A public beheading of a member of our armed forces in broad daylight on the streets of Britain by uninvited foreign nationals, who, no doubt, are being supported by the State; is the final confirmation that this Country has to make a decision on whether to sucumb to Islam or to deal with it.
To deal with it, is to employ the same methods as the Islamists X 10.
This will involve forced repatriation.
Sorry, but it is true.
Most of the British political class (inc INBBC) has not educated itself about the reality of Islam.
And still there is mass immigration from Islamic countries into the UK, and more in prospect from e.g. Turkey.
But as today conclusively proves we also have the ‘home-grown’ second generation Islamic jihadists in our midst. And they will kill us, the kafir, if they can, inspired by the tenets of Islam.
“The language of Islam is dualistic. As an example, there is never any reference to humanity as a unified whole. Instead there is a division into believer and kafir (unbeliever). Humanity is not seen as one body, but is divided into whether the person believes Mohammed is the prophet of Allah or not.
“Kafir is what the Koran and Islam call the unbelievers.
Kafir is the worst word in the human language.”
Absolutely. I’ve just blocked someone I had as a friend on Facebook because he thinks the right wing BNP/EDL are capitalising on the situation. And before any BBc trolls get excited I am not a member of either. So having a demonstration is exploiting the situation. Another idiot who knows nothing about nothing and believes everything is fluffy and lovely.
Just heard the bbc radio 4 interview eric pickles.
John Humphries BBC:”..of course we don’t know if there was a political motive for the attack..”
Eric Pickles MP: “..anyone listening to the man speak to camera would know there was a political motive..”
John Humphries caught misleading public by eric pickles. BBC caught misleading…mass distortion doublethink, attempting to rewrite history.
Forced repatriation of those who have no allegiance with our country is absolutely necessary but I fear we don’t have and will never have a Government with the backbone to act in our best interests.
Funny how the precautionary principle is invoked when there are energy company profits at stake — build windmills close fossil fuel power plants just in case.. — but not deportation of Nigerian Islamist terrorists, errr, just in case.
LibLabCon, self-serving political classes, betray the people.
The palpable fear from the BBC and the government is of a reaction from the public against our enemies that would cause unrest on the streets. The fear of ordinary folks taking the law into their own hands and of retribution must never be allowed. Hence the force with which the EDL are always put down, where no mercy is ever shown. That they are patriots who support the Christian way of life, my way of life, is irrelevant. It is just fortunate for the authorities that they are lower class and not very articulate, so their message is brushed aside. It is never ever supported by anyone in the elite circles of liberal power or media that preside over us today and for very good reasons. Fear.
I listened very carefully to the uninterrupted speech by the man from the Muslim Council this morning on BBC. He said all of the right words to pacify the interviewer and pointed out that no matter what the cause (justification) for a Muslim’s anger this type of action is not democratic, etc, etc. What he did not say is that he would actively help to root out these festering savages from within their community or stop their preachers from speaking out against our Christian way of life. He did however point out that there are now three million Muslims in the UK, and he above all people should know the true figures. That sent a shiver down my spine, and I think it was meant to.
I cannot see a way now to reverse this process that will not lead to civil war. It is not what I want and it not what I advocate and in any case it will not be allowed to be started by the white indigenous population. Just look around the world, all of the uprisings in the Arab world were started by so called freedom fighters that, if and when they get to power immediately become Muslim dominated governments. Freedom, especially for women, is aggressively thrown out of the window. The pretence is then over Mohammed rules, OK!
At what point do you think the unrest will start? Is three million freedom fighters enough or do you think we should let a few million more in? Or should we wait for their breeding program to do the job? And where will it start, Bradford or Luton perhaps as it did in Benghazi or Aleppo? Of all of the democracies around the world there is no doubt that Britain’s recent governments have been the most stupid, complacent and complicit in our dreadful demise.
I do not have the current official EU figures, but up to 2004 the number of Muslims taken in by European countries’ was 20 million, or put another way , the combined populations of Belgium, Ireland and Denmark.
I can never understand how the BBC allows anyone to get away with claiming that Islam is a Religion of Peace, without pointing to all the murders of Muslims by fellow Muslims across the world.
”Are you saying that all those killed in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia were therefore murdered by non Muslims” might be a pertinent question next time.
I noticed a reference to Far Right organizations and a change in the tone of voice from Humphrys. Naturally he asked the Muslim representative to comment on this. Never seem to get the other point of view; don’t suppose the BBC want to risk their ultra new expensive building being blown –by a non Muslim of course!
Just heard the bbc radio 4 interview eric pickles.
John Humphries BBC:”..of course we don’t know if there was a political motive for the attack..”
Eric Pickles MP: “..anyone listening to the man speak to camera would know there was a political motive..”
John Humphries caught misleading public by eric pickles. BBC caught misleading…mass distortion doublethink, attempting to rewrite history.
By the way, not sure if you are being allowed to know in the UK what is going in Stockholm. We’ve had on the news for the last couple of nights as to how the “religion of peace” has kicked off big time with rioting because a police officer had the temerity to shoot one of them after he was threatened with a machete.
Just heard the bbc radio 4 interview eric pickles.
John Humphries BBC:”..of course we don’t know if there was a political motive for the attack..”
Eric Pickles MP: “..anyone listening to the man speak to camera would know there was a political motive..”
John Humphries caught misleading public by eric pickles. BBC caught misleading…mass distortion doublethink, attempting to rewrite history.
I am following events in London on US Fox News – I am getting information before the UK political classes and their mates in the Media have sanitized it. Its a real tonic, makes you realize what a worthless bunch of tossers British Sky is, indistinguishable from bBC and ITV.
I thought Stuart’s (I think) response on a previous thread was the best – that everyone buy and wear PUBLICLY a ‘Help For Heroes’ T-shirt in solidarity.
anger is are anger tonight and rightly so comrades,,,but listen to all the bbc and sky types looking for excuse for this terrorist attack today and appeasing radical islam tonight,,,,they say,,,,its nothing to do with muslims…its nothing to do with islam…islam is a peacefull religion,,,,well listen up you morons,,,its got everything to do with islam,,,its got everything to do with muslims,,its says clearly in the koran,,,,,slaughter the infidel and kuffur,,,show them no mercy,,,thats exactly what these shithheads done to that poor soldier today,,,do you know what comrades,,,what happened today to that young soldier felt like an attack on all of us,,,,i am sick of this,,,,we are sick of this,,,the time is coming comrades where we are going to have to protect are own communitys from these evil mass murderers…today is a game changer because the police,the security services and the goverment have proved they cant protect us anymore,,,,we will have to protect areselfes….and we will……….
Beacause that’s all the BBC bangs on about. Hardly a week goes by without them dredging it up.
Anyway, that was discussed here a week or so back when the beeb went into yet another Doreen Laurence orgy.
Personally I’m sick to death of it, but we’ll have to wait until hell freezes over or for the BBC to admit that it is wrong before we’ll get anything like that sort of coverage for Keith Blakelock.
David Cameron has rushed back to London to hold a ‘Cobra ‘ meeting with his top security staff. ‘Cobra’, oh, what a scary name, why don’t they title it ‘Tinkerbell ‘ or ‘Mickey Mouse’, fat lot of good it’ll do us.
Cue the sanctimonious hand-wringing, the phony concern, the fake self righteousness and indignation from our supine, spineless, effete ruling class ” Lessons will be learned, the community will come together, diversity is our strength etc etc”
If we had the political WILL, we’d collar the lot of them, round them up and deport them, all 2 million of them. That won’t happen, so whitey will eventually become a minority in our own country.
pedro is moonlighting as sc and stuart on another comment thread. He’s not very clever and neither is his VNN-wannabe comrade. Aryan names aside, he should ask himself why someone trying to smear a conservative website is so obsessed with the tactic that he creates a fake Jewish conspiracy. That is truly warped…Freud would definitely have something to say about shlubs like you.
I’m bloody angry now. Makes me want to grab an AK47 and take out a bus-queue in Bradford. As some EDL patriots are (correctly) reacting to the murder of a young Brit soldier with anger, the bBC are already pushing “racist” EDL stories up the news order.
And if I don’t pay my £145 to watch/listen to this treasonous drivel spouted from the usual lip-curling, sneering, left-wing traitors I go to prison, get my fingerprints taken, my DNA tested, and have my credit rating slashed.
Well, I’m proud to be a license payer. But maybe I should take out a bus-queue in Islington? Would be a better use of the bullets. Nah, the locals don’t use buses there – they’ve all got Range Rovers and Mercs (paid for by my license fee).
Show me a screenshot of where that motley rabble (oops, sorry – Patriots) are high on the BBC’s agenda or go have a lie down. To infer that the beeb are giving prominence to that rather than the brutal murder is laughable.
I hate the BBC with a fervent passion but by jiminy I am not aligned in anyway to the mono-visioned, embittered fools who live on this site.
Damn you google. A search of ‘biased BBC’ brings this cesspit to the top.
So easy to ridicule, so damaging to people who criticise the BBC, correctly.
Listen up realist, there is now a huge amount of anger generated by this murder. if you check the UK newspaper sites covering this story you will see that ALL of them have now shut down their comments sections. which is unprecedented IMO. Go back to hand-wringing mate..
No hand-wringing here, mate. I will defer to your better judgement that all comments are closed. I haven’t browsed the papers yet. But yes, there is anger and justifiably so. Not the BBC’s fault on this occasion though.
A few people have mentioned the time it took for armed police to arrive.
There used to be a sizeable police station at the corner of Shooters Hill Road and Academy Road, about three minutes (with lights flashing) from the site of the murder. It closed down a couple of years ago and has been converted into flats.
Not going to say anything about the murder. If I put my thoughts into words they would be illegal.
Down from Shooters Hill to the barracks would not have been clogged at that time. Any obstruction would be in the opposite direction, which wouldn’t matter. Know it well.
BBC News 24 yeesterday evening and Clive Myrie is confronted with today’s newspaper front pages. A buzz in the ear from unseen BBC news editors and our Clive muses : ‘Perhaps we in the media don’t do enough to report on drone attacks?’.
And that would be precisely what these cavemen want from the BBC.
Watch the TV and radio listings in the near future to see the BBC get straight onto it.
Of course this lapse in reporting would never have happened under George W Bush.
