A shocking and savage attack on a young man who is thought to have been a soldier in London.
As we look at this subject it should be remembered that a family has just had a knock on the door from an Army officer who is bringing them some traumatic and tragic news…not just that their son is dead but that he died in such a way.
The assumption is that the attack was carried out was an Islamic terrorist attack (just confirmed…film of attacker making statement)..the BBC reported the attackers shouted Allah Akbhar…what they don’t report is that witnesses say they beheaded the young man.
A BBC reporter has admitted this is ‘ controversial and incendiary’….‘it raises very serious issues.’….will the BBC be raising these questions or once again burying the inconvenient truths?
We’re being told it was ‘certainly a political act’….ITN shows video of one of the men who stated that ‘We swear my almighty Allah that we will never stop fighting you.’
He also said that women see these things in ‘our land’…5Live’s Peter Allen says ‘What ‘Our Land’ is I’m not quite sure….it’s rather difficult to know what ‘Our land’ means.’
No, it’s quite simple…‘Our Land’…means Muslim lands…in other words their allegiance is not to Britain but to Islam….in other words ‘Caliphate’.
Ah…later ‘explanation’…the West is illegally in Muslim lands…according to ‘Al Qaeda’s’ distorted ideology as the BBC calls it….many others will tell you that ‘Al Qaeda’ is in fact carrying out the imperatives within the Koran and not distorting the ideology.
BBC ignorance, wilful or otherwise illustrates why talking about Islam and its values and meaning is so important.
BBC already asking were these people on police ‘radar’?…police to blame then?….as well as foreign policy no doubt. Peter Allen….‘MI5 to answer for what they knew and didn’t know’.
BBC says ‘There had been no evidence of racial tension in the area’……as the attack was inspired by religion, race has nothing to do with it….the BBC have long, not just ignored, but refused to acknowledge the religious element to these types of attacks.
Almost immediately the BBC had a Muslim spokesman on to patronise us….don’t be angry…be nice to Muslims.
Just heard someone on 5Live, Dr Brooke Rogers…. saying…don’t use word terrorism…has unwanted effects on communities….never mind that film by the attacker then.
Is this how the BBC will be reporting this when the shock has died down?….
Riots grip Stockholm suburbs after police shooting
When C4’s Dispatches broadcast ‘Undercover Mosque’ they were ignored by the BBC who instead spent the week attacking C4’s other programme, Big Brother with Jade Goody…denouncing her for being ‘racist’ (She wasn’t)……the Police of course investigated C4 and not the Mosques!
Perhaps if those Mosques and the rhetoric and ideas promoted within them had been dealt with at the time people might have been able to walk the streets of Britain in safety.
5Live is now asking ‘What drove these men?‘….10:00pm
British Muslim speaks…..This goes against the teachings of Allah which is a religion of peace….why should I have to justify my religion? (20:35)
BBC: ‘Are there sections in the Koran which could be misinterpreted?‘….Note that automatic ‘misinterpreted’.
Presumably like this one….. ‘Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and deal sternly with them.’
or these:
‘God Loves those who fight for His cause in ranks as firm as a mighty edifice.’
‘We renounce you [unbelievers]: enmity and hate shall reign between us until you believe in God only.’
‘Believers do not make friends with those who are enemies of Mine and yours.’
‘The true believers are those who have faith in God and His apostle, and never doubt; and who fight with their wealth and with their persons in the cause of God.’ Such are those whose faith is true.’
Ibrahim Mogra, Assistant Secretary General of the MCB (usually judged ‘extreme’ organisation) on 5Live (22:35ish): Essentially pedalling the same justifications as the killer’s for Muslim ‘anger’…Muslims oppressed by foreign policy, though he says that ‘anger’ must be channelled peacefully…no justification for violence.
Guess this is correct:
One FBI official quoted in “Muslim Mafia” says CAIR and the other Muslim Brotherhood front groups differ from al-Qaida in that, while all share the same goals, they use different methods to achieve them.
“The only difference between the guys in the suits and the guys with the AK-47s is timing and tactics,” the official explained
BBC deploying anti-EDL rhetoric ….EDL are ‘retaliating’…..seem more concerned about condemning the EDL and having Muslims claim they are the real vicitms (once again) of this attack than about the murder.
Well it appeared the S**t had hit the fan on the reporting of the latest outrage. I was listening to the report on this horrific outrage on Radio 4. When it first broke the phrases “black man” “looking like muslims” abounded. However by the 20:00 we were back to “Islamic terrorist” see BBc you can report what was seen if you try.
Because he is a black man you idiot!!!
Dave666 knows that, I think you have totally missed his point.
Yes my point has been completely missed.
Jen you are a Moron.
AS I was saying….http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2329777/BBC-political-editor-Nick-Robinsons-extraordinary-apology-backlash-Muslim-appearance-comment-Woolwich-killers.html
Frankly ‘blacks’ are even more ‘protected’ as a victim group than Muslims, to be black is to hold natures trump card in perverted modern Britain.
Just seen the usual Islamic supremacist from MPAC on the news saying, yes, it’s all our fault. Nothing to do with Islam. Nothing to see, here – move along, now, move along…
BBC is currently interviewing a Moslem ‘leader’ who says its a political problem with Afghanistan and Iraq invasions… what do you expect you attack any Muslim country and then we will bring ruin to your civilians…
If it wasn’t for the hundreds of thousands of Mohammedan lives the US saved after Clinton decided to start bombing the Serbs – while the Left-wing, bien pensant, politically correct, let’s not be beastly to the Islamic terrorists, anti-war, anti-US European elite sat on their backsides with thumbs firmly emplanted – I’d give a damn about these grievances about how “they hate us” because of US/UK troops killing Mohammedans in Iraq and Afghanistan.
But we did save hundreds of thousands of lives, possibly more, and we’re still supposed to be evil. To hell with that attitude, and to hell with all the Left-wing, bien pensant, politically correct, let’s not be beastly to the Islamic terrorists, anti-war BBC and liberal European elite who tell us to try and understand their grievances.
It’s BS, and somebody needs to start telling all the jihad sympathizers as much. When will this be one of the Big Questions from that grown man called Nicky?
Remember that BBC drama series Bonekickers from 2008? The opening episode had a Christian fanatic beheading a Muslim.
PC fantasy from the head-in-sand cultural cringers of the luvvy chattering class, just like the previous year’s White Girl.
Yea bonekickers what a wonderful series that was…I think I watched 10 minutes of it in total.
Didn’t Spooks used to do the same? ‘Muslim terrorism’ was only ever mentioned with bunny ears added IIRC.
I thought Spooks had “right wing” terrorism or did I imagine it?
Spooks’ Islamist terrorists always seemed to turn out to be Mossad agents pretending to be Islamist terrorists, or some other far fetched fantasy.
You are absolutely right – I remember watching, thinking OK, it is the Muslim guy, but it was Mossad pretending to be Muslim so the innocent ones would be blamed for atrocities. They want you to think Mossad blew up the twin towers, the underground, the Spanish trains etc.
“Mossad ate my hamster” (not).
Diversity and Multiculturalism … welcome to what we can expect from now on…
I have Sikh and Buddhist friends who have been saying this is what you can expect from now on … your previous Govt invited Muslims in and this is what you get……..
