A bit liked the Augean Stables the BBC bias is non stop and is a task beyond normal mortals to clean up…having no handy rivers to divert through Broadcasting House to flush it out…all we have is the torrent of good advice and comment from you….go for it!
Missed QT last night. How did the discussion of the Oxford paedophile rape trial go?
(1hr .49, 30 seconds)
little bit different, to beeb 1s QT eh!
(sadly didn t hit the biggest plus immigration)
There’s a great take on why nobody will be held accountable over the authorities tolerating this Muslim rape gang.
On why nobody is ever held accountable in our democracy overseen by our betters at the Beeb in “Our Dictators” at:
The BBC Good Morning Scotland telephone interview in which Nigel Farage hangs-up is here:
The telephone interview itself runs from 2:08 to 2:53 although it was clearly pre-recorded and we only hear the final half of the interview – since Nigel sounds rather defensive right from the start. Of course he handles the questions brilliantly although the interviewer seems intent on belittling UKIP rather than addressing any substantive policy issues.
Earlier on at 43mins we get a BBC reporter’s account of the encounter with the racist SNP mob which he describes as “absolutely peaceful”.
The protestors don’t look very peacful here.
They look like a nasty mob of left wing bullies completely failing to see the irony of them labelling someone as ‘racist’ or ‘fascist’.
Or ‘scum’.
i think the bbc interviewer got mixed up between ukip and the bnp … same absurd aggressive stance,
The interviewer was clearly trying to get Farage to equate hatred of the English with a vote for Scottish Independence. Then they could have run with the headline all day of “Farage says anyone who votes for Scottish Independence is a racist”.
I lived in Scotland for 10 years and I know there is a nasty vein of English hatred in Scotland. A lot of it is based on hatred of Margaret Thatcher and the closure of old and unproductive heavy industry. The hatred is racist, but the liberal media won’t allow it be labelled as such.
Racism only occurs when the English declare any sort of nationlism!
I have a similar experience after living in North Wales. An underflow of Anti-English racism which of course is never mentioned.
Just in case anyone thinks I may be biased my partner is Welsh and her Father is a Welsh speaker.
Here begins the attempt to rubbish ukip.
For a while the islamic/commie bbc have been under the impression that ukip would take votes from only the Tories, therefore be a boon to thr lefty labour bunch.
However, the it has dawned on them that their previous labour party may lose votes also.
Hence, the attack begins.
Tne BNP, The EDL, have both been demonised, now it’s time to attack ukip.
Well, I reckon they miscalcuate, what say you?
I listened to the report at 43 mins in and I don’t think anyone can argue it wasn’t a fair description of events.
The quote you refer to in particular was:
“Although I have to say I’m sure personally he felt uncomforable at some points because when you’re faced with a large crowd of a few dozen people all chanting towards you, it was all absolutley peaceful but of course that can be intimidating.’
I don’t know what makes you think the interview starts half way through? I don’t think Farage sounds ‘defensive’ as such, I think he sounds a bit worked up about what happened outside the pub. I don’t think this interview would have been anything out of the ordinary if he hadn’t terminated the interview. I think thta was down to him feeling a bit ruffled by what happened in Edinburgh.
“What makes you think the interview starts halfway thru?”
Because there is no introduction. No “Mr Farage is on the line now, Good morning” etc. The interviewer just says he’s ‘been speaking’ to Nigel, and then the tape starts playing immediately with Nigel giving a hurried answer to a question we haven’t heard.
I missed another item at 1:01 where the beeboid speaks to ‘a Guardian Journalist’ who was there. He goes on to call the abusive mob ‘Good humoured’ twice.
I understand 2 people have been arrested for disorder during this ‘good humoured’ and ‘absolutely peaceful’ display of racist thuggery.
Reminds me of al-Beeb’s selective reportage of
JoooozIsrael and Palestinians.Monk? Monk Fish? Another troll-stooge appears “out of the blue”
Organised, just like the attack on Farrage.
Nothing spontaneous going on here, we are witnessing organised attack-squads of left-wing goons worthy of the brownshirts of the Thirties.
Except it’s not an attack squad. It’s the same person posting comments under different aliases. The only saving grace is that he’s not engaging in actual sock-puppetry, i.e. using one name to approve of or support his own comment made under another.
He may now
If nothing else, it’s a bit unfair for the Scottish Beeboid to dismiss a political party simply because it has no elected representatives in an area. How else is a party supposed to get started? Would he have summarily dismissed and belittled the Greens like that before they won any seats?
He was coming to Scotland, where they have no elected representatives and the polls suggest little support. Seems a reasonable point to put in an interview with a politician.
There’s a difference between pointing it out and using it to discredit, no?
Yes, it’s a reasonable point to put, but the interviewer repeatedly put it – 5 times in succession, and in a quite insulting manner. Here are the punch lines from the last 5 questions before Nigel decided (quite rightly IMHO) to hang up:
“You’re a political irrelevance aren’t you?”
“Your political philosophy is an alien here in Scotland”
[Sarcastic]”Do you represent mainstream Scottish public opinion?”
“UKIP isn’t part of the Scottish political debate in anyway and you know very little of Scotland or the politics of Scotland”
[Sarcastic]”And remind me how many elected representatives you have in Scotland?”
What there are actually saying Both BBC Scotland and the SNP is to go back to where you came from, your not Scottish. Imagine if a white person said that in England what the BBC would report.
Exactly. Substitute ‘England’ for ‘Scotland’ and ‘English’ for ‘Scottish’ and you bet BBC Towers would run the ‘Little Englander’ theme for weeks and weeks – we’d never hear the end of it.
Exactly! UKIP should be smart, and send some of their ethnic minority candidates to accompany Nigel Farage next time.
See if they still see fit to shout “Scum! Not welcome in our country”. They know how it would be used, and UKIP should play them at their own game.
“I think what we’re seeing here is a kind of ugly nationalism veering into racism”
The kind of crap we English have had to suffer constantly from the BBC and the left in general. Return the favour – see how they like it.
“Alien”, indeed!
Apparently, one of the two “absolutely peaceful” demonstrators who were arrested poured a can of coke over a #UKIP supporter.
Well – now we all know how to “protest peacefully’ to any irritating lefties or BBC hacks.
On the Left’s ‘scale of peace’, the poll tax riots would be rated ‘moderately peaceful’.
So where is Mason to announce, it’s kicking off everywhere!
Another day, another ‘unfortunate’ UKIP headline.
This one is “Farage blasts ‘fascist’ nationalists”, in the BBC’s ‘most read sidebar.
Anyone reading that would associate fascist with UKIP, and assume that the nationalists were UKIP members.
In fact they are Scots Nationalists.
Funny they couldn’t fit
“Farage blasts Scots nationalists” in the sidebar.
‘Funny they couldn’t fit’
It’s that darned problem with getting the characters to sting together in an accurate. objective way again.
“string”… though sting could work too.
A nice helping of BBC left-wing garbage here:
The BBC are scratching their heads wondering why violent crime is so low in Iceland.
” People seemed relaxed about their safety and that of their children to the point where parents left their babies outside and unattended.”
“Norway, Sweden, and Denmark … appeared plagued with crime by comparison.”
The author argues that this is because everyone is equal in Iceland:
“First – and arguably foremost – there is virtually no difference among upper, middle and lower classes in Iceland.”
“A study of the Icelandic class system done by a University of Missouri master’s student found only 1.1% of participants identified themselves as upper class, while 1.5% saw themselves as lower class.
The remaining 97% identified themselves as upper-middle class, lower-middle class, or working class.”
(Personally I would say that there is a big difference between “upper-middle class” and “working class”.)
He also praises their penal policies saying
“In the first 10 years of the [drug] court, roughly 90% of all cases were settled with a fine.