Can’t really blame the Beeboids – what with Obama-love, project-Miliband and worrying about what Tiger Wood’s had for supper….
Extraordinary rewriting of history – live – going on at the BBC. If someone could grab the relevant audio/video clips and document this now it would be useful (I’d do it myself but am dashing to work). At 7.40 on the Today programme a clip was played of Ingrid Loyau-Kennett talking on ITV Daybreak, describing what happened. She describes the attacker’s weapons: “a butcher’s knife, a revolver, a.. kind of what butchers use to cut bones” [clearly a cleaver, she just doesn’t know the English word]. In the Today 8 o clock news this had become edited to “a butcher’s knife, a.. kind of what butchers use to cut bones”. Revolver had gone. The BBC edited it out. Those filthy, lying, manipulating scum.
My best guess is the BBC will be desperately trying to portray this as a wholly spontaneous attack. The presence of a firearm clearly acts against that – so it has to go.
A myriad of witnesses stated he had a gun and, as was witnessed, the gun was a liability – it blew the twats fingers off when he tried to shoot the copper.
They can try to hide the truth but its not going to work.
The length of time it took armed Police to arrive? Quick or slow?
It took them hours to arrive at Hungerford and in Cumbria for Derek Birds spree.
I’d love to know why they weren’t shot dead. I know of no other case where armed Police have failed to score an outright kill on a target. Something here isn’t right.
bbcs panto this morning spends equal time spouting
“killing muslims in muslim lands” from that despicable creature yesterday – and far far right, anti EDL narrative.
as a precursor to their doctored “phone in”
(if it only was) – your call? … sadly expect the usual fare.
sorry to report … the fix is in … the same nauseating drone
yet again, 5live – arch protector of the indefensible
Why has this video been edited to remove his references to the Qur’an?
So that the BBC can claim that the men shouted “political statements”?
“man is killed in a machete attack and two suspects shot and wounded by police in London, with footage emerging of a man with bloodied hands shouting political statements near the scene”.
I’m going to light a little candle and say a little prayer ! as if that’s going to work. nah, mass deportations on a biblical scale is the only sensible solution, for us and for them.
So Call Me Tony Hall, over to you, worrayoothink? Do *you* think BBC News made a good job of reporting this? If not what are you going to do about it.
Or are you just another time served public sector exec who’s going to do sod all, ruffle no feathers, steady as she goes, carry on serving his time, take the baubles, retire, and draw his undeserved pension having entered office with the idea of doing nothing and achieved precisely that.
Here the failure of BBC News has gone far beyond its usual failing, that being that everything has to be reported looking through a liberal-leftie prism. Here there was wilful suppression of the news to the extent that to get a proper picture, viewers/listeners had to go elsewhere. So then what is the point of the BBC News.
It reminds of when I saw the death of Lady Thatcher reported on order-order.com and I went to BBC.com to confirm. As the BBC didn’t have it on their front page I assumed order-order had been hacked.
The BBC news teams should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, but I don’t suppose they are. I suppose they consider they’re fighting the good fight.
Corruption is what it is, and corrupt is what they are. And not just corrupt; utterly f****** hopeless.
Michael Savage on the black muslim beheading the 20 year old British soldier
” I’m furious, the British government has welcomed in millions of Africans and muslim immigrants into their country, put them on welfare, two animals butcher a kid. The police took 20 minutes to come.”
” The West is dying before your eyes, Europe and America has got Liberalism AIDS which attacks and rots our bodies defense mechanisms.”
If I was the parents of the 20 year old British soldier who was beheaded, I would hire lawyers to sue Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson and Jack Straw for opening our borders to unrestricted African muslim, mass immigration. If they weren’t in the country in the first place, they wouldn’t be able to do these things.
The BBC World Service invited comic Steve Punt to provide an economic analysis as part of a news programme. Mock Osborne was the surprising theme, with the Q1 GDP growth of 0.3% receiving much scorn. Punt as a comic not surprisingly identified this figure as an annual amount (the growth over the year being 0.6% – still paltry, but different) Perhaps more surprisingly this error was not noticed by the BBC presenter or the FT journalist studio guest
Its worse than that, because even if the perpetrators were acting alone, they were still part of a long running attack on Britain by people who are Muslim. The BBC is always quick to point out that the people who attack Britain, or who attempt to do so, are a tiny minority of religious fanatics.
This is of course true, but I wonder why it is that Muslims seem to be the only group of migrants , as opposed to invaders, who from within their community launch sustained attacks on their chosen host country? Past large migratory groups such as Jews and Hugenots certainly didn’t. Currently Hindus and Chinese don’t , not to mention European groups. West Indians have a gang culture that leads to a lot of criminality amongst themselves but they don’t attack the host country and its people on a sustained basis.
We never hear this debated on the plethora of BBC programmes which try to convince us that things aren’t so bad and all will be well in the end if we just plod along in our tolerant British way and don’t let out a squeek of protest against the growing list of Muslim terror.
Of course it is the liberal left and their mouthpiece the BBC, that allowed this Muslim terror to grow in our country in the first place. Is it so difficult for them to admit their culpability and to start to help rectify the situation by telling us the truth and to allow an open and honest debate, instead of just branding anyone who tries to have that debate as a racist.
On News Night last night there were several contributors who were bemoaning the fact that whilst there was a powerful Islamic extremist narrative widely available, there wasn’t anything which showed how our own Western values were powerful and the basis for a fair and democratic society. This was hypocrisy of the highest order because the BBC and their liberal left chums have just spent decades undermining those very values they now feel the lack of ! Perhaps they are just to stupid to see what they have done.
Steven Glover in the Spectator asks the question Why does the BBC so love lefty journalists? It is no surprise that the latest high-profile BBC recruit is from the Guardian
After all that is known already about this insidious left wing propaganda machine, is this really the question that still needs to be asked?
Why is a supposed right wing government still forcing the public to pay for it so it can continue to masquerade as operating as fair and balanced under its charter?
When the rest of the media make the government accountable for maintaining this travesty is when they might just DO something about it.
What a stupid society that thinks of itself as free with this ridiculous state of those who control information being allowed to reign as if they were impartial. Goebbels would be in admiration. Future civilisations that might evolve will see just how backward and ignorant we truly were,
Its worse. The BBC has such a huge monopoly in the employment of “journalists”, anyone who was thinking of reporting “the truth” in any other news outlet has to weight the damage it would do to their future employment prospects in a BBC/leftwing media dominated employment market. Thats why there is no point in watching any UK news programme. Its all the BBC by another name. The BBC is a monstrosity, the opposite of everything stated in its Charter.
“your call” BBC-5live was simply gaulling, it soon wormed its way round to foreign policy oppression, and possible grievance,
In Islam, Threat/Violence begins with Grievance – Grievance is the pretext for Threat/Violence and the narrative for …. the Threat/the Violence,
“There is no surer path to Muslim violence than through the legitimization of Muslim grievance. And once you accept the legitimacy of the grievance, then you are also bound to accept the legitimacy of the violence that follows it”
This conundrum is solved only one way, reject totally the false narrative, the false victimhood.
Look Islam is a manipulator, just like yesterday a perpetrator not a victim, and on the rare occasions that it is, if it is 9/10, is because of Islam.
For my second point, cogently, to do the above would take “backbone”.
The spineless wonders at the likes of the BBC, the MSM … or my goodness the government 😀 … (hardly a vertebrae between the lot of them) .. is not going to be forthcoming.
INBBC now sees its primary political role as supporter of Islamic interests.
We have two Muslims committing this murder of a non-Muslim British soldier in the name of Islam.
And, routinely, which organisation does INBBC first turn to for a comment, but the Muslim Council of Britain.
We non-Muslims are the people under existential threat of murder by Islamic jihadists inside Britain; INBBC should see its public broadcasting duty as being in solidarity with we non-Mujslim targets. But no.
A question for you all. Is there a difference between this decapitation and those going on by rebels in Syria who are supported by western governments including our own and Israel. A prime example is the cutting out and eating of the heart of a Syrian soldier. I suspect these videos inspired these two immigrant scums to do what they did. The hypocrisy is legion as is the irony. Ordo ab Chao I say.
From BBC News website “UK 1st Quarter Growth Unchanged” which infers stagnation, certainly for those that only read headlines. The content, though, says that growth was confirmed as being 0.3%. Surely a better and more accurate headline would be “UK 1st Quarter growth confirmed at 0.3%”. Hardly any longer, more accurate but unfortunately giving a message that some would rather ignore
Obviously the most important news of the day is that Nick Robinson went against the Guardian-bBBC line and mentioned the M-word. He wants to keep his job so has now apologised.
‘ The reports of eye witnesses and the video of the attacker demonstrated that the attack had been carried out by those claiming to be retaliating because “Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers”.’
The point being addressed is the reference to attackers of ‘Muslim appearance’.
They weren’t wearing Islamic dress.
It would be an accurate description of the attacker in this report though, on the BBC News website:
Have a look at some the not so well received comments on the bBCs HYS. I was under the impression that it was moderated: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-22624100
954. intbel
3 Hours ago
So far there is no evidence to suggest the young man with red hands caused any harm to anyone.
Take away the commentary, take away the fake blood and what do you have?
Considering the blue car and skid marks relative to the body in the road – an RTA?
212. ricb33
11 Hours ago
Where in video does the man claim he is Muslim ? I don’t see it. Truth of the matter is this people exist in our midst regardless of their skin color.
Some will blame his actions on immigration and you might be right. Lest we forget , the Brits committed similar or worse brutal acts during it’s colonial reign , and now its all coming back to bite them but seems like we forgot all that history.
476. Ian
6 Hours ago
I heard what the man with bloody hands and knife said on the TV, before the BBC muted it later on. He was apologising. It didn’t sound like a terrorist’s speech – it sounded like a local, in shock, after a violent bust-up with a soldier.
511. Christine Jones
6 Hours ago
My cousin who did two tours of duty in Afghanistan is frighteningly racist towards Muslims and says horrible things. I wonder how unusual he is in the British Army? I don’t condone what these terrorists do. We really don’t know what our armed forces are up to in the Muslim world, do the bad ones get disciplined? We already know that white deaths get more column inches than any other.
Did anyone else hear Tony Livesey on Radio 5 at around 12:15, discussing the Woolwich attack ? At one point he suggested that it was possible that it was a random act of violence. So angry with the BBC (even more than usual). I almost ran the car off the road.