Yes, the Sikhs and Buddhists also suffer at the hands of peaceful Islamists. I’m still trying to find out when they took part in the recent invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.
Well, they must have, because that’s the only reason the Beeb would have us believe causes the nice peaceful Islamists to carry out acts of terrorism.
I have a Hindu friend, in 1998 he warned me, he said the Muslims keep fighting, they want everything, they will take over this place. I honestly have to say I listened politely, without commitment, thinking to myself he had religious problem. I recently told him so, he was completely correct.
What baffles me is why the BBC chooses the Muslim community as their pet, not Hindus, Bhuddists, Sikh or any other religious group. Is it because the Muslims are the most anti-Christian?
Is it because the Muslims are the most anti-Christian?
No, it’s because they are anti-West – the enemy of my enemy and all that jiz.
Correct lojolondon, the muslims want to take over everything. Read the Koran…..it is a veritable manual of war, nearly every chapter is stuffed with exhortations to invade, conquer, enslave, slay, slash and burn and so on, it is incredible. The savages that slew yesterday were only doing what Mo told them to do, and did himself. The only way to lessen Islamic violence in this country is to clear the country of the lot of them, which will not be done, so these attacks will continue, long after my passing. Look at the difference at the scene, a brave, Christian woman tending the victim while the blood soaked muslim savages paced around, ranting. Religion of Peace? Never in a million years.
‘nearly every chapter is stuffed with exhortations to invade, conquer, enslave, slay, slash and burn and so on, it is incredible.’
You could say the same about the Bible. The Koran is a plagarism of the worst bits of the Bible and the Torah.
Our lovely country is in ruins
Yep the bbc seem to be blaming everyone , Government, MI5, police and the military of course it’s not the fault of Islam.
Let`s hope for a couple of public beheadings in Trafalgar Square within a couple of weeks.
At least Islam might then know that we`ve had enough, and will treat their scum the way that they do their own on Fridays after prayers.
And no Shirley Williams and her like-I really DON`T need to understand what they did or why they did it.
To quote the words of Billie Piper(PBUH)…why do we rape and murder?…because WE WANT TO!
(She didn`t really say that…in case Scezz Albumen decides to get shirty re poetic license etc)
Reading Hakluyt’s Voyages today, I came across a remark in an account of a voyage to Persia in 1561 that they “esteem all to be infidels and pagans which do not beleeve as they do, in their false filthie prophets, Mahomet and Murtizalli.” No dissembling in those days!
It seems the incident involved ‘a man… making political statements’.
How’s that for obfuscation of the year?
I imagine that we`ll be needing licenses to get a Help For Heroes T-shirt…maybe just give THEM the £145.50 we squander annually on Nick Robinsons fantasias.
I imagine too that primary schools will be getting higher fences and screens because our Islamic chum with the badly-held knife and cleaver(poor vulnerable lad seemed to have cut himself as he used these alleged implements) seemed concerned that women and children had seen his flailings, and they might get the wrong impression of Islam.
Let THIS correct the unfortunate impression that Muslims are all psychopathic pervs. They are not-but these two “Muslim appearing chaps” clearly are.
BBC News front page A man is killed in a machete attack and two suspects shot by police in London, with footage emerging of a man with bloodied hands shouting political statements near the scene. so “Allahu Akbar” is political, is it?
“…political statements near the scene.”
Yes, that kind of idiocy really does rankle. Why on earth won’t they just tell it for what it is: Religious fanaticism. It can’t be that difficult, BBC! Who ever thought it would so hard for a news organisation to simply tell the truth..?
It seems that an attempt will be made to portray this as an individual act, a gruesome murder, unrelated to a style of killing that is a hallmark of muslim street killings. The BBC have already produced a muslim apologist explaining how it is an expression of anger with UK foreign policy. But Christians in the US and elsewhere are getting the treatment, .and the BBC ought to be looking at this pattern. http://www.westernjournalism.com/muslim-beheads-christians-in-nj-mainstream-media-silent/
The BBC response is to bring in someone from the muslim brotherhood to give him as much airtime as he wants to air the terrorists grievances
BBC condemns EDL for race hatred, as EDL say they will protest against Muslims be-heading British soldiers.
you shouldn’t have to make this crap up.. except its true…
Labour support BBC in EDL racists storm….not all Muslims are islamiscts , but EDL are racists… and EDL turning up in London as a protest against Muslim be-heading a serving soldier will be met with the full force of the law. and the UAF will turn out in force to support their peace loving Muslim brothers
Snippets of comments such as the following will have to be censored out to appease Islamic interests:-
“PM: Radical Islam drives London attack”
World wakes up to the news that a man has been beheaded by 2 Islamic idiots on the streets of London. Here is how the bBC has been reporting this story all day.
A man has been apparently attacked by two men apparently using weapons. Apparently they have been heard to have uttered ‘god is great’ but we will be unable to confirm this until our political commissioner is back to vet this story from his Haj to Mecca. Muslim orgs has expressed their disgust that people are looking at Muslims as being behind this latest attack and the bBCs own records show that Muslims are more likely to be the victims of attacks in the Uk than non-Muslims.
To recap, a white man attacked 2 innocent Islamic males with his body while they were driving to prayers at the lcoal mosque today in darkest Woolwich After they pulled over, he again attacked them , but lost his head in the process. While they were trying to administer first aid to this racist white-man , Islamophobic police who arrived at the scene decided to shoot first and in doing so injured these poor Islamic victims. The bBC’s Frank Gardner has stated that this is the worse case of suicide he has witness and is surely a result of PTSD of having witnessed British army abuse around the world.
Spot on Pounce.
Plus 1000
Pounce, you can fucking well swear as much as you fucking well want to! So fuck em
Pounce thanks for articulating what my useless PC hampered mind cannot say !
Watch out Dysgwr, you’ll have Mr Preiser giving you a smack, like he did me for yesterday, calling my comments ‘crap’. I suggested some mosques could be burnt out, but there is far worse on the threads here, and i do not swear but speak honestly. Mr Preiser is american.
Don’t forget the obligatory week’s worth of daily features on Breakfast about how terrible it is being a muslim in the UK.
Why am I not surprised at this ? 50 years of unrestricted immigration, and this is the end result. Hmm, seems like Enoch was right after all. Just another day in the multicultural dystopian hell hole that is London. No wonder 600,000 whites have done white flight.
The Killer was black and muslim.
BBC News at Ten – We have to report this but we had better keep it short because “and now back to a report from Mr E Balls of the Liebor Party”
ITV and Sky were carrying much more detailed reports and analysis.
If it wasn’t so obviously biased it would be an effing joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This week’s Question Time audience will have to be even more highly selected than usual in order to prevent outrage against the real causes of this tragic incident being displayed.
Bet they hold it in a yoo-niversity again, with 20 hand picked student committee members as an audience; asking gay marriage questions for an hour.
Watched the Quisling News at 10. Only ten minutes about the murder and the Muslim savage killers. Nothing mentioned about the soldier and his family. Appears he was just cannon-fodder. Sickening.
do you still want to arm the allahu akbar syrian rebels now william hague after one of are soldiers got butchered and beheaded by the same islamist filth who screamed allahu akbar today in woolwich today.the sooner we go down the road to arming the citixens in the uk like in america the better as proved today when the police just stood around for 20 minutes waiting for armed responce units to turn up to shoot these scum down.that poor lad could of been saved today if the citixens in woolwich was armed to defend themseles.simple as that.
