Another gang of abusers….all of a certain culture…but not a particular race….race only being an issue with regard to the way the Police may have reacted…not prosecuting because of the possible appearance of being racist.
Islam is the common factor between the offenders…that’s not to say Islam makes them abusers…what it may suggest is that they came to believe that as Non-Muslims are dehumanised, deemed worthless, they can freely abuse them without any shame or guilt.
If you sit back and say ‘I am uncomfortable with being associated with any debate about Islam’ that is a betrayal of both the abused girls and Muslims themselves who become tarred with the label ‘abusers’ because the debate is left in the hands of the Far Right who will define what a Muslim is.
If someone had said the same about slavery…‘I’m uncomfortable being associated with any debate on the white community’s part in slavery’..because you don’t want to label every white person a ‘slaver’, then slavery would still exist…the same for segregation in America…or Apartheid.
That is the very attitude in the BBC that this site seeks to challenge…that of not tackling an issue because of its perceived sensitivity or because it favours a certain ideology, whether religious or political, and looks to downplay any criticism of it….whilst happily attacking opposing views or thinking…such as Christianity.
If these had been gangs of Christian men targeting only Muslim girls there would be a huge outcry and questions raised about Christian values and teachings….just as there was in fact about the BBC ‘culture’ that allowed Savile and Co to abuse young people for years.
You have to engage in the debate in order to prevent it spiralling into polemic and becoming highly polarised and sectarian…if you leave it to the extremists on either side you get extremism.:
As long ago as 2001, Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, was making claims about Asian grooming gangs…..He was making his allegations to stir up ethnic strife. Right-thinking people, aware of the BNP’s record as liars, presumed that these stories were just racist demagoguery. No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet it was thanks in part to his thuggish intervention that society felt able to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued.
Even the BBC is starting to address certain highly sensitive subjects that previously it had ignored or denied were an issue.
Today Nicky Campbell presided over an extremely open and wide ranging debate on the recent spate of child abuse cases….specifically looking at race, religion and culture.
This is what Julie Siddiqui, from the Islamic Society of Britain, had to say:
‘If we are seeing patterns emerging we can’t stay quiet….people not speaking out is extremely dangerous.’
Other Muslims admitted that one problem was that in the Mosques and sermons whilst there were exhortations to treat Muslim women with respect there was no similar demand to do the same for Non-Muslims…which led to them being ‘de-humanised’ in the eyes of some Muslims.
As I said Islam doesn’t turn them into abusers, that must be in their nature already, but it may give them an excuse to treat Non-Muslims in a manner they wouldn’t treat Muslim girls….and that is an issue that should be looked at…as part of a wider examination of why and how these abuses happen.
Mark Easton, of all people, being very pro immigration and culturally sensitive, has also dipped his toe into the debate about race and Islam in regard to the ‘Asian’ gangs abusing non-Muslim, mostly white girls.
Uncomfortable truths of child exploitation in Britain
People will look for someone to blame….There are none so blind as those that will not see…..
Perhaps there is an unconscious and misguided calculation that to act risks damage to something of broader value than the well-being of a single child – public confidence, institutional reputation or community relations.
One wonders if that last concern has a bearing on why we have seen a series of high-profile court cases in which men from predominantly South Asian backgrounds have been convicted of sexually exploiting young girls.
Although he studiously avoids the word Islam himself, he reports that the Far Right are blaming Muslims….Easton himself oddly seems to point the finger at the race of the abusers….‘black and particularly Asian perpetrators remain over-represented.’…but at the end of the report there is a sudden cut to quotes from Muslim community leaders…which makes the association without Easton himself expressly making the link:’
In Oxford, an imam who knew some of the grooming gang as they were growing up, has talked of the responsibilities of the wider community. “I can say it’s a problem of the whole Muslim community and we have to rectify it,” said Sheikh Hojjat Ramzy.
“I say to them, my brothers, my sisters, wake up. You are in England. You are British. You must integrate. You must look after the children. There is an issue and we cannot put it under the carpet. Enough is enough.”‘
The BBC should be praised for raising these issues…as even the ‘Press’ seem reluctant to do any more than label the gangs ‘Asian’…which in itself is wrong….as Race has little to do with the selection of victims….many actually being ‘Asian’…just not Muslim.
However will the BBC’s new found bravery translate into a wider examination of Islam as a whole…looking at the history and creation of the Koran, the genuine ‘life’ of Muhammed, the actual teachings and meaning of Islam and the cultural impact that it is having on secular/Christian European countries, and will have in the future on Britain?
I doubt that….I think the BBC will slip back into its bunker and avoid the issue.
But it is definitely a debate that should be held…just as the one on mass immigration that the BBC sidelined but the effects of which were serious and damaging to Britain…forced on it by a small group of politicians and ‘liberals’ imposing their view of what life should be upon everyone regardless of consequences.
That is surely what the BBC is meant to defend us against…the abuse of power and misinformation by challenging those in power to justify their actions and by informing and educating the Public…..but it betrayed those values and it betrayed by doing so, the people of this country…previous immigrants included, who came here because of the values and life that ‘Britain’ offered…only to find that Britain was turning into the very thing they had tried to escape from.