What is the opinion on this site about giving arms and logistical support to the Syrian (they’re mostly foreign) rebels who do what happened yesterday on a pretty routine basis.You know the sort. Rip out Syrian soldier’s hearts and chewing on them. Its a curious situation because of course the BBC is very much in favour of it asof course are us the yanks france and Israel.
The problem we have with the bBC is it is no longer fit for purpose. If you know anybody who works at the bBC, express your displeasure with them. If you see a bBC camera crew working push them into moving traffic, and refuse to pay your Islamic propaganda tax
Mark Easton does his INBBC political duty of telling us how wonderfully prompt some Muslim organisation have been to distance themselves from the gruesome Islamic jihad beheading of a British soldier.
The BBC pushes the spin on the latest immigration figures – headlining that net migration is down by a third.
Now to the average listener in a hurry that may sound as though the Government is getting a real grip on things.
But look closer – this is the net figure. The actual immigration firgure is almost 500,000 – down from a previous 580,000. That is a reduction of just 14%.
Which is pathetic, given the scale of the problem and the furious views of much of the populace.
And the more we permit ridiculously high levels of immigration, the more we pile up trouble for the future because many of them will be able to bring in dependents – the “chain effect”.
Much of the Government’s policy to restrict immigration has been a failure. Still large numbers of bogus asylum seekers, large numbers of bogus students who will not abide by the terms or their visas – and will not leave at the end of the visas. Huge numbers of illegal immigrants that the authorities are failing to deport.
The BBC loves looking for failures by this Government – but I don’t expect the BBC to lay out the awful record on immigration. With Bulgaria and Roumania looming – wouldn’t that be an investigation the BBC should conduct if it had any sense of balance ?
It looks as though the position at the end of this Government’s term could be pretty much as bad as at the beginning.in terms of inward migration. And the national situation much worse, because another 2.5 to 3 million people will have been admitted.
Its not just time to leave the EU, it’s time to leave the Commonwealth – a back door into Britain left open by both Blair and Cameron, that allows citizens of countries given independence fifty years ago to “move to Britain” unimpeded.
Of course, INBBC has worked out that the Woolwich islamic jihad murderers have a Nigerian connection. A Nigerian Islamic connection.
The Islamic jihad group in Nigeria, Boko Haram, is part of the historical Islamic imperialist jihad which has, and is being waged against the Christians there; but for years, INBBC’s pro-Islam ‘reporters’ there have relegated the violence (including beheadings of Christian pastors) as a mere ‘sectarian conflict’.
Fuck off Cameron and take your ‘diversity’ ‘community’ ‘inclusiveness’ ‘tolerance’ etc with you – not once have I even seen the slightest trace of anger in your face. Traitor.
No-one should ever forget that this moron ” Dopey Dave” cameron, actually is in favour of bringing 80 million muslims from Turkey, into a borderless EU. Wtf?
You know what is bugging me about this story, the help for Heroes T-shirt. Nobody I know wears one, it is always friends and family of soldiers who wear them. Add the fact that the name and age of the victim hasn’t been released and that brings me to something that was reported at the time, but I haven’t seen since…Somebody reported that the victim was an army cadet. Now if that is the case then I can understand why the authorities are keeping stum on who the victim really is.
…..All of which raises further questions about a ‘news organisation’ that seems so mightily incurious about a key fact. Isn’t that like a fireproof match?
Wow, glad they named him, If as i incorrectly suspected this had been an army cadet the crap would really hit the fan.
Also noticed that the bBC have removed the earlier reference (right at the beginning) that he had undertaken a tour in Afghan as somehow legitimizing the disgusting attack. But then I am talking about the fifth column within our midst.
Ever wonder why white indigenous populations across the globe are under threat simultaneously whether that be denmark America Australia France Holland Canada etc. There is always the common denominator. He is always there no matter what country and no matter how small a percentage of the population his chosenites make up. They will ALWAYS be at the forefront of multiculturalism. They are the parasitical fifth column within and this is a conserted unified effort. I refer you all to the site occidental observer for a full analysis. Enjoy.
Would a Muslim want to listen to someone called Bacon? Surely, if the BBC wish to appeal to Muslim listeners they should drop this man immediately or make him change his name.
The English Defence League, unlike Islam, gets a lot of political flak from
BBC-NUJ (which, by NUJ policy, is opposed to the EDL).
Is it because EDL it puts up articles like this?:-
Agree with every word…
And the liberal apologists and bed wetters over Islam will hound these poor souls for speaking this truth.
But it`s not going to work…and the liberal elite will find trouble in reassuring the rest of us that they give a fig about the death of a soldier on home soil.
This was an act of war…no question!
Yes, but a couple of giveaways, at least, even in that careful MCB PR broadcast:
1- calling on the MSM to adjust what they say when reporting News
(!!! They already do, so now we have the revised ‘Woolwich Stabbing’ instead of ‘Beheading and Mutilation’, and more useful for the LibLabCon agenda the ‘Woolwich Terrorist Attack’ instead of ‘Islamicist Attack’. )
2- talking about the EDL attacking the police*.
* Simultaneous with the MCB broadcast Sky News showed on split screen EDL members facing up to the police, but the EDL lads were keeping their hands behind their backs or up in the air to show they were not attacking. (Well done lads, stay as lawful as you can.) The pushing and shoving shown was all by the police.
This is a blog about the BBC. May I draw the discussion back to that:
Here in the US, when I heard about the Woolwich murder, I was eager for information. I wanted facts about who? what? where? when? and how? BBC radio broadcasts and the website were OF NO PRACTICAL USE. Somewhere hidden in the coded language and what was not being said were the facts that are supposed to make up a news report. I looked elsewhere. Sky (streamed), American radio, blog sites like National Review Online (right) and the Huffington Post. (left) Newspaper on-line sites like the Daily Telegraph and the Independent. Now I began to get an idea of what had happened. But from the BBC – twaddle.
I wonder if the management of the BBC has realized that dodging the raindrops of political correctness has rendered them irrelevant. I learned nothing except vague impressions: two “men” had murdered a “man” in the street. Then, by reporting the Muslim community’s horror at the incident, I deduced that somewhere along the line radical Islam was involved. A BBC correspondent told me that this incident may have been carried out in revenge for military action in Iraq and Afghanistan (ie: chickens coming home to roost” – Jeremiah Wright”). OK, I now had the idea. Meanhwile, other news sources gave me a clearer, fuller picture – and faster.
It is my view that the political game playing of BBC management has totally compromised their product. If all I get is a censored news story, why do I need the BBC? After this experience I deleted the BBC news app from my I-phone. I guess the Beeb is reduced to speaking redacted truth to nations. I need more than that.
You make a good point, Louis. The BBC’s relentless drive to become a global news organization seems to have watered down their content to the extent that its no longer usefully informative in many cases. Trying to appeal to too many different sets of eyeballs is not only a poor recipe for quality journalism, but has caused the BBC to abandon its original remit.
Personally, I much prefer the output of RT, which I find is usually pretty informative and objective. Thirty years ago who would have thought of turning to a Russian channel in preference to the BBC in order to hear the truth!
Producer capture: prevalence of producer interests over consumer interests. The customer is never king with the BBC, merely a stupid child to be deceived and diverted, while being forced to pay for the drivel. With well over 100 staff getting more than the PM, it’s nice “work” if you can get.
Breaking the set and Max Keiser stand out. They don’t tell the whole story obviously but they get closer to the truth than anything you see on a mainstream level. The documentaries are very informative.
Sky for breaking news, pretty much every time they beat the BBC to major stories, plus first with live pictures. No nagging feeling that the news has been through the BBC political filter with ‘inconvenient’ facts removed.
The best source yesterday however was twitter, #woolwich gave lots of details. First reports of possible beheading, shooting, descriptions, then eyewitness. Twitter really comes into its own with breaking news.
I agree that Sky News is a far better bet if you’re looking for a more honest and factual style of reporting. I gave up on the BBC yesterday pretty quickly (I was actually getting very angry with their blatant bullsh*ttery); Sky News immediately filled the information gap the BBC seemed so reluctant to fill. Lesson learned, then, for me – and for doubtless many others fruitlessly looking for factual reporting on the BBC whenever one of these ‘Asian’ stories comes up.
Don’t talk twaddle. What Louis is saying is that the BBC was way behind the curve in telling us what had been happening. Not just behind Sky (as usual) but behind outfits like the Huffington Post website in the US.
I was tracking what was being said on Radio 4 and posted on the BBC website – and Louis is exactlyuright in saying the BBC was lamentably slow and opaque.
The BBC stands condemned by its own poor performance. We have not only bias and buckets of PC nonsense – we don’t even get the straight news promptly. It is beaten hands down by organisations with a mere fraction of the bloated BBC budget.
You don’t need to tell me what Louis is saying, its just a few posts above.
Clearly nonsense though. Here’s what ‘Pah’ wrote on the ‘Savage Attach’ thread:
pah says:
May 23, 2013 at 12:18 pm
From about 3pm to 6:30pm I was listening to BBC News 24. From what I heard this was how the BBC reported the’ incident.’ Most of the time I was listening not watching. All timings are approximate Dez and co OK?
3pm to 3:15pm Something has happened in Woolwich – ‘we’ll let you know what when we know’. This is how I became interested as my wife texted me (one of our daughters uses the Woolwich Ferry and SWMBOs first thought was that it had sunk!)
3:15-3:30 Something had happened outside a primary school and they interviewed the Head Master who said he didn’t know what was going on but thought there had been a murder and had put his school in ‘lock-down.’ It was all over and the kids had been sent home.
From 3:30 to 5:30 pm the story developed upon the lines of
1. A man has been deliberately run over and killed in Woolwich.
2. The Police have shot and killed two men who had deliberately run over and killed a man in Woolwich.
3. Two men with knives who had decapitated and killed (!) a man wearing a ‘Help the Heroes’ t-shirt in Woolwich have been shot by Police in Woolwich. The dead man was believed to be a soldier. The soldier angle was pressed despite them not having confirmed the info.
4. The attackers were Islamic terrorists. They even played the ITV film (in parts) which gave no doubt as to what had gone on.
