilt no matter what the consequences.
Balanced by dropping critical aspects of public interest at the merest hint of legal bow shot as here.
One can only what it was that saw steely resolve in one case, and utter capitulation in the other.
Of course CND were Soviet stooges.
When Chernobyl went up where did they protest? Outside the US Embassy.
Have a look at the photo in the article you link to.
On the left is communist stooge and useful idiot, Bruce Kent, next to him is communist stooge and useful idiot, labour MP Joan Ruddock, and behind her is communist stooge and useful idiot, the treasurer of CND who was in receipt of Soviet largesse and now lord high panjandrum of the EU foreign ministry “Baroness” Catherine Ashton, the second highest paid female politician in the world, whose “wife” is Peter Kellner of YouGov pollsters who deliberately weight polls against UKIP.
Also worth pointing out that these muppets prostituted themselves with the “World Peace Council” funded almost exclusively by and a front for the Soviet Union.
In the early 80s I policed a demo by these scum when they spectacularly failed to support the Czech dissident group Charter 77, instead branding it an “anti-communist” group
Hawkings supports the Pallies. BBC quotes a spokeswoman for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign: “Many will be taken aback at the extreme reaction among Israel’s supporters to the news of Prof Hawking’s support for the Palestinian call for boycott.
“We urge those opposed to boycotts, disinvestment and sanctions to respect freedom of speech.”
Hawking for Allah
Without Israeli technology Hawking is a wheelchair.
At the Commentator…
bbc breaking news
“sir” alex ferguson, calls to made a “lord” gushes 5live …
expect a line up of dribbling sycophants, to provide an overlong indepth analysis, of all the in and outs of gods dog.
obama, benghazi anyone? … no?
clinton/rice deliberate deceit then … hello?
denial of facts, causing US gov lives – ambassador killed
hearings possible exposure world news …. (sound of crickets).
tumbleweed blows down the empty corridor
Glenn Beck’s ‘The Blaze’:-
For INBBC/BBC Democrat:-
“Hicks is blowing the lid off the cover-up by the Obama administration. But still it begs the question — what was Stevens and his team doing in Benghazi on 911 (without security)? How close was the Stevens contingent (Hicks included) to the jihadists and al qaeda forces they were arming and supporting (to defeat Qaddafi) — and that turned on them and slaughtered them? Look at this. Hicks describes the second phase of the jihadist attack on the US consulate.”
i ve just re-checked, bbc US page for lard Mardells on the ball analysis.
“@BBCMarkMardell via Twitter
Can any religion be “a religion of peace?”
Fascinating piece on Buddhism and violence.http://t.co/Wyv9OB0YBJ”
how about the squeaky voiced Douche then?
“@bbclysedoucet via Twitter
Ex PM Gilani confirms tragic news his son Ali Haider abducted outskirts Multan by armed gunmen. Guard killed. Others injured. #Pakistan”
Good stuff
“you will not get the truth from the main-stream media”
yep, we know.
Mein Gott!… The Jeremy Whine Show has a three-hanky interview with bulgy-eyed ranter Ed Testicles about his brave fight against stammering, rather neglecting the fact that some guy called Winston also had a stammer and a lisp, but he seemed to do just fine. Perhaps it’s the content that’s the problem?
DJ – you did well to listen. I used the ‘off’ button. Whilst I can have sympathy for people who have difficulty to get their words out I would have preferred the BBC to have anyone but Balls to describe how they overcome their speech problems – but why would the BBC waste their opportunity to get the sympathy vote for Labour?
Anyone else think that the retirement of a football manager was manna from heaven for the BBBC so that they didn’t have to lead with the Queens speech. You don’t suppose it could have been orchestrated do you?
Slur Alex Fergushon has thrown tea cups, saucers and other assorted items of crockery at players, including even boots.
Is this normal behaviour or that of a psychopath ?
Flying football boots? Reminds me of flying Nokia mobiles. Perhaps it’s just the behaviour of a socialist.
