There’s a lot of talk this week on the BBC, and to be fair the other TV stations, about ‘communities’ that are concerned about a backlash against them. Exactly what communities are they talking about, after all we are being told the murder of Lee Rigby wasn’t a religious or politically motivated crime?
Are they talking about just religious communities in the way that Christians or Jews or Sikhs have communities? No they are not are they? We all know that they are much more than that don’t we? And it’s a bit more than the Women’s Institute baking a cake on a Tuesday afternoon for the community fete, or those lads & lasses from the community bowls club, causing mayhem by rattling their woods and noisy arthritic knees about every weekend.
So what are these communities if they, as they seem to be, are more than just religious communities. Are they communities like those in your local council that collect their own refuse, repair street lights and look after the old folk in council homes? No they are not that either are they?
Is it that they come from some other part of the world and just wish to meet up and share a glass of wine or beer and talk about the old country, like the people of Irish or Italian decent do here and in the USA? No it’s not that either is it, well what on earth can it be then?
Could it just be they are shy or have different social values perhaps and don’t like to mix with the rest of us or heaven forbid (perhaps the wrong choice of words) they don’t like us? But that would be racist wouldn’t it?
It couldn’t be that they have their own laws and justice systems that work differently to British law could it? That would be illegal wouldn’t it and the police would be after them mighty quick, wouldn’t they?
So what are they then, these communities? What are they for if they are not just religious? That horrible Tommy Robinson chap from the EDL says they are political but they don’t have a political party do they? Unless of course they join other political parties in order to subvert them. The peace loving people from those communities would never do that, would they?
It has been said somewhere that some of their chaps preach hatred against us but the nice ones in their communities would stamp that out too wouldn’t they? Of course they would. Though it does seem that our security services are not too clued up about what happens in these communities either so they must be secret communities with secret meeting places not their places of religious worship, as they would be open to the public, wouldn’t they?
The other thing I have noticed is that these communities seem to have had a lot of poor publicity lately in Oxford and other cities, something to do with using white children as sex slaves for the last few years. That would have been stamped on as well by their nice community leaders wouldn’t it? Or at least by the local children’s services or the police or the government or someone in a position of authority in the community, wouldn’t it?
Now I am just a simple country boy but these communities are beginning to worry me. So, I have a little suggestion to make. Perhaps these communities should be disbanded and their members made to integrate with the rest of the bloody population and then made to behave. Just a thought!
my thoughts precisely,and if these communities dont like it fuck off then!!! we are a different breed to these animals and as such we should be kept away from their like. i particularly admire the way they manage to overcome their hatred to sign on for benefits for their huge families and manage to bag all the local council housing because of the large families, thanks phony tony!
A major part of the problem here is that British people don’t live in “communities”. Rather, we live in a single unified society that is sufficiently strong and tolerant to accommodate minor and relatively unimportant differences in religion, background and outlook. The concept of separate cultural enclaves and identity is alien; the political establishment likes it as it is in the spirit of “divide and rule” and puts pressure on the indigenous population to adopt or die (literally in some cases, as we are seeing). The Far Left sees alienated communities as a source of recruits for anarchic violent behaviour and as a means of challenging Western/Capitalist society from within.
Readily visible in the rapid transformation of the focus away from Islam and onto social alienation, which the left says is the root cause of crime, before going on to recommend and introduce policies that create and breed social alienation.
The evidence for this (Albaman, Dez and Scott – we know you are there) is that fact that Labour areas have a strong tendency to be crime-ridden shitholes.
This is very noticeable in the (limited) reporting of the Swedish riots, which according to the BBC are due to poverty and disadvantage. They even have the chutzpah to state that Sweden is experiencing a “widening gap” between rich and poor. Well yes, it will do: for the past 25 years it has been importing hundreds of thousands of people from the third world, many of whom consume resources but are themselves “economically inactive”.
Yes I note media is making a point about the number of “people” being rounded up for making comments on social media. Would this be a subtle king of pressure to clamp down on people expressing their views.No it can’t be.
I also note the “Inter-faith” group saying their is an increase in anti-muslim (or should that be islamist incidents. No evidence of course, however if you are curious take a look on their website and see “who they are”. However this incident has been illuminating as so far I’ve blocked two people who have expressed some very naïve views about issues concerning this event.
What I wanna know, is why the Beeb, and their fellow travelers, have not describes the Woolwich murder as:
A: Race hate crime
B: Religiously motivated crime
If it was 2 white Christians on a Muslim, you can bet your hairy arse on it that those 2 descriptions would be repeated, at length, and the questions would be asked of US, the silent majority, if we have become more racist, and more intolerant towards other* faiths.
It always amazes me, that even though the Pakistani child-sex gang-rapists are engaging in behaviour that their ‘community’ finds so abhorrent, they never seem to struggle to find so many others to join in.
The Now Show seems to have missed the comedy element of the Woolwich barbarity of this week.
1. The refusal to use words like decapitated, for fear of stigmatising the murderers.
2. Repeated words of suspected, alleged…when they literally have blood on their hands.
3. The BBCs continued concern for the Muslim Community, as opposed to the white trash that have to live with the consequences of Blairs Britain.
4 The complete absence of any racial hate crime angle-it`s as if two Nigerians killing a white bloke is not racist-but then how could that be?
5. The BBC sending Mike Thompson off to Colchester to sound out the prospects of squaddies not provoking Islam by wearing those oh so retro, frightfully hot uniforms of theirs.
6. Said BBC sniveller wondering about the fear of Colchesters finest-the thick chavs seem not to be….don`t they even LISTEN to the BBCs “fears about terrorism for Gawds sake”.
7. A fat Etonian chub telling these psychos that they`ve betrayed or blasphemed Islam…and no ones laughing at the nerve!
Oh-silly me-none of this is funny at all…but then neither is the f***in elephant dodging, Islamofearing Now Show.
So there.
Nicki ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell was speaking about the suspect !! and he’s right of course, where’s the proof ? apart from the blood soaked hands, meat cleaver and machete, shouting Allah Akbar and admitting to the killing on video.
I like this caption: ‘A man appearing to be holding a knife…’
Right under a picture of a man holding a knife. But I suppose one could argue that the word ‘knife’ is only a relativist construct and the perceived world cannot fully represent universal reality.
I watched the mother of the murdered soldier on C4 news. It was harrowing. I defy anyone to watch her raw grief and not be angered at the senseless loss she has suffered. Our media and our politicians are playing with fire. We are the country not them and the time is coming when they will have to understand this.
We have children and grandchildren. It is their future that we must secure. It is our duty and a dire necessity.
I had a lump in my throat when I saw the desperate grief of Lee Rigby’s wife. My wife was reduced to tears. I probably haven’t seen every news item of various Muslim groups and “community leaders” who have been given copious amounts of airtime to their own self-pitying pleading and telling us that the murderous jihadists are un-Islamic and nothing to do with true Muslims, but I’ve seen enough of them to notice that NOT ONCE have these followers of the Religion of Peace offered any condolences to, or spoke of their sympathy for, the grieving family of the tragic victim. Their every word seemed to be about the Muslim “community” and their fears of a backlash. In fact all they did was try to minimise the involvement of Islam in the murder.
They didn’t convince me of their sincerity for one moment.
But of course, there IS parity after all.
The 7am news on Today this morning WAS able to give us full details about two blokes in Essex and Kent who had written on a mosque( Banksy eh?…art innit?) or had been carrying offensive weapons( unlike our Nigerian friends in Woolwich).
We got names, ages and details of the charges…and this terrifying backlash against Islam got as much prominence and parity as anything about the Nigerian gentlemen that were cruelly shot by the feds,
See-whitey is no better than these Nigers after all…so let`s not rush to judgement eh?…who`s to say who was right and who was wrong?…and for Gods sake cut out those Koranic references…was it REALLY Allah Akbhar?…or Ally McCoist?
Who`s to say?…if not our BBC?
Ministry of Reassurance in full flow at the moment.
…and yet the extremists are spreading their evil message throughout our educational institutions but it appears that little has been done to put a stop to it…
Advance warning: BBC-NUJ actions re- EDL in NEWCASTLE
BBC-NUJ, in line with NUJ official policy, is now preparing to oppose the English Defence League’s planned meeting in Newcastle, Saturday.
BBC-NUJ will, as usual, give its political support to UAF ( which intends to deny freedom of speech to EDL as usual, by any means possible), and to Islamic organisations; and BBC-NUJ ‘reports’ will reflect its political affiliations, as usual.
The BBC have parroted Nick Lowles Hope not hate blog as they always do, and claimed that the Newcastle march had around one thousand to fifteen hundred protesters at most…
This isn’t in support of the EDL, it’s just about leftist dishonesty, and a misrepresentation of the truth…
Once again, in a quick-fire repeat of Nick Robinson’s proskynesis before the might of islam, when the professional offence-takers take offence, the BBC is quick to apologise:
Please therefore explain how the attackers in Woolwich were of ‘Muslim appearance’? If you are unable to do so, I would suggest you are obliged to show a proskynesis too.
Where you lie onthe political spectrum has nothing to do with it? Unless the right consider Muslim appearance to be a bobble hat and hoody?
Chopping off someone’s head in the street then strutting around carrying knives dripping with blood and quoting the Koran qualifies as ‘Muslim appearance’, I’d say.
As Robinson says ‘The reports of eye witnesses and the video of the attacker demonstrated that the attack had been carried out by those claiming to be retaliating because ‘Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers’.
How were they of ‘Muslim appearance’ though? Please explain Angus how you’ll be performing your ‘proskynesis ‘?
Shouting Allahu Ackbar (sp – not bothered) and quoting the Koran to passers-by would make the perpetrator appear to be muslim. You disingenuously adopt a narrow definition of “appearance” to make an empty point.
1. The act or an instance of coming into sight.
2. The act or an instance of coming into public view: The author made a rare personal appearance.
3. Outward aspect: an untidy appearance.
4. Something that appears; a phenomenon.
5. A superficial aspect; a semblance: keeping up an appearance of wealth.
6. appearances Outward indications; circumstances: a cheerful person, to all appearances.
Last one seems to sum it up, other than the “cheery” part.
lets cut all this rhetoric out coming from the muslim community with respect in the last few days about this terrorist attack and murder of young lee rigby ,we have heard all these apologys about these terrorist attacks have nothing to do with is islam and they are not doing it in are name many times before,nothing has changed,in fact this extremism has got worst,these apologys feel so hollow to me,this is what i really want you to do as a muslim community in the next few days,organise a massive march in london against islamic terrorism,the threat of sharia law in the uk and your disgust at these child grooming gangs that opererate from within your community which is creating real tension betreen the english community and the muslim community,this in my view would help to show the people of england that you realy mean what you say and intend to banish these people from your communitys forever and prove that you are really a religion of peace and harmony.this is the time for real action from you as a muslim community.not to much to ask is it.
