The Daily Mail takes a closer look at the BBC’s coverage of what they termed the ‘British Guantanamo’.
Farce of ‘British Guantanamo’: Lawyers (with BBC help) demand 90 Afghans be freed but now say they’re better off IN prison
The BBC teams up with lawyers and the Taliban to fight the British Army.
Is it any wonder that British forces have such little regard for the BBC?
I still remember with a big grin John Humphrys’ interview with a British Army officer a couple of years back when the officer laid into the BBC for its ever present negative outlook on Afghanistan and the work of the British forces there…if it hadn’t been for Humphrys’ sudden outbreak of indignant huffing and puffing he would have been utterly speechless.
ARRSEpedia’s Official definition of the BBC:
British Broadcasting Corporation
Or Bliar’s Bullshit Conveyor (you can obviously replace Blair with Brown!)
Either way, always the first on top of any news, anywhere, anytime. Once a beacon of sensibility, neutrality and objectivity in an otherwise mad world, ‘Aunty Beeb’ delivered the news in a clipped, brylcreemed, dinner-suited and quintessentially English way. Now hideously politicised by Neu Arbeit and its Leftie cohorts, and staffed by war heroes and liberators like John Simpson and (formerly) Martin Bell.
These typically like to journey to the most dangerous, smelly places on the planet and then whinge to the MoD when the Army doesn’t turn up to save them from the natives with the sharp fruit. They occasionally get slotted, whereupon there is much hand-wringing and inquests as to how the tragedy happened. For happening tragedies read foreign policy… or rather lack of.
Not quite in Neutral
The BBC was extremely surprised (the only people who were) and took it quite hard when they were told they are a biased, liberal bunch of pinkos. Of course they did F all about it and if anything the Beeb is even more in the pocket of the leftie liberals now than then and so further out of step with the Brit in the street.
Increasingly embarrassing for a supposed quality news source is the promotion of Hamas as something other than terrorists. During recent rocketing of Israel which preceded a major retaliatory raid you would, if you listened only to the beeb, believe that Israel had kicked off for no reason. Giving air time to Muslim groups who scream Nazis to everything and everybody who doesn’t worship Allah simply made them look like they are pandering to militants… THEN they did a complete and unexpected U turn and refused to broadcast a tear jerking demand for money from a collection of charidees intent on paying for Hamas’ next generation of rockets.
As it all goes tits up with its reputation, the BBC is desperate for scoops to show it is still number one. Since the Hutton report, sucking up to labour has become blatant with ministerial interviews turning into party political broadcasts. BBC Political editor Nick Robinson is so up liebors arrse, you cant even see his feet. Its actually embarrassing to see him fawn over labour ministers. Worse still – BBC Business reporter Robert Peston blatantly leaked secret briefs from No 10 which promptly crashed the market. When asked if he had crashed the market he rather arrogantly, and apparently without care in the world, shrugged.
Quite simply the once great Auntie Beeb is now nothing more than a publicly funded (with menaces) Labour party mouthpiece for whatever kneejerk reaction Brown has today.
I find it sickening that the BBC chose to highlight this story at a time when people are recoiling from the horror of Woolwich. Trust the BBC to give comfort to the enemies of our soldiers.
On the subjest of Woolwich there’s a great post, “White Lies” which takes a funny look at Cameron’s desire to save us from the truth and ourselves.
It’s at:
the item on the today programme had a `lord mcalpine` feel to it with that solicitor playing the role of `anus shtickler`
all the bbc and phil shiner and co have done now is handed a massive propaganda coup to the taliban and al qaeda,these terrorists will just say, told you so, your british troops are mistreating are muslims brothers,what a discrace the bbc and phil shiner and co are for this act of demonising are armed forces.
Phil Shiner – let’s assume it’s a real name – is part of the ‘Public Interest Lawyers’ (bit of an oxymoron that is). According to their website, these are the sort of people they look after (hint: it helps if your name is Al- something. See The BBC… you can tell a broadcaster by the company it keeps.