My thoughts exactly, the U.K population has been conditioned by the BBC/left to accept life with both hands tied behind their backs and look to the establishment for their protection (20 minutes to reach Woolwich is a joke). The government can not stop the Jihad which Tony Blair and Gordon brown brought to us.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.
We have been dis-armed on the understanding that the Police will provide protection for us. This is palpable rubbish. The reason for heavily armed Police, most pack more firepower than an infantryman, is to quell civil disturbance, meaning you and i revolting against the government, pure and simple. They are petrified of revolution, and like to keep most of the Army abroad to stop mutiny. Hard to believe? Think again.
London ‘Evening Standard’ has a more honest headline than devious INBBC:-
“Woolwich machete killing: two men shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ shot by police as ‘soldier is beheaded in Islamist terror attack'”
Oh here we go, “lord” Reid pronounces its not islam ITS islamism
Yes; pathetic. And also on ‘Newsnight’ there’s the Muslim, Nawaz (ex- Hizb-ut-Tahrir) now of Quilliam ,whom they all defer to.
“Islam vs. Islamism, again”
”Doctor ” John Reid is a smug marxist bastard who likes quoting Antonio Gramsci.
Lord John Reid of Cardowan a Labour Party politician was a Member of Parliament from 1987 to 2010, and served in the Cabinet under Prime Minister Tony Blair in a number of positions. He was Health Secretary from 2003 to 2005, Defence Secretary from 2005 to 2006, and Home Secretary from 2006 to 2007. Reid first became involved in politics when he joined the Young Communist League in 1972. (Wikipedia).
This was a member of the gang of Labour Party crooks and traitors that deliberately encouraged excessive immigration for no good reason other than to wipe the people of this country’s nose in the mire of multiculturalism, or should I say Islamism, or should I say the destruction of this country.
Yet this is the man they interview for an opinion. Do we expect anything other than lies, smoke and mirrors from his sort. You really, really could not make it up in you most dreadful nightmare.
p.s. Haven’t seen the trolls out this evening or even a statement from Dave’s mate Tony, who is also an “expert” on this sort of thing we are told. I suppose we will see him eventually, looking suave, rich, perma-tanned and spouting crocodile tears. Anyone got a large water proof paper bag?
News 24 bbc still using Reid to spout his nonsense this morning, and they are oh so thankful to be able to quote Bonkers Boris that we shouldn’t blame Islam.
Also worth noting, though I don’t claim to have seen every new bulletin, but showing the film clip of the killer addressing the camera, but every time editing off the reference to allah that i saw on itv version.
He is also a drunkard, and stated that our time in the ‘Stan’ would be accomplished without a shot being fired, remember? I do.He’s now a Lord, you couldn’t make it up……
You remember wrong then:
Still BoJo is confident in the security services
After all the police only took 20-30 minutes to turn up to a traffic incident followed by a murder in broad daylight with bystanders filming it and the perps waiting there
Make you feel safe?
But, starfish, you’re forgetting that the EDL is the REAL story here and I’m sure that plod arrived on time for the main event.
All the cowardly smart-arses are getting in on the act. Safer than mocking Islam, isn’t it?
Newsnight correspondent suggesting Nigeria/Somalia link to one of them.
Horrific watching that footage. I know it’s easy to say from afar but why didn’t people charge them? They were standing round for twenty mins before the police got there. People jut standing round filming them, I don’t get it.
Young people whose lives revolve exclusively around social media, uninterrupted by the real world, updating their facebook page so their friends know they they were at Woolwich when something happened. Maybe a few Twitter accounts alerting followers. Quick, moment of fame, Youtube of man soaked in British soldiers blood. All Sky could manage was an uninterrupted rant by a muslim academic who said its awful but its a consequence of our foreign policy. Quickly switch the story to EDL protesters. Thank you the Fourth Estate.
Three threads on this site about this ghastly incident, yet not one contribution from the usual cherry-vultures on any of them. Well fancy that.
They always go quiet after dark.
Or when even in their shrivelled little hearts, they know they are hopelessly, insanely, wrong.
The trolls have to await a line from HQ with which to proceed. HQ being their BBC employers.
Who are these trolls, Graham? “Judge them by their friends’ is a common epithet around here. I have seen who you follow on Twitter. I have your measure.
There are legitimate questions to ask about the way the BBC and all media have covered this horrific murder. Sky for example are choosing not to show the cameraphone footage of the killer. That’s an editorial decision and one that is well worth comparing with what the BBC is doing.
But as someone who used to respect this site and even contribute a long time ago I don’t recognise the response here.
You have people calling for deportations, revenge attacks and even beheadings in Trafalgar Square.
It was always apparent many posting on B-BBC were simply uncomfortable with modern Britain and they were unhappy with society and not the BBC per se. That was the reason for a high percentage of expats and foreigners posting. Indeed David Vance represents one of the least British parts of British society. Not to say these views aren’t valid, just that they don’t reflect majority opinion.
But now it appears rightish Tory views have been replaced by UKIP and increasingly EDL/BNP and frankly NF opinions.
If you worry about the influence of the BBC and think it needs a website to collate evidence of it’s soft liberal knee-jerk approach to life… well B-BBC as it now is just isn’t the response I am looking for.
The lack of response from those who disagree with you today says more about you than it does about them. And I pity those who post under their own names and find themselves linked to this website.
My thoughts are with the family and friends of that poor soldier. Goodbye B-BBC.
“But as someone who used to respect this site and even contribute a long time ago”
Funny how I don’t recall ever seeing that moniker. Wonder why you felt the need to change. You’ll be Martin then?
“It was always apparent many posting on B-BBC were simply uncomfortable with modern Britain”
I see nothing wrong with being uncomfortable with a modern Britain that has imported an alien ideology that results in machete-weilding savages roaming the streets chopping people’s heads off.
“But now it appears rightish Tory views have been replaced by UKIP and increasingly EDL/BNP and frankly NF opinions.”
Ah yes, the old “equate UKIP with the BNP” trick. Even when it’s got sod all to do with the topic. A tactic beloved of those who are not likely ever to have respected this site.
“UKIP and increasingly EDL/BNP ”
Perhaps their winning the argument, Perhaps people are re-acting to the liberal inquisitions
hypocrisy either way that’s democracy
Don’t like it ,read the guardian
“It was always apparent many posting on B-BBC were simply uncomfortable with modern Britain and they were unhappy with society and not the BBC per se.”
You misunderstand – We hold the BBC to be largely responsible for helping to bring about the present situation.
Concern troll is concerned
my blood is still boiling over what happened to that young white british soldier today at the hands of these 2 black racist al qaeda scum, what i want to say i wont , it is to strong because of my anger,but i guess we are all thinking the same.my message to everybody in the uk is this.go out in your millions tomorrow and buy a help for heroes t shirt as a tribute to that young soldier who was murdered by those gutless spineless islamist cowards today,wear you help for heroes t shirts with pride and send a message to these al qaeda scum cowards that you might attack and murder i lad on his own,try and murder millions of us and you will be soon be meeting your 72 virgins in paradise i promise.