There’s an inimitable make-up of Iceland which, ostensibly and ideally, could provide guidelines for people in other nations who are looking for solutions to their crime issues.”
All fascinating stuff, but somehow they do not mention that Iceland is ethnically one of the most homogeneous countries in the world. They do genetic profiling in Iceland, because the population is descended from the same few Nords and Celts for thousands of years. The immigrant population is tiny, and such as it is ethnically similar to the native population, being comprised almost entirely of other Europeans.
Wikipedia states Iceland has ” one of the smallest Muslim communities in the world”, with no mosques.
Sweden, by contrast, has more immigrants than the entire population of Iceland, and a study showed that over 40% of all crime in Sweden was committed by immigrants:
“Immigrants in Sweden are four times more likely to be investigated for lethal violence and robbery than persons born in Sweden to Swedish parents,”
Only in BBC la-la land, could you have an article praising ‘class homogeneity’ as resulting in a zero-crime Utopia, yet no mention at all of the concomitant ethnic homogeneity, carefully preserved by geographic isolation, strong borders, no membership of the EU, etc.
TLDR: Iceland is a socialist Scandinavian paradise. The rest of Scandinavia once was like this, but when they turned from lands of six-foot blond(e)s into something more mixed, the dream went sour. Google Malmö crime to find out what happened when a Swedish city went from 100% Abba-lookalikes to 25% Muslim immigrants in the space of a generation.
Iceland hasn’t made this mistake, but you won’t find one word breathed about this fact the BBC.
too true …. and
“In a report studying 4.4 million Swedes between the ages of 15 and 51 during the period 1997-2001, the council found that immigrants were OVER-REPRESENTED in Sweden’s crime statistics.
Immigrants were also 3 TIMES more likely to be investigated for assault and 5 TIMES more likely to be investigated for sex crimes.”
immigrants behind 25% increase in crime.
bbc … two quiet minutes of navel gazing, then back to … what can be the reasons? why is the crime rate so low etc.
25% of the prison population in Britain is of a certain religion which represents 5% of the population.
Stop sneering Scandinavia, Britain is already there.
No wonder this constant assault on UKIP from the establishment.
Violent protests from thousands of Islamists at the presence of an Israeli tennis team playing in Malmo, who have to play their matches behind closed doors for their own safety?
What, not covered by the BBC?
Maybe none of them actually wants to move in to Iceland, though?
The BBC has done two reports about discrimination and hassles Mohammedans face in Malmö, but have never reported what’s happened to the Jews there.
I thought the whole of Scandinavia was supposed to be less class conscious? Well, at least that’s what we used to be told.
Fat load of good it’s done them.
Coincidence that Japan also has a low crime rate. Must be another classless paradise.
BBC say that homogenous population is safest (ironically…not the celebration of diversity then?)
‘Norway’s openness and lack of security is in large part a result of it having such a small, homogenous population. It seems paradoxical that an extremist who appears to have fanatically wanted to protect Norway from intruders and the “dangers” of multiculturalism would himself do such damage to the nation.
Norway is now forced to look at the less attractive facets of its society.’
Homogenous? How come nearly all Oslo rapes are committed by moslems?
Of course these stats were false so let me point you to a site which refutes this bigoted tosh:
bigoted tosh 😀 …
coldtitz … i hope you are refering to loonwatch
Iceland has a population less than Cardiff in an area 10 times greater. Reykjavík has a population about the same size as High Wycombe which had around 2000 crimes in 2011 – around 360 were violent. In 2006 there were 1,265 violent crimes in Iceland with a total of 17,000 according to Iceland’s Police.
As Reykjavík has 2/3 of the population and assuming that most of the crime occurs there then you are safer in High Wycombe!
However if you go to the tourist sites for crime figures then they naturally say that there is virtually no crime at all. That’s the power of relativism I suppose.
I wonder where the BBC got its crime figures from, the Police or the Icelandic Tourist Board.
“Rural council votes to stop flying flag of St George claiming it is offensive to town’s 16 Muslims because of links to CRUSADES.
“Ban by Radstock Town Council in Somerset after councillor’s proposal.
“Labour’s Eleanor Jackson insisted flag could still cause Muslims upset.
“Instead a Union Jack and the LGBT flag will be flown at certain times.
“Bristol Muslim Cultural Society: ‘It’s political correctness going too far’.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2324999/Rural-council-stops-flying-flag-St-George-claiming-offensive-Muslims-links-Crusades.html#ixzz2TY2dLESH
By extrapolation, the ‘Somerset lecturer’ is about as unrepresentative of the views of the British indigenous people as INBBC is.
But the political left’s unrepresentative, pro-Islam view prevails.
“The Real History of the Crusades”
by Thomas Madden.
Thw town’s 16 Muslims ? How many kebab shops is that ?
me ow – katz got the cream?
Guardianistas at the ready eh!, maybe he s there to give panto a run in the “interesting hair” stakes, and
so glad they ve opted for a completely unbiased co-ordinator of the information we will receive too
What a privilege it is for us to have information filtered so carefully, by those with the “knowledge” of the left wing prism eh!
Should get a regular spot for the harridans at Scumsnet too, re his wife – bitter frustrated women who spout half-baked opinions, braindead views and all seem to hate their men? and then wonder why they clear off with a 25 year old workmate who has A/personality and – B/doesn’t spend their life on the Internet!
keep it in the family eh! Ian … wink wink!
Kirsty over to you
dont laugh! … no dont! … stop 😀
“We pushed resources towards- looking at the comments below the line on live blogs”
And then censoring them?
You had me worried. For a minute there I thought this was going to be a video of Katz expressing support for Israel. Instead, this is fairly innocuous, unless one thinks that the whole “curating” fad is a big step away from serious journalism and into the realm of commentary being all important.
And I don’t disagree with him about there being no need to spend resources chasing ambulances and court cases.
“the whole “curating” fad ”
exactly my point david, maybe he ought to move to a library /museum job
mind you 😀 … you have a bit about you for some of those jobs …
unless its the cleaner
AN absolute disgraceful article in the way it attacks Christians for having large families and utterly failing to mention other religions such as Islam which also forbid contraception.
A program to be broadcast on world service – The Womb as a Weapon 18 May at 19:32 GMT.
I can bet there will be no mention of enormous Moslem families, and lots of criticism of Christians.
Having read the article I find it difficult to see any attack on Christians never mind those who have large families? Which parts of the article do you see as being evidence of such an attack?
Try the title: “The Womb as a Weapon”.
The dope didn’t actually get as far as the title.
Maybe it’s just a desperate attempt to fill quota before the weekend?
Or trying to set a record as a one-person denial of service system?
What quota would that be?
What quota would that be?
bBC “news” at one attempting to align the whole of Scotland with the unwashed, unemployed scumbags that mobbed Nigel Farage in edinburgh. Fact is they scored an own goal, aided by fat Eck who said that Farage had “lost the plot” This from the man that welcomes open door immigration.
Nigel Farage reacts politically sensibly to totally hostile BBC-NUJ Scotland interrogation.
“Nigel Farage hangs up on BBC interview over ‘hatred’ in its questioning.
“The UkIP leader Nigel Farage has condemned the ‘fascist scum’ who forced him to take refuge in an Edinburgh pub and hung up on a BBC Scotland interview over outrage at the ‘hatred’ in its questioning.”
(inc video/audio: 5 mins)
When I heard the BBC news open with last night,
‘Margaret Hodge, Chair of the Public Accounts Committee…’
I thought the droid was going to continue with,
‘…was today royally slaughtered for her rank rank hypocrisy by Sky’s Kay Burley’
But no, imagine how surprised I was when the droidess just went on to talk about Hodge grandstanding in Westminster at the expense of a Google executive.