5. They reported that the men had, ‘according to Whitehall’, shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ .
At no time did they hide or obfusticate what happened. As information came out they reported it. They even reported the rumours and said they were unconfirmed reports.
I was surprised at how open and clear they were about what was happening – just as they should be, for once.
They played a long interview with a local chap who thought he had witnessed an RTA only to be told by another witness what had really happened. He was very clear on a number of points;
a. The dead man had been decapitated.
b. One of the assailants was black, the witness did not see the other attacker clearly enough to say whether he was black or white.
c. He didn’t know what the victim was wearing nor what colour the victim’s skin was.
d. That the men had waited around afterwards and then attacked the armed Police when they turned up.
c. One of the men was shot by a Policewoman. The other had his fingers blown off when his gun he used back-fired.
None of the above was later censored or changed except where they openly corrected incorrect information they had given out earlier.
The BBC played this mans comments over and over again.
There were two negatives:
1. They kept jumping from a breathless man on the street to the studio. During one of these jumps they interrupted the reporter and jumped to the Local Police chief for a very vague statement of events. Interestingly enough the interrupt was to a ‘live’ statement but they had played this segment about 10 minutes earlier so why did they say it was live and why did they interrupt their man on the scene?
2. They had a Muslim spokesman, on much later in the evening, who firmly and unequivocally denounced the murder and said quite categorically that this was an offence against God and Islam. He was doing quite a good job until the interviewer asked him what he thought the implications for the Muslim community would be. He immediately went hostile and threatened anyone who made this about Islam. ‘This is not about Islam and it is an insult to Islam to say it is so.’ Or words to that effect. There was no doubt that this was a threat and the supine interviewer backed off immediately. His previous statements were somewhat nullified by this threat.
All in all they didn’t do a bad job – They released info when they had it and were clear about whether or not it was confirmed info. They even played part of the ITV interview. They didn’t hide one bit of info that was reported elsewhere (AFAIK) and that this was becoming obviously a Muslim terror attack.
For once I don’t think the BBC showed any bias on News 24 at all.
You win, Dominic. Next time I’ll sit by my TV with a stop watch and a note pad in order to prove to everyone who’ll listen that the BBC reporting is the best.
By the way I do not have access to News 24 (obviously a gem of a channel). I gained my impression of events from a series of hits on a number of media.
But here’s what bothers me – who the hell sits and monitors this stuff, logging news reports with a watch? Here in the US the left wing Media Matters and the right wing Media Research Center are manned by paid professional listeners whose job is to catch people out. Of course, there is another way of getting the time line and the details of transmitted output: by examining a PasB. Do you know what that is, Dominic?
You are missing nothing by not having BBC News 24 – generally it is 30 minutes of rarely changing news repeated every half-hour.
On Wednesday I just happened to be unable to escape it and as the events unfolded got drawn in, who wouldn’t?
For once the BBC did what they were supposed to do and they didn’t do a bad job either.
Did they do better elsewhere? I don’t know because I could not turn over the channel – it wasn’t my TV and I was supposed to be working. However I got the gist of the story and for what else I have read it didn’t differ from the rest of the MSN.
Today, however is another day and they are back to type blaming the Police, MI5, the EDL – everyone except the two cocksuckers and their mates. I knew it wouldn’t last and it hasn’t.
What’s the best way to distract the public from three major Administration scandals? Look: squirrel!
The President took the opportunity to make a big announcement about a change in His drone war policy. He’s killed four US citizens with it so far, not to mention hundreds of innocent citizens of other countries, and desperately needs a distraction and something He can use to rehabilitate His public image. What better way than to claim He’s going to rein in the drone bombings a bit?
Naturally, the BBC is all over this major story. And what a shock that not a single astute Beeboid dared mention that this might be useful distraction from those scandals. Where’s your political analysis now, BBC? I’m sure this new drone plan has been in the works for a while, and the Administration didn’t just whip this up over the weekend just for a distraction from the scandals. But come on, surely somebody could suggest that it helps do just that.
Nothing at all, though, about how Lois Lerner, head of the tax-exempt division at the IRS, who was in charge of the harassment of Tea Party and other groups, exercised her 5th Amendment right when testifying before Congress yesterday. You do that only when you have something to hide, and don’t want to give answers which may incriminate you in a future criminal trial.
However, she gave an opening statement first, in which she proclaimed her innocence, thus accidentally(?) waving that right. She’ll be brought back to testify soon, and won’t be able to hide. Will she start naming names as the President throws her under the bus? Who knows? The BBC isn’t going to tell you. They haven’t reported on this situation at all, but are happy to distract you from it with a bunch of features on the drone war.
The US division of the BBC News website could so easily be replaced by a news aggregator. You’d be better informed, and it would save a lot of money they could then use to hire proper journalists and researchers so Newsnight wouldn’t have to keep outsourcing.
wwfcJan 22, 15:36 Midweek 22nd January 2025 🤣🤣🤣 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aXLOodN4K4&ab_channel=TheUnitedSpot
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A public beheading of a member of our armed forces in broad daylight on the streets of Britain by uninvited foreign nationals, who, no doubt, are being supported by the State; is the final confirmation that this Country has to make a decision on whether to sucumb to Islam or to deal with it.
To deal with it, is to employ the same methods as the Islamists X 10.
This will involve forced repatriation.
Sorry, but it is true.
Most of the British political class (inc INBBC) has not educated itself about the reality of Islam.
And still there is mass immigration from Islamic countries into the UK, and more in prospect from e.g. Turkey.
But as today conclusively proves we also have the ‘home-grown’ second generation Islamic jihadists in our midst. And they will kill us, the kafir, if they can, inspired by the tenets of Islam.
[Opening excerpt]:-
“The language of Islam is dualistic. As an example, there is never any reference to humanity as a unified whole. Instead there is a division into believer and kafir (unbeliever). Humanity is not seen as one body, but is divided into whether the person believes Mohammed is the prophet of Allah or not.
“Kafir is what the Koran and Islam call the unbelievers.
Kafir is the worst word in the human language.”
Very nice “scrap the bbc” argument going on over at the Telegraph if anyone would like to contribute.
Absolutely. I’ve just blocked someone I had as a friend on Facebook because he thinks the right wing BNP/EDL are capitalising on the situation. And before any BBc trolls get excited I am not a member of either. So having a demonstration is exploiting the situation. Another idiot who knows nothing about nothing and believes everything is fluffy and lovely.
they could always have left the ‘provo’ balaclavas at home
Yes, when the Muslims leave off the burqas and niqabs?
Youtube ‘EDL running away’ if you need a good laugh.
I don’t need drunken chavs ‘defending’ me, I can look after myself thanks.
Just heard the bbc radio 4 interview eric pickles.
John Humphries BBC:”..of course we don’t know if there was a political motive for the attack..”
Eric Pickles MP: “..anyone listening to the man speak to camera would know there was a political motive..”
John Humphries caught misleading public by eric pickles. BBC caught misleading…mass distortion doublethink, attempting to rewrite history.
Forced repatriation of those who have no allegiance with our country is absolutely necessary but I fear we don’t have and will never have a Government with the backbone to act in our best interests.
Funny how the precautionary principle is invoked when there are energy company profits at stake — build windmills close fossil fuel power plants just in case.. — but not deportation of Nigerian Islamist terrorists, errr, just in case.
LibLabCon, self-serving political classes, betray the people.
The palpable fear from the BBC and the government is of a reaction from the public against our enemies that would cause unrest on the streets. The fear of ordinary folks taking the law into their own hands and of retribution must never be allowed. Hence the force with which the EDL are always put down, where no mercy is ever shown. That they are patriots who support the Christian way of life, my way of life, is irrelevant. It is just fortunate for the authorities that they are lower class and not very articulate, so their message is brushed aside. It is never ever supported by anyone in the elite circles of liberal power or media that preside over us today and for very good reasons. Fear.
I listened very carefully to the uninterrupted speech by the man from the Muslim Council this morning on BBC. He said all of the right words to pacify the interviewer and pointed out that no matter what the cause (justification) for a Muslim’s anger this type of action is not democratic, etc, etc. What he did not say is that he would actively help to root out these festering savages from within their community or stop their preachers from speaking out against our Christian way of life. He did however point out that there are now three million Muslims in the UK, and he above all people should know the true figures. That sent a shiver down my spine, and I think it was meant to.
I cannot see a way now to reverse this process that will not lead to civil war. It is not what I want and it not what I advocate and in any case it will not be allowed to be started by the white indigenous population. Just look around the world, all of the uprisings in the Arab world were started by so called freedom fighters that, if and when they get to power immediately become Muslim dominated governments. Freedom, especially for women, is aggressively thrown out of the window. The pretence is then over Mohammed rules, OK!
At what point do you think the unrest will start? Is three million freedom fighters enough or do you think we should let a few million more in? Or should we wait for their breeding program to do the job? And where will it start, Bradford or Luton perhaps as it did in Benghazi or Aleppo? Of all of the democracies around the world there is no doubt that Britain’s recent governments have been the most stupid, complacent and complicit in our dreadful demise.
Multiculturalism eh? What an almighty cockup!
I do not have the current official EU figures, but up to 2004 the number of Muslims taken in by European countries’ was 20 million, or put another way , the combined populations of Belgium, Ireland and Denmark.
I can never understand how the BBC allows anyone to get away with claiming that Islam is a Religion of Peace, without pointing to all the murders of Muslims by fellow Muslims across the world.
”Are you saying that all those killed in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Somalia were therefore murdered by non Muslims” might be a pertinent question next time.
I noticed a reference to Far Right organizations and a change in the tone of voice from Humphrys. Naturally he asked the Muslim representative to comment on this. Never seem to get the other point of view; don’t suppose the BBC want to risk their ultra new expensive building being blown –by a non Muslim of course!
Just heard the bbc radio 4 interview eric pickles.
John Humphries BBC:”..of course we don’t know if there was a political motive for the attack..”
Eric Pickles MP: “..anyone listening to the man speak to camera would know there was a political motive..”
John Humphries caught misleading public by eric pickles. BBC caught misleading…mass distortion doublethink, attempting to rewrite history.
A news channel telling it as it is:
“London Muslim terrorists were already known to UK security forces”
Relax folks – it’s not the BBC.
By the way, not sure if you are being allowed to know in the UK what is going in Stockholm. We’ve had on the news for the last couple of nights as to how the “religion of peace” has kicked off big time with rioting because a police officer had the temerity to shoot one of them after he was threatened with a machete.