If Muslims want to prove their disgust they should also wear a help for heros T shirt.
The BBC is blaming everyone except the two culpable elements in this sad story, those being:
1. The suspects; and
2. The Islamic ideology that inspired them.,
The synopsis of the day’s news on their website doesn’t mention the word ‘Muslim’ or ‘Islam’ once, but rather excitedly elaborates on how the ‘riot police’ have had to confront the EDL in Woolwich tonight.
Will no one rid me of this turbulent lot?
There might be a few generals pondering that very question over their brandy tonight.
Someone like him?….
Served under him, Borneo ’65-’66. Top man.
One can only hope.
And before anyone starts using derogatory terms connected with Europe in the 1930’s and beyond, let me just say that it is the duty of the armed forces, in my view, to defend the people of the United Kingdom from enemies generally found outside the realm; the situation, however, has changed rather: a democratically elected British government, in power in recent years, has invited elements of hostile forces to base themselves inside the United Kingdom without the consent, or even the prior (or post-facto) knowledge of the British people.
Such an act is treason, but that is by the by; an armed incursion into parts of the UK, launched from other parts of the UK, is in the offing.
Perhaps this change of circumstances needs those who are charged with the defence of the constitutional governance of the Unted Kingdom to consider their options.
There you go – I shall await the onslaught with interest.
Newsnight just finished with a very short report including the comment some British Muslim youths view this beheading attack as a ‘good thing’.
According to the BBC guy this is “very shocking, if true”. What world do these vastly overpaid idiots think they are living in? Nowadays I am not even surprised by this.
Paxman then said “they are a totally unrepresentative minority”.
Really Paxman? Try putting the same question to Muslims where they are now the majority of the population, and see then if it is only the speaking-without-thinking young Muslims that have this view. Send one of your female reporters alone to Tahrir Square to ask it – I dare you.
The Muslim speakers the BBC have on ‘condemn’ the attack but blame the West, saying this was to be expected, and more may be expected unless the West changes. And the BBC don’t challenge this!
Why is that?
Because for the BBC the EDL are scum, because though the EDL are not interested in killing anyone they speak up against fanatical Islam. The BBC smugly pose as morally (and in all other ways) superior to the EDL and feel safe to spit on them, but the violence that can be seen wherever Islam goes is always excused by the BBC because the BBC have great fear of Islam.
Behold the Tiny Minority™ Narrative. Meanwhile, it’s perfectly fine to smear UKIP, the Tea Party movement, or even this blog with the acts of a Tiny Minority™.
But hey, at least Paxman didn’t try to reassure you that the “vast majority” of beheadings in the UK are done by lone white men, so there’s that.
Who were the culprits largely behind the mass immigration policies under Blair? Mandelson, Jack Straw, Jonathan Portes and Barbara Roche. What is their ethnic group again?? Also check out the Runnymede Trust; a cultural Marxist hate group founded by Jewish supremacists, Anthony Lester and Jim Rose, to facilitate institutionalised demographic genocide against white people in the United Kingdom.
You people need to examine the true culprits here. There is a parasitical fifth column in all our institutions. We are infested and entirely compromised. Until these people are excised from the body politic the escalation of white destruction will only increase.
Wow, a real live nazi. I assume you actually are employed by the BBC to try to discredit this site, although I think you have gone too far even for the BBC.
If you want to join your fellow anti-semites, try “Comment is Free” at The Guardian website.
Watch out everyone we’ve got a right one here. Muslim nutters go out and murder a soldier in broad daylight and what do we get “It’s the JOOOOS fault”.
Seriously you need your meds looked at chum they’re not strong enough for what you’ve got and I think the nurse needs to take you off the internet access list while were at it.
Irrational ad hom attack if ever I saw one. Demonstrate how apothecary is wrong, rather than just name calling.
You have to admit a great many powerful Jewish people are very actively involved in promoting immigration – why do you think that is? It seems especially odd that they should promote Mohammedan immigration in particular. I am not suggesting this is true of all Jews but a disproportionate number are politically active, a disproportionate number are leftie and they are as an ethnic group heavily overepresented in the pro mass immigration movement.
Instead of being childish and calling apothecary a Nazi, for simply observing what he sees and drawing attention to it, why dont you proffer an explanation of why this ‘Jewish Globalism’ exists?
Easy answer. Look up the members of the last Labour government and count how many are not Jews. Your argument will then be completely blown out of the water. Apothecary is a nazi, or is pretending to be one, because his arguments are the same as the ones the nazis used to open up the death camps. Any more explanation is superfluous.
The Home office was headed by Jack Straw – Jew. The policy document was written by Jonathan Portes – a Jew. The minister of state for asylum and immigration when immigration controls were massively relaxed was Barbara Roche – Jew. You’re an irreconcilably idiotic individual but lets cut to the chase here. You know damn well who was at the forefront of what happened. That’s why you’re calling me a Nazi and an anti-Semite. You’re trying to get me in trouble aren’t you shmuck. 😉
We don’t need to try and get you in to “trouble” your doing fine on your own chum.
Not an “Irrational ad hom attack” at all, I didn’t call him a Nazi I think your confusing commentators, I merely suggested that he needs better mental health provision as any attempt to link today’s terror attack to some kind of wider mass Jewish conspiracy is in my opinion a clear sign that the person suggesting it is in need of a high level of psychiatric assistance .
As to his suggestion that the gates to Briton were opened as part of a Jewish plot is laughable considering we have been told that it was in all actuality a left wing plan “to rub the Right’s nose in diversity”. :- http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/edwest/100025635/labours-secret-plan-to-lure-immigrants-was-borderline-treason-and-plain-stupid/
So now that I’ve shown that it wasn’t a Jewish plot, can we get on with the real issue, that of the BBC refusing to discuss the 1000t elephant in the room?
What utter twaddle. You attach links from the telegraph and daily mail blaming labour’s mass immigration push on left wingers then claim this proves I need to see a shrink. The main culprits were Jewish as I have quite clearly proven. Everything else is pure speculation. I do find it amusing how the mere mention of who pushed this agenda can illicit such scurrilous remarks but then inmates often associate and in many cases sympathise with their jailors often after extreme psychological attack. I believe it’s called the Stockholm syndrome. Enjoy your blessed ignorance.
“There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreampt of in your philosophy, Horatio”
I tend to live my life by this saying so I do believe there are more things going on in the world than we will ever know about, but on this one, you chum are barking
Hello Adolf.
Ahh so you peeps aren’t interested in who allowed mass immigration into the U.K. You think this was some act of self destruction by who pray tell. The Jesuits perhaps. Knights of the Round Table? Robin Hood and his merry men perhaps.
Presumably you understand someone opened the flood gates. There is a paper trail. The culprits are curiously of one racial and or religious background. It’s all there in black and white for all to see but how curious a Zionist supporting website refuses to countenance the horrific truth.
Watch out everyone we’ve got a right one here. Muslim nutters go out and murder a soldier in broad daylight and what do we get “It’s the JOOOOS fault”.
Seriously you need your meds looked at chum they’re not strong enough for what you’ve got and I think the nurse needs to take you off the internet access list while were at it.