…though of course the droidess didn’t use the word ‘grandstanding’.
‘grandstanding in Westminster’
It has ceased to be anything about justice, fairness, representation or actually doing anything positive.
It is about the acquisition or retention of power, and the easiest if least honourable way to do it is undermine, undermine, undermine.
And it suits the new breed to two-faced pol, and their ratings-addicted remora media supporters just fine.
Ms. Hodge seems a more than woeful specimen, and in in the BBC she has the perfect facilitator, but they are all at it, all the time.
It simply doesn’t matter if it is blatant #2wrongs, if a pol is prepared to bash another, or a party its opposition, no matter how two-faced it is the MSM will be a willing complement to the attack.
The no-lose part to certain media is then rounding on the double standards… win-win.
The interesting part is how certain other media suddenly get astoundingly uncurious and oddly if selectively loyal when the hypocrisy becomes the bigger story and starts to dominate. Moving on quickly…. damage done.
The only real losers are sensible policies, fair play and a commitment to positive rebuilding, as any poor sap trying to get things moving will be slaughtered by the next #prasnews punt by the next Hodge, all stirred, supported or, if backfiring, suppressed by such as the BBC.
It turns out that the Boston Bombers viewed themselves as martyrs fighting against the US on behalf of all Mohammedans everywhere. Who could have imagined?
“Basically the note says that he does not mourn his brother Tamerlan, that Tamerlan was a martyr now and that he was in paradise, that Dzhokhar expected to join him there soon,” Miller said. “That the bombings were in retribution for the US crimes against Muslims in places like Iraq and Afghanistan; that the victims of the Boston bombing were ‘collateral damage,’ the same way innocent victims have been collateral damage in US wars around the world, summing up that when you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims.”
I thought The Obamessiah ended the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and apologized to all Muslims. So how can this be? Defenders of the indefensible and the BBC have told me that there’s no actual religious motive behind these kinds of acts of mass murder, and yet…..
1.) ‘Jihadwatch’
“Boston jihad murderer: ‘F*** America,’ ‘Praise Allah'”
With –
2.) INBBC:-
“Boston suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ‘left note in boat'”
It looks like the BBC did mention the line about “when you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims”. I don’t know how I didn’t see this yesterday, but good for them. Now they need to have a discussion about the religious motives behind these acts, and how we’re supposed to address their grievances even after we’ve supposedly ended the wars for which they’re taking revenge. And then they can discuss why they continue to look for other motives first every time this kind of thing happens.
“when you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims” spoken like the true
brainwashed 😀
thank goodness the civillised world doesn t take that view, eh!
… and all that islamic crying over buddhists saying enough is enough
booooooooooooom! …. no more islam.
I’m paraphrasing but someone said something on the lines of – If you take all the Muslims killed by the Jews since the birth of Israel and add to the sum of all the Muslims killed by the Americans, French and Russians (in order of ascending casualties) you still are nowhere near the number of Muslims killed by other Muslims in that same period. I haven’t time to research it now but I seem to recall a figure of 5 million Muslims killed in wars by other Muslims in a little bit more than half a century.
Really? And what ‘grievances’ would that be? Shall we make a list?
1. You should all pay the dhimmi tax to us.
2. Kill all the Jews and transform Israel into an Islamic paradise.
3. All your women are whores and deserve and beg to be raped starting with the age of 9.
4. All education is Haram, the only book you need to memorize is the Koran.
5. Engineering is akin to witchcraft and we decapitated people for less.
9999. Do not insult me and yes, it is I who decides what insults me or not.
But even with all this I still wonder what kind of ‘proper’ branch of Islam should I embrace? Salafi, Shiah, Sunni? They all seem to be at each other throats all the time.
Besides, I have to give up alcohol and I’m quite accustomed with the occasional pint. So my main philosophical question of the day: Is the entire Islam worth more than a pint of beer?
“Boston suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ‘left note in boat’”
Correct me if I’m wrong…..but….erm…that’s a fair few more characters than “EDL Bomb plot” is it not?
In case anyone’s wondering why we’re just now hearing about the note by Jihadi Minor they found in the boat with him, it’s because the Feds blocked it out and kept it from us. Apparently they even checked the cell phones of Boston cops on the scene to make sure nobody took a picture of it.
In other words, the President and the police and everyone in between lied to us all about not knowing the motives. A small section of the US media is saying it, but the BBC won’t ever tell you, for the same reason that the Feds kept it a secret, and the same reason the Beeboids speculated that the bombing was most likely done by white Right-wingers.
The BBC seems to have finally realised how useless the “well-respected” Stephanie Flanders actually is.
We now have a blogging replacement of sorts in the economist Linda Yueh as in here.
Does this mean that the women christened Stupidonomics in the Independent and the flounderer has been sacked for being not up to the job? Of course not the poor licence payer is now paying for both!
Steph now feels free to discuss how quickly she and her BBC mates can get to Salford on the HS2,sorry I mean the national importance of railway upgrades.
More analysis? The Birt/Boaden legacy lives on. And we’re still being told how awesome China’s economy is going to be for the world. Let’s just hope Ms Yueh’s policy recommendations fare better than La Flanders’.
So how man Labour MPs has Linda Yeuh slept with? Surely we must be told? 😉
‘many’ not ‘man’ Freud strikes again …
May not be male Labour MPs she slept with.
you must try and be more relatavist or be left behind.
ooooh, I hadn’t thought of that; a bit of girl on girl eh? Now which Labour MP could it be? Harriet Harman, Dianne Abbot or Hodge the Dodge?
OW! I’ve just clawed out my eyes. Thanks for nothing Stewart! ;p
Try Margaret Beckett and Glenda Jackson
See if that don’t put you of your stroke
Spot the missing word in this BBC news brief about the recent bust of Palestinians running a cigarette smuggling ring with connections to Hamas and a known terrorist plotter.
I’ll quote the relevant sentence here:
Officials allege that three of the 16 Palestinian immigrants charged had links to known terrorists.
Can you guess what the missing word is? No, it’s not about religion. From the NY Daily News:
All 16 of those charged are Palestinian and all but two were living illegally in the U.S. One managed to flee to Jordan before the arrests late Wednesday.
Yes, defenders of the indefensible, it’s relevant to the story. Just as relevant as mentioning that Hamas wants Israel wiped off the map, something else the BBC conveniently left out, as usual.
I know it’s only a news brief, a quick copy and paste job from the wire services, and I should be grateful the BBC is reporting it at all, meaning they understand that this kind of story doesn’t conflict with their commitment to diversity, and that they’re not too concerned that it will be fodder for those who complain that the BBC is pro-Israel. But there are no space constraints online, so two more sentences wouldn’t have killed them.
‘Jihadwatch’ headline:-
“New York: 15 Muslims arrested for $55 million dollar cigarette smuggling ring to fund jihad terror”
The IRS boss in charge of the tax-exempt division when they started targeting Tea Party and other non-Left groups got over $100K in bonuses for her great performance during that period. And now she’s in charge of the IRS’s enforcement of ObamaCare.
BBC: ZZZZzzzzzzz. The President has moved swiftly and decisively, condemning the behavior, and He’s already fired two people, so you don’t need to know about this. And one of His agents pursuing His internal investigation of the scandal says that it wasn’t politically motivated anyway. Sir Humphry would be pleased.
And it’s still apparently only Republicans who are outraged about all this, never mind that Democrats are unhappy as well. As usual with the BBC, only one side is partisan.
The way this scandal is developing (not on the BBC, of course), it could become very big indeed. The list of people and institutions that have been targeted is growing ever greater. It is shocking that Baptist churches and the Billy Graham Foundation, for example, have been put under special scrutiny by the IRS, apparently only for their stance of supporting traditional marriage. This scandal surely goes to the top of government, and it seems inconceivable that the WH was (and is) not involved in some way.
