Interesting article GeorgeR and one which, apart from Aitken, fails to name any verifiable sources.
One comment that is attributed is that Aitken “believes there is still much which is excellent about the broadcaster, adding: “This bedrock excellence has not been destroyed by recent scandals and it provides a solid foundation for the BBC to restore people’s trust in it.”
‘one which, apart from Aitken, fails to name any verifiable sources.’
Mr. Aitken being this chap?: ‘Mr Aitken spent 25 years working for the BBC and was well thought of when at Radio Four’s Today programme.’
So, he has worked there and has gone on record.
As to the others alluded to and agreed un-named, might this offer an explanation?: ‘None of the current or former journalists who spoke out is identified due to fears of disciplinary action.’
Likely? Or not? Maybe Mr. Pollard’s or Ms. Rose’s inquiry findings offer clues?
‘Chaotic & incapable’ don’t seem out of step with ‘out of touch with the real world’.
Sounds like using fee-payer cash to hush folk up is almost endemic, too.
And vitriol? Surely not?
The Pollard Report was full of managerial sewing machine precision and inter-departmental flowers and ponies.. ’16. Quite separately, increasingly convoluted discussions were occurring among the BBC Executive as to its corporate position. For example, during the
afternoon of 1 October Paul Mylrea, David Jordan, Julian Payne and Nadia Banno debated a ‘slight tweak’ to its ‘Savile line’ to include a statement from Rippon insisting that the decision was an editorial one and any claim that internal pressure was applied is a malicious rumour. Cooks and broth come to mind.’
Maybe you are more an advocate of the BBC Panorama style of protecting sources?
While on matters precedent, when it comes to such things, the BBC record in areas of sourcing and/or verification seems less than stellar.
From a Nick Robinson #prasnews from Labour HQ passed off as ‘overheard’, to Newsnight’s truly in-depth professional fact checking before its McAlpine story.
Staying in touch with reality via or about the BBC must create great ethical conflicts when choosing what is pertinent and what needs to be covered up.
Your two paras should get you the Head of News slot in a heartbeat come next deckchair shuffle.
I thought you were too busy with important business to post here. I guess you solved Britain/Europe/World (delete as appropriate) economic problems over the weekend. I assume this week Israel-Palestine, or will it be Syria.
Well, it is just one person, but it is on record witness testimony. More than many BBC ‘learnings’, ‘has been toldings’, ‘sources sayings’ or ‘critics sayings’ have to back them up.
Towards the end a very key phrase was actually lightly mentioned and equally casually passed on from: “The BBC did not spend much time on that argument”
Goes to the nub of things, if highlighting the difficulty (not impossibility) of nailing such things down.
How often has something the BBC has not ‘spent time on’ quietly happened, been allowed to happen or passed from the public mind if ‘controversial’? In this case a war they liked.
And how often has stuff the BBC spent a lot of time on progressed necessarily to the advantage of the BBC and those it supports?
Quite often, clearly. Ask HackedOff, The PA or The One (though events, dear Barak, are looking less helpful to the reputation of those who so blindly follow).
In history, the backing of a £4Bpa propaganda unit with global reach could be worth a few divisions.
And the radio wave or satellite feed can be mightier than the sword. One errant tweet and whammo… consequences in billions, or lives ruined.
Let us not forget, this story was a tip of an iceberg; an overt statement of partiality as a beacon in the very heart of what is supposed to be a professional place of work where personal views are left at home. No one objected. Including no market rate manager who one might presume would be alert to how such things may not play well. One can only assume the corridors of power, Bolly bottles and no-record whispered-but-forgotten policy decisions were never left.
And one can only imagine what more could have been and still be happening that does not have a big poster waving in the office to advertise it.
They are, after this, perhaps wiser to being so blatant in future.
Perhaps another President few remember fondly, but the BBC may yet learn the key lesson of Nixon: don’t get caught.
So far they seem to be relying on (expensive, self-administered, addict-level) cure than prevention, though.
bbc – Pope canonises 800 Italian martyrs after yet another historic islamic beheading atrocity …
😀 sorry, well no not really
bbc –
Pope canonises 800 Italians, Ottoman? (read muslim)… victims? of Otranto
“There was no hint of anti-Islamic sentiment?
in the homily that Pope Francis delivered before tens of thousands of worshippers gathered in St Peter’s Square, the BBC’s David Willey in Rome reports”
such a load off eh!
beheaded in the southern Italian town of Otranto after refusing to convert to Islam,
by turks sent by mohhamhead II
oops! sent too soon
“There was no hint of anti-Islamic sentiment?” – as obviously, the most important thing in Rome during a Canonisation, the overarching concern, the main issue
is the bbc s obsession with islamo-faux-bia then?
I visited Otranto in 1975 while driving my family around Apulia and Calabria. The 800 skulls are preserved in the church there- gruesome place.
But Otranto was just one of many hundreds of Islamic attacks around the shores of the Med. Mostly very bloodthirsty attacks, slaughtering any males over about 10, and taking females and young boys off into slavery – menial or sexual. Even parts of Britiain were attacked by Moorish pirates, and Pepys and others record the long-standing problems with the Berbers.
There is no similar pattern of Christian (or Jewish) massacre, rape and pillage for hundreds of years.
Is this reflected in BBC coverage of matters Islamic ? Of course not. The BBC sustains the idea of Islam as a Religion of Peace when its core texts are shot through with justification for violence against other religions.
In a further development to the hiring of Purnell by the BBC as its director of strategy, it appears that he hasn’t left the political scene as they claimed. It would anyway be incredulous that somebody who attained the position of Culture Secretary under Labour, and worked for many years within that party, can now slough it all off and it would have no effect on his personal agenda.
The BBC and Purnell think it’s enough to claim he’s now impartial, which if you think about it, shows the arrogant disdain for its public, yet knowing they will get away with this. The supposed ex-Tory, 🙄 head of BBC Trust – Chris Patten, clearly doesn’t care.
James Purnell served as Culture Secretary under Gordon Brown
In Who’s Who he is listed as a member of Stalybridge Labour Club
Club regular claimed Purnell had been there as recently as last autumn
‘The BBC and Purnell think it’s enough to claim he’s now impartial’
Old boys’ club member Mr. Purnell sounds like he’d fit right in (or get airbrushed out, depending on the needs of the editorial narrative) of the astoundingly uncurious BBC market rate top table.
Seems he doesn’t recall and/or doesn’t believe a heck of a lot could happen that did.