Why don’t the BBC detail the massive increases in Opium cultivation since British and American troops entered the country. That was after the Taliban banned cultivation around 2001 (before 911 curiously – rhetorical curiosity naturally as there’s a direct connection).
I think that ‘V’ mask is slipping and the expected Islamic agitator appearing from behind it
Apothecary, maybe they have; 299 hits just on searching for ‘opium production’ they may not get things right and they may always be biased, but one thing they aren’t is slow to rub our nose in any failing they think they can pin on the British Army.
Next you’ll be telling us that the “increases in Opium cultivation” have come about because of a large number of Israeli Kibbutz farmers that have been shipped into Afghanistan to get us all smacked off our tits as yet another facet of that mass plot the JOOOOS have going on to destroy the west? You know the one you were banning on about on the Woolwich murder thread.
But wait what’s this? If you have a look you will see that in some part the rise in opium production and poppy growth has come about due to projects like this; Poppy for medicine.
“One alternative development policy, put forward by the Senlis Council, ( also known as ‘The International Council on Security and Development’ proposes licensing poppy cultivation in order to make Afghan morphine and other poppy-based medicines and to avoid diversion of opium to illegal traffickers. Detailed in their June 2007 technical blueprint, “Poppy for Medicine”, the Council propose that controlled poppy for medicine projects be established where the crop is cultivated, harvested and turned into essential medicines within the villages to limit diversion, add value to the finish product to promote economic diversification within the village and to guarantee the involvement of village inhabitants. The Council believes that the strong traditional local control systems, based around the village shura, supported by the Afghan National Army and international community, would control the legitimate production of poppy-based medicines and limit diversion. The economic resources created by the sale of the medicines would provide opportunities for the village to diversify and break ties with poppy cultivation and the illicit opium trade. A similar opium licensing scheme carried out in Turkey in the 1970s, with US support, brought illicit opium production under control within four years. Moreover, the proposal hopes that Afghan morphine can contribute to decreasing the acute global morphine shortage and provide cheap essential poppy-based medicines to countries who currently cannot afford to prescribe them.”
after alll that no mass plot just a program to try and get the best from a bad situation. so old boy I think it’s time for the nice Nurse to come and take your laptop away again, it’s not helping your recovery. Take your tin-foil hat off, have a nice cup of tea, take your meds and get some rest or Derek and Phil will have to put you back in the jacket with the sleeves that fasten up round the back, again.
Check out the Opium wars of the 19th century if you have an inquiring mind. Morphine production. You’re clearly crazy. One of the reasons we went in there was because they needed the Afghans to get back to producing heroin. 90% of global heroin comes from Afghanistan now. Karzai’s brother is/was at least the head kingpin. Most of the money goes into black budgets for the security services. Funnily HSBC bank recently got caught knowingly money laundering for the drug cartels. Even funnier HSBC made it’s initial millions during the opium wars. Guess who’s direct ancestor was one of those top execs involved. Yep Call me Dave Cameron himself.
Funny old world aint it. No conspiracy though. Nothing to see here. We can’t destroy their opium. They would be even more pissed off with us than they already are. Enjoy.
Even weirder than Ewan Cameron being head of HSBC which was effectively working for the East India company when we were flooding China with Opium of course is the poppy appeal. So Afghanistan veterans die thanks to ieds or whatever. People back home in the U.K buy plastic poppies. Meanwhile real poppy fields sweep across Afghanistan producing tons of heroin that floods the streets of the U.K and are bought by veterans suffering from PTSD from their experiences fighting out there.
There’s a word for that. Is it syncronicity. I’m looking forward to seeing Cameron wearing his poppy with pride. Do you reckon he reflects on the irony of it all.
BBC – Political correctness trumps journalistic integrity (and common sense).
Probably about as fair and truthful as any other socialist organisation living the high-life off public money acquired by Politically-Correct lying, bullying, intimidation and threats.
Is the bbc still employing that entity Frank Gardner, or perhaps he should be called Stig O’Tracey (google the Monty Python Doug and Dinsdale Piranha sketch) for insights into the muslim and particularly arab muslim mindset? Talk about Stockholm syndrome. Mind you, there is more truth in that sketch, with hindsight, than one might have known but for the Savile abominations.