Unfortunately, I believe such changes are temporary/tactical and in a week or so we’ll be back to the same old same old Quislings in that ‘we’ve raised the issue but concluded their is nothing to see here’.
However, if the Quisling Corporation truly believes that child rape is evenly distributed across race, religion, culture, and class amongst men then it should immediately start a witch-hunt amongst its male employees. With c. 10,000 (?) male staff, and say a prevalence of c. 3% of child rapists amongst the adult male population. On the evenly distributed across the board Quisling Corporation model there should be around 300 such rapists amongst their midst.
“However, if the Quisling Corporation truly believes that child rape is evenly distributed across race, religion, culture, and class”
I don’t know about the “evenly” bit, or how you measure such a thing, but I agree that all races, religions, cultures, and classes have individuals who will take advantage of situations presented to them. Some celebrities will take advantage of fawning fans, some clerics will take advantage of naive choirboys and some music teachers will take advantage of a 1:1 situation in a soundproofed room.
The “grooming” is different. It is systematic and violent. Blurring the difference is disingenuous and sick.
Beyond the abuse the worst aspect of this is that the vast majority of the girls involved were under the care of the State. Their ‘carers’ and the police knew the abuse was on going, that most were underage when it started and yet they did nothing.
It sure as hell makes the case that the State should never be a parent and the care of the uncared for should pass to charities. That’s if there are any charities that care for children any more. Many of them now have no homes at all since they were taken over by the left. Coincidence or policy?
The Catholic agencies were closed because they had the ‘incorrect’ view on homosexuality. Hence more children exposed to predation.
Really? I think you could make a convincing argument keeping children away from the Catholic Church was probably a wise move.
The RCC has cleaned its act up in recent years, but the mud is still sticking – and what’s more, the BBC ensures that it does – unlike with the RoP, where abuse is going on NOW, not historically.
Perhaps badly expressed. My comment is essentially based upon the internal logic of the Quisling Corporation, and not how either of us understand the issue of Muslim rape-gangs predating upon white girls.
Given that the Quisling Corporation is attempting to deflect attention away from the clear religious/cultural background of these rape-gangs by arguing that all men from all religions/races/cultures/classes do these things then such activities should be happening amongst male staff at the Quisling Corporation. So to prove this case is true they should be able to identify such male child-rapists within their own organisation.
Perhaps Albaman and Dezz will raise the same issue at their own places of work, as they seem to agree with the view that this is not a religion/race/cultural/class issue.
1.) ‘Front Page Magazine’:-
“Syria, Cannibalism and Videotape”
By Theodore Shoebat.
2.) INBBC:-
“Outrage at Syrian rebel shown ‘eating soldier’s heart'”
Can’t say we weren’t warned.
posted this right at the end of last OT,
and Alan, that was not a wide ranging debate this morning. on 5live, that even had a flawed title
Two reasons that islam/muslims have got away with so much, that is wrong in our society, one
1/. playing the “race card” – when they belong to an ideology, they ARE inherrently racist, but are not one themselves
2/. by being well known to immediately resort to threat and violence.
this shows the propensity to lie, unashamedly to gain
advantage over who they consider inferior, and resort to thuggish tactics to back it up
bbc 5live 8.40 am –
This morning has obfuscating to a new level re paedostani and muslim child rape gangs.
panto campbell pulls in some airhead from the guardian
(harker), to point the finger at “all communities”? at “society”? why are girls out? … late at night? in areas where a lot of ahem “asian” businesses are open? because they could be vulnerable?
…. the shameful pap of … because of those areas … those businesses, they are obviously going to come into contact with …. ahem “asians?… (shakes head).
oops my “bbc-bias sense” is a tingling
i feel a tad of protectionism coming over the bbc.
so … stand by yer beds folks!
(if only it was) “Your Call” … is up and coming –
but before it does, a police spokesman confirms “race” and “religion” has nothing to do with it.
The ejector seat protector of the religion of peace Moh Shafiq, will i m sure appear, with talk of “criminals”,
Anne Archer will tiptoe around for a bit, with verbal gymnastics im sure.
ps .. we ve had a muslim womans spokesman, another muslim blaming us, the girls, the wesern decadance etc
Shafiq blaming erm “criminals”, another muslim a manchester imam … interspersed with the dames helpful obfuscations …
sheesh! forgive me but are muslims? the victims here? … what is this? … where is anyone verbally, putting these devious bunchs toes to the fire, confronting them with a reality check.
9.30 halfway through this sham, horse and pony show, erm …
where are the real callers? is this … “your call”? or not?
off switch ……
Muslims commit crimes against infidels, BBC invite Muslims in to smooth everything over.
Muslims are victims of crime by infidels, BBC invites Muslims in to tell us how mean we are.
Very balanced.
oh on bbc s mark easton ..
Obfuscation is the al beeb choice for the day, when dealing with literally dozens of recent cases of child gang rape, involving many hundreds, in probability thousands of vulnerable mainly white children.