Looks like the BBC are continuing in their brainwashing of the populace with a raft of historical programs looking at how extremist Christianity shaped our nation. Subtle brainwashing aimed at making viewers realize that we have come from an extremist, violent past and so should accept Islam as just a natural progression in the East’s evolution.
Watching news 24 last night, the 1st 15 mins were all about Muslims (Woolwich, “Men” airways flight, Syria, Sweden…..ect)
Then for balance, they showed a Saudi bloke driving a car on 2 wheels, with a load of other Saudis changing the wheels while in motion…
This vid has been around for YEARS, I saw it at least 2 years ago, yet the BBC, to show that “not all Muslims are bad” dig this old shit out, and pass it off as if it happened yesterday.
As predicted on Wednesday……
‘Tonight and tomorrow the BBC will be in full blame mode. ‘Why were these men not known to the security services?’, will be where the BBC will be going with this…’
So, as expected, the BBC are now in full ‘The Security Services have defended…’ mode (a bit like the Tories are always having to defend themselves). This after inviting a number of extremists into their studios, including Ken Livingstone, to condemn British foreign policy and empathise with the killers.
They seem over-keen to keep digging and poking until the Government will, in BBC eyes, be as culpable as the Woolwich terrorists.
There are thousands of individuals with similar views and hundreds under investigation.
(As the Muslim murderers)
And yet the government & propaganda machine still insist that there is no basis in Islam. They have drawn their motivation from thin air! the Qur’an contains no such texts which support their violence.
Look whitey just keep quiet and quietly won’t you !
One of the ways a UK government could circumvent the ‘radicalisation’ of Moslems is the same as happened to Christianity shortly after the conversion to Protestantism.
Now all services and bible teachings have to be in the vernacular, just imagine the harm which could be done by a mischevious cleric if the bible were only available in Latin and hardly anyone could understand them.
So it is with Islam – taught in ancient arabic a language which is no longer spoken and cannot be understood by those hearing it. Surely teaching it in the vernacular would mean that at least they could understand it and make their own mind up.
Of course that assumes that it is a reasonable religion without overtones of violence
The fact the Security Services lose track of some of these people just shows how many are on the radar. I believe to conduct 24 hour surveillance on an individual you need a team of around sixteen officers. There are so many terrorist suspects and dodgy radical Islamists there aren’t enough Security personnel to put on them.
I,for one. am not going to blame our Security Services for this tragedy. I blame our politicians, mostly those in the Blair/Brown government for deliberately allowing uncontrolled immigration with no security checks. But then, all European governments have culpable of cultural suicide for the past twenty years.
In just four words you have comprehensively summed up the problem our security services face.
Now if only the BBC could be made to understand your irrefutable logic…
Hmmmmmm Two muslims attempt to get into the cockpit of an aircraft – and make several attempts to do so – but hey they were just a little annoyed and it happens all the time! No harm was meant & certainly no terrorism – no really there wasn’t any terrorism.
So what were they doing then? Well it’s too early to say!
Then we have that the story a ‘Typhoon’ fighter aircraft was scrambled – only the video doesn’t show a Typhoon which is a classic paper dart. The aircraft in the video clearly has tail fins which Typhoon doesn’t have. Nor can it be Tornado because that’s swing wing, and to fly as slow as a commericial jet they would need to be unfolded.
Maybe this is an F16 or F18 take a look at the video & some sillhouettes see what you think.
The image is from a incident over Holland in 2012 when a plane from Spain sparked and emergency and an F-16 was scrambled nothing to do with this story !
If my memory serves me right, it was Gloucester police who thought it was a good use of their resources (I used the word “resources” – see how trendy I am?) to plant plain clothes police officers in Indian restaurants to listen for racist comments.
Your memory is correct – they also hounded Robin Page (sacked by the beeboids) for making a politically incorrect speech at Frampton Game Fair – the vast majority of the audience thought it was great but one or two bunny huggers took offence. What they were doing at a Game Fair and not expecting to see things that they didn’t agree with is beyond me.
Have you noticed practically all the papers and news sites have closed down comments completely for the last few days.
Afraid that real peoples comments may not be in line with the metropolitan elites views on the religion of peace (or cult of death as its generally know worldwide)
It’s always fun over at the Telegraph to see which innocuous story which still allows comments has become a proxy for the forbidden topic. They’ve just about the most hair-trigger mods in the country.
No, but I managed to get banned during the “Olympic Opening Ceremony” last year for arguing with a mad leftie hag who was salivatuing at the prospect of the coming extinction of the native population of this country.
She wasn’t. Natch.
And I still maintain that the DT mods are quicker on the draw than anyone else.
I got banned from the Daily Mail site once for half an hour. Not BBc releated but. Everyone was bitching about the”scem” getting benefits. I pointed out a lot of thoses commenting on how terrible it was were also probably getting benefits i.e. Child Benefit. Apparently it didn’t go down to well and I was informed I had been banned. The irony is I don’t get a penny in benefit apart from my ISA ..oh so is that tax avoidance?!
freind of one of the muslim murderers just appeared on newsnight,mi5 have just arrested him on bbc newsnight premises suspected of terrorism,wtf is going on
Well at last the BBC is proving of some use – no need for MI5/Special Branch to waste precious surveillance resources tracking these nutters, just sit and wait for them to pop out of the Newsnight studio. Nation shall speak hatred unto nation eh?
Radio 4, 10pm News, last night, Friday. Missed first 3 minutes, then caught a cursory mention of the Rigby family’s heartbreaking press conference. Next, Kim Howells, former New Labour Home Office/Security minister, who spoke sensibly about the overstretched security services trying to monitor thousands, thousands, of terror suspects, & how they have to make extremely difficult judgements; who is ‘peripheral’, who is a main player. Howells then went spectacularly off-message, he picked up a loose ball & smashed thru’ the BBC’s defences. He said, with increasing passion, it was really down to the muslim communities to come forward & identify the potential terrorists in their midst, & their reluctance to do so would, in time of war, render them TRAITORS. Cue nervous & hurried curtailment of the interview by panicky lady beeboid. A bit too much Old, Real, working class Labour for the refined Islington/Barnes palate.
Next, a man & a reassuring survey, telling everybody everything’s fine – no increase in animosity against muslims, besides, it’s a generational thing, 16-24s are cool about it. So that’s OK, then. Lot of young muslim men in my ‘hood who are very cool with it.
On to a purring muslim gentleman, teacher, resident of Woolwich for 40 years, muslim community, all fine, thank you, muslim community has recieved many messages from concerned Christians, muslim community, muslim community, muslim comm…
Next, a muslim man, who had been chairman of the Fabians, &….Medhi Hasan….to discuss whether the media has got the Woolwich atrocity out of perspective.
Switched off.
That dreadful afternoon the devil walked the streets of south London, & all the Beggars Belief Corporation can do is roll out muslim, after muslim, as if they’d been attacked, not us. So all the Londoners I have spoken to this week, be they black, white or brown, not BNP/EDL, not even very political, who were incandescent with anger, disgust, & know precisely where this country is heading unless Islam is driven back into its cage, well, perhaps they’re a little behind the BBC curve, the inflexible ‘narrative’, they just don’t get the nuances, they haven’t been brainwash…no, don’t say that, because everything, really, is going to be sweetness & light, if we can just keep the lid on it, impartially, of course. Like hell. Like bloody hell.
The BBC has also been keen to spin this as an extremely rare event, and had Steven Timms (who was attacked by a Muslim constituent) on PM the other night to echo this theme – ‘the only attack since 7/7 etc’.
So the BBC might consider this one: had our superb security forces not thwarted several major planned terrorist attacks since 7/7, what shade of glasses would they be looking through now at the events in Woolwich?
Major headline on Today – a “monitoring” outfit says there has been an “alarming rise” in anti-Muslim incidents.
As far as I have seen there have been a couple of individuals stupidlybtrying to attack a couple of mosques, some graffiti – and no doubt some street insults. How is this “alarming” ? Not good, maybe, but a more balanced assessment would be that the British people have shown amazing tolerance over the past few days.
The minor incidents the BBC is shouting about are nothing like as “alarming” as the fact that there are estimated to be some 2000 Muslims that need close watching by MI5 but we don’t have the resources to follow them properly.
Nor as alarming as two Pakistanis going berserk yesterday on a Pakistani plane over Britain – which has hardly had any coverage on the BBC.
Let alone as “alarming” as the Channel 4 programme on child grooming and trafficking that reported that in the Telford case alone there were hundreds of Pakistani Muslim men involved. Hundreds ! – but the “Muslim community” let it happen, turned a blind eye to what they must have known about. If Telford is any indicator, that means thousands and thousands of Muslims involved in this racist and violent behaviour in the past decade.
No – all we get on the BBC is amplification of the usual victim / denial stance of many Muslims. And as someone else has posted, Kim Howells MP being sharply cut off by Phillipa Thomas on Radio 4 News at 10 last night when he said it was down to “Muslim communities” to root out the extremists in their midst.
“An alarming rise in anti-muslim incidents” – what, have muslims been decapitated and mosques bombed or are we talking of something really serious like graffiti and someone shouting “Paki go home”
A Muslim grandfather was stabbed to death in the street by a white man in his 20s. He was repeatedly stabbed in the back so hard the knife went all the way through him and out the other side of his body. “‘The surgeons told my mum they had never seen stab wounds so brutal before.”
“A grandfather fatally stabbed in the back as he walked home from a mosque may have been the victim of a racist attack, police said yesterday as they released CCTV footage of a white man fleeing the scene.”
Unusual to find a Daily Mail link you haven’t already posted on here. But not hard to guess why. I guess some horrific crimes get you harder than others.
The fact that the identity of the murderer is not know but, nevertheless, the victim “may have been the victim of a racist attack” actually supports many of the comments on this site.
You might also like to consider the relative percentages of Muslims and non Muslims in this country and the numbers of crimes committed.
Fair point – there have been too many outrageous things posted here recently that do not do this site any credit.
Nevertheless, please can you tell me, how you establish the motivation, racist or otherwise, of a murderer from cctv footage. Perhps you rely on racist sterotyping……
“People in the area are saying it must be a white supremacist group. You don’t really get white people here, but the man caught on film was definitely white.”
Like that?
Oh and in passing, what part of “you don’t really get white people here” is evidence of a cohesive multi cultural society.
The BBC regularly claims that the government “buries bad news.” The story of the £98 million the BBC wasted on the digital media project is hidden in Entertainment and the Arts on the BBC Mobile website. And in Politics in the BBC Teletext service. Not entertaining in the slightest, and definitely not politics. Just extravagant wasteful disaster! Not exactly given due prominence by BBC.
‘The BBC regularly claims that the government “buries bad news.”’
Really??? Can you give one example? Jo Moore’s email was the only I was aware of, and I don’t think that was a BBC claim was it?
The story you’re referring to was among the main headlines yesterday. It’s in the Entertainment section because its about the BBC. A broadcaster. If anything, the BBC covering this story, in more than one article in fact is evidence of BBC impartiality.