Yes, boots, here’s the documented proof when Slur Alex tossed a boot at our national hero / simpleton David Beckham. Explosive footage.
Surely real socialists throw empty champagne bottles?
Kevin Bishop doing a very good impression of the sociopath Slur Alex Fergushon
The BBC covering for the3 NHS again…..or not:
Hey, fella, last I looked we had only the one NHS, not three of them.
Of course one NHS is one too many.
By no means the only one, but a major ongoing concern is the BBC and ‘no time to check’ or ‘no space for accuracy’ headlines, often compounded by ‘quotes’ included for effect.
This one seems to have struck a chord with many; at least enough to provoke a rare response:
Near instant given the BBC’s usual geological pace, but as concluded:
‘Whilst that correction is of course welcome, the question we still need to ask is how the original headline got published in the first place – and stayed up for two days.’
The answer, if ever provided, would be interesting.
Political Insights – according to Richard Bacon:
‘What chance have we got in the Eurovision Song Contest…? last week’s local government elections will not have endeared us to the Europeans…’
Oh, so that was what voters ought to have been thinking of when they went to the ballot box. Never mind your Council Tax – think of the Nul Points we might get from Luxembourg.
Journalistic Insights – according to Richard Bacon.
‘They said Twitter was a load of rubbish – now it’s breaking major news stories…. Sorry, we need to retract that last story (re Manchester United’s new Manager) – we read out what was an erroneous ReTweet of an incorrect annoucement’
This piece by Tara McKelvey is the BBC in a nutshell:
It explores the issue of missing white women syndrome – (the bias of the media towards white females who go missing).
Clearly there are too factors at play here, race and gender, and the stats back up this fact.
The article endlessly focuses on race, decrying racism, interviewing race campaigners yet not once does it mention issues such as sexism, misandry and male disposability.
They even manage to get a Stephen Lawrence reference in there, despite the fact he never even went missing anyway, not to mention the fact that the coverage of his cases has been completely over the top.
I hate it when the bBBC makes a story about what ‘the media’ is reporting, as if they are detached from it.
It is usually, as in this case, a lazy journalist’s way of getting his/ her own prejudices published.
‘a story about what ‘the media’ is reporting, as if they are detached from it’
Cute, ain’t it? Lucky no one sees through such a blatant one degree of separation attempt.
I’m surprised they don’t just kick off with ‘The BBC has learned that, colleagues are saying…’.
News that for some reason does not get into the BBC website
Manufacturing output, which accounts for 7pc of the UK economy, rose by 1.1pc, following a 0.7pc increase in February, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The figure was well above economists’ forecasts for a 0.3pc monthly rise, and came as companies ramped up production of basic materials and overseas demand increased for UK equipment and machinery,
What a nasty, filthy piece from the BBC
“Cleveland abductions: Do white victims get more attention?”
Does a day go by without the BBC banging on about Stephen Laurence.
When was the last time the BBC mentioned Keith Blakelock
Or Yvonne Fletcher.
“Freeing the Lockerbie bomber ‘is an insult to Yvonne Fletcher'”(2009).
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1206680/Freeing-Lockerbie-bomber-insult-Yvonne-Fletcher.html#ixzz2SoRo0Z37
When was the last time the BBC mentioned Keith Blakelock? Or:
Fred Carter
Mark Sharp
Annie Castle
Billy Bryan
PC Patrick Dunne
Philip Gosling
Emmanuel Hand
Richard Everitt
Leslie Watkinson
Frank Dempsey
PC Philip Walters
Thomas Kidd
Michael Dooher
Ted Howell
Danny Westmacott
Andrew Steventon
Elizabeth Pinhorn
Nina MacKay
Louie Wade
James McParland
Brian Harvey
Peter Harvey
Winifred Sills
Elizabeth Amlot
Daisy Fenton
Rosie Ross
Hilda Lockert
Anne Cypher
Amanda Clarke
Ross Parker
Kevin Jackson
Anthony O’Brien
Owain Leeson
Gavin Hopley
Kriss Donald
Joshaw, who do you recognise in the photo of the article about CND that you posted earlier? Apart from the communist lackey Bruce Kent that is.