Can I hear you say ‘The BBC telling it as it is’ please TPO?:
Woolwich attack: Suspects known to security services:
Try as I might Dominic I cannot see the phrase ‘Muslim terrorists’ anywhere in the link you provide.
Just heard the bbc radio 4 interview eric pickles.
John Humphries BBC:”..of course we don’t know if there was a political motive for the attack..”
Eric Pickles MP: “..anyone listening to the man speak to camera would know there was a political motive..”
John Humphries caught misleading public by eric pickles. BBC caught misleading…mass distortion doublethink, attempting to rewrite history.
I am following events in London on US Fox News – I am getting information before the UK political classes and their mates in the Media have sanitized it. Its a real tonic, makes you realize what a worthless bunch of tossers British Sky is, indistinguishable from bBC and ITV.
LibLabCon = BBCItvSky
I thought Stuart’s (I think) response on a previous thread was the best – that everyone buy and wear PUBLICLY a ‘Help For Heroes’ T-shirt in solidarity.
Anyone else unable to get through to the shop section?
I’m hoping it’s a sign that they’re being overloaded with orders!
And will BBC and ‘Newsnight’ make amends?:-
“BBC apologises for Newsnight Help for Heroes report”
Wow!! Just when you think the BBC couldn’t sink any lower.
‘Experts’ on Newsnight says it’s all about the poor ‘Disenfranchised Muslims.’
What does that actually mean?
You have to go to a Canadian website to get the truth:-
“Help for Heroes website crashes as charity is swamped by requests for T-shirts after Woolwich killing”
just been over to buy a t-shirt and the server is down …
Thanks for the link, George.
It’s a great sign!!! Solidarity!!
I don’t think a sweatshirt would protect us from a crazed black muslim wielding a meat cleaver and machete.
A 9mm Glock and a taser, that makes more sense.
Safety in numbers…
“I am Help For Heroes…”
anger is are anger tonight and rightly so comrades,,,but listen to all the bbc and sky types looking for excuse for this terrorist attack today and appeasing radical islam tonight,,,,they say,,,,its nothing to do with muslims…its nothing to do with islam…islam is a peacefull religion,,,,well listen up you morons,,,its got everything to do with islam,,,its got everything to do with muslims,,its says clearly in the koran,,,,,slaughter the infidel and kuffur,,,show them no mercy,,,thats exactly what these shithheads done to that poor soldier today,,,do you know what comrades,,,what happened today to that young soldier felt like an attack on all of us,,,,i am sick of this,,,,we are sick of this,,,the time is coming comrades where we are going to have to protect are own communitys from these evil mass murderers…today is a game changer because the police,the security services and the goverment have proved they cant protect us anymore,,,,we will have to protect areselfes….and we will……….
I wonder what Nicky Campbell will be talking about in the phone in tomorrow.
A. Racism in football or B. Stephen Lawrence.
being ever the consummate professional that (he fancies) he his he had to burble on about the *alleged* perpetrators.
They’re *alleged* perpetrators in the same way that Chucklin’ Nikki’ ia an *alleged* grade one arse.
Another typical stephen nolan show on radio ulster this morning.
gay marriage,
poor muslim yoof,
gay marriage,
bash the prods,
gay marriage.
He loves nothing more than listening to himself talk about all things gay.
Must turn him on the way he bangs on about it constantly.
Nothing optional—from homosexuality to adultery—is ever made punishable unless those who do the prohibiting have a repressed desire to participate.
Wonder if there will be a community centre built in honour of this innocent young soldier?
It would be shocking NOT to visibly commemorate him for history as Lawrence has been!
E petition perhaps?
Wrong colour race and religion, you fool. (no offence meant)
A specialist rehabilitation centre for military personel would be an ideal statement.
Come on business leaders, get your fingers out and put ’em in your deep pockets ! I’m sure you’d get certain Royal approval, too.
The Stephen Lawrence Centre was created by the charity set up in his name by his parents.
What’s it got to do with Stephen Lawrence again?
Beacause that’s all the BBC bangs on about. Hardly a week goes by without them dredging it up.
Anyway, that was discussed here a week or so back when the beeb went into yet another Doreen Laurence orgy.
Personally I’m sick to death of it, but we’ll have to wait until hell freezes over or for the BBC to admit that it is wrong before we’ll get anything like that sort of coverage for Keith Blakelock.
The BBC website is still saying the murderers made “political statements” (as at midnight).
But INBBC will not allow political statements against Islamic jihadists.
I wonder if the BBC ever desribed Anders Breivik’s actions as “political staements”?
David Cameron has rushed back to London to hold a ‘Cobra ‘ meeting with his top security staff. ‘Cobra’, oh, what a scary name, why don’t they title it ‘Tinkerbell ‘ or ‘Mickey Mouse’, fat lot of good it’ll do us.
COBRA = Cabinet Office Briefing Room A
Might as well call it Briefing Room A or BRA for short.
Does he sit at the head of the table, with a white Persian cat on his lap?
“They should know: something like this will only bring us together and make us stronger, Mr Bond.”
Cue the sanctimonious hand-wringing, the phony concern, the fake self righteousness and indignation from our supine, spineless, effete ruling class ” Lessons will be learned, the community will come together, diversity is our strength etc etc”
If we had the political WILL, we’d collar the lot of them, round them up and deport them, all 2 million of them. That won’t happen, so whitey will eventually become a minority in our own country.
pedro is moonlighting as sc and stuart on another comment thread. He’s not very clever and neither is his VNN-wannabe comrade. Aryan names aside, he should ask himself why someone trying to smear a conservative website is so obsessed with the tactic that he creates a fake Jewish conspiracy. That is truly warped…Freud would definitely have something to say about shlubs like you.
Question time will be good tonight the BBC will fill the audience with pro murder but peaceful muslims
Question Time tonight comes from Belfast.
I wonder how much sympathy there’ll be in the audience for the murder of a British soldier ? I hope I’m proved wrong…..
Lady Tatchell is also on, and there will be little surprise what she’ll think the most important issue of the week will be…….
I’m bloody angry now. Makes me want to grab an AK47 and take out a bus-queue in Bradford. As some EDL patriots are (correctly) reacting to the murder of a young Brit soldier with anger, the bBC are already pushing “racist” EDL stories up the news order.
And if I don’t pay my £145 to watch/listen to this treasonous drivel spouted from the usual lip-curling, sneering, left-wing traitors I go to prison, get my fingerprints taken, my DNA tested, and have my credit rating slashed.
Well, I’m proud to be a license payer. But maybe I should take out a bus-queue in Islington? Would be a better use of the bullets. Nah, the locals don’t use buses there – they’ve all got Range Rovers and Mercs (paid for by my license fee).
I am absolutely boiling with f##king rage..
Show me a screenshot of where that motley rabble (oops, sorry – Patriots) are high on the BBC’s agenda or go have a lie down. To infer that the beeb are giving prominence to that rather than the brutal murder is laughable.
I hate the BBC with a fervent passion but by jiminy I am not aligned in anyway to the mono-visioned, embittered fools who live on this site.
Damn you google. A search of ‘biased BBC’ brings this cesspit to the top.
So easy to ridicule, so damaging to people who criticise the BBC, correctly.
The boy seems to cry wolf on here every day.
Concern Troll Is Concerned
Sounds like you belong in prison Harry.
Listen up realist, there is now a huge amount of anger generated by this murder. if you check the UK newspaper sites covering this story you will see that ALL of them have now shut down their comments sections. which is unprecedented IMO. Go back to hand-wringing mate..
No hand-wringing here, mate. I will defer to your better judgement that all comments are closed. I haven’t browsed the papers yet. But yes, there is anger and justifiably so. Not the BBC’s fault on this occasion though.
N.B I am f**king furious as well.
A few people have mentioned the time it took for armed police to arrive.
There used to be a sizeable police station at the corner of Shooters Hill Road and Academy Road, about three minutes (with lights flashing) from the site of the murder. It closed down a couple of years ago and has been converted into flats.
Not going to say anything about the murder. If I put my thoughts into words they would be illegal.
Ever try driving in London at 3pm? Roads are log jammed with Chelsea Tractors and mums on the school run.
And no bugger moves over for the cops these days.
10 minutes is quick not slow.
Down from Shooters Hill to the barracks would not have been clogged at that time. Any obstruction would be in the opposite direction, which wouldn’t matter. Know it well.
“And no bugger moves over for the cops these days.”
That’s not true, either.
When seconds count, the police are only minutes away….
According to the BBC News website:
‘The Metropolitan Police says police officers arrived within nine minutes of the first 999 call and armed officers were there within 14 minutes ‘
BBC News 24 yeesterday evening and Clive Myrie is confronted with today’s newspaper front pages. A buzz in the ear from unseen BBC news editors and our Clive muses : ‘Perhaps we in the media don’t do enough to report on drone attacks?’.
And that would be precisely what these cavemen want from the BBC.
Watch the TV and radio listings in the near future to see the BBC get straight onto it.
Of course this lapse in reporting would never have happened under George W Bush.
Can’t really blame the Beeboids – what with Obama-love, project-Miliband and worrying about what Tiger Wood’s had for supper….
Extraordinary rewriting of history – live – going on at the BBC. If someone could grab the relevant audio/video clips and document this now it would be useful (I’d do it myself but am dashing to work). At 7.40 on the Today programme a clip was played of Ingrid Loyau-Kennett talking on ITV Daybreak, describing what happened. She describes the attacker’s weapons: “a butcher’s knife, a revolver, a.. kind of what butchers use to cut bones” [clearly a cleaver, she just doesn’t know the English word]. In the Today 8 o clock news this had become edited to “a butcher’s knife, a.. kind of what butchers use to cut bones”. Revolver had gone. The BBC edited it out. Those filthy, lying, manipulating scum.
My best guess is the BBC will be desperately trying to portray this as a wholly spontaneous attack. The presence of a firearm clearly acts against that – so it has to go.
A myriad of witnesses stated he had a gun and, as was witnessed, the gun was a liability – it blew the twats fingers off when he tried to shoot the copper.
They can try to hide the truth but its not going to work.
It’s also all over that chaps twitter feed who was relaying it as it happened.
The length of time it took armed Police to arrive? Quick or slow?