Did you hear and read the full transcript/video of our Michael, fresh from butchering Lee Rigby then, my friend?
Any thoughts on why the BBC edited it, so all reference to the “Repentance” Surah(9) was cut out by the BBC then?
Wake up Peter-at least your dad got us ready for Railtrack!
No sir-the BBC ARE “the traitors in our midst”( Gospel of St Pounce, PBUH!)
Stockholm is burning, the blood of a butchered young man stains the pavement in south east London, Muslim paedo gangs have been grooming and raping twelve year old girls on an industrial scale for decades whilst pc plod and the BBC looked the other way and still the political class waffle about “the religion of peace” and now Radio 4 decides that this is the time to inform me that attacks against Muslims are increasing!
I just can’t imagine why that might be happening…
Tut tut ! Obviously your Time Out Guide To The Modern Season has not yet arrived: The Banlieue X-Games commence in July (as any fule kno). To start burning Renaults in MAY (horrors !) would be a social faux pas of the first magnitude, equivalent to leaving Town before Goodwood (or for our chums ‘cross the herring pond, to wearing white after Labor Day). Absolute death.
Scandinavia is the in-the-know destination for the ROP grievance monger in search of late Spring recreation, with Sweden THE venue to be seen at this year. Probably too late to book your tickets now though – better luck next year.
Surely a Grand Tour could be arranged here sir.
What all the liberal young things are missing, and could conclude with a week at Oktoberfest maybe?
Now what was Anders Breivik saying?…that`d be Oslo in the summer pip pip.
Maybe we could prevent Islamic radicalisation if we had knitted, kitted out life size Breiviks introduced to prison wings…could even add a camera to his bow tie so we could spy on them too!
Works for me.
Do you mean the annual mass car BBQ’s that take place in the capital of our closest European neighbour that the BBC, despite its 4bn pa budget’; the most expensive and self important news gatering and transmission network on the Planet; never seems to be able to report?
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it did it fall?
Abu Nusaybah, a friend of one of the Woolwich murderers (and with eyes like a Bond villain’s), appeared on Newsnight last night, only to be arrested on BBC premises by Special Branch immediately afterwards.
What struck me, though, was Estler’s reasonable, non-inquisitorial tone. Couldn’t help thinking if this slaughter had been carried out by a fundamentalist Christian on an Islamic activist, Estler’s manner would have been totally different, and the religion and its Bible subjected to aggressive, sneering questioning.
As a bit of light relief from the events in Woolwich, there was a feature on Newsnight on Behind the Candelabra, the Steven Soderbergh biopic of Liberace’s gay relationship with Scott Thorson.
Soderbergh claims Hollywood has rejected the film for being ‘too gay’.
BBC’s interpretation: Hollywood is ‘too conservative’ to get involved with the film.
That will be the Taliban branch of Hollywood, then?
The BBC have got me so confused about the meaning of the word I don’t know what I should expect next time I go drinking at the local Con Club – Jihadists or homophobic Democrat-voting film studio tycoons.
I suspect it’s more that the Hollywood money men figure that not only do the bulk of the movie-going crowd not know who Liberace was, but the great differences in age between the two figures plus the creepy plastic surgery wouldn’t even get the straight female Brokeback Mountain audience too excited. There’s nothing like the angst or struggle there, nor is there anything like enough money to be made, even with Matt Damon in it. This is the stuff for critics to praise and festival juries to shower with awards, and probably not much else.
[Opening extract]:-
“Hmmmmm, now let’s think for a moment, shall we? ‘Which websites do you think they will designate as hate sites? Seriously. Consider this: in the wake of the bloody beheading by jihadists in London, British police arrest 2 twitter sers for anti-Islamic tweets’.”
My thoughts exactly….it will be places like this, jihad watch, gates of Vienna that are closed down, or blocked before Choudaray’s next taxpayer funded foray into his web building empire are blocked as “hate” sites.
If Leveson’s recommendations for third party complaints are adopted there are apparently left-wing, pro-Muslim pressure groups waiting to have anything smacking of negativity about Islam banned from our media.
“Is this country mad? Why is Anjem Choudary, whose poisonous teachings influenced the Woolwich killers, free to draw benefits and tour BBC studios spouting murderous hatred against Britain?”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“As the awful events unfolded on the streets of Woolwich on Wednesday, the mobile phone secreted inside the black Islamic robes worn by Anjem Choudary — the self-styled Sheik of East London — soon started ringing.
“Calling him were producers from the BBC’s Newsnight programme, as well as rolling BBC news shows and Channel 4, all wanting to find out from this so-called ‘expert’ what exactly drove young, British-born men to hack an innocent young soldier to death in the capital with knives and a meat cleaver.
“Media-savvy, and far more intelligent than his oafish demeanour suggests, Choudary was given star billing on a discussion panel with Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark, as he insisted he was not a ‘hate preacher’ or Islamic extremist.”
Nicky Campbell and his BBC producers had intended to have the delightful Choudary spouting serial hate to the licence payer on the radio on 5 Live. Our Nicky and his team bottled it, however. The invite was withdrawn. Oh the post Newsnight managerial complications! Who saw sense/wet their pants and when? That’s what we would like to know oh BBC fearless ones! Give us a name. Nicky? His editor? Their line manager? Some BBC uber-unter-boss? Lord-help-us Tony Hall? The Great Fat Panjandrum Patten? Email trail? Chinese whispers in the corridor? A word to the wise at some swanky Public Service Broadcasting Soiree? Oh to be a fly on the wall at our own dear broadcaster! come on give us the out takes! This comedy is a bore – as my kids would say ‘…can we see if there are any bloopers?!’
Saves Campbell from having to ask Choudary the most awkward question of all. And they can blame it on yet another fuss ginned up by the hated Mail. Well played, BBC.
And last night, INBBC ‘Newsnight’ continued its Islamic appeasement by talking in hushed tones about Islamic jihad murderer Adebojalo (via his Muslim friend).
[First 12 mins of video link below -available in UK for next 7 days.]
The remainder of the programme too had on a variety of Muslims and their supporters to insist that the tenets of Islam should not be taken as the inspiration for Islamic jihad, even though jihadists like Adebojalo are so inspired to murder kafirs.
It occurs to me that despite all the BBC/Liberal Elite reassurances there does come a time when competing ideologies must clash.
These are still the openish skirmishes. As that great enemy of appeasement Churchill might say – this is not even the beginning of the beginning.
The BBC has an entrenched and unarguably highly-PC cringing liberal agenda.
I hear that Tiger Woods, after surviving his Fried Chicken Dinner attempted lynching at the hands (or should that be at the foot-in-mouth) of a rival multi-million dollar Spanish golfer, has now been brutally assaulted as being ‘colo(u)red’ (!).
It seems Britain – and the West in general – is very ill-prepared to sustain even the weakests of real onslaughts.
The BBC has now long been like the young Miliband at the edge of the rough comprehensive playground shouting ‘nur-nur nur-nur-nur’ at the PC faux pas of the rough big kids.
“…And thirdly, there also seems to be significant online activity … suggesting co-ordination of incidents and attacks against institutions or places where Muslims congregate.”
Online decapitations perhaps? Must be using that new 3D printing technology. Hang on, that doesn’t work either.
i concur fully,
apparently a window has been broken, in a mosque? …. well, and! … (happens in churches all the time, particulary, if a islamic community are anywhere near) …
A car got spray painted, well? … one of your community has just beheaded someone …soooooo, (by one of at least 2000 cells under surveillance at present).
Such a compliant restrained response for our (bombarded with, absurd attempt at thought control) country, is to be much commended.
If the EDL or ANY group want to protest … isn t democracy wonderful … angst/righteous disgust
are to be expected, and supported
What ISN T!, is supposedly “our” national broadcaster
and spineless government, pandering to the perpetrators, not reflecting the vast majority of voters
and their wishes.
a restaurant fire … hate crime??? or …. convenient insurance job?, not rare in some of the areas where, i used to work. … to dress all these things up, into a
sh-tstorm, is absurd …
what is the country coming to
I am thinking of changing my name so that when I encounter the followers of the religion of peace I do not inadvertently offend them. I am only too acutely aware that my existence is a existential insult to their god and their religion. Having been brought up, until the age of reason, as a catholic my first thought was to adopt the Latin phrase Mea culpa mea maxima culpa, which I believe roughly translates as “my fault my grievous fault”. I wonder if anyone out there knows how this translates in Arabic. I have the written translation here
لقد فشلت خطأي The alternative is to call myself “the son of pigs and monkeys”. This later may be preferable as I have heard the phrase numerous times being used by such note worthy people as Imams and the current President of Egypt, so no need to search for a translation. I am sure David Cam et al will be proud of me for showing such sensitivity. I would welcome any suggestion as to how I might further debase myself in order not to offend.
There is, comrades brothers and sisters, a collective solution. I believe that the ban the bomb, senile delinquent (well he was senile by the time I became aware of him) Bertrand Russell once stated that if the liquidation of the Jewish people would bring peace to the world then it would be a small price to pay. I think it is incumbent upon us to consider that if peace could be brought to the world by a collective act of self immolation on the part of western civilisation then we are morally bound to give it due consideration. No longer can we tolerate this oh so gentle slow death of our civilisation advocated by the apologist for Islamism/Islamofacism. This smacks of cucumber sandwiches (with the crust cut off) and tepid tea Anglo – Saxon timidity. No I have just had a though! Syria and Iraq came to mind. There are these adherents to the religion of peace, Sunni and Shia who don’t seem to get along so well. So lets cut the crap and halt what we are do which is slowly retreating from belief in the value of our culture, civilisation and values. It is time for a critique of pure tolerance. What is happening no, to paraphrase T.S. Elliot: ‘This is the way Western Civilisation ends, not with a bang but with and apology for its existence’. From Anglican priest and bishops walking, from somewhere to nowhere in the UK, to apologise for slavery and not to celebrate the civilisation that ended it. The apologising goes on. We must continue to apologise to Islamist (note that I do not say Islam). As I write this I am listening to Peter Thatchell on QT (bBBC iPlayer) who made this distinction in his reasoned and intelligent comment on the on the barbaric murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich). We must continue to apologise and curtail the best aspects of our culture and civilisation such as; equality for women, freedom of speech (including the right to offend), the right to debate and question and any ‘ism’, ideology, faith, equal right for homosexuals, the right to religious freedom , including the right to change your religion. May I paraphrase a favourite saying of my late father, he often said “I was born a son of a bitch and I will die an unrepentant son of a bitch”. I was born a Judeo -Christian and I will die a un-apologetic Judeo- Christian.
“This smacks of cucumber sandwiches (with the crust cut off) and tepid tea Anglo – Saxon timidity.”
Hovever, this reminds me of a comment from an Australian that I read recently (can’t find it, so I’ll paraphrase):
“Strange people, the English. You can push, push and push and they’ll give way. You can push, push, push again and they’ll still give way. Then, before you know it, they’ll have you by the throat.”