She’s perfectly placed in the EUSSR, isn’t she. Bloody woman!
Related…and well worth a read…
…not sure why both those went into moderation????
Missed that first time.
I read it. In fact it says more about the writer’s prejudices than anything else. Largely unprovable assumptions based on a need to demonise white society.
Telegraph on gang rape –
“In the five-month Scotland Yard study, suspects of African/Caribbean appearance were identified in 49 per cent of attacks. A further 13 per cent were committed by men of Indian/Pakistani appearance.”
BBC website
An elderly Catholic nun and two peace activists have been convicted for damage they caused while breaking into a US nuclear defence site.
as Louise has stated so eloquently earlier
BBC indepth re- Benghazi ….
a cold wind – tumbleweed, and a dog howling in the distance 😀
re – Nuns
how do you solve a problem like Maria?
re – Benghazi
how do you solve that problem called Sharia?
anyway, tragically wrong, in Libya with disastrous consequences … but why put only one foot in it eh! Obama
as “the plank” Kerry now spouts, with his best stern demeanor, that :-
“theres no place for Assad in a forthcoming Syrian govern”? …
presumably this is at the insistence of the “good ole” – rebel/freedom fighters/militant – “boys” ,
who obviously want to load and doctor any future negotiations .
well folks… for any future security, for the region, for israel, and for us from a wider islamic terror base?, one would have thought
“theres no place for islamic terror organisations,(associated to Iran and Al Qaeda) in a forthcoming Syrian government”
would be MUCH more prudent, looking at their sterling record with both mass murder and use of chemical weapons? … great!
AND should we get to said government elections, can no one remember Egypt, in the Obama administration?
the way financed, organised islamists gained power?
over a country in disarray?
as V Mildrew would say …. UNBELIEEEEEVABLE
‘a cold wind – tumbleweed, and a dog howling in the distance’
The problems of story selection do seem to continue to task the BBC’s finest.
It has been noticed by one who more often than not sees the best in them:
‘a grumpy, controlling old man… feted by a BBC he wouldn’t talk to for years’
Who’s that Nick… the greatest Englishman?
Nadine Dorrise on BBC TV pointing out that Britain gets stiffed by the EU for £53 million per day and that voters on the doorstep are now being made aware and getting restless.
BBC bimbo doesn’t want to talk about that and says “I don’t want to get bogged down in details”
Yes that’s right, the BBC doesn’t want any discussion on £53 million disappearing out of Britain each day.
Handwringing BBC bimbo then bangs on with that old cannard “Do those people [voters on the doorstep] not also realise how many jobs in this country are dependant on our trade with the rest of the EU”
Come again darlin’. BBC propaganda at its most blatant and obvious.
When the bimbo is skewered on the reality of EU trade and how EU regulation is hindering UK trade with the rest of the world, she desperately switches tactic to “Aren’t the Tories running scared of UKIP”
Typical BBC obfuscation
Now everyone repeat after me for the benefit of the BBC;
EU exports more to Britain than Britain exports to EU
EU would not risk jeopardising that trade imbalance by tariffs against Britain.
Britain now exports more to the rest of the world than the EU
British trade with emerging markets hampered by EU regulation.
Listen in from 1min 30 secs on
To the average Beeboid it is axiomatic that UKIP voters are not nice people. Not people like us , so to speak, who a little beeboid would be happy to have coffee with.
For some odd reason I cannot imagine a beeboid drinking tea.
That should read “Britain now exports more to the rest of the world than TO the EU”
Whose Children?
Political class (and Beeboid) presumption?:
-one’s children, under the age of 5 should be in the care of someone else, preferably a state-financed organisation.
The thought that it would be in many infant children’s interests to be in the full-time care of their own parents seems to be off the political agenda.
“Childcare ratio plans ‘in chaos’, says Labour.”
“The Sex-Change Society: Feminised Britain and the neutered male”
By Melanie Phillips .