Love the BBC Zelig Editor used the FOI to get the scoop. Lucky Mr. Purnell and chums didn’t know about redactions and exclusions a la Aunty… then. Won’t get caught out by such things out now, eh, Jim?
Also nice to see Trust’nHonesty getting used often enough too. While using information more intelligently… and then getting caught is one thing; hiring the bloke you nailed blustering about it happening outside his scope of awareness seems, well, pretty unique. Maybe it was a different time? Again.
Noting also to back this up the BBC appears to have run with ‘sources saying’, which will present a dilemma to some variably huffy hall monitors here.
Anyway, now he’s ‘in the fold’, one presumes such exposes by the home team may be a bit less likely?
Nothing like a BBC integrity shift when it gets ‘internal’.
Radio BBC 5 live Double Take, 10am (51mins 25″ in)
the BBC does its best to totally rubbish
a RAF Dambusters Commemoration, and
then absurdly tries a “guilt trip” narrative
“neglible military value – just propaganda”
thankfully, they are succinctly corrected
on air , but even then can t help themselves as the
interviewee states he ll look forward to seeing a
very inspiring Lancaster fly past …
“hmmm, inspiring but … intimidating”
drones our beebot to end the segment
there was no link before
check it out
BBC 5 Live this morning and Nicky Campbell on his three-legged multi-gender panto horse limps gamely into the studio once again.
His next sketch is sub-Monty Python and involves throwing damp sponges at Lord Young and his scheme to lend cash to young people for business start ups.
How well is this scheme going?
The statistics fly here, the statistics fly there. Funny thing is that all the BBC stats are negative and straight out of the Labour critique. Oh well, c’est la vie.
Sounds as though for the BBC the scheme is just too slow and not enough – but Minister, why not just hose the cash willy nilly?
Lord Young toughs it out with his own figures.
Now here’s a funny thing. The Beeboids can’t pin him down on the numbers – but they do pick him up on his terminology.
You said ‘housewives’ instead of ‘stay-at-home-mums’
Nur-nur, Nur-nur-nur. (that’s politically incorrect according to their BBC big book of words).
I note this because of the way that I’ve heard Leftists do this before. (c/f Harriet Harman QT) They can’t counter the argument – so they pick up on an old world term.
Look out Grandma! The BBC are going on about euthanasia again.
I know they are always going on about it. Just turn your radio off and do some of your knitting. Or sit quietly and write a letter, or your memoirs or something.
I know, I know, the BBC won’t be happy until it’s legal – I’m getting out of here before it’s compulsory. Yes, I have heard that old Bob Hope joke about the queers – many times Gran – you have call them the ‘gays’ now gran.
Yes I know the BBC are like a dog with a bone.
It is a matter best left between individuals, their family and medical practitioners. You are right Gran but the BBC can’t help but see every issue as legal and everything as a matter for the State.
Hey, here’s some good news for you Gran – it’s your birthday coming up and it’s going to be a big one…. from now on you’ll be getting your TV Licence for free!
So the ever Moslem loving Radio 4 decides to do a piece on the Nikah mut‘ah or temporary marriage practiced by the Shia Moslems. The piece is concerned with its practice in the UK.
It does not question the validity of this in UK law, nor that someone is applying the laws of another country in the UK. The multi culti rose tinted dream is thus preserved.
It doesn’t address any of the negatives of this practice, only that two people are now able to co habit prior to marriage, and all the world is one of sunshine and love with fluffy bunnies and rose petals gently falling!
The reality is that Nikah mut‘ah is a very sinister practice. A way of Moslems forcing what might be willing partners into prostitutes, it makes using a prostitute legal for them.
“(…Except the forbidden women) the rest are lawful unto you to seek them with gifts from your property (i.e., dowry), provided that you desire protection (from sin), not fornication. So for whatever you have had of pleasure (Istamta’tum) with them by the contract, give unto them their appointed wages as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what you both agree (in extending the contract) after fulfilling the (first) duty. Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise.” (Surah 4, Verse 24)
sex outside of marriage is a crime, punishable by up to 100 lashes or, in the case of adultery, death by stoning. Yet the purpose of a temporary marriage is clear from its name in Arabic—mut’a, pleasure. A man and a woman may contract a mut’a for a finite period of time—from minutes to 99 years or more—and for a specific amount, mehr in Farsi, which the man owes the woman.
The ‘mehr’ aspect is completely ignored by the biased broadcaster who would never want to imply any wrong doing by a Moslem. To get around this they interview a Sunni Muslim who tell us the truth, but it portrayed as inter Nicene squabbling between the sects.
this is a very sinister practice, underhanded coercion,
the offer you can t (dare no) refuse, family pressure
the ever present, braindeads pressure of the ahem “community” sheesh that ideology eh!.
(for crying out loud … am i tired of hearing that bloody excuse, used as a rebuttal)
NOT ONLY RADIO 4 – RADIO 5 LIVE TOO! muslim concentrate this morning.
Radio 5Live
Really think V Drearybyshire is losing the plot, after that fiasco, championing the pandering to gitmo, THIS VERY MORNING shes “gonna get daan wiv de kids” on her show – her choice is … wait for it …
“ALL THOSE” young muslims “CHOOSING” sham marriages” … her tone … wow such a hip idea,
radical eh Dreary!
Unusually for a Nicky Campbell phone-in our amusing compare is keen to tell us the relative proportions of calls – euthanasia is winning apparently. Oh and another thing – this reflects public opinion. Jolly good, look forward to similar info on other debates…. benefits/immigration/globalwarming/justice system/EU…..
By the way the BBC Big Book of Words has a new update – as revealed by Nicky – we must call this debate ‘Right to Die’ – some people (silly old fashioned duffers) are still refering to ‘Euthanasia’.
Caller after caller phones in to plead ‘finish me finish me I can’t go on…. quick shoot me into the firmament…..’
Gold Medal (BBC didn’t get a BAFTA for the their olympics haha) goes to this chap.. “I say to my kids unplug my life support and plug in the Play Station”
the drone continues into Drearybyshire.
al bbc researchers, have been on high alert this morning obviously 😀
as they have found one of these poor “Euthanasia’ fellows, given him airtime, the main point though appears to be that was attacked by far right neo nazis
in Germany!
and prior to her “celebration” of muslim mutah/sham marriages –
oh! they did find a few seconds to shoehorn in that … some poor soul is to be brutally flogged in Saudi, accused of helping someone convert from the religion of peace … hmm no al bbc comment, of culture and sensitivity ………………………… yet!