The blame-shifting and wagon-circling has already begun, but who knows how it will all pan out? So many in the media have had so much invested in Him and the effort to destroy the Tea Party movement and defeating Republicans that it’s hard to see them continuing the tough scrutiny long enough to sort it all out.
What we do know is that the President and some Democrats publicly named names of groups and individuals they felt were dangerous and needed scrutiny, and the IRS and other government agencies went after them. No penalties have ever incurred against those individuals or groups, no wrong-doing ever found, nothing. It was intimidation with the goal of silencing political speech, period. Top IRS bosses knew about it, but kept quiet during the election, only revealing it after the internal inquiry was done and ready to be published. Unfortunately for the President, His minions overreached when they hit the AP journalists who had been carrying water for Him up to that point. Foolish.
“What we do know is that the President and some Democrats publicly named names of groups and individuals they felt were dangerous and needed scrutiny, and the IRS and other government agencies went after them”
PresO having a bit of a Thomas Beckett moment then? With a side order of astoundingly uncurious Sgt. Schultz.
Turbulent times.
The IRS is a left wing hate group….it needs investigating.
(c) Michael Savage.
“The BBC and Habari Media host an exclusive luncheon with George Alagiah”
‘Habari Media’:
“About Us” –
“BBC Africa Debate asks:
‘Is Africa under threat from Islamist militants?'”
[ Er….]
only the bbc would have to ask 😀
BBC “Viewpoint” on the Department of Justice seizing phone records of AP journalists in summary:
Bush started it.
Don’t worry, journalists won’t be silenced so easily.
Nothing to see here, move along.
More or less at it again with the politicking.
First we have an attack on Christine Hamiltons assertion on question time that 40K+ Romanians had been arrested (roughly 40%) with the program desperately trying every which way to minimise just how bad they are. Finally concluding that there is a problem!
Then followed an attack on Michael Gove – Michael Marshall (Merseyside Skeptics)
Then an attack on David Cameron over the number of jobs created in the private sector, and a defence of the Labour party.
Then unemployment – and why isn’t it higher given the Tories Austerity program? Lower wages apparently which makes it easier to employ them.
Difficult to imagine a more biased set of subjects given that the only other topic was the suicides of Falklands veterans which turned out to be a non story.
Interestingly enough, even Tim Harford was able to conclude that Christine Hamilton was largely correct in her assertion that a scandalously high number of Romanians are already arrested for criminal offences, and are here already.
To be fair to Tim, he followed the facts and figures more than most Beeboids are allowed so to do..so to hear him confirm the thrust of what Hamilton said was…well, surprising from the proven liars and rose tinted PollyToynbees( Pollyannas?) that comprise the BBCs staff and creative community talents.
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2325893/President-Obama-makes-U-S-Marine-break-rules-does-look-happy-it.html…the wally with the brolly and hes not STEVE McCLAREN lol.
Oh dear.
There’s the insult to military protocol (and plain manners – I do it willingly for my wife, kids and elders, or if asked to help. A presumptive superior tells me to and they will be disappointed) yes, but at what point did he lose the ability to command the rain not to fall?
ps: Hell of a precedent in invitation from the DM on one photo: ‘Write caption here’.
I do concede it may not have anything to do with BBC bias, though. Some may need to deal with this.
He sees them as His servants, after all. Yet another Obamessiah gaffe which will not be mentioned by the BBC, and about which we won’t be seeing any snarky Tweets from Beeboids.
old Erdogan, will make hay with those pics, in the future
i m sure …
on the captions … Erdogan
“allah willing this rain stops, eh abed, and GET! that umbrella higher kaffir”
It does show that the mighty O knows how to call in the marines if he wants them. He didn’t in Benghazi.
“Rigg was living in a south London hostel in August 2008 as his mental health deteriorated. One afternoon he smashed up a gazebo and made karate moves which staff viewed as threatening. They called the police who did not respond to several pleas for help.
Rigg was then thought to have attacked passers by. Three hours after the first 999 call, police responded. He was restrained by three officers on the Weir estate in Brixton.”
Sean Rigg. Obviously not enough time to expand on the background to the arrest.
Anybody listen to Jeremy Vine at lunch time. He interviewed on air some German bloke about the attack on the dams and Vine while talking about the attack on the dams comes out with this at the 41.45 min point. (Starts at 37 mins)
“It is not seen as a war crime by the German people”
You can tell by the silence from the German that even he thought that was a pathetic question, Vine then remarks that he was given a look of total revulsion by the British author in the Studio with him.
Good to see that the bBC continues fighting for those who want (wanted) to kill us all.
Typical leftwing revisionist wanker.
So one suggestion, which Vine allows to be refuted, means that the BBC wanted the Germans to win the war? Really?
Unless I’ve missed it, no-one on this site has mentioned this BBC article, which was prominent on the news homepage when it was published. How you can accuse the BBC of being anti-British in this case is beyond me.
You obviously don’t watch much of the BBC’s historical program out put then.
I don’t blame you for that.
How many more people listen to JV radio show than read a web article. At a stroke those too young to know anything about the war will go away thinking that the attack on the Dams was a war crime. But hey it seems that you belong to the revisionist generation as well have a butchers at that article I quote:
Seventy years ago an RAF bomber raid destroyed important German dams. At the time many argued it was only a propaganda victory.
Gee Chris I wonder who the people who claimed it was a propaganda victory were. lets see would that be Lord Haw Haw and his Nazis mates?
British aircraft had been levelling entire neighbourhoods, blasting and incinerating homes, factories and people in a series of massive but clumsy blows.
Yes lets think about the poor civilians who died under those clumsy blows. The same civilians who cheered when Hitler took Poland,France, and bombed London. In other words you make your bed you lie in it.
Oh and by the way. I don’t forgive the bBC for 1982.
I agree that more people will listen to the JV show than read this article. However, having listened to the bit you refer to, JV says that “But it’s not seen as a war crime there, or anything like that, is it?” To me, the tone there is one of slight incredulity that some people could even think that it was a war crime. The interviewee then responds, saying that most people don’t see it as a war crime and understand the military purpose behind the raid. John Sweetman then refutes the idea that it was a war crime. JV allows all of this to happen, and does not try and counterargue. Therefore I do not think that ‘at a stroke those too young to know anything about the war will go away thinking that the attack on the Dams was a war crime’, as you believe.
Moving on to the article:
The very next sentence after your first quote reads: ‘It was much more than that, writes historian Dan Snow.’ He then goes on to outline his case as to why the raid was so important.
The same is true of your other quote. The following sentences read: ‘This raid was different. This was a raid aimed with astonishing precision against a choke point in Germany’s production chain.’ How you think this is belittling the raid, I cannot understand. Neither do I think that your quote was meant to inspire sympathy for the civilians – if anything, it is a positive thing that the British designed these precision bombings in order to minimise civilian loss of life.
Having listened to the JV show, he certainly implied it should be thought of as a war crime, I think he was taken aback when even the German didn’t think it was. He even implied it should not of been carried out as there was a slave labour camp close by. Anything to justify there left anti military views.He even when on to say the RAF should be disbanded. utter weasel.
That’s your interpretation, not what the BBC broadcast. My interpretation is different. Could you justify why you think he thinks it should be considered a war crime on the basis of this piece?
I don’t think he implied it shouldn’t have been carried out because of the slave labour camp close by, because he gave both interviewees ample opportunity to state the military case for the raid. I think he was just pointing out that it was unfortunate that a slave labour camp was nearby.
Why would he even mention it as no else has suggested before that this operation was a war crime. Correct both guests refuted this, so the question is why even mention it. Plus he makes case that this was a reason to stop the raid.