What happens to be a ‘Christian evangelical’ summary/review of book is here:-
By the way, an update on what Melanie Phillips is now doing:-
‘My New Venure’
Or, as filtered via the politically leftist ‘Independent’:-
“Phillips launches ‘Brand Melanie’ as she tries to become the darling of the American right”
They do love the thought of children being raised by other than their parents. All the parties are as bad as each other.
The lefties want state parenting. The lib dems are muddled as usual and Cameron just makes gurgling noises.
State control of child raising is a liberal left mantra so one can expect the BBC to be in favour.
There are other policies but you won’t hear about them.
Tax relief for stay at home parents given to the working parent.
Paying decent wages to us so that one wage will raise a family. This was always the unspoken bargain in the days when I was a Union man.
Making the family the starting point of the nation’s politics and that means the traditional family not the anything goes version of liberaldom.
My sons struggle but the young children have their mothers, by choice I might add, at home.
Stay at home mothers are of inestimable benefit to society. Not to the liberal version of unreality but to the real world. I wonder, in passing, just how many of our recent immigrant communities fall for the “women must work” line.
Your “other policies” are spot on Dave, but state control of child raising is best for terrorising the little bastards into believing in global warming and diversity.
I’ve just been listening to Radio 4’s 6 p.m. news.
Two of the stories relate to government announcements, one involving an increase in the number of children that a child minder can look after and the other to changes in the probation service.
As seems to be pattern with these ‘government announcements’ they were immediately followed by extensive reporting of the critics comments. By the end of the report the summary headline is the criticism not the announcement.
In the same programme there was an announcement from the Northern Ireland assembly that there are to be changes to the ‘peace’ fences. Remarkably, Northern Ireland is a dissent-free zone, apparently. Either that or the BBC chose not to report any critical comment.. Could it be that the ‘nasty’ party/coalition isn’t running NI?
More for INBBC/BBC-Democrats:-
“Blow-by-Blow: How Obama & Hillary Left Americans to Die”
BBC 2 currently stating their case for the Islamification of all British Cities, unbelievable bias, shameful!
The public are slowly, but surely awakening to the reality. The bullshit cannot fool them all forever.
Bradford seems like such a wonderful place, I think I’ll move there tomorrow.
That program was just incredible.
I know Bradford very well. It was never a great town in my opinion, but comparing what it was in the 60s and 70s to the series of ghettos it is now is mind boggling.
Of course, to the BBC this is all upbeat, progressive, multicultural enrichment of a tired, boring, ‘horribly white’ northern town. There are only positives – no downsides.
Look at all these industrious, cheeky and cheerful immigrant chappies! Look how their enterprise enlivens and invigorates these dull old formerly English towns!
There are no down sides. It’s a win-win for the BBC.
No mention of course of the anti-white racism, the no-go areas if you are ‘not of the faith’, the sexual abuse of white minors, the insularity, the seething atmosphere of hatred that you can sense and almost cut with a knife.
No. None of that. The BBC has it’s political and ideological blinkers firmly on and tries to persuade the view that this is the future for England. A bright sunlit upland populated with people who are complete strangers who actually hate you and who would not give you the time of day.
This program made me very angry in it’s utter contempt and disregard for the real Bradfordians (most of who have moved away or are in the graveyards).
Don’t what exactly?
I was advising Steve not to move to Bradford but the comment ended up in the wrong place. I thought I’d clicked the right “Reply”.
I grew up in Bradford. Not York, I’ll admit, but it did have a sense of community. Other advantages are proximity to the Dales, a couple of theatres and a concert hall.
Town planners ripped out the centre in the 1960s.
No mention of the money laundering, tax evasion, electoral fraud, the Pakistani drug gangs that drive around in very expensive & very, very, very, very, very, very, very very tackily done up cars, I’m sure all this will be covered in next weeks episode………..right ?!
BBC2. Bradford – Sh-tty In Breeds
5 mins was enough … off switch
watching someone trudging round a delapidated back street, dragging a shopping trolley – making sure the hijab doesn t move
that was it.
never a great place you know, but christ almost unrecognisable
INBBC 2: ‘Bradford: City of Dreams’ OR
‘Bradford: City of Nightmares’.