By orchestrated muslim paedophile gangs for well over a decade … probably two,
In cities/towns like bradford, rotherham, telford, rochdale leeds, oldham bournemouth, derby, nottingham, hastings etc
Barely a day seems to go by when Britain is not confronted with a new horror involving the sexual exploitation of children.
spouts al beebs mark easton … hmmm
“But there are two common factors. Child victims left exposed and adult perpetrators granted protection.
The activities of the men who preyed on troubled young girls in Oxford over many years, convicted at the Old Bailey on Tuesday, leave a nation shaking a collective head in disbelief once again.”
WELL NO … 3 FACTORS actually mark, the most important one, MUSLIM paedophile gangs, and the community that protects them continuously by shamefully playing the absurd “discrimination” card.
that is what held the police up – shut the social services up.
plenty of room to implicate boo hiss the BNP – EDL etc too eh!
you appalling shill … example
“The International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation, based at King’s College London, recently detailed how the English Defence League (EDL) had been attempting to link child sexual exploitation with Muslims?.”
Attempting! (shakes head) …
theres one very simple reason for that, genius …
… you utter utter obfuscating, waste of good air.
oh! and when you talk BNP? –
do you mean this BNP?
“As long ago as 2001, Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, was making claims about Asian grooming gangs. In 2004 he repeated these allegations in a speech clandestinely recorded by the BBC for a TV documentary, Secret Agent. He was arrested and charged with inciting racial hatred”
BBC eh!, mark … as usual lazy media shoot the messenger for sensation, sooner than investigate the facts.
and on the EDL or BNP? …
i believe the EDL probably wouldn t even exist if, the government had taken firm steps in the first place, had dealt with the reality of Islam and its effects on
the communities have the misfortune to
have to live along side it, and i do understand that, that is a difficult
undertaking, as replicant communities have emerged and not only in the UK.
With the community, comes the same catalogue of issues/problems. That is the reality, like it or not, those are the facts.
Other communities have arrived, and within a certain tolerance have fit in, they are not however supremacist politically driven totalitarian ideologies, that is the difference.
The BNP? … hmmm … they did tell the harsh truth, when others would not, and were ignored.
The same goes for “Le Front National” in France under M. Le Pen and now his daughter. The bien-pensant “intellos” dismissed what they said when it would still have been possible to limit the damage.
The problem is multiculturalism rather than integration, the policy of the Labour Party, therefore the bBBC.
Most Muslims treat multiculturalism as monoculturalism, and practice their own version of apartheid. The Quilliam Foundation bravely pursues a British version of Islam, and has pointed out the root of the issue is in the Mosques, where 97% of Imams are foreigners, mostly brought over here only a few years ago to indoctrinate the British Muslims, mostly unable to speak English and certainly disconnected from British life and law. “They are physically in Britain but psychologically in Pakistan or Bangladesh”
Until the bBBC, and their political bedfellows, truly bite the bullet and show that being British means speaking English and obeying British laws, not those of a foreign religion, the problem is unlikely to go away.
It is no coincidence that London and other towns and cities are in the grip of “white flight” . These cases will accelerate the trend.
Parents fear for the children will always trump any liberal or other values they might have. It really does not matter if these fears are grounded in reality. Perception is everything. The white indigenous population will leave the cities. It is unstoppable.
What a legacy the liberal fantasists have left our grandchildren.
Indeed. White people are fleeing, in part, to protect their daughters from this sort of savagery. They know the authorities will not help them – in fact the authorities effectively collude with the gang rapists. Parents fear they risk being investigated by the authorities on trumped up charges of racism if they try to persuade them to act… see today’s reports of the young girl who stated that social services were telling outright lies when they claimed to have supported her. In fact the girls pleas for help were ignored until eventually she was told that her complaints were “inappropriate” – social services codeword for “racism”, and a prelude to finding yourself being investigated.
They may well be fleeing but it is not those who can afford to bugger off that are likely to have their daughters ‘groomed’ in this way. AFAIAA the vast majority of the children involved were in the care of the local authority or all ready on at risk lists.
The bastards knew exactly who they were targeting and they chose those who, for whatever reason, would not be listened to.
It isn’t just SS units which threaten victims who complain. Police do too. And such repression is by no means confined to Oxford.
But that IS multi culturalism. The policy of multi culturalism is one of cultutal relativisim – each is as valid as the other and the ideology has a specific intention of protecting incoming cultres and actively preventing integration and assimilation of the host culture. The Meme that multiculturalism is one about creating a harmonious muti-ethnic society is utter bollocks, this has never been the intention of multi culturalists who despise euro-centrism.
No we are seeing textbook multi-culturalism in the development of separate enclaves that act under separate sociaetal rules and if it goes to plan eventually separate legal systems. (anybody notice that polygamy is now offically recognised)
This policy is fair enough if you have 5,000 people of a different culture in your country – it can be ignored, it becomes more problematic when there are 5,000,000
And Alan, it is perfectly legitimate to be uncomfortable with some of the posts on this site – quite a few are purely attacks on muslim people and culture per se and have nothing to do with BBC bias; to pretend otherwise and to suggest that this discomfort reflects an intention to hide or obscure wicked behaviour is fallacious.