1965 The first Race Relations Act was introduced into the House of Commons by Sir Frank Soskice, an immigrant Russian Jew.
1968 The Runnymede Trust was founded by Anthony Lester and Jim Rose, both Jews, a few weeks after Enoch Powell’s ‘rivers of blood’ speech in Birmingham.
Harry Cohen, Jewish MP for Leyton and Wanstead said, “In 1985, I introduced the Racial Harassment Bill under the ten-minute rule. It was the first Bill presented to Parliament to make racial attack a criminal offence.”
Throughout the 1970s and 1980s Neville Nagler, a synagogue official, was the head of the Home Office department responsible for race relations matters. Whenever a Cabinet Minister made a speech on the subject, notes for the text were always drafted by Nagler, who routinely consulted officials at the Jewish Board of Deputies such as Geoffrey Bindman and Anthony Lester. The 1986 Public Order Act was placed before parliament by the Conservative Home Secretary, a Jewish immigrant from Lithuania, Leon Brittanisky, also known as Leon Brittan, assisted by his cousin, another Lithuanian Jew, Malcolm Rivkind, also know as Malcolm Rifkind. Official commentary on the law explicitly refers to the Runnymede Trust.
1998 A further raft of race law was introduced, overseen this time by a part-Jewish Home Secretary, Jack Straw. Around 27 offences carry increased penalties if the offence is deemed to be “racially aggravated.” The maximum penalty for ‘Incitement to Racial Hatred’ was raised from two to seven years.
Regarding the mass immigration push under Blair the scandal broke when Andrew Neather, a former government advisor, who worked for Jack Straw and as a speech writer for Tony Blair, authored an article in the London Evening Standard on 23 October 2009. The article dealt primarily with a policy paper published by the Home Office, then headed by Jack Straw in January 2001. The paper—named Migration: An Economic And Social Analysis—was produced by Labour think-tank the Performance and Innovation Unit, its primary author was “civil servant” Jonathan Portes, a speechwriter for Gordon Brown and senior aide to Cabinet Secretary Gus O’Donnell. Neather claimed that in the earliest drafts he saw, there was a driving political purpose, “that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural”.
. He is the director of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, a globalist think tank in Westminster which promotes mass immigration and was originally founded with backing from the Rockefeller Foundation. Portes is a dual-national holding both British and American citizenship; working inside the treasury departments of both governments, he was also involved with the International Monetary Fund from 1998 to 1999.
Portes was a prominent adviser under the New Labour regime, associated with Gus O’Donnell and Tony Blair, promoting open borders under pseudo-“economic” rationales. Portes is a member of the Rothschild-beholden Council on Foreign Relations (a nefarious New World Order, one world government lobby) and has spent time at both Balliol College, Oxford and Princeton University in the United States where he gained a Masters Degree in Public Affairs. Portes is the son of Richard Portes a Rhodes Scholar, CFR member, president of the Centre for Economic Policy Research and former Secretary-General of the Royal Economic Society (1992–2008).
Watch out everyone we’ve got a right one here. Muslim nutters go out and murder a soldier in broad daylight and what do we get “It’s the JOOOOS fault”.
Seriously you need your meds looked at chum they’re not strong enough for what you’ve got and I think the nurse needs to take you off the internet access list while were at it.
Apothecary shows that there are/were many Jewish people in government positions but … thinking of some of those who have recently spoken out against mass immigration and multiculturalism, are not Melanie Phillips, Janet Daly and Peter Hitchens Jewish? And Pamela Geller et al in the USA? What of Thatcherite Tories like Sir Keith Joseph and Lord Lawson? Were they in the ‘conspiracy’ too?!
Exactly Andrew exactly.
That’s the beauty of it don’t you see. As their dominance of the media is total what better way than to have your own people taking the heat off for the uneducated unwashed. It’s perfect.
Rather simplistic. If I understand your reasoning, then most Jewish people must be involved, but with some pretending to be sceptical about multiculturalism to create the illusion of debate. This reminds me of the logical fallacy in the claim that all people are either (a) homosexuals, or (b) repressing their homosexuality. There’s no way out! You might be on to something about (naive or cynical) internationalism but how would Jewish interests be served by promoting their sworn enemies?!
As I understand it Christianity has always been the sworn enemy of Talmudic Judaism. They did kill Christ after all. I believe in the Talmud is states Jesus is to be boiled alive in human excrement or semen for an eternity.
You see white Christian west is/has only ever been their only threat. You can’t deny their total power now both financially and politically. Whether through their proxies or directly they are destroying the formally Christian nations. Their agenda is satanic in origin. This is a war most compatriots do not even acknowledge exists. I believe Albert Pike predicted the third world war would be between the west and Islam. The Zionists aim to be the only ones standing at its conclusion.
The supposed “International Jewish Conspiracy” can’t have been that powerful in the 1930s if it could not stop the Holocaust.
The holocaust was required for the state of Israel to be formed. Without Hitler we wouldn’t have the continuous wars currently in the middle east. We wouldn’t have the state of Israel. I believe the Zionists declared war on Germany in 1933. I believe that is official.
Yes, sacrificing millions of Jews, at least half of them on the planet, was totally the plan there. Genius idea, can’t imagine why it’s not tried more often. If only you’d listened to Chamberlain, you could have prevented it, eh?
Who knows how many really died. I can tell you this. Far more Christian German died during WW2 than Jews. Lots of hoaxes surround the holocaust like the lampshades and shrunken heads. All of those were disproven. I suspect the number is far smaller than is officially claimed. When you compare it to the holodomor or the Russian Christians murdered in the Zionist Siberian labour camps the jew ‘burnt offering’ is just a footnote in history. The fact it is the only holocaust allowed to be taught in schools speaks volumes of course about who controls the agenda.
Tell me, how does it help Israel, surrounded by hostile states, to undermine countries like the US and even the UK, which might support it against its enemies? And how could the conspirators be sure that Nazi Germany would be defeated in time so that “only” 5-6 million would die? I just don’t get it.
Most jews in the inter war years didn’t want to leave Europe. They were largely anti Zionists. Weizmann and the other uber Zionists got all the hardcore jews to move there you know. They even did deals with Adolf Eichmann and other high profile Nazis. You need to do some research of real history.
Oh, no, don’t go there. Now we’ll have to hear about how it was greatly exaggerated and exploited by the Joooooos to further their goals, it was physically impossible to do what is alleged, where’s the evidence, and anyway the Rothschilds bankrolled it, etc.
Its the Cretans paradox,
“Epimenides the Cretan says, ‘that all the Cretans are liars,’ but Epimenides is himself a Cretan; therefore he is himself a liar. But if he be a liar, what he says is untrue, and consequently the Cretans are veracious; but Epimenides is a Cretan, and therefore what he says is true; saying the Cretans are liars, Epimenides is himself a liar, and what he says is untrue. Thus we may go on alternately proving that Epimenides and the Cretans are truthful and untruthful.”
But in this case no paradox just Apothecary the cretin.
So if a Jew is pro-immigration it’s a sign of conspiracy, but if they’re anti-immigration it’s also a sign of conspiracy?
This seems like an argument engineered to have only one outcome.
Yes indeed and that outcome is “It’s the JOOOOS fault” or so Apothecary would have us believe.