It took them hours to arrive at Hungerford and in Cumbria for Derek Birds spree.
I’d love to know why they weren’t shot dead. I know of no other case where armed Police have failed to score an outright kill on a target. Something here isn’t right.
The police officers were probably too frightened to shoot dead the two black muslims, they might be accused of ‘waaycism’ and put on a murder charge.
Interrogating them might be useful, even though they were open about why they did what they did.
Preferably with red hot pokers.
Perhaps they could free up some space in Guantanomo – a bit of waterboarding might make them see the error of their ways
If they are being treated by the NHS they are in serious danger.
Why not use a bacon sandwich?
Here we go. BBC/Guardian Axis of Weasel trying to claim that without planning and a wider network, it isn’t “terrorism”. Christ.
bbcs panto this morning spends equal time spouting
“killing muslims in muslim lands” from that despicable creature yesterday – and far far right, anti EDL narrative.
as a precursor to their doctored “phone in”
(if it only was) – your call? … sadly expect the usual fare.
sorry to report … the fix is in … the same nauseating drone
yet again, 5live – arch protector of the indefensible
Why has this video been edited to remove his references to the Qur’an?
So that the BBC can claim that the men shouted “political statements”?
“man is killed in a machete attack and two suspects shot and wounded by police in London, with footage emerging of a man with bloodied hands shouting political statements near the scene”.
don t be “suckered” into the wear a t-shirt, wear a wrist band, nonsense … that is the epitomy of puerile, subservience …
what next eh! send a text … that is a servile non protest …
to last you, until the next islamic atrocity
I’m going to light a little candle and say a little prayer ! as if that’s going to work. nah, mass deportations on a biblical scale is the only sensible solution, for us and for them.
By any reasonable reading the reporting of this by the BBC has been a hashtag epic fail.
‘The world’s most trusted news organisation’
Helen Boaden http://tinyurl.com/d4ur2ns
So Call Me Tony Hall, over to you, worrayoothink? Do *you* think BBC News made a good job of reporting this? If not what are you going to do about it.
Or are you just another time served public sector exec who’s going to do sod all, ruffle no feathers, steady as she goes, carry on serving his time, take the baubles, retire, and draw his undeserved pension having entered office with the idea of doing nothing and achieved precisely that.
Codicil to the will of the death of BBC News.
Here the failure of BBC News has gone far beyond its usual failing, that being that everything has to be reported looking through a liberal-leftie prism. Here there was wilful suppression of the news to the extent that to get a proper picture, viewers/listeners had to go elsewhere. So then what is the point of the BBC News.
It reminds of when I saw the death of Lady Thatcher reported on order-order.com and I went to BBC.com to confirm. As the BBC didn’t have it on their front page I assumed order-order had been hacked.
The BBC news teams should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, but I don’t suppose they are. I suppose they consider they’re fighting the good fight.
Corruption is what it is, and corrupt is what they are. And not just corrupt; utterly f****** hopeless.
Over to you Lord Hall.
You mean Thatcher’s dead? I didn’t see that on the BBC News either. Then again, I was comastose for a month recently.
And most people will be watching the BBC News coverage of the Woolwich attack, as they do for all big news events.
Michael Savage on the black muslim beheading the 20 year old British soldier
” I’m furious, the British government has welcomed in millions of Africans and muslim immigrants into their country, put them on welfare, two animals butcher a kid. The police took 20 minutes to come.”
” The West is dying before your eyes, Europe and America has got Liberalism AIDS which attacks and rots our bodies defense mechanisms.”
If I was the parents of the 20 year old British soldier who was beheaded, I would hire lawyers to sue Tony Blair, Peter Mandelson and Jack Straw for opening our borders to unrestricted African muslim, mass immigration. If they weren’t in the country in the first place, they wouldn’t be able to do these things.
Yes they literally have blood on their hands now.
And millions in their bank accounts for turning traitor.
This would be one of the reasons you’re not a lawyer, a judge or sit in on Cobra meetings either.
The BBC World Service invited comic Steve Punt to provide an economic analysis as part of a news programme. Mock Osborne was the surprising theme, with the Q1 GDP growth of 0.3% receiving much scorn. Punt as a comic not surprisingly identified this figure as an annual amount (the growth over the year being 0.6% – still paltry, but different) Perhaps more surprisingly this error was not noticed by the BBC presenter or the FT journalist studio guest
…the type of error that Andrew Neil would never have let pass without correction.
Where’s Shami Chakrabatti and the rest of the race hustlers ? of course, it’s a racist murder, two blacks kill and behead a white man.
Its worse than that, because even if the perpetrators were acting alone, they were still part of a long running attack on Britain by people who are Muslim. The BBC is always quick to point out that the people who attack Britain, or who attempt to do so, are a tiny minority of religious fanatics.
This is of course true, but I wonder why it is that Muslims seem to be the only group of migrants , as opposed to invaders, who from within their community launch sustained attacks on their chosen host country? Past large migratory groups such as Jews and Hugenots certainly didn’t. Currently Hindus and Chinese don’t , not to mention European groups. West Indians have a gang culture that leads to a lot of criminality amongst themselves but they don’t attack the host country and its people on a sustained basis.
We never hear this debated on the plethora of BBC programmes which try to convince us that things aren’t so bad and all will be well in the end if we just plod along in our tolerant British way and don’t let out a squeek of protest against the growing list of Muslim terror.
Of course it is the liberal left and their mouthpiece the BBC, that allowed this Muslim terror to grow in our country in the first place. Is it so difficult for them to admit their culpability and to start to help rectify the situation by telling us the truth and to allow an open and honest debate, instead of just branding anyone who tries to have that debate as a racist.
On News Night last night there were several contributors who were bemoaning the fact that whilst there was a powerful Islamic extremist narrative widely available, there wasn’t anything which showed how our own Western values were powerful and the basis for a fair and democratic society. This was hypocrisy of the highest order because the BBC and their liberal left chums have just spent decades undermining those very values they now feel the lack of ! Perhaps they are just to stupid to see what they have done.
bBC news reverting back to type, saying that the words the killers said on video are ‘allegedly’. FFS.
That may be legal niceties, in the event of a trial.
Steven Glover in the Spectator asks the question
Why does the BBC so love lefty journalists?
It is no surprise that the latest high-profile BBC recruit is from the Guardian
After all that is known already about this insidious left wing propaganda machine, is this really the question that still needs to be asked?
Why is a supposed right wing government still forcing the public to pay for it so it can continue to masquerade as operating as fair and balanced under its charter?
When the rest of the media make the government accountable for maintaining this travesty is when they might just DO something about it.
What a stupid society that thinks of itself as free with this ridiculous state of those who control information being allowed to reign as if they were impartial. Goebbels would be in admiration. Future civilisations that might evolve will see just how backward and ignorant we truly were,
Its worse. The BBC has such a huge monopoly in the employment of “journalists”, anyone who was thinking of reporting “the truth” in any other news outlet has to weight the damage it would do to their future employment prospects in a BBC/leftwing media dominated employment market. Thats why there is no point in watching any UK news programme. Its all the BBC by another name. The BBC is a monstrosity, the opposite of everything stated in its Charter.
R4 thought for the day?!?*!? …………………….
sheesh! … after listening to that, i have one myself, decency forbids me from repeating it.
casciani – long feared attack?
along with al bbc edited footage
“your call” BBC-5live was simply gaulling, it soon wormed its way round to foreign policy oppression, and possible grievance,
In Islam, Threat/Violence begins with Grievance – Grievance is the pretext for Threat/Violence and the narrative for …. the Threat/the Violence,
“There is no surer path to Muslim violence than through the legitimization of Muslim grievance. And once you accept the legitimacy of the grievance, then you are also bound to accept the legitimacy of the violence that follows it”
This conundrum is solved only one way, reject totally the false narrative, the false victimhood.
Look Islam is a manipulator, just like yesterday a perpetrator not a victim, and on the rare occasions that it is, if it is 9/10, is because of Islam.
For my second point, cogently, to do the above would take “backbone”.
The spineless wonders at the likes of the BBC, the MSM … or my goodness the government 😀 … (hardly a vertebrae between the lot of them) .. is not going to be forthcoming.
Islamic jihad beheading:
INBBC now sees its primary political role as supporter of Islamic interests.
We have two Muslims committing this murder of a non-Muslim British soldier in the name of Islam.
And, routinely, which organisation does INBBC first turn to for a comment, but the Muslim Council of Britain.
We non-Muslims are the people under existential threat of murder by Islamic jihadists inside Britain; INBBC should see its public broadcasting duty as being in solidarity with we non-Mujslim targets. But no.
A question for you all. Is there a difference between this decapitation and those going on by rebels in Syria who are supported by western governments including our own and Israel. A prime example is the cutting out and eating of the heart of a Syrian soldier. I suspect these videos inspired these two immigrant scums to do what they did. The hypocrisy is legion as is the irony. Ordo ab Chao I say.
apothecary has already derailed one thread. I suggest he is not assisted in derailing another.
From BBC News website “UK 1st Quarter Growth Unchanged” which infers stagnation, certainly for those that only read headlines. The content, though, says that growth was confirmed as being 0.3%. Surely a better and more accurate headline would be “UK 1st Quarter growth confirmed at 0.3%”. Hardly any longer, more accurate but unfortunately giving a message that some would rather ignore
nice to see appeasement day on r5dead off to a flying start.
Islamic jihad beheading.
INBCC is now at full-pelt with its deceit.
Muslim deniers set its political tone.
“Eyewitness: ‘This is not Muslim. We don’t accept it'”
INBBC rams home again: ‘
‘the Muslim community is scared.’
-No INBBC vox pop to indicate that the Islamic jihadists targets and victims, the vast majority of non-Muslims in their ‘communities’ are scared.
It’s all Al Jazeera-type Islamic propaganda.
The bBC comes out with a video that Muslims are scared only took them a day.
Obviously the most important news of the day is that Nick Robinson went against the Guardian-bBBC line and mentioned the M-word. He wants to keep his job so has now apologised.
Now watch the video again Nick and retract your appology. Sycophantic arse lickers!
You clearly didn’t read the article:
‘ The reports of eye witnesses and the video of the attacker demonstrated that the attack had been carried out by those claiming to be retaliating because “Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers”.’
