Blimey…Ian Hills in the comments has pointed out that Ian Katz’s wife runs Mumsnet…you know that organisation that all the politicians run scared of:
Mumsnet was conceived in early 2000 when Justine Roberts embarked on a disastrous family holiday. Her idea was to create a website where parents could swap advice about not just holidays but all the other stuff parents talk about. Once back in England she roped in friends Carrie Longton and Steven Cassidy to help build the site [1] Mumsnet’s 10th birthday party was hosted by Google UK at their London headquarters in March 2010. Guests included Ed Miliband and Steve Hilton, and both the then-Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and his wife Sarah Brown gave speeches. Gordon Brown referred to Mumsnet as one of the great British institutions.[2] Mumsnet launched a site aimed at grandparents, Gransnet, on 5 May 2011.[3]
In February 2013 Longton and Roberts were assessed as the 7th most powerful women in the United Kingdom by Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4.[4]
Note all the friends in high places and just how powerful Mumsnet is reckoned to be:
Ladies! Nick and Dave are fighting over you again: or, why Mumsnet runs Britain
Meet the two Mumsnet founders, the women who could decide the next General Election
They’re the most powerful women in Britain – ready to shape the future of the country.
SkynetMumsnet is now trying to ban gender-specific toy sales – thus furthering husband Ian Katz’s GuardianBBC agenda.
.mumsnet do good work. but it would nice if we has a dadsnet as a counter balance to prove we do live in a country of true equality and equal rights.
The extent of the infestation by left wing ideology is truly worrying.
They are the New Ruling Class. References to Lord Snooty and Tory toffs are disinformation spread to keep the proles from spotting the switch…..the debate and politacal correctness from the bbc and other white left wing excuse makers who try to deny race and religion has no connection in these child grooming muslim paedophile rings stops here with this article.the truth has been told at last by a muslim leader
Has this anything to do with the topic of mumsnet?
“ready to shape the future of the country”
And only yesterday BBC Today cheerfully described by the LSE as the mechanism policy makers are told how to think of a morning.
Really, the whole democratic election thing is really so last year.
She and hubs will surely know what’s best for the country they speak for.
Well, a little bit of it.
from mum’s swapping advice into political lobbying group. Right there you have why Mumsnet, doing some good, is just another charidee/quango/organisation stuffed with lefties:
I’M voting Labour. I think the Tories are fundamentally wrong… I agree with David Tennant. I want my PM to be the cleverest man in the room, not the one that looks best in a suit.”
Well, Edward Milliband would fail on both counts. Can we say that Dr Who is calling for a Labour leadership change?
Mumsnet give a lot of free publicity to Sam Cam as well – check out their appeals for Mners to attend any events she attends in London.
Where does mumset pay its tax and is Hodge the Dodge aware of if its the right amount? With Roberts connections to Labour will we ever be told?
I know there has been a lot of reports about bullying on Mumsnet if you happen to offer a different point of view. Typical of the left really who do not like free speech.
Aw c’mon – the Scottish/ West Albanian dross believe in free speech to the extent it means that they can shout down with ‘scum, scum, scum, scum, scum’ anyone who exercises *their* right to free speech.
I’ve read about the “bullying” on Mumsnet. Apparently if someone posts a view contrary to the site’s orthodoxy (left-wing, womens’ rights, all children are angels and should be mollycoddled attitudes) then a separate thread is created where all the poster’s critics can engage in spiteful vilification. The “criticisms” are crude, offensive, sometimes threatening, and all done with the intention of belittling their target and possibly dissuading them from returning to the site.
Yes, I know we’ll have Albaman, Dez, Scott etc., saying that’s what can happen to them on BBBC, but the posts on Mumsnet are particularly vile, according to the journalist who was targeted by their followers. Sorry can’t remember the female journalists name so I can’t give a link to the article. No doubt you can find it by Googling it.
I wouldn’t think our Defenders of the Indefensible feel particularly threatened by the robust replies they receive or they wouldn’t keep returning with all their gusto. The treatment of contrarians on Mumsnet is something far more sinister if the sample posts made public are anything to go by.
It might be this one: Poor Amanda is right about Mumsnet’s angry brigade”
‘Mumsnet is just following a path, well worn by the likes of ALF, Stonewall and many other miniscule minorities that the BBC and The Guardian take to their heart.
These minorities are given publicity and airtime far above what their support would suggest; all in the name of fairness.
Probably going to get given a wee bit more ‘support’ if a certain person knows what’s good for him at the end of a hard day employing ever more market rate deputies to ensure plausible deniability lest anything untoward happen a few floors down.
Quite what most UK ‘Mums’, not amongst the 600k collection from North London, Brighton, Bristol and nice hamlets in Cornwall, feel about how they get spoken for via our national filter system may be interesting.
Thanks for that link. It wasn’t the article I read although I remember it referring to the treatment of Amanda Holden. I think it may have been in a Saturday edition of the Daily Mail. The journalist was writing about her own experiences at being on the receiving end of Mumsnet’s followers’ intimidation and insults.
The Telegraph article IS interesting though and compliments the article I read.
I have seen them criticise “shining star” Labour MP Rachel Reeves because she patronised them with talk of a Mummy Tax. Here.
What then is mumsnet view on the Euro Referendum, the howling down of Farage in Scotland or the Muslim gangs that are grooming, branding raping and abusing white teenage girls that are supposed to be “cared for” by Social Services, Childrens Commissioners and the rest of `em?
I`ve not heard these fearless women speak out yet…surely if they had the Beeb would have told us for now?
Or is that boring old men banging on?…so let Harriet Hodge lead the agenda on women on the BBC after 60?…we here, speak of nothing else
Left-wing professional (oxymoron alert!) working mothers don’t give a damn about the concerns of the oiks. However, they do share their husbands’ concerns about community cohesion and “our future in Europe”.
Come on nanny, it’s time to drop little Pellagra off at the organic playgroup. Must I do everything?