You judge a man by his actions not his words. Words are cheap. Multiculturalism like Marxism and feminism are/were entirely Jewish constructs aimed at destroying the western Christian race. Everything else isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. Most jews are just as much the victims of this as the Christian majority and many Zionists are supposedly Christian patriots; Cameron being a prime example.
Look, extreme Leftism poisons even the best minds eventually. Harry Cohen supported Jews for Justice for Palestinians, for heaven’s sake. He was also against the war in Iraq, so your theory is out the window there. Of course, you might not be aware of that since you copied and pasted much of this verbatim from Heretical.com, and that wasn’t mentioned.
Ye gods…..another from the tinfoil helmet brigade in apothecary.
Why don’t you just cut and paste the entire Mien Kampf and be done with it instead of feeding us this crud bit by bit.
BTW you can go on ebay and get a brain cell as the one you’ve got must be getting fecking lonely.
For me today was the final confirmation that this Country is finished. All of us have had sit and watch several governments sell down the river all of the English values that I was brought up with. The constant unremitting liberal, left wing, politically correct, constant drip drip of Marxist, anti establishment drivel that the bbc constantly pumps out has finally achieved the inevitable result that was manifested today by the incident where a young soldier in his own country has been murdered by Islamic immigrants who are no doubt already British passport holders or if not, soon to be so. The bbc news website manages to report the whole incident without mentioning the fact that the murderers are Islamic fundamentalist and immigrant. The policy of mass immigration, distributing British passports to undeserving people as if they are confetti now leaves the country in this appalling state. The public services have been so run down by successive governments and completely drained of any morale that they have to wait 20 minutes for the armed police arrive and the local ordinary police of helpless to deal with the situation. This is truly an unforgiveable situation and as usual within 24 hours we will have been told how it is all the fault of the public services. I just give up. What ever happened to standards and values?
‘we will have been told how it is all the fault of the public services’
And the Jews. Don’t forget the Jews or Adolph Apothecary will put you in your place.
“What we have to get at is that there should be in all the States of the world, beside ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers … The recognition of our despot … will come when the peoples, utterly wearied by the irregularities and incompetence … of their rulers, will clamour: ‘Away with them and give us one king over all the earth who will unite us and annihilate the causes of discords, frontiers, nationalities, religions, State debts, who will give us peace and quiet, which we cannot find under our rulers and representatives’ .”
Just a snippet but an amazing document. Study the words. Digest them. You will see the amazing prescience. But then you will question how such a blueprint could be written such a time past were it not indeed a global plan for domination.
Quoting the Protocol of the Elders of Zion, now?
You are aware that it is a hoax, a combination of a 19thC French political satire and an anti-Semitic German novel, aren’t you?
It is shown by the conclusive test (that of subsequent events) to be an authentic document of the world-conspiracy first disclosed by Weishaupt’s papers IN 1776. Many other documents in the same series had followed that first revelation, as I have shown, but this one transcends all of them. The others were fragmentary and gave glimpses; this one gives the entire picture of the conspiracy, motive, method and objective. It adds nothing new to what had been revealed in parts (save for the unproven, attribution to Jewish elders themselves),but it puts all the parts in place and exposes the whole. It accurately depicts all that has come about in the fifty years since it was published, and what clearly will follow in the next fifty years unless in that time the force which the conspiracy has generated produces the counter-force.
It’s origin is immaterial. The only conclusion upon reading it is that it is a blueprint and that it has been fulfilled.
Apothecary, what brought you to share your wisdom with this site? Are you brave enough to answer?
Mere curiosity. Bravery not required.
Curiosity about what? How did you find the site?
It was based on a political satire – of course its predictions will be born out by future events! If I were to rewrite the book but replace every instance of ‘Jew’ with ‘three-headed Wildebeest from the planet Zog’, that does not mean that a sinister group of Afro-Zogian bovids have been orchestrating the events of recent history!
You didn’t actually respond to my point.
I also have a test you might want to try….
it`s called the WWMD checklist… here`s the nfo from the site…
` If Islam’s image means more to you than the suffering of the thousands of innocent people murdered and maimed explicitly in the name of Allah each year, then it means that you are definitely a Muslim (or at least a well-known type of Muslim) and this page is for you.
As a Muslim, you know that life is full of tough choices. Do you behead or not behead? Have adult relations with your buddy’s 9-year-old child…? Take a female sex slave… ?
For followers of the Religion of Peace, it all comes down to knowing what Muhammad did when faced with the same decisions (based on reliable Muslim sources, of course). In fact, the more you know about the founder of Islam the better, even if you aren’t Muslim.
Forget all those shifty apologists, trying to make Muhammad out to be some sort of “Jesus clone” based on a few obscure anecdotes. The prophet of Islam definitely wasn’t one to turn the other cheek or keep his worldly appetites in check. `
Whetted your appetite hasn`t it??
Here`s the link… (You can thank me later by fucking off back to the stone age on your magic carpet…)
The peoples, on their progress “from one disenchantment to another,” will not be allowed “a breathing-space.” Any country “which dares to oppose us” must be met with war, and any collective opposition with “universal war.” The peoples will not be allowed “to contend with sedition” In the Super-State to come the obligation will fall on members of one family to denounce dissident s within the family circle (the Old Testamentary dispensation earlier mentioned). The “complete wrecking of the Christian religion” will not be long delayed. The peoples will be kept distracted by trivial amusements (“people’s palaces”) from becoming troublesome and asking questions. History will be rewritten for their delusion (another precept since fulfilled in communized Russia), for “we shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us, and leave only those which depict all the errors of the national governments.” “All the wheels of the machinery of all States go by the force of the engine, which is in our hands, and that engine of the machinery of States is Gold.”
Perfectly describes twenty first century Britain yet it’s denounced as a hoax. That’s pretty prescient for a hoax written well at the very least a century ago. And to think the Times in the 1920’s thought the document was genuine as did Lord Northcliffe.
I assume you are quoting from the Protocols of Zion. If so that is a new low for anybody claiming to be a human being on this site.
You haven’t read it I wager but you deny its authenticity purely because you have been told it is fraudulent by a corrupt system the document describes. When it was translated and became a discussion point in 1920s Britain it garnered quite a bit of press including a number of major publications that claimed it was genuine including the Times. Edmund Burke, George Washington, Sir Walter Scott and Alexander Hamilton to Disraeli, Bakunin. They have all described the plot before so you’re ludicrous posturing is meaningless.
I’ve not read it, although I have read some disgraceful quotes from it. Everybody with at least a minimum of awareness know it is a fake. Most of those people you quote were well dead before its creation so cannot have been aware of what didn’t exist in their lifetimes. Tell me, do you work in Salford?
I noted on newsnight (The first time I’ve watched it in about 5 years) it was stated one of the (alleged) murdering scum had a “London accent”. Really ???! And I thought Dick Van Dyke’s was bogus.
Possession of a Lahdahn accent is not proof of sanity nor sanctity.
c.f Ken Livingstone & co.
Not to forget the financier of the labour party under the mass mass immigration years. Lord cashback Levy wasnt it. Who controls the purse strings controls the policy. You’d think this would be a watershed moment. Damage limitation time. This deprave act is a footnote. It will be used by the Israel first financed conservative party to crack down on more civil liberties.