Islamic jihadist supporters at UK universities:
– not reported on INBBC ‘Education and Family’ pages online, but is Page 1 lead in ‘The Times’ today(£):-
[:Opening Excerpt]-
“Radical and intolerant Islamic leaders preached to crowds of students at almost 200 official events in the past year…
“Segregated seating for male and female students is understood to have been implemented for at least a quarter of those public meetings held by the Islamic societies at 21 universities.”
The hapless Mardell tells us: “Both Europe and the US are slowly inching towards arming the rebels. But that commonplace phrase disguises the fact that the “arms” will be well short of anything the rebels actually want to finish this protracted business.”
“Are slowly inching” Where have you been? And this is supposed to be comment. More like yesterdays news today.
I am going to be fascinated watching Mardell excusing his favorite President’s antics over the next few months. No doubt he’ll be the last line of defence. Later “Mardell Pretzels” will be available for sale from the BBC shop.
It’ll be more of his “cautious, deliberate, deeply thoughtful” leitmotif, with a heaping dose of “reluctant warrior” stuff. Then Mardell will again cast aspersions on the awful people of the US for wanting “an unapologetically aggressive America storming ahead”.
Does anyone else think that BBC online news stories with comments allowed are manipulated by the BBC? I would not be surprised if any comment on the BBC website that does not fit the BBC’s world view is voted down by BBC employees who are tasked with the job.
Also, there are plenty of articles for which comments are not permitted. No doubt because it would attract nothing but comments against the BBC’s view.
I feel that the BBC is now an unaccountable politicised organisation. We are far from democracy so long as the Biased Broadcasting Corporation’s propaganda machine is in operation.
I have gotten rid of my television and only download programmes for offline viewing rather than when broadcast so that I no longer have to fund this machine that would make Joseph Goebels envious.
Forgive me if this has been posted but a scandal worse than Watergate is unfolding across the pond and the BBC/Guardian and other MSM are completely playing dead.
The IRS over in US has been caught targeting conservative groups with names that include “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names and even many Jewish organisations and other liberty groups.
This is an appaling abuse of power where an institution like the IRS is playing politics in favour of Obama/Democrats.
I mentioned this at the end of my BBC Censorship post. It’s not as bad as Watergate, though. It’s just a ramped-up version of the politicization of the IRS that previous Presidents have done. I don’t know if Bush did much of this, but Clinton did, Nixon did, JFK did, probably Reagan too. But The Obamessiah was supposed to be better than all of them put together. He was supposed to run the most transparent Administration ever, remove the filth of partisan politics from Washington, and heal us all. The BBC likes to say that the Republicans and partisan bickering in Congress prevented Him from fixing that sewer, but nobody can blame Republican enemies determined to block His every action for this.
And it’s apparently more than going after Tea Partiers or any group with “Patriot” in its name or a certain pro-Zionist lobby. Evidence is now coming out that the IRS targeted anyone talking about debt or criticized government spending. In short, any group that spoke out against any of His policies got the treatment.
The BBC has now reported it. Because the President has now spoken out against it. It’s not His fault, you see. Naughty low-level apparatchiks took it upon themselves to mess this up, and He will surely hold them accountable.
Oh, and the criticisms of Him about Benghazi are politically motivated.
‘…supposed to run the most transparent… ever..”
“..targeted anyone… [who] criticized.”
“Naughty low-level apparatchiks took it upon themselves to mess this up”
This all seems… oddly familiar. Pollard Report 16. Quite separately, increasingly convoluted discussions were occurring among the BBC Executive as to its corporate position…. Cooks and broth come to mind.
Who will rid them of these troublesome account holders?
Pro EU BBC must be happy that their Messiah is endorsing their stance:
US President Barack Obama has said the UK should try to “fix” its relationship with the EU before “breaking it off”.
Because we all know the least pro-British US President in decades will have our interests at heart…
The EU is a stepping stone towards an eco-socialist world order – see UN Agenda 21 and Barroso’s Nobel acceptance speech where he arrogantly describedthe EU as ‘the blueprint’ for a future world government. As a socialist, the last thing Obama will want is to see the EU falling apart (but it will).
“Today” this morning wheeled out Malcolm Rifkind-Majors Foreign Secretary-to dish the dirt on the Tories “interminable wrangling” over Europe…as Humphrys/Robinson would have put it…and indeed did so.
Now I myself could not possibly think why this effete old fossil, Rifkind would be brought along to the Today studio…to inform debate?…to balance it?
I didn`t stick around to listen-you just KNOW what the BBC will be wanting to say-and what they will be wanting us to think after they`ve given us the head massage.
Fast forward to Carolyn Quinn and PM…she has a US Ambassador to the EU on her show-and , yet again, I can`t begin to think what his view on “Camerons Eurosceptic noises” will be…come on Carolyn…give us a clue eh?
Hope to God it`s not been like this all day…but I bet it has.
Still-the BBC seems rather taken with its Manchester Gangland friends…Donal MacIntyre likes it a bit rough and edgy I suppose(P.M 5.35 or so tonight)…and Justin Webb can`t possibly see what`s wrong with mums having to get a mandatory nicotine test at their first ante-natal clinic…in case they don`t know if they`ve been smoking or not!
Another day in the BBCs endless efforts to create a lime green mithering Muslim Brotherhood of Guardian values.
So subtle too!..wrangling noises 24/7
Hey, if He has the same sort of success He had bringing the Olympics to Chicago, or sealing that Climate Change deal in Copenhagen, you’ve got nothing to worry about.
The universities have been in denial regarding the growth of muslim extremism on their campuses, involving radical hate preachers and segregation of male and female students. A report from Student Rights warns of a growth in radicalism. So how can the BBC discredit it? Expressions like ‘self styled campus watch dog’ carry an innuendo. Hence:
“Director of the self-styled campus watchdog Raheem Kassam said: “What we have shown in this report is that gender segregation and discrimination on UK university campuses is not simply an increasing trend, but one that is growing despite universities being aware of the incidents.”
Anybody familiar with Raheem, in his capacity as Executive Editor for The Commentator would be sure he’s somebody the likes of the BBC would like to discredit.
If only Raheem was running the BBC we would find something else to do in the evenings. 😉
For those who haven’t heard, and plenty haven’t the government is intending to roll out the replacement of all 53 million gas & electric meters by 2019 with new smart meters. The cost of all this is estimated to be an breath taking £11 billion. All of this ‘investment’ is comming from the stealth taxes placed upon your utility bills.