The point being addressed is the reference to attackers of ‘Muslim appearance’.
They weren’t wearing Islamic dress.
It would be an accurate description of the attacker in this report though, on the BBC News website:
You are Dominic Casciani and I claim my £142.50
Meanwhile, is anything happening in Husby?
I mean the sort of thing that (paraphrasing Cameron) betrays Islam and Muslim communities, but makes Swedes stronger, that sort of thing?
No? That’s OK then. I’ll move along.
Some Liebour nutjob on TWATO is trying to claim that the two murders were not muslims at all!
It really beggars belief.
Have a look at some the not so well received comments on the bBCs HYS. I was under the impression that it was moderated:
954. intbel
3 Hours ago
So far there is no evidence to suggest the young man with red hands caused any harm to anyone.
Take away the commentary, take away the fake blood and what do you have?
Considering the blue car and skid marks relative to the body in the road – an RTA?
212. ricb33
11 Hours ago
Where in video does the man claim he is Muslim ? I don’t see it. Truth of the matter is this people exist in our midst regardless of their skin color.
Some will blame his actions on immigration and you might be right. Lest we forget , the Brits committed similar or worse brutal acts during it’s colonial reign , and now its all coming back to bite them but seems like we forgot all that history.
476. Ian
6 Hours ago
I heard what the man with bloody hands and knife said on the TV, before the BBC muted it later on. He was apologising. It didn’t sound like a terrorist’s speech – it sounded like a local, in shock, after a violent bust-up with a soldier.
511. Christine Jones
6 Hours ago
My cousin who did two tours of duty in Afghanistan is frighteningly racist towards Muslims and says horrible things. I wonder how unusual he is in the British Army? I don’t condone what these terrorists do. We really don’t know what our armed forces are up to in the Muslim world, do the bad ones get disciplined? We already know that white deaths get more column inches than any other.
Are these for real!!
The denial and deflection is simply staggering!!!!
THIS is how brainwashed people are by the BBC…thanks for posting Pounce, as you say….”Traitors in our midst”
According to BBC principles, there’s no need to moderate these approved thoughts.
Did anyone else hear Tony Livesey on Radio 5 at around 12:15, discussing the Woolwich attack ? At one point he suggested that it was possible that it was a random act of violence. So angry with the BBC (even more than usual). I almost ran the car off the road.
Cameron, political class (inc BBC):-
Wrong on Islamic jihad, and the causes of Islamic jihad.
PM Cameron will have political class behind in his dangerously wrong words on Islam.
One thing which should be obviously clear is that the Islamic jihad beheaders are motivated by Islam. These jihadists say so very clearly.
And more Islamic jihadists such as them want to murder we kafir/non-Muslims.
But we are supposed to give priority instead to the ‘Muslim community’!
A ban on Islamic immigration would reduce the scale of the threat; but no, the political class (inc INBBC) campaigns for 80 million Muslim Turks to be free to move to E.U, including to London, of course.
The vapid Cameron’s words are here:-
What is the opinion on this site about giving arms and logistical support to the Syrian (they’re mostly foreign) rebels who do what happened yesterday on a pretty routine basis.You know the sort. Rip out Syrian soldier’s hearts and chewing on them. Its a curious situation because of course the BBC is very much in favour of it asof course are us the yanks france and Israel.
Would love a response. Anyone brave enough?
Jew-hater You don’t follow this site much do you.
Most on here are against arming rebels
The problem we have with the bBC is it is no longer fit for purpose. If you know anybody who works at the bBC, express your displeasure with them. If you see a bBC camera crew working push them into moving traffic, and refuse to pay your Islamic propaganda tax
‘Both suspects in the killing of a serving soldier in London were known to security services, senior Whitehall sources have confirmed to the BBC’
BBC radio bulletines add this about one of the suspects : ‘He was arrested whilst attempting to LEAVE the country’
(My emphasis)
You see where we may have been going wrong?
Mark Easton does his INBBC political duty of telling us how wonderfully prompt some Muslim organisation have been to distance themselves from the gruesome Islamic jihad beheading of a British soldier.
Muslims as victims mantra.
The BBC pushes the spin on the latest immigration figures – headlining that net migration is down by a third.
Now to the average listener in a hurry that may sound as though the Government is getting a real grip on things.
But look closer – this is the net figure. The actual immigration firgure is almost 500,000 – down from a previous 580,000. That is a reduction of just 14%.
Which is pathetic, given the scale of the problem and the furious views of much of the populace.
And the more we permit ridiculously high levels of immigration, the more we pile up trouble for the future because many of them will be able to bring in dependents – the “chain effect”.
Much of the Government’s policy to restrict immigration has been a failure. Still large numbers of bogus asylum seekers, large numbers of bogus students who will not abide by the terms or their visas – and will not leave at the end of the visas. Huge numbers of illegal immigrants that the authorities are failing to deport.
The BBC loves looking for failures by this Government – but I don’t expect the BBC to lay out the awful record on immigration. With Bulgaria and Roumania looming – wouldn’t that be an investigation the BBC should conduct if it had any sense of balance ?
It looks as though the position at the end of this Government’s term could be pretty much as bad as at the beginning.in terms of inward migration. And the national situation much worse, because another 2.5 to 3 million people will have been admitted.
Its not just time to leave the EU, it’s time to leave the Commonwealth – a back door into Britain left open by both Blair and Cameron, that allows citizens of countries given independence fifty years ago to “move to Britain” unimpeded.
Of course, INBBC has worked out that the Woolwich islamic jihad murderers have a Nigerian connection. A Nigerian Islamic connection.
The Islamic jihad group in Nigeria, Boko Haram, is part of the historical Islamic imperialist jihad which has, and is being waged against the Christians there; but for years, INBBC’s pro-Islam ‘reporters’ there have relegated the violence (including beheadings of Christian pastors) as a mere ‘sectarian conflict’.
Fuck off Cameron and take your ‘diversity’ ‘community’ ‘inclusiveness’ ‘tolerance’ etc with you – not once have I even seen the slightest trace of anger in your face. Traitor.
Errr…..to your description add: actor, and not even a good one at that.
No-one should ever forget that this moron ” Dopey Dave” cameron, actually is in favour of bringing 80 million muslims from Turkey, into a borderless EU. Wtf?
You know what is bugging me about this story, the help for Heroes T-shirt. Nobody I know wears one, it is always friends and family of soldiers who wear them. Add the fact that the name and age of the victim hasn’t been released and that brings me to something that was reported at the time, but I haven’t seen since…Somebody reported that the victim was an army cadet. Now if that is the case then I can understand why the authorities are keeping stum on who the victim really is.
…..All of which raises further questions about a ‘news organisation’ that seems so mightily incurious about a key fact. Isn’t that like a fireproof match?
I still say they’re worried somebody will blame Newsnight for this. 🙂
These comments were obviously posted earlier in the day, not no surprise…they turned out to be completely wrong!
Six years in the army including a tour of Afghanistan in one of the toughest years to be out there.
Wow, glad they named him, If as i incorrectly suspected this had been an army cadet the crap would really hit the fan.
Also noticed that the bBC have removed the earlier reference (right at the beginning) that he had undertaken a tour in Afghan as somehow legitimizing the disgusting attack. But then I am talking about the fifth column within our midst.
The poor chap is a victim on so many levels it’s hard to put a finger on which one is the most heinous.
Ever wonder why white indigenous populations across the globe are under threat simultaneously whether that be denmark America Australia France Holland Canada etc. There is always the common denominator. He is always there no matter what country and no matter how small a percentage of the population his chosenites make up. They will ALWAYS be at the forefront of multiculturalism. They are the parasitical fifth column within and this is a conserted unified effort. I refer you all to the site occidental observer for a full analysis. Enjoy.
Self medicating again.
You are Eric Cartman and I claim my £5.
Just been listening to Richard Bacon and I’ve had to switch it off. A complete disgrace.
I would rather practice self dentistry than listen to that *insert filthy swear word of choice*
Would a Muslim want to listen to someone called Bacon? Surely, if the BBC wish to appeal to Muslim listeners they should drop this man immediately or make him change his name.
I’ve pointed that out previously: he should change it to “Richard Unclean Beast Meat”.
The English Defence League, unlike Islam, gets a lot of political flak from
BBC-NUJ (which, by NUJ policy, is opposed to the EDL).
Is it because EDL it puts up articles like this?:-
“Woolwich: We Are At War”
They want us to believe that the EDL/BNP/Christians are the problem. Meanwhile, the list just gets longer:
Agree with every word…
And the liberal apologists and bed wetters over Islam will hound these poor souls for speaking this truth.
But it`s not going to work…and the liberal elite will find trouble in reassuring the rest of us that they give a fig about the death of a soldier on home soil.
This was an act of war…no question!
Sky as bad as bBBC. As I write this they have given their news channel over to the MCB to do a damage limitation PR exercise.
Was it ever thus?
A chunk of Sky is owned by Saudi money.
Sky news, “Coming up, who did it and why?”
its the jihad, dipshit.
Fox News is now also owned by Saudis
a chunk of everything in the UK is owned by the Saudis
Yes, but a couple of giveaways, at least, even in that careful MCB PR broadcast:
1- calling on the MSM to adjust what they say when reporting News
(!!! They already do, so now we have the revised ‘Woolwich Stabbing’ instead of ‘Beheading and Mutilation’, and more useful for the LibLabCon agenda the ‘Woolwich Terrorist Attack’ instead of ‘Islamicist Attack’. )
2- talking about the EDL attacking the police*.
* Simultaneous with the MCB broadcast Sky News showed on split screen EDL members facing up to the police, but the EDL lads were keeping their hands behind their backs or up in the air to show they were not attacking. (Well done lads, stay as lawful as you can.) The pushing and shoving shown was all by the police.
This is a blog about the BBC. May I draw the discussion back to that:
Here in the US, when I heard about the Woolwich murder, I was eager for information. I wanted facts about who? what? where? when? and how? BBC radio broadcasts and the website were OF NO PRACTICAL USE. Somewhere hidden in the coded language and what was not being said were the facts that are supposed to make up a news report. I looked elsewhere. Sky (streamed), American radio, blog sites like National Review Online (right) and the Huffington Post. (left) Newspaper on-line sites like the Daily Telegraph and the Independent. Now I began to get an idea of what had happened. But from the BBC – twaddle.