Watch out everyone we’ve got a right one here. Muslim nutters go out and murder a soldier in broad daylight and what do we get “It’s the JOOOOS fault”.
Seriously you need your meds looked at chum they’re not strong enough for what you’ve got and I think the nurse needs to take you off the internet access list while we’re at it.
BBC South East’s top story was the EDL protest and they didn’t even mention the soldier and then moved onto other stuff – truly sickening
As usual, the BBC and the MSM in general are trying to establish some sort of equivalence between members of the EDL and murderers. Sorry, but it won’t wash. A “small minority” (yes, it applies here too) of admittedly unsophisticated protesters is reacting to a situation which is not of their making. A few slogans, a few bottles, a few insults – so what? No exactly 7/7 is it?
We know who is to blame – the politicians, the BBC, journalists and so-called experts who have been ignoring the warnings against unselective immigration for decades. However, ‘ignoring’ is being generous, in many cases they have been happy to criminalise and silence objections in the dubious cause of promoting multicultural harmony (an oxymoron if ever there was one).
Added to this is the cowardice of our politicians when faced with a clear domestic threat. It’s easy, of course, to sneer at the crude protestations of EDL members when you are safely ensconced in the Downing Street gated community, knowing full well that, if the shit really hits the fan, it will be those ignorant, far-right, racist, little people who have to face the real danger, as usual.
you haven’t got it have you….the immigration issue was not a “mistake”…it was calculated. People from the left knew they would eventually manufacture a stereotypical far right movement and then had them appear on newsnight. “stop the war” has alot more members than edl, yet who gets invited onto newsnight??? half a dozen lads with bomberjackets and a grudge.
sounds like you have you been listening to words coming out of politicians mouths again? try watching their actions?
Enoch was correct.
Anyone else here noticed how the media shy away from addressing the Qur’anic verses which support violent acts?
Always some woolly half baked statement about religion of peace or some other platitudes will be spoken of and the perpetrators vilified as some one off rogue element which has been ‘radicalised’.
Talking some time ago to an Imam who was at least honest, ‘there is no fundamentalism’ fundamentalism is the basics of Islam.
And he was right! Just take a look at what Fundamentalism means as defined by Wikipedia:
Fundamentalism is the demand for a strict adherence to specific theological doctrines usually understood as a reaction against Modernist theology, primarily to promote continuity and accuracy.
Until we hear these “moderate” muslim “leaders” condemn the hate filled preachers that encourage this behaviour, and ask the Home Office to deport them, then their protestations are all so much taqiyaa.
So many people mention taqiyya without seeming to have the first understanding as to what it actually is.
The ‘lie for a purpose’ only applies to the Shia sect, and not to the Sunnis. This means that non Shias are not supposed to practice it.
Shia countries include Iran Iraq Azerbaijan Bahrain Lebanon (45 – 50%)
The rest are mainly Sunni including Pakistan Bangladesh & Afghanistan and do not practice Taqiyya.
Tongue in cheek somewhat – but how do you know the statistics are not taqiyya? 😉
I can certainly understand that you’d think so and I’ve no doubt there are many Muslim leaders who masquerade as moderate for their attempt at taqqiya.
Having heard this interview last week on the Jeremy Vine show, following the Oxford grooming gang trial, an Imam from the Oxford mosque was brilliant in denouncing these men, and the way those responsible to raise the alarm in our society were ‘pussyfooting’ around this issue.
It was truly refreshing to finally hear in our media the thoughts they we have all had, but normally get buried to avoid seeing the elephant in the room. It was especially relevant that it was a Muslim that was ‘telling it like it is’ while our own officials were trying to mealy mouth the usual PC crap.
Point is, having a Muslim on air voicing these views was an exceptional case, most especially on a BBC programme. But because they say what the BBC and most of the dhimmi media don’t want to broadcast and express, it may well be that many more are are out there, but won’t get an airing. All we will get are the taqqiya type ones.
A question. I would love an answer. Why if indeed this country is run by Anglo saxons (ridiculous but humour me) would British politicians of all parties continue to swamp this country with wave after wave of immigrants. By the way it was the conservatives who started it off so you cant blame it on lefties. I have pointed out the sponsors of the race relations legislation and their ethnicity. I recommend the occidental observer website for a thorough analysis of the origin of multiculturalism on a global scale. Always the same culprits as you are all very aware.
I see you’ve caused quite a stir on here! I visited that site and it looks to have much of interest but also much to be wary of . I read the ‘Mission statement’ and of course present demographic trends are worrying and I think it is right to claim that many “whites have a gut feeling that the present trends do not bode well for their future and for the prospects of their descendants. We predict that whites will develop a stronger sense of their own identity and interests as a natural outcome of becoming a minority.”
I even emailed Kevin M to tell him about a mistake on the site (trivial, not a detail of any article), however I have a question or you, what about ‘white’ Jews?
It’s simple. To paraphrase GW you’re either with ‘us’ or you’re with the talmudists. You renounce your despicable proselytising anti Christian agenda merchants or you will end up alongside them in a pit filled with quicklime.
As G.K Chesterton said and one of my favourite quotes. ‘Tolerance is a virtue of men without convictions.’
Because it is run by Normans?
Sorry but I can’t allow a lie like that past unchallenged!
“By the way it was the conservatives who started it off so you cant blame it on lefties.”
When Empire Windrush arrived in 1948 carrying the first groups of West Indian immigrants, it was a Liebour government, and had been since 1945. This beginning of mass immigration was opposed by Winston Churchill.
There can be no doubt in any mind with a grasp on reality that mass immigration was started & continued by the lefties.
Enoch Powell, as a junior health minister in the Tory government of the 1950s, did bring about some immigration from the W. Indies by recruiting nurses from there. That does not per se invalidate views that he expressed but it shows that things are more complex than blaming Labour or Tories alone. The Free Market Right and the Marxist Left have both contributed to the effective abolition of borders and national sovereignty.
From about 3pm to 6:30pm I was listening to BBC News 24. From what I heard this was how the BBC reported the’ incident.’ Most of the time I was listening not watching. All timings are approximate Dez and co OK?
3pm to 3:15pm Something has happened in Woolwich – ‘we’ll let you know what when we know’. This is how I became interested as my wife texted me (one of our daughters uses the Woolwich Ferry and SWMBOs first thought was that it had sunk!)
3:15-3:30 Something had happened outside a primary school and they interviewed the Head Master who said he didn’t know what was going on but thought there had been a murder and had put his school in ‘lock-down.’ It was all over and the kids had been sent home.
From 3:30 to 5:30 pm the story developed upon the lines of
1. A man has been deliberately run over and killed in Woolwich.
2. The Police have shot and killed two men who had deliberately run over and killed a man in Woolwich.
3. Two men with knives who had decapitated and killed (!) a man wearing a ‘Help the Heroes’ t-shirt in Woolwich have been shot by Police in Woolwich. The dead man was believed to be a soldier. The soldier angle was pressed despite them not having confirmed the info.
4. The attackers were Islamic terrorists. They even played the ITV film (in parts) which gave no doubt as to what had gone on.