‘Why would any of this bother me?’ most of the populace will be saying without bothering to pause for thought, and sure as hell neither the government nor the BBC are going to tell them.
Does the massive figure of £11 billion strike you as a little high? Or indeed the need to have a total meter replacement program within such a sort timescale? It’s even more suspicious when you stop to consider that the only real benefit is an estimated £3 a year saving to the house hold and the fact that the meter can be read remotely.
The real reason is of course much more sinister.
The UKs energy supply is failing, it is likely that soon we will experience rolling power outages as successive governments have utterly failed to ensure adequate generation capacity is maintained. I won’t go into the causes for this here, I suspect most of the reasons are known anyway.
The real reasons for the installation of these meters is to control the peak demands for energy, and the government intends to introduce a system by which it can push the price (probably by taxation) up for the use of energy at peak times preventing people using appliances when they want to. It is unlikely that off peak prices will be any cheaper as a result of this, governments are all about stick without any carrot at all, and a nice new tax into the bargain.
If all the government wanted from this project was what they are being up front about then they could acheive it for a tenth of the cost.
Steve Holliday: “The grid is going to be a very different system in 2020, 2030. We keep thinking that we want it to be there and provide power when we need it. It is going to be much smarter than that. We are going to change our own behaviour and consume it when it is available and available cheaply.” Evan Davis: So there is a lot going on. Why don’t you just run through some of the big things? Why this is rather a critical moment in our electricity industry. Steve Holliday: This is critical, I think, in our energy industry, actually. Firstly, 25% of all the power stations in the UK will shut by 2020. Almost half will disappear by 2030. And the decisions that government are going to make this year, about the way the energy market works, are crucial. They’ve got to be the right decisions, to make sure that new generation stations are built. At the same time, our networks are now 50, 60 years old, and we need to be replacing, and modernising and smartening those, and there are decisions around those investments that are actually going to be made in 2011.
Evan Davis: “Get a move on”, is your message. Let’s talk about one or two specifics. Wind – as you fly in now over the Thames Estuary, you fly in to Heathrow, you begin to really see quite a lot of wind is being created – a lot of wind turbines are being created – in the Thames Estuary and around the country, aren’t they? Steve Holliday: They are, and yet that’s still a drop in the ocean, compared to, in our own forecasts, if you look at the energy mix that we believe we are likely to need, to hit a low-carbon generation fleet by 2020 and 2030. Today we’ve got about 5 gigawatts of wind, we’ll have nearly 30 by 2020… Evan Davis: Does it work? Steve Holliday:…just imagine… Evan Davis: Because if the wind doesn’t blow, how does the older grid cope? Steve Holliday: The grid’s going to be a very different system in 2020, 2030. We keep thinking about: we want it to be there and provide power when we need it. It’s going to be a much smarter system, then. We’re going to have to change our own behaviour and consume it when it’s available, and available cheaply.
‘We’re going to have to change our own behaviour and consume it when it’s available and available cheaply’.
That is an alarming statement. Even more alarming that Davis didn’t ask him what the hell he meant. You’d have to be either seriously dimwitted not to pick that up and challenge it, or choose to ignore it because the truth behind the ‘sustainable energy’ policy/ideology that successive governments have slavishly followed and the BBC worships at its high altar of man-made global warming would be laid bare in all its country-wrecking glory.
West’s political class (inc INBBC)- speeding up the Islamic jihadists’ take-over.
Obama, and Cameron are falling over themselves to give as much of our money and materiel to Syrian Islamic jihad military forces in conflict with Assad regime as possible.
It assists that cause not to report this:-
[Warning: graphic video]-
“Syrian jihadist cuts heart out of dead soldier, bites it”
“It is the same now in Syria, which, under secular strongman Bashar Assad was tolerant towards its Christian minorities. Now, the ‘freedom-fighters’—code for the Obama-supported foreign jihadis—are targeting Christians for killing, displacement, and hostage taking for ransoms. The atrocities being committed are many and barbaric—beheadings, enslavements, rapes, and wholesale massacres—filling the over 300 pages of Crucified Again, including, as you point out, in pictures.”
Up2snuffFeb 23, 17:45 Weekend 22nd February 2025 MM, Thatcher squandered our N.Sea oil & gas instead of doing the same as Norway!
Charlie FarleyFeb 23, 17:34 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Tomo , I’m in Hampshire / isle of Wight and Elections are cancelled until 2026 supposedly…….it’s everywhere that Reform are…
Fedup2Feb 23, 17:32 Weekend 22nd February 2025 First German exit poll suggests ADF got 20% – BBc sounded chippy
tomoFeb 23, 17:18 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Wiltshire has local elections in May just wondering if it’s only Labour places that are skipping democracy?
tomoFeb 23, 17:16 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Ever wonder (I have, often… – sad I know, but that dork ain’t worth £1million a year)
richard DFeb 23, 17:08 Weekend 22nd February 2025 The even bigger story will unfold tomorrow, in all the left-wing (i.e. mainstream) outfits, press, media, etc., where it will…
tomoFeb 23, 16:56 Weekend 22nd February 2025
ZephirFeb 23, 16:52 Weekend 22nd February 2025 “The BBC’s reporting conveniently ignores the core issue: the astronomical cost of net zero policies to the average British household.…
ZephirFeb 23, 16:50 Weekend 22nd February 2025 Bbc bias (lies) in a nutshell, once again: “BBC exposes its own bias against Reform UK in coverage of major…
“George Bush? He’s mad… Shock truth about BBC bias.
“SENIOR BBC journalists have unleashed vitriolic attacks on the corporation, describing it as ‘completely out of touch with the real world’.”
Interesting article GeorgeR and one which, apart from Aitken, fails to name any verifiable sources.
One comment that is attributed is that Aitken “believes there is still much which is excellent about the broadcaster, adding: “This bedrock excellence has not been destroyed by recent scandals and it provides a solid foundation for the BBC to restore people’s trust in it.”
‘one which, apart from Aitken, fails to name any verifiable sources.’
Mr. Aitken being this chap?: ‘Mr Aitken spent 25 years working for the BBC and was well thought of when at Radio Four’s Today programme.’
So, he has worked there and has gone on record.
As to the others alluded to and agreed un-named, might this offer an explanation?:
‘None of the current or former journalists who spoke out is identified due to fears of disciplinary action.’
Likely? Or not? Maybe Mr. Pollard’s or Ms. Rose’s inquiry findings offer clues?