The BBC have been quick t oreport this and I don’t condone any physical attacks. However the stats include online hate attacks.
But this still gives only part of the story. Why doesn’t the BBC report all the online websites devoted to hating the west? All those jihadist sites which are successfully breeding the terrorists of today and tomorrow?
Extremism begets extremism so we shouldn’t be surprised at the reprisals occurring. But there picture is vastly bigger than the one being presented by the BBC.
No context or analysis – has the BBC abandoned journalism?
Alarming rise – from what baseline, how many incidents, multiple reporting allowed for, actual or virtual, degree of severity, any validation done of the reports….?
Considering the nature of the incident one would have expected some expression from the non-Muslim population
Mind you, the Muslim ‘community’ are the only ones allowed to spill hate-filled from their mosques and demand the beheading of unbelivers
See ! Our constabulary here in Kent do things properly ! Poor old Gloucestershire could only spare three plods to menace an 86 year old cheesemaker, whilst our own boys in blue can send three cars to shut down the fearsome kingpin of the local geriatric crime wave. Take that, grandma !
I’ve just searched the BBC Kent web page for this story – there is no mention of it, but there is a mention of “Man attacks Mosque”.
By happy coincidence, whilst viewing the web page, a little “Survey” dialogue box popped up. I was only too happy to oblige and included in my reply expressions such as “Dhimmitude” and “Invertibrate”.
To paraphrase the great Pounce: “BBC – invertebrates in our midst”
“The man, who was held in High Street at about 17:00 BST on Thursday, is also suspected of making threats to damage property and a public order offence.”
How many drunken chaves were arrested on the streets of Gillinham for the same offence last Saturday night? Why is this in the least bit news worthy? Does the BBC think Britain is a seething mass of lunatics itching to start a race war?
A single arsehole is NOT a prelude to a Rawanda style masscre or the deportation of the Greeks from Anatolia.
The cops sure didn’t take twenty minutes to arrest the old lady. What did she do, exactly? All that article says it that the trouble started when worshipers left the building and she was arrested.
I liked the line about how “her husband had started wandering off down the road but managed to get back” in time to see his wife being hauled off in a police van. Must not have been too much of a scene if he was just causally shuffling off while his wife was doing whatever it was. Or did he actually run away when the trouble started and only came back when the cops grabbed his wife? Weird.
This heinous offence will undoubtedly be treated as a “hate crime.” High security prison, a diet of bread and water and solitary confinement. There is no place for her kind in modern, “tolerant” Britain!
“Sweden in flames: As gangs of migrants riot for five nights running… the Utopian boa(s)ts of a multicultural success story turn to ashes.
“Fifth night of violent riots in Stockholm saw schools destroyed.
“Over 70 incidents reported overnight including a torched police station.
Turmoil began Sunday night after police shot a man in Husby suburb.
“Incidents in other parts of Sweden spark fear riots are spreading.”
“£100m debacle at BBC: After years of waste and chaos, failing IT scheme is finally axed by humiliated corporation.
“DG Tony Hall has ‘serious concerns’ about the project’s management.
“BBC’s Chief Technology Officer suspended pending investigation.
“Digital Media Initiative (DMI) was supposed to give staff archive access.
A loyal soldier butchered in the street, Thought police arresting any who protest the states failure to defend them, all your Christmas’s come at once?
It's not just the Muslims, the police are after us too! says:
That’ll be why we have the ‘Report comment’ option now then?
The police have said ‘People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious Alan.”
It occurs to me that Lee Rigby is from 2nd Batllaion Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.
He is the second soldier of theirs to be murdered this year, the first being another poor young lad who got stabbed to death in Ayia Napa by Mohammed Abdulkadir Osman over an argument about football, apparently.
That’s one piece of ‘context’ that no-one in the MSM seems to have noticed.
The Voice on even as I comment – and I am in another room. It certainly isn’t Saturday night viewing in this house (although we have just enjoyed Keeping Up Appearances on Yesterday). The Voice is of course the pet project of Danny Cohen the Director for Television – of course it would be booked for 2014 and the BBC will say how wonderful its viewing figures are.
Why should BBC-NUJ report on this as a portent of the mass immigration to come to UK from Romania from January, 2014?
And, after all, Park Lane, Marble Arch must be all of a mile away from Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London.
“The Roma gipsy beggars of Park Lane: 30 Romanians camp out with soiled duvets and cardboard boxes in exclusive London street.
“A group of 30 Romanians are camped out near Marble Arch in London.
“Leader of Westminster Council says it’s ‘a source of absolute frustration.'”
This is dreadful. The poor souls shouldn’t be sleeping rough when I happen to know sympathetic lefty, Billy Bragg, has a huge mansion in sunny Dorset. He’d be only too pleased to accommodate them I’m sure.
Oops. I wonder if the BBC would have declined to interview him on air if they’d known he was wanted by the police. In which case I guess the police wouldn’t have seen him and known his location, meaning they wouldn’t have arrested him. Quite the conundrum for the poor Beeboids.
Section 8: Reporting Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
Dealing with Criminals and Perpetrators of Anti-Social Behaviour
Any proposal to interview a criminal active in, or wanted in, the UK must be referred to Director Editorial Policy and Standards. Interviews should only proceed if they are clearly editorially justified, for example by eliciting important information or insight.
Did the BBC follow its own rules? Did they refer the interview to the Director Editorial Policy and Standards? We’ll never know as they refuse to answer such questions in F.O.I. requests.
On Thursday BBC North West covered the report into the ‘failings ‘ of Rochdale Council over the case of the child grooming/rape gang. Nowhere was ‘turning a blind eye’ or ‘political correctness’ mentioned. All down to ‘complacency’ mainly, apparently (oh, what ironic use of the word).
Johhnythefish: Yes I saw that as well, North West Tonight really are the pits. My interpretation was that some / mot of the blame was attributable to senior managment who have now gone. In the past comment has been made about “political correctness” although this obviously has been resigned to the past under the latest “revision” of events.
I have just been listening to Woman’s Hour on Saturday. A report about a young girl who had been groomed by men for sex – discussing the failings of Social Services, the parents and the school. Not once did Jenny Murray ask about the men who had abused the young girl.
BBC equates a few comments on twitter and facebook, to the beheading of a white soldier.
They seem happy to quote any lefty, Muslim loving organisation.
How many have been even slightly injured, a bit of name calling after what is the most gruesome killing for 3 decades.
BRISSLESMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 All out broadcasting on Islamic Eid – celebrating in Parliament no less too. Can we expect other religious festivals to…
tomoMar 31, 22:14 Start the Week 31st March 2025 we’ve too many of these types in the UK … [img][/img]
ZephirMar 31, 20:40 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Well, well, part 2: “Guardian editors helped fuel Southport riots by showing contempt for the white working class, peer claims…
tomoMar 31, 20:25 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Actually, quite a fair comparison [img][/img]
ScrobleneMar 31, 20:12 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps when the awful, corrupt EU gets its accounts signed off, (never done), they can pontificate, meanwhile normal British citizens…
ZephirMar 31, 20:10 Start the Week 31st March 2025 I would suspect a surfeit of Prosecco or whatever crap this lot consume.
Fedup2Mar 31, 20:07 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Perhaps she has adopted the US Democrat recent practice of swearing at public speeches to show ‘authenticity ‘ …. Apparently…
Rob in CheshireMar 31, 19:56 Start the Week 31st March 2025 Democracy is a system whereby the citizens can vote for anyone their betters allow them to.
Some thoughts on those nice communities.
There’s a lot of talk this week on the BBC, and to be fair the other TV stations, about ‘communities’ that are concerned about a backlash against them. Exactly what communities are they talking about, after all we are being told the murder of Lee Rigby wasn’t a religious or politically motivated crime?
Are they talking about just religious communities in the way that Christians or Jews or Sikhs have communities? No they are not are they? We all know that they are much more than that don’t we? And it’s a bit more than the Women’s Institute baking a cake on a Tuesday afternoon for the community fete, or those lads & lasses from the community bowls club, causing mayhem by rattling their woods and noisy arthritic knees about every weekend.
So what are these communities if they, as they seem to be, are more than just religious communities. Are they communities like those in your local council that collect their own refuse, repair street lights and look after the old folk in council homes? No they are not that either are they?
Is it that they come from some other part of the world and just wish to meet up and share a glass of wine or beer and talk about the old country, like the people of Irish or Italian decent do here and in the USA? No it’s not that either is it, well what on earth can it be then?
Could it just be they are shy or have different social values perhaps and don’t like to mix with the rest of us or heaven forbid (perhaps the wrong choice of words) they don’t like us? But that would be racist wouldn’t it?
It couldn’t be that they have their own laws and justice systems that work differently to British law could it? That would be illegal wouldn’t it and the police would be after them mighty quick, wouldn’t they?
So what are they then, these communities? What are they for if they are not just religious? That horrible Tommy Robinson chap from the EDL says they are political but they don’t have a political party do they? Unless of course they join other political parties in order to subvert them. The peace loving people from those communities would never do that, would they?
It has been said somewhere that some of their chaps preach hatred against us but the nice ones in their communities would stamp that out too wouldn’t they? Of course they would. Though it does seem that our security services are not too clued up about what happens in these communities either so they must be secret communities with secret meeting places not their places of religious worship, as they would be open to the public, wouldn’t they?
The other thing I have noticed is that these communities seem to have had a lot of poor publicity lately in Oxford and other cities, something to do with using white children as sex slaves for the last few years. That would have been stamped on as well by their nice community leaders wouldn’t it? Or at least by the local children’s services or the police or the government or someone in a position of authority in the community, wouldn’t it?
Now I am just a simple country boy but these communities are beginning to worry me. So, I have a little suggestion to make. Perhaps these communities should be disbanded and their members made to integrate with the rest of the bloody population and then made to behave. Just a thought!
my thoughts precisely,and if these communities dont like it fuck off then!!! we are a different breed to these animals and as such we should be kept away from their like. i particularly admire the way they manage to overcome their hatred to sign on for benefits for their huge families and manage to bag all the local council housing because of the large families, thanks phony tony!
There is one ‘community’ that is not allowed to be mentioned on the bBBC: the normal white British community.
A major part of the problem here is that British people don’t live in “communities”. Rather, we live in a single unified society that is sufficiently strong and tolerant to accommodate minor and relatively unimportant differences in religion, background and outlook. The concept of separate cultural enclaves and identity is alien; the political establishment likes it as it is in the spirit of “divide and rule” and puts pressure on the indigenous population to adopt or die (literally in some cases, as we are seeing). The Far Left sees alienated communities as a source of recruits for anarchic violent behaviour and as a means of challenging Western/Capitalist society from within.
Readily visible in the rapid transformation of the focus away from Islam and onto social alienation, which the left says is the root cause of crime, before going on to recommend and introduce policies that create and breed social alienation.
The evidence for this (Albaman, Dez and Scott – we know you are there) is that fact that Labour areas have a strong tendency to be crime-ridden shitholes.