Yes, British multiculturalism is like apartheid. Ray Honeyford warned about this and subsequent events in Bradford proved him to have been right. I knew we were in trouble when, in the 1980s, even the notion of integration was described by some as racist, when it had been the lie used to calm people’s fears in the Enoch Powell era.
Who knows how future BBC coverage of such abuse will go? On past form, once the current hoohah has died down or, more likely, been replaced by a more BBC-comfortable event (eg the shenanigans in the petrol market) the “Asian” – as against the Moslem – aspect of such behaviour will probably return as a feature of BBC reportage.
Meanwhile, Humphrys – given an open goal – scored against the Chief Constable of Thames Valley Police, Sara Thornton whose “speak-your-weight” response to her – and her force’s – manifest failures in this case would have been laughable in a less serious matter.
Nothing to do with BBC bias – but highlighting its journalistic shortcomings – Today failed to follow up this interview with an investigation (or just a question posed on air) as to how and why this obvious incompetent was appointed (and continues) to head a police force. What – besides the politically correct happenstance of Thornton’s gender and the fast-track promotion awarded to anyone in the police who can read without moving her lips – qualified her to be a chief constable?
Let me give the BBC a start here: concerning Thorton’s record, Thames Valley Police were, according to Wikipedia, given an assessment of “fair” in 2010 (3 years into Thornton’s reign) by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary. I think we can assume that an assessment of “fair” translates into bloody awful on all fronts with the exception of the excellent tea available in the force’s canteens. “Fair” in respect of a police force is probably much like Ofsted’s “satisfactory” which is code for “completely unsatisfactory” when assessing schools.
An investigation into the competence and qualifications of the top ranks of the police – together with the status of APCO – should be at the top of the BBC’s agenda. It isn’t. Were the BBC a genuinely “public interest” outfit, it would seek an answer to the question as to why senior officials in the public sector like police chiefs, the head of the NHS (and senior employees at the BBC) are effectively immune from the consequences of their own and their subordinates’ failures?
or even ACPO . . .
There seems to be an ongoing “feminisation” of the senior ranks of the police.
I can’t remember the last time the BBC interviewed a senior police officer who was male – maybe that is just their bias or that the police prefer to front a woman as she is less likely to be the object of the interviewers scorn.
Never the less you might think that a female chief constable would take the opportunity of her position to do more to protect young women in her patch – but apparently not.
1) men are discriminated against when it comes to police promotions.
2) the idea that woman care more is just feminist spin
3) since when did feminists give a damn about moslem grooming?
Any old fashioned copper with a basic sense of right or wrong would have acted on this.
The BBC inspired terror of PC ensures only career seeking correctnicks get the jobs that proper policemen used to do.
There is not one serious democratic party addressing these issues. 30 years ago lynch mobs would be assembled, but then 30 years ago we didn’t have PC and this would not have happened.
‘If you sit back and say ‘I am uncomfortable with being associated with any debate about Islam’ that is a betrayal of both the abused girls and Muslims themselves ‘
I wonder how David Prieser will feel about that slight against him.
‘You have to engage in the debate in order to prevent it spiralling into polemic and becoming highly polarised and sectarian…if you leave it to the extremists on either side you get extremism.:’
Ironic. This is your Blog!
Clearly I wasn’t listening correctly to Nicky Campbell show this morning because I heard the point about Mosques preaching respect of Muslim women but I didn’t hear anything about the same attitude shown to white girls. My view is that all too often Muslims are taught that non believers are subhuman and therefore deserve no respect. I also got the impression that the idea that these men are acting in a Cultural/Religious/Racial way was dismissed.
The same problem keeps coming up and that is if these men had been Christian white men targeting disadvantaged Asian, Black or Muslim girls the whole debate would focus on Race Religion and culture. These double standards breed resentment and draw people towards the likes of the EDL and BNP.
It’s a trap!
Seriously, it IS a trap. The BBC has already started subtly framing the debate in racial rather than religious terms.
Hey, what kind of person criticises people on grounds of their racial heritage? Racists, right? If the BBC tried to argue that people’s religion didn’t affect how they behaved, people would guess they were talking rubbish.
To the point: if it’s outrageously outrageous to expect Muslims to eat non-Halal meat, it’s hard to argue that the more……. controversial parts of the ideology are just curious relics of a bygone age.
The BBC’s laziness in bringing ‘race’ into this is depressing. It’s primarily about religious culture.
Someone can correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding of racial differences is that there are 3 main groups, which are (in descending order of populations): Europid, Mongolid and Negrid.
Since the British Asians from the Indian sub-continent are of the same race as I am (Europid) any differences between me and them are only at a sub-racial level of analysis: for example, their skins are darker; but hardly much more so than in the difference between two White Europeans (i) a swarthy Sicilian farmer who works outdoors all day and (ii) a fair-haired Swedish basement archivist who seldom sees the sun.