INBBC is politically complicit in the mass immigration policy of the U.K. ‘political class’ (notably Labour and Lib Dems) which has produced an on-going Islamisation of many parts of Britain.
And now, INBBC continues to propagandise for its Labour-mass immigration-‘multiculturalism’ (Sharia law)-Islamisation, with overtly propagandist programmes such as this one tonight; and, of course to re-enforce its political message, there’s Part 2 of the Islamising message next week.
Expect more explicit INBBC ‘ city of dreams’ propaganda for the mass immigration and Islamisation of many other areas of Britain including London, Birmingham, Blackburn, Luton, Oldham, Slough, High Wycombe, etc.
INBBC sees its political role in this as opposing the the anti-mass immigration views of most non-Muslim British people, and instead continues to propagandise for the COLONISATION of the British people, and state how wonderful it is for them.
My grandmother was from Penzance in Cornwall. I still have aunts and uncles and cousins there and I’m seriously considering packing up and moving down there.
It’s a long way from anywhere else in the UK, comparatively.
Hopefully I’ll be safely in my coffin by the time the first mosque is built in Newlyn and the cry of the muezzin echos around the bay, but I do sincerely believe that will come.
Unless we turn this around in the next five years then England is lost.
Until the Newlyn mosque is built you can always use the one in Truro.
Yes, the unstoppable tide is working its way down the peninsular.
BBC-NUJ is disinclined to report this:
“How rise of ‘white flight’ is creating a segregated UK: Study reveals white Britons are ‘retreating’ from areas dominated by ethnic minorities.
Census figures show white Britons are leaving areas where they are minority.
Think-tank says survey reveals ‘spiral of white British demographic decline.’
Ex-Human Rights Commission chair says findings should make us ‘anxious.’
Nearly half of ethnic minorities live where whites make up less than 50%.
Just 800 of 8,850 council wards where population is 98 per cent white.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2320002/How-rise-white-flight-areas-dominated-ethnic-minorities-creating-segregated-UK.html#ixzz2SpginB2K
Come on BBC. Tell us exactly how the people of old England managed to make such a mark in the world. Such a boring homogenous bunch that they were.
Oh and they knew how to die for England as well. Those northern Pals regiments on the Somme. They just the old boring white Englishmen you so despise.
Long past time arguing with these fools.
Sometimes I really despise the BBC.
It is providing you are
a) Male
b) Muslim
c) Under 30
Unbelievable piece of propaganda, things need to change in this country, need to get rid of The BBC & all three of the mainstream political partys, shocking!
I just watched a few minutes from the beginning before giving up: Goebbels would have been proud of this crap.
And it’s so blatant.
You’d think that any senior editor worth their salt would look at this programme objectively and say “we can’t possibly broadcast this – it’s too slanted, too biased, it doesn’t depict the reality of the situation”.
But of course NO. This is the BBC.
BBC “Coast”. Of all the hundreds of thousands of fishing trips taken every year, how did the BBC manage to find a family of Africans (from Zimbabwe) in Whitby off out to catch a few fish as an annual lads adventure? Full marks for effort BBC – it must have taken months and months to find them – that is if they weren’t just some guys bunged fifty quid each and given a free day out on the boat.
So the question is why did they go to the effort to source some African fishermen when there are plenty of fishing trips every day from every port in the land.
I seem to recall Countryfile has form her as well
Looks it’s simple.
White indigenous people are boring old racists. African people are much more exciting and exotic and better human beings all round.
Who wants to watch some tedious white Yorkshire folk when you can gawp at some culturally-enriching Zimbabweans?
Novelty value – the hidden racism of the left.
how true
Another obsession is food, e.g. “The Food Programme” on Radio 4. The last edition celebrated diverse foreign dishes from the traditions of immigrant groups, while communal sharing of these was a benefit of multiculturalism. Hardly an argument for the reverse colonisation of the UK.