This is very noticeable in the (limited) reporting of the Swedish riots, which according to the BBC are due to poverty and disadvantage. They even have the chutzpah to state that Sweden is experiencing a “widening gap” between rich and poor. Well yes, it will do: for the past 25 years it has been importing hundreds of thousands of people from the third world, many of whom consume resources but are themselves “economically inactive”.
Girl shouts “Allahu Akhbar” on 5th night of rioting
Yes I note media is making a point about the number of “people” being rounded up for making comments on social media. Would this be a subtle king of pressure to clamp down on people expressing their views.No it can’t be.
I also note the “Inter-faith” group saying their is an increase in anti-muslim (or should that be islamist incidents. No evidence of course, however if you are curious take a look on their website and see “who they are”. However this incident has been illuminating as so far I’ve blocked two people who have expressed some very naïve views about issues concerning this event.
What I wanna know, is why the Beeb, and their fellow travelers, have not describes the Woolwich murder as:
A: Race hate crime
B: Religiously motivated crime
If it was 2 white Christians on a Muslim, you can bet your hairy arse on it that those 2 descriptions would be repeated, at length, and the questions would be asked of US, the silent majority, if we have become more racist, and more intolerant towards other* faiths.
*Meaning Islam, of course.
It always amazes me, that even though the Pakistani child-sex gang-rapists are engaging in behaviour that their ‘community’ finds so abhorrent, they never seem to struggle to find so many others to join in.
The Now Show seems to have missed the comedy element of the Woolwich barbarity of this week.
1. The refusal to use words like decapitated, for fear of stigmatising the murderers.
2. Repeated words of suspected, alleged…when they literally have blood on their hands.
3. The BBCs continued concern for the Muslim Community, as opposed to the white trash that have to live with the consequences of Blairs Britain.
4 The complete absence of any racial hate crime angle-it`s as if two Nigerians killing a white bloke is not racist-but then how could that be?
5. The BBC sending Mike Thompson off to Colchester to sound out the prospects of squaddies not provoking Islam by wearing those oh so retro, frightfully hot uniforms of theirs.
6. Said BBC sniveller wondering about the fear of Colchesters finest-the thick chavs seem not to be….don`t they even LISTEN to the BBCs “fears about terrorism for Gawds sake”.
7. A fat Etonian chub telling these psychos that they`ve betrayed or blasphemed Islam…and no ones laughing at the nerve!
Oh-silly me-none of this is funny at all…but then neither is the f***in elephant dodging, Islamofearing Now Show.
So there.
Nicki ‘the ego has landed’ Campbell was speaking about the suspect !! and he’s right of course, where’s the proof ? apart from the blood soaked hands, meat cleaver and machete, shouting Allah Akbar and admitting to the killing on video.
Where’s the evidence ? !!
I like this caption: ‘A man appearing to be holding a knife…’
Right under a picture of a man holding a knife. But I suppose one could argue that the word ‘knife’ is only a relativist construct and the perceived world cannot fully represent universal reality.
RCE, here is moral relativism for you.
I watched the mother of the murdered soldier on C4 news. It was harrowing. I defy anyone to watch her raw grief and not be angered at the senseless loss she has suffered. Our media and our politicians are playing with fire. We are the country not them and the time is coming when they will have to understand this.
We have children and grandchildren. It is their future that we must secure. It is our duty and a dire necessity.
I had a lump in my throat when I saw the desperate grief of Lee Rigby’s wife. My wife was reduced to tears. I probably haven’t seen every news item of various Muslim groups and “community leaders” who have been given copious amounts of airtime to their own self-pitying pleading and telling us that the murderous jihadists are un-Islamic and nothing to do with true Muslims, but I’ve seen enough of them to notice that NOT ONCE have these followers of the Religion of Peace offered any condolences to, or spoke of their sympathy for, the grieving family of the tragic victim. Their every word seemed to be about the Muslim “community” and their fears of a backlash. In fact all they did was try to minimise the involvement of Islam in the murder.
They didn’t convince me of their sincerity for one moment.
But of course, there IS parity after all.
The 7am news on Today this morning WAS able to give us full details about two blokes in Essex and Kent who had written on a mosque( Banksy eh?…art innit?) or had been carrying offensive weapons( unlike our Nigerian friends in Woolwich).
We got names, ages and details of the charges…and this terrifying backlash against Islam got as much prominence and parity as anything about the Nigerian gentlemen that were cruelly shot by the feds,
See-whitey is no better than these Nigers after all…so let`s not rush to judgement eh?…who`s to say who was right and who was wrong?…and for Gods sake cut out those Koranic references…was it REALLY Allah Akbhar?…or Ally McCoist?
Who`s to say?…if not our BBC?
Ministry of Reassurance in full flow at the moment.
Although these two jihadists were well known to the security forces, they were powerless to do anything as the Vauxhall Tigra was taxed and insured.
Meanwhile arrests are being made for anti religious/racist Twitter and Facebook comments about a religion which might be connected with the Woolwich murder.
…and yet the extremists are spreading their evil message throughout our educational institutions but it appears that little has been done to put a stop to it…
Advance warning: BBC-NUJ actions re- EDL in NEWCASTLE
BBC-NUJ, in line with NUJ official policy, is now preparing to oppose the English Defence League’s planned meeting in Newcastle, Saturday.
BBC-NUJ will, as usual, give its political support to UAF ( which intends to deny freedom of speech to EDL as usual, by any means possible), and to Islamic organisations; and BBC-NUJ ‘reports’ will reflect its political affiliations, as usual.
The BBC have parroted Nick Lowles Hope not hate blog as they always do, and claimed that the Newcastle march had around one thousand to fifteen hundred protesters at most…
This isn’t in support of the EDL, it’s just about leftist dishonesty, and a misrepresentation of the truth…
Once again, in a quick-fire repeat of Nick Robinson’s proskynesis before the might of islam, when the professional offence-takers take offence, the BBC is quick to apologise:
Want to complain about something where your views might be slightly right of centre? Tough tittie.
Please therefore explain how the attackers in Woolwich were of ‘Muslim appearance’? If you are unable to do so, I would suggest you are obliged to show a proskynesis too.
Where you lie onthe political spectrum has nothing to do with it? Unless the right consider Muslim appearance to be a bobble hat and hoody?
Chopping off someone’s head in the street then strutting around carrying knives dripping with blood and quoting the Koran qualifies as ‘Muslim appearance’, I’d say.
As Robinson says ‘The reports of eye witnesses and the video of the attacker demonstrated that the attack had been carried out by those claiming to be retaliating because ‘Muslims are dying daily by British soldiers’.
How were they of ‘Muslim appearance’ though? Please explain Angus how you’ll be performing your ‘proskynesis ‘?
Shouting Allahu Ackbar (sp – not bothered) and quoting the Koran to passers-by would make the perpetrator appear to be muslim. You disingenuously adopt a narrow definition of “appearance” to make an empty point.
Are you suggesting they were not muslim?
Have you lost the plot?
1. The act or an instance of coming into sight.
2. The act or an instance of coming into public view: The author made a rare personal appearance.
3. Outward aspect: an untidy appearance.
4. Something that appears; a phenomenon.
5. A superficial aspect; a semblance: keeping up an appearance of wealth.
6. appearances Outward indications; circumstances: a cheerful person, to all appearances.
Last one seems to sum it up, other than the “cheery” part.
lets cut all this rhetoric out coming from the muslim community with respect in the last few days about this terrorist attack and murder of young lee rigby ,we have heard all these apologys about these terrorist attacks have nothing to do with is islam and they are not doing it in are name many times before,nothing has changed,in fact this extremism has got worst,these apologys feel so hollow to me,this is what i really want you to do as a muslim community in the next few days,organise a massive march in london against islamic terrorism,the threat of sharia law in the uk and your disgust at these child grooming gangs that opererate from within your community which is creating real tension betreen the english community and the muslim community,this in my view would help to show the people of england that you realy mean what you say and intend to banish these people from your communitys forever and prove that you are really a religion of peace and harmony.this is the time for real action from you as a muslim community.not to much to ask is it.
Looks like the BBC are continuing in their brainwashing of the populace with a raft of historical programs looking at how extremist Christianity shaped our nation. Subtle brainwashing aimed at making viewers realize that we have come from an extremist, violent past and so should accept Islam as just a natural progression in the East’s evolution.
Watching news 24 last night, the 1st 15 mins were all about Muslims (Woolwich, “Men” airways flight, Syria, Sweden…..ect)
Then for balance, they showed a Saudi bloke driving a car on 2 wheels, with a load of other Saudis changing the wheels while in motion…
This vid has been around for YEARS, I saw it at least 2 years ago, yet the BBC, to show that “not all Muslims are bad” dig this old shit out, and pass it off as if it happened yesterday.
They make me f**ing sick.
It’s heartening to think that given enough time, we too could become as advanced as Somalia.
I always fancied being a pirate. Aaar !
As predicted on Wednesday……
‘Tonight and tomorrow the BBC will be in full blame mode. ‘Why were these men not known to the security services?’, will be where the BBC will be going with this…’
So, as expected, the BBC are now in full ‘The Security Services have defended…’ mode (a bit like the Tories are always having to defend themselves). This after inviting a number of extremists into their studios, including Ken Livingstone, to condemn British foreign policy and empathise with the killers.
They seem over-keen to keep digging and poking until the Government will, in BBC eyes, be as culpable as the Woolwich terrorists.
Forget Drake – what we need now is El Cid.
Or Charles “The Hammer” Martel
Battle of Poitiers (Tours) in 732
Sea Battle of Lepanto in 1571
Siege (and relief) of Vienna 1683
Charles Martel, Don John of Austria, John Sobiesky, help us in our hour of need!
And why Vlad the impaler is called Vlad the impaler, he didn’t just suddenly come up with idea one day
BBC News 10 O’Clock
There are thousands of individuals with similar views and hundreds under investigation.
(As the Muslim murderers)
And yet the government & propaganda machine still insist that there is no basis in Islam. They have drawn their motivation from thin air! the Qur’an contains no such texts which support their violence.
Look whitey just keep quiet and quietly won’t you !
One of the ways a UK government could circumvent the ‘radicalisation’ of Moslems is the same as happened to Christianity shortly after the conversion to Protestantism.
Now all services and bible teachings have to be in the vernacular, just imagine the harm which could be done by a mischevious cleric if the bible were only available in Latin and hardly anyone could understand them.
So it is with Islam – taught in ancient arabic a language which is no longer spoken and cannot be understood by those hearing it. Surely teaching it in the vernacular would mean that at least they could understand it and make their own mind up.
Of course that assumes that it is a reasonable religion without overtones of violence
‘British elites wish away Islamic reality’
The fact the Security Services lose track of some of these people just shows how many are on the radar. I believe to conduct 24 hour surveillance on an individual you need a team of around sixteen officers. There are so many terrorist suspects and dodgy radical Islamists there aren’t enough Security personnel to put on them.