Even members of a truly different race (e.g. Black Africans) may easily integrate into the UK because of cultural similarities, though their skin colour may mark them out for potential discrimination or comment in a country where many have lighter skins.
‘We are determined to be an outstanding authority – one that provides excellent services and works effectively with partners and across service boundaries’
Joanna Simons CEO Oxford County Council.
‘My gut feeling is I won’t be resigning.’
Joanna Simons CEO Oxford County Council.
Funnily enough, my gut feeling also is that she won’t be resigning.
Remember Sharon Shoesmith, drummed out of her post of head of children’s services at Haringey Council (by Ed Balls) as a scapegoat for the ‘Baby P scandal’? That was different, of course, as it was abuse by a group of white chavs, so it was OK to make a load of public fuss over it.
Has anyone been dismissed from any local authority – in Rochdale, Rotherham, or any of the multitude of places with Muslim grooming gangs – over their failure to protect children in their care from the “men”?
Doubt it, by two foster carers were dismissed by Rotherham for being in UKIP.
My gut feeling is she should be strung up from the nearest lamp post.
To their credit, perhaps sensing which way the wind is blowing on this issue, the BBC’s World At One on Radio 4 today at least attempted, meekly, to frame the discussion on this story around issues of race and religion. Of course, being the BBC, the ‘discussion’, as such, was only ever permitted to go a little way towards suggesting that perhaps – just perhaps – there might be some tricky questions more pertinent to certain sections of our multicultural society to answer than to others.
Sadly, with all the usual suspects up for ‘interview’ the danger of anyone actually stating some uncomfortable home truths was never really a possibility. And then, having concluded that:
1. Perhaps using the term ‘Asian’ to describe gangs of British-Pakistani Muslim rapists might perhaps be a tad offensive to the vast majority of perfectly law-abiding British Asians of all nationalities
and that,
2. Organised gangs of child rapists is apparently not a phenomenon restricted to British-Pakistani muslims in the UK (apparently we’re all at it, although no other examples were offered, even by CEOP’s representative on the programme)
the interview was thus concluded. I wonder if that’s ‘case closed’ for the BBC, then?
Actually, they’re not all Pakistani. Even the bBBC news report yesterday said that some of the Oxford rapists were of ‘north African heritage’ (Eritrean), and members of other rape-gangs have been Bangladeshi and Somali.
There are only two things that they have in common: they are all Muslim, and they are all “men” ((c) BBC).
If you get the chance watch Newsnight from last night where they knocked out a program about how pure Islamic men like to rape little white girls after they have piled them with drugs and alcohol.(Here’s a snippet which nobody is mentioning, as the Islamic community is so closeknit, everybody knows what these men are doing,Parents,neighbours,friends everybody, they just choose to remain quiet)
Anyway the problem doesn’t actually lie entirely with these Paki paedophiles who just what to do what their founder Mohammed did. The problem lies with the fucking Old Bill who sat around doing nothing but eat donuts (Read up on how they threatened to charge one of the victims for accusing a poor Islamic rapist of rape) and with the fucking social services who did likewise. Watch this snippet from last night where the leader of Oxford council who while appearing all contrite refuses to resign. That people is so typical of the left. We know better than everybody else, but if something goes wrong on our shift then its not my problem.
She’s certainly useless, like most LA staff, but is she a lefty? Oxfordshire CC is a Tory run council and has been for quite a while. Oxford is quite lefty mind and hasn’t been Tory for decades but it is a different organisation.
I imagine if she was a bien pensant the Beeboid would not have pursued her like she did.
David Cameron’s ‘Conservative Party’ has embraced cultural Marxism. Far leftists are now employed by ‘Conservative’ councils as much as anyone.
People really do need to be getting onto their local councillors demanding an inquiry into the allegations made by the victims against the local authorities.
And voting according to how they react.
Or is democracy now so broken and undermined by Political Correctness that even something has sickening and disgusting as this doesn’t seem worth getting up off the sofa for?
If you sit back and say ‘I am uncomfortable with being associated with any debate about Islam’
Nobody is saying this, Alan. Maybe the Beeboids are, but I’m certainly not, and never have. If you’re referring to me, this is a dishonest characterization of my comment yesterday about not wanting to be associated with a certain kind of anti-Muslim comment. I’m assuming this refers to me on some level because of the “being associated” bit, the exact phrase I used.
However, your preceding line is actually sound:
Islam is the common factor between the offenders…that’s not to say Islam makes them abusers…what it may suggest is that they came to believe that as Non-Muslims are dehumanised, deemed worthless, they can freely abuse them without any shame or guilt.
Yes. On this we can all agree. Contrary to denials from defenders of the indefensible, some of these “men” have stated that their interpretation of Islam led them down this path. This was also reflected in the judge’s sentencing remarks in the Rochdale case.
Having a rational discussion about how the perpetrators themselves use or don’t use Islam as their inspiration/guidelines/excuse for a given action is the way to go. That’s probably the only path to getting the rest of the Mohammedan community involved without them feeling like it’s all just an attack on all of them, full stop. And there’s no traction to be had for the boys who cry “racist!” I’ve said this lots of times, but it never hurts to repeat it.