Some people might think it could be classified as a war crime – therefore he mentioned it, only to allow both interviewees to dismiss that idea, and to give reasons why it should not be considered a war crime. By doing this, he makes it even clearer that it wasn’t a war crime, in my opinion.
What people (outside of the ministry of truth) would think that?
In my opinion Emerson v is right, in so much as the war crime theme is Vines own construction .
Unless you know otherwise
Some people think that Nelson Mandella might be considered a terrorist. Let the BBC float that one.
That kind of leading question posed by Vine wouldn’t be allowed in a court of law. Why pose the question at all?
Because he knows perfectly well that a question can contain an implication or, even better, an accusation.
Seed planted in mind of listener. Job done.
Was it a `War Crime` , when Guy Gibsons pet mutt `N` was run over by a` hit & run` driver on the afternoon prior to the raid ? No mention of that on jv show ! I wonder why ?
Yes, I wonder if “I counted them out and I counted them back” meant something like “Try harder Argies, you didn’t take down any British aircraft this time but better luck next time. Similarly, a few Saturdays ago, there was a brief factual item on the “Today” news that a demonstration against British-controlled drones was “expected” to take place at RAF Waddington; did this mean “if you weren’t already planning to, go to RAF Waddington and join in the fun”?
“clumsy blows”
The GPS positioning and laser guidance having been disabled, in order to “blast and incinerate” as many civilians as possible?
All bombing was “clumsy” back then, but the Dambusters raid was less “clumsy” than most.
Pounce, did you get my email?
INBBC still seems to have a sneaking political preference to support the Sunnis, emphasising this:-
“Syria crisis: Russia ‘sends sophisticated weapons'”
But at the same time, there’s this:-
“Arming the Syrian rebels is the same as arming al-Qaeda”
By Con Coughlin.
Another Islamic jihad ‘human rights’ cause for INBBC?-
“Germany calls for two-year ban on Europeans returning to the EU from Syria over fears suspected Islamists will come back as ‘homegrown terrorists.’
“Germany says up to 700 Europeans joined opposition fighters in Syria.
“Fears fighters could pose a threat upon returning to the EU.
“Calls for suspected Islamists to be barred from re-entering EU.”
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2326156/Germany-year-entry-ban-EU-suspected-Islamists-returning-Syria-homegrown-terrorists.html#ixzz2TaTivazO
“Germany calls for 2-year ban on jihadists returning from Syria”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“Why just two years? Do the Germans really think that by two years down the line, these battle-hardened warriors of Allah will have forgotten all about jihad? If they went to Syria to wage jihad in order to impose Sharia, they want it in Europe as well. They should not be allowed back at all.”
-And that policy should (but won’t) be applied by PM Cameron against Islamic jihadists who use Britain in this way.
If you’ve ever wondered why the BBC never holds a debate between warmist and ‘sceptical’ climate scientists, watch the video here (‘Pythonesque’ doesn’t do it justice):
‘Andrew Montford has posted a video that would be hilarious if it wasn’t quite so tragic: the sight of climate scientist, Gavin Schmidt, refusing to debate with Roy Spencer on the John Stossel show. One does not need to be a climate scientist to recognise that there is a problem with climate scientists refusing to engage in debate. You don’t need to have a science qualification at all to know that there is something wrong with intransigence. It’s even more tragic, since Schmidt was given the “EarthSky Science Communicator of the Year” award last year. It seems that ‘communication’ isn’t a two way street’.
Some interesting stuff about sea level ‘rises’ and the Thames Flood Barrier too in the accompanying text:
‘But it turns out that the barrier, which was originally only intended to last until 2030, on the basis of up to 8mm sea level rise a year — much more than what we have seen since the construction of the barrier in the early 1980s — and will be replaced in 2070. In fact, the Guardian pointed these facts out in 2007 — here — so it is remarkable to see Harvey, six years later, revealing that the Thames Barrier may well be past it’s use-by date nearly a century after its construction. Journalists just don’t like good news’.
Still, let’s keep building them there windmills, eh, just in case?
The BBC, biased global warming tossers helping bring economic and social chaos to a country near you.
From experience, they do like to engage in straw man arguments about word terminology and spelling mistakes.
Schmidt being a colleague of James Hansen unsurprisingly has the same attitude to engaging in debate. As Schmidt said “The people must be made to understand”
Following Hansen’s appearance on the “Today” programme on Friday, the BBC quote him as follows
The deniers want the public to be confused. Carbon dioxide is going to produce a dramatically changed climate if we don’t begin to reduce our emissions.
– James Hansen
Did you notice how Schmidt said ‘we must MAKE people understand’. He was saying that he didn’t care how many people suffered from the cold or how much; they would have to be punished as unbelievers, thus they would be made to understand. There speaks a fanatic, another people hater. A dangerous philosophy. Does he have any Marxist sympathies I wonder?
I suppose we expect the British Broadcasting Corporation to be British or at the very least scrupulously unbiased but time and again we are disappointed. I suppose we expect the “British” Broadcasting Corporation when reporting a war or battle we are in, or have been engaged in, to say “we”, not “the British” but again we are disappointed. That was something even as a much younger man I could not understand and found upsetting about the BBC commentary during the Falkland’s war. Our young men and women were being blown up and our ships being sunk in defence of our country and they were just, “The British”. Something separate and definitely not “us”.
The problem now is that we are engaged in a number of battles and some of them are in this green and pleasant land that we hold so dear. The enemy is right in the heart of our once proud cities and they are not only prepared to destroy us and torture and abuse our children, they already have done so. We find ourselves fighting not only the enemy within with our hands tied behind our backs but also the BBC who are at the very least politically correct and at worst down right anti-British even when confronted with the plain facts. They just don’t report or investigate honestly or fudge the issue with enemy sympathisers on the sofa.
Unfortunately the BBC now sees the news and our history as just entertainment and Vine’s show is one of the worst examples of this. He takes a light hearted upbeat view of some our most important issues and then reduces them to no more than entertaining banter with a bit of emotion thrown in if you are lucky, and of course a pop record or two now and again in to keep us awake.
This is my interpretation, that the BBC is biased against Great Britain and scornful of our history. It is certainly not “British” by nature nor will it ever support a pro-UK or pro-British patriotic political party, despite being the “British” Broadcasting Corporation. And just a little reminder, no pro-British or pro-UK organisation has yet tried to send us to meet a hundred virgins in the sky wearing a vest or knapsack filled with a substance originally designed to make vegetables grow stronger.
When will the “British” Broadcasting Corporation live up to its name?
Nice (and on-topic!) cartoon at The Commentator.
I have just looked at the BBC News website.
Can you guess the premier article on the Home Page?
“Hollande signs gay marriage bill”
Is this really the most important world news?
I give up!
She’s under under police investigation.
Be interesting (and given the topic, possibly ironic) who gets covered… and who not.
BBC-NUJ: forever anti-Tory.
BBC-NUJ’s top UK online headline of Saturday happens to be an anti-Tory sensationalised one, which also happens to be pro-trade union:-
“Michael Gove like a fanatical personal trainer, union says”
By Hannah Richardson,
BBC News education reporter in Birmingham.
(Note: this is a BBC-NUJ ‘report’/top headline presented before any actual speech is made.)
Of course, the BBC-NUJ could have given top priority instead to this report of a head-teacher, but that would not have served BBC-NUJ’s political purpose:-
“Head teacher spent £7,000 of school money on birthday party”
By Josephine McDermott
BBC News.
Not much danger of a 19th teacher being sacked then?
Incompetent teachers avoid sack
not even sacked…”struck off” i.e. shuffled to one side, probably with no loss of earnings.
So the views of Head Teachers are irrelevant?