I wonder if the management of the BBC has realized that dodging the raindrops of political correctness has rendered them irrelevant. I learned nothing except vague impressions: two “men” had murdered a “man” in the street. Then, by reporting the Muslim community’s horror at the incident, I deduced that somewhere along the line radical Islam was involved. A BBC correspondent told me that this incident may have been carried out in revenge for military action in Iraq and Afghanistan (ie: chickens coming home to roost” – Jeremiah Wright”). OK, I now had the idea. Meanhwile, other news sources gave me a clearer, fuller picture – and faster.
It is my view that the political game playing of BBC management has totally compromised their product. If all I get is a censored news story, why do I need the BBC? After this experience I deleted the BBC news app from my I-phone. I guess the Beeb is reduced to speaking redacted truth to nations. I need more than that.
You make a good point, Louis. The BBC’s relentless drive to become a global news organization seems to have watered down their content to the extent that its no longer usefully informative in many cases. Trying to appeal to too many different sets of eyeballs is not only a poor recipe for quality journalism, but has caused the BBC to abandon its original remit.
Personally, I much prefer the output of RT, which I find is usually pretty informative and objective. Thirty years ago who would have thought of turning to a Russian channel in preference to the BBC in order to hear the truth!
“why do I need the BBC?”
You don’t, they need you to push their agenda. Like all the public sector it is run to suit themselves.
Producer capture: prevalence of producer interests over consumer interests. The customer is never king with the BBC, merely a stupid child to be deceived and diverted, while being forced to pay for the drivel. With well over 100 staff getting more than the PM, it’s nice “work” if you can get.
Breaking the set and Max Keiser stand out. They don’t tell the whole story obviously but they get closer to the truth than anything you see on a mainstream level. The documentaries are very informative.
Keiser is a crackpot. He’s about 10% signal and 90% noise and if you can filter out that 10% then it’s ok. But he’s always quite entertaining.
The most honest newspaper report I have seen to date is this from the Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324659404578499201338725318.html?mod=WSJEurope_hpp_LEFTTopStories
As well as this one: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324659404578500720414798846.html?mod=WSJEurope_hpp_LEFTTopStories
It is sad when you have to go 5,000 miles for the truth on what is happening on your doorstep.
Sky for breaking news, pretty much every time they beat the BBC to major stories, plus first with live pictures. No nagging feeling that the news has been through the BBC political filter with ‘inconvenient’ facts removed.
The best source yesterday however was twitter, #woolwich gave lots of details. First reports of possible beheading, shooting, descriptions, then eyewitness. Twitter really comes into its own with breaking news.
I agree that Sky News is a far better bet if you’re looking for a more honest and factual style of reporting. I gave up on the BBC yesterday pretty quickly (I was actually getting very angry with their blatant bullsh*ttery); Sky News immediately filled the information gap the BBC seemed so reluctant to fill. Lesson learned, then, for me – and for doubtless many others fruitlessly looking for factual reporting on the BBC whenever one of these ‘Asian’ stories comes up.
Louis, you didn’t actually check the BBC website did you? You wrote this without ever actually looking at it didn’t you?
Live minute by minute updates:
Woolwich murder: The suspected attackers:
So what BBC are you looking at?
Don’t talk twaddle. What Louis is saying is that the BBC was way behind the curve in telling us what had been happening. Not just behind Sky (as usual) but behind outfits like the Huffington Post website in the US.
I was tracking what was being said on Radio 4 and posted on the BBC website – and Louis is exactlyuright in saying the BBC was lamentably slow and opaque.
The BBC stands condemned by its own poor performance. We have not only bias and buckets of PC nonsense – we don’t even get the straight news promptly. It is beaten hands down by organisations with a mere fraction of the bloated BBC budget.
Thank you, John.
You don’t need to tell me what Louis is saying, its just a few posts above.
Clearly nonsense though. Here’s what ‘Pah’ wrote on the ‘Savage Attach’ thread:
pah says:
May 23, 2013 at 12:18 pm
From about 3pm to 6:30pm I was listening to BBC News 24. From what I heard this was how the BBC reported the’ incident.’ Most of the time I was listening not watching. All timings are approximate Dez and co OK?
3pm to 3:15pm Something has happened in Woolwich – ‘we’ll let you know what when we know’. This is how I became interested as my wife texted me (one of our daughters uses the Woolwich Ferry and SWMBOs first thought was that it had sunk!)
3:15-3:30 Something had happened outside a primary school and they interviewed the Head Master who said he didn’t know what was going on but thought there had been a murder and had put his school in ‘lock-down.’ It was all over and the kids had been sent home.
From 3:30 to 5:30 pm the story developed upon the lines of
1. A man has been deliberately run over and killed in Woolwich.
2. The Police have shot and killed two men who had deliberately run over and killed a man in Woolwich.
3. Two men with knives who had decapitated and killed (!) a man wearing a ‘Help the Heroes’ t-shirt in Woolwich have been shot by Police in Woolwich. The dead man was believed to be a soldier. The soldier angle was pressed despite them not having confirmed the info.
4. The attackers were Islamic terrorists. They even played the ITV film (in parts) which gave no doubt as to what had gone on.
5. They reported that the men had, ‘according to Whitehall’, shouted ‘Allah Akbar’ .
At no time did they hide or obfusticate what happened. As information came out they reported it. They even reported the rumours and said they were unconfirmed reports.
I was surprised at how open and clear they were about what was happening – just as they should be, for once.
They played a long interview with a local chap who thought he had witnessed an RTA only to be told by another witness what had really happened. He was very clear on a number of points;
a. The dead man had been decapitated.
b. One of the assailants was black, the witness did not see the other attacker clearly enough to say whether he was black or white.
c. He didn’t know what the victim was wearing nor what colour the victim’s skin was.
d. That the men had waited around afterwards and then attacked the armed Police when they turned up.
c. One of the men was shot by a Policewoman. The other had his fingers blown off when his gun he used back-fired.
None of the above was later censored or changed except where they openly corrected incorrect information they had given out earlier.
The BBC played this mans comments over and over again.
There were two negatives:
1. They kept jumping from a breathless man on the street to the studio. During one of these jumps they interrupted the reporter and jumped to the Local Police chief for a very vague statement of events. Interestingly enough the interrupt was to a ‘live’ statement but they had played this segment about 10 minutes earlier so why did they say it was live and why did they interrupt their man on the scene?
2. They had a Muslim spokesman, on much later in the evening, who firmly and unequivocally denounced the murder and said quite categorically that this was an offence against God and Islam. He was doing quite a good job until the interviewer asked him what he thought the implications for the Muslim community would be. He immediately went hostile and threatened anyone who made this about Islam. ‘This is not about Islam and it is an insult to Islam to say it is so.’ Or words to that effect. There was no doubt that this was a threat and the supine interviewer backed off immediately. His previous statements were somewhat nullified by this threat.
All in all they didn’t do a bad job – They released info when they had it and were clear about whether or not it was confirmed info. They even played part of the ITV interview. They didn’t hide one bit of info that was reported elsewhere (AFAIK) and that this was becoming obviously a Muslim terror attack.
For once I don’t think the BBC showed any bias on News 24 at all.
You win, Dominic. Next time I’ll sit by my TV with a stop watch and a note pad in order to prove to everyone who’ll listen that the BBC reporting is the best.
By the way I do not have access to News 24 (obviously a gem of a channel). I gained my impression of events from a series of hits on a number of media.
But here’s what bothers me – who the hell sits and monitors this stuff, logging news reports with a watch? Here in the US the left wing Media Matters and the right wing Media Research Center are manned by paid professional listeners whose job is to catch people out. Of course, there is another way of getting the time line and the details of transmitted output: by examining a PasB. Do you know what that is, Dominic?
Hey, Dominic, I just (10:45am ET USA time) checked out the BBC’s report about the PIA plane diverted to Stanstead.
This is the best report on the subject out there right now. Happy?
For the record, CNN is playing down the “bomb threat element”. Nothing to see here, folks, move along.
You are missing nothing by not having BBC News 24 – generally it is 30 minutes of rarely changing news repeated every half-hour.
On Wednesday I just happened to be unable to escape it and as the events unfolded got drawn in, who wouldn’t?
For once the BBC did what they were supposed to do and they didn’t do a bad job either.
Did they do better elsewhere? I don’t know because I could not turn over the channel – it wasn’t my TV and I was supposed to be working. However I got the gist of the story and for what else I have read it didn’t differ from the rest of the MSN.
Today, however is another day and they are back to type blaming the Police, MI5, the EDL – everyone except the two cocksuckers and their mates. I knew it wouldn’t last and it hasn’t.
“Live minute by minute updates:”
minute by minute disablement, obfuscation and down right lies you mean.
No wonder your so keen to defend the corrupt nest of hypocrites .
What’s the best way to distract the public from three major Administration scandals? Look: squirrel!
The President took the opportunity to make a big announcement about a change in His drone war policy. He’s killed four US citizens with it so far, not to mention hundreds of innocent citizens of other countries, and desperately needs a distraction and something He can use to rehabilitate His public image. What better way than to claim He’s going to rein in the drone bombings a bit?
Naturally, the BBC is all over this major story. And what a shock that not a single astute Beeboid dared mention that this might be useful distraction from those scandals. Where’s your political analysis now, BBC? I’m sure this new drone plan has been in the works for a while, and the Administration didn’t just whip this up over the weekend just for a distraction from the scandals. But come on, surely somebody could suggest that it helps do just that.
Nothing at all, though, about how Lois Lerner, head of the tax-exempt division at the IRS, who was in charge of the harassment of Tea Party and other groups, exercised her 5th Amendment right when testifying before Congress yesterday. You do that only when you have something to hide, and don’t want to give answers which may incriminate you in a future criminal trial.
However, she gave an opening statement first, in which she proclaimed her innocence, thus accidentally(?) waving that right. She’ll be brought back to testify soon, and won’t be able to hide. Will she start naming names as the President throws her under the bus? Who knows? The BBC isn’t going to tell you. They haven’t reported on this situation at all, but are happy to distract you from it with a bunch of features on the drone war.
The US division of the BBC News website could so easily be replaced by a news aggregator. You’d be better informed, and it would save a lot of money they could then use to hire proper journalists and researchers so Newsnight wouldn’t have to keep outsourcing.