You make a good point and I myself only today have included race in the discussion when perhaps it’s just the Religion and the culture we need to focus on. Those within the Islamic community need to recognise that certain attitudes that are common amongst some, and I stress some, of their community are absolutely unacceptable here in Britain and conflict with our Judeo Christian heritage and our sensibilities. Their Religious leaders need to start getting a grip on some of the more unsavoury beliefs and practices that are imported with some of the Imans. Most of all TPTB need to stop obfuscating and start calling a spade a spade.
What is amazing is that with so much ‘Islamophobia’ in Britain Islamic immigration has double since 9/11.
It’s always important not to ‘personalise’ such issues against all Muslims, but if one regards Islam as intrinsically evil (and politicians have a democratic duty of cant to avoid expressing such an opinion openly because the consequences of such bluntness may produce results decent people wish to avoid) it’s often a very hard line to tread to avoid the appearance of tarring each and every Muslim, when on a human level, a good number will abhorr such behaviour. However, when one looks at the life of Islam’s founder, it’s very much in keeping with Islam. It’s an evil religion, and and after the ‘awakening’ of 9/11 its incubating and spawning monsters in our society.
Excellent piece Alan.
I think most of us here recognise the causes that have created this reality, those that continue to maintain it, and the solution to try and deal with it. I read an article today by Douglas Murray in the Spectator that quite surprised me, inasmuch as he seemed to be taking a tack that we are more used to by the BBC
What can society learn from the ‘grooming’ scandals?
My response to it there I feel is fitting for our examination here:
What CAN society learn, and what WILL society learn are two different things.
The disingenuous way this article has been phrased, and the underlying reasons for that, is the problem – and by looking at it, the solution may be found.
We see children that have been let down by the police and social services that were assigned to protect them. The reason for that is the PC ‘multicultural’ mindset that has infected our society, led by the BBC and Labour, and followed now by most of the rest of our media and main political parties.
We all know the common thread particular to these vile groups, not just in Oxfordshire, but also the rest of those around the country that have come to light in recent years. But when we read the articles on the BBC website about it, they are referred to only as Men, or Asian men, and perhaps Pakistani might just be a factor. Only when a judge refers to the Muslim element does the article mention this link. For the public most of the time, it is simply seeing the pictures of those men, and reading the names, that tells us exactly what we had mostly surmised, the elephant in the room that the media avoids castigating is MUSLIM.
So basically what the media does is enable this scum to perpetrate their vile deeds. With this and our spineless politicians afraid to point the finger where it properly belongs, the police and social services are afraid to confront it as well. With no pressure on the Muslim community to come forward and identify the goings on within it, they must be laughing at our mealy mouthed appeasement.
I usually have a lot of respect for Douglas Murray, but I think his tack of ‘appeasement’ with this article serves the opposing forces. He knew that the commenters here were going to identify this elephant. Does the Ramadhan Foundation really have it ‘just about right’, when they say on the phenomenon of on street grooming there is an over representation of Asian men and white victims.’
What they should be saying is MUSLIM men and white vulnerable CHILDREN as their victims.
Then the Muslim community should be scrutinised closely both without and within – for them to also find a solution or face more dire consequences. For as long as we keep avoiding this, we are only enabling them to continue.
What a ridiculous reality we have carved for ourselves.
I just read this article in the Telegraph which suggests that Nick Griffin was in part responsible for the muslim abuse of young girls…
“There’s one more figure who played an important role in this saga. As long ago as 2001, Nick Griffin, the leader of the BNP, was making claims about Asian grooming gangs. In 2004 he repeated these allegations in a speech clandestinely recorded by the BBC for a TV documentary, Secret Agent. He was arrested and charged with inciting racial hatred.
Which is exactly what he was doing, of course. He was making his allegations to stir up ethnic strife. Right-thinking people, aware of the BNP’s record as liars, presumed that these stories were just racist demagoguery. No doubt Griffin feels vindicated today: for telling the truth before anyone else. And yet it was thanks in part to his thuggish intervention that society felt able to ignore the scandal. And thus the abuse continued.”
I am no apologist for the BNP – but this seems to be stretching things a bit too far.
The full article is
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Naturally comments are closed.
You really could NOT make it up could you?
So the logic appears to be that because the warnings came from Griffin, therefore it make s sense fr society to ignore the scandal.
WTF is stupid enough to draw that conclusion?
That’s a bit like saying the holocaust was justified because some Jews warned about it in 1938 .
When this country allows the MSM to get away with such complete bollocks you just know we are fucked! .
Too true. Talk about “shoot the messenger”!
Yep, if it wasn’t for UKIP we’d have quit the EU by now. It was the blue blazers wot did it – we thought they were just fruitcakes.
How about mentioning a few things that Nick Griffin has not done, as far as I’m aware? Examples include:
Taken us to war based on lies.
Been involved in the death of 1200 people in a hospital.
Organised systematic child rape.
Caused serious damage to our banking industry in return for a huge salary and payoff.
