As we all know, the BBC deploys the finest journalists that our money can buy to bring us the news that really counts. So, isn’t odd this missed this?
Swedish police arrested eight people after riots in Husby spread to other Stockholm suburbs last night as young people set fire to cars and schools and vandalized property. About 30 cars burned overnight in suburbs including Husby, Jakobsberg, Norsborg and Vaarberg, Kjell Lindgren, a spokesman for the Swedish Police, said by phone today. In Husby, a school and the Husby Gaard cultural center were set on fire while rubbish bins burned across Stockholm’s western and southern suburbs. A school was also set alight in the Skaerholmen suburb, and a police station and buildings in central Jakobsberg were vandalized
Ah, “young people” aka “youths” aka Muslims! You would think intrepid BBC journalists would be beating a path to Stockholm but apparently not. Maybe they are busy pushing the necessity of the gay marriage to preclude such enterprising thoughts? Allahu Akhbar, chums.
The Swedish Liberals have brought this upon themselves, with their self loathing white guilt, pathological altruism, humanitarianism one worlder BS.
You can forget about the Vikings, the Norwegians and Swedes of today are pathetic marxist wimps.
Well the BBC is not completely alone in its kneejerk cultural
censorshipcringe. Although, apparently, there has been no BBC report on these events, the cited report from Bloomberg, in a display of painful sensitivity, avoids mentioning the cultural background of the perps. Only a reference to “Police . . . . (are) probing claims that officers used racist slurs” gives a clue to the possibility that the youth involved might not share a common ancestry with members of Abba.
Police in deprived erm “immigrant” suburb of Husby shot a man dead last week after he reportedly threatened to KILL THEM WITH A MACHETE
well at least they shot him, in the UK he would be given, compensation for being let down, more money for free and asked to look after a group of very young, disadvantaged girls.
Or not as todays events seem to suggest.
Indeed but this guy was just threatening. Woolwich had already done the deed.
According to what I have read on this they shot him after trying to rescue a woman ‘hostage’ in his flat. First they threw in a flash-bang and when that failed to quell him they shot him.
A laudable no nonsense response.
In Woolwich, from what I can glean the armed police challenged and shot both perps after THEY attacked the Police.
A laudable, if imperfect, no nonsense response.
No, in Sweden they shot him because he was a threat and to prevent him hurting someone.
In Woolwich there was already a bloody scene with a victim and the killer covered in blood attacked the police…and now we are spending a fortune saving the killers’ lives.
Don’t want to seem like Albaman etc but they have this today:
“Rami al-Khamisi, a law student and founder of the youth organisation Megafonen, told the Swedish edition of online newspaper The Local that he had been insulted racially by police. Teenagers, he said, had been called “monkeys”.
He said the crowd was reacting to a “growing marginalisation and segregation in Sweden over the past 10, 20 years”
Mind you when you say re gay marriage etc: Maybe they are busy pushing the necessity of the gay marriage to entertain such enterprising thoughts?
They seem to have ‘missed’ the massive protests in France about this.
Apart from the BBC and FT there’s almost no coverage of the Swedish riots in the British msm. Sky haven’t got a single line – mainly Oklahama and ITN seem more fascinated by Swedish goat burning rituals. Those agencies that are reporting it are those who rely on stringer agencies.
Yet still nothing from the BBC about the situation of the Jews in Malmö. I guess they need to get violent before the BBC will pay any attention.
france, denmark, sweden how about belgianistan?
A couple of years ago there was race riots all over France, not reported.
As they say ” Multiculturalism is a benefit and diversity is our strength !!”
INBBC’s Stockholm ‘report’ is second-hand, and written largely from the rioters’ viewpoint.
INBBC sticks to its political mantra: ‘don’t mention Muslims’.
Alternative report:-
“Carbecues in the Stockholm Banlieues”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“It seems that Stockholm has become the Paris of the North — but probably not in a way that would gladden the heart of a Swedish tourism minister.
“A third night of rioting has engulfed the suburbs of Stockholm, spreading from Husby to Tensta, Kista, Rinkeby, Jakobsberg, and other culturally enriched neighborhoods. The Swedish and Norwegian media are covering the events (assiduously avoiding saying anything about the ethnicity or immigrant status of the perpetrators), but I’m told that Danish outlets have so far made no mention of what is happening in the capital of their Nordic neighbor. Which is curious, considering the Denmark is generally more open than Norway or Sweden.”
“Thirty fires in third night of Stockholm riots”
“Al Jazeera doesn’t mention Muslims either – but shows plenty.”
INBBC has much in common with the Islamic, Qatar (and London) based Al Jazeera, when it comes to broadcasting about Islam.
Of course, that’s where most BBC journalists hoppe to get their next job. Send in Rageh Omar
What can one say about the Swedes.
For over ten years people have known that Swedish women were being raped by immigrant Muslim men. The state did nothing about it. One Swedish minister ( a woman) or was it Norwegian, advised women to wear a hijab.
Ten years down the road, we have CAR-B-Qs. Going from French experience, this happens when the Muslim population reaches around 6%.
What to do now? I believe the rapes ongoing. Given the Swedish state will not do anything to prejudice its policy on “Diversity”, the minister’s advise to Swedish women is still the best one. As for Swedish men, they should look around for a sex change operation. Given that Sweden has a fairly comprehensive NHS, they could it get free.
“Somali Journalist:
” PC-Media makes Sweden ‘more dangerous than Mogadishu'”
(inc 6 min video, with subtitles)
Actually it was on last night’s News at Ten.
That’s another theory down the tubes.
If these were anti-capitalist, occupy style protesters or anti-austerity activists the BBC would be all over it. Newsnight’s Paul Mason would be camped out, giving blow by blow accounts of the quest for social justice.
They have reported it now, though…
Police in the deprived, largely immigrant suburb of Husby shot a man dead last week after he reportedly threatened to kill them with a machete.
More than 80% of Husby’s 12,000 or so inhabitants are from an immigrant background, and most are from Turkey, the Middle East and Somalia.
He said the crowd was reacting to a “growing marginalisation and segregation in Sweden over the past 10, 20 years” from both a class and a race perspective.
Perhaps it’s more of a cultural segregation? ie – multiculturalism.
Machete attack in Stockholm…now Woolwich…a kind of ‘vibrance’ I don’t wish to celebrate.
In the interests of love, peace and tranquillity wouldn’t it be best to put up Israeli-style walls between the various communities?
Statute Number 1 in the BBC Employees Handbook… If it’s a Muslim then for God’s sake don’t report it… or if you must – censor it!
For anyone wanting factual information on what is happening in Skandinavia visit the Gates of Vienna website. The destruction of a civilised group of countries by the concerted efforts of the socialists and their muslim chums is truly shocking. And Norway appears to be the sickest of all of them.
Jihad: from Stockholm to London-
While MSM censors, ‘Jihadwatch’ has:-
“UK: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ behead British soldier with machete on public street”
“Sweden: Police arrest eight as Muslim riots spread to Stockholm”
Further to my contemplation on the origin of multiculturalism here is a little piece from the occidental observer detailing how Sweden; a country with a tiny Jewish population allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the said chosenites down the path of destruction they are now sadly enduring. But firstly here is a piece of work. Barbara lerner Spectre (a hideous looking witch ) stating that Europe must accept multiculturalism and that jews will be blamed for it. Well they would wouldn’t they.