‘Chaotic & incapable’ don’t seem out of step with ‘out of touch with the real world’.
Sounds like using fee-payer cash to hush folk up is almost endemic, too.
And vitriol? Surely not?
The Pollard Report was full of managerial sewing machine precision and inter-departmental flowers and ponies..
’16. Quite separately, increasingly convoluted discussions were occurring among the BBC Executive as to its corporate position. For example, during the
afternoon of 1 October Paul Mylrea, David Jordan, Julian Payne and Nadia Banno debated a ‘slight tweak’ to its ‘Savile line’ to include a statement from Rippon insisting that the decision was an editorial one and any claim that internal pressure was applied is a malicious rumour. Cooks and broth come to mind.’
Maybe you are more an advocate of the BBC Panorama style of protecting sources?
While on matters precedent, when it comes to such things, the BBC record in areas of sourcing and/or verification seems less than stellar.
From a Nick Robinson #prasnews from Labour HQ passed off as ‘overheard’, to Newsnight’s truly in-depth professional fact checking before its McAlpine story.
Staying in touch with reality via or about the BBC must create great ethical conflicts when choosing what is pertinent and what needs to be covered up.
Your two paras should get you the Head of News slot in a heartbeat come next deckchair shuffle.
“The BBC has learned that……”, “the BBC understands that……,” “the BBC has discovered that……” “sources have told the BBC that…..” etc.
Unverifiable sources are used all the time, so why should it be a problem?
I thought you were too busy with important business to post here. I guess you solved Britain/Europe/World (delete as appropriate) economic problems over the weekend. I assume this week Israel-Palestine, or will it be Syria.
From 2007
Well, it is just one person, but it is on record witness testimony. More than many BBC ‘learnings’, ‘has been toldings’, ‘sources sayings’ or ‘critics sayings’ have to back them up.
Towards the end a very key phrase was actually lightly mentioned and equally casually passed on from:
“The BBC did not spend much time on that argument”
Goes to the nub of things, if highlighting the difficulty (not impossibility) of nailing such things down.
How often has something the BBC has not ‘spent time on’ quietly happened, been allowed to happen or passed from the public mind if ‘controversial’? In this case a war they liked.
And how often has stuff the BBC spent a lot of time on progressed necessarily to the advantage of the BBC and those it supports?
Quite often, clearly. Ask HackedOff, The PA or The One (though events, dear Barak, are looking less helpful to the reputation of those who so blindly follow).
In history, the backing of a £4Bpa propaganda unit with global reach could be worth a few divisions.
And the radio wave or satellite feed can be mightier than the sword. One errant tweet and whammo… consequences in billions, or lives ruined.
Let us not forget, this story was a tip of an iceberg; an overt statement of partiality as a beacon in the very heart of what is supposed to be a professional place of work where personal views are left at home. No one objected. Including no market rate manager who one might presume would be alert to how such things may not play well. One can only assume the corridors of power, Bolly bottles and no-record whispered-but-forgotten policy decisions were never left.
And one can only imagine what more could have been and still be happening that does not have a big poster waving in the office to advertise it.
They are, after this, perhaps wiser to being so blatant in future.
Perhaps another President few remember fondly, but the BBC may yet learn the key lesson of Nixon: don’t get caught.
So far they seem to be relying on (expensive, self-administered, addict-level) cure than prevention, though.
bbc – Pope canonises 800 Italian martyrs after yet another historic islamic beheading atrocity …
😀 sorry, well no not really
bbc –
Pope canonises 800 Italians, Ottoman? (read muslim)… victims? of Otranto
“There was no hint of anti-Islamic sentiment?
in the homily that Pope Francis delivered before tens of thousands of worshippers gathered in St Peter’s Square, the BBC’s David Willey in Rome reports”
such a load off eh!
beheaded in the southern Italian town of Otranto after refusing to convert to Islam,
by turks sent by mohhamhead II
oops! sent too soon
“There was no hint of anti-Islamic sentiment?” – as obviously, the most important thing in Rome during a Canonisation, the overarching concern, the main issue
is the bbc s obsession with islamo-faux-bia then?
I visited Otranto in 1975 while driving my family around Apulia and Calabria. The 800 skulls are preserved in the church there- gruesome place.
But Otranto was just one of many hundreds of Islamic attacks around the shores of the Med. Mostly very bloodthirsty attacks, slaughtering any males over about 10, and taking females and young boys off into slavery – menial or sexual. Even parts of Britiain were attacked by Moorish pirates, and Pepys and others record the long-standing problems with the Berbers.
There is no similar pattern of Christian (or Jewish) massacre, rape and pillage for hundreds of years.
Is this reflected in BBC coverage of matters Islamic ? Of course not. The BBC sustains the idea of Islam as a Religion of Peace when its core texts are shot through with justification for violence against other religions.
In the BBC report, the word ‘Islam’ appears but once.
Reporting long (and continuing) history of Islamic persecution of Christians.
‘Jihadwatch’ picks up on a BBC report-
“Pope canonizes 800 Christians murdered for refusing to convert to Islam”
Who in the West is/was taught about this Islamic persecution at school?
And, of course, it continues today, with little reporting by the West’s dhimmi MSM:-
“Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, The Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800”
By Robert C. Davis.
I wonder why the BBC didn’t publish this story:
In a further development to the hiring of Purnell by the BBC as its director of strategy, it appears that he hasn’t left the political scene as they claimed. It would anyway be incredulous that somebody who attained the position of Culture Secretary under Labour, and worked for many years within that party, can now slough it all off and it would have no effect on his personal agenda.
The BBC and Purnell think it’s enough to claim he’s now impartial, which if you think about it, shows the arrogant disdain for its public, yet knowing they will get away with this. The supposed ex-Tory, 🙄 head of BBC Trust – Chris Patten, clearly doesn’t care.
New £295,000 BBC director ‘covered up’ links to Labour Party social club and insists he is ‘politically impartial’ (despite being in Brown’s cabinet)
James Purnell served as Culture Secretary under Gordon Brown
In Who’s Who he is listed as a member of Stalybridge Labour Club
Club regular claimed Purnell had been there as recently as last autumn
‘The BBC and Purnell think it’s enough to claim he’s now impartial’
Old boys’ club member Mr. Purnell sounds like he’d fit right in (or get airbrushed out, depending on the needs of the editorial narrative) of the astoundingly uncurious BBC market rate top table.
Seems he doesn’t recall and/or doesn’t believe a heck of a lot could happen that did.