Fiddled his expenses to the tune of tens of thousands of pounds.
Held up placards calling for the death of certain groups of people.
Destroyed the social cohesion of towns and cities all over the country and “rubbed our noses” in it.
Built up a national debt of over £1trillion.
Of course, he has not been in a position to do many of these things. Nevertheless……….
I seem to have mucked up the link
Back in 2007, when the authorities were still dismissing routinely the claims by young victims of the many Muslim rape gangs, the BBC broadcast Abi Morgan’s drama “White Girl”. In this chattering-class view of contemporary multicultural Britain a white mother and her children flee a feckless abusive white partner for the safety of a Muslim neighbourhood in Bradford. Long story short, the 11-year old white daughter finds salvation by becoming a Muslim.
It was exactly the sort of film that people involved in the care of vulnerable young white girls would’ve watched at the time. Many of those will have loved its multicultural message that Islam could save young white girls from the horrors of their scummy white working class background.
What, if instead of this idealised progressive take on Islam’s impact on Britain, the BBC had broadcast a film about young white girls being groomed, drugged, beaten and raped by gangs of Muslim men? Just perhaps there may have been a “Cathy Come Home” moment in British society and we would all be 6 years further down the line in dealing with the hideous problem of Muslim rape gangs.
Of course, such a drama would never have been made by the BBC – then or any time since. And we all know why.
Anybody fancy helping me write a new version of “Mind Your Language”?…a fine “comedy” well ahead of its time on ITV.
If I start with the grievance-farming, angry Muslim who`s forever trying to get out to the middle school when the social workers call by in their Prius at 3.30p.m…maybe we can add a few more.
Like the Cypriot getting mugged every day for his lunch money, so they can stitch a crescent on the EU flag, come the great day when Turkey enriches the European Experience…
Yes, not a laugh to be found…but even then it`s funnier that Citizen Khan or The Wright Way.
Anybody got some hysterical canned laughter I could use?
“Mind your language”
Imagine that set in Luton, Watford, Oldham, Rotherham….ect…
The only languages that folk wouldn’t understand there is English…cue the canned cackling BBC laughter when “local” whitey Owdham roughyed says “Ey up”
Ohhh, the hilarity…the town of my birth…thank god I escaped.
I only saw Newsnight and heard Today this morning.
If anyone hears the word “Muslim” or “Islam” mentioned, then come back and tell me that there is any kind of group rethink at the BBC.
Until then, I noted only quisling euphemisms, avoiding all the implications that these cases(plural…cases!) imply.
Clearly “lessons will NOT be learned in these cases”…because they seem happy enough to let them repeat, rather than take on Muslim blokes…and if a few calls to Tories to improve systems, training or employ a few more useless social workers..then bingo!
The BBCs reporting of this has been and will be a disgrace until they start to “inform and educate” Muslims here that Sharia isn`t going to happen, and the Qatadas of the world are going to pay for what they`re saying or doing.
But the BBC won`t want to prejudge or stigmatise…so it`ll have to be EDL/BNP as ever…we`ll deserve that if we don`t grow a spine and discover a tongue once again.
notice how the bbc and radio 5 live always invite that black racist guardian creep joseph harker onto there shows to make his anti white comments involving these never ending muslim groomers of white children,this guy joseph harker a black far left excuse maker for these muslim paedophiles,just listen to what he said last week on stephen nolans at 10 pm friday show if you want proof,what does he know about the suffering of these white children,what would his responce be if all these paedophiles was white and there victims underage black or musliim girls,i am sick to my teeth of 5 live and the bbc inviting that racist guardian creep joseph harker onto there shows to more or less blame these white girls for the sex crimes these muslim paedophiles commit against them.
… they can freely abuse them without any shame or guilt
I don’t honestly think child abusers, which is what these men are first and foremost, give a flying fatwa about their victims. Shame and guilt are not part of the equation.
Neither are they racist. After all if you don’t like a particular skin colour so much as to be a racist then would you want to fuck one? I certainly wouldn’t.
Personally I think they chose these girls for one reason and one reason only. No-one gives a flying fuck about them, not the police, the social services nor their ‘carers’. There was no one for them to complain to, no-one who would listen; so they were easy targets. Far easier than Muslim girls who are heavily guarded and kept a firm hold of. Any of them seen out with a man who is not a relative would soon be found out and reported on. That’s why Muslim culture has such oppressive laws against women because it protects them from such Muslim men.
That’s why they need to assimilate into the majority, so they can become civilised and join the modern world. Fat chance, I know.
‘That’s why Muslim culture has such oppressive laws against women because it protects them from such Muslim men’…what a great and profound point Pah
“No-one gives a flying fuck about them, not the police, the social services nor their ‘carers’.”
I don’t entirely agree with that. Some people did care back then and they care now. The problem is that too many people in the police and our so called caring institutions care far more about avoiding accusations of racism. The wrong attitude to race can end your career.