Thank god you don’t set any agenda. Any news organisation would report the discontent and Gove’s response.
For ‘views’ read ‘relentless whingeing’. They need a bloody good rocket up their comfortable arses and Gove, thankfully, is going to give it to ’em.
The fall in educational standards in England is a national disgrace – it’s Pythonesque that students can start university, even Oxbridge, without having a good command of grammar and spelling.
It isn’t ‘head teachers’, it is one head teacher union that sprang a surprise motion not on the agenda for headlines.
INBBC’s political ‘reporting’ of Islam in NIGERIA:
-relegate role of Islamic jihad executioners of British and Italian men.
INBBC’s Mohammed Abba ‘reporting’:-
“The two engineers died when Nigerian and UK forces tried to free them last week.”
NO, INBBC’s Mohammed Abba:
‘The two engineers were massacred by Islamic jihadists when Nigerian and UK forces tried to free them last week.’
INBBC’s Mohammed Abba’s concern seems to be about the fate of the murdering jihadist, from the headline:
“Nigeria kidnap ‘mastermind’ dies in police custody”
What concern? Do you not read before posting?
Given the number of similarities (telephone number market rates, rewards for failure, zero accountability, dire threats to whistleblowers… A less than glowing record of service delivery of late), the ‘fit’ does seem good.
And if Lord Patten makes more money shuffling board-level BBC/NHS/Graun deck chairs from a very limited, incestuous pool, then why not?
One might wonder if the BBC’s terrier-like holders to account would be as sanguine if this old boys and girls club dance was being played out in sectors they don’t feel as empathetic with.
BBC news this afternoon the best unintentional comedy show ever :-D.
“the swivel eyed loon” jibe, the latest tory attempt to dictate media from what their really up to, after dragging their absurd euro “hokey cokey” nonsense on since the elections … is even funnier as it being attributed to Andy Feldman, who appears to be following his namesake Marty , who made enacting “the swivel eyed loon” his whole career.
oh and the BBC solemnly reports the parliament in Afghanistan has virtually crashed, as a law debate on a law banning violence against women, child marriages and forced marriages, was halted after only 15 mins, as the mad mullahs,(called ahem “traditionalists”? in the bbc report), thought it was … “un-islamic and against sharia” …..
erm, BBC … Jemima (i do for now) Khan around? perhaps her answer could be temporary sharia marriages 😀 (always a good front for prostitution) …
you know Jemma, as they are just “so popular” at the moment.
And sounds deeply miffed 😀 (deep joy) that Israel has begun a legal process that could see four settlement outposts given legal approval under Israeli law.
the BBC reports “the decision has been condemned by Palestinian officials” won t be long before the BBC does the same 😀
A poor day for Lefty kite-flying eh?
I heard Humphrys moaning with various people, and he did accuse “pensioners” of rifling the taxpayer.
Anybody able to tell me why Humph is NOT a piggy pensioner, but the little people always seem to be so.
It`s as if the BBC stiffies can`t associate with their peers…and are all Forever Young and Ever Rebels.
Isn`t Humph due his summer jaunt around the Greek olive groves to see his family?
It` won`t be BBC scamming in the face if something moussaka-ish isn`t being prepared. I`d guess it`ll be Cyprus that will need Humphrys ministrations.
Have BAFTA/EMMY/ Oscars/MOBO got a Cyprus BBC hack of great olivity award for him to get out to?
The BBC have now gone seven days without an award…don`t we care?
Noggin comments:
“report), thought it was … “un-islamic and agoh and the BBC solemnly reports the parliament in Afghanistan has virtually crashed, as a law debate on a law banning violence against women, child marriages and forced marriages, was halted after only 15 mins, as the mad mullahs,(called ahem “traditionalists”? in the bbc ainst sharia” …..
seems they slipped up there. Normaly they would have labelled them as conservatives.
Feature on the Today programme this morning on proposals in the Afghan parliament to grant more freedoms to women. They could be scuppered by hard-line Islamists, though – described as ‘right wing’ by our impartial BBC correspondent, and later in the piece as ‘conservative’, though we’ve heard that description before (countless times).
BBC correspondents – Biased Brainwashing Cads all.
hey johnny you ve missed another bbc euphenism 😀 .. traditionalists
hmm … soooo!
do these pious, right wing, staunch, conservative, traditionalist jihadists, support the oppressed, militant, heroic rebel, freedom fighter, arab springyist jihadists at all?
Christopher Booker, ‘Sunday Telegraph’:-
“Hansen, not Farage, gets off Scot free.
“There was something quaintly retro about the way Friday’s ‘Today’ programme wheeled on that old veteran, Dr James Hansen, to explain why the failure of global temperatures to rise in 16 years doesn’t mean that the world is not in the grip of runaway global warming. Hansen is the former Nasa scientist turned climate activist who, in 2008, flew over from America to defend a bunch of fellow-activists against a criminal charge of vandalising the Kingsnorth coal-fired power station, on the grounds that this one power plant (now closed) would alone be responsible for the extinction of ‘400 species’.
So relentless was his determination on Friday to refute the lies of the ‘deniers’ that even his interviewer, Sarah Montague, normally bang on BBC message, didn’t really seem to have her heart in egging him on to put over the party line. She seemed much more at home minutes later in persistently trying to
trick a bemused Nigel Farage into somehow showing himself to be a racist, for having to be rescued by police from an Edinburgh pub where he was being threatened with near-lynching by a screaming mob of rabidly anti-English Scottish nationalists.”
Oh those poor Tory activists being traduced by an anonymous source in teh Tory party! Those fine middle class, middle aged , backbone of the nation being insulted in such a way – how terrible it is. Lets discuss this – lets discuss it lots lets put it under the microscope, how could this possibly happen to the good people – and all from an anonymous source too.
Who could this source be? Could it be X? well he’s denied it so let’s keep discussing it – lots how many members are leaving the party? UKIP you say? Well well who would have imagined the party would be so insulting.
And so it goes on. The BBC taking the side of the Tory activists against the parliamentarty party, and discussing it lots because they think it will heighten division and show Cameron is not in control of his party. All comming on top of the Euro sceptic rebellion, this is a golden opportunity to show a party in the throes of self destruction.
You can bet that if this begins to die down some one somewhere will name the person responsible and it will all blow up again and carry on for a few more weeks.
One thing you won’t hear from the bBC is that although Liebour might be ahead in the polls they aren’t the most popular ideology. Once UKIP and the Tory votes are combined they account for 46 – 48% of the vote well ahead of Labour and it just goes to show that the UK is not becomming a more ‘liberal’ pace at all !
100 take away 48 is er um 52. That’s a majority.
Only if the other 52% all vote labour: Doh
I’ve heard it all now…
on Facebook, one of my Welsh labour donkeys…
See if we were not part of the EU we could not participate in the Euro-vision song contest…
so that’s the last defence of the in defensible then… makes it money well spent… but
I asked him about Israel involvement… and I quote “They didn’t qualify because any decent country wants them obliterated”
Tolerance is a wonderful thing…
What a numpty.
Ask him what San Marino have done to offend “decent” countries since they’ve now failed to qualify from the semis three times on the bounce.
And a shame about Israel, who were fielding a girl with a most impressive embonpoint this year.
So we come to the Newspapers section of the BBC news 24 and there’s the Poll results on a possible EU referendum where 48% would vote to come out.
This apparantly shows that Cameron is out of touch with the people and is on the wrong side of his party. There’s not a mention of the Lib Lab position which doesn’t give a shit what the electorate thinks, because they know best! Maybe Millipedes strategy goes along the lines of ‘better to keep quiet and let people think you’re a fool than open your mouth an prove everyone right’.
INBBC’s continuing empathy for Islamic jihad recruits for Syria.