Love the BBC Zelig Editor used the FOI to get the scoop. Lucky Mr. Purnell and chums didn’t know about redactions and exclusions a la Aunty… then. Won’t get caught out by such things out now, eh, Jim?
Also nice to see Trust’nHonesty getting used often enough too. While using information more intelligently… and then getting caught is one thing; hiring the bloke you nailed blustering about it happening outside his scope of awareness seems, well, pretty unique. Maybe it was a different time? Again.
Noting also to back this up the BBC appears to have run with ‘sources saying’, which will present a dilemma to some variably huffy hall monitors here.
Anyway, now he’s ‘in the fold’, one presumes such exposes by the home team may be a bit less likely?
Nothing like a BBC integrity shift when it gets ‘internal’.
This is nothing to do with Aunties bias (OK, trolls ?), but I thought you might enjoy it. Almost gave me a seizure, so here you are:
If you click on Tim’s site, there’s video of the thing further up the page.
Radio BBC 5 live Double Take, 10am (51mins 25″ in)
the BBC does its best to totally rubbish
a RAF Dambusters Commemoration, and
then absurdly tries a “guilt trip” narrative
“neglible military value – just propaganda”
thankfully, they are succinctly corrected
on air , but even then can t help themselves as the
interviewee states he ll look forward to seeing a
very inspiring Lancaster fly past …
“hmmm, inspiring but … intimidating”
drones our beebot to end the segment
there was no link before
check it out
BBC 5 Live this morning and Nicky Campbell on his three-legged multi-gender panto horse limps gamely into the studio once again.
His next sketch is sub-Monty Python and involves throwing damp sponges at Lord Young and his scheme to lend cash to young people for business start ups.
How well is this scheme going?
The statistics fly here, the statistics fly there. Funny thing is that all the BBC stats are negative and straight out of the Labour critique. Oh well, c’est la vie.
Sounds as though for the BBC the scheme is just too slow and not enough – but Minister, why not just hose the cash willy nilly?
Lord Young toughs it out with his own figures.
Now here’s a funny thing. The Beeboids can’t pin him down on the numbers – but they do pick him up on his terminology.
You said ‘housewives’ instead of ‘stay-at-home-mums’
Nur-nur, Nur-nur-nur. (that’s politically incorrect according to their BBC big book of words).
I note this because of the way that I’ve heard Leftists do this before. (c/f Harriet Harman QT) They can’t counter the argument – so they pick up on an old world term.
Puts the Beeboid firmly in the PC Leftist camp.
Look out Grandma! The BBC are going on about euthanasia again.
I know they are always going on about it. Just turn your radio off and do some of your knitting. Or sit quietly and write a letter, or your memoirs or something.
I know, I know, the BBC won’t be happy until it’s legal – I’m getting out of here before it’s compulsory. Yes, I have heard that old Bob Hope joke about the queers – many times Gran – you have call them the ‘gays’ now gran.
Yes I know the BBC are like a dog with a bone.
It is a matter best left between individuals, their family and medical practitioners. You are right Gran but the BBC can’t help but see every issue as legal and everything as a matter for the State.
Hey, here’s some good news for you Gran – it’s your birthday coming up and it’s going to be a big one…. from now on you’ll be getting your TV Licence for free!
So the ever Moslem loving Radio 4 decides to do a piece on the Nikah mut‘ah or temporary marriage practiced by the Shia Moslems. The piece is concerned with its practice in the UK.
It does not question the validity of this in UK law, nor that someone is applying the laws of another country in the UK. The multi culti rose tinted dream is thus preserved.
It doesn’t address any of the negatives of this practice, only that two people are now able to co habit prior to marriage, and all the world is one of sunshine and love with fluffy bunnies and rose petals gently falling!
The reality is that Nikah mut‘ah is a very sinister practice. A way of Moslems forcing what might be willing partners into prostitutes, it makes using a prostitute legal for them.
“(…Except the forbidden women) the rest are lawful unto you to seek them with gifts from your property (i.e., dowry), provided that you desire protection (from sin), not fornication. So for whatever you have had of pleasure (Istamta’tum) with them by the contract, give unto them their appointed wages as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what you both agree (in extending the contract) after fulfilling the (first) duty. Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise.” (Surah 4, Verse 24)
sex outside of marriage is a crime, punishable by up to 100 lashes or, in the case of adultery, death by stoning. Yet the purpose of a temporary marriage is clear from its name in Arabic—mut’a, pleasure. A man and a woman may contract a mut’a for a finite period of time—from minutes to 99 years or more—and for a specific amount, mehr in Farsi, which the man owes the woman.
The ‘mehr’ aspect is completely ignored by the biased broadcaster who would never want to imply any wrong doing by a Moslem. To get around this they interview a Sunni Muslim who tell us the truth, but it portrayed as inter Nicene squabbling between the sects.
Blatent propagandising !
this is a very sinister practice, underhanded coercion,
the offer you can t (dare no) refuse, family pressure
the ever present, braindeads pressure of the ahem “community” sheesh that ideology eh!.
(for crying out loud … am i tired of hearing that bloody excuse, used as a rebuttal)
NOT ONLY RADIO 4 – RADIO 5 LIVE TOO! muslim concentrate this morning.
Radio 5Live
Really think V Drearybyshire is losing the plot, after that fiasco, championing the pandering to gitmo, THIS VERY MORNING shes “gonna get daan wiv de kids” on her show – her choice is … wait for it …
“ALL THOSE” young muslims “CHOOSING” sham marriages” … her tone … wow such a hip idea,
radical eh Dreary!
ah! popular practice … Dreary sighs
“oh there is a “special” on the practice
gaining popularity too, its on the (ahem)
bbc “asian” network tonight “
Unusually for a Nicky Campbell phone-in our amusing compare is keen to tell us the relative proportions of calls – euthanasia is winning apparently. Oh and another thing – this reflects public opinion. Jolly good, look forward to similar info on other debates…. benefits/immigration/globalwarming/justice system/EU…..
By the way the BBC Big Book of Words has a new update – as revealed by Nicky – we must call this debate ‘Right to Die’ – some people (silly old fashioned duffers) are still refering to ‘Euthanasia’.
Caller after caller phones in to plead ‘finish me finish me I can’t go on…. quick shoot me into the firmament…..’