The parallels between the US/UK Left/Right and corrupton of mainstream media is getting frightening.
The only opposition to Obama seems to be Fox News/Tea Party. But just say “Fox” or Tea Party and you get (rolls eyes). Same here. But just say “Daily Mail” or UKIP and the establishment goes (rolls eyes). Alinsky Rules. Don’t debate, ridicule.
BBC/non-Murdoch press= Labour Party; US Mainstream Media =Team Obama.
IRS targeting opponents of Obama? Beghazi? Targetting journalists? It’s just “Fox” (roll eyes)
Object to reengineering of GB? EU diktat? “Its just “Daily Mail”(roll eyes). UKIP? swivel eyed loons (roll eyes)
Democracy, the idea of fair and balanced reporting, has been betrayed by the media, led here by the irredeemably corrupt and partisan BBC with its stranglehold on journalists employment prospects.
The LibLabCon Establishment needs to be scrutinised and where necessary, opposed. The biggest let down is Sky, indistinguishable from the other left-leaning media tarts. Sky needs a sweep out at the top. The BBC, on the other hand, needs to be dismantled lock stock and barrel.
The Daily Mail has been trying everything to smear the EDL including implying they were responsible for the graffiti on the war memorials, so they’re hardly impartial either.
NUJ influence?
DM has the odd silly turn – I’m not claiming they are perfect, far from it. What I am saying is you merely have to attribute the source of any story to the DM and its freely dismissed because its from the DM. That includes anything written by “Mad” Mel, Littlejohn, anything on Climate, Immigration, Benefits, EU waste, if it is in the DM, it’s able to be discredited simply by (roll eyes)
The EDL contains the most noble patriots to be found in the land, without one racist football hooligan among them.
There, I guess you think that’s impartial?
Democratic media has a duty of biased against all totalitarian forces.
The BBC’s bias against groups like the EDL and BNP is usually down to its left wing bias.
Whose side is the BBC on? They are an Islamic corporation through and through. they want rid of Christianity, the British Union and they want an Islamo-Marxist nation. They really are getting on my nerves with their Left-wing bias. And as for the Lefty lawyers more concerned over the thickness of their wallets than the safety of British troops, I dare not type my true feelings for risk of upsetting the polite and refined readers of this blog.
Islam and Marxism are a bit of an oxymoron. All part of the push for a New World order old bean. That means the destruction of family, race, gender and nation. It’s not the muslims pushing that agenda (really not that bright). The BBC are to a degree but to the average BBC journo being a leftie is their objective. Any resulting blowback is unimportant. The main culrpits alongside a traitorous gentile neo conservative elite is another group entirely.
What are you babbling about?
I would contend that religion and Marxism are contradictory terms. I don’t believe you can in all honesty be both. Therefore we have our oxymoron. Simples.
Oh I see
The lefts (both bourgeois and hard) reasons for supporting Islam are well documented. Honesty has nothing to do with it
What do you think of the idea of the “psycho-passive submissive” mindset? I have heard it proposed that people with this mentality are more likely to get elected in our media-obsessed age: they are “liberal”, nice, middle-of-the road, women, feminised men or homosexuals, who can be all things to all people and don’t frighten folk with too much reason or reality. Perhaps Islam, like the Soviet Union previously, has them “snake-fascinated”. Deep down, they want to submit … because it feels sooooo good.
It’s taken a few decades of social engineering by the Tavistock institute to get to this stage. There’s an element of the Stockholm syndrome about modern Britain. I think we’re further down the line than most countries because we are the blueprint. Sweden is pretty bad too and other Scandinavian countries. There’s a new cartoon coming out where the boy character turns into a girl who is a superheroine. You think this stuff just happened. It’s all by design. That can be the only conclusion.