I,for one. am not going to blame our Security Services for this tragedy. I blame our politicians, mostly those in the Blair/Brown government for deliberately allowing uncontrolled immigration with no security checks. But then, all European governments have culpable of cultural suicide for the past twenty years.
Some more simple maths – hope Thoughtful won’t mind my calculation:
2,500,000 Muslims in UK (maybe 3 million):
Let’s say only 1% sympathise with terrorism, so
25,000 of which, say, only 1% carry out violence,
250 people (minimum) to keep close watch on.
Yes, but which 250?
In just four words you have comprehensively summed up the problem our security services face.
Now if only the BBC could be made to understand your irrefutable logic…
Interesting article on the BBC’s handling of the multi-national companies tax avoidance row…
Newsnight on now:
“Cutbacks have meant outreach projects have been less able to prevent extremists from committing terrorist attacks.”
Oh, brilliant by the filthy, treacherous, rotten BBC, managing to get in the “Tory” cuts as well.
Hmmmmmm Two muslims attempt to get into the cockpit of an aircraft – and make several attempts to do so – but hey they were just a little annoyed and it happens all the time! No harm was meant & certainly no terrorism – no really there wasn’t any terrorism.
So what were they doing then? Well it’s too early to say!
Then we have that the story a ‘Typhoon’ fighter aircraft was scrambled – only the video doesn’t show a Typhoon which is a classic paper dart. The aircraft in the video clearly has tail fins which Typhoon doesn’t have. Nor can it be Tornado because that’s swing wing, and to fly as slow as a commericial jet they would need to be unfolded.
Maybe this is an F16 or F18 take a look at the video & some sillhouettes see what you think.
They were probably looking for the loos and just went the wrong way. What other expanation could there be ?
The image is from a incident over Holland in 2012 when a plane from Spain sparked and emergency and an F-16 was scrambled nothing to do with this story !
Doesn’t “Alllahu Akhbar” translate to “Are we nearly there yet”?
Maybe they were upset because the bar had closed?
Or open!
INBBC ‘Newsnight’ has become Al Jazeera.
Such is the INBBC political empathy shown in handling of that sensitive Islamic jihad beheader of British soldier.
The brainwashed British Police continue in their efforts to stamp out tradition all over the UK by attacking each event time after time after time.
They tried the same last year.
Totally ignored by the local populace in spite of attempted harassment by said plod.
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.
Have fun all you cheese rollers.
I might move to Glaws, since it obviously has no crime whatsoever, thus freeing three of the boys in blue to menace an 86 year old woman about cheese.
Great googly moogly, what a bloody country we’ve become.
The current pronunciation is more like Glarrrs (Glarrrsterr) as is regularly heard at Kingsholm.
This is a recent change, as an old friend of mine – now dead – was one of the few I ever heard use the Glaws derivative.
I only went to Kingsholm once 20-odd years ago (The Club hadn’t won there since before WW2 and sadly continued that miserable run).
If my memory serves me right, it was Gloucester police who thought it was a good use of their resources (I used the word “resources” – see how trendy I am?) to plant plain clothes police officers in Indian restaurants to listen for racist comments.
Like you said, quiet place.
Your memory is correct – they also hounded Robin Page (sacked by the beeboids) for making a politically incorrect speech at Frampton Game Fair – the vast majority of the audience thought it was great but one or two bunny huggers took offence. What they were doing at a Game Fair and not expecting to see things that they didn’t agree with is beyond me.
Have you noticed practically all the papers and news sites have closed down comments completely for the last few days.
Afraid that real peoples comments may not be in line with the metropolitan elites views on the religion of peace (or cult of death as its generally know worldwide)
It’s always fun over at the Telegraph to see which innocuous story which still allows comments has become a proxy for the forbidden topic. They’ve just about the most hair-trigger mods in the country.
You have obviously never visited or even worse “comment is free” (not) at the Grauniad. 🙂
No, but I managed to get banned during the “Olympic Opening Ceremony” last year for arguing with a mad leftie hag who was salivatuing at the prospect of the coming extinction of the native population of this country.
She wasn’t. Natch.
And I still maintain that the DT mods are quicker on the draw than anyone else.
By “She wasn’t” I mean that my genocidal opponent wasn’t banned.
I got banned from the Daily Mail site once for half an hour. Not BBc releated but. Everyone was bitching about the”scem” getting benefits. I pointed out a lot of thoses commenting on how terrible it was were also probably getting benefits i.e. Child Benefit. Apparently it didn’t go down to well and I was informed I had been banned. The irony is I don’t get a penny in benefit apart from my ISA ..oh so is that tax avoidance?!
”Afraid that real peoples comments may not be in line with the metropolitan elites views on the religion of peace ”
‘Afraid’ more like shitting themselves.
freind of one of the muslim murderers just appeared on newsnight,mi5 have just arrested him on bbc newsnight premises suspected of terrorism,wtf is going on
Well at last the BBC is proving of some use – no need for MI5/Special Branch to waste precious surveillance resources tracking these nutters, just sit and wait for them to pop out of the Newsnight studio. Nation shall speak hatred unto nation eh?
Radio 4, 10pm News, last night, Friday. Missed first 3 minutes, then caught a cursory mention of the Rigby family’s heartbreaking press conference. Next, Kim Howells, former New Labour Home Office/Security minister, who spoke sensibly about the overstretched security services trying to monitor thousands, thousands, of terror suspects, & how they have to make extremely difficult judgements; who is ‘peripheral’, who is a main player. Howells then went spectacularly off-message, he picked up a loose ball & smashed thru’ the BBC’s defences. He said, with increasing passion, it was really down to the muslim communities to come forward & identify the potential terrorists in their midst, & their reluctance to do so would, in time of war, render them TRAITORS. Cue nervous & hurried curtailment of the interview by panicky lady beeboid. A bit too much Old, Real, working class Labour for the refined Islington/Barnes palate.
Next, a man & a reassuring survey, telling everybody everything’s fine – no increase in animosity against muslims, besides, it’s a generational thing, 16-24s are cool about it. So that’s OK, then. Lot of young muslim men in my ‘hood who are very cool with it.
On to a purring muslim gentleman, teacher, resident of Woolwich for 40 years, muslim community, all fine, thank you, muslim community has recieved many messages from concerned Christians, muslim community, muslim community, muslim comm…
Next, a muslim man, who had been chairman of the Fabians, &….Medhi Hasan….to discuss whether the media has got the Woolwich atrocity out of perspective.
Switched off.
That dreadful afternoon the devil walked the streets of south London, & all the Beggars Belief Corporation can do is roll out muslim, after muslim, as if they’d been attacked, not us. So all the Londoners I have spoken to this week, be they black, white or brown, not BNP/EDL, not even very political, who were incandescent with anger, disgust, & know precisely where this country is heading unless Islam is driven back into its cage, well, perhaps they’re a little behind the BBC curve, the inflexible ‘narrative’, they just don’t get the nuances, they haven’t been brainwash…no, don’t say that, because everything, really, is going to be sweetness & light, if we can just keep the lid on it, impartially, of course. Like hell. Like bloody hell.
This post, by an occasional blogger, may be of interest:
Thank you for the link.
Good post gf.
The BBC has also been keen to spin this as an extremely rare event, and had Steven Timms (who was attacked by a Muslim constituent) on PM the other night to echo this theme – ‘the only attack since 7/7 etc’.
So the BBC might consider this one: had our superb security forces not thwarted several major planned terrorist attacks since 7/7, what shade of glasses would they be looking through now at the events in Woolwich?
Major headline on Today – a “monitoring” outfit says there has been an “alarming rise” in anti-Muslim incidents.
As far as I have seen there have been a couple of individuals stupidlybtrying to attack a couple of mosques, some graffiti – and no doubt some street insults. How is this “alarming” ? Not good, maybe, but a more balanced assessment would be that the British people have shown amazing tolerance over the past few days.
The minor incidents the BBC is shouting about are nothing like as “alarming” as the fact that there are estimated to be some 2000 Muslims that need close watching by MI5 but we don’t have the resources to follow them properly.
Nor as alarming as two Pakistanis going berserk yesterday on a Pakistani plane over Britain – which has hardly had any coverage on the BBC.
Let alone as “alarming” as the Channel 4 programme on child grooming and trafficking that reported that in the Telford case alone there were hundreds of Pakistani Muslim men involved. Hundreds ! – but the “Muslim community” let it happen, turned a blind eye to what they must have known about. If Telford is any indicator, that means thousands and thousands of Muslims involved in this racist and violent behaviour in the past decade.
No – all we get on the BBC is amplification of the usual victim / denial stance of many Muslims. And as someone else has posted, Kim Howells MP being sharply cut off by Phillipa Thomas on Radio 4 News at 10 last night when he said it was down to “Muslim communities” to root out the extremists in their midst.
Sums it up perfectly.
I think people on the whole are very restrained considering the amount of provocation.
“An alarming rise in anti-muslim incidents” – what, have muslims been decapitated and mosques bombed or are we talking of something really serious like graffiti and someone shouting “Paki go home”
A Muslim grandfather was stabbed to death in the street by a white man in his 20s. He was repeatedly stabbed in the back so hard the knife went all the way through him and out the other side of his body. “‘The surgeons told my mum they had never seen stab wounds so brutal before.”
This killing happened about 4 weeks ago? And the suspects are?
“A grandfather fatally stabbed in the back as he walked home from a mosque may have been the victim of a racist attack, police said yesterday as they released CCTV footage of a white man fleeing the scene.”
Unusual to find a Daily Mail link you haven’t already posted on here. But not hard to guess why. I guess some horrific crimes get you harder than others.
The fact that the identity of the murderer is not know but, nevertheless, the victim “may have been the victim of a racist attack” actually supports many of the comments on this site.
You might also like to consider the relative percentages of Muslims and non Muslims in this country and the numbers of crimes committed.
The prison population tells its own story:
Yes you are right
As I have posted here before, stabbings and murders are so frequent now they barely make the local press.
one of the reasons I was forced to leave the place of my birth is the daily slaughter that now abounds
What could possibly have changed in the last 50 yrs to make it so?
Fair point – there have been too many outrageous things posted here recently that do not do this site any credit.
Nevertheless, please can you tell me, how you establish the motivation, racist or otherwise, of a murderer from cctv footage. Perhps you rely on racist sterotyping……
“People in the area are saying it must be a white supremacist group. You don’t really get white people here, but the man caught on film was definitely white.”
Like that?
Oh and in passing, what part of “you don’t really get white people here” is evidence of a cohesive multi cultural society.
The BBC regularly claims that the government “buries bad news.” The story of the £98 million the BBC wasted on the digital media project is hidden in Entertainment and the Arts on the BBC Mobile website. And in Politics in the BBC Teletext service. Not entertaining in the slightest, and definitely not politics. Just extravagant wasteful disaster! Not exactly given due prominence by BBC.
‘The BBC regularly claims that the government “buries bad news.”’