5. They reported that the men had, ‘according to Whitehall’, shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ .
At no time did they hide or obfusticate what happened. As information came out they reported it. They even reported the rumours and said they were unconfirmed reports.
I was surprised at how open and clear they were about what was happening – just as they should be, for once.
They played a long interview with a local chap who thought he had witnessed an RTA only to be told by another witness what had really happened. He was very clear on a number of points;
a. The dead man had been decapitated.
b. One of the assailants was black, the witness did not see the other attacker clearly enough to say whether he was black or white.
c. He didn’t know what the victim was wearing nor what colour the victim’s skin was.
d. That the men had waited around afterwards and then attacked the armed Police when they turned up.
c. One of the men was shot by a Policewoman. The other had his fingers blown off when his gun he used back-fired.
None of the above was later censored or changed except where they openly corrected incorrect information they had given out earlier.
The BBC played this mans comments over and over again.
There were two negatives:
1. They kept jumping from a breathless man on the street to the studio. During one of these jumps they interrupted the reporter and jumped to the Local Police chief for a very vague statement of events. Interestingly enough the interrupt was to a ‘live’ statement but they had played this segment about 10 minutes earlier so why did they say it was live and why did they interrupt their man on the scene?
2. They had a Muslim spokesman, on much later in the evening, who firmly and unequivocally denounced the murder and said quite categorically that this was an offence against God and Islam. He was doing quite a good job until the interviewer asked him what he thought the implications for the Muslim community would be. He immediately went hostile and threatened anyone who made this about Islam. ‘This is not about Islam and it is an insult to Islam to say it is so.’ Or words to that effect. There was no doubt that this was a threat and the supine interviewer backed off immediately. His previous statements were somewhat nullified by this threat.
All in all they didn’t do a bad job – They released info when they had it and were clear about whether or not it was confirmed info. They even played part of the ITV interview. They didn’t hide one bit of info that was reported elsewhere (AFAIK) and that this was becoming obviously a Muslim terror attack.
For once I don’t think the BBC showed any bias on News 24 at all.
One bit of bias consistently shown by the bBBC is to allow Muslims always to talk about our foreign policy of ‘Afghanistan and Iraq’. No-one ever asks about Kosovo. Blair’s first war was to protect Muslims against ethnic cleansing by Serbs.
Very true but not happening whilst I was listening/watching yesterday. The only reference to foreign policy was by the scum bag killers – BBC didn’t raise the issue.
I always thought the Kosovo thing was to alienate the Russians from the EU. By siding with the Albanians against the Serbs Clinton sent a vey clear message to Russia – don’t cosy up to the EU …
The Serbs were, for once, the victims in that spat. The Albanians were slaughtering Serbs in Kosovo long before Clinton saw his chance to interfere.
i remember an “eye witness” who was breathless in front of a tv camera stating that JCDeM had “vaulted the ticket barriers” “while wearing a large heavy jacket” “while police clearly shouted at him to stop and were pursuing him.”
Do you remember that breathless “eye witness” on tv?
Just a few observations from me on BBC news recently..
1) They have been very selective in showing the video footage of one the murderers. Instead of playing the first part of his rant (“I apologise the woman had to see this…but in our land) which highlights how far removed his mind is from being British they instead played his rant about Cameron. (Trying to politicise what is essentially an act of religious evil.)
2)Studio focus has been on “backlashes against Muslims” – thus refocussing viewer’s attentions away from further Islamist attacks and portraying Muslims as the victims.
3)The BBC are very slow to report the name of one of the attackers (maybe it’s too African?) and the news about police investigations in Lincolnshire.
Remember that CH4 program about ‘Undercover mosque’ which the bBC went all out in which to discredit:
Here are a few snippets from that program:
Dr. Ijaz Mian on the subject of non-Muslim laws: “You cannot accept the rule of the kaffir…we have to rule ourselves and we have to rule the others.”
Praising the killer of a British soldier serving in Afghanistan, stating “The hero of Islam is the one who separated his head from his shoulders.
Advocating violent Jihad against the non-Muslims and predicting that an army of Muslims will arise against the non-Muslims in England
Calling for the overthrow of the British government and democracy. “they will fight in the cause of Allah. I encourage all of you to be from amongst them, to begin to cultivate ourselves for the time that is fast approaching where the tables are going to turn and the Muslims are going to be in the position of being uppermost in strength, and when that happens, people won’t get killed – unjustly.
The bBC has a lot of blood on its hands.
Then there was Charles Moore’s and Policy Exchange’s “The Hijacking of British Islam”, where they investigated a bunch of mosques and found jihadi DVDs and other controversial materials. The BBC went after him and spent 17 minutes of Newsnight trying to discredit the whole story over a handful of receipts one mosque claimed wasn’t from them.
Oh, and before that, there was the infamous “Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic”, where the BBC paid a jihadi imam and did a happy documentary about a couple people connected to the 21/7 bombers on a paintballing excursion, and then decided not to tell police once they found out about that connection.
The BBC has a very long history of trying to direct your gaze in a different direction, and to shame you for being concerned. There used to be a BBC producer who would debate with us under the name “John Reith”. He told us over and over that the BBC was trying really hard to educate the public in the name of social cohesion, and the outrage expressed on this blog and other places over this kind of thing wasn’t helping. He and they have some explaining to do, I think.
Why do we have to pay for this bBBC drivel? Mark Easton is concerned at the impact on ‘cohesion of our society’, not because of these imported jihadists, but because some British people might react against them.
But he assures us that all is well because his inbox has been filled with statements from Muslim groups utterly condemning the murder, voicing support for British soldiers and calling for unity and peace. It’s a pity that none of them does anything about the murderers in their midsts, though.
If Easton’s so concerned about cohesion, and truly believes all those emails he’s gotten from Mohammedan groups, he ought to be asking them what they intend to contribute to that cohesion instead of lecturing everybody else.
“…inbox has been filled with statements from Muslim groups…”
Identifying the many customers, certainly mostly muslim, of the gangs who made sex-slaves out of children?
Identifying more such gangs?
(Or are they still leaving it up to the EDL to push for the Law to act against these gangs?)
Identifying the police officers and social services people who must have colluded?
Or just saying what makes muslims out to be the ones who were wronged?
A Muslim caller who claims to have met the accused murderer gives the lie to the left wing propaganda. It’s not just a few ‘a lot of the Lewisham youth are of the Bin Laden mentality’
This is not the Islam we follow – indicating that they were following Islam not as the bBC claim.
There is a claim on the web page “He told the man his views were contrary to the teachings of Islam.” I’ve listened twice and I don’t hear this.
The final sentence is the most frightening of all:
“The frightening thing is that there are more of them out there.”
He did say that in essence. He expressed several times how disturbed he was by the “Bin Laden” mentality as well. The BBC needs to have more of this, and less attempts to mitigate. The BBC is missing a huge educational opportunity here, and their continued intellectual failure on this issue is disappointing.
I must admit having watched video clips of the murder scene with the blood flowingtowards the kerb – and then being smeared by the body being dragged – Ithought of “Rivers of Blood.”
It doesn’t matter if one group hates another because of colour of skin or for religious reasons – this is a clash of cultures and no good can come of it.
LBC are saying that Anjem choudray is appearing on newsnight tonight. If true then we should be worried about where the guardian/BBC axis is going.