Gold Medal (BBC didn’t get a BAFTA for the their olympics haha) goes to this chap.. “I say to my kids unplug my life support and plug in the Play Station”
the drone continues into Drearybyshire.
al bbc researchers, have been on high alert this morning obviously 😀
as they have found one of these poor “Euthanasia’ fellows, given him airtime, the main point though appears to be that was attacked by far right neo nazis
in Germany!
and prior to her “celebration” of muslim mutah/sham marriages –
oh! they did find a few seconds to shoehorn in that … some poor soul is to be brutally flogged in Saudi, accused of helping someone convert from the religion of peace … hmm no al bbc comment, of culture and sensitivity ………………………… yet!
INBBC using apartheid ‘Asian Network’ to legitimise Islamic prostitution:
“I do… for now. UK Muslims revive temporary marriages”
By Shabnam Mahmood and Catrin Nye
BBC Asian Network.
‘Jihadwatch’ has it right:-
Islamic jihadist supporters at UK universities:
– not reported on INBBC ‘Education and Family’ pages online, but is Page 1 lead in ‘The Times’ today(£):-
[:Opening Excerpt]-
“Radical and intolerant Islamic leaders preached to crowds of students at almost 200 official events in the past year…
“Segregated seating for male and female students is understood to have been implemented for at least a quarter of those public meetings held by the Islamic societies at 21 universities.”
[See pages 1, 6 and 7 of ‘The Times’ today.]
Doing its best to avoid the word ‘Islam’ for as long as possible, the leftist, pro-Islam ‘Independent’ has:-
“Preaching by extremists and discrimination through segregation has become widespread trend at UK universities equality group claims”
At last, INBBC has put something up on it, this afternoon:-
[Islamic] “‘Extremists’ preaching to UK student societies”
For original ‘Student Rights’ report:-
“REPORT: Unequal Opportunity – Gender Segregation on UK University Campuses”
The hapless Mardell tells us: “Both Europe and the US are slowly inching towards arming the rebels. But that commonplace phrase disguises the fact that the “arms” will be well short of anything the rebels actually want to finish this protracted business.”
“Are slowly inching” Where have you been? And this is supposed to be comment. More like yesterdays news today.
I am going to be fascinated watching Mardell excusing his favorite President’s antics over the next few months. No doubt he’ll be the last line of defence. Later “Mardell Pretzels” will be available for sale from the BBC shop.
It’ll be more of his “cautious, deliberate, deeply thoughtful” leitmotif, with a heaping dose of “reluctant warrior” stuff. Then Mardell will again cast aspersions on the awful people of the US for wanting “an unapologetically aggressive America storming ahead”.
Does anyone else think that BBC online news stories with comments allowed are manipulated by the BBC? I would not be surprised if any comment on the BBC website that does not fit the BBC’s world view is voted down by BBC employees who are tasked with the job.
Also, there are plenty of articles for which comments are not permitted. No doubt because it would attract nothing but comments against the BBC’s view.
I feel that the BBC is now an unaccountable politicised organisation. We are far from democracy so long as the Biased Broadcasting Corporation’s propaganda machine is in operation.
I have gotten rid of my television and only download programmes for offline viewing rather than when broadcast so that I no longer have to fund this machine that would make Joseph Goebels envious.
Hit the BBC where it hurts. Stop funding the BBC.
Forgive me if this has been posted but a scandal worse than Watergate is unfolding across the pond and the BBC/Guardian and other MSM are completely playing dead.
The IRS over in US has been caught targeting conservative groups with names that include “Tea Party” or “Patriot” in their names and even many Jewish organisations and other liberty groups.
This is an appaling abuse of power where an institution like the IRS is playing politics in favour of Obama/Democrats.
I mentioned this at the end of my BBC Censorship post. It’s not as bad as Watergate, though. It’s just a ramped-up version of the politicization of the IRS that previous Presidents have done. I don’t know if Bush did much of this, but Clinton did, Nixon did, JFK did, probably Reagan too. But The Obamessiah was supposed to be better than all of them put together. He was supposed to run the most transparent Administration ever, remove the filth of partisan politics from Washington, and heal us all. The BBC likes to say that the Republicans and partisan bickering in Congress prevented Him from fixing that sewer, but nobody can blame Republican enemies determined to block His every action for this.
And it’s apparently more than going after Tea Partiers or any group with “Patriot” in its name or a certain pro-Zionist lobby. Evidence is now coming out that the IRS targeted anyone talking about debt or criticized government spending. In short, any group that spoke out against any of His policies got the treatment.
The BBC has now reported it. Because the President has now spoken out against it. It’s not His fault, you see. Naughty low-level apparatchiks took it upon themselves to mess this up, and He will surely hold them accountable.
Oh, and the criticisms of Him about Benghazi are politically motivated.
All is well. Nothing more to see here.
‘…supposed to run the most transparent… ever..”
“..targeted anyone… [who] criticized.”
“Naughty low-level apparatchiks took it upon themselves to mess this up”
This all seems… oddly familiar.
Pollard Report
16. Quite separately, increasingly convoluted discussions were occurring among the BBC Executive as to its corporate position…. Cooks and broth come to mind.
Who will rid them of these troublesome account holders?
song for Nigel
Shame this can’t be Portugal’s Eurovision entry!
Douze points!!
Pro EU BBC must be happy that their Messiah is endorsing their stance:
Because we all know the least pro-British US President in decades will have our interests at heart…
The EU is a stepping stone towards an eco-socialist world order – see UN Agenda 21 and Barroso’s Nobel acceptance speech where he arrogantly describedthe EU as ‘the blueprint’ for a future world government. As a socialist, the last thing Obama will want is to see the EU falling apart (but it will).
“Today” this morning wheeled out Malcolm Rifkind-Majors Foreign Secretary-to dish the dirt on the Tories “interminable wrangling” over Europe…as Humphrys/Robinson would have put it…and indeed did so.
Now I myself could not possibly think why this effete old fossil, Rifkind would be brought along to the Today studio…to inform debate?…to balance it?
I didn`t stick around to listen-you just KNOW what the BBC will be wanting to say-and what they will be wanting us to think after they`ve given us the head massage.
Fast forward to Carolyn Quinn and PM…she has a US Ambassador to the EU on her show-and , yet again, I can`t begin to think what his view on “Camerons Eurosceptic noises” will be…come on Carolyn…give us a clue eh?
Hope to God it`s not been like this all day…but I bet it has.
Still-the BBC seems rather taken with its Manchester Gangland friends…Donal MacIntyre likes it a bit rough and edgy I suppose(P.M 5.35 or so tonight)…and Justin Webb can`t possibly see what`s wrong with mums having to get a mandatory nicotine test at their first ante-natal clinic…in case they don`t know if they`ve been smoking or not!