And the ” vibrancy.” White people just aren’t vibrant, nah.
They do get pretty ‘vibrant’ too in their original communities.
Vibrant use of machettes and ‘necklacing’ people with burning tyres all adds to the extreme vibrancy.
Occasional cannibalism and burning children for being ‘witches’ are all things we should embrace and enjoy to enliven the dull old United Kingdom.
A vibrant Caribbean festival in Washington turns into a street brawl, then a full scale riot. I love it.
And it’s a university !!!!!!!!!!!
Aw c’mon guys, you have to equate the events in that video with our colonial guilt ridden past. After all, those scenes must be something like the way the Eton Wall game started, surely?
Oh the cultural enrichment our backward citizens could gain from these wonderful vibrant people huh?
They work in an atmosphere where even the hint of waycism is the end of a career, if not a job. They have to prove their commitment to the narrative.
So when they do a show with only white people in it they start to panic. hence the African fishermen.
That’s also why the show started with a Welshwoman, a Scot, 2 Englishmen and posh girl with an Eastern European name to represent diversity. No Irish as they are not part of the UK as far as the BBC are concerned.
Zimbabwean fishermen in Whitby ?
Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle, and no, that isn’t ‘waaycism, it’s just an expression.
“DNA tests prove Yorkshiremen were originally from Zimbabwe.”
Sure, and my left foot’s a kipper!
Remember “Drop the Dead Donkey” on Ch4 in the 1990s? The top reporter always took a child’s teddy bear to disaster areas so it could be photographed lying in the debris.
I think BBC TV crews travel around with a bus load of black people. These Zimbabwean faces will probably turn up in Cheltenham next week.
Oh it’s Question Time again.
Looks like this one will be a hoot. Audience stuffed with Labour activists once again. That raddled old misandrist Greer gobbing off again.
“Losing her Audience”
Anti-European Union, pro-Europe.
For the record, ex-Tory Minister, now BBC regular presenter, Michael Portillo (who is half-Spanish), has an article in today’s ‘Times’ (£) supporting Britain’s withdrawal from the E.U.
‘Express’ has a summary here:-
“Leave the ‘disastrous’ EU, urges Tory heavyweight Michael Portillo”
He’s hardly a ‘Tory heavyweight’ these days is he?
He spends his time on BBC sofas and making coffee-table programmes about railways (of which he knows nothing, incidentally).
Last week he was wearing a green satin shirt.
Just like our Mike.
I was watching one of his ‘Great British Railway Journeys’ programmes and he was banging on about ‘Victorian engineering’ while pointing at a BR ‘Standard’ steam locomotive that was built in about 1952.
Says it all about Portillo really.
Probably thinks the locomotive was built by Hornby.
He wouldn’t have a clue mate.
“The BBC would have us think that Ferguson trumps the Queen”
By Adrian Hilton.
Perhaps the “Queens Speech” was less of a story because there was, at the end of the day, nothing worth commenting upon in it. Also the vast majority of its contents had been “leaked” and reported upon in previous days.
CANADA and Islamic Jihad.
Is BBC-NUJ/INBBC reluctant to report on Canada because it is ‘too white’ and has too strong a historical connection with white British people?
And, on top of that Beeboids internationally have trouble reporting Islamic jihad as Islamic jihad.
Anyway, BBC-NUJ/INBBC has difficulty in getting to the gist of this news story (check three quarters in):-
“Tunisian held in New York over Canada train bomb plot”
‘Jihadwatch’ has, without evasion:-
“Canada jihadists considered poisoning air and water to murder up to 100,000 people”
If the bastards have got to Penzance before I do then plan B is to head for Canada – the last refuge of civilization.
Emma Thomson thinks Exeter is too white.
She’s adopted a 22 year old Rwandan, as you do, the latest Liberal fashion accessory.
Emma Thompson said: “ Exeter is very white and middle class and it needs to be cracked open a bit. I shall be there with my son, Tindyebwa Agaba , who is from Rwanda.