Really??? Can you give one example? Jo Moore’s email was the only I was aware of, and I don’t think that was a BBC claim was it?
The story you’re referring to was among the main headlines yesterday. It’s in the Entertainment section because its about the BBC. A broadcaster. If anything, the BBC covering this story, in more than one article in fact is evidence of BBC impartiality.
Did you hear and read the full transcript/video of our Michael, fresh from butchering Lee Rigby then, my friend?
Any thoughts on why the BBC edited it, so all reference to the “Repentance” Surah(9) was cut out by the BBC then?
Wake up Peter-at least your dad got us ready for Railtrack!
No sir-the BBC ARE “the traitors in our midst”( Gospel of St Pounce, PBUH!)
Why on my radio do the BBC refer to “Mr Adebolajo”, “Alistair Darling” but only “Cameron”?
Stockholm is burning, the blood of a butchered young man stains the pavement in south east London, Muslim paedo gangs have been grooming and raping twelve year old girls on an industrial scale for decades whilst pc plod and the BBC looked the other way and still the political class waffle about “the religion of peace” and now Radio 4 decides that this is the time to inform me that attacks against Muslims are increasing!
I just can’t imagine why that might be happening…
Stockholm is burning.
Makes a change from les banlieues parisiennes then.
Tut tut ! Obviously your Time Out Guide To The Modern Season has not yet arrived: The Banlieue X-Games commence in July (as any fule kno). To start burning Renaults in MAY (horrors !) would be a social faux pas of the first magnitude, equivalent to leaving Town before Goodwood (or for our chums ‘cross the herring pond, to wearing white after Labor Day). Absolute death.
Scandinavia is the in-the-know destination for the ROP grievance monger in search of late Spring recreation, with Sweden THE venue to be seen at this year. Probably too late to book your tickets now though – better luck next year.
Oops – sorry! Where I come from, a faux pas is wearing a vest as an undergarment, at a wedding.
Surely a Grand Tour could be arranged here sir.
What all the liberal young things are missing, and could conclude with a week at Oktoberfest maybe?
Now what was Anders Breivik saying?…that`d be Oslo in the summer pip pip.
Maybe we could prevent Islamic radicalisation if we had knitted, kitted out life size Breiviks introduced to prison wings…could even add a camera to his bow tie so we could spy on them too!
Works for me.
Do you mean the annual mass car BBQ’s that take place in the capital of our closest European neighbour that the BBC, despite its 4bn pa budget’; the most expensive and self important news gatering and transmission network on the Planet; never seems to be able to report?
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it did it fall?
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, then it has to be a duck. H/T Local Ducks
Abu Nusaybah, a friend of one of the Woolwich murderers (and with eyes like a Bond villain’s), appeared on Newsnight last night, only to be arrested on BBC premises by Special Branch immediately afterwards.
What struck me, though, was Estler’s reasonable, non-inquisitorial tone. Couldn’t help thinking if this slaughter had been carried out by a fundamentalist Christian on an Islamic activist, Estler’s manner would have been totally different, and the religion and its Bible subjected to aggressive, sneering questioning.
You mean like every BBC interview of Tommy Robinson (even though the EDL has never killed anyone)?
You think the BBC should go easy on people who serve prison time for ABH on a police officer? People like Tommy Robinson?
I think they should be consistent and show no favour toward one group or opinion over another.
What do you think?
As a bit of light relief from the events in Woolwich, there was a feature on Newsnight on Behind the Candelabra, the Steven Soderbergh biopic of Liberace’s gay relationship with Scott Thorson.
Soderbergh claims Hollywood has rejected the film for being ‘too gay’.
BBC’s interpretation: Hollywood is ‘too conservative’ to get involved with the film.
That will be the Taliban branch of Hollywood, then?
The BBC have got me so confused about the meaning of the word I don’t know what I should expect next time I go drinking at the local Con Club – Jihadists or homophobic Democrat-voting film studio tycoons.
We’re lucky they allowed that robustly hetero tale “Brokeback Mountain” through, eh ? How did that happen ?
You can check online for free you know. It’ll answers your point.
I did. Suggest you look up ‘wit’.
I suspect it’s more that the Hollywood money men figure that not only do the bulk of the movie-going crowd not know who Liberace was, but the great differences in age between the two figures plus the creepy plastic surgery wouldn’t even get the straight female Brokeback Mountain audience too excited. There’s nothing like the angst or struggle there, nor is there anything like enough money to be made, even with Matt Damon in it. This is the stuff for critics to praise and festival juries to shower with awards, and probably not much else.
An early draft of INBBC report on proposed EDL demo in Newcastle today?
‘Sources say that the EDL may be demonstrating against what they see as an unlawful killing in Woolwich.
‘It is thought that the police will have tight security in Newcastle at the EDL demonstration in view of the recent violence.’
“‘It has no place in mosques’
EDL support soars as Muslim leaders warn against extremism”
‘Left’-Islam political alliance (which includes BBC-NUJ) equates:-
1.) Islamic jihad beheading of British non-Muslim soldier in London, with
2.) English Defence League attempt to have a protest demonstration in Newcastle today against that Islamic jihad beheading.
‘…what they see as an unlawful killing in Woolwich’.
Ah, wonder if anyone apart from the EDL see at as ‘unlawful’.
And there was I thinking any reasonable, law-abiding, tolerant British citizen would see it as barbaric slaughter.
How many here are aware that Muslims went on the rampage in Australia last night for no apparent reason?
I’m hearing reports of minor skirmishes with violent Muslims up & down the UK although the news media seems devoid of any reports.
Look at this:
Published on Sep 15, 2012
Dozens of people have been injured in Sydney as protesters join global outrage over a movie mocking Islam
Wasn’t yesterday was it ?
Post-Leveson, will BBC-NUJ support this pro-Islamic activity?:-
“Now force Google to block sick websites of hatred: After Woolwich horror, MPs demand action from internet giants”
‘Atlas Shrugs’:_
[Opening extract]:-
“Hmmmmm, now let’s think for a moment, shall we? ‘Which websites do you think they will designate as hate sites? Seriously. Consider this: in the wake of the bloody beheading by jihadists in London, British police arrest 2 twitter sers for anti-Islamic tweets’.”
My thoughts exactly….it will be places like this, jihad watch, gates of Vienna that are closed down, or blocked before Choudaray’s next taxpayer funded foray into his web building empire are blocked as “hate” sites.
If Leveson’s recommendations for third party complaints are adopted there are apparently left-wing, pro-Muslim pressure groups waiting to have anything smacking of negativity about Islam banned from our media.
“Is this country mad? Why is Anjem Choudary, whose poisonous teachings influenced the Woolwich killers, free to draw benefits and tour BBC studios spouting murderous hatred against Britain?”
[Opening excerpt]:-
“As the awful events unfolded on the streets of Woolwich on Wednesday, the mobile phone secreted inside the black Islamic robes worn by Anjem Choudary — the self-styled Sheik of East London — soon started ringing.
“Calling him were producers from the BBC’s Newsnight programme, as well as rolling BBC news shows and Channel 4, all wanting to find out from this so-called ‘expert’ what exactly drove young, British-born men to hack an innocent young soldier to death in the capital with knives and a meat cleaver.
“Media-savvy, and far more intelligent than his oafish demeanour suggests, Choudary was given star billing on a discussion panel with Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark, as he insisted he was not a ‘hate preacher’ or Islamic extremist.”
Nicky Campbell and his BBC producers had intended to have the delightful Choudary spouting serial hate to the licence payer on the radio on 5 Live. Our Nicky and his team bottled it, however. The invite was withdrawn. Oh the post Newsnight managerial complications! Who saw sense/wet their pants and when? That’s what we would like to know oh BBC fearless ones! Give us a name. Nicky? His editor? Their line manager? Some BBC uber-unter-boss? Lord-help-us Tony Hall? The Great Fat Panjandrum Patten? Email trail? Chinese whispers in the corridor? A word to the wise at some swanky Public Service Broadcasting Soiree? Oh to be a fly on the wall at our own dear broadcaster! come on give us the out takes! This comedy is a bore – as my kids would say ‘…can we see if there are any bloopers?!’
Saves Campbell from having to ask Choudary the most awkward question of all. And they can blame it on yet another fuss ginned up by the hated Mail. Well played, BBC.
And last night, INBBC ‘Newsnight’ continued its Islamic appeasement by talking in hushed tones about Islamic jihad murderer Adebojalo (via his Muslim friend).
[First 12 mins of video link below -available in UK for next 7 days.]
The remainder of the programme too had on a variety of Muslims and their supporters to insist that the tenets of Islam should not be taken as the inspiration for Islamic jihad, even though jihadists like Adebojalo are so inspired to murder kafirs.
‘Newsnight’ = Al Jazeera.
It occurs to me that despite all the BBC/Liberal Elite reassurances there does come a time when competing ideologies must clash.
These are still the openish skirmishes. As that great enemy of appeasement Churchill might say – this is not even the beginning of the beginning.
The BBC has an entrenched and unarguably highly-PC cringing liberal agenda.
I hear that Tiger Woods, after surviving his Fried Chicken Dinner attempted lynching at the hands (or should that be at the foot-in-mouth) of a rival multi-million dollar Spanish golfer, has now been brutally assaulted as being ‘colo(u)red’ (!).
It seems Britain – and the West in general – is very ill-prepared to sustain even the weakests of real onslaughts.
The BBC has now long been like the young Miliband at the edge of the rough comprehensive playground shouting ‘nur-nur nur-nur-nur’ at the PC faux pas of the rough big kids.
Had to laugh at this from the BBC’s in-house newspaper:
Attacks on Muslims soar in wake of Woolwich murder
“…And thirdly, there also seems to be significant online activity … suggesting co-ordination of incidents and attacks against institutions or places where Muslims congregate.”
Online decapitations perhaps? Must be using that new 3D printing technology. Hang on, that doesn’t work either.
Wanted to add – how do you equate the provocation of a cartoon with the provocation of a decapitation?
i concur fully,
apparently a window has been broken, in a mosque? …. well, and! … (happens in churches all the time, particulary, if a islamic community are anywhere near) …
A car got spray painted, well? … one of your community has just beheaded someone …soooooo, (by one of at least 2000 cells under surveillance at present).
Such a compliant restrained response for our (bombarded with, absurd attempt at thought control) country, is to be much commended.
If the EDL or ANY group want to protest … isn t democracy wonderful … angst/righteous disgust
are to be expected, and supported
What ISN T!, is supposedly “our” national broadcaster
and spineless government, pandering to the perpetrators, not reflecting the vast majority of voters
and their wishes.
a restaurant fire … hate crime??? or …. convenient insurance job?, not rare in some of the areas where, i used to work. … to dress all these things up, into a
sh-tstorm, is absurd …
what is the country coming to
You flip a coin: Heads, you lose.