Another day in the BBCs endless efforts to create a lime green mithering Muslim Brotherhood of Guardian values.
So subtle too!..wrangling noises 24/7
– is pro-Obama and pro-E.U, so makes a political meal of this-
“Obama urges UK: Fix EU problems before ‘breaking’ relationship”
“Barack Obama’s arrogant EU intervention won’t help David Cameron”
By Nile Gardiner
Obama is pushing for E.U to get 80 million Muslim Turks into E.U. too, which appeals to British political class, inc INBBC.
Hey, if He has the same sort of success He had bringing the Olympics to Chicago, or sealing that Climate Change deal in Copenhagen, you’ve got nothing to worry about.
The universities have been in denial regarding the growth of muslim extremism on their campuses, involving radical hate preachers and segregation of male and female students. A report from Student Rights warns of a growth in radicalism. So how can the BBC discredit it? Expressions like ‘self styled campus watch dog’ carry an innuendo. Hence:
“Director of the self-styled campus watchdog Raheem Kassam said: “What we have shown in this report is that gender segregation and discrimination on UK university campuses is not simply an increasing trend, but one that is growing despite universities being aware of the incidents.”
Anybody familiar with Raheem, in his capacity as Executive Editor for The Commentator would be sure he’s somebody the likes of the BBC would like to discredit.
If only Raheem was running the BBC we would find something else to do in the evenings. 😉
All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.
Adolf Hitler
No wonder the bBC has been dumbing down then!
If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.
Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.
So that’ll cover global warming then !
He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.
That’s the Yoof covered.
It is not truth that matters, but victory.
I’m sure the bBC has been reading these quotes !
As soon as by one’s own propaganda even a glimpse of right on the other side is admitted, the cause for doubting one’s own right is laid.
So that’s why they never let the other side of the debate be heard !
Just some fun messing with the quotes of a monster, but frightening at how easy it is to apply them to the present day.
For those who haven’t heard, and plenty haven’t the government is intending to roll out the replacement of all 53 million gas & electric meters by 2019 with new smart meters. The cost of all this is estimated to be an breath taking £11 billion. All of this ‘investment’ is comming from the stealth taxes placed upon your utility bills.
‘Why would any of this bother me?’ most of the populace will be saying without bothering to pause for thought, and sure as hell neither the government nor the BBC are going to tell them.
Does the massive figure of £11 billion strike you as a little high? Or indeed the need to have a total meter replacement program within such a sort timescale? It’s even more suspicious when you stop to consider that the only real benefit is an estimated £3 a year saving to the house hold and the fact that the meter can be read remotely.
The real reason is of course much more sinister.
The UKs energy supply is failing, it is likely that soon we will experience rolling power outages as successive governments have utterly failed to ensure adequate generation capacity is maintained. I won’t go into the causes for this here, I suspect most of the reasons are known anyway.
The real reasons for the installation of these meters is to control the peak demands for energy, and the government intends to introduce a system by which it can push the price (probably by taxation) up for the use of energy at peak times preventing people using appliances when they want to. It is unlikely that off peak prices will be any cheaper as a result of this, governments are all about stick without any carrot at all, and a nice new tax into the bargain.
If all the government wanted from this project was what they are being up front about then they could acheive it for a tenth of the cost.
Consider the words of Steve Holliday, chief executive of the National Grid, interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.
Steve Holliday: “The grid is going to be a very different system in 2020, 2030. We keep thinking that we want it to be there and provide power when we need it. It is going to be much smarter than that. We are going to change our own behaviour and consume it when it is available and available cheaply.”
Evan Davis: So there is a lot going on. Why don’t you just run through some of the big things? Why this is rather a critical moment in our electricity industry.
Steve Holliday: This is critical, I think, in our energy industry, actually. Firstly, 25% of all the power stations in the UK will shut by 2020. Almost half will disappear by 2030. And the decisions that government are going to make this year, about the way the energy market works, are crucial. They’ve got to be the right decisions, to make sure that new generation stations are built. At the same time, our networks are now 50, 60 years old, and we need to be replacing, and modernising and smartening those, and there are decisions around those investments that are actually going to be made in 2011.
Evan Davis: “Get a move on”, is your message. Let’s talk about one or two specifics. Wind – as you fly in now over the Thames Estuary, you fly in to Heathrow, you begin to really see quite a lot of wind is being created – a lot of wind turbines are being created – in the Thames Estuary and around the country, aren’t they?
Steve Holliday: They are, and yet that’s still a drop in the ocean, compared to, in our own forecasts, if you look at the energy mix that we believe we are likely to need, to hit a low-carbon generation fleet by 2020 and 2030. Today we’ve got about 5 gigawatts of wind, we’ll have nearly 30 by 2020…
Evan Davis: Does it work?
Steve Holliday:…just imagine…
Evan Davis: Because if the wind doesn’t blow, how does the older grid cope?
Steve Holliday: The grid’s going to be a very different system in 2020, 2030. We keep thinking about: we want it to be there and provide power when we need it. It’s going to be a much smarter system, then. We’re going to have to change our own behaviour and consume it when it’s available, and available cheaply.
‘We’re going to have to change our own behaviour and consume it when it’s available and available cheaply’.
That is an alarming statement. Even more alarming that Davis didn’t ask him what the hell he meant. You’d have to be either seriously dimwitted not to pick that up and challenge it, or choose to ignore it because the truth behind the ‘sustainable energy’ policy/ideology that successive governments have slavishly followed and the BBC worships at its high altar of man-made global warming would be laid bare in all its country-wrecking glory.
West’s political class (inc INBBC)- speeding up the Islamic jihadists’ take-over.
Obama, and Cameron are falling over themselves to give as much of our money and materiel to Syrian Islamic jihad military forces in conflict with Assad regime as possible.
It assists that cause not to report this:-
[Warning: graphic video]-
“Syrian jihadist cuts heart out of dead soldier, bites it”
And to relegate this:-
“It is the same now in Syria, which, under secular strongman Bashar Assad was tolerant towards its Christian minorities. Now, the ‘freedom-fighters’—code for the Obama-supported foreign jihadis—are targeting Christians for killing, displacement, and hostage taking for ransoms. The atrocities being committed are many and barbaric—beheadings, enslavements, rapes, and wholesale massacres—filling the over 300 pages of Crucified Again, including, as you point out, in pictures.”
By Raymond Ibrahim.