I recall in the late 1990s reading an early critique of Blair (who had not been in power long) by – I think – Leo Abse and another man. They speculated that it all would end badly because of character flaws in Blair. (Lucky they didn’t write a book about Brown!) They said that being an adult meant accepting your birth gender and leaving behind teenage androgyny (e.g. long-haired rock stars and fresh-faced students whose gender is not immediately obvious) and being a man or a woman. Blair, of necessity the peace-maker between his separated parents and between Old Labour and New, had not chosen to be a man in the full sense. Cameron has some of the same features; he always reminds me of Blair; Major did not, whatever you think of him.
Funny you should say that Blair’s nickname in temple was Miranda. I believe cross dressing was one of his less damaging traits. It is rumoured he frequented public toilets. What he used to do there is anyone’s guess.
“psycho-passive submissive” mindset.”
It has to be a condition and wide ranging . Basically decent Anglo people who have made an admired society, are for some reason, attacking themselves and assisting those who wish to attack them.
If I see a person of a non Western ethnicity I make a point of being friendly out of a sense of fair play, subconciously perceiving that they must be feeling at a disadvantage to us. I dont think they really are and
as a people, they dont seem to reciprocate by integrating.
Why do people then go beyond the common deceny of politeness on the street to ignoring all the negatives of such people who have no interest in us , and actively seek to help them dominate us?
It could be decent heartfelt guilt over the empire and our oppression of the subjects. Though the French dont suffer these pangs as we do.
This is the reason why some people have no pride in being British. That is the beginning of the slippery slope.
I remember with some unease two conversations with graduates, the first over 20 years ago and the second about 10 years ago. Both were White British and very unpatriotic. They lazily associated patriotism with the caricature of flag-waving drunken football supporters shouting “Eng-er-land”, and the Union Flag was akin to the swastika for them. I ran past them certain things that I liked about Britain, e.g. the sense of fair play, standing in queues, laughing at ourselves, free speech, etc. It seemed to surprise them that anyone, especially a fellow humanities graduate, should seek to defend Britain. On the basis of a bit of Inter-railing in Europe, they were both very pro-EU; another non sequitur since the EU and European Civilisation are not the same thing, and the former is arguably helping to undermine the latter. The emotion in their voices, when challenged, was revealing: they were clearly unused to defending their prejudices against anyone who could quote dates & facts and was culturally (though not politically) Europhile. Their unease was palpable, as was their inability to see my side of the argument; whereas I am quite capable of criticising Britain when I think we are in the wrong. They came across as having absorbed anti-British (and especially anti-English) prejudices from their education and seemed to regard concession of powers to the EU and mass immigration as purely beneficial. I worry for our future when the “brightest and best” are so naively neophile and xenophile and have so little appreciation of how our traditions have saved us from the excesses of extremism in the past.
… all very ERIC HOBSBAWM . ugh .
is there a muslim charity appeal, to which we can contribute, to assist the woolwich soldier’s family ?
‘I would contend that religion and Marxism are contradictory terms’
He actually said Islam and Marxism. Both are totalitarian in their political function, no?
Marxism is all about transplanting God with man. Prometheus is their hero. Apparently the Rockerfellers like him too. Marx was a Luciferian if you go by his poetry. An absolutely disgusting creature. Financed by the Rothschilds naturally.
Marx could be very anti-Semitic at times, mind you.
and may your oxymoron (poor thing) be honoured with a halal killing! allahu axbar already
Oxymoron? Isn’t that a spot cream from Utah?
I don’t think the BBC wants an Islamic nation; they just fail to understand what Karl Popper could have told them:
“Unlimited tolerance will lead to the disappearance of tolerance.”
Chesterton said ‘tolerance is the virtue of men without convictions. ‘
Scottish parents to be snooped on by midwives to find out if they don’t like coloured peeps (shit I’m in trouble using that term)
the weasel BBC was so excited this week on Today over the Afgan “”scandal”” with ghastly Billy Shiner, the Brummie whinge lawyer and rat… just as it was last week over Cherie’s Matrix grubby idea to provoke muslims working for newsagents to sue over having to “”handle”” mens’ mags in “”MODESTY WRAPPERS”” . Poor old GB .