He had some unpleasant experiences at Exeter, but also some good ones. That’s what’s great, that the university has reacted with great oomph. They see we do need to open our eyes and doors and see what’s been going on with people.”
” cracked open a bit.”
I don’t like the sound of that.
In other words, it’s “hideously white” and needs to be dragged down to the egalitarian level of other institutions, just so that the romantic sentimentalists of the illiberal Left can feel good about themselves.
Why didn’t she send him to Howard University – in the YouTube video, above?
Because those champions of multicultural vibrancy know on which side their wholemeal bread is spread with soya margarine !
“Exeter vice-chancellor met Gaddafi over £75m deal to educate Libyan officials” (2011).
“Funding with strings attached.
Some of the UK’s finest universities are taking money from the world’s worst regimes – without revealing it”
By Robin Simcox (2009).
You can’t move for mosques in Canada – and you can be arrested for offending virtually anyone. How about Plan C – move to Pakistan? They’ll all have left soon.
I wonder how the BBC DG is getting on in his new job?
(Apologies to Eric Idle and The Rutles)
Lord Tony Hall BBC DG:
‘Suddenly, everyone has become amazingly litigious. I remember I get up in the morning. Start an Internal Inquiry. Check in the papers that I hadn’t been fired. Go to the office. Pick up the morning’s Internal Inquiries. Read the Internal Inquiries. Announce a new Internal Inquiry. Go out for lunch. Start an Internal Inquiry into the restaurant. Get back in, collect the Internal Inquiries that had been received that afternoon. Watch BBC Newsnight. Call BBC Newsnight into my office. Start an Internal Inquiry into BBC Newsnight. Then go home. Do a quick Internal Inquiry into the wife.’
The Rutles – now that was a fine spoof ‘Beatle-esque’ band invented by Eric Idle and Neil Innes. Their songs were hilarious parodies like “Ouch !” for “Help!”, “Doubleback Alley” for “Penny Lane” and “Love Life” for “All You Need is Love”. The last two mentioned even had similar instrumentation to the originals.
Whoops – I forgot “Piggy in the Middle” (send-up of “I Am the Walrus”).
(BBC Proportional Representation?)
Bollywood Carmen
Come and be a part of an extraordinary one off event, celebrating the excitement and glamour of Bollywood, live in Bradford on BBC Three.
Big songs, huge dance routines and gripping drama will make up this one hour spectacular as we tell the story of a local girl trying to get her break in Bollywood when a superstar comes to town.
Expect love, loss and some massive beats!
As a member of the crowd you will play a key role in the live event, taking part in choreographed routines which we will teach you on the night, so be sure to bring your dancing shoes.
**Plese note this is a standing event and no seating will be provided.**
To make the distribution of tickets fair, we are operating a random draw with 60% of tickets going to Bradford postcodes and 40% to the rest of the UK.
(Only 6 tickets per person? – postal voting was never this strict)
You can register for tickets at any time until Thursday 16 May at midday.
You can apply for a maximum of six tickets per person.
I’m a bit worried about the massive beats – is that the punishment for Muslim girls going ‘Western’ ?
The political ‘left’s banker, The Co-operative Bank, with its self-designated ethical high-ground position, has problems too.
“Co-op Bank chief steps down after Moody’s downgrade”
“Co-op Bank debt rating downgraded by Moody’s”
I am afraid no bias here but a bit of light relief.
My daughter forced me to listen to Radio 1 yesterday afternoon in the car and a young lady film ‘reviewer’ called Rhianna piped up with her insightful comments on a new film called ‘Mud.’ Spot the black hole in her edukation…
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01s7st2 at 51 minutes in.
‘Ark Kansas’ where the hell is that?!! I blame that Gove chap.
Why am I paying for her to come out with this childish pap? Oh, I have just seen her ‘attributes’ in the picture of her on the website, it all makes sense.
Also John ‘got the Hump’ is beginning to show us that he should draw stumps before it is too late. On yesterday’s Today programme he literally lost the plot… http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01s8qx7 at
1 hour 15minutes 30seconds.