Not an INBBC headline:-
“UK: Yet another Muslim gang convicted of sex crimes against girls as young as 11”
One of the failures of the BBC on this issue is a common one, which is never to ask a question from a right wing point of view instead of discussing every topic within a liberal-left framework.
So, on this one, the question asked of the police authority could have been ‘Had this been a white on Muslim crime, you would no doubt by now, especially given your failures dating back to 2006, have set up a special unit investigating this as a racial crime issue, staffed by at least as many police as the Lawrence case, and in the process not only catching the perpetrators much earlier, but also establishing some kind of proof of institutionalised racism (aka Political Correctness) within the police force’.
i thought the nicky cambell debate yesterday was supposed to be about muslim child could of fooled me.all i heard from these muslims callers was denial about there paedophiles and rants about jimmy savile and stuart hall,the muslim community are still in denial as shown on nicky cambell phone in,they came across as protecting there muslim paedophile brothers
I am SO glad the al-beeb is on the barricades assuring this situation is not ‘endemic’.
The BBC is not my sole, or indeed primary breaking news source, but as things evolve on this story it will be interesting what tack they take.
The facts of such a case are impossible for the establishment to ignore, so what one tends to find is the subsequent ‘analysis’ often hints at mitigation or redirection strategies that suit.
Sky just now seemed happy enough to let the spotlight fall on the competences of local ploddette & LA lessons learners, but then got very uncurious once platitudes had been issued.
What astounded me was that the notion of this prevailing elsewhere, which seems significant, but has not… yet… been actually been taken on.
If this is a cross-country issue that seems pretty significant… and, frankly, a poor excuse for knowing about it, failing to address or letting happen on ones’s patch.
Questions not asked becoming too excusable a feature of highly paid public sector ‘talents’ these days. And media supposedly there to hold them to account.
Seems an awful lot of folk being paid an awful lot of money to do little, say a lot.. And of the latter, mostly in the form of (poor) excuses.
Even as far back as the 80’s muslim grooming gangs have been at work.
Here is a fascinating interview about grooming, the methods used and the failure of the authorities.
This horrific film needs to be watched. Utterly heart breaking.
I wonder if this will ever make the BBC:
1 Street away from where I was raised to the age of 9.
What a shithole my hometown has become…makes me so bloody angry, mind you, it was already infested back then in the 70’s.
I watched the Newsnight programme regarding the Oxford gang of abusers. I have to say the article at the top of the page seems like rubbish to me.
Newsnight found it nearly impossible to mention the Muslim/Islam aspect of these abusers (just one case of many, I’m beginning to understand).
Newsnight also had a rather odd (biased?) selection of guests – two Islamic spokesmen, and two women who were in authority over child services while this abuse was going on.
Hardly a big surprise then, when they found they were in no way to blame – that it was all apparently the fault of men (Western males) and Western civilisation, presumably including the EDL marchers that seem to have forced the legal system to face reality, rather than keep it’s head under the ideological blanket.
Agendas satisfied all around, and generous tax-payer funded subsidies and pensions safe?
Amazing that many adherents of Islam believe that their God is so extremely concerned about diet, dress and ritual while being perfectly relaxed about the rape of children, murder of apostates and suicide bombing of innocents
A belief system or ideology, not having to face reality, has little need for science, reason, balance or logic; belief is all, and those who challenge that belief with reason will be shouted down or ignored.
The paragraph above is not intended to infringe BBC copyright, but sooner or later such criticisms will very likely overlap BBC internal mission statements.
Just what Newsnight needs – another Guardian journalist
Fantastic post Allen.
The key issue is that for many years the authorities all over Britain turned a blind eye to white girls being abused by coloured, Muslim males because they feared being branded ‘racist’ (or Islamophobic?).
What led to such a nationwide state of paralysis and terror that allowed people in authority to literally ignore children being raped?
Political Correctness.
What British institution has played a key role in fostering Political Correctness?
The BBC.
It is an utter outrage that the authorities sat back and led children be abused because their abusers were coloured and Muslim, but the BBC doesn’t seem to keen to press that issue as it should be pressed because the answer for what led to that terrifying state of affairs leads right to their front door.
What I particularly liked about your piece Alan is it makes patently clear that Nick Griffin and the BNP is a political party unfit for human consumption.
“allowed people in authority to literally ignore children being raped?”
But they didn’t just ignore them.
These people acted to silence any factual reporting of these crimes, apparently because the factual evidence contradicted their ideology.
They kept quiet about these crimes,
they vilified the people that raised this issue and called them racisists and far right extremists.
Even in that Newsnight report they only interviewed the people who represented the ideology the BBC supports, the ideology that allowed these crimes to continue.
The BBC has not changed. They are simply writing a new version of reality where these crimes are supposedly a big surprise to them.
Isn’t this the usual approach the BBC takes – Savile, CAGW etc?
Yes, the politics is more important than the real issues, to hacks and trolls alike.
“These people acted to silence any factual reporting of these crimes, apparently because the factual evidence contradicted their ideology.”
I know it sounds a bit trite, but the Dambusters and many other fine people risked their lives and died in large numbers to prevent people in this country having to endure the sort of things we’re discussing here.