I am thinking of changing my name so that when I encounter the followers of the religion of peace I do not inadvertently offend them. I am only too acutely aware that my existence is a existential insult to their god and their religion. Having been brought up, until the age of reason, as a catholic my first thought was to adopt the Latin phrase Mea culpa mea maxima culpa, which I believe roughly translates as “my fault my grievous fault”. I wonder if anyone out there knows how this translates in Arabic. I have the written translation here
لقد فشلت خطأي The alternative is to call myself “the son of pigs and monkeys”. This later may be preferable as I have heard the phrase numerous times being used by such note worthy people as Imams and the current President of Egypt, so no need to search for a translation. I am sure David Cam et al will be proud of me for showing such sensitivity. I would welcome any suggestion as to how I might further debase myself in order not to offend.
There is, comrades brothers and sisters, a collective solution. I believe that the ban the bomb, senile delinquent (well he was senile by the time I became aware of him) Bertrand Russell once stated that if the liquidation of the Jewish people would bring peace to the world then it would be a small price to pay. I think it is incumbent upon us to consider that if peace could be brought to the world by a collective act of self immolation on the part of western civilisation then we are morally bound to give it due consideration. No longer can we tolerate this oh so gentle slow death of our civilisation advocated by the apologist for Islamism/Islamofacism. This smacks of cucumber sandwiches (with the crust cut off) and tepid tea Anglo – Saxon timidity. No I have just had a though! Syria and Iraq came to mind. There are these adherents to the religion of peace, Sunni and Shia who don’t seem to get along so well. So lets cut the crap and halt what we are do which is slowly retreating from belief in the value of our culture, civilisation and values. It is time for a critique of pure tolerance. What is happening no, to paraphrase T.S. Elliot: ‘This is the way Western Civilisation ends, not with a bang but with and apology for its existence’. From Anglican priest and bishops walking, from somewhere to nowhere in the UK, to apologise for slavery and not to celebrate the civilisation that ended it. The apologising goes on. We must continue to apologise to Islamist (note that I do not say Islam). As I write this I am listening to Peter Thatchell on QT (bBBC iPlayer) who made this distinction in his reasoned and intelligent comment on the on the barbaric murder of Lee Rigby in Woolwich). We must continue to apologise and curtail the best aspects of our culture and civilisation such as; equality for women, freedom of speech (including the right to offend), the right to debate and question and any ‘ism’, ideology, faith, equal right for homosexuals, the right to religious freedom , including the right to change your religion. May I paraphrase a favourite saying of my late father, he often said “I was born a son of a bitch and I will die an unrepentant son of a bitch”. I was born a Judeo -Christian and I will die a un-apologetic Judeo- Christian.
Good comments.
“This smacks of cucumber sandwiches (with the crust cut off) and tepid tea Anglo – Saxon timidity.”
Hovever, this reminds me of a comment from an Australian that I read recently (can’t find it, so I’ll paraphrase):
“Strange people, the English. You can push, push and push and they’ll give way. You can push, push, push again and they’ll still give way. Then, before you know it, they’ll have you by the throat.”
I have a feeling your Aussie mate is right. I certainly hope he is.
Re: An alarming rise in anti-muslim incidents
The BBC have been quick t oreport this and I don’t condone any physical attacks. However the stats include online hate attacks.
But this still gives only part of the story. Why doesn’t the BBC report all the online websites devoted to hating the west? All those jihadist sites which are successfully breeding the terrorists of today and tomorrow?
Extremism begets extremism so we shouldn’t be surprised at the reprisals occurring. But there picture is vastly bigger than the one being presented by the BBC.
No context or analysis – has the BBC abandoned journalism?
Alarming rise – from what baseline, how many incidents, multiple reporting allowed for, actual or virtual, degree of severity, any validation done of the reports….?
Considering the nature of the incident one would have expected some expression from the non-Muslim population
Mind you, the Muslim ‘community’ are the only ones allowed to spill hate-filled from their mosques and demand the beheading of unbelivers
Does anyone record those?
I’m sure we’re all relieved that this menace has been taken off the streets:
Woman, 85, arrested after abuse hurled at Muslims outside Gillingham mosque in wake of Woolwich terror murder
She must have been extremely dangerous. Three police cars!
See ! Our constabulary here in Kent do things properly ! Poor old Gloucestershire could only spare three plods to menace an 86 year old cheesemaker, whilst our own boys in blue can send three cars to shut down the fearsome kingpin of the local geriatric crime wave. Take that, grandma !
So proud ! Invicta forever !
I’ve just searched the BBC Kent web page for this story – there is no mention of it, but there is a mention of “Man attacks Mosque”.
By happy coincidence, whilst viewing the web page, a little “Survey” dialogue box popped up. I was only too happy to oblige and included in my reply expressions such as “Dhimmitude” and “Invertibrate”.
To paraphrase the great Pounce: “BBC – invertebrates in our midst”
“The man, who was held in High Street at about 17:00 BST on Thursday, is also suspected of making threats to damage property and a public order offence.”
How many drunken chaves were arrested on the streets of Gillinham for the same offence last Saturday night? Why is this in the least bit news worthy? Does the BBC think Britain is a seething mass of lunatics itching to start a race war?
A single arsehole is NOT a prelude to a Rawanda style masscre or the deportation of the Greeks from Anatolia.
If there was going to be a murderous backlash, it would have started after 7/7.
However, a few more incidents like Woolwich and who knows what might happen.
The cops sure didn’t take twenty minutes to arrest the old lady. What did she do, exactly? All that article says it that the trouble started when worshipers left the building and she was arrested.
I liked the line about how “her husband had started wandering off down the road but managed to get back” in time to see his wife being hauled off in a police van. Must not have been too much of a scene if he was just causally shuffling off while his wife was doing whatever it was. Or did he actually run away when the trouble started and only came back when the cops grabbed his wife? Weird.
This heinous offence will undoubtedly be treated as a “hate crime.” High security prison, a diet of bread and water and solitary confinement. There is no place for her kind in modern, “tolerant” Britain!
Stockholm: Muslim riots continued.
A non-INBBC report:
“Sweden in flames: As gangs of migrants riot for five nights running… the Utopian boa(s)ts of a multicultural success story turn to ashes.
“Fifth night of violent riots in Stockholm saw schools destroyed.
“Over 70 incidents reported overnight including a torched police station.
Turmoil began Sunday night after police shot a man in Husby suburb.
“Incidents in other parts of Sweden spark fear riots are spreading.”
By CHRISTIAN GYSIN.–Utopian-boats-multicultural-success-story-turn-ashes.html
“£100m debacle at BBC: After years of waste and chaos, failing IT scheme is finally axed by humiliated corporation.
“DG Tony Hall has ‘serious concerns’ about the project’s management.
“BBC’s Chief Technology Officer suspended pending investigation.
“Digital Media Initiative (DMI) was supposed to give staff archive access.
Lots of posters in social media sites being arrested or cautioned for their hate rants.
Alan must be hiding in the shower waiting for the knock!
And some others!
Good luck.
Great first endless German monikers now talking about showers ? don’t you socialist Nazis ever stop !
A loyal soldier butchered in the street, Thought police arresting any who protest the states failure to defend them, all your Christmas’s come at once?
That’ll be why we have the ‘Report comment’ option now then?
The police have said ‘People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious Alan.”
I added the last word myself.
For what reason? Please be specific.
It occurs to me that Lee Rigby is from 2nd Batllaion Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.
He is the second soldier of theirs to be murdered this year, the first being another poor young lad who got stabbed to death in Ayia Napa by Mohammed Abdulkadir Osman over an argument about football, apparently.
That’s one piece of ‘context’ that no-one in the MSM seems to have noticed.
The voice uk booked for another series,22million for this? It’s so bad I don’t even watch it.
The Voice on even as I comment – and I am in another room. It certainly isn’t Saturday night viewing in this house (although we have just enjoyed Keeping Up Appearances on Yesterday). The Voice is of course the pet project of Danny Cohen the Director for Television – of course it would be booked for 2014 and the BBC will say how wonderful its viewing figures are.
Mass Immigration: problems BBC-NUJ avoids.
Why should BBC-NUJ report on this as a portent of the mass immigration to come to UK from Romania from January, 2014?
And, after all, Park Lane, Marble Arch must be all of a mile away from Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London.
“The Roma gipsy beggars of Park Lane: 30 Romanians camp out with soiled duvets and cardboard boxes in exclusive London street.
“A group of 30 Romanians are camped out near Marble Arch in London.
“Leader of Westminster Council says it’s ‘a source of absolute frustration.'”
This is dreadful. The poor souls shouldn’t be sleeping rough when I happen to know sympathetic lefty, Billy Bragg, has a huge mansion in sunny Dorset. He’d be only too pleased to accommodate them I’m sure.
Ha! No comment needed:-
“Friend of man suspected of killing UK soldier in London street arrested after BBC interview”
Reprise: ‘Newsnight’ last night and the Muslim arrested after BBC interview.
See first 12 minutes for INBBC interview with the now arrested Muslim convert, Abu Nusaybah.
(Video available in UK for next 6 days)-
Oops. I wonder if the BBC would have declined to interview him on air if they’d known he was wanted by the police. In which case I guess the police wouldn’t have seen him and known his location, meaning they wouldn’t have arrested him. Quite the conundrum for the poor Beeboids.
Section 8: Reporting Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour
Dealing with Criminals and Perpetrators of Anti-Social Behaviour
Any proposal to interview a criminal active in, or wanted in, the UK must be referred to Director Editorial Policy and Standards. Interviews should only proceed if they are clearly editorially justified, for example by eliciting important information or insight.
Did the BBC follow its own rules? Did they refer the interview to the Director Editorial Policy and Standards? We’ll never know as they refuse to answer such questions in F.O.I. requests.
Tommy Robinson: INBBC’s Number 1 political enemy?:-
(inc video clip)
“Tommy Robinson speaks out about Woolwich jihad murder and the EDL response”
The Guardian thinks it’s acceptable to use carefully selected pictures like the one below. It says more about their attitude than words ever could.
“Anti-EDL protesters attempt to intercept march”
(30-sec video clip)
On Thursday BBC North West covered the report into the ‘failings ‘ of Rochdale Council over the case of the child grooming/rape gang. Nowhere was ‘turning a blind eye’ or ‘political correctness’ mentioned. All down to ‘complacency’ mainly, apparently (oh, what ironic use of the word).
Sorry, this should have been in reply to Deborah’s post.
Johhnythefish: Yes I saw that as well, North West Tonight really are the pits. My interpretation was that some / mot of the blame was attributable to senior managment who have now gone. In the past comment has been made about “political correctness” although this obviously has been resigned to the past under the latest “revision” of events.
I have just been listening to Woman’s Hour on Saturday. A report about a young girl who had been groomed by men for sex – discussing the failings of Social Services, the parents and the school. Not once did Jenny Murray ask about the men who had abused the young girl.
BBC equates a few comments on twitter and facebook, to the beheading of a white soldier.
They seem happy to quote any lefty, Muslim loving organisation.
How many have been even slightly injured, a bit of name calling after what is the most gruesome killing for 3 decades.