More INBBC politically empathetic reporting (by INBBC’s Ahmed Maher) on Muslim Tunisian ‘victims’ committing Islamic jihad violence in Syria-
“Syria conflict: Why did my Tunisian son join the rebels?”
INBBC’s Ahmed Maher seems to have, with political convenience, NOT reported on the following, which ‘Jihadwatch’ did 6 weeks ago:-
“Tunisian girls going on ‘sexual jihad’ in Syria”
make no apology for bringing this up again.
This has been mentioned previously, i m sure
… but before it disappears from iplayer …
(12mins 20)
leave “asians” out of it, this is a muslim issue, Dr Taj Hargay
it is the PC NSPCC idiot who shows perfectly the reason why nothing was done to stop the child gang rapes, for so long, the poisonous enviroment of deliberate, wilful neglect.
He even here, on this very show, he is still in denial.
Great to hear this Imam stating exactly those things that the lefties keep skirting around referring to Asians, Pakistanis, Taxi Drivers, night workers, etc instead of identifying the particular Muslim mindset perpetrating these crimes.
I notice the NSPCC guy did use the word Muslims once after the Imam had spelled it out for him, but then reverted back to the safer ‘Asian’ theme. He (NSPCC) was arguing with an expert (Imam) on the subject from the Muslim understanding of what was going on, and pretending that they are struggling to understand, when the Imam was spelling it out for him.
Showed exactly why these girls went unprotected for so long by the authorities with the likes of our idiot lefties doing their best to obfuscate and avoid seeing the elephant in the room.
I noticed too that after avoiding the subject on Question Time this week, on today’s Any Questions(@17 mins in) the subject of Oxford and these gangs were raised, although lumped together with Savile and Hall, and everybody was talking about what needs to be done, and the need to be less PC and more straightforward, yet still nobody could mention the M word. Pathetic.
This Imam shows them what true idiots they really are.
i am sick and tired, of people using saville/hall etc as a partial diversion, from an inherrent, part of the ideology, islamic issue, (saville/hall etc, their crimes are of course grotesque) …
but … without exception everytime islam is pointed out correctly, the “protection racket” starts …
its inherrent in the ideology, i won t bore others on here again with history and islamic verse, but … that is precisely why the erm “community” protects them so vehemently, they are terrified about the multitude of abhorrent facts and truth, about their ideology getting the criticism it deserves.
it is as always wilfull obfuscation.
Saville is a diversion?
All these perverts are part of the SAME problem of young girls being their prey. Listening to them when they complain is the first priority.
Well since you mention it, the common link to enabling Savile, Hall, and these scum gangs is the BBC.
Having listened to this Imam, I’m not so sure if the Muslim community per se are protecting them. Listening to this closed minded NSPCC guy rewording and dismissing the statements made by the Imam. makes me wonder how much those in our society prefer not to act on information received because of what the more militant might do to them.
I am so incensed by our spineless social and police services, led by our spineless national broadcaster.
our supposed intelligentsia are, spineless cowards, and wilfully ignore fact and truth.
On islam – two things – one, abuse of our absurd “discrimination” laws, where it deftly plays the simpering victim combined with the paradox, of threat of immediate violence just below the surface
and two, nothing NOTHING is more important to them, than protecting Islam, the truth, it is a “Walter Mittee”, ideology and can t stand up to even rudimentary scrutiny …
when faced with fact and truth it folds quicker than a cheap bedouin
why do think there is such a genocidal effort to protect it.
There is only one way to deal with threat and violence? …
sadly cowardice isn t it.
“UK Muslim leader says that imams promote sex slavery rings”
OT as I have yet to see the BBC coverage, but Sky just had a re-invigorated Margaret Hodge riding the coat-tails of an on-record whistleblower, in full ‘cheating people like you and me who pay full tax’.
Hope for her sake he wasn’t introduced to her by the BIJ.
If Google has breached rules then that’s a different story.
I was however intrigued at the language used by the NAO committee chair given the complexities and legalities, following up accusing people of being evil, and then cheerfully admitting she’s not a legal or business expert.
So a populist, pig-ignorant, bandwagon-jumping soundbite generator more interested in generating heat than shedding light. With an interesting line in personal monetary coherence when it suits, too.
No wonder some media love her.
hmm guardian group offshore cough!, cough-stemcor-cough! so glad these “moral” arbiters are working “for”? us …. you know those, who don t have the choice to be so”loose” with ours.
I may be very old fashioned and by lefty standards a loon but some analysis by the BBC and most of the media has me totally confused.
We have the Maddie McCann theories rising this week and the story of little one that drowned in a Sinai resort.
Now as a parent and a grandparent when I decided to bring life into the World it simultaneously made me responsible for those lives. So when I had the opportunity to enjoy myself my first consideration was the care of my children.
We have the theory that a couple went into the McCann holiday flat because Maddie was crying. Now it is really tragic that this couple have had their child abducted and I cannot imagine the trauma Maddie is and has suffered. But hang on one second. The McCann’s income between them must run into many hundreds of thousands of pounds a year and yet they go out with their friends to enjoy themselves yet fail to make proper provision for the care of their children. Not one word from our media criticising this behaviour.
The Grandmother whose grandchild drowned in the Sinai resort. Its the fault of the resort they had no life guards. No dear it is your fault. You are responsible for your grandchild. If there were no life guards it was your job to watch that child every second they were in the water in case something happened.
This attitude of lack of personal responsibility pervades the whole of our society and is directly linked to the lefty socialist dominated politics and media.
The Express took your viewpoint and was successfully sued for libel. Hence it is no longer repeated.
Once again colditz you fail on comprehension.
The McCanns sued the Express on the basis that they wrongly accused them of being party to the disappearance of Maddie. There was no evidence that they were implicated.
This quite different to my assertion that had the McCanns made proper arrangements for the care of their children this would not have happened. The resort provided access to baby sitters to those parents that required them. The McCanns chose not to avail themselves of this despite the fact that they could well afford it. They chose to leave young children alone and leave the flat unlocked allowing anyone access. If you regard this as responsible parenting I don’t.
I agree with your general point about the blame game, but I’m sure the McCann’s behaviour was covered six years ago. The fact remains that, irresponsible or not, a crime was committed. Whoever took the child has to be held reponsible for his/her actions as well. A child stupidly left alone is not fair game.
This should have appeared as a reply to TigerOC’s comment but didn’t for some reason.
I was going to add that you have chosen bad examples to make a good point. IMO, a better one would be obese people blaming the food companies for their own condition.
So far as the McCanns are concerned, the child is the story, not the parents. Unfortunately, she isn’t available for comment.
Be interesting which free-speaking champions of democracy in the media are dubious, and which enthusiastic.
It’s possible funding and/or ideology may play a part in any conflicts of interest in professional integrity.
Pro-Muslim Brotherhood INBBC’s Cairo Bureau, and INBBC Arabic TV service, still censoring Islamic persecution of Christians.
Update for INBBC:-
“Egypt: Over 20,000 Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ attack Christian church with birdshot and bricks”
” This week two attacks were carried out, one in Alexandria and one in Menbal in Upper Egypt — both allegedly prompted by harassment of Muslim women. “
O-Ho. So that’s wrong, is it ? Maybe their co-religionists should be told.
Lord Howe is quoted saying ““The ratchet-effect of Euroscepticism has now gone so far that the Conservative leadership is in effect running scared of its own backbenchers, let alone Ukip, having allowed deep anti-Europeanism to infect the very soul of the party.
I wonder if the BBC will point out that the old Eurofanatic is, as is often the case with his fellow believers, confusing Europe with the European Union. A variation on the “Little Englander” smeer.
I was most surprised to see the dear old sheep rolled up to the Thatcher funeral, and not just because it displayed the sort of nerve I never suspected him of having, but because I assumed he must have shuffled off stage left whilst I wasn’t looking. He and his ilk are starting to bear a resemblance to those poor old Stalinists still pining for the Berlin Wall.
Appalling old waxworks, as Charles might have called them.
Tebbit refers to the likes of Howe/Brittain/Patten/Heseltine as the EU-dependent pensioners” , I think.
Howes wife if that Equal Rights harridan Elspeth Howe…so it`s clear what that couples view on Europe would be.
They both have done rather well out of it all, the fact that Thatcher did not skin the worthless sheep once he`d betrayed her over Europe was probably her biggest error.
No wonder the Observer class love him and all he says and does.
Only the useless Tories in Coalition couldn`t knock this old fool into Mitterands beret…and his contribution to the EU debate is as incontinent and sad eyed as Lawsons is brilliant.
Still-gets acres and minutes of liberal BBC musings-but it`s sheepshit!
Why did Mrs Thatcher keep the intensely boring, mumbler Geoffrey Howe around for 10 years ?
Now there’s a surprise… an SNP Muslim criticizing UK immigration policy. Another BBC ploy to give the impression that Scotland is different from the rest of UK politically. Give it a few years and the unfettered immigration from El Presidente Salmondo’s party will soon change the BBC Scotland’s smug pro-Independence stance. It’s easy to be against controlled immigration when no sod wants to live in your country!
Hmm, putting a muslim in charge of Scottish immigration, bit like putting an alcoholic in charge of a brewery, is this wise ?
if Allah (Salmon) wills it … 😀
Salmond is a very unusual name, it’s from the hebrew, shalom.
“Recorded in over one hunded spellings and found throughout the countries of Europe, this interesting and ancient surname is now widespread in most Christian countries. It is a ‘Crusader’ name. That is to say a name of biblical or hebrew origins, which was introduced into Europe originally as a First or Christian name after the famous Crusades of the 12th century.”
Read more: http://www.surnamedb.com/Surname/Salmond#ixzz2TlCK4x42
Salmond doesn’t look like a typical Scot, he has dark features, why are you so ashamed to admit that he might be jewish ? Are you anti semitic ?
“Salmond doesn’t look like a typical Scot ……………….”. Go on, tell me, what does a typical Scot look like?
Personally I could not give a toss about his ancestory or his religious beliefs – perhaps you can tell me why I should?
Calm down, you seem to be very upset about something, have I touched a raw nerve.
”Go on, tell me, what does a typical Scot look like?”
Everyone knows what a typical Scot looks like, black and muslim, of course !
‘….what does a typical Scot look like?’
I always think of those tartan cap/ginger wig combos favoured by Scotch football fans.
Oh, and kilts! (inevitably – has a Scotchman ever gone to a wedding in England wearing a normal suit?)
The origin of the Biblical name “Solomon” is not the same thing as the reason why Christians in Europe took it, although it’s probable that the Jews started it. If we follow your logic, your own first name raises a similar question about your background and intentions, as David comes from the Hebrew word for “beloved”, and David was Solomon’s father.
Unless you were referring to the fact that Salmond is a Crusader name – as stated in the link you provided – which means there’s a dichotomy between this and a concern about Salmond putting a Mohammedan in charge of immigration. Could you explain further, please?
No reply from you, David Brims? Curious. Maybe by now you’ve read the Surname Database listing for your own surname and realized what a load of nonsense you’re talking.
After the Norman Invasion of England in 1066, former Saxon names such as this one, were given the boot as not being politically correct, and those that survived took another hammering in the 12th century, when the returning Crusader knights and pilgrims from the Holy Land brought back biblical and Geek names and scattered them amongst their children. These, the Mathew, mark Luke and John syndrome, rapidly gained control of the “name” market. This (sur)name however managed to survive, probably because the early recordings suggest that nameholders were in East Anglia. Until the 15th century this was a region of swamps and marshes, which most people, including the Normans, tried to keep away from.
I have Scottish colleague whose surname is Allcock. I dare not look into the origins of that name!!
Allcock, Woodcock, Hancock, Cockshott, Babcock, Hiscock, Adcock…all the fun of the fair!
“It’s easy to be against controlled immigration when no sod wants to live in your country!”
The first set of results from the 2011 Census in Scotland have shown that the population of the country was at its highest level ever. The population on Census Day was 5,295,000 – up 5% (233,000) since 2001 and the highest rise between two censuses in the past century.
Kind of knocks your assertion on the head, no? I guess all those from the rest of the UK currently living and working in Scotland do so because they don’t want to be there.
How very naive, you want mass immigration !! turned out well in London and Paris, hasn’t it ?
And BBC-NUJ is propagandising for open-door, mass immigration into UK still, now using the Muslim voice of SNP:-
“Humza Yousaf criticises UK immigration policies”
It’s a scary situation when one must read the Guardian for missing details from the BBC.
Saudi woman makes history by reaching Everest summit
A Saudi woman has made history by reaching the summit of the world’s highest mountain. Not exactly earth shattering Previously she climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Vinson, Mount Elbrus, Aconcagua, Kala Pattar, Pico de Orizaba and Iztaccihuatl. I began to have doubts when I saw her minus black sack. Naughty Reha!. Is she as typically Saudi as the horse-riding ‘athlete’ as the the London Olympics? The Guardian reported Moharrak, 25, is originally from Jeddah but lives in Dubai, so you can see the similarities.
Raha Moharrak, 25, not only became the first Saudi woman to attempt the climb but also the youngest Arab to make it to the top of Everest. Stop the presses!
She is part of a four-person expedition that also includes the first Qatari man and the first Palestinian man attempting to reach the summit. Four person was never likely to be true. At best the BBC means four rich mountaineers and a 12 Sherpa guides and porters who don’t count.
So who were these intrepid climbers? Tilak Padney of Nepal’s mountaineering department says 35 foreigners accompanied by 29 Nepalese sherpa guides. That’s a little more than four.
I asked myself who were the others that the BBC mention but fail to name. The Qatari was Mohammed Al Thani, a member of Qatar’s royal family. The Palestinian was Raed Zidan, a Palestinian property businessman. I couldn’t find any information about his biography but something tells me he doesn’t live in the territories. He has a history of raising the Palestinian flag in far-off places like Antarctica. The fourth was Masoud Mohammad, an Iranian living in Dubai who owns an ice-cream franchise. Could the BBC have misinterpreted the press release from The Qatari charity Reach out to Asia?
They are trying to raise $1m (£660,000) for education projects in Nepal. This raises alarm bells. Why so little? A quick Google shows the cost of climbing Everest is between $30,000 – S60,000. Multiply that by 35 and the costs of the expedition were already a minimum of S1,050,000.
The non-story becomes a lot less altruistic if read as four rich Muslims go on a jaunt and pretend it’s for charity than if read as plucky young Arab woman, doesn’t it. We shouldn’t delve too deeply into where the money is going. Does ‘school-based disaster risk reduction activities’ mean constructing a Madrassa?
islam and erm ….. charity? … UH OH! … something stinks in the basement
A couple of segments after Mark Mardell’s biased analysis of the scandals in the US government, there was a refreshingly honest segment from Christian Fraser about euro-skepticism in France, just how bad things are going, and a biased editorial comment from him about Hollande’s recent declaration that the way out of France’s economic woes is to relinquish national sovereignty to the unelected eurocrats. When I say biased, I mean pretty clearly biased against the eurocratic position. That doesn’t make it right. Fraser was doing rather well presenting local opinion and issues which were serving to further confirm those opinions – the local ones, not his own – until he made the editorial remark about Hollande’s statement.
Still, it’s refreshing to hear at least one Beeboid who sees the problem for what it is, rather than always dismissing